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TIONS -IT for ,Portiek, &c., New style's, s lilAdON & 00., fkrl- Ciwetivnt. street. ~ ~. - .1:' - 2 ' • " do.lofmkr as 11 - 1911'1 . 1 CI, .' , 1P 1 A;'o2B TIR,Y, EA.TfOt /4 (mitt - dee an 1 ,0 - laritt r ue -for fl tact cOfeete at , W I. ~ 1,.1101t1y. 1 , ,ktr.r ket etoet: Freedom from r k ItAke re a r ,lat e:l r er mi :r 6 iof i t: d ee r openly. of ft . :valuable r r-. earth system. a p2k ._^ • (DIED. q. OA THERWOOM.—Otrihe -venial; of the Ath Inc ~y coneutuptioa, Samuel 131. , Catberwoo c in the 41st year of• life age. Dee not'e&will he given of the funeral , - - 1870 Fin '"%!, - o: , !: — A.t_a_Meetiug' theAtoaholders Olf Tint • . • - PEOPLE'St BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, held this dai, the htilipwing persons w•rn: chap-elected yr-eidrniquid DtrieFors Pretitdenit, - W. 11. MEMBLE. - Directors, WIL IL HEIM, CllAnr.r.t4 A. MILLER, - • ciEoncir., J. RICHARDSON. • - GEORGE J. GROW,. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, •-_- WILLIAM ormia. . And at a meettog of tbc Poard of Directory, TA BELL - mita elected Caatifer. . - .11.. TABER, Cashier.q .MAY 5 IMP ko Bank w If be -open for briefness on ItiONDAY. Ida). Or It r ot 411 Ulf IC.Spi UT Sirvet. - - reY6 Giro) L .- _-AC.gi.DEMY- -- 01 , ' FINE ARTS LAST DAYSOF THE E? Will OF • - SHERIDAN'S 'Great Life•siro Painting by the Poet-Artist,• - •• T. 11 . K.O.IANAN READ. • ILEVENTH WEER AND UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS The Poem recited at 12 M., 4 and 9 P. M. daily by MR. J. R. ROBERTS, The distinguished Tragedian and Elochtionist. Admission .25 cents, Including the entire valuable collection of the Academs. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 p. M., and Iron' 75‘ . to 10 P. M. tnY96trp . NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL li me y INSTITUTE, <BROAD STREET. BELOW WALNUT. W13.1NL1!..4G SCHOOL FOR .., LADIES. ..., • o GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN. NOTICE • The stortu of yesterday will not interfere with tie business of the Natatorium. as workmen hare already beru engaged to make the ileces...arr ',Taira. Th. , tem perature of the water and building will be as warm as atonal. J. A. PAYNE - k BBb ''LTB TE3I PEEANCE MEET ]TALL YOUNG MEN'S CIIRTSTIAv ASSOCIATION MTIMMMSSSIMI The Monthly Temperance Meetiee of the aa4ociation will be held TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Address by Dr..) OSEPIT PARRIBII, of Media. Iscuosiou upon the nddrtea. ' )perance I)ielogue and Recitation, by Masters 11I))./ and MA Unlit. Vuca ad instrumental tango. • • The - public.areinvited. Iti lux JEWISH FOSTER HOME SOCIETY. —The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Jowl it Foster Homo Society will take place on TUE - Noy 10, at 3 o'clock, P.M. at the Ronnie of the Me Atp tile Heading Association, No. 414 Crown stree,. - .NOTIC.E.—APPL - ON.. WELL be made "by - the understd., to the Department aff Highways( No. 104 South-haftfistreet), on THURS. .I)AY, the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock M., for a contract for Paving America street, from Jefferson street to" Illentgomery avenue. All persons interested In said' vaving may be present- at ill° time' nnd place, if they think proper. The following namcd - persons have signal at contract for the paving orattid street : James Ritchie, John Saybott. Matthew Erwin, Samuel Smith, James 'Wood, Jacob Beeson, Lavinia S-Stdater."llSbert Beaver, Jacob Essig,' John Sitars John Jacob Knoll; Threstira 'Peters, Joshua Twining, Amos_Twining, Henry Thomas,- %Frank Thomas, Peter Brady. Schofield & BramOu, Thomas Branson, Eliza A. Fox,(litanies McCort, Bfifiert Erwin. John H. Schadewal),William Bannemann,, Benny Bruer, Ilenrf, Joligrrdorrls, E. B. Apple, X. S. Neitlig, James' Rickey, Jacob St:Darien, William XnleY, John Griffin: Matthew Jtipmen, 11. McAleer, Ja-. -cob Viegel, George Blood, David Spangler, Isaac Mar pity, George Buchanan: - my4w f ni3t rp§ JOSEPH JOHNSON, Contractor. - _ - APPLICATION: _ 11 , r_ I L L. Le made by the undersigned to the Departmont 117hways (No. 104 South Fifth street I, on THURSDAY, the 12th heat., at 12,o'clock; M., for a contract for paving Crimean street,from Norris street to Dauphin street..*ll 'persons interested in said paving may attend at the tinb. and place. if they think proper. The following named Trefoils have signed a contract- for fetid, pti.diulsaac Joseph Gray , It. .1. MclanellinrUisiiper Kifpper, ON. Brenner, Henry Parker, Wm. Wild, , Geo. Wits. Schuler, Janice Knight. John W. Ilrth; John Ha gan, Aug. L. Subrich, Soni - 4111,eister,•E. Felmoden, liollowell Hellegass, John 8. Se rill, Andrew Gro.y. Lewis Walter, Joseph Jones, Jo Schrock, George Snyder, ChriotoplieFSeidel, John Sin th,•Joseph Distter, Charles McQuillen, George B. MI, 1 eury R. Efenry. ALEX AND IR McEUEN; JOSEPH EA NEST,. inarns - • c Contractors. nly4.w.t nOtrp§ 10. .N OTICE.AP P LIC AT I 0 N be made by the 'uion& nod to the Du.'artinentitti, highways. No.lul South Fifth street, on TE UN A. SDY;. the 12tHinst., at 12 o'clock N. for a contract for paving 3Jradtlockstrret -from F intingdon street to-Lehigh; avenue. All lemons hosted in said paving may nttend at the timeSaco, if they think proper. She fdlhiwing named rsons - have signed a contract for tint paving of said street.i George E. Allen R. Dunaway, John lifrerieffif goloinou Oribler i Peter Lynch,' Freede, Isaac Norris, Alexander Kerte, 7tieorgo W. K irk, Putricif tinnier, John HoOlosky, Oitarleit•Schaffer, James Duffy, Pilot , Grin,. iny44w f ni-strp§ JOSEPH JOHNSON, Contractor,: 11 • HE IPIFTY-FIFTH - AN NIVER SARI' of the Orphan Boeleiiy of Philadelphia will be hold at tho Asylum, N. , E. cotriar Eifilitaunth aLerrLstrpeta vantllF4DAY,gilay-lOth r itt -12 - .o'clock; — 3l". • • " v tny4 w d:trx-2t 111-- - -- TT TS PVVRAT '137 I IP 71 rN, IcriTA..llj4,.; FACULTY OF 3 RTfki t lay s 7l, Tle staled public' exam) i o . e thy' . ASE for DEGREES 1 , , illA. . • •al dare " 1.712.1 V) from May Milt - Wax 0 . from 4. 3'•.n r- ~....., , ,X-BANI) As. JAOI 1 1 . 1q;; ----- 111._/N. NICHITYLF C t P pi °aid° at Ite 'lro_rit- *0 It +ive ti Agoetican ButlitV-Kel obi le. , fil. et ts 31114, on TUESDAI IS -. IN_G, ' itth. r ilree , ,e , s be mode - e • Tel dlstieguiell • • . ,„,, • ___--/--, , r4.:','X/ a , • - . .. . , . - i . ' , ..:13014:71c4J 0 ,N0TT1 7 ER. ,4050"itARD - HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 anYIF2O Lihnbard street, Dispensary Department. —lidftlifoolArgaincentand medicine furnished gratuitously 0 the p00r,47 _IVIDEND NOT4CES. .-- • EN 7 1.1.N51j - ec.itAlL PANE, TREASiI MD'S DE A R.TM E P. Ds, !liar 3, lif/O. NOT ',"TO STINK 'IL DEES. re :mud 14138 : rotors have tit day declare , ' a semi. ate old n~ • • no the Capital Stock andof t . State taxes, prye 1 l pry • o't j after ilay°n3o, p. i t,t4rney for collecting Diridende e 4 • ,e W 4 ce'of the Comp snit bi 0 .. 23 8 South ' Or it I _r ttaboLned nt BA. M. and cloebd at 3P. to. I.IIIC 3d, for the _payment of Dirt that, to from 9A.M.t03 P. H. • THOMAS T. FIRTH, M U.EL C. - H UEY, President. SA ML. E. SI t)K. ES, Vice President. JOB NW. HO RN OR, A. V. P. & Acttiary. H. S. STEPH ENS. Secretary. W. P. HACKER, Superintendent of City Agents ,Hoool No. 1, Second Floor. The.. attention of the citizens of Philadelphia is called to this long.,etablisbed and truly MUTUAL LIFE IN btRANC.E.LOBIPANY r wherein every- inetice(t person an ,e/inar partner in the projtt.T. Vt fllCfi ARE DI VIDED A N'IikIALLY, and which for the past :twenty )etirs, have ititFragod about FIFTY PER LENT. The Trusteert are dotirous.of Increasing the busine.s of the Ctmvpany_in this city,erhere.-tin •a -HOME COMPANY, It ought to be largely patronized. Its rates of-t3rernium are as low, and the sociality as good as that offered by m —‘ any othercepanyand, for the purpose 'of • Intireasin g ihe, OINE'BUSINES S. thoyltatu - appointed W; P. BACKER; Superintendent'-of ts of City Age nt .._ w h o likewitt.recoeive Ppliela ion for insurance: Active, Intelligent Agent, or Convassoro wanted for ~ 1 1y 'Work ,avith liberal compensation. •• Apply as above,, • aplS mw f Lit rp.§ .OEIVES' EtiRNASHING Then Late lopdon Mat4=pp Scarf figeßEAu IDEAL." .:4-4*W SCOTT & co., 41.ETNIIT STREET A CASE Ole' NEW STYLE o Fr!,El4pl-14,SHIRTINGS . . . OUS Jun r .^DtIOE TO GENTLEMEN. As the seem of the year is at hand for gentlerned to replenish their ward -robe, the subseriber would particularly invite 'attention to his E. IMPROVED PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT, made from The 'best materials, work done by -hand, Abe cut and-finish of which cannot be excelled; warranted -told andlivtcsatisfaction. Alsois tik a Jarge and well selected stock'opVtappers, Breakfast Jackets, Collars t - f Stocks; Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, - ; die luit. •JOHN C. ARRISON, ; I •Nctsrand 3'North Sixth Street. nol9 f m w Iyrp :BOOTS AND SfIU ED 13- " 1i L E T T, 1 , 3 South Sixth Street, - • Ever tb.4,1. for -the patronage ex tended hini . ';'%retofore,, and desirous of furtber Juvors, begs to announce his . Spring Styles. of Boots and Shoes for Gentgrand Boy's' wear. 11'4 , ,.. 13 1 k i7 a e de lis il, sortment of Cuotom-made • o kids improved Lasts, which I ore 'u for comfort and beauty, Earn to furpiisk l a ready tit at all ;-. w Yr" IN 4 s: it: TAYLOR, :NaL.Vl72x.insi and Toilet Soaps. • NprtliNilliA street. --- 1)W117,..EE. ; R1T.1,14R Br, lidao Manufacturers and Dealers in `r- - 41Beinp, 23N. Ikater'Street. tin 22 .Is 7. Delaware Avenue ~P.I9IWOUBLPHIA H. EDWIN arivrit, coNI2 MICHAEL WE ••v.n. GEO. R. s. UULER. 7 . . tAVVF,_, VER & Rorie -pull ,-111 Illainufazz i r n e i rai er anu „pv*prsitiollll(eniitand_l4kpi 9.14M"Y#1."-:" p 11 • pj tr9_ o-422 bouth N .n, spEt,lr;:, - lig 7- 9 i iitriV .IIOItIiVS RItIA • N'T.eflE MICEINIX 701titScr IL ADEL! GlA.—oo Thursday tgiltest.'ai: 'o'clock at tionlap'e factory, fitittonw oil 'streets , will lie sold FIFTY ;EfT -OTIS PI MADE. CARRIAGES' oflill is andailltwitErtinted. , , - " k i 0„,,.... 'datums previous to sale . .''• 's' '1 • ' :.:11 , ..Gg1t lit HERR NESS, Auctioneer. • liittli and Salmon& atreeta ' _. . ".' ,•'. 4 -. :,....:......,... : ‘ , 7 . . - • •-• NoTIC:ES 7'116 r R B BHERIFF, NRY H. BINGHAM *tild - dr A t - TMlopubllcan Party. iNsuRAN&E. gtalial' Life Ingtiratice' Co., 1 CHESTNUT STREET, kirIITCLADELPHIA. D FUND I INCOME FOR HO 3966,2 19 AO V. CLOTHUM exTE$,: TEE STREET, ap3o ly 4 Q p•PAR'I NERS HIP NOTICE. • . • . The partaership et present existing, under the Mlle oI l'lOE EY, Alt P A CO.. will be dissolved by mutual , consent on the 30th der of :tuna. 167(1. • HICKEY, SHARP dc • C A R wo 'WM Fell our entire stock of DIY GOODS, embra cing an unrivalled assortment of SILKS. and 13RITISII; • • • FRENCH, • AND oniElt • CONTINENTAL DRESS 'GOODS, in the most approved fabrics, of very recent importation ' , at very low rates,in order to close - ont prior to July /at' 1870. • • • hitrictly'ene prices and no deviation. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. , ap23tf PHILADELPHIA. 1870. TT •' I[H CM I "I) ISCOTT, Jit.. AUCTIONEER.. GIRARD ROW COMMISSION SALESROOM, 1117 CHESTNUT street. TO.MORR9W MORNING, At 10 . o'clock. we will sell a large quantity of goods, coneptiiig of Parlor and Chamber Sets. which were da matted by the late storm, at a groat sactitlcer. T.REGO% TEABERRY TOOTEIWASII. It.ls the most pleasant. cheapest and best dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens - the - Teeth I Invigorates and Soothes the Gums I ' • „ —Purifies Mid Perfumes. thettreath ! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar Cleanses and Purifies Artifichil Teethl Is a tinperitiv Article for Children l _ • Sold by all . Druggficti.'..'• • ' • • • • • - • • A. M. WILSON Proprietor mhllv rps tl[rith and Filbert street/a Philadelp.hita LT EADQUARTERS-FOR EXTRACTING LI TEETH WITH FRESH ,NITROUS OXIDE S. "AfISOLIITEL GA Y NO PAIN." Dr, F. R. THOMAS, formerly operator nt the Colton Dental Rooms, devotes his entire_ practice to tke painless Pktraction of teeth . Office: 911 Walnut et. mt45,/froi .1)1017Y : TEE ".BAItTLEY S '7IfibGI;OVE. 81 S. We also offer the cerebrated .".La Belle! kid glove at 8 . 1 2 per pair. Beet el 25 glove in America. ' " Joseph ." SIM prr pair 11 isles kid gloves, ei "0 per pair. Every pair warranted same an the-"Bartley." A. J. B. BARTHOLOM EW, ap.VtIrg , 77-r---Importers,.Z N:Eighttratreet 187fiGET YOUR .13.A.111 7iitt'rA .u.-}COPP'S-Saloon?byfiret;clfuls Hair and IVhiPkers dyed; ---- fltiate and Bath, 30 cent's. Ladle p' and Children's hair cut. Razora Bet in order. Open Sunday morning. No. 126 Exchange Place.. ' It• . • G. O. HOPP.' • ("CAMDEN AND A?LJ3QY AND PETILA - v vDF.LPHIA. AND TRENTON RAILROADS.. CHANGE OF HOUR—NEW YORK LINES. On and actor MONDAY; Map 9th. Pl7O, the train . now leaving West Philadelphia at 4 P. 31. will leave , at 2.4.5:. P. M. arriving at New )(irk at 6.06 P. M. The train leaving will leave at 9.30 A. M.,. arriving at West Philadelphian'.4s P. H.' • ' The train leayiog New:York atle A. hi. will. leave at 11 A. M:, arriving at '-treat Philadelphia 2.37 P. 31.• a .. ..":i0nal traliiTor•New Tott will leave iTaln'ut street Wharf at 3.30 P. 31.. arriving at foot et Cotutlantit ntreot, New York, at 7.3,5 P... 11. • • . It 4 17 , 1. 11. GATZMER, Agent. QUALE YOUR SHAD AND OtHEft „Fishes by 13PiDg the Pstent-Fish-P,caler. Notice them in nsebythe principal dealers ,in onr market. sold by TRUMAN A- SHAW, No.- =Might Thirty .flvol Marketstreet, below Ninth. F O .11_ NJ( Trellis, Flower, Frames; Perniariont" and othertnses.trhsi protection from rust is desirable.. Por sale by TRUMAN. R SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty •fisool lltaiketstreot..below Ninth... . rpHE PA'l ENT ICE-PLANE FOR DRUG -1 kists. Invalids, Bartenders, etc.. enables 'theta to quickly cool their drinks by sbuving—thatumbler full of fee of FIIORy fineness. For sale ' with a variety of pinks,, by TRUMAN A: SHAW. No. 855 (Eight Thirty-tire) Market greet. below Ninth. - 1 - 1 OR SALE--AT (UREATLY REDUCED prices, a large lot of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of the tincet quality, damaged by the.recent storta. M. SHOEMAKER & CO., It' hat Chestnut street. Li OR INVALIDS.—A FINE MUSICAL L Box no a companion for the sick chamber; the finest , fs9ortment in the city, and a g oat variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FARR & 'BROTHER, mhlGtfrp) 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. 'POLISHING ~ THE BEST 1. for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jewelry,ete:, ver manufactured. FARR & BROTHER, mhl tfrp 32-1 Chestnut street, below Fourth. RETAILING} AT WHOLESALE 42xffiCe—Saddlery, dfarnega and - Horse Gear of 14iti at .K.NEASS' No 1126 horse in lho door. arket k"gt. Big ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTION EER, N. E. corne Exchange. nd Spruce streets, ly one saulre ',slow the 6'250 WO to loan, it, large or small mounts, on diamonds, silv , r plate, watchss,.tewelry, and all Dole of value. Office hours from BA. M. to 7 P. M. flt& - Established for the last forty years. Ad• cancel made in large amounts at the lowest market rates. LIRRSH CHARCOAL BISCUIT FOR _l2 DYBP-BPSIA-!----- BARD'S FOOD for infants, just imported. Solect Rio Tapioca, with directions for use. Genuine Bermuda Arrowroot, and other Dietetics, for Salo by JAMES T. SII,IR - N, S. W. cor. Broad and Spruce, arr 9 tf rp,c, WEDD iN G AND ENGAGEITEN -- Rings of solid lBkarat fine Gold-L-a specialty; a k Intl assortment of sizes., and no charge - for engraving names, &c. . •FARR & BROTHER, Makers, tny24 rp tf 324 Chestnut street. haloes Fourth. DERSONS 1N WANT OF MONEY, WHO oblectvieiting the Public Pawnbrokers, can obtain liberal leave noon DIAMONDS, WATCRES, JEW ELRY SILVER PLATE, LIFE POLICIES, and , therVALUABLES. Private Parlor exclusively for ladies. No Pawnbrokers' sigue. Licensed by the Mayor. 1,9 Sollth Ninth street, near Spruco'etreet. Private ku" 'ttlY2 rp* - - - - - - DUX TEE " BARTLEY" KID GLOVE, g I 85. A . & J. D. BARTHOLOMEW, • itiap3o tf rp§ • Importers, 23 N. ElGHTlT.stroet. cm . WARBURTON'S IM PRO VED PEN. 00 2 * Mated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented) in all the approved fashions of the season. chestnut street seat deer to th Post-Office. oc6•tfrp BUSINESS ESTABLIS H ED 1830.--SCRUYLER & ARMSTRONG, Undertakers, 1827 Germantown eivinue and Fifth at. DAL SCHUYLER. I Rpl4-13 , YR§I S. S. ARMSTRONG if.R.-YERILLTIPP OARPENTERAND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, - jOlO-Iyrp PRILA.D.h.LPUIA. TIRE " BART.LEN KID GLOVE IS THE 1 BEST. A. St J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. 1,1)30 If rps snle A gents. 2.3 N. EIGHTH Farent MARKING WITH 'INDELIBLE 1.14,4_ 'Embroidering, Braiding,f,_Fittunping, M. A. TOWEL MO Filbert ~ ft,_ MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIA.MBNDS, WATCHES, t • JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, dm., at JONES do CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED,' LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and Gaskill atroota. Below Lombard. N. 'B.— DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 'GUNSoke., Port saLlt 'AT • REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. my2.lt fro§ pl1111,1„.:._-kOR SALE—A Pointed-stona, double home, well built ; with all modern imoravemonts, and about two urea of ground, with fruit and ahrubb o ry. , 317 Walnut FOR RENT FOR SUMMER, FULLY n i oltieti ‘O. brick. eattaeri,et-tou-roomerwttirlarge gaiden. — Blenty: of fruit. Situated in most desiratdo part of floret N. J. Address Box 66, Boverly, N. J. 'Bent IoW to it . ft(1011 tonaitt. mit9 TURP,ENTINE.-322 )3AI ELS k) Spirits Turpentine now landing from steamer " Pio neer." from Wl!ming - Um, N. C., end foc nide by 00011- RA N. RUSSELL w CO .111 Chestnut street. C • • • ToN ,AND.R.ICE: 7 -37 BA.LES" COT Niton ; 119 conks Rico: • Now landint from otomnr Wromit,ir. from Savannah. Ga., and for% , by COM RA N & (9mM:int emit. ICE.-22 C 413118 STRICTLY P• NEB ...IWcharlostop Rice landing and for late. by EDW.. Li itOWLEY4lltlonth Front itroot, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1870. COPARTNERSITIPS MISCELLANEOUS. fuiiiCtiiieot 717 E DEATH fir P.011.K. Nome Interesting Particulars. A correspondent of an Ohio paper writes as followEi of the death of Bishop Polk, at Keine taw bl ountain: during the war: . ; • • Being on along ramble from my home in 'Cleveland, through the States of the South, I have been sojourning for a few days in the eity (yr A thirds and vicinity, and having been over the.battle•ground of Kenesaw Mountain, ,where General (Bishop) Polk met his .fa.te, I was interested to make inquiries concerning 'bislife as a soldier, and of his tragic death. Fortunatyly for my purpose, I was visiting in the honie"of a wealthy and highly intelligent Georgia family, where Bishops Elliott and Polk were often inmates, and from the gentle man and lady of the house, I. received the in formation which I desired. On theday When General - Polk felf, - General Joe Johnston,who was in command of the de fences about Atlanta, being at K.enesaw, twenty miles north of this place, during a long lull in the storm of battle, said to Gene ral Polk, that they two, with their respective staff officers, would advance to an outlook. and see how the• field looked.. .13ismounting under cover of the crest of Konesaw, they _stepped-ont--upon-a-spar-of,the-hilliianti- with: --. field glasses were reconnoitering the ground between the two artnies, when they noticed that' General Sherman, with his staff, was doing the same thing from the oppo site hills. Being in fair vjew, . they were recognized as general officers, and complimented with a • shell from a 'battery near which General Sherman was Standing. The shell Struck - close by General Johnston. As soon as the piece could be re loaded another shell was dropped by the tirgt, when - General - Johastorrsaid - , - " - Bishop, we have seen all we desire; let us retire,' and walked rapidlyback to - where' the'hersesWerii ' left. General Polk seemed lost in thought,_ and instead of following. General Johnstonto' the rear, walked to the right on the face of the hill, and received the third shell full upon hiS .right side,_carrying_off_his_entire.viscera. two 'stafroffi cers sprang forward, and receiving .him in their arms, carried him to a conVey atice—by-whith he was taken immediately to - Atlanta, where ho lay in state for a time and Was then taken to Augusta for burial. Having seen it so often retwited during the war that since he became w•spldier Bishop Polk bad - been guilty•of using strong drink to excess, and also of using profane language, I asked my host and hostess concerning the truth of these reports. With an earnestness .which .brought tears to their eleeks,they„both exclaimed : No! no! ono ! never, never! ' His Christian character- was perer_. by. his life as a Soldier." At an interview between Bishop Elliott and _General Polkin the parlor of my hostess, the conversation turned upon the _former opposi tion which Bishop Elliott had expressed to Bishop Polk, to his entering the army. Gen. Polk asked.the Bishop, if he still, held that ha (Polk) had -erred by going into the army. Bishop Elliott said, "That depends partly' on' the future ; if you do not prove a first-class bffieer, and especially :if:you. get whipped in the end, you have committed a great mistake.. That you-are not a first-class commander is already apparent, and that you will eventually be whipped seems very likely, so that the two conditions of the...mistake are .well- nigh ac cornplished." . • - That Bishop Polk Was_pot a ance&isful com mander is conceded' Av-tlity. , friends ; being - a West Point graduate of the-old soltoel, helvas -- -not up to the dash and-Celerity of the style of wartare which .wris.in vogue during the late rebellion so that he Sacrificed a good Bishop to make an 'indifferent:soldier. But it is a re lief to know that his Christian character was not sacrificed along with his office in the church, to which he was wotit to express a strong desire to return as soon as he could feel justified in retiring from the army. REVENGE OF AN IN.TORED ILLSEANR. Satisfaction Within tbe.Law. (.From the Worcester Spy.] Our court record two days ago contained an announcement of the divorce of a well-knowu artist of this city, decreed at his instance, for adultery of his wife With one James Whitney, who, not long ago, had some celebrity as a tenor singer and teacher of. vocal music. The story of this man's baseness and its conse quences, following him from city to city, shutting all good men's doors against him, and closing every avenue to honorable employ ment, we have mentioned before. We have said something also Of the. just and unaltera ble resolution, followed up with so much persistent energy by the de ceived husband, to protect the com munity against this foe to domestic pu rity and peace, by expo Sing his crime wherever he sought refuge and .employment in his pro fession, and thus 'making it impossible for him to use his talente to 'provide opportunities for practising the arts of a libertine.and seducer. We have--mentioned--this-as an — instance - or a plinislnont more terrible to the wrong-doer than death; and yet one that the injured per son may indict without violating the law, and which he may even reasonably believe is de manded at his hands by a preper regard for the purity ,Of society and the safety of those whom the treacherous assassin of virtue,. if not unmasked, may make the victims of his lust. The facts wore,, naturally enough, denied by Whitney, who, as might have been expected of such a wretch, sought to retrieve his ruined reputation by , defaming, the man whom ho robbed of his wife, but these facts are now es tablished after a fair trial on the spot where they occurred, and so conclusively established that the counsel who sought to dispute them had not even so much of a case as would suf fice ler the foundation of a plausible argu nient. The wronged husband, if we are not mistaken, 4111 not yet abate any of the force of his settled resolve that the transgressor ball continue to feel the consequences of his crime. .1 4 enitence, confes.siound amendment. are the only conditions on whi'eh he will relax his vigilance, and allow the repentant criminal to go in peace to, find such occupation for his powers as, with his blasted reputation, may still be possible. . • KING . OF BAVARIA. A Letter Against Papal Pretensions The King of Bavaria has addressed the fol lowing autograph letter to Professor J. Huber, of the: University of Munich: y DM' Professor Huber :—The articles pub , fished by you during the last few weeks in the Augsburg Gazette on the "Papacy and the State" have deeply interested me both by the profoundness of your observations and the admirable manner in, which you have handled your subject. It he always a sincere ple,asure for me to see the greatpdhtietil and cociesias tical questions - of the day openly and, freely discUssed by the representatives of German learning. I cannot therefore refrain from re turning you my best thanks for your noble labors, on which my attention has been of late so firmly fixed. Assuring you of my continual, regard and lasting esteem, lam • Your King and appreciator, Mwsictr, April 12, 1870. Lours. The A ugsburg_fiezette, which _publishes_ this. letter, adds that King Louis has also addressed his congratulations to the .Franciscan father dueed under the title: " Is DCullinger a he retic?" and in which the author, makes a talented and, vigorous protestation against " the Boman fallptotivn of domaas." , , ' ' 'to 'l' troubled liv the names —A Nmd i' vi nna jle [l °6 / 1 r p s ti, ". 1 00 'being all 8, 31116811iPP. ---- —ll all n a and "' and he asks aud.P! and t4eth°r notDit'slPrA*l CiWtti espatrinttlY why would , . do as well? , .. . ~ , EMMEI FIFTH EDITION NOMINATIONS BY TILE PRESIDENT THE - FUNDING 811,11. AFFAIRS IN NEW YORK Th e McFarland Trial The Argument Closed For Defence Additional Cable Quotations WASHINGTON, May. 9.—Tho9following nomi nations were made to-day : Alonzo Alden, Postmaster at Troy, N. Y. Charles Asher, __Postmaster at Bowling Green, Ky. Aton.B.‘.Wentivorth,_ Collector of Cus toms at Tappahannook, Va. •i'he FundA33ollll. _ The Ways and' Means. Committee will hold a session.th-morrow on the Funding bill. A. member of the Committee has just expressed an - opinion; priyatelyi that - there - will - be no bill reported to the House for some time to come. The United States steamer Frolic, Com mander Henry Wilson, arrived at Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the 30th ult., and was to - leave on the succeeding day for Prince Edward's The British gunboat Philomel, from Ber muda, had just arrived at Halifax. Golladay's Successor. The credentials of Mr. Jog. A. Lewis, the Rebre.sentative-clect to sacceed Golladay,who resigned . .from_the_a Kentucky District,, wero submitted in the House, to-day, and referred to the Committee on Election. NEW Yoitx, May 9.—The Inman line steam ship City_ of .Brussels-arrived -- this - , - mornin - g from Liverpool. , ' , • The Menirland Trial. aoittiaued from Third - . . Counsel would make 'a few suggestions: The Court has seen Mrs. McFarland kept as a mistress rather than as a Wife by thnproae ention. They have not proved divorce nor subsequent marriage. They were afraid .to prove that. intents and_ purposes she Is a iffistreSS and before the law she only bears the name-oeher tiaramour. - 7 - Therprnse - cu ion have not proved that she has, earned a dollar ,since - she lert_liot -_ husband, Therefore Abe Man lived on her'paramour. They showed that when-she lived at Indianapolis, it was at the rate of fifteen dollars a week, every cent of which came out of Richardson's pocket. There was a game of hide-and-go-seek at Woodside. Richardson and McFarland were ensconced there when it was given out that they were away. r. Graham then reviewed the circum stances- of the - Shooting, styling the Tribtine office a free-love institution. There was a stranger in the office at the time of the shoot ing, reading a tile of the Tribune, whose name is known to the employes of the office, who has not been called, because the proSeention are afraid to produce him, knowing that he would testify to the fact that Richardson drew a »istol on McFarland, but the ball of the pis , tot in the hands of the injured husband first took .effect. The Almighty steered the adulterer to the mouth of this pis tol. From - the evidence adduced Richardson was shot about dusk. According to Dr. Hammond he had congestion of the brain. Afi that was needed to produce an ex plosion was to apply the match. Riohardsou was always prepared for the avenger. Why did he, on his death4ied, wrap up a pistol in a piece of flannel and give it to a friend to spirit away ? The prosecution had tried to show cowardice on the part of the prisoner. This man could not quad befooa_ man.who_ had destro - yed *fie. "Thrice armed is he who bath his quarrel just." Counselthen reviewed the life of the pri soner at /length. With regard to the plot against the prisoner, there was never a more fiendish one in- existence._ It-has been shown that a year before she left her husband she cuckolded him.; She went on the stage for that purpose. He defended the prisoner in his endeavors, by a civil suit, to recover his children. This man's son was turned into a lacquey for Richardson. He reviewed the evi dence, and showed that they sent Percy away because " little pitchers have long ears..' She complained because she had to cook for her husband; but did not complain when called - upon to cook breakfast for Richardson. Counsel . proceeded to criticise Mrs. Cal houn's letter, and dwelt upon the passage that "Richardson was the panacea for all her wdeii." • He condemned her conduct in steel ing and hardening Mrs. MeFarland'is heart against her husband. Counsel *Mild refer to the letter containing the initials, " J. R. Y. " , and commented upon it at some' length. He maintained that it was . the ihitlals.of a name. While counsel was speaking, an excited elderly lady cried out, "Ladies all write .like that." An officer of 'the Court ordered one of his aids to expel the lady. Ho not complying, Hu; officer came to the lady and turned her oat, after a great deal of confusion. Mr. Graham finished his argument, and the Court adjourned. .The case will.probably go to the jury to=morrow.':? ' . I The Tammany Nominations. 'The County Convention at Tatrimany Hall met at noon to-day, and nominated unani mously, for Judges of the Common Pleas, Joseph F. 'Daly, Hamilton W. Robinson, Richard L. Larramore, and, to fill a vacancy, Charles B. Van Brunt. For the Marine Court the nominees are • George Shea, Philip R. - Jackinson, W. H. T. Tracy; [fly the American Press Association.) Commercial Quotations. LoNnorr, May 9.—Tallow 445. per cwt. Su:. gar is quiet. Refined Petroleum is dull. Lin seed Oil is firm. Cornmon Rosin .is dull. Sperm-Oil-quiet-and steady;-;--- • , Cotton. Shipments.. The sbipments of cotton from Bomba' sinCe the Aas repor were balim Provisions—Porkfirm. Lard flat. [By tho Amerloan eroog A,Boootatioua FOUTY.F.IIIII9T CONGRESN. • , . • • 'Second Piession. • ISEITA.TE—OontInued from tho rourth Edition.) At the conclusion. of Mr. ddresq tbe'Sexinto 'resumed the consideration-of-the, B?coculixe mictlieglolatiye oppropriatiou bill. T - MNIMiI :30 O'Citiok. RAPH. rnom . WASHINGTON illy th• American Press Association.] Nominations. Naval MoVemenie. FROM NEW YORK. r BY the Amoricati•Press Association.] Arilt;al of the City of ifiritisels. FROM 'EUROPE. PRICE,THREE CENT& FROM NEW . ENGLAND. MAME. _ . Accidental Kno.fterig Cose. BANGOR,: May 9.—A man named George Ricker was accidentally shot to-day, by a pistol in the bands of Captain Coombs r of tho brig Canernake, just arrived from Cardona. Ricker was taken to the Marine Hospital, bat cannot live. Seaman Drowned. Ponri.pro, May 9.--Jarnes kMeDougal, a reainan,wasdrciwned to•day,from•thesohooner Larnpedo, bound for St. Jcilin, N. Bs His parents reside-in East Boston. Bane: nape" .00141 Deetettob to the. Phila. Elyentnit Bulletin.] TILLETIC .13..BIGROTINDs; May 9.—The rains of yesterdo and teday rendered the grounds unfit for tise this afternoon, so there will be no game, much to the disappointment of a large crowd of spectators, who had gathered. about the gate., CHINESE .LABOR FOR , THE ' SOUTH - Iffrorri - the Report of Committee on Chi. nese Labor to the South caroling"' *yr!. enintral Comi,ention. • Your Conimittee are of the opinion, that the introductipu of Chinese labor would be of great benefit to Marge portion.of South-Caro- ' lina. In the lower part of this State, and on the islands, where rice and long cotton are cultivated, and where it ii supposed' white - labor cannot be permanently , or profitabl,y eat ployed, it would seem to. be a great acquisi tion. The Chinaman Li reported to-enjoy al- most perfect health on• the low riverlantil in the most unhealthy regions of the South, and Southwest. Chinese labor is not an experi ment, because in Louisiana it has been ' - tried with great success, and very muoit to the satisfaction of those who have procured it. It is important, however,. that this - laborshonld - be procured froni the rural districts, since the labor brought from the sea.- port towns is likely to be very much demoral ized, and not likely to give satisfaction. The Chinese laborer has- shown himself indus trious, frual, obedient, and attentive to the interest of d , his employer. He is by nature mild and pacific. His shrewdness and won- - derful imitative powers enable him teadtly to acquire the necessary information, and to 'per form with facility every kind of, farm labor. We think that the Chinaman cannot be sur-. passed, - either as servant or• laborer, by any. other, . whether you place him in the _ _ house, the garden; the field; the workshop; - or on the railroad. It' is gratifYing to be able te _report on reliable, information that the Chinese laborer can be brought into-:-.-: our State at a - pricewithin the means or most of our planters, say at an expense of not more than $12.5 per head, the ,whole or a greater • , part of which would be refunded by the le borer. In one • instance, when a number-'of' _C hinese_laborers-havo-recently- been-brought - .. to New Orleans, the, cost,per....bead was $O5, , all of which•the laborer contracts to refund from his first earnings. These peeple haver fi N eontracted - for ve - ears at . fifty cetit.4 pier day, and all lost ti e . to, - be accounted for . at the same rate. Th from Y work fro sun e. sunset, allowhigN one - brink - for din ner, and agree to obey, unquestioned, all or ders from the owner or manager. Your coin mince think it is only necessary to use the same'means to intriAlleet_the_ChirtestLa,s : employed for the introduction of foreign, la 4 borers. Money and concert of action will -bring - them - - And - they - are' - needecl. ------- A - vast - 7 - portion of our lands is lying waste and-funeral tivated. We can give employment to all who may conic; and, while giving a hearty wel come to others, we hope the convention will not overlook that source from whichan al most inexhaustible supply of labor may be ob tained, and which, perchance, may do as much towards developing the resources of 'our. State as any other. TIE COURTS. QUARTER. SEBSIONS—J tldge AIIISOM—PiIsen cases were resnmed this morning, one dock being full of defendants. James Corritnan was convicted of - a charge of attempting to commit a burglary, at the , house of Patrick Kelly, No. 916 Morris street.: The alarm being given at Mr. Kelly's house, at three o'clock in the morning, a policeman came and discovered the defendant secreted in. the yard', and a "jimmy" was found near Mx. Kelly's door. Hugh O'Hara and Charles Fisher were ad- . quitted of a charge of burglary. They were founds in a outhouse, but explained that they came to take a sleep. • James Millet, a boy, was aequitted , of charge of assault and battery. William Wilson was acquitted of a ehargoti of stealing:a - watch and chain: - 117AK1N1 BULLETIiv . PORT OP PHILADELPHIA—ain't 9.. /sir See Marine Bulletin on inside Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Stemmer-3-W Eyorman, -- Bincitiey, - 70 honro from. - Charleston. with mdse to Sunder Jr Adams. Steamer Fnnita, Freeman, 24 hours from New York, with noise to John F Ohl. Steonter Empire. Hunter, from Richmondiand Norfolk. with rods' I. W P Clyde Co. *geometer Whirlwind, Sherman, 36 hours-from Prowl deice, with midst, to S Stetson A Co, • Steamer Cathcart, Stein, 2 days from Now ?ark, with scrap iron to captain. Steamer Wm P Clyie, Morgan. from Now York, with mho, to John F Ohl—arrived, on.liaturday and de parted again same day on her return..' • !trig Battle. Grant, 6 nays from Cardenas. with mo lasses to E 0 Knight & Co—vessel to Lennox k Burgeas. (trig Evidorus. askell,7,. days from, ()Antenna, with molasses to E, 0 Knight & Co. Brig Lucy W Snow, Hall, 10. days from: Darien, Ga. with lumber to Sunder A Adams—vessel to Warren & - Gregg. bchr Abide, Dal's. 0 days from Matanzas. with mo lasses to It H Howell, Son & Co—resiel to Warren & Gregg- - - Behr Maggie E Gray. Pillsbury, 14 daya'from Cienfue— gos. with sugar and molasses to Goo 0 Corson & Co. Schr J Ricardo Joya, Little, 8 days from Sogua, with. to S &W.Welsh. Bohr Archer A Reeves, Irelan, 9 days front Orchitja,,, with guano to B b' Folsom. • Schr Kate Miller, Sanders, 4 days from Choptank River, with cedar posts to Bruner A Co. Schr Wat,S Mason.- McNitt, 1 day ,froin Milton, DA. with grain to .1 L Bewley & Cow ' Schr Thos M Rodney, Still.l day from Milford, Da. with lumber to Jost Bewley A Co. Schr Ann Magee, Young. New Haven: Schr Elvis Davis, Cnnn, Nerwolk, Conn. - Scbr Ocean Wave, Bryant, Provincetown. Seta Aun S Caution, Cobb. Boston. CLEARED Tills GAT. Steamer Novelty, Shaw , New York, Nir M Baird ,h Co. Burkentine Paithlie, Stephens, Cork at Falmouth for orders, Peter Wright a Sons. MEMORANDA. Ship Lancaster,Jackeon, eAtiled from Liverpool yestor day for this port. , • - Ship Hudson, Anthony, cleared at Baltimore ith that. for this port. Ship Shand (Br),La Pan, cleared at Mt* lin 4th last, for Liverpool, Nv.ith 2567_ bales cotton, vreiguimg 1.317,406 t Ilia, valued ah 5276,787 03. Ship Juno, Thomason. 50 days from Rio Jafioiro; eta at ,c, wo . going up to. New Orleans 4th Iraq. . _1 • Ships Illventitle, Randall, and Maid of ()drawl - , ammo on, chaired at Now Orleans 4th Inst. for Liverpool, with. 647/ bales cotton. Steamer (My of Dublin (Br),'Eydon. frotri 224 ult. and queaustown 234, with 245 passecisore, at. - New York yesterday. Steamer Norman, Nickerson, itlioarod at, Iteatpa, 2t15 • lost. for this nort. Steamer J W Everman,fron't Ohnpleaton fcs..thlitp6ri.. • : has on board 103 tes rich, 40 bales cotton, 000 do domes- ..ti efff OM cl ay-,-2to nauolutdros,-831-plegii-vegets----- bleu 20y. • Steamer Rettnlatar, Pentitrijittes, Witttiingtott. - NO. at Vet lorlf. Yesterday, for this port. , . tichr Nellln•F•Bargoeo 31cKoon, pletaro4atobarleltort 6th lota. for W not inittoik Val. - . tichr ErnmP U Shaw, tilginw.o.li?itired et Nlrlimtnecon.Nll. 6th inst. for this port. '• . . . Schre Elrcta J. lfallep,'ond Ruth Slum, Shaw, bona* at . ll9stop 7th _ tichr 1b T 'rati r kcoi t A Allen,at Boston' .7th Cast. front Georgetown, DO. _ New Laudon Jth tnet. fichrit 7 Kndo,, W Iqd Uo ou Rnci Cowrie A Broom, Qba/red 110Bitta ttt Ittot, for , tbfo port. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers