r-- ymfmi4 i 4stm 7 I g to tit fr 01 Bl fi B -The Post. J. CROUSE. Editor ft Proprir.oe. The Result Tlrv-cs'.f bdhjirgy bis nstH de feated iim nod itiT-i regret it Tbe ?tato tictcft rompr fftj c ooj msn rrf ilit to t lie (Vtivcnlion which pnt them in nomination fair, lionet, eotnpitent men anil trim ei poneots ol Hopnblican principle We bate beeo ciefoaUn. heretofore) ' sad bar levovared Victories for T'oro'xrrspy have not ben oonsecrt tr?a, and now, that an iogloiiois do feat stares n io the fioo result of cftr indifference--we will In ncefortb sustain will donble energy Hie grand principles of onr party. It in n'eo tiro thai the de prrssion in financial affairs, for which the Ib'pnblionn party ia by no means r"Hpoiisiblc contributed to kenp moo from tho tolla. Th vote in (ho Btoto was fight and always results disastrously to tbo majority party. Tli at onr own eonnty fill short of ita ntnnl majority ia duo to the stay-at-homes and not to any luck of ef fort on the part of onr worthy Chair man, and rer) nro informed, that the matnboib of tbo Commilteo did their tlnty. Wolraeetht bains ae li Una lived on '.. ballot-boi. where every man en read ad ttudy It for hit ewn benefit. Thai lb Rtpnblican party can b defeated ia yew fully demint'rated. lint It I. nnt proven bjr Ibet reenll that the Itepublioan trinoiilee eta be exiinc uiehe J. That light eonllpuee lo illumlnatt the land, and ' ill bltlt lb brighter, when li ia brou'jhl In eomect with Iht dark wbie'i lav temporarily ti iiiniphrd. We do H i propnee lodiapeir. Wiih Hie gallant men who bar Hit brunt of Iht lt fiht we e.re readv to rloe uu our broken linea. intolidaie Ibt fnre which rrmiin. m I j btgla Hit preliniin irifa ofth ' n"t 1,'''' I yi wbilf t hatt brain and mnHt f irc j 10 lo II. The Ticlort baj mrrrlr c irnrj ; a irntDT from our D mkt Hit (in'n oi or political line runiim unpiurofJ. Wt liavt lol men, but in to In'imre tacrin tj a nraauro, Wt lnvthrt'i lii'trayrd bjr lliont nhoin wt hat trimr I. but w LaTt nnt tbandonrd a lng fjiiiinn we hatt f cr cfciipinl a a paxj. a .d ih rnctr.r, tlrrngihi'iif -i by our fU frl-ti Is, tut n (.1 jH brtu ablf to drirv ui 1 r c. Tbut nt profit from Ilia lilt l.'',ui of TotsJnjr. Wt duu't avirl our fucra Lair't hrcadlh from a full (it) at tlic iravilf of iht ilualinn. Ilia oirbunot la confront it at titrj point. A rult wbieb wat Intiit ible t a couCiifuo of Ibt clrcumstioccn by which wt tre ar Touodrd, Ibt dcfral it nnl a onndrnoiilion of a tingle AVp'il.lio in ini-faurs of ihr pal. nl a uliallonKt of Itcpu'ilic in tlaltimanbip, n it a rrjodinn of u I'.npu'i liean plalforni, but Ihr rllvct of drninrali nation produced by olhcinl ttTri lu hlzh uarttrt lo rsprriuutii in rffliiu; rau4a lor Hit (ooj of the nttioo, whiob wprc n tainablt In tbe rfjtular cnuro of bonei dftotion lo Ilopulilioan principle. I pa Ihit linf out I hut we wcrt di'f-atc l Wt loat in tie lion. Tut litmnrai-y did not gain ont. Thry mcrtly picked il up Wt art ready at Ibt pruptr limt lo pick our flout and try our lUpublio-to iitlo lain I Thanksgiving. A reclamation by Unrrrnw Uurtvanfi H-'tling the D iy. IlAnniMicno, November 6. T b c following was ivHtied to d ly : Durine tbe ytar tho care of God baa criven nn nbiindnnt bnrvcHt to the bind and boaltb to tho poople. nnd BiiRlnined thciu iu hope through tbo trinla nud Borrows with which, in Ilia infinite windoiu, (lo bad torn percd bin muroiea. Now, then foro, I, John F. Hurl lanft, G ovuinor of Pcmixvlvniim, do appoint Thuraday, tho 2lHh day of November, 1877, us nd iy of thmilis giving and prayer, nutting tho good peoplo of the Comuiouweolth to as heniblo nt their usual places of wor ship on tbe said dny und givetlmukH to Almighty Hod for the great bene fits which tboy buvo iccoived at llitt Lands. Given tinder try band nnd tho prout seal of tho State, at llurrin burg, this fifth day of November, in thu year of our Lord oqo thoiiHitud eight hundred und 6ovciitysevoii nnd of the CotninonweaUU tho ouv hundred und bi c ond Johm F. IUnTnAsrT. Tij Ihe Governor. M. S Qdav, Secretary of tbo Com won wealth. Senator Morion's Funeral. Ixdiasapolh, Novembor 5. A t 10:o0 A. M the body of the decena- ed Senator Morton was escorted by military from tbo court bonne to bin Into rosidoDO. Hero tho body w hh hid amidol tlornl offuringa from nil IiMi'ts of tbo country, among them uiiig an anchor of tube rosoa and cur nations, with motto "Ilest" in 'pur pla immortelles from Mr. nnd Mir J I ayes. Tbe remains after lying iu tho homo for nn hour were ioiuovo.1 t) the cbnreb, which was bung wiih emblems of mourning and tastefully lanAiala 1 ititli CiilLAn t n rrm UOlOiniH SI J b rilBVU ell(j1. The choir of 150 voices rendered Beethoven's fuuoial il march, t h "Farowoll," from Joptba, by llar.di l, and the "Ijneb.'ymoia,' from Mo vart'a lerjuieai. Autbcms were tung. ltov. J. U. Clevor preached from text, "Saul iu tloa.l," nud nn rJul ogy was tlelivcroJ by tlio puhtor of the church, Rev. Dr. J 11. liayliss. Senator Morton was buried at 6vo o'clock. On Sunday a week man named utler, rcsidi ig near Freedom, on the lli'llidiaiBLurg aud ' Morrison's Cove Railroad, wan accidentally shot nnd instantly killed. . Ho nud bis tinele were ia tbe sroods huntins vild turkeys, whon liutler ns'it.,1 bis relat 4 to bold his gun while be put Lis pants in ins oooi legs, iu Hand ing the gun to bis uncle, the ham mer caught ou some obstruction, which discharged tbe weapon. Tbe whole chsrge pausing through But ler'a body, eitel log below tbe breast , kill Dg iia lastsnlly. Theso 1 we could learn of ' ranoe, mod it THE ELECTI0N3- lT.S'SS YL VA .VM. Tho ln'.eel ir-ftim mrn to indi- cat tlmt the Ntnto hfts g ine Iomo j ciatin by about 6. (KM for h'upn nio IJii.luo mil about lXOyOfortifli.il ami No, is K A A 5,1 9. I.rtvraitriiT!i. Ko. fl The T.fi publicum fWt t'mir c.itili'!'tto, I. iliimphrey for I ijntoimnt Oovpni oi niM A. P. lln t.ni for Cliii.f Jua by tlm utnil in ij iiili'", p in si 1 fling the tiUiiio?r of votc! pollo.1. MASSACIICViTT.1. KosToit, Nov. 7. HftnniH from fill but vevau towna in tbo State uro re cuivol Tho voto i4 fit follow i For tloTPi nor llic, 1K).3"2C Oae ton,72.TTi Pitnui. KV21I Phil lip, 3,471. Wco over Gaatoli, 17,-GDI- For Trcomrer En licotl, 83,707 j .Skailo6'H, 73.G6). ) n'lSCQSSLV. In.WAritri. Nov. 8 Tho Pcmi crla coneedo tho elt-cli on of the whole Ui'pnblionn Stnto lie"tit. Toe majority for Governor will be over 6,000. COSXF.CT1CCT. The flection prtnmd off very q iirt ly in thi State. Tho entire vole wits 40,000 luh th.tn thut of l.iRt yi-nr. Tho U -putdic tn have niado traiti iu the Soii.ite n iJ LIouno, nnl will hiivo both branches by increas ed uiitjoiitica. M1XSES0TA. CmcAOO, Nov. 8 "Pillabitry (Unp ) for liovornor, will b ivu about 12.0 '0 m:ij orilv in the tnto over Uiuuing (Doin. Green nud Wotk ) Linools, Ni'b, Nov. 8 Rotarna from n!. ml half tho c ouiitica i n .1 i -cato Unit L iliii i-t olt'i'tti I by-fill mt O.i'OO nnjoritv. IT ilina nn 1 P.-r- "iniror ( li -m ) nro loCteJ by about 8.0 ') tllljofity. liiciita -v;;ir yokic. "S&k Yonx, N v. 8 Tho lnmo cratiiMiiij ii ity in N'!-.v York State has Jjviiidlud to about 13, 0J ) ou t'uo Stato tiolict bsth hnHm of tho Legilnturc nro lbpub!k"in by d ici 1 u.l uiij oiiii.'a. Too no-v Sini(.o will htk'id-i) U 'p'lli'.ia.uH 1 1 12 D.'iu -crats, uu I tlio .Vo:n')lv OS lb-p ubli eniis to CO lii'inocrats. xem' jm:si:y. TnrsTfs. N. J.. Nov. 8 Tho n- oin Mai piuraimns lor uvrt'nr at; rcpiKieu nore, givo ;wcii ii'PMrr. 3 '217 plurality in ninw counties, nn I S" I Cltllui (D4111.) 1 1.123 plmality in 12 counties. Thu lijnres givn M' Clcllau M.bTC plurulity iutao bUte MAYKYL.lSn. l'Ai.Tinonn, M 1 , Nov. ".Tho re turns from most of tbo counties iu tho Slato up to last night indicato that Keating (Pem ) for Controller, will h tvo a m ijority ranging from 2.1,01.10 to 30.0JO. Tho Sonuto will stand 17 Democrats uud 9 Itepubli cans. rmarxTA. Richmond, V , Nov. 7 -The elec tion in this State passed off very quietly, and so fir us heard from tho vote is light. There was no opposi tion to tho Codhoi vative ticket. The full vote of tho Stato will not bo reached for several days. L0UI3IAXA. Snnr.VEroiiT, La., Nov. 7. Tbo RepubliciiiB ycRterdiy elected their Mayor uud Aduiitiistiators by O H) mnjority. til eat intorcst is iuatii febted. Ner Warrior's Mark, a farmer named Jacob Mong, while out hunt. ing. saw a cub boar, nnd was prepar- ing to tiro at it, when a largo she bear appeared on tbe sceue, on tua scuue, no sent a bullet into the body of tho latter, when she turned upou him and would likely huvj put uu end to his esisteuce, had not n buiall dog nipped it on tho tail unj cause 1 it to turn nroiind. Two hunting dogs belonging to Mr. Moug then catno up, and worried tbe b.iar until, through Iobs of blood, bIio full dead. A despatch from Salt Lake City, dated, October 3'i, says : A passim gcr train on the Utuli Centrul rail load, coming south, was lifted from the track and tnn.ed upni.lo down by Ihe wind, whou near Farmington t'nis noon. Two passenger cits and a ba 'L'aL'e car tuiued over and thei coals from tlio Btoveu scattered through the cars, but the tire was put out beforo any daiuago was dono Several poisons were badly hurt, but are expected to recover. Thk new iron bndgo across tho Susquehanna river tit ltockvillo was completed on iSuuday a week. It is about Uii JO feet loug, and was built ion thu sito of the old one without 'A t I . 1 i "." T ei1 unKj'ivaiiui nanroai a hiiiiu uuur. Aftzr tho appropriations have beeu paMBod, theio will be a move for the adjournmcut of Congress until the tegular session, There will be nothing more for Congress to do u ulcus it go iuto tbe work of a regular session. Oil has boon found oozing from tho rocks about nine miles from Puuxtawuy, Jefferson county, and all the inhabitants aro getting ready to bore wells. Thero is nothing like oil to arouse enthusiasm iu a Pennsylvania Bounty. A. Oaet If all, of New York, who inyBleiioiiBly disappeared from thut city some mouths biuoe, turned up thei'tf lost week just aa mysteriously, lie inuat be fond of creating a sen sation. Sknatou Pattebbom of South Car olina, Btands a very (rood chance of bior invited to step down' and out T. t I Fifty .i oie..vi..u a of the Legislature .uS2,l!i,bt.to.l hi..; bjve ioi ba trill lnn 1 m . Tne rout to th rotate of putting don th .IhIt riots is stated to bo at least $' J i) ,'0. Tnu bl.in" of t.adi with Knr land for liJTrt i two hundred and sijtv-fivo millions iu onr favor. Ti'it llon of Ri-pi-pRpntitivos lita prtKoi-d a bill in liking the filvcr dob Ur ii b'jr d tender. Its futo iu the Senntu is douliiful. Wahiihow?! Nov. 1), The Senate in I'xrcntiv ac-siou to-d.iv ccnlinn nl Hni nomin.itioii f John NVlsh to I)h Mnvoy Ktr:tirdi'tirf and Miuit rr rieiiipolfnliiirv to MnLmd. Asmitrnoo Notice. ALIpraonaiiiter!Ht.e l nrn bnre hr fimlfltil thai (Hl.ln f tarr or ( rank lit, to . B.lilp. HnT'l'r Boiimt. mailt an lun mnt of all hi twit. rl oi i-erfinul to tha iimlirtlitiel fir th ineni n hM rre-lltnrt ail proa hsvln rlilm art roit'tl lo pr ni tham to the nUrljrn'i, n1 -rpnna In Jth't.l wilt pleat milia Imnifliala nitm'nl. AbAM B. WAl.Tril. Kor 11, 'T7. Atrlantt. Assignee Kotica A Vrm,nn intnira'Md are bpr. V. kf BotlnM that llanr' Vnternf Pranklln t" nMp, nr lar ooonn, ma i aolmmont of all tin rflott. rtil an I tr.nil to Oiaon. ilataiana I lif Iht hooem nHhmi'l'nri. All lr aa having rlmm rai ia.1 inrant liito to iht athttn I, and pat m lnjbtl alll pltao make lutaM it r H"il. Nuf .tJ, TT. , 'AMliaett Asrtignoo Accounts. V"llTI('K la beri-by pit.-n thil Iht fob 1.1 lowing Aiinf Afloounia hatt barn 6ld lo tbt ofliet of tht proihonniary of iha Court of C. V. of Snvder aouni j and will he prtKontad 10 tbt ail fnurl for confirmation, anj unlent iiifBoirnl cin ht rhown li tbe countrary tbt imm will ht eiinfirmet . Anonnt of Jonathan O-lmn Ailnt of Iiaaa itelrhrnhaoli of Ftrrr tonUlp. anoonnl r nif II. lln'T A gnet of uarriioa urouiaoi jaonon totihlp. J. mOC'tK. I'r.ilh'y. Trothj a Ofr.ct. Not. I01I1 1R77. IVOT1CK of Widnw Appraisement unJer tha 8300 Law Notice is j hereby girn thai Ihe following widutre larpraWtmenta he boon filed wiih Ihe I lerk of ll'rOi phann ( ourl of Hny.lcr Co., for confirmation ou Monday, tint loth dy of Ore. nig'. AppritLaniant or f,a)tt W.tm'r, wl.t iw of Levi u ltiDr, iloc'J A - pr il.cmfDl of Sarah Tirtry widow ot V. P FotKT dee d. Apptnl'tTient of I'nt'.i'lTO Wlrl.k wl low ot t oi'iiuel WtlrkU, ile.'d Not. 14, JT. J. IIKOI'S I!, Chr O. t". ' IVot if o. X in n r. ! nrreiiT tiren Ibil a Prill lo i.1 ni'b Arlloloe will be rreaentrd at tbe I ...... ...... u. .....I. .,, vu.i. 'll'.lt 'l -nydcr eountT. liecember 1 i, A I). l-77. nri ifft-m ni rn.i.i r r. in.. . .i f.'r Ibe looorporation ofllio "KAsntLi- rL T.rTiirnti and KeriRMKn Ciicncu" at Orulib'a cliuroh, in Chap'i.an to rn!iip. and that "aid incorporation will be pr.trc 1 for uolt-M eauet be llnnrn lo die cmtra- OHIMM k bll.b 1". Alloruoya for p.'iit itinera. ,,JT'S SAIE. 41 o vii to of n writ of Von. list, is- il out of th O in 'l of I' i. nun l'l of NnriUrro ii'tv, trvl to III dlr'-te.l, . bd f t po.l ti Pniille at tin Cit.-t lliu,, In Mtddloliiiif, on trhlay, Xove m Vr 3 VA, H77, l Dn'tUI A. M. the following doacrlbel nal ltatetowil: acerliln Tract of Land, J'.. loi.nr1tl North by Mi J.1lcvru-k, S .utti ti U-itt of Pnillp hp.1i fttt'1 Jm-jIi Krl, v UmU f Tbo'u .1. Mm 11 h atari Wt hy U'i'l of COUtiUIUf 136 ACRES. more e1. wlicreoo U eructcd aTlVO 8TOR OWJI.l.lSU House, Bank Earn, nl othrr o it'nill Iniia. Ke i.'d tun li eir.-u. tl iu and to te.. I I a I'.e pi-op t't nf He try A. Ulllll with notice t Wm. Minin. T-r-t -ninl. HANIH, HSKMMttr, SUerlfl filierld'aoffl . e, Ml IJubir, Nut..'. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. The undersigned, Asnignoe of Hen ry I.M.t- r for the b'neSI of rredlturt ae. by virtue ol an ordar laua l out of tn I' irt of Ion t poe ferry twp totturJuy, Xm'tmber 2l'h, 1S77, The fullowlng deiorlbed Rail Cattle. A Farm (.'ouuli.lua 70 ACRES more or leae, on which l ereote I a Eank Barn. Two Story House, and ether bnlldlnai It la bonndal t-T landt ol Htrawaer, Kennerer and th.-ra II laaltu ata l on Hie pu'illo ro ad lea. ling Irnni Ktiadle'e Mill to Jil'hnnld. Kile to ...iniinn a m I n'cliKk. P. M. whantertua ot tale will be mid kuowa by DANIKLS. BOVfK, Not.III-J. AMlanea, "Conihlne more alt-ant Ion than any other." Heaver (I'a.) Tiaaa. t-ST CHE APES T AND I1EST 1 Ijtrwj lull-size raprr Patterns ! A topplrmeet will tie ulven In freer number foi s;e, fontetulne a f'tll-aite paper paltern for i ladi'a, orrittid a dr,f'. I'vety auli-crOier wil receive, dorlnil Ihe )iar, twelve of Ih-aa ptl- lertia, ao tual iiifae a'nno will be worin uion ibau tbo aubacrlpllou price. "I'KTitnaoa'a MAOatiKX" rontalna, ev"r tear, uuo oatiea, II eioel put , I! colored H rll patt.-ru, IS nianitnoth colored fiahlon pliti.a, '4 imilca of iim.ic, en I S0O wood rnte. Ita Immet.re cue'ilatii-n e laid, a U pror rlel.ir lo ep-n.t uior ni'iuey on eniliftlu.!iiheiiia, alorl -e, Ac., fcc. ilia ii a n v ottirr. It plm more lor Hit) uiiua; than any lolbewotui, tie THRILLING TALES AUD KOVELBTTS pocnlr wrltsr iri (mtlnyil o wrlli nrllnalh fur ' I'etf raoo," In IHrH. In ml t.tfri to thi nu. I f i H)f lf Bl.'rl torl, I'IV 4t OIHAI t'ul'VUIOHT NUVKLKTTF Will (Jt VPli, tiy Mr Mitt H. Ste-phi'iiH, I- rnk iJ.ueJu't, .Mr. t'. II. nurut'ii, lid oiiiuri. MAMMOTH COLOR KD FASH .ION PLATES Ahead of all ulhera. Thet ul ilea era ensravea on ateel. Twice ihe Canal Pi, and are unr-qua! ed for bcaiilv, Tney wtll I ailpilrhly eolorid. Aim Houae imi I an.i otnee recuiptai Iu abot, ev arttilua IntarwtluH to lad lea. N . II. Aa Ihe iitlilaher bow pro-nave tht poa. tiiua lo all mail aubacrliiera. "PaTkaaoa11 I I'll,.-! er l'baa Ever Iu fact la tbt Cbaapaal li Ibt world. TEUM3 (always in advance) $2. a ycai Cnple. for S3 SI 1 " l0 With a copy of the premium ptetnra (vll I 2fl) "The Ann-la ot Phrlaimaa,' a Bta dolUa ensra- ribg, to tbe peraon vtitiug up tue cmo. eCopl'.for S0 i ' txtLI With an eitra copy of Ilia Mteailn Br Ia7a, ae a pre ulmu, to Ihe paraou gaiuus up tue liniK, tUopttefur u0 t tli 10 it u it to With toih an extre eepy nf the llaafine for lae, ana the pieuilore picture, t sve doller eu graviu io tua pereon eeinua up tua uiao. Addreaa, poal-pald, CHARLES I. PETERSON. -can,, "... Kimet; milladelpbla, Pa jtftalte, If willlcsrof, Pnblie fr'nlo of Vulunble BE A I, ESTATE ! fpflK nnd 'raigoi-d. Executors of lhaetaieof .tone h 'Velrel late of Joh. oa T.iwnhm bt lr 1: inntf I't., dee'd, will oiler at Paiiiie Kela. b the er6mi.e., ea S iturilnt. Xo.'unhrr KM, 177, Tht fiiloln ilrne1 Hil l'.nt, rttaate In .t-e.ofi townriitjv, Hndrennoty, I'a. TKAD1 No. I. emlnloln 109 ACRE?. teoreerUii tmun le-l North by Pennff Creek. Kaal ljr laul ! Cjnrml Mln-bel, Monlh l. liO'ii of .It'omlah inalr and W et lo I m.Hol n.ertra Wl t"0 t In a 10 k of enlilrtl'iniia lar vooil imct aaJ tharton liMlail iln-VH I'HAMK House, Bank Barn, and ottiar rrear otbal.llo-a f onn Dr. rharj I cUot-'t Irult U ticelleol wjier at theitiof. THAt.'T No, t A eorlala tneMntet aei Trort of und alluatalnika tewnttipatoretaid, tontalnlDa. Seventy-Sis Acres,1 more or !, tart eletr and part rhitot tlmher lianS, honailtl North by Inrnt of Oafld Hreon Katt h land ol.lohn hauer. Month h laMof llvnre Vtrger tad Wtel bf land of Itenrf Yerifof . ole to eommrree at ten o'oloek A. M.ef il l ilut whe-i lue attend infe will be alron aud la tun ol inlt will la nado known hp J. h. vi;r'l.. I VA.XUtl, WKTZFb. Otl. W, 'Tf. Kitoutera. Asiineo Notice. ALL pereont Intereatrd art hereby no lined thut 8. H Pcbnrk. of Kra'nkllo iwp , Povder Co., made to aeelgnmrnt of all hit effeeia, real and perannil (Incln llnj hook aesoiinle) to lha itndrraigni-d fur the benefit of bla creditors. All peraont hat ing olalma art reqaetteil to preeenl them lo Ibt undertignrd, tod prreont indebltd will nleeet makt imuiediate pTinenla T. I. tUMITII. Ocl. 25, '77. Aeeigneo. Ouution- IOTICE it hereby given that Ibt f.il. lowing artielrt bnrt heen purrhaard by the iiinlrrtlgned, nt Cnnalabit aSale and lrfl In tbe pnae,itin of Uor.rjr Yrialy dur ing hie p1eatire. All peraona art e luitin od nnt lo meddle or Interfere with (lie amt. eii : Unree, Cult, Mare, Cow. Dull, Heifer. Calf. Three II o g a. Wagon. Hied Hay R-'Ve Hay lvlor, rannlnt Mill, l"t ltk. 1 I'low. Oultlratnra, II irrow. 10 tniriiaia Whe.il himhele l H, t nn'hela Mire, Hhneliele liuknlie t. ' ol A trre. Wheal la rntii.il, '4 ol t Aerra Hya In iniinl Unit Aoriiivrn nn Knock. AJ bahal fotntiiet, IHliner Hell, trl Hiw. H i.l.lle. l oo KctHe, 1 T..li, 1 Meat Mtn.l. Mo-lUe, I'.ralu Cradle, lino, i oik More. Il.lfil. I'hal' K irkar, Hill .. BAM'tl. Wllit.NMVt.il. net. a. it.. DMINISTRATOKS'NOTU'E. L ban tve estate of .Licub tlnlltul latoof rerry t Sny-ler To., P..ilri,aed. Ituvimt been nr.im e l to Itie itn'lo-icno., all irin hnnwt-iff tl.o.eiUc imIoi.io I to il.l etiie re requeit 4 to make limno le piym -nL, wn.la tho-.i hae . loin will ore, out thm duly iuthoull04t. WM. HAIlO'Of V. NlUllAtL Ml HUT, Aitiulnl'tralort. Oct . TT. Assignee's Sale ! rpilK nndi'rsitrncd Asnignoris of! Ahtahum ll.iueler of I il two, fo Ihe benent of ere II nra A.O., by finite of en ordir lanel out of t.ie foirt of Comwin I'lwt of snyderooimiT. will eipoie to fubl.e ealo, on tut prcmiiea. oa Thun I iy, ,Vn'i mber 22 ml, 1377, Tliefn11-lni(ilo:rl,el V PalMe, to wit : Illli'T, No t-A I lhat certiln mnuti-a and Trurinf band, a mule In t'uloo tunolili, Mutdrr county. He., ruotalnlna FORTY ACRE3, more or lee al; KKer hottoia, honnled forth i.y lanani nnmei r.runaaar, r. il by Ihe xai I'teiianaa Inrer, aoutli by lend of .lnha A. Mulir, Weat by land nf S. if. Ilorro d atJ -itlim, wt.era n are erected a Um ill Stono Eouce and Stone Bank Earn oo,l w 11 n'eaitr. eicellent fruit t reel. 1 KAt'T No. 3-AII tht eeriala neaaeaea and I ra a ol Uml aim tie Iu ajiue luwnabla aa tract .No, l.contalaiLa FIFTY ACRES. more or bonn ied North l.r land ol .Inaenh Krnhakrr. but by lard "f .1 It. r-b-flor kn'l f. . Ilrr ol I an I nlLerr, S.iulk ha hied af Abel ll'rr.il I and . Iitko M. llerrold, Weat by land of Si M. Herrol.l. Sale to c iiumance at 10 o'clock A. M. of tal l day when dua ntin'Un'a will be itbeo ao I term, ul.ale made known by lulls I'. KKKITXKfl, JtliKMlAll U. II A I.I, Oct. I'i, It'T. Aaa.m.e.ii. iTlSSOIjUTlON". THK co-piirtnerHliin boret ifore ex lailuv tietwaan Win. II iln. and W in. II. -nf lr, d ilrtc huaineaa under Ilia nrni na-na nf llalne. a Hny-ler, et Saleiu, "a., b ia been dl. aoTed by muiul eoaaent. Toe booka of the Snn re In Hie hand of Win II. Mny ler f ir aetttlewi.'iit an I all hllb no: aotiled Inntie 'I He. ly wilt be iilaced In proper han la f .rc i:ieoilou. V I I.I.I AM IIA1NKS. Wll.bIM II. SNVHKR, Sa'.em. Snyd.r Oe., I'a. bopt iOlb, HIT. Caution. NOTICE la hereby given Ihst Hit fob Inwinf ariielce have heen ptiroltaac I tiy the tindara'gned, at nonatMe'a le, and loll Ihetn In pwaea m of .Wtnea Cnlly. dortirt her pieiiaure. All pemoaa are cintlnnvd unt to Interfere oe mediile with tha e tna It : i oiaraa top tiuviiy, I cow, I reive. Id h ia, I et harneaa. l.Uivy barneia. whaelliarrow, ai-aln oradla, root atove. co il atov , 2 tie I, fc lieildlna ael nf ci alr., V.) yer.la rart-et t ib e. oopimord. Iilock, nl I'j aorea uraln In irruund, of 8 acre, of buckwheat, V, ol A aerea mrn, W.i of wheat, lot nf oati, lot of pulaloea, har row p ow, arlud-etoae, loitf.tio roiie, enn, trim ketlla.obeal. t'A I'HKIN C ItOUell. Orphans' Conrt Sale. 'I'lil'J nrniiTRtpfneii . rnstees np- I polnt.d to tell the Heal Kitate of John Hwenule late ol r -nnklin townahlp cnydar conulv. Pa. will oiler at Pi "Ho eUle. at the I tie red nre ol laid doeeaaed. two inllea wet 1 jii inienurK. on 'eihitdaj November 2lt, 1877, The two Mlowlni deeerlbed valuabl traela nf land, vie: All tint certain inataiiajt and Tract of Laud elluite In Heaver t-wnahoi Snyder eoumy, I',, Hounded N irth hv l.nda of Aimer Aiuler ami J. J. VII ll. aaarlh, Kt and Mouth by Linda of A. J . Mlddleewerih. and wait by lanu 01 tteuuen Aiitier, containing 143 ACRES ind lis rKllUIIKi. ei.rlet mea.are. Tnli I'rnel eontalnaunol IRON' IJHK. TIIAi'T No. It-All that rertaln Tract nf Land eitunte l.t t.enlra end rmnltlli town, htpa, sny lar eouniy, Pa H mn le I North oy lauileul jaoob Kile and lianlel Ko ma, Kaal by Uinta ol -amiiel l.uule and Adun Wnl er.'Jr loulh by lamia nf Ad no C ellar, Baa., and uvuri iiaeaennura, eoniaining Sixty-Seven Acres and at I'Klt'Ut F.S ttrl-it meur. 41 AtVtKS f which launder rultlvatlon, the bulanea , Hivered wlttt fine growing younit tiheatnut tha. Mr. I'lila Tract will be eold la parcel, to lull jiuroiaavra Hale to oommen" '. 11 n'eloek A.M. of al I dav when due atteu late will be (Iven and term, oi laie euau. anown ny OKAS. R. 8W'K0l.B, J. U. U. BWKN II. r.. Oct. i, 187T. Irueteit. V O. U0RNDERQER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Perry Town.hlp.BnydtrOounty.Pa. Oolleetlont, Oonveyanclnit, and all other bard net. per'.ainin to tne omc win v promptly aajeu av. uanaiar iiuaiwatfiiia JNION HOUSE, MlddlaburgPa. GKOUOEO. SMITH, Proprietor. Aeoornrnodaltont good and charge mod' rat. Bpeolal aooommotlatloat for drav art. A snare of Ik publio patrcaag tt sslloiiea. OlOaOB 0. 95I1TH, tg: pi WANAMAKCa & BR0WM reereHfully acnotinct tlmt their Autumn and Winter Faehiont ia Clothing (or Men and Hoy art ready, l lit gnat Mtuuings at eixm nd Market aro crowdcJ from tcp to t liottntri with Inch ClollnLg as Lieriii tbt J conHdonc of tha peiplo. ' a piaai n iwiaawaewaawawaaeaawM WANAMAKER & BROWN'S Clotht anT Caeeiintrot art, in tnnry instance:, mailt . uptnes'.y for tiicm. l.o houae iu tin trad f cnfino iteclf so ndtiivcly to tlit firtt da mtnufactnrert. Indeed, a long and mature etporiencs fa nertrary to know just what good to select aad make tip, WANAMAKER a BROWN'8 Order De partmtnt will be found fall o( fabrics of every good kind, aithtf Kovtt and FaehionaM ttylas or tha plainer anj more ucful things. Talented niittrt, who bare been tncoeeeful for years ia ear ervfen, art in waiting to mak ferments accord. Dg to tha Jdcet of ths people who aro to wear th eoodt, (load hands Bra employed to mak up, aod euly good trimminga ue 1. WANAMAKER & EROWN'S Koady Mad liepartmtnt otTers every secotntno d at ion to Ihoe w ho do not car lo po throtiph tbt roeets of measurement. Tli stock in all Department fur Men and Coys ia immense and complete, and doet not lack in stylo, workmanship cr finish, liil Iht prices can b proven to I nearly, if not qui to, ' cents on the ikillar lower than th markot. WANAMAKER BROWN'S Little Boys' and Youth' Clothing bat alwavt been a vtll-cared for and prominent featur of fit bufinest. All agct can bo Cited, and th rtyle are not eurpawcl tli " file" have always been the intject of admiration WANAMAKER eVBROWN'tthirt.eck tie, aad lloiiery counter enable their enstomert to pot complott ontGts at tnor advantageout rates than thoy expect ZD- OCT WANAUAKGBSBROWH OAK fl J Th LirgMt ClotUsf Sras In Amtrlea, U 6th L Market Sts, Phllad'a. p. w. jinowN. WM1DI.KR SP5 or the very best 1 etlV-. g H i; , JrMm i r J "3 -c -ijfd&f&XA ? lis U rriw Mnrkct AtlorerlH :!! on BROWN, 110 LAND & COMPANY, 1 I J W I N 1 1 U 1 i This company is well Enbiblinhcd. deals only in reliable tnstrnments, such as tbe ES IEY. MASON 4: HAMMN, iMSW KMiLiaM) UiiUAJiS aud AUION PI ANOS, aud olTera them at ligures to suit tbo times A completo stock always on baud Call aud see them oreu if you do not purchase ,OOAL AOENTB WANTED IN SNYDKR CO. Address, . 1'eb. B.'771y. f You Wish to Know Which is the Best A, tli g-e is S i "3 Z t , u5 I: ; t j Why Ca , Ecc ITccr crd Fscmire tl;e "wt;ct Home" a'nd you will no loncer doubt. These Organs have stood the (fare entire satisfaction, whilst ethers vroved defective in many instances. 0170 A"N" Thu Sweet v-e -ei e nit Oincr ji iaiiB, wntrtocr imrwiuctu, ' ' '' ''''.' I r ,. - ..,tl s.'. V"Tpt A ' Do ot he deceived by aiietits and ptddiert. 'J JlXXl IA -J. iie art tare to have a ixra large profit. (Yr A "T d. llity dirtct from the Manufacturers' and you will J 1XX 1 1 find prices only about the same fgurt at agents twi 1 buy tfictnat ORGANS ORGANS Itenairlnri on very low rates, WALNUT LUMHEIt TAKEN IN PAYMENT TOR ORGANS ' Alao, Organs made to order iu, any style of Case. Cull or send forFrimts, Terms, A of different stjriea. Nooe are genuine except they boar tbe name "Sweet Home", fufnll - .AddirBs 1 JVVISIST DecH'76, '. I "C3 -C3 HALL ROLAND. JAMES LEPLEY Mnsical Instraments, Ll 3 aN V . UllOWN, liOLAN D &CO., IiO isbiirg, Pa test fur years and always Ilnmt Organ ha taken the place of Ornant, Melodeont, A& ordeont. tto if o , mill be prjinptly done in the very best manner at Tcrmt Cash or C. 8, 10, 12, 9 mouths ortico years , credit with prices of only oneprojlt , , HOME . QI O ATS CO,, . MusMAort:lKXMMWti ta ; . . rtet Springs, SpydJ. wuo rp!,?,W?t f.?!, & FAUSf & : WENTZEI Gelinsgrovoe aPenna, ,--. it (North of l'irat National DaidQ-a J!lKi:CHAiT ' T A I L0 R S. , rgadt Made ; CldOTIIINGw AWFLL teteelel tloek tf Ready ra4 Meot and Uof t' Olothiaar tt It Quality aad atlav . i . 8 B W I N 0 MACHINES p'lKT art ate Ajealt for th DAVIS AND TTIt ' ST, JOHN Sewing Machines. Two nf Ilia heal end rheatwal maehlnee ngmm ed lo I ie pnblie. Aae. I'i, IITt. rjpHE NATIONAL HOTEL. HAIIRISON WITMEU. Prop'r. SeljriHtrrove, Ia. Th I a lintel le pleaaeat'y bwateS In IK "eqnere.w end lee very rteeirald-plaee for teavrlee. eeaaop, Ihe anaTof acioiiiTuo.tatlotta at tow ralaa, p.r. aoneatoppinnom e win be en'e tu call aita. Tk be of I qoor in the bar. A ft rat claea fttatauraut Ineonr.eeOoe w.'ta Ihelljtel. Ayf.ie.'re. m7pkahler, 7 ATrORSEV-AT-LAW, JttiiUUeburp, Fm. OfTlce in tho Court Hons All level hiialnaee and the Collection af el alma attended to, (Uey.t T'.tf. Philadelphia . Rail and Reading Road. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. VIJO; lCSth, 1877. Trains leave Hennhn at foU linen SuwlayH L'sceptett.) For PhamoVln, 10,16 11.00 am aad S.'-'S. p nv For Ml Cermet, Aablend. Taaaao,ta, "oitaville, Reading, and rblladtlphla, I1.H0 a nt. Tidia Jut Jlrrndoti, Uavt at folio, (fjiindtiyt Exempted.) Leave 8h,ookio, 8,00 a ta 1.5 aad t . 4 1 p m. Leave Philadelphia 0.16 a a. Beadltg ll.:ii am. rniiaville. 1 U0 p ra. TamaVia 1.16 t, -a Aahland I ."6 p rn Ml. Cmoel 3.14 p ra. Train kavf Hurrhhury a$ folio" I For New VorV, 6.2o, 8 10 a.., aad H r7 end T 65 p. ta. Kor Philadelphia b.'io, 8.10a. , . 1.0 md 3.67 pm. For New York tvTb a For Philadelphia 1. 46 f. aa, Trni'iMfef llarriiburq leaf at follow! : Leave New York, 8.4) a tt l.W 6 1 and 7 4A p m. Leave 1'UilaJolubl, 8.16 a at. 1.10 Bad 7 2d p. n. aVuntfUrg Ltavt N'tw York 5 3o p m. l.eate Philadelphia 7.20 p mi Via Morris & J't.es It. U. J. E. WOOTTEN, . Oen'l Manager. 0. G. HANCOCK. (li.it T Ticket Agt. Feb Tl.vllll . ' ' WM. VAN GEZEK, AIXOUKLY AT LAW. . . Lewiaburg Fa., IfTere bit prnfeeetonat aervie lo St pu lo. Collcoiiont and all olbtr Fio'ereioa- .1 bu.itieta eiilrimled lo bla arf willl- jeive prompt attention. JAMES J. MITCHELL, Proprietor.. (snail IB tTATIOK,) Mr. Mitchell It a popular landlord, and will' or reoouieane is niaae nie waea.v eomiorva. Ilia tabl.- i.d bar will l aupulleil wlta ti e eholee-t the market'arJorde, and bl terrat r eerv reaennahle. Ai r.t i. . MAKC HOMI HAttY. A Vlaaufal Bul at - Ottd BtatiBf aai BeatAlfal fitttxtl N. wiix do rr. N o. TUB 0IS0IMATI ' WEEKLY STAR, A tne elht-pae. paper, wet e fallen!, umua, exaala wiat 1 1.0 pwr ar twe liar puelaaei, aad la Ilia lurwaj., brioajaet, a4 leaf fxiiier pobliehed lei il. It la Adeueijd.il la Bolillca. (irw ell the aewa, ea, beeelaa loach oihar auod raadina, evaly aamhar aaa laeae ot tear aaaeUee erlpweal er w lacaeal aforltf., Brary .utaciiber alaa . -j a.,... e. ta k-auulai ewaraa- 0 , "The rear tu e-wwr uaw tui'iiTi. ll.l.LUTkilkl) ALMA M BAC. SB wt. wmteai aaa U eeal Ic pay eipeuee M pacaia. awa ' m'vmtVmWmm toatatewaMwU tw aew la. alwei. III. eaual lilanrat le tha aZu. m. aaia artaUr lAow etwr. W. r slab aaaa In tha eeualrv ta eewatautoaie wiih ua before caaanaeiieta aark. Ta ei eeraea oaailiai lajrai ae eluh. wa will aaed e aanule copy el ika aaclare aud a aaavaaaar'a eaiti for aa rit laicclaitfii cony ' ptnmr rwa. SWe ewaji niiiaea rCraooa la whom wa have eWeeiyeaal Ike ploiura, "Tea aaaw waa SlaWa rriaa J,' by eayiiia eo can aae ia Iu auad aka r.aaliael eev cravlae, ef Maw ante, w XaewieA tua 1 1, la per maa. er Jtver auUAout part wee, Oae Mlar. M BfaJeMat JBk, OtawwaiaiwH, I fAAKt MOMS rkIAAMT Q T.-PAUKB,' iwwowwww aaa a aw laaai illnanat tl I W i a aw ew 11 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers