=EOM GlstiON WOCK. Editor. Ottflik 'XIIII.-NO. 2153. UTEDDING CARDS, INVITATIONS v ter ransom, tire. New styles. BIAIKIN h 00.,1107 Cheetetit et •..t.. ele3Otiner eft EDDING INVITATIONS eir EN- D rnettt bemtua= eV lit er g r, t [ 4 ff j, , ~ i ', . ' ' DIED.,_ GBANT.—OU Tuesday afterna on, February lst,ginins, daughto of C. 8 . and Emma (l:Grant, aged 61.aari. The relatives and'irlends of the remit/ Art regaertftillT Invited to attend the funeral, tram the Ittandence of her father' Ni.. 11134 - Arch street, on Friday morning neat, at 10 o clock. •. LFWIB.—On the Slit of January, Sarah, wife of Wil liam 1). Lewis, The male relatives And friends of the family sre re spectfully fort tett to attend her funeral. from her late rteldenoe. 1012 8 ruce.street, on Thursday next, Feb, al. at 10 o'clock' .M. . " 1111NKI,NR.— n the; 2d_ boat. Mn.. Fannie Smith II in kler wife of r. Jacob 31Inkler, aged *2 years. • REl4l) . .—Ou Tuesday mornlng, the let inst., Lizzie 13 .. eidro•t daughter of. Wm.., J. and Caroline r. geed. The relatives sad friends of the family Are respectfullr invited to _attend the inners], from the residence of her parents, lap„ima North heventecuth street , on Thursdp afternoon. the 3d Inst.. at 2 &clerk. 111(41: - PLATITrAINSOOW01171;A:: ..LJ DIES! WRAPPERS. SATIN PLAID DASIBRIOS: SOFT FINISH OAIIRRICS. • 11134,8 Jam. FRENCH FRISLIER. WIRE * LANDELD. JOHN W ANA MAKER, FINEST CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. BOYS' CLOTHING GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TOE STAR COURSE OF ',mums. SECOND SERIES,. PETROLEUM V. , NARBY. • ON THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3. Subject—The Lords of Creation, or the Struggles or a Couserr &tier ou the Woman's Question. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, Telma:'7. Subject—Social Lila in America. Rev. N.ll. CHA PIN, D. IL. Februa47 10. Subject—The Bolt of Honor. (IRO. W3L CC RTIS, February M. Subiect—Onr National Folly—The Civil Service. Prof. DENBY MORTON, February 2S. Subject—Sider Eclipaea. BAYARD TAYL OR, Marcia J. Subject—Reform and Art. JOHN O. SAXE, 3larch 21. Subject—French Folk), at Home. Prat. . ROBERT E. 1100 EMS, March :6. Subject—Chemical forte) in Nature and the Arta. ANNA E. 'DICK INSON , April T. Subj 4X t —Doan Breaks. Ear Adz:raw:lion to each Lecture. 56J cents. i:Lverfed Fre, tlt. 75 ern vs. Tickets to an of the Lecture. for sale at Gould'. Plano Chmtnut street. from Y A. M. to 8 P. M Doors ores" at ?. Lecture at 8 Iv . OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE • AND RARITAN CANAL AND CAMDEN AND A BOY RAILROAD AND TRAISSPORTATION COMPANINI6.. PFZILADELPEITA. Jan. 6,1370. The holders of the new scrip in the above Companies are hereby notified th.st the •time for .. psy Log the last In stallment will expire lifebruary 10, INC. At any time before that date st may be paid by those holding the re ceipts of RICHARD S. TROWBRIDGE', Cashier, or F. . CONOTRR, Transfer Agent,to Mr. TROWITRIDGE: at his office. who is authorized to receipt for this same , on the back rf the receipt for first installment. ialo-treitrp RICHARD STOCKTON. Treasurer. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA ItAII.- Dry ROAD COMPANY. PIIMADELPHI4I. January 25. I_7o, NOTICE' TO IsTOCKHOLDERS.—The annual tueet- Dig of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TCESDAY. the Il•-th day of rebritary.Pqn.nt 10 o'clock A. 11., at the Hall of ihe' Assembly Ilnildings. S. W. corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, P The annual election for Directors will be held on MONDAY. the 7th day of March; Iz7o, at the 011 ice of the. Company, Nu. 233 South Third street. • JOSEPH LESLE Yy j a2st fel4rp§ S,:cretaTy. 1:C", EYE AND EAlt DEPART.H ENE Th. Philadelphia D4penotar_y halm opened un " Ere LW Par Department " at 3io. 315 South Seeonth r•treet.‘ between Spruce and Pine/, wtre disease-a of the Jiye and Ear are treated daily at 12 o'clock. ATTENDINCI 4 4t:11GEONP. Dr. GEORGE' STRAWBRIDGE, - ltr. JOHN F. WEIGH TMAN. " • WM. F. GRIFFITTS. President. fel Btu' THOMAS WISTAR, 31. D.. Beey. OsH.. ir-LtirDzu.ateizers ACADEMY, • Assembly Buildings .. No. WS South Tenth street. The parents and friends of the purl's. and others in terested in ,School education, are invited to visit the Academy miring the present (examination/ week. be tween the hours of 9A. M. and 3 P.M. See Educational Column. fel-Mrp LIEBIG'S COMPANY'S EXTRACT of Meat secures great economy and convenience in houeekeeping and excellence in cooking. None genuine without the signature of Baron Liehig, the Inventor, and of Dr. Max Von Petterikofer, delegate. Ja26-w a-tf J.111L118.1713 SONS.lB3Broadway,N.V. CITY TRFAtiURER'S OFFICE. PRILADELpain., rub. 1. 1870. M'arratits registered in 1868 or kat to N 0.60,000 will be paid on presentation at this oece, interest ceasing_from slate. JWIEPH S. AIARCIGB. fel-3trp§ City Treasurer. 1109 GIRARD STREET. 11371351A1i AND PZBITIBLUD BATHS, Departments for Ladies Baths pima from it A. hi. to, P. DI. V. HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 ad MO Lombard street„Lieteneary , Department. edloattoreatment and medloineht trdshed grataltemdr to the pea. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY EVENING. Feb. sth. at 8 o'clock. GRAND ENTERTAINMEPT, 'Under the direction of 0. IL Willard. Ewo.. STERIGOPTICON DISSOLVING VIEWS YOSEMITE VALLEY , NIAGARA FALLS, TEBLEAUX VINANTS, SHADOW PANTOMIMES. Music by Hassler's Select Parlor Orchestra. Admission 50 cents. Deserved Sests.7s cents, can now be secured at Boner's, 1302 Mu:stunt street,atal Heil' s, Ninth and V o streets. fic4-3t*. - ~ .. COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP.-- THE Ondereigned bare thin day formed ' a co-partner- Phi P. under tbe mate and style of BETTER. R BILIS -43,R,0VE, for the purpose of carrying on the Hardware business, at SOO South. Second street. southwest corner Lombard street, Philadelphia. I. BAXTER BUTTER, Wlll. H. AIUSGROVEL fe2-3t January 26, DM --- --;This — ineEiTote is as 'good - s. — s ifilold college professor encouraged his geology class to collect specimens, and one day they de posited a piece of brick, streaked and stained, with their collection. thinking to impose upon the doetor. Taking up the specimens, the pro fessni remarked,. " This is a piece of baryta from the Cheshire- mines ; ' holding up .another, " This is a piece of feldspar from the Portland quarries ; and this," coming to the brick, is a piece of impudence from some menther'of this:class." —Dr.Hall wants two small vessels' and 24 maen,, with which he promises to find Ishe North Pole in two years. • i r I ~.-,,, ;,, ,' i' ' , Y 1(.. 1 1 'll ji ', t s r . f./. i i s ' ".'. Ili •t l 4, • , )‘ . r ~..„,- ,‘,, ,‘• • - i• , I . f 'r 1 ' 1 '' 'l7 1 1 . i - • . I ,' f : , , • r .., ti , 4 ,. I r . , , 1 k ' . , 1 .. , . .. .. • kr' 1., a.l?.' 3- 'I ,,,. - , , ‘ reorreopondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin-I PARTS, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1870.—Yesterday was another day of emotions, but of a differ ent kind from those which Irecently depicted to you as taking place on the oedasban of poor Victor Noir's funeral. g`lie- (Recession on the demand made by the now Government for per mission to prosecute Rochefort was fixed .to come off in the Chamber; and the destre to be present, or at least to be near at hand, so as to hear the first tidings of bow the debate had tennin.sted, was so great that two hours before the sitting commenced or access was given to. the gal leries, the outskirts of the Palale Bourbon were Surrounded by dense groups of people. One 'could not help contrasting thedifference of appearance between the, intense interest now manifested in the proCeedings of the Legislature, and the • eagerness to obtain ad mission to the place of assembly, and what was the case only a few years back, when the deputies so often spoke to empty benches, as far as the public ,was concerned, like sic tom who were unable to "draw a house." But yesterday the approaches, to the Chamber were so completely blocked up that the police had the greatest difficulty in opening an as cess even for members, and were at last obliged 'to till! half-a-dozen troopers to their , assistance, who kept a. narrow passage clear by riding up and down and backing their horses upon the crowd. The people, how ever, were perfectly good-humored, and it was evident that mere curiosity and idleness had brought thither by far the largest portion. Whether any "manifestation" would have been made had Rochefort appeared among the crowd, I do not know ; for that gentleman prudently kept himself out of sight, and slip ped into the House by the small side-door which opens upon the Rue Bourgogne. I did certainly hear an isolated cry now and then of Vim Itodiefort ! But then so TAM also of Firi. rEldpercur I—the latter being ad dressed to Napoleon 111., who, curiously enough, might be seen calmly walking up and down the Terrace of the Tuileries Gardens, which border the Place de la eoncorde, almost at the very moment when., his puny adverear7 was traversing the bridge of the same name on his way to 1- , defend himself, or rather to hear himself ac -1 eused ((Or defence he madenone),in the Chau:v.- her. If Rochefort had driven through the 1 Place de la Concorde, which be did not, he I might have shaken hli fist at " that brigand 1 Bonaparte" as he passed! Well, the discussion came on, and was con ducted and terminated, on the whole, and considering the excitement of the subject !garter, with a wonderful amount of calm ness and self-restraint. The first incident was the presentation of a motion by a moderate member of the Left ,or Left Centre, M. Es tancelin, to the effect that the Chamber, "having full confidence in the firmness of the Cabinet, and doing justice to the measures it had taken for the preservation of , the public peace, was of opinion that now it was better to 'withdraw the demand for liberty to prose cute." There was, perhaps, a goud deal to be said in favor of such 'a course. But lit. 011i vier cut short the motion at once by rising and saying that the Ministry made a Cabinet question of their dernafid, and would regard a' refusal as a vote of want of confidence, which would necessitate their resignation. There was no other reply to this possible, except to go' on with the debate Rochefort, who is an utterly hopeless orator, stammered through a few words which meant to say that he (wisely) declined defending himself. And then 31 .Picard, the best speaker on the Lett, next to Jules Fevre, and more judicious and calm than the latter, rose and pleaded his colleague's cause a thousand times better than he could have done it himself. He urged' the new Ministers not- to in atigurate the first free government under the Empire by re-opening those press prosecutions which even the personal government bad allowed tacitly to drop. He dwelt upon the general excitement of the moment and of the personal feelings of the writer, aggravated by the death of his friend and collaborator, when the article in ques tion was penned, and urged the prudence of not giving fresh cause for popular emotion. In short, 31. Pieard made the very best of a very indifferent case.. He might have added further, but be did not, that the effusions of the .3faiseiffithe were often only like the ravings of a madman, and that it was a poor compliment to the political intelligence of the French people to suppose that they could be misled by such ap e peals. The reply of the new Minister was as crushing and unanswerable in argument, as it rose to the highest pitch of eloquence in lan guage. Indeed, it is now generally remarked and admitted that M. 011ivier Ls "coming out" more and more by every fresh effort and by-, every new call made upon him for exertion. He is, as one says, rising with the' situation, and showing himself equal to thedifficulties of it in a way far beyond one's expectation. He shows himself to be thoroughly liberal with out being weak and firm without being re-ac tionary. He is ready to admit every possible expression of opinion, eitery. criticism upon' himself and his colleagues in office. Bat, neither he nor they will consent to remain in power and allow of two things t—gross per sonal abuse of the Head of the State, or direct; appeals to the people to take up arms against; the public authorities. As to the charge likely to be made against bine—that' he. wanted to get rid of a troublesome' deputy,—M. Olhvier may rely for ant answer to that upon two very' well-known ; facts, viz. t That in the first place it was en tirely owing to the Emperor that Rochefort; was allowed to come to Paris and be elected at all; and, 'secondly, that his strongest adver saries could not wish him to be in a vroise, place than the Chamber, where he rarely. opens his mouth without making an ass of; himself., Perhaps the best argument .sgaint=t; prosecuting him is that"he will be a far 'more/ formidable opponent in a prison than heaver' can be on the floor of the Rouse. I hearda,ii American near me, say that, if Rochefort had', said half as much theTTnited ?aides Wiri n g`. the late war as he had recetitlysaldiarrance,h* would have been popped 'into jail in half .ani FOREIGN. CORILESPONDENCE LICTIZIS ,W l / 1 011/ PASTA. PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1870. The Chamber authorized the proeoeution by a vote 222 agalaat 34. Last night there were a few partial 'assem blages in the streets, but nothing of any con sequence. Public confidence is strongly and 'manifestly reviving in presence of the firm attitude and straightforward action of the new Goieniment. No one doubts 'the sin cerity of the new Ministers and- their. deter mination to fulfil all their promises. Official interference in the elections has been strictly prohibited. All press cases will in future be submitted to a jury. The army, will be re. duced. Measures of electoral and municipal reform will be introduced. In short, the sys tem of government will undergo a radical change. TUE JIMIrE AIM. The lattef moiety of Mr. Scott's list of pic tures will be sold out by hint at his gallery; 1117 CheStnut street, this evening. Although the collection is a mixed affair, there are good pickings to be had from it; and the half now remaining is of a higher quality than the frac tion disposed of last night. Included are two heads, we think indubitably by Gilbert Stuart, one a Washington, and the other a likeness of Mrs. Greenleaf, one of the Allen family, of Allentown. Some Diisseldbff pictures deserve attention. Litsehauer's "Unlucky Number" L-anfarinorer scratching his head over a cui rass numbered thirteen, which, comes back to him for repairs with a bullet-hole precisely., over the heart—is a lively piece of expression and a good picture. Fair examplei of the fa miliar names ,in German art—Koekkoek, Kruseman, De Buel, Nordenberg and Jaws semi—will be found included in to-night's sale. One of Henry 0. Bispham's most telling con ceptions,—a Landseer-lite group of dogs in war , council—vrilillso be sold, and A. Parton contributes several landscapes,of which a view of Harper's Ferry is the best. Mr. Haseltine's engravings, advertised to be sold therlast three evenings of this week, are exceedingly interesting, comprising some de lectable curiosities, and forming a more un-, meronsiand representative lot than we have ever known to be exposed in this city at once. There Isla very mellow impression of Raphael Morghen's matchless engraving from the Last Supper, by Da Vinci; Raphael's greatest Ma- donna, that of San Sisto, is 'represented by different German engravers, Nordheim having executed one of the largest and best studies; twoancient imprmsioas, in tolerably fair pre servation, of Dnrer's realistic "Adam and Eve," are comprised; Titian's great Assump tion, the original of which is one of the glories of Venice, is present in Schiavoni's large and sympathetic print; "Enhens's principal Last" Judgment is here, engraved by Hess; Mar illo's great "Madonna and Angels" is repre sented by a soft French plate from the burin of Leroux. There are some fine prints not often met with, such as Planer's delicate copy of " Saint Mary of Egypt," by Spagnoletto, and a number of the most subtle faces from Da Vinci', including that Sphynxofloveliness, La Joconde, in Calamatta's large and dreamy style of shading. Among modern plate's, Kaulbach's " Madhouse," Which made the beginning of his fame, is highly Interesting ; and the Munich frescoes of Cor nelius, engraved by Merz, are imposing and intellectual. There are quantities of the French masters,as seen by the artificial-looking "Flora caressed by Zenhyrus," after Gerard, so suggestive, of opera bouffe and one of Tost 'ee's or Schneider's attitudes; while later work of a higher mental grade Ls not want ing, such as the India-paper and plain impres sions of Delaroche's " Marie Antoinette leaving the Judgment-hall," by Franqois. To complete the symposium of nationalities,there are some of the finer English prints, including several of Turner's landscapes. As the. collec tion numbers upwards of eleven hundred, we shall not be expected to particularize very minutely; but the pictures are of 'such a quality.as to advertise themselves, and attract every citizen who collects, or has the ambi tion of collecting- Mr. Scott will attend to the disposal of these sheets. For the information of those who mean to extend their galleries of paintings this winter, we feel that weinght to state, and give pro minence to the statement, that the great art sale of the season has not yet taken place, or been advertised. A sale is in immediate pros pect, however, which will tempt every con noisseur. It will be both large and select. One of the best Philadelphia galleries of French, Gerirnn and Belgian canvases, rein forced by some of the finest works in New York of similar parentag,e,will form a catalogue of nearly two hundred subjects, among which it is determined that not a single mediocre picture shall find a place.' This col lection will be put up for sale before the close' of the present month, and by Mr. Scott, who. seems to have obtained the monopoly of auc- , tioneering in the higher walks of art. To complete our statement of the doings of this lively art-seascah we should mention the sale, by Martin Brothers, of the galleries of Mr. Peiman and Mr. Richardson. The first named gentleman represents in, this city the well-known importer of German art, Mr. D'Huyvetter ; as for Mr. Richardson, he has been mousing around fora lifetime amongthe picture-stores of the old world, and has a quantity of artistic curiosities which cannot be duplicated on this continent, Virtuosos will notice the advertisement in another column. The sale will be held to-morrow and next evenings, at the gallery opposite the Academy of Fine Arts. TEE SALE OF PAINTINGS at Scott's Art Gal lery,ll.l.7 ChPstnut street, commenced last evening. Prices monstrously low. The sale will be continued and closed this evening. Mr. Heseltine's sale of Fine Engravings and etch ings will take place on. Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. B. SCOTT, Jr., Auction eer. ACCIDENT.—There was an explosion in Dr. Ayer's Laboratory yesterday, which caused Some excitement in the vicinity. Ayer's Pills are manufactured wider an enormous pressure, in cylinders, like cannon, which sometimes : prove too weak for tile compressed forces, and burst with terrific violence. Fortunately the, pieces do not fly far, so that no• one , has ever' been hurt by them. The action L 9 more like; ice than powder ; ,but itmakes Ms. which, all the world ackuovriedge,araTzrzs.—Liaity Jour nal,' Loa*, -1 0138 NOLOLE WINTRY'. Feesiassfeen—Dineovery of an American Itervolnsionary Armament. A London paper of the 21st of December reorts': , Considerable exbitetuent has been caused la the military and civil circles Sheerness by the discovery of a number of weapons and other articles of war which had apparently been placed fn three of the loopholes of the fortification which divides the island, sepa rating the inner and outer motitetetiveen the two towns for the purpose of being taketsaway by other person or persons; and as the wea pons; &c, are of the same deseziptionras those used in the United States army, the motive has been assigned to Fenianisui. It appears that as three men named Henry Kelsey, .lbhrt Deal and Frederick Piper were passing the spot in question,about ten o'clock onTuesday morning, they noticed something shining 'in one of the loopholes. They examined the place and found one pistol and a dagger, and upon a further examination of the two adjoining loop , boles they also found another pistol and dag lier, two boxes containing caps, , one powder ask tilled with gunpowder , one tin canister; containing ; ot a pound' of powder,- and a buff leather cross belt with a black leather cartridge box attached; similar to that worn by the American army. These were handed to Bombardier Frazer, of the Coast Brigade Artillery, and were subsequently given over to the care of Police Sergeant Noakes, who with his men have been instituting a most rigid inquiry to find out by whom • these weapons were placed in the loopholes. One of the pistols is an old cavalry weapon, the handle of, which is beautifully inlaid with silver, but appears to be unfit for use. The other pistol is.a more modern weapon, and this was found to be loaded. It bore the name of " Bates, York." A small bowie-knife, with the maker's name engraved; "Mason, , ,Sheffield," bore the following in scriptioes : " The Americans ask for nothing but what is right, and submit to nothing that is wrong." "The United States, the land of the free and home of the brave, protected by her noble and brave volunteers." In the cen tre of these inscriptions is the American eagle, having on each side the image of two sentries, with the following words underneath: "Ready to defend." The other knife is what is called a dagger-knife is a formidable weapon, and, from its general appearance, appears to be similar to those worn in the American army. No motive can be assigned for the placing of thcs.e articles in such prominent position, being, as they were, befoxe the view of the passers-by, and more especially within 100 yards of a sentry of the royal artillery, who is there on duty both day and night. Exit Troppmann—The Last Scene In the Poplin Tragedy... Execution of the Murderer. [From Gidereenie mesetneer, January 70.1 This terrible act of expiation took place this morning on the Place de la Roquette, in presence of a considerable crowd, the greatest number of whom hadpassed the night on the grroned. The various portions of the guillo tine arrived in a long vehicle about 2 in the morning, and nearly three hours were oc cupied in setting up the dreadful machine. The spectators consisted of the very lowest class, and, spent all the early part of the night in drinking, eating, singing, and sometimes even quarrelling. A strong cordon of troops was arranged round the place to keep the central portion clear. When the guillotine bad been erected, the noise of the crowd sometimes ceased, and their general conduct then presented nothing to reprehend. At last the executioner, Mr. Heindeindrech, a tall, po - vrerful man, dressed in black, i 8 years of age, with white hair, ascended the steps of the machine t and examined minutely every,part, in order that , all might act freely at the supreme moment. As soon as his inspection had terminated, he slowly descended, and entering the prison, signed the usual receipt for the person of the criminal. At about the same time arrived M. Lombard, peace -officer ofthe arrondissement, and M. Blavier, one of the police-officers of the central brigades. Tbey hadsoon to divide the crowd in order to allow the Abbe Crozet', the chaplain, to pass and perform the last duty to the prisoner. .At a few minutes be fore cis, accompanied by the executioner, these two assistants, the Govertior, and some - warders, the priest entered Troppinann's cell. The prisoner bad slept but httle, and each time that he fell into a done he suddenly started up, a prey to the most gloomy anticipations. The men who had the charge of watching him affirm that such had been the case, more • or less,--ever' since his condemnation. When the sinister party en tered the cell, ITxoppman was lying on the bed, with his face towards the wall, and not asleep. When the head of the prison placed his band on his shoulder, the prisoner was seized witha convuleive trembling, which in- -- creased visibly when the fatal words- were ut tered—"Treppmann, your application for commutation has been rejected. The hour is come!" Thennfortunate man then turned round, and, regarding with a haggard eye the persons near, could scarcely rise. The chap lain advanced, and encouraged him to show some firmness, and in his last moments think of God. The wardens then placed his own clothes near him, removing those belong ing to the prison,. and helped him to dress, as he was almost incapable of any effort. He was thee left for a short time alone with the abbe. after, which the ceremony of the "toi lette," that is to say, cutting off his back hair and removing the collar of his shirt, took place, the priest all the time reciting prayers aloud. The prisoner was then asked if he de sired to take any refreshment, but by a sign of the bead declined. At last the governor ap proached the prisoner and handed him to the executioner, who gave in return the receipt : The assistantsthen strapped clo wnTroppmannet hands to his sides, and placed another leather thong on his ankles, which act prevented too long steps, and the terrible cortege set out for the scaffold. The executioner's two men placed them selves one at each side, and supported Tropp mann by holding him by his arms. the abbe all the time following as elose as poseible, with a crucifix, and whispering wordy of consola tion. The, eeecutioner came next, and then several persome obliged by their Official posi tion to be present. On issuinefrom the prison on the Place, the unhappy criminal perceived the fatal- machine. right .opposite, and ine stinctively recoiled. From that moment all power of Motion seemed nearly gone, and were it not for tee men at his side he must have fallen. On his appearing outside a loud murmur burst from the crowd, and the noise increased to the end: That period of time was, however, of short duration, ati the prisoner was rapidly aided, or rather carried up the steps, of the scaffold, the chaplain ae companyinghim to thtelaste After the crucifix , bad been preaented to the almost unconscious criminal, he was with "eat , rapidity placed on the gliding panel, and the next moment thel heavy knife fen t The crowd then began , to disperse, the hour' being a little before seven. The late terrible scene bad evidently not produced on them any effect of depresaion Or, warning,. tie ;jests and grocu a llusions i weep bandied . abpee as if nothing solemn bed occurree. Bongo persous remained behind inehe hope of getting.. Mose to the acatliotd, but tee .troopeepreVerited approach,`. irf bateau hour the detrailit thr the execution we're lqUonth all Over nide, IMUROI9IIIIII AFFAIR:SP ENULABfD. FRANCE. FIFTH EDITION. BY TEtak,;GR.A.PH. BY FRENCH CABLE The Reported Death of Livingstene The New Austrian 'Ministry The Pope and the Chaldean Church Restoration. et Harmony Between Turkey and Egypt. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON THE ST. DOMINGO TREATY liNethign. Another Itepore n: t ai ltr. Larlattototte's &By the Ananias* Prom Aplaciatlonj Lon vox, Feb. 2, 2 P. 151"---A report has reached theAfticart coast that the natives have killed Di. Livingstone, the African explorer, near the Congo river. ALMA. The New Miluistrg. VIENNA, Feb. 2,2 P. M.—The following Austrian Ministry has been appointed : Presi dent. Hasner ; Minister of War, Wagner; Ministerof Agriculture,Baacahns; Minister of EducationrStrather: HOME. The Chi''dyer' Cheireh. Botts, Feb. I—The Pope has forcpd the Chaldean Patriarch to sign a recantation of his speech against centralization, under the threat of the withdrawal of the special privi lege of independence from. the Roman •jutis diction now enjoyed by the Chaldean Church. ProMinent bishops of the Church have taken the matter np. Harmony Restored Between Turkey and !Polypi. ColorrAwriNopme, Feb. t. Friendly expla nations have passed between the government at Cairo and Constantinople. The Khedive promises the, Sultan that be will hereafter maintain an army of only 15,000 troops. ltlswpciM sae Commercial. (Comspondence of the Aseociateil Preec I Lormox, Feb. 2, 4.30 P. M.--Consols 931 for both. American securities quiet. Five-twen ties, 1862, 865; 1865, old, 861; 1867, 1354 ; ten forties, 84i. Stocks quiet. Erie, 20; Illinois Central, 1031 ; Great AVestern, 261. LIVERPOOL, Feb: .2, 4.30 P. M.—Cotton steady ; Uplands, Mall. ; Orleans, 111. Tho sales have been 10,000 bales. Shipments of cotton from Bombay for the weeketuiing Sat urday, 16,000 bales. LONDON, Feb. 2, 4.30 P. M.—Linseed oil, .£31a31 3s. Turpentine, 30s. 6d.a310. Maria. lriallionfreasee. QuEENsrowN, Feb. 2.—Arrived, steamer City of Brooklyn, from New York. LONDONDERRY, Feb. 2.—Arpived, steamship North American; from Portland. • The St. 181:Ise's( Despitch Asacsarow, .—The new Hayden Minister, Mr. Ft 'lto arrived here last night, called tip°, =her of the leading Senators to-day, 1 `represented that the people of Hayti and St. Domingo were strongly opposed to the treaty for the purchase of St Domingo by the United States, and that it ought to be rejected by the Senate. The Revolution In Mexico. Correspondence of the Aftereisted Press.? NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 2.—News from Mexico by wayof Brownsville represents that the revo lutionary party in Mexico is daily strengthen ing. Generals Maceias, Zarequi, Espinosa, Davill and others are organizing troops to aid the rebels. The Vera Crnz Esprranza says, effectively : The situation of Mexico is worse every day, and even, those who seemed to have more confidence in the future bow down their he is under the weight of a bitter disap pointment. There is not a means folvid _to conjure the storm which threatens to sink our unfortunate country in the horrors of civil war. 'Nom Ohio. [Correspondence of the Associated Press.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 2.—David Atwood, of Madison, was nominated ..to•day by the Republicans for Congress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Hopkins. From New naves. iCorres - pondemice of' the Associated Press.] NEV Havrx; Conn.. Feb. 2.—The town of New Haven has voted to postpone indefinitely the loaning of ita credit to the Air Line road by 197 to 187- . . From Csiasida. (Correspondence of stto Asiociated Press.l Tonovro, Feb. 2.—The Dominican Govern ment has ordered the construction of a large number of boat, tote 36 - feet long, 6 feet wide and 3 feet. deep, for, the , purpose of sending men into the Winnipeg settiement on the first opening of spring. Fire in New Veen—Less $230,000. (By the American Press Association.] NEW YORE, Feb. 2.—A fire took place early this morning at Ockershansen & Bro.'s sugar refinery, on Rose street. All the ma chinery and stock of sugar, valued at $150,000, were destroyed. The total loss is MA)°, on which there is an insnrance of $230,000. Forty-first Consress--fiossofi Session. [SENATE—Continued from Fourth Xdition.) Mr. Chandler called the attention of the Senate to an article in the New York Times classing him with the inflationists and took occasion to disclaim any sympathy with that ctass of financiers, • Mr. Ferry Introduced a resolution providing for the printing of copies of the chart of the harbor of Savannah, for the use of the Senate, which was agreed to. The Senate then took upthe bill granting lands to aid in the Construction of a railroad and telegraph iirie from Portlandtto Astoria and McMinnville, in the State of Oregon. .The - bill was considered. Mr. Thurman asked how many acres of land this road had approprated? Mr, Williams said the road was one hundred miles longihnt he had not . ;node computation as to the number of acres. Mr. hurman said ho should oppose any grant of lands, in accordance With the wishes cif'tho 'Legislature / of his State. Ho moved thitt , Ahe kw referred Wok, with , installs 4:30 O'Clook. go Treaty. la. Erenina FlullPtin.l Arrival of a New Hayden Represents ti ve in Washinnton-.llitterstos of Mtn, Ilaytteas Against Annenation..-Nlinitk ter Sninett Unp!spular,...filina.. Tate and the Mole St. Nicolas-1110 Letter to President Grant. WssnvoTow, Feb. I.—kr. Arthur' F a Olsorri. formerly U. S. Commercial Agent in Tlayti, and more recently Consul in New York from. , that Republic, arrived here to-day,direct froth Port-au-Prince. Ho is commissioned, with Mr. Delmont; a Dominican resident in' New York, and representing the interests of ,this Cabral party, as agent of, the new Govern ment of Hayti. These two gentlemen-will be presented to- the President , to-morrow. It is understood that the speeches to be made si/1 be merely formal presentatioas of, creden-- tials. Mr-Folsom states that the fooling_ in Hayti against annexation is very bitter. The chief cause of Gen. Tate's banishment grovis out of a belief that he was negotiating for a cession or lease of the Mole St. Nicolas. The General declares there wasno truth this, but the report has been used with consider able effect in Hayti. Minister Bassett is very unpopular with the new Government, it being charged that lie made himself a decided Null sari of the fallen Government. There is. itts reason to believe, however that be has done any more than his duty. Mr. Folsom desks not hesitate to declare that the' annexation of San Doming.o if consummated, cause considerable disorder in both Republics. Saget is not expected 4 remain President long. Gen. Brice of the South is reported the more popular candidate for chieftaincy. Gen. Tate, with his wife, will leave here for New York on Saturday. He willremain in the United States, and- unless the decree of exile is removed, 111probahly take up his abode here permanently. Re has made the most favorable impreasiev iv,. state and diplomatic circles. The following, letter was sent by hitmdeeliting an invitation to the , state dinner to-morrow evening. The original of the letter is in French ' " General and Mine. Tate have the honor to. presenttheir respectful compliments to his. Exceilency the President and Mre.Grant, and; beg them to accept their Sincere thanks for the invitation they have received. While they profoundly feel the honor which is dins, conferred on them and highly apipreciate the grandeur of the motives which have calmed , them to be invited to the table of the' first magistrate of one of the greatest posiere of the world, themournful condition , in which they have just been placed by the announcement this morning the execution in Hayti _of the Chief whoSe _ government they here represent obliges theft, to decline this generous levitation, Timy always retain in their hearts a-high and. p found recognition, which will be shaxechbtall the friends of humanity and all the Wenders of justice and equality among men baseardtlie President, the glorious chieftain,,iitandialt alone in history, who has not, disdained to extend personally his powerful ham to the meat humble, to the poor and proscribed, tit aid them to rise in the grand interest of &a menity, brotherhood, andeivilizsidoe.":—Tri- —The following are variorum readAgs of sit aue,tent Prove Yb.:, A wateheapot,nevrr A boiled pot nevertitatebasP • ' 'A watobeft boirninr.ertiots: ' ' • A potted hoilnoverwatebee. A potte&elatoh never boils A.,baile4 Watch never polo. --Eleven persons have beeontatierank4 tit mracqueuco of the rantialnurdors, F. Z. . YPORRSVIC POW eßiOtifiti*' , o)iiiit.is . .':: - 'i'i.-', tions to strike out all grants stontept simply tkor right of way. Mr. Wilibuns defended the provisions, of the bill , saying that the land donated+ wonbi be sold by the company only toaeitud'settlers 4 and that the road passed throtiglososectipn. country that never' would be 'settled' axed by its construction. _ A " ' Mr. 'Stewart thought it was not Melillo nOM to change the. policy of the ,tioveratnent In relation to the construction. of railroads. Ho was in fayor of granting the largest"verato the persons engaged, In enterprises pate* lated - to develop the resources or 'Me! great, After further debate Mr. Thurman&Wed that it was the policy of Congress to .6idl* all these railroad grants. •True it was , thei policy of the Government so far as th 6 Pada* Railroad was concerned,because the coustsus lion of that road was a necessity.. But ,Cott areas never has declared a policy in regartirto all these schemes of forcing railroad 6110810166 by the disposal of public lands. 'The {trtl~ Is now altheat at our door when lb will be as,dlf ficult to get lands as it is in Europe: t The bill then went over under the ruler ?he Senate by unanimous consent too* :up the bill to extend the time for the construction of the Central Branch of the Baltimore and, Potomac Railroad to Washingtoit The b 1 fb was considered. • Pennsylvania 11401110stullm. flitouss—Oentlaned trots 'mkt' EdltionJ Mr. White offered a resolution to firraieli , the House with copies 'of the Auditor-Gene— ral's and School Superintendent's reports, which were printed by the State printer ac-- cording to law. Mr. Davis moved to amend by requiring the clerks to furnish stamps to send the deed ments abroad. Agreed to by a viva elms vote. - The resolution as amended was agreed to by forty-six ayes to forty nays, viz.: AYES—Messrs. Adaire, Aimee, Boileau, Clond, Coady, Corey, Craig, Deininger, Dill (Union), Dimmick, llis , Engleman, God schalk, Hall, Hawey; Herr, Hilr, Hong, Hum:- pbreys, Johnson (Philadelphia), Johnson (Crawford), Keeeh, Herr, Kreps, Leonard, L ongn esker, McCreary,lll °Kim ry, Marshall, Miller (Allegheny), Miles, Parsons, Porter' (Yolk), Reinoeld, Roberts, Robinon, Rohrer, Smith, Snyder, Steele (Schuylkill), Stone, Tay lor, Thomas, Walton, White, Wile Y-46. • Nsys—Albright,' Beans, Bowman, Brobst, Brown, Buffington, Carlin, Chamberlain, Cooper, Creitz, Daily, Darlington, Dill (Adams),Esobbach,Forsythallirst,Keene,Lei dig, Long, McAteer, McCracken MeJurddrt Maxwell, Mayer, Milliken ken,Montgomery, Mooney, Porter ,(Cambrial.. Sedgwiek" Sher— lock-,T3teere- (Armstrong), Stsvens, yan kirk, Webb, Wheeler, Woolever, Strang-40. Mr. Brown (Dem.) offered a remolution to discharge the Ways and Means Committee from the consideration of the resolution to adjourn on the 17th of March. Mr. Davis (Rep.) said it • was impossible to get through with the business before the end of March or to get the appropriation bill prepaid as ft should be. Mr. Brown said that the Senate had passed the resolution and thrown the responsibility npon the House. There was no danger but that the people-who wanted money from the Treasury would hurry up their claims and ' present them in time. lie wanted an early adiournment. Mr. Davis moved to postpone, so as to offer a resolution to adjourn on the 24th of March. Not agreed. to., On agreeing to discharge the committee from the Senate resolution the ayes were,* and the nays were 37, and the aojourument resolution was placed on the public calendar of Thursday, February .3. • Mr. White offered a resolution to print fire hundred copies, daily, of the House Journal, for the use of the members, instead of the Record. Mr. Davis moved to print one hundred, and Mr. Lei dig moved to print one thousand of the Journal. The subject was postponed HAYTI. =MEE
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