' v ; ; ’ ; 'f (| /[ f <■? -To-morrow evening, Mr. Robert Craig "will have n lieneiit at the Arch Streot Theatre, in a excellent bill. —At the Chestnut Street Theatre, to-night, The yield of the Cloth of <7eM, and the-bur lesque, The Boston Jubilee, will be repeated by ■Mrs. Oates’ Burlesque Company.. Miss Carrie Augusta Moore and the gymnasts, thgUmi Brothers, will apnear. Matinee pertormanoo to-m’orrow. On Monday evomng Mr. M. \v. Fiske, the comedian, will appear. —Mr. Barney Williams will have a benefit at the Walnut Street Theatre, this oyemng, in the Irish drama entitled, Connie ooogali. Matinee to-morrow. . —At. Fox’s American Theatre, tins evening, a first-class performance will be -given. A burlesque of Frou-Frou will be produced, and the wonderful gymnasts, the Carlo brothers, will appear- MatineO to-morrow. . ~ —At the Eleventh'-Street Opera House a splendid bill is offered for this evening. Tim burlesques cntitled-jyic. Coopers, and Dr, tklienek's Laboratory, will he produced. —At the Seventh Street Opera House Messrs. Dnprez & Benedict offer a first-class minstrel entertainment for this evening. —Wvman, the celebrated Magician, will give exhibitions of magic and ventrilo quism at the Assembly Buildings this even ing and to-morrow afternoon. ■ The Pilgrim painting will be exhibited at Concert Hall this evening and to-morrow after noon. This evening tho entire proceeds are for the benefit of the Purity Council of Ameri can Mechanics. —Miss Cnrlotta Patti, assisted by Messrs. Habelmann, Formes and others, will appear at the Academy of Music on Mon day and Tuesday evenings and on Wednes day afternoon, in The Magic Flute. There wi'll be a full chorus and a large orches tra. Tickets can be secured at the Academy of Music on and after to-day- CITY BUIiLKTIN. City Councils held a stated meetingyester day afternoon. Select Branch passed a reso lution asking the Commissioner of Highways by what authority the paving and repairing of streets are done by laying the bed exclusively of ashes. Also a resolution asking the Com* rnittee on Law to report whetherthe Park Commissioners bad authority t o prohibit farm-- ■ era using their farm-wagons on the Wissahickon -turnpike. Also an ordinance giving notice of the opening of Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth aud Thirty-second street, from Bridge street to Hamilton street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward.' An ordinance providing that hereafter all pav ing and repaving of streets shall be done with not less than 10 inches of gravel was referred to the Committee on Highways. The resolu tion from Common Council approving the Con tract for a bridge over the Reading Railroad at Broad street was concurred in. Also the reso- lution from Common Council approving the sureties of John L. Hill,collector *f delinquent taxes. Also the ordinance making an appro priation to the Park Commissioners. Common Branch approved of -the contracts for building abridge over the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad at Broad street, and for the erection of a Morgue at Beach and Noble streets. The following report was received: The Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have considered a communication from John L. Hill, recently appointed Collector of Delinquent ,Taxes of the -city of Philadel phia, under an act of Assembly, which the re cords of the Legislature ' indicate has lately ~ passed those bodies, although ..questioned by many citizens as'some of the members of said bodies, and which the Governor alleges he signed under the.impression that it was the bill which the Councils of the city had by a resolution of their bodies requested the Legislature to pass. The committee at first were decidedly of the opinion that -the -securities-should—-not--be -ap proved,-and- that-Councils- should, direct the. Dity Solicitor to test the legality of the act by legal proceedings ; but haring ascertained that the record of the Legislature was straight, and in consequence thereof being under the neces sity of attackingthe seal of the Commonwealth, and also being aware of the difficulty of prov ing a negative, anti having in view besides the injury it might inflict, on account of the delay, upon the financial credit of the city, these con siderations have induced the Committee to sub mit the annexed resolution to approve the securities of the Collector. Although it may have no influence upon the Legislature for good to denounce their reckless course of legislation towards the city of Philadelphia that contributes so much towards the support of the State, yet they cannot avoid, in common with the citizens of Philadelphia, expressing their entire dissatisfac tion with the practice at every session of the Legislature of passing acts merely for the per sonal aggrandizement of certain officials and others, to the injury of the city’s interest. The Councils have, appealed to the Legislature in vain; for, instead of receiving proper considera tion at their hands, they have mot with noth ing but insults “and disappointments. If the Legislature pass obnoxious laws, affecting in juriously the interests of the city, the Councils are powerless to resist them, and if they do not comply, the courts are applied to for a mandamns, ' and —Councils, - without, —ac- complishing anything but delay, entail a useless expense to the city. Attached was a resolution approving Mr. Hill’s sureties.’ After some discussion, a motion to postpone was disagreed to, and the resolution was passed. The ordinance .creating a loau of $1,000,000 for-the extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works was passed. Resolutions lor grading and paving various streets were adopted. Au ordinance appropriating $15,000 for establish ing public baths was passed. Also, a resolu- Tlon requesting the Mayor to make arrange ments with the Women’s Branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to for the taking up and killing of dogs. —The presentation and dedication of the bannersof Mary Commandery,No. 30,Masonic Knights Templar, came oil' last evening at the Academy of Music. The house was well filled with ladies and gentlemen, notwithstanding the disagreeable state of the weather. The pro gramme opened with a concert by the Ger mania Orchestra and the Young Miiunerchor, under the direction of Mr. Wm. Hartmann. The selections were well made,and the Young Miinnerchor fully sustained its high repnta-. tiou; —During the peffoimance of the Grand March from Tannbausev. the curtain rolled up and the Knights of Mary, St. .John’s, Kadosh and Philadelphia*’Gomiuanderies of this city, and Cyrene Commandery of Camden, in'vfull uniform, were seen, arranged ou the stage in the form of a triangle. The effect was very pretty. The presentation ceremonies then 'took place. Sir Andrew Hobeno, Jr., made the presentation speech, which was responded to by Sir Wm. Jj Kelly, Eminent Com mauder of .Mary Commandery. The banners .were then dedicated by Grand Prelate Sir .Joseph S. Evans, and Past Grand .Prelate Sir Robert H. Pattison. The Young Maiierchorihen sang, in fine style, “Pilgrims’ Return from the Wars in the Holy Land,” from Tannhausor. During the performance of selections bythe orchestra, the audience was admitted to the stage to inspect the banners. These banuers comprise the standard, grand standard and beauseunt, and are beautiful specimens' of workman ship. The grand standard i s composed of white silk of the finest texture, and is most eloborately fringed with gold bullion. In the centre is an admirably executed..pai»itin», : .-by. J). R. Knight, representing' i.he Saviour” jost after His Resurrection, with Mary kneeling at His -feet,.and He. pVnjioupeing, the words: “Touch me not; lam not yet arisen.”. Over the painting is the word “Mary,” and be neath" it “ Raabboui.” The reverse of the standard is composed of black and white silk, ■ and 1 coiltAifis ' tlio following in scription.: “Presented >jr"-;-Ji... t 9lr r: Ao* ■drew Robeno, ‘ Jr.,‘P. E.’ 0.,' tb Maty Com iii nntloi-y. No. 80, IC-. T., stationed at Philadel phia, instituted - Septemberls,lBB9, and con stituted Dctober I(I,'ISOD.’J ;■ The standard is s urinount ed hy a-handnome helmet arid black mid white plumes; it is about seven feet by . live feet.in size. The staudard is- a. neatly-, made-white silk banned trimmed with'gold bullion and contains a red cross and the Latin ((notations,.. “In Hoc, Sii/rio c Finces,”, -aud “Hon'NbbiS Dt>mhie,N6n Nobis Sed Nbnvn i. tiio da Gloriam .” The beauseant is composed of ■ black and,white silk, trimmed .with; gold bul lion, and* properly inscribed; ; . ; ; —Tile C&orier’s inquest 1 tipon the bodies Of James P. Wolsh and Hugh-Hurtagh,who were shot and killed by Policeman Max, on Third street, hear Montgomery, was held yesterday afternoon. Win. Getz, 'Margaret Beeler and -Gatboiihh Smith, testified .th‘at--the Jdeceased were drunk and making considerable noise. Wliep the policeman tried, to take, one ofjthem., lie was thrown down twice and the men seemed to be on top of him. Lizzie McDonough testified—“ 1 live on the; west Side of Third street, near Montgomery avenue ; at the time of the shooting I was at the third-story window ; one •of the men said,. , ‘.f I*m Jimmy,- Welsh; come out:, you , Irishmen I can lick any of, you;” Murtagh then tried to get Welsh home, but he, refused to go,; Welsh said, “ Don’t go back on me, Hughey; you’re the only friend I’ve got;” both were drunk, but Hugh was not as drunk as Jimmy ;-the men did not fight, but-they fell in the Street, aiid when they did so they kissed each, .other ;' tbeii the policeman Came .up, and Murtagh lefwmd went up the street, and said, “Jimmy, if you,won’t go I’ll go without you;” Welsh: I said, “If you go.twill shoot you,” aud put his. 6iic of hWpockots;-a3“ if“ to getra pis tol;-at this moment - the policeman came up and said, “ What have you. got?” and searched Welsh, but could not find -anything tlien they crossed * the street, and both fell down; when " they got up, the policeman kicked Jimmy : two or three times ; then Jimmy called for.Murtagh to coino aud help him, but Hugliey said, no, I will not; you’ve - got -into tj®.;scrape, and if you go to the Sta tion, I’ll go and sleep in the cell with you; the policemanfsaid, you had better not come, or I’ll shoot you; .then the officer and Jimmy fell, again, and when they gdt up the officer drew a_ pistol; then Murtagh walked across the street, aud the policeman fired two shots; Murtagh was then four or five feet off; before the po liceman fired, I and my father called out to him not to slioot, and others called out the saine.thing; lie shot Murtagh first and“ Welsh afterwards; the officer then walked off, and Welsh and Murtagh were brought into our I house, and both died there; some time after I tlie shooting, Officer Max came back with an- I other. Officer and;wanted to get in, but father | would not let them in; officer Max was asked I why he did-not use aclub, and he said that lie could-not use one, as he bad none.” Edward I McDonough corroborated, in many of the de- I tails,- the statemenr of- his daughter. The - I wounds were described by Dr. Sbapleigh, who I made the post mortem examination. Mur liagh was shot through the heart, and Welsh j through the -right lung, the injuries causing I death. The jury rendered the following-ver- I diet: That Hugh Murtagh aud Janies Wel9h came to their deaths from violence (gun-shot wouflds) at the hands of Policeman Charles Max, at tlie corner of Third street and Mont-'. I gomery avenue, on the night of April 27th. —Edward Tully was -committed, yesterday by Aid. Kerr, upon the charge of having picked I the pocket of J. G. Brinckle on a Walnut street I car. On the previous day he had been dis- I charged on a charge of pocket-picking,for wa,nt (if evidence. L ." - * , - bifiiard tournament was continued yesterday. The result was: First game— Plunkett, 100; Doyle, 23. Second game— Nelms, 100; Rockhill, 91. Third game— Nelms, 100; Palmer, 54. Fourth game— Plunkett, 100; Hunter, 96. —The new Beth-Eden Church, at Broad and Spruce, was recognized by the Council of . Baptist Clergymen yesterday. On the occa . sion addresses were made by Rev. J. Wheaton i Smith, Rev. G. D. Boardman, Rev. Dr. Win ters and others. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. I’uiiC'HASED. —The City Council of Cam den, last night, passed the ordinance providing for the purchasing of the Water Works at $200,000, by a vote of eleven for and six against it. This settles that perplexing question, ajid gives to the city the ownership of an institution it should have possessed years ago, The com pany are to . receive the bonds of the city at par, with the lawful seven per cent, interest. The bonds are to be issued in sums of from $lOO to $l,OOO, and are payable in twenty or thirty years. Akkested. —Yesterday a man was arrested and committed to the Camden Jail charged with an attempt to defraud another out of a lot of paintings. ( I HIOI N DISCOVERY IN PARIS. A Probable Irajcdy. Tho Gaulois says that some workmen en gaged in demolishing an old house In Paris came upon a nest of adders containing some hundred of those reptiles, at the bottom of an exhausted we’l. In the midst of this snake nest was found a skeleton, which had proba bly fallen into the well years ago, and the flesh of which had been destroyed by the adders, Strange to say in tho hand of the skeleton was a pocket-hoot of red morocco leather,! u which, when opened there wero found forty bank notes for I,OOOf. each, a woman’s likeness, and a letter which had been almost entirely oaten •by the reptiles, the only fragment remaining decipherable bearing the words, “Do not make known the plot.” A judicial inquiry lias been commenced; ‘ Mit. T-kknyhos has from time to time en riched our language, not so much by coining fresh words, as by giving fresh currency to some which, in spite of their expressiveness, had become obsolete. We doubt, however, whether the last issue from the Poet Laureate’s mint—the word “kingliliaod ” —is likely to. meet with generahad«pttonr''irirawkwardln appearance and formation, and the idea con veyed by it differs little, if at all, from that of “ kingship.” Evelyn has some good sugg'estioiis inspecting the principles which should guide those who seek’ to improve our language, and lie is- peculiarly happy in the list of S’reuch •-words- which ho proposes aV“ like to prove good.citizens.'’ They are clinquant, naivete, ennny, bizarre, concert, faconiere, chicanerie, .-consumme, emotion, defer’, elfort, ehocq, en tours, and debouclie. Of these five liayc be come so completely naturalized among us that their origin has been quite forgotten, and nearly as many more are equally current in-the -polite language of both countries. —Why is a man who rims away without paying his rent like a certain officer? Because he is a left-tenant. —The' popular method of righting the wrongs of the sex lias 'reached New Orleans, and a man there has been awfully cbwhided by a lady for saying that her clothes didn’t fit her. —The substitution of an o for an ain their advertisement, makes the mjinagors of_a Southern race jncetipg Coffer .a.purso—lora -“ mile dash fo’r rocking horses.” —Bishop KlroKfiMiuver.of Bosnia and Servia, the lion of the (Keumenical Connell, is a man fifl years of age, of lino presence and remark able intellectual and moral culture. The son of poor parents, lie rose by liis own exertions to liis present high position. , • PHILADELPHIA EVENINO BULLETIN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1879.', | SFKCIAIiWOTiCIiS. nfer J LIBRARY AN US' NITAL Election ot prractors.nmV Trooauror of tliti Library OonlpnnWof Philadelphia will bo-tield nt the Library, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May next, at 3 o’clock in tho afternoon, when tho Troaauror will attend toirecoiTO tho nnuuaL pay monte..-As theraaro several shares on which fines aro dpe, the owners of them, or their rabrcfientatlvCH, nrahoreby notified that they will boi forfottedv Agteeibly- to the» charter (and i laws of the > Company, unless the nrroare nro paid off on tho 2d day oflM»y,orwithinlmidayathfiroofter,“- No books will bo given out or received on that after ndon. r. WM; K. WIUTMAN* * apllm wf U> tny2§ • - *- *-■ ■Secretary: tyfe* PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 27,* 1870. ■ Tho stated annual mooting of tho membors of tl£ PENNSYLVANIA INDUSTRIAL- HOM K MTOB BLINDWOMEN Will 'bo.held nt tht>* HOME] 3921 Locust stroet, on THURSDAY, tho fifteenth day of Why next, at 4 o'clock P- M.,for tliorloctiou of uiuo Mpuapors and four Trustoos to servo for the eusuiug fotiryears. i-i.;? i JAMES POLLOCK, i_ * President Board of Trustees. CALEB AY. HOBNOIL Secretary pro tetn. ap2j 4t* nfe. N OTIOE.—TH 8,0 l BA.BD LIFE IN- SURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COM ' PAH® OF UHIIjiVDKUPHIA. s >•••>,?: Tlio Annual Election for,fourteen-Managors of tho Cf}mnnny. will bo held, agreeably to charter, at tlio of* 408: Chesttint fitreet, - tin MONDAY,-tho 2d ‘of "May. next,between 10 O’clock A'. M. audl2'o’olock;M7; • April2B,lB7o, . ' , ,W. H. STOEVEII, } ‘i. t t - >.» > v Assistant 'Actuary; IK3»: PHIUADELI»HI A, APRIL' ~ ‘JCth, ■h£y 1870.—ThK Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tlio VULCAN MINING COMPANY (of Lako Superior) , will be helriat their offlfce, No; 324 walnut dtttset, 1 on * THURSDAY,tho 12th. of Mqy. 1870, at 12 o’clock, for tho election of Directors','dtul tho transaction of othor'busi* HOPS; . f;::. r- . • •/1 , \ V. • hp26l iriy)2§ ‘ , B. A. TIOOPES, Bocrotary, PHILADELPHIA* AND SOUTHERN MAIL S.- S; • CO., 130 BOUTU THIRD STREET. - , - ; . Philadelphia, April 25th, 1870. The annual mooting of the stockholders of this Com* Inny will be bold at the rooms of tho Philadelphia toard of Trade, No; 605 Chcsthqt Btreet,on WKDnES* DA Y, May 4th, at 12 o’claofevnoori,* at-: which time an ’ election will bo held for seven Directors, to Rerve fort he ■ ensuing year. ’ CHARLES 8. TEAL, ap26,Btji t Secretary. -iv>S» OFFICE SHAMOKIN VALLEY * AND POTTBVILLK RAILROAD CO. - < i Philadelphia.* April 25*1870. The annual meeting qf the Stockholders oF.tho'Sha* mokin Valley and Pnttsvillo Railroad Company will be held on MONDAY, May 2d, 1870, at their -office? No. 234 South Third strflftt. nr 12 o’clock M.. at which timo an election will bo held for a President and six. Managers, to serve fortbo ensulDg year: r ‘ " ■ np2s-6i§ , GEO. TABER, Treasurer. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.' - ; •; Philadelphia,4thMo.-, lltliiJB7o. The Annual Election of Managers and'Treasurer, by the Contributors ol tbia Charity, will be held pursuant to law, at tho Hospital, oh South Eighth, street, on tho 2d proximo, at 4 o'clock P. M. : WISTAR MORRIS, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL 1 , PHILADELPHIA, Sd mo., 23tli, 1870.—At a stated' meeting of tho Board of Managers, held this day, it woe 4i That the question whither tickets shall or shad not be tiiwrf to jtma’e students to attend tho goneral clinical lectures at the Hospital, bo referred to tho Contributors at their annual-meeting* to be held in Gthniontb (May)next, for their instruction in the case.’’ apll mw s t 23 dtmy2§ “OFFICE OF TH E DEHIX?H r COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 18,1870. The Stated Annual Meeting ot the Stockholders df tbo Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company will be held at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, Chestnut, above.F.ifth street, north side, on TUESDA Y, the third day of May next, at ]O>S o’clock A. M. After %ybicb an election-will be held for President and Board of Managers, to servo for Ihe ensuing year. Tho polls will close at 1 o-clock P.M. ' ap19 21 2325dtmv3 E. W. CLARK, President. DELAW AR E AND " RARITAN iLi? CANAL COMPANY. _. _ . n „ Oppich, Trenton. N. J., April 11,1870. Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dela ware and Raritan Canal Oompany will be heldattho Company’s Office, Trenton, N. J., on TUESDAY, the 10th of May, 1870, at 12 o'clock* M., for the election of nine Directors to serve for the ensuing year. \ - john p. Stockton, ap22lst§ ccretary Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COM PA NY 'FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING WALNUT Stroet. • A Meeting of the Stockholders will bo held at 12 o clock on MONDAY, vth May next, toact upon the Supplement to their Charter, passed at the last session the Legis lature -- . AYILLIAM B,HILL ? .„_ ap2l-16f* - • - Actuary. - MONUMENT CEMETERY NOTICE. —The Annual Meeting of the Lot Holders in the Monument Cemetery, of-Philadelphia, and an Election, for Managers to servo th<r ensuing year, will bo held at the Hall of the FIRE ASSOCIATION, south sido of North street, .west of Fifth street* on MONDAY AFTERNOON, the 2d of May, at 4 o’clock. : op2)9t§ ; - E. TAYLOR, Secretary.. OFFTCEOF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, No. &13 WALNUT STREET. ■ ‘ Philadelphia, April 19,1870.- The annual mooting of the stockholders of the Lehigh Zinc Company will be held at the Ootripany’s office on, WEDNESDAY,May 4 proximo.nt_lj! o’clock. M., for the purpose of electing seven Directors to sorvo during tbo eußUinjryear/ahd'for the transaction of-other-busi neßS. GORDON MONGES, apl9,tmy4,§ Treasurer. jr==» CAMDEN AND AMIIOY ItATTj- IIOAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Trenton, N. J., April lltb, 1870.: The animal meeting of the Stockholders of the Cara* den and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will ho held at the Company’s office, ra Tronton, N.J., on TUESDAY, the lUth of May. 1870, at 12 o’clock M;, for the election of seven Directors; to servo for the en suing year. ___ SAMUEL J. BAYARD, Secretary C. A A. R. ft. & T. uo. OFFICE OF BHAMOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY'COAL COMPANY, No. 214 Chestnut street, sjill till myllii Philadelphia, April 16,1870. The annual mooting: of the Stockholders, and election ‘or officers of the Shamokin and Bear Valley Coal Com pany will bo hold at the Office of the Company on MON I)AY, May 2d t at twelro o'clock M. v WBQ^ \ Secretary.^ ITS* OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN IMy FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,3IU"WALNUT STREET. A general meeting of tho Stockholders in the Ameri can Fire Insurance Company will be hold, agreeably to Charter, on .MONDAY, the 2d-dtty of May next, at 12 o’clock M, The Annual Election for Directors trill take place immediately thereafter ♦ April 2ist,lB7j). „ ap21^3,2(),2830^)t§ NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEET- U>|y frig of the Stockholders of the BARCLAY COA.fi COMPANY will be held at their oflico, No. 164 Sohth fourth Btreot, on MONDAY, May 2d, at 12 o'clock M., ;o elect officers to serve the ensuing rear. HARVEY SHAW, Secretary. npl6*s tu th tillmy2* iy<==* ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE, 30a WAL« N UT'STR-E'ET: Philadelphia. April 13,1870. The Annual Election of President and Managers of his Comnany will be held on MONDAY, the 2d of Mayv S7O, at 12 o’clock M uplG-s \vst;i OFFICE CATAWISSA R. R. COM- PANT, No. 424 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia , April 11th, 1870. The annual election for President and Directors of this Company will bolield on MONDAY, tlio 2d day of May, 1870, between the bourn of 12 M. and 2 P. M. EDAVAKJ) JOHNSON, hpl3av£b tmy2§ Secretary. fm WANTED TO PURCHASE—A COT liil tngo of about 9 rooms, in Germantown, within hnll'-a-mile of Main and Queen stroots. Possession not miuired for several months. Address “A. D,” Bulls* tin Ofllco. x _ap273t* rnUG WANTED— Ay ANTED A SMALL A. Stenm Tug, sultablo for Southern Rivor Naviga tion, oflipht draught. Apply to COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO., 11l Chestnut streot. , WANTED— A VESSEL TO BRING A cargo of timborfrom Goorain—full cargo out. Apply to COCHRAN, BUSSELL A CO., 11l Chostnut street ' C SAUNDERS COLLEGE, WEST • Philadelphia. —A lccturo'overy MONDAY EVH NING. ap2olm* SIG, P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OF Singing. Private loßsonß and classes. Residence 808 fl. Thirteenth street au2B*tfl A SECOND FLOCK AND THIRD Hour room,with board, at 228 South BROAD. ujrttitit* rpHKEB TIOOMS MAY BE OBTAINED^ A en suite, or singly, with Board, with or without a private table, at No. 1621 Chestnut stieet. up2S6t* SUNDAY. SCHOOLSUPERINTEND dents, gct-ProL-Hart’sadrairablonddrosß, “Uow to Srlect a Library,” at the Sabbath School Emporium. COB Arch streot. Philadelphia. Gas fixtures.—mjskey, Merrill. & TDACKARA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manu facturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac., Ac., would cull the attention of the public to tholr largo and elegant as- Hort.mcnt of, Ga^-Obftudeliers,-Pendants,-Brackets, Ac.. They also' introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public builolngs, and attend to extending, altering and repair ing gas pipes. All wort warranted. • Foreign fruits, nuts, &c.—me£ sina Orangos ond Lemons, Turkoy Figs, in kega drums and boxes: Austrian Prunollos in kega and fancy boxes : Arabian Dateg, now crop : Turkoy Prunes in ouska and fancy boxes |* Raieins—Layers, Jioodlosa Imperial, &c.: Fig Paste-and Guava Paste; Naples and Bordeaux Walnuts,Papor Shell Almonds, tor sulo by Jl 11. BUBBIEB * 00., 108 South Delaware avenue. Fish oil,—so barbels lktHt-00l orod owoet Kish Oil, low-prloed, for salo hy KDW B. KOWIjBY. 16 Ponth Front gtront, . k . rpAli—ioo”ilAiiiu^ijS~TjAND"iNtr I FtcamHhip I'loiwmt, oml for bhlo by UOUUUANi HUHSELL & 00., 11l Chestnut street.. ’ )i8 m vr f 4m: A. C.L. CRAWFORD, Secretary LEWIS P. GEIGER, t Secretary, MUSICAL. BOARDING NEW PUBLICATIONS. GAS FIXTURES. 'XU U-NIJJOK’S (JONUISRT, . S'!. FBIPAY BVKIJXNfI, w, X,■ , I ' MOBIOAI. FIIND HAI.Ii. -the Programme will coneietnf ■ T BEETHOVEN'S GRAND QUINTETTE. „ ~ : Ffllt PIANO AND WIND, INSTRUMENT'S,- By Mee.ra. THUNDRB, 8T0T.1., . PLAQHMANN, KKLLNKIIand MUELLER. . .. .BOBBINrSMKBBBBOI.ENNKI.LE FOB SOLI and OHURUMKS, Iniwliich uuwi.nl of 10 Singers. including tlio nest rcsl ' ' . .• , , <lont talent, will aasiHt. , • . Solo, parla will be uustuined. by ,tho following Ladio. Soprano—Mre. lllachhurno Harding* Miss L. McCart ney. Contrnlto— Mies Leonie Petry. Mlsh 11.0. Tlioma,. Tenor—Dr. F, H. Tlionioa, Mr. W A. Briacoo, Mr. Uinstend, Mr. Knvumißh. Bna»-‘Mr. O. W. Miller, Mr. H.o.Oochrnu, Mr. Wm.F Boner, ,„vT»iiinti PIANIST. ..Mr. W. G. DIBTBIOH •! v TIOKETSONK DOLLAK. n . With Iteeervewl Seat,, eocurml at Boner a. 1103 Oho,twit.. American' Academy—Palti in Opera. Mr. MAX BTRAKOSOtf respectfully announces that ho has inducod'tho vrorld«r*nownod raetatrice, MIBS CARLOTTA PATTI, ■ TAfter hot'brllHftiitrtrinmphßin vNenr York-Academy-of Music,to appearin Mozart’s Grand Opera, T F “THE MAGIO FLUTE,” assuming the role of _ - " '•> “QUEEN OF NIGHT,” for the first time In Philadelphia, on .... • . ■. MONDAY., ml TUESDAY EVENINGS. May 2.1 imrt M. And ONI! GRAND PATTI MAGIC FLUTE MATINEE , i Ou WEDNESDA Y, Slav 4, nt 2 o’clock, with JOSEF HERMANNS in liifl grenl role of‘'Saraairo.” " , • Tamino,un Egyptian Prince uerrjlahelnmnn Pripogeno, a Bin! Catcher. Herr Formes ~ The Queen Of Night...............:.. . Piunina, hor Daughter Mile. Paulino Canissa /her first appearance in Philadelphia in tins rolo.) Papugona, ut nrsi disguised as an old woman./ Monnstatas.'aMoor. .Herr GRAND CHORUS OF FIFTY FROM THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MUSIC- f ' AND v ‘ POWERFUL ORCHESTRA. Musical Dinctor. ....... TIIJEO. RITTER Admission, One Dollar; Reserved-. Seats, One Dollar extra; Family Circle, Fifty Cents;-AmpliUlfeatfe, 25 oU. To Matinee--Admission, One Dollar: Resorvou Seats, Fifty ContßCxtra. ' , „ , „ . San* of Seats at Academy of Music, daily from thA ,M. to4P.M.' . ;- . .. r Libretto 35c., fit tho Academy DREW’S 7AIKCH* BTKSejT: THEATRE. • ' Betrtn*7V o’clock BENEFIT OF UR. ADAM, EVERLY TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, April 29, litfO. THE FAST FAMILY. MRS. JOHN DREW ap. 17. ......... ADAM EVERLY a*.... AMhI by the Knli Company.i THE -&PITALSFIELD WEAVER. Brown, a Retired Wearer*.;................1. AD AM EVERLY Saturday—Beueflt of Mr, R. CRAIG. Monday-JOS. K. EMMETT as FRITZ Walnut street theatre, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, April 29, BENEFIT OF MR. WILLIAMS. When the World-Renowned Comedians MR.and MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS, Will appear in Gnylor’s Irish Drama of THE CONNIE SOOGAIT. . _ - Or, WEARING OF THE GREEN. _ , • Cnnnlo McGrath, assuming tho disguise nf Connie Suogah, withsongs....... BARNEY WILLIAMS Nelly Nolan,..with.life .popnlaE-Eongß. -of.“Ahin^don Green. n atid a new Jig BlltS. BARNEY WILLIAMS To conclude with PAT’S BLUNDERS. LAURA KEENE’S Betrins at 8. CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. THIRD WEEK OF MRS. JAMES A. OATES’S BURLESQUE COMPANY IN THE FIELD OF THK OLOTU OF GOLD. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2. DUPREZ & BEK EDICTS OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. Extraordinary New Feature In Minstrelsyr- THIS EVENING, DUPREZ A BENEDICT’S GIGANTIC. MINSTRELS INTRODUCE Engagement Balladlst, Mr. F. B,Naylor. Joint Complimentary Benefit, \pril-2S, to, F. CILLY, • • TreaßDrerrand CVRB YNOLpSi Comedian; ITiOX’H AMERICAN THEATRE, £ —MTJND'AT - EVE NTN l 25 tlrp-and - d nri n?r“ - w week, over 100 ARTISTS APPEAR NIGHTLY. Grand Ballet with-Two Principal Panseuse. A Corps Do Ballet of Thirty Young Ladles. With Negro Acts, Dutch and Irish Eccentricities, Ac, ATEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA -I.Y house; . : -. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS* DIXBVS MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING ' J. L. CAKNCROSB. Manager.. CARL GAERTNER’S SECOKD’GRAND SOIREE will bo given TO-MORROW EVENINO, A prilSQth, at Dutton's Rooms, 112$ Chestnut street, at « o’clock. , Hi? DENTZ AND HASSLER'B MATINEES.— O Musical Fund Hall. 1869-70. Every SATURDAY \FTKRNOON, at 3H o’clock. ocl3-tf Academ y op pine arts, ■ CHESTNUT street, above Tenth, —Openlrom.9A.M.io.flJ*. M- .... : Benjamin West’s Great Picture of ' - ; - CHRIST REJECTED U still on exhibition. ' jeM-tl ATTH E PILGKI M~*YOIT CAN BUY Pilgrim’s Progress. 10ctB.—also, “The Golden Stairs,” and “My BtnU in Heaven,’ 5 as sung by Mr. and Mrs. .1, HAYES. • ap23 3ti __ Money- offered; All churches, lodges and organization* will he al lowed n very larpc commission for tlio vale of Pilgrim Tickets. rede*maMe at any entertainment.# Other en casements will compel tit to toon cleso. although our houses are still crowded. Multitudes wIH repeat their visits, as we may u<m r open ‘ * The Pilgrim n in this city again Let oflicers call at once andsec.uj-c* tickets. The ..commiaßion wHI be satisfactory. ap293tS FOjttSjTO;. ®JFOR SAXE HAOT)SOMB FOUJEt-) story Brick liesidenco, with 3*Bt6iy double back buildings, having every modern convenience, in perfect order, situated in Walnut st., between 20th and 2i‘st. Inquire of CLAItK &ETTINO, 711 Walnut et. ap29-3t* MFOR SALE OR EXCffANGE-A fine now building on .Seventeenth rtreet, near Master; 12 rooms ; every convenience and in complete order ; would take a small country property in exchange. I.XLQYP*. No. 112 South Fourth street. ap29-f A- ni-2t v MFOR SALE—I72I WOODSTOCK street ; n>o Marshall street; 2116 Green street ; 716 North Seventh street; 1428 North Seventeenth atreet; 113 South Fortieth street; 467 North Seventh street 860 North Twelfth street; 1616 Wellington street; 633 North Nineteenth street ; 1831 Ridge uvenue ; 111 Bouth Thirty-fourth street; Forty-fourth and Belmont avenue; LOG South Forty-second st. HERBERT I. LLOYD, ap29 fmw 3t* 112 South Fourth street. SPUING LAKE—CHESTNUT £§£ HILL, PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE—3E Ten minutes 1 walk from Depot. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT. LAWN OF NEARLY NINE AORES, adorned and shade trees ; most healthy location ; views for forty miles over a rich country. Modern pointed-stone house, gas, water, Ac.; coach, ico and spring housos ; never failing springs of barest water. LAKE FOR BOATING, .all stocked with Mountain Trout, Carp, Ac. Beautiful cascade with succession of rupids through the meadow. , Apply to „ J. B, PBICE. ' nr27wfmfit§ On the Premises. asa if OK SALK, ON EASY TERMS, OR filiiiLcity property taken in part payment, au elegant re sidence, 20minutes from Ninth and Green streets, on Germantown Railroad, in im improving neighborhood. The house is well built, and very conveniently ar ranged ; contains in all 16rooms: is supplied with city water and every modern convenience; painted walls, idato-glasß front, two kitchens, with range in each, largo piar.zd, large Reynolds furnace in cellar. Lot, 100 foot by 280 feet, well laid-out, including a very superior >egetftlilPßorden. j M (JUMMEY A 80NB, ap2o-w f m lm§ ; 733 Walnut street. fjß CHESTNUT HILL.—FOK SALE OR fjlliLExchange— A. modern-built Stono House, with all conveniences, near station. J.C. SIDNEY, 204 Houth Fifth fit., or W» C. MACKIK, Graver’s lane. ap26-6t* © CHESTNUT HILL— FOR SALE.— A pointed-stono doublo House, well built, with all modern improvements and two acres of ground, with v ccotables anu fruit. Apply to or address . WILLIAM 11. BACON, 317 Waluut street. m GERMANTOWN—CORKER HIGH AND MORTON STREETS.— - FOB SALE. TWO NEW I’OINTED-STONE ENGLI9H-BOOF HOUSES, 'furnished with every modem convenience and built in tho best mannor. Apply to ap22 Bt§ THQB.-A. GUBtME Y, 711 Wnlnnt street. fm IfOR SALE —A MODERN AND DE ' BaMill sbublo Residence, No. 1703 Spruecf street. Also, a horse, carriage and harness, cheap. Apply tajOHAS. 11. H ART, 602 Walnut street, , ap!B tf§ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. —WE SSIuL lmvofor sole, on easy tonus, lil'toen minutfis from the city, on the Oornmntown Railroad, an Elogant Resi dence, beautifully and completely*- fitted out with all modern conveniences, • It has loon occ.upiod for two years as a boarding-house, haul Imfl.agfood winter and summer'patronage. J. M, UOMMEY & 80H 8,733 Wuliintutrcot _ * _ 4Ss| ARCH STREET—FOR SALE—THE ■llliLhnndsomo bride residence, 2i foot 6 inbhos front, with tlirco-story back buildings, every Convenience, and lot 142 foot debp, No. 172.3 Arcli street. J. GUMMK Y& BONS, No. 733 Wnlnnt street. aFOR BALE.—THE ELEGANT MAR blo-Frbnt Mansion,, No. 200(5 Chestnut street* ro pleto. with.e\eiThiPdP.n>.<>qUV.Gnituico v AJWia.lL property SVoiilcl lib"<uUoiV niparf pay. ' ' ' <FOX A mmKAKT. 221 South Fifth street. m EOR'^ALE-AT^EKMANTOWN— jjIISi a Residenco* with evory modern con venience. Afew minutes walk to the Washington Lano Station. Lot 290 feet by 170. Stat>lo, Carriago-bouso, Cow-houso, and an now filled; largo Qarden > II ot-bed.and Shrubbery.imperfect order.. -Xonn«„..oaBy_, Will trade, for desirable city 4il Walnut streot. ftp .27 6t* SHEW BROWN STONE HOUSES, N08.102(1,21)04 AND 2010 SPRUCE STREET FOR r, finished in walnut in the. most SUPERIOR MANNER. AND ' WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE'. . H. B-. WARREN, 2013 SPRUCE STREET, -APPLY BETWEEN 2 ANI) 4 O'CLOCK V. M. I > . mliMtf AbßO# STONE MiplNGlil' "T ;■ ISJat^E^;J^ , •■^v , "'"X l' WO; 1932 ABOO BTRCET. r :.;': • Blognnt'Brown-Stono ,Uaridonca» three .BtorloeiM •• llßniftn) roof .' very commodious, furnished with every m«lern,!OontimjU>Dco< ®nd built in'a ;»nd ! auDatantlal manner. Lot 26 foot front by-160 foot dooo to Culbbort e treed, on which ia oroCtod o handaotwo brlok andOo.ch Ilouso. * sons; : I ■ V ■■•.• •',v '. 7M WALNUT street. .* • • ; .;■•■•' •..■> ‘■-•’~ , >i S: ;F6lt STREET, Itotf '•pprlT-j-'ThroO'Otory, Honso with Att|cB,and double: ■huildmgq, northwest <corner. of !Nin*»te A nth and, Arch. complelo.ropalr,with immediatejpossosßipn. Apply to t C.O.BKt/IiEW, Ap26lrtwf 3t* :: ~: G 23 Market btreet. . Igk •• WXT^'BE.EJBii'iJSp;, EHifurnished for the Boaooi).—A very elegant ;conntry residence,* neur Gemiutitown. Th’o dwelling vprovfdou with every convenience; large, airy rooms. Also, stable, co4rb-hou6o, Ac.,and Boveral acres of .land tastefully laid Out.: • • : D.T. PRATT, ' ap26to f m3t’*‘ : 103 South Fourth street.' GHEBTNUT-«TREET-KESIDBNOIiV- N 0.1726, for «alo.—Kightoeu rooms.. Splendid Inter rior arrangcmtnh. AddrMß-or^i.^v^ : - jNo v ap2B2t* . KoxtEepit,Gornmntdwn, Pfiifa. ■> f(i T avkstFh 11. a ols IPHr A h and- MU Fomo modem cottage, with every' convenience, and large lot of ground, soiithwost comer of Pino and Forty-first streets. J.GUMMBY & SONS, N 0.733 Walnut atreet. - . -v m .FOR SALE, AT GERMANTOWN, Elegant Stone Mansion, situated on hlgli ground, commanding an exteimive view of the surrounding country. The house in hew - and oompleto in every respect, and accessible by steam and horse-curs. Stone stable for four horses; Cow-house, Carriage-house, and all the (appurtenances of a first-class establishment. Apply taCHAS. E.ELMES, No. 4U Walnut street, PhtladelphUf: - ?- - ap2o w fm6t§- - mFOR SALE-NO. .1114 PINE STREET, handsome three-story brick dwelling, with three* stcry double back buildings; every modern ::coiito* :h iehcCuvnd I n-.-gacd-oniur;XuimediatQ possoHaiongiven;-: J.M. GUMMKY A_SON ii B, 733 Walnut street.. frn FOR sXLEi--I3WELLINGS-- - Biw 1331 North Twelfth street; Three-story modern dwelling. \ • - . 1422 Npy-th Twelfth atroet> .-Threerfltony.niodem dwell,.. ing. 1 735 North Twelfth streot. Three-story dwelling with threo-utpry tenement on rear of lot, ■ . 1629 South Tenth street. „ Threo-story dwelling. * 1008 South Third street. Three-story dwolling. 1212 Marlborough street, Richmond. Three-story brick dw °l ll 'ifj IIg i NEB B PROPERTIES. 606 South Hocond street, Tbreo-story brick, 22 by 133, 260 North Eleventh street. Four-story brick, 18 by 63. 423 Keed street. Corner store and dwelling. 606 South Sixth street. Tavern and dwoUlug. 1436 Passyunk Hood. - ROBERT GRAFFEN A SON, No. 537 Pimfstroet, CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY. la&l —Only'Agency in Phlladejphialfor the sale of Cot tag&H and lluildingLols at tho abovo places, Several desirable opportunities now offered by , DANIEL M. FOX A-SON, —iipll*lm§ - - N 0.640 North Firth'srreetr - phTlaMlphia;—for Sale or to Bent—4ll6 -Spruce strect.-—Very-hand* some Brown Stone Front Residence. Mansard roof, side yard, all modern convenience*, in perfect order. /Imme diate possession. 4119 Pine street—Double Mansion, built of dressed Gray Stone.side yard, every convenience, in perfect or der. Possession May Ist. • _ - . O. J. FKLL A BRO., ap2s tu tblm§ 12U South Front street. _■ |sj|- _ .foil S ALE.^^T: ; *GEE3^a3^TO'W’N7~ p*£»l An t-lcfi'ftnt pointed Bto do Residence,' on W, Tnlpo-' -Dockou stcoctrWiih evory niodorn conwuuehco*.. -.StAhle*-- concli-houHo,' cow hotuo* fin© vegetable eardeo and shrubbery, inperfect order* Terms cm*, Apply to OH AS.R.TCLMES, No. 411 Walnut street, n P^ 3 * B ,tPiVfa6t§ -- m —The ** nenrJßuHtlcton» Twenty : third Ward, five minutes walk lrorn depot. ' Large and commodfotw, with’oTery amTonieoce, garden er's cottage, fee house, stable and carriage liuusotlargo grapery funder glare), stocked with the best varieties or. foreign grapes in fall Waring: lawn 8X acre*, laid out h Knglish'atylerfoe-old shade trees* beautiful-ov«*r pre* us and hedges, plenty of shrubbery; abundance of fruit, large andumall, abd excellent water, A n adjoining lot of live acres can bo bad if desired Terms easy Apply at ap2-stntblm§. N 0.322 CHESTNUT street. EXECUTORS* .SARK.— WILL, BE UiuLeold at_'-pnblic .sale,.on 3londay,_May 2d, tS7G. at 2 o’clock, gn (bo premises, that neat little place .of between two : and three acres, tbe late- residence of RICHARD M; SHOEMAKER, deceased, * idtuatcd' on the west side oftho York road, at the corner of Chelten avfjoip city,within flrominntcs’ v&tl.k of.the York Road BU thm, North Penna. Railroad; — : The improvements consist of a good Stone dwelling house, 2J$ Btories high, containing twelTe rooms ; bath' ro6in, with lu.tand cold water: van'gorin- kitchen, fur race in cellar. Conmiodion* piazzas on three sides of the house; grounds nicely laid o«t.and embelllsht'd with shade ar d fruit trees, ornamental shrubbery, Ac. The garden is large and well stocked with small /mils, ami crops lit season. Stone coacli-house, with stabling at tached for five horses and throe cjws. For further particulars apply to ROBERT SHOEMAKER, CIIAB. B. SHOEMAKER, N.E. corner Fourth and Race, R. C. SHOEMAKER, Upper Dublin, apl2 tu th 8 tm2§ Executors. M~" RIVERTON, N. J.—FOR Desirable House, beautifully located. Apply 2E 339 Market street. apl-th a tnlOt"_ J. w; BAIN. MFOR SALE-GERM ANTOWN.—A Modern Villa Residence ; fourteen roomß ; hot ana Uold water, uns. bath. Ac.; large lot, and within. five minutes of Depot. Terms easy. ' „ OUAJ3.H. STOKES, &p26-tnth B3t* 4829 Main street, Germantown. FOB SALE^S'“I«AJmFACTiTBING business in complete running order, with machinery und everything requisite for carrying it on. Tbore is a good traae connected with it. For further information apply to HERBERT I. XLOYD, H2■ South Fourth street. • ap29,fmw3t" TO DYT3RS—FOR_ SALE OR TO LET ON GROUND RENTI—A large IoT of grorind, containing 42,807 aquaro feet, extending from Seventh to Eighth, between Tioga and Venango struetn, with a never-failing stream of pure soft water running through it. Price ©2,500. Apply to JOHN TURNER, near Sixth street and Reading Railroad. _ apl4 lm % _^ TO CAPITALISTS' AND BCTILDERS For sale—A largo and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, between Norris ami Dia mond :528 feet deep to THIRTEENTH BTREET, inter sected by PARK AVENUE. FOUR FRONTS. miift-tfS Apply No. 322CUostnut street. SUPERIOR STORE, N. TV. corner Eighth and Jayne Streets, The owner, now occupying the upper Rooms, will Loase the whole building from first of 'duly. next. The property is 22 feet front,'on the most active business street, five stories, with tho usual convenience* and thoroughly lighted. On tho route from tho principal Hotels, to the Market street jobbing houses, and desir able for any retail or jobbing trado, or for a publl institution. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 73» WALNUT STREET.' aplB m w f Ct FOR RENT.—HANDSOME COUN try place, with several acres of land, on Old Xork roadvfl'vominutes , 'wnlk-from Onk-'Lnno'BtntionTUn tlie North Pennsylvania Railroad. #1 , FURNISHED COUNTRY SEAT, within two min utes’ walk from Havorford station, on the Pennsylvania E*LKG A N T°C.O UNTRY several acres of land and outbuildings, complete, on tho now turnpike, Germantown. J. M. GUMMEi Jf 80NS } 733 Walnut street. .• - ’ fSi“ TO LET.—THE STORE -CONNECT-. iiL ingwitli tho Colonnade Hotel, 1502, 1504 and 1506 Chestnut street, suitable for gent’s furnishing goods. Kent moderate. Apply on the premises from 10-Ito U A.M. . : mh?2 tfs £ CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY. r-NumoronB Cottagoe to Rontl Some . VoTy de sirable opportunities onered-.--PartieH desiring to rent enn-havo description and information and other facili ties furnished, ufid save themsolveua Tim to the shore by applying! to DANIEL M. FOX & SON;,' Principal Agenoy"No. t4O North Fifth street. apll lm§ TO RENT.—AEURNISHED HOUSE in Germantown,' Location, West,Walnut Lane, tw o doorft from Green'stroot. Will bo rented for the summer months, or for tho year. Apply on tlio proml sos, or by letter to DR. T. L. LLAVI IT, German town. “h- 8 bt #53 TO~LET.-A FINE THIRTEEN '-Eiill rnmnnrt--Mansion.--near:-Fra nkfordy--w-ith-- lawn.- jm?don, stabling, enrriago-house, Ac. Inquire 1321 Girard pvenuo. . . apZ-nla- t'cTRENT, NEAR. HADDING- K© pjilil ton —A very desirable Country Residence, I ■■ 10 rooms, ovory convenience, plenty of sliado, largo, gar ' Hp2gth,s,tu3t* - ' ' ,112 South Foifrth street. |S|-REEHlffi fc MCCOLLUM. REAL ESTAT* Office, Jackson street, opposite Mansion stroet. Cape s Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. .Persons doslrouß of routing cottages daring tM. eeoßdn yvlll opplf or addroflM as above. • \ - • Respectfully refer to Ohas. A.'Kobloam.Honry Bamm, Francis Mcllyain, Angußtu Merino, John Daws aud W. W_Juvomil. ico n. FO R SAL E; MANSION HOUSE. To Let. First Store above Chestnut Stfeet. •i '• -• 1 0 j >"W K j; " TO RBHT. . Kjjfe ! TOJUKT . tnr (itr««t. .■■■^l a) by 173 foot. Apply to ■ ■ , T THEODORE MBGABOBB, 7Mo. ai Booth ritxthlBtf«Bt. ■ , j 'TO CONBU MOTIVES. —M AY BB ", MS. rented for the season, a Swill fajin-linuao. partly tarnished. ,In .dimeter coilaty; . »übDlr) of grass* ■n limited, AddrofsVlNO,thisoffleo apJ93tl tj® ' TO KENT—AN ELEGANT~COTXN try Bcnldonce/wJtliahoutlattros of land, on which there nro besides a comfortablo farm linuso, tenant holißO.. Btahlc, cow and chickop houaes,lt la BltuaUd / at Itao junction of Gray's- lana ond Mirahall road, and about on-KllnewUb '.Ojiastnnt stroet»froin .which bud**, Itlaonlr throomilej. Vpry aaaypfadcjaa, Tarpla rea sonable. ' Kota and Information at 11 AEI‘Rlt & CHEP ' * I’O’B luauronco Agency, No,tU7 WSlnot at/. .ap2<b«S : 8" ' ; :FOB RENT—AT OHESTNnT HIEb ' —a Tory desirable Dwelling Hbnse, .with Storo; In mcchent isituation;-.wall,milted for a.Prorlsion T. This Is n pood opportunity for any one desiring to (to into that business, us tliereis nostbre of thokiud in llio neighborhood. , { 1 T' e —— ’3l2Sooth Fourth *. ap29fm2t* art I .A flrut-claes refiideiipe. water In-eacli rodm; nnd till othi«r COiSVeniiJoces : ; 19 room*. SJ,t«ipprimnuin. Apply to > . i JOHN QRUMP,' . < : } ftp29,<Jts yy-.y ';m . 1731 ChuetnatstfCpt.,,; #&f TO H ANDHOME^^UittLi AlEc'NlfinßD Country ItatfiUoiice, iwith 4: acre* of. gronnd.Jilanhoim street, Gcunantowu. three.minute** vulk.from Wayne Stntion. All kliitlft /Irio lava, ; ntaMo for horse* nut! fowbyMith.pll and erery improre , want. Apply to tiOPJPUCK A JOKDANi433WaInOt . Btrput. ‘ ___• ' . ..., ........ . m „.TO l^NTr-GEEMANTOWN—TWO JuHiLmoderii-baJft cottages, near depot: * ,-.?*• ! •; •;•'• :• OllAtL tt. STOKES, r - = :.O-P.2Q tu th g 3.1*; _J323_jHaip G{-*rmHotovyn«.--. Mto bent—a country mansion, .plenfftr)l)y, f>ltnatcd-between two Sf-Uione, about ttiitmrtcr of a.mile from oiuilijoii the We<t cluwtnr, JlculivMii) Pljllud ulpMa Riii!roit!l. liluu TiiU.B from tbs eltyvi^Apply at No.tulßprnm] gtroet. _ apl#tu th g3tV_ «gvTG 7 ALE SIZES, ,fiiiltabTA for light mfinnfaotuHoffbafil «<!«»,ln liulMlne So. 712 Chestnut ntrcot. J. M.OUM MEY A 80N8,7,13 Walnut street,: , Ol TO RENT-ON TOWNSHIB -LINE Ettr ro»d t lie»r Manbclra ((treat, Germantown, a tarn. Mansion, with .table; Addrese, TOWNSHIP hih'E, BirttßriW Office. _ ‘ ‘a'pßiSt* f' fet TO BENT—A I*’UB N fSH ED BSvHijt- Lii *ng, No. 4M> Bonlb Niutb street, with nil improve ments ; a desirable location ; will be rented reasonable to n poo<l tenant; poßßession from the I’md of Mar. Also, n stable, on Mile* alley. below Walnut street and above Ttiith street, for three norses and carriage*. Aooly to COPPUCK k JORDAN. 433 Walnut etre^- f Ejjf‘” F OIT *RENT-THE~ HANDSOME IfiiiSi.four-story property, No. 3H South Eighth street, corner of Jayno, and first above Chestnut street. J. fit. GUMMEY «l 50N5,733 Walnut street. . < fe-™FaK RE : IlHthandsome four-story brick dwelling, with back buildinKS and erety niodfrrii cbDTeob?n<v*; : »itnat«- «m ■ Proftd Htreetr A SONS, No. 733 Walnut street. : 1111 G GIRARD Estate dwelling, at reduced rent. Apply at Tower Hall, 6)8 Market street. mb23-tfS fSZ TO RENT—HOUSE, SCHOOL Jgjg " Jt~*i lane, Gennautown ; ; Coach Hours nml Kt*blinsr. Ten minute*’walk frmn Station. Apply at4(»HACK street. ap27-st* -fjgj TO BK LET—TIIE DWELLING! KhLllnn.oNn.P23 l ilbert «troet7~ln(iuin: aFNoTTHW - Bprncc utrcH. ■ ip27f,j "^^FOa^ENTSEuimimiE^Oß^UfLr - Eh, fnrninbed, tho tbrc-ittorjr brick dwelling .liuata No. 13(13 North Twelfth atrwtr J. M. OUMMEI A BONB, 733 Walnut strict. fSjv TO LET —SECON'D-STORY FRONT SOIL Boom, 324 ChMtDUt itrMt, abcutSlx 23 feet. 3 -etilmblaAr annllice.nr Ualit Jal6 tfrp _ ; YAKB -4 BROTHER* rpU LET—THE WHOLE OR I\ART OF .1. the commodious and welbUabud ware room. No. 604 JA YNE itroet, in the rear of tin* UrLtKTiK office, w ilh an' outltft on Chestnut streetr- TMa la a-verr de«i* raids store. Apply on the premiacs. ttpg>3t" _LEG r AL^J^TLCES f TN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE X City and County of Philadelphia.—Ksinio of MARY BHAW, decssved. The auditor appoints by the Court tO Audit,tattle iml adjust the accoiinf-of lUnt EULTZ. Administratrix of tboeefateof MARYSUAW, - deceased, aad to - report distribution, 01. the. balance in the hands of the uccotmtant, will meet the purtiee in* tere«ted, for tho p«rpo*e of bis appuintment.on THURS DAY, May 12,A.-l).l«;o L at 3AO o'clrck P. M.. at hia office.. No. 12S Houtk SUth street, [h Hie city of Phila delphia. E. MEUABt»EE* ; apStf zn wit* _■ Auditor. TTSTATE OF ICLI A ANN S’J'UBBS, DE iii ceased —Letters testamentary upiuj thii-;ab«TO tate having bca n gmuled to the undersigned, all persons haT ing claims or demands against the estate of; the said cUcedent-.»rei’e<jue9t«l-to make known.the.iaroff. and . indebted tiioreti) to nnule payment-to CIIAKLKB STUBRB, Executor, No 400 Ann street,Philadelphia, or to hi« Attomet; LEWIS D. VAIL, No. 703 ftaosmn street.' Philadelphia. . apssCt* Estate of Margaret da iley deceased.—Letters testamentary open the .bo». estate haring been granted to the - undersigned. all per sons indebted to .aid estate are reqneated to make pay ment. end those having claims to present them to \JAMIK A. MAGUIRE. Executor, southeast corner of Fourth and Callnwbltl streets, or his Attorney,C..F... iItICHBON,6Si Chestnut street. iuh:«s«t' ; S. STATE OF SARAH BUSH .DECEASED —Letters Teetnmentary having been granted to the scribers upon the estate of SARAH KUSH, decreed all persons having claims or demanda against tile estate of .aid deceased will make known the name, without du lay, to HENRY WILSON, SOU Federal street .' JOHN EWING, Clinton, New Jersey, or th.lr a'torneyj FINDLAY* THOMAS, 413 Locust street. npl2tnBt licj'J'A'iE OF JOHN H. IRWIN, DE i ceased.—Letters testamentary having been granted to tho undersigned on the above estate, all persona -hav ing demands against the snmo are requested to present their claims, end all indebted-thereto to makepayment to MARGARET (B. IRWIN. Execntrix, 924 Walnut street, or her Attorney, L. FOULSON DOBSON, bib Walnut street. ton.- ap3wCt?_ TN THE COTJIIT OF COMMON PLEAS X for the C!ity and County of Philadelphia.-*ANGE BJNEMACKIE, bv her uoxt friend, Ac., vs. BENJA MIN BTOBV MAOKIK. C. V. December T*nu, WTO, No 'lo .—ln I)ivorco.~To BENJAMIN BTOBY MAO KIE, lleßpondent—Jßir : You are hereby notified that the Court has granted u rule on you to «bow caußO why a divorce from the bonds of matrimouv should bo de creed in the above case. Returnable on BATUItDAY, 3!ay 7th, 1870, at 10 o’clock A. M., personal service lißTinß failed on account of yO,l ciiVULKS HART, -Xttbrney_foiiLiholUintL— 'iN'.'JiiJn i/UUitT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 for Ibo city and county of Phllndelphra.--lD tho matter of the Petition ot LOPIBA M. PBOCTOft, to.be declared a femme sole trader. Bo it remembered, that on tho2fitliday of April. 1S»70,- tho Court ordered that notice of tbo said application be Riven to oil partied Interested by publication once a week for four vreoke* iiuone daily newspaper of th© city of Philadelphia* and tho Lrxal intelligencer, to show cause why the prayer of tho said petition should not bo granted.-; ... In testimony wlicrbof, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed tho seal of tho said Court at I‘bilftdelphlat the 2Mb day of A pril. IS7O. ■ ’ «KMn 4t* HORACE P ( QAW, Proprothonotory. .<>'b *• u jdLUiUAff MOBIUSSYrDE- I 1; ceased.—Loiterstcetammtarr upon the estato of THOMAS MORRISBYy deceased, hating been graiited to tho undersigned, all persons indobted to are requested to make payment, and those lmting claims will present them to JOHN HAGEN, Executor, No. 2J13 rallowhill street, or to his Attorney, B. 8H ARK E Y,No. nihJOwOt* I cuUKX OB' 'l'H-10 UNITED J_l) STATES. FOB THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—In Bankruptcy.—ln tlm mutter of WILLIAM MALONEY null EDWARD. BOUBKE, Bankrupts.—Eastorn District of Pennsylvania, ss:—A wnrmnt in bankruptcy, has been ißßiiodbysnid Court neninst the EBtnto of WILLIAM MaDONEY and KDr WARD BOUBKE, trading us MALONEY A BOUBKE, of the countv of Philadelphia anil State ol Penntylvania, in said district, vrlio ham been duly adjudged bankrupt upon petition of tholrcreilitors; and the payment of any "debts and tLb delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupts,to them or to their use.and tlio transfer of any property by them, nro forbidden bylaw. A meeting or tlie creditors of said bankrupts to prove their debts and choose Olio or more Assignees of their Estate, will lie held at a Court of Bankruptcy,tn he hulden at Philadel phia, in said district, on tlie 2otli day of MAY, A- U., 1370. at 3 o'clock P. M„ at the office of WILLIAMBc- MICHAEL, 419 Walnut Btreet, Piiiladelphla, one ol tlio Register! In Bankruptcy of said ‘^ st J{ (jubDOBY, a U, S. M»r«lialforsaldDistrict._ LLsTATE UK EDMIf-ND i>. WAKEI/fitfG,. Ei dec’dLetter* of Admiulstration aboro Estate having boon granted to thi:A l^ (l ';‘ f r s i^}- ie p h te . t p l l tt : Register of \ViIU for tlio City and County of rhilftdel nhm, all nr-rsoDB imUbtod to tho said Mutate will make «tivnu»rif mill those having claims against tlio same wiij rtroJnnt them OSEPU* BALM, Administrator, No! P» North Sixth street, or to his Attorney* SAMUEL II ivPr h ™]?. M2*Walnut st„ Philadelphia. ap7-ti.6t' p't*97 v 2t61 /■nity AND COUNTY OF PHILAD-EL- I I'HU b« TUB COMMONWEALTH OF PENN- ' SYI.VANU t'o SUSAN HAINES, SARAH ANN PANCOABT, tho doviGeea, legtitPos, heira or otlior vrnreMMitnUVCH of ISRAEL .PANCOAST, deceased, nftTwYN PANCOAST, DAVID PANOOASTj RICHAin) pancoast, JOBEPH C. HAINES, ami D7LLWYN PANOOAST, JOSEPH C. nml DAVID PANCOAST, Executors of WALLACE LIP- yourTas-bef^>ro'We--~ ^-'- ,ji,] Hint laying naido all-business and oxcusoa whatso ever, yon nndeneh of yon bo and apppar iu your proper •norfiou before the Honorable tbo Judges of our Orphans’ Court, at A Court-to .bo. hold oh SATURDAY. tho Hoventh day of Slay, A. I). lOo’cloolc of tho foro , noon, toklioweatiße why tlio Court should not award an inuuest to nuiko partition of tho roal eHtato' Jato of aaid -•\V t AT-liACI'V LIPFINGOTT, deceased, lo and aiuonir. tho parties interoafed therein, TuiiTTurlllei* STiid'd fTio order of tho Court in tho premises. And hereof'fail not, under a penalty of One Uundred Pounds. 'Witness Honorable JOSKPH ALLISON, \ JLL.I)., at Philadelphia, tho >2sth day or < heal V April of our Lord, one thousand ( l eight handled and.seventy-. ALFRKD J.: FOPTIN, Deputy .Olork 0. Q* JOHN 11. BIiOAN, * Attorney for Petitioner. . V, i ■(/ j % (\l>2<3tut'*H chess OOIiUM N or THE wiiAnMCpmofraurti bthimn FRIDAY, April 29, 1870, CHESS DIKECTOIIrY. J!' fi': Pbess Ccuii—Co7Walnntfitr(!et. Opepdaily- Athena;um— Sixth andAdelpbi sts. Open •fiailjf. r •Mercantile Library —Tenth street, near Market. Open daily. German Club— Fourth and Cherry streets Open "Wednesday evenings. ’ ■ . Hotel »k North Third street. Open daily. \. Commercial Rooms— Third and "Walnut. Open daily. ; , r Obion Re ague— Open daily. 7 ;. ■, 5 Another Tourney is now ih progress at the Cafe international, Netir York. Mr.Mao henzie being'on vthe board Of management, from motives bC delicacy, declined,* partid pating. -.... .■... - ■ r —• . Problem Wo. 733. ;; We believe this to be the best six-move pro blem. Itisoiieofa niimber_ of_inagniflcent stratagems that have hefip sent from India. INDIAN MASTERPIECE. ' BLACK. WHITE. White to play and mate in six moves. Problem Wo. 734. Closing the set with what we deem the finest seven-move stratagem. A very striking and singularly beautiful composition BY lilt. JULIUS BREDE, BI.ACK. itM Hi ifl )wm : [ \ •WHITE:- White to play and mate in seven moves. 1 EiiddlameßsleSorW. (Reichhelm, giving R.) (F a.). (Events Gambit.) ’ [Moves 1 to 8, ait ordinary.] 9. KtoKsq B to Kt 5 10. Q to R-4 BxKt 11. PtoQS B to lit 5 12. I* x Kt ; PxP l3, P to K 5 P to Q 4 (?> 14. QxP,ch) BtoQ2 - 16. QxQ P -r .... Bto K 3 1«. Q to B 6 (cli) B to Q 2 17. Bx P (eh) Kiß 18. P to KC (chi Ktoßsq BLACK. •" ' —£^^^^BB— -BB ■&B ■ - S WHITE. "White to piay and mate in fourteen moves.^S Solution to Eod-Game Mate No. 3. WHITE. , IILACK. 1. B to-RtG (ch) KtoKsn 2. « to Q B 8 (ch) K to B 2 3. QtoQ7(ch) K to B mi ! 4. B to it 6 tch) It to Kt 2 5. B x It (ch; K to Kt sq G. B to R 6 B to B 2! 7. Q to Q H (ch) KtoE2 3* P to Kt G Kt to It G (oh)! 9. If to B 2 Kt to B 4 10. Q to B 6 B to Kt 3 11. Pto K 114 Ktxß v 3,2. P x Kt KiP in P to It' G V K x p ! 14, K toKt3\ Kto H 3 x IG. Kto It 4 \ Pto B 3 \ 16. Qto B 8 (ch) Ktolt 2 17. K to Kt 0 B (ch) * . IH. y.xß , „ ,K to Kt 2 19. ytoß C (oh), mating,in 'three more moyss. t f CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. Unme Nol 2435. Between Messrs. Jacob] Elson and James G. Whiteman. i, . (King's Gambit Evaded.) Wh. (Mr. Eosor.) 81. (Mr. Whiteman.) 1. P to Iv 4 P to K 4 •2. PtoKB4 PtoQ4 3. Px Q P Ptolt 5 . - / 4.yKttoß3 It lit to B 3 5. Btoß4, B to Q B 4 ti. P to Q 4 B to y .J 7. Bto Kt) " Castles , «. Q toQ2 P to B 3 . O Vx I* Kt v p loi Castles (ti It) PtoyK.3 ■ 11. P to It It 3 P to y lit 4 12. Bto lit 3 ■ - ~ -Bto Q lit 5 ■l3. K Kt to IC 2 P to y R 4 ■ 14. Pto K 3 Ptolt 5 ~ 15. Btolt 2 Btolt i’ : ■ 1«. PtoQS (Mr. Eison plays this portion of the gdtila Ye tv well.) 17. B to B 5 18. Kt to Q 4 in. ,Kt to Bin; - 20. Bx lt ■; * CWe prefer PxKt at this point. Suppose— .*?:*;**» l v*k(oh7 - K'TttO K sq 22. It to Q. 7! R'kp V -21. Pi Kt 80 ltx P ' 22Qto(i4 BxlCt ‘Qx P (ch) 24- K toJCtsq Pto R 3 ; 26. Qto ICt4 G x 1» 26. Q x Q SxQ R to 1C Kt tf 28. R to Q 0 B to Kt 2 2?' § tO # t 0 Bto Q 4 . M. Bx B Ktxß . 16. XE to It 2 B to R 3 Rtoß sq | KtxKt 1 31. ExP Pto ECAohll . 32. Ktoßsq KttoE O ' ........ gg Jt to QBsq B-x Kt P ' 34. B to Kt 8 (ch) K to B 2 , 36. Ptoß4 Kt to B 7 (cb) ... v’ 36. Kto B 2 . PtoKC 37. B to K fl B to Q 7 (P to K 7 Jr adraisgnble.) - 38. Kto Kt 3 • Pto B 7 39. K x P P to It 7 40. K to-Kt 3 P Queens ~41, QBx Q Ktx B 42. Ex K» K to Kt 3 . 43. P to B 5 K to B 4 44. Kto Kt 4 ’ *' ■ ~ " (Again, we prefer— -44. P to B 6 f'f /\ 46; Kto Kt 4 ’ ' 46. KtoKt 6 47. P to B 7 48. K toKt 6 49. KtoKt 7 Itxl 1 (chi . * . fO.KxB, leatrTKfe'an interesting study in which, we Jiehpve, Wl(ite bas the advan tage.) ■—7 44, K x P , 40. Rto K B Sfj (cb) K toil 4 "12 ; '5 X £' R to K R 7 47. R x P R x P l- Kto Kt,« If to Kt 6 {cb} "™ ¥ to £ - *KtoB 4 50. R to Kt sq p to R 4 01. R to Qsq P to It 5 , _ 08. Kto <io PtoRO ' Drawn game. 1 .. « , • Oamt Wo. 2458. Concluding gamq, of a match played at the Press Club, between Meunra. Eleon and C , the former giving the Knight. The final score fgye five games to Mr. JElson and seven to (Rimovf White's Queafi’s Knight.) : (King’s Gambit JSvaded.) yga. (Mn. Elbon,) 81. (Mb. C ,) J. PtoKl P to K 4 2. P to K B 4 P to Q 4 3. Pto 4 „ L ; ■ (P x (J P Jsmbf e twuaflr played.) 3. Q P x P 4. B P x P B to K B 4 C. Bto Q B 4 . . Q Kt to Q 2 I—- —Pt© B 3-—: —— —Kt to Kt it— 7. B to Kt 3 B to K 2 #. Kt to K 2 BtoltS(ch)! (We)] played. White is now compelled to play his pawn to a square he had reserved for the Knight.) a. PtoKt3 10. Castles ' 11. Kt to B 4' - 12, Bx B : 13. B to Q 2 14. p to B A 15. B to B 3 10. ytoK2, 17. y R to t?, ser ' 18. KlttoKsq. <l!etter than Kt to B o.) • = ia. Q to Kt 2 B to E 4 20. V x P B x it 21. Bxß y K to Q bq 22. B to B 2 P to K Kt 3 - - 23. K to It sq Kt to K 3 24. P to Ci 5 Kt to B 4 25. Qto B 3 ' PxP 20. PxP It to Q 2 27. PtoQ Kt 4 - Kt to QR 3 28. BtoKt 3 - Kttoß2 20. P to K 6 PxP 20. P xP P ; t« Q 0 gives rise to many .suggestive variations.). 31. Q to K 2 <y to K 4 is the proper move.) 31. P to K R 4 i (Black might have facilitated his. victory by . . - 31. Kt to Kt 4 32. Bioßcq K Kt to O 5 .33. y to y i?t % y to jr 4 34. i’ to y R 4 y to B 6 (ch) 35. KtoKtsq Ktto B 6! 3ti. y x ICt ' Kt to K 7 (ch), 32. Q to K 5.... K to R 2 33. PtoKtS ytoKto! 34. K-to Kt- sq ! Kt to R 5 35. y to y t>' — * Kt to B 6 (chi 36. Kto_R>fq yto Kt 4 37. RtoKßsq Kt x Kt P 38. Q to y 3 Kt x B 39. y x Kt y to B 3 40. x y ~ • - 140. -Q to Q 3 is a__better resource, although against jJerfect play tie result would have been equally disastrous.) 41. K to Kt 2 42. I* x Kt 43. K x R 44. K to B 2 4G. K to B 3 46. BiK 47. Kto K 4 48. K to Q 4 411. P to K K 3 CHESS' BY TELEGRAPH. Game So. 1M57. Played, by Telegraph (not by correspond ence, as we stated some weeks ago l, between the Cleveland and Detroit Chess Clubs. (<iuioco Piano.) Wn. (Ci.evelaxd.) Be. (Detroit.) • : 1. Pto K 4 Pto K 4 2. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 3. B to B 4 B to B 4 4. P to B 3 Kt to B 3 5. P to Q 4 P x P 6. P x P B to Kt 3 (ch) 7. B to Q 2 B x B 'ch) (We like K Kt x P here.) 8. QKt x B Pto 3 (P to Q 4 is the correct move hero; any other leaves Black the worst game.) 9. P to If K 3 (?) Castles 10. Castles Kt x K P 11. Kt x Kt P to Q 4 12. B to y 3 P x Kt 13. Bx P ytoß3 14. Q to B 2 Kt x P 15. Kt x Kt Q x Kt 'w-r 16. B x P (ch) K to B sq \ •ir. Xi Bto y sq, Q to B 3 18. B to K 4 P to B 3 19. Q to B 3 B to K 3 20. P to CJ B 3 P to K Kt 3 21. P to Q Kt 4 P to QE3 22. B to Q 3 Q B to Q sq 23. P to B 4 Q to Kt 2 24. P to B 5 P x P 23. Bx B . Rilt 26. B x B P B to Q 4 27. Qtoß2 Q tg Q 5 (ch) 28. K to B sq B x B . .... 29. Bx B , Bxß 20. Q x B; K to Kt 2 ; 81. Q 5 (ch) K to It 2 32. Q to Tt 3 (ch) K to Kt 2 The Cleveland Committee thought they coulil win the game, hut as their time was they concluded to accede to a drawn ihattle, and commence a fresh game. We an? of the opinion, however, that properly played, the game is drawn. ' i ACHINKRY, IRGN7<sX JKOK FENCE.— Tfc'C undersigned tiro prepared to execute orders for IRON FENCE, of the beat moke. The moat -'sightly and ; the most economical, fence that used*— *. Specimen panels of various Styles of this fonco may lie our office. • - YARN ALL-*-T RIMBLE,— 'l\h93m§ s , .147 South Front street.j ' l\/f ifi&IUOK & SUNb, IVJL SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, .M 4SO WASHINGTON Avenue. Philadelphia, • MANUFACTURE : STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Preseturo.Horlßon talj Vortical, Beam. Osolllating, Blast ana Cornish Pumping. 1 Flue,Tubulari&o, * - HAMMERS—Naainyth and Davy styles, and Of CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Band, Braes, £o. | < ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron, TANKS—Of Cost or Wrought refinetlea, water, oil, &o. _ v 3» , ' ", ' . f GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench' Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Barrows. Valves, Governors, &o. f SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vaounm Pans add Pumps, Defecators, Bone 1 Black Filters, Burners, Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Boos . Blach Oars, Ac.,;/. Solo manufacturers of the following specialties: ■ In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright’s Patent .VarlabloOut-offStOam Engine. T In the United Stateef of Weston’s Patont Self-center* ■ lng and SoTThamncing Centrifugal Sugar-dralnlngMa* chine. • t. <-.• •„ .• T . Glass & Barton’s improvement on Asplnwall A WoOjßtJV^s , Centrifugal. t Bartel’s Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Did. | Strahan’s Drill Grinding Rest. ! . Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Bo* flpVrtoßfor working Sugar or Molasses. f C “Upper , and yellow metal Bceathing, Braider's Copper Nailn.Boltsand Ingot Oonnor.eonßtantly onjiand and for<Balo by BENBI WINBOB & 00., N 0.333 Boutb Wbarre*. PHILADE EYEiNIIN'G BULLETIN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1870. K to y sq KxP! K to Kt 6 B to y B bo K x P B to Kt 4 B to Kt 3 B x Kt Ktto,y4 P to (J B 8 Kt to B 2 i Kt to. K 2 Kt to B 4 y to Kt'4 Castles (K R) 30. Rto K 2 - 40. R x Q Kt to R 5 (ch) Rsit .. . K to Kt 2 K to B 3 R x P Kxß P to Q Kt 4 . Kto Q 3 P t 6 R 4, and wins. fIHB&TWT-HIIrIrRAII/BOAI- - Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,8,10, and 12,A. M. 2,3*1, 5*1,7,9.20, and 11,P.M. CHKBI NUT HILL 7,10,8,9.40, and 11.40, A. SI. 1.40,3,30, 5.40,6.40,9, and 10.40, P. SI. ON SUNDAYS. Leavo PFILADKLPHIA at A. Sf. 2, and 7,P. SI. Leave CHESTNUT HILL at 7.60, A. M. 12.40,5.40, aud 9.26, P. SI Passengers taking the 6.55,0 and 10,60 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Trams from Germantown, trill make clone con nections xcith Trains for New York a! Intersection Station FOR CONSHOIIOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,75a;9, and 11.05, A. SI. VA, 8.05, 10, and 11*4, P.SK . • Leave NORRISTOWN 6.25, 7,7», 8.50, and 11, A. Si. Jig,3,4)*,did, 8, and 9}», P. Si. \ , « 1 ON SUNDAYS. : PHILADELPHIA at?, A.Sl.*2}£, 4,and 7tf, Leave NORRISTOWN, at 7, A. St. l,6*£, and 9, P. SI. FOR SIANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia : 9 aud 11.05 A. SI.: 13«,3, i)S, 5, ix, 10 and ll?I P. SI. LeaveSinuuyunk : 0,6.65,7&>8.10,9 £oand 11A A. SI.; SI. ' mv. ON SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia: 9A. 61.,2^,4and7>a P.Sf . Lcavt* Mahijyunk : A. ST., 1 *4, (i> 4 and 0A P. M. . G PLYMOUTH RAILROAD.* Leave Philadelphia :-.73« A. Sl-. and 6 P. SI. Leave Plymouth : A, 61. and 4>< P.Sl.t 'Jit* 7*l -A. li/» 2‘iain from Norristown will not stop at Mover's. Prtts } Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane. The 5 J)Z. ,Xra infiuulPhiladelphia taill.stopjml.i/ at School Lan>', Mttnavvnk and CtnshohotLen.' : Passengers Inking tho 7,9.05 and 11 A. St. and 4 P.'SI, Trains froiuNlntlr and Green streets will ninkocloso connections with the Trains' lor New York at lutersoc-’ tion.Station. The ll* A. SI." nnd 6 P.M, Trains from New. York con nect’ with thirl .15'nnd‘9.20 P. St; Trains from German town to Ninth aud Greet) streets. . : YV.S. WILSON, General Superintendent. CAMDEJS AND ATLANTIC* RALHO AD On and after Friday, April!, 1870, trains will leave Yine Street''Ferry as follows: Sleilaud Freights. a 8.00 A.rSI- AtianticAocommodatiou ........3.45 P. M. Atco Accommodation 11K15 A. M. and 5.30 P, SI. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC 1 : Mail and Freight.. 1.4 S P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 6.05 A. M. » Junction from Atco, U.22A.51. aud 12.10, Noon , . ’ HaddonfleH train? leave Vine Steet Ferry,lo.l6, A.SI. and 2 00 P.St, Leave Hajldonfiold, 1.00 and3.ls P. M. . EXTRRA TRATN FOR ATLANTIC CITY. (WEpNEBPAYB AND SATURDAYS ONLY.) An Extra Train will run overy Wednesday aud Satur day fn-advanco of th» Blall v Train— - Leaving Phila Iclphfa at.,' 8.00 A. M. Leaving Atlantic City at..;.. 3.60 P. M. Allowing hourly FIV«.HOURS on the Roach. : ... . 4 The union Transfer Company, No. 828 Chestnut street -VCcmtinentalHolelK will-call- for and-chook -baggage to destination. . - **■ Tickets, also, on solo J-. xKAvjaeits’ouioe ?v/ , OAHDEN &?4.^BP. ll^,y* li o. A P D .OQHp!»nr’8 I t > from w.y ytocc, from Jgg a 52 d ?c ?*» *J a Camden and Amboy Express, •0Q "i f? r A Atnboy aDd intermediate stations, > S A M.. *nd 2 P. M„ for Freehold. j --B**°D P B n‘g°' C on « Branch and Point* on 412 »3 10 and. JW pf M.ior Trenton; Hopie.d A.M. and2_P.M., for Riverton. - i»**T,rf2i 8 I 1;? 0 - • M- &n« learoa from foot of Market street by npner ferry... .v.. . < .<■.-■! ' From Keneington Depot; , . At 7 JO' A; w.. a JO,' BJO and' 6p. U. for Tfenton aha V?™ »*• *?• M -f«rßrtotOl.,, . At7JOA. M. r JJo,and 6 P* M. for MorrlaTilld am] Tully- At 7JO and 10.48 A. M.,J Jff, 6 andV p. M. for Schonck’a and Eddlncton. 1 '■ 1 “■ At 7JO and 10 A. M., a JO, 4,8 and «P. M-. for Com ‘ wella, Torresdale.Holmeßburg.Tacony. WlialnomJng, —Brldceburg andFrnnkford, andBJOP,M. for Bolmca .bareand Intermediate Stations. . r From west Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Ballway At7,*Jo andll'A.M., 1.»,4, «j4B, and UP. M. Wow York Expreaa Lioo.via Jf raoy City »3 2. At 11 JO P.M. Emigrant 1,1nte...;..i..._...2..........,.”^^ "5& 4i 7,»J0 andU A.fi ( l.»),4,«.4«,andUP.M.for Tronton. At 7, »J 8 end 11 A. M.. 4,8.44 and BP.H., for Bristol. AtijP.M.(Kfnht>forMorrievJlle,Tullytown,Bchenck’«, Eddington,Cornwolla, Torreedale, Holmeabnrg, Ta. _eony. WlMinoming, Hrldeebnrg and Frankford. Tb*9Jo A. M. and ■ and U P. K Idoo. ran dally. All othera Sunday, excepted. . For 1/fnc* leaving Kensibgton Depot, take the car. on Third or Fifth atrccta, aft Cneatnnt,,aft half an hoar be* foro departure., l The Oar. of Market Street Railway ran A*rert to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Snndays.ftbo Market Street Oar. wIU run to connect with they JO A. M.,4.45 and U P. ■ JD. line* . ■ '.&^£S£ii£s£ WAMI baibboad lines Ai7JO A.-M., for Niagara falls. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Xlmfra, _ltha<n, Owego. Rochester, Blnghampton A. M. and 3JO P. M. for Scran ton,Btrouds. , forg,... Wjter . Oap, Belrldere, Easton, Bam bertvflle. Flemfngton, Ac. The SJO P. ST. Lino con neets direct with the train lsiTing Easton for Manch Chunk- Allentown, Betblehem, Ac. Atkl A.M.from West Philadelphia Depot, and 5 P. M. front Kensington Depot»for BambertvSle and interne, dlste Stations. CAMDEN AND BUBBINOTON CO., AND PEMBEB TON AND HIOHTBTOWN BAILIiOADS, from Mm ketstreet FerryfOpper Side.l At 7 »od Ki A. M.dV^.ICJJO.S A4JO otlThnrS." ' day and Saturday nights ot 11 JO P. M for Merchants ' ■yißcjMoorostownv Hartford;- MasonrlUei*'Halnsport _ .andßlount Holly. At 7 A. M.,S.lBand6JOP. M. for'Kamberton and Med* ford. At 7 and W A M., .1, S-90 A4F. M„ for Smlthyllle, . Ewansyllle.Vlncen»ownßirmingham and Pemberton. At,W A. it. for Bewistown, Wrightetown, Cocks town, Nerj Egypt and Hornerstown. At7A. M.. 1 and3AoP.M.for Lewlstown, Wrights* town,Cookfitown,New Egypt, Hornerstown, Cream . Bldgo, Imlaystown, Bharon and Hlghtstown; ; fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paefiengera are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company lim >{their resnoneibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be fiable for any amount beyoim 9UO. ex* cenpt by special contract. Ticueta sold and Baggage checked direct through to BoßtonyWorcoeter, Spnngfieldy Hartford, Hew Haven- Providence, Newport, Albany, I Troy, Saratoga, Utica. Bonie v ByTacuse, Rochester,Buffalo, Niagara Falla and buspension Bridgo. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all impor tant points North and East, maybe procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at tbiß Office, can hare their bag jage checked from residences or hotel to destination,by [Jnion Transfer Baggage Express. ' ) ■ Binwfrcm New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at IM and 4iX> P. M., via-Jorser City and Camden. At and.lo A.M., 12 J),6,6 and 9 PtU., and atl2.NightjTi& Jereoy City and West Phila delphia. ' - • From Pier No. 1, N. River, at A. 81. Accommoda* tionaml2P.M.Expresa,ria Amboy and Camdon. , ; April JJ. 1870. ‘ WM, H. OATZMEK, Agent. Pennsylvania central hail B GAD.—-After 8 P. M., SUNDAY, November 14th: ,1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Denot>at Thirty-flratand Market streets,which is reached directly by the cars of the Slarket Street Pas* aenger Railway’, the laatcar connecting with each train •leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before ita dejSarturo. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway ran within one sgnare of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can be bad on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest comer of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggago at the Depot. Orders lettat No. 901 Chestnut street,No. 116 Market street, will receive at* ~‘ vv - DKPOT. VIZ.; ' U MailTrr - .. te i-rain—.... at 8.00 A*. Mi PaoliAccom——.at 10.30 A.M., 1.10, and 6.50 P. Mi Fast Line..-.;.- -..at 11J0 A. Mi BrieEMrees--..-.-...—..C,.-——-. at 11 JO A. M; Harrisburg Accom..—.—.at 2.80 P; Mi Lancaster Accom—; . —.at 4.10 P. M; ...:;atU.3Q P. M; Cincinnati Express.— —...... at 8.00 PMi Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express....—,... ...at 9.45 P. Mi Accommodation...-—.—.—. at 12.11 A M 1 JBxrrc« ..at 12.00 night Erie Man leaves daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday utebt passengers will leave Fhilaaelphinrat 8 o'clook. Pacific Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily, except Saturday., All other trains dally, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 6.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street. *»“* TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. VIZ : Cincinnati Express—..... ——. ....at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express..— —— ._&t6JO A. M. Erie Mail— at 6JO A. M. Faoll Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3.40 & 6.25 P. M Parksburg Train. at 9.10 A. M. Fast Line.—...... . r—.at 9.40 A. M Lancaster Train.——..at 12J5 P. M. Erie Express.—.— — at 12A5 P. M. Southern Express —at 7.00 P. M. Lpck-Havenand Elmira Express—..—..at 7.00 P. M, Pacific — ..at 4.25 P. 51. Harrisburg Accommodation... —..at 9.50 P. M. ’ For further information, apply to JOHN F. VANLEEB, Jr., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut etreet. _ FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market street. SAM UEL B. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars ifi value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special con* tract. _ A. J. CASSATT, Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, GER MA NT OWN X AN I) NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TABLE. On and after THURSDAY, April 21st, 1870. , FOR GERMANTOWN. Reave PHILADELPHIA 6 , 7,8, 9 05, 10, 11, 12, fco?i«AVM* 4 ’ 4)41 “*• % 6 ’^- 7 - «• Leevo GERMANTOWN 6, 6.E5, 734, 8, 8.30, 9, 10, 9 20 U 10; ! ’11 A 'P I M IJ;£ ' 2 ' 3 ' 3J0 ' <&> «• 6. 634, V, 8, Ihe SJU Down Train, and 3% and s?i Up Trams .tvttinot stop on the Germantown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA aXOii, A. H. 2, 4.05 min., 7, and 10Ji. P. M. Leave GEHMANTOWN at BLJ, A.M. ], 3, <j, and 951 , P . M D.H.MUNDY, Agent. tiIABT EREIUHT JLINE, VIA .NORTH X.PENNSYI/VANIA BAILBOAD, to. Wllkoabarre, Mahanoy Olty.'Mottnt Carmel .Central la, and all pointa on liehlghYnlloy Bel broad ana ltebrahchcß. ■ By new arrnoeemonta, norfoqtcd this day. Ibis road la enabled lo givolncreoße<rdoapatch to morobandiso con signed to too above-named pointa; • ; Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot. . _ , „ ■0,',.. 8, K. cor. Front and Nobio streetai Before t P.M.»vrlu, reach Wllkoabarre, Mount Carmel. Mahanoy Olty.and the other etations In Mahanoyand Wyoming A. blithe * P BAD itia — ukb-Ta? XVTrunk Line from Philadelphia to the interior of ***»! guhnylkilll :Ba»Joeh»im»t Comber-. »?& d .Zr2 ln « v »lleM.*he North, Northweet, uni VjJP'Sf!'*“• f Pnng Arrangement TrefhsJ ard ri na B i'iP^, l , 0 “I in<f * he Oonip#n>’e D«rto»,7rhlrteehtlJ hoore: ' foin>s»lUrf »“9Mjgg.AQ^oi«ll»j>A«oir^At f jo a! m for stations,and Allentown. Pblfadelp^feteM! llB ««*> P - M - »rrirln* in . MORNINGjEXPRKBS.-AtB.UA. M. for Beading* 82SnSS5'^oTr/ I ,bnr(! ’ Pot i?. T ‘ l . ,0 > Pine Grove,Tamaqna, s , ari« ,I K,’iRK. 1 * 1 ro?iT ,)o t?f Elm J,r a .' Rochester,: Niagara i f l ™ ,ton , York. OarlTalo, _Tbe7 JO A. tt. train connects at Reading with the East «?? the 2: 1 »*:.“• train connects witntbe Lebanon Valley train * In SRI,4 :c •*At. Port Clinton with. Catawlaeaß. 8' i£? v B tOT ; TOUiMMjwi’t.liocit Haven, Elmfrii, Ac?; at Harrlfllinrff wHb Northern Centra!,,Cara'bbr]and "Val !«m>Si d Q ltjrySJk!} 1 an 4 SaaauGbiuma trains for North- Williamsport. York, Chamb raborgTplno* gTOvOe SEC. •* • * , EARREBB.-Ecavoe Philadelphia at SAO P. M. for Beading, PoUavlllo, Harrleburg, Ao.,con- Co]nrofiS ,t *e ß^U^*nd oolnm^to B*llro*a trains for POTTB7OWN AOCOMMODATION.--l.eare. Potta bsvrn at S.2S A. H., stopping at the Intermediate stations: o T , T l! rr j? n PhihideJlphra at S.tO A. M. Retnraln? lßaves Pld lad el»Ma M. -arrl v«i« In Pottstovm at 6.13 P.M, RKADING AND POTTBVILLE AOOOMMODa- TTON.-Leaves Potts vtlloat s.to A. M..and Beading at d&hiaVo^ 6 ?!"* al,wa 7«tatlon S ; arriveain Pblla- Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 3.13 P. M.t arrives i In Reading at 7.ES P. M., and at Pottorllle at 9,-to P. M. „TnUn« for Philadelphia leave Uart-lebnrg at 8.10 A. S-J %ti F S} tev l , i e at 9 00 A- M.,arrivlng In Philadelphia at L9Q.P. M. Afternoon trains leare Harrisburg at 2.03 deifet^l?^ 188 * W. * ?»m*. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Beading at 7.15 A. M.,and Harrisburg at 4.10 P.M. Connecting at Bead ing with Afternoon Accommodation sooth at CM P, M.« araiving in Philadelphia at 8.29 P. M. V “ ■ “*’ w£s, sr M t ft ain j with a Passenger car attached.loaves Philadelphia at 12 JO noon for Beading and all Way Stations; leaves PotfsvjUe at 540 A. M., connecting at Bi^rtr infir accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday tralrialeavePottsviueatS A.M., and Phiia* delphia at 3.19 P. M.Jleave Philadelphia Tor Beading at 8-00 A. M.. returninefrom Reading at 4.25 P; M*>, CHESTER VALLEY BAILBOAP.-Paasengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7JO A M., 12-SOand 4 jOO P/M. trains from Philadelpbia»fotnmr *^OC9J^Pii l ECs!nsrtowh at 12v46 and 6.19 P.M “ FBBKIOMKN RAILROAD .-Paa/tenSers for Sohwenka ville take 7JO A.M., 12J0 an34JO PtM. trains for Phila delphia, returning from Schwenkeville at 8.05 A. M., 12.49n00n, 4JLS P. BJ. Stagelinea for various noints In Unu echwenksville. m COLEBBOOKDALB BAILROAD-Passengers for Mt. Pleasant arid ihtermeJiate'pbihts take the7Jo A. M. and 4JO P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7 00and 11.25 A. Mr. 1 express fob pittsbubgh and THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and 6JO P. M., passing Beading at 146 and 10.05 P-fLi and connects at Harrisbnrg with Pennsylvania ana Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, A©. Returning,Express Train leaves Hnrrisbnrgon arrival of Penpsylvaniaßxpresa from Pittsburgh, at 9J9 A. M. and nooD, passing Reading at A. M.and 2.05 P. M. # arriving at NewTork at 12.09 noon and 6J5 P. M. Bleeping Cars accompany these.trains through between Jen»ev City and Pittsburgh, without change!* Mail traihfor New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. Mid 2.05 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL 'VALLEY BAILBOAP~*TraIoi leavo Pottßtille'utG.3&atJd IIJO-AiMvand from A.M.,and 2.16 and 4AOP. M. SCHUYLKILL AND BUSUUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains leave Anburn at 8.65 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12-30 .noon for . Pine grove, Tremont and Brooksidc;* returning fromUar risbnrg at 3.40 P M: from Brook«ide at 4.00 P. M.aud from Tremont at 7.15 A.M and 5.06 P.M. TlCKETa.—Througb first-class tickets and emigrant tickets 1 pr f ncipal PQintg tn foe Nngth ' Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market- Train, (loading and PottatGwn Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia; good for day only, are sold at PottsviUeand Intermediate Stations by trad ing and Pottsvillo . and Pottstown . Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. ? The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street -Philadelphia.. -Superinte ndent, Reading. -•< Commutation TfcketsAt 25 per cent, discount, between any points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,ooomUe3,between all points at $47 QO each for families and fittna. . . . / Season Tickets, for one,two.ttiree,eix, nine or twelve xrontbs.for holders only, to ell points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the linepf flie road will be tar nished with cards, entitling themselves and wires to tickets at half fare s Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions; good for -Saturday, Sunday" and Monday, at ro dneed fare, to be_had _pnly at thfiJTickot Office, at Thir- streets'. _' FRETGHT.~-Goods of ail description*! forwarded to all the above points from tho Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and’WlUow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily A. M., 12.30 n00n,5.00 and 7J5 P. M.vfor Bcadine, Lebanon ( narrisbnrg, PotUville, Port Clinton, and .all points be yond. ... Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office tor all places on the road and its branches at 6A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. *' , „ • ~BAGCIA.GR. Dnnesn’B Express will collect Baggage Jot all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. HS Sontli Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlll streets. XTORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, -Ll -THE BHORT MIDDLE ROUTE to the Lehigh and Wyoming Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and Interior New York, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, the GreAt Lakes and the Dominion of Canada. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. TAKES EFFECT, November 22d, 1369. 14 DAILY TRAINS leave Passenger Depot, corner of Berks and America* streets (Sundays excepted), follows: * 7JU A. M< Accommodation for Fort Washington, At B A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on main line of North -Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, fifanch Chunk, Mahnnoy • City Wilkesbarre, rittston, Towanda and Waverly: connec ting at Waverly with ERIE RAILWAY for Niagara Falls, Buffaltf, Rochester, Cleveland. Chicago, San Francisco,and all points in the Great West. fa At 8.46 A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestownvstop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers fop Wil low Grove, Hatboro’ and Harteville* by this train, take Stage at Old York Rpod. * 9.45 a. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown Maucb Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre,' Pithrton, Scranton and Oarbondale via Lehigh And Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown, Easton. Hackettstown, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris and Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley Railroad, At 10.45 A. M, —Accommodation for Fort Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. • 1.16,6 JO and S P.M.—Accommodation to Abington, At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem) Easton, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, JPittston,and Wyoming Coal Be, giona. • At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doyleatown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 4.16" P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestonrn.stop, ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.-r-Throngh. for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, Maucb Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.~Accommodation for Lonsdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11A0-P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS .ARRIVE.IN. PHIL ADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9A. M., 2.16;"'4:40 and 8.26 Pm," 2.16 P. M.,4.40 P. M. and 8.25 P. M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Basque *hanna trains from Easton, Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Ma il anoy OUy and Hazleton. From Doylestown at 8.35 A.M.,4.30 P.M.and 7.05 P.M . From Lonsdale at'7.3o A. M. .__ ,„ . From Fort \V aahington at 9.25 and 10AS A. M* and 3.10 P.M. . . . ON BUNDAYB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M, Doyleatown for Philadelphia at 7/10 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at4.no P. M. Fifth and'Sixth Streets and Second and Third Streets Lines of City Passenger cars run directly to and from the Depot; Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. i Tickets mpst bo procured at the Ticket Office, inofdoj 46 aecnretbb lowest rites of fore. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through toprinci pal points, at Mann’s North Penn. Baggage Express office, No. 106 South Fifth street JERSEY EAILR O. A D.S COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4, 1870. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street (Uppei jP erry j at * i 8.00 A. M.> Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, &lillvHlo,Viue land, Swedesboro and all iutermodiate stations. 11 *l5 A. M. Woodbury AeconimodUion. 8.15 P. M., Mail, for Capo May, Millvillo, Vineland -md way stations helow Glassboro. 3.30 P.M., Passenger, for BridgotonrSalem,-Swedes* boro, and all fntertuediate stations. 5.45 P. M., Woodbury, Glassboroand Clayton accom; Ba traj;n roB CAPK UAY A * (Saturdays only.l Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 A. M. Leave Cape May, 1.10 P. M. \ Froight train loaves Oaxnuen daily, at 13.00 o’clock, n< Freight received in Philadelphia at second oovortn} wharf uelowv Walnut street. . Freight delivered at No. 328 8. Delawaro avenue. tickets, at reduced rates,.between Phils delnhia and all stations. . - u • “ WTTiI.TAM J. SEWELL, Superintendent, April 1,1870. * * - Philadelphia and brie RAIL ROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. _ , On and after MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1869, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will rnn aB follows from Pennsylvania West Philadolphia : Mall Train loaves Philadelphia - 9-36 P. M. •• “ . “ : Williamsport ..7.40 A.M. “ “ arrives at Erie *-fi {{• “ i “ arrives at Erta - - 10 0* A. M. Elmlra.Mall leaves Philadelphia. 7AO A. M. “ " “ Williamsport 60* P. M. . ii. uxives at L<mk I-Ju i’. iil. Mail Train leayos Erl?..;. B'jjO A. M. “ “ arrives at Philadolphia.........— J.W n' B' Erlo Express leaves Erie k*Oo P. Jl. “ Arrives at Philadelphia 11-16 P. M. Elmira Mail leaves Look JHaven 8.00 A. M. ■Vt .■ " . Wlllfamsport. 0.45 A. Jt. . •> “ arrives at Philadelphia....; AM P, M. Bnffalo Express leaves Wi11iam5p0rt...,...19.3$ ».■}}, -»f ! Horrisburff ~;.;;........;.. 6.1» A.Mp • orrlvos at Philadelphia,........-9.25 A . JL Express east connects at Oorry. Mail east at Oorry and Trvlnoton.v Bxpresa west at Trvtncfcon with trains on ■Oil (Ireete and Allegheny RlWßallroad. . . ALEBSiD It, TXLBB. thaeral Suserlnteode : v I 1 s&*■ •^M. r ?J;^®^ri C S ( CBt< 7, Btop > at aU'stations. , 2 wm2 w *Jnw ttl l ct,o * n • to l w s* ftl **tsitfona.' « ?•?? p' s}• S e # tjhcfitnr stops at all stationH. ! ■\ii vif # / or fl/' Ci J. nn< -tlon jrtdps.at all station", ; i. 46 P. M.foi* West,Chester rtopsat all stations wpst of •Medtrt (except Greenwood), connecting at B; 0 June* -«h k. I *’ * . Deti<>t,lt ’ and “» station, H. C. Junction./Tljk train commoner* 'iJatfohs '.Mid after. Juno Ist, M7O, stopping at ail 6.W ■PrJliifor West Cbestor.stops at all stations. , 11.30.P.M. for West Chester stops at ail stations. •■'*, J' ?OB PHILADELPHIA. ' ‘ ‘5.25 A;M;from B. 0. Jtmctfon stops at all stations. 6.30 AvM,.from West Chester stops at all stations. ' 7.50 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations bo* twren W. C. and Mediafexcept Ureenwood/vconnoct- at-B.C.JmicHorifor Oxford,lTodnett»"]port'\Do _ posit, jind.all ntations on tho P. A 11. U. B;B.; ; f*l® A. M.froni B. C, Junction stops at all stations. ; iO,CU A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. ! « £• JJ* from B. C. Jnifction stops at all stations. P-M. from We* tCh peter stops at alt stations. •4.66 P. M.-from Went Cbestentop'rat-nU'stntionßpcon* ~ nectingat li.C Junction for Oxford, K6nndtt,Port , . £W' , ft nd nil stations on th< P; &8.0.8. R. 6JJS P. M. from West Chester stops at all stations, cou rt JifS/te? Junction with P. &B. 0; B. B. ~ ~ : 9.00 P. M. from B. C. Junction. This train commences Oll fln< * a^ter ** uno Ist, .1970, stopping at all 6m :■ • v w ON SUNDAYS. , 8 **o stopaatnil stations,connects *a• ft*£ or Chester stops at all stations. yf2 n roln West Chester stops at all stations. 4XO P. M. from West Ches'er stopsat ail stations, con* . pectingatß;C. Junction with P, A V • W. O. WHEELER, Superintendent. pIUXjABELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND RAILROAD-TIME TABLE. Oom- E?™si Dg MONDAY, Apr! 4th, 1870, Trains willjlcve \vks- ' corner Broad and Washington avenuo, as fol- , WAY MAH, TBAIN at 8.50 A. M. (Sundays oxceptoi). for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. OSS -BmilS! V* 01 Delaware Railroad Lino otClayton with and Defaward R.R.,at Harrington with Junction and Breakwaterß.B., at beaford with Dorchester and Delaware Railroad, at SaUabury Perryville and Havre do Grace. Connects at Wilmlng' ton Castle. EXPBEBB TBAIN at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), Stanton, Newark, Klkton, North East, Charlestown • _Havre do Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s; ® Ohase’frand Stemmer’s Ban. . * »^ 1G S T .?? CP . 4 11 •»» P-M. (dally I for Baltimore 25. ii Washington, stopping at Cheater, Lln woed, ClaympntLWllnUngton, Newark, Elkton, North noHa * erryT^Bo * Havroile Grace, Perryman’s anu Mag* WILMINGTON TBAlNS.—Stopping at all Station* between Philadelphia and Wilmington. otai,ona Leave PHILADELPHIA at U.OO A. M..2X0,6.00 and 7.00 P. M. Theo.oo P. M. train'connects with Delaware Railroad!for Harrington and intermediate stations. -Leave WILMINGTON 6.4s'and 8.10 A. M.,2.00,4.00and 7.16 P.M. The 8.10 A. M, train will not stop betwoen Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.15 P. 81. nrain from da^y ' aßot l i erAccommodationTrain! Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.45 A; M. and 4.00 P.M. will connect at Lnmokln Junction with the 7.00. AVM. ami 4AO P: M. trains for Baltimore Central R. R From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.— Leaves Bjiltimore 7.2 5 A. M., Way Mail. 9.40 A. M,.Express, 2X6 P.M., Express. 7.25 P. M.., Express. ’ * JBAIN FROM -BALTIMORE,—Leaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P* M. Stopping at Blagnolia, Por-' ryman s, Aberdeen, Elkton. Newark, Stanton, Newport. Wilmington. Olaymont, Linwood and'Chestor.. • Through tickets to all points West, Southland Sonth* west may be procured at tho ticket office, 628 Chestnut .atreetrUnder Continental Hotel, where also State Roomri and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured daring the day. Persons purchasing tickets at thife office can have baggage checked at their roaidjnee by the* Union Trans fer Compnny. B. F. ‘ Philadelphia and baltimobb CENTBAL RAILROAD. n :■ ■ CHANGE OF’HDCRS. On and after MONDAY, April 4, 1070, trains will rud 3 folIowB: . i LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P.W, & B. B. R., corner Broad street and Washington avenue; For PORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. M.alid 4.30 P. M.. ! For OXFORD, at 7 A-. M., 4.30 P.M.. and 7 P. »I. For CHADD’S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK Ri R.. at 7 A.M.,,10 A. JI„2J» P.M..4A0 P.M., acd7 Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. connoote at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore ‘ Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. M. and 4.30 P; M.,leavlngOxlordat6;osA.M.,and leaving Port De-i posit at 9 26 A.M..copnoct at Cbadd’e Fora JuncLiod with the W ilmington and Reading Railroad.— - ' TBAINSJ’OB PHILADELPHIA leave Port Deposit at 0.25 A.M. and 4.25 P. M. on arrival'of trains from Baltimore. ‘ OXFORD at 6.05 A. M„ 10.35 A. M. and 53b PI M. 1 CB ADD’S FORD at 7.26-A. Mv, 12.00-Mv, 130 P. M.j 435 P. 31. and 6.49 P. M,. On SUNDAYB leave Philadelphia for West Grove and intenrtedimte-ftationsnt“B,€o“ArM7 —Relurnlnff'leave' WestGrov«at3.ss P. ftl. Passengers are allowed to take wearing' apparel' only as baggage, and the Company will not be responsible for hd amount exceeding one nundred dollars, unless a special contract is mode'for the game. __ L WOOD, General Superintendent, ; XIIMBEKT MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. IQ7A PATTERN MAKERS. 1 Q7A lOllf. PATTERN MAKERS. 13 U. CHOICE SELECTION MICHIGAN 0 CORK PINB FOR PATTERNS. 1 07 A SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK.! Q7A 10 iU. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK, 10 IU. LARGE STOCK. ■ IQ7A FLORIDA FLOORING. IQ7A : 10 I U. FLORIDA FLOORING. 101 U. CAROLINA FLOODING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOURING’ ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. LORIDA STEP BOARDS.I Q7A FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. JLOIU. BAIL PLANK. BAIL PLANK. 1 1870. iiiio. w ““ , n !ir s “ D m#. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS, , BUILDERS, &0. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. IQ7A SEASONED POPLAR. 1 Q7A IOiU. . SEASONED CHERRY. 10 IU. ABH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. IQ7A CAROLINA SCANTLING.I Q7A 10 IV. CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. 101 U, NORWAY SCANTLING. ' IQ7A CEDAR SHINGLES. 107/1' Loll/. jjedab 811JNGLE8. lolUi CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT, FOB SALE LOW. . IQ7A PLABTERING LATH. 107A' 10 I U. PLASTERING LATH. 10 i U, LATH. ’ 81AULE BROTHER CO., ■ _ 25O08OUTH STREET. gAW AND PLANING MILL, DR'KprilSON STREET WHARF. Particular attention given to Flooriug, Poncing ami Surfacing. Hard ami dolt wood. apaeJuio* WESTER & TREGO. Yellow pine ldm her.—orders for cargoes of ever; description Sawed Lumber eie* JUtpcLftt snort notice-—aanlity subject to inspection Apply tbBI>W:HrBOWb]BY-i 16 South-Wharves,., B IVSI N KSN C A KDS. MICHAEL WEAVER, OEO. H..S. UHLKH. , WEAVER & CO., tope and Ttvlue UlnmifuctiirerN and Deulert* in Hempaiul Niup Chandlery, j U North WATER. . 23 North WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. , \ a pi tfs _j . established ItPAI. . WM. Q. FLANAGAN & SON, M.OUSE A.\B» SHIP PLUMBEBS, Nq. 129 Walnut Street. jyT lys : . p jTJSLPH”WALTON & CO., CABINET MAKERS, . NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers ,ot fine furniture and of modimn priced furniture of superior quality . ~G/10DS.0N_ UANJ>, ORBEB.-: Couutnrs. Desk-work, &c,, for Dunks, Olflcos and .Stores, made to order. JOBEPII WA LTON, ©?\JO&. W.LIPPINOOTT, ‘ JOSEPH L. .SCOTT. fol-ly§ Efi. WKJJHT, . ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, . , , Oommlaeloner of Deeds for the State of Penusylronla in Illinois. ' , 96 Madison street, No. 11. Chicago, Illinois. ttoHftii fIOTTON 8A I h DUCK OF EVERY \J width, from 22 Inches to 79 inches wide, t»U numbers Tent and Awning Dock, ,* Twine, Ac. JOHN W. EVERMAN, ja26 No. 109 Church street City Stores* pHILADP.LPHIA,.- JRrUHMOND- AND r„NOBFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH LINE TO THE SOOTH INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED BATES BBATUD:^a 8 BATUD :^a S V l '«^7 I ? .PJ.aT'WEDNESDAY: nit ’ aWMAR^TStr'o'eV N ° on ’ frOEU WHABF,, B T?iTJ?iSTiA vi LK AVBnrOHMOND MONDAYS and ■ sajurdayb' and Norfolk Tuesdays/and. SfilHng Day/*” of liQ(3I Bl g ne< l. after U o v clock>a a rl Poluf*! o NorthandSouth Pdr?imAnf*K T d Al^*J*ino DoUroad,cpnhoctiMr at W^2\ft n v?JdSS?« t^I, J D^ hbnrg » Ya.vTennoflseo amfthe tranrfe f*** ootDn^88i oh» drayage, or any expense for Bteamshipslnsuro pt lowest rates. Freight received DAILY. State-room accohanddations'fer passengers. ’ “ w • i«» a ! : *'v! «jl WILLIAfII t, GIiYDB A CO. w‘p 2 u/Pt&JS"; 7 * B and Pier No. 1 North Wharves, ? Agent atßichniond and City Point, — _T. P. CROWELL AGO.. Agents at Norfolk > *’ FOR BOST O N.-STEAMSHrpTHSS DIRECT, SAILING from each port evert Wednesday and SatHTdar. ; FROM p INE PHILADELPHIA, p MM p„ BP . LONQ WHABF, BOSTON. “ . E O“ ToT. M KLrHIA | ' 'rßOMßodion., AR?'PR A TO , «a ltur a Qyy *'. p,i * 2 'BOMAN,Satnrday, Ap’ll 2 . 618 AXON, Wednesday; *‘ U 6 R?v™ , fe" rt ‘7' J .I 9 NORMAN, Saturday,“ g &f>tJM l^’w V n ,n . 08 5 B!, 13 ARIES, Wednesday, “ is : AWTWB A S’J a SI day ’ ” IGIROMA&, Saturday, “ 16 nnM : . B K'B 0 ?.5 <, 2! 1 „ ay ’ S’SA x 'J. N '^ r "<lnesday, •• M >‘ 23 NORMAN, Baturday** » - ■£no£ : 5 l iT^ e ? nel i < ' ay 77 ARIES. Wednesday, “ S I S^’ Sat HT day > , JoIbOMAN, Saturday, m eve^Aay te ™ < ’ hi, “ “ U panctna, . ly - V" 1 * 1 * 4 Freight forwarded to all points In Hew England. apply L>” or . 338Sonth Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AMD sonTOßßtr JT MAID STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN BTREET WHARF?■ “Vr'i nT «°X A . Z0 ° i sell .from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on Tuesday, May JOth, at 8 A. M. .Tho ACHILLES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, direct,- —Mav.-e.; . -i ■; * eThe_ WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, April 30, at 8 o’clock A. M. ‘ • o The CENTIPEDE win sail from SAVANNAH on WILMINGTON, N.0./m J:WdaxTMay.6, at 6 /_ Through bills of lading Bigned, and passage ticketa Bold to all eointaBouth and West. t BLLLB of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF, For freight orpastage, apply to • • WILLIAM Lv JAMES, General Agent, 1 •••• j 1130; South Third etreet. EOR NEW YORK : VIA-DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL; i : EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communica tion.between Philadelphia and New York. daily from. First Wharf below MAR* KETstreet, Philadelphia,,and<foot of WALL street, New York. * . -, * „ THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR Goods forwarded by all the Lines running out of New York. North, East or West, free of commission. <> Freights received Daily anu forwardod on occommoda* ting terms. ’ ' t--. - WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agsnts, w.« . -12 South Delaware itvenueA JAB. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Stroet, New York, \fEW EXP.RfiHH LINE TO ALKYAN. JIJI dria, Georgetown and Woehington. B; C.,vlaOhos ffpeake and Delaware Canal, with connectioha at Alax andri® from the moetdirect route for Lynchburg; Brta tol, Knoxvillo, NnshVille, DaltOn and the Southwest, bteamers leave regularly from; the flrst. wharf dfov Market street, every Saturdayat noon, -- Freight received daily.' WJI. P; CLYDE & CO.. No. 12 Sonth'Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharvoa; Agonts at Georgetown. M. ELDBIDGE A CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va ' Delaware . and - Chesapeake BTEABI TOW-BOAT COMPANY.-Barges towed botween Philadelphia, Baltinipre, Havre do Grace, Del aware City and intermediate poihte.’' " ■■■• v . I’UVDE & CO.; Agents; Capf. JOHN LAUGHLIN. Snp’t OlHce, 12-Sonth iWharvee; Phila delplua. : , apll tf§ For new york, via Delaware AND RARITAN CANAL.i , SWIFTBURE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY; DIBPATCH AND SWIFTSUHE LINES, ! - ■ Leavingdaily at 12 and 5 P. 51. The steam propellers of this Company will commence loading on the Bfb of Broirch. Through in twefaty-four hours. r .’ > Goodaforwarded-to-anypoint.froe of oommisslons. i Freights taken on Aecommodating terms. Apply to. WM. M. BAIRD &^CO. 1 Agenta, _pih4 : H outh Delaware avenue. • ~~~CONSIONEES»~NOTrCES. —. ■\T OTI C ALL PERSONS ARB XY hereby cautioned againstharboting or trusting, any of the crew of the. bark Dnnbrody. Speckel, master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting wlfl bo paid by Captain or Consignees. WORKMAN * CO., Consignees.’ : T • - • . HEATERS AND STOVES. PANCOAST & MAULE THIRD AND PEAK STREETS, Plain and Galvanized WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPE For Oas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOII.GR TOTBES. Heating by Steam and Hot Water, Pipe of ail Sizes Cat and Fitted to Order. CARD. Having Bold HENRY B. FANOOAST and FRANCIS I. MAULE (gentlemen in our employ for several years past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the cornor of THIRD and FEAR streets, in this city, that branch of our busi ness, together with that of HEATING and VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both by all_ its varionff systems, will lie carried on under tho firm" name of PANCOAST A MAULE, at tho old stand , aud we re commend them to the trade and business public as being entirely competout to perform all work of that character. MORRIS, TASKER & CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 22,1870. mhl2*tf THOM SON'S LONDON KlTOH ener.or European Ranges, for families, hotels iflgFQ.. or pubiio institutions, in twenty-different sizes. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot. Air. Portable Heaters, Low down Grates. Fireboard Stoves. Bath Pollers, Stow-holo Pintos, Broilers. Cooking titoveß.cto, « /RDGAR-L. THOMPSON. Successor to SHARPE A THOMSON) no2to w f toft . ' No. 20$ North Second stroot. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, ri „ _ Late Andrews A Dixon, jETft No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street, Philada., _ Opposite United States Mint* onufactnrera of LOWDOW PARLOR, ' CHAMBER, OFFICE, / And other GRATES. Tor Anthraoito, Bituminous ana Wood Fir also WARM-AIR FURNACES, Tor Warming Pnblio and Privnto BaUdlngs REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, / „ • AND CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING-RANGES; BATH-BOM«EBS - - WHOLESALE and RETAIL pENTISTKV. APAT. PF-NTAT.r.INA. A SOPEKIOR V-f artieie for cleaning the Teeth, destroying anlmalcula which Infoet them,giving tone to tho gnms.and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness In tho ' mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma nnd detersiveness will recommond it to every one. Be ing composed with.the assistance of the Dentist, Physi cians and Microscopiat.it Is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for tho jmcertain washes formerly in ' Eminent Dentists, acquainted with' the. constituents of tho Uentaliina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent it. (Apoth«sueyfs Broad and Spraco streets. Druggists generally) and . .•vviujWowue, D. l. macßnonae. Hussord A Go, ( Robert O. Davis, 0. K.Keony, geo. C. Bower,: lunac H. Kay, Ohns.Shivers, . . 0. H. Needle., 8. M.MoCoHn,' T. J. Husband, 8.0. Banting, Ambroaeßmith, , - Chaa,p. Kberle, Kdward Purrißb, , James N, Mark., Wni.B. Webb, • E,.Brlngirarst & Co., Jumea L. Biapnam, Dyott & Co,, finches & Combe, H.O. Blair's Bona, ■ Henry A. Bower, i - Wvetbftßro KO DOBBS’ iAJXD. WDSa’KNHUDM’B TOOKET JEN IVES, PHARR and STAG HAH IILEB of beantlfnl flulsh; RODGERS' and WADKk UUTOHKB’Sj and the OrfLEfiRATED LEOODIiTB* RAZOR. ROIBBOBB IN OASES of tho finest duality. Baaora.Kulves,Sclaaoraand TableOntlery,gronndand polished. BAB INSTRUMENTS of the most apbrovM e.>natrnctlon to assist the bearing, at P. M ADKIKAS, antler and Surgical InstrnjnentMaker, 1U Tenth street below Chestnut. .. mil.tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers