V.! U '.'.I zk. 1 .... (!.. ' t. THE rQ1. iWli tlisbfel trry fharaday tvalng ij jIKXIUK CXOTII. Froprlrtor. w' " Vft DOLLARS PER AN5CM, Payabl Erlihia fit oai or tv.ou ir aoi paia libln the year. No paper dlntined Bill til arrearag paid inlt at lb option or too poonsner. bsoriptions ontstue 01 ine oouniy PBTABI.K IN APTANCt. persons lifting and tiling paper reSSfsl 19 visrrv imvmf nuiincnuin, ar liable for IB prrc oris poper r. CKONMITLErt, ATTORNEY AT IAW, ' M!ilillliirtr. T. .. r , . .UIIV1 " - " ' . . -- entrusted to hi tar wilt receive Impt attention. ja o, our . C. SIMPSON, La ATTORN ET AT LAW. Helinsirrove ra., Lre hi professional service to tho pub- All buelnei enirusieu to Uif re bo promptly attended to. . r IJtm. If, Wf vr. kniqht, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Frceburg Tti., n bit Professional lervlc to tbe pub- All business entrusted to bis care bi promptly attended to. Jn 17,C7tl 11. VAN GEZETt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisburg I'd., n bit profeiilonal service to jo puh- Collection! ami mi oioer no'mion' . . - LI- .... Mines! emrusieti huh nn "m rr t prompt attention. ko. f. miller, Lnwlnhurrr t'ft. lrt bit Professional service to the puh ijolieeiion ana an oiner profession fastness entrusted to bil earo will re- i prompt attention. Jan. B, V7tr. hl.-UNN, A. II. DILL, (.umessors to J. F. a. J. m. l.inn,) rTOK.NKVS AT LAW, Lewinburg, Pa. their professional service to the bs. culieoiiona anu an oioer pro- IodiI business entrusted to their care tciivpromptalteniion. Jan. 8, 'bill IABLES HOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Ya., I bis professional services to ibo pub- Collections and all other professions 1 litis entrusted to nil care win re s prompt attention. Oftice two door a of the Kejslone Hotel. Jan 5, '0 iMUEL ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Pa bil Professional service to the Is. All busmen entrust ea to ms Iwill bo promptly attended to. Col- Ins made in au parti or iu state. In speak tho English and German sis fluently. Oflioe hot ween Hall's lbs Post office. IN. MYERS, ATTQBSEI k COCELOR AT LAW ldlcburg Soydcr County 1'cnn'n ( a few door West of the P. O. on street. Consultation in bnglish IGnnun tifiisgei. Prp.'tTn N , BUCHETt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LowiMburi? Tu., bis professional leivicesto the pub. LM1 business entrusted to his care bi promptly attended to. Jan. o. o,i OVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. tons in need of a good and durable ! Machine eau bo acconimodvted nl tab) prices by calling on on 8am- kt'ST, Agent, eelinsgrove. Jan. i. tt . J. Y. SHIN DEL, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Miildlcburg Ta., IhU professional services to thl olt- bi Middlcburg and vlctnliyv Marcs VAN UUSKIRK, IICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST SelinngTove Pcnn IN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE, rcon Twp., 6oyder Co. P wnJT'l v.. JC-TICE OF THE PEACE. ioa To waBhip, 8nydr Co. Pa., (end to all business entrusted to s and on Ibo most - reasonable Marob 12, 'C8tf J- F KANAWEL. rBYSIClAN ANDBCROEON, rcvllle, Snyder Co., Pa., all profesiional ferric to lb u-oou SCHWAN, M. P., SURGEON 4 PHYSICIAN, Port Trevorton Pa. is professional senlces to lb if this plaoo and vicinity. II jQcrman and English. . . Aprtl JO, uo BOYERJr. AUCTIONEER, rieeburg gnydef Co. 1 a., fretfully offers but lerrloes to I io as Vendu Cryey and Auollon K'log bad largo experience, I btint that I aa rondor perfect ton to my omployee. (.Jan. , ui PARKS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW -. DISTRICT ATTORNY, ' BURG, SNYDER COUNTY, P CotiH Usui, 8ept.l6, '67lf MSJWENEll'S SONS CCOWAREHOUSE J22 N.TH IRCJS PUILADELPU1A. - BANT HOUSE. MANDEKBACII Prop's. - i. . J. C. W1PK, Clerk, k ill North Third Btreel. , . . . , i PhiladelvUla a a i - t , . ... j t8ALE BOOK SELtERS 'i Blank book Manutnturci 'sin Wrnnnlna Ulaitlna- Tiur. 'U pap r Papir Ragi lo 0' naisr xnk Third ttroot abT Rac m 1 1 VOL. 9. W. F. HANSKLL, rccuioa to CAFrAit fctaaw, DjtOCBJBKT AMU aunwAxa, Vo. II Kerth Fourth 8lrcfl, PUILaDELPlilA. Original Package Constantly on Hand lipraerated by THKO'H flWtlf EFORD. III Office, 720 IliiCOXUlDD Chestnut u Silent Street, mm MACHINE (Philadelphia. 3 4 3 "I uir mr Itcnrtr rreferenco to tlio tt illcox A Ulbb BUnt Hewing Machine." "Tho weight of relialil yllrnre being )TTwh-lnina fnr that of the Willroz A G ihb lilent Hewing Machine, I decided upon it, Jrocureu it, ana am mart loan saii(. URACK UhBRHWOOD. I hr the WheeVr A Wilson, the Ororer Baker, and the Willcox A (iibb Sewing Vlarhineo in my family. I use the Willcox k Oibb most frequently, thinking it Car uperior to eitner ot tne outers. MRS. liBABT WARD ilKECUER. " Mr lfo would not accept a flewine Machine of any other patent tu a oift, if she nnst receive it on condition of giving up the .Villcox A Gibbe." JBIT. UUTEI FAFF, CartwniUl., r. " Tli Willcox A Oibb is the on'v Pewlng tfachina whoa working i so sure and simple bat 1 couia tentur to introduce it into lria." rEt. a. T. Pratt, Missionary American Hoard. " W hay used various Pewing Machines rithin our family, but it is tho unanimous pinion of tho household, that tho Willcox k Uibb U th beat of them all." CSV. J. S. Hot at R, Brookljo, KT. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy f construction. I have Been no Sewing Jachin equal to the Willcox A Gibbs." I'.SOI H i.KWIH. Of the PennnrlTSnla Csntral B. B. A correpon1nce on the lublect tf Sm lnff Machine it respectful- y 0onciiea, 720 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! R. Q. UETZKL. P. B. McCVLLOVQH HETZSIi fc ZsXcCUSXOUOQ, (SICCES80H3 TO JUUN HETZEL ) EALER9 Iff ALL KINDS OT hi:kciiamisi:i HIGHEST CASH TRICE PAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, BAIL ROAD TIES, &.., Ac, CHAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, llTO-tf. Q.REAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE, NEW QOOD8. : HELFRICH & BUOWER Wlsk to Inform lb eilitini of Bannervlll and vicinity that Ibey har opened a new alock of good, and will keep constantly on band full assortment of :i)Ktss ooons: Conslst log of A LP AC A 8.P0P LI N8,P LADS, LIBTKBH, UELAIfita, CALICOES, A. i Clothe & Cnsslineres HATS andCArS, BOOTS and SHOES. iUROCEBi'KS.; ...... t . . 1 'nARDWJBE AND QUEEN8WABI. SALT AND FISH, And in faot yrytliing nscally kept In a nrsi oiass oouoiry si or. u ot wuioo w offer at greatly riduced prioei, for Cask or Hating had largo oiporianea in Ik business, w flatter oursIs that w oaa plssa and aa flair au our euatomorst I Hoping by atriot atlonlioa U business mnA m Aa n1a.a all. lABaaril A llhara.1 stas of pullie pttrooag... Our motto U W ask at laait thai lb publlo oxainlno am .Innki ..I w j. kafnra mi a 1.1 n m lswhro, a wo lwy ikow or good t.L -I wiib immn. HELFRICH BOWER. BMrrlUr fcJW, 1870. tf t M1DDLEBURG Neleot Poetry, - "KEEP A STtrr irtjpMR LIP. , i ' ' t ruolnicAtr. There ha somelhisg gone wrong, Mr bravo bny it appear, For I your proud struggle To keep baob tho tear. Tail i right. When you cannot Olt trouble the slip, Then bear ll, slill keeping "AltifT tipper lip." Though yon cannot escape Disappointment and rare, Tke next best thing to do "' I to learn how to bear. If when for life' prises You're running your Irlp, 0 el np, start again "Keep a itlft upper lip !" Let your bands and youroonicienco It honest and clean a Scorn In touch or to think of The thingilial is mean But hold on to the pare And the right with firm grip, And though bard be InoUik, "Keep slid upper Up I'' Through childhood, through minhood, Through life to the end, Struggle bravely and stun. I Hy yonr oolors my friend. Only yield wbrn you must ; Neeer "giTe up the ship," But fight on to tho last "Wiih a ik ft upper lip." A FORTUNATE MIST IKE. BY r. I) K LACY. George Riirlon wn a merchant, who lived it) the city of Elinira. Ho had boon iticceseful ia amassiagt, a large fortune, and looked upon . money a the c&eoce of all good. Did you tell him of the (luporlor qtnliticg of Any person, ho would ikU, "How much i ho wjrth and if tho answer wn not satislactory in thut rcpect, lie won at ooct put dowo as of littlo ac count io tho estimation of Mr. liartoo. Holding the Tie? lie did on this suljuct, it was not to be wondered nt dint w hen Jamus Cnmoa mked Mr. Darton for periiiibiou tu tnary hi daughter Augusta, who waa a very protty girl only twenty years of aj;o. that cooRcnt wa rcdily girco, because James Curgoo was quito wealthy, and though nearly gixty years of ago, and aoytliing but prepossessing In oppoar an co, in Mr. Harton' oniiiuation, li is money mado him a dubirablo son-io-law. Angula'8 mother liaJ entirely dif- forcnt viows on this subject, and be lieved that moral worth and affection were more desirable io a husband than money, and hor daughter was of the samo belief. Whon, therefore, Mr. Barton told Augusta of tbo proposition made by Mr. Carson, the at onco protected against sucb a mnrrnc as Impossible, as aho toid she nerer could lovo or re spect such a husband. Her father was exceedingly vexed at her obstinacy, as bo called it, and so determined was be on this marrage, that be at last threatened Io disinher it his daughter, unless she consented to marry the man of his cboico. As he concluded this threat, bs said : " Mr. Canon ' will call to-morrow, and see that you receive bitn in a proper manner.'' The next day tho call was mado, but Augusta took good eare to be absent from home the whole afternoon, and Mr. Carson was tbercforo uuablo to make his proposal. Several calls were made with a like result, but at last Augusta bees me tired of baying continually to dodge ber aged suitor, and witb the consent of her parents, accepted an invitation to make a visit to s tisterof Mrs. Barton, who resided in New York. As sbe left bo roe, her father told her tbal be hoped before she came back she would make up ber mind to ac cept Mr. Carson for her husband. Mr. Burton bad duly informed Mr. Canon of the proposed journey, and train on which Augusta would go, to that, much to her dixguat, on taking her seat In tbo cars, Mr.' Carson eame in, and she was placed under his eare aotil ber arrival in the city. During thi Journey, the old man trrged bis suit to the best of bis abili ty, but met witb no successand Au gusta saw hini depart from the resi dence of her suot after tbair arrival in the eiiy, witb feelings of relief. Two days afterwards Mr. Carson again called, sod told ber that busioea affairs com pelle4 bins to ti a joornoj to Europe; 1 snot that hi should proba- . . . . . . . ' ... A -1 biy be absent Mvewaaeoios, anu oi ler again Ineffectually urging ber to marry blmaod aeoompaoy him on tne journoy. bo departed, loaving Augusta Lapp with the assurance that for a time, at least, sbe would, bo ireo irotn bis attentions. Japes Carson bad nephew wbo resided ip the. tiJty, and whose nana differed but slightly from ibat ot bi unole's, the jvubf dud being Jamts SNYDER CO. PA.. MAY 4. 1871, Circumstances brought Ibis young man and Aogosta into eaoh othor's society, ami as she was a lo7able young lady, it was not surprising that ore long ho yielded to her charm. Wheo be made known the state of bis bcart to Augusta she frankly told bin that bis love was returned, but that ber father would never con sent to the marriage, as he had wishc of bis own upon that subject. She also told liiru that a marriage without hor father's eonsent wou I da probably disinherit ber, but a she did not tell her lovor, tbo name of ber father's choice, tho young; man was eotirely innocent of any intentions of interfer ing with tho matritnorflal arrangemoula ofhisuoclo. He, however, expressed liia deter mination to write to Mr. Barton (or his conseot, and if obtained, nil right, and if not, ho bud Augusta's promiao to marry him without that conpcot. The nlmeoco of Mr, Carson from El tcira was known to Mr. Barton, but he supposed that he was sliU in New York, and accordingly wheo bis datigh tur bad been absent nearly threo months, tho arrival of tbo following letter from that city was hailed with much satisfaction by the old gcntlu maa Niw York, April 1, lHOG. Mr. ttsrlon : Pear Pir Your daughter. Augusia, baa signified her willingness to hecom my wife, but before taking such a step, desire m to wrilo lor your eonsent. Hoping for a favorable reply, 1 remain your respect fully, Jamss W. Cabsox. " Will,'' suid Mr. Ilitrtnrj, ns he read that letter, " I thought tho girl would Coiuo around after a whilo. There is nothing like managing thene pirls rittht, but what the duce does old Carson want to write roe for T Ho knows I an willing. However, I will asswer biin, and tell him to have tbe marrago over at ouco. Tbore is nothing liko striking while tho iron is hot." By rctnrn of mail, Mr. Barton ac cordingly wrolo thuri: " Mr. Canon : Dear Bir I am glad to hear that the girl was hown the good sense io accept you for a husband. I enclose you a check for f.MW, wbirb please band my daughter, as she may need tbe money io purchase ber weMiug ouifti. If you tuke my advice, however, yo-i will not giv her lima to cbango hr atiud before you mak her Mr. Carson. Yours, j o,. G. IUnrux." Tho tone of this letter wai a s iurne of much burpriso to the roung man, but be did not honilaio to aut upon bis proposed fathor-io-law's sdvico. and accordingly hsutcned to report tbo contents of the letter, and delivor the check to Augusta She at onco saw tbe mistuko ber lather bad male by the similarity in names, but thought best to keep her own coonsel on that subject, aud yield to her lover's solicitation for a speoJy marriage, beioro ber father bad an opportunity to discover bis tuistak and withdraw tbo consent bo bad giv en. She therefore Agreed to his pro- posal.aod aftor a consultation with her uont, whom she bad taken iu'o ber confidence, it wus arranged that tho toerrisgo should take place in a quiet manner that same eveuiug at ber aunt's resideoce. Augusta Immediately wrote be fath er, tbanklog him for his remittance, and telling him than ia aooerdabco witb his letter to Mr. Carson, they bad coo. eluded to be married at ouce. and that she and ber husband might bs expeot d at homo the followiujr. day. Tbe mxt day Mr. Barton burned home from bil office, so as be ready to welcome bis daughter sad bis sou-io law oo the srrival of tbe train. , Is due course of time the carriage conveyed tho yousg couple from tbo depot to Mr Burton's residence and tho old gentleman, with ft satisfied look hastened to tbe door to reooive tbem. As Augusts prevented tbo young man to ber fatbor, sa " My faibaod. Mr. James W. Carson," tbs satWGed expression of Mr, Barton's countenance rapidly changed to oo of astonish ment and soger. For a short time there was a stormy scene, but as James bad only followed tbo advice given blm by Mr. Barton, and his daughter bsd , not married without Lis consent, tbe old gentle man finally eonoluded to forgive then. Shortly after that Mr. Jaraea Carsoo returned from Europe,' and when be found bow matters stood, he graceful ly sooeptod tho situation, and said bo believed after all bo would Tolber be Augusta's uncle than ber husband, and io aftor years btfh tbs young people decided tbst at aa uuoie, its was a uo cldod succors. " l'dacsrls,'-- i Tbe eoal miner passes Is hie sags rapidly from the light of day to tbe dukosM tf tbs eoaUbid, several bun. dred yards beneath the surluce. Hero he toil too often in a constrained position for boor", bowing coal by the dim MrM of a lamp filtered thro' tbo small tncMies of s wire gsuzo Hit dangers arc mnny, and, from the moment tho miner trusts himself on the decenJing en go, tliry begin. A man a dty u l-Hlcl in the thofit (,f our roKurii. Tho roof above hiiu in his working place is often trencher- uus, and nearly sir turn are l ilhit for trt ry million ef lona nf coif rnhelin ih! romitry. by tbo fall of the stra tum beoonth which lie labors. Then tho coal itself is sometimes continu ously, often sudtiotily, pouring out In carburet ted hydrogrn gas. whieh mix ing with air, becomes the fire damp ; and, with tho sad cnstialitics ariion? from its cxioion, wo are unfortu nately, but too familiar. Io one mo ment stores of moil aro destroyed by tbe forco of the expluinn ; aod those who escape tho fire damp, perish in the dendly cloud of "after-damp," "stythc," or "tboak-lamp," aa tbe carbonic acid formod by the explosion is varioufly named. Nor are these ull tho dangers of the miner. He suddenly breaks into oJ workings, of which no reeorJs have beeo kept, and he perishes by drowning, in the rush of tho liberated waters, surging un der the pressure of the column of fluid which has been gathering, may be, for u?vs. 1 ho com may bo set oo Tiro by an explosion of gunpowdor, or from Nome accidental cause, and, fanned by tho force of the ventilating current, become rupiiliy so extensive, as to cut off all meucs of escape. Then wo havo the sad record of tbo Hartley Colliery, in which by the breaking of tho marbincry, the shaft was closed, and 201 men and boys found a living Inmb. A similar accident occurred but u fow wovks siuco near Hother linm, where the wholo body of coll. iurs at work were In a moment scaled in their colliery for some days ; but happily, hero it was pofteiblo to re leaso them, Tbe toiler in the metal mines, who is not liobto to suffer from explosion ot Grc-damp, is surrounded by numer ous danger, anallgous to those al ready described. Bcyoud those, from the soverity of tho lubors of tho me. tallifcrous miner in air deficient of ox- ygca uu 1 with uo excess of carbonic acid, and from the injurious iufluonce of climbing oa perpendicular ladders from, it may bo, more than SOI) fath oms bencuth tho surface, brnnehieal diseases are contracted early io life, and avemgo period of bis rxislunce is I'Ut little above half that enjoy el by other men. The very condition of a miner's life renders him a peculiar man. The darkr.es. of the recesses of a mine gave birth to the kobal and tbo gnoroo types of all tbo various superstitions which, although somewhat modi Rod still haunt tbe miner He it ever a religious man. I hero is uo prolans spoa&er In "underground life,'' and whistling Is retarded as an set of le vity, aod ia always checked. Yet the minor's religion is almost always that of tbe fatalist, "I shall not die until it pleases tho Lord," is Its expression. A man who wis brought out of tbe Luodhil! Colliery for dead, but wbo recovered, was coon at work in a neighboring colliery known to be of a ''fiery" character. Ho was asked by a visitor if be was not under fear, ha ving already suffered so severely ? "No," was the umbesltatinf reply ; "tbo Lord wbo saved mo tbon will save me again." M. bimonin gives a discnption of the results of an inundation of a Liege colliery : "On tbe 28th ef Fob. ruary, a sudden irruption of tho wa tcr which had been dammed up in tho old workings surprised ths coll iers in ibo mine of Bi aujouo, tome of whern bad just .lime enough to make their os cap by . enfant of. the sbalt. whilo others in their hasty flight were drowned ; tbe rest remained close prisoners. The overman, Uobert (Jof- fio, eould have gone np in tbo tub, but would not do so j and be evoe kept bis son,' a boy sged twelve, near bin. Like the captain who ought not to a- bundon bis ship in the moment of danger, be meant to remain . in tbe ailoo, displaying the Most nereis devo tion, aod tbo noblest resignation. 'I will ssve ell sty men,', be said, 'or I will perish wilb tbem.' Firm at hi. post, he enoouragod and sustained everybody, striving io revive the courage of those 'wbo were oo tbe point of yielding. Foooes took plaoo suub as tbe poa cannot describe. Two mo n were engaged ia a quarrel, and while Ooffio tried to separate tbem, some one oiolaimod, 'Let tbem figbt j we will est tbe one who U beaten.' At another time, all these men were seiiedwith despair. The work that Ooffio had caused them to begin, witb tbo objoct of finding, ll possiblo a way out, hiving produced disengagements of fire-damp, thry cried to their chief. Do not close tho eomrnnnientinn t loi ns take tbe lights there and blow our selves ip.' gome exhausted miner's seemed to do nearly dying ; their comrades, 0s thry afterwards sckuowl ol(ed, watihed for tho instant, in or der to dnvour their bidie. All the lamps were vstsogui.thed for want ol air the weakest and most timid be come delirious, complnlnltla thataonio body wautcd to kill theru by leaving them without food or light. They im periously di'iu indbd srinet Ling lo eat. and inveighed against UofCu. Tlio contended for tho candles, which thry devoured. ISome went creeping ul inu to (liicneh their thirst. 'It seemed,' thid they, 'as though wo wore drink ing tho blood of our comrades. ' " Howover, help from without came to the colliers. At tho end ol five lays, twenty-four colliers were relea,. 1, and onco more saw tho light ol tbo sun. A Living Stinko In it M Oman's Momucli. The report for some timo current in Wooslcr, that tbcro was a woman in tbo Wayno county Infirmary, two milrs from tho city, who hid a living nnko in hor stomach, Ins erentoJ considerable cotnuifoi and excitouicut. It wan gencrully regarded as a Ncua nation story, gotten up by somo mor- liid-miodel or li iirh I v imaginative pCMoo. to quiver the muscle of the strong, and trill tho nerves of tbo weuk. But there is no Inmluig about ft. An unfortunate woman is now in tho infirnmry with a living miako in her stomach, of the truth of which there is tbe most obundaot proof to con vtnee the most skepticnl. Wo visited the infirmary last Saturday for the purpoo of obtaining tbo facts, that wo may hiyo our renders a oorreot ru lutionn ol this truly remarkable ease, Iur the particulars) of which we ac knowledge the conrte-y of Min Shamp, and A. il. Twenty, superin tendent of tho infirmary. The poor woman's name is Mrs Hat- tie Lindis. Kho is twenty-three years of ago. Kho is a citlxon of this country and formerly resided in Wooster, an) was brought bore from tho Richmond county infirmary five weeks ao. For six years sbo has been subject to con vulsions of tbesoverost character, which thus far the bent modical skill has boen unable to suppress. At Canton and Hnesvillo, Ohio, we understand the doctor could do nothing to relievo her, and nt Phila delphia the was under tbo rare of two of the most eminent plivsioisns, without beneficial results. In porson, Mrs Landis is of medi um height, slight and delicate, bor wan features, exhibiting sad evidences of the reptile's Uialign influences upon her nervous system. Sbo his spasms every day, sod Sometimes as many as twenty. During each convulsion she becomes entirely unconscious. Hor body ritbes and struggles In nsony ; her face grows black from suffocation i her eyes distend almost to bursting, and turn iu their sockets ; her Urngue stiffens snd protrude from her month, and the domon of a snake twists, with slimy folds up ber throat into ber mouth, wrapping iUelf around the root of ber tongue, aod darting its bead out and tn of bor mouth with the rapidity of lightning liko the tongue of s snuke out of a snake's mouth snd then tquirms down ber ibrost, when the spasm subsides. Tbo sight has been witnessed by many persons, and pronounced a fear ful and shuddering thing to behold. It has protruded its body at much ss thru inches, is black in color aod as thick as a lady's index finger, sod thoB wbo have seen it lay there la no doubt but that is either a suako or an cel. It does oot appear every time she baa a spurn, but generally in those he bas from 6 to 10 o'clock in the svening. ',' , . , , . The woman: oats voraciously, with out receiving spptreot benefit, for within five raiautcs of partaking of a' liberal meal, the luffurt tbo pangs of bJuiror. snd it ravenous for food. To cat sour pickles, cabbage, or anything ofansoid nature evidently throws tbe animal Into paroxisms as, when such are taken, it makes tbe greatest disturbance aod immediately shows It self in bor throat and mouth. It was first observed in a convulsion she had aftor eating somo picklo. Tbo unhap jy woman bat no Idee wbtn or Where VtlVfjriiNlnpr Itatrss. On column one yer f 60.00. One-half column, no yeaf, 10.00. .viihi., vm jr, JU II', On quar (10 liaen) oae lasorlloa TS. Every additional Insertion . CO. Professional aad Boslties' tut it of not snoro I ban Sa llna. k.r vaa A no Auditor, Executor, Admluiilraior and Asslgnrs Koilees J.ftO. Cdiiorial notiooo per line) 16. All adverlisemaata fi!r a ahnrlar narlnd than nna waa. ... Ha.al.l. . ik. - j . . ... 1 J m u t w m ... . . lw .-v ..v ...... i, pan, yrw son rdering them Will b held responsible fur the money. sbo might linve swalliwcd it, ami cannot be luudo to believe that so fo il ai.d hateful a thing lubabitt bet body. Tt Irf humanely hoped that bor nif fcritigs will sour, be relieved, for she is tbo most pitiful objert and rouuivus ibo compassion of every person. .V. J. .VcAainV. llunllng lli IlutTaltr At present hunting buflatj fir mar ket lui" become a regjlir tr.nl ), aud all along tho route of tho wilrosd Ibo busings is Cirriol oo. A par ty gn. orully coiihl-ts of f iur pois jtis, at tb outride r)i, with one heud htintcr, who employs tho men and who always haa a wa;;ou witb its teum of rough Indiun ponies. Tho hunters srj of course admirable shots, au I very rare laixly, il ever, is iimm tli.iii ono shot utiel. 5!iiid our iuforuiaut, "One ihot bebmd tli o Hliouller almost always brings tlicrn dowu ; so many sbo so many bufTalocs." They would luuijh at any one who would Miout twice. Their j:uo, tbelr only extravuguouo, are as pi rlct as ran be, always brvouh loadrs, in fact the old heavy tnuzilo louder is becoming olaolct. Tho herd is seated in such a way that tbo winds shall eouic from tho uniuiul to tho party. They can bo approaoliod rciulily within a mile witb the loam. Tho tucu then ccuiincoco a ttill huot. Hunting them on horseback is fun, but it is not tu.'cessful. Tt n-quinw ureat s-k ill and patieooo to etHlk thoui. 1'eoplo who havo never boeo oa the pi tins have a filse idea of what prairlo grjss ia. In Illinois tbo grMM is as hiuh ea vour middle, bnt on tho trua prairie, where the buffalo foe Js, tho crass be lives oa is hardly two ioohos high. It is oot very green save ir early Spring mostly, it is of a russot hrowu, but ulwoys tender. All kioJs of tamo stock cat it, ami imnrovoon it ! wonderfully. inow doui not hurt it j the hunter even think the buffilo fatten mupt when tbo pra-s has been covered by snow. Tbe herd is varia bly guarded by sotno two or three old bulls, who ere very watchful. They will I'uod awhile, then stop, sniff tho air, look anxiously around, au I, ifoo itiK notiiiog to excite them, will re. commence tboir feeding. Tbe cows and calves aro always ia tbo middle oi tbo flock. Tho men, dragging them selves oo the ground, approach to within a very long ratine, and select ing those iadicuted, ono shut always docs lb business. To ehoot ut tbo bond of a bull i to wosto ammunition ; be does not mind it any more than ho would a fly. You might shoot all tho lead in Gale na thero, and ho would never notico it. It core is taken, you may kill a largo number in the same herd, pro viding you leavo the calves alone, or do nut shoot a cow with a cull'; this Kciiorully makes thorn uneasy, and they nmy Hcampcr off. It is no uo common thing for a good set of man to kill and bring in a loud of 12 hind quarters, to avorago 223 pounds esch, in a day. Tbe hunters area. brave, will set, true frontiersmen. making their mouey easily, aud tpeud infi it freely. Often the pay of a month will be gambled away in half an hour's timo. Curds aod wbitHcy aro there ooly amusement. Their pay is about 150 a month end found. Col, Jo.nes bud several Irishman in bis employ, nod one hot day took it into his bead to furnish each of tbem with a drink of whiskey. Ho there lore brought out his bottle aod glass, and ss each took a liberal allowance, by tbo tiuio it ctmo to Pat, who was last in liuo, ibora was scareely a full drink left, but what there was be drain- ed into tbo tumbler. At be wa rait ing it to bis lips a ' tuablo-buk'," which unfortunately came flying along just then struck the rim of bis bat aod fill into tbo whiskey. There waa no nioro liquor io the botti. aud as l'ut hated to lose bia drink, be gently fished out the bug and raised the glass toward bi Hps. But hit stomach icbellod against' tho dose snd he set dow ibo tumbler witb the liquor un touched,, when tbe Colonel taid t . .. " Prink it, fat, it is nothing but a clean bog. " ;; ;', ' ' ' " It miy be ss oiean as any ' bug in the world,' repliod Pot,' ''but by St, Patrick, I don't like ite occupation. L Tcxe it tbe most prospvious ef the, Sontborn Statet, its credit is good, and improvement are progressing with great rapidity. Pome Idea of tbe slxe ' and resources, of tbo state miy bo bad f fiotu tho faot (bat after dsduutiog all , patented lands tbe state is still the possessor or 71,028,830 seres, alWw. "j Inn one-half to be fit for cultivation,' it males a rory solid bottom of crdit The total jtotedebt b i enlf MOSa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers