(T , - Jv'M" if . - n V. II. I IIIIIJ I L dvartUtnjr Hut. (ae column on year, M.JJ' OM-tuir, column, one year, . 80.00 nr, iv four oolumn. one year, W.n0 Una quirt (10 Uiim)1 inertion Svary additional Insertion, fmfcMiomiil end Business cards of not mora than 6 lines, nor year, Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notice, VMitnrlsl notice ter line. 75 60 8.00 2.50 15 AM MnmuiBDW .or aiivrHii nr- liod than one year art payable at the lima they are ordered, and il not paid the person ordering them will 08 lipid responsible for the money. Hill 111 ! II Mil II 1 1 1 I 1 I3 o o t, r y True Lovo think Ira 1st I mmdlilng Ilk a trer Xbt Out. thai inn oraaouee io mt Vba'Wnnl man'a ia wT ttrlkt II fatally. Otll BiAy fall wbea in ibiy wlnle eweep 7. Asd where II grew, tin flower nay bloom laatead. Aad all taav Mm a though tha trta waa dead. Sat saderaeatb th grnii and leurl tbar 11. Hid fro p'f WnrlJ, a liny rol A Hill living frrti that par dira, tad er and anon lie branch, .bait Cd tbrouih lb earth, and otock aad mrito lit ba Tba aigbtj furtil King th prrMBl trtr, fa 1ot nty wlibcr, at th hand of fta. Or fall Bntatb lb killing wtuii mai blew i Aad etbar oT aprinc up aooa or lata. And flawtra of fort flfulncia mj craw 0r tba apol wbtra lot coca grow In. atead. Aad my Iblkk tba old tlma paitlon daad Aad all 11 Iba Utile ftrm Ilea la (he brart Bj eloiely bliloo ih it It I not Known, AoJ afar and anona I'a braqoha atari Yaia Dilmiea of tba prexioa I bit haa flown, Tbaugh bo one lUlo eao lia oot at of yore. X Ibtak Ita foal will hannt u cvvrmora, A Snake Attacks a Man in a Buajy. Mr. Waltora nnit bis wifa, wore retotnin to tha city, Bttys tbo Dul )aa (CU.) Voin-ntrcM, in a two hors linggy, from a trip itito tho country. Abjut aorcQ miloa front town, on tba Mansfivihl rouJ, tbey p'tsoJ it make thai hm lyin? on tlio a; U ot tbo road tbo grit nizn of which at tracted their ittlontion. After n ting tha replilo, Mr Wrtltern oon eluded ho woul.l tain bick and kill it. lie ttitnod the touui nrotiiul, tJrovo back to a point oppjaitu thu aaaUa, die w bia pi-t j1 mil tiro I at it, but witho'it vSjct Tho hors, not boiug two! to tha report of tire srma, liedtmo re!losi nu l Lard t Control, whiiib ci lso I tlio utttiitio:i uf Mr. Vallera t i ba divt tad from the simko, wtiioh inu rapidly to llm buggy, wp the wbsfcln. uii.l on Hie tliinU " boar J lirforo tlio o.'cnp.tnU were aware of it. Tho mmku. whon it was within a f t f the oocup inls of tba conijge. foiled thu lower part of ita body, tUtvw iu ium'.z into it graceful curve, draw Imot it htud. nud wnt j istin tho net of lunnritiiii ita doa Uy faoja int j Mr. Uiltoiv, when lio fin d ll:C l-WOtl l t-lict.'I'l.iB thimh niiiiin. 1ml tiia u(Ti:t to i-auas the tmuko to lowor itself ou tha tongue of the caniifje .Mr. Walter thuu fii od two tu ne ehola. CDeof which took viToctuud ouiimoJ the rap'ilo to f:tll from tho cuiriuH to the grouud. Olid UVttora diNp.tluh cd it with a utonu. The u-ptilo wnt measured, and fjiind to be over ait faot long, and was thicker thuu a man's wtiat. How to Becomba Millionaire You tuiiat bo a ey ublo iuuii, n nearly all the mil'i'in:iiri' ar?. You niuit detoto your lile toj;oi tinx aod kuppitirf of utbr tueu'a earu iop Yoa miisl eat the bread f carc folneu oud must riae up early aod lie down laie. You most car litde or n itht Jit a bout other nin'a want, or auRinug', or disappointment. You rautt ii'l mind it that yo ir prtat woaUb iuvjlve tuaoy otbrra in poverty You tnuat oot ilve away except for a material eq'iiveUnt, You must not yo rauuoderinx about Nature, oor ppeod yur tuno ei.Jyin air, earth, aky or water, for tlivrea o money in it, Yuu DiuHt oevr omhark in any en, trnri that will build ud the place you liveio, but wait until the public apitited van a have built lailroud-.etc, loan buy tlie atouK at a utcuni. luu muat never tiive to lie wmow ' orphau a tbou,tlit, or oouNider thui liavu any o'uuits upou your uu - or charily, tust uiaka ni niey your (rod ; our rait n, and l:tro p.mit aven yoa covet, And, leave a low tiemo to distract your ihoufikt urpoo of yuur life I ail and literatuie; let philoaophy or 'm duriug the ae allow your wife upymuob of your tUoughta. permit tha fuaci ip to inveigle you however ainall. on all other atn , and finally puted to aaotioca ul uotioni youoiuy aod luxuriea and g most, if not all of be game ie can die rioh- worth aome ioka Adam waa 'mpantee, aod ban a mem- frieod to 'I bear 'atiug i It VOL. 15. Mount Union Coliega A Correction Fads Decisive ol tho Crisis of . this Beneficent, Institution. Owing to the hot, that the citi tooa of Mt Union, Alliance and vi cinity, bnnefttnd by tha location of Mount Union Uolloge, not Having duly completed their etibsoriptione (now eo euoeeNifull.v nndar way) for tho additional btuldingi with im proved grounds, thereby scouring tba liquidation of all iodobtedaeBS of this Public Institution, certain damaging ropovts hive been sUrted, and bava haea rait le vory injurious to this College. As items of goaentl interest atlocting tha public atl-irgn, this matter, eapacinlly a fearful ex aaaeration of tha indebtedness haa bean ooininunicat-.'d in varied forms by correttpondents to papers, until it has by o ipying boen widjly pub liahed throughout the entire coun try. Therefore, in behlf of tha trus tee, ptttrons, faculty, and atudonts, I earnestly auk you to allow ras space in your frien 11 f and impartial paper to state tho uctvinl Jacts and aclt from whioh the public can drew correct cotioluuioni. While it is a fact thtt thii College is in need of the designated a Mi liounl buildings an 1 groiiu W. it i-t equally true that tlie e.itiztm looliy biMifftfed slioul I. in aocordjaco wit'a ti.tily and univars il o.tlliiga eo )tu my. geijeroi?tly provi lai all nat lil lical iinpiovein nits, and tb it per sons nt a diatanca ahottl 1 tiot bn nsked to donate fuu.U for tliis 1jc.i1 purpose. T1IS OMLT JXDKBTKDNE33. It is ulso a f.iot that, at tho closa of our country 'a war, whon the nt teudiiuceof KtudeutH hi 1 groitly doci'eitHoJ nud the private li i.n linr hoiiHea provi jualy me Ihul chiefly been turned to other pnrpseti, no peraiins cuul 1 tlioo be induced t i to invest cpiul iu the erec tion or furnishing of suo'i l til liugi. Couscquenlly, tlio Triist'joi had no cotitio I -ft th?m b it ei'.her to a'.lo i tho Colleo to go down without their eveu having an off-T Dihu of HUitiiblu grounds and buil linM ut -uolhur place whore tho tJolh'go would be built tip and its patroim .till piti'ouizing territory pt-eji veJ ml iL tii l.di t.j ii'Dti'clH.l or to in cur its 'xii!iugiu V'btedness by tha putCitiiae of tiin ten acres of n.hli tional prouiiJ-j and the erection and fui'tiiHhing of the commodious Uodrjing Hill. This ItiXer course wusdeuiuel nces.try in order to secure klttdents iu nuiuhora mtfK- ciciitly l.uve (no ler the special ad' vautages of un itbun lance of good ii ud ctienp rooms and lunrd) to p iy. by menus of cheap tuition, the cur rent internal expenses of the College, including the s.il tries of the profofH orH. Our citizens, not yot recovered from their depression occsioued by the' war,' could not then furnish even a part of tho menus. This li ability, caused by securing tbeHa grounds and the IJ.xwJiug Hill, a the only bebt which tho Trustees havo over placed on tbo CJleg), or intend to phioe on it. The Trustees have the provisions made, and will promptly liquidate this entire iu dubttiess of the College, when tho citizens of Mt Union, Alliance find vioiuity, enjoying its local advanta ges, provide tbo requisite fundd for the present needed local improve ments, lint it was not until con siderablo time after the erection of this College Boarding Hall, that tbo citizens of Mt. Union have built private boardpig bouses and dwell ings that can now plesunlly accom-, module with good and chenp rooms and board over a thousand students. It is likeswiso a fact, frequontly and publicly stated, that nnless the subset iptione bad begun before tlie end of last terra, with a reasonable prospect of going ou regularly and harmoniously to a speedy and sue cessful completion so as (without stopping) to secure generously, in accordance with the plan of tho Trustees, ample funds for the needed additional buildings and improved grounds aud consequent prompt liquidation of all indebtedness, the College could oot and should not, in its preseut locality, go ou to ac complish the definite Objeots of its distinctive flan of doing tne great est educational good to the greatest number of our country a youtu. AS TO 'TBf CO-OPERATION NEW BOB- BCMPTIONS I.NIEHJUL WOBEIKOS. Never before have the citizens of Mt. Union, Alliauoe and vicinity, workod together, at now, with the complete harmony, earnest determi nation, and appreciating love lor tne College, in common with the trus tees, patrons, faculty, aud students, toadvauce permanently the distinct ive Purpose land instrumental Ob jects of this College, aod especially to provtuo ly donation smpie uiuua for ' the dosiouated additional grounds and buildings. I Lilly two luonsauu aouare uave recently been subsoribed by citizens of Mt. Union to pnrobass materials and ereet at Mt. Union a new Muse om Building. payable when not less than 135,000 in collectible funds are aeenred for this Building. Also liberal amounts have been subscrib ed by oitiiena of Alliauoe to purchase for Ibis College the Alliance College Building. Also, large amonuta of generous pledges have been made, by liberal persons of means at a die. tanoe. for the liquidation ot tba Boatdintr . Hall debt, and for addi tional Qesua) Kudo-mtjJta,-cen. .V Mi If -i '; XT MIDDLEBURG, SNYDEll COUNTY, di tinned, however, on securing at Mt. Union at least 935,000 for a new Museum building, and on seenring at Alliance and vicinity a sum suffl. cent to purchase the Alliance Col lege Building and Us repairs, or an tquimlant sum to be used by the Trustees in making at Mount Union Improvements additional to the 35,Q00-Musoutn Building. It is an obvious fact that the in termil life of this college was nover so healthful or vigorous as now. The late Chief Justice Chase, acting as otio of its trustees, understood this vigor when ho expressed his conviction that "Mount Union is among the best, cheapest, and mo'tt progressive of American Collogos, rendering a thorough integral Chris- tian education in any Uep.irtiuont acceaaible to all. In nccord with Ibis idea, tba Term just closod has been one of the largest ami most healthful and successful wiuter ternin, in its progressive history of thirty-one yoars Tho distinctive arrangemoot of Term, forming the collage year priog, Suminar, an 1 rail beginning respectively the last Tuesday iu February, middle of May. and laut Tuosd ay in August, of each yonr, enables students to get a whole oollcgo year, and still earn their college expenses, by teaching tho pnblio winter schools, without losing time or class-stauding i while a special Winter Term, beginning tho last Ttiscduy iu November, ho commodate others not teaching. Tho number of different students, attending last year, was 831, boing one of tho largest s total students nom tne origin i nns v.uai icii'ii i . . i . . . . t - i i . it" Institution, 1.1,527, "f whom S,'J7D, I lightpd up tho summer heavuus with fnbont one-fourth ladies,) from the dazzling splendor. Normal Department, havo bonn eiu- Away out on the bouudloss prai ployed to supeiiiiten.l or tetch I'ub' jio stood along. l.w log cabin t in lie Schools Tho Colluge iu auv ( 10 rado doorwuv was a young cirl rase is iu pnsi'ion to protect ils pa Irons, ns well ns all llio iutotosts of its students, nttonditig nud nou -attending, fully and salisf.ict it ily. Tho t 'lul numtivr of Alumni and regular Graduates in the Il.iooal.i4re- nte U.i .'iee, is bll, an. I in tue .Mas- lu B.grncef.il, idle la-hun, witli tho tor's and other legree-i, L'lS, bo- pine scentc'l bronze lifiin.; t'm d imp Hides tho Graduates in thu Norma!, ten lulls of her low, white brow, Musical and Fine Art Depirtmeutsand a sea shell pink blooming ou (without Pegroe) being 2,710 joHeh rounded chei k gentlemen and 1,PJ7 ladies. I he do wish father would r jino," aMcortainel vocation of tho Alumni jahc murmurod, half aloud, "he slid and former t'tudetits residing! ho would be home cirlv to night, and "throughout ucarly every Slate, mid I enitory or our country, is ns fol lows : Professional Teachers, 5, 437 t merchants, 2 1-J ; farmers, '2,115 t ministers, 725 t inannfa ilur ers, 515 i physicians, 2 )1 ; lawyers, '237, editors, I Hi ; civil enginoers, 5S ; t ilegraphers, 43 i bankers, 25. These are some of the j'niil.1 of this Col I ego. Full nnd hetrly vo operation, of its mtrons, trusteos, patronizing Conferences, faculty, ntu lent, and citizens locally ben. Ii' ted, is happily and t t'iciently secured ou tho Uett tiito Plan of this College, and in tho light of these fuels, to the end that "a thorough iutcgral Christiau K lu catioti may bo easily attainable to all." Accordingly, in the spirit of this distiuctivo 1'lau, and of those facts, tho next succeeding Terms will promptly begin and regularly proeeea in tlio luiiu atiu hope of duly realizing nil requisite funds for, and the fullest Objects of, this Itthti ttttion This Collego bus always been self sustuiuing internally, by means of its cheap tuition. Not a dollar d. mated, or the interest of a dollar donated, has ever beeu used to pay the salaries of professors, or sny othor internal current espouses. Ponations, with acorued interest, have been used cm for Permanent Improvements, and in uo case uaol up to pay current expenses. "The Income to tho College of tuition, at the low rates, and an average attendance of 495 students in the Departments as not r.u fre quently has been the case is ji tl to tho income of interest at the rate ot six per cent, pur annum, on a permanent moneyed eudowiuout fund of 1U5,0JJ. AS TO THE PaoPKBTI MUSCOM FLAX TRl'STKES' COV1I8K. The property is all conveyed to tho College, in feo simple, and per petually held in trust by Trustoes. chartered under slate and national law,, for educational bonellt of stu dents, and is estimated worth, above any indebtedness, over a hnlf million dollars. The rare Na'ntal Speci mens of its Museum, obtained from all portions of tho globe, worth n quarter million dullnrs, for which uo college debt has ever beeu contract ed, aud no citizens of Mt, Union or Alliance ever asked to pay a dollar. are among tha best (il not the very best) in any country and are practi cably and especially valuable to.t-tu- dunta, by euabliug tlieui rapidly ami thoroughly to acquire, retain, illus trate, nod apply every , study in the collego Courses auoient aud mo dern Classical. Philosophic. Hceintif io, Normal, Musical, Commercial. Preparatory, and fine Arts. Bays Bayard Taylor t "The Museum of Mount Union College is among the best, and the Natural specimens are the moat suleot and valuable, J have ever seen in any country " As to its, Plan, Bishop Simpson, D D, LL. D a Trustee, says: "Mount Uuion College, manifestly a creature of Provideuoe, is an emin ently needed, live, aud progressiva Institution, where excellent govern ment, high intellectual and mora culture, ebeapneas and thoroughness jrltU a) iwnariaje ifl adapts JIL-L'-''.'J'L1 C.SJ i-i.Ji to the enlarging wants of tho A mertcsn in people are happily combine 1, it. John A. Ilingnatu, Lb. O. Hon another of its Trustees, states "I find at Mount Uniou Collogo both the facilities and instruction rj tit a ample and thorough as I lately saw at Yale and othor Eislorn C ollagas." Tbo ol object of the Trustees and Patrons iu their presoat oourso is note to place this College on the most substantial and permanently prosperous basis i and thoy vorily believe theso facts, with others that uiiht be given, will vin l.c.ato to an impartial publio the wisdjm of their oourse, notwithstanding the untrue and hurtful reports (ou these points) unwittingly atartod. and up to now so extensively published in virions papers of this and other Stales with out eveu a correction or explanation, which correction or explanation I now make by iuslruetiou of t'ua Trustees. Iteliuhlo information eoncsrning this College, that legitimately ail'octs the public touching any othor facts or points, will be promptly furnished by u Mresninii me at Mt. Union or Alliance, Ohio, or by addressing C. Aultniin, Ksi . Treasury of tho Col lejio, Canton, Ohio, or Lewis Miller, l.so., 'resident of tho Board of Trustees, Akron. Ohio, O. N. II AKTSHOllS', Pres. V acuity, and Acting Pres of Lxccutiye Com mi t- too. Alliance. O.. March, A Woman's Bravery. Tho sun was hitting iu a pile of gorgeous cotorod clouds in tho west- leiti hori.:)ti. nud its last dying ray sixteen summers hal passed over Annie U'lIhIi's dark-tresHud head; she was a sweet, plump Irish I issie, with docp. dark blue eyes, waving black hair, and a full red month ; nho inado n pretty jueture, standing I it ii nearly seven o'clojk,'' with ttuo t her searching ga.o acrosi tho vast prairie ; she entered tho long, ozy room of the caviu, an 1 sat d in on a rude rorking chair, t ) a .s uit tho coming of her father ; she did not wait long, however a linn, quickstep was hoard without, and the next in stant n tall, rather haudsomo man entered tho open door. "Father," exclaimed tho girl, ! starting up from a plestnt revoiie, ' in which alio had faden, "what has kept you so Into to-uight? James Welsh gtvo his sunuy-eyod daughter ha usual greeting .kiss, and sat down to the round, well laden tablo. "I wauted to gut the wood cut,' ho br id, in reply inquiry. "I must go aftor tho money John Williams owes me; yon will i net bo afraid, Pins f I will not bo 1 loter than eleven o'clock Aonio laughed "Mo afraid! she replied, with a little ring of sarcasm in her sweet Irish voice j "pray, what should 1 bo afraid off" ' John Williams told me, yester day that there aro a band of robbors around, but 1 will leave you my re volver, Annie, and I'll hurry back. You aro euro you're not alraid V "No!'' said Annio fearlessly, "He ro is as good as two men j but come bnck soou, father. So, after bo bad finished his sup por Juntos Welsh kUsod bis young daughter, and started 1 1 bis uoarest neighbors, some six miles below the cabin home. Annie busied herself clearing a way thu supper dishes, aud making the long loom tidyi sho lighted a wax taper and eat dowu by tho ta ble to read Nero, tbo house dog, was lying at her feet, aud a largo, spotted cat wits purring at her side: tho old fashioned clock in tho corner ticked dismally, aud slowly rang out the hour of nine, ten, eleven, and still her father did not come t a great fear stole into tho girl's bravo heart i she thought of the robbers, uud her rosy face grow pale i ano ther hour passed slowly away, and the rlock laug out the hour of mid night. ,S'ue started to her feet, dopping the wiru novel on the floor t "Hero," she said, u liighteuod gl aiieo at thu barred door, "I am going t meet yonr master ; some Lartu has befall en him i come 1" - And takiug ft lighted lantern from the shelf, she opened the door, and passed out into tho warm, scented night, the huge dog at her side t it was a lovely star lit scene i tha long, damp grass, aud the warm breeze, full of spicy odors from the pine forest, to the east-ward, but the shadows hung heavy over the bound loss prairie i away off. iu the dis tance, Annie saw ths dim, feeble light of a dark lantern. 'Come, Utro." sho said borsely i and sho bounded over the damp grass like a fawn. She was witbiu seven feet of the little group i she orept nearer, a great fear at her noble young heart, a loaded revolver eliuobed tightly in oue firm band i ft man waa lying senseless on the ground, and t'o dark, murderous looking face were bending over hits j sbt peered da- PA, MAB0H 21, Iser, and uttered a lw. sharp cry I "my fdtuor I sue g tspua "ray uojj what shall I do 7 catcli him, lloro 1" and with a quick bouud tha fat thful dog sprang ou one of the men's breast aud bore him to the ground tbo other villain attempted to Uno, but a sharp report, a tlasb of fire, rang out on tho ntgbt air, ana tlio saounlrel fell under the well nitnod shot of Annio Welsh's revolver. She bent over her father, and call ed bis name, with a Ijw inaube opened his eyes "Aunto, ' La cj iculateJ, "u o w came you here T the tuouoy t have they got it T "No father,'' said the girl i "I havo tho Wallet in my own baud t lira you hurt V "Tbo rascal, whore are thoy. An nio, J ou have killed t this one I fears' but eveu as he spAo, both r bber started to tboir feet, and fled away iu the datkucMS. Then a low growl was herd, and turning around, they behold tho faithful dog bleeding at their feet. "lloro! poor Herol" sobbed An nie i but the dog died ero she finish ed sponking. Tuey hurried him then and there, and a jou auer returned to tuo c ibui homo. Jamas Welsh embtacol his bravo daughter wheu thoy entered tho cabin "You httva saved my lifo, Annia," ho said, foudly i "how can I repay you " "By taken tno away from this place, father i let us g. to Ljui.siaiiat ! you have plenty of money t nocaui live c imforlablo, yes, even in luitiry thero.'' o th) summer nnd winter passed away, and tho next budding spring James Welsh took his beuutiful duughlcr to Louisiana, where they lived iu splendor, in their sunny southern homo. They had just boon there threo short sweet years, when sweet, blue eyed Annio was married t a young. liuihWotou tint woultliy iKuit-jiiant, and in her Inid il robes, nf shiny whito silk mid costly lace, she looked i as lovely ns an liouri. I Aud I'uforo Lieulonntit Cottrtnov and his bride started cm tluir wuJ diug tour through the states, James U eloli told his elegant son-in-law how Annie had saved bis l:fe, nud how Lo had becomu rich by "a wom an's bravery." Coca As a Strength Sustains. Coca loaves, largely use 1 by Pe ruvians ns it strength sustaiuer, woro exhibited in the Peruvian section of the Great F.xhibiiiou of 1370. and thoeloiies nbjtit their remarkable properties were rohtod iu the re-' ports of thu exhibits of 1'eru. Sev eral travelers in that country In 1 ti stilled to tho remarkable efV.'ct of the leaves when chewed with it hiiiiiII piece of lime, in relieving them from tho f.itiguj iu.-ud.int to making a long joui i.oy across tlm tuouiilains, ami tbo reputation of oja hit 1 led tober.luthu iuiDort'itiou of sotno of (ho leaves to I'mgland, whero experi ments were 110111 made with them at tho time of tho Exhibition iu Philadelphia, The results of those experiments varied greatly, but did not impair thu claimu made for oca by travelers who had seen it used by native Peruvians in place of food, for the last two years, as wo learn from tbo Mentijiii Amtri'min, Iho members of tho Toronto Lacrosse Club bitve boon UNing coca (printed coca in tho Hcieiitifhi American). and after two yours of testing its elTect they have decided that it bus been of great assUtaiico to tliom in sustaining their htrength. Of twelve meni'iers, two or three aro reported to be doubtful about its effect, but no member of the club has found it injurous. They tiro all getitlemuti engaged in sedentary occupations, nud tho game winch thoy play is one demniidiug, for a brief period, from uu hour to threo hours, the ex ertion of a great deal of strength in quick movements, and it calls into iictiou every muscle of their bodies. Their opponents are generally Iu dians, or men engagod in out door work und oxerciso. During the year 1S7G several members of tha club used tho coca leaves, which, finally, lod tho whole club to chew them during important matches. Tho club In Id the championship against all comers. During last year coca was regularly used, a drachm and a liulf of tho leaves being given to each player to be chewed (without lime) during the progress uf the game, and the saliva to be swallow ed. They report that they txperi enced a sensible increase of niucu Inr force aud au almost eutiro ex eraptiou from fatigue Spring bonnets will bo wsrn on the Jui b ord ear. Elevate your aims i cultivate your tastes t associate sitb men of high eudowraeote. The difference between a boy and a barn is that shingles are applied to the roof of.tht barn When you see a pair ofbooti with a supernatural polish, you may know they are old, "Do drop letters ever got hurt !" asked an exohango. Well, they are found dead sometimes 1 The romance of the rod the ev ident belief of the bignwayjun that ever traveler haa money. 1878. NO. 43. New York Fancy Store, (In Holmos new builidiog, opposite the Kcytsano Hotel.) MAIMalli'r HT., HI21irkJHailOVi:. JS, HTOCIOP DKY GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS NOW rriI,VTV I3VI2II. WOW m THE TJLM JE I Exlraordinary Bargains .offered from now until duce our Largo Stock of Goods. A great many articles SELLING AT3 COST. Jugf received MOST PRICES MUCH LOWER CALL EARLY AND Oct. 1(1, 73. NEW T ORE Middlebur, Penn'a, Tho un1rrilirnit arunM Inform lh -ltl?tni or VI.MLI.urtf an,l ,urr..iin lm .ii1'k-i u, ,i ,a I, u ninal a lUr.r Mora nt e,. ,,i,, iunl...n.l I'lnoa a.i I t:i tl Ii will ki lull Hue ol Ilk!,, I ol lltrjitio. Ii.ulti.hn licit vy & siu-ii lIiiKiuiii-r, Till M.MINOS, SADDLERY, Plioo Fiii'lings, I.enihiT. r"i. A'pcciiil I n 1 ii i:,-rue ii ( h in -fyj BUILDI'G HARDWARE UHIKtf, IIINtiHS. sritCWS. N.MI.S, ,to A Li'k'o Ajfortnie'il uf Cut Mefl Slu,. oU k 8iiilfii. Ili'i-n. linr.li n Tool, reliylbv (iraiu lluken, lUy llon's. I'ullc;, J,o., mors, OF AM. KIN lS rnimiuinty nn ,nn l. All t (Irpuily Ito liu'r l Prippa. All w hf are In need of any kin I nf Mir Iwiire will lu well by cnliinx at lino ,l.tcp. M.Vt.ANTlIO.N MOATZ, Mi l'lloliurg, finyilcr Co., Pa, Msy 25, 1870. PENNSYLVANIA R, R, Tratni lour l.litown Junpllun ai f )llo MAIN I.INK-WKSrWAHI). Plii.iiiimii Kturen I'luMlln Kxprp4i Wof l'tnur "sit K-t Line EASTWARD F lil .UInlil nirai. I'noin I'ixtiritM InlmNtuAD Kxerufi AtUntlo Kira'i I Pft a. in. ' ) . in. Ii' 41 . ta. 4 Ii p. m. 4 . m. V:sn m. li mi ii. in, II Hi.n. a ii n. in. ti . in Tha Fat I,ln W? I'vaunt" an I tha I'.iPlf. In Kifraueaat nth tail. Kxi.rc-a w.i.l. nn.l tlid P.,.iliu ju.i At,ui.ti, w irmni lve .U'lon. ta Mifflin eounty i atlaliowi; wrTWBn. kiiivrtnii. Oian.llla A n.lnr-nii'a l.ontilolluar U'Vv'"in MiiDftvnnS 'li eyanl N. llauilltoo a. tn. tint 10 5T 11 i'l 11 H II SI II .1) II 0 i, m, "T 4 14 4 It 4 J' 4 :IT 4 II 41J a. hi. .. in. i 6 -i Sf SKI a ' 0! 4 aS1 4 t : i J'. i'i n 1 4i 111 91 l'l'.'i M 11 lu 10 Tha raollln Kinr.H wet pan La Sac tot at McVeyinwn at a a a. in. and the Ailauilo Ex ir. t-at at - :J p. in. IiiHswFur All, DANIKI. C. nFnilSTlIKSSFIt a-alr.-a tn an. noun.- in all lnti.ri.at..il. Thai alm-i Ilia nia. ai'lnlli.n uf llm Firm of lli ru-m aar k Vlrirh n Ilia l-t nf Airll, 1 tiaa nnai,a-l In tila u. Snllit. Inv lii Hrlina (lrnve. nn ffilr Mr.cl.abota Plua. ut'lualto J. 8. liennina'a atoia, a Leather Store and Fin ishing Shop, l,ri will I, fnn.t at -II llin.a.i, iiu.lm.nl i. all klnila nf Kii'l'tiP't sir.ra, ii.i..i.ii.i of Har- npa. -oip, 1'pni.r, PL li a ml I air Taaina, mnrriN. oo'a, l.inlnn. Toipinita Ac, of ,tinrrta,iialli!M and prii-pa. Tlia laniinn ol Khormaaara. farm. ra, ami all olhtra la tuvllaj, tafora pun haali, vlaowhrv. Thirty. ava vaara aa a practifal Tanar a'taltMaa liltn In ii.la Ilia q'lalllia. of Sluck. Blilralakta in aaolianga fur laihar. ii, ii. in.srtsrnrssra. luna T-'TS) Hnlluajrnra, ntt On., P JJNION PLANING MILL J BELINSOROYK, 8NT0ER CO., PA Kcely ife Wngncr Lumber Dealers AID MAHOrACTrniB OS Doors, Boor lioics. Whitlows. Shatters Window floxes, llllnili, lah, ttialr t Ixlnsa, tlanti Kaltlntra, Brack rts. Uouldlngt, Fleerlnr, ORULLSAWlNUfcUABlllETTUSNlNO aaingies, Lath, tto., eVo. OrJrr. .ollol.-d aad filfd with prompt aea aaa aenpaiiu. riH esu sua asam- jMatrsteassreiarHaai., ..HwkK, ART. WAT) J.efcai.Vafty fff M fi .1 Published every Thnraday aVentnc J8BKMIAH CnoUflK, Prop Terms of Babeenpfaot, two mu.iM ran assim. iv ablo t ithln aix mouiha.or W.50IikH paid within the year. Ho pa par trie conttriuad until all arrears are paid unlaaa at tha option of the pJ liaher. tlubei rlptfon nulslde of tha eormtf rAYADMi IX ADVANCi. Wfl'ersons lifting and uiti: papers addressed ' othsrs become sil-eoiibars and ro liable for (ha price uf the paper ? a S April 1st in order to re BEAUTIFUL LINE OF THAN EVER BEFORE. SECUEE BARGAINS. HEAD! HEAD R E A D 1 ! ! f S)ji;ra I;i2iciibur$r Jleaver Srinji, J'ennct. Dealer iu Hardwaroi Tinware Stoves &c Also SPOFTIN'O ilone at short noliee, ou re isonulile term toel a.itistactury niimner. t'.iy I mil fu'lv tireiared In fur- nisli all kiiels of Hardware, Tinware, iSlove-. Ac, nl tiie very Imvei'l rii'es. r. Ml io iieo,l nf i'i'iv;iie or Spout ing or uiivt'iiu!; ele in my lino of Int" jobless, v.ill ie it ro"iet il by exaineiiiiig niv yooils and terul-i W lore ptirchaaiiif c Uett ti( re. DANIEL HACKENBURQ. j Aug. pi, 7ii, N E W STOCK At A. K. GIFT'S NEW CA!3H BOOK AND STATIONARY STORE, on tho North hide of Market Street a few doors west from the Court House. T MIE Rttbsrribor would inform his frl.-n.ln tint Hip rllli-on In Ml I.IIMnir aait Hi. -in r.i'it'.ltii. .iintr. t:nl let t.a J-imI tMiura. nt from t'litlM.K-lf.l, ta ami liu. now i.iAb' tl an u- lr ,.w lap..M ..l ar.-ll mlr,...a..4 .Im.'U nf aa. it .?! IMl'l 111! lit OtlM a llJl, Hchool I IooUm, 1 llfinU 1 tooUH. Wallets. Pocket Books, Bibles & Eeligcus Book3, ALIll'MS AND PICTURKS. All kind of J'oter, Jnfe and .'imcy for. AU aoM tinr.AP I" i'ASII. ('ill anJaataii luck Ih-n 1- no ctiarga f ir .l.awltiK ar.1a. 1 A. K (SI FT, I Sopl.-JI, 'TI. Miillfhnra, Pa. ' jEVI liELLER, Manufaeluierof and Jea'rrln FUllNlTUllE, tVnulil ppapnifiilly inform the eltliene el 8pliii(trova anil vicinity, Ibal be nianufae turca tn nHr ami kp pnnaianily on haae CHA1SS OP ALL KtVl), AND 'Furniture of every Doaonpttoa at tba very loi at priee at tba very loa at pr;ee. lie ieaaiiunj iDvilea an etaoilaatioa nf , SEDSTKAr)S,CREArs,TAPISiaOf AS i.m'jiav.",' arA"in.votAiRs, a. ljf-A apreial lamaiica ia eaiaadeS 4 wly married (V.ke to eall aa see ttj aleeS. ore I ureuaiai alaewber. l.RTI RELLia fiellnajroe, ArriH8,8J3-lf 11111, LEWIsnURQ, PA, ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMEHTt?,, Tombstones. Statues,. Urn a, Tsset LAM BS, for Children's Graves, rVtl j, Lint'!; Tib'Kopis Metrbk mI Ski Jtf lltgrSS, (. All llioaa who JMla to aurckar I wlalavM VT ' aVraT.Ki i taa anat aaa 'ti.olt tt aa alaaad aaeat. betnr airkaj aa elaaakata. WEES '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers