TII13"lOHT rukllibtil every Thursday Evening by JKRMUM tBOlBK, fropvlcter. Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS TER AKM'M, Payable witnm tn tnoniu, orji'.ou ir not paid within (be year. N paper discontinued until til arresragee are paid unleas at in oroina oi io putillsner. Subscriptions outside of the county rBTABI.K IN ADVANCE. WSr reraene lining itod uilng papers nauresrea 10 ofuer neeome subscribers. and are liable for Ike price of the paper Jr. croxmiu.ei:, AT10HNKY AT LAW. MliMlclmrp, fit., Offers bit professional services lo lb pub' it. Collections and nil other professional business entrusted to bit or will receive prompt attention. Ja a, '67 if AC. SIMI'SON, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. Selinsgrove Pu.. lOffert on professional service lo the puh ie. All business entrusted lo bit eere .will be promptly attended to. I Jaa. 17, 'CM JV. KMOIIT, , ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Free burg Tu., Offer! bit Professional service lo tbt pub ic. All business entrusted lo Lie care wilt be promptly aCleadtd to. 4 an 17. 67tl WM. VAN fJKZKU, ATTOKNKV AT LAW, , Lew isbtirg Fa., Offer! bli professional service to i pub llo. Colleolloni and all otber Piofcssion al business entrusted lo bit car will r pair prompt attention. GEO. F. MILIiKIt, ArwNev AT LAW, Lcwinhurg J'o. Offers bis Professions! service to l lie put ' lie. Colleolione and all otber profession all business entrusted to bis cure will re delve prompt attention. Jan. 8, MtTtf. J 31. LINN, A. (I. DILL, (SuecaniKirs to J. F. A I. M. linn,) ATTOHNEVS AT LAW, Lrwiaburg, Pa. MT.M . I. - ! . DMfM.lnn.l ...Vlu. ... t 1 . . publio. Collections and all otber pro fessional business entrusted lo tbeir car will receive rroniptaltent ion. f Jan. 8, 'U7tf C1IAHLKS UOWKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ScliitHgrove l'a., Offers bis professional services to lb pub lic Collections and all otber professions business entrusted to bis ear will re eeive prompt aneniioei. met mo uour north of IbeSegrslone Hotel. Jan 6, 'C SAMUEL ALLKMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove Ta Offers bis Professional eervicea lo lb publio. Alt business entrusted In bit care will be promptly attended lo. Col lections made in all parts of the State He can speak lbs Kngl'eh and Gerumn language fluently. OIHce between Hall's and tb Pott office. N. MY BUS, Middloburg Snyder County lViin'n Office a few doors Wet of tbe P. O. on Main street. Consultation in Englifli sitl On ni ii ii tiguecr. Erp.'tiil T CBITJIKK, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Lewlhliurg Tu., Offers bis professional seivlcesto tbe pub lie. All business entrusted to bis care will bs promptly aticaVo4l to. Jaa. 8. '(171 (utovEii iiaki:u J SEWING MACHINE. Persons in need of a good and durable Sewing Machine can be nccommodtted at reasonable prices by calling on on San ail Faist. Agent, belinsgrove. fj.gl, '6P jyi. j. y. shindkl" a-' BinUEON ANU riHltlA., MiddleburK Pa.. Offers his professional services lo Ibe cll iiens of Middleburg and vicinity. March 21, 'C7 F. VANUUSKIUK, Sl'ROICAL A MECHANICAL PEST1ST JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Tcdo Twp.,fio4tr Co. Ta YH. WAGNER, Etq., J L8TICE OF TIIE PEACE. Jaokaon Towuahip, SoydegCo. Pa., ill attend to all business entrusted to ii ear and on lb most reasonable mil, ttarcb 13. "OBif TUt J JT KANAWEL, V PUYBK IAN AND 8UR0E0, AtitrcvlUe, Snyder CoH fl., rfrs his professional aexvlees lo ibe 1? W. 6CIIWAN, M. D., il) uiTnnrrtv & PiavairTAV. evr v tajwvx Vnrt Travortan Pa. his professional servlees to lbs miens of Ibis piaos ana vioiniiy. ue li ueruan auu uigusn. April jltl, 'Q8 A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEEiR?. . Vw eabiirir Bin der Co. Pa., lost respectfully offers his services lo panne as Vendue cryer anu auciiod- Having bad large eipertence, i )sandent that I ean render perfect "faction to my employees. , LJan. v, on T. PARKS, ATTOrfsET AT LAW ft DISTRICT ATTORSY. Idbiedcbo, 8NYDER COUNTY, P In Court Bouse, 8epM6, '7lf l H'JS BREMER'S SONS BACCOWAREHOUSE f.322'N.TH IROS !'53T PHILADELPHIA. CHANT irOWBE. U. MANDERBACII f aov'E. 3. C. MVK, Clerk. A 41ft North Third Street. i. . , Phlladelphln I'ltE A JLDER ' , 'BOLE" - 5 pOOK BEIAir J . ,i bock Ha fat?- "s In V. , lag, 1 uw. t 'ft v mmm VOL. i). F. IIAN5ELL. reensoa to carvraAS A csiv, CJLOOSJUIT AlfO aUNWAU, K SI North Foarth Hirtfi, PHILADELPHIA. Original Packages Constantly on Hand. Benretented by TliKU'ff BWIKEroBD. INI QfiGe, 720 ri If m MWSJ l Chestnut U Silent Street, 5 n EWIHG MACHINEK (Philadelphia. U M I b4t tor hearty preference to rii U'iUoox A GiLbe Bilenl Sewing Machine." rX a-KS. " Th weight f retiabl eritlenr being vrwhclmlg for that of the Willoot: A Oibbs Silent Kewii Machine, I deckloe) upon it, procured it, and am snore than enliiW." UUli USIIIWOOD. 1 have tie Wheeler A Wilson, the Grorer I Baker, and th Willcox A Oibbe Sowing Machine Ui my fauilT. I use lb Willeoi k Uibbs moat rreauaiitiy, Hunting it lar uperior .to either oi the othem." . JIBS. UUSI Tl A XV UESX.HSK. Mf wife would aot accept a Sew ins tlachin of any other patent at a yifl, if aba nti4 receive it on condition of frinns- np Ui A-iUoOibU. ... Carboadale, ra. Tlie Willcoi A Oibbs Is the eWv Sewina Taobine whose working is so sure and aimpl hat I could Ten lure to introduce at into lyria." Rbv. A. T. PtATT, MUalonary Ajasrlcaa Beam. 0 We Lav used various flewina Machines rirtwi our family, but it la the tmmimout ipinion of the household, that th Willcox (libb is Ui best of them all." JtliV. J. n. IIOI.MK, Brooklyn, H Y. " For simplicity and meflianical accuracy f construction. I have seen no (wwint dachui equal to the Willcox A Gibbs." CHOI H L.EWIH. U4iM PenDajIraiua Centml B. & A corresvondettce oh the luhjert Sewing Machine it respectful' y toiictica, J). S. EWI3(i, 729 Chettmrt Strctt. Philadelphia. N EV FIRM AND tfEV.- GOODS! II. O. Ui.17.Xh. f. S. MctM LLOVdll H23TZSL A XtZcCUKLOUOIZ, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN HETZtL.) BEALEUS IN ALL KINDS UK MERCHANDISE! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID ion FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, tt., Jto., - a CHAPMAN, S-NYDEB COVNTT, TENNSTLVANIA. March 17, lsra-lf. Q.REAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILUE. NEW OOOD8. I1ELFRICH & J3R0WER Wish lo Inform Ihe cllliens of DannerviUe and vloinity that Ibey bar opened a new stock of goods, and will keep constantly on hand full assortmsnt of ijiifc'ss'ooVijs: Consisting of ALFACAS.POPLINB.PLADS, LtPTnEB, . lKiiAlNs9, CALICOES, Ao. ClotM & Cassliueres HATS and CAPS, BOfJTS and BU0X3. awucERiE(i.: HAADWARE AND QPEENSWARE. SAIT AND FISH, And la fact everything usually kept In a Aral elaas oouniry si ore. All of which w offer U greatly redttstd nrlsu, for Cash or Countrj Proouoe. Having had large eiperlenee In th buaiaess, w Oatter swsalvu thai WS .ean pleas aad satisfy all .our euatunara. .Hopiac bt strict alien lion ,to ihiulnaas and a deeire to plena All, te,mvritg)bral shns ef publi pstronag- iir sxoniPtis, "rOMtr Mi and Xmail rrxtnr IV ask t least ta,Uh public. acarPrQa st slock ins i for nraVMinji . saben, a wt ; A w ur jatda , , , , t, "V V : . ij 1 . - i. 'I .a. " MIDDLEBURG Holcict 1 o o txy OUT ON TUB WOBLD t feV . 8. MAaSLf. Alnneam I la Ihla vorlil nfaln, Not area a klml frl.nit'a par. Nona to axl via a hallaa girl. MlMrfwaat my share. What ean 1 tint mjr moiber daail. My lather kllls.1 a ver i No tinuher, no n-i.r, aine In Ibe Itract", BagKnt from door, to luor. Not lon ". wlih a roof nr mv heait, Thara was one, oh t In me. an ilaar Now I'm an natra.t, pennllep. to, To sea me ha mmi to have tear. The pwl wonla of lure ha I rur lo niy ear I thouKht 1 eouM vavar repay l.""k at ma now hat allll I'll not earae, Hut he brought aie to Uila, 1 luay say. St" loncer for breal e.inM I ak al earb ho pas N lunajar to bete or tarra In Ihe cold No loneor In lea.f attch a Ufa of despair, I aold then tny bmly anl aoul for aol't, vTlat t haa eoma alaa I ha' ktnoihar a. . .1 I olientlrnaa aa by the iloort Whan thay all at nlKhi,ljr hla Hra'a bright light My heart blaela to aea II lUe mure. That la my '!ar, and my home hy rll.t, For 1 lovo.1 him ( kI knowa with ilavotlon rae how aha firrMoa ihora llM that ware niuia, Anil tna th.n towatrh every motion. To raorriw la C'hrlalinaa Uat ntaa day tie al by my alilr. a ha'a attUn there now, And that very nliiht I nerer ahall forget He ma4e lo me then such a sweet, aula in a vow "Illlla " be said, "whon nut ChrlMma eomes ( And traih In ery I'.tcra) You will ihen Im my darling wife i lint Inteid I'm a broken itown eraatnre. (IihI furalre ma to night lor thedrad I ahall do Kin rheioa, and sorrow's my w irlu Ofter a prayer for the heart broken wretrh, Kor te alght Is m laat uu .bit earth. A body br.oif hi nut of Ike rlrer njxt day. To place 'neath tha oold, aolemn, aod To Id.nllly none ean be lound, ao she lies Awalllug kr late belure Hod. TIIK MlKKI4,i.Yl tHKlA;jU'. After having 1;ishv tha nuniincr io visiting th principal towns in Oor. many, the cclubralcd pianist, Li.;r.t, iirtivid in Prnguo lu Octuber, 1 8 10. T bo next day after ho came, liin &v partmoDt wacnUrc ly irangcr uu olii mao tvho nppoaranco indict led misery and surji'riujf. Tho (rrcat inuaicifin rccoivod him with accrliu!i I which h W5ulJ not perhaps, ibow to u Doblenuo. Euuourug'cil by hifl kiu(lnc8i, bis visitor said : " I cotno to jou, sir, on a brother. Eso-Jte mo if Itaketiiu title, not wilhftmidioo; tho dislanco that gcpii. rates m ; bul fotmerly I con 1 1 b iusi some hkill io playing on llio piuuo ; oud by (living instruction I guinud cumlurtable livrlilood. Now I am old, feeble, burdened with a large family, und destitute of pupils. I live ui Nrjicrcburg, but I came to fragile to seek to recover tb remount of a ttuull property which bclongod to my iincostora. Although nomloully buc cc?ftil, the oxpeuso ofalon liti0.v linn litis tnoro (ban swallowed up tho .rflioi; Bnui I recovered. To day I ct out for home pcnnilos." " And you have como t) tuo ? Vou have douo ll, and I lltaoJc you for this proof of your, esteem. To assist a brother profesftnr is to mo inoro tliau a duty it is a pleasure. Artists should buvo their purse in com moo ; and if fortuoe neglect tomo, io ordor to treat others bettor ttan ibey dc- servo, it only makos it more neceeaa- ry to prcso.-ve tho eiiuilibi ium by fra teroal kindoeae. That's my system ; so don't apeak of gratittido, for I feci that I only discbarge a debt" As bo uttered these geoarous words Lit,ojaocd a drawer in hi writing ease, and started when be saw that his usual dopositoty for bis money contained but two ducats, llo sum moned his servant. " Whsre is the mouoy V Le aske4, '"There, sir,1' replied Ihe man, pointing to the open drawer. "Thero ! Why tb ore's icarcoly ny- iliin g: 'I know it, sir. Ifyou plese to remember, I told you yenUrday that the cash wa nearly eib.a,psted.'' "You see, my dear brother," said Liszt, smiling, "that for a moment I am no richer tbao yon ; but that does not trouble me. I havo credit, and I coo make read money start from tbe kejs of my piano. However as you are In baste to leave Prague and e luro borne, you shall not bo dolayod by my present want of funds." So saying be opened another draw er, and takiog out a splendid medal lion, gave it to tho old mao. "There," said he, "that will do. It was a present to me by the Emperor of Aostris his owo portrait set io diamond. Tbe painting is nothiog remarkable, bat the stooes tre fine. Take thorn and dispose of them, aod whatever tbey bring sbsll bo yours." Tb old roso tried lo vgin to deollne rich a gift. Liast would not' hear of a refusal, and the poor mao At length withdrew after evoking tbe cboivost blessings of iheaveo on bis opacronShbeBefactar. Iletboo repalredtp the sbop of the prlcelpal jeweler io tb oily, io order teaqll.tbe diamonds. SeeioK aier ;y .flfWWr' .WMP MXlooj ,to dUpoae of rn.njnu0oo.ut je wele, ,wUI iWhW "ln8 ihji JVM .pot Aoqnaloted,, fap rftajler of -L I. B.i.lu ..uaI.J 1. IB mv uiP rv ww.nmtfr''' thooejaaT j Mi htofWW iVo ex- amine lb dlAnr 41om lUo- SNYDER CO. PA,r APRIL 27, 187). ear of ooo of bis assistant. Tho litt ler want out ab4 speedily leturnod, Accompanied by several soldiers of po lice, who arrested tho unhappy ar tist In spite of bis earnest, protesta tions of innocence. "You must eome Drt lo prison," they ald j "afterward you can give an explanation to tho ruagUtrato." The prisoner wrote a fow lines to his benefactor, Imploring apsistanc. I.isit hastened to tho jeweler, "Sir,'' said he, "yon have csuard the arrest nf sn ioooccnt man. Cotno with mo immo'liut.cly and Jet u.i tare hi in released. He is tho lawful own er of the jewels in question, I gave them toiiiiu.'' "Hut, sir," atked tho mcrchaot, wh are you ?" "My namo It LNtt.'' "I don't know any rich man of that name." "That may be ; yet I'm tolerably well known." "Are you aware, nir, that these diatuonJi are worth six thousand flor ins that in to say, nlwat five hu'idrcd guineas, or twoivo thotisnoJ franc?" "So much the better for hitu on whom I havo bestowed thero " "Hut io order lo make tuch a proa aot yon mutt bo very w!lhy." "Myactual fortuno con lists of two ducals." "Then you aro s, magician." "By no means ; and yet. by just mo ving my fingers, I ran obtain as much money as I wish." "You must be a magician " " If you chooso, I'll disclose to you the mogio I employ." Liszt bad Aoen a piano in tho parlor behind the fJjnp. He opened it, and ran his (Sogers over tlio keys ; then Hci.eJ by sudden inspiration, ho im provised one of those seul touchiug yinplioiiies peculiar to himself. As he sounded tbe first chord, a beautiful y.iung girl entered the rontn. Whilo tho melody continued she re. maiued speechless, and immovable ; then as tho lutl noto died awsy, she cried, with irrepressible CDthusiasm : "Bravo, Liszt ! 'tis wondrous !'' "Dost tlmu kuow hitu, then, cy daughter V asked Ihe jeweler. "This is the first timo that I have had the pleasure of necicg or hearing hitn,'' Jreplied she ; "but I do kuow that iiono livin g save Liszt could draw such sounds from tho piano." Exprossod with grace and modesty, by a young person of remarkable beauty, this admiration could col fail to be more than flattering to tbe arlint. However, after making bis acknowl edgements, Lisit witbdriw, la order to deliver tbo prisoner,aod was accom panied by lb jeweler. Grieved At his mistake, the wealthy merchant sought to repair it by invi ting the musician to supper, Tho hon ors of tbe table wero done by bis ami. ablo daughter, who appeared no less touched at tbe generosity of Liszt than astonished nt his taloot. That olgbt the musiciso of tho city serenaded their illustrious brother. The next day the nobles aod most dis tinguished inhabitants of Prague pre. seoled themselves ot his door. Tbey entreated him to givo concerts, . lea ving it to himself to fix soy sum ho pleased as a ronumeratioo. Then tha joweler percnived that talent, even in a pecuniary light, may be more vul uirblo than the most precious dia. moods. Liszt continued to bo to bis bouse, and, to the merchant's great joy, he soon porcoivod that bis daughter was the cause of these vis its. He began lo lovo tbo company of tha musician, and tho girl, bis onl y child, certainly did not hate it. One moroiog, the joweler, coming lo the point, with German frankness, said to Liszt : "How do you (ike ay daughter 7" "She is ao angel." ' What do yoa think of marriage ?" "I think so well of it that I have tbo greatest loeiisation to try It." "What would yoa say to A fortune of thre millions of francs f "I would willingly accept it" "Well, we understand each otber. My daughter pleases yov ; 700 please my daughter, ber fortune l ready be my son-in-lsw." "WUb all my heart." The Marriage was celebrated tho following week. Aod -this, oooording to tbe chroni cles of Prague, is a trae account of tbe marriage of tbe great and goo d pianist, Jjlsit Lancaster fPa ) meditates a street passenger railway (row the contre of the city . the adjoining village of Milleraville, distance , of some four ml! ss, .with lOTfAl. rUhsa beav Enfecfo f Mglilnlng-. , George Mills writes as follows: I was struok by lightning tindor the follow, ing cironmstancc : I ara a furmor, and bad gono to the pastsre, thrco. fourths of a mile from the house, on horseback, to drjvo home tie cows. A hoary shower had just fallen, accom panied by much lightning and loud thunder, and a li'.tlc ralo wa falling wo would say it was "sprinkling." Whilo riding thnigli the field I di". 1 corcrcil a small cluster of cockle burrs, a noxious weed that infect ma ny In r m s in lhl section of tbe coun try. The csltlo woro feeding tear mo. I dismounted and held tho horse with one hand and proceeded to pull up tho burrs with tho oiLer. While stooping to pull up tho last one, my baud g;,-pod it close to the root, tho horso standing with his bead partly ovor my stooping body, a flash of lightning struck the bone, (Dteriug his head in ud behind his left ear, and though ho wss wet with tho rain, the hair wa singed from his haad, neck and elmuldnrs, and one trout log lo tho ground. Ha, of course was instantly killed. A email poi tioo of the electric fluid struck mo on the right tcuiplo, singicg tbo lashes of tbo right eye, and burning or scalding the lure, rendering mo unconscious for .a little timo. Tho following were the sciisaliotiit and pheootuena as I ob served end reiucraliorcd them : First, I lolt myself enveloped iu a sheet of perfectly whito light, accompanied by a sceno of suffocating heat. The light could bo seoc as well thmugh the tack of the head as with the .eyes, and npper-rcd to extood sev eral feet on till sides of mo ; and then I experienced a sense of danger, and tried to escape injury from ray horse. Then followed a troubled dream, in which I was hauling a loud ef bay, in company with another person, and in spito ol'all tho effort I could make to avoid it, tho load of hay was about to fall on me. Whon in the dream I made the last desperate effort to spring from under tho liny, I found myself standing on my fest. The first thing that 1 observed was that the cattle, in fright, wero runnibg from mo, sod next, that I stood in front of tl.efnostrtUo horse. This was a phonotucna I never had heard of, probably bocause a person near enough to boo it is almost always rtndered unconscious too long to make tho observation. Judging from tho distance the cattlo had run, I vns probably unconsoious less than six seconds, Findiug that tbe horso did -cot breathe, I prccecdeJ to pull off tho saddle and bridle, and then I folt a severe pain in my head, which contin ued for several hours, followed by soroneis, which seemed to bo lo the substanco of tho brain, with an Incli nation of inflamation, but at the end of a week no effects of the lightoiog were felt. j?r Too Lute. Smiles tells us that Sir Henry Spol man did not beg n the study of science until lie was between fifty aod sixty years of ago. Franklin was fifty be foro he fully enterod upon the study of natural philosophy. Drydea and Soott were not known as authors until each was in his lorticth year. Boca cio was thirty-five when he com monood his literovy carcor, Aifieri wus forty-six whon ho bogso tbe study of Greek. Dr. Arnold learned German at an advanced ago for the purpose of xcgdiug Xelbubr io Alio original and in like manner Jamot Watt, wbco about forty, whilo work ing At hi trade as instrument maker in Glsssgo, learned French, German and Italian, to enablo him to pnrsue tbo valuablo works on mechanical philos ophy which existed io those languages. Thomas Scott Was fifty-six bofore be began to learo Hebrew. Robert Hall was 000,6 fonnd lying upon tbe floor raoked with pain, loaraing Italian io his old oge to eonblo him to judge ef the parallel drawn by Macauly betwoeo Milton and Paute. Handel was forty eight before be published any of hi great works. Iodsed huodredjof in stances might bo given of owo. who struct .. out In an entirely different path, aod successfully entered on new studies at a comparatively adranood time of life. . saaHriaBajrifcfiasBBaaawasasBsjaaar v ..... - A gcaooL-BOY having beep requir ed to write a flomposition ou some part of lbs human) body, expounded as fol lows t 'Tbo throat A throat is coo- veoient to have, especially to roostors and Dkloisters. Tho lower eatsooro and crew with it j tho ialbr preaohts . .-;T---- ' - "' - -J NO i. Dow A Fortune was Lost. A writer in tbo (Jent'eman Mj azine relates no anecdote of ouo of tho foundors of ChriHt's Hospital, London, which very fairly l!lutrutes tbo sort of Impulses which povim peoplo iu willing their property to publio institutions, llii name Was Hunt, nml unJcr his will Christ's Hospital now receives an iucoiue or nbout X'120,000 tt year. Ho was a t i ty merchant, a baehvlur and lived w.jIj liis tretker. This brother hail sons and daughter, v. ho were bro't up with tho oxpccUtioo of enjoying their uncle's property at his death But titer's mnuy a flip 'twiil tho cup and tha lip, aul a couple of t-barp worls at dinner 0110 day belwceu the brothers dissiputod a'U thoir expecta tions to the wind. Tho bachelor lind a i"iichnU for urw potatoes and nid. ted butter, mid one day, when the potatoes ajJ tho buitor.boat happen ed to come into suggos'.ivo contigui ty, the epicurean millionaire stuck his fork into a potatoo, and dipped iuto tho butter-boat, aod swallowed it. 'Excellent!" ' Beaitly I" answerod the brother. "Beastly do you mean to say that I'm a bcait V "Yes I do. The wan who cao dip a potato into th butter-boat iu that way, luuat be a beast." The words wcro quickly spoken. It was uot so cosy, to rocr.ll them. You may ridicule a djuu's opinions, cxposo the silliness of his crolehct", laugh ntbis prejudices, scd quis his personal appcaraoco atd he will forgivo you. But there u one limit to this personal criticism. A man'etastos at table are above criticism, and an alderman's sacred. Mr. Hunt thought so. Ho tore up his will nt once, cutoff his heirs with tho my thological shiiliug, and left all his sparo cash and estates to Christ's llospiiul. Social Honor. Every person should eultivate a nice souse of honor. In a hundred different ways this most fitting ad junct of tho true lady or gentleman is often tried. For instance, one is tho EUtfs' f family whore, perhaps, the j domestic machinery docs oot ruo smoothly. Thero is sorrow iu tho house unsuspected by tho outer world Sometimes it it a disipatcd son, whose conduct is a bkamo and grief to his parents; sjuitiuics a rclativo whose cxcentriuilics sud peculiarities are u cloud on the homo. Or, worst of all, husband and wifo may not be in ac cord, and thero may be often bittor words spoken, aud harsh recrimina tions. In any of these cases tho guest is in honor bound to bo blind aod deaf, as far as poople without are eouoerncd. If a gentle word within can do any good, it may well be said ; but to go forth aud reveal the shadow f au uuhuppy secret to any 000, even your nearest friend, is au act cf indel icacy acd meanness almost unparallel ed. Ouce io tho sacred precincts of any home, admitted to its privacy sharing its life, All that you see and hear is a sacred trust. It is as really contemptible to gossip of such things as it would be to steal the silver or borrow tho books and fo.gat to return them. Fixi.no tub Teapot. Wutcr is called "hard" wbou in passing through the earth it bscouies tinctured with mineral matters, usually sulphate and carbonate oflimo. In boiling " hard" .wa.tor, that water which U driven off in steam leaves its miooral matters behind, and they are usually deposited in a crust around tho side of tbe kettle. Ao oyster ebell it is said, and even a child's marblo, if placed iu the kettlo, will attract tho oarthly articles to itsself, nd thus prevent the incrustation upon the vessel. An Inveterate tobaaoo chewar was io tho babit of declaring about once a month lb at be would "never chew a oothsr piece," but broke bis plodgo ss oft on as he made it. On one occa- sioo shortly after' be bad "broken ofl for good' be was seon taking another chew. "Why," said bis friend, "you told me you bad given up that habit j but I ace you are at it again." "Yos," bo replied, "I bavo gone to chewing, aod left off ly log. An exebapgo ssys the other night a flock of wild geese became bewildered at tb lights as tbey passed over' the town of New BlooraBeld, Pa., and cir cled around several tines, flying so low that the noise of tbeir wiogeeould bo distinctly heard. A portion of the flock afterward -alighted io tho hoi low back of William McKV If McKee'i back is so hollow UaI ho ennaS Ha i,f.U, -A On eeliironone year $f0.00. One -half column, ane year, a 0.(10. I)ne-funb eoli snn, one tear, 5 lt. One square (10 lines) one Insertion 75. Kverv ail'lillnnal Insertion CO. rrofeseionnl anJ llusiiirsa esrJs nf not amro than e lines, per year Amlitur, I'lccutor, Atlmluiiirator and Aaaicnes Notices. roitorlal tulices per line All ailvafllaniiMiLA Tur a almrlre c.oo. 2,f0. 16. pcriud than one year aro pnynlile at the time they are oidercl, ami if not paid the per snn orJoriii them y ill beheld respiinaihle Tor I lie meui y. Xev .llctlioil of .Maklnw Bolt 50ll. A novel nuithod of unnufactut-ing sjft soap has been inadvertently in vented by a vrnemhtd rouplo in Scott county. I lu tl.u sidebunrd they to,t two jug, exactly alike. no was fill, ed with viuoitar, I ho Ltlu-r with lye. Touring out what 'h3 Miipused was vinegar, ti e ;:o..d d:inio tg..' a drink tl lye. Turji.'ug t) hvf linLd!il, sho rcmaikcd that o:iirthiti;r was the liuit. tcr with tho vincgir. Thinking tb.ft her tasto was jicrvetteil, hi, too, took abiirdriuk. l't'eseiilly thoir thro.its and mouths began to bum, nnl n examination of jurs rcvrnlo l tbo fact that they had beou drinking strong lyo. 'J'o ullay tbe pain, tbey took oino oil. This coiiib'.ncl, ol cotirso, nud mado soft soup. Tbo sonpstida swelled up to aod out of their mouths, foaming liko u washerwo man's tub. While they were iliseuaS- ing tha theory of swallowing an Irish girl and a scrub-broom, aud fol lowing up tbo dose with a few buckets of rius'ivcter, a medical goutlcman happened to call who gave them somo rnodicine which affoidcd relief. They were seriously ill for several days, and for three weeks had great diffi cult v in taLiug food. liow to iviei' Canary Hiiwh. Many pcrgjtis havo difficulty in keep ing canary birds in good Lcallh. Ouo who is experienced iu thoir caro Jays l1ui.-Ai l,u ioa an ftinl rtn Ji-tifff Al air can Mrike tho aV'.rd ; givo nothing to healthy birds but eanaiy and rapo scsd, mixed with water, ruttlo fish bene, aud gravel on the fioro of the cago ; also, occasionally, a liltlo water fur bathing ; tho room should never bcovei'-lieated : when moulting (shcdr r . a -v aa. A umg leotncrs; nvoiu urniis oiair; givo plenty of rpo seed slightly moistcotd ; a liltlo bard boiled egg, and cracker grated fine is excellent ; by obsorviog these sitnplo directions, birds may be lacpt in fine condition for years, uad seed kiln most oirus mat dio ; lo which it might havo been ndr ded, that cauary birds aro not only fond of it, but benefitted by having a leaf of cabbogo, piece of opple, or green tooJ, which 6erves io Qop down tbo tendency to fever and pre- uoots oonstipation. Our birds usual, ly bathe each day as regular as (tcy ouo wai-bei the face, and with appa rent benefit, too. When birds are sick nod inclined not to eat well, remove all tho food for a day, snl thon only givo soaked bread, from which most of the moisture has been squeezed. A lady in tho first society of Paris recently dfuniseed her nurso on ac count of an oxcoss of firemen and pri- vato soldiers (oo often ropoatod. After choking as a successor to this crimi nal a very pretty cirl, tho lady after explaining why tho first wout away, enjoined it on the second not to do likewise. She admitted that shi shouldn't. "I can endure a good deal," said tho lady; "but soldiers in tho kitchen I wou't endure." After a week or eight days, tfco lady camo one morning into the kitchen, opened the cupboard, and discovered a youth ful military character. "0, ma'am"' cried the girl, frightenod, "I give you my word I nevor saw that soldier uc- foro in my life, llo must havo been one of tho old ones left over by the other girl. The white or an Ego has proved of late the most cftlcaoious roracdy fur burns. Seven or eight successive applications of fhie cubsUnco covthe pain, sud effectually exclude tho burn from tbo air. This simp.e lemeay stows nrcforablo to co'odiap, or even cotton. Extraordinary etorios Ai' told of tbe healing properties of a now oil. which U easily mado trout tbe yolk of hen'i eggs. The eggs are .first boildod.bsrd, Und tbe yolks- aro then romoved, crushed . and placed over a fire, whoro they ara care. fuKy stirred until tbe whole substance is just ou the polat of catching fire, whon the oil separates opd maybe poured off. Oae yolk will yield nearly two teaspoonfulls of oil. It is In goo eral uss among tho colonists of South Russia at a meant or curing cp,ts bruises aod scratches. An exobaogo ssys, there is ie Reading At this timo a Germaa dealer io rags, Ao., who is tbo bsppy fathor of forty children. He is fifty fi ve years ot age, and is now living wua hit third wife, who. is thirty seven years old. Ui firat wile, io eight years and Tour months, bad Mreo.teea ; eblldren. hAvlng had trlUu on throe . . s. occaaIoos. Of th forty cbildreo. wnta. -S.1 fw, - . fleasTt. . l ...,J i v.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers