ortiMlntr Hatei. , kdnmn one year, k.ir rol n inn, one mr, jw.iu fo-rth column, one year, 13.00 'tens (10 lines) 1 Insertion 7 5.00 2.50 IS caviar) .Ittitinrml Insertion, ifa-nal end Business cards of mors then 6 lines, ner year, tor, Eecutr, Administrator i A'iRnw Notices, lj.i nniicee twr line. r.jniaenicnt8 for ft shorter te- lisn one year are payable at the h are onlemU end M not peid traon ordering them will ue held libie lor tarn niiieT. "poetry. Tha Farm' Wifa. earn In frnaj taa S14 4f i at- m aie war wit. ki w - c f tka lee I ' Fnr kwe, Aa4 kafcaa, A 4 lal mnmm. ill for IM food rili tea. aatMrHea S-ra bl rHla-il elf Vi V k" aidfraf iu line, "i,,n ai ar ha.. lU;al rr W atfcaad toad f Ff aa -aaai nan, I an aw Draii, ana man mm, I M iM Soma. VOL.15. Attah A ad an twite trlall mil III" w Ml c WteM will BinB wtbj iaraBr BB H-i. at aaaa. taaaS (rUk afcoal t " ZLm ktuM lew Ji-a. ,TiLTk mm kraralf f r Um t"4 of Ma ; Aa k , A ad ka bare, au fa im e f Ik rial 1 Mala. aklai taaktwklf Ik wtf, -.!.- o , Ik milk Makli T. ul. Aim hail stoat. IW c , . . . fcadaar Ba wm miwnB,n "TO I TminfiaMwi), c M c Ta l lit, a V aaks AM aaaa-j aaaa. All la Ik lake at M a. lia'T a Ike main- kat east,. .uni aaa aaa. , aa mn v .aa-a. .kiM tart Ik M akW Ma, fa-ilka waatM'" i-w n ".fa in Tkaagk ka ,. Aad k koS Aa a -. rota CMa tka wS af Ik Uad. AaJ la kali lb aoek. Aa1 lb era.ll la rank. Alt t lit f "t tka kia. av taltkM aifk, Mam aaa k aaa. r.bu k barJaa a Ikai'a arvar A aaa I ,wa I aa raal kaf U aa , iaf afl Ika kaaaa maal wark aaar i f fT to aianil Ibafrrvt, Vbaa aatnma la kara. wllk lla fkllllnf Mut, fat fcriaar gatnr nia ttti taw I If ara ara run, aw awi.ia ara aarv, ji 11 load of lk Ua4 ka kalk Mrt, WhIU II Mnaa, A ail II annara, Till aliiur , Ra rta I rat I ha work af Ik Ia4, Wlkllll Wlfk. Mil Ufa' rlmla aa, i. tkarhllaraa'f saiiic-. tka MaiMal' al i irmaaal I tt aaa ha kar kat. t alii aalk ala raa l kar fart . rurimriHna Col a tka raat, i Wllk lb klaat, I Ik fatajar kaatta'f kaat. 4 e loot T a 1 o n I. aoianea af a Hiddan Haart tAel hi aovsr mmied he hie riehee without coiupin i be h(l not relative in L A har t, ee'fih, Rr'P . L I I L.- I ... i a 1, wnuimi vj n" mo, nu.a m- I onlr becanee of bia great pita of hie p jwer to i worUl waa none t!io bet iorl Steele's eiiaUnce. j in Milfbrd remsmbored e as other tliao Uie mienr , to Jay i for fifteen years he .in a cituon or tlm town, an I iimire, oitbor for better or wora come over hiui, iu a moral poiut lew. His frarilenoi Iret'n Hall were e fiuost for score of miles t tin- How pess aid luieions nccUriiian Mowed on its walls, tho uii?:itlior 'i?rip purple 1 on trollison, and schoolboy's daring hands disturb the ripe treasnros. Mr. Steul's forest dug, rinto, was ai seimu as I his msster, and as savajjo as his I master, and his cruel teeth wore always raady to inflict summary 1 punishment oa all depro latois. One aniet afternoon, as Mr Steele sit on t ie piazza, gazing out on the urosit acres or Ireton, Ins eve mil on two littlo children coming down the road, band in band, Tbey arrived in front of the gardens, and cast wistful looks .at the damask roses which hnng over the quaintly carved Rile. For a moment they convers ed together in subdued voioes, and than tbey turned in at the lion guarded gateway, and went slowly no toe avenne. An ansrry scowl contracted the brow of Mr. Steele at this no won ted intrnsion, and be half rose from bis seat aa if to drive away tha an wel come guests. Tbey were the first children who bad ever dared to tres psss on the estate of Ireton Hall. Tbey came fearlessly np to the piazza, still holding each other's hands. Tha eldest was a boy of per naps twelve years, a brave noble lit' tls fellow, with brown eyes, and dark, glossy hair. The otherjwas a girl i she could not have been more than nine summers old, and beauty like hers is seldom seen save in some old, rare pictures. Tbe sight of her face struck a strange thrill to the heart of Hichard Steele, and involantarily he bent down to look at her. She waa fair Ma water lily, aavs the crimson which tinged her lips, and leaped at intervals to her white cheeks. Her eyes were deep and blue, and uer natr like ripples of molten gold touched by . sunbeams. . Both tbe ebudren wore tnonrnlnir trarmauts. cheap and course, but neat as human nwas could make them. The little aid spoke first i "Please, air, will you give brother nu me tome rosea i. The tone waa musical and aweet aa harp notea, bat the rich msn' eoantenanoe grew hard and eold. He pointed to the highway. "Be off T be ezolaimed. "I do not raise flowers for beggars." How the dark eyee of the boy flashed I and he waa abont to make some sharp answer, but the pressure " oe girl s fingeraoa bis arm eneoksd him. we are not begjars,' she said, calmly, "bat oar mother Is dead, and s ara orphans. She loved tbe roe ".aadws loved thsm, too. PI SiHastta aeieee. Ik will i rood to rcj Cowers one more.' "U -t ( i cot raUa-e ?Wa3 r MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., NOVEMBER 22, 1817. NO. 27. THIS I'OST. Pitblltineti every Tbtwsttef Kvetirnf jEaaMiAQ cHOTjga, Terras of KnbscnptioTf, rworxn.i.ARsrKR ANNUM. Taf able vithin sis months, or C.iJDo paid within th year. 5j paper Uav continued until all sirewrawes are neirf unless t the otlloo cs Us pmm lUber. BuberriiHlnns rratuld of tfje StSjalf PATABljR 1.1 ADVARCI. arernone lifting and using papers addrcaned nthra become mibacriliere and sre linble f irthe prico of the paper him with an espression strangely tender and tltyiog. and it aunoyed him worse than anything else to be . wny do you look at me in tuas way V he demanded, harshly. Hecanse I am sorry for yon, she said, aweetly. "Yon are old, and aad, and all alone. -, Where are your children !' "I have none,' he answered, and wondered at the same time why he did eo. "Nona I Have yon no little girl to sit on yoor knee, and call yon papa f m sore l pity yoa vary noon I "Haroph I' -Bat 1 do I Indeed I do I It mnst be dreed fal not to love any body. Did yoa ever have anybody to love yon T" A spasm or pain snot athwart tne rigid face of Richard Steele, and his UJI frame quivered, it might be with airony or anser. one eonld not do- cide from bis words. He pushed the child way. "lo another word I I wi 11 not listen I Good heavens I that lips like tbose should ask mo that question I "x'ardon me I did not mean to hart yonr feelings. You loved somebody, and heaven took her a- way. Was it yoa sister T Ab, yes I and memory Hew back to that gentle, fair-haired chil l who bad olnng with soft arras to his neck, and kissed with warm lips bis cheek. His litUe sister Uay 1 How well be remombored her, as she looked the last time be saw her face, lying cold and catm, like marble, in the shadow of a coffin. Yes, ho remembered May, and bis eyes grew moist wifli somethiug like a tear, but it was a strange visitant, and be dashed it away. Yet that tear was not given to May she bad been for yeara s ife in Heaven i it was given to another, whose bright eyes seemed to be looking at him oat of the orbs of tbe little girl beforo him. He bent down over her, and scanned her features closely. Then asked, "My child, what is yonr name " Violet Gray." Tbe man smothored a cry of sir- prise, and bis lace grew strangely pala, even in the ruddy light of sun set It must have been a straugo emotion, indeed, which eonld thus stir tbe boart of Richard Steele. Presently be said t And what was yonr mothers name before ahe married f ' Violet Dale." "And she ia dead !" lie spoke the wordV- in a"Tep whisper, as though foaiing to nttor them. "Slio ia with the angels." A silunce fell upon tho group, broken only by the suppressed sobs f tbe girl und the hovy brethin? of the man. Winn he again addressed her his voice had tuken a softness which none iu Milford bad ever beard in its measured cadence. "And this boy is your brother t" "Yes, my brother Hichard.'' "Richard f For whom was he named thus T" Mr- Steolo asked the question breathlessly, with an earnestness very straugo and foreigu to bis stony nature. "For a schoolmate of my moth er And this schoolmate's name do you remember it T" "it was Kichard Steele, sir. How the oold fuoe lighted up, and the stern mouth grew almost tender a-i this proof of tbe power of the old love was given uim. "Did Violet did yonr mother ev er mention this Richard Steele to your The boy came forward and repli ed t "His name was tbe lost on her lips when she died , and, two days before she left us,' she gave me a letter which I was to put into his own band and we are searching for bim, my sister and I, and, when we have found bim, wo are going to live with a cousin of my father's in Portsmouth." Yon need look no farther for Riohard Steele, my boy i he is before you! Come into the house, and give mo the letter.' l ueeiuidren followed bun into the great parlor, and calling the aaton isbed housekeeper, he bade her pre pare them some refreshments , then receiving tbe packet from the boy, he went up stairs to his chamber, 1 closed and looked the door, and aat down in the arm chair by the win dow. He held tbe letter some time in his hand, gazing intently on tbe superscription, whiob he eonld scarcely discern for tbe mist that dimmed his eyes. At length be kissed the writing and gently broke tbe seal, wmoh tbe flogers of tbe dead bad fixed. The contente of the sheet were as follows i Richabd Steele i Now that I am dying, it will wrong no one to confess what has hitherto been kept a secret in my bosom. Yoa believed me false and fickle i yoa dispised all women because of me, and I have suffered yoa to go on in ignorance, while all the time my heart ha been alowly 'breaking for want of yoor love, when you left me to go out into tbe world In search of fortune, my love for yoa wronged Heaven I I wae an idolater, and yoa, Richard, were my idol Bat if my love waa strong, my pride was siroeer. and when yoor lettere, af tzt rrowlp less frequent, ceased el .r t, I t?r-:t u errUaatioa of Oeorgia Dale, my step-mother, was my counsellor, and beoatiae I listened to her my whole life has been sbipwreckod. She it was who first wbinpered in my oar the story ot yonr derotedness to a fair heirl ess she it was who brought me the letter containing the tidings of yonr marriage. Oh. Riohard, Richard I who shall picture to you tbe dttys of agony which succeeded T D it for my pride, I should bare lost my roa son I Well, after that, Charles Gray sought my favor i my step mother approved of bim, and I perjured my self at God's altar. Too late I learn ed the truth t It Wis all a vile plot of Oeorgia Dale's J I stood between her and you i but for mo she hoped to win your love. You know tbe re sult i her plot was a failure. Yon find from the country, hated me in your heart, and never gneeing that the smiling bride of Charles tiray cast out a thought after you. Seven years ago my hneband died, aud during those intervening years I have enrnad my own and my child ren's bread by the labor of ray hands. Only once in that time have I look ed on your face.and then yon thought ine hundreds of ratios away i but my was potent, and I journeyed, on fo t and about, a hundred leagues to soo you once more. You wore walking in the garden, and tho woman you turnel aw.iy when she asked for a draught of wa tor was Violet Dale I would dot reveal mvsulf to yoa t it is buttor as it is. Aud now ilea von bias, you, Uiohard Htoul I I have lovod you long, and you only t and in Huiiveu where I am going, there is noither marryiug and giving in marriage t meet me there. Violet Qiiay. He finished the nunuscript, and, bowing his f.ice Upon the oen sheet, the long pent sorrow of bis heart buret forth in tors tears s ich as only ono like him can she 1. The closed chamber was oponod at last, the do'ible granite dors were roll el back, and the angle, of tender memory flew iu and took up their a bode there. Violet Dale I tho softoyod girl whom ho Ind loved with the fros'i oess of bis youth nn 1 tho favor of his manhood t Violet, who h id made bis whole. life a failure 1 An 1 yst she had been innocent i bofore tho tribunal of his judgment h!io was blameless Yet she was dea l that mattered this loug -deferred discov eryit was too Into now I Too lute for her, but not too late for bur chil dren. Tuoy should be his, and he would be thuir father. An I it was even so. Richard and Violet Gray went forth no moro from Ireton Hull i hono'jforth their homo was with the early frioud of thuir moth er. Unbouned was tha surpiitto in Milford when it was known that Mr. Steelo had adopted two strange chil daen t but still greator was the ns toninhuient whon, on tho following Sunday, tho rich man walko 1 into church, leadiug tbe orphans, one on either side The good work was be gun, aud it wont on until Richard Steel's whole uature was revolution ized. Years afterwards, while be lay ou his .death bed, loving aud grieving frinds were around bim, and at tho very last be fancied ho saw tho face of bis lost Violot hovering above the oonch. And at his funeral there were few dry eyes, far tbe poor had loarued to bless his bounty, and the sick and distressed offered up bis name in their prayers. And, tboreforo, aay not that be cause men are harsh and cold there is no oasis in the desert, for in every human heart, however strong, there is a fountain of sweet water, and happy is be who breaks the flinty barriers and allows the stream to gush forth. Thanlisfllvlftf; Day. A BOCLAT10M. The completed circle of snromcr and winter, seed-time and harvest, . . . M a,, n, YOU CAN BUY MTHIO! Hates or Travel In a single second a snail travels one fivo-thousandth of a foot t a fly, five feet i a pedestraln at ordinary gait, five and three-tenths feet i a camel, six feet I an ordinary breeze, ten feet ; a run ning stream, twelve feet a trotting horse, twelve feet a whale, twelve and three-tenths feet i a fast-sailing ship, fourteen feet ; a reindeer with a sledge, twenty-five feet a steam- engine, twenty-mno feet i a skater. thirty six feet i an iSoghsb race- horse forty-one, feet a tempest fif ty feet t a balloon, fifty feet i a swiftly-thrown stone, fifty feet ; a grey hound, seventy feet i an eaglo, ninety-five feet i a carrier-pigeon; four hundred and eleven feet i ordinary' sound, one thousand and twelve feet i a musket-ball, one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine feet t a twenty-five pound cannon ball, two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine feet j a point of tbe earth on the equator, two thousand four hundred and fifty-one feet , the cen tre of the earth aroond tbe eon, four miles a ray of sou-light, forty-one thonsand feet Taa Chinese language ia spoken by about 850,000,000 people. The Roglisb language is spoken by from 80,090,000 to 85.O00.0QO. . Ooklaoaitb Maid baa been retired by bar owners, leaving the throne of queen of the turf vacant Her time (3:14 k the fasteet on record and her total wiaalns-s are upward of a -" rtrr cf a tsin ttoUaira, been a I IlbUlUI HWiv week a ewft freea wide territory of our oouotry, vtith 11 its diveisity of soil and climate aud products, tbe earth has yielded a bountiful return to tho labor of husbandman. The health of the people has boen blighted by no pre valent or widespread diseases. No grunt disasters of shipwreck npon our coast or to our commerco on tho seas have brought loos and hardkhip to luercuauts ami mariners and clouded the happiness of tho commu nity with syiupathutio sorrow. In all that concerns our strength and peace aud greatness as a nation i in all thai touches the permanence and security of our government and the boneliuiout institutions on which it rests' i in all that affects tho charact er und dispositions of our people und tests our capacity to enjoy and uphold the equal taud free condition o( society uo.v peruianuut and uni versal throughout the land, tho ex perience of the hiHt year is couepicu outtly marked by the protuuliug pro vidence of God und is full of prom ise uud hope for tho coming genera tions. Uudur a sense of tliese iuli uito obligations to tho Great Ruler of times uud seasons and events, lot us humbly ascribe it to our own faults aud fiuilitie.4 if, in any degree, Unit perfect eoooord uud huppiueesi, peaee und jutitico which such great inuicies should dilluno through tbe lniu:ta uu 1 livi's of our people do not ulto0'uthur aud always uud every where prevail. Let Ud, with one spirit and with one voice, lift up praise and tliuukugiviug to Uod fur ilia mauifold gooduus to our land uud lim luau.fvst cure for our uu- tiuD. Now, tberoforo, I, Itutiiorford I). Ilnye, Preuidunt of tbe United Sute, do- appoint Tburtidiiy tho 2J-.U day of November us a day of uttiouul thanksgiving aud prayer and I caiueatly recommend ttiat, withdrawiug themselves from hccu" lar cares uud labors, tbe people of tho United Status do moot together cu that day iu tboir respective plucks of woibbip, there to givo thanks aud praiHu to Almighty uod for Ilia mer cies aud to devoutly beseech their continuance lu wituuss whereof I have boreun to sot my baud aud caused the seul of the Uuited States to be aflixed. Done at the city of Washington, thin tweuty-niuth day of October, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred und seventy-seven aud of the independence of the Uni ted States the oue hundred aud sec ond. 11. B. Haves, By tbe President i Wm. M. Evahts, Secretary of State. Intloence,-How little do people in general Ihiuk of the influence of things at the time of their ooour rence especially of tbe influence of littlo thiugs. But this ia not so very singular, when we redact that no t nnfrequently man no more knows what becomes of bis influ ence and example than does the flower know what becomes of its odor which is wafted away npon the passing breeze. Great duods pro duce great results but little every day occu rrances seem too trivial to be of weight or durability, aud tbe common bat dangerous sentiment, thrt such an event will make no dif ference a hundred years hence, creeps nubidden into our hearts. The thunder and lightening attract more attention then tbe silent dew, but do they accomplish more good T Truly, life is made np of little things. Jt was a mother's kiss which made a renowned paiuter of Dsn jamia West. A degrad ed drunk ard was induced to sign a temper ance pledge i but not being strong enough to keep it, bo fell. A sec ond time be signed it, and this time with lleaveu's help, he kept it. And from so weak a beginning arose the philanthropist, John U. Oougb, How much nnoappineea use peon caused, bow many lives have been oloued by an unkiud wordl A pebble dropped into the brook makes at first a small ripple, but the next mo ment a great ripple is observable, aud still a greater each succeeding one eatending farther than tbe for mer, nntil tbe entire surface is af fected thereby.. Tbns may a man be a blot, spreading bis dark influ enoe to the very circumference of so ciety, or be may be a blessing, radi ating bensfloeuoe over the length and oredtb of the land but a blank be cannot be. For every word, ev ery aet, however trifling, affects ei ther ourselvea or others exerting aa influcboe wa know not hew eodu- nt HALF PRICE, nt Wefio & ppQlflIllelu1ruel, mm MEN'S SUITS formerly sold SPLENDID all wool suits FINE cassimere suits all wool at ta for i it i $G 00 7 00 6 00 bow COAT. PANTS, and VEST for $7 60 and an OVER COAT b the bargain. Boys' Clothing a Specialty. is no 6 o1 600 000 10 00 11 00 It CO 12 60 13 00 U0T3 good aehool mill ' eaaatmrr, tail ' tn Sunday suits eoly f 9 AO D0Y3 kit wool mils 6 CU " all wool flna (tills 7 6o " finer Sunday mill UM S 60 9 Wolmvo iv Lurgor AiMorfmiit ol HATH Sc CA.IH thttn ovor bcloro. JLrlceM Lower than over. Over Coals forJtlenand Hoys, Cheaper than ever Offered. All wc nk Is 'to Conic mid Sec, DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE. WEIS & OPPENHIMER, opposite Keystone Hotel, Selinsrovee C$ AMIS) FALL OPENDNG! at this New York Fancy Store, (In Holmes' new builiding, opposite tho Kcvtsone Hotel.) l.AliCilClt HTOCK OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY GOODS now mivrs i:viiii. vonld mowt rpHpoctfully announpo to the public that 1 luivojiiHt opened the lai'tret nixl moH r. eontplmo nMwortment of Jlt"' tJXlH, NOTIONH AM) FANCY UOODH, over hrouffht tc this coiliit,V. W . POTTER, ATlonXlJV AT LAW. Solinagroro. Pa , 0"frliln -ifiifM'Innal (rlur Is Inn pul'lio. Ml K'ral bn-lneaa tutriite' tVt or i will receif f roropl allfnlioo. Cllic onilonrhoT lb Sow Lulbcrsa CLurobi July, lib '73. J TlloMPSON BAKER, Vttorne.v-at-IJ.a-aWa, U'Winhtirg, Union Co., TS Sr0sn be consulted In lbs EntMlih nsrl (Jeriimn liingungca.-iil OFFICE Markal StresI, opfoslta u!'.l m i I U A Ca's Si ore 8 ; T J- F - rilYPIC IAN LAltOli: VATRI13TY Ol'1 FELT 6KIBTS, H0ISERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, A FULL LINK OF THIS JIISNT Germantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladies and Child ren's Underwear A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS which I selected with care as to price and quality. Mij Dru Goods Depart incut embraces all the staple goods such as Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels, Waterproofing, Shirting, etc In Hhort myMtoch i full nnd complete in S v eiy thiiiar appertnininur t my line E vertbod ij itinvittolto call anil examine my gootlt. Courteous atten lion given to all who may favor me with a rait. jiespeciruui, Oct. 16, 73. ' Ma WlilN KANAWKL, AND 8CR0E0V, Centres llle, Snyder Co., I'mj OfTers Lis prufsssionkl ssrrlots lo it l.ubllo. 0 38lf I'AIKMOUKT JlOtJSH. WEAR THE DEPOTi MhUlletntrpr ln IHVIN SMITH, 1'RorwEToa. Tbis lioutsl in eloss proiimliylo US depot nnd bas lulely ba rsbuilt and r. filled. Rooms eonnnoilioiis lb labia wall uppllad wiib lb hast lbs marhst affords .. I Irrma modern!. IU aUo kvepi it Aral eUu iuty. hot horaea, buiea &d., flan b bad SI ail limts nnd at renlonubls rales. spratf '7t. NEW (HJARDWAEE STORE. Hiddleburj, Penn'a. Th gdrlKSd WouM loronfl (b nllas of Mldillabarar. aad aarmuailln; dlalrlet tbal b hu oaB4 a Hardaar 8tor al lb alma matluoil iilasaaa'l Inal ka will kp a lull lis at all klads ol ilardwar. looludlof lleavr ft Shell llartlsvare, TRIM MINOS, 8ADDLERT, 8ho FindidfS, Lealber. Ml. Aptelsl laduotaBts la ej BtnLDI'G HARDWARE LOCKS. IIINOB8, 8CRKW8, NAILS, As. A Larf AssoTlratnt ef Cast Steel Sbo Is k Sparfas, Hoes. Oardea Taols, sebvikss Orsla Bakes, llayllopas. Pull)s, IRON, Of ALL KINDS eonstaatlv es bsnd. All at Oreallj Radoead PrU. All wk are la ad af aa kind of Hardware will do well kr sailing at itrt -rtaoe, MALAMTHON U9AT1 Mty , Wt, EEAD! READ READ!!! Dunfl Ilnckenbiirgr. Beaver $iriny, Senna. Dealer in Hardware, Tinware, Stoves &c Also SPOUTlSa done at short notice, on reasonable terra anu sattduictory manner. bT" 1 " fill.r prepared to" fur nish all inils of 'Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Yc. at the very lowest rates. aa.AU in need of Tinware or Pjwrtil Inn or entthlns? else In tor line of lm siness, wfil not regret H ly etsmening my gaous ana terms DeiotepurcnasinK elsewhere. CAK& HACKXf liRS. Au. 10. IU. J. Y.SHINDKLi HUUQKO.N AND ril YSICI.l Jf, MiJJlfburjf, Pa. Oflsrs faU prnfessionat sertiees le lbs eia iteos of Middle jurg sud vlciflity. f March 21,'T A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, JJeavertment 8tydtr Co., fa. All kinds of odUrelloiis raad es llberai lerms. Pfemplly attends la all baaiaea inlruatad lo bis eara. (Jobs 2n. 7ilf A. 11. I-i IZ CK, Justice of tbe Peace and CoBTOTaaccr, stuilii oreve. aaysisr Va. Oalli'tln-M and all l.inlnafa (larlalal! ta Mm fllK of Juailaaol Ika ra a SI a stuirl aollca. aiial4 M ltaa.ll.Tr lAiifrit, itlsai. Soaies Itts, S. ALLEIIA1T & SON. ATTORNEYS A T LA )V. HelirtHjErrove All profsaalooal business and eollsattpg r-ntruaied lo their ears will bs arorapily atteoedlo. Can b eonsulud ia Eslia or Usrmaa. Olfies, Market tfqusrs. MotrG4 NOtlCB Is ksrsby sited to Sit prel by lbs undaralgned, not to trespaas oa rLatOaNT OIL. I1HIU HfM, baaaUlelly traiaad aau si iiaa. a.uase aWCrMaaet kla farm, nor earr, aarar at lak aaj woad rM a. vvrriaa, aw., naa-ail-'iM SM1T baaiLpol-aj Aablns roda, aw-ilu, b tw.. all raoaaaa ifaaaUa will ha acoordmslo law. T. 9l J u lalf. QfiARLEa O. COUNEUU3, Vttorrtey-At-Lctw, iVevr JltrUttt Union Chi$n$j, Pek Ctt kS taatHmt at MaHfiaatf St Na, St, 1WT.U JOHH H. ARNOLD, Attorney ttt lLmvr4 DISTRICT ATTORXB J, NIUDLIIKUBO, tm I rafawiass1 teataea Mlra la tats W.Z N rrsaift eMsHsere fi J IIBY - ' s: n Hut Z-J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers