CITY BUI-LJCTIH. Continued from the First Page. entire 1 Inml' nets the butcher about SO. If he can’t xio Mlis he claims lie is put out ot pocket. Lovers of lamb ami mint sauce who dulut early” cot their -supply wqn’t dino upon them to-morrow. Asparagus is in market at SI 50 a buncli, Like .several spii)Sterslof_whomwe know,it is marked too high to soil. Tomatoes still tiling GO cents a quart. In the price ol butchers'meat there is no material change. Steers still stick to war prices as the equiva lent for their steaks. Past and Present.— One of the cartoons in the London Illustrated News is a copy, we think, from a painting by Herring. Its title is “ Past, and Present.-’ Its foreground repre sents the yard of an English inn. A disman tled stage-coach occupies the most prominent position. Its windows are gone; the tires of ltswlieels have followed their example. A gentleman pig is deriving cut.icular enjoyment —eniovmeut that he shows in the contented , expression of his visage by—rubbing liis bris tles against its pole; while in the background --■of the Past a locomotive with atvain ot'.cars is proclaiming tlie potency of the Present. The last, locality to be left' by stage-coaches is the locality of .West Jer-ey. In all this neighborhood we know of no starting point for fftiy stage to any direction, except the few remaining ones that duily run between Gloucester and. the . few hamlets within a twenty miles radius that lie within riding dis tance from the various railroads. These stage-coach people live in a little world of their own. They keep tlie connection be tween soul and body “ by hook dud by crook.” They are not of the Tony Weller pedigree. The idea of Tony wasthat the more coats lie wore the better he was dressed. The ideas of ■ these particular gentlemen as to apparel were ' exactly to the contrary. Between. Camden and Cape May the railroads have so hearly de prived these stage lines of passengers that but three of them continue to run. The early morning visitor who goes to Gloucester to see the fishermeti make their hauls of shad, will —s'eri’ihesC'Coacheß—starting-fronr - the--Buena Vista House to their various inland destina tions. Time was that the ipns in tliq vicinity were packed with parcels of every kind. The roofs and “ boots ’’ of the stages w ere then covered with merchandise, from a family -Bi ble up to a, churn or a washing-ttib. In tBOTe times people were sometimes packed with iui eomfortable. closeness in tlio interior of the I vehicle. Jnst now this isn’t the case. Wo noticed yesterday the despairing, disappointed expression upon the face of one shock-headed Jehu as lie started cm his twelve mile drive iii company with nolhiiig but a wilted-looking woman whose.baggage was made up only of a band - box and a bladder of snuttr 'Anotheryedv.we are told, the last of the stage-coaclies in West Jersey will go to keep company with the last of the omnibuses in Philadelphia. The latter article is now doing-fluty in a Fairinouut brewery as an i: ofliee” for a Teuton attache 'wlio attaches revenue stariips to the beer bar rels previous to sending their contents to be guzzlcdi When omnibuses emigrated from Philadelphia they started in tlie direction of the country proprietors of summer boarding houses, located off the railroad lines, pur chased by them for hacks. Under the well ■worn paint of a Jersey coach, the other day, were still legible-tlie—words, “Tenth street.” The vehicle was still in tolerable preservation, though it .dated back frjin the time when pas sengers poked up tips to the driver through a circular hole just behind the rear buttons of that gentleman’s coat. What bas become of tho WestJorsoystages, ■ whose occupation lias followed that of Othello, would be hard to say. In that country noth ing is wasted. One of tlie Saints wore a shirt, for twenty years, then turned it inside out, arid thanked Provtdenee for fresh linen. The ~ Jersey.,coaches,we opine, have ,been.....equally., well wiirnV The littlepelmlum once supplied to.their owners-by the postal department for carrying, thrice a week, alitup bag contain ten Bui, let in s arid a foiir-page letter,' has been stopped. 1 The late war has so enriched the agricultural community, that people who —oneerpatronlzed stage-coacties are now inde peudeut of them. The same hoy, fishing un der a bridge over which a locomotive and train is passing,doesn’t now look up at what,a few-years ago, was-to-hi ra -among -the seven wonders of the world. City Mortality.—The number of inter incuts in the city for the week ending at noon to-day was 338, against 300 the saint! period last year. 'Of the whole number 103 were ’Tidults and 170 children—BB being under one year of age ; 103 were males; 1-15 females; 91 "nova, and 85 girls. The number of deaths in each Ward was: l 5l Sixteen tli 10 Secoim 7 Tenth.. Eleventh.... Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth Fifteenth The principal causes of death were: Apo plexy, :j; congestion of the brain, <>; con sumption, .01: convulsions, 10; disease of the heart, 7 ; debility, 17 ; scarlet fever, HI; ty phoid fever,s; inflammation of theTungs, 27; inflammation of the brain, H; marasmus, 11; measles, ~i ; old age, 1), and scrofula, 0. Rev. Phillies Brooks.— The countless friends of the Her. Phillips Brooks will be glad to hear that lie will spend tomorrow with Yiis old congregation of the Church of the Holy Trinity, preaching at the regular morning and afternoon services, ami nlso in the evening, when he will deliver the annual sermon in be half of the Church Home. Jt will only need the simple announcement of the presence of this justly popular preacher to crowd the church with tfhe same .class of auditors as tilled it during the yeais of his ministry in that parish. House Boiiuekv.— The dwelling of William Carlisle, North .Seventh-Street, was — Filtered,"Tj} - forcing open a hack door, some time during last night. The house was ran sacked, but it is not known, whether anything was stolen. Mr. Carlisle has been living with his father, in consequence of an injury re ceived about a week ago, and his house has been closed during liis absence. Larceny.— JohnjbiEgß, colored, was before Aid. Dallas this morning upon the charge of larceny. He had been employed in a barber shop on Christian street, above Nineteenth. After lie left the place the proprietor missed » pipe and $lO. He had Diggs arrested, an l, it is alleged, the stolen pipe was found iu his possession. The accused was committed iu default of $OOO bail to answer at Court. Thk Geiiman Hospital.—The following is a statement, of the operations of the German Hospital of Philadelphia for this week : Mules. Females. 1 1 - Admitted I>ifiC)iatged:i s w-f. In Hospital at present 12 3 Receipts, $lO5 75; Expenditures, 5-8!) 25. To he Extended— The Mayor's office is to lie enlarged. The extension Will be made over the passage-way which now Separates the City Hall building from the row offices. The pre niiiiiiiary"'work'Of')nitting tip was comtixenced this morning. New Van.— Mayor F.ox has recently or dered a new Van to be built, for' the Central J'olice Station. It will be made by Mr. James Brooks, carriage-builder, fr an designs fur nished by Cliiet Mulbolland. ~lt will be com pleted iii about two months. - 1 Fatal Fall.— Daniel Sullivan fell through the hatchway of Taylor’s \ warehouse, at Twentieth street and Fennsylvaiiia avenue, tliiH afternoon, and had liis neck broken. r lnfanticide.— The body ,of a child was lounii in the woods near Krajalf for 1, this after noon. The Coroner was scut for to jjold an .inquest.. . • : Carelesknekh.— I.ii-uti-ieuit Slei'nuuer, a ol* the Eighty! pitslrict., icn-t.-i 1 tliis morning that three Stores and one ihvi-liinii in his dis trict were found unfatitcned.duriug last night. Feckless Driving Charles Sides was arrested yesterday upon the .■mifguGr'viuik less driving along iJeluiVan- avenue. He was taken before Alderman Decker aiiii was held j iiru;,'H>o•bail, r -1-ia : f»' F^ehleenth. .16 Nineteenth ... . 9 Twentieth.... . 7'Twenty-llrHt. .lfTwenty-^ecoud. ,12 Twenty-third... .14'Twenty-fourth. H Twenty-fifth . 4 ; Twenty-:Hixth . 6 Twenty-seventh. , . w Twenty-eighth.. .1-I‘Unknown. •>w! Pale ok Pictuiies, Miniums, &C.—Com mencing on Monday morning next, Mr. George 0. Reukauff, of So. 1)21) Aroh street, which are included original oil'paintings, chromolithographs and engravings, mirrors, liouquet tables, and other appurtenances of a carver, gilder and picture dealer’s outflt._ The sale of 114 mirrors, of almost every-size, will bigin the affair, on Monday morning at ton. On the same evening-will be sold the stock of oil paintings, many of which are worthy .of finding appreciative purchasers. Out of one hundred canvases, we may select for criti cism -bio. 49, The, Returned Volunteer, an expressive composition by that favorite Diisseldorf artist, Carl Hubner; No. 56, Sun day afternoon—a composition of three figures, a fisherman listening to his wife reading the hi hie, and a marine view through the window, bv 0. M. Webb; No. 58, Church Interior, by W. D. Washington, of Now York, an artist .whose works arc seldom met with now;a bacchanalian head, said to lie by Jordaens, and evidently of the school of Rubens ; and d study, of two* cbildron, of beautiful paiuting qnality, by Patrois, numbered 89,- “ The Card- Players,” No. 01, a composition by Verhoevcn Ball, of Brussels, of five figures, tells the story well, but is somewhat lihrd and dry in stvie. (58r.) - - Von - “ Seben’s “ Captive' Bird” is very pleasing. Some of the landscapes are decidedly ' fine. A hand some large coast-scene, with fishermen etc., by Herzog, of D iisseldorf, will prove very ■ attractive. A still rarer picture, .the view on the Roman. Campngna, No.-G2, by C. Ebett, of Munich, which took the premium>m that city • in 1807, will npt-be likely to bring as-high w price here as it Would if sent to Europe. Beckmann’s view of the Emperor’s Mountains, in the Tyrol, No. 63, with d religious procession of peasants, goingto worship iiyan old ruin, is another pictureWhidh can hardly be expected ,1o reach the proper price in this country and under the circumstances. Some American landscapes, "bv artists high in favor, may ex pect to have" better justioe done thorn. No. liO,-' by E. D. Lewis, a sunset view cajled “Solitude,’ exhibits many of bis' liCst qualities." Jerome Thompson’s two -landsenpeSj-Diamond—Valley-andWyoming vale (55 a, and 58) are favorable examples of an artist who' can almost command his own price in New York; Eennimore’s View on the Scbpylkill from Fairmouut Park,No.47,is one of the best productions of a fisiDg and talented painter; and landscapes, by Briscoe, Gerlaoh and Willcox add to thc atfractions of tho sale. One hundred and fifty chromos will be sold on Tuesday evening, April 2Gth; they include the ordinary stock or a well-appointed print-shop', as well as some more rare, as the seldom seen copy of Holler’s “ Faust and Marguerite,” a Siiugular^piece,of antiquity, originally painted in 1083 ;” the artistic study of Rubens’s por trait of his second wife,.etc. Tlie exhibition ” will go on at the premises in Arch street to day, aud until the" time of sale; tlie oppor tunity for cheap house-furnishing and decora ting is tare. B. Scott, Jr., the skilful art-auc tioneer, will attend to the. sale. B. Scott, Jb., AiurnfiNKK.n—Girard Row Sales Rooms, 1117 Chestnut street. Sales for the week: Monday, 35tli, at 10 o’clock,, Mr. Geo. E. Reiikauft's, 929 Arch street—Mantle and Pier Mirrors. Evening, 73 o’clock, Foreign and American Paintings. Tuesday, 26th, 73 o’clock, Chromos and En gravings. Tuesday, 20th, Mr. Barlow’s sale first-class Furniture, at our rooms. Wednesday and Thursday, 27th aud 28th, Mr. N. C. Deginther’s, 1309 Chestnut street. Entire stock superior furniture. Declining business. Sold without reserve. Friday, 29th, Mr: Barlow’S regular sale-of furniture. Thursday and Friday evenings, 28th and 2<Jt,b. Splendid collection paintings in Art Gallery. B. Scott, Jn. Readers of taste who will desire-to attend the exhibition of tableaux illustrative of Fausl. will recollect that the evening, is. Thursday.-of. next week. The charitable motive of the entertainment—a benefit for tho Newsboys’ HLcme—hasJnduced. the ladies and gentlemen_ participating to come, out from the semi privacy they would otherwise desire, and which has been the ordinary custom of per formance at tho Amateurs’ Drawing Room. Tli e lafges t"publi city is desired on tlilsccca sioh, and the beauty of tlie tableaux-will doubtless attract an enormous audience for tlie house. Tickets may bo procured of either of tbe following gentlemen : Edgar W. Earle, Esq., 810 Chestnut street; F. T. S. Darlev, No. 11)8 Chestnut street ;T. O'. I’arrish,: Esq., No. 341 Walnut street: * Just From Et'jtoi'K.—The many persons who have been waiting the return from Europe of Mr. G. Finn will be delighted with an inspection of the novelties in paper-hang ings that returned with him. The firm ,of Howell. Finn & Co., corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, are exhibiting novelties co temporaiy with their production in London and I’aris. Many of these are strikingly beau tiful, so much so that everybody will be likely to see them, whether they desire to purchase or not. We desire to call the attention of our read ers to the sale of superior Furuituro and Up holstery; by prder of manufacturers. The goods are h’rstfclass, and warranted as repre sented, and will be sold without reserve, on Monday morning next, April 25th, at 101 o’clock, by T. A. McClelland. Auctioneer, at 12111 Chestnut street. ' To dealers and families who aro ip want of good furniture, at low prices, we say, do not fail to attend. Mit. TiiUNDKn’s Concert.— On Friday night next, at Musical Fund Hall, Professor Henry G. Thunder will produce Rossini's "Mcsse Solennelle,” and Beethoven’s Quin tette (op. 10) for piano and wind instruments. A number of first-rate singers and instru mental musicians will appoar. Tickets cau be secured at Boner’s, 1102 Chestnut street. M Jtr.Ttj iin-’PrkNw itu—No.- (> 14 Chestnut— street, under the German Democrat office, ha's all the new monthly magazines, a complete' assortment of the weekly; papers, and a large -upplv of stationery and fancy articles. John’s location is central and unsurpassable, and bis manner of attending to customers is such .that whoever enters once takes a continued habit of dealing with him. A Musical Pilgrimage— Professor Ilain and his singers will appear in tho following churches to-morrow: First Colored Baptist Church, 10.S0 A. M.; First Presbyterian Ken sington, 11.45 A. M.; Berean Baptist Church, 7.110 P. M,; Centenary M. E Church, 8.30 P.M. Ir we failed to call attention to the cell - brated-Chocolate and confections produced at the esSblishment of Stephen F’. Whitman & Son, 8. W,. corner of Twelfth and Market streets, we sbotildf be doing injustice to the many strangers now in our city. , J. K. Kingsley, .of the Continental, pro nounces Burnett’s Cologne Water su perior to any “ German.” So do many others, w. P. H. Covert, ot the News Exchange Con-, tinental Hotel, has it for sale. • Messrs. Hali.kt, Davis Sf Co., of Boston, received the iir,st «nd only prize medal anr diploma at tho hist American Institute, for the best grand and square pianos. fHU fire assooiatiom PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated March, 27, 1820 Office— -No. 34 North Fifth Streeti INBUBB BUII.PINGS, HOUSEHOLD FORNITUR* AMD MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FltOM 40 LOBB BY FIRE. (In the city.of Philadelphia only.) Assets January 1, ISVO, $1,578,733 S 5. ■ TBDBTeKB: William H. Hamilton, Charles P. Bower, John Oarrow, Voter Williamson, George I. Young, Jesse Ligntfooti Jouoph R. Lyndall, Bohert Shoemaker -Levi PvOoatß, Peter Armbroeter, Bamuel Bparhawk, ' M. H. Dlckinaou, ~J_ Joseph K. Bctioll. WM. H. HAMlLTON,President,-- --- BAMUEL BPARHAWK, Vlco Proaldent, WB, 1. BUTLEK.Becrotary. ■ PHILADELPHIA EVENIN' Seasonable Notice to Ladies. _ An , Suits in Rich Black Silk$ t Fancy Si/k>, aud every variety of thin material for Fpiing and 'Bummor* vroar, including over two iiundrod different styles of- Linen,-Ixium and -Muslin Suit?, from $7 UMo QZO. Also, Sacqnes, Metternichn, Btdouins, Wrappers; Undor-wcar of every description. LaccFoiuUtySacqaes and Paisley. Shawls and Black- Silka of every _crade_nnd .Quality. ... Orders. for Jilnurni nßiTravelingand other Suits executed In twerity:- four hours. 1 .Fairy Land’s Riv ad.— There is.a business establishment in I his city which approaches iii the gor geouHii sh ot its appointments and docorations's j.closoly to tlio'tplemlor*vitr vlitcli thoTavorito authors of our childhood invested tlicdotninitms of tho queen of the fairies, that it requires hu effort on the purtof tho visitor to realize that still an inh ibltaut of.this sublunary ' sphere, and has not effected a transition to the realms of sprites and elves—we nlludo to thoemporium of Alcssrs. ffhcmpß Kennedy Vfc Brothers, No. 729 Uhcstnut stroot,- tho loaders of lashion in tho milliuory line in this city. On Snturday, while passing down Ohostnut street, wo visitpd them, and, although wo ox* ported to see. a .grand display, wo were astonished ut the great number Ot shapes and styles of bonnets'and huts, tho exquisite forms and end less variety of tho flowers, and tho various beautiful huesof the ribbons, which ad.ornod, thplF show-cases. Ahiidet purh a galaxy of beauty it was almost impossibio to single out any ip mention particularly; an Alpmo hat, however, of blnrk Btyaw. trimmed with beautiful wild'flovvers and nubilous with luco, domands nntico. 'il*ssrs. Kennedy*** Bros, aro constantly introducing the latest novelties in the styles of bonnets, hats,•rib bons and flowers,, and aro thus .enabled to. suit-ovory tasto, no matter how - democratic or how aristocratic it imiy be.. Kennedy's trimmed bonii/tts and hats havo become tho criterion, and are BOgu upon the heads of all . fafchioimbly-attircdlndies. j\ Q 9 Street Task Overheard by our Re ronTKß —Why Fred, mV dear fellow, I scarcely know vou. How well vou aio looking 1 When I last saw you. icnrcc three months ago, yon word pale, haggard, debill-, toted. Now you look fresh and vigorona, Yoursteplß -elastic: —You—are-ne—linger—tho-hositaUttffr-nowuua-. shadow of a man you wore three months ago. Pray, wliat hn« wrought this change?- . Ffkd. (confidentially)—Why, tho Diet li,my Physician directed me to use a w ineglassof theOolobrated Trimble Whisky three times a day, which advico 1 have fuUowort fnr sov'-rnl weeks. I need not dilate upon Its merits. The result is conclusive. It hassaved mo from nn un timely grove. ..... , „ . GkoiktK. —But whero do you obtuin this wonderful Fred.—lt is to he had only of H. 0. Alexander. No 722 Siixiaom street If you require anything of the kind, 1 hut is the place to vUit. Furniphing China and Glass Estab l.MiMFNT. Kerr’s China Hall, 12l80nESTNUT Street. Families iurnishinn or replenishing will ilnd at' the China Hall., 1213 Chestnut street, the most complete .etocks..of.ulLJi l indn .of .China,. Glass and Stone Ware in the city. Our assortment, comprises: everything.from ci mmon yellow or brown stone ware for fho-kitchen, to the richest China and Glassware imported. As alt our goods nroofonrown direct nnport!uioir,"fitmilii*s have the advantage of making their purchases in small quan tilb*H at wholesale prices. -Those about furnishing are invited to cull and inspect our goods and prices before making their purchases. 4 , , Families removing to the country can have their China and Glass properly packed, at a moderate price, at Kerr’s China ifall, No. 1218J3hestnt Rtreet. Kerr’s China Hall, . No. 1218 Chestnut suikb-t. — Cliiim and Glass loaned to parties, balls and entertain menis for three.per cent, on selling price. Elegant Eperpncs ai d Vases for flowers, fraits, bonbons, <fcc. Heavy, plated Forks. Spoons and Knives kept exprosaly for hiring to parties, nt 12>ac. por dozen. Initials and all Styles of Engraving done on glass, iu the best manuer, at Kerb’s China Hall, 1213 Chestnut street. The only place to procure delicious hot* house Strarherriks, rosy and tweet, and fine black Hamburg Graeeh. in Urge clusters, is at A.-L. Van s a NT’s, corner of Ninth andChestnnt street. Russian Braces!—Try them! J. W. Scott; A Go well th< mat No. 814 Chestnut street. You will say you did not know what comfort was before. Kennedy &-BbOs., No. 729 Chestnut st,roet r importers of Fine Millinery Godde. Wholesale and retail. Anything and everything -that any Sowing "MhcKihe'is ciipirtil'e"of performing cnii "not only '%e done, but excelled ou the Grover A Bnker. Kennedys’ Trimmed Hats are perfect iittlu-gemsTtbeir-BoTniets-aro-uncqualedr Jacoby’s Vichy Lozenoes.—Fot Acidity of 1 he Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulency and Indigestion. 917 Chestnut stieet.* Kennedy & Bros., No.T29“Chesfhut streef, are .quoted ns the highesf authority in fashiouß. Price* very moderate. *" ‘ ' The Eighth Wonder.—To the seven wou ■ d'TH of the world nil citrlith him hoen added. It In a fluid without bad riiioil. sediment or color, that changes tho grayest hair to its youthful shade, in from five to ten ap pliratioiiH. Thin prodigy of the age is Piialon’s Vitaj.ia, on Salvation for the Hair. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. lvennej>y & Bros., 721> Chestnut street, art; daily receiving now nhapes in Ladies 1 Hats, Rich Sash Ribbous, and Fine Laces. Moths.—Furs, Blankets, wearing apparel, Carpi in, Aoi.efTnrtually protected from them! peats, by •lACoiiVs JnseCt Powder, 917 Chestnut street. . Kennedy & Bros., 72!l Chestnut street, are the ncknowledxed lenders of Fnßhlon in Ladles’ Round Flats nnl Bonnets. Their Erenoll Flowors are vor> superior. Ladies visiting th« city should not leavo without seeing tho new Millinery Emporium of Thos. Kknnkdy & Bros., 729 Chestnut street. Carpets and Matting made up and laid. Matrasses made over. Furniture re-upholsb-rod and vanished. N o*'o hut tho heat workmen omployed. ALBERTSON «fc CO., Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. —Cuenb, Bunions, In vurtnd—NaHsy- skillfully 5 treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No.9lsChestnut street. Charges moderate. Surgical Instruments and druggists tmwlricß —Deafness, —Blindness—and—,-Oatabm treated 'with the utmost success, by J. Isaac*, M. V-. uikl T'rofepfior of PiKcneeß of the Kye and Ear (his speci ulfy) In thcTMedtcaKlollege of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience. No. 806 Arch street. Testimonials can bo seen at hfs oflico. The medical faculty are invited to .ac company their patients, or ho has no secrets in life prac- Hr#-. Aeyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Cl TV NOTICES. . Ac new & English, 839 Otiostnut throat, ** Opposlto tho Continental Hotel, and 29 South Ninth etreot. Cricket Pants Threo Dollars, ,, —— All Wool, At ItOCKIIILL & WILSON’6. -j£o. 603 and GO5 Chestnut Btroet, All the Latest Styles Coatings. Pantaloon Stuffs, and Vestings For Spring', Wear, Now Arranged for Public Inspection,' At Charles Stokes's, No. 821 Chestnut Street, OAKFonfo’N Latest. Styles ot* Ladies' aud Misses’ Spring Hats 7 ('an he had at their Store, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. Gents’ Hats! Gents’ Hats! The beautiful Spring Stylos are now ready at Oakpords’, under tho Continental. To Quiet, soothe ami relieye the pain of children teething, üboßowkr’* Infant Cordial. Bold by all druggists. . CARPETINGS, &C. NEW CARPETINGS. y ■ • WB ABB NOW OPENING A FULL LINK OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND M TINGS, OF ALL Ct HADES, WHICH we are offering at greatly SE DUCED PRICES FUO|l LAST SEASON. LEEDOM. SHAW & STEWART, C 35 MARKET STREET. . fe!9 Bmrp£ - -{ A NTH BA CITE INSTTBANUB COM- A PANY.—GUAUTKB PEUPHTUAL. Offloe, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Phtlada, Will iusnre agaitißt Loss or Darooge hr Firo on Bnild lnes. either porpetmilty or Tor a limited tlmo, Household Furniture and MerchandiHO generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and FrolglJtß. Inland InjingncMo an parts of the Union. William Esher, Lowis Andenried, ' Writ M. Baird, JohirKotchum, • John B. Bliicmston, J.E.Baum, ' William F. Loan, John It. Ueyl, TAtor Blegor, RntimnlH. Rotnermelt r - William ksher. President. - ' WILLIAM FV DEAN,-Vico President. Wm. M.BttiTHtSoorotary.; ■' lamuthotf J BULLETIN, SATURDAY. APRIL 2 3, 1870. SPLENDID CHOCOLATE COx\F£CTIONS AND MIXED SUGAR PLUMS - FOB PEESE NTS . STEPHEN F. WHITMAN & SON, S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Market Streets. np23»3t - CHAMPAGNE. IRROI Sc CO.’S Carte Blanche and Special FRUITY AND GENEROUS WINES, Felly equal to the best on all the list of Champagnes. FOE SALK AT TDK AGENTS’ PBIOKS BY E.BRADFORD CLARKE 8. W. cor. Broad and Walnut. tb att ap24 inc Snowden & Brother, -23 South Eighth etreot CONFECTIONERS “~GROCEKIES7IiratrORS,^c I HAMS FOB SUMMER USE. . DAVIS’S DIAMOND, NEWBOJLD, " VIRGINIA, '■ „ „ AND THIS CELEBRATED MARVLAN D HAMS. - MITCHELL & FLETCHER, No. 1304 CHESTNUT STREET. JUST RECEIVED * THE CELEBRATED ‘CHILOOSG” . * BIRAJSri} NEW PRESERVED GINGER. DAVIS & RICHARDS ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. je36rptf •••' THE PRGYIDENT I.IKK AM) TKI.ST CO PHILADELPHIA, OFFHE~No. 11l Sonth FOURTH St. Organized to provide Lite Insurance among membors of the SOCIETY OK FRIENDS. Good risks of any de nomination solicited. 'Policies already issued oxceeding TEN MILLIONS i>F DOLLARS This is a PHILADELPHIA COMPANY, and entitled to the special confidence of th&xoxranunity. Perfect Security. Low Bates. , Small Expenses, Low Rate of Mortality. These conditions enable a company to give advantage which cannot be surpassed. Policies issued on the Non-Forfeiture Plan. Statistics show that the average moxtality of Friends is nearly 'lb per cent|les* than that of the geueral popu lation. / A LOW RATE OF MORTALITY • *—-MAKK9 CHEAP INSURANCE IN A MUTUAL COMPANY fe!2 2A4 u 26trpS MEDICINAL." THE UNIVERSITY MEDICINES Are the Favorite Prescriptions of the New York Medical University. RELIABLE REMEDIES of a highly scientific char acter, designed for the cure of all diseases. ttttcY ARE STANDARD, having, during many_ years, been thoroughly tested in an extensive practice in New York. They are taken in 6mali doses. -• >v,,. . They are pleasant to tho taste. i - Their effects are almost instantaneous. ~ : They aro h.afe and never reduce a patient. NoTor render any one more liable to take cold. 1 • Never oblige a person to leavo busiuess. We have fio ONE CUBE-ALL for alt diseases, but a REGULAR SYSTEM OF REMEDIES for oach distinct class of MALADIES. A LIST of our remedies and a valuable MEDICAL BOOK sent free to any address. A COMPETENT PHYSICIAN in attendance. MEDICAL ADVICE FREE. Sold at the Philadelphia, Branch, N. E. cor. Seventeenth and Chestnut Sts. JOSEPH O. HARROLD ap2 stuth 13trp ; ADIRONDACK MINERAL SPRING- WATER. Pamphlets giving analysis, certificates of eminent physicians and other gentlemen may bo bad of our -~W bolbsale Agents, JOHN WYETH A BRO., I Druggists, I 1412 Wnlnnt Street, Philadelphia. , fo!2 a til th 3mrp§ G MACIIfNEb. THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The Bost and sold on tho Easiest Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 914 CHESTNUT BTREET. i2G s tu th lm> HOMER, Replete with all the CHOICEST NOVELTIES of offerings as an index of the prices at which this SUPERB STOCK will be disposed of, to insure an early call. flhiidsc me Double Wlillli tlieno Mo- hairs, 37 1-3 Cents. - Double fold Foulard mohairs, 45 Ceuta. Double-fold Norwich ropllnt, "1o the Hojle’a Yard-wide English Prints, 23 Printed Batin Cloth, a new article for One ease of tbe Finest Organdies im- Purely Mutual. Heal Scotch Gtnebams, in all colors, A Garment no matter how elaborately FIRE ON THE HEARTH trimmed, nnletu* well.flttlnßf, never. PEBFE CT TENTH. ATIOwI MADAME DE SODOHE'S, «JB»« First-Class Dress Making Establishment, ; andbews, habbison * €»., . ‘ „ .. ■ 1337 JNABUETSTBEET. 1 No. 1003 Walnut Street. „ . ~N " SEND FOB CIBCTJEABS. -eil-p INAUGURATION LO W PII I C ES. ARE NOW OFFERING M AGrNIF I CENT ST OOK DIIESS GOODS, SILKS, ETC., this seasoiit together with LAIICrG INVOICES Of desirable purchased in this astOnisiiinglv LOW RATES. H., C. & CO. conclude that it is only necessary to quote a few of their new llgbt shades, 50 Cents. Cents. the bouse or .Walking Costume, 35 Cents. ported, 40 Cents. 25 Cents. Walking HultH, lace Skoals, Inee FRENCH PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL, FINN & CO., g. "W. Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., Havirg BpeciaTarrangementB with leading French manufacturers for the exclusive sale of their goods in the United States, we are now re ceiving Cretonne Papers, with the Furniture Covering to matoh; Imita tions of Stamp Leathers, Gobelins, Tapestries, Brocades, eto., toge ther with a large variety of low-prioed Frenoh Papers—-all personal selections by one of our firm at the manufactories in Paris. And we shall be in receipt of all that is new in design and pattern as they are brought out in France. » - We give particular altention to our RETAIL DEPARTMENT, and send our Paper Hangers to any part of the country. &> eo. apalth B tu th 4t§ IADIES’ DRESS GOODS. A system or Measurement and' Fitting. • l’rices as low OB 1b conalstoDt with first-plaßß work. Blaejt Sillc W wits always on hanfl. An inpo- ctlon respectfully folicltod. . to B gstrn — 1 ■aLTESTaW AGENTS' FRID. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 20 S SOUTH FOURTH STREET, riM7- : lvruS" ~ illl_ TOM nr"“1830.-8OHUYLKB/& AJIMHIBONO, COLLADj^ The whole of their market for Cash at 3 cases non bflac sold by the piece fOr OS Cents, will bo offered at 50 Coats. Black Lyons tiros Crains and Drap de Lyon, of the best makes, from 8150 to 88 00 per yard. Cbcnp Nilks of tlic latest designs la the Paris market, and extra qnalitjr. sold last Spring at 93 25; J 92 50. Striped Silks from 81 50 to $2 00. Black Danyas Bareges, extra Superb v. quality, OS 1-2 Cents. | Do. I qualities, up to $0 00. Points, etc., all at the NEW, BATES. D. M. LANE, OAKHI A(>K BIJILDER 3433, 3434 and 3436 Market St. ' WEST PHILADELPHIA. A largo assortment of. Oarrtugoß of overy description constantly on band. Eapoolal attention paid to repairing. jaH Omrpj ra WARBURTON’S IMPROVED,"VJffiN-' tilatcd ami oasy-flttlng Drone Hats (patented) in all the approved fashlona of tho season. Oliestuut street next door to tU, Post-Office. ooS-tfrir A - ' iT* & CO. of French Fonlard Jtobaln, 75 Cents. all widths and EOW„ DOWN GRATES. carriages. as 7 th s tu 3mrp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers