__ ''~. GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. OLUME XXIII.-NO. 254, TARTH • CLOSET COMPANY'S COM mot Es and arnaratue for fixed closets, at A. Ii .lI I ANCIFOUS St CO.'s. 51.9 Market et. dente th Is3otl VICDDING INVITATIONS EN .grsvobln the neared and beet manner. . LOUIS P KA Stationer and Engraver. KOI Of street. tf LitAtlVßE—WAßDEN.—February Ist, at the: Mori 'oppralieln Bowe, Pithiburgh.'l4 . the , Rey. J„ P. (Mark, Pat,. Gen.lhintel Leasure. of N , -w Castle, Pc., awl Mrs. N. W. Warden, - of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland comity, Pa. ENGLE—At Chester, on the 3+l inst., Mary Engle, in the 94th ye . tir of her age. 'The relatives cod friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late rosideuce, in Cheetor, Delaware county, on Monday. the 7th inst., to meet at the betide at 10 o'clock A, 91., without further unties. GRANT.—On Tuesday afternoon. February Int,Emma,, dWphto - of C. G. and Emma C. Grant, aged 6 years. • The relatives awl friends of the family are respecifully l 'lathed tout tend the funeral, from the residence of her father No. 193.1 Arch street, on Friday morning next, at 10 o % clocik. • 24cOltATIL—On WealnewbaY.24l Inst., at his residence, Ire. 1911 Lombard street, Samuel McGrath. llue notice of the funeral will be glean. tf taintes..-At Mt. Belly. N. J. on Ta. sday evening February lA. Susan J wire n? E. sw an . an d daughter of the late William Chetwood; Esq., of Lei, .J. rimer - al frOrn the residence of her husband, on Friday, at o'clock P. M., without further notice. TAYLOII.—On the 3.1 inst., Eveline Cowlance, only daughter of Marmsduki. IL and Agnes G. Taylor, aged fear years. , , Funeral at her father's 'residence. 319 Market street, Camden * N J.. on ?Windily next, at,2 o clock: • . . . WISTA R.—On the 2tl 1114.. STlliarl N., widow of the late Bartholomew Wistar, of Philadelphia. , The funeral will take plme frOrn for lahs 1-evidence, on 'Wood tltreet. Burlington, N. J.. at half- past two o'clock, on lierenth-day.gth last., without further notice. I§ J4AG PLAID NAINSOOKS FOIL LA DIES' DIES' WRAPPERS. SATIN PLAID CAMBRIC& SOFT FINISH CA3IRRICS. NULLS AND FRENCH MUSLINIL ' SYNE dk LANDELL. SPECIAL .NOTICES." Our liently]llnde Clothing is no fine as ordinary Custom Work. . 0 a - E°' 0. ti o. is 0 0 z 0 4 g 2, re '1 JOHN I WANAAIAKER# a 2 a • B 818 and 820 js js 0 411 s gj * a ~ CHESTNUT STREET. i e , z rimless you have intopected it you will hardly believe oar Beady-rlade IF actin be as fine its It Is. 07 ACADEMY OF 'MUSIC,. THE STAB COURSE OF LECTURES, SECOND SERIES.. .pirgßoLEVar Y. NASBY, ON THURBDrtY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3. Subject—The Lords of Creation, or the Struggles of a Congers atice on the ‘Vomito's qUtßii9ll. RALI'li WALDO EMBRSoN, February 7. Subject—Social Lite in A rusrica. Res. E. It. CHAPIN, D. 1.1., February 10. Subject—The 801 l of Honor. GEO. W3l. CtiltTlS, Febrwitty 24. subject—Our National Folly—The Civil Prof. HENRY MORTON, February 28. Subject—Solar Er-lime/4. BAYARD TAYLOR, March 3. Subject—Reform and Art. • JOHN 0. SAXE, March 21. Subject—Preneh Folks at Home. Prot. ROBERT E. ROO ERS, March 24. Subject—Chernical Force.; in Nature and the Arta. ANNA E. DICKINSON; April T. ' Subject—Down Breaks. to each Lecture, 60 cent 4. Reseirsed Seats. 73 cents. Tickets to any of the Lectures for sale at Gould's Natio Rooms, 923 Chestnut street. from 11:A. H. to 5 P, M. . Doors open at T. Lecture at 8. fel. tf Pr" OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL AND CAMDEN AND A BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES PRILADELPItiA, Jan. 6, 1370. The holders uf the bearecrip in the above Companies are hereby notified that the time fur paying the last in stallment will expire February 10, 1810. At any time before that date It may be paid by those holding the re irpipts of lIICHARD 8. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier, or F. IS. CON ovlcri, Transfer Ageni,to Mr. TROWBBIDGR, at his °nice. who is authorized to receipt for the same , au the back rf the receipt for first Installment. .ifilo-tfe9rp RICHARD STOCKTON. Treasurer. [0 :. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. gjltt,ApisTriy,, January 25..1370., NOTICE TO STOOKHOLDERS.—The annual meet ing of the Stockholders Of this Company will be held on TUESDAY. the 15th day of Febritary,lB7o, nt 10 o'clock A. it., at the Hall of the Assembly Buildings, S. W. corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. The annual election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of &Duch, 1870, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South Third street. JOSEPH LESLEY, ja2stfelirpi Secretary. EYE AND EAR DEPARTMENT. The Phiiedeiphis Dispensary have opened an " Eye and Ear Department " at No. 315 South Seventh street (between Spruce and Pine), where diseases of the Eye and Ear are treated daily at 12 o'clock. ATTENDINCi HURCEONS. Dr. GEORGE STRAWBRIDGE, • ' • Dr. JOHN F. WEIGHTSIAN. • WM. F. ORIFFITTS, Promi.lent. fel iltrp* THOMAS,WISTAR, M.D., B..CY. ty. • BRANCH ORRICE REPI.TRL IC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CHICAGO, N. E. Corner Fifth and Wninnt. A semi.unnual dividend of Vivo Per Cent. Ilea boen •declared by the Directors. and is now payable at Chia • r • SABINE, ALLEN & DULLES, Managere. Branch Odic° Republic Fire Ins. Cu., Feb. 3, 1810. 163 th t 1}~ ! CITY TREASITIiEIf s S OFFICE. • PIIILADELPHCA, Fn. 1, 1870. Werratire?egiatered in 1868 or ltiti9 to N 0.60,000 will be I:Nc e i . on preiientation at-tbie fel-Strp§ City Tronnurer. . qua UPS GIRAAP STREET, "I'HRKIPM RUSSIAN AND PERFUMED BATHS, Departments for Ladles Bathe open from 6 A. PI. to 9 P.M. -- HOWARD HOSPITAL, 15TsagAUbardstree DfepeasiryD3ltnm eedloeltteeMentetlmedicile umishe gra mlouli to e. , —The Emperor Alexander the Second of Russia is recently said to have promised his consort, the Empress Maria, that he will henceforth drink no More spirituous liquors. It is reported, also, and generally believed at St. Peters burgh; that the Czar; although ho is known to be a very amiable gentleman when he is sober, repeatedly, •wherf under the influ ence of bad Russian whisky, to which he is very partial, grossly maltreated' his wife and other members of his family. —Thii Chillicothe (Ohio) leegtetar of the 29th says; Murdoch recited to a good house, who were satisfyingly entertained." . , . .. , . . . . ..• , . ..• • . '' - . • .. . . . , . . . . . . ~ . . , . . _ .. , _ . . , . .. .. . , . . . , . . . , .... . . . . .. . DIED. ad E 3 • c 4 h. o O 5, 0; rii Z . i A C a 1: 4.1 to 7 0 1 ..n. A - FIFTH EDITION. BY TEL EGRAPH. LATEST , FROM WASHINGTON: Senator Sherman's Currenoy Bill FROM BOSTON LABOR' REFORM' MOVEMENT Movements of Prince Arthur Senator Shertnan'a CurreilerSlLL By the American Press Aesocietion.j WASHINGTON, February 3.—Senator Sher man says the last clause of bh3 bill, passed by the Senate yesterday,prevente - contraction,and that it especially provides that there shall be no inflation. Comptroller Hulbunl Is of the same opinion with 3f r.Shernian. It Is believed the bill will pass through the House by . a close Vote. From Boston, LABOR REFORM. BOSTON, Feb. 3.—The labor-reform metnbers of the Massachusetts Legislature have united in a re:solfition to confine themselves in legis lation solely to matters pertaining to .labor reform, and not to become involved as a party in the question of woman suffrage or other doubtful measures. , PUENCE ARTUOJR. Apartments have been engaged b 3; Ed ward Thornton, at the St. James Hotel, 'for Prince Arthur and suite. 31ATEHIAL A petition to Congress to allow drawbacks on all imported material used in ship-building is receiving signatures in Boston. Movements of Prince Arthur: [Br the American Press Asociation.j. Youn, Feb.'&l.—Prince Arthur, by invitation 'of. Major•(;eneral McDowell, made a tour ofitispection, to.day, around . the forts in the harbor, And 'at eleven o'clock pro ceeded to Governor's Island, where he was received .. witht a royal salute. He then proceeded to the other fort 4. At noon he lunched at. Fort Wadsworth. He will re turn at .; and dine with Mr. Belmont. ThiS evening the 'Prince will attend the Charity Ball at the Academy of. Music. The Brooklyn Election Fraudit—.Their limesilgotion Ppstponed. [Fry t) a A mtirienn PrPsi/ Ativioc;iatiouj Feb. 3.--,The Oyer and Termi ner Conrt to-day postponed the election fraud eases. .They - will go over to the nest Ortn. The Gold Pante Investigation : I.lly the American Piese Association.] WAsn ii:nroN, Feb. 3,—Mr. Garfield's Bank ing Commime examined more telegraph ope rators to-ilay as to. Mr.- Boutwell's telegrams during the September gold panic. Forty-first Consress—Second Session. tity the American l'lrOtl9 AMOCLItiOII.I ll'AstrisoroN, Feb. 3. SBNATE.—Mr. Morton presented a memorial from the members of the bar of Indianapolis asking that the salaries of the judges of the District Court of that State be increased. A large number of memorials- were pre sented for the abolition of the franking privi lege. , • Mr. Edmunds presented a petition from the widows of soldiers of the United States now residing in the Republic ofSwitzerlaud, asking pensions. 'Referred. Id,r. Pomeroy presented, memorial; for the removal of disabilities.' Referred. ) M r. Hamlin reported back the bill anienda, tory of the act to regulate the Postal service. It was moved that it he indefinitely postponed. I • So ordered. M r. Chandler introduced a bill to reorganize the Marine Hospital service. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Trumbull introduced a bill in relation to the Supreme Court of the District of Cd lumbia. Referred. Mr. Abbott, a joint resolution setting forth that in certain States the civil authority is inadequate to suppress lawlessness, and ra questing that the Committee on .Judiciary inquire into the laws in the said States, with a view to the better protection of human. life, and report as to the expediency of providing for a national police force in the said Stater wherever the local laws are Inadequate to the enforcement of public order. Agreed to.. Mr. Kellogg offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Commerce to inquire into the - expediency - of - abolishing certain ports of delivery. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Morrill, the • Senate took up the bill to transfer the unexpended bal ances of the Navy Department to the Bureaus of Construction and Eagineering, whose appropriations have been exhausted. Mr. Sherman advocated the bill in a few brief and practical remarks.' Mr. Morrill explained the bill at length, and stated the reasons why the appropria tions for the bureaus referred to had been e.- hausted. Mr. Chandler opposed the bill, contending that it was a dangerous precedent to transfer the funds in the manner proposed. Mr. Morrill said that the committee had shown clearly that there was a deficiency of four millions in the appropriation •of these two bureaus. Mr. Cragin said the fact was that one half of the expendltaites of the navy yards occurs in the' Bureaus of Construction and RepairS. Last summer it - was found that numerous war vessels required extensive repairs, aud it was necessary to expend the money to keep the navy afloat. These vessels coming home from distant stations have not received the necessary repairs since the close of the war. He supported the bill and contended that it should_ be passed at once,'', if our' war ships are to be kept in Condition for service. Mr. Trumbull opposed the bill as dangerous and nnnecessary, and wanted to know how it was that now the war is over and peace prevails several. thousand workmen arse needed to build vessels of war., Mr:Trumbull was interrupted • by the expiration ' of the morning hour- The bill:extending the time of completion of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad was read the third time and passed. Mr. Conkling yielded the floor to allow 14. Morrill's bin tp be disposed of; and ML Cragin addressed the Senate in relation to,the neces sity of re airing our naval vessels. The bin was further discussed by • Messrs. Conkling, Nye, Davis,,Saalsbury, Morton aqd Fowler. , Mr. Morrill (Vt) moved to - amend so as o provide that 'no higher rate Of wag s for like service shall, be paid • by the Go - ernment than ,is paid by private citizens kn their.respectiveiecalitles. Agreed to—YeaS, 29 ; nays .22. Mr. 'Wilson moved that the bill be laid over informally to allow the Senator - frOm Wise° - sin (Carpenter) to make some remarks. Mr. Carpenter read an Mr:: address u ov i e J r a e ntia relati y to the bill .reported by 3, llth,.to more effectually preserve thefieutr 1 relations of. the United States. • ,• NOVBE.—Mr. Fitch's substitute to, the "bill aiding in' the construction of a railroad from , Mobile'to the boundary of Louisiana was or dered to be printed and recommitted. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Ways and Means td inquire into the expediency of levying a per capita tax of two dollars and, fifty cents on dogs, The bill repealing the fourth section of the , act of M arch 34 1869, in relation' to additional' ' bourties,waS passed. - , • It gives to all musicians, wagoners, artifi cern, etc., or to their widows, one hundred dollars additional bounty, and those who en: , ; listed for one year the same as. those who en listed for two. A memorial was presented from the Consul at Vienna, asking an increase of - salary. Re ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. • The bill granting lands to aid the Minnesota and Missouri River Railroad was referred The resolution instructing the Committee. on Banking and Currency to inquire into the' expediency of so amending the law as to give. all persons privilege of banking on bonds of the United States was adopted. • The Rouse resumed the consideration of a resolution calling on the President for infor mation do his, possession in relation to the treatment of Ainericau citizens held in for eign prisons. Mr. Willard, of the Committee on Foreign AEairs, said he was satisfied the resolution would never have been reported did not no many members on this floor represent Irish constituencies. Ire was in favor ot.the thorough protection of American citizens, 'but , when such a citizen wakes his appeal rho Must 'be • able to show himself innocent of unlawful enterprises against foreign gov ernments. We must do unto other govern ments as we would have them do unto us.. The voice of the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Swann) in favor . of the resolution sug gested the contrast of 15 years ago, when he rallied to the cry of "Americans for America." Mr. Swann corrected Mr. Willard and de nied the statement. 4130 O'Clook. Mr. Wilkinson differed entirely_ from Mr. Willard, and endorsed the resolution in letter and spirit. It was a question of humanity.' He did' not inquire whether the offences of the Fenians were committed in this country or in England. We are bound to inquire into their treatment, for the interest of humanity and decency, if they are citizens of the - United States. Mr. Willard said he was not surprised at the expression of sympathy for the Fenian insttr gents by men who had or expected to have their Votes. Mr. Cox said Mr. Willard was the first man to give a partisan character to the debate of a resolution 80 entirely devoid of political cha rade; and the Committee had hoped that the action of the Howe would be unanimously in favor 'of the inquiry proposed. • Mr. Wood proceeded to urge the adoption of the resolution, when the morning hour ex pired. Mr. Butler, from the Committee on Recon struction, reported an act for the admission of 3fifsissippi to representation in Congress. It provides that officers shall, within thirty days after the passage of, the act, take the oath similar to that preScribed in the case of Virginia, and also that the constitution shall never be altered or amended to exclude any citizen from suffrage,-school privilege or right to hold office on account of race or color. Mr. Butler explained that the bill was sub stantially the same as that admitting Virginia. Mr. Reck offered a substitute omitting the. conditions imposed and merely reciting that Mississippi has adopted a constitution • repub lican .in form Sand is therefore entitled to repretientation. Rot agreed to—yeas 85, nays' 8. Messrs. , Fitch, Logan, Garfield, Farn.v, worth and other Republicans voted aye. The 'question then recurred on the original bill, which was passed by a,Vote of yeas to :Xi nays. The Steamer Brunette Ran Down by the steamier Santiago 'De Cuba—Two Lives Lost. . . On Tuesday afternoon at 6 o'clock the steamer Brunette, Capt. Doane*, left the Loril lard Steamship Dock, bound to Philadelphia. She was laden with an assorted cargo, and about three-quarters full. including officers there were thirteen souls on board. Nothing of interest occurred until about 20 minutes past 10, when a steamer was noticed bearing down for the Brunette. . She proved to be the Santiago de Cuba, Capt. Jones, bound from Bavre, France,_ to this port, going at the rate of about six knots an hour, and having on board a cargo not exceeding 600 tons. The statements respect ing the immediate cause of the collission, which took place about 10!i o'clock, are con flicting, but it seems the Brunette attempted to cross the bows of the Santiago de Cuba, and, failing to do slain time, the two vessels 'collided, sand the:former sunk in less thauten minutes. The 'disaster occurred off Squaw Beach, but .a little distance off shore. The Santiago de Cuba. had crossed the Atlantic Ocean by the southern route and fell in with the land to the southward, working her way up along the beach, while the Brunette was taking the inshore route going down. every effort was made on board of both ves sels to avoid the disaster. by .reversing the en= gines, but the orders were given too late, and the Santiago de Cuba struck the Brunette a terrific blow in the port broadside, completely crushing her in and keeling her over to star board. Stout as the Santiago de Cuba is;she trembled from stem to stern with the concus . - sion, while the Brunette splintered with the thrust like match sticks.: "Within a minute four of the Brunette's people clambered over the bows of the Cuba, and were safe. RI an minute both crews busied them Selves in lowering each a boat. Seven of the crew of the 'Brunette entered their boat, and with the boat of the Santiago 'de Cuba' they went in search of any who might be in the water, as all hands left in such a hurry that it was not known at the time who really were missing. Scarce had the boats been launched when the Brunette went down. Nearly an hour was spent in pulling around listening for distress hailing - 8 but at the end of . that time the boats were hoisted on board of the 'Santiago de Cuba, and she headed for New York. Op mustering the crew of the Brunette, it was found , that George A. , Caleman'andJameS McCarthy, one a seaman and the other a fire man, had perished. SOQII after the collision occurred the pumpii of the Santiago de Cuba were sounded, and it was found that she was leaking. The donkey was set to work and full , speed given to her. She arrived yesterday morning, and made fast fb the dock of the Liverpool and ,Grelit Western Steam Company, Pier No. 46 North Myer. Most Of the crew of the Brunette arp Philadelphians, and they left for that town last night. The injuries to the Santiago de Cuba are of a serious character, but, being below the water line it is impessible to ascertain `the extent., The . stern is badly started, and it ,is believed the planking is likewise. The copper is badly torn, A. Tribune reporter was, on board late last and foilnd the ship in charge of thb third.oilleer and the entire engineer ford() of the vessel. The main engines were workin iit good speed,and the donkey-migines, as we as the outboard injections, were throwin heavy streams of water,and with the who e p steam power. of. the „vessel at'..work .it.. w barely possible to keep the ship free. Pot tunately - for shippers she has a small cargo cif goods not liable to damage, and se far,it is believed, no , damage hatc beeri, done to the The 'Brunette was a "acre propeller Of, 4. OUR WHOLE coUNlitY. PHILAD4I.,PIIIA, THURSDAY, FEBItUAItY . 3, 1870 DISASTERS. COLLISION ,AT SEA. tons, built at Wilminton, Del., in 1867, was owned by Jacob Lorillard, Jr., and was em ployed in the trade between New York and Philadelphia. She is said to have 'been in t.ured. The Santiago de Cuba is a fine paddle wheel steamer of 1,627 tons; was built by Jere Simomon, at Greenpoint, in 1861,and was em ployed by the Navy Department as a Cruiser timing the rebellion. After the war she was purchased by the opposition line totialifornia, and when that projegt, was abandoned she was employed in Euger's European Line, plying between this port, Southampton,Havre, Bre men and Copenhagen. It will b decided to day whether she will be discharged where she lies, or be taken on the dry dock and receive temporary repairs. ---41'. Y. Tribune. THE VirYNOCICEE MYSTERY. The Wyble Children Wound Dead Near Their Biome—.The Bodies Discovered is the Shadow of a. Itock.—The Crows Circling Above the . Dead Children-- . Grief et the Wybles. It will be remembered that we announced some time ago the mysterious disappearance of three children named Wyble from their' home near Wynockie, N. Y. . The Paterson Guardian has the following about the matter: The three lost children . of • Wyble,the Wynockle hoop-pole cutter,. have at last been found by accident. Mr. William Ramsey was in the neighborhood of Wynockie yesterday morning with a 'friend, and while walking along the foot of a mountain some two •miles distant from. the Wy ble hut, saw alarge num ber of crows flying around a spot near by, be tween which and themselves a huge rock rose up so as to effectually conceal what was be yond it.. The noise raised by the birds was so great, and their persistence so unusual, that Mr. 'Ramsey and his companion hastened for ward to see what had. , caused the hubbub. Arrived at the spot, they, raised a shout of dismay, for there before' them lay the dis figured bodies of the three children who had been searched for so long. The eldest, a boy - ten years, lay "on the ground a few yards from the rock, his clothes showing marks of heavy rains anti changing weather that have prevailed since New Year's day, and his face and hands badly torn by the crows. Under a shelf of the rock and close against its surface were the two ;younger children. Mr. Ramsey •at once hastened for assistance, and with the aid of sonic of the neighbors carried the bodies to the nearest - house, from which they were to be coaveved to the hut on the mountain. The sad tidings were taken by the neighbors to the Ifliyhles, who received the report, it is said, with a mixture of grief at the misfortune Made certain, and of joy at having the suspicion. cleared from them. This event is naturally the theme now for conversation throughout. the neighborhood. The funeral will take place to-day, and will he attended by a great crowd. POLITICAL: WHO SHALL SVCCEED VATVELL ? Tbe Coming Fight over the New Jersey Senatorship-4310e Outlook for the Be. publicans-.. West Jersey versus East Jersey—Secretary Robeson Cattell's Right Bower. Titifx•roN, Feb. 2.—One cannot be here long without discovering that the chief concern of the leading persons in both political parties is the United States Senator to be elected in 1871. to succeed the Hon. A.G. Cattell, whose tertn expires on the 4th of March, 1871. Mr. Cattell desires to he his own successor. EX-Senator-Frelinglinymen and the Hon. G. F, Cobb, who now represents Morris county in the State Senate, are also .Republi ettn candidates for the same place. In view of the result of the elections in this. State during the last ten years, it is by no means sure that the Republicanparty will-have the power to elect anyone; if they shall, the chances will be 'largely with Senator Cattell. The main :strength numerically of the Re publican party in this State is in " West Jer sey,", and there Senator Cattell has and will have almost a monopoly of the Republican members. By the influence of Senator Cattell and his friends, the Hon. George W. Robeson was made Secretary of • the Navy. Secretary Pohe.son is the devoted champion of Senator Caton. It is obvious, therefjre, that all the patronage and influence of the Federal Ad-' ministration will be exerted to aid CattelPs re election. With the We.st Jersey members and 'the Federal Administration against them, neither,,Frelinghuysen nor Cobb can make any considerable show. on the:Democratic side the candidates - are more numerous. I find the following names used: Ex-Governor Joel Parker, Governor Randolph, the Hon. N. Perry, General a Theo dore _Runyon, and Jacob Valletta, Esq. As boll the present United States Senators are from West .Jersey; as ex-Governor Parker re sides in West Jersey; as the bulk of the population, wealth, business and Demo cratic strength of the State are in East Jersey, and as. the East. Jersey Democrats claim, on all the grounds above mentioned, that the next Senator shall be chosen from their part of the State,"it:is highly probahle that these considerations will practically ex.,- elude ex-Governor Parker from the contest. The other four reside in East Jersey, Runyon and - Perry in NeWark, and Gov.' Randolph and Vanatta in Morristown. All except Vanatta were originally Whigs. Gen. Runyon went over to the Democrats in 18:56. Mr. Perry went over about the same .time, and Gov. Randolph went over about 1;461. Gen. Runyon, since he joined the Demo crats, has been Mayor orNewark, and in 1865 was the Democratic nominee for the Gover norship. He was defeated by Gov. Ward, Mr. Perry was twice elected to Congress from the Fifth District by the Democrats. Gov. Randolph, after he joined the Demo cratic party, represented Hudson county in the State Senate four years, and in November, 1868 . , he was elected Governor. His term will explre in January, 1872. Vanatta, although an active Democrat for nearly twenty-live years, has never held any public Office except to represent one of tho Morris county .districts in the • House of Assembly in .1862 mad 1863. In 1863, when the Democratic Legislative caucus met to nominate a candidate. •for United States Senator, the, candidates before the• caucus were the Hon. Wm. Wright, Jacob Vanatta, Esq., Chancellor Williamson, the Hon. Jas. W. Wall, and . the Hon. 1. F. Randolph, the present Governor: After many ballots ' one after another of the candidates ran out until the only ones left were Mr. Wright and Mr. Vanatta. Mr. . Wright was nominated on the last ballot... The vote was 23 for. Wright, 19 for Vanatta.. The opinion of the bestjudges now is that if the next Legislature is Democratic, • the real contest for Senator will na . ,rrow down to Gov. Randolph and Vanatta, with . the chances large/yin favor of the: latter, were it not for the wealth and official patronage.of the Gov erner.. • With these advantages on. the Gov . . ernor's side the contest is likely to be close, and' animated, and the result uncertititStlti: —Don Platt says : "I was in love once with a fat girl iShe was very fleshy. , She was enor mous, but the course of true love came to grief. I was sitting with her in the dim twi light one evening. T wa.s sentimental ;• I said many soft things ,• I embraced part of her. She seemed distant. She frequently 'turned her lovely head front me. At last I• thought I heard a murmur of voices on the other side. I arose and walked around; and then found another fellow:courting her on the left lank. j I was iudignant;,and upbraided her „for her treachery in thus concealing front me another love. 'She laughed at my conceit, as it she were not big enough Fto have, two Nvop,^ • . ! Novel Neon.* lu toe emanate , Chantloor....; •iine egro Sesator from INlsistousippt. The Washington correspendent of the New York Herald says: • Revels, the Mississippi Eenator, the first representative of his race and color chosen to: fill a lieatin the tipper branch of the National' Legislature, made his appearance again. to-'. day on the floor of. the Senate. Revels was dressed in a black suit of fine cloth, coat very long and clerical-like, and pants, and vest of corresponding proportions. He wore, dark gloves, also, and carried a mulatto-colored stick. The distinguished darks.) , made quite a sensation. The moment he came into the' Senate 'Chamber and took his seat on one of the. luxurious lounges, several Senators hur ried over to him, shook him warmly by the. band and welcomed him to his. new field of labor.' Charles Sumner was among the firsti to offer, In very hearty style, smiling, all over and saying a quantity of pretty': things, which the colored Senator heard, with genuine pleasure. It was a spectacle worth looking at to see Sumner and Revels thus practically illustrating the idea of politi cal and social equality. Thayer, Chandler, BOward, Cameron, Warner, Spencer, Drake,' Lewis, Howe and ether Senators paid thetr i respects. Cameron 'had quite a talk Witty Revels. Spencer, of Alabama, sat down with' Revels, and, while making his congratula tions, took a • full survey of the • ladies in the gallery, who were looking down upon' the scene, some with pleasure, and others with astonishment and horror. Spencer, you must I know, is a great favorite with the ladies. An effort was made to get . fiery little Garrett Davis to allow himself to be led into the presence of Revels for introduction, but the .live Kentuckian could not see it; neither could the fascinating MeCreery i col league of Davis, who clings to the old-time prejudices with true ante belluni tenacity. Revels, during all this time, conducted him self in a manner that left no room for adverse criticism. He was dignilled, polite, courteous and not near so proud as Sumner himself, whose humility is generally recognized. HAGGERTY TURNS UP Ike Tackles' a ,Nesr York Roues. The Haggerty alluded to in , the following report from the N.Y. Times is alleged to be the genuine "Jimmy" Haggerty for whom we •liave sighed in vain : A BARROOM FIGHT -BRODY THE ALIIOST KAL LED At the corner of Broadway and Houston street, within a stone's throw of the' Police Headquarters; acid but little ftirther • froth the Eighth Precinct Station House, is a basement saloon known as Plorenc'es,which has been for a long time a resort for thi eves,all perfectly welt known to the Police. This den was last night the, scene of a rencontre in which Reddy the Blacksmith was placed, if not permanently, at least for many weeks to come, beyond the possibility of doing anv harm of any kind whatever. "Reddy" was drunk, and as usual when in this condition, was quarrelsome. ,His propensity had.ample opportunity, for there were other thieves at hand who were also drunk and eqUally ready for alight. :Linder this coli-; junction of circumstances a fight speedily be-; gan. and was as speedily ended by "Reddy" being laid bleeding and insensible on the floor by a 'blow from' a huge glass, ,which laid open his forehead, And a tearful cut upon the left band, with which he caught a fragment of the glass as he fell. There was 'an immediate stampede of the thieves, and "Reddy" was found by the police an inanimate mass of blood-stained • flesh. He was caryied to the Eighth Precinct Station House. raptaiii 'Arc. Dermottsurnmoned asurgeou with all possible baste,,and by reason of hiA diligence there is great danger that "Reddy" will eventually recover. He will not,: however, soon boa ter ror to the streets again, as he was sentto Bellevue Hospital in a critical condition. The police did not make any arrest, nor even dis cover the name of the benefactor of the city ; but it was subsequently rumored that the per son entitled to the distinction is one Jimmy 'Haggerty an ominous bird of passage, having a nest in Philadelphia. THE FIFTEENTH AMENDUENT. It is Ratified at Last. To-day we are . able to announce that the Fifteenth Amendment'to the Constitution of the United States has been ratified by the re quired :number of States. Yesterday both houses . of the Legislature of Georgia recorded their votes by decisive majorities in its favor, and thus completed the list of twenty-eight Staten necessary. Nebraska and Teias are yet to record their vote in its favor; but these, although gratifying, are not necessary:: The States•which have declared that "the right of citizens .of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State, on account of race, color or ppre viotts of servitude; and that Con gress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate - legislation;" are : • - - - Alabama, Mississippi, ._.Arkansas, Connecticut, Nevada, Florida,. New Hampshire, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,lndiana, lowa, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Rhode Island, • Louisiana, south Carolina, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia, Michigan; West Virginia, Minnesota, Wisconsin. • , FATAL BOILE Destruction of a Stearn 711111. [From the Titusville Herald.] On Saturday last, a few minutes before nine, A. M., the large boiler in the mill of Mr. William Ray, in Eldred township, Warren eounty, some three and a half miles south,of Garland, exploded with a terrible report. There were four men at work in the mill at the time, and one of them, the engineer, Mr: Albert Vanslyke, was so badly scalded that he died froin. the effects about six hOura there after. He was about twenty-one years of age, and resided near Cherry Hill, krie county, He was a young man of great premise, and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. The Mill was entirely deniolished, nothing but the bare frame remaining stand+. ing ; and Etrange to say no one else was severely injured, although surrounded by fall,. ing boards and timbers. THE COURTS. Ovan AND TERMINER—Judges Allison and Paxson.—ln the case of Charles Geikler, charged with causing the death of David Seid man, the jury last evening rendered a verdict of not guilty. QtriillTEU SESSIONS—J - 114(1 .A.ll.l4ol2.—This morning assistant, District Attorney Dwight called, for trial the cases is which the lottery dealers are indicted. None answered when the names were called,and Mr. Dwight moved that the recognizances he forfeited. This was allowed, and that disposition was made of the' following cases William Parker, defendant. Surety, ld'adi. son Miller. Peter and Joseph Gallagher, defendants. Sureties, John Of Butler,, William D. Ken drick,' Henry Reinhard and JoSeph Shoei johnManderfl o ld, defendant. Surety,Jolin' R. Mauderficld. • rranottr M. Prevost ) . defeadaut, Surot3, lospp4 4boetuaker. , dotpriditint. agretV, J9leo 044,44eu*ker. , ' • ' • • t .-.• :1 I. REVELS. —Times EXPLOSION. F L.'irETHERSTON. PRICE THREE CENTS. 6 FOREIGN CORELESPONDENCX LETTER FROBIL HONE.' , Serena Night In Route...An lsrbut Etonian Winter Inty..-The Crows ,ot' XL Andrea =Aelle The Connell and the Gotrats...The papa, Ilia Bode Grounds. [Correenondence of the Philade/phis Zveniqa . BullettLi Roma, Jan. 16,1870.--T had not tifne,,or space last week to tell you, of my, liefana frolic. Bo fana night is the Vigil of Epiphany—'l'yrelfth lcight—and is what Christmas Eve is with us. The ilefana:ts somethinelike our ICrisslcinkle —not the Christ Child--but a jolly old punchl- , hello, who comes down chimneys to put, too, nuts and oranges in the good,child's stocking, or a wicked fairy who, leaves whips an,dstnnes for the bad. MY padrona, et' landlady, lias little nephew. His stocking on Befana Eve (yen see the word is an evident corrtipt494 of _Epiphany) was hung by the'kitohen chimuey.. About 9 o'clock I heard a terrible , bOngieg• and rang to know the cause of the clatter. " Oh, Signorina, we were only frightening little Ciriaco. We beat 'on the chimney. to pretend Befatial6B corning. He crept down in the bed, shut his eyes and stopped.his ears," For if Refana, the wicked fairy, comes and finds the children awake, there is no knowing what terrible thing may happen. Poor little Ciriaco ! My resolution was made the and there. When I returned from St. Eustache that midnight I brought him aline brass trum pet, a gorgeous gilt watch and chain, and some droll little earthen toys peculiar to the Roman Befana, birds, beasts, flowers,and cup ning little bells whose clappers even ace earthen, so that the child 'might be sure jolly Punch had driven th 3 hateful oldliefana fairy away. The headquarters of Befana is the Alone, or district of St. Eustache ; the centre of hilarity is the Piazza fronting the church which giy,es the name to the district. This :district is the very centre of the Campus Martins; the ,Oen oral Post Offico--which is in that beautiful Palazzo Madame that was built for Catharine de Medici in 1642—the great Churches S. Andrea della Valle, S. Agostino andS. , Carlo or Catinari, and the Valle and: Argentiha theatres,are in this Rione. Booths areereCiAta around the Piazza St.Eustache,and also along some of the streets of the quarter or district. At night-fall the frolic begins. Men, •women and boys fill the streets, scream at the top,,of their langs, blow every species of trumpet or whistle, shriek, ,and make every unearthly sound in your ears ; and if you do not take ; at good-naturedly they pursue you with deafening yells. With these inharmonious noises are mingled the cries of the vendors of toys. 1 , A man was selling some little dolls, whose heads, legs and arms wagged in, a very droll manner. His vociferous cries attracted our attention. He was quite dratnatic,too, as these cormoon Romans are apt to be. Wo bought some of his dolls; then gave him a half paul.• five cents-to repeat his cry for our amusement. This he did with a merry vengeaupe which made the crowd laugh loudly, and sent us, off to another part of the piazza ,qtlickly, with enough wit for our money. , "Lords and ladies," he cried vigorously, "Look ! Here is a popazza puppet which, wags its head and legs and has never a shirt to. lts back. These for es,tieri , wish me to tell you about it! All for one franc!" Then he reiterated the state of nudity, ia a variety of jolly, coarse ways, with a wicked twinkle of his : eye and a voice that ,was.liko seaman's truinpet. As far as we 'went, T we could hear hire above the noise of the crowd. At eleven o'clock in the,evening the Character of the crowd changed, The. 9,/{9l'n•t'S tS over, and the, g entry and nobility poured into St. EttsMehe. - These were, quite as ~noiSyl,aaul quite as merry as the condition ''people. Many a pleasant rencontre betwe,Oia — friends. ,wa s made. We rang the droll little eartlieru , bells in each other's ears, tried to break, those: ,or our neighbors; and to make as much, tioise. as ,possible. All the-evening the crowd,. whether composed of gentle or siMple, Was very good-, natured. - The luirthwas - as - catching as au epi demic, and was as exhilarating as a surf 'bath in the ocean. It made even the most proper Among us 'mad with frolic'. and fun. :The streams of peoPle poured up - snit down the various streets • leading into the Piazza . Eustaehe like great waves, all sereaining and shouting; and the first thing we knoW doing just the same—laughing, 'shrieking, blowing trumpets, and ringing the little earthern bells. „ • , The weather is growing finer. St. • 14biani, to whose ill-humor it appears that we ONVO ads bad weather, seems to be appeased. A brisk, invigorating tramontaue is blowing; the streets look like a floor—they are m:• drY and white ; and the sky is as clear as only aßoman sky can be. I have just been looking from my window. It is only seven o'clock in the morn ing; the towers of the Trinita del - Monte are like sharp cut work on a pietra Ora, and the fond of the eplestial onyx is streaked with rosy bars. The leaves of the Tindall tree-tops, just seen above the 'lenses, are as distinct as in' a Perugino picture. The crows aro Meng the Villa llorgtcse back to their day haunt— .the :tower. of ISt ; Andrea della ifratte,: Thine crows are a curious study, and I wish I under- stood. The mystery`of their government. They are as sOleran, importau , awl secret as gar Chleutneuical Couneil ; for the poor reporters, alter all their groping and peering, and catoh. ing every ward that from drops a preltite's lips, are about as wise as lam iii;,rfkg,r4,to the crows who behave so strangely„ pn via Chnrelkcampanile. • They (the crows, I mean—not the,. Connell- Fathers) stay all day in this curintls room:shaped tower of San Anclre4'dt*grate. This church stands at the end c tbo Via de Ptopaganda at the junction tif Carlo . le:,Case and Vie St. Sylvestre. is fatuous Syr' the Ratisboinie miracle, of which, if you feel curi ous, you cin learn, allsaboirt in 810. Cumin's interesting but rather sentimental , book, ir Itklt dune Seeur.'" , 'Bat I must not wander ofF from my qb'ws— r tny 'eroirS=4.ll - mention of grevien'sfwOrk malies rue-Virlsh to diverge into a feminine pareutheAla about Cruia Margarita, i(erillte the A1'0)111414) txew ',Lark ePincti , a l :r o o4 'o Uce . . The c1 . 0.w 8 . bowever, l are wortlt dqopribmg., Many, ,: an, evening at sunset and for auitour ACT I Wen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers