AMBSEMESHTS. ■ _'on Mothl.iv and Tuesday evenings, May o<l incKUi Mbs Carlo!la Patti will a]>p«ar at nJI. Academv of Music in The Magic Flute.- l)y Mi?sBrS; Hermann's, HablHiian" -Form®., and Mile. Camssa iml Mile- Dznilia. Thero will be a full chorus kiiil a largo orchestra under the direction of Mr. Theodore secured at - the box oiliee of the Academy on and after. T —There'was a large and brilliant attendance at the Acadorny of Music last evemng. The opera was 11 Trovotorc, with Mm McC illoU l as .“Leonore,” Mine. Gazzamga as A/.u eena” Bfienoli as “Mannco, letrilh as ‘• Count di lima,” and Coletfi ° fiot ■ The nerformance was a lair one. nut not cuhaTuinsaiiy previous ones ol the same opera.' Miss McCulloch deserves credit tor ooing through a diflioult role so well as she J|?asWl foSicca.sfo,is. .Signor Petrilli •It a fair “ Count di Inina/' The most inter- Sing feature of the performance was •rte of tne part of the gypsy, fob the hmt time, by Mine. Gazzamga. Her' old friends greeted her with much warmth, at which she was evidently gratified. The music of the part is not all suited to her voice But her fine method, and her splendid nctinc atonrd for all deficiencies. ..It was a . .rent to see such dramatic intensity, in a com •nahv every other member of which is with out tliat quality. The chorus and orchestra were tolerably good, and the large audience, which was not as-critical as Philadelphia audiences used to be, appeared to. be Well pleased. This afternoon Martha will be pro duced, and on Monday ovening Luorezui Bor mb with Madame Gazzamga as the Duchess. ■' _l A t the - Walnut Street Theatre, to-mght, Mf. and Mr# Barney Williams wlll re I ) . u: ) t the -liaßlf drama, entitled Fite Finer aid ll my. On Monday evening Connie hoogah will be produced. ... , —At the Atoli Street. Theatre, this evening, the j comedy, The 11’ondcr, and the drama, 2he Willow Copse. On Monday evomng next Mr. —Datheart-will-have-aJjemifib : The Field of the Cloth of Cold and the bur lesoue The Boston Jubi/ec, will bo repeated at the Chestnut Street Tlioatre, tins evening, by Mrs. Oates’ Burlesque Company. —At Fox's American Theatre, this even ing a miscellaneous performance will be given by an excellent company. —At the Eleventh Street Opera House, this evening, Messrs. Carncross &Dixeys Minstrel Company will give a first-class en tertainment. - - —At the Seventh Street Opera House Duprez & Benedict oiler a splendid minstrel entertainment. for this evening. _Sigmir Blitz will give exhibitiomvof magic and legerdemain, at the .Assembly Buildings this evening. —Tlie Pilgrim paintings will bo exhibited at Concert Hall this' evening. They are still continuing to draw largo crowds. —The landscape paintings to be presented to the Public Schools by Mr. Carl Baum are now on exhibition at Haseltine’p Galleries No. Hi> Chestnut street. Visitors are entitled to vote for the particularscliool to which they-/desire pictures to he given. CITY BULLETIN. —Mis. Bennet, residing at 1522 Ogden street , lind Her arm broken Mid head injured on Thursday, by being knocked down by a horse and wagon that was being dr ven at a rapid rate. v - ■ —A larg§~teroperaiKe meeting was ‘ held last evenin" at the Codggbouse on Chestnut street. It is to be the firsfSf a series of similar meet ings to be held in stliat place on Friday even -jno B . Several addresses _ were made, among the most prominent of wlifßh wenTlhos6"of •Thomas M. Coleman, Esq,; Rev. Dr. Cook and Rev. Dr. Feruley. —Tlie Thaddeus Stevens Monumental Asso ciation ore making extensive arrangements for the parade on Tuesday next. unveiling id the procession, will take place in front ot In dependence Hall, at 10 o’clock A. M., at which time a speech will be made by Mr. G. W. R. Hall President of the Association, and resolu tions read by Mr. N. S. Bowen. An American and Cuban flag will also be presented to the Association. —The man found on Delaware avenue, above Dock, on Thursday, has been recog nized as the Rev. T. G. Thomas, a Baptist Minister from England. The deceased leaves three daughters, who are at school near this city. Mr. Thomas arrived in this country some months ago, and was engaged in can vassing for books, he not having charge of any church in this country. He was in rather .. straightened circumstances, and for some time past has been in a desponding state of mind. —The wallet containing $l,OOO in bonds, re ported lost by George Reagan on the Balti more train on Saturday night last, has been returned to the owner. A gentleman named Say lor, residing in the upper portion of this city, who was aboard the same train, found the wallet on the .floor just as he was about step- I ping from the car on i.ts arrival at the depot. As soon as he saw the lost bonds advertised, - lie promptly returned-tbem to the advertiser, Mr. John Kelley, by whom they were yester day forwarded to the owner, Mr. Reagan, re siding at Brandy Station, Virginia. —Ayoung woman was discovered about 7 o’clock last evening by Oilicer Dunn, at Thirty-fourth street and Darby road, acting iu a veiy strange manner. ; She was taken in charge and conveyed to the station house, when it was discovered she had taken oxalic a<;id„a-.boUle containing the same having been found upon her. Medical aid u'as, then ren dered, after which she .was removed to the Almshouse?- She gives lier name_as_ Lizzie Bar rett, and her age as 22 years. She was formerly employed as a servant in the St. Law rence Hotel. On her person was found the. following letter :“ In haste—my name is Liz zie Barrett. I poisoned myself because I could not get along for the last ten years, since I lost my lather. 1 was sent to Ibis country against my will. Give my body to the doctors, for I don’t care for it nor any one else. ” Haggerty has Another Fight in Kew Yesterday afternoon Florence’s saloon, in the basement of tlie southwest corner of Broad way and Houston street, was tlie scene of a brutal fight. Ten years ago this saloon ranked among the best in Broadway; but recently it has become the resort of faro-bank jerkers, thieves,, pickpockets, prize-lighters, and even Tammany‘politicians. afternoon, at about a quarter be fore four, four ruilians were seated in one oL, the dining boxes in tlie saloon, drinking, of course. They are known among their associ ates as Jim Cusick, an Eighth Ward bully, who generally travels armed to the teetli; Jun Nelson, alias Bully Nelson; Haggerty of Phila delphia, lately distinguished by his encounter with Keddy the Blacksuiithrand one Lyon* Nelson and Cusick were seated op ope siuo of the table and Haggerty and Lyons were oppo site. Nelson had been drinking heavily, and under his load of benzine had become very quarrelsome. The warrior Haggerty, who had polished oil' the renowned lteddy the Black smith, having a reputation to sustain, thought that he would earn fresh laurels, and, seizing a cruet stand, struck Nelson oh.the head.' This was the signal for general hostilities, .jPusick siding in with Ne'son, and Lyons with lt would lie impossible to do justice to the display of pugilistic talent that followed; but as outfof the bystanders'afterward informed our reporter in.lhu picturesque language of tlie neighborhood, “ For a short sp'm, it was as pretty a muss, as ever 1 set eyes on.” After the roughs had enjoyed about three imputes of this 'interesting lecreation, "Oliicer Williams,of the Broadway, squad rattled down the Blairs, and unable to separate the now Uif furiated brutes, entered upon a little'whole some clubbing, iH which he vanquished Nelson, officers Fontauello and'Know securod Cusiek :i nd Haggerty, and the whole party adjourned to Broadway police office, in Mulberry street.. Ilere Nelsdri used' tlie most 'abusive language to Officer Williams, and rushing at him, bit him in the leg. A struggle followed; andNel sou was overpowered. Uusick’s clothes were : iiierally torn to shreds, and his person, was covered with blood. -At last, they were sub dued and taken, to itho .Mercer street police -i at ion, where they were held last night. — New York Sun, \Ajiril 22d. ‘ ■ Sonihprir Notabilities.; We find the following in a recently-published letter from Selma, Alabama: There ate some notable characters resident here. General Joseph E. Jolm-t m resided here till recently, and still has an olhee hero, though,making Savannah his headquarters. lie lias the general ageucy for the Southern States of the New York Life, and Liverpool, Loudod and Globe Fire Insurance Companies. He is much respected everywhere, and is building up an enormous business. Stealing down tlie road, last night, with an ex-Confodefate offioe.v I saw him touch his cap to a.gray-haired,spare figure in an old United States officer's overcoat that rode past us on a quiet little mare. “Who’s that 2” “ That’s Gen. Hardee.” At once I re called the man whose tactics were wont to bore and perplex us in early days, of military lire. Hardee's warfeeord was not very brilliant, and lie is doing better as a cotton warehouseman than be did as a rebel major-general.' Were you. to drop into one of our large wholesale stores here, you might notice at the bookkeeper’s desk a dark-complexioned, very wliiskeral, thin, sullen-looking man. A close' look would show that be was evidently in poor health. Rarely speaking to any one, he pur sues his usual-work with a settled melancholy that leads you to wonder at his history. That -man’s—itame-is-tSamiiel Arnoldy Whose name will be remembered as 6ne ctf the conspirators against President Lincoln. As you remember, the result of the trial was to send him with Dr. Mudd and Spangler to the Dry Tortugas, where an attack of yellow fever impaired his constitution. He was pardoned and released some two years since, and leaving Baltimore, his home, has secluded himself here. Though loth to allude to the subject, he still asserts his r entire innocence of design on the life of Mr. Lincoln, though he did know of the plot to capture the President, and was an intimate friend of the chief conspirator, Booth. Stand from Under! An lowa correspondent of the Phrenological' Journal has had it “ given to him” that there s a comet on the way that will just more than make things hum when it gets here. It will pass round the sun just for a fiver, Tncn p.isv so near QiePSarth that this planet will fall in and become the tail of the procession, and then we shall all go scyugling off into “un known space.” Then “ the angel world will “fasten” to us, “the comet will fall back,”, and there will bo a deal all around. Then we shall require but one-tenth the food w&now „ S e_which, at the present prices of provisions, will be a great measure of economy—and shall ive ten times as long. And we presume there are people so “set in their ways” that they won’t believe a word of it. To convince such, we publish'the prediction, as follows: “ As it is given to me, a comet is approaching our solar system, unlooked for by astronomers. It,, will appear within twenty year*, perhaps within live. It is about 300,000)miles in -liiameter, and is more than, three litres as heavy as our earth. At.a distance it will look like fire. It will pat s around tlie siiri, and on its return from him will pass so near the earth as to drag her from her orbit, and she will take her march after it toward unknown space. How many years can she travel from the sun without con -"fialing alHife ?-Tf the people on the earth are organized as directed, so that tbe : angel world ran listen to her, they can bold her in her position, and the comet will fall back upon her, and chemically change her atmosphere and •water, so that no animal iifo will longer remain except in those human beings in whom moral force predominates. They will then re quire but one-tenth of the food which they now use. and will live ten times as long. But the angels will thus save the world, only with the concurrence of its inhabitants. And they will defer the matter until the earth has moved-about 50,000,000 miles farther from the sun than it pow is.” Dickens on ike Most Absorbing Passion, In proposing a toast for the Newsvendors, on April sth, Mr. Dickens observed : “i was once present in company where the question was asked, What is the most absorb ing and the longest-lived passion of the human breast ? and an editor of vast experience who was present,stated with the greatest confidence,, and supported his argument by proof, that it was the desire to obtain orders for the theatre. This made a great impression upon me, and I really lived in this faith for some time, but it happened on one stormy night I was kindly es corted from a bleak railway station to the little town which it represented, by a sprightly a!hd vivacious newsman. To him I propoundad the question_as he went along under brella—What is the one absorbing passion of the human soul ? He replied, without the slightest hesitation, that it certainly was the passion for getting your newspaper in advance of your fellow-creatures. [.Laughter.] Also, if you only hired it, to have it delivered at your door at exactly the same moment as another man who hired the copy and lived four I miles oiT; and finally,' the invincible determina -1 lion on the part of each mail not to belie ve that the time was up when the boy called for |Laugbter.] Oriel u of the Gninca. It is among the things generally known that the guinea obtained its name from the gold h orn which it was made having been brought from the Guinea Coast by the African com pany of traders. The first notice of ttys gold wai in 10,19, during the Commonwealth of England, when on the 1-lth of April of that year the Parliament referred to the Council of State a paper presented to the House concern ing the coinage of gold brought in a ship lately come from Guiny for the better advancing of tr de. But it was in the reign of Charles 11. that the name was first given to this coin. It i is among.things not generally known that when the guinea was originally coined the intention was to make it current ai a twenty-shilling piece ; but from an error, or rather a series of errors, in calculating, the exact proportions of the value of gold\and' I silver, it never circulated for that value. Bir Isaac Newton, in his time, fixed-the true valUfe of the guinea, in relation to silver, at 20s. 8d rl> and by liistadvice the Grown proclaimed that lor the future it should be current at 21s. A I curious question arises out of the fact alluded to: liow many millions of money has the English' public lost by the payment of a guinea when a twenty-shilling piece would have sufficed had the costly error never have been fallen into? CVItIOEB DIBCOVEBY IS FBANCE. A Itomnu Amphitheatre Found. An interesting historical and arcbteological discovery has just been made in Paris. Near the Pantheon, on the high ground known as the Montiigno Sainte Genevieve,.a Roman amphitheatre has been partly brought to light by the excavation of the ground under which it has for centuries been buried. - On the siuo which' has been laid harescarcoly any of the stone seats remain, but the supporting walls are in excellent preservation. I wo ot the ro eesses in which the wild boasts aro kept avo aisp to be seen. The ftfeefeis of opinion that at PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28,1870. • auy cost this fragment of autiquity should be preserved; audit points out that the arena, when entirely cleared, mightr be advan tageously made use ot for public meetings.., PIO&MYIiVAKXA: - ” lLsy Philadelphia., 4th Mo.i lltli, 1870, Tho Anmifd Elsctton of Mmmgers and Treasurer; by f! u Contributors ot this Ohiirity, will bo hold pursuant, to Jaw, ut..tin* Uospital, on South Eighth etreot, on tho l» ( i nroximo< at 4 o’cloolc-P. M. . . - . p WIBTAR MORRIS,- SocrofciryV- - ..PENNSYLVANIA HOBPITAbi RHIIj ARELPHIA, »<1 mo., 2sth, —At a staled mooting of tho Board of Managers, hold this day, it jvas “ IlesnlveiU Ttrat tho ijnestion V'helher tickets shall on., shall not bt issued to uwa'K students to fittmd the generalclinioul locturos at tho Hospital, bo reforred to the Contributors at t-hoir I'tnniiil meeting, to bo hold in 6th month (May I next, for thtir instruction in tho ctiso.” . apll in ws t 23 dtmy2§ ITS* KLMIRA AND WTL LI AMS PORT It A1LII0A1) COMPANY, OFFICE, 303 WAL NUT STItEKT OATAWISSA 11. K.--GOM \yS> JPANY, No. 424 WALNUT Street. April ltth, 1870. Th*Minm»al election for President and Directors of tliift 0< input); will l»u liolct on M.UNT) AY , thn 2d day of M, ly , 1870, between P. Socrotary. SI'ECIAL NOTICES. ' Philadelphia.. April 13, 1870. The Ani>unl 151»»rtion of Provident and Mnnugorfi of thin Coniraiiv vill bo hold dn MONDAY, the 2d of May, 187U,u‘12 o'clock M. iewISP.GBTOISH, Secretary. nplti'BwGtji ill w&b tm; OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN UrivrFlßE INSURANCE COMPANY, XIO WALNUT STKPET A'jrcw»rnl mooting of the Stockholders in the Amori cnn Fire liiMiruneo Company will be hold, Agreeably to Charter, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May next, at 13 o’clock M - Tlio Annual Election for Directors will take place immediately thereafter Ai’HiL 21st, 1870 up21.23,2(3.28 ,3U,6t§ OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL tlcsT AND MAV-lOATION-COMPAtJ-V.--..... .... PHILADELPHIA., April 18, 1870. -The Stated Annual Mooting ot tlio Stockholders of ttje Lohicli Coal and Navigation Company will he held. At the Rooms of the Board of Trade, Chestnut, above Fifth street, north side, on TUESDAY, the third day of Mar noxt, ntlo>s o’clock A. M. After which an election will ho hold for President and Board of Managers, to sorvo for the onsuing your. ~ . _ _r The polls will close at 1 o'clock P.fll. . _ np!92123 25dtmv3 K. W. CLARK, President. iy-=»-”NOTICE.-THE- ANNUAL MEET- Uv^yinG l of the Stockholders of the COAL COMPANY will bo held at their offleo. No. 164 South ■Fourth street, on MONPAY, May 2d, at 12 o clock M., tcpelect ofllcerw to serve tho ail AW, Secretary. RARITAN nplfi-B tn Hi till jv"=si DKL A \V AKIO AND CANAL COMPANY. Offjcu, Trenton, N. J.> April 11,1J70 Tho annual moetini? of tho Stockholders of tho I)ola ware and ltarituu Canal .Company will bo bolduttho Company’r Office, Trenton* H. J.i on tho lOtli of May. IK7O, at 12 o’clock, M., for tho oloctiou of moo Director, to eorve for |e «6KTON ap22lst-S ecrctary Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. UNITED STATES-.TREASURE. ' - PHTPADELFItIAi April 21, 1570,. 4)11 anil after tile 25th instant, interest (luo May Ist -Prux-.i'JJlh<hPJlid^Xiy!o“J.^ ul (!jf( ; )-pQK~EYSTEiI, - Assistant Treasurer U. 9. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLV AN IA COMPANY FOK INSURANCES ON LIVES —- WALNUT Street. ‘ A tfwtTnjfof on MONDAY, 9th May net upon tho Supplement to their Charter, passed at the u% r lutiire WILLIAM 15. HlUli, ap2l-16t A - _ Actunry. MONU MEN T? CEM ET ER Y NOTICE. [Lf/ -The Annual Meeting of .the Lot Holders in tho Monument Cemetery, of Philnd-dphia, and au Elootkm for Managers to perve the will be hold nt the Hall of tho FIRF, ASSOCIATION, south solo of North street. west of Fifth street, on MONDAY AKTERNUON, tho2d of May, at 4 o'clock. ap2l 9t§ E. TAY LOIt, Secretary. PITHOLE OIL COMPANY, NO. 11 IU? PHII, ADF.LI'HIA EXCHANGE. The Directors have this day declared a dividend ot o cents per share, Posable on ‘Resident. 'Pin la DELPHI a, A prillSth, 1870. . ap2o4t* OFFK’K OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, No. m WALNUT BTREET. n Philadelphia. l9, 1870. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tno Lehigh 7.incCompany will bo held ntthe Company’s office on \VKkNEoDA Y, May 4 proximo^at-12 o’clock -M-, for the purposo of electing seven Directors to servo during tho .e.Tsuing year, and for tho tranmehnn api9,tmyt.§ Treasurer^ ANNUAL M EETING. The Aiiiiual'Mceting ofthe Stockholders oftho Philadelphia Chamber of Comraorco will bo held at the Hall of the Commercial Exchange,42l W alnutstreet, on tho liom-s of 12 M. and 2 P M . for the election of PrcsidehtrTreasUTer—and eight Managers, to serve for ap!9Ct§ . 2J Secretary. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RATB- IyF ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION CO MPANY. Tjikntox, N. «f., April llth, 1870. Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Cam den and Amboy Raiirond and Transportation Company will be held at the Company’s ofllcn. In Trenton, N.J., on TUESDAY , the 10th.of May, 1870, at 12 o clock M., for the election of seven Drrevt6rs v tA servo for the on suing your. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, apll till myll§ Secrotary 0. X A. R. R. A T. Co. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY; 17TH Ikiy (nut , the Spruce* and Pino Streets Passenger Rail way Company will run their curs through from tho Ex change to tairmount Park for one fare. Residents of the southern part of the citv will find this to ho the shortest and most direct route to the Perk. uplsl2t§ MISCELLANEOUS, TREGO’S TEABERRY TOOTHWASH It is tho most ploasant. choapest and boat dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurious Ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth I ’ Invigorates and Boothes the Gums I Purifies and Perfumes the Breath 1 Proventß Accumulation of Tartar! Cleanses and Purifies Artificial Tooth I Is a Superior Article for Children I Bold by all WILSON, Proprietor, mill ly rp§ Ninth and Filbert atrcotß, Philadelphia. Headquarters for extracting tEETH WITR FRESH NITROUS OXIDE “ABSOIiUTEmY NO PAIN." Dr F. R. THOMA.S, formerly operator at the Uolton Dental Rooms, devotes his entire practice to the painless extraction ot teeth. Office, 911 Walnut st. mhs,lyrpf. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION OKl ginftted the nmusthotlc use of NITROUB OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, And'duvotta their whole tlmo and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and Walnut Htrcotg JJEKRY PHIXiLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 6ANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. jelO-lyrp - - IaiIESU .CHARCOAL BISCUIT FDR II AKD’B FnOI| A for infants, just imported. Select Bio I'uploca, with directions for use. Obnulno Bnrmnda Arrowroot, and other Dietetics, for sale by JAMRHX. SHINN, R. W.cor. Broad and-Spruce. ap 9 tf rpg 771 011 INVALIDS.—A_ FINE MUSICAL P Box an ft companion for the sick chamber; the fmest’ assortment in the city., and a gieat variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by j , arb & BROTnK n 824 Chestnut Btroet, below Fourth. mblCtfrp] TV/TABIUNG WITH -INDELIBLE INK IYI Embroidering,. 11. y. A C. B. TATfLOK, Perfutnury and Toilet Soaps> 641 and 643 North Ninth street. TODWIK H. FITIiER & OU, Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers In Hemp, 23 N. Water £>treet_and _22_ N- Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA BDWIN K. F.ITLKR, TH7 B 1) 1) IN G AND ENGAGEMENT W Bings Of Bolitl 18karat fine Gold—a specialty: a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving nrnra *c KAKB & BItOTHKTt, Makers, 'iny'Arptf 321 Ohestnnt. street, holow Fonrtl»._ PHI IjAD ETjPH I A^SURGEGN S’ BAND AGH INSTITUTE. It North Ninth, street. ahovo Mnrkct 11 C. EYF.UF.TT'S TUB SB positively cures Itnntures. Cheap Trusses, Elastic Boltß, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Crutches. Suspensories, Pile Bandages. LndlQß attended to hy Mrs. E. jyl lyrp •—money to any amount T.o ANED UPON UTAMONOS, WATCHES, JL A JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, Sc., fkt ® @ ’JONES S CO.'S OLU-ESTAUIiIHHEU LOAN OFFICE, • ■ Corner of Thirduml Oftnklll atrouta, , Below Lombard, _ N B - DIAMONDS, WAI'OHES, JEWELRY GUNS, Ac., . -FOB-SALE-AT UEMARICAI3LV LOW PIUCES^ G “R. LEIGH’S 1M PRO VED HARD ' .I Thi v - C, ' : - ,fr - Mao liovor rilßts, breaks or soils, JK UH ©d in bathing, Supporters-, Ehistio Bolts, fcUockiiitfStOll kinds of Trussos and Bracos, Ladles attended to by Mild. LKlOli, 1230 Ohotftmit, Biobnu btory. ■ ; nu9lyrp§ YriOIiEJUIS FRUITB, NUTB, &O.—MEB-‘ r ulna OranEoa and Lomonß,Turkov Figs, In fctigs druniß-tuid Iioxob: Austrian Prunolloa in kogs and fancy boxes ; Arabian Bates, now crop : Turkey Pruner In ciutka and fancy boxes y Ralsins-Layers. Soodloaa Imperial. Ac.: Flr Panto andQtjavn Panto yNaples and Bordeaux Walnuts,Paper Bboll Almondß, tor Bald by J | U BUSSIEB A 00.. 108 South Delaware avenue. A. O.L. CRAWFORD, Secrotary, CONRAD V. CLOTHIER American Academy—Palti in Opera. Mr. MAX STRAKOSCUroapcctfuUr announces tlrat ho has iuducedtho world renowned eont/itrico; T- ,a .!L _ .OABWJJCHA.JBA-TTl^' After borhrilliHut triumphs in New York Academy of MHBic, .d “»'>'’^'AK'SAaXC r #LUTSf,'“’ " MMunlnß tho oFINIOUT,” > • -'-V for the filPt time In riiilftdclphm. on • : .. v # - WON DAY oml TUJ£ 8D AY I;V KNINOS,May 2d and M, And ONE GRAND I‘ATTI fiIAGIO KLUTM MATINEE On WEDNESDAY, May 4,at2 o’clock, with JOSKI? HKKMANNB in his great role of ‘•.bnra3ijro.” Tninino,an l’rmce...;.. Rupngeno, a Bird 0ateher,.......... KiViot* n ? 0^ (her lirst appearance in Philadelphia in this rolo.) _ rninigoim, ut Aral dfegujunliuiuu old womiwj.^ Slonostntnß, n«K O±,ViKTJa" llOrr M „h.c». ni™ .The Ralo of fefeftts will conmienco on .Thursday, April at 8 A.M. .• I gOY-CHOIK. MADRIGAL CONCERT, hall, SAli;l!l>iY EVENING, April 23d, 1870. Director JAMES rEARCE.. Organist, S. MARKS. Assisted by the following talent: MBS. SUSAN GALTON KELLEHEB, Soprano ; MB. KJSREBHER, Touor: , Mr. WENZEL K&JJIA, Violinist: • Mr. JAMES DIOK.ENSUN, Pianist. Programmes now ut tho Music Stores. •. [aolO-St Tickets gl 0«, at BONEB’S, nOJOHE STNU f Street Agabemv: of music. BRIGNOLI'S - GRAND ITALI» li OHIRA. MON DAY EVENING. April2s, LUCREZIA BORGIA. . Poaitiroly Leßt Appourunco lii Public of • MMB. GAZZANIGA. TUESDAY—BARBER OF SEVILLE. WEDNESDAY—I>OI* PAHQUADE AND FAUST.. Admission to the Matinee. with licsorved Seat, S 1 ■ ■ Seats can ho secured at the Academy of ‘Music, und at W. U. BONER'S Music Store, No. 1102 Oheßtnut street. \/TKBrJOHiN-DREW ! B—AKUJiBTK lyt THEATRE: - Benina 7«n’olock DOUBLE BILL FOR SATURDAY NIGHT. THIS, SATURDAY, EVENING, April 23d, 1370. THE WONDER; OR A WOMAN KEEPS A SECRET. MRS. JNO. DREW.. as VIOLANTE Afterwhicli, Iloticicunß'a DrAma THE WILLOW COPSE, By tl,u Full Company. Mondav-BENEFIT OF J. F.OATHCABT. SEATS SECURED SIX DAYS-IN ADVAKOE. : LAURA KEEBE’B Becnns at 8. CHESTNUT.STREET THEATRE. LAST NIGHT OF MRS. JAMES A. OATES’S BURLESQUE COMPANY IN THE FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD. Lost timo of the burlesque . BOSTON-PEACE JUBILEE—IOO MUSICIANS. WARN UT STREET THEATRE. (SATURDAY)-EVENING, April 25, LAST NIGHT OF THE EMERALD RING. Tlio Grout find World-Renowned ComodlniiH ' AND ORIGINAL IMPERSONATORS o£_ IRISH AND YANKEE LIFE. :=rJUjtS.BARNEY WILLIAMS, will appeitfrin Brougham fi bonutifal Drama or THE EMERALD KING. MONDAY—Gaylor’s Thrilling Irish Drama ot CONNIESOOGAII. ____ MB. THUNDER’S CONCERT, FRIDAY EVENING, April 29, • ' - MUSICAL FUND HALL. The Progren-me will cowust of BEETHOVEN’S GRAN 1> QBINTETTE FOR PIANO AND WIND INSTRUMENTS, liv Men»rs. THUNDER, BTOLL, PLAGKJIANN, KELLNERumI MUELLER. ■ ROSSINI’S MESSE SOLENNELLE FOR SOLI and CHORUSES, In which upward of 40 Singers, ineludlug the best ieni (lent talent, will assist. PIANIST: Mr. W. Q. DIETRICH TICKETSONH DOLLAR. With RoKprvcd Beatfi._aecured at Botied*. 11M Chestnut, notick.—mr. thunder s coNCEia-Ti»« last -i-Vhearsal will take place to-morrow, at 3 o clock, nt si* Arch street. WEKIC JL The following Societies take EICNEFITJr OK THE PILGRIM. * CONCERT HALL. - . -Saturday—Matinee2-3UP..M... ». . t ... Saturday evening atB.—Company C, W agner Zouaves. Monday-evening—Easthuru Marine*.* s Rotnei. Tuesday Wednesday—Matinfce 2.30 P.M. Evening- Frederick Circle, No. b H. & S. of 11. Choice Seats, 76c,; Admiaswu, fitt-.J Children, _ New Instrumental Music by one of the most celebrate! Piftiiinta of the age. Mr. F. GILDER. . Ai«o u fuirOTmrletrHTnrChtrrti^-Sintrpr^T—Nisw-featttrev vurv fine7wgP| nptt>-2ts 1 J.W. HA-IN. Proprietor. A IiItAWJ BILLIARD TOUEN AMKNT J\ for the Ohftmpintiflhip of ppntwylvftnm. »t the ASSEMBLY lailLLlNG.c.mnnencingmiMONDAT, thc23iii endtug on SATURDAY, the iWth. First prize, n Oultbinountcd Cub, presented bv Ksv nnngh A Pecker, New York,nnd a splendid Billiard Table, manufactured and presented by Victor Ka tenhe ; the Second Prize, a puree of SISU ; Third Prize, sfr, •rhepublif ere invited. Tickets. M cents ; Season' tickets, $3. admitting gentlem-m andl ladies Ttckota to be had at tile Hall, und at all the Billiard Booms in the city. apMWrp mESiri.K of wonders, assew 1 ' X BUILDINGS.-LAST week. - BIG NOB BLTTZ^i^ aj . AT 8. "FSPAY AN'D BATUBDAY at 3 r ap2o-4t TVU'PKEZ & BiSNBDICTS OPERA \y) HOUSE, SEVENTH Struct,below Arch. . EASTER HOLIDAY WEEK—GREAT BILL. I THIS EVENING. PUPIIEZ A GIGANTIC MINSTRELS INTRODUCE THE New Afterpieco—l2th Temptation. First Week—Sketch, Cuban Dispatcher. I Sixth Week— Dougherty's Great Stump Speech. tT'OX’trAMERICAft THEATRE, r WALNUT STREET, above EIGHTH. EVERY EVENING—Prof. TURNER’S PERFORM ING DOGS ANI) MONKEYS; “Punch ami Judy,” COT T.INB ami DAISEY; BROTHERS. Two Grand Ballots, Mile. PE BOSAand LA IiOBA. -vrEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA iX house: family report. CAMCHOS^IVTB^BTRKLB, 1 J.L.CARNOROSB, Manager. OENTZAND HASSLER’S MATIN EES.— O Mutual Fund Hall. 1869-70. Even SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at3)4 o'clock. ocl9-tf CAbEMjToE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT etreeC above Tenth. Openfrom9 A.M. to 6 P. M. • ' v Benjamin Weot’s Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED . „ [9 still on exhibition. jezz-ti MEDICAL The wonders accomplished through the. agency of tho genuine Cod-Liver Oil in Scrofula, Bronchitis, Ghjonic Cough, Asthma, nnd oven Consumption, almost (■fnrpa«B‘beli , *f. In John C. Baker & Co, 's-ii-p-ure—Medicinal— each bottio of which is accompanied by medical guaran tees of the highest order—the public have the beet brand of the preparation known to tho scientific world. •'JOBtfCh BAKER & C0i,N0.718 Market street, Phila delphia, Ponn. * * sale bv nil drngglßts. fo7 tfl SHERIFF’S SALE m SALE BY THE SHERIFF, ON MON day, April 26t'h, 1870, of Mrs. E. X. ABNU’Sflato Kckaril’nT— Benutiful Country Seat, containing 31 Meres,-26 perches, at White null Station, Pennsylvania Central Jiiiflroad, close by tho uew town of Bryn ftlawr, formerly the property of John M. Lmd- Bll v # ? aplfl s m w s m fit* BOARD! X~ gentlem an and wife, or two Ladies, can have tho full comforts of a homo; with a family of three, on a main street, central location. Kirst-dass reference will bo required. Address J. M. W., Bulletin office. ap2i 3t* mortgages: AAA $4,00*0,'53,000 AND S2,OOO—SEV SO ,* /U U « oral sums for these amounts to invest in tapWkftwo of mortgages. Apply to. FITIiRR< np2l St* '.. . No. Cl North Sixth street. CUTLER*. nODGEBS’ AND W OSTENHOLM'B MX -POCKET KNIVJCBv STAG HAN OLES of beautiful finibh; RODGERS' and WADBk BUTCHER'S, and the CELEBRATED LEOOULTBI RAZOR. fIOISBORS IN CASES of the finest quality ttaKors, Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, ground and ooliahed. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approval construction to assist tho hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Ontlor and Surgical Instrument Maker, 115 Tenth street bMow Qheatnnt, mn tf /FREESE & McDOLLtTM, REAL ESTATE I i AGENTS. office, Jaokßon street,"opposite Mansion street, Gape inland, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the soason will apply or odd Tess as abovo. Respectfully refer to ChaS. Arßubicam, Henry Bumm, Francis Mollvoin, Angustn Merino, John Davis and •y? . Yf . Juvenal. : toa-Ua T“SAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. I - rornur Third and Spruro streets, only ono square Unlow the Excbango. 9250 000 to loan, In forgo or small amounts,<m diamonds, oiWir plato, watchoo, jewelry. Sort all Ronds of value. Office hours-from 8. A. M. to 7 » M W" Established for tho last forty years. Ad- made in largo ftinountß at tho lowest market rates. ' 1 • ‘ ; -- - tyolTsh ing powder. -the best I: for cloanßing Sllvor and Plated Ware, Jewelry,etc., ’ vormanufactured, FARR A BROTHER, mhltfrp SMOhostUUt stroot, below Fourth. ffl BROWN STONB'EESIDENCE ® FOR SALE, JSo. 1923 ARCH STREET. .! "Eregint ‘Brown^idro’lfesiao'ncw;tl;rn(> 'BtoriM on J - Manpurd roof; very commodious* tfurniehftd with overs modern convenience, tind buUt jn-ftypry--fny>t»rior<aiia ,nbHtnmlßl nmnnur Lot 20 foot front by W foot deop to (hnhbert street, on which ifl erected ft uaQUßOtrto brick Stublo ll .uiaoacbH o ..»o ( . nMlllEy <t . : 733 WALNUT Street,. < : _;lnh2s tfr'pl ! ■ ' '’ • ' ' ' ' fpl AN ATXQNG MUL MIANOU* possessing all Ibo- cnnvonioncusof a city residenco ; numisomoljf furnished; located uoar Mansion House. Tho.-most dnsirublo, Innne at•, tuo “ Branch.” For particulars cull or nddr*HH H'-JaSSv T18,f>94 Broadway, New York .or to Mu. VAN BORBNj Long Branch. DrawingsOf hjiuiq to bo booh.. i&p**M l s ■ A polntod-stono double House, wall built, wit• /); modem improvements and two acres of ground* vuln vegetables and fruit. Apply to or add |j* B AOON’ ' ? 317 Walnut str.ot. iwTlorr Habolmtvnn ,Horr Formes Idiiil nn elegant pointed Residence, on W. Tulpo liockcn street, with every modern convenience. Btftbl". cnncli-houso, r.owboußO, fliio vouctnblo garden and HluublHTV ,In perfect order. Terms onsy. Applv to ®ff AH. K. KLMKS, No. 411 Walnut street.__ i23,e.tu,tliOl' mFOR SALK-rCOUNTIiY SEAT AT Genrmntown. A very ru parlor mansion, with every city convenience, hundsoino grounda, conservatory, sta ble, coach house. Location unsurpassed. I). T. PRATT, 103 South Fourth street. np23Hwth'H* p"'F o r"sTt7e-la&ge w anode- EMliisirahlo RcHidence. M 2 Pine street. Lot 33 feet fru»« and 231 deep to Lombard nuog 320 Walnut street. • ap23 s tu tb 3t a? TPhevr-ry olcgnnt country seat known na “ Mnlvnrn.” near Bustletou, JL’wenty-lhird Ward,, tivo minuted walk tj-om depot. Largo and commodious witirevery conrenlonce, garden er’s cottage, Ice house, stable and carriage house, largo grapery (under rlhph). stocked with the best varieties of foreign grapes in full hearing lawn acres, laid out n English stylo;- fine old shade trees, beautiful over gretus and hedges, plenty of shrubbery; .abundance of * fruit, largo and small, and excellent water. pinm I An adjoining Icrt of -live acres cau bo hadlfdeslrod TeriiiOirey =^- Bp2*B tu tl> lmsf PPly ut Wo. 322 cny.STNUT .tr«t M chTe stnut htll-a bare c hanco to secure a comfortable anramor and win ter residence, tho depot* with every conve nience of gas and water, and six acres of fruit and elmde twp-atfl reasonable price Send for description >]s2l 23 3t* m WEST I'HILAI) EIV PHI A.—FOR Snloor to Kent—llK. Spruce atrnt. Very hand boiih! Brown Stono Front Besiduuce, Mansard roof, side yi,rd,a)l modem conveniences, in perfect order. Imme diate possession. _ . , . 4119 pine street —Donble Mansion, built of dressed r.ray Stone, side yard,every convenience, in psrrect or der.,lWe»ien May W........, TELI; * BB0 „ ... . np2a tn thlms' TO! Smith Front atrcct. tfP EXECUTORS' SALE. WILL BE enld at public enlo, on Monday, Slay ■ ldftl, at 2 o'clock,,on the premises, that neat little place of uud three acres, the lute rt!*i‘Umoo of ItICIIAlt!> M. SHOBMAKKJt, deceased, situated mi the west side.of tho York road, at tlio corner of Chelten avenue {’Montgomery comity Kbovph miles north of the city, within five minnTH*’ walk. of tho York Boad ota tion, North Penna. Bailroad. . • , * Tho improvementp consist, of a good Stono- dwelling house, 2Ja stories high, containing twelve rooms ; bath room, with hut and cold water: range in Kitchen, fur nace in collar. Commodiom piazzas on three sides of -the-house: grounds nicely laid out,and embellished with. shade ai d fruit trees, ornamenUl ahruhlicovic- -Tlie. garden iB largo and well slocked vrith small fruits, and crops in season. Stone coach-house, with stabling at- Inched for five borsch and three c-jwh. For further partic ulttre upply to - KOIiKRT SiIOKMAKKII, CUAS H. SllO-EMMvKU, N. K.corner Fourth unU Race, R.C.SUOKMAKER, Upper Dublin, npll tu th s tm2§ Ex-ctltorx. -tfSa" GERMANTOWN—CORNER HIGH KIM AND MOItTON STREETS. ' TWO NEW rOINTED : STONE ENGI.ISTI-ROOF ROUSES, furnished with every modern convenience and built in the heat manner. ' np22st; THOS. A ..GUM.IIEV, 711 Walnut street. issr-y OR SALIS-HANDSOME 'iSEw JtBL DvrellinK. I‘:i7 Spruce Btreet, Apply Ml South Delaware avenue. . FOB SALE—AT MOOBESTOWN.&S CfeilN ». Country Sent. with 30 ncros of flrut-J», I -• nrte land ; large, vrell-Jintshed Mansion,'tenant lionso, i Barn, Ac.; all kinds c»f Fruit ; water excellent * the Lawn is beautifully shaded with l»rge_tm»i-«hd r-rfectJy within five minutes walk of Depot, -owoatpricn, §15,000. C iIAMEBBLAI N, - Mooreatown, N. J. fm FOlt SALE.—A Residence. No\ lioriTe, carriage and barnesl dl. BART, 602 Walnut streef ipT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, — WE Bliltl lißvo for sale, on uftfiv terms, fifteen minutes from the city, on ibt?Germantown Elegant Besi* and completely fitted out with all .Huntefn conveniences. , - . It has been occupied for two years as a boarding-bouso, nnd has a good winter and summer patronage. J. M. UUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street #33 TO BE SOLD-BY THOMAS &SONB, Bail OD tho 26th i the Exchange, the comfortable DwelliDg-llonse,N.W comer Seventeenth and Summer, near Logan Square. It has large rooms, high ce lings ; every convenience; large garden ;in a delightful neu'n borhood. Will be sold. A bargain. ® CHESTNUT HILL. * FOB SALE. , The elegant residence on Prospoct avenue, corner ot New street, adjoining the country Beats of George w. Biddle, George Harding »nd John T. Montgomery, Eeos., about two minutes walk of the depot. All modern conveniences, fine grounds, shade trees, evergreen 1 hedges, and one-of-1 no best gardens .on Chestnut liill. i I'ASCHALL.TIS Walnut st_ FOR SALE—A HANDSOME NEW .B -& story Brick Dtvelling.with double bachiMWin!". side yard; Ac., on the wost side of fbirteeath street, second house below Jefferson street, with all modern iui provementj. to A. B. CAItVKB A C 0.,. S. W . cor. Ninth ond Filbert Htroeta.- 4*5 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A • ayouue. .It liatdoablo three-story front,and double twCestory buck buddings. The house is 20 feet front, and lot 147 fret doop to 1 won tieth Weet—two fronts. K * ** * ap!67t§ , 773 Walnut street. om ' FOB SALE —THE pgiiil tmnriflnniH brick Vcsirtonco, 24 feet 6 inches front, with three story hack buildings, every consul core, and lot 142 feet deep. No. 1723 Arch street. J.OUMMKi* SONS,-No. 733 Wflluut street, 4*3 WEST PHIL ADELPHIA HAND gjli'.l p-oine modern cottage, wltli ©very convenience, and large lot of ground, Bouthwost cornor of Fine and Foi;ty*iirHt streets. J.GUMMBY & SONS, No. 733 -Walmit «trw.t Hl ■ > CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.' —Only Agency in Philadelphiajfor the saloof Cot tugos and Building Lota at tho above places. Several b^, ox 80N] npll-lm§ No. 640 North fifth street. STBEBT; Elilil UaudHomo throo-BtorV brick dwelling, with thri.o- Btcry doublo back buildings; every modern convo • nitnefi and in -good order. Immediate possession given. 3. M GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. _ *|"NEW brown STONE HOUSES,- wdo 1020,2004 AND 2010 BPRUCE STREET FOIt fe&rilNfsJflWN WALNUT >N THE MOST VENiMnCE UltEtT^^Kl SP O RUOK N BTKEeS. APPLY BETWEEN 2 a’nß 4 O'CLOCK P. M. ■ mb^tf '*2,. FOR SALE.—THE DESIRABLE UHLThree-story Dwelling, with Throe-story Back Buildings, No. 400 South Ninth Btreot, with all Improve ments. Vot2lX*lBB foot deep to n bnck Btreot. Also, a Modern Dwolling, No. 2226 Sprucostreot; all imnrovp nlento. Immediate posßOßßlon. Terms onsy. Apply to COPPUOK & JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. 4*a FOR SALE—DWELLINGS— MiiiL 1331 North Twelfth street. Throo-Btory modorn d 'li22 l North Twelfth Btreot. Throe-Btory modern dwell- North Twelfth otfoot. Throo-Btory dwelling with three-story tenement on rear of lot. . 1629 South Tenth Btroot. Throo-Btory, dwelling. . 1008 South Third Btroot. Three-Btory dwohing* ; -1212 flflnrlborough - Btroot,_llielunond.._ ..xurooTfltory. brickdwellln|. tf^NESB rnOPKRTIE B - 606 South Second Btreot. Throo-atory brick. 22hy IM. 260 North Elovonth Btreot. Four-story brick, 18 by 63. 423 Rood Btreot. Corner Btoro and dwelling. <* 606 South Sixth Btroet. Tavern aud dwelling. 1436 Paßßyunk Road . bobjjbt GnAFFKN & sol £, No. 637 Piuo street.— FOR SALK, FOR SALE—AT GERMANTOWN, FOR SALE, MANSION ROUSE, J.E. MITOnELL. 310 York Avonas, FOB SALE MODERN AND DE -11703 Spruce Mreet. Also, a h, choup. Apply to OHAS. aplStff TO DYERS—FOR SALE OR TO LET ON GROUND RENT—A large lot of ground, containing 42,897 square foot, extending from Seventh to Eighth, botweefi Tioga and Vonango strootfltVWittf a never-failing etroani ofpuro soft wator running through it; Price *2,f00. Apply to JOHN TURNER, near Sixth Btreot und Reading Railroad. npUlm O AND BUILD ERS.— For enlo—A largo and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, botwaon Norris and Din-' moud ; 628 feet deep to THIRTEENTH STREET, inter sected by PARK AVENUE, FOUR FRONTS. ~~, mliS-tis Apply. No. 322 OhoBtnnt_Btroet.__ Mekciiantville n. j.—building Hitoßfor'eulo, five miiiutea’a,, walk from Wolwooa T'liinr'Y minutes, fkoh frost and MAIIKETBTKEKTN, _ . ' Philadelphia, Faro by the.Annuel sifo?&Y * tr mh29Hmi CSS N>. 127 Ohontnut Btroot, Philndeiphla, Mfa' RIVERTON, N..T.—X<'OU SALE— Hill Deniable HoußO,boautlfull)r located. ApplyZS. 339 Market Btroot. ap7-tha tulOt" • TO LET ! ' ■ The Now Five-Story Store; No. is South Sixth Street nri<l Nov O Dees. ■ tar Street. . - - 20 br 173 fot‘t. Apply t " UEODOnK MEO A iROKKt ap2l-tfs ffo- 20 Honth Sixth Street. FOR REN+--THE LARGE ROOM, on tho.flrpt floor of tho Into roKt*ofllcc?t)uU}Hng on,DOCK street. I|UO by ,44 foot ? woll lighted and convenient fora manufactory \or ftalesroom* It can bo rented with or without steam power. ' • '. - • • , Also,' thlrd-atory room of 105 and 107 South Third, 30 feet'by24, well lighted, caubo rented with or without etcem. power . Also, fourth-etor/ room of 305mnd 107 South Third. Ti fdinpe* ffdntuift on Cheat nut'street and Third ; la a won lighted and large room ; with or without atonra powor. . at the office of the Executors and Trustees of the Efliato of Ur. DAVID JAVNK,No,.6I3 OHRHTNUT Street, second story. . aplB 6t§ TO KENT. AT BONG A iilil largo and Imndsntnoly with twelve bed rooms. sltuat* d on the Oceun, holow Stofson Houbq. Rent for the whole Summer, till Au«uat first, ;s),ioo. Address, “ CCEAN,”-. .Bum.ktiw Office. . : - ftp 23,a tn thru* 4&T TO BENT-DESJKABLE STOKE, mim ». Nintu .treot; 20 hr 70 foot.. BB()s>> ap23 » tu<h3t • 3W Walnut Btreot. f£f~TO 11KNT,~FUItNISHEiD, BY Til 13 aliilyour or MinmiiT. a nice honso, fourtoon roomu, wiihMnlilo. Applr on tho p'rouiisoH, near Wuyno Sta tion. Oornmutowu, to • _ d M«oirni<v»» up223t* . • E. 8 I’INCKUCKNKY. TO LET.—A NEW HOUSE, 40 HY MW -14. divided Into 9 rooms; piazza, hack nud front; fttie Blindoatul good water ; situated on high ground, near JJavorfora end Athonsvfllo station*; earring*- ' liouriQ, Htiibling, &c. AP^ 0 to ;w ANI)KRs()Ni AthpnHYiile Station, _j-_ Pennsylvania m FOR RENT.— HANDSOME C'OUM- ' try place. with several acres of land, on' Old York road. fivo minutes* walk from Onk Lane station,on tho North Pennsylvania Railroad, KimNJBI!EI> COUNTRY SEAT, within two min . -liiastwalk frQPLflftrerfprd station, on tho Pennsylvania Central Railroad. KUEOANT COI7NTItY BEAT, with several aero* of 1 ‘ ‘" iftml nn<Joutbuililli»R*? complete. 011 the new turnpike, Germantown. J. M. GUMMEY & 50N8,'733 /Walnut fpi FOR KENT—THE UAKDBOMK IS rour-etory property, No* 2S South Eitfhth street, corner of Jayne, and ttrst above Chestnut street. J. M. UUMMEY A HONS, 733 Walnut street. M in i GIHAHD BTHEKT.—A GlilAliD Estate dwellfnk, at reduced rent. Apply at Tower Hull, 618 Market street. ___ mh23»tfs Fa K REN T-FORNISHED—A P&lil four-story brick dwelling, with back buildii. s and every modern convenience, situate on Uroad street, below Pino. J. M.GU3IMKY A SONS, No. 733 Walnut street. >3 TO LET.—TUK STOKB ’ CONNKCT- Kiill ing with tint Oolommdc.lXntcl. 1302, Ifdi and ISOti ChedUmt street, suitable for gcut’a furnlahing gooda. Rent moderate. Apply on the premises from 10, to l* A. M. mhl* ttl MB TO LET SECOND-STORY FRONT Bilk Room, 324 Clieatnut etreet. about 20 * 23 tect.j suitable for an office or light bthdneu. - jalt tf rr FARR & BROTIIEB FOR RENT—FURNISHED Oil tTN —Eili. furnished, tho throe-story brick dwelling situate ■No. 1303 North Twelfth etreot. J. M. GUMMEY Sc BONS, 733 tValuut street. ■ ■ •4*31 “to RENT-BROOMS OF ALL SIZES, EM.-well lighted.auibtblefhtli'RlitmihufacturlhjcboSb v?*«, in building No. 712 Chestnut street. J.M.GUM.- JdKY A 50N5,733 Walnut street. CAVE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY. MlL—Numerous Cottages to Bent. Some very de sirable opportunities offend, Parties desiring to rent caw have description and information uti l other facili ties funiJsbed. and save themselves a/un to the whore by applying to DANIEL M. JOX * SON, Principal Agency! No.MO North Filth street. ap!Mmf_ O W EIjLING no. 1404 Master Street; lias all the modern conveniences; 12 rooms ; delightful location. Hent, $760. ap7l6t lt& pleasantly situated between two Stations, about aouarter of a mile from each, on the Wwt On'inw, city. Apply at N 0.911 Spruce street. apiytu^tuaU ip~p6 T ßl^ itisg denoe, well rimded, on‘North Jliird below 1 iogttKtreet. , ... Apply on the prwuUw, or at No. 103 North Se ven til slrcHt. ap22 3t* Imgi 'f~Q RE N T .—A ~H ANJD 8 OME s-ptia-finTiTitTV-TtesMenCe. TTuy 7 a lane. Germantown. A handsome country residence, Mauheitn street, G«r- A dwelling house Nov U9~Bittenhouao street, Oor*- house, No. 1541 North Twentieth street. A dwelling bouse. No. 911 South Ninth Street. A stable on Miles street, below Walnut etreot and above Tenth street. Kootn for three horses and car riapeS. Apply to COPPCOK & JORDAN. 4i3 Walnut Mrct. : SHIPPERS* GUIDIS; ' Philadelphia, Richmond and INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES BTEAMERB LEAVE EVERY WEDNESDAY -and BATUKDAY,at 12 o'clk, Noon, from FIRST WHARF, HfiT’uitNlNO, E LEA r VE'RICnMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and OF^No R BHIa i or Lading signed after 13 o'clock on 6 THRXHjHh BATES to all point* In North and Sooth Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portßmontb, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the Went via Virginia and Tennessee AJr-Llna and Blob mood aud Danville ,. . . _ nnr _ B Freight HANDLED BUT ONOE And taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. No charge for commission,drayagJ, or any exponaefor insure at lowest ratoo. State-room No. 12 Sotlth Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves, W P PORTER, Agent atßlchmoudl and City Point. T P CROWELL ft CO., Agents at Norfolk TniOß BOSTON.—STEAMSHIP LINB P DIBEOT, BAILING FROM EACH PORT EVER* Wednesday -and Saturday. from PI«gBTR o E NEG T w W^R F F b POHILADELPHIA. 0 HlLADELPHIA. Feom Philaurlthia I From Bosifiir, 10 A M 3 I*. ftl. NOBMAN,SatWay,A p’il 2 ROMAN, Saturday, Apil * iiMi-v Wednesday 6 BAXON,-Wednesday, 8 ROM AN V Saturday, “ 9 NORMAN, Saturday, “ 9 SAXON, Wednesday “ 13 ARIES, Wednesday, *' IS NORMAN, Saturday,* 1 16: ROMAN .Saturday, « 18 ARIES, Wednesday, “ 2U|SAXON, Wednesday, * l 20 ROMAN Saturday, “ 23-NORMAN, Saturday * » SAXON, Wednesday •* 27 ARIES, Wednesday, “ 27 NORMAN, WednesdaySolßOMAN, »aUmlay, “ » These Steamships Ball punctually. Freight received -^Trelgh^orwardotHnnllliotatßdn-New-England. ap F p3yto Fr ° ig, “ " P HE& e RY* & ’ appiy hi 338 South Delaware avenue. TTTT. A nET.PTTT A AND SOUTHERN. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR. LINES FROM OUEEN BTREET WHARF. Tho ACHILLES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, direct, Saturday, April 23, at 8 AVM.. . Tho YAZOO will sail from’NEW ORLEANS, Tin H 4 V e A CENT3pEDg°wM’. A aß r for’-SAVANNAH on at wm °i°ail k from' SAVANNAH on S Thl d p sail for WILMINGTON, N. O;,on T Throngh bFllß^VludSn A Bigned, and passage ttoketa £ o A , ffl»iaf’ t QUEEN ST. WHARF. For - ■ 130 Sonth Third street. Fob new yobk via Delaware COMPANY. ■■ Tlic CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communion ♦inn between Philadelphia and Now f orK< ■ n " S <-ame™lUvo kimrom First Whar? bo ow MAR KET, street, Philadelphia, and fool or WALE etroot, i ' e * Y thROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. „ Goods forwarded by all the Lines running out of Now « j. v.ji, Vgaf n > Went, froo of commission. T frelghts revived ana forwarded on accommoda ting terms. p CLYDE & 00., 'Agents, 12 Bonth Delaware Avonne, ■TAR.-HANP, Agent, 119'Wall Btroet,Now York. iTffw ff.TPRESB TO ALEX AN» . N drift Washington,D.O.^viaOhe«-V SS&s£sssmiSltStSSßSAm\ ? te Bt^m°o l raVoa»6rogalVrlyfrom’ I tho first wharf afeor i; F Kn g, i2 HoJUU WharTca and Pier 1 North Wharves. HVT)K & TYhEII, Agonta at Georgetown. , „ m vjyr.TVRIDnK & CO.. Agents at Alexandria. Ya FJ.AWARI AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Barget towml lietwocn Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Graco, Del aware City and intermediate-points. -.— ””\VII. t P. CLYDE & CO,, Agpata; Cant.: JOHN LAIICIILIN, Sup’t Offico, 12 South Wliarvoa, Phila delphia. 7 aP» »§ OB NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE : AND RARfTAN CANAL. . : SWXYTSIIIIE TKANSPOIITATION COMPANY, DISPATCH AND SWIETSUItK LINKS, t- ■ Leavingdaily at 12 and 6 I\ M. . Tlio steam propollerH of .this Company will commence loading on thoStll of March. ■ -- ■ ' Through in twenty-four hours, . ■■■ _ Goods forwarded to any point froo of comraiaaiona. , -.Freights taken on neconimodatlng terms'. Apply to WM. M. BAIRD & 00., Agonta, i niul-tf 132 South Dolawaro avenue. ■-. • KELIGI<fcIS jINTELLIfcENCE.' ; { Local and General. The Baptist National Societies will hold their anniversaries in this city this year, conl meneing Tuesday, May 24th, -•- Klw-Baltimorc the Methodists are-building a costly edifice that will exceed in size and mag nificence any church in.that) city; , | Tins Kev. It ulus B. Kelsey,of Baltimore, has accepted tho call to the Spruce Street Bap tist Church, and will enter upon his duties on the first of J une. The will of Itev. Dr. McClintock, of the Methodibt Church, whose death occurred re cently, has been admitted to probate. He loft an estate worth 8160.000. Tilk Jtev. Mr. Falkncr; the newly-elected pastor of St. Matthew’s P. J 3. Church, at .Eighteenth street and Girard avenue, will en ter upon his duties to-morrow. Tub Monday afternoon, union prayer meet ing will be held on Monday afternoon next, at 4 o’clock, at the Second Reformed Church, Seventh street, above Brown., ,- r The Key. Horace Cook,; the Methodist min ister connected with a recent New York scan dal, has recei vi d permission from his Confer ence to withdraw from the ministry. . Tbje.United States Special Indian Comniis ' sioner publishes a letter saying tbat"Ala«ka has not one Protestant or American ary or preacher in its vast domains at the present time. The Eighty-sixth Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Dio cese of Pennsylvania.will be held in,St. Luke’s Cliurcl), Philadelphia, oh Tuesday, May 17th, at 6 o’clock P. M. Ekv. Dit. McLeod will be present at tho General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as a deputy from the United Presbyterian Church ol England and Scotland. He will sail in the Scotia on the 30tli, in company with the Irish delegation. TmiiTV.years.ago the Baptist and Metho dist churches in Philadelphia .were about cgual in number. Mow there arc. forty Bap tist and sixty Methodist churches. During tho last year tho Baptist ministers married 480 couples and the Methodist 1,500. The concert given at St. Josepn’s Church on Monday evening last was a decided suc cess. Tliis factinay be attributed to the able manner in which it was conducted by the managers, Messrs. Jos. A. Devlin and Wm. D. Kavcnaugh. As the object for which the concert was given, was a worthy one, the success is very gratifying. - The Tract Visitors of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society in the Fourth Dis trict, west of the Schuylkill; will" hold"their monthly union ineetiugon Wednesday, even ing next. 27th inst,, at i 3 o’clock, at the Tenth United 9’resbyterian "Church, Thirty-eighth and Hamilton streets. Tract for April—“ The Alicctionate Entreaty.” Public invited. ThK following gentlemen are commissioners for'the Genera) Assembly of the Presbyterian Church from ; this city: Third Presbytery— Rev. Charles Brown, Itev. Dr. ■ Wit,well, min isters ; J edge Strong and Judge Allison, rul ing eiders. Fourth Presbytery—.Key....J, V; Mitchell, Rev,James Woolf, ministers; Gen. E. M. Gregory ami J. Dildeburri, ruling el ders. \ ST. .TciHN's p.-f.inu. d t'lmreh, West Phila delphia, having voted to transfer thoircongre galion aiid church jtroperty to the Presbyte rians, and legal measures having been taken to prevent it, the court has placed the church in ihe possession of those who represent the Reformed. Church in the United States, where it will r< main until the ease Is finally decided by the court, 1 he late Pittsburgh Conference of the M cth odist Episc u pal Church resolved “that any man who" wiltsellTiis griiUi a distil— ler, sign a petition for a license, or .rent pro perly lo be used in mating or vending intoxi cating drinks,compromises his Christian char acter, violates the spirit of the discipline, and should bo admonished by his pastor, and,, if he —per.Hista.iu it,_b(Lexpelled from theebureh— The first members of the Reformed Church in this country were exiles and refugees from France, Switzerland and the Palatinate, who were compelled By the then prevailing spirit of religious persecution and intolerance tofor sake their homes in the Old World. Many of them ,selt]e<l in Pennsylvania, and as early as IT.'!.'! a church—the First Reformed—was or ganized in Doncaster, which has had a regular succession of ministers down to the present time. The Indianopolls Journal inferms us that the Rev. Treadwell Walden, rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral Church,and. formerly rector of St. Clement’s Church, in this city, preaches to crowded congregations. Especially' on Easter day were his sermons eloquent and im pressive. The vast congregation seemed loth to depart, and many persons lingered for a considerable length of time, as though tilled and impressed with words of living truth that had fallen from the lips of their gifted pastor. The Rev. William Blackwood, D. D., pas tor of the Ninth Presbyterian Church, corner of Sixteenth and Sansom streets, preached his twentieth anniversary sermon last Sunday, re viewing the history-of the church ami giving some statistics of his pastoral work. During the above period the addition to'the commu nion roil has been 1,120; on certificate, -130, and on ’profession, 01)0—an average of 0G a year during theperiod. The annual average has been 34. Baptisms, 930 ; marriages, 1,218. The General Assembly' of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of- America will meet in the First Presbyterian Church, Wash ington Square, thfs city, on the 1 10th day of May next, at 11 o’clock A. M., and be opened •with a sermon by Rev. Philemon H. Fowler, D. D., Moderator of the General Assembly which metifi May last in New York. Rev. M; W. Jacobus, D. D., '"will preside jointly with the other Moderators, and put all votes ami decide all questions of order until another Moderator is chosen. THEitE-is an increasing interest in SAnday school work among the Friends. A large Sun day school gathering lias lately been’ held in Maine, at which 290 delegates were present. Blackboard . and object " illustrations were used ..and the ordinary topics discussed with t great interest. In this city during the present week the Orthodox -Friends have held largo - and interesting ineetiugs iri reference to Sun-, day school work, and-the reports of theschools' now in operatlon’show that they are alive to the importance of Sunday sohools. The following gentlemen appeared as dele gates of the M, E. CliuroH from Philadelphia at a meeting of the general committee ap pointed on the part of the Philadelphia,. Cen tral Pennsylvania and Wyoming'Conferences, held at Wilkesbarre, April 14th, 1870, to con sider the propriety of holding a convention of the Methodist Episcopal Qhurcli. in Pennsyl vania: Rev. Dr. R. H. Pattisoh, Rev. Dr. G. D. Carrow, Col. John -A. Wright, Thomas. W. • Price and Gen. Chas. Albright.- .Williamsport ’ was selected as tho place for holding the con vention. The Rev. J. W. Bonham having resigned' . the rectorship of ..the Bishop’s Free Church, Spring Garden street, above Thfrtoenthrrn order to have a season for rest, on'Easter Sun day prfcaclicd his closing sermons to large con gregations; By his urgent request tho Bishop has appointed a successor, for whom Mr. Bon ham bespoke aloordial and Hearty reception,) and stated .thdt, the iluancfal- difficulties hav . ing been!Teincivcd/tho increasing congrega tion have tho ability Lto) sustain a first>class Protestant-Episcopal Church.. The ltev. E. Owen Simpson has boe.u appointed to take the. place of the retiring rector. , Ox Thursday last, April 14th, a Presbyte rian Church was organized at Twenty-second and Nichols streets, by a committee from the Central Presbytery,: consisting of Rev. S. A. Mutchmore, Rev.D.:A; Cunningham, and Gil bert Coombs, A. M-. It hCcalled tUe‘‘OoTuin-~ Bia Avenue Presbyterian Church,’’ arid is the result of ri mission Sabbath sohool started some two years ago by the Spring Garden Presby terian Church, oalled tlie McDowell" Sabbath its existence with 23 communicating members and a Sundav school i nnmherlng)229'pimUs, They have secured the services.ot Rev.-Wm. H. Hodge-as-pastor. -’-a . largo and'yery; finely situated lot has been se cured p»)tbecorner of Twenty-first Street and Columbia avenue*' on which’ a chapel will soon - - • • Fiiom tho Baptist Year Book for 1870, just ;- published, the following statistics are taken : Total number of Associations in the United States in 1809 wak 728: churches, 15,143; or dained ministers, 8,787; baptisms, 70,172 j m,< tpherihiip, 1,221,349^-an iiicroaio of 79,361 over 18.68. In I’ennnylvania— Associations, 18 ; churches, 481; ministers, 339 ; baptisms, 3,819; members, 61 98<|. In other parts of .the world/—Associations, 66; churches, 3,9(12; ordaiiied ministers. 766; baptismB,s,2BG; mem bers, 342.282.- Sunday schools in -the United. States,3,694; teachers, 37,881; 5ch01ar5,337,647; scholars baptized’, 6,699 } expenses, 845,820 50; missionary, collcctiorisiby Sunday schools,. 873,937 17, Total contributions to the Baptist Church from General and State organizations, 82,780,938 35. Grand total of Baptists through out, the world—Associations, 783; churches, 19,106; oTdained ministers, 9,563; baptisms, 75.468; members, 1,563,631. They have also 10,340 local preachers. NEW PUBLICATIONS. SUNDAY SCHOOL BUPERINTEN dents,-set Prof, Hart's admirable address. "How to Select a Library," at tho Sabbath School Emporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia. V > NEW SERIES i 'OILED FEATHER BOOKS. .JUBT PUBLISHED BY THE American Sunday-School Union. REPORTS AND THE MISCHIEFS THEY do. 18mo, 5, 15 and 22 cents. ON LOOKING SEEDY. 18mo,fi,17and 22 eta. WE VERSUS I. 10, 20 and 2C cents THE EXPERIENCES OF A CHURCH plate. 30, 20and 30 cents. BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN HIS , i month. 10, 2fi and 80 eta. « For salo at the Drpoiitory of the y AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, \ / 1133 Cheltnut £t., Philadelphia. _ap 23» thgt OTL’S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA, LA Z. COIsAKGJS, Editor. The UKBT, LATK.ST and cheapest ever publish e<l. 18 not only a COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA, written siKca toe wak; honeo the only one giving anv account of the T/ATB itatt l kb,• anil those who 'fought them, tfut hs also a thorough and ‘ y " r ' A GAZETTEER OF THE WOJITI), A 'BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, A JiIItLICAL DICTIONARY, A I, EG AX, DICTIONARY, A MICOICAE niCTIONAJCY, am.ltheonlvbookcontalnin&n-Hthesesubjects. The more tlmn’ 2000 ILLUSTRATIONS, on every •variety of Fubjoct. alone will oust over £lO.OOO. No oilier work j.« so lully and so well illustrated. ..View/c-ce. Cities. Pirnuc Branum*. .Plants, AMMAJ.H. MA*jH I JVEIi V, (jiiKAT MEN AM) \VoaE>', Ac., Ac., Ac. Total hound, to Srofrcmnirns oyj.-tf-, $27.50, c htiviuij "/ more than *lOO over other similar works. A'.w>e*iis& Fpefimco number. crmtnjninqr4o patres »nd 7 K picture:*. will hoteut free for locent*. A trouts and Canvassers panted.. Sold only by subscription. . Address T. ELLWOQD ZELL, Philadelphia. fpE>«Wt KID GLOVES. AC! gPRIKG IMPORTATIONS OF per pair. Every pair warranted. If they rip or tear aaother pair given in exchange. AIiSO i Our celebrated “ LA BELLB “ KID GLOVE at §1 25 per pair. Best §1 26 Kid Glove in America. ALSO. The JOSEPH at 91 00, and JOCYIN at 9145. AH warranted as above. ' Immense tale* dally of Hamburg Edgings, Inserting* and Flouncing!*.' Hosier)—A great bargain in regular made IJoso at §3 per dozen. Cornet*, Shirt Boaoma, Potts, Jet Jewelry, Fanry Dress Goods, Black AJpana**- B]»ck Silks. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Lisle ana Silk Gloves, Ac., Ac. '-<-•••■ A. A'J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Importers of Kid Gloves. No. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Invite the attention of Jobbers, Retailers and Con* Mimcis to their Spring Importations of Kid Gloves. ap!6-s tu tb tf POCKET BOOKS, &C. # if S Gi C3* II §og /A*od f/3?ORCITCod KFnnoy niid | Mahogany |l Writing, w, UchU> C.F.RUMPP, HCi 118 K. 4th BL, PHIT.ADA. ■Manufacturer and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS Ladies’ & Gents’ Satchclt and Trafolllngillagß, in all styles. mh22 3m MANTELS, &e i>®; Of the latest and must beautiful designs, and all other Slnteworkon hand or inndn to order. Factory and Salesroom, SIXTEENTH and CALLOW -HILL Streets , . ' WILSON & MJLLLEB. „ UpS 6ins ' V . cORs BAHATET. CORSETS, TO,URISUR'ES, ' PANiEKS,' HAIR CLOTH SKIRTS. 112 S. Eleventh St. MACHINERY, IRON, AC. JRON FENCE.— The pnderßlgncHl are prepared to oxocuto orders for ENGLISH IRON FENCE, of tho best muko. TUo most sightly an 4 ~tbo most economical fefico'tliftt cuiibd usodi. .. Specimen panele ofTßriouß-iltylefrof this fence may bo Been at our office... - • mli9 3m§ ' . 1 . ~ 147 South Front stroet. MEEBICK&SOtfS, i : SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenu^ MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Prewure.Horizon te^>erti c fti t Blast, ana,Qorniiri) Flue, * i ; ’ STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy stylos, add o! aUaifceß. j;-, . CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Greon Sana, Braes, &o. ROOFS—Iron Frames.for covering with TANKS—Qf.Cast:or,Wrought.lrpn,f<tr.reftheri^bgateri GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench “Holders and Frames, Purifiers; Gofctej and Charcoal. Banaws.Valves. Governors,i&o.i ' c 4 ’ r. . r SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Fans and Pumps; Blade Filters, Burners, Washers and Blevatori, Bag Filters, 'Sugar and Bona / Black „ .a : rr J 71 Solo mariufafcturers of the following specialties: -Tii Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright’s Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. ---•*■ lii the United States, of Weston’s Patent Bolf-contor lng and SoJf-bawncing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma« chine. ' ; . v - . < .< » OfaeV&Barton’B improvement on Aspinwall A Woolley's B»“toKpitont Wron*M-In>pBptortLJd. .u Stralmn’s Drill Grinding Bobt. Contractors for tbe design, erection and fitting np of Bo* flnerieafor working Sngar or Molasaae. fVOPPEB AND YELLOW METAL V? Bhcathlfcg, Broxier’a Copper Nailfl, Bolts and Ingot Coppor. constantly on bona nnd for aue by HBNBY WCHBOB A 00„ Mo 78» Soatti Wtiarreß...- PHILAPji[jPHI A SATURDAY, APRIL 23,1870. - ■ Hr-i ' fpj ' O«EHANS r • COUKT SALE. —E9-; JSiiiL t»t«? of Catharine 8., William and Harry Harvey, Allnors.—Thomas A tions, Auctioneers;—Modem double throe-story Brick Residence, 'No* 614 North. Sixteenth flfieet, above Wallace street, 30 feet front. Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans {T Court-for the City and County of Philiidelphittvwiirbo rapid at public sale; on' TuesdayvAprjl 26<b,.J870,at 12 o’clock, the Philadelphia Exchange, estate of Catharlno 11.. Wil lißin and Harry Harvey. Minora, viz.; All that three-*, story brick niessnngoahd lot of ground thereunto be longing, sltuote on the west aide - Of Sixteenth street, at the distance of 36 feet northward from the north side of Wallace stmt, in.the city >of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sffxteenth street 30 fW*t, (including on tho north side thereof the south'rnmost half part of a 2 feet wide alley, laid out and opened for .the mutual accom modation of this and the lot of ground adjoining to the and extending in depth westward between lines parallel with Wallace street 70 feet, Boundod north ward and southward by ground "now or late of Robert P. Reeves; westward by ground granted to Barton Hoopes.and eastward by Sixteenth street; being tho came premises which Elizabeth A. Needle* tt at., by Deed dated the second day. of. August, A.D. 1864, re corded tat Philadelphia, in Deed Book L. K. 8.. No. 44, pogi* 74, Ac., granted and conveyed Unto the said George N. Harvev, in fee. . . Subject to a yearly ground rent of 8176. By tho Coart, JOSEPH MEGART. Cleric 0. C. ,N. B.—The improvement* nVe a handsome modern double three-story brick residence, with two-story back buildings ; h«R parlor, fiitti.Tig,-r,6om. dining-room, winter and summer kitchenson tho first floor;. gaa, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range,-2 famacea, wratOr closet, Ac. May be examined any day previous to sale. M.THOMAB A SONS, Auctioneers, . mb3l aplfl 23 139 and 141 South Fourth street. MBALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.— Thomas A Bons.Auctioneffrs. On Tuesday* April 20th, 1870. at 12 o’clock, neon, will be sold,at public sale* at the tho following described properties, viz.: No.-I.—Modern Tbre'e-story Brick Dwelling, No. 1027 Mt. Vernon street. AlLthnt three story brick dwelling, with two-story brick back build ings, situate on the north side of Mount Vernon street, 118 ieeinch east of Eleventh street. Fourteent- Ward, No. 1027; containing in front on Mt. Vernon street 18 feet, and in depth on tbe west line 65 feet Hi Inches,and on tho east line 64 feet inches. Clear of all incumbrance. May be examined. 8100 to be paid at the time of sale. Possession with deed. No.2.—3!odern Tbree-atory Brick Dwelling. No. 1140 Poplar street. All that modern three-story brick dwell* ing, with two-story brick back building, situate on tbe south side of Poplar btreet, 56 feet 1 inch east of Twelfth street, No. 1140; Containing in front 16 feet, and in depth -46-feetrr ; with-tbe-privilege-of-air-itlley-ext r ctiding-into- Harxncr street. ' . Clear of all incumbrance. £lOO to be paid at the time of sale. Possession with eed. i No. S.-Three-story Brick Dwelling. No. 1143 Harmer stieet, in the rear of the above. All that three-story brick dwelling, with one-story back building, situate on the north side of Harmer (formerly Hazel) street, be tween Poplar and Ogden streets, N 0.1113, at thedistance of fG feet 1 inch west of Twelfth street; 1G feet front and 33 feet deep. Clear of all Incumbrance. Possession May Ist, 1870. s]Coto be paid at time of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. ap)o 23 139 and 111 South Fourth street. fga PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SO>»S, mill Auctioneers.—Modern Stone Residence, Terrace place, northeast of BchuyJer street, Germantown, four t«qnarf-afrc»ni "Wnyre Station, on the Germantown RnU ;roa»r,T.?-fc->t front.Twenty* second AVardVvOn Tuesday!, April 557, IK7O, at 12 tPcjoek. roon, will bo sold' at public sale, ui the Philadelphia Exchange, all tiiat handsome modern stone residence ami lot of ground, sit uate on the southwesterly side of Terrace place, extend ing through to Clappier street, -173 feet 7% inches north east of Schuyler street. Germantown, Twenty-second Ward ; the lot containing in front on Terrace place 77" feet 11 inches, and extending in depth on’one line 33‘t feel 7 *-i inched, and on tie- other line 330 f*.-“t- }■ inch to floppier street, on which the. front .is .77 feet 10 inches, Tin* house Iswelltjuilt. and hes th« modern cuuv*-- imncoh ; remains J 1 room« and numerous closets ; p;ir lor, dining ro*«n«. library and kitchen on ihe-first floor ; commodious <:h»mi>ers, gas, butli, hot and cold water, water clotet. furnace, edokin. range, ftc. The garden -in-laid out-in gravel walks, with boxwood, .and. planted., with shrubbery,old oak trees, Ac. There H u styine spring houro with .excellent • \vat>*r. The residence* fronts on Terrace place, adjoining and in the immediate vicinity of very elegant residences.and country seats, RVMay be examined nny day previous to sale, -SL-THOMAB-A SONa, Auctioneers mh3lup9 16 23 139 and HI South Fourth street. ©ORPHANS’ “'COURT SALE:-ES tate of Francis A.. Erwig, deceased. Thomas A* Sons, Auctioneers!, Valuable tract of land, 14f> acr*-s, Penrose Ferry road and river Schuylkill, half a mite above League Island, and near the Penrose Ferry Ward, about 3,000 feet front on the river Schuylkill. Pursuant to an order of* the Orphans - Court for the City and County of Philadelphia,; -Will, he fold .at public sale, on Tuesday, May 3d,-1379, at 12 o'clock,noon, at Exchange, the following described property, late of Francis A.. Erwig,. de ceased, viz.: _All.th_ftt_vftluable_ tracf oUand,_situuttt_ on Penrose Ferry road, in the late township of PasB>mjk.«now-T-wenty-sixth. W-ard. of. the city of Phil-, adelphia, being composed of 7 adjoining—txacts of land ; ’ one of 9 acres 95 perches ; the others 19 acres and 99 perches T'JOI* acres and 20 perches; 6-acres ami 123 perchts; 55 acres and 15. perches; 10^-acres and 17 perches ; containing together about 122 acres, exclusive -pf-ilatß.. which— ing lands of E. C. Knight, Penrose, Dunk, liegli, John son and others. Term*—#J2.6oo may remain on mortgage. • .tosopL Begli, Penrose Kerry road,"opposite the Point Breeze Park. liy the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. JOSEPH KEOLI, Administrator. ' M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, np7 16 23 139 and I*l South Fourth street. fB ORPB AN S’COURT SALE,—ESTATE Mis of Benedict Kahnweller, deceased. Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers.—Business Stand—Three-story Brick Tavern ami Dwelling, No. 323 Vine street, between Third and Fourth streets.—On Tuesday, May 3d, 1670, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange; all that brick messuage and lot of •ground, situate cn ihe north side of Vine street, between “Third undFourtb of PMladelphiajcontaining ir front 21 feet 6 inches,more or less, and in depth M fe**t. Bounded northward by n lot marked in a plan of lots, late of Jonathan Zau<s deceased. No. 7, sold to Jacob Frantz ; eastward by a lot marked on said plan No. 2, sold to Edward Laskey ; westward by a lot marked in the aforesaid plan No. 4, then of William Wayne, and southward by Vino street aforesaid. Being the same premises which Watson Jenks and Julianna his wife, by indenture dated September 1, A D. 1841, recorded in the office for recording deeds, Ac., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in deed book G. W. C., No. 109, page 220, granted and conveyed unto tho said Benedict Kahn weiler. in fee. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGAIIY, Clerk O. C. SAMUEL MAYER, ' ) S. B. KAILN WEILER,? Administrators. ADAM GI.MBEL, \ N. B,—lt is occupied as a hotel and dwelling, and ia ti good business stand : has two-story back bnildincs, g.ii introduced, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-* range, Ac. M. THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers, ap7 16 23 IH9 nnd 141 South Fourth street. V O vl otV w »• CD CD fß’ PUBLIC SALE THOMAS & Hill Sons, Auctioneers.—Valuable Lot of Ground, •about 8 acres, Limekiln road, west side, second lot south of Washington, Jane, Tv/enty-second Ward. On Tuesday, AlaySd, Is7Q;at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public gale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot of ground, beginning at-*>*coruer in tho middle of the Limikiln turnpike r0ad,3775*100 perches southeast from the intersection of Raid road and Wash ington lane; thenco extending along the middle of Limekiln road south 27 deg., east 28 8-10 perches to a corner of land granted by Isaac Michener John An drew*;-thcnce-by the same south 52 deg, 6s'rum., west 40 7n-100 perches to ft corner in tho lino of land allotted to Wm. Sliippen; thenco by the seme north 32 deg. 3.1 min.; west 26 6 10pcrch0s toa corner, and thence by other, land <t»f sai«f parties of tho first part hereto intended to have been granted to Charles P. Buyard Kldeg 5 min., cast 40 1-10 perches to the place of begin ning; containing? acres, 14415 perches of laud, mon* or —ltiaLHrt-JW.jUuna- iew minute*’drive from Germantown,’ or the station at Oak Lane. North Pennsylvania Kail road,- The handsomest lot ;n thA vicinity of Philadel phia for improvements, on a good turnpike. JBS?- Clear of all incumbrance. • [Card-Case*, Ladle*’ and tients* -• Lrt»»ins- Cases* A np? 16 23 PUBLIC bALE.—THO MAS & SONS, if!Auctioneers.—'Two Handsome Rural Threo-story llrick Residences, West Chester, .Thumsyivaniasr On Tuesday,--April 26th, 1870. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold . at public sale, at the "Philadelphia Exchange, the fallow-" me dttaribid properties f viz.: No. 1.-All that handsome modern iluee-story press-brick TncHsuago, with thrwe vstory;hark buildings ami lot of ground, situate 1 oil' the eastern side of South Chimb street, below Union street, ab lit J}{. siiuiirort from> tho New Episcopal Church, at West Chester, Pennsylvania: ,tl;e ipt containing in frbn on Church street 105 feet,'and extending in depth 150 feet The house is well; hns parlor ./with bay window" dining-room and 2 kitchens on the first floor;' —cham bers.flitting-room, library and bath on tho second floor, and -j chambers on the third fl-opr ; has all tho modern cniivdiiiehces ; inside shutters,-gas, and cold /wmer, stationary wash-stands, water-closet, bell-culla -cold i\irventilators,Frcueh-plato(-l-light) glass, furnace cooking-range, Ac. - ,• - • Tortus—lliilfchsh. Possession Alfty lOthi • • Will he shown by tho owner and occupant, Albiit Gar* ,'lX>tlT-l ■ fcF] The Furniture (nearly new) may be had at a valu ation; -—No 2.—AH that handsome threo-story'brick messuage, with threo-story back buildings and lot of ground, ad ..'joining the above; general plnn of tho house similar to tlmtiW No. 1; the lot contuiniug in front 38 feet, and in 'depth lfU feet. - . iTeriut*—Half cash. Jmnifidiata possession- - A photograph and moro full description may bo * seen dt the Auction Rooms. .*• • ': 5l ‘ i M. THOMAS* SONS,.Auctioneers, „ ap2jl6 23 1 : 1351 and 141 South Fourth street. ; '■m I PEREMPTORY SAI4E. —THOMAS iaiitl* Sons, Auctioneers.—Modoru Fom-Btory Brick lb sidence, No. 818 Franklin streetabovo Parrish street, i On Tpesday, April 26th, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at publicsale, without reseri’e* at the Philadelphia. Exchange,,all that handsome modern fonr-story brick messilngo and lot of ground, situate on tho west side of Franklin streot, north of Parrish street, No. 848 ; thence extending westward 61 feet 1 % inches ; thenco north-' 7H inches ; thence westward 1 foot U>s mopes ; thenco narthward.lG foot inches; thenco east ward 60-fect lU*a -inohes-to Franklin -street-;—thenco ~Houtl\ward along the same 20feet to the place of begin ning.) Itbq* rccoptiou-room. diningroom nnd. kitchen on the first-floor; larch parlor, 2 sitting* room! bath) and water-closet on tho second floor; 3 champers o|i vbo third ildor, and B chambers on fourth floor.' j Balo abeolutp., . V " =-j ' • ,<• 1 a ','M* THOMAfjU&SpN&i Auctioneers, -, aplQ 23. j • 139-aml 141 youth-Fourth street. el REiAL AS & SONS’ sale.—Threo-story .Brick Dwolliug, No. 2222 Turner streot, above Ridge avenue and west of Twenty second street. On Tuesday, April 26,1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at ,the Philadelphia Exchange, all that, threo-story brick ftossnagaanu lot of ground, situate ou tho south sfdebf Turner street, No. 2222 ; containing in front on Turner, strootld foot 4 inches, and extending in dopth 46 foot. ' fly Cleor of all ihcumbranco. Terms —Cash. Immediate possession. • Keys pt the Auction Rooms. M. & SONS, Auctioneers, »pl 6 23 139 and 141 South Fourth streets AL-THOMAS * c SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street, ; —r-ItKAI/ESTATE SA! REAL ESTATE.—T HO MASS, SONS’ BMSale.—Twoltiroc-Btory Brick Drfi>llm?B, Non. 17.15 and J<37 Paasyunk road* northei*tof Mooro street.—On Tuesday, April 26th, 1870. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at.public Rale, at the Philadelphia jSxchango, the fojiovnns destribtd jnortrty, viz.: ■ No. 1. All that three-story brick mcssango <ind iotofground, situate on the southeasterly sidoof Passyunk road, 40 feet north east of Mooro street. No. 1737; thonco extending south castwardly 65 feet 1 inch ; thence south 4 feet 3 inches: thence east along Moore street 3 feet: thence north 22 7 Inches: thence west three feet; thence northwest erly 45fcQt 3% inches to Paesyunk road; thence south 'XSiimin ° D * the same 16 fect6&lncUcBto the place of j Subject ton mortgage of 8800. ' \ No. 2.—A1l that three-story brlcl? messuage and lot of i ground; situate on the southeasterly side of Passyunk ! road, £5 feet inches northeast of Moore street, No. 1735; thence extending southcastwardly 4ft feet inc hes ; thence oast threo feet; thence north 16 f..*r*t 5 inch'*; thence northwestwardly 39 feet to Passyunk road ; thence southwestwardlv along the samo 15 foetssi inches to the placft of beginning. Subject to a mortgage of 8600. M,THOMAS & 80NS, Auctioneers, 13aand 141 S. Fourth streot. £§ REAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ JBiai Sale.WVery Elegant four-story brick Residence, N. W. corner of Sovcnteeoth and Summer streets, near Logan. Square. 36 feet frent, 116 fret deep to Winter street 3 fronts. On Tueediy, April 26tb,.1370, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that Tery elegant double four-story brick (rough cast) messuage, with three-story press-brick back buildings and lot of ground, situatoN. \V. comer Seventeenth and Summer bta.; the lot containsin front on Summer fct. 36 feet, and extending in depth 116 feet to winter streot—three fronts. houso has hall in centre, saloon parlor, dining-room, breakfast-room and kitchen on the first floor: largo library, with dumb waiter and water, store-room and smoking-room on the second floor, and 10 chambers on the second, third and fourth floors; 2 bath-rooms, hot and cold water, 2 watar-- cloEcta, 3 permanent washstands, 2 furnaces, cooking range, permanent wnehtuba, paved cellar, Ac.: largo rara, with gtapo arbor, fruit-trees, shrubbery and fountain. . Terms—A largo part of tbo purchase money m&y re main on mortgage, if desired. Possetsion within COdays. May he examined any day previous to sale. > fttiOtobepafdattimeofealo. or further particulars apply toD, T. PRATT, No. 103 Sohtli Fourth street. ’ . .M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, mb3l ap 1623 139 and 141 Sonth Fourth street. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—ESTATE ~ .Bail of Benjamin T. Walton, deceased.—Thomas &Bpns,_ Auctioneers.—Modern Three-story BrickLweiriug and Frame Stable, Shedding, &c., No. 1422 Savory street. Pursuant to an alias order of the Orphans’ Courtfor the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold, at public sale, ou Tuesday, April 26th r 1870, at 12 o’clocki uooo, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described property, late of Benja min T. Walton, deceased, viz.: All that lot of ground and the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, sit uate on the seuthwestwardly side of Union street, begin ning at the distance of 195 feet eoutheastwardly from tho southeast corner of Frahkford road ami the said Union street, in iho lato District of Kensington', now tbolUity of Philadelphia : containing in front oh said Union street 32 feet, and extending in depth sodthwestward at right angleswith the said union street,on the northwest line thereof, S 3 feet lUf inches, and on the southeast side thereof 97 feet 9 inches. - By the Court, JOSEPH MEG ARY, Clerk O.C. WAI. H. STAAKE,Administrator. - improVemetUs are a modern three-story thick dwellingrhas parlor* dining-room and kitchen on the first floor ; two chambers and bathj£nfuuj>u tho sec ond floor, and two chambers on the third floor ; has gus, bath,hot ond cold water, cooking-ratjgd, Ac. ; also, a frumc- stable and shedding. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, aud 141 South Fourth street. M. -mh3l ivVUQ. aOKPH A NS’ COURT SALE.—ESTATE of Isaac Rodtrers, deceased.—Thomas A Sons. Auctionoeis.—Three* 2-story frame dwellims, No. 0-0 Alaska street.l< rmerly Bedford.street. Pursuant to an Order of tho Orphans* Court for tho City and County of Philadelphia, will bo hold, at public sale, on Tuerday, April 26, )e»7t, at 12 o'clock, noon, at tin; Philadelphia Exchange, tho following described -property, late of Jenac - Rodgers,- deceased,- viz.: All those three 2-etory frame messuages and lot of ground, situate on the south nide-of Alaska (late Bedford) fitre-t, at the distance of 1M feet westward!? from the west si-.b* of Sixth street, inrhocityof Philadelphia ; containing Jn lront on Alaska street 20 feet, and extending in dep*h 79 feet, including on the eastward j art of said.lot a court, on.which the said three messuages from ; ouo of the houses fronts,on Alaska street (No. 0201, ihu other two in the rear. IfSr Clevr of all incumbrance. . - By the Court, .1 OSEPIi MEBARY, Clerk O. C. 3IARIA KoPGERS, Administratrix.; M. THOMAS A’SONS’- Auctioneers, l39and 141 South Fourth street. ® PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS’ Auctiojit'orfl. Tjiree-story Frame Dwelling, known n« the ’* Lincoln House, 7 ’Jackson street, Cape -Island- Now Jerservncarlhn Rsiiroud depotI.' 1 .' On - Tno«“ the Philadelphia Exchange, all that ifcred* -story fruun-im*f*tiage--and lotof gi-muuL situate «n Hu* rent side of Jack ton street, near flio railroad depot. Tape l>latid. New Jersey : the lot containing in front ou Jackson street 40 feet, aud extending in dupth 100 fnet. It is known m the “ Lincoln House:” is large and well _ll\Lilt : cimt&insJ &digmhers.occn pi ed_as_a summer board iu2-hou*-o. and has a bakery attached, with 2 OYeustlms gas-pipes, cooking-range, <l'C. . Terms— £-1.000 may remain on mortgage. IniTm diate possession. ’Will be-ehfiwn by-George-Youag-, Cape Island, New Jersey M. THOMAS A* SONS. Auctioneers, mh24 ap 9 16 23 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ffi™“ ItE AJUJEBT ATE—THOM AS & SOXS* Suit*.—Modern Thrco-story Brick residence. No. .3604 Locust street, west of Thirty-eighth street. On Tuesday, April 26th. 1876, at 12 o’clock, noon, will b»* sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story hifck messuage, with two-stnrv tack building and lot of ground, situate on the south t-ide of Locust street, west of Thirty-eighth street, No. BH4 : the lot containing in front on Locust street 25 hf“t 2 inches, and extending in depth 175 feet to a 40 feet .wide street. The house is in coed repair; has parlor, dining-room, breakfast room and 2 kitchens on the first floor: 5 rooms on the second and 3 on the third floor; gas, bath, hot aud cold water, furnace, cooking range. <fcc. Terms—ss,ooo may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. Slay be examined. fcfll. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, mh2uap9 23 139 and 141 South Fourth street, m PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, fcj'Vt Auctioneors.«~T\vo-§tory Frame Cottage, Wash ington atreet.betweeu Jefferson and tjneen stroetB,Capo* Itdund. New feet front. On. Tuesday, April 20. Ip7U. at 12 o'clock,'noon, Will' b'orold at public sale, at tlu* Philadelphia Exchange, all that two-story frame cottage, with two-story tmck,i build ins and frame shed, ehuate on the Southt-ast side of Washington street, be tween Jefferson and • tjueoifr streets,* Cape 'lslands Now. Jersey ; the Jot 50 fbet trout, ILH) feet deep. The house is new, i!ml now being finished. Terms—Half cash. In-mediate possession. V. ill be«hown ou application to Nicholas Corsou,Cape I bland, New Jersey. 1 M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, nib24-ap91623 -139 and 141 South Fourth street. f? REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ i' Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence, No. 3749 Woodland street, west of Thirty-third street —Oil Tu'-hlk}', April 26th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, wiinbVsold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messunpo (with French roofk ami lot of ground, eit-nate on the northwest Hid- of Woodland *-*reot. No. 3339; containing in fpSpt on Wood land str* i feet, and extending in depth 135 feet.' The house is w, and in good repair; has all the modern inipro\Ljneuts ; ens\bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, Ac, • Immediate possession: M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, aplf-2.3 ; 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. Sn lt*. — lrrfdpMnnlde Ground Root, Oil Tuesday, April 26th, JS7O, at 12 o’clock tiooifTwill he sold at public Philadelphia Exchange, all that yrnirlj ground rent of §27, lawful money of the Vniud States of America, payable by Henry McCul lough, his heirs atid assigns, without deduction for taxes, in equal payments, ou tbo first day of May an.l November, issuing out of a lot of ground, situate on the north side of Beck ‘s Alley, 173 feet S inches east of Front street; containing in front Is feet, and in depth 80 feet. Al. THOMAS.SONS, Anetionear*, nplit 23 :md 141 Mouth Foirih eREAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ Sato.—Modern Throe-dory Brick Dwelling, No. 92ti South Eighteenth street, above Garpenter street. OnTuetfduy. 'A pril 26th. 1670, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be Bold at public sale, at th« Philadelphia Exchange, all tlinl time-story brick dwelling, with two-story hack building'imd lotof ground, Rltnnto on tho o'*st side of Eighteenth street, above Carpenter street, Jfo. 92S ; rontithiing in front on.Kight°onthstreet 16 feot. and ex tending in depth 70 feet 11 inches toad-foot wide alley. J t has gas. hath, hot .and cold water, ci»oking : range, Ac. Sub. i'ct to a yearly ground rent of si»B. iiiimc.iinte possession. Keysut.N. \V. corner High; ‘imth and Carpenter. x M..THOMAS ,t SONS, Auctioneers. npHi 23 139 ai'd Ml South Kmi rt h street. m SALE • BY ! ORDER OF HEIRS.— Dll’. TJmmas . «fc Sour,: Auctioneers.—Very Valuable Oouutrv Seat. Mansion and IQ acres, known as “ Oxford I'O.tlK&u Asj Inm road, between tho Second street turn pike find I-’rankford, Twenty-third Ward. Ou Tuesday, May 3d, Ib7it, at* 12 o'clock, lioon, will bo sold at ,public nale, at tne Philadelphia Exchange. fill that very valu able. country seat,known ast hn-* - Oxford Lodge,’’9aen s - and 152 perches. more or less, situate on tho’northerly bide of the Asylmii road,about throe-fourth* of a milu of Frankloril and the Passenger railroad. Tho ihiprove- " ntentK are a well-built two-story frame dwelling pnrlor, dinine-room, mid kitchen ou tin* first 110-*r, and 8 rooms above ; liuh a largo porch in front, taciugu fine avenue aboutTACO foot lona, with a double row of laige trees on each idde; fruuo wagon-house, frame barn and stable, Ico-house,«moke and milk-house, brick eliickeu-houea and-work-shop, bird-house, green house amrother dtit-bnihlincH j large vegetable gar.tjlem orchard of clioico fruits in bearing, largo -shadc nbnudnnceof llowers, sniall fruits, Ac. 11 is very desirably situated, commanding a boautifuT view of the burroiinning country ; bus a beautiful lawn, giving an extensive front on the road, and being eonve nient to thocity. undvwhy of- access by. railwayorjlriving; roiuifirmukcH Tt valuaUlefor a gentleman doing business * in tiio eitvvand wishing a home in the country. N. B.—Tho property on the northeast has tho privilege of an 18-feot wide lane,which extends into Adams streot. Ternw—Oue-third cash. Immediate possession. VST Will be shown by the owners aud occupants. M.THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, mh26 aplG 23 30 139 and 141 flouth Fourth street. Si REAL ESTATE.-THOM AS & SONS’ Sale.—Modorn threo story brick Residence, No. 609 South Tenth streot, bolow South stroet, On Tuesday, May 3, 1870, at M O’clnch, noon, will bo sold at public' sale,-at tho Philadolphin Kxehaugo, all that modern threo-etory brick messuage, with two-story back build ing and lotof ground, situato on tho east side of Tenth streot, 382 feot north of Bhl open street, No. 609; contain ing in fronton Tenth streot 17 foat,und oxtondlugin depth 85 foot to a five,foot wide alley. Tho . house is in good ropair ; contains 10 rooms ; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, wator-closet, furnace, oooking-raugo, &c. Terms—s2,soo may remain on mortgage. M. THOM A 8 A BONH. Auctioneers, apl6 23 30 , - ISOaud 141 South Fourth stroot. REAL ESTATE SALES. “UisPUA>o ./COURT hAbJli.- t&dC fina fate ofW..W.Knlgbt. deceased,—Thomas & Sons Auctioneer-i-Yery. Valuable Business-Stand.—Four=~ jtory frlck Store and Dwelling, No. 611 Commerce street; betw«enrPifth. and Sixth street*. Pursuant to an order and county/of. Pmltfdelimia, will be sold at pwblio sale, on Tuesday, May 3 ,; IB7o] at 1? O'clock; noort, at tho Philadelphia' Exchange. thefollowißg described property, late of W. W. Knight, deceased, viz All that lot of grouud, with the foiir-story brick stora thereon erected, situate on the north* side 1 of Commerce street, at a distance of 167- feet 11 inches west of Fifth street, Sixth Ward; city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Commerce street 16 fret 6 Inches, and extending in depth northward 87 feet 3 inches, including bn the rear end thereof an open area of ground 16 feet 5 inches in width by 23 feet 3 in ches in' length, left open by Wm. W. Knight for the ad mission of light and air (6 tho buildings erected on thin -aindtfacother lots of ground boundlng thereon ; this lot ofgronnd is, therefore; subject to the restriction that no building or obstruction of any kind ahull ere£bo erected orplaccd on. said area of ground, left open a? afoi ewftfd ; and is also subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of $2lO, to Georgo Craig and Sarah Wilson, executors of Wm. F. Wilson, deceased,’their hoirs and assigns, in half-yearly payments, on the first days of March and September in every year, without deduction for taxes, &c. . - By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C. _ HARRIET KNIGHT, Administratrix. The store is well and substantially built, iron front to sccend-storjr; vault under front pavement ; has gas; water, water-closet. Occupied asu hardware store, and is an'old and well-established business stand. Poases-v sion on the Ist of July, 1670. “ft • „ M. THOMAS A SONO. Auctioneers, ap2162330 139 and 141 South Fourth street; fm PUBLIC SALE ON THE PRE liilmisea.—-Thomas <fc Song, Auctioneers.—Varrele* pant Country Seat Mansion, Stable & Coach-House, VH acres, (southwest corner of Old York road and Ohel ten avenue, OheltJen Hills, Cheltenham townghlp, Mont- -* gomery county, Pa.. OS miles from Philadelphia, and a-few minutes’ walk to the York Boad Station ontho Railroad. On Saturday, May 7, 1870, at ZH o’clock P. M., will be sold at public sale, on the premises, all that very elegant country seat, situate at tho southwest corner of the Old York road and Ohol ten avenue, CbeltenHßJs, comprisipg acres of land. The improvements are-kvcrr handsome'stone Mansion; has parlor, dining-room, pantry and twokitchens on the first floor ; three chambers and bath-room, with hot and cold water on the socond floor, and two pleasant rooms and large water tank above; gas fixtures, hot and cold water, water-closet, furnace, cooking-range, numerous closets, marble mantles,, porch,- burglar-alarm, which also communicates with 1 ' the coachman’s room at tho l/arn ;*hands'ome-«Loue stable, stone ice-house and milk . —vault, stone. jpriog-hougOT-fraroe house; frame cow-house, Ac. Terms—One-third cash. Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to sale. BGf“ Tho«gt«ck, «xc., can be had by the purchaaerof tho placoata valuation. , . No postponement on account of weather. See plan at the Auction Booms. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, wrl6 7.130 ■ 139 and 141 South Fourth street. WAUK.—THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer*.—Very Deferable Country Residence, five aorea, Mill street, south of Chew-streorrGerman town, nbont three squares from the Railroad Station. On Tuesday, May 3d,'1870, at twelve b’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all tliat.very desirable country place, situate on the southeasterly side of Mill (formerly Church) street, Germantown ; containing in front om 31 ill street 325 feet, and extending in depth from feet. The im provements are a large and substantially built three story Htone (mastic) mansion Vhas parlor, sitting-room, dining-room, billiard-room and kitchen on the first floor, 7 chambers ambbath 'On the second floor, and 5 ■rooms on the third floor ; gas, bath, hot and cold water, WKt«T-cloKet. 2 furnaces, cooking-range, Ac.; stone (mastic) stable and carriago- house, (room for-I carriages aml'3 horses,) cow stable and workshop, sp.t.jneg oX.gnoti "crffTPr, Ilfrge lawn, with" stone waflFand iron- fence On Mill street, vegetable gnrdeu, small fruits, shudo trees. Ac. ' I mnn-diate possession Terms—Half cash May be examined after 2 o’clock See plan BX. THOMA.o & SONS, Auctioneers, nplSftnml 141 South Fourth street EEKEAI PTORY Riiai. Salt*.—of Pheho .'Thomas','" deceased. Ttiomaß A'Sons, Auctioneers. Two Modern Residences, Nos 1421 and 1425 Filbert street, west of Broad street. On Tuesday. May 3d,J870,at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold atpublic sale, without restrvt, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the /ollon itm desrribe'i properties, viz.: No. 1. All that modern throe-story- brick measuace. with two-story back building nn‘d tot of ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street. No. 1421 ; containing in front on Filbert street 25 feet, and extending in depth 144 feet ton street. It has the modern conveniences. Terms—Cash. ‘ - No. 2.—A1l that modern four-story brick messuage, ■with three-story buck building and lot of ground, situ ate on the north side of Filbert. street, N0..1425 ; con fining in front 16 feetS inches, and extending in depth 144 feet to a street. It has the modern conveniences. May be examined on application to jAct'b — " bale absolute. - '" By orfler Of JANE THOMAS, ) _,GEO. TIIOMAS, •> Executors. 7 JACOB P. JO V M. THOMAS* SONS. Auctioneers, nplfi 23 30 1311 and 141 South Fourth Btroet. _j?i COURT SALE.-rES~- “BUjETateorAiin''Kelly,'deceased".— l Thomas A Hons. Auc tioneers. Two-story Brick Dwelling, No; 619 Bakor street, east of Seventh street. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court for the city anil county of Phila delphia, will bo sold, at public sale, on Tuesday. May 3, P7O, at 12 o'clock, noou, ut the "Philadelphia'Exchange,' the following-de«cribed property, late of Ann Kelly, do* ceased, viz.: All that lot of ground, with tho brick building thereon erected, situate on the north side of Baker street. No. 619,99 feet inches eastward from Seventh Mreet, Fourth Ward; containing In front on Baker street 15 feet 2 inches (including half of a 2 fe**t C inches wide alley), and extending in depth, parallel with Seventh street. 57 feet 6 inches. Bounded on tho south by Baker street, on the west by ground now or late of Patrick Duffy, on tho north and east by ground now or lute of John Fitzwator ; together with the free and com mon use, right, liberty and privilege of the said 2 feet 6 inches wide alley as a passage-way uud water-course at all times hereafter forever. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGAUY,,CIerk O.C, WM-. M MAULL, AdmlliislfaforT ~ M. THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers, 1-OIAJ.i!-. — -1 UVJ i.VL *l.O CC- OUiNC>' Sale —Two-story Brick and One-story Brick Build ings, N. E. comer of Second unrt Diamond struets, 90 by 10a feet to Palethorp street. On Tuesdny, Moy3d, 7870, at 12 o’clock, be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick messuages atid the lot oi ground thereunto belonging, situate at tho northeast corner of Second and Diamond streets; eon .taining in front on Second street 90 foot, and extending in depth along Diamond street 109 feet to Palethorp street—3 fronts. Tho improvements a-o a two-story brick building fronting on tho corner ofSocondand Diamond streets, 3(5 by 40 feet, and a ono-story brick building, corner of Diamond- purl -Palethorp street*; suitable for a hotel, flour store, brewery,dye-house, or manufacturing purposes. Terms—Half (’ash. . - Possession in3o days. M. THOBIAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. nplr. 23 30 ffgj REAL ’ESTATE—THO M ASTONS’ itHlilSnl*.'.—Valuable Three-story Brick Building, No. Ge 3 Spring Garden street, west of Sixth street, Thir teenth ward, now used by the Northern Dispensary, w ho are about removing to their new' location ou Coates street. On Tuesday, May 3d, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Ex change, all that valuable three-story brick building nndi lot ot ground, eituuto on the north side of Spring Gar-, den street, west of Sucth street, No. (503 ; the lot con- 1 tuining in front on Spring Garden street 30 foot LM inches, and extending in depth on tho cast line4o feet C inches, and on the west line 43 feet; together with the privilege of a 3-feet wide AillQy'nn the east side. The pro ferty was built originally fbrthc Spring Garden Savings UFtitntion, and a desirable location for a saving fund or banking'institution ; vault iu the base ment, with iron doors. Terms—Cash. Immediate possession. MtTH4>M~A S * SfVNrfT'AuutTOinTcrsT nplG-23 30 339 and ltl o. Fourth ’street. ~fm REAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ MiiL Sale.—Business Stand.—Three-story Brick Tav ern and Dwelling, southeast corner of Twelfth and Camilla streote. Ou Tuesday, May 3d, 187lkut 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable three-story, brick messuage and lot of ground, situate atthu southeast corner of Twelfth tuiii (’nmilla jfitreeli; containing in fro tit on Twelfth street 1C feet, extending in depth along Camilla Mi00t.73 feet, (including a 3 feet wide ul ley J. Tho iiou-ie. contains 10 rooms; -bus gas, bath, hot and cold water, water elotfot, cooking range, (Cr. Terjns—JsfJ,. r oo v ilimy remain nti mortgage. IniinediatHpossession.Blaybeexamined.- Clear of all inemnbranc I '. ] M. TiDhUAS * SONS, Auctioneers, np](|?3 30- . 139 and HI South Fourth street. frn. i .PEBESIi'TOKY SAI/£~TH6m:AS ftilyi ' [k Sons, Auctioneers.s—Very 5 —Very desirable' Residence," N . E.cornernf Thirty-sixth and Iliiverford stroots. On Tuewluy, Aluy 30,1871), nt 12 o'clock, noon, will bo wold at puhlhj salo, nt the Philadelphia Exchange, ail that, humls'ome end very desirable two-and-n-hnlf-story stonb iplasti-ied) messuage and lot of ground, situate nt tin* N. E. corner of Thirty sixth uml JluvCrford.Htroots j- the lot containing in front ou Haverford Ht. IUS foot, und ex tending in depth ISO f eot to lift) foot wide street. Th* ‘ house is well and substantially built,and conveniently arranged. The ground!*' aro elegantly laid out mid plained with'fruit mid Bhiulo decs, small fruits, Ac. Snlo absolute. " . Maj! bo examined any day. previous to sain. I M. THOMAS A SON;S;Auctionoors, nplo?23ft) ■ I3ltand.lUSouth Fonrth street. pßl^OGUTOJitt'l^incM^iH/E®BA;bK^= liliil HI Captain ■ Josiah Amen, deceased.— , Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers. Two-und-lialf-Story. .Jlrielcdlwelling. NV. 311 Omhiirino wlroot, west of Third brick dwcdUmr in the rear on Kauffman street. Oir~‘irU<'sdny J ,May -3d,' 1870, at 12 o'clock. noon, wlll.besold at nt .tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that .215-story brick messuage ami lot of ground, situate on tin* south sldo of Catlmrine street, between. Third and Fourth streets, No. *l4 ; containing in front, on Oatbarino street Id fen*. and . extending in depth bl foot C inches, more or ftps to Kauff man street, on which erected a 2J»-story brick salwellink. - Sale absolute. . . , . .Kpyßjitjßo. 329 Catharine street. 1 \ . 'By order pf-Kxecutors.- - M.-THOMAS -ft--BONSi-Auctioneers, np16233G -139anil 111 South Fourth street. ®~ ft UAL ESTATE.—THOMAS &"SO'NS’ Sale.—‘Ruslughh Stand.—Brick Livery;. Stable and dwelling, Nob. 1026,1028 and 1030 OoatoH stroot, west of Tenth strcot.gO feet front, 178 foot deep to Mellon struct, twofronta. On Tuesday,May 3* 18/o,at 12 o’elock. noon, will he sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground, composed of three Contiguous lots, and tho improvements thereon erected.'situato oh the southaido of Coates street, west of Tenth street-; the first containing in front 3d fort, and in depth 106 foot 6).* Inches : the second 30 feet front, 88 feet deep ; the third 20 foot front, 178 feet o>4 inches «loep by'..the survey, and by deed 175 feet. The Improve: mentfl nro a genteel two-story brick dwelling, with two-;. Htory back buildings (has gas, bath, hot and cold-water, range, furnace, &c.>. No. 1026 Coates street, and a large ♦wo-story "brick stable, Nos. 1028 and 1030 Coates street; has stalls for 54 horses, carriage-room, hay loft, Ac. Tprnu:—sll,fooniay remain on mortgago. . May bo examined any day previous to sale. v. v . v— y M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, i 39 and HUiPWth Fourth street. ap2l 23 30 REAL ESTATE SALES. gjg ■ EXEC CTEIX’SB ALE.—ESTATE OF B.ia Jacub b..Lfcnly.. ui—Xnumao &£jon,i Auc-. l.m.ooru. Barge and ralutiMo Lot, Hi. ucriM, P»*syiiiik. - (l).y . May luili, i\t 1J O clock, iiiHjii, will bo Bold, nt ‘' public sale, at. the T.hilndelphfaKxehange.ull that largo - lot of ground, together with a brick house and i , other buildingsthcrepn erected, situate in the Township ofPasßyutik, beginning ot a stake set for acornerof 1 Par-sym k road and Perch lime, losing to lane formerly oi Joseph Turner ; thence by said rood somii7adeareea west 36 9-10 perches toa corner of luml formerly of John - Hitnniß,now of John Garrett; thence by the same South ftdegrees, west 55 9-10'percheH. crossing a lano leading ! • to an acre of ground granted by Mary Haanis to John Geyer to u stone at tho end of .said lane, and by the sido of a lone commonly called Bnnkson’s lane: thenco by the same north 85 degreea.east 444-10 perches to a corner otthe flrrt meutioncd Jane; thence by the same north iA degrees, west 57 7-1 U perches to thoplace ofbe- ; containing Wj acres and 2 perches of land. lbe improvements are a two-story brick -dwelling, irnmo barn and ont-bulldings. It is Torydesfrably lo on the south aide of Punsyunk road .about V/» uqtiarcß be- , on Sixteenth, Jackson W^ a J?, d otlu , r greets, when cut through. ;; > K*r Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—Half cash. Bee Plan 1 By order ol LOIII? A LENTZ, Executrix. *. • ifliuw , THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,- ap!623 3f my 7 139 and 141 Sooth Fourth street. M OEPH S’ COuIIT~SAX.E.—ESTATE of -Nixon, minors.—Thomas & Sons, Auction eers. Pursuant to the Order of the Orphans'Court for the city and county of Pbilndelphin, will besoldatpnb- Jic sale, on fcaturday.May 14th, 1870, at 12 o’clock noon, ; on thopreihiHes, the interest of Henry M., Mary* Cor nelia, waiter H., Ida/DeGray upd Mary M. Nixon, in the following described property, viz.: No.l—Lot,N.E. comer of Gay and Cresson streets. All that lot of gronnd, with the buildings theroon erected, beginning at- the 'i northeast corner of Goy And Cresson streets, in Mana ytiuk, in the Twenty-first Ward of the city of Phila-' delphia ; thence extending along the line of said Gay: street 93 feet 2% inches tb a corner of lot No. 3; thenco isouth 29 deg. 69 min, - 40. see., east 31 feet 6% inches to a 'corner of lot No. 2.; thence by lot No. 2 south 60 deg. 20 ' see., west 18 feet 7% inches j thence south 47 deg. 51% min.j east 66 feet te the line of Cresson street; thence northwestwardly olong Cresson street 46 feet 6% inches • to tlio place of beginning. No. 2.—Lot, Oresson street. All that lot of ground 1 with the-building thereon erected', beginning on the northerly side of Oresson street, 46 feet ss£ inches south . eastwardly from tho corner.of Gay street; thence extend ingby lot No. 1 northtf deg. 61% min., east 65 feet to a point; thenca.nQrth6odeg.2o sec., eaat lSfeot7^iuchea »o thelineof lot N 0.3: thenco by the same south 29 deg, ~69mlnr4frßce:j cart 37feet lo%:fhchortaft-cornerrtbeinre — south 62 deg. Hmin. 145e0., west 23 feet 11% inches to a corner; thence north 43deg. 41% min., we*t7 feet 9 inches to a corner; tfaencc south 47deg,61% min.,westsl feot2 . Inches to tho line of Oresson street; thence northwest- . werdly along Cresson street 2Z feet 3% inches to the place ot beginning. ; Nos. 3,4,5 and 6.—Lots. Gay street.. No. 3.—AH that lot ot ground, situate on tho southeast side of Gay street, beginning at a point 93 feet 2% inches northeastwardly from the corner of Cresson street: containing in front on Gay street 18 feetrnnd extending between-parallel lines nt right, angles with-Gay street on the southwest side thereof 69 met 6% inches, and on the northeast wardly side thereof 70feet 1% inches. . No. 4.—A1l that lot of ground, adjoining lot No. 3, sit uate on tho southeast'Bideof Gay street, at the distance of 111 feet 2% Inches from Cresson street:Containing in 1 front 38 feet, and extending eoutheaatwarnly in depth On the southwesterly sido thoroof 70 feet 1% inches, and on ..the northeasterly slde.thcroof 70 feot lO inches. . .. ' No. 6Allthat lotolground,adjoininglor No. 4,situ-•••--- ate on the southeast side of Gay stroot, ut tho distanco of 129 feet 2% inches from Cresson street; containing in front lßleet.nnd extending.southeastwardiy in depth on tho southwesterly side tlir reof 70 feet 10 inches, and on T tbe nurtbrantefly sido thereof 71 ieet 6% inches. * No. 6.—A1l that lot of ground,ailjoiuing lot No. 6,situ- • -ate.oiL.tlie-iifmilifMßt of Gay street, at tho distance of _ l47'feet‘2?iT fijclicaTfoVif Crefsoh efreet "; cihifalnlhgTir front on Guy Mroct 10 feet, and in width on tharear endv 22.l'eet 8% inclie-i, and cxtendtnjflu-depth on the south- westerly side thereof 71 feet.GH Inchfs, and on tlio north easterly side thereof south 39 deg. 67 min., east 73 feet Oft incheß. By tho Court, JOSEPII MEGARY, Clerk O. O. MARTIN NlXON,Guardian. .. The minors’ interest will be sold by order of tho Or pbana. Courts tbabalanco«other owners thereof— .... the purchuse.r obiaining-a title to the whole. See- Plan _• at tho Auction RtWims. H. TIio.MAS & SONS, Anctionoors, ‘ l.T' ;\m! 141 Smith Fourthstreot, T»tf> ?'*• rnv7 'fjfi iA'j'A U'jLUK6’ estate of taljil Ann Coulter, dceeasi-d.—Thomas * Sons, Auc tmneers. SO lb'sirnf*loLots.Chelten avenuo,School street,— Coulter, Penu, Oueen, Idansberry, Pulaski, Morris, Laurens and \Vißsuhickon avenue, Germantown. .On Tuesday. May 17th, 1870, ttt~l£:oVlock, : ftioon,.will bo sold nt pul>licsale. ut the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 90 very desirable lots of ground, having a large.lot .on Chelton avenue, School street, CoulteriPenn, Queen, IlapiSbtrry, Pulaski, Morris, Laurens and Wisßahickon avenue, Germantown. | tSr They will bo sold accordiug to a Plam, which may iß-Raotiia.-,.., —M-THOMAS&SONB.Aactioneers^ ap2l 23 30 my 7 14 130 arid 14l 8. Fourth street.- -—- INSTATE OF JULIA ANN STUBBS, Di li ceased —Letters testamentary upon the nbovo es-,7 tato having be* n granted to tbo undersigned, all persons -hftvingulaimbor-demands-agttinst-the ©state of-tne-said— decedent are requested to make known the same, and those indebted thereto to muda payment to CHARLES P. STCBBfI, Executor,No 406 Ann street, Philadelphia, .or to hie Attorney, LEWIS D. YAIL, No. 703 Sansora street, Philadelphia. _ ._ ap9s6t* Estate of maegaret bailey, deceustd.—Letters testamentary upon fhe above estate Laving been granted to tho undersigned, rtlP pcr sonßiL-debUu to said estate are reuuestodito mako. pay ment. and tliopi* having claims to present them to JA3IKSA. MAGI'IRE, Executor, southeast corner of Fourth find Callow-bill streets, or his Attorney,C. F. 11 op\* f'l'optmit street. mh26s6t* •- lin xU±j coi'li’i Oif COMMON PLEAS A for the city and county of The auditor appointed by the Court to audit* settloUtifl ndjuKt the first, and limUnccount of JOHN M . LISLE, Trustee appointed by tlio Court of Common. Pleas in.the. place of JOHN LISLE, deceased, who was surviving assignee of WILLIAM SHANNON, .under assignment for the benefit of creditors of SHANNON & POLIC nnd WILLIAM SHANNON, and to report disr tribution ot the bnlnnco in the bonds of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of hie appointment. on MONDAY, tho 25th.dny of April, 19r0, otto’ch ck-P. M., at his office, N 0.532 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM J. McELKOY, Auditor. til ft* I iN 'ihLCUtliT OF OuMMUK PI/EAb i FOlt TIIP CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA .-Aligned Estate of JOHN McCLUltE.—'Thu Auditor appointed inn the account of CIIABIjES HAItUEIiT and JOHN WILLIAMSON, Assignees, and to report distribution of the balance hithe hands of th e said ' A BsignC'es ,■ will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his an- S ointment, on MONDAY, April 25,1.570, at 5 o’clock, P- L,at his office,No. 528 Wulnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. BOBEB.TD.COXE, wpl4 th h tn st* Auditor, IK IHH oKFHAJSb’ COURT FOR THE ,1 Citvuml County of Philadelphia.—Estato of BAR THOLOMEW WISTAtt, deceased,—J. M. COLLINS, the Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle and adjusttbo second and final account of B. WYATT who was acting and surviving J3x.Kntor &F BARTHOLOMEW WIS t'ATI. diceasml, as statedby-tbe-Adiujinistrator of B. WYATT WISTAtt,. deceased, audio report distribution of the bulnncoirv the hands of the accountant, wijl meet the parties in terested for the purpose of his appointment, on WEJL. NESDAY. April 27th, 1870, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his oflice. southeast corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, in, the city of Philadelphia. ttpM th s tuCt. YIS THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE _i City and County of Philadelphia.—Estato "of CAROLINE MrLEAis, deceased „i-Tke Auditor ap •pointed by the Court to audit, sottlo and ndjuattho account of HAMPEL F. FLOOD, Administrator of the estate or CAUnriNir AfcLEANT deceased,-arid-; to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, April A . D. WO, at 4 o’clock P. M., ntthootlice, of SAMUEL F. FLOOD, Ksa-» No. 810 South Fifth street,. tti the <itv of Pliiladelphia. aplti a tn th stfe xumiiek: MAULE, BROTHER ACO.„ . j 2800- South Street. IQ7A PATTERN, MAKERS. 1 QryA iOIU. PATTERN MAKERS. . Jftl U. CHOICE SELECTION - ; . off . MICHIGAN CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. IQ7A SPKOCE AND HEMIJOCK.IQ7A lO I 1/.. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK. lO IU. I . ■ LARGE.STOCK. ; , . * TvyTk FLORIDA FLOORING,■ 1 Q^A OliO. FLORIDA FLOORING. : 10/U. j . CAROLINA FLOOuINO. VIRGINIA FLOORING. I: : DELAWARE.FLOORINGi’. ' ' i ASH FLOORING. . j WALNUT FLOORING. , IQfVA FLORIDA STEP BOARDS,I Q<Yn 10 111/. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS.. IOiV. f RAIL PLANK, * i - RAIL PLANK. 1870. WALNUT PLANK. ASSOIITEI) . : ";.. . KOU ' „ CABINET MAKEBB, " IIUILDEBS.AO. ALL U' 1870. u * D Str R8 ’ 1870. UNDERTAKERS’LDMBBB, . RED OEDAK. f ■' i , - WAENOT AND riNB. 1 QTA SEASONED POPLAR,;■ 1 Q<Y ;l0l:Ui SEASONRDgjrfEBBTr. . loiU. , : WHITE OAK AND BOARDS. IQ7A CAROLINA SOANTJjIITOI-.t 070 J.O (U. CAROLINA H. T. BILLS. lO lU. NORWAY BCANTLTNQ. A 1 Q7A CEDAR SHINGLES? 1 07 A lo I U. OETIAR BSJNGLES. IS i If CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. , ■ FOR BALE LOW. IQ7A PLASTERING OATH. 1 cwrT 10 lU. PLABTERINO LATH. 18IU. MAVLEBBOTHER A CO., 1 1500 SOUTH BTRBBT. VELLOW PINE LUM-BEB.—ORDERS A ? r ® M B?eior every description Bawed Lranbor eie outed “t ejort anbject to inaaeetlon Apply to EDW. B. ROWLEY.IS Booth WhArveiT™ ' ■ ~ l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers