! *’ ' t £c~T Lr ~ -‘W*ZZXiF' t “'■•'« *y CITY HOLLBTIR. • Memento Mom— A. terriidn by BisHdpSimp wn —Bv ho denomination are its .bishops rnore revered than by the denomination ot Methodists. In their innermost hearts are • enshrined the names of the founders of their ' protest aeainst the cold formalities that con- Mbntr d the surroundings of John Wesley, - aud that impelled the P'lfe spirit of Charles ' weslev to abandon the frigid counterpoint of the music in the Church "of England for the simple melodies that are as much the cliarac - teristies of Methodism on the frontier and in the backwoods at the present day as they ■were when Wesley held the first open-air meeting now immortalized iu the pages of" hisioryTnotonly sacred, but secular. „ •"Thonames of Whitfield and hummerfield, iand ithostof others, are inscribed in letters of love upon the Methodist heart. Coming down to recent date, it has boen bereft of two of its bishops, who died with the harness yet imon them, and for whoso life the church in —^, n t. r al-will neverJ'aiLto-entertalii. feelings oL rC llfslmpTfic)mpson, 6f West Virginia, and Bishop Kingsley, wlio haifheen laboring an Oriental countries, have passed away. Every Methodist knows their history by heart. To reneat, it would be here superfluous. On his. •wav to Conference lie sickened and died. Bishop Kingsley yielded up his pure spirit to its Author while in attendance at a council of missionaries in the far distant city of Beyrout. Bishop Kingsley was a man of gigantic mind and indomitable energy. He interpreted the command: "Go ye into all nations, given to • His disciples, ns literally applicable to himself. •As Paul said Wo is me if I preach not the Gospel,” so felt Bishop Kingsley as to lus re-" lations with those who were as yet in dark- D< Kshon Kingsley visitea the Conferences in Inland China/'He expected before return ing to his borne to participate in the Conler ' once* of Germany. .This purpose was frus- b ytheProvldencethatcalled kturhomy —not te an earthly home—but to the rest of the home that remaineth for the people of God.” Bishop Kingsley also visited Palestine. ■ Had he survived, it is believed that the litora , ture of the country would have been enriched by at least one more production of his pen. ;'" Xo' commemorate the departure ot these saints, memorial services were,, this morning, held in the Union Methodist"'’Episcopal Church, Fourth street, above Arch. The . auditorin* was so crowded that, although , reaching the spot, in advance of the hour ot commencement of-the-services,..oiw reporter with difficulty made . his way to the pulpit ■ front; The central-seats , were occupied by - preachers, of whom were present from vari ous parts of the surrounding country a goodly number of representatives. The interior of the sacred edifice was draped with the sym - hols of mourning. The pulpit and the front ot the- galleries were hung in sadly-suggestive P The exercises were begun by Boy. Alfred Cookmanj who announced theJoB3d hymn. Kev. Mr. Cook offered, and Kev. Sir. Post, ~ of the New Jersey Conference, read an ap propriate selection from the sacred Scriptures. The text of Bishop Simpson was the words,- 11 precious in the eyes of the Eord is the death of His Saints.” .. . When the angel of death, said the speaker, makes visitation to' our earth, enters a nouse- -hold'aml'calls away some loved one to the fu ture state of existence, the hearts of the be reaved are thrilled with sadness. The tomb,-to the survivors, looks dark, and we then feel thq 'strength, though it be unseen, of the tie that has bound us to those who have gone before. I Wlienthe wise and tbc great aud the good • areremovedTromus a nation’s, heart is sad dened. Jn the words of this text, living and dying, we are the Eord’s.- Wo are the chil dren of the Eord, who seems to bend over the dying bed, and whose expiring moments are precious in His sigfiE,_We .do not always realizethia, -though wesbould ever be assured of the constant presence of God. His word is not only a revelation of His will; there is a. sensein which His word removes the veil from the face of Nature and gives it all its force. There is something ui every flower and every-tree, in every-Object upon, the face ot Nature, that tells 11s of Infinite goodness and wisdom. In our perversity we often fail to recognize His presence around and about us, though tiie whole material earth is filled aud imbued with tlie majesty, of His glory. The touch of Hisspiritupon the herfvfc is the utterance that renders us appreciative of His ■ presence, and of the moral position we should occupy before Him. The speaker graphically -.j.i beautifully illustrated the übiquity of God. He then depicted the death-bed of the Christian. . , , , , Nolie of us, while here, yviHli to be called “ Saints.” And yet, to a certain extent, it we come up to the standard of His Word, we are so. The Apostle writes to the saints which are in Ephesus and the saints which arc iu Corinth. The speaker devoted the remaining portion of his discourse to consideration of the loss to the church in death of the distin guished Bishops in memory of whom the ser vice was held. As our reporter is informed that a copy of the seriuon has been asked for, for publica tion, every Methodist will understand that for its verbatim perusal he has a treat in store. OuTKAGE IN GEUMANTOWN—AN AGED (.'oiii'i-i: Beaten, Gauged and Robbed.— Ou Mill street, Germantown, resides ati aged gentleman, named ICsau, and his wife. On "Wednesday night last their house was entered by thieves, who climbed up to the second story window. The robbers then made their way to the shaping apartment of Mr.’ and Mrs. Esau. While carrying on their opera tions they made a noise, which arousod-tlre sleepers. The scoundrels, discovering that the couple were awake, assailed them, and heat them while they ivere in bed. Being very feeble, neither Mr. nor Mrs. Esau were able to make much resistance. Mr. Esau raiseil one of his hands to ward off a blow, when he accidentally got his hand in the mouth of one of his assailants, and one of Ills fingers was nearly bitten off. After thus maltreating the occu pants of the house, the rascals gagged and tied them. Then commenced a search for plunder. Nearly every portion of the house yvas ran sacker!. Closets were opened, bureaus forced and trunks broken. The robbers succeeded in securing about S'.ed in cash. They did not * seem to care about anything else. Upon the conclusion of the examination of the pro mises the desperate fellows tied Mr. and Mrs. Esau together, and left. The police, of the Fourteenth District are making every effort to obtain some clue upon which to effect the ar rcst. of the perpetrators of this gross outrage. Thu Wimjamh Okviian Fund.— The fol lowing contributions to the fund for the or nlian children of Captain Williams, of the Cneida, are acknowledged by Edward Ship pen, 5.12 Walnut street Thomas H. Powers Kicliard Si Mason Joseph N. Pcirsol M. C. Eea Cash Previously acknowledged InounjbiAnisia.—Mr. JCnoch Hopkins lias erected on T«hirty-sev«ntli street* near Hocust. two iiue dwellings. The houses are not quite finished, and there are shavings and other in flammable material about the premises. Last evening, about seven o’clock,' Mr. william Freure, who lives in an adjoining house,nponi looking through the window jot’ one ot the ncwTmUdingH, discovered that it was on fire, v He efieeied an entriance, and as he did so three hoys ran out. Mr. Frearo thou found that a lot ol'shavings hadLbeeu set en fire. He . scattered thin burning mass and stamped out JDohway Koi-.hkiiv.— William Wilson. a member of the l'. ,S. M m ine Corps, was ar rested lust night, at. Fifth and Monroe jilroets, after a short chase, upon the charge of high way robbery.. Michael Shui.t, residing atiSo. K2M South l* 1 ifUi street, was standing on the sidewalk. ‘Wilson, it is alleged, stepped up to him,'snatched the watch and.chain from his vest and ran. During his (light ho threw away the watch. Tim aceuHudJiail W hearing before Aid. but/., and was committed to answer. Ow>'F.lt Waxticjo—A keg of galvanised snikes, found oil Larkin street, helow l.om mi owner at fSe'Thinl District I I ill 11, U»<Ul J'oliee .Station ."■'r^'-i’T'^-^w Testimonial to Collector Moonn. —In the administration of the affairs at the Ous top -Houae.-nogefitlenianhaß/ever-beeaholiljiiL greater esteem by the mercahtile community, or enjoyed higher.lrespect from bis employers, (ban lion. Henry D. Moore, the,present Ool lector. Mr. Moore Is about to take a trip to, Europe for tho benofit of bis health, and. will be absent for some time. All of the employers - of—the- Custom-House, withoutexception,, have joined in the following heat letter, wnion lias been presented to him: „ “CUSTOM-HOOSK, PHU.ADIII.rHIA. Jra., April 27.— Hon. Henry D. Moore, Collector of Customs, Fort of Ailadetphia-ftßarßorßa Sir : In view of the fact that you are about to depart ou a voyage to Europe, to be araont I a considerable time, the undersigned, p ploves of the Gustom-Houso, adopt this method of expressing the best wishes that : your voyage may be a pleasant-one, and that you may be permitted to return in satety to your home, and the scene of -duties, benefited in health and gratified with all you may have experienced during your absence. . , , ' ' “In doing this \fe take great pleasure in ac knowledging your uniform kindness ana courtesy to us in the official relations existing between yourself and ourselves, and iii testi fying to your high qualifications for the im portant position , the duties of which you have so properly and honorably discharged, in conferring this office upon you, without solici tation on your part, the Government, we are convinced, not only bestowed i a dpserved honor upon one of its most worthy and de voted friends, but consulted and contributed largely to aidvance its own highest interests. • “.your administration of the duties'of 'Col-; -lector of this Port, hko vour services in the Congress of the United States, and as Troji-, surer of the State of Pennsylvania,: have-been marked With rare fidelity to the pubhetand, we believe, therefore. that your fellow-citizens at large will-uhitowitli us in wishingyou a plea-: sant voyage and a safe return. _ : -—“Xtepeating ourdcsirefor-.y jnith happiness, with sentiments of profound esteem and respect, we subscribe ourselves, “ FaHhfully'ybuvs, &c. ’ r ' Beady fob Service.— John L. Hill, (Ssq., the doliqueht tax collector appointed under the law of the last Legislature, is ready to enter upon the duties of his office, ..when the- Mayor signs the resolution approving Ins sureties. Mis office will be located in the rear of the private office of the Receiver ol Taxes. In order that the business may be de spatched with, promptness, two clerks and about twenty collectors are to be employed. Serious Thrsat.— John R. Loveland re sides at ilerniiantownyand owns some express wagons. On .Wednesday last, if. is alleged, he had a difficulty with his landlord, and the lat ter-wouldn’t-permit the removal of any of the wagons. Loveland, it is charged, drew g pistol and threatened to shoot the landlord. H e was arrested and taken before Ahlonnan Thomas, who held him.in $BOO hail to answer at Court.' Murderous Assault —Edward_Mansfield, a sailor on a schooner lying at Willow street wharf, got. into a quarrel with one of Ins shtp mates-yesterday. lt-is allegeA.thathe seized. a stove-plate and struck the other man in the face, causing an ugly gash, which extended from the eye to the chin. Mansfield was arrested. He was taken before Aid. Cahill and was held in $2,000 hail for trial. The German Hospital.— The following is astatementof the operations of the German Hospital of Philadelphia for this week: ' 1 Males. Females. Admitted jj • Discharged... - , In Hospital at present ■••• 1;> ... i- ! Receipts, $132 50; Expenditures, 581 80. , The Detective Office. —The new order re, muring the Detective Office to he kept open all night went into eftect yesterday. Mayor Fox-bas "detailed Special Officers James M. -Roberts and Edward Burns-to take charge of the office at nights. The selection ib an - exj cellent one. Both are officers of ability and experience. 1-'jo 00 2.1 do - 20 00 5 00 r> 00 $2BO 00 ‘- I ’' 11 "r 1 .•■•- T "» Sentences. —This mormijg Judge Paxßon passedi aentenco; upon tlio_.following persons who had been convicted of the crimes men tioned: Joseph Riley and Joseph Steel, bur glary, four years in Eastern Penitentiary; Joshua B. Gooding, attempted burglary, four years in Eastern Penitentiary. Coat Thief.— Henry Watson was arrested, last evening, atrEighth and Arch streets,upon the charge of having stolen a coat from a boarding-liouse in that vicinity. He was held in $BOO hail by Aid. Jones. Kov>'i> Open.— The Eighth District Police laßt evening found unfastened tin* tloora of several houses. f Dr. Schenok says persons can live in Florida the year round, if they will only be liberal in the use of Uchenck’s Mandrake I'ills to keep the liver in healthful action as the climate has a marked effect on the biliary organs. No person need suffer from bilious complaints, if they will adopt the advice of Dr. Schenck, and use the Mandrake Pills, as they are warranted not to contain a particle of calomel. They not only act better than any mercurial medicines in the world, hut they do it more promptly, and with entire freedom from griping. ' lin.i.iAiui Tournament roit Champion ship of Pennsylvania—Grand match this (Friday) evening, between B. Kavanagb, of New York, and V. Estephe, of' Philadelphia. The price will be as usual. Bequf.sth.— The late Bernard 'Maguire, left all liisSproperty, valued at SB—-UOO for church and benevolent-purposes. His -will ft-ill be published in to-morrow’s Commercial List and Price Current. CITY NOTICES. Base Bali. and Cricket Pants Three Dollurs, All Wool, At Rockuill & Wilson's. w No. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, The Ladies’ Sorosis Club, of Now York, recently changed their discussion. from Woman's Suffrage to Hair Preparations and Plmplo Duuishurs, They declared that, where nature had not endowed them with beauty; it was their right—yea, their duty—to seek it whoro they conld. So they nil voted Hint Magnolia Balm overcame Sallowneßß, Rough Bkiu and Ring* marltß, and gave totho complexion a most iLstinsitetHo roßinn) and marble-liko appoaranco (dangerous to men, no doubt); and that Lyon’s Kathairon made the Hair grow thick, Boft and awful pretty, and moreover pie -vented it from turning gray- If tlio proprioto'rß.of.theß.e, articles did not Bend tho Bisters an invoice tlioy nro not smart. Many Ladies heedlessly allow .servants to purchase impuro Flavoring Extracts. BunNim 's are perfectly pure. KKNXKin ;f s!_-limiMKii Hath are perfect little gfcmff; their Bonnots are nneitualcd. Kennedy & Biiob., No. 729 Chestnut street, importers of Pino Millinery Goods. Wholesale unf! retail. •/ Kennedy & Buck., No. 729 Clioatnut street, Tiro iinut* di»H the highest authority in fashions. Prices v»/jy'moderate All the Latest .Styles Coati.ngr, Pantaloon Stuff#, and Vestings Sj}rjn&- Wtaui. Now AmtANGlil) FOR- PUBLIC INSPECTION, At CnA.auKs StokusV, No. 82-1 Ouestnut Street . Kennedy At-Bros., 729 Chestnut street., are daily receiving now nlmpofl in Ladies’ Huts,. Rich Sash Ribbons, »»d Fine Laces. . Kennedy & Bugs., 729 (’liestnut street, are the acknowledged leaders of Fashion in Ladies’ Hound 1 Hat» HBd Bonnets. Their French 'Flowoiri are very superior. . . .. -r OAKEOKD’KuLatest Stylos of Ladies’ and Misses Spring Hats ~ Can be bud at their ,Stole, B,'H null BW Oheutnult utreet DELPHI A PHIL Ladies visiting the city should not. leave wilboutswingthonew Millinery Emporium of Thou. •gB»iwHnTA I>BOa..7»(lheiitMntB*reet'. ’ '' ■ Gents’ Hath! Gents'Hats! Th» beautiful Spring Stylos - ' . . are novf roaay ftt ■’ - Oakfoßm’, uodor the OontmeaUJ. ? SURGICAL iNSTBUMEIifTSi and druggists ettndrios. SNowmBN * Bbotiibb, = - , —: "2S South Eighth street. Deafnebb, Blindness ' and —OXtabbh treated with the utmost succosn.by J. Isaacs, M. D.; and Professor of Disenses of the Eye and Ear (his sped’ ally) In tho Medical Gollego of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience, No. 800 Arch street. Testimonials can bo seen at his office. The medical -faoulty are invited to ac company their patients, an he haa no secrets In Ms prac tice. Artificial ayes Inserted without pain. No charge for examination. . ■■ ■ ■■ , . Corns, Bunions.ln verted Nails,. skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, N 0,910 (Jhcatnut street. Chargee moderate; ■ ' ~~~~ ~r To Quiet, soothe and relieve the pain of children teething, ueo Bower’s Inpant Oobmal. Sold by all druggists, : ■ ... , 1870. Lyons Caehmipp Taffeta7lB7o7 For tho Beet City; Retail Sales, i EYIIE&LAKDELL, J’OlfKTir AND AltOll, Fiudby adhering to the beat ' . ■ . j;:' LYONS SILKS Tiioy cotSiMand tho best trade, ■' * ' y ' Gralnflaehmlfe^N— •- I/jous NaUn paee do. hyohs Dtap tie Sole. liyoßP Drag, De Paris, . f-ots Impin’* Fabrics from,Anctlon this "*2SiS%«}loli Peroale*. Albo Printed Jactmots, pin- S< Ate6rlas for Arab Mantles. l2>£ eta. T more Lota of thosolleiiQ wiled 88. Black Bilks. : /: ’■ qiw nff - . We would ask the attention of THE PUBLIC Tq our large stock of every variety of HERN ANIES. PERKINS & CO., 9 SOUTH NINTH ST. fel2-s mwSmrp —— McVAUCtH & DUNftAN, ~~~ H 4 South. Eleventh. Street, Hayoopened their Spring Stock of EMBROIDERIES AND WHITE GOODS FRENCH BREAKFAST CAPS. SiSSS? WrlMWrLed N AmSOOKS FRENCH NAINSOOK AND ORGANDIES. REAL AND IMITATION LACES. __, T ir LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHILDREN S B l?nen s and l lace collars and cuffs. NOVELTIES AND FANCY ARTICLES. PARTICULAR ATTENTIOH'tAID TO MAKING UP INFANTB’ WARDROBES. mhM th fl tu 2mrp s v^ IK V: LINEN STORE, <S 833 Arch Street. ‘ 1138 CHESTNUT STREET. LINEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and Prices Down to Present Gold Rate. A Garment no matter liow elaborately trlntmerl, unless well-flttlne, never gives case or satisfaction. MADAME DE SOUCHE’S, First-Class Dress Making Establishment, No. 1003 Walnut Street, A perfect system of Measurement and Fitting. . Prices as low as is consistent with first-class work. Blade Sillt Stilts always on. Band. An inßppetion respectfully solicited, mhlfi tu th s 26trp . ; THE UNIVERSITY MEDICINES Are the Favorite Prescriptions of the-. - New York Medical University. RELIABLE REMEDIES of a highly scientific char acter, designed for tho cure of all diseases. THEY ABE STANDARD, having, during many years, been thoroughly tested in an extensive practice in New York. They uro taken In email doses/ Thoy are ploasant to tho taste. Their effects aro almost instantaneous. Thoy are safe and never reduce a patient. Never render any one more liable to take cold. Nevor oblige a person to loavo business. Wo liavono ONE CURE-ALL for all diseases, but a REGULAR SYSTEM OF-REMEDIEB-for each distinct class of MALADIES. A LIST of our remedies and a valuable MEDICAL BOOK sent free to any address. A COMPETENT PHYSICIAN in attendance. MEDICAL ADVICE FREE. Bold at tho Philadelphia Branch, N. E. cor. Seventeenth. and Chestnut Sts. ADIRONDACK MINERAL 'SPRING WATER. —Pamphlets giving—analysis, certificates of eminent physicians and other gontiemen may bo had of our Wholesale Agents, • JOHN WYETH & BRO., . Drugcistw, 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. fol 2 s tu th Bmrp§ Polish in o l'owDKit. —. 'mrr best for cleansing Silver and Flntod Ware, Jewelry,etc,, ver manufactured. • ° PARR & BUOTRER, 824 Ohoatuntatroot, below Fourth. S' MBITS TURPENTINE—AND ROSIN 66 barrels Spirits Turpentine;3o2 barrels Falo Soup Rosin ; 199 barrels No. 2 Itoßin, landing _pnr stoamßhip '•Pioneer.” For sale by EDW. H.HOWLEY, 16 South Front street. • KYGOOnS. the missies At the Loirrat Cash Prices. SPEING IMPORTATIONS.- IMMENSE STOCK HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. MEDICINAL, .TOSISPH O. HARROLD ap2 s tu th !3trp ' mbl tfrp K AVAL. STORES:—3OS BARBELS Ho«ln{6o bffrrelß Pitoh v H, 01 barrels Spirits fur* pontine*6o -barrels • Tar, now landing from steamer Pioneer, from Wilmington, N.>. 0., mid for'Bula by COCIIIiAN, HUBSIiJIiL « 00,, Mo, 111 Ohwtunt street. . J piiOHOsAijbV' iRTHJEBN pacific railroad. TO K. R. CONTRACTORS: SEALED PBOPOSALS will bo received at the office of the Northern Pftcitio Railroad Company, lM r PROAD>VAY% ooruor of Cedar Street, New V ork, until WEDNES DAY, the first day of June, 1870, at 12 o olook, noon, for tho grading, masonry, bridging and ballasting of that portion of the Northern Pa cific Bailroad-in the State of Minnesota, ex tending from the Dalles of the St. Louis Kiver to the Bed River, the western boundary of Minnesota, (a distance ..of. about 2IK) miles,): including everything requisite to completo the road-bodfor a single track, and necessary side tracks, ready to receive the rail superstruc ture. Proposals may be for the work in detail, or bv the mile.'* TheHMddTOom^^^ ’ posals at the same time and place, for the tim ber cross-ties, and fos the iron rails, spikes and fixtures for the road as above. Tho iron rails to bo delivered on the dock at Duluth, Minnesota, or at the crossing of tho Missis sippi River, and the ties,to ho received accord ing to the blank forms which will bp ready for distribution An Wednesday, Slay dth, 1870, at the office of the Company, as above, where plans of the structures and maps and profiles of the Toad, with full specifications, joan then ho seen, and the time allowed for completion of-f ho contracts made known.: Tke Company reserve the right to reject any or all bids not deemed,to bo for the Interest of tho Company.-1 —___4- circulars, containing full informa tion, will he furnished onappHcation;'by mail or otherwise, to. Edwin E. Johnson, Chief Eneineer, or to tho President of the Company, at the office; No. 120 Broadway, as above. J. GREGORY SMITH, .. President Northern Pncllic It. K. Co. New York, April 20, 1870. SP27 lOtTpj CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, ORIGINAL AND ONLY MANUFACTURER OF THE CELEBRATED ROGERS’ CARRIAGES 1009 and -101 l CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. New and elegant styles of Carriages cohfltantly prodncod s D. M. LAKE, CARRIAGE BUILDER 3433,3434 and 3436 Market St. WEST PHILADELPHIA. A large assortment of Carriages ofo-rory description constantly on hand. Especial attention paid to repairing. jail Smrpj CARPETINGS, AtC. RETAIL department. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, 509 Chestnut Street. CARPETINGS. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. Greatly Reduced Prices. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTINGS. COCOA MATTINGS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 Cliestnut Street. mb3w f m3xnrp ; . NEW CARPETINGS. WE ARE NOW-OPENING A FULL LINE OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OILCLOTHS AND MATTINGS, OF AU. GRADES, WHICH WB ARE OFFERING AT GREATLY BE " DUOED PRICES -FROM LAST SEASON LEEDOM, SHAW & STEWART, «85 MARKET STREET. fol 9 3mrps ROW DOWN GRATES: FIRE ON THE ITEARTPI INSURES PERFECT YE X TII. ATI ON. | low DOWN AND RAISED GRATES.: ’ STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, ! HOT AIK FURNACES AND RANGES. ’ ANDREWS, HARRISON A CO., 0 1527 MARKET STREET. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. . np7 th htn 3mrp Bedding and Cottage. Furniture WAREHOUSE. Best Quality Hair Mattreaaea, Feather Hcda, Holsters and Pillows. Feathors and Down, Spring*Mattresses. litisk do. and Husk Mattresses with Hair,or Cotton Tops, Blankets and Comfortables. A , Imudeome assortment of Suits of Chamber ' Furniture. Also Bedsteads, Bureaus, •Wnshstunds,Chairs, Rocking OhuiTa, s Howo’s Cots, and-a variety of; • Springs for Bedsteads. . . XLeabovo will bo found to be roliablbßoous. CHAS. E. CLARK, v No. 11 Nortl| Eleventh Street. "n>hl2-» tu tb rp-24t -irr Lj'r ,-V-.. :..V- ;--, •• .' ■ ■ '•'■'• -'• ■ -' ‘'" • .'•••'. '••*■• - - . .■•... • a»* OA K HALL WAN AMAKER & BROWN THEN TO BE FULLY THROWN OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. mh2l m w f 3mrp t> ; v: -r: MONDAY. WANAMAKER & BROWN. b k;l A It & B D TWICE ITS Formtr.ghrc* High S,to r I e s and a Basement, Full from Top to Bottom with Me; iiojs’ Wear. Invite the Citizens of Philadelphia to a view of their NEW BUILDINGS, OAK HALL, covEiiixq 10,572 Square Feet AND SIX STORIES HIGH, DEVOTED TO THE Manufacture and Sale READY-MADE CLOTHING. Suits, Coats, Pants, and upward to tlie Finest and Highest Grade of Elegant Spring Attire WAIN AMAKE R & BROWN, BOOTS AN PI SHOES. BARTLETT, No. 33 South Sixth Street, Ever thankful for the patronage ex* i tended him heretofore, and desirous of further favors, begs to announce his j Spring Styles of Boots’ and Shoes for ( Gents’and Boys’wear. . A large assortment of Custom-made Goods, made on his Improved Lasts, which aro unrivalled for comfort and beauty, enables him to fmjnish a ready fit at all times. ~ dnl3-m w f lvn>. ■ I - JEARTH CLOSETS. I the earth closet company HAVE* REMOVED * 4 Their Oiflce and Salesroom TO . W. G. RHOADS’, 1221. MARKET STREET. Upl3-2<;t rp§~ V* ■’) &>■ 3!n d ' ■).' ■: A *v- 1 .• ,> •i—rrt-?r M it W..- MONDAY, MAY 2d, .- Surpass all competition, M (XN DAY, M A Y 2nd. Best, — Cheapest, " ‘. largest Stock, of Firf&Ready-Made Clothing ever manufactured, how offered with fits for Oil HILL IMPROVED DEPARTMENTS. Beauty, Durabillty-and Cheapness, our Goods and are sure to .command a speed y Sale: OAK HALL, CLOTHING AMERICA! INSURANCE. The Penn Mutual Life Insiiftn'ee Co., ■So. 021 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADEDfiIIA. ACCUMULATED FUND INCOMB FOB 1809, OVEE . SDKtf.teS 19. ■ SAMUEL O. HUEY, President. saML E. STOKES,’ VicaPresident. ■ - lOHN W. HORN OR, A. V. P, & Actuary. H S STEPHENS, >Secretary. ■ \V. P. HACKER, Superintendent of Vity Ayents '- ' Room No. 1, Second Floor. ' tbp attention oftho citizens of Philadelphia in called to ihlslhnir cstablishod ajid truly MUTUAL LIFE IN rttraNOE COMPAN Yywherem ikon canal partner in tho profits, WHICH ABE DI VIDED ANNUALLY, ancl wbicbrfor the past twenty vVftra, have uvoraged i\bput,FlFTT PER CENT. The Trustees nro desirous of increasing the business of the Company in this city, whore; as aIIONtE COMPANY* it ought to bo largely patronized. Its rates ef promium are u« lo>v, ami tho. gecuiity aa good aa that onorod by any otbor company—-and for tho puvpoao of increasing tho DOME BUSINESS, they have appointod W. P. HACKER,-Suporintondent of City Agents, who will likewise receive application for insurance. Active, intelligent Agouts or Canvassers wautod for city work, with llboral compensation. . Apply aa above. aplB m w f 13t rp§ ! TT- ■ j'"RTrSrNES37 EijTABCTSH ED 1 wiiifiiniiinm nir ii i & Armstrong, -UndortaUerfl, 1827 Germantown avonuo and Fifth'at. D. H. Sohuvleu. fnpl4-lyrp§J.- 8.8. Armstrong. >. V- HOUSE * *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers