. WJiiaajemaaabi tno.oo .00 . ultima AHA TMf. ni bj. n w ultima, on year, L-ftiorth column, one year, C7.nnar (10 Hnw)l lusertlon rf ftdditivnAl Insertion, LkMlonal end Buinoa card! or 7mocathn6 Hum, vt year, Jaitor, Execntor, Administrator Cud AaiTt Noticjw, - - ha A M Mahl af IhA J Mian oim " k-'7" " m they re ordered, and if not pa d Mrantl Ururriiiai "... - " . i 1 - fna Ilia lilfina. 75 00 8.00 8.S0 15 l'ootr Tht Other Slda. till til re rlr. o tb '' lJt t aa .blra tarai J tht blu.tan bride, outh In aaho ' . ...Ik (d tb litll eUiW. Mid lb vloUt ' W a!t I er ' ,,f,r 't lb etbtr eid. (belt all t rlT,r tb ibr eld t will l -'y more, t .. at -nti.Nt h b bet rab4 the Malta of ft Lad tha whs llv , latUd with (ben, last ell lb tide kbret drktl?r, ' Ik t.r ! bell g ovr lb rl tkibr (id. bet baanly ibore or lie at. Ib.r H I felr ir lb eay a.r oaua in mini, dJ ell I brigbte lbr. Ut a ell eiake rdy ir Ik aming llJ t will rt u. or tb vlvv t ik ibr IJ. e 1 o o t T 1 o The Pioneer. Jot many yean ago, the traveler liug the site where now stands fcity of Council Bluff, would out been attracted by any or tue (tie of the now uausorae and a like city, lint bo could not beloed aduuring tho grand ory ail arouua i tue duij craggy fa, risiuj" in many instinaas a tired feet above the level of the III nUUIH DHVV VUTOIOU WILLI K itanted oak bushes, while (re were spattod witu nujje boat red and white-a-generally ea dislodged and tumbled with t velocity, dealing death and motion to everything that came cir way. Tue crooked Mia i, rattliing past, made ono fool, standing nnder the shadow me hutfe cliff, looking down in i elondy depths, tliit this wan a lit ilace tor tue wild rod to gather in solemn oouucil, or erforui their fiendish war duuene ind some suffertug and doouied a. tunty yeirs ago, Mr. Charles im etnigraioa to inis part oi Ixtutry, took up a claim, aud I J down to improve it. With e broniht bis family cousiatiu;' to sodb and a diiughter. 16 tnotuer aud wife bal been two years, so tho duties of fckeoping full ou the daughter woo perrorme I tlioui well. ka past eighteen, Ull, graceful and some i one seldom fortrol 'tor once looking iuto bor deep uve uittcic eyes t ana many a man wan naunted by them. olJest son, George, was a- wooty five years of aze. and tried. He was well made. featured and crenerallv liked he we known. V the yonugest eon, waa six Vailt like hie brother, excopt p was a nine uiler father of this promieins; fitm- f strong, active, and, although ght years old, looked muoh wr. day, dnrlnir the absence of J there, Millie was favored with rom a man of considerable It i for some said he was the f" gng of outlaws that bad akmg tbemnelves noDleaaaut. moas in the neighborhood i nothing could be proven him, he still roamed the at will He bad (alien deep. ?e with Miliio, muoh to ber ce, and bad offered himself uly to be refused and told could never expect anything not even friendship. His w Lon Atkins at least that name be gave when be first the settlement i bat there P aoabt that it was atsuia- Iia love of his woold not 0 very unpleasant under any anoes. but Millie bad anoth - tall, well formed, splon ng farmer, by the name of Morton, asaally known as e lived - with his widowed "d was counted a proenie ft nun. The neighbire said ?3 was "fixed" between him ) l perhaps they were right. , must retarit to Millie wttor. vasnglytoi disagreeable 'Jl times, bat Millie tho't od the door in answer to that be looked more re n ever. Jyou dof" he uid, bow. l")g. "I came over to 1 business ohat with you won." . ' 1 wish to see my father, rJ.m,11104 th rdeo, JJ ber face burning (Pet, I came to tee you, Sfoiog to talk to you," .osolen,. f,uow, poehlnir Mthehoaae. . Mwy farther loe, td anleae yoa 72 JW most trUtU III - ' ' -V 1.M i l VOL. 15. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., APRIL 4, 1878. NO. 45. Published every Tiurodav r mdi JXBCVIAIX CBOPSal, Pnp Terms of Sabeenpteoa, TWO DOLLARS PER AJXVH. Tf. able ithinsiz mouths.or UMifAot paid within tha veer. lo paper la eontinued until all arrerKee are lnid unle at the option of bite uwb. Iilmr. Boli('HtioiHoutKlle of the eotanta PAVAIII.K IM AUVANCH. tjlVnion liflinc and iwinv papeas AddrcMPd ai otlir beooiueoiiUcriheei and srw liable for the irice ofthe paper Without a word, the intruder stepped outside the door. Mr In gram kept him covered with hie gun. "ion shall hear from tne agaiu eoon, and to your eorrow I" With this, Atkins mounted bis horse and rode awiftly away. Two evenings later aa the family were about to retire, they were star tied by a loud knock at the front door. George proceedod to open it and was knocked down and over powered on the epot Six men fi nally succeeded in seourely tying him Men while, Tom and his fa ther made a rash for the guns in the farthest end of the room i but before they could accomplish this they were also overpowered by a number of men, thrown roughly to the floor, and bonnd band and foot. As soon as Millie could under stand the state of affairs, she made an attempt to reaob bor room. knowing that once iueide that, with the door fastened, it wae quite a fort, and that with the little rirte Will had given her sho could de fend herself for a time at least. But before she oould reaoh the door she waa rudely grasped by Atkins, who with the aid of two assistants, bore her atrnggling, from the room. "I will send np a few Indiana to relieve you," eaid Atkins, as be left the room with a fiendish smile on bis frtoe. No tongue can express the feel ings of the father and the sons as tboy aaw their loved one torn from them, while they were unable to move hand or foot Our friends had lain thus, bound, sufformg, helpless, nearly an hour when they board aomc one feeling cautiously for tho latch. A tallow candle burned dimly on a tablo, and by the aid of that the men eaw the door slowly but surely open, and a face peer in. Next a slight figure entered the room and cautiously looked around. Oeorge ut once reooguized the now comer as a youug iiidinn by the mime of Young Cub, or Little Uoar, who had boen at the liotiae tha pre vious winter. Ho hud happened a- loog when no ono but Millie wus at homo, mid unked for food and sbel tor, saving ho wui sick and ho caul. I not reach his tribe. Millie kinJly took him m, gave hiiu a warm sup per aud' bod, and nursed him for two ilays, wheu he wae able to pro ceed on hie journey. He was profuso in his thanks. saying he wae the eon of a chief, and that hie father would reward her f ir her kiudnos A wook later the 1 1 1, accompanied by hie father, called at the fai'mliotiRe, and presented Millio with a beautiful suow-white pony. After remaining ovor night, thoy went thuir way. Assoou as Oeorge knew who tho intruder wae, his heart bonndod with hopo, for be know a friend was nigh. After a momeut, Youg Cub rusiieu towara Ueonre, au I m a twinkling cut the cords that bound him, aud m quickly loosened Torn and the old gentleman. "Now, quick-hurry 1" said the boy. "TuUo whal you caa carry, and ran J--l'Vty wairiura will be here eoou i my father took them to wroug place to give you time. Thoy are now down by the old deserted cabiu, and will be here eoou lie quick 1 me help you." The four took such things aa were most valuable. Ihey knew it would be useless to try to contend with the Indians, ood beside, it would not do to risk anything except in the defense of and rescue of their darling Millie. After biding their treasures in a thicket near at baud, they returned to the stable, took a horse euch- except the lad, who had hie own po nyand turned tha other out on the prairie. They determined to ride over to the Morton place and get Will's advice, ana warn the family that a general war might be expected. On tho way the boy told them that he knew where Atkins and bis gang had camped about three miles np the vivoa. They bad ridden but a short dis tance when yells fell upon thei? ears, and on looking bock they aaw a light Oaring np agaiust the sky they felt sure that it came from their own burning home. Fortunately, at Mrs. Morton a. they found that a lady visitor and her son were chop ping over night with the family. It waa decided that the two ladies and the young man should retire to a oavo in the bluff near at band, and await the return of the party Will going with the latter. This thoy ac cordingly did, taking their arms aud some food. Oar party now eoneieting of five. eqnal, at least to four able bodied men, set on; at a awift galop in tne direction iudioated by the lad as the camping ground of the abductors of I'lllllO. UHJ KttJ. glMk U'lVII within half a mile of the eupposed oampi here they slackened their speed to a walk, and in a abort tijae came within eight of a bright fire in aa opening, surrounded on three idee by stunted bashes and trees Oar friends left their borsee in the oars of Tom and hie father, boat two bandred jarde distant -9tn the eamp f re i the other taea eeded eaatiooalr toward tse f re. v "i waa roajrln and era'-lUr? all t' l?o om wastJtal To the left of them, ntyembontthe jGeorgo, too, soon married a apright same distance from the lire, was a rude tent made by sticking poles in the ground and aproadiag blankets over tbem. Uutweea this and the other men sat Lon Atkins leaning agtinst a stump, sound asleep. "Thore white rnaidon," said Yjung Cub, pointiug to the tent. "How do you know!" asked Oeorge and Will in the same breath. "Mo know here," replied tho lad, tapping his forehead eignillraully. "Where else oould she bef com mon sense should have tuugbt ns that i but what is to be doue I said Will. 'What do you say t" asked George, turning to the young In dian. "Put out fire quick kill white nan by wigwam take white mai den quick ran to horses go homo -all well." I have it,' said Will i ''we will got two blankets from uoilor the saddles, and soak them in wator i then you and they can take tlieiu by the cor ners, creep np to tho tiro, and sud denly drop them ovor it. which will extinguish it at once. At the same time I will knock Atkins over with the butt end of my revolver, take Millie and ran for tho horse while you and Young Cub can help me with your revolvers if anything goos wrong.'" This plan was agreed npon, and they returnod to the horaes and pro cured two blaukets i after soaking tbnm to a little stream clone by, the three returned to the fire which was still burning brightly. Young Cub and George walked slowly up to t le fire aud droppeij the wet blankets over it, and nil was dai knos. A man could not be distinguished twenty feet distant Will wa within two paces of bis enemy and ready to strike, when he heard the tomahawk of tho young Indian go crushing into the skull of Atkins, and oould dimly sue him taking of the sculp. Will was dis mayed, but had no time t watta, and tearing open the tent, found .Millie weak an trombling In a momoqt she was in his ar:u and he waa outnide tho tent, histuuing toward the horse, with tho boy aud George bringing tip the rear. Tbey were out of hearing bofore tha uiin could colloct thuir Mattered and sleepy senses. A tiro bad to bo built before they know what had lmppouod, aud then they c ould not toll how numerous their onomiis Lad buftn, nor whul di.ectiou tboy had taken. Hy thir tin e our friends were out of danger. Will ha l reached the horaes in safety with his procMous hurdun. while Giorge und Young Cub catuo cln.se after him. Tom in waadoring around had discovered tho horse ridden by Milliu, on which AtkibB had been thoughtful euough to put her oaddle, uud it had now came iuto good play. Tho entire party now mounted and rode nlowly away toward the home of ill, taking oare, however to koep outside of tho hard road, so as to provout tho sound of tlu-ir horses' foot betraying them. They had rid ton probably a ruilo, wheu they heard the tramping of many homos. They ut onuo hurried into a bush patoh by the road side and waited. The sounds became more and more dietiuct, and finally a par ty of uoraetuau bogao to pass them, talking loudly and excitedly. When they had panned the young Indian said : "That was my father anj Lis war riors i tboy are leaviug your country forever. Thoy fear you have gone to tho fort for white warrior to fight us, and tbey will come bock no more. You are safe now and I must leave you and join my fatuer." "Hold oo 1" a lid Willt "let ns pay you for what you have done for us." ''No, no," said Young Cub, ener getically, "Me want no pay. White maiden pay me much bag gage; me uo want more.' May be me do much wrong to soolp bad white man, but he kicked me hard onoe, auu me do like im. Uood by." With this the young warrior van ished in tbo darkness, and again our friend started oa their homeward jenrnoy, J uey arrivea at tne cave about daylight aud found the inmates safei the entire party repaired to the bouse, where a bountiful breakfast was prepared and eagerly dovoured by the famished travelers, AU wae now bappiaeba. They bad nothing farther' to fear from tho Iu diaos, aud the robbers tbey believed would scatter and leave the country when they beard of the death of their leader which they doubtless did, aa they were never heard from after that eveutfal night Tho Ingram made their home with Will Morton aod 'hie mother aatil they oould rebuild their bouse, which was soon completed by many willioff bands, and was a much more commodious and imposing residence thaa tnetr former oue. ... Millie ao4 Will went married in a few moqtbbv after the iuoideote a Site related And to make tbiuirs oonvenlciht and themselves happy. ly Ism, bought a farm and scttci down As time passod on I he ronntry became thickly sottlod, nnd the flourishing town of Council IHufis sprang up, Our friends suddenly fonud themselves rich, owing to the increaxe in the vitluo of laud, a por tion of the old Iugrrm farm being usod as a part of the city. Will was sheriff of the county at lout ac counts, and Tom was in college. And thus we will leave thou). MANNERS. W - J t I II U i I cr. intnrnm. nuiur tmuu alarm, tuorow i at JaflaV eVMlt ll VafJ AO . C He makes ascioa of v v I a Men sncce cd in their professions quite as much by complaisance and kindliuoss of manner as by talent, Djiiiosthanes, in giving his well known advice to nn orator that el oquence confuted in three things i the first, "action," the second, ' aa tiou," and tho third, "action," is supposed to have iotondod manner only A tolling preacher, in bis opening rem arks gains the good will of bis hearers, and makes them foul both that he has something to ay, and can say it by hie maimer. The succesaful medical man, on en tering a sick-room, mupirea into his patiuuts bolinf in himself, nnd Unit bope which is so favorablo to lon gevity by bis manner. Consider ing that jurymen are scarcely per sonifications of pure r canon, unmix ed with passion or prejudice, a bar rinter ranuot afford to noglcct man ner if ho would bring twelvo nieu, one after another, to bin wav of thinking. Again, has the business man any stock in trado that pays him better than a good address T Aod as icgardn the "survival of the fitted" iu tournaments for a lady's hanJ, ia it not a "natural selection" when the old motto, "Manners roa kytb man. decides tha coutont T At leant Wilkes, the bent mannored but UKliont man of his day, thought so, "1 am," he said, "tho ugliiwt man iu the th roo kingdoms, but if you give mo a quarter of nn hour's stin t I will gum the love of nuy woinnn bo foro tho linndaoinnnt." If kiiulli nens of dinponitioti by tho onniuice of Tood iimiiiii'iH. our subject ia Keen at oneo to ehado off into tho great one of Christianity itself It is the luait Unit ruhki.8 both tho true gou tlcninn and tho great theologian. The Apunlle I'nul (seo Hprcch de livered on Muie' Hill) nlwAys cu deuvoml to coneilinte bis audienco when ho commenced hiMivsmiil' them. And hie lottern, nn well nn tlione of bin fellow-npontleH. are full tf sympnthy and roiiMilurutnon for everyone's feelings, bucuuee bo had learned from Him whose sympathy extended to oven tho gratentof bin net Chamber Journal. Wisb Sayinks. He that tlinpinotb small things etmll fall little by littlo. We may lie us good as wo please, if we pleHHe to bo good. Vanity is a strong driuk that makes all virtues btager. It is better to need relief than to want tho heart to give it. W hoover conquers ludulenco can conquer most tlnuirn. IMennuros coma like oxou and go away like post Horses Ho that finds a thing steals it if bo endeavors not to restore it To bo at once in any great degree loved and praised is truly rare Those who know the leant of oth ers think tho roost of themselves. Great nose may build the tomb, but goodness must make the epi taph. Everywhere endeavor to be nsoful, and everywhere you will be at home. Men sometimes say they hate flattery i but they' ouly hate tho manner of it It is good to respect ancient foun dations, but we are not, ou that aa count, to neglect founding some thing in our turn. Very few ia the world have thoir passions adequately ooanpied i al most everybody has it iu them to be better than tbey are. If yon dreum of a pock-marked rhinocerone eating asparagus with a silver spoon, and fanning your mother-in-law with the O. P. aide o f its tail, it ia a aign there will be a chrjsteuing iu your town, or some where in the adjoining county. Seven-eighths of the morriod wo men iu this oountry don't care a bail pin whether they ever get to vote or not What tbey want, to keep peace in the family, is a spit toon that can't bp npei. "I am requested," said the clerk of the lower Illinois bouse the other day, "to annouuoe that the Hev. Dr. Macfarlaud will lecture in the ball this eaveniog on the 'Education ol Idiots ' - Members of tho legislature are invited to attend." A counterfeit f 3 note was repot t ed circulating around In the towu of Attleuoru the other day, and, as a oonsequeuoe, . business places were generally closed. . . Kentucky baa' yonng tbfrg. one Mrs. 4versole who ie aineir four yeare old. She has lived . Mvereuie loog, ud may live Cyeraole longer. Krnpp, tha cannon-maker, sera i 'Daw T-,r?l hu K.n 4 t- . -- www hwv w utm. lots of war to halo sav ii . . nrrvy aurag. OLE NX'S SULPHUll SOAP. rHORntlr.lll.Y CtUKi pISXAiri OFTIlr. PKW. lia.i'iiMis im CotirLtxio, I'iit.vuNiii AM) kKMf.Dlkt KlKl'MATIM AXl, tlllVT. I1A' SuM A.p ADKASION, tr llll! Cl'IICLS A.NU Cuib'ttLACll CuM AGIOM. Tliit Slmilr.r.1 l:lcrn.il Keincly f-r V.ran. tioi,, ve and Injuries t)c skin, not only RKMUVKI I KOM Till: C '. .M i-l., Alo-I Al.l. Ill UI isiiltt hiimiii; If in .:t iiiiimiitici o( tin. IiIikxI ami olit)riKiiun tf l,e ikhci, but ali linn ixliicit liy rii. tun n.l ind, tuch as lan and ficlli. It ten lm llr t inci.r AVKKllM.V fit. IMOWIN Mil II.IAr. iml lirinit a wtioi.r.trtvr. UkAiTifirR i tar trtfcfuL4e to any nin.iic. Al.l. TIIR RKMKMAI ArVAVTtr.1 PF Sft rt.i R Imtms arc ihiuic I n i vk :' titcHH'n Sulphur .Snap, ' n. ticm lu it. punlying , inui- i.c, anj IKi- Vt.NI HllKMIAllbM (Ji.lT. It Un niaiNFrcTt ct.ntitiMo tn, uvfn nd MtKVKMIl il.KAEa CilMMtlNK'AItU ll on I ait with tl.o rr.RMiK. Ir Iholvu Damiri rF. prevrnt, UU anil Klnnli ;tjyiia of de lnir. I'liyiicmn. cf It in hi.tt Icrmt. rics-pS nnd 59 Ci$ per O ik; tsi Djx (3 Cukas COc. unit J. e. U lht yoornt ciIm rr nip'o th Lr of t!M at j tc.ttv ::!L!." M t!J A''!) M'HISIIKR DVi:," ilj- k t.r Itrt.rvii. 50 tVii:. FAUST & WENTZEL, Selinsgrove Penna. (North of First National Dank) MHItCIIAYi' TAILORS. ri:ady made VWKLI. i.lMlf.l al.,ck of K.vly mi l. Men.' ao'l lioy.' Clothing of tt.ry WuulMjr nJ .iyl.. S E W I N 0 M A C II I N E S fpilEY art alio Agent for tb DAVIS AND THE ST, J O H N Sewing Machines. TnoMh. hMl as! chMpaM m.rhln.i nff.r. d la tb. public. Au. o, 1st. Philadelphia Rail and Reading Road. to help oaedhoot Tia MAfJi hsM WtximmA wk ai. Arrangement of Paetengpr Trains uVtJO. lnth, lwyy. Traint leave Ihrudon aa of. lotn (Siiwfayt Ji'sceptrtl.) For Blianioklo, 10,16 11.00 am anil t.'iS p m- For Ml Careiel, Anbland. Tntpanua, Poii.lll?1 fl.aJing, ana fhiUUelpiiU, 11.00 an. Train or Uerndon, leav at ollowt, Suiulfipi fcrptfit.) tea Sbaiaotin, 8,00 a ro 1.5(1 and 40 p m. Lear rbiUd.lphia 0.16 a b. K.adJn. Il.au a m. PoiUvlllo, n.10 p m. Tamaqua 1. 16 p A.bland 'i 1(1 p ni Ml. Caroul 3.15 p ra. Traint feaiw llarritburg aiful'ont : For N.w York. 6.2o. 8 10 a m.. and i 00 anil 17 Up, m. For I'hila.l.lpbi 6.2o. 8.10. n. 2.0U aod S.57 p in. For Kw York b 2o a or For Pblld.lpbU1.45f.ni. TVai'n for Uarritbwq lfit a ollowt I La fttw Yr,rk, 8.45 am 1.00 6 80 and 7 44 P Uav I'biUddpbl. 9.16 a n. 8.10 T ') p. m. " awn Sunday Leave Haw York S.8u d at. Ua I'sUaiUlDble 7.20 d. B ' tt(( a O.IHANOOCK. J Oen'llicl re. T4. vii a a. DIPnTH J .. acme U nil in t RAW ipiroinis gsemiDLTig 1 5 -a-T THE New York Fancy Store, (In Holrucs new Luiliding, on08itethe Kcytsono Hotel ) DBY GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS ivow miyviv i5VEii. TOW IS TIHIE TTIMJB ! Extraordinary Bargains offered from now until April 1st in order to re. duce our large Stock of Goods. A great many articles SELLING AT J COST. Just received a MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF HAMBURG EDGINGS. PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Oct. 16, "73. , NEW (HjARDWARE STORE, Middleburg Penn'a, ..Ti "ni'Kn'l wntil.i Inrnrm tl.a -tl. f lllil ll.l.iira ,..! .urr.un.linK .IHlrlot timt h. h. np.nit.1 a ll.r lw.r. M,,,. .1 u,o .1,.,,. ni.nll..n..l pl.c. a., 1 ,, h. will k..,. a Ml liNeoimikluiliut UanUaro.lRLlu.ling lli-tMy & Mir II lliu-ilvtnrv, TItIM MINOS, SADDLERY, BlinK Fin.linff. Lcaili.r. Wt. A'prcial In.luoroitniii in Iftl BUILDI'G HARDWARE i..in. HiMjr.M. MCHKW8. NAII..S, So A Largo Aitnorlinanl of Oa.l Sirel rMinJ ela Hiili-a, Hu... flni'.lrn Tool., .ol, ,,!.. 1 drain llakci. thy II one.. 'i,ia. OF A LI. KINlia eon.lnnily nn hnn.l A'.lalUrrally IU.Iuoo.1 I'rice. AM vrbo ar in nrad ut any kind of llardwai wili do will b calling at ihi plaor. MALANTIIOX MOATZ. M.y25,l87o',ChUrg8nJ,,"C' PENNSYLVANIA R. R7 Tloili))ra I.i,town Jun.-Moo follow, M1U LINK WtST WARD. Flltl..irh K.pr.u raelMn i;x,r.. War F.M.ua.r .ll Ft Llo FAST WARD Phl ..1.li.hl Rar.u t'aolno tspra. Jobn.to.a t.rn Mail Atlantis Eipr.it in ran Lin W l'.n.r an I the Parir i. 1 ipr. w.t, anil tha Polrto aa.l Atlantic Liprao ..ni run .laily. Xui"r ,""1"01" a "flll 4,,l"tr HEAD ! READ READ!!! H.iii'l Uackcnburffa Heaver fyringt, J'tnna. Dealer ia Hardware, Tinwarei Stoves &c. Alsd Bl'OUTlSO .lone at aliort notice, 011 reasonable term uud ulifacUiry I III.WIIHT. 1 t-ir- I inn fnllv prepnre.l to fur 1 nihil nil kinds of I lar.lwnro, Tinware, .-.im, ivr. 111 uin vci v lowest rules. ttu.VII in ni'cil of'l'iiiware or aipi.ut inj; (ir iinylliinn 0U0 in my line of l.u aiiiOHH, will not regret it hy exniiieninf my uniKl.i ami tonus lKloreiurchaaing clsvwhero. vhuici. nMuivcnDunai, Aug. 0, 70. T NEW 0 OK I ''0 a. m. 90 a. m. 10 4? a. ia. 4 00 p. ni. j 131 a m. lo v a. m. j it a. ni. . 4?- Tr.IK At A. K. GIFT'S NEW CASK BOOK AND STATIONAET STORE, on the North side of Market Street a few doors west from the Court Hoaee. Oran.llla An.lerann'a lm.l.llow M'Varmwa Maaajank Vli .rani N. Ilamlltaa p. in. 10 M 10 T 11 l II M llta II so II 40 4T 4 IS 4 I 4 V 47 III 4 31 KA.TWAKD. a. m. p m. lnl . hi 10 W tv lots 6p 10 81 .1 l tot lo 1) 4 M 10 10 4 II Ti.a i-a.in. Kipraa. ara.1 ean b Saavoa at MoVaytownaKtaa.in. aoJ la. Ailaoilo -prniii.1 itt.'p. m. How Fur All. stibRoriher would inform his X f. nd. .nil tha cltlrcn. lu ali.lillakur.Maa in. urr'n'lltia ooonlry llial Ua baa )! ralara. il from PlillauXphia auJ 11a. uoar up.a.4 aa .a Ir. Nr., larur and wull .alai-t.il atm-a f M i m c 1 1 n n 1 1 1 Ioobe, Hc1i1 lt(lol(H, lllmilc 1 loolcsj. Wallets. Pocket Booki, Bibles & Religous Books, ALBUMS AM) PICTURES, AU kimtt of i'tifer, Ink and fanf (inoth. All .old Olir AT fnrl)An. Call .a M. ar UKk li.r la uoaliarg. (ar ahnvina .a.. A. K. OUT, Bpl. VI, T4. M lddl.nr. Fa. O, HKROKTIIKHSKII daalr.ali.a. f VI KKLLKR, lo.ll Int.To.Uid. That aliK-r tu. dia , '. - .Uanufacluitrof aadd.al.r la TAANIKI. vlulli.a of th. Firm of lirn.ti.a.r fc lllrlrk na Ih. It nf 4prll, ha ua. oimiiad lo lila noki ul.. in iu H,.iii.urots,oa Water Kii-MiKabov I'lu.. therstoV7and Fin. FURNITURE. lslung Shop, uli.r. lll ha round at all llmaaan aaanrlmanl a all kltitl. nf r'liilali.d rtliN-k, con. una. nf Har- n.aa. h..la. I'ppr, Ktp .ii'C.lf rlklna, Mnrrnr. ...'a. I.lhlal.. Tonlllllll. kl'.. al .ilftapflltnilallllaa anil prli-aa. Tlia allautlmi ol tili'iriiiakara. Varui. .ra.audallolk.taia Iu.IImI, balora iiarckaalus al.'wl.er.. lilrty-Hr.y.raa. a pr.allcal Tan nar quail. kin laiiida.lta.qaallliaaoraioak. UIJ..Iaka ui.ui lor U'lmir. n. a HHin.TiivMi'B Jao t.fl) aluKi,a,udar nn. ' Would rpoi fully Inform lk eilixas t Pvlimgrora and vicinity. Ibal b atanafaa lur.a In or lar and kCB conaiaoily oa baa) OHAIIIH aXL KIMDA, Alt 0 Fi;rnit4re or avery PesoripttoB 1 ilia v.f v law.ai prio. R MfUell inritaaiamlaaiioa of EDSTKa- UKBAVa.TABLSS.SOraS BfANim, ohaibs, a. in. Italian l ladta WOTJ' q callaaU imbi i . iHv.irt, LRTI RIU1S vil6.87Mf A. ' TP T." . J dieexjwM , Aneriea, tat It4 wont LI - - M 1 1 ' t IJMtAnll. UM.ku lm ir -vr . a s -r. 1 . r-!: IZ9 Vi- 4.... . . w I '.,
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