VOLUME XXIV - NO. 22, • ED DI/13 G' • INVITATIONS EN VY Utts vod In the newest and beat manner. LO DMA, Stationer, sof 'Engraver, No. 1033 . 011menut street.. . arl-th a tu-tf EARTELvOLOStrr CO.'S gitY EA.RTFI commodes and apparatus for fixed closets at WM. 1111011Dn' s 1221 Market strett. Freedom from risk S to health and from offence ; conemy of a vat urihto fer tilizer secured by use of the dry earth sgstern. a p2)ffii • • MARRIED. ' . JANNEY--GABEIED.--On thu eth ingtant • by thelter. Aughetus iVhite, of St Tiniotliy'a lltmrett, -RozhorOugh. Mr,Fronlaitt.litnttey. , lntl• 1 11 , 11.entiv4rif...0 Louisa, daughter of Joshua Gorged, .Esq., all of this • ' All cellars and rooms or other ninees used as Ikeigi•ig DIED. • places. in which there Is no light or ventilation, except RHYDEN.--On the morning of the 7th iiistant• ' "7 the doer of entrance, to be Mem:ust thoroughly, rine, daughter of John and the Into Elizabeth Brydon, and dosed for the purpose of lodging rooms until fur in the 25111 year of her ago. lb. r orders. The relatives and fesnall of the family are I tspectfully All • places used for the storage of Bones Dos Na invited to attend her funeral, from tile rt:,i.lnuci, of her Pure, or Rage. are her, by declared a nuisance, peejn:ll - No, 1468 Cherry street, on 'rues-lay morning, tae del to pol-lic health, and must he cleaned out and dodo- Itlth lust" at It! o'clock pl:oceed to Woodlands. • 'f. clad thoroughly JOHNSTON On the 6th. Inst.. thitherto • E.. wße of If the above order of the Board of Health is• not corn- William C. 'Johnston, and tiatrutiter of the late John plied with, the Health Officer Is instructed to have it Magee. _ • done , and it Will be done at the expense of the owners of The relatives and friend!. of the family ere invited to the propeitlee, ' .JOHN:B. A DiaoKd s Attend her funeral, from her bitsb:mil'h egaidenee. fin- : Health Officer.. verford streed i above.Flitleth, on Honda All PbYsleians having cams of Relapsing RI o'cloCk.' • " Fever miner their charge will please report the Smile- to PEALK . --On the MOW., Franklin Youlo, tit the 75th ; the Medical Officer of the Board of Health, elation al at year of hie nge. the Bedford threet Mission House, No, 619 Alt str Ills relatives and friends are reniectfnily invited to : that they may be removed to the Municipal liesUital." aimed the funeral, front his late residence, 'IPA Girard P. B.—All persons orehereby notified that the. thro w •street, on Monday, the in li bud. ±ervice at 9 o . 1:10CP; t. ins of Filth, Garbage, Ashen, Sweepings. Rubbish, /tn.. M. Interment at Laurel' Hill. • upon any street % lune, court, alley, otdewalkt or vacate 111 DOW All.— Ou the Mb inst.. Itiebard Campion, ion tote within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Beard of of Ilicuerd-(17-aud - , Bunetudi-ithlgwayiaged, tw o - years -- Health. in hereby probibltedouil any p,raen so Mien I-" and montint. - ing will' be subject to a line of $l5 for each ant every notlecwillhogitten of Imita n eraL offence—By act of-Assemby 011 are ti-19,--19 • IQtryirBYRLF - &LANOUL cry/1 U NJ.' ILAVE TO-DAY ANOTHER IQ 1 OPEN,ING JAW - - LLAMA-LACE J AOE-ETQ, - LLAMA. LACE FA Ert ES, LLAMA LACE FitAiu I.: op Us. LE . H . _ ciPRING MOUNTAINIGH COA k.. 7 always on hand at CLAIIIibON'S Yard, 2100 bLirket street. - . 30 - 14 REVEAL-NOTICES. WORKING MEN 1 Raki, M. OR AE. Dnce lerD" ere?' Carefully Cut, Tastefully Trimmed, Securely Sewed, - Finest` —Rea Superior Styles, Fashionable Fits, Graceful Garments, John Wanamaker'sgstablishion Children's Clot!les, Spring Suits, uperflne Shifts.- 818 and. 820 Chestnut Street.= I Sailor — suits Sailor Suits Sailor Suits ifVR7P - 117 - NTTrtist) GD u.ey - 'A T - 'SEVENTEENTH ANTI enST NTIT2lig (0 ., . At a Meeting of the Stockhold,r, PEOPLE'S BANK OF POILADELPHIA, hold . this day, the following parirons wrre duly elected Preelikitt and Directors : President. W. 11. KEIIIILE. Directors, WTI. 11. KERN, CHARLES A. MILLER. GEORGE J. RICH ARDMON. GroRGE.O GRIP iS„ WILLIAM ELLIOTT, WILLIAM BERM. Aud at a meeting of tho Board of Direttori, NV Id. II TABER was elected Cashier. W. lI.TALBER, Ca% MAT 5. 1870 The Bunk will be opeu for bneiuese on MONDAY, May 9th. at 411 CHESTNUT Street. tnyf, 6tri:4 fr- - 17 FT RTBT.rA N S EA D —ll 3l 0 TfKli u,-)7 peronfe." It. VAOiDEMY OF FINE ARTS. LAST DAIS OF TIIE ES IlinFri ON OF • • ' SHE - RIDAN'S RIDE, Great Lifo-sizo Painting by the Poet• Artist, 'T. BUCHANAN READ. - TENTH. WEEK AND UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS. --- *The Pam - recited atl2llt iand9 - P. - 'M;dailrby MR. J. B. ROBERTS, • The distinguished Tragedian and Elocutionist. Admission 25 cent,, Including the ontiro val t AsaiLun y. poi Ix 9A. M.t.b . 6 P. AL. and. f coal 7% to 10 P. M. sny2 titrp bLfF P A BLOOD PURIFIER MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, No. 701 Aroh Stri.et: my 7 a 13trp§ n I't3YhIVAL U IN6TITUTE, BROAD STREE r, BELOW 'WALNUT.. SWIMMING SCHOOL BOTH SEXES' AND ALL AGES. VROAI b A. M. TILL. 10 P. M. WATER OTIANGING . OONRYA.NTLY. Anoven'and comfortable temperature maintained by luso of steam !Milers. ' Polito and competent Instructors always in attend lIIICO. Persons tituebt tct swim in from six to tan lossms. -NOTlCE.—Persons who have their names on Chub Lists should procure tledr tickets on or before Sator -day, May 7, as no Club Tickets will be issued after that day. Send 'dr address for a Circular, mya-Strp J. A. PAYNE & BRO. un PHYSICIANS READ " MORAL Defence." , . , LIBRARY CO NIPAN N AD journed locating of the members of the Library Company of Philadelphia will be hell on WED:NOS ' DA 1, the 25th May, at 1211., to receive the Report of the Joint Committee appointed at a mooting October 21, 1809, and to tako action thereon; and also to consider the question of the acceptance of an Act of Aelembly, ap proved February 23d, 1870, entittel An Act relative to the Ridgway Branch of the Phil idelphia idbrary, " to authorize amendments to the Charter of tho: Com ny. By order of the Board of Directors. my3.tu u. CANCER PLANT Is SOLD AT bEVENTEENTH &ND CHESTNUT. itip§ LIERI,e'S COMPANY'S, Farr RACT of Meat iseciires great economy and convenience 5n housekeeping and excellence io cook init. None igenuine without the signature of Baron Liolitt,. the nventor, and of Dr. Max Von Pettenkofer. delegate. Ja26-w s-ti J. MILLI AU'S SONS,IB3 Broadway, N.V. NORTH PRESBYTERIAN Sixth street, ahoy° Green.-Service to-morrow lUff : LAW i YERSTREAIS " .Tt MAL .DE- I morning at 10.1 o'clock. ' The evening serfice will be P ENClil, ' - For solo by Central None COM i'llity. I one f fad. The thirty-sevonth anniversary of the dab , _Price, 10 cents. lt* I bath Schools in tho afternoon at 3 o'clock: Addresses - - - -- ____,l A1.141..3. L. Withro -11 , --x. Agnew- "•--- ---7 Z.Zi - E"'SOCTETY -1 7K - TIT - E = I.I•'NITED .1 i.). D. mllt3iG by schools an'eerinir. "d •-• - - 1 - t" r1; Hebrew Glairtiles,-Generol Nofico.-Tlas first , _ _ annual mooting will t ko plaro o.f duals a, 'lay 8,- l a 1P (r: . IN STA LL A T . ION IEX E 11,0 IS ES IN sonele-r l4 -. 3 .---sa,--fre,rr....rflia-ii li,Calirnv - rit,*-• - 5... , ,,, fLe A i'f:••• --- ilET;: - : --;-' 'r C..--q,....;.•lifif'inolf-gt --below Fifth street It em p o r a 0,8 coml. lint , .r , aro re - Mel Ur( on street's.. 1310 1118talbitila Of the tier. Goo, F. ApectfullY invited, 8 . W. -1 11 ‘ 1 0 1, 1 1 . I Cain as Pastor of this Church will take placo ou n?lct President. • . ; bif &BATH EVENING, nay Bth, 1070, at 8 o'clock. LUOIEN MOSS, Swot fry. ! ~;, • , , /V. '. I.CBoy. Boy. A. DT. Jelfv,"3loflorator of tbo.contral-Proaliptery, taoCED - AR - 01 - lESl'4A * *) vlfitiff)X Eg ' • win pieside, Sermon bY. ./ 1 0T- ,4,• A- Wlinti, ,Gi, D. I Charge to th i e Congrogatilan j hy . lllw. Dr.,NuagrAtva. OICHAND AND DIXON: Tn ORT/10121 . .., . , , ,ciir k e to the. Pastor by no •J. Addlsou. Itoury. .: ht. TII A titilr.l.NlN 11, , ' Sermon in tho mornlng at, IRK G'Olock, by tho . .Paato • Diy3-(milleacargl ' 20 7'0ALLOWIITLL SEDZE."r.. ~ a) t ' - - - myo,2Vr . I - , . —„, , ,:' T . : , - -1 , • — e' l' ''' t'. 'I.;1 e i ' - , :' ' ', r ; 1 ' 1 — ; ( ': '''' ' - - ' t • . ..- _ . • '•' — C ~ * Cif ....-' ;.1;;',. C...,,, 1 • ,T- - -- - , .- ... ',' • , ; ; • -L' . ' q. , . ..,"._ — _; , —,Z; _-- . _ gar , • , , --- -iig,..,..- 4L4 j . . . .. , , 4 t ~ , , , _tr,"; .: .- -- ri I f: _, 4 5#4 ' airlp Z i li,l - 4-1,.z.r. = "4- - --14'4:+i- - - - -. • , ~ , . .. • ' n If > • - _-- -- _ - ,, ipp , gy-r - .4 1., , , , , , --.._ , :1 t r.„ t_ --------_--------;_-: , , , .! ....---- ''''' • i ) _ BOfs. my 6 2trp§ AL -NOTI HEALTH - OFFICE, P fin ADEL; J PAPA, 80111TH WEK' cORNERSIXTII. tti D 1..,A NBO3l STREETS. • Mas 6, 1870. By Order or the BOA I ID OP irgALTH, the following Motive is hereby published and nerved on all Owners. Agent, e nd Occupants of Ptopertfes included fn the fol lowing boundaries : On the north, Leather I stroot : on the onntb. Fitzwater/line( ; on the east, Fourth street ;' cm the we,y, South Eighth street. Forthwith from this date all drwelling-houses, out. housea.,tables, porde, private alleys and PrivY . .voil to be elearoLed, disinfected and. whitewash vl, ac matll4 rei;iiired. All filth, garbage and refuse 'matter Yobs re moved. j—l.; OFFICE OF 'THE, CONIMISSION ERS OF FAIRMOPNT PARK. PIIIZADELVIIIA, May 4, 1873.• • . . • -P2CItK CARRIAGE SERVICE. TARIFF OF FARES: I. For a bfrigle trip to George's Hill, and re turn -30 contr. 2. For a round trip to George's Dill, and re turn.. cents'. 3. For a single trip to Belmont Manttion, by way • of Gsorge'ti trhetss rood is complated .I_4o cents. 4. For a round trip to Belmont Mansion, and re• 111r11 60 cents. Pae,•••nuerei have tbo nri%llego to pay for - Merolla., tri D /10 'al, I , tickets for their return 1 rip from George's Rill or it. !moot Mansion, which may he used on any day. Tickets. good for any day or trip, can be obtained et the following prices: For five t erms' trips to George's .. For five round tripe to Belmont blannion... '2 W. 6. carriages are provioed, in addition to Abase making the regular trip,whlch can be engaged by the hour. at the following ratev:. . • • -- , 41 lionlusectliroute-Iterinini'ner-bouty-oi,' - When need by two persons, per lour or less time 1 75 and 25 cents ft..r each additional person, whorn:ty origin ally engage the • carriage. 'vacant seat in a carnage hue engaged shall be need by any one not of the original party. except by their express consent. Nibble 11 , Y1 for the informaticu of the public by order 01 the Committee on Soperintendenm of Puttee.. DAVID F. FOLEY, my 6 f s at rpi Secretary Part Oominiesion. U'CANCER PLANT IS A - BLOOD PURIFIER. my62trpf, Iif(.IIAIVI3._BOARD OF-MISSIONS -A branch of the Woman's Board- of Milaliona. cooncettai with the Atneriran Board of Foreign Will he organized on 'BCE.4I3AT NEXT. May 3 v * clactllAn - tho'fl6tipet - nf'the - Oentnill -Congre gational Church, corner of Eighteenth and Green eirreta. LadicA laterented in the object are coitlially invited to at tend It* cu. A .CARD .—F. L._ _KIRKPATRICK, Practical Watchmaker._ formerly with J. E. tardweljA Cu.. All in charge of the Wifehlt , TpaTring partmcnt of thstilrm, would be pleases to see his iriends - .l`Drnier - ellitoiners at:- KFITZ 31 A Rsli Jewtiry Store 1311 Chestnut street. Haring entire. control of he watch Depurtnient.he is now prepared to do all kinds of Watch flopatring.Caßing, &c.. AlLwork warranted and promptly attended to. VNI VERSITY OF PENNSYL usi vAcuLTY.oie ARTS,3IaY 7,1870. Tho -fitted examlitatiams of J.he SENIOR Cl , L~FfrortEGllEEdvilll il daily (exrept BAT ' It'll-NYS/ from May 9 h to May 2lth. from 4 to 6 o'clock I'. M. FR 4.IiCIS A. JACKSON, 17 - y7 . l6t§ . - Secretary. 1101sr. SCHUYLER COLFAX ‘V:111 6 the Totty:Skth nufvermry k>l the 11 , • DALe•Scli b unday , Schoot - Unh3n. at: the A ca(Linyl of N usiz... on TUESDAY " — EVEN LNG, 24th Mat Ad tlir,ses will be made by eeseml dhstingutehed eler • men. ms 7 21§ THE FORTY-THIRD ANN 1- L ..-- ? • Tereary of the Infant School Society of Philadel • obia Kill Itu• held in the school room of South !Street Pros bt teflon Church, South street below Tweflth. on Tu day, Muy 11, at 10% A. M. C. W. BITCH! IL, wy7-2t"• Secretary. , . 0.• SURGICAL WARD OF THE UNl venlty Hospital is now open for the reception of ploients A ppiy Ninth street, below Locust, from 11 to 3, to aplP•in stnerp n— 'HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 uty and 3!W Lombard street, Dispensary Department.. trenuxrent and medicine furnished gratuitously o the poor. RELIGIOUS NOTICES REV. A. A. WILLITS, D. D., WILL preach in the West..Arcli" Street Presbyterian Dbut vb. to-morrow at 10% A. It. and Rey. Dr. Dickey at 8 P. kt It" L7' TRINITY M. E. CHURCH; EIGEITH. boy() Race.—The Rev. H. A. Cleveland will r‘t.tch to-morrow inornium ut 1016 and 7"1 in the even (UV. .titrangera are invited. -. it' n-. FIRST ORAVIAN H U CH, corns Franklin and Wood etreetn t Rev. H. h ~miner, Rector. Service To-morrow at KG A.. M. and 1, 2 P. M. • ,S PR I N G GARDEN BAPTIST Church, Thirteenth' street; above WfillaCo.—Rev. L. P. Bomberger. Pa,dor. Preaching to-morrow at 10. bi A. 31. and 73. P. L. Sunday School at 2.% P. M. ---11-EV , --Ci- - WADSWORTIX, D. - D., Pastor, will preach to-morrow in th Third' Re formed Church, Truth and. Filbert streeta; Berms at R.% ()Thick A. M. and 13 o'clock P. M lt* CHRIST CHURCH, GER AFT town.—lier. Dr. Iturnney will preach to-morrow ua.rnlng at 10,.%i o'clock; evening, at quarter Wart! eight. r Church, Washington Sonare.—Ror. Herrick J °nation, D. D., Pastor, will preach tomorrow at A. M. and 8 P. M. gy. six TH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Spruce street, below Sixth. Rev. J. P. Coukey, puetor, will preach at Iti3f, A. Id. and 8 o'clock 1'.31. Mraugers cordially inVited. It* frO'ARCH STREET M. E. CHURCH, Broad street, below Areh.--Preacbing, Sunday, H. Know M le ., s. by Strangersi o.ll nrit Payed? I ne and 711 P. AI., Rev. t* J. ... oa. ST. CLEMENT'S CHURCH., TWEN tieth and Cherry streets. Mervin° ( choral) and anon to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. At this service the seats willbe free. It* ST. MARK'S CHURCH, LOCUST, aaabeve Sixteenth street.—ln addition to the regn uorvicesia choral service every Sunilty evening. at 7.% o'clock. The seats at this service will all be tree. Strangers especially Invited. lub FIRST REFORMED (.313.1J RUH. corner of Seventh "and Spring Gardert.—Rev, .A-.. H. Kellogg will pree oh al 10 A. M.; and Rev. Thos. X. Orr at 7% P. M. On tho Intermediate State of the bout After Death." - lt* [Us WEST SPRUCE STREET C El UR OH, Seventeenth and Spruce streets.—Rev. Prank 1, nubbin§ will preach tuquorrow nt_lo34, AL, and P. 13reen , 1). D., in the evening at 7,4 o'clock. Subject." The Mother." It* 4 N Tlt A L PRESBYTERIAN Church, Eighth and Cherry streets —Roy, A. Reed, D. P., Pastor, will preach to morrow (Sabbath) morning at 106 o'clock, and iu tha evening at 8 It* CLINTON STREET CEIUR C 1 0:1R0V-SELITI 11 el-Millor-liageman, to•nierrow - cntlPlit A. 81., and 'Rev. Dr. Mears nt 8 P. ' , M. The latter will re pee* his sermon before the. Third Presbytery of Philn tielphin-'!_Thaltutythe' Hour,'!_or the_Church and - Tent peranet cense. All persons invited. • It' • tu. SABBATH SCHOOL - A_NNlNER sary—Penn Equare Presbyterian Church, Broad street, above Chestnut, to-morrow, Bth lust. at P. . Addresses by Itev. Herrick Jobnsou, o ' . D., Rev. Cm F. Cain and. Puy. 11, C. MoPpoir, Taster.... Usual service at le s A. M. '' ''' '" " It" POLiTIItAL NOTICES. 20" 1870. 1870. FOR, SHERIFF, GENERAL HENRY H. BINGHAM. v-biee , t the rules of the Republican Party: 3/ -0 Pg _ Ur' 1870: 1870. • SHERIFF, WILLIAM It LEEDS. •. Subject to Republican Rules. - . my 6 rptt§ u.rkk,Nl,ll. WARD. . . ' At a regular stated meeting of the.. t Enna:MAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF. THE ENID WARD, PAM at their HEADQUARTERS on the 6th instant, the following reeniutions, offer. d by George Morrison owes Esq., were uoanimously idopted and oidered to I e put:l iebed • R. so rcd, That tbe valuable and long-aintinued ger- . • ices rind, red to Ito Bepubtican cause by WILLIAM h. LEEDS, and I hefearalti fidelity with which he has ois hat giot evcrY duty impoeed upon -him in the various --t-oeiiloite-tevhich-behas-beerecalled-oted-frr-whic.tr • se servettihe Reptibrcan party, without compensation or ran ord. entitle him to the confidence and 'gratitude of t le political frusta', and particularly of this Com• toitiee. which for fourteen years coneeen•ivoiy hat co oled the to nefit of hie active anti patriotic labors. 2 Resolved. That we know of no man in-the -Republi can party who has labored more honestly, more zeal cuely or more unnelfiehly far its cause and its candi date, than WILLIAM R. LICEDS,and that both aa party men and as a items we respectially • and heartily rev, mmend him to our fel low citizens as the Republican candidate for Sheriff of Philadelphia. • 3. ficsoh•ed, That. independent of all party considera tions, we can conscientiouely recommend Mr. LEEDS es a citizen ivortny to be trusted, as abet and upright -man who lint newer eaten the .bread_ of idienese or_ tile, ont , fity, or oppressed the poor, and as a gentleman In reepes to analified to perform, with satisfaction to 'he put-tic and-honor to himself. the duties of the °Moe et iiiheriff.of Phi/adelphia.! JOSHUA SPEW Nee, ' President. Executive Committeo, , - At test—JOHN F. POLE. Secretary. IQ DIVIDEND NOTICES. .us..rouK `, PET. AY-- sTREETLEN CODIPANT, NO. 427 WALNUT .I:I ' PHILADELPHIA, May 31870. At a meeting of the Board, of Directors, held this day; - 10• reptile , quarterly dividend of 3 per cent. on the re ducol capital was declared, free from State tax., and nap tie on and after MONDAY, 16th inst.- Transfer 1n,01 , s to close on the 7th HIAL,. and reopen on 17th inst. ms-7-s . GEO. W. ALTEMUS, Spery. - U aFFICE• AXAMISSA _R AIL, -' IK - iTcp COMPANY, No. 924 WALNUT street. PUILADELYIGA, MILY 6th, fin. The Board of Directors of Gra Company havtethlk day , deo a r da_Diyidend of Three and a Half per Cent.,on ac eou nt of the dividends to be paid tbe Preferred Stock= 'holders, - psychic* on and after the 23d Inst., to those pets( us in whose names the stock stands at the close of t Fitt transfer books. The it iisfe7. books of the preferred stock will be closed on the 14th, and reopened on the 'ad inst. my7-s to tni23§ W. L. GILROY. Treasurer. u.PENNSY LVANIA RAILROAD COM PANT. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. DELPLIIA - ‘ ' Pa.; 3Liy 3, 1870. - NOTIGE—TO,STOGIC HOLUB RS. . The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi anb oat dividend of Five. Per Cent. 0n the Capital_Stock ,f • the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable in cash on aud after Maj. 304570. , • Wank Powers of Attorney .for collecting. DiVidends can be bail at the Office of the Company, 250.233 South . Tlll It D street. • The Otaiim. be.operied at SA, M. and closed at 3.P: M M. f rein May 30th to 3 one 3d, for the payment - Of Divi.• dends, and after that date from 9 A. M: to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. PIRTIL my 4 Catrpf • : _ Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS. -• mitEGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHWASEL.—. 11 It is the most pleasant. cheapest and best dentifrice extant.--Warrant free-from iniurionsingroddentil, - = It Preseries and Whitens the Teeth! - Invigorates and Soothes the Gums! Purifies and Perfumes the Breath Prevents Accumulation of Tartar 1 ' Cleanses and Purifies Artificial Teeth ! Is a Superior Article for Children ! __ Sold by all Druggsts. A. M. WILSON, Proprietor tribl lv rp§ Ninth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. EA_DQUARTERB FOR EXTRAOTLNG EL TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS OXIDE GAS. . • "ABSOLUTELY NO FAIN." Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms, devotes hie entire practice to the tudnlese eat r,,ction of teeth. • Office, 911 Walnut et. mh9,lyrp§ W.7.17_ TELE "BARTLEY" KID GLOVE, Ai. We also offer the celebrated "La Belle" kid .lour at 8.1 25 per pair. . Best el 20 glove in America. " Joseph." $1 00 per air. : .p. isFes' kid gloves. 00 pr!. pair. Every pair warranted same as the " Bartley." A. 6. J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, np^Atfrp> Importers, 23 N. Eighth street. PORTABLE ENGINE WANTED, FROM to 7 inch bore of cylinder. Apply at W. H. HARRISON'S, myG 2t* 1708 Barker street. L'OR YSICYIANS,• DRUGGISTS AND ii others who are liable to be called on at night, a hain Bolt to the frontdoor is desirable, as it enables them to observe the applicant before allowing admix- -ion. Applied to the chamber-door it promotes ventila tion by allowing the door to be partially open,while still secure against intrusion. For sale by TILLMAN & II A Nr, N 0.835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street. below Ninth. nouBLE BOILERS, BY USING L./ prepating..Milk,.. Farina, .corn-Starch, • tc., tie re is no risk of burning. Several sizes for sale by TRUMAN tV SR C W., No; 5..1.5 (Eight Thirty : five) Market street, below* Ninth. GREATLY REDIFCEDLRON SCREW Eyes for Picture. Frames. 'We have itißt °polio I il , VOiCe at greatly reduced--rates. TRUMAN & HAW. lio:835 CElght Thirtyflye) Market street, below FINE-7117 _1(.1 AL Box se a companion for the sick chamber; the finest oaeortment in the city, and a g eat variety of airs to se. lectfrorn. ' Imported direct by FARR & BROTHER mbiGtfrp] — , 3:24 Chestnut street, below Fourth'. P OLISHING —THE. 'BEET for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, .Jewelry,otc., vor manufactured. mhl FARR- & BROTHER; tfrp 324 Ohostnot street. below Fourth. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN . tilated and easy-fittinyt Dress Hats(Totem tod) in all the approved-fashions of the season. unestnut street soxt door to th Post-Office. oc6-tfrP ISAAC NATH ANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. corner Third and Spruce streets, only ono square below the Exchange. 6250 WO to loan, in large or small amounts, on diamonds, oily , r plate, watches f iewelrY i and all goods of value. Office hours from BA. M. to 7 P. M. Established for the last forty years. Ad vances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates. F B, i)T , 4ErWI A . RCOAL S BISCUIT FOR . . HARD'S FOOD.for infanta, jnet imported. Soloc.t Rio Tapioca, with directions for us.,. Genuine Bermuda Arrowroot, and other Dietetics, for sale by JAIRES T. SHINN, S. W. cor. Broact and Spruce. ap 9.tf rP§ WEDDI NO. AND DN.GAGEM.ENT , Rings of eolid 18 karat fine Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, &c. FARR & BROTHER; Makers, niy24 ru tf 324 ,Chestnut Atrnot. hslocr Fourth. DERSONS IN WANT OF MONEY, WHO I object visiting the Public Pawnbrokers. can obtain liberal tones neon PIA WINDS, WATORES. JE W ELRY, SILVER PLATE, LIVE POLIOIG'S; and other V ALLIA_BLES. _Private Parlor exclusively for lidiia. No Pawnbrokers' signs. Licensed by the Mayor. 'lt9 South Ninth street, near Spruce street.. Private louse. - . . ~ . . ._,' rny2 Int re 110HILADELPHIA,i t gUICGEbN6' BAND -I.r AGE INSTITUTE. It i Worth Ninth street. above Market. B. G. EVIIRET TRUSEO peeit - Weltr , eureit Ruptures. .Cheap Trusses. Elastic Belts,' - Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grutehoe, 6 , nspeparnies. , Pile Bandages. Ladies . M attended to by.rs... jyl Is' rP JAMES L. WILSON, ' . • . , HOUSE PAINTER, , . . . ..* 51E. SOUTH NINTH STEEHT, Iteshionce--522 South Ninth street, apisu 1Y 03 P. a c. U. TAYLOR, 641 and, 69 Norkk Matti iitieoll .' 2_ _ ..___II44PENTER AND BUIRIIII, NO. 1024 tANficiorit STRBETI, -PITILADbIA §ATUii.DAY, iIIAY- . 7;- 1,816. _General Jordan in. hewYork—MlS Be ports of the Situation; --" - The New York Standard ,43,nt.lins the.follow ng-. • Genera] Jordan, lately Commander-in-Chief of thel'atriot Army of Cuba,arrived here yes terday in the steamer Morro CalstleTtom .Nas sau,..t4". P. He was enthusiastically receiVed, as might have been imagined, by_rnitiesenta.-- five . Cubans and personal friends. The General was accompanied .liy severaLmembers:• of his stall, and was, though fatigneklooking. inspirits. In regard to the condition of the Cuban - eause - the 'General - said : ' • - • "The-. island is in revolt froin Colon, neat' the centre, to its eastern extremity. The seat of Government and army organization is at present in the District of - Camag,ueay, which bas been_ the .chief-seat -of the revolutionary spirit for a number of years. The inhabitants are of the first families-of-Cuban and are all enthusiastic for the catise._,Congress-is-now-in about the removal of Cespedes, General?" • " That is one of-the falsehoods of the idea Press. Congress never had any idea of doing any such thing as to remove hilt." About the Negroes.. " Don:about the negroes ?" "In regard to that I must say that they make splendid soldiers. They fight like demons. I have seen them tried very often." Just here we may state that the General-has - brought with him a colored - man who was formerly an offi cer in his (the General's) command, and who comes to this country for the express pur pose of trying to convinee Mr. Sumner that the slaves have been really emancipated. On this point the , General says : " The American ,people ought to Ainder stand this question. The - senioroffieer of my staff emancipated - a hundred slates, who now serve as soldiers under the command of their former master." What Bps Been Done. " What has /been done in the past winter, General ?" " Well, the enemy have had about 8,000 men in active service, of which 800, including 40 oth cers,were put horse de combat, and, on my honor as a -soldier, I had in the whole cam paign only lb men- killed and wounded." The Climate. " Is it not very . .tinhealthy there ?" "Not for Americans., l_think_;__they_seem to stand it well, Out it is death on Europeans, chiefly because of their utter disregard of sani tary precautions. A guerilla or strictly-defen sive warfare Would' drain Spain of 20,000 to :;0,000 soldiers annually, and she could not stand that very long. On the other hand, the Cubans can continue that sort of _thing indefi nitely;- - I - ani - toti - old - a - nian for thati - hewi3ver - . - - I want" to get arms enough to make shorter work of it." The General also said that a great need was clothing, for want of which there is great suffering. After the battle of Los Minas, his troops dug up the enemy's dead to the num• ber of 180 for the purpose of securing their clothing- The Spaniards. " What is the Spanish force, General?" "I think, on the° whole •Island, there are about 40,000. regulars and 2.5,000 volunteers, which latter force is worthless, except for garrison duty." "pow, then, have they only 8,000 active r' Because they are obliged to keep over twenty thonsand 4 i men guarding plantations and collecting taxes. if these were with drawn the „plantations would soon be de stroyed. This fact, with the necessary garri sons, &c., leaves them a small force available for lighting." " Is it true abontlhe atrocities practiced by the Spaniards?" " les, and More - than has heedtold. They kill all, not only ,all prisoners, but also all men found at work—non-combatants. I believe they are the veriest fiends out of the infernal regions." " Bow about similar accusations made against - the Cubans'?" " They are false. 1 invariably pardoned all prisoner& -This is one of the - - Associated Press Lies, of which-there have been no end. -Their agent at Havana is one Adolphe Strauss, a creature of the Governor-General, and a hanger-on at his house. His. reports in relation to atiairs on this island are 27,ipariatil false... I am going to see. , Mr. Simonton•and try to.convince him of the gross injustleeman 'is doing us. Ho claims ,to have Or4ce been a Confederate soldier, hut I don't; `believe It—,he is too con temptilde a liar."' As nu iust,ance of these falsehoods, the Gen eral said that-thegeports—of-Cubans coming - hi am!giving themselves up ate:manufactured by the 4nniarda; by the ingenious plan of . r• I S. , families, and Ivhen their distracted husbands and fathers come to find them they aro paraded as recusants. , , _ 04 vorco, and went eyon i t tbo reach of cOnnubial bonds by 1 :1 3 0a40. Of . a. dose of tuorphj4,.. LI NI TUMOR' IMOD ON IFIRICA • AND lILIE WORKING General' Cluseret, a Frenchmen, now in New York, and formerlY in the United States militaty serviee, Where his career wa.s brilliant, appears to be charged with a mission from -the ast.ociations of workingmen in PraIIJCP to thofe of this _country.. Ho _ has written a letter to Victor Hugo on the subject, and has iviceived a reply, of which the follow ing is a trat a'ation lirAwrisvitve 'roust:, April 22, 1870. You give me good news, Genral. The toilers are an army; an army needs leaders; you are one of the men meant for leaders,b.v your dou ble instinct of revolution and civilization. You are of those who knoW •how to give all possible advice to a people without going be yond the just and the true. "Liberty is a means, at the same-time-that it is an. otject. You understand it. So the toilers of France have elected you their re presentative in America; and I congratulate you and -I congratulate them. 'Labor is now • the great right, as it is the great duty. The future belongs henceforth to two men: the man who thinks and the • man who labors. Intruth these_two inen_are- brit one, for,to think is ta labor. '" lam one of those who have made the suffering classes the study of their lives. The lot of the working matt, every where, in America as in Europe, fixes my most pro found attention, and moves me to tenderness. The suffering classes must become the happy classes, and the man who heretofore has worked in darkness must, henceforth work in light. " I love America as my own country. The - great Republic of Washington and John BrOWn is a glory to civilization. Let her not hesitate.to take her part, in a sovereign way, in the government of the world. In a social point of view, let her emancipate the toilers: in a poljiical point of view, let her •liberate• Cluba•Suroi e has its eyes' fixed on America.. That which America does will be well done. paericalmathe.double=honor of .-being,--lree like 'England, and logical like France.. We applaud her patriotically in all her advances. We are the fel.ow-citizens of every nation that is great. • " General, help the toilers in, their mighty and holy coalition. - press your hand. - - TUE CUBAN REBELLION. —Anlady got tlwd of wiutuagfor, . . . , • •-• Dela or the' uptake . aisti - -Thereller- or - reblish Tralel e Greek Giivelrak' meat • Held Responsible fur ine-Out. The London Timaubllsties the following particulars of the capt ure by. _Greek_ brigands of a party of English- travelers, already - re ported by telegraph : tin liionday,..the . lith of, April, at.6:30 A. M., ' the Party, Consisting of Lord and Lady Man carter, Mr. Frederick Vyner, Mr. Herbe rt,one of the Secretarieil toiler Majesty's Legation; Count-de Boyl, Secretary to the Italian .Legtte• tion, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, with their. young child, live years of age, left Athens ,in two carriages, under the escort of four mount ed gendarmes, for Marathon, accompanied' by a. dragoman. _ :After exploring thniicene of one of the most interesting events in history, they started to return to Athens.Akt_4iP, M.. enterieg.. a Aldeldy.46-ndell-Tliart-of-the-road,—near-the bridge of Pikerneaa, two mounted -gendarmes riding one on either side of the carriages, - and two in front, a volley was suddenly tired into them, killing one of the -gendarmes, and-mor tally wounding another. '4 he road was immediately filled with bd.- • gands, rho forced the occupants out of the strikingr though; not- severely; Lady, Muneaster, and tearing off her watcirand lockers, and men acing with knives the lives of all. . They hur- ried their captives up the side of Mount Pen- telicus, tint•hadscarcely.got 50 yards from - the road when the six infantry soldiers came. up. and at once commenced tiring into the bri gands, who returned the fire. The sell-titers. ) finding themselves over . matched (the brigands being upward of 20 in .nuMber); happily discontinued the engaze ment, which would have been probably fatal to the captives, who were collected in a body -- in their' midst. The brigands then hustled their prisoners up the slope of the Peritelicus, and atter two -bourse -walking--they- - put • the ladies on the horses of the demounted gend armes, and, - with one servant, let them go to Athens. _ ,__Altertheladiesnhadgonethe five_gentleinen consulted What 'was to be done, and it was agreed to ask for one of their number to be allowed to go to Athens to arrange for pay ment Of , the ransom they demanded, and-an amnesty. After several hours' talk between the dragoman and the captain of the band, . the terms of ransom were scetled solar aS that the captain of the brigands reduced the - iii - aitirotersuns - dematiilt;d or.f.so,olßFto the still -- enormous and extravagant sum of £25,000. Be would not, howe.ver, suffer any further 'discussion, but, growing impatient, said. env: phatieally, '!Finish quickly." The captives _then arranged- that-Lord-M-urieaster-shouldbe the person to go in and make the arrangements necessary for his OW icand companions' release —a promise being exacted by the brigands that failing in his - misaion, he.was to return, and that the lives of the others depended on his suocess.-to Lord-Mtin-caster go that night, but did not do so, as.they could get no_gnide..and none of .the _brigaiids:daredi • to be seen with one of 'their captives. • On Tuesday, throughout the night, they walked--over boggy plains and up _ and down hills, wet through from heavy rain, in which' they lay down for three hours,, till 6 in - the morning, when they started again, and , then stopped for the day in a ravine, where a eitep - herd was found and a small cart obtained, in which Lord Mitncaster proceeded - to Athens. Be, of course, made immediate arrangements - for sending food and clothing-to his linter --Innate friends; andTtor obtaining - the - motley; which was promptly and , generously placed, at his disposal by. a merchant in Athens.--The only difficulty lay- in the transportation of so large.a sum in gold. __Occupation of Greece Threatened. The London Times, of April 25, in com menting on the news of the massacre, said : Assuming it to be true that the impetuous pursuit by the , Greek- Government occasioned ' the massacre of the captives, there is a temp tation, almost irresistible, to condemn their impetuosity. Such a conclusion would be hasty, if not unjust. The consequences have been most lamentable, but we cannot blame . the Ministry for them. • • On the following day, however, the same paper, in strong terms, proceeds to arraign the Greek Government and threat,tile occupa tion of Greece. It says: We believe this massacre will prove to be a great political event. It has filled up the cup of Greek misgovernment. It has exhausted rho patience of Europe. - At this moment it wutild be useless to talk of Greek regenera tion or Greek, advancement; no one would listen to the advocates of a nation whose soil is infested always and everywhere with un punished crime, and whose hietortics sites are ' almost as inaccessible to the intelligent trav eler as thexities of Tartary. We have no hesitation in saying that the time has come when this scandalous misgov eruinent should be brought to an end. The -Tlirep-Proteeting-Powers-did---not-intend-to create within the limits of Europe a' petty State which should be a disgrace to them selves and to civilization., But what- else can Greece be said now to be? ' There are few of its friends who will deny that its advancement must depend on the con trol which statesmen wiserrhan its own rulers VicTOR Huoo." exercise'over it. Safety of life and property at least must be assured if the tutelage of the Great Powers is not to be a mockery. For eigners on their legitimate business muse not be captured and murdered in a country which enjoys our protection. If its rulers are powerless ' then authority must be exerted by 'other hands. In 1854, Athens was occupied by a French and British force to check the warlike propensities of the Court, and we do not fear to say that asimilar step would - be equally justifiable now. We spent nine millions upon an expedition to Abyssinia, undertaken at less provocation. We should have no such difficulties as awaited us there to encounter in. Greece. Three or four regiments, under an, efficient comniander, such as our Indian army or the French army of Algeria rears, would make the tracks of Attica as safe as the high roads •of England before many months were over. The, Jilaueh,Cliunk Cluoi.Uazalikol.yestorday says : - There were transported over. both railroads and canal last week 123,926 17 tons against 91,159 11 tons the week 'before—an increase of 32,767 06 tons. , . Lehigh and Nehaolllll. The Lehigh region is still as active as it has been for several weeks. There are now no serious difliculties with the men, anywhere but at Summit Hill and , Ilesquelioniag,. At - Audenricd - the slate-picker boys - have stritak, but the miners are workink. I - low near the Lehigh Company's. men are to: a settlement cannot be definitely stated, as the millers are, mtturallyivery , quiet as to their plans. We still have, however, hopes of an. early re sumption. The men. at Summi.t : 1011 , are an excellent class of, miners;,-they are • good• citizens, temperate,and respectable, and bave,very good judgment, which • they have frequently shown heretofore when_difficulties navisi - lietweerk :thein • aud, the company. . Wu are .coutident they . will cot let themselves be betrayed any rash snarl. . cnt v.; t t ur,emp, gyers if mild and conservative ne tt a op their part will avoliisuch a disastrous state of of We hope for a compromise. Schuylkill is:stiff i7le , WV Tialik4Triiport - s -- that give:es any encouragemont. There seems to he egorts towards a Hottlew e at, a,nit there is no .telling how•long the -strike . will 111. st. The wen can live ,(orevor, if tboy will, by go, THE GREEK BRIGIANDN. 1 HE COAL TRADE.. Report from the Lehigh Rt.;;lons. P - RlCt::':rtilßE - E -, .QEDNI , S: , .i'. ing into other regions. if the'•parties in terested do nothing ; nothing will - bo - done; rebumption will never 401110 of itself: . lIIIVALDOI IN LONDON. A Ceremony at St. Albans. An unumiallr gland and ormice eeremomat took place on a recent Sunday at St. Ainsins„ Holborn, in ceie bratio a of the.m.urrection of the'Saviotir. The extreme ritualistic c'larac ter of the service, says the Orchrgnl, be rs undetood whin it is stated that " t hose only who are . zbernbers of, or guilds in connection - with, the church, or whose sins have been ab solved in the confessional," were allowed to' take part in its most important - stage, This was theprocession, which was arranged at three o'clock in the following or ler : Ineenge _bearer and boys in white surplices; twenty choristers andprecentor, similarly attired; three priests, followed by abotit twelve boys__ in_ scarlet_ .cassocka_and. _white -r-trrPlices; :- Mr. Mac konochie, with two boys holding up his train; banner-bearer, carrying & 'magnificent . blue and . white silk banner • boys of a guild, abou t in number banner-bearer, followed by about fifty meat, . hers of a" brotherhood with yellow, enr.-,c broidered collitrets and capes ; banner=bearer. with_about_forty -members--of-the-Ordee--of--- Jesus of Nazareth, in scarlet collarets and one: .broidered capes, wearing medals and cruet' fixes; one of the sisterhood in connection with the church, carrying a large silk banner : sisters of the Order of " Mary the .Virgin," about eighty in number, in white veld; , banner-bearer, followed by a large nuntliar.of ' Sisters of Mercy, in the scapular and veils of their different orders. Then followed members of The Holy Family," and those who had , been to confession. Those constituting the procession then marched round the church, after which the Rev. Mr. Stanton - preacbe tsa sermon. It may be added that the Rev. E. P. Russell, a nephew of Lord Russell, is one or the clergy who minister, at St. Alban's. • AN ANCIENT Pltearrwt Actimuisr THE POPE: --,Lools-XIT. nue ruper - - A writer in the irdermithatre des Cluerenearet et des Culieux states th d he has found the• following in a mainiscript in the Imperial Li brary: " MAY 13, 1665.-4•ne Nuncio had an each- - ence of the King some days back, and c Veined of, certain Parisian doctors of theology who spoke insultingly against the_infallibility ---tirthe Pope. The King told him that be wouldfollow the example of his predecessors, who had !lever interfered - with - the - liberty of the Faculte de Theologie to utter and write • their views upon matters, connected with their. ; own.professiott sented to the King the Papal brief telling Mut' that itwas,-very true-that thelltaliau doctjrs . taught the infallibility of the Pope and tif.S' superiority to a_ temporal sovereign. The King returned answer that if he had any, of =ins subjects- who --tatigbt this' -- infallibility - he— would chastise them in such style that others worild - have - no - clesnlyto - tea - ch — it — a - fte - r - taf. and that neither the Nuncio nor Pep - ef' - should prevent him. The King, while mak- • ing this reply, had_his arm raised and his list.- closed. The Ntincio departed very, much. dis.:% concerted. The Abbe Le Caums was one of those who noticed it 'first at the, house of the Abbe de Coaslin, where the Nuncio had-just changed his court dress. The King went attar-' wards to - the - Queen Mother to tell her what had happened at the audience of thej Nuocia, and, among other things, told her that`-he' ': - knew well who it was - that- was , doinglirthis, ;- and that if these peoule annoyed hint more they should see what would .. .happen. _ . ANOTILEB 1UN.4.6 F. BUILDING!. Pante in sae war urepartment. Considerable apprehension has been felt by the clerks in the War Department at Wash= ing lest a similar calamity to that which has befell the Richmond State House happen in the case of ,the War. Department building Doubts as to its safety. were entertained ; Hays ‘. the Washington I?opuNican, a long time b ick - , and led to a thorough examination of they building some three years_since, when_ it wan- • .. pronounced unsafe for the purposes - of a pub- - lie department,: and it was 'recommended t o o put up another building in its place. Some of-- the rooms are so shaky that the.olerks are - un- able to write legibly when any one passers over , • the floor, and almost all the ceilings, show more or less depression. The two upper •sto ries are comparatively new, having been Wit at the commencement of the war, but the lower stories were not built with a view to ark, additional Superstructure, and g the buildin - Las consequently been rendered unsafe.' In the fourth story is stored an immense plan tity of hooks and papers, which has called the attention of officials to the necessity of at, • once removing the same. COUlblat. %WELCOME. How Geer=la Receives liter Governor. Th - e -- G ov ern - er - of - Gebrgia - evidentirldis qb-- pleasant tune of it: To sojourn for a month in. Washington for the purpose ofgetting his State admitted, and to be welcomed home by such a,, salutatory as the following from a Savannah._ . Taper must_he a sweet boon • " Welcome - hornet - alien; yet. Governor; -neiriy,—yet-ruler-4_,traitor r _and yet-dietator-'t Welcome home! Oh, it were but natural if the snakes coiled about the flowers in your'. yard—if daggers gleamed in the moonlight. orb'. • • your window-sill I Bub we are• above poison- - : ing or assassination! Live wherey . ou. can. . strike the vitals of the State! Live Where you. can poison the fountains.other land! Live, but. the eternal clutch of conscience will lb,sten on your soul, and you are Satan if Sou can be, happy." THJE; c ( uiiTS. SuritEnt (..ouirr --Chief Justiee•Tbompson, and Justices' Read' .Agnew, Sliarswood and IVilliatus.—The following - judgments have been "rep at Harrisburg, am a•ltlitiodi to those reperted in,; yesterday's Huh.tacrrx by. telegraph By - Thompson, Chlpf Justice:. • ht re N ecopeck Luzern() county. Orden of the Court below affirmed., Stern'e appeal. iffiscrne connty. Decree alllrnv,d and appeal dismissed.. Ebert vs. Gackenbask, for 11HCI. Lehigh county, Judg ment itiflrmed. • Dungan vs. Dirketers of the Peer of Bitc4s co:lntr. Judgment affirtvadt .. . . ..• • oudrutf & Vincent vs. Wobl.i. Elk county. Judg ment reversed. Minton v. Silshee. Lucerne county. Judgment &f -ilmed. in,4)11 county. Decree af firmed. Reed vs. Jambs . . Philadelphia county.. Judgment af- firmed. Bank vs-loinderinam. Lehigh county... Judgment of firmed. Ruch vs, The WtilittmEpnrt Water Company. hymn, lug reality. Judgment affirmed. boffilitriDA Draper's Appeal. Schuylkill county. Do , cree - - 'Miller's Appeal. Lclilhcoun ty Atllrauvl. Felsler?s Apo , al. Decree affirmed. Opinions by Bead, 1% titre vs . kox, Philadelphia. Judatatullt rAveratld ts and se.much of Co...judgment of the Alderman as dreotta rest it atlon•he affirmed, and thu 11)81.1110 of said Judgment • is reversed. Restitution to 'tornado forthtvitht . Teago va. Pinsk. Northumberland county. udgment' revvrbod and orto tie de novo awarded. • • . - • Appeal of Jolt u P. Power et at. 'Westmoreland counts'. LtiA;l3.laffirnied nod appeal dieniis,ed + Opinions delivered by. Agnew , di• Santee vs. Santee. J ndgment ail rine& Coxe. vs. 1111011)d. Judgment reversed and jteenira:_._ rains - rlenaroateardeil: . - Dimes Sas inglnettin Win vs. Aiiptownlhulk. Leh'gh: milady. Judgment affirmed: , • - II ilb B. v . ' t Orman it• sents. Kelley' vs. Boucher. Lehigh ' dudkment re v or,. ott, and a venire ffe• not awarded.. Laurence lath!). county. Judgment reversed. _nn.t-a_ttettird.denatfsitwordett - Conunouvresith Vitallttpist , Jitdinnitttt. for the ,Oosa• Ihompaou,ol J., diAsonts. Rees VE Jackson. , Judgruotit - rerersel, and ven(ra da Sherswood, J. t. d!geente on file nutherity of ffie &lOU na.d. ROSldithr RttUreatt Yel. Hwang. IMM!MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers