mmmZj "rxasnaw.wjiiJ!.; mgy) ?ww - . . . . ,4!!m- w ' 7". gTan!Siaiiaia i n n . ; ' ' , -' '" " "' Mwwaaaawaawaaar. ' ' .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rorJT. I l .-is ; 11 1 leaeotamn, one year, WOO J trri (10 lines) 1 Insertion 78 f rAlJ:i business cards of not saore than S lines, per ye AmA'.tcm. Ezacutor. A Idniinisuai lor ml Aseifnee K otloea, 180 dtorUl notiocs per line, . 15 All advertisements for a shorter pe tod twan one year ere payable at to to they u ordered, and M not paid to proa order! nf torn wiU we hold iwaponeibts for to money. Poetry . WNtUsr s Crn tons- hlfb th faratr'e wlatry seer, NRm big k tb goldae ton I X Heker glfl kM eataaa soar Iim Ml he Irflt kor, 14 tav lease, szaltlag, tteea The sppl treat lb !, fb Ma trim ik giMy grain, Tk laeM frai She viae, i TJUrleTnar(lfv On rgfd talee beetow, V mm m wIn Ik at era ehall drift Oar harvest laid wlik Maw. Threats vel f grat aad flowers, Oar pi taalr furraw ade, Whir e Ik kiU th ua tad ahewvrs ' Of shwsglag April pleja. W 4rf pad Ik eead e'er kill tad plain, BMk ik r Mr, Aad Mg ktd frost u apreailag grain Th robber crews away. All lkragk Ik leaf bright day of Ja, It Imtm gra? bright aad fair, Aad waved ia kol aideoaaer an, It aafi aad aaowy hair. Aad aw ta eataaa' aaltht ejee. It' herteel Una kaa oa j W plaak away In froaly laeres, Aad kar it traaa araa kota. the rlehr tkaa Ik fabled gift Apall kwrd f aid, fair kaad Ik brake grata akaU elB), ' Aad kaaad It aiaal af gold. tat vtt-U Idlara roll la atlk Around Ik aottly board JIy a Ik bowl af ap aad alls. By eoaeepaa baauty poarad. Tkn akaaa n all tk prond aad vale, Wko folly laogha I aoora t Tb bleeelnge of our baarly grain. Our waalik of golJa eora. 1M tartk wltbkotd kar goodly ri Ll alldew bligbl tka rya 1 01? I th wora tb orchard fnlk And wbaal talds to lb fly. Bat tat ik good old ora adrn Tk kill ur fatkar ird I UK M na for Ik goldaa eora avad as ar tkaaka t Qod. Beleot Tale. A Lucky Shot "Very -;wet day, air," said the beery boat of Uie 'Traveler ' Rest, na ha assisted me to take off m; heavy riding eoat Very wet, indeed,' I replied, I re bad nay share of it to-day V Mine host conducted me to n room with a -cheery fire burning in the mto i and baring been served . 0.001 JUh with good hot tapper nnd my fv 1 of hot brandy, I began to feel mora eomfortable. I drew JP y 4ir to the fire, encaaed my . k'Pir "f ' Hippere, and filled my pipe prepartory to n qaiet aiaoke,' wlieo'I wu disturbed by the entrance of my boat "Won't yon join the oompnny in the next room, air f ' We hare n ao 4u .- elnb bald hern twice n week, nnd perhapa they may amuae yoa tanajf -ran ereomg.' "With pleMare I" I reolied. So. taking my glaee nnd pipe, I followed my innaiora into n large room, wiuen wan nlmoat filled with n num ronn company. At the moment of toy entrance they wen liateuing -wiu enueAi aatiaiiMbon to a story wia py one or tbeur number. Al host briefly introduced me, nnd took n chair eloee to the itory-Utll- r, ana prepared to enjoy my smoke. "Now, Mr, White, yoa must begin yonr etory again, in honor of the gentleman.' go Mr. White reoou menoed. ."Too mnat know, gentlemen,' be Mgan, tnat tne aoens of my , tale ue m Aoatraita, lost about the time ox the gold rerer there.' The tones ofth speaker's Toioe asemed familiar to me, aad I gave ouna asannlng look. What did I near toe mo or bis left ear was amaaiag, I ball started from my eaajwpawung my glass of brandy by my elbow, aad Urtling ths com pany generally. . '1 bag pardon, gentlemen j a sod dm pajm-that is aUI' I sUm uered oaL . is tb aam man V X soliloqnlx- ,' I WU tttpped vith a fresh glass oiDranay.anaur. Waits resumed i g 1 mtst.i ltke many other people . i n,,w7 paper . eootained inguaeoannts of the yiobes to b I .W list that fur-off land, ao at to dfe - ' Me on mr. mind to go aad AwkC . I toLf Uary, ML and tried to dianadn me. UrA of noose. I was detarmin. ;xapoa after I )ft for Loado. .Itarad tafmm oaths v - :rM bout AtutaOaais.' ulr ixcuabwto .dsywssai dp - - - - rt f docks were ('txm tisJr erives. broUkrs aasaria. a&l l waa not ac ftha taj towai,oo8tt''4a. tiktooJtooCrrT. Ikera jAtatsntaUrea of alfasraai-. . mertaeica, trokeo-down ara.-aad riolta, e!erktxi a XArl: rn a e-4Aef aasteiav-Aa ca tokTTtieir fortanes at tl new L; ooruo. Vs bad wary good ar oarvj ct voya, and t ,44,1 paa f.m m VOL. 15. was one man i took an avwrston to Ha was called Wapping Bill. ' He was a talL braadanooidered fellow, with a great ahock of red hair, and a cloee cropped beard i a pair of small, ferret-lika eyes that seemed to vanish beneath bis shaggy eye brows when any one addressed him aad ad expression that abowed him to be the reveres of a quiet aad res pectable fellow. ' "la doe coarse of time we arrived at Melbourne, it was then a mere collection of wooden booses, and hastily thrown-np shanties, and was peopled by ' representative from nearly all civilised nations oa the face of the earth. Twenty of na formed a party, bought some tools, and proceeded to the diggings on f xt, Arriving there ws bought claims and set ta work to aneerth the long talked of gold. My cbom was a steady going fellow, called Sandy, a Scotchman. We dag a shaft, hauled np the gold-bearing earth, aad washed it in a large box with plates full of holes. The water washed away the earth, leaving the gold in the form of noggete and dust on the plates. For the firat week we found little or nothing, and my golden dreams began to wane. Then, one morning Handy gave a ehout of joy, and, hastily aecendinir the abaft, i eaw in the cradle several nuggets of pore gold, i was half mad with delight, and for the reat of the day I worked with the energy of two men. JSefore nightfall we bad more then twenty ounces of email nuggets and dust. We stitch ed it np in small can ran bags, and hid it for safety in the floor of the tent We went on in this way for months, then our claim began to give ont . ' "Justaoout intsume a convoy was going to Melbourne to take some gold to the bank there. We therefore agreed to send some of ours to be deposited in the bank, and get notes in exchange. When we sot to the place of starting. I waa surprised to see among the mounted troopers forming the escort, my shock-beaded fellow-voyager. i mentioned my distrust of him to my chum i and, in consequence, we only sent ball of tue intended quantity. The fellow evidently knew I distrust ed him, for when I went up with our parcel be gave me a malicious look that boded me no good. The escort numbered about ten or fifteen well armed troopers, with a four-h li,.! waoron. and tbflv left earlv 10 morning for their du Iv-.Vff?0, We crave them threa ri V1 era at the boundaries of " whhed them a safe iu a singular forebodingYT, ma the last of my gold. 1 "nUoned my fears to none but nfj hura. "The day following X o Mat Darn's drinking hut a Ac fre-J quenUd by the luoky finder loafers to bear the day s new; saioon was iou oz dijjgan.,' Soma were discosainff tha . .dv finds i others were playing podr. we ueiog BeggeM or a OK i the majority1 were eUnding at the bar drinking or smoking. I called for a drink, filled the short satty, and took a seat among the card-players. "Well, Tom, how's vour lack t" said a broad-ehoaldered Yorkshire man, who bad coma over with me. . "Very poor at present," 1 replied. -nave a nana men. man i win ntngdnatat poker, is better than joined tha game, and slaved for a while. At last one of the players threw np his band, and said be was cleaned oat i so, thinking it might be my tarn soon, I stopped. finished mv slats and d re Dared in leave tha room. Just as 1 gut to Ue door, a burly digger, earns rashino- in, almost opsetting me, aad nttero ing tha most frightful . oaths. Ths entire saloon was in ao uproar In an instant Be vol vers aad knives were drawn, and a dozen voices- shouted ont, "What ia tha matter f "Matter enough 1 replied tha In vading digger, with another volley or auleuvea. "ins escort s been attacked, and tha gold's gone I "words fail tor describe tha ana tbat ensued. Men Iwore, tors their hair, danced, and raved like mad' men. Wnen tne tumult bad some what subsided. I managed to make out that the wagon bad been attack ed in tha dead of night by a Party of armed rangers. A fight bad taken place, bat a trooper bad been killed, and tho gold baa been taken." Tbe attack bad evidently ' been prs-ar ranged, for half tha troopers had been found dragged, and were con sequently unable to fight Three of them were reported missing, Wrap ping Bill amongst ths number. .1 went orz to oar tent, and told candy. "You're right about tha villain, bat well be even with him yet " "we went back to ths saloon, where we found nearly all the dig gers assembled, listening to an ao ooantof the affisir from one of the troopers. It appeared, that shortly after leaving the eamp, the axis-tree of tbe wagon broke, aeoessiutiag a stoppage. Klgbt eame on, andfoand them still delayed by the broken wagon.. ' Sain fell and some of the sroopars took a Utile spirits to keep oat the sold. jLboat midz't, o troopers woo were smug as seotes were alanned ity tie voxh f half a ioaea moaated bosirwr-ns. They sniseYtrtl twr oCrrx, bst t-y were t--nv . and foa- MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, the wagon were divided among the gang, ana tney soon rode off, follow ed by wrapping Bill and three troopers, in ths morning, the bound troopers managed to awake ina otners ry weir ones, and then it waa found, by tbeir condition, that the spirits must have bos a dragged, hence tbeir inabilitv to of fer any resistance. "We held a nasty eonncu and de cided to sead to a station. four miles away, for fresh troopers. By means of a messenger, a search par ty wu organised and they left the camp two hoars later, proceeded by tne Diaca trackers to point out the trail. Luckily. I managed to be en rolled among the party, much to my satisfaction. I had a score to set tle with Wapping BUI and 1 intend ed to give a good account of him if we meet We numbered twenty resolute, well armed fellows, carry ing revolvers and knives, whilst the twelve troopers with us had revol vers in addition. -. "We proceeded first to the anene of ths snooanter. We the wagon drawn off the track and over turned. Tha black trackers soon took op ths trail and wa went into the bosn ia Indian file. - Oar prog resa was necessarily slow, but we were quite certain of coming op with the rangers at last. We fol lowed ths blacks for a eonpie of noors, then one of them suddenly set op a warning cry, and wa rushed forward. Ia the centre of an open glade, ws saw tha body of a man laid upon the ground. Scattered around were bits of canvas, and grains of gold glittering in ths grass. Examining the body ws recognized it to be a person some of ns had seen baogiog about the camp few days previous to the starting of tbe escort A small blue bole in his forehead told what had happened. Evidently a dispute had arisen among the rangers, and this poor fellow bad been shot for bis obsti nacy. We again took np the trail and proceoded. The bush now be came less dense, and we made grea ter progress. About a mile furtuor on, one of the blacks, who waa some hundred yards ahead, suddenly dropped flat on the grass, and gave us a warning signal. Advancing cautiously to his side, we peered tnrongb ths bushes. Down in a hollow were six bush-rangers, seat ed around a email fire. Their hors- " '$ tethered near them, and ve Our plan was soon laid. Wa made a detour, and oomDlstelv surround ed then. I crept quietly through the underwood, iniowding to reach- tree, whtoa crew about twnntv yards from ths fire of ths bosh rang era. Sudden!, l- kitA- laid rw I hazily turned,' aim' jnger close py my side Ue'graa..i me by tha' ooUar, and preeonted a revolver to my forehead. ' 'One soondV lsad I u blow your Drains onL be wseer i KeaisUnA waa aswess, so I sab I'tted xtis disarmed ne, flung ms oa io grouna, ; ana fastened my bands behind me with a cord he palled from bis pocket He then went a few hundred yards away, to warn ue rangers, i suppose. I beard a ringing sheer, shots, oaths, and all ths usual noise of a band to band enoounter. Giving a short and sadden wrench, sot loose and rushed forward to see the result of the fight Just as I advanced, I heard two shots fired almost simul taneously, and a bullet shaved past my neaa. l clapped my band to my left ear.- Heaven I tbe lobe was shot away Anothor inch, a n d i should have been killed. " 'Rather a narrow shave, that' said one of the troopers, coming forward. U just saw tbe fellow draw ing a bead on yoa when i dropped him.' ! went forward, and found tbe victory bad ;been ours, Tbres of tas raogera had been shot down, on of them being Wapping BilL Two were wounded, and lay on the Rronnd whilst .one bad escaped. Judfre Linoh soon settled the two prisoners,. j VVe recovered all of oar gold, and ws mads preparations for oar re tarn. Ws gave tbe dead a hastv burial, easing them, of coarse, of all valuables, eta i found a pocket- book on tbe body of mv would-be slayer, and from it i gleaned a full account of tbe gang, ifrona infor mation therein contained. Eandv and I, some weeks later, made a little expedition of oar own to a place in the bash, where we found quiet a large collection of nuggets aad dast toe result of many months of a bush-ranger's life. As it was impossible to restore the treasure to its lawful owners, wo wore obliged to keep it We returned to camo t and in consideration of oar success ful efforts we received a ehare of the gold. Some months later i left tbe diggings, and returned home, mar ried Mary, and settled down here. I ought to add that I gave ths troop er who so bravely saved my life an old silver ring to wear for mv sake t have never seen bim ainoe i bat if ever i do, be shall bs welcome as kiog. Such, gentlemen, ia tha etory of a 'Luoky Bhot" ' r .' The hearty thanks of tbe oomp. any were voted to Mr. White, for bla story, aod tbe eomDeov drank a t?sr-r's health. "To rver saw him after f I tedi:r.Vyte, if yoa were to see blm 1 I asked. - 'I can't say he may have alter ed considerably i but I Co old recog nize the ring immediately.' "Then ia that it 1' aeid I, putting ont my right band, on the little fin ger of which was ths identical ring. 'It is i and yoa are Jack Fox.' "I am i and t am sxceediogly glad to meet an old friend once more.' Lond were ths exclamations of joy at this disclosure. Ws had fresh bumpers, and "we caroused' no til the small hours, fighting our old battles over again. I accepted Mr. White's invitation to stay with bim for a short time, and i most adroit that I spent some very happy hours in 'The Travel er's Host.' An Overshadowing Power. , I wss traveling the oilier night br twf so Mount Msnn&eld and Camel's Hump, is northern Yermoni, and eudeoly I heard tbe sound of tb railway fill. W were nvv ing twenty mi tea an I our. it was foor o'clock, and great Orion was looking down upon the great msjestie ranges, i beard tor an instaot too duudIoq' of the wheels of the railway limbers, aod then felt myslf ret l ng down an emankmant tta height of which I e t oatod by ths time when ws left the track to tbe ina aot it tbe end whiob camo not ( will it na ver some 1 I thought af all my lifo In those Instants of siispen. I did. I give yoa my ord of DO" l at I bad passing before me a vry cum plelo aod reoord o I all (fareor, espe cially of its relation tbat Qod in whose mors InmediatJ prase tee I ipootadtobe io an tustuiit. Just ih sxperlonne of many who era diovoiog outai to ma as I 'a wide awake in the borib of a sierp'ng- cnaob and waited for tbe strikm Wssiruok, aod the interior of the oar fell together like oobwork, and I felt tbat I was aliv and uoinjurod, the eaospe owing wholly iu tho stienjtb of the frame work of tho car. Tho common passenger car riage just ahead was smitten to pieces and set on tiro, and in our carriage the firt quastiou was t 'Are tnere any rghts cer T l'nt tuom out" Now, iu tbat instant, I want ed peace with Qod. What do yoa suppose I depended on T Aly t wn rightooasnesi f 1 didn't think I could be Sftfo with Qod anless I lov ed what Me loved aod bated what he hated. It waa a searching question to we at that moment whether I bad attained similarity of feeling with God. Yes. yen. But yoa say tbis) li tbe eiplodjd dostrine of the new birth. The Bible says the new birth is needed for salvation. Well I wm not iu the mood to sneer at oew bit tb because jt isBibiicol or nettjeo miuYoW."""i-.u it, a wm reeling down tb Kmaroie Dana, a little west McntfOr, at four o'clock oa a winter's morning, on a rail way , accident I wanted this Book, and tho thing which seemed to me the "rock of ages" then waa Biblical iooalcation. Biblical prom ise, ;MinJ exhortation, ' and tbe tried and tested certainties of ths revelation of Qod. 1 wanted that for a dying pillow, and not Theo dore Parker'a guess, if yoa please, I reveronoe Theodore Parker as ao anti-slavery reformer. I reveronce hondreda and hundreds of men who don't hold my opinioo but when lie dying, I don't want tbeir specu lations to rest my bead upon want that book for a pillow, for tbat uook rests on tne nature of things. Tbat is the only honest book in the world. That tells me what I sm that tells me bow to get into the mood of peace with Qod i that is what I wanted on a cool winter night as I rolled forty feet down precipice, expecting instant death i and if tbat ia what I wanted then, its what I want any time, isn't it T What is true in our highest mo ments is tree in all moments- And what we see only by flashes is true tbe whole day long, tbe whole year long, me tnrougn, eternity through. u mere is any certainty, it is cer tainly for all times and places. . At a special session of Congress! convened on tbe 10 inst. President Hayes presented a concise, pointed and sensible messuage, asking no legislation ' which is not of present importance, and making no recom mendations to which any Parisian meaning ean be attached. It is to be hoped that Congress will sot promptly npon the suggestion for immediate legislation with respect to the Paris Exhibition. There ought to be no further delay in this matter. The interests of American exhibitors have sorely suffered enough already Another recommendation wnioo Congress ought to beed is that io whiob tbe President suggests that ths appropriation for ths army be made for its maximum figure of 25,000 men, : .leaving all questions of redaction or inoresee to future ac tion. The pay of the army is in ar rears three and a half months, and, if Congress takes np ths question of reduction, it ' will be some months mors before the officer end meo, who have already been subjected to mucb inoonvenienoe, ean get tbeir pay through the proper channels. ; Let tbe appropriation be made, and wbeo tbe men have got tbeir pay, tbe pro blem of the size of the army ean be Conld yoa recognise him PA, NOVEMBER mm mm ! nt WeBo & MEN'S SUITS formerly sold I SPLENDID all wool snite FINE cassimors suits all woo! COAT, PANTS, Boys' 1I0VS good aohool lull eaitlmara mile " floe tluoday suits "We linvo o. Larrrer belorc. x'ricuM Lower tliuit over. Over Coats for Jflcn and Itoys, Cheaper than ever Offered All we ask is to Come and See, DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE. WEIS & OPPENHHKER, opposite Keystone Hotel, Sclinrovc. FALL PEfcJOft!. AT New York (In Holmes new bniliding, A. TVJtO Kit DRY 600DS, NOTIONS & FANCYGO ODS now ivisrr.xi-u, would moat roHpoct fully announce to the public that I opened the lui'cet nnd mofsc comple e rvMMortmeut of DRY OOTH, NC)TIONH jVIV1 FANCY UOOJUM, ever broufirht to this county. lawgl: variety op FELT SKIRTS, H0ISERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, A PULL, LINE OF THE 11EST Germantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladies and Child ren's Underwear A Full Line of, LADIES CLOAKS which I selected with care as to price ami quality. Mi Dru (looils Depart went embraces all tice staple goods such as Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins Flannels, Waterproofing-. Shirting, etc. In short my Mtoclc 1m full and complete In ev ery tiling- appertaining- to my line. Everybody it invited to call and examine tnu goods. Courteous at ten tion given to all who may favor me Octlfl, 73. NEW GOODS! FOUCAHIIOR the .underslKiied AHHiornee oi HUWAKU AdamsburfiTe Snyder County, Penn'a ine block consists pnrtlv of FALL AND WIJSTER GOODS, Socbaa Cloths, mm wwwt ! i "I m,uiihvj wt.D . v.luuauui ui DTury siyis and aaaLtv. also - Ladies' Dress ALL WOO li DELA1NS, Merinos Poplins, Ac at allprioesaad very cheap, - hats aku vm, nu. floor, w in stair Oil Clota. BOOTS AJYD SHOES. Hardware. Queens ware. Tin and Glassware Wcodand Willow ware, Coffees Bogara, Hyrnps, Molaesea, Teas of all kinds, and at Low Prioea, Ciflrars at Tobaooo. Fiab Ss Salt Wholeaala and R.U1I. , t COAIm COAL, COAL, 8, 1877. NO. 25. YOU CAN BUY HALF PRICE, at ppemfoeluifiieir'G, at to 00 7 00 800 for and VEST for $7 60 and an OVER COAT in the bargain. Clothing a Specialty. SI SO DOTS all wool anil 6 00 " all wool floe auils 7 6o " Soar Sunder eutie AtiNortmcnt. of HATH THE Fancy Store, opposite the Keytsono Ilotel.) HTOCK OP with a call. Jtmpectfulh, H. WEIN. NEW GOODS ! ! JairssLiiiniQ I PJIOIJIJOE DY km; Goods, Sliks i , , a a ee a a jihemiaq cHousa, yropT Trms of Snbsonptton, TWO DOLLAR'S FEB ANNUM. Pay nlile rithin etc months, or t2.J0tfnrt paid within the year. Ho plr di vuniiiiuoq anui aii arrearafCM ar paid unless at the option Iwber. Of the pur Bubecr tlnn ouUtda of thh erW. PATABLI UIADVANCI. Mfrenont lifting and using papera addreMed otbflra become siiUeribers and are liable forthe price of the paper now 15 00 6 50 600 900 10 00 11 01 18 00 13 60 13 00 only ft CO 0 60 V o Sc OA.17N tli n.n over i-ubiianeu erery tnurarUT Evwrnng f s Mill! W . FOTTEIt, AT10RXEY AT LAW. Solinsgrove, Pa , OfTera bis prorraaiooal aartlcaa Io Iba puhlia. AUlagal buioaa aalrunta I his aar wilt reoaWa (roinpt atlaalloa. Offl e ont Joor hoo the New Lnthtraa Ckurah. July, 4ih '72. J THOMPSON BAKER, AttornoyatI -n. rr, '"'4 LT!liurg, loioo Co., Pa ff-C.a na rooaultad ia IbaEafllah aad Jermao languagia." OFFICE Mrkt Strati, oppotll Walla Smith a Co'a 8tor 8 49 FUTStCf AN AND 8UR0E0S, Centrevllle, Snyder Co., Pa. tlffera bis prufettlooal atrvlatt la th publio. 6-38tf FAIHMOUNT HOUSE. NCA.B THBBEFOT, llcldlehurnr lu. IRTIN SMITH, PaorBiiToa. This bouta la in oloaa proiimliyle tb Jtpol ami bat UtHy baaa rahnlll and ra Altad. Roiidii aommoilioiia iba labia wall upplleJ wiib Iba biat lb market affords kii lertnt moderate. II alto keope a Aral olnii lirary, where bar sol, buggia 4o.. eaa be bad at all limit and al reasonable rslee. prttf '77. DR J. Y.SIUNDRL, 8UBQEON AND PHYBIClAlf, Middloburg, Pa. Ollert bU profettlooal aerrloae le tb ell iien of MiUdlajurg aad loialty: f Mareb 21. '87 A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace Jieavertoion, bttytler Co., All kinda of eollaoliona aad oa liberal , tarma. Promptl aliaada to all boalaaa intrusted to bia ear. (Joae 2tt, 7lf A.. II. CK, Justice of tlie Peace antt Conrer&iicer. Bualln Crave, sayecr . ra. Collapilon and til t atlnaM Halatat le Um Sot oljutttatat Um t U1 ho ttui4 M abort iMUi, ar,tt,Tr aasest ALttvis. aoaies ait-saas, S. ALLEHAN & SON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hfsllnwgrrove, Pn, All profettlooal bntlneaa aad aollaotlna; eatrntted I their ear will b proaptly aliened to. Can be eoneulted la EnglitU or Oaraaa. Ofioe, Market Squat. " rioUocv ; NOTICE is hereby glraa 1 all per as j the uodertigned, st to tree oa hit niria.aor at try eft? at tk aay waa, ablaa, IwaaMilM. Sahib te4a, tluat, tirtite, v.. So., at til LUfwii aw onttKllM III todawlts atardlaf io I... . T. J. SaUTH. Jua lUtUCT. QSARLEiJ O. OOUNHLIU3, ' ' A.ttorney-A.t-I-srw "' Nero Berlin, Uion OWiMs, a On at tfftwe ta May St, .. li JOHN B. ARNOLD, j !;4 , , Mtomoy as lijaaHr. 4 ot DISTRICT ATTOUXB1, MllMH.KBGaH TA 4 discussed with deliberation, and pro a a Mi al- r,rofeieaa baela aaarsa4ed t ai- . win h r wtta4: t, rJ' mix i ... i , 1 r. XV" 1... L v-v: IfvyaMUasi - - . -1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers