Advertising It eaten One column one year, tVIO.OO One-half, lumn, one year, 80.00 One-fourth column, one year, 15.00 Ona square (10 linns) 1 insertion 75 Ererr additions) Inasrtion, SO Professional and Diiinois cards of not mora than ft linn, per y6ar, 5.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notions, S.ftO Editorial notice per line, IS All advertisements for a shorter pe riod than one year are payable at the time they are ordered, and il not paid the person ordering them will oe held responsible for the money. , Poetryi Ten Ytart. Taa lilt! Hn !. tlesr Iota, Taa Hula yeere, ae m-r: Thai happy nornln. tamt. Ilka whlok Nona Tr dawned before ; Thai bleeaed morning whta ika tank Wert all ktr gladeit tharmt Tkal morning whta iht ht?nt eamt down And tlatptJ a la lit arai t Thai mtralni whta apia year hat J, Your band to whita and email,, 1 planed Iht aynthol of our lot ' Frail bond, tf thai were til. 8omt words, I know, wtrt tsld, a TOW Wat gifts, prayer, a hirt, A ad throne. sad otr nil a itrengt Confuted eoeut of alias, They btTt fcetn ttry happy ytart, lletpy and glad and trot I will not iblnk what lift bad bote To nit nnblttetd by yon And eetry day I bleat that day VTbtta femltr. roatstt glow Hat ntvtr fadod yel dtar wlfo, Pull Well wt bolk do know. 'Twat aot tkt wordt tkt partoa talil Thai madt at oit ibo ytart,; With all iholr many, many Jnya, Tbtir triumph, looeaa, leare Tkt jeare, wltk all ibry hare denied. Aad all lhat tbty bavt given Of good and ill ibt Unit ont Walling far at la lleaeen Bata all beta llfe't Irtit oitulittre, And ktlptd lo maht nt ont So may ll bt nntil ib to I Till all our work it dnnt t Than, in iht pprfeot tnmmtr land, Tba lott btgua In I hit 8 ball bloom furerer on Ibt hlgU Kltrnal bills of bllea. M. laoellunooiiH Queen of the Sioux. On Saturday afternoon, the 22nd, alt, when the clurka of the Tatcmt office snarroed out of Mint building after tbo day's duties, a lady of handsome face and carriogo, neatly . dressed in black, tok ber way to the office of the Indian Commission, and asked to be informed of tho precise time when thn Honx delegation wns , to arrive. That evening, na the enstwardbonnd train roll. d into the ' depot, she stood qnietly among the ) crowd, and as tbo Indinns nppenrcd, stepped forward And niluted one of f licm iu n strangely outlandish tongue for one who seemed to rep resent so thorough y the refined tvpo of American civilization. An exclamation of surprise and pleasure, n deep, quick gntternl ivte lhat ca'l fd the whole baud togetliLT, and Mrs. Fanny Kelley stood once more among the savages, who had once held her a prisoner, but now sur rounded her witti nn enthusiasm of delight Akin to reverence. Mrs. Kelly wns -raptured by the Indians near the Hluck Hillx, ir. 18G4. She. with her hiiKbaud and a little girl of 7. with five men were in ramp, and Mr. Kelley bad ridden rfffor some pnrpore, when the In diana deecended!npon Iht m, kill-d the men, and took bciself and chi'd piifoneis He rrems followirg (be o plure were tirible. Mitlur and ibild were c(ropelld to mttnt beree tbat was ltd by rn Ind'an, and to leave tbeir plundered teams and tbeir dead behind tbcra. As tbey proceeded, Mrs. Kelley thought of a plan to save her little darling'a life. Sho began dropping bita of lettera tbat she had about her per son, and quietly directing the child's Attention to tbem, whispered to ber lo slide down from behind ber, as they were on the same horse, follow tba trail gaided by the paper, till she cams back to the main trail, and there wait for other wogons to ar rive. . This wae done, bnt the child, - was captured ftnd killed. Months after, Mrs. Kelley learned the child's fate by recognising its scalp. She 'was beaten and suffered almost nn told agonies, lo several notable in- itanoee she was made to eland face to face with death. During one of the rides through the wilderness, becoming utterly worn ont with the trials ebe had with the two horses, ehe threw away a long and favorite pipe of on old chiel She woa bound to a tree, and a Are was kindled, and while the danced around it flour ishing knives and blazing brands in the air, one of the number caught a wild horse, and tho aenteooe was that ebewes to be bound to the horse, shot to death with arrows, and her body to be left to be earned by the horse io his wild flight Trembling ' and waiting for the fatal tnomeut to cows, she betbonght herself of some ' money which she had ooneealod in ber dress. Taking this out, a roll of bills, ehe offered all to them if 'they would spare her life. Not knowing what it war. they gather ed around ber to explain the mean ing of the ngnree and writing, and in tbeir childish curiosity their f vengeaaoe was forgotten. A t another tine an arrow aimed at ber heart by . Menrued Indian, was at the last : romoot thrust aside by another In ' 3 cho wis friendly to her. And, ' ogaia, snitaw beooming angrj with ' ber, wonld hate taken her Ufa with a .' knife but for tho tlmelv interferonoe , of others, Mlow la it possible," aha was ask ed. "far yon lo cherish any feeling bat t'.:r onsi t. t thai man f" -' ' MI Cftl Uira kind! baeanse I feel llni! hnr4 tacn, They treated . Kt (!:.: ; inward the last They rrsw r. -ri r.a with absolute f i t'i, ra t 1 CjttA tma whin ( ir -" ' r Ur'ttt1.! Sit VOL. 15. them. Jnmpioj Itear wcnld bate riaked hia life any time to ie mine, and een after I einlaioed to him tbat one iran tnaat have one wife, and I was already married, and it would oflood the Great Spirit and be a great crime for me to marry any one else, he acqnienced in an arrangement that be could not an'lerntanri bettor than aome men in Washington do, who think it no barm to carry on a flirtation with eingle ladieo. Jump loir Hear ta a mnnn better unnstian and gentleman than they are. And tben I loarnod to pity thnao on tanffht aavapfea. Tbey found that I could teach them and they were do oile. Tbey found out I could niojr, and 1 could aootbe tbem. Dnrin all this time of eaptivly Mr. Kelley. aa may beanppoand, was not id lo. He organized private res cuing parties, and obtained assis tance from the army in pnrsning Indiana- Ile paid hundreds of dollars to Indiana, who promiiod to return with Mrs. Kelley, but never return ed. - Not even wore hia messages or any news of him brought to her, or her to him. At laat be dispairod, and was forced to the conclusion that alio had been killud. On the plains, with arms ontatrotched to heaven, little Mary's body was found, and, with grief added to griof be thought this, too, must have been the fate of his wife, Prom the first hour of ber captivity, to the last she never let an opportunity to escapo paas without atrial, throe several times she was ont of tlio camp, but her Uight was discovered too soon and her capture at once efTncled. At laat the Indiana docided on a great attack upon the whites at Fort Hollr. It waa determined to gather together as many hostile Indians as it wns possible to do, to send over tures to the commandant at Frt Sully for the restoration of a white squaw, to appear on a certain d.-ty before the fort in full force, esoort Mrs. Kelley iuside the stockade, and on a proconcoi tod signal ruali upou tbo garrison and massacre them. To save tho gnrrisou at Fort Sully was now Mrs. Kelloy's one thought. Female ingenuity can find no surer way to accomplish a purpose than by using the devotion of tho man that loves. Jnmpir.g Bear whs ber ru source in thia extreme hour, arid she summoned this faithful man to her presence. She asked him if he wntiu do her a lavor. An a ins reply was, of course, in the affirmative She told him that uha hud become vcrd lond of Iudinii life, and believed slio would pever leave tho Indians, if she could be sure ol some noble protec tion i then, without wailing to hear all lhat Jumping Bear had to say. told hun frankly that sho wanted to have oiie last messago conveyed to her white friends. She wished to toll them that she had choson to stay among the Iudiaua. ha 1 in fact learn ed to love them, aud wished to as sure them that she waa conteuted Bcaidoa, she wished to tell them that the Indiana were friendly to the whites, and they must nolj believe auything to the contrary, in short. she wished him to take a letter to the commandant at Fort Sully. But Jumping Bear thongbt there would be danger iu thia. She replied that ho coald easily go to the fort and back before the braves returned from hunting i that the eqeaws wished hur to stay among them end teach tbem, and they desired him to go, and wonld not apeak of bia being absent i that her white husband would have done as little a thing aa that for her with no hesitation, and now proba- bly he was dead and and she should never find one ae devoted to her again. This decided dumping near. Aa thejaithful Indian diaappeared in the shadows, departing at once on hie mission, the faithless woman went with a heart trembling between hope and fear to her sleepless conch. The end came with ioy, and soon. The letter waa delivered and put the commandant on hia guard, before Jumping Hear could bring back an answer 2,000 Indians, with war in their hearts bnt peace on their line. appeared before rort Sully. The garrison, 200 in number, stood be hind shotted guns, and the comman der requested twelve or fifteen Indi ans to approach first with their cap. tire. '1 hey entered the wan ol the fort Straightway the gatei were oloaed, the guns were rnn ont, the garrison stood to arms, and the In diane saw tbey were foiled. Toe captive wae tree I Alter a few weeks the husband came, and they were reunited in a home, happier than ever. A few years later Mr. Kelley died. and Mrs. Kelley removing toVash logtou, waa in aome measure re warded for ber services to the gov ernment and bar aufferinge during her captivity, by a handsome sum 13,000 voted to her unanimously by Congress. Bubsequeatly she re- oaived an appointment in the Patent unioe, wbiou aba hold at the pres. ut time. Hut the Indians still insist that she ought to return, and as their part of the compensation . they will give her horeee, honors, and lands, aad uuke her '(jueea of the Sious." Thv renntjlunln Kallroad ehops at Altoona are in crowded utta work thai noma of tit Wends art rt)ulred to put la eitra t'. at ' ' P a - a ' A f city tgy MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., NOVEMBER Educational- For Tkt Pvtl. COUNTY INSTITUTE -I. Monday Aftrrnonn Stuion. ' The 8nyJor County Teioliers' In stitme cooroood in theConrt-Uoiise, at Middleburg, ou Monduy, Ooto bor 22. 1877. Prof Wio Noetling, Connty Su perinlendont, callod the Institute to ordor, and anuouueed the first busi ness, the election ol vice president, secretary, nud treasurer. Nomina lions for thoso o III cos wero nude, and Win. I'. Hclmrf was elected vice president, Ira Filsou socretary, and II A. Slinnmn trensuror.- Ae ropor tors to the county papara, tlie pres ident appointed Jacob Gilbert fr the Times, VVra. II lloachler for the Post, Samuel K. Shoary for the ('our ior, and Millard K. Ilussinger for the Tribune, , After the organization bad been completed, tlio president led the In stitue in deV'tionl exorcise sing ing, readiog of acriptorea, and pray or. The raiu of the morning having considerably diminished the attend ance at the oponing, moat of tlio first hour was dovoted to singing. The singing woa followed by an address from Prof. Nootliug. lie congratu lated the touchers on their success 'iu elevating the professional work of the scbjola, and bringiug t!m Uttur abreust with the bust in tbo State. ill is true tbat mere is vol in some 'parts of county poor tonching done, especially in souio ol the dark cor ners, where tho clamor is for cheap touchers. Ju a few of tbOKO beuight ed nooka, uld-fashioned teaching is still domandod. though old'faliioued farming, old-f ishioood practising mediciiio, and the like, would uot be tolerated. To put tho schools buck to where they wero forty or fifly years ago, as some wool! like to d. would put the county, lutolleclunl! v, lower than Indian Territory. In a majority of tiio schools of tho coun ty tho teaching is i :.....n: ......I.. .1 i and the teachers nut J uot hesitate to invito couip-M'ison with the best of other counties. Much however reinaius yet to bo done, and must of it devolves npjil the tu.vhei's. The I- . I -11 I. ....1 , work, and will accomplish what yet reinaius, though it is a work of jo.ii f. Daad teachers should no louder bi tolerated. They h:ivo no more bui ' nuss atu ng live ones thuu the doud i have among thu living. The County Institute is ono oL thu lea-ling m-iaua of stirring the tench era u; to renewed energy. Here they meet to listen to the instruction of i .1... ;t i...;.. I. . , ., . . . ,, ., knn tli.iirwMvn-i infoi'iaiiil on s.11 tiici i -..'....,... . .i iU'H'U''iii' acliools. itx fact tney come ' . ... i..r i .,,. , , . . . i iiliu minl-citrtulu urn pi-it coin ! t-Bnt tun beet th.ttw known, and. I, d , Jt , ordinarily, no teacher cn alTord to , , mo,101uil .Tb , a.0 thal (bI -eiiwhanoPport.iuitjof0irnin;r. wl, v Teachers who miss these gatherings! 1 , , , . , I .1 i i Uiller otifU neg-, made Hum p-isi uil generally show it ia heir scho ,ls. uo .j , j n, h , fheir teaching is no less lame than , . u ,)Uil nol () UUir HIUUtyl'U 19 UCllJv tUilk Ul ItTfj bat of live teaohers. Teachers who atten 1 the Ina , tnte only a d iy or two can say ; . j , , , r . 0, that they were there bu nnt . - claim that they have b?eu benefited . j lh V.?T'ia,?!b,,n,i,'li. .rk ..r. hit only the eitretnely low salaries paid io some townships, keep teachers away. Men of families, receiving such sal aries as are pid in several district, cannot, ia justice to tbeir wives and children, afford to spend the money required to attend the Institutes, and yet without improving them selves with those who can avail themselves of these advantages, tbey must necessarily, in time, abandon teaching, and seek some other oc cupation; for aa the people become more and mora intelligent, they will went the beat teaching, just as they will want the best io all other re spects. The older class of teachers. who cannot improve themselves, will thus have to give way io youoger onee, and oonsequsntly the teaching will continue to be done by young persons. Tboet who art to unfortunately elrina- ttanotd at aot bt aMt It avail ihtmeelttt tt Ibt adetoiagtt affjrdel by tounty InetL lulea, have a rtatdy left ibeoa, aad lb 41 It Dieirtot, or Towoehlp Institutes. I' poo Iht holding of ihoeo ibtj eliould luelai, tt la leart all ibty taa front Ihoet wbt hart bad the meana uf Iraproeiog them, telett. No lowothlp tbould foil lo bold tbttt Beeiinfa. When well tonduoied lbe abtw ibal there It Intellectual 11 't and editoaiioaal tpirtl ia a dintriri. T toavintt any tut of Iht naoual ef good tbty bate dent where Ibey hart been held, lei blin for Iht purpoat tt tomptri. toa, vlall Ibt aobtola of two tdjoiuing dit Irlola, Ibt tat of whlob bat bad tbtut and Ibt tlber sol. Ltiblm, for IniUuet, tout- par lb. blt tf Weal Perry wltb tboet f ftrryTUott tf Vaioa with iboet of Waebingtoa. ll It nol dealed ibal ibert bat beta luproveatnl ta all ibt lownehip of Ibt tounty, but ll tt far wort ataaUett la Ihoao thai bat bad laalittttt. than ia tbeat Ibtt bavt ao4 bad tbem. To bt tf Ibt sroaltel fotelblt btaett,lbtef atttl- lugi tuoultl bt tteniim y tja leaeaero, tbt tilrotiora, tad ibt eitittaa, and le beet attati fur ibt lieproveatal wl Ibt obtvlt dlttutttd aat etelttdj. Oibtr etetnt fur Ibt latprevtatat af ibt tavbtre and Ulettlwra, at well at all oth er iniereaied la tbt tuet tf tduriiou, tie evbmd tt tdueiol luaraaia. N ftaaeylvaala tttueatar abould fail it road i bt tilutni loan) Journal f bis ta etate, lis tbtuld, II poeaiblt, va4 atbtta l, bui ibis sat bt tbtuld nt tie wlibtai, It will beep hia Baattti ae wbal it da U bit ewe emit, tbtta tdutailuaal efgaa betb atlwalait end tatearag ibuta wbt rtae ibtw, Ttatbtva ba tllbtt a aw a taaaol avail ibtattlvtt af ibtoe aitaa iafuttttattee, eaaaw) tipet la lata a biMM ekib all lbs lapitvtaual la ibt itetblea sad waaatlat ef waaaala, Uai t tf I- .- w After Iht Puprrinitmltnl ha l ronrlii'l-d blartmtikt. Ttmpnrsry Otg inltvlon tf Stboolt wot dieitJ. Iltmrv A. slni. mn. iht I ml tprakrr, rrlttrd Ik lnViul. Ilrt htmH in optnins hit flrnt tchoul, nn aronunl of not knowiog wbtt lo (lo. Ilr Uiil riswn a Ion lltl of rules lo bo nh tervftl by hit pupllt. Now hit only rut l, " uo rlihl, t,.l lo notninr jrnu ni-iittt lo bo wrong." lit prrmiit hit pupil I) leel Iheir own sesi. on Iht firm ily of rlinol. After Ibry bore their etolt telrot eil and srt test l, htnp n ichool. Ile eisnilne his 4itpil In tht Itrtnekoo lbr wln lo eiiwv. to to n this lo tlnxtre tliem. "Ktery Irsrlier," k eojrs. 'lOiilil try to nmko a fsfnrslilo impre-tion upon his pupil Iht Orel ilnjr or trhonl. Irs Kilmid enntiniinl Iht eiilijeol. lit reqniree hie pupllt lo rnp kl Iht door, jul tbey would ticfure enirruif sny olbrr hnime. A eoon on a rap It brsrd, ont of tho p'l pilt titling neor Ihtdtior. open snd sd mitt tho nnt I bnt rapped. In Ihi wtf clil'dren learn politenee. Ititteod nf get ting Ibt navel ol lilt pupil mmaeir, Dt hta ont nfiliera do It. Mr. O ll Uiktlca ten apokt on tbtxibject. Ho heart bit pupila rrolie in elsaaea, In Iht forenoon, in all tlie hMnohea, and then If poiaible, la Iht aflernoaa olaeeieAs Ihem. KKI'ORTRIl. Where Noah Landed. The London Spt-'VUor, speaking of tba recent successful ascension of Mount Ararat by Mr. Dryco, says i "Mr. liryco lias given to the world a wonderful word-picture of that amazing and awful spectacle, of that 'landscape which ia now what it was before man crept forth on the earth, tho mountains which stand ubont the valley us they stood when the volcanic tires that piled thorn up were long ago extinguished i' but he could not tell us what were bis thoughts, his feelings there, what the awe and yearning that came over him iu that tremendous solitude, where 'Nature sits enthroned, so rmioly calm, anil speiks to h-sr chil dren only iu the storm aud earth quake that level their dwellings in the diiht ' "His vision ranged over the vast expanse within whono b iuiiJ-t are the chain of llio Caucasus, dimly iu iiiii lo out, but Ivib-ii k, Klhriiz. and ..,! 7...1 i,i.,il!the mountains of Ungbeatan visible, with thn line of the Caspian sea up on t!iu hoi iz in i ) the iiorili the Ihuo extinct vnlcuiio cf AIu Giiz. I wh.-o p aks inclosn a shut l.iv liw-' tinni . i ii-j i. .',,. ... Kiivao, with the nlvtr liver MiuJiug through iti westward, tho Taurus raugus ; an.l northwest, the up;vr valley of the Araxe, to bo tr:ted hs Aui, tho ancient cipitnl of thu A'tinMihiti It'ii. tin' uT' i Kii-- 'siuti r.utrfsa of Ah-x m Ir-p il. ami : thu hill wli-ru Ivtr.i nhl id po c'i-l ul 'i-i.oujli when tin Into t-lnulnr I"' V je I "hi upn lli s wumli-rlul s "C'rl-. While it us urowmg ut-mi ton. out uueid iii niainliui-noe, out it .. . ."""r,, honil).ily. 'wtt.lo lb) ey. ( - . t . I'lCIUtllt. WUi IliiStj tbtilled tliioug ... I .... ' ' I . m aor.uA . 'T lUO t.U'1' II Bt wcg ew- wae as) 'wi caoio mouuuia like Artrat, who iron in the rocks. The d-scnt wu nude in tatcty, l ut by ;tbt lime Mr Brvc came in titit ol iht spti, jel far elf, where his friend hai halted uho tun.bad got behind tho so'ith western, ridge of the mountain, in J hit glgsotie figure htd fallen sco-s Ibe grtst Araxcs plslo bo low ; abut the red naounta'O' of Modie, far in the southeast, etitl grwed rJ Kr thaa ever, thea tumeJ ewiftiy to s tplnndid purple ia the dying l'bt ' 'At U o'eleek he reacbel 'he 11 vouto anj rejoined h"' friend who mat bay looked w'nh ttrtogt le I iog Into the eves which bJ looked opoo Su-h wonilries tights since sun-rite- Thrto days later Mr Bryce w kI the Artnenito monastery ef Klchaiiidzia. near ibe northern foot of Ararat anj was presented to tbo archimandrite who rule ibe boose. 'This F-ngli-bmsn.' eiJ the Anue man geDilemso who ai acting at inierpreter. savt h b-i asitaJcJ'lo Ih top cf Mis' (Ararat). Tb venerable roan mi!l wely, end replied with geuile tJicieivtuoe, 'That csnoot be. Noose Las ever been there. I' i tui possible.' ' How to Cuooas a Wira. "A place for everything, and everything io ita place,' aaid a patriarch to bia daugh ter. "Select a wife, my son, who will never step over a broomstick ' The son was obedieut to the lesson, Now," said he plaaeeuUy, on a gay May day to one of hie companions 'I appoiut that broomstick to ohooae me a wife. The young lady who will not step over it shall have the offer ol my hand." They passed frotc the splendid saloon to the grove. Sum etnmUed over the broomstick, and others jumped over it At length a young lady stooped and put it in ita place. The uroauiee wen tolnlled one Uwanve the wife of an educated and wealthy- y 04104 eaan, and he tb haabaad f a prw tvt induetiiouaand lovelw wife. Ha Urwaght a fofteee ta h aad eh knew how to save ee w not easy to tteeidw which we node wni;?, tgr CLOTHK nt MEN'S SUITS formerly sold Sl'LKNDID all wool snits FINE caasimere suits all woo! COAT. PANTS, and Boys' 130YS good tchoot euitt toly taepimcre aunt " lot Sunday suite "Vo hnvo it Inrsror AHNot'tmont ti IIVI'M & CVI'H than ever before. Jrieen Lower tlmu over, Over Coals for Jllcnand Hoys, Cheaper than ever Offered. All vc nk is to Conic and Sec- I0 SOT FORGET THE PLACE. WEIS V OPPENHILIER, above Keystone Hotel, ScliiiSwrrovp. FALL OPE at NOW would mott n-wpoptl till.v niiiioimeo t the piillie tlint I Iwive.jiiNt opoiii'il t lie lui'ue t and mtN comple nsiit niiit t IIt"' (i()()l)S4 NOTIONS AND FANCY t OO !?, ever t)rou;Iit to thiw county. I,VltC. 12 VAHII2TY Ol1 FELT SKIRTS, HOISERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, A FULL LINK OF TII12 I JUST Oermantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladies and Child ren's Underwear A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS u-liich T selected with care a.i to price and ual:ti. J lri Good Depart ment embraces all Hit staple goods snch as Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, calicoes, muslins Flannels, Waterproofing. Shirting, etc. In taltort m.vtoclc in full ami complete in e v eryt hiny: uppertulniii to my Hue Ectrybtxt; U iueiUil to cull ami nxamiin my tjjd. Courdvui atten tion ytc to all tcit may facvr rie Wot. 1C T3. NEW HARDWARE S T 0 11 E . Middleburj, Penn'a. Tatt-ltetM4wvll Ibi.tlan af MkfclWtolM l .H'f.u ll ilUlrKM ! be a vuad HrJr Wf l lkiw MllktrlliliiMtil UilU wtll kev U1I iat tilbladawl sUnei. bMluaum Uey 4 arlt Urlviwre TRIM MINUS, 8ADDUSRY. Ilbtw Fitdiwct. tibe. 0U yiad tadMtnteai ia sM BUHDrQ HARDWARE tUaKSk UlSOMk CRK& NAIL. lt A lr AawMttweal rt Cna !!) tow hi a (tyad. MiMMk Tlv ac-bjiibut Ovala tUtt, Uji . rwll4ia 4-a 11UKN, Or AVi tltW ewattaatli t h4 AUt!tlr.ij t-wt4 ITvk-wv VU wht at U e4 4 kiadi tf Haedear till U wlt bj talihta at ibU ,iv ' - W At AH Til UOt alCKatw. MidlejWteasV'avlfv f iv. LOfttveielwf ttae mtj.. 29,1 1877. NO. 28. YOU CAN BUY HALF IMS ICE, at tc 00 7 00 8 00 for VEST for V 50 and an OVER COAT in tho bargain. Clothing a Specially. T M IiOY 9 all wont mil A 10 " all wool fine enilt 7 t " finer Sunday tui-t e rrnia Fancy Store, opposite tho Keytsone Hotel.) :Ms(iRovi:, i.v. I STOCK or NS& FANCY GOODS TII.V1N UVUH. cit a titW. S. WK1S. READ! HEAD HEAD!!! Dan'l Ilackciibur. Mavti ii, 'fiut. rtJor ia Hardware, Tinware. Stoves &c Also 9F0rriSC aue al thort nolice, uu rtraoxHuable Ut u aud aiiUafu:lviry aiawnvr. Mr I am Bitty prepared k ftjr- oh all kiuiht of UarUwiirw, liuwujw, Hovvt, Jte. at the ry towwt riav l.AH in mtifi of Tinware or SHxuit ttK vr aaylUuiM ele iu my Hue hu tiuasM, ill ao rvKryl it ey e-saiwtuK aiy gjixl autl Ucum bujyf yiMvbaaiu laeweecws AM-1 Tt. UMINT Olav VH baaMiHwli aNwank Tt-4aaI. Sali.1 twittjktaa OAs. Www TIII4 POST. Oil. fnMtsheri erery Thursday Evening JBRBMIAB CBOTJUB, Prop- . Tetrrna of Snhwftnntinsv TtVO DOl.LA RA PER ANNUM. Par- a I ile within ait montha, or $2.Jj01fnot paid within the year. No paper di-. conlinued until all arrearnuee are paid nnloaa at the option of the (ul. Bubtrription outside of the ooanty PAVABLR Iff ADVANCE. ItjrIVreonB lining; and using papean addressed ' others iMTomeauUrriliera and are linhle f irlhe price ofthepnper nt now $5 0J 6 60 6 00 0O lo 00 1100 1100 l'i 50 13 00 only II ... . w . ForTEIt. k ATJor.xnr at la ir. Solinsgrore. Pa , Ct'fTt h'n prnfe-4-ionsl "Tici' tt pul.Iie. A'l lf l hutnett etr'i'e i enre rrr.;r t mmpt ai'enlioi. (' ine lo-r V ibt Lntberaa Clu. ii'j. lib J. THOMSON BAKER, Attoi'iie,vntLnir Lwithurg, Cniut Cn . tdr-Can bt eoen!r.I in the En:'! lermtn ltn( fifFII'K i-kt Street, oojoe i MaiiU 4 i.'j'e S'ort KANAWKL. AM AND 8C!MVV lenlreillle, anyder C'i.. I tftfr- hie prufeeionl teretcee tc .luli'ie- ti--I r?AIUJJOLNr HOfSR. V ntxiratv.r . .. Nlitltlleburtr, IUVIN SMITH, rsurrinou Tui ban- it it ('met praiinl'Tio i. iepoi an i bit Utely bees rehmli n I Atiel. Roi-sie eummodiout tlie labile uppV- 1 wnU tiit Svet tlie Drkei alar 1 1 term iudrtt. II tleo keep a cite tieery. br b rw. hufte S . taa b btl a. t. timet asd at rtitblt ri. tpr-ur ':: R. J. Y.SUINDEL, SCRtiEOS AM) PHrStCU. iliddlnbary, t'a. )Gt hi- prrioB ttrvit tt He t.l lent f MrjJlejiwj tad 101 nr. Ur0 il ';? ; a. w t tzll. Justice of the Peac IU!.trCournt SujiUr Co., t.. X'l bia J of uulleciioue mn&f en U leraia. Prjinatly tit en it It nit a- rnii ia bia tar. Una . it. lv t: c k . Df tH5 Ptacs ni CDiiTsvsaMf. eutiiu Ciete. iydts ... Ci'W'ifiM id all itaia ,rtajnia U n ul Jum4)cwi u&e ITB Ui ita iw art autih ttkfM, t4 liirai tuuti. lotto ti'.u ,e S. ALLEMAN & SON r to its a is At la i. tSeliiip;roY4 lu. AH prvfeaaioaal huaintat ad ti-nji! ' tutnuted la ihi wr, will ba .- ' iitaadt. Csn bt toatatlttd in ka.ia. tt Uruiaja Ottto. Mrbt 94f. Usticax ATOTtC. la herthy nitta a!t -. 1 k tb aadarwaml. so la irevnut. ties ei. aur orr, eji ue htleaaji wwl, .a,, fe.-jj--'!. tt-tnus ewJm avaitiai. 4 v au.. . il cmmm m wUMtain w ill a:-- Jua il4..lH.T. Vt t or ieyaA.tLaft,r AW JhHiH L'luun CVarely. f t Cnn a aaMalta4 at awatUta at Neat4e, aiaji aw Ufct.W JUXULA&vtJ AtttreJb?jf at Jr VISTJUQ'jrATTQJVt: f . ytsntislneaA sssenass istsntiai- ..- mmm f n D emtaa -ti-x hih ll i III ...V V-vi-JJ1Hhi!l vats aasaiinHlttai ia'xib.Aa.eMMti J ,1. "( '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers