MIMI - • . , . • TAIRTISIIMENTS. ' Barney Williams, at the Walnut, in Ireland ax It Was, Connecticut Court . ("hip and : The Irish - Tutor.' —Mr. Jos. IC. Emmett at the Arch, to-night, in Fritz, Ovr Cousin German. At the Chestnut, to-night. the burlesque The Fair One with a Blonde Wig, To-morrow night benefit of 4..M.;Hernandez. . , —The American offers for to-night a choice • bill, including a new emnic pantomime gym naktio performances) ballet dancing,. instru mental and vocal music and varieties. —At Concert Hall this .evening the popular • Pilgrim panorama will 'be ',exhibited for the benefit ot city missions. • • . Dnprez enedict's SeventlrStreet - Opera - House Will be open this .ovoning with !Mac evoy's famous Hiberniyon and varieties. • .!--.Carncross Dixey's Eleventh Street Opera House will be open to-night with, an • ,!attractive miscellaneous • minstrel entertain= pent, including several .new burlesques - arid Some choice music. . • - Ilticfianan -Read's painting of Sheridan's Ride is oh exhibition at the Academy, of Fine Arts. Ma. Jas. 8.-Roberts, the tragedian,will . recite r the-poem daily at .noon,'and at four and a, Mine P. . • --Mr: ;lathes Pearce,' the organist of St. ,Mark's Church, will give a concert at the Aoademy cif Music.on Thursday evening next, in aid of Bedford Street. Mission. He will be assisted by two boy choirs, aod by a number of distinguished amateurs and artists. The programme includes seleotions-of-sacred_and - classical music,' together with a number of those delicious old:part .songs and madrigals which gave so inbFlf pleasure upon the occa sion of the performance at Mr. Pearce's re -rent eoncei't at Mnsical Fund Hall. The concert will be good' enough of itself to attract a largelandience ; but the objectfru _which It is givp At so praiseworthy that our citizens ' rostAaced the house. The Bedford Street . Mission neeils all the money it can get. —On Friday ,eveningnext, Mr. John Toy, a-Well-known t inager, will have a benefit in the Academy Of Music. Mr. Toy has prepared -. - a very attractive bill; and a number of artists liar a volunteered their-services. Among these arellr. - ReliCrt Craig, Mr...and Mrs; Kelleher, 311tRi Blanche Galten and"Mr, Thomas Whif. fin. :Chas. 'W. Brooke, Esq., who has just re turned from a .successful. lecturing tour, will als:s appear. 'llickets for . this promising en .tertainment.. .ay be procured at Assembly , 7 Buildings. k.,. ' .=On Wednesday next, at 4 o'clock, Mr. 'Wenzel Kopta will give fi farewell concert in the foyer of the Academy of Music. The fol . Towing-very _attractive programme will be presented : -'-'Novelletran, for Pianii,..Cello : and. Violin Messrs. Von Inter), R orner, and Kollin song," Adelaide," Beethoven En'il Gastel. 'Violin Solo, !: .Morcenu de Solon," . Wenzel Kopta, Piano Solo, Scherzo, 1.1". Minor Song,"SaeHid PorX i i'l l a t itti mi g;" G'astel. Tariations, for Piano and Violoncello Mendelssohn. eip•rs. Vonilnten and Werner . '%iolin Solo, " Hungarian Melodies," t (a.)" Laesn." (b.) Friss." S Hauser " s iteverie," arranged for Vjolin and Piano.... Schumann . , Wenzel Kopta. • , Song," Stanschen von Shakespeare" _ _ •Enail Gastel Violoncello. Solo. • .. a. Romitiesca" --- 19" - Ogurita - and - Batijo" Werner. Trio, G major, for Piano, Cello and Violin_ Mews. Vqn Inten, %Vernet - and Kopta CITY BULLETIN. - —An interesting race between Lady Light loOt and Ida came off at - Point Breeze Park, on .Saturday afternoon. The time was: Jas. Petit names s. m.,Lady Lightfoot, 10 1 1 P. Stetson names b. m., Ida, - - - 2 o'2 2 Time, 2.34, 2.35-1, —The Athletic and 'Expert Base Ball Clubs played a match on Saturday. afternoon. The score was : Athletic 41; Expert, 6. —Rev. George IL Cain was installed pastor of the Alexander Presbyterian Church, cor . ner of Nineteenth and Green streets, last even ing. ' —Michael Moriarty was the name of the man who drowned hiinselt at Washington street wharf on Satprday afternoon. Ile re, sided i n Oswall street, near Eleventh and-Mar ket streets. - —The Germantown Cricket Club, on Friday and `iattirday, played,and defeated the Phila delphia Club, with three wickets to fall. The totals were S 3 and 17 for the Germantown, against ( h i antWri3 scored by ,the Philadelphia. —Annie Newron, a domestic employed in the family of Mr. CommeS, residing on Fifty fourth street, IlestonvflA, set fire to her cloth ing while igniting a fire with coal oil, and was so severely Muted. that:she died within a few hours. Mr. Commons, in trying to save her, was also badly burned. —Henry Brocksi aged seventy-four years, re siding M Gerhard avenue, admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital on Saturday night, suf fering from a comptiund fracture of one of his legs, caused by being run over on the Reading Railroad, died at illat institution yesterday morning. —Mayor Fox,. on 'Saturday( informed the police force that a stop must be put to the practice of " beggar,s""stationing themselves in front of our Catholic churches on Sundays.. Accordingly the officers yesterday kept a sharp lookout, and succeeded in arresting no less than seven of theSe, - ".pi'ofessionals." —John Evans, ,John Morgan and Frank Riley were charged with breakinginto and rob bing the store of A. 8., Justice & Co., N. W. corner of Fifth and Commerce streets,of cutlery valued at $1,143 54, The property was recov ered at the house No. 740 Plover street. The prisoners were caught in the act of dividing the spoils. Alderman Kerr committed them to an , Swer. . t . —The Schuylkill Navy inaugurated the'boating ;settson,.ou Saturday afternoon, with a 'review ..., — tfrVice t:onlniodore :John Culiu. The follow '4-14.,.f ing boats participated; Bachelor, four oars; ie ? ,I Lucifer, six oars ; Atalat e, six oars ; Cygnet, —four oars; Merniaid ; our oars; Hiawatha, six ' oars; lone,, six .rs. The boats rowed - ,e4,0 the Reading tailwad bridge and back to :\ ~ the starting point,tat - • the Skating Club House. Harry Coulter pulled the stroke oar Of the s Cygnet t) an .early INur on Saturday evening Jan R. Coleman with actuated into the Penn - .bylvania liOspital i severely injured about the Aje c a(tand.face. It — seetus that Coleman was a • Ts' elAna,n employed-op board the brig Kennebec, mitl it fialleged thevounds were indicted by the Mate of the vessel, J. lfoward. The Ken, nebehad bnt just lef!, her wharf at Greenwich w . - Point on her" ay. to ''sea "when a disturbance took'place, during 40.011 it "is ,said the mate as .: natilted several of' the seamen, and struck Cole ,. iaihn in the .facei.fraeturing his jaw. The af .ll4.being..Communioted'to the I)elaware liar borPolice, the brig was detained and Howard was ..taken into custody. Alderman Colgan visaed the hospital and took the injured man's deposition. • • , • —The Pennsylvania Commandery of the ttilitary O'rder, of the loyal Legion of the '• United, tates has el . ,Cted the-following °dicers for the, ensuing yeaf.: Commander, Brevet Naior: l ,;eneral • George . Cadwalader,l.T. S. lategajor-General U. S. Volunteers; pettier Vice Conmatider, Commodore John P. - • Junior Vice Commander, a f. S. N•'%, .li!.olt.ittel and Brevid • Major-General George H. ONspan; U.S. Army ; Recorder, Brevet Lien. .•,,:-.;• l lenaut-C'olonel Samuel B. Wylie . Mitchell, M. • oluutTreasurer,Captain P. D. latel S. Volunteers; --- Chan- - evet..Lieutenant-Colonel James Col L 4 I_ 7 , S. , Vol 1) t k r, s • Gh poineroy. late U.S. Volunteers; • Chinn ;Captain NV tu:A. Maddox, U. S. .Iqatitie'Corpsf'Gttistaitt N albro,Frazier. late U. _,••• VoinnteerS;M. d'ipinodore James iladison • Brevet Brigadier-Gene ''ll-L7-Charles Arihy ; Brevet Ma or -General • Ife&for !Tyndale, U. ti. Volunteers. A WI 1T TO 2 HIK OLD nognsir,x4l,,u..` A sc.booner pitches more drankenly=hero i in is a small gale more hereic 7 -salt water, brinier laysoff land, longer—and ,sun at •.;.I , a, hotter, at eight, tban 'when that 'age has been subjected to multiplication. With what vivid distinctness do I recall the summer of 18—, and how, at last, we—my grandfather and I -sailed up a muddy creek that quite empties itself at low water. _What becomes of the fish can't imagine. Spidei-like fiddler crabs run Over the slimy banks, and at sun. own my riads of mosquitoes smoke up from the marslieS. Midnight 'conies . on, and my' uneasy alunibers upon deck are broken by toes cry that we have reached - our landun. Ghostly, indeed, look those moonlit buildingi near the_ wharf, , all, silent as they stand, .and darkened by their own shadows! But in .the morning every thing is new and sunny, and I can hardly con vine° myself that those peaceable mills are the mysterious edifices of last night. Off we post for the countrY, and new faces, quaint hotiees, ' drowsy barnlards, and patches of woods, where cows doze away- their lives like Caledonian_metaphysicians, pass in review in rapid succession. At last we .arrive at a faded mansion; hiiilt long and low; with intermina ble back buildings, devoid of any semblance of uniformity in shape or size; summer-kitchen, bake-house, - wash-house—each smaller'---than the last; and even a now, innoxions worm and still. An antiquated negress at awash-tub at tracts my first attention. She haS great grand children, they tell me, and neither few nor all of them young; yet she is hale and strong, though somewhat bent in the shoulders, and most haglike - withal: - 'How she'vonld grace a- Voodoo dance; The martins have crammed their nests under the skeleton rafters of the old pia7 . 4a. 7 ' Wasp nests depend from the eaves. , 'The linmhle 7 hees -have perforated every availa ble beam—l hear themfrettino . s , the , soft wood— and slim-waisted shining masons have beplaster ed the crisp and blackened under-surface of the shingles - with their muddy habitations. Sickles ,and other agricultural implements ornament 'the walls. The' red' 'briek'S of' the 'a:tree:Aral' manse look weather-beaten enough; but the ititerchequered black ones shine with undimin ished lustre. The garden and grass plats are forlorn and neglected. Watermelon and sweet-potato vines overrun them in unchecked luxuriance. This, then, is the terminus of a journey which I have long ecstasized over in anticipation; and yet the first hours of the first day are dull enough. 1. sit bolt upright upon the edge of my chair in the pallor, and study . the pattern of the carpet, and endeavor to detect 'some faint variety in the pagodas on rtife that ornament the 'fireplace. This room of state has a musty smell. Perhaps it was shut up as soon as fin ished; years ago, in order to retain its pristine snlefider. 'By-and-by, children's eyes appear at keyholes and door crevices, and childish titters are heard in the same direction. Then my young cousins are :brought in, one by one, walking parrot-toed, and with chin pu breast.; their sun-tanned and freckled faces shining with. t Ceently administered ablutions. go out with them, and in an hour we.are like old friends. They are anxious to entertain me, and-plan variuns excursions for my amusement and their own, which they lose notime in Cartying into effect. One_day, we are wandcring upon !lie beach, where 1 loiter to hear the monoto nous plinige of the breakers, as with thelan eholy cadence the tide rolls shoreward. Flocks of small birds skurry away as we approach ; sea-gulls wheel in the wind; wild duckX fly high overhead in' triatlieinatiCal figures, and eagles swoop in the upper air. Dinner on the !,t rand, eaten out of a huge basket, is better t ban dinner anywhere else, though it consist but of cold • johnny-cakes and fat bacon. Perhaps our appetites are sharper. We return home after dark in an ox-cart, and my companions, black and- white, tell ghost stories to beguile the time. I cannot help shuddering as we pass a dismal salt marsh at dusk, and startle a long-legged bird to the. win_. There are terrible stories about that place. The devil has been not unfrequently seen prowling about there at night in the sem blance of an old farm horse that died and was buried long ago. An oak of other centuries, standing stark and alone upon the flat, with bleached limbs, and crowned with a fish hawk's nest, is a fearful object by utoonlight. The bay of - a far-off watch-dog, and a spark of light from a distant window, glimmering - by tits through the trees, afford us some faint gleam of protection from the sunernatural (Meets by which we are surrounded. Sometimes we walk through fields of tall corn, that whet their sabre-like leaves over our heads as the morning breeze strays through them ;or loiter under the trees to hear the mocking-bird's song. Sometimes we sit all day— my young friends and I—over a sunny creek, with fishing-rods in our hands, or paddle against the current in canoes, to pick up oysters. Guns and ammunition are, of course, the most valuable of earthly posses sions. Viouxtemps .Schnhort -Ser. ale Verner. At night, all hands gather in the kitchen, where lamps and candles are, not thought of, on account of the mosquitoes. Even without them, huge beetles buzz around the room, per petual bumping their stupid heads against the ceiling and tumbling down to bite us. We bum a close circle around the enormous chim ney place. A !nigh backlog smoulders away, like the crater of a quiescent volcano; and smaller sticks inflame occasionally, or, breaking in the middle anal falling apart, send up show ers of sparks; while little elflike shadoWs re volve upon the ceiling. Why the hearth is selected for our rendezvous in such warm weather 1 cannot. imagine, unless it be from force of habit. Indeed, when the caniculum is in the ascendant, and days are at their hottest, we occasionally assemble upon the piazza in the evening ; . but that is considered an unhealthy practice. Where ever we meet, with night commences some ghost-story, generally a personal adven, flue of the narrator. Our faith in the super- Latural is implicit. Late at night we still sit Illcre—crouching closer and closer together. 1 suspect that some of - the company are afraid to go to bed. Fairy tales are told, too, but hey are of a melancholy cast, and the fairies themselves are not very ethereal. Separating at last, we do not dare to look out of the win dow at the private burial-ground that stands back of the house. That is a terrible place,— surrounded by dingy hazel trees, crammed with wild carrots, and full of ghosts by moon light. We take care to keep the shutters closed on that side of the house. When we to bed matters are still worse. Bats comb down the chimney, or through the open Wi dowt into our sleeping-room, and flying squir rels increase our nightly terrorrs by tumbling nuts over the, roof. It is impossible to resolve the hobgoblins by which we are surrounded into coats and pantaloons hung upon bed-posts and chairs—quite impoSsible. So we will ' cover - up - our heads and telfluilaer stories, until we fall .asleep. , ortrz , rnra - y - nrTh il. —A Cincinnati rough pulverized asmall boy with a brick because he couldn't tell him " Avbero Mr. Dolan Hired." • —New Brunhwink iv aggfieVed that the u~ibion Parliament Has cutoff its right alike to divorces and marriages.' BY J. GOMM BBINCKLE. PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, MONDAY, MAY 9,1.870. The early Spring-publications of Nlessrs.. Fields, Osgood & Co., inch/ding the admirable' books of Lowell ,and ,Enierion,,lll/0 a. of the firSt ltriportanCei and will 'almost hurtle diately.receive in these columns theludividual notice they deserve. -- During. this and next month Messrs.. F., 0. & publiSte: "Put TOurself in His Place - "-=by Charles Heade ; Household 'Edition -in' 1' vol. 16mo ; 'uniform With the Hofischold ' Oiltion, of Charles Reade's , Novels. [By, arrangement with . Messrs. Simi don & Co.] VinplOict . tely:]. Scientific Re stilts of a'Jouriiek in Brazil"-by Louis Agas siz and his , Traveling Companions ; cornpris -ing-the-Geology-and-P4lsicaloeography-of-the Atlantic' -; Provinces .• of _Brazil; by Ch. Fred, ' 'Professor •of Gablegy iii Cornell University, with 100 inns titaiOns'sand Maps ;• 1 vol., S, mo. "The. Naturalist's Gulde”—by . C. J. Maynard ; with illustrations. The ." Iliad" of lion-ler—trans , 'cited by< William Cullen Bryant ; volume second, completing the work ; octavo. " The • Seat of Empire"-by Charles Carleton. Coffin, (" Car eton") ; with original illustrations and maps • 1 vol, 16 mo. ". The Newcomes"- 7 by W. M. Thaekeray.; Illustrated Library Edition; with 45 illustrations by Richard Doyle. 4, The Adventures of Philip"--by W. M. Thackeray; Illustrated Library Edition; with 20 illustra tions by Frederiek-Walker."-llenry Esmond" = and " Lovel the Widower"--by AN'. M. Thatkeray - ;lllustrated - Library Edition; with 14 illustrations by George Du Maurier and the Author. These volumes. complete the Illus trated Library Edition of Thackeray's Novels, uniform with Dickens, Scott and Gecirge Eliot. " Passages fi•ern the _English _Notti 7 . Books" of---Nathaniet-Hawthorne,- - --[ply-Satur--- day, June 4th.] NEW JERSEY MATTERS. THE REGATTA.—The second annual regatta of the Cooper's Point Yacht Club started dutch the river this morning. 01.1) QUARTERS. Charles Small, who .escaped several mouths ago from the Camden jail, in company with nine others,was brought back to Camden ou Saturday atter noOn and lodged in his old quarters. MAD DOG KiLLED.This morning, , a clog exhibiting all the symptom's of hydrophobia, was : killed in the suburbs of Camden. These animals now should be strictly taken care of, for there are far too many of theta running at large: to' hied the wants of all classes of stockholders in the Camden; Water Works, the city authorities will issue $250,000 of its water bonds in sums of $l,OOO - eachi — bearing seven_ per cent. interest„ and - the belince; $50,000, in amounts ranging from $lOO to 1,000. There will be no frac tional part of a hundred dollars. . . . COtac TT CLERK Sul I , .—There are now seven persons on the Republican side of the political house, who have announced them selves candidates "for the nomination of County - -Clerk,-subject-tp-the- decision- of the Camden County Republican Convention. Four of these reside in Camden'city. .From public:expressions in favor of these several aspirants, it is difficult to tell -who will be the lucky one. THE STortm.-,The storni. yesterday. after noon, although very..deatructive property and vegetation in Philadelphia and surround ing districts, did no damage Whatever ire Cana den and vicinity. Tliere was no hail, 'and the rain was alrlessing, as it cleaned the streets in a handsome manner, and gave fresh :vigor to the early crops. The fury of the hail-storm seemed to have expended itself before reaching the. Jersey side of the river. THE GAs Womis,—Many very prominent and influential men in Camden aro discussing and favoring the buying of the Gas Work§ by the city. They contend that, if these could be purchased at a reasonable price, on the same conditions that the Water Works were,it would be a great advantage to the citizens. The Measure may be consummated in a fern years, for the public mind is being rapidly educated to that impression. ACCIDENT ON TITE DELAWARE.—About four o'clock on Saturday afternoon a hoc:se at tached 19 a wagon took fright on one of the Federal street ferry boats, and, plunging forward, leaped off the bow of the boat into the river and was drowned. Mr. Scovel, of Camden, who was driving the horse, escaped by jumping from the carriage before it went over. Yesterday morning the horse and wagon washed up on the bar opposite Arch street, and the wagon and harness were re covered. The accident was caused by the wind blowing a basket under the feet of the horse. The Ex-Queen Isabella in Straitened The charge brought some time back against the ex-Queen of Spain of carrying off a part of the Crown' jewels will, says a Paris journal, remembered. A discussion which took place afterwards in the Cortos showed the ac cusation to be unfounded, and the only re sources which her Majesty possessed were her private-family. jewels, and a sum of about 10,000,000 of francs lodged in the Bank of England, and saved from the allowance made by the Spanish government to the Prince of the Asturias. The Memorial Diplomatique. now reverting to the above subject, says : We re -gretto learn that Queen Isabella, seeing her resources diminish daily, has been lbrced to effect retrenchments in her already modest mode of living, and that if her,son is not re stored to the throne of Spain her Majesty will be before long be iu so precarious a position that the Emperor and Empress of the French will be, under the necessity of allowing her a pension." 'MAULS, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. 1870. P A gg t 7lN A l AtiM 3l3. 1870. CHOICE SELECTION Or fit NOB cioux RN PINE FOR PATTES. 1870. 8 P MA AI VI G B7O AND NEIIOC:9. LAEOE STOM. 1870 FLORIDAFLo WORI I IIRT 4. 1870. CAROLINA FLOOisING. VIRGINIA FLOORING, CRLAWARE FLOORING' ASII FLOORING. • WALNUT FLOORING, 1 - FLORIDA STEP BOARDS.? 870 .870. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS, RAIL PLANK. ZiAIL PLANK. ' .1 870 *LNIT3RD8 AND PLANK.p WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANE. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT RTED PLANK. ASSO -FOR OABINET MAKERS, • BUILDERS, &O. 1870. UNDERTAKERS' 1870 LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 187 0 . SEAESAND O POP ke t 187 0 ASH. U. WHITE OAK PLANKICKORYAND BOARDS. OAROLINA - SCANTLTITG. ipt ryn iv v.. ;CAROLINA-R. T. BILLS. • NORWAY SCANTLING. 1870. 1 PLASTERING 1870. 870 . .PLASTERING LATH. LATH. itAtfix. BROTHER & CO., MO BOOTH STREET. LI l'AiktA BY.. SPAIN. CI reumstanee4 LUIVIDER: CEDAR SHINGLES CEDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. ' A CADEMY OF MUSIC. e 13 BIM T t g B U T NCHO LADat cNloioiiT, 'IIII7IOIIIAY EVENING May 12.15g70. Thn BOY ( 1 110IRS,aasuatal by Mrs. SUSAN t*ALTON hELLEIERR. llitoctor. JAMES PEARCE, taus. Bac., Organint St.. 3" k's 7AT./151ISSION. FIFTY CENTS. „ Tnnerred bents (Ono Dollar) now ready at Boner's Music Slum 1102 CheAnnt street. iny7-014 WALN ITT STREET THEATRE. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, May 9, LAST. WERE OF MR. and AIRS. HARNEY W ILLIAMS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. Ragged Pat. with Song • Mr. Barney Williams Judy Q'Trot • • • Mrs.• Barney Williams With the 'celobrati d Donnybrook Jig. •• • •Afier which the laughable Howdy of , , N-N-100-12-10WT- 001JR-TSITIP. To conclude ;with the roaring Farce of THE IRISH TUTOR. LAURA KEENE'S Beatty tit S. - CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF MILS. JAMES A. OATES AND BEE BURLESQUE COMBINATION. MONDAY 'EV ENING, May Oth.. ISM' • - FAIR ONE WITH 'Tit ithoNDo wm.• Tuesday Evening. May L)--Bonellt of Mr. A. M. Hor• Dander.. Friday Evening, May 13—Benefit of Mrs. James A. Oates. ;Seals Secured at the Box Office. THEATRE. RS. JOHN DREW'S AR STREET LYJL CH neein. 8 o'clock. ' FRITZ A HIT. SECOND WEEK 'Of the Young Clinract.r Comedian • MR. J ()SEP H li. EMMETT. TO-NIGHT, MONDAY; EVERY NIGHT Aud SATURDAY A FTER.NOON, at 2, . Charles. Gayler's Successhil Drama of FRITZ, OURCOUSIDLG ERMAN . . - JOSEPH K. EMMETT AS *, FRITZ - - FRIDA - Y—BENEFIT OF MR. EMMF,TT. SECOND FRITZ MATINEE ON SATURDAY. Dp E z & BEN EDICT'S OPERA. House, Seventh street, below. Arch. DUPBEZ A; BENEDICT • Lessees. Mr. CHAS. MAC EVOY Manager and Proprietor. !HONDA' VENING. May 901.1870, GRAND OPENING OF MAO ICVOY'S - FANO liS_ANltilltlC AL_ILIBERNIGON.L... A Grand Pictorial and Musical Entertainment lIIELAND.a.9,4t is; All the beautiful scon'ry of Ireland portrayed, and with elegant dtorninie efr.as and iihnemated views may no seen its principal CI deg, Natural Curiosities. Rivers, Latliss, Mountain Scenery. -Etc. New Sontrs, Scenes and Incidents ; appropri ate selections from the Works of great Irish Poets and Composers. 31r. JERRY COTIAN, as Barney the - Guide. with Songs aria Dances, and his original sketches of Irish eccentricities. • MARIE - DALTON-MAC EVOY T the-itharming-young - Irish Prima Donna, will app ear as• NORAIi ; MISS RATE lIALPINE as MRS. O'CALL AGIIAN. Interesting histerical descriptions of Great Battles, Irish Scenery and Antiquities by Mr. CHARLES MAC EVOY. •- Prices as usual. For full particulars see Programme and other notices. GRAND HIBERNICON MATINEES On WEDNESDAY anti SATURDAY AB TFMNOONS, • rt.t reduced prices, cotnmenring at 2 I'.M. Evenhm;—Doors open ati, commencing at 8. NOTICE.—Peak Family Swiss Bell Ringers' engage ment postponed until further notice. Doc Office opon daily. Seats secured six days in ad va bee. DI 17 2tS. C. 11. IfALL, Goneral Agent. rIFTE ; ENTH WEEK. • The most beautiful and popular Exhibition eyer in Philadelphia is still in •. . CONCERT HALL. BENEFITS.-'-Monday Evening, at 8, City Missi.m. Tuesday Jly_oning- , ,Com pally G, Eire ZOllllTOi.. Wednesday—Mathieu 2.30 P. M. - Evening—Sparta Lodge. No. 10 .of P. Thureday—Welcomo Lodge. N 0.68, K. of P. THE PILGRIM. - VOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, u MONDAY EVENING. Mav*lltlr, and all the week. NEW COMIO TRICK PANTOMIME. Mr. Felix Carlo, the Groat Clown; New Spanish Ballett; Mlle. De Mlle La Rosa, Carlo Brothers; Polt y Daley. Matinee on Satnrday at 2 o'clock. QEN TZ AND HASSLER'S MATIN E ES.- 111nRical Fund Hall, 186440. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 3.04 - nel9-tr The Last Matinee of the Season will be given on SA TURDAY ,May,l4th.- A 'CAD BM Y OF-FINE ARTS, 011ESTNIIT street, above Tenth. Open from A. M. to P. - Benjamin West's Great Pictnro of . CHRIST REJECTED te still of exhibition. - - - - ie224t MEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA LI ROUSE. IRE FAMILY RESORT. CA lINCBOBS .4. DIX E 5' fir/RSV:ELS, EVEBY EVENING. • J. L. CARNCROBS, Manager. DIVIDEND NOTICES fr 7 -, FARMERS! AND • MECHANICS' «•c_ NATIONAL BANE. The Board of Dlrectori have tide day declared a Divi. dend of nveTer Cent., payable on den,and, clear of tax W. RUSHTON. JR., C.kalder.- rO:4—THE COM MERGIAL--NATiONAL 314..NK. 0.1 , PENNSYLVANIA. . PIMA nv.r.PiriA. May. 3. 1t,70. The Board of Directors fuse THIS DAY declared a Dividend of Five Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of,taxeA. 6t1.; S. r PALMER, Cashier. I/7CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL 13A NI( . - The Roan] of Dirr.ctars liar° this day declared a diVi dend of Six l'er r,tot., fur the last six months, payable on do mend, clear of tax. triyatn I'. SCHETE EY, Cashier. OFFICE OP "THE JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA.- DELPHI:I ,•• May , , At a nn , etinn of - the &gull of Dinietors held' tliis day; a Sent i-anneal Dividend of Three Per Cwt., was 41, dared, clear of all taxes, payable on domed. PHILIP E. COLEMAN, beet uta ry . MECII AN ICS' NATIONAL B A.N K. no Board of Pirecturii have this day declared a Di vi (lend of Six Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of tax my3-6t J. NVIEGNND, Cashier. SPECIAL .NOTICES. up AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF' t Stoeltholdere of the Lehigh Zinc Company, held 'WEDNESDAY, May 4. inst., the following gentle men were elected to servo as Director during the °nem- Me year, vie: .Benjamin C—Webster, ..Adolak.E. Bode, George . Ziegler, I Charles L. Boric, Charles W. Trotter, James 0. h isher. Gordon Monger, And et 11 meeting of the Director the fol lowing ollicerg were unanimously elected to . serveduring the ensuing year: BENJAMIN "C. - Z\ r.usTun: President CIIAS. W. TROTTER, Vice President. GORDON :MoNGES, Treasurer. HENRY A. WILTBERGER, Secretary. By order of thelloard, my6-3q GORDON MONGES, Treasurer. CUILTIN OTL COMPANY, OFF ICE 318;i' WALNUT STRUT, 11001 T -17. PlttLA DEL Plf May 2 1870. . The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Office on THURSDAY, the 12th hist, at 12 o'cluck, noon. to determine the.numher of Directors that N hall thereafter govern the affairs of the Company; to elect a Board of Directors for the °a lining year, and tot ransact such other business as may come befbre the meeting. M. B. KELLY, my 2 9t§ Secretary. UTHE ANNUAL MEETING.OF THE . St(1011101(10rfi of the BLOOMSBURG IRON COM PANY will be held at the Company's office, No. 122 Race street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, May 2th, for the parposo of electing Disgutors, and transacting other business. WM. E. S. DARER, Secretary and Treasurer. n)y7.l t* OFFICE OF THE METALLINE ur.D" ,LAND COMPANY. No. 324 Walnut Farad. PHILADELPHIA, May Mh,lS7O. The. Stated Annual McMinn' of the Stockholders of the 'Metalline Land Company , will ho held at the Office of the Company on AICYNDAY, Juno • 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock, 31 N. 11. HOFFMAN, nryli t jog , Clerk. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAIL ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION CO VITA NY. TItENTUN, N. J., April llth, 1870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Cam den and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be hold at the Company's office, m Trenton, N. no TUESDAY, the 10th of hl , 1070, nt 12 o'clock AL, for the election of seven Directors, to servo for the en suing year. SAMUEL J. BAYA RD, Secretary C. 4: A. R. It. dc T. 00. apll till myll§ 'PH ILADELPHIA, APRIL 25Trf, Annual Merging of the Stockholdera of the VULCAN PAINING fIOrtIPANY (of Lake Superior) uIU Le held at their °lnce, No. 324 Wridwit stroot, nn tiRSDA Y,titri 12th of May, 1870, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Directors, a4(l the tramaction.of other bunt 11098: _,11p261M312§ DELAWARE AND RARITAN' . lO ' CIANAII , COMPANY. OFFICE, TnitrreN, N. J., April 11,11470. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dela ware and 11arihuh Canal Company will he held at the Company'Y Othce, Trenton, N. J., OH TUESDAY, thin 'loth of Nay, 1870, at 12 o'clock, N., for the election of nino Directory to verve for the taunting rear. JOHN P. STOCKTON, . ap22 35t§ 'ocridary Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. -- - - Er.:7. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Green Mountain Coal Coin pony will be hold on TUESDAY, May lOth, 1870,.at 12 I '0.1N,k,--noon,_at_tho:oflice._of_EdlqUNl.t___SllTlTli. A mon) 7Yoi7, Denneylvanla Railroad Building, Phila delphia. , , '• . S. WILLIAM S. GREEN, tnyTitTV - f - nrti" .e.._- , _ _ .... B ~,La . 1870. UL' OF ' THE SCH UYLKrLL ux—Y RIVER PASSENGER RAILWAY (1031PANY, Twenty-second street, below Spruce. • . PIIILADEId MA. May 2,1,1870. A - e;tl gof the Stockholders of the Schuylkill River " Pne ger n ltallway Company will be hold on PAY, " Ptth inst.. at 12 o'clock, M., to take action upon the acceptinco - of a supplement to Mob Charter, ap proved April 7th, KO. • 8, (MOSS FRY, 11112111 w ItnlY/ 2 5 • becretary. AhILISEMIEIVI'Is. W=EMEIBM PIIII.A DE:T.I'III A. M. , 11' 3, 1810 B. A. HOOPES, Bncretitt:y ISPECIAL NOTICES '1 1i di. 11 CI Y 1:i I If, I) A. N voreiry of the Infant School Society of Phibulel afa will Ia huh/ in the school robra of Soeth Street Pres -byterian church, South street below-Twelfth; on day, , Moy 14, at lOWA. - 0. W. RITO iny7-2t." • -•- " • ; Secretary. n- OFF CE OF THE MONT , ALTO urY" Iron Company; Philadelphia,..A twill 27,1810, - The'A Meeting of the Stockholders will be hell at, the office of tho Company. No. 407 Library streot, on MONDAY, the Ilth day of May next,: at 2 o'clock F. M.. when en election It ill be hold for Diroofors,to servo for the vs suing year. WILLIAM .1. BANK. p 29 fin w tit§ . - Secretary. THE SEMI-ANNUAL__ EX AM 114 tion of Candidatee for Cortificatex of Qualification for Teecherts in the Public Schools of the First s chool- Distinct of Pennsylvania, will be held in the Zane Street , School Hann . Filbert street. nboye Soventh,on TOURS ' DAY and FRIDAY. Nay 12th and 13th, ifi7o. 'rho ex. - timinntinn - will - conunence r l o'clock - P-.-14..-i-precienlyi-- Tlinroday f end nt //o'clock on Friday. No an , Went under Seventeen years of age will be examined. eficept in nccerdanre-with the resolution of the 'Board of Con rotten'. NO PUPIL of the Public Schools will be XOM in ed . V.llO hail 'not suireue-1 at least a two years'• course of stridy In the Normal' or Central Nigh School of Philadelphia. An overage of not lees than 71 is required for a first-class cortifinate ;'an Byers:so of not less then 6r; fora ,second-clans certificate and on average of not lose than fdf for a third-doss' cortificatn. By order of the Oosninitteeon Qualificat ion of Teachers. tny2sP 12§ LEWIS ELKIN, Chairman. rog - t4A - Et. BROWN STONE RESIDENCE . 2 FOR SALE, No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant rown,Stone .Itealdenco, three atorietr Mansard roof ; very commodiotta, furnished with every al .nuern. cot ventence, and built In a very superior and s abet manner 'Lot 2r.,Leet front by VW feet dean to Cuthbert street. on which la erected a handapmo brick - Stable and Coach Idolise. - J. 111. GMIIIIEY & SONS, nth 2 tf rpf, 735 WALNUT Street, 5 -- Ciff..:Bll4 IT r i r For-Tale. at an investment price, a comfortable S E It - AND - WIN ft 1%8 tirNh Leader. gas, water, and six acres vain ible 13111 i. Near the depot. With ten trains daily. ti able, grapery, greenhanne and ierdtouse. Vegetablea ready planted. Plenty of shade and fruit nly9 12 11.3 t" fn . .. SPRINGL AK B—C FIESTN UT PIIIIADELPIIIA—FOK • S ALE— Ten mirintea' walk from Deppet fLEfA.NT COUNTRY SEAT. • LAWN OF NEARLY 1 INN AClLES.adOrited choke alitrubbery -abundance of - evergreen, fruit and Rhode treee ; most healthy Mention; VIOWS for forty miler, over a rich country. Modern pointed-atone bowie, • mw, water, Sc.; coach, ice and spring homes ; neVer fatilnig springe of poreat water. LAKE FOR BOATING, all stocked with Dlountain Trout, Carp. Sc.. Beautiful- cascade with HUCCeliiil)l3 of throughraipidal.J. U. PRICE. the meadow. • App y to _ - 0p27 w 1 ni00• n On the Preminett.• f n 7. FOR SALE, ON EASE TERMS, OR Std. city property taken in part paym-nt, an elegant ro eidence, dl nOnntea from Arnth and Green streetit, on Germantown-Railroad, in an impttiving- neighborhocith - • The house 40 well built, and very conveniently ar ,ranged ; containa.in all:10room ; city, water.tuid every modern convenience • painted walla, plate-glass front, two kitchens, with' range -- in each, large piazza, large Reynolds former in collar. Lot, WO 4eet -by 2PAI feet, well-laid-out, Including a very superior vegetable garden • • J. 111. GUMMET At SONS, np2o-w f mini§ • .; --7 M Walnut-et Feet-. - EFOR SALE—THE ELEGANT MAR - me-Front MRYIKiOII. N 0.2103 Che,tunt atreet, re plete with every no.lern convenience. A emelt property would he taken in part pay. FOXIIUItKAR inyLeir" . r2l South Fifth street. EG 31 ANTO W N It Modem Villn,conttdol rkg 4 ‘ ..r i nn s ls Es !? Ter. ms emir. tny3-361" No. 45?9 Maio streot,"Geriuntown. )II.hit:ST — KNIFD ESL I.rible 'Residence. No. 170 Spruce' t roet. Alia, a horse, carriage and harness, cheap, Apply try CHAS. II. 11. HART, 5172 Walnut street. apli tr CAPE 31 AY A_N TIVINTY; 01 , -=-0111Y - Ag'llcr In rhiladelphia:for the kale of Cot tages and Building Lois at the ahoy. places. Several desirable opportunities new offered by _ DANML - 111.VOX - .1: SON, - APII-Ini,s - - - .No 5 , 50-North Fifth street. . .. PBUSINESS _OPPORTUNITY. -- WE ith/. have for Fah , , Oil easy torom fifteen minute.l from 11V: city, On the Clerninntown ItAilroml;:to Magma 1;e31- dolicP, beautifully and completely titled out with all modem comrenientl.4. It has been ocenpled fortwAyearrtaaaloariling-lionao,— alit] ila9 a goorT Winter and sonnue - r patronage. J. 21. GUNAMY do 8010, 7.33 Walnut street - fr. FOR SALE—FOUR-STUFF BRUM : - .?..):)wellfug, with hat): hiiiitlingerand-orery—mairTn convenfrnee, Airnate N 0.171.1 Filbert 2,1 feet front by 117 f.-et deep to a feet wide 'groat. J. M. 6111315 Y k SUNS;733 Walnut etreet. fay 4, FOR 'ALE TR HE EI-STORY BR I C " ttlihrelliti,e, with every modern convenience, situate- No. 60(r South Tenth Atroet. E rly posiosslon J. M. GI'MMEY SONS. 733 Walnut street.-.- - • It!r; FOR SAL E—TH E THP RE-STOP " 4:31 BHA TM - Rim. with attics and back builliTlg, &16 y. nate No. Sonth Sixteenth Str,et ; every neater con venience. Innne.liate ponAeAsion, J. GUILMEY SON 57733 Wahmt egriret. 019 NEW EP,O - WN STONE HOUSES, NOS. 17.'0. x4l AND 21)10 SPRITE STREET FOR SALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN TILE MINT SUPERIOR MANNER. ANT) WITH EVERY 15101)ERN CONVENIENCE. E. R. WARREN, 2913 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O'CLOCK I'. M. tni)2stf WEST PH IL AD EL PH f A H AND- Rome modern cottage, with every convenience, and large lot of ground. aonthwemt corner of Pine end Forty-fir).t streets. J. Gti.ll3l.EY a: SONS, N 0.733 Wninnt street. ERCHANTV LLB, :N. .111 Rite,: for sale, five from Welwood twit fon, ILI I RTY MINITES FROIII FRONT AND MARKET STREETS. - - Philadelphia. Fare by the Annual Ticket. 8 eta. per trip. Address .T. W. 'FORMA.. ro7 lin§ No. 127 Cileetntit street, Philadelphia. .1 87 o li A N r?so DIy , ELLI , N G. - I S7O 1,07 , 102 Only Q 2,00 0 in crud) required. MAULE.IIIIOTIIEIt S CO., ap3o-10t* No. 24 , (10 South street. 910 DYERS—FOR' SALE OR TO LET 11 ON GROUND RENT.—A largo of ground, containing 42„8g7 square feot, extending from Seventh to Eighth-between Tiogn and Venango streeto, with a never-failing Stream of pure Soft Water running through it. Price .57200. Apply to JOHN TURNER, nvar Sixth street and Rending Railroad. apt{ lm" . _ riio CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS.— . it_ For alt A large and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, betue i Norris — and — Dia , mond ; MS feet deep to THIRTEENTH STREET, Inter- Fected by, PARK AVENUE, FOUR FRONTS. mhit tiA•ply No. =Chestnut street. - GROCERLES7LIQUORSTAtC; -- CORN EXCHANGE FLOUR MILLS, - 2136 Market Street. Superior Family and Bakers' Flour, - MANUFACTURED BY • E. V. MAC HETTE, n j E i tA i tt , T i t" or Barrel warranted. USE KlTClV7si cl, C ,a l u t i li n ' g S;Fl i t, SOAP •• USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL.SOAP For Cleaning 01l Metals. USE KITCHEN. CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning all Wood Work. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL'SOAP Far all Howell°l4l Cleaning. • PRICE REDUCED. ALL CaIODERS SELL IT. Nothing Gonuinfi but , KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP.. EASTMAN .1; BROOKE, Proprietors, apl3 lna 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 11)URE OLIVE OIL—THE SUBSCRI 1. hers beg leave to apnounce to the public that they .have made atrangements for receiving, and have now in the-store, the celebrated Mottet brand of Salad 011, which they warrant !superior to any 011'imported into this country. .105. B. BUSSIRIL & 00.. IUB South Ilelaware avenue. Q DERRY WINE.—A' VERY SUPERIOR and pure Spanish Sherry Wine at , only 83 00 per sallon at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 110 South ceond street, below Chestnut. CILARETS.—EXTRA QUALITY TABLE Clarets, ut 14. et ; 86 and 87 per CllBO of dozen bot tles—of recent importation,‘-in store and for sale at COUS'rY'S East Ilnd.Grocery No. 118 South Seoond street, below Chestnut, OA LIP OBNIA SALMON.—FRESH V Salmon from California ;. a Verycholco article ; for Halo at COUSTY'S Part End Grocery, Go. 118 South Second etreet, below Obeidnut. SEA MOSS FARINE—A NEW ARTICLE for fond, very choice' antl delicious, at COMTE'S Etta End Grocery; No, 118 SOW Second street, below Chestnut. LITTON HAMS.—A VERY. CHOICE artiOle orl'lrred - Mtithin; equal tO 1116-VeHrdried heefjor bale 4it cousTY , s . EaHt End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Htreet, below GheHtnut. SAW AND PLANT GI MILL, • • DICICERSON STREET WHARF. 'Particular attention given to Flooring, Foneing and. Surfacing. Hard 'and soft wood. ap2B Imo" 'WESTER & YELLOW & PINE LITIYMER..---01WITE 8 ..L. for carstoccof overviescription Bawd Lumber axe anted at aborrTfotrce—quallty subject - 1Y inspeatiOn - Apply to Epw. H. BOWItEY.I6 kiontlx Wbarvoe f • $469000- tt: ) 0 , 0!.000 , . Trust Fonds to Invest In Wirst.Claso City illortgeates it par. Also. Several Prinzenortgageeof - $3.000 to $3.000. ;For' Bub by •-• zny7-6tiE. R. JONES, 707 Walnut Street. . - T- ° .1110 ( ,(X ) RI . t N o , S2Otto.-Boveral - muma to loan on Mort gage, atvar.- . ' TO RENT. ' Store 140 North Eighth Street. .TO LET . ° The New Five-Story Store, 11 0.18 South Sixth Street and NO. 9 Dees. TO It ENT—FOR_I2.OII,_IB MONTHS ra ton Wally without rhildron, it furnished louse, on Cliestnitt ot reel, l oath slrk, abort .Twentieth street., Awldrese G. 'V. R., 411 %Valuta street. toy 9 to w flit" . CI - 'TO LET-4101188 NO. lung NORTII ctroot• all the Inotlern itoprovolnento. PO4- i , ebstoti left init. -- Apply to J KILLGUItE. No. 516 ooti et root. tuyn.tit." TO .LET—A NEAT COTTAGE. NO. 331 . .N0rt1i-Thirty-third et per month.-- -- —St NATI, goveoth At reet,- fn MARKET STREET S 7. 011 E.—TO Le rent for a torn) of vettra,t he Five-story Store Nu. Market street. J. M. fl Y Jr. SONS, 133 Walnut J. E. hl ITMIELL, 310 York avenue FOR RENT.—STORES NO. 237,_ .. 239 itEk North Water mtrcot. Alm° large sitiVlett nr.r the dtoreP. A PlOl to JON. tn► 6 12t• lfol Commerce xtr , et— • YOE. fit)4.l4>E mot grounds. •northrotta corner if Thirtybilith and Locust streets, on favorshiq terms: On the grounds nre a large ns , ortinent of fruit treca and an MC telAvo Lot-Loose. tilled with a choice colipction of grape•rines. Apply to JOS. S. FISHER, m3.612[' - WI Connooree atreet. - . VI TO A RENT E LRG E , AND Fix HANDSOME-COUNTRY - unsi D'ENrm. VORID IILY J OB. PAGE'S. SITUATED ON TN ' OLD YOIt K 110 AD, ABO K CITY LINE. lt..L DOB BINS I,I*DOEU BEA LDING. Eftsf A - N 'f 0 - W N.- - SEVEIt A:L CO T- Ltagei to rout and for sole, CIIAti, EI: STOKE i 4,: rny3-Ift• - No. 4:€2.1 SI Rill etreet.GeGnantown. GERMANTOWN. , ;—A F(JRNISFIED Oottaee to rent for six inonkha, utea dePOt. • en AS. B. STOKES, iny3 16V . No. Mai[, street, 0 eon Antown. OTO RENT—A 11 ANDSONIE EUR . NISITED iirmintry Thnl , feckco. 'knelt: 4 acres_ of ground, pitroot, Gennnutewn. three tnitintea' walk from Wayne Station. All kinil6 fruit. time lawn, etable (Gr horsed and coal, ' with all and every irnprove meta. Apply to COPPUCK & JORL/111, 431Yalnut street. To_L ET.— A D_FA • I atnra. with all Gm modern coriven fences, on Locust avenue. near Willow avenue. Germantown ; three min- . titan' walk iron' Church Lane Station. Inmenliate pos. ter-lon. Apply to SCOTT & DAY, No. 34 North Third __wort. FOR ":RENT- THE FOUR-STORY Fghv 'Residence N. E. corner ISrom , l and Wharton Etrlnts. Apply to Wi.O. S "AU South FtUirtts street. nt,114 m wit" . . HN.. erg TO . RENT—AN ELEGANT CO, Lia try Itt sulenee, witlfabout acres of land, on which • .therts-are, tiesides a comfortable farm bonne, tenant himse, entble, cow and chicken hound. It in situ:stet at the junction of Gray a lane and Marshall rimi,and about on a Ito.- with Chestnut Street. front which bridge it. in only-t hree.-mile-s—Vcry--eas y--of twocash--Terme Kept and-information at HARPER...SC CH Erru's In • aUtilLICe Agency, Nu. 37 'Walnut street. • nty6 M." .FOR RENT.— HANDSOME COTTN --Nat With r,veraTrieris or i . and, Yri'rk '— Toad, five lianites i fron: Oak Lino ntatiant on thu North Penvoqlvanla " • FURNISIIED COUNTNY t-! %T, ~.fthin two min utile walk from Flavertop. rtatinn. 011 . j iie Poniusylvirnia Central Railroad. T:3I GCIIIIEY .t SONS, 733 Witt - nUt A tract, • •in CAPE 31 - —Numerous Cottages to neut. Some very de nim le opportunities - orpz7 - 71. tii:a desiring o ran can have description and information and other facili ties furnished, and earn themselree a run t•I the shore by applying - -to -- DA - N.'1.F.1.,-141----FOX—A- -SON Principal - Agency, No. 140 North Fifth street. apl 1 Ind TO LET.— A FINE TH RTE EN kini roomed Mansion, to-tr Frankfort, with lawn, garden. stabling, carriage -house, Ac. Inquire 1321 Girard avenue: ap23tti TO RENT—ROOMS OF ALL SIZES, R-1 3 i , well I ighted,suitable for lightmanufacturlng bnei noes. in building No. 712 Chestnut street. J. M. G CM- IifEY 50N5..773 Walnut street. - • Ca TO RENT—A FURNISHED I) WELL NO. 4110 South Nilith atreet, with all lin pro re merits ; a desirable location : will be rented rvusonablo to a good tenant ; posseiedon front the tir , t of may. A a stable. on Miles alley, below Walnut street and above Tenth Street for three horses and carriages. Apply to c pp A ucK GOLAN , 433 Walnut strott. • - -• en FOR, RENT—THE HANDsomr, itlfour-story property, Nn 2i South Eighth street, corner of Jayne, and first. above Che,utut street. J. Al. GUMMY A SONS, 733 Walnutstreet. FOR RE NT—FURNISHED—A handsome four-story brick dwelling, with back buildings and every modern convenience._ situate on Broad street, below Pine. J. AL GUAIMEY A: SONS, No. 733 NVainut street. a r 3 . F FOR RENT—FURNISHED OR UN furnished, the three•story brick dwelling situate No. 1303 North Twelfth street. J. M. GUMMI( B SONS, 733 Walnut street. • IR TO LETSECOND-STORY FRONT Room, X 24 Chestnut street. about 20 x 23 fea.4 Suitable for an office or light business. .1 . 105 tf rp FARB. & BROTHER' V E A FOR SAL—WEST LOGAN 7.10--Fourttory brown- stone_resi,_ r3ence, with three story double buck buildings. Lot 24 feet front by 144 feet deop. No. 1021 CLINTON STREET—Threo-story with three-story double back buildings. Lot 20x115 feet to a etc , et. CHESTNUT STREET—Handsome four-story re4l- .dence,___with large three-etery heck buildings, Lot 25 feet front by 215 fe'et deep, tolsinsein street. SitutiW west of Eighteenth street. A LCII STREET—Handsome four-story brick resi dence, 72 feet front, with every convenience. N. W. corner Twentieth street. . ARCH STLEET—Handsome modern four•story brick resift enee,with three-story double back buildings. Extra conveniences and in perfect order. West of Eighteenth street, south side. J. Id. GUMMY tt - SONS, 733 Walnut street. A 2. lIILDRETH. .E. S. TAYLOR.. lIILDRETii & TAYLOR, A. CAPE MAY REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Office, Perry street, opposite Mansion street, • CA PE MAY CITY,,}I.* J. Refer by special permission to : E. C. Knight, William F. Potts, Matthew W. Baird and John C. Fsfis., of Philadelphia; General WilliainJ, of - Camden, and .1. F. Cake, EMI.. of. Cape May. N. 11.—Partigular_allention given to the renting of cottages, Ac. my 3 CREESE kr.oOOLLIIM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Caps Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous ,of renting cottages during the season will apply ' or address as above. MORTGAGES. TO REN_T,, Inquire at 338 York Avenue. inylAt • tar Street. 20b7 173 feet. Apply to THEnDORE 111EGIARGEN, a p21.:t11 No. 21) South Sixth Street CO TO RENT—THE f3TORE 1.%167 7 i3ii ArOt street. Apply rtt- —" mpg -12t• ri'o LET—SECOND,. THIRD, FOURTH 1 and fifth stories of Nu. 905 Market street, in COM -Pieta order. Each 20 by 65. feet, . inys ot* Fan RENT-DESK-ROOM, ON WAL nut-street, ahovo Third, suitable for Lawyer, Con veyaueer, &c. Address "U. X.," BULLETIN OF FICE. tuy2,tf§ - Respectfully refer to Chas. A.Rnbicarn,Erenr , Buir r i Francis Mcl'vain, Auguetn Merino, John Davie NV. Ju venni. PER Itilinrray Lanman's F10ridk:':....:,...:4ti0r,. The rnost celebrated and. most delightful of all ,per. - fumesiforuse - orrthe hand keg et,. at`the to7ret; and in the bath, fol.' sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. jtM-fm ini . C. W.'IIOIDINROM Conveyancer, 812 Walnut stre,l No. 709 Walnut street 3111. LI I 3I,IIONAIv 4111 E — is OAi Idii_ XS G AitAN OF AVS rutA. Mr. Lytton, the rising diplomatist anil ex pleder,of the Port-Wise sOpers,titimli - sPealcs'9f culture acid - telinemeilt asVitilitles!often per • taining to the Vienna working man. Our own impression is, says We PEW Itiall Gazelte,,tbat the Vienna operative by nu 'means deserves'the praise which Mr. Lytton bestows. on him. It • is certain that Viennese,;employers An, several • important branches of - labor have been in tire ' • habit of complaiping,ofthe insufficiency of the. txcept In Certain miner branclies of industry, ' ennese•ar is Cif are.o n afferent workmanship, and the Germans of Austria are in many respects behind Slays andlluegariani3! for patience and • skill. To which we may add that the Viennese artisan is, unless we Mistake,' . too apt tb be unthrifty, unduly given to. drink, bad language, and debauchery.. , , Ilaviug differentiated his working • Lytton goes back to his cause.' Ileargates that the Vienna working man is so very civil ized because 11,(. goes:to theatres and. concerts., Now; a's far ha& as 'Lai:jailer's trine, Tenter den steeple was the cause of the Goodwin •' Sands; and, for aught we know; copying de spades may be the cause of clever secretaries of embassy being so, clever. NevertheleSs, so. large snieecCas the'intittence Of art, Is -hardly to be settled offhand by the mere action -of ' "the Illative sense." Our own provisional -he lief is that - mankind is the - better, - as • well as the happier, for hearing the sound of Mario's voice and seeing Miss Sessi's hack' hair. 7213nt if. we are-tn . :Admit that play-houses and con ,. cert: - rooms purify - :the passions uy pity and terror, and otherwise improve the soul, tenetswe must at any rate 'limit the efficacy of so :sweet a medicine •to cases *here high art, not low, is the agent sup.; posed to be concerned. Aristotle would tura said that it was good for the Austrian working, man to hear Maid, and the . llarbiere—gdod for `• _to_Esten la. Ike th ose sy m phoineB :and_ Weber'n overtures; but what would :he have said to the f;ruad Duchess or Gera/stein and .! • . the mellifluous polkas of Herr Strauss 2: Now, Mr. Lytton is well awai•e that in Vienna there is no such thing as cheanclassical music. The • lower classes, and, for- the Matter of that; the upper classes, too,listen to nothing_but dance „,..„ tunes, the performanm of such music as is commonly, perhaps pedantically, called "good" being, as regards concert rooms, a rare occur •ranee. Classical music in V tenna is altogether a middle 'Clasa'alfair; and it is given esoterically at spevial times only,, and in particular places. And here a - questioninust be put, sadly sta tistical no doubt, yet one on which 'the-whole - 7 - assumed influence of-theatres-mast,neeessarily - • rest. Is it'the opinion of compvtent authori ties that a really large number ofyieunese-arti sans—say from sixty to• seventy per cent. of all —do actually frequent the theatres to the extent assumed ? Unless a man emes two or three nights a week : it is idle to talk of I}!s mind being systematically moulded by Goethe and Schiller ' (Goethe, by. the , *ay, is seldom - played. any -1.-inless----sixty-br-se-venty artisans .out of a hundred get the said ,mouldin ,, ,the Aristo telian ellect'mnnet be called a universal phe, _ _ nemenon.,. 11 Mf.,Lytton would collect even approximate - figures on this point he might be able to afford a valuable contribution _towards the geneaits, - a.s we wtite - tioWa4lays, B • Wabian restletle-=eVolution. For ourselves we have heard the same kind of statement made in reference to the workingmanelsewhere, and having taken the trouble to test it as a fact of chemistry or botany would 'be tested,have. — feuud it vataSh away into thinair. PETHOLEUX GAS AS FUEL. The Boilers of the Erie Water Works Pleated by bias from a Well. The large boilers at the Erie Water Works are now heated solely by the flow of natural gas from the well recently stink there. - This well - is down 510 feet; - and haS cost $1,500. The Erie _ 7lir_potch=says4—T-he=gas-is-conducted - brarn inch and a half pipe, without gasometer, through smaller. pipes underneath the boilers. The flow has been steady, and less than one-lialf the amount has--been necessary to, keep up a pres sure of forty-seven pounds of steam to the inch, the usual pressure required. No coal what ever has been used since its introduction on Friday evening, the cost it saves being from $8 to $lO per day. Thus far it has only been con ducted into the tire - space under the boilers, but pipes .will be put in to conduct it directly into the flues: -- -Besides the saving of coal, the item•of cleanliness is one worth taking into consideration. There is no smoke, no.dust,no, ashes, and nothing to do except turn'a faucet, to either shut off all heat or put on full force, in a twinkling. Added to the intrinsic value of this well, the success in finding gas has opened a new channel of prosperity, and seve ral projects and enterprises, wherein the cost of fuel is the great item of expense, and whereby it may be made almost nominal, are already afoot, and doubtless some a them will be pushed through to a fair trial. There is a plan talked of—and by men who when they talk generally, mean business —to bore for gas in the edge of the bay; and use it in the manufacture of iron, thus doing away with the enormous cost of coal. The - scheme looks like a wild one, but may be more prac . ticable - than - the - majority — would conStirer it. A couple of gas wells like that at the water _ . works would certainly be a great assistant in saving coal. TIIE OIL REi4IONS. The Big Well on 'Armstrong And. A Pittsburgh paper says: The oil excitement at Arm Strong Run con tinues, as does also the flow from the big well. The average of the well is one hundred and fifty biirrels daily with tools and rope in. It is not the intention to remove them as long as it produces at the present rate. .Dr. Egbere,lt is reported, has offered Mr. Meldrou,Sl2s.ooo for his farm, which includes the new . oil territory of Armstrong Run. ' • A correspondent writing from Brady's Bend, May filth, says:. I have jirst returned ' from the well.,big lt is flowing to-day at the rate of seventy-iVe barrels in twenty-four - hourS. From Saturday from 5.30 P. M.,. to . Sunday at the same hour the production was one hun dred and ten barrels. . There have, been no ef forts as yet to get out the tools and. rope from the hole: ' Jennings, of Brady's Bend, F. 4V. ' Andrews and Dr. Jenkins, of Titusville, have commenced two wells a few rods from the big Buildings 'are gding up rapidly, and the excitement does not subside, but extends down Armstrong run to the river. A new well was struck on Tuesday on the Tuttle Farm, two and a half miles from Tidi oute, which is owned by Fisher Bros., and is reported, hale doing from 175 to 200 barrels per day. It pumped over eight barrels per hour by actual measurement on Tuesday even _ 'mg..: The wellis abdut:oso feet-- deep. BOARDING. AHANDSOME SECOND-STORY ROOM and third-story room, with board, at 228 South Broad street. nut, ot,* BOARDING MAY BE HAD AT A country Beat four or live miles from tiro city. A Vile stable attached. Inquire aouthweet corner Fif teenth and Chestnut. • mys Cd§ CIOUNTRY BOARDING--MRS.McKIN -1.1--BritYrlatct-tif-901t-nnal)l(rtiproco sfro - ot, having removed to the COUNTRY BRAT, formorly the roof.' dente of P . A . 'Keyser, deceased tti aoreli..stfgrouthUt—' mituato — ott — GrGelf7MretitTlitiOe — Wiiiiliii r gton avenue, Germantown, is now ready to reedy° Boarders. mytiit" MUSICAL. 'SAIINDER:S - COLLEGE,_. WEST -1..). Philadelphia,. A lecture every KONDAY NIN G. . , • ap26-lm"__. IG. QE TEACHER. 3 § B atn_Opg. Private lemons and classes. BeeMemo° 13. Thirteenth street. aux.ta is§ulUitYClN F A "FIRE ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA.' Ineorporsted blarsh, 27, 1820. Office --,-No. 34 North Fifth Street. INSURE:BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURII AND MEBUI3AN , DIBE GENERALLY FROM Loss WV FTRIO. (111 - Hie eity .. of pkiladOlphitt only.) • Assets arstutrW 1. 1870, TR TEEN: ;am ton, trarterPTßoWir, John arrow, Peter Williamson, iGeorgo ..Yonn; Jesse Lightfoot, 'aosepn R. Lyndall, Robert Shoemaker Levi P. Coats, Peter Armbruster Samuel Sparhaw J o seph E. Sehell H. Dickinson 'J. H WIS AguIt H s A p M A LL H T A O wK __,_N v es ic id e en p tA sident. Wig. T. BUTLER, Secretary.. • •182`90.04TER PERPETUAL. 1870 JR AN I-K7II_,IN .FIRE INSURANCE' COMPANY • OF pn MAIO Ef.FillA, . • . , OFFICE--435 and 431 Cbestntit St. • • Assets on January 1, 1.870. • 12,625,731.67; r. Capital $400,000 Accrued Surphis and Premiums 2,425,731 ' INCOME. FOR 1870, LOSSES PAID IN OSIO,OOO. 8144,90592 • - LOSSES PAID SINCE 1820 • $95,500;000. • Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terme. The Company also issues policies upon the Route of all kinds'Of Bnitdiplcsi Ground Rents and Mortgages. Thu " FRANKLIN " has no DISPUTED tILAIM. 'DIEECTORS. • Alfred G. Baker, Alfred Fitler, _Samuel Grant,..._ Thomatttiparka,_ _ . _ Geo. W. Richards, , ' Wm. 8. Grantlsaac Lea, 7-- Thomas S. Eli te.l George Fales, • Gustavus S. Reason. • ALFREDG. BAKER, President. GEORGE PALES, Vice Provident. JAB W. IdcALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE 31. BEGER, Assistant Secretary. fe7 tde3ls DELA WA RE 51 UTUAL SAFETY INSII RANCE. COMPANY, incorporated by theLeglela latnre of Pennsylvania, lOW. Ince, e. k,corner of THIRD and WALNUT etreeta, Philadelphia, MARINE INSURANCES - On Velemle, (largo andFrelehtURANOES to all parte of the world. NL,A,ND INS On goods by ri ver. canal, lake and- land carriage to all parte of the Onion. FlgE IN.SIIII.A.PIf3tS On el erehandise genet`AllY ; on'StOrea t Dwelllnge, Houses, &c. ASSETS.Or THE COMPANY ," Movemoer 1, leer/. exppou United. States Five Per Cent - Loan, ten-forties_ " 8216,000 CO RCM United State.s Six . Per , Cent. Loan lawful money) " 107;750-00 60,000 United . Staves Bix Per Cent. Loan, • , 50,000 00 200.6® Pennsylvania State .of Pennsylva Big Per Cent. Loan . . 212,250 00 .. 7.oo,ooo"Cits. of ,Philadelphia Six I'er Cent Loan (exempt • from tax)... 200225 00 -100000 State - of - New - lersey - Slx Per Cent. Loan_ 102.000 00 40,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Find Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 19,4.50 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second _ _ Mortgage Six-Per Cent. Bonds- 23,62500 -215,000-Weatern -Pennsylvania- Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds tr - (Pennsylvania Railroad guar. nntee).... ...... 21600 00 20,000 State - of -Te n ne s see -= Wire rr ft; Cent. Loan 16,000 08 7,000 State of Tennessee Six - Per - Cent. - - Loan 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany; 221ahares stoek... 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad —Companyrloo shares - stork -- -----100X0 Philadelphia and Southern ' Man , Steamship 'Company, 50 shares 248,500 Loans on fiOnN - 17nd Irortgale, Orin llend on Cfty Pre - patties .216400 00 81,231.400 Par . Market valise, 81,2255,270 00 Cost. e 1.215.622. 21. Real Estate-. Bills Receivable for Insurance_ made...... - .... ..... . ... - Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on 'Marine Policies,. Ac• • crued Interest and other debts Stock, Scrip, &c.. of sundry Cor porations, e 4,106. Estimated ......................... . 2,740 20 Cash in flank__ Cash in Drawer. . , DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Band, Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis, William a. Bonlton, Edmund E. Bonder, Edward Darlinscton, Theophiltts Paulding, D. Jouea Brooke, ib.rthelt Tr:Jonah., ' Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan. Jacob Riegel, Henry C. Da tlet t r Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C. Hand, James B. M'Farland, N4lllllllll C. Ludwig, Joshua P. E re, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer M'll y ram, . Beall Craig, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, it Juin. D. Taylor, A .B. Berger, George W. Bernadon, D T. Morgan, -William 0. Roust* ,_ n iHOMAS C. HAND, President, JOHN C. DAVIS, Vico President HENRY LYLBURII, Secietary. HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary deiS THE IT COUNTY FIRE INSRA_NPE COM PANY.—Office. No. 112 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Mire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia I n 18112, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. . This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or fore`limited time against loss or damage by fi re, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted ani nu naid o w4 o th ß a s i : l possible despatch. Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Miller s - -Henryliuddi — - John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, . Robert V. Massey, George Menke. Mark Devine. • (MARL BJ. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vice President. 'BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY. Secretary and Treasur UNITED FIREMEN'S - - .ENSITRANO.II 00BIPANY Or PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes risks at the loweet rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THF,.(IITY OF PHILADEL OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Ban) Building. DIRECTORS Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, John Hirst, _ A u l e h n e r r y ru ß s unn3, Eing, - Wm. A. Rohn, James M ongan, „ James Wood, William Glenn, Charles Judge, James Jenner, ~ J. Henry Aekin, - Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan Albert C. Roberts Philip Fitzpatrick, James F. Dillon. • CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President, War. A. Burnt. Treas. • WM. H. FArm.Sec'Y. -t-- THE PENN MICLVANIA 'FIRE INSU. RANCE COMPANY. —lncouorateti 1825—Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite independence Senare• This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years continues to Insure against loss or damage by lire on ' Public or Private Buildings,• eithe, permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture. Btocke of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. t Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, it' invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the oast otiose. • DIRECTORS. John Devi:worm Thomas Smith, -.-- Henry Lewis 1 • J. Gillingham Fell, •Iddock,Jr. , L SMITH, Jlt., President. -.3retari. &DUI, , i EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE (/031. U PANT of Philadelphia.—Oilleo, No. 25 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature 'of Pennsylvania, Charter perpetual - Capital and Assets. $166,000. Make insurance against Less or damage by Fire on Public , or Private Buildings. Furniture, Stooka r Goods and Dior. ehandise, on favorable terms. - DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner John F. Belsterlin , Adam J. Glass, Henry Troemner, Henry DelanY, Jacob fichandem, John Elliott, • Frederick Doll,, Christian D. Frick, Samuel Miller, George 111. Fort, . , William D. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIER, President. - ISRAEL-PETERSON,_Vice President. PHILIP X. pOLIMIAN. Secretary arid Treasurir.' - AMERICAN FIRE - ENRURANOE bom. PANY,incorpr t rated 1810,--oharicr e euetual. --N07.-sio-wATATUT--eireniii-abfore--Tif rai - rhilaciejoiriiir • - Having a large pailtup Capital Stock and Surplus in. • v ested in sound and available Securities, continue to Insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and. their cargoes, and other persona prop er ty. All looses liberalty and Promptly adjusted, DIRECTORS.. . , T i mm " lg. m ar ls, • Edmund G. Dhtilh, John Welsh Charles W. Ponitneil ' - Patrick 'Bray,. ... Israel Morris, • John T. Lewis'. ' ' John P. WetherMs' l v. , . William . Paul. , • . ' THOMAS R. M&B.18, President. • A.T.sszie C. 171AwroaD. Secretary. , • Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Denson, Isaac Herlehurst, Thomas Robins, Daniel Hai DANIEL a. CROWELL, Sect PriILADELPHIA EnrEN LN G' BU LLETEN. MON,DA Y . MAY '9. 1870. 4,270 00 14,000 CO -- 3,900 0 - 023,700 TO ZERO 199,291 14 81.A52,100 04 INS ir N eJE. 'I.XstTRA . NOE , .Oo.m.i.A.I!4•V , NORTH, AMERICA.' Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. monpoRA.TED . auARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL. - - - - 0400,600 Atthrtt January Ist, 1 , 370 - 02.7.93',5811 825,000,000 Receipts of Premiwrrno.,l4l3ol, $1,991,837 45 te rest from lave/aura is, 11469, - • • • Leases paid, 1869, - STATEMENT :OF THE, ABS ET& Fired Mortgage on City Property ' • 8788450 00 United btates Government and other Loan Hailroatt_ißack and C.AnalStoctut Cash in Cants.and nhice Louie on Co!Worn) Socnrity Note•- Roceivablo; moistly. Marano Pro- iuiums Accrued Interest Premiums in course of trunsmisloion- Unsettled Marine Premiums ' Real Estate, Ofilee of Comptirty, '.3TORS. Arthur G. Coffin, .1 Francis R. Cope,. , Samuel W. Jones,- .Edward' H. Trotter, John A. Brown, Edward S. Clarke, Charles Taylor, T. Charlton Henry, Ambrose White, ' Alfred I). Jessup, William Welsh, .-Lohls 0. 'Madeira,' B.slorris 'Wain, .I. Chas..W. Cushman, _.. John Mason, ClNrnent A:Griscom, William Brockle 43( " C".11Arris°11 ARTHLOt - G. COFFIN, PrefddeliG CIIARLEH PLATT, Vice Pree't. MATTEITA 6 MAR tH , Secretary. . • C. B .lIEETES, Ass't Secretary. Cerlificaten of Marine Innurniace lamed .(whon do. sired), payable at the Counting House .ot Messrs Brown, Shipley & Co., London. _ _ The - Liv - erpoal &--Lowdon- and Globe Ins. Co. Assets Gold, 8 1 8,4.00,000 Daily'Receipts, - $ 20,000 Premiums in 1860 . ‘ 11 ,5. 88 , , 4,000 Losses in 1869 . , - $3,219,000 No. 6 Merchants. rNsuBAITGE vela PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual, - • - - ----= Office N 0.308 _Walnut street— CAPITAL. 4300,000. Irusnres against loss or damage by Fri:tit, on Houses Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and of Furniture, Goode, Wares and Merchandise .in town or conntry. LOARS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAM, &meta, Deceinber 1, 8401,87941 Invested in the following Securities, via. . First Mortgages on City Property, well see I cared.-- . . ----H169,100 Ot. United St ates 82,000 a Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. L0an5................. 75,000 CC Warrants . ... 6,035 70 ,Pennsylvania $3i000,000 6 Per Centlean. - 50,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage 6,000 00 Camden and Amboyllailroad Company's 6 - Per - Cent. Loan- .. 6,000 01 Huntingdon and Broad Top — i Per bent. if ort - gage Bonds- . 4.990 01 County Fire I n surance Co mp any's 14/50 01 Mechanics' Bank ... . 4,000 Ot Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.-- /0,000 00 Union Mutual Inenrance Company's Stock.-- 190 01 . Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Btoch.- .. ..... 3,200 06 Cub in Bank and on 10-316 Worth ot 49 Worth et present market 53 Thomas C. Hill, Thomas H. Moore, William Musser, Samuel Castner, Samuel Bispham, .1. James T. Young, H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, , Christian J. Horan, Benj. W. Tingley, Edward Samuel B. ThThomas,Biter. THOMAS O. HILL, President, Wkt. cause, Secretary. - PHILADELPHIA. December FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 809 CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED .1856. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, .5200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per. ' • veinal or Temporary Policies. Draticrohe, (7harles Bichardeon. ------ Ghert Pearce, Wrc .H. Rhawn, ' John Kcaaler, - Jr., Wllllem M. ScYfort, Edward B. Orne, John F. Smith, ~ Charlee Stokes, Nathan Mlles. John W. Everman, George A.. Weet, Mordecai Busby, . HHARLES ICHARDSON,PreeIdent ' WM. H. RHAWN, Vice-President. mums I. BLANCHARD.Recretary. apt 0 ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM. PANY.--CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philada. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for &limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine insurance %%Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance all parts of the Union. DIRECTO S. William Esher,Lewis Audenried, - Wm. . Baird ! • • J o h n K e t c h am , John R. Blackiston, J, E. Baum, William F. Dean, John B. Hoyt, Peter Sieger Samuel H. Bothermq. .WILLIAM' SHER,Treeldent. 7- WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice President. . •Wm—M.Surrn.liecretany. trith s id- MACHINERY. IRON, &C. IRON FENCE.- 7 The undersigned are prepared to execute orders for,,, ENGLISH IRON FENCE, of the hest make. Tho moat sightly and tho most economical fence that can be used. tipecimen panels of various styles of this fence may be seen at our Office. YARNALL & TRIMBLE, 147 South Front street rnh9 3tn§ MERRICK & SONS, . SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, CO WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon tai, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Comte, Pumping. BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &o. STEAM. H AM hiEllit—Nrismyth and Davy styles, and te all allies. CASTINGS—Loam, Pry and Green Sand, Brass, &o. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Irou,for refineries, water, GAS M. ACHLNER Y—Such as _Retorts, Bench- Castings • Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and (Marconi Barrown, Valvea, Governors, &c. SUGAR Id ACHINERY—Such ae Vacuum Pans ant Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burners Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &c.. . Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright's Paint Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States, of Weston's Patent 801 f-cantor in g and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma chine. muse & Barton's Improvement on? Apin,al.l & W oolp Centrifugal. Bartel's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid: . Strabitu's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Re• ft neriesfor working Sugar or Molasses.. CUPPER . _.AND YELLOW METAL Sheathing, Brazier's Oopyer Nails, Bolts and Ingci Coer, constantly on baud and for sato by BENET WIN pp SOB ar, CO.. No. 332 South Wharves. DR IJ Ga. TIRUGGISTS wrid, FIND A LARGB ..ll:Jstock of Allon's Medicinal Extracta and OR Almonds. Rad. Mel. Opt., Citric Acid, One's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortara. &c., Just landed from bark Hoffnmitt, from London. .RODERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Dragghsta; N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. DRUGGISTS' ' SUNDRIES. GRAD 0 . • stets, Mortar ,Plll Tiles, Combs, Brusher: Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn •Scoo_ns, Surgical Instre• ments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Oases, Glass and Metal Syringes, 20., all " First ands" prices. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, an 2.42 23 South Eighth street. grIASTILE BOAP—GENUrNE AND VERY lJ enperior-260 boxes just landed_frombarkidea. and 02 - sate nyllctspliza -• . as & .Oo.,lmport us prttagißts:N N. corner Fourth and Race streets. GAS FIXTURES. G AS FIXTURES.— ISKEY MERRILti & TUAGKARA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manu facturers of, Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c.,. ,&o:, would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant as sortment of One Chandeliers, -Pendants Brackets, •be- They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and publto built logs, and attend to extending, altering and repair ing gas pipe& work warranted. pp El A 0 - I - N 0 HAIL ituAD; ~.-'ol.ltatei.'r : 11.11..Trank - Liiie from Philadelphlisloithe interior of ' Pennsylvania, -the Schuylkill, Sukitieluturisf Dumber= iand,., and Wroming Valleys, the North, Northwest and ' llll utinnang ['Piing Arrangement of Passenger Trains, April 18. 1870', leaving the Coui pan y's Depot:Thirteenth and. Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours: MORNING ACCOMMODATION.--At 7.30 A: Id foi l Beading and all intermediate Stations, and •Allentown.. Returniug, leaves Reading at 6.35. P. M.i a r riving :.in Philmiel tibia at 9.25 P. M. . , 111 0 RHINO EXPRESS.-At 8.15 A. M. fir 'Reading LtilianOn, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pirko Gravairarakaa, dunbnry, Williamsport, -Elmira, Roche s t e r, Niagara ' Falls, lltillala, Wilkesbarre, Pittidon, ,York. Carlisle . Charrbernburg; thigerittown. &a.' '•• ' • The 7.30 A.M. train connects at ftcadin,g.with the E'ast: '.annoy van a al iroad trains for OWlf,elte., and the. 1:15A. 31. train connects with the Lebanon Valley train 'or Harriebtux, 6M.; at Port Clinton " with Catawham R. E. trains for W.lllfantsport,LoCK Haven'. Elmira, &a.; at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Ouraberland Val ley. and Schuylkill and Stiftuebanna trains for North ! emberland, Williamsport. York,'Ohamb raburg, Pine. AF IT RNOOR EEPREI3B,-Leitires..Philadelphla 41 1.30 P. M. for Rebding, Pottsville, Ilaniaburg, dtc., con neetlnt with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for POT'ISI WN ACCOMMODATION .---Leaves Potts town at ti 25 A. 51., stopping at the Intermediate stations; , srrivrs hi Philadelphia at 8.40 A.M. Returning leaves phuadetnbia at 4 P.M.;arriven in Pottstown at 6.15 P. 31, 1: EADINO AND POTTSVILLE ACCOIifSIODA. TION.-Leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. 111., and Reading at' 7,89 G. M., stopping nt all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia at 10. Z A hi Retuniing,l eavra Philadelphia at 5.15 P. 111 .• arrives in Reading at. 7.55 P. M. and at Pottsville at 9:40 P. AI; Traina for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. 11., and Pottsville at 9.00 A. 111., arriving in Philadelphia - at 1.00 P. rer. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg (it . 21 0 P. 111.. and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Phila delphia at 6.45 P. M - Harrisburg Accommodation loaves Readinirat 7.15 A. M., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Read ing.with Afternoon Accorranodiitlon south at 6.35 P. M., - arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P.M. _ Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leave* Philadidpbia at 12.30 noon for Reading and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M., connecting at Reading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations -- - Aix tne above trains run deli, Sandays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsvil l e at 8 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.15 P, M.; leave Ph ladelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M.. returning from Reading 1411.25 P. 21.„ CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A 914 12.30 and 4.00 P. hl. trains from PhiladelPhia,return ing from Downingtown at 6.20 A. 51..12.45 and 5.15 P.M PE RR lOMEN RAILROA D.-Passengers tor Schwenks villa take 7.30 A.M., 12.30 and 401 P.M. trains for Phila delphia, retnrnintt from Schwenkerville at 8.05 A. M., 12.46 noon, 4.15 P. hi. Stage lines for various points in Perklonterr - Valley --- connuat wittr trainw at - (2)11egevIlle - 1 and Schwenksville. . _ • i '`414;690.74 • , 82,100.514 10 . 81,035,386 89 .... 1,122946,00 455,7(.3 00 241.620.00 32,555 00 MI .944 00 20.337 00 &5,193 00 /00,900 00 30,000 00 82,783481 00 NEW YORK EXPRESS. FOR _PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at LOU A. M. and 5.00 P. M., passing—Sealing at 1.46 and 10.06 P. N., and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Expreste Trains for Pitts._ burgh. Chicago, Williaumpt, Elmira, Baltimore, &c. m• Returning, Exess Tram eaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express fro Pittsburgh, at 5.35 A. 25. end -11.25-A. M., passing Reading it 7.23 A.- M. and 1.27 - P. M., arriving at New York at 12.05 noon and 6.00 P. M. Siettpina Care accompany these trains through between jersey -Pity and Pitt's - burgh, without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.60 P. M. Blatt train for Harrisburg leaves New york at 12 Noon. . _ BCHUVLIULL VALLEY RAILROAD--Tralns leave l'otteville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.60 P.M.. returning fromamita at A. M-...-arl 2.16 and 4..60 P. 51. - SCHUY an LKILL - AND SUBQUEHILN-N-A,RAXGROADt -Trains leave Aublarn at 8.56 A. M. for Plnegrove and ;Harrisburg, • and at 12.30 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brookside; returning from Har risburg at, 3.40 P M; from - Brookside at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at7J5 A.lll and 6.06 P.M: ' 'Exchange, Philadelphia: TICKETS.—Through first-clans - tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. Excursion 'Pickets fromPhiladelphis to Beading . and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by 'Morning Acconomslation, Market - Train, Reading- and - R _PottstownAccoromodation_Trainstatrodnced_rates Excntaion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. , are sold at Pottsville and Intermediate Stations b7Heml ing and Pottsville and Pottstown Accommodation Train , at reduced rate,. _ The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street "Philadelphia or'of( i_ A. Nicolla, General Suporinten. dent, Beading. Commutation Tickets,st 215 per cent:discount.between any.points desired, for families and firms. 1 ileage Tickets,good for 2.000 mlles,between all poirttS - at $47 00 each for-families) mei . Season Tickets, for one, two.three, six Wino or twelve my nibs, for holders only, to all points, at redaed rates. Clergymen residing on the line of the road will. tiefur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to -tickets at half fare- - ' Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to ,principal sta tions, good for Saturday, hunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at. Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.:—GoaIs of all 'deacHptioms - forwarded to all the above points from the Company's-New Freight: Depot, Broad and Willow streets. - Freight Trains leave Phil adelphisi_daily at 425 A; 141., 12.30 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be-- - yond Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. M„ and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. 'M. BACCAHH) Jai-tu th s tt 7.34) A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington, At 8 A. AL—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting-at .Bothlehem with Lehigh. alley Railroad for Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Mahanoy City Wilkesharre, Fittston, Towanda and Waverly; connec ting at Waverly with ERIE RAILWAY for Niagara Buffald, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, and all points in the Great IVest. At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wil low Grove,ll.,,tboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. 9.45 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown Munch Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown, Easton, Hackettstown, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris and Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley Railroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, ,toping at intermediate Stations. 1.15, 5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Abington. At lAA P. AL—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, blanch Chunk,__llagleton, White Raven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston ( , and Wyoming. Coal Re gloms. At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping' at all intermediate stations. At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all Intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. AL—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem _with _Lehigh Valley _Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. 11L—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 1130 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, _ TRAINS eßnivy, IN PHILADELPHIA. ..... From Bethlehem at 9A. M., 2.15 c 4.40 and 8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. 81., 4.40 P. 31. and 8.24 P. M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valleyor Lehigh and Suave• henna trains from Easton, Scranton. Wilkoabarre, Ma. henoy city and Ilarleton. From Doylefitown at 8.35 A.31.,4,30 P.M.and 7.05 P.M From Lansdale at 7.30 A. M. From Fort Washington at 9.25 and 10.35 A.M. and 3.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestovin for Philadelphia at 7.00 A. 31. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and . Third Streets Line of CityPaseenger cars run directly to and from the Depot Union Lino. run within a short distance of the Depot. • Tickets must he procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lowest rates of flire. ELLIS (MADE, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage chocked through to princi pal points, at 01 arm's North Penn. Baggage Express office., No: 105 South Fifth street IXT.EST J.E'RSEY RAILROADS V V COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4,1870. Leave Philadolphia, Foot of Market street (Lippe) Ferry at 8.00 A. AT., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Yius land, Fw•edoaboru and all Intermediate stations. • 11.45 A. ln . Woodbury Accommodation. 338 P. M. Mall, for Cape. May, 111.111 ville, Vineland. and way stations below Glassboro. 330 P. lit, Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swodea• bore. and all intermediate statics's. 6.45 P. M., Woodbury, Glassboro and Clayton accom• medulla'. EXTRA TRAIN FOR'OAPE MAY. (SattiOuys_only.i Leave Philadelphia. 8.00 A. M. Leev neap° May v l.lo P. M. Freight train leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. . Freight received in Philadelphia at second covered wharf below Valnut street. Freight delivered at No. 228 S. Delaware avenue. Couguntation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phila• delpbta and all stations. WILLIA.III. J. SEWELL,Suppintendent. April 1.1870. AILADELPHLA. AND ERIE RAIL - P'ROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1869, tho Trains on the Philadelphia and Erle 'Railroad will run as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Phihulelphia 16 16 6, , Williamsport " 9.35 P. M. 7.40 A. M. .6 " arrives at Erie 8.20 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.40 A,. 51. Williamsport 9.00 P. M. " " arrives 'at Erld. 10.00 A, M. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia. 7.60 A. M, _", Williamsport. 8.00 P. 161.. a " arrives at Look Haven 7.20 P. M: Mil Trol.o loavesßrio 8.40 K.ll. - ." •. " Williamermt Ego Sityreas leros ... ... 5.90 arrives at Williamsport 11145 ) Elmira Mail leaves Look ilavon ... .. .. 8.00 A. M. ! Williamsport- 9.45 A. M. 4, s " arrives, at Philadolphia4. 6.50 P. M. Baffalo Eipress leaves Wiillatisport. „. 0011: 4 , Ilarrisbur 4 • " ' arrives at Philadohia. 9.25 A. U. Itziarass east connects at Clorry. Mail east atOorry and Irvington. , ripress west at Irvinoton with trains on (HI erAellikilit2ellyeirittvaLtwArgitaiUrintende ,t1;34! 601, , F.B11.001CMALE ItAlLMOAD.—Passengers for Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M. and 9.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7 00 and 11.25 A. M. Dringanie Express *III collect Baggage for all train leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can he loft at No. V.E. South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Cnllowhill streets. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD —TEER-81.10RTMIDDLE - 110IITE to the Lehigh and Wyoming Valley, Northern_Piosnsylvanla, Southern and Interior New York, Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes and the Dominion of d anada. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. TAKES EFFECT, November 22d,1869. 14 DAILY TRAINS leave Passenger Depot, corner of Berke and. Americas 'streets (Sundays excepted), follows: L`fiS' G int pa IDENNEYLVANIA. CENTRAL 'RAIL )! ROAD.--After- .6 P. MI, SUNDAY, May let, The.traltrtrf the Pennsylvania Central . Railroad leave the Detiot.at Thirty-11rst and Market ntreets,which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, thel.Ust'car connecting with each train leaving Fronton(' Market street thirty . minutes before. Its ' departure. , Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railwarrun within one square of the Depot: Bleepfmr,Car Tklcote can be had on application at the Ticket Office, N arrowest corner of • elinth and Cheatnnt streets. antat tha Depot. . • - - Akenta:or thS Union Traisfer 'Conipaay Will call for anffideliverffiligtagefat the Depot - ,..Ortiorgiett at N 0.901 Chestnut slreett•, - 1.16 „Market etre4t,„wili receive tenti ' srl . '• • ' TRALNEi LEAVEDEPOT; Mail Tram » . atBO6A~—I ' Accent rt e•-...at - 10.80 A.M.; l2:6o•Tifid 880 P. rd. Fast Linc,.. ' "' - "at. 12.30 P. 61. Erie Expteee....„ , ..v.. - ' lUD' P. M. Harrisburg 2.30 P. M, . Lancaster Accom, • at 4.10 P. M. Parksburg Trnip..... . ...... .. 5,30 P.ll. Cincinnati Express: ' at 8.00 P. M. F.rie Mail and Pittsbnigh Express--;. .......et 945 P.M. - Way. Passenger ° at 11,20 P M. Pacific Express.„....... • -.-at 12.00 night Erie Mail leaves! dally,:grxcept Strn . day, running on Saturday night to Williamspott only. - On-Sunday niittlt • passengers will leave - Philadelphia 0-8 o'clock. Pacific Express • leaves , Cincinnati .Ex.press daily, except Saturday.' " A tYaine daUy, except Sunday, . .• • t , • ; e 'The Western hocolionodation Train runs daily, except -Sunday; For this train tickets mtist be procured. and baggage dratvered by 5.00 P. M., atilt Market street. - TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, ;VIZ ' Cincinnati Ex real , • at 3 l 44 M. Philadelphia Express - • . ...ate A'. M. Erie Mail , Paoli Ac(ffimmollation at 8.20 leit M. and 3.504 6.25 P.M' _Parksbn rg Train.„ .... • ....00,00 Raffia° Exp at 9.35 A. AL. Fast L . ' ' ' at 9.35 A. M • Lan er rain ' •. • at 12.56 P. M. Erie • at 12.65 P.M. Sent ern Expreie -at 7.00 P. hl. Lock 14ven and Elmira Express at 7.00 P. M. Neill )(press ° at 2.55 P. M. Harris .nrgAccomnrylation 940 P. M. For further information; apply ttl , • - JOHN F. - VANLEERas-i - TicketAgent, 901ChCatrint street. . FRANCIS FUNK, Tieltet - Agent. - 116 Market street. -- - SAMUEL H. WALL.AOE, Ticket' Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility .to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exheeding that (mmunt i &value will be at the risk of tho owner, unless taken.by. Facial con. tract. , • A. J. CA SATT, General. Superintendent', Al oona. Pa. DE IL AD ELPIITA-, • GE R i%l A N LPN . BALLBOAD_ _TIME— TABLE. On aid after THURsiDAY, April 21M, 1870. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,7, 8, .9.05,. 10, , 11., 12, A. 61. 1.20, 2, 311, ns, 4, 434, 5.05, SL, 0, 632, 7o 8, 9.20, 10.05. 11, 12; P. M. Leave GERAIANTOWN 6, 6,55, 734, 8, 8.20, 0, 10, 10.80. 12. A. M. 1 1 -,.2, 3, . 3.,0, 4%, 5, 06, 6,51 i, 7,8, 9.20, 10, 11, P. M.'. C The 8.20 Domit andni and 53.1. tip, Trains taiit net .stop on tlid„Gernianiatun Branch. ON SUNDAYS." 7 _ _ Leave PIIILADELPHIA at 9)4,. A.M. 2,-4.05 min., 7, .and 19.1 i : P. M„ . j - ~. . Leave GERMAIsITOUN at. 8, 4 , A• M. 1,3, 9, and 911 ' P. 31. CIiWTHUT ITILL RAILROAD. Leave, PHIL/VD/MP/11A 6, 8;10, and 12,A. M. 2,.8.31, . 14 and P. M. - s Tfa s x 9 el 11E 111'UT HILL 7.10, 8, 9.10, and 11 .. ..40, A., AL IAO7- 3,30, 6.40,0,40,9, and . 10.40, P. 31, . - -.- ON SUNDAYS . --_.. : LeaTO PP ILA DE I.PFI lit at 93.1, A. IC 2, and 7,P. M. Leave ETIESZNOT RILL at 7.50, A. M. 12.40, 5.10, and Po4seitgers - taking ti0e . 61;5, 9 and 10.50 A. - an& . 3:50 - P. M. I rams /tom Germantown, Inalq chin eon nertions with Trai n &for New York at Intersection Station. - _FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND _NORRISTOWN _ - - - - Leave. PHILADELPHIA 5,734,9, and 11,65, A. A1.13'4 . . 3, 44,a, Rae c 014.8.05, la, and 1134, P-14 , •' Leave NORRISTOWN 516", 6.25,1,71 i, 8.50, and 11, A. 5L 3,311,634, 8, and P. P ON SUNDAYS. _ _ 1.0 , av0 PHILADF 4 LPIIIi at 9, A. M. - 23 i -, and. 7,4, I' .31. • ' Leaio LZIZIUMEOZO Leave Philadelphia :6. 7.11;. 9an 11.05 A. M.: WO, 13404.8,05, 10 and 113.; P. 91. • Leave Mana,ylinh.: 8.10, 9.20 and 11% A. M.; 2, 334, 5, 63.",, 8% 'and 10 P. M. • — ON SUNDAYS. - Leave-Philadelphia-:4 A. and 73i . P. 112. Leave Manavnnk • ns' A . 1%, o'4 and 114 P. M . . PLYMOUTH RAILROAD. Leave Philadelptifa : 7;5' A. N. Mid 0 P. 3.1.. Leave Pi 5 mouth : A. N. and 434 P.M. The 7.?.; A. /11. from Norristown will not stop at Wiwi's; Port s' - Landinr':^Dbmisin Sehlies 'The a P. .111. Tratinfront Philadelphia will stop only:at• School Lane, 111unayonk and Conshohocken. . Passengers taking the '7,9.05 and 11 A. N. and 4 P.'3f. Trains from Ninth and_Green streets will _intake close connections with the - Trains for Now York at Intersec tion Station. . . The 10 A.M. and 0-P. M. Trains from New York con nect with the 1.15 and 9.20 P. NI. Trains from German town.to Ninth and areenstreets.. : W. S WILSO General Superintendent... PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE. SAILE-•;AD—TIME TABLk. Clam. monolog 'MONDAY, Apri - 4th, 1879._ Trains will:deave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol. lows! . _ . WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excepteM, _fer_Baltimort,stlippin netting -with Delaware • ailroad -bine atßlifYton with Smyrna Branch Railroad and Maryland and Delaware R.R.,at Barrington with Junction and Breakwater R.R. at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Railroad,at Delmar with Etudtm Shore Railroad and at Salisbury with Wicoutica and Pecomoke Railroad. . . EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre de Grace. Connbetaat Wilming ton with train for New Castle. EXPRESS TRAIN at 9.00 P. 111.(Stindays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Tinulow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington . , Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de Grace,. Aberdeen, Perryman's. Edgewood. Magnolia, 01111.8eN and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EX PRESS at 1130 P. M. i daily / for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at'. Chester, Lin wood, Claymont Wilmington, Newark, Elkton North East, Perryville,''Havre do Grace, Perryman's and-Mag nolia. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and. Norfolk will take the 12.00 111. Train. . . - WILSIINGTON TRAlNS.—Btopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M. 1.30, 5.00 and T.OO P. M. The 0.00 P. M. train connects with Dolaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. - - - Leave WIJ.M.INGTON 6.15 and 8.10 A. M., 2 AM. 400 and 7.15 P. AI. "The 8.10 A. M. traittq'will not stop 'between Cheater and Philadelphia. The 7.15 P. M. train from Wilmington runs dally;allot*Accommodatien Trains Sundays excepted. Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.45 A. M. and 4.00 P. 30. will connect at Lamokln 'Junction with the 7.00 A .112 . and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. It. Front BALTIMORE to PIIILADELPRIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A. M. Way Mail. 9.40 A. 111.,Expresis. 2.35 P.M., Express . 7 .25 P. DI., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—.Leaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia, Per ryman 's, Aberdeen, • Havre-slo-G race,Porry_v ITh 1110,aries town, North-East, Elkton. Newark. Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester.. Through tickets to all points West, South, and South west may be procured at the ticket office, 828 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, whore also State Rooms "And - Bertha ItiSieeptng Cars can bit secured - daring - the day:N l yersons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage chocked at their resid.tuce b the Union Trans fer Company. R. I'. KENNEY, Sup% WEST CHESTER AND' PHg,AD EL PHIA RAILROA D COMPANY. . . . . ' On and afuw NON DS Y, April '4, WO. trams will leave the Depot, T.IIIET Y-FIDST and unicsnau, as fol lows : FILPMPHILADELPHIA 1.45 N. M. for B 7tl. 7 ilnclicTiiZ7pi aiaf stations. 1.15 A. M. for West Chester, stops at all station's west of bledia (except Greenwood), connecting at B. 0, Junc tion for Oxford, Kennett, Port Ileposit,and all stations on the P. and 31: 9.40 A. M. for. WesoCbester stops at all staiioos. • 11.10 A 51. for B. o... Junction stops at all stations. 2.10 P. Id. for West Chester stops at all stations, 4.15 P„ 111 Afor B. CI, 'Jinn:Lion stops at all stations. 1.45 P.M. for West Chester slops at all stations west of - Medtatexcept Greenstmoti ),.connecting tit 13. .o,'Jnite tion for Oxford ,Keutrett,Port Doposit,and all stations on the P.. & 8.0. it. It. 1.50 P. 91. for B. •C; Junction. This train commences rurining on and after Juno lot, 167.0, stopping at all sfistious. • 1.6:i P. 31. for West Chester stops at all stations. UM P. M. for \Vest Chester -stops 'titan stations. FOlt Pll ILADELPII4 -• 1.2 r, A.; M. front B. 0, Junction stops gall stations. 10 A. 111. front \Vest Cheater stops at tilt stations. • ....ill A. N. from West Chester stops at all Motions be tween W. C. and Media (except II reenwoOdt,.contiect- Dig at 13. C. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port Du posit. and all stations on.the. p, U. B. R. 4.15 - A . . hl. front 13. C. Junction stops at all stations.. 10.00 A. M. from West Chest.er,stops at all stations. • 105 P. 31 :front It. 0.3 unction stops at all, stations. L 55 P. M. front Wes tChester stops at. all' station s'. 1.55 P. 111 . frpfn Witt. Chester stops at till stations,. cOn nettling at B.O.Junction for Oxford, 'Kennett, Port Deposit, <ll ull Stations on On P:& B. O. It. R. 1.55 P. 111 . Wan 'West Chesterstops at all sfations, con necting at IL. O.Jtinrtion it It C. It. R. • /00P . 31 front 8.-(1‘. Junction. This train commences running on and aitor_.juno KO, stopping atiti) stations. 0 . 14 SUNDAYS.. •.. . ' ' i.q.5 A.M. for West Chextrr Strips Weal] stations,contiect mg at B. C. Junction with P. .A; 8 . . 0. R. R, - , P. 31 . for Went Chester stops at all stations, ~ from West Chester stops at all stations; M. from West Ches er stops at -all stations, call uecting ut B. C. Junction with P. ,¢ B. 0. R. R. \V. C. WIIBELER.; Stwerintenaent. l'He'lTJAl?NinWf',! _AND T;~~zmThIOIU • .-cil A (112 o l r'nouns. On and After •istortpAY., Apri14,1670, erniris ' will run fullowg : - • • . . . LEAVE PIIILA7ALPIIITA"; from dopot of, P. W. di B. It. It., corner .11roitil•oltroot and \Vasiiington avenue, For PORT DEPOSIT, ati7.At.lli. and 4.311 P.M.' For OXFORD, at . 7 A. hr.. 30 P.M—and 7-P. For CHADVB FORD . A. 8 .1.1 .OB.E_TER OREM It. R. at 7A. 21.. A ..3i.:2.30 51., 4.30 P.21:1 and? I Train leaving .14. - 7 'A.M. 9011110 CM at Port Deposit Iv •• • • Trains dew. , ing Philadelphia at-JO A. M. and 4.30 P. leamimit(bilorslatil.,Q.s_4ol„; and Part Do.- pOnft at 9lb A. connect :atChadd .Ford — Jima - ran with the- W igoikand iiinirftaliro s o,_ .. Ir • • • •.: ar •• at 0,25 A.M. ,arid:4,2s on .Itrriv of trains rem Baltimore+ , ' OXPrbßil at 6.05 A; 3f... 10,35 .11. 4 11. nnil 5 30 P. Id. • Ott APOIVORD at 7,26 A. U. 02.00 M.; 4.30-. 4.15 P.M. and . • On SUNDAYS. !calk PhiladolPhla for West Oruro and intermediate etatione 'Rnturning pay° West drove at 3.54 . op y Passengers are alloped to take wearing am Pnggage.R t i d the Company will not ho reap°nalb 1 o for en amount 'exceedinir • one hundred. dollars; unless a special contract is made for the some.: HERBY .. en . KERBY W.001:4 General Saportat gad t TRA , V.ELERS * . Y OUIbe fORECT - Eig CAMDEN AND AMBOY and ' , EIitLADELPIIIA AND !TRENTON. RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to ow York, and way maces, from Wal nut street wharf. , At 620 A. AI., via Camden and Amboy, flecom.." AtB A, 31. ti vta Camden and Jersey.Olity Sx.lllail, 300 1 At 2.00 P. ]}l-; 'C and Amboy Express, gg A r32to, p. 3 ..91.4 1ea..,. • At ;6 P." 31, for,A,lnlloLand interinedlateatattgrig, A t 680 M.. 2 aria 3.eu h, 51., 1. 101. , A t--M.' 'tor . Long Branch and Points jin R. & 'D. B. R. 11. At Sand MA IL o 12 31,2,320 and 6.00 P. fit ..forTrentila. At 6.2o,Santl i to =kJ., al 2„420,3, 6,1 and 11.30 P:IL) for nutYlorence,Burlingtoneyerly and De lance and , Riv'ert o. en. LOU. 5. 0. 7 ern 11.10 PA. fer Edgewater, Ititerelde,Riverten, and Palmyra. At 6.. , 0nt0 10 A. 11.. 12 Id ~ 6, 6; ; 7 bll.l. r. for 116 r The 11.30 P. M. ' Line leaves front foot of Market street by tinier ferry. From Kensington Depot: At 7.30 A. M., 2.30, 3.30 ana 6 &17 P.M.. for Trenton' and Bristol-And at 10.45 A. M. and 4 P. 51 tor 1 1ristot At 720 A.111„2-30,1 and 6 P.M. for Morriefilla and Tar. town. _ At 7.30 and 1045 A. 111..2.30, 4,5 and 6 P M. for Schanck's, Eddinetou, Cornwells, Torreedile and fluimesburg Junction. At 7 A 111 „1.5.15 and 7.30 P.M: for Bustleton,llalmeslitiri and Elul meeburg .1 auction. , At 7 and 111.45 A .11., I, 2.30.4,5.15,d and 7.30 P. M. for Tacony,W intim ming, Bridesbarg and Frankford. -, From West Philade fphm Depot lila t•oute•C tow way At 7,9.30 and'll A, M. 1.20, 2.45. 6A5, and 12 P. Id: New n York Renet' Line,via Jersey City 111325 M At 11.30 P. IM. Etnitrant Line 200 At 7,9.30 and 11 A.,31., 1,20, 2.45, 6.451 and 12 P. M. for Trenlan.At 7, 9.30 and 11 A. 111 „ 4, 6.45 and 12 P. m., for Brietol. At 12 P. 31 .( N ight )for Dforriaville,Tullytown,Eichenck's, Rddington Cornwell_,e Torreedale, Holmesburg Junction. * Tocony, IVissinoming Brideebiarg Franktord. The 920 A. If., 6.45 and .12 P. M. Lines run daily. All others, Sundays excepted. - For Linea lewving-Rensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth strimitti, at Chestnut, at half an hour boz fora departime. The Cars of Market. Street Railway run_ direct to West Philadelphia Depot,Ohestnut mad Walnut within one square. • • - IiEL DELAWARE - RAILROAD LlNEtt' from Kensington Depot. • At 7.30 A. DI., tor Niagara Falls, Btaralo, Dunkirk, • Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochoster, ,Blnghampton Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre, Schooley'e Mountain. &o. At 7.30 A-M. and 3.30 P.M, for Scranton. Strouds-, burg, Water , Gap, Belvidere, Easton. • -Lam bertville _Flemington, Ac. The 3.30 P... 3. Lino con nects direct with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, Ac. Ago P. DI. from K enshigton Dogot,forLarnbortvillo anti. intennnliate - Stationtr. - CAMDEN AND b UB.I.INOTON 00., AND I'EMBEII- TON AND GHTSTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.l. , At 7 and 10 A. 11.,1, 2./5,3.30,5 & 6.50 P.M.,and on Thtirat day and Saturday nights at 11.30 P. 41 [or Merchantae - villo,Mooreetown, Dartford. Dlasohvillo, Hainsport and Mount Holly. At 7 A. Id., 2.16 and 6.30 P. M. for Lumberton and Med.: ford. At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3-30 AS P. M. for Bmithvilla, Ewaneville,Vincentown,Birmingharti and Pemberton., At 10 A. M. for Lintistoven, Wrightstown, Cookstown, New Egypt and liornerstown. . : . At 7 A. M.. 1 and 3.30 P. M. for Lewistown, - .Wright/1-s --town, Cdokstown, New Egypt, DotnerMown, Cream Ridge, Imlnyetown. Sharon and Hightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger.' Passengers are prohibited from pitting anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty, pounds to be paid for extra. The Compaq lita iltheir responsibility for baggage Ito Ono. Dollar per' pound,," end will not be liable for any amount beyond SMO, cept by special contract. - TiegettrabidaysTßaggage , checked -- Alren - t - Ittre - tiglil -- o - = Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Dartford, Now Raven Providence, New_port, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Sonic, Flyractiee R nfochester,mfalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office to located at N 0.828 Obest- _ out street, where tickets to Now York, and all , impor tant points North and East, may be procured. Persons, purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag , gailn-le checked from residences or hotel to destination,bt o e _foot of_Cortland street_at_7_,LAL,Tand_42-111.,viaJersey- City and Camden. At 5.40, 9.30 and II A.Ill:, 12.30,5; 6 and 9 P,M. and at 32 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. M. From Plor No. I, N. Inver, at 6.30 A. M. Accoimnodti tion and .2.P. M. Express, via Amboy and Camden. May_ 9 t h, Iwo . M. 11. tiATZAIE R. Agent._ C 11131.1 DEN AND ATLANTI(J-AD - On and after - Friday, - April 1,1870, trains will leavo Vine Street Ferry as fallows: ~ • -• Mail and Freight , B.OOA. nr. . At lanticAcifonimadation- • • - Ate° ACCOMDIOIIetiOT . 10.15 A . oml 5..30 P. M.' • hETUItNING LEAVE ATLANTIC: • , Mail-and Freightl.4B P. kf. Atlantic A ccom_modation... - 4 6.05 A- M, J unction - Accommodation- froni-Atco-,-622,-A-1;-and - - 12.10, Noon Baddontlold trains leave Vine Stoat Ferry, 10.15, A.M. and 200 P. 111- ' - Leave llndilonfield, 1.00 and 3.15 P. M. EXTRA TRAIN FOR ATLANTIC'CITY, - (WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ONLY.) An Extra Train will run every Wednesday and Satur day in advance ot the Diail Train- Leaving Philadelphia at ......... .. ... . ..... .. . .......... A. M. Leac lag Atlantic City at. • 3.50 P. M. - Allowing nearly FIVIG HOURS on the Beach. 'rho Union Transfer Company. No. 828 Chestnut street (Continental Hotel), will call for and chock baggage to -dent in at ion. ------ Ticxetrialto,on sale. - I, Vl', and .0 - , P._3l. E, VIA NORM 17 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..to Wilkesharre, Mahoney City, Mount Carmel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. - By new arrangements, perfected this day, th is@ . roadls enabled to give increased despatch to merchandise con signed to the above-named points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, B.E.cor. IPront and Noble streets, .Before 5 P. M., Will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel,. Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mah n and Wyoming vallevsbefore A. 11 tht' 4 m , conning day. ELLIS CLARK Agent. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 'UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA:—FREDERICK late copartner of CHARLES FRANKS; trading •as FR &RIO A: KING, of Philadelphia, Bankrupt, having m petiti.ed for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will he held on the 19th day of May. 1170, at 2 o'clock P. M., before R. gialer JOSEPH MASON,-Esq. ' at 'his office, No. 131 South Fifth P t mot th o. city of Philadelphia, that the ex, initiation of the Bankrupt may be finished, and any business of meetings required by sections 27 or 28 of the art of Congress transacted: The Register will certify whether the Bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be had on WEDNESDAY, June bit, 1570, before the Conant Phila delphia, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when parties interested may show rause against the discharge. • -• Curtilbdbytlto - Register, and by the Clerk, uttd.r the sent of the Court. my2mat*, 1111. P 1 - 1 4-1.. N COURT FOR, TELE City and County of Phibidelpida.—Estato of MARY SHAW, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of MARY 121 Z. AdMinistiatrix of tbe (Mate of MARY SHAW, deceased, and to report distribution ot. the' balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested, for the purpose of his appointinent,on THURS IIAY , Nay 12, A. 1).1870, at 3.30 Web ck P. M., at his oflire,..No. 128 Boutli4txthstreet,la..tho. city_ of -.Phila-- dolphin. tli„, S. E. MEGARGEE, ap29f m wst • r. Auditor. 'TN TAECOURT OF COMSION PLEAS for the city and county of Philadelphia.—ln this matter of the POtitioll of LOUISA M. PloiCToll, to be declared a ,femme sole trader. Ile It remembered, that on the 25th day of A pril, 1870, the 'Conn ordered that notico of the said application be given to till parties interested by publication once a week for four woolen,. in one daily tiewspkiper.of the city of philadoluhia, and. - the L , gat lateltitztae.r, hi show cause why the prayer of the said petition should not be gr .need. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto net my hand mud affixed the seal of the said Court at' Philadelphia, the nth they of A Aril, atc Wilt A P CAW. ProprothonotarYli THIRTY YEARS' ACTIVE P R AC-' TIVE.—Dr, FINE, No. 219 Vine: street, below Third, inserts the handsidatest Teeth in the city, nt prices to snit all. Teeth Plugged, 'Teeth Repaired, Exclintig,cd, or Remodelled to suit. gas and Ether: No . pain in extracting . Unice hours. Bto It. tnb26-B,th,tudnq 4: .- P - AL . DENTALLIN.A..— A 13 - Criii, liR, fO article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcule which infest them, giving tone to the awns, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and pperfect cleanliness in the mouth. ,It may ho used tinily, and will be found to itrengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersiveneem will recommend it. to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, PhYst. Attie and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable eubstitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. ' Endnent Denitsts, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate Its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Mule only by jp,p t if4ti T. CHINN, Apothecary, ~1 , . . Broad and Spruce etreets, For sale by Druggists generally, and Prod. Browne, D. L. Stackhouge, Hassan' Si co„ Robert O. Davis, 0. R. Keeny,Oen. C. Bower, . Isaac 11. Nay, Chas. Slmors, . 0. It. Needles, 8. M. IlleCiollu, T. I. Husband, 'B. O. Bunting. 'Ambrose Smith, Chas. 11. Eti orbs, Edward Parrish, James N. Marks, Wm. B. Webb, E. 13ringlturst & 00., James L. Bisphain, Dyott & Co., , Ehighes & Combo, H. 0. Blair's lions,, Henry A .Ilower. -- Wyeth & Bro. ri l, thk; N.rt F. 13. AuvoMPLISHED: through the agency of the gerillitfe God-Liver Ott In Scrofula, Bronchitio, Chronic Cough, Asthma, and even consumption, almeet eurpaiot belle(:: In Jolts 0. BARER 4t Co.'s " Pure Diedicitial Cotl•Livev:Oill'— eaell bottle of which Is accompanleil hq medical gnaritn tees of the highest order—the, public hors the best and of The: preparation known to the scientific world. N 0. ISM{ Elt cc CO., N 0.713 litorket atreot,Phila delollta, Penn. - .•" V.* .ale by dtnealsts. : - NO. 2 11 1 011TH' rat:arta' STREET. NOV EILTIEN IN itasiOlCE A ISSOIL'iIi r , or iLow EEO, LATEST' 'STY ILE 41$1? FIATS, BONN ET NI) FIAT FR t2IES, AT A 'Elm SMALL PEOI , I r. api.6 w 3nit QIIRATEIING' 'PEI:B r -TEN FRAMES 1.7) English Sheathing Pelt for sale by PETRI/ WRIGHT 4.130N0. WaLunt street. LEGAL NOTICES:- MEDICAL MILLINERYGoon. . LITAYES &CO:. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers