'=";.? THE COURTS. s, ~ f , . ~_. Telma of the Brooks AlmaHants. 1.-KtglitarrEtt SEssiortt3-4adge ;Ludlow.- - mite .. 'art met at theppolnted hat' yesterday af ,,,,tternOon, and the ta ki ng of testimony was nt - AA'!iittmed. : : ~, , • '' . ,z . ,'',V , ;_Thomas - Hughes, sworii—l was in the ' city .04! 93. the day - Alr. =rooks was shot; I know 'i.,,,,t•r- antes Dou g herty; I see him in-the dock; I : ''* also' know - Hugh Mara, 'and see ,him in the, ;dock; I saw them on the day Mr. Brooks was -`shot, in Front street, west side, above Arch; t y , '';`,;- : .were then standing on tbe pavement of p 41,1,6 lager beer saloon just belo w Keenan's store; ti* was froth ten to fifteenininutes past twelve '',,1, - AtiOehick; 'I Saw a carriage , standing on the east '-aide 'of 'Front street, and near by it was. a ',.:', e' .4:,' - ,lotEng man called Neil McLaughlin,and I spoke ~,A- . ^. ; ti‘1 11111 ;, While I was talking with MeLatigh -530, Dougherty and Mara were; standing ,on . 1;1: . Abe,othor side of the way; I 'did not speak to - ' 3 ' - them at that t ime •as I was going down Front a,.?Street. ' ,;; I saw them on the cast side, on the i. paternent oaf the barber 'shop; I think the ‘.tzeccind dlsci,rfnah - lbe . corner, below Arch street ; 1 went down and ,spoke. to Mara,,say-: t"' e. lug; ollow do you do,. Hughy;'' h 6 made some ,4, *ply which I did not understand; Mara and #(? to upOerty were together; I didn't - see Dough 7'.K eitrdo anything 'except talking With' Mara; this was not more than five minutes after I ~;-', ''' was talking with. McLaughlin; subiequently I ''."•:j!.-1 otW' Neil McLaughlin standing in Christian 47 ;' . street, above Seventh; 'next I saw Hugh Mara ,' , "'i„' standing on the west side of the ,street, above ,: Fitiwiiter - 1 judge it, was about three - o'clock _ ', r -',,,w len I saw McLaughlin and i ara ; e a er ~ o.l6.,Sitting in a chair in front of . a taVern ; Weil ' McLaughlin was, going up Eighth street, 'on the west side • I next saw tDenglierty coming down Fifth street, , I Abte Fitzwater; 1 did not speak to 'him; this t J o was'tWo or three minutes after I had seen %Mara cin' Front street, Dougherty had on a L..._,!.dark..coat_ and dark, pants ;.,1.. am _..poSiiike _these things I have described occurred on the same day Mr. Brooks was shot, the fith of Septem ':- " ... ber; I saw Dougherty, Mara and McLaughlin . , on the 2d, of September, Thmsday ; they had a carriage with two horses in it, in Seventhstreet, A between 6 - amen' and Walnut streets; I saw ,14 - o,McLaughlin drive the carriag e away; I 'saw Dougherty and Mara crossing from the east to '"'• the west side of Sarisom street; they got into ) the carriage, and Neil McLaughlin drove it --- away from SeVenth into Walnut, and down - ' Walnut; this was about four or five o'clock; I atu not positive that. I saw them between Thursday and Monday. Cross-examined-1 am a cooper by trade ; 1 follow it when I get work at it; I haven't had work for about seven weeks or ^so ; 1 have done nothing since then; about eighteen or nineteen months ago 1 was driving a hack; ' , 7' since then I have worked at my trade and sold oysters,; I had a little money to live on in the ...: meantime; lam a married man with four - , children; I. gave:this information the morning after this occurred to Mr. Tryon ; A . 4 ,- know nothing of the reward am to receive; I have been 1. •lung at Woodbury; went to board there about a week ago ; I don't know who is pay ing my board; I have seen Mr. Tryon there; I went there with a gentleman from Glouces ter, who, 1 believe, is a relative of Detective • Franklin ; 1 haVe said nothing of this to any l i ' other officer than Franklin or , Tryon.. Re-examined—Before f went to New Jersey I was arrested by process from; as I under stand Alderman Devitt. • ' Mr. Mann objec et 6 • us. Mr Dwight offered to prove that the prisoner .. had been arrested by process from Alderman Devitt ;-that that his,constable handed him over to ' - a man named Bob Lyster Smith, who gave him money to go to Tyrone, With a man named Franey, who conducted him to the Fourth S\ and and there had hint, 'change his clothes ; " and, while .he' was changing, he slipped away and went to Officer Tryon. The court oveiTuled the oiler, and the •'• witness was dismissed. Neil McLaughlin being called, was led to the box' by Lieutenant N Wacky, and being sworn, ~• testhied-1 remember that Mr. Brooks was ' shot on Monday. September 0 ; I know James Dougherty ; [looking at the prisoners] ; these are not the men 1. had in the carriage that day; they were bigger men than these ; I got ;,,e -quainted with these prisoners hi New York ; the fist place wherctt saw these men was New York. at Mr. Murray's, about two or three weeks ago; I was introduced to theni by a young man named "Bottles ; I never knew a 'Hugh Mara or JaMes Dougherty in Philadel plds: I did not see them on the morning of Sept. 6,0 n the day Mr. Brooks was shot; li did not see them at Seventh and Christian streets on the same day,after Mr. Brooks was shot; I did not see those two men in the dock on the day Mr. Brooks was shot; I never saw them in Phila delphia before ; the first time I ever saw them was at johnny Murra.y's, in Amity street, below Broadway. in New York; we went out one Sunday afternoon to take a walk, and . they were arrested and locked up with me in a station-house, and I was taken away' from them : I was in Front street on the day Mr. Brooks was shot ;1 was in that neighborhood about ltlf-past eleven o'clock ; I was in Front street, above Arch, with my car riage; 1 was • engaged about eleven o'clock by two gentlemen, at Walnut street - •', • . . d-one to drive to Front and Ar'cli streets: I never saw the two men before, but I would know them if I should see them again that was thejirst dine I had ever seen them ; after I had been waiting there half an hour or an hour, they came and gut into the carriage, and told nie to drive as faSt as I could to Fair :mount Park; I . don't -knew where they came , • froth : a gentleman came running after them; I 2. r .:, drove off as.fast as I could . ; 1 couldn't tell what t. tile man's intentions were with the pistol ; I I droVe to Fairmount Park, where the two • men . Sgotout and paid rue.. Question by Mr. Dwight—Did you ever ' make a statement, about' this matter before? .':'a,:' A. Yes: ~•.' , Mr. Mann objected to the question, on the ;,, .`ground that the Conunonwealth could- not, ,; :• .- ' gross -examine or impeach her Own witness. ',: - .' Attire Ludlow said this was an exception to t L • . - the rule, and the Commonwealth - 110 a right to - 17? t,. cross-examine the witness. - • ''' - >'' ' Mr. Dwight asked for an indulgence until he should send to bring the Mayor into court. This was, of course, allowed, notwithstanding the objection of Mr. Mann, who said he thought the object was to intimidate the witness by the presence of the Maym;. The witness continued—The carriage I drove lielifinged 3:o Mr. KieWin, in Fitkwater street, above Seventh ; .on the Saturday before this Monday I saw. these two men that I drove on Monday; they engaged me at Walnut street, ' iitittif, and I drove *am in Front street ; I had seen them the Thursday before,and•had driven Them hi the track ;on Saturday I stopped the Carriage at Front and Arch; they got out and went away; and then came back; 1 then drove them to Seventh and Walnut, where they got out and paid ; - on Saturday afternoon these men got,Me at Walnut street wharf, and 1 drove thdm to Front and Arch 'and Front and Race, then to Seventh and Walnut ; I saw the same men on Friday afternoon at Walnut street wharf, and drove them to Point Breeze Park; :stayed there until the races were , over, brought them back to Ninth and Race, streets, where they got out and paid me;' on , • •• Thursday I was doing a funeral; in the after , nifoill drove them along Front street to Cal then to. Chestnut, - then to Ninth and ' • ; Race streets; I saw them on Tuesday before ' that at Walnut street wharf; that was the first 41 ; i ever saw them; 1 drove them in Front; g,,CS'7..ff‘treet every day from Tuesday until Monday_ ; I ..don't know who they were ; I bare never told anybody who they were, for I 111401, ; know; I now say those two men were , not hlugh Mara-nor James Dougherty ; 1 made • a;.fstateMent, and if 1 did say they were , I was ~ , :•sai.e.(l the way 1 had been arrested ; I never 14-)1d: anybody that the -men 1- drove around • ~ were Thigh Mara and Jaws Dongrhqty; k.• A , I=Q;= *side of my statement, never said these:men. were the prisoners; I Made a .stritenient tO the Mayor, Mr. Tryon and Mr. Franklin; In 'par or my statement I told the'.MayOr the men ;. droVe on those six,-days were Mara andi!ongh-, erty, and hi another part "James Jones'i'and' 'Henry Stratton; I made oath to this Statement; I told him that Jones. and Stratton Were , rested with me in I' York; ifferwarda,whert the name was mentioned, I told him that Mara: and Dougherty were arrested with me in New York; I knew the prisoners in New York'its James, Dougherty and Hugh Mara; I did not see them at Coney Island before'. went '.:11.p to New York; I told the Mayor I was at Coney Island ;;I: told him that I had met : Some per sons at''ConeY Island. Mr. Maim again raising an objeCtion to this and arguing it at length, Judge Ludlow saidit Was competent to prove the statements made. before the Mayor, and if they were contradiO. tory to. what "was, now stated, ..to prove the *statements' thendelveS.: - ••c - ' - The 'witness resumed: . I*ill say RIO, fast time .I ever saw these two` men in the dock,was in New Friday,: before . I was arrested; I .don't'. know, what 'L.• told the Mayor; I don'tknow Whether ;,I told, him they-were with meat COneylsland;l - migh(' have told him so, but I didn't see them there I say I never' saw these ; at -Coney' Lsland den't:knew what I ',told ,the I,ia or, for I was scared;; After I ,Ocaie.,froni„Tair.. mount Park L went Othe .13oftinfore,12, 1 ePcitatid. tlienceto the,. stable; .1 hadnobody in mrear riage from the'Parktci the stable;l drove Christian street to Ninth, ',up Ninth to 'Fitz; water, an own r zwa!•r e fle - 7t • I went:borne, and after*ArdSto Walnut street , wharf, 'and' then id the Market 'street wharf; I, Was walking ;• I Went to , Ninth 'and Chestriut;', p J ataYed Morning,' and then rode home', with a young man named Smith ;‘ Robert Lys-.. ter Smith,Was in the carriage ; it was about two &Clock Tuesday morning when we left Ninth. fltirlstlat/4_wewent , to Seventh and Shi >- pen,. waited for Mr. Smith, and drove hird home, and then went home about four o'clock: and went to bed; I got up about eight o'clock and looked at the paper; I saw what was in it. and stayed at home until nine o'clock, and then left home by the 2.25 train for New York; -I stayed over night in New York and tlen went to Troy, where I stayed two weeks or so .stayed in New York over night and then Went to 'Cauek„lsland ; SaNif nobody there that' knew 1 came back to New Y ork on the Fri day before 1 was arrested; Hugh Mara, James Dougherty anvil "BottW - were with me when t wos arrested. Cross-examined—When I was arrested in New York they told meit was for a bank rob berv. Cornelius Napheys, sworn—l am in business at No. 116 N. Front, street; I remember the day Mr. Brobks was shots about I.l'f- o'clock iu the morning I eaw a carriage standing on the east side of Front - street.; a young man was sitting on the box ; again I saw it at 12 o'clock in front of our door ; the same ybung man was still with it ; I was standing at our desk about a quarter after 12, and saw the driver get off his box and open the carriage door; lie resem bled the.young man who has just testified; lie then got on the bok ag,fn, took the reins and whin in his hand, and looked towards Keenan's store; I went to the front door and saw three men run out of Keenan's, store; the first man entered the carriage, and the other two had to run a few paces before they could get in, and Mr. Brooks came running after them; the car riage drove oft rapidly as soon as the first man entered ; occurred so quicklY — thAt - 1 — could not recognize the men. ' W. J. Thorman, doing business in Front .street, above Arch, corroborated the statement •of the precediog witness, but could not iden tity the prisoners as the men who were with the carriage, though he thought Dougherty bore a strong resemblance to one Of them. Policeman Thomas Snyder sworn—l know the two prisoners ; on the day of this shooting I saw them at Devitt's about one o'clock in the 'afternoon; they were there .from one until three, when 1 went away. Detective Franklin recalled—l have stated that I saw Mr. Brooks on the day he was shot ; f was coming down Callowhill street, between Second and Front, when the carriage driven by McLaughlin turned into Callowhill street. He dashed by me, whipping the horses. Detective Tryon, sworn—l was with Mr. Franklin on this nay ; he and I called to Mc- Laughlin to stop, and lie drew up the reins anti! he had passed, but thep put the whip to ' the horses and drove as that as ever; I pursued the carriage out Spring Garden street, but did not overtake it. Mayor Fox, sworn-1 am Mayor of the city of Philadelphia ; 1 have seen Neil McLaughlin; 1 saw him to-day on the witness stand ; I had seen him several times before ; he has made a statement to me of the circumstances of the shooting of James J. Brooks; that statement is in my own handwriting, to which he has affiXed his quark or signature, I do not recol lect which, under oath ; lie has made a second statement, additional to the first, the body not in my handwriting, which was read to him by me to know whether they were the facts ; to which he also affixed his, mark or signature under oath. Mr. Dwight here offered thestatementwhich Mr. Mann objected to. The Judge refused to admit it to go to the jury, but consented to -allow the Mapit to detail ii written document. The Mayor resumed—Neil McLaughlin said he was the driver of a carriage belonging to Michael Kirwin ; with that carriage, on Mon day, Sept. 0 ' he was at Walnut street wharf; while there he was employed by two men, - who ordered blur to drive - to the base ground; he started up Walnut street mull he get a little west of Front, with the two men in side, when one of them, he didn't know which, said : "Driner,;bold up; turn up Front street;" be stopped - by their order in Kront, street, near Arch ; they got out ; Ihe drove first to one side, then the other, waiting for Lis_company_for several hours'; suddenly the two men came running to the carriage ; one of them got in, in a great hurry; the other got his foot inside, and this happened just as a stunning_noise occorred; one of them said : • 4/rive on," and swore at him ; it came so sud denly upon him , .that he did not grasp his reins firmly, but sruck his horses with the stump,of a whip; just as he started he looked around, and observed a shot t, stout gentleman hastening towards them, with a pistol pointed, and he started withlis, horses'as fast as he Could; the men continually instructed him what Courses to turn; he described' the slirec 7 tion he took; he turned froM Spring 61:iuden Street down Seventeenth, and without any announcement . from them', to • stop he slackened hit pace and discovered they had got Out While , the carriage was moving; at ,that timehe did not tnenr, tbnithe names of the two men • as he finished ni his firststateent he said he had; more ; partiert= tars yet to give me ; in the second: 'statement he said he had been employed by Hugh Mara and JaMeaDmigherty, on, the .MOrning L ef the tith of 'September`;, had (ived them to Front and Arch streets, where,,••,they: 'got ••Ont;, he waited a considerable length of time for them ; they had directed hith Where to !place ;16' car riage—sometimes on the east, sometimes on the west side; that they (Mara. and Dougherty), shortly after 12 o'ClodkOlaStened'back to ;'the carriage; that it waS Mr. James J.Brooks who had presented the piStol ; he knew Hugh Mara' :and James Dougherty, ,and they had employed him on a number ofeceasions previous to that day; generally engaged him at Walnut street wharf; nearly every time he Wandd be direeted to drive around and ultimately chine to. !the neighborhood of Front and Arch, or Race ; sometimes they would get out, sometimes nal; they had regularly paid him Ins charge, except on the last occasion ; Le.lrad net and' talked with'S.6ine one in Front street before he vas ordered to drive away rapidly, and met him W Fivater .s1;leel, near Seventh this waSllngbes : while ifflying out. Spring - Garden street one of the men 1.1:1. a hat through Cho TilE,DAgir ETF,NI.NG-BEILETIN--11111.1ADELPIIIA, TR;DAY,',OCTOBER`2, 1869. Opening.and asked ( him , to , exchange•hats,which. heidid, though the• hat offered was too large ;- on' turning some of the corners the same' two men who had got out in Seventeenth street stapped him, and. , got into. the , car-, rive. again;.the men., got out some where in, Christian street; he again met Hughes at Kirwin's stable, and got to talkin; about the shooting of Brooks; he told Hughes, he!had had a.chase that day, and ; was in that affair, bat wanted nothing said-about it; that night somebody said they were hitii about , that affair, and he asked - why;. tor-he hadn't done it; he purchased a paper and read the• statement in it, and it alarmed. him, and. he went to New York; he'isaid lie-civent t o ,coney, Island, and there met Mara,-,and Dougherty, and "Pete Bottles ;" he said that while•there these nien came to the Ocean House; re mained there with them several days and; re turned to Nei , York; Mara and 'Dougherty came afterwardsto New York and they were all arrested together ,•' he Came voluntarily with , the officed Officer.;James 'Scotti sworn—l am rt,‘New York policeman;: I arrested the prisoners =on Sunday,: evening,. the 3d inst.; ISA. the corner of I3leeker andpreensts.,N.Y; this was , about two squares froM Murray's 'PlacS'i; they gave the• names of James Jones, Peter' 'onahtte, Henry Stratton and Geergit' Gibson; haek,driver gave his naive as Gibson, DOng4ertY ga*e 4ll6 name of Jones, and Jllaralgave,jthe, name of Stratton ; I brought them on from New York; they asked what they were arrested ,for,and we , told them for a bank robbery ;- they were ar -fated for the crime for which they are being I ral 4 ini"""=.1101111111.111.01.1=1111 • - A petition; sighed by a large number of citi zens, was presented, asking that" : the portion of • Penrose Ferry Bridge nowstandin,g be removed, "as navigation is obstructed.. Referred. ' . A resolution was offered,' authorizing the -tliief--CommissionerofHighwaysto—grant ' Permission to lay the " Stow foundation pave r - went" in.front of any property in the city upon the application of the owners of siich property, providing the owners pay all expenses. Mr. Barlow imoved to amend as ' follows : Provided "that a majority of the owners of property in any square petition for -the same." Agreed to—yeas, 13 ; nays, 12, .. The resolution, as amended, was referred to the ComMittee on Highways of Select Council. oaliell CITY BULLETIN. , • —City Councils held a stated meeting Yester -414 afternoon. . •• :Select IJranc7l.--24. Riteltie submitted au ordinance appropriating $6,600 to: pay salaries of teachers in new schools. Agreed 31t: - Ho - dgdonTor - the - Water - Committee; re- - ported a resolution providing for the laying of whter pipe in Walnut and other streets. AdOpted. Also, au ordinance making the additional ap propriation : of Vi 13,400 • to, the Water Depart ment, to pay for coal, pipe,. extra' work, Soc. Agreed to. Mri Franciscus, or the -Comtnittee'on--Rail roads; offered a resolution, authorizing the laying of a turnout 'on Swanson street when a railroad is laid in that pottiOn of the street. Adopted. Mr. Cattell, Of the Committee* On Girard Estates, submitted au ordinance authorizing the Superintendent of Girard Estates to exe cute all lease's to be made, and also those which the Mayor has not yet 'executed. Agreed to. Mr. Fox submitted the following statement of the condition of the City Treasury : Cash balance ou hand Oct. 1, , - 18C9, - - - - • 4 $41.38,370 S 4 The appropriations during the, mouth were as follows : For paynient of rote- • rest on city loans, $4170,26S 55 For sinking fund se- - 119,000 29 curities, Rectistered warrants dud special claims, .488,490 00 Total The following bills and resolutions from Common Council were 'concurred in : Resolu tions of instructions to Commissioner cif High ways, Controller and Police. Mr. Fox offered 'a resolution authorizing the laying of the "Stow pavement" in front of the Custom House. Agreed to. Ad journed. . . • CO7lO//07/ " Bronch.—A communication was received front shippers, ship'-owners, &c., set-, ting forth that Penrose Ferry Bridge is re garded by seafaring men as a. great obstruc tion to the navigation of the Schuylkill river, and requesting, as the shipment of oil and coal from this river is very large, that the remains of the bridge be removed and a new bridge erected at a higher point up the river, but at a point where the farmers of Delaware county can reach the marketS of the lower part of the city. Referred to the Highway Committee. Also, one from the Park Commission re . . questing • the appropriation of $500,000 for the payment of damage for ground taken, and $200,000 for permanent improvementg, being the balance of the $4,000,000 appropriated to the Park. liefcrred to the Finance Com mittee. . , Mr. Hetzell presented the certificate. of election of James F. Stockdale . a.s a member of the Chamber from the Fourth Ward. Mr. Stockdale was then sworn in and took his Mr. Martin offered a resolution to procure better accommodations for the Coroner.- 11&. ferred to Committee on Market and City Pro perty. ' • Mr. Stiles offered a resolution, instructing the Committee on Police to report to the Chant ber the frames and .residences of all the-.police- - officers in the city, together with their especial duty. Agreed to. Mr. Shoemaker, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented 'an ordinance appror. priating's3,64.4 35, to pay the expenses of ert largity,b the Select Council Chamber. Agreed to. Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Highway. Com-, mittee, presented a resolution for the grading of Sansom street from Thirty-fourth to Thirty sixth street. Agreed to. Also, one for" the: tramwaying of Kershaw and other streets.. Agreed to. Also, one for the paving of Charter - and - other streets;TAgreed to. ; Mr. Myers, Chairman of the Police Coin- Mittee, presented an ordinance extending the provisions of the ordinance prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings to the lower por tion' of-the Twenty-fifth Ward. Agreed to. Also, one extending the fire alarm telegraph to kairmount Park, and appropriating therefor s'6'2s. Agreed to." . Mr. 13ardsley, Chairman of the Committee oft Suirveys, presented an ordinance for the construction of branch sewers upon Walnut, SchelyFritnklin, Carlton ' Tulip, Hare and Fifteenth Streets. Agreed to. — ' • • Also, a resolution for a sewer across Master street, between Thirtieth and .Thirty-first streets.. Agreed, to. Also,' a resolution, loca . ting upo the plans of the city Paoli, Harrison and Ashburton streets. Agreed to. Also, one • changing the 'name of State street to... Winter,. street: Agreed to. Also, one reducing the width of Forty-second street; between Market street and Westminster_ avenue, to 60 feet. Agreed to. , Mr. Hanna, Chairman of the Committee on Waterworks of this chamber, presented an or dinanee for `laying ,wAterrpipe upon Sheaf, Orianna, and Thirteenth streets,- and on School lane, when a connection is made be tween the lioxborough water-works and Mount: Airy reservoir. Agreed to. • The following bills from Select Council were considered: One making an additional appro proprittaoli :of SP,4-09 to the .DepArtment, . Water for Iso9. Referred to the Finance Coinniittee, to :.report next • Thursday. One relative to4he leases of the (iirard. Estate not: signed by the Mayor. Ag,ritett (o. - One for the la):ing,.of Water pipe on Walnut and other streets Agreed to. An ordinance appro priating $6,500 to pay •school teachers. 'Agreed tO. One for t lie t nuniVaying of Currant street; Twelfth \rani. Agreed to. One of Instrite- 'lix :.< • Roil to. .the Conimissioner of Highways. Agreed to. One relative to a railway turnout on Swanson street. Agreed to. ;; One .relative to rearranging and paving the footways and carriageway.: Agreed to. Adjourned. —The Railroad Clerks, at their session last evening, formed an Association, to bo known as the Railroad Office Clerks' Mutual Life. In surance Association of the United States. Its, officers to consist of a President, Vice Presi-- dent, Executive Committee of Five, and Grand Secretary and Treasurer, who shall give bongs for the faithful performance of his - duties. The officers to be elected for one year, and the meetings of the. Asseciatioutc , be annual ; the 'detentes thereto to consist` of-one from each' road ordivision belonging to the Association. In;' case of the death of any member, the widow to receive the premium due If no widow is , left, then the heirs , to re ceive the amount, and in default, of heirs the funeral expenses to be paid.° 'ln the case of a member being totally disabled, the same pre indum to be mised,by tbe Rxecutive.Committee by assessment, as in the -ease, of death,. and paid to such member. An election , for perms.- • nent officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, John G. Neil; Vice Presi dent; L. M. Babcock ;' .Grand , Secretary and. Treasuler, D.:Keene ; Executive Committee, O. A. Trowbridge,, D ['McKnight, Jarnes:l'. Kerr, L. B. lilydenburg, C. C. Fisher. The, Convention then•adjourned tnmeet'at Chicago on the second Tuesday of April next. Assoiat' —The 'nitro Benevolent cheld. its annual meeting yesterday, and, elected the ollowing-officers-for-the-onsuing-y • ' • • - dent—Samuel If. Perkins ; Vice Presidents— l3enjainin Coates and J. F. Learning ; Treasu rer—E. R. Wood; 'Corresponding Secretary— L. Montgomery Bond ; Recording Secretary John H. Atwood.; Managers---Thomas Lati mer; John Bolder, Wm. Purvis, A. G. Coffin, lienjamin Orne, Thomas Wattson, Jos. H. Dulles, J. Ashhurst,T. A. Budd,RichardWood, - Charles S. Wurts, --- J. - A..Clay, Alfred M. Ca llm, J. E. Gra,eff, D. Sherrerd, S. 31. Wain, J. B. Van Dumi, G. C. Morris, W. A. Porter, J. B. Guest. • NEW JERSEY MATTERS. THE COVINT.TY Coulrrs.-i-The following_cases have been disposed of in the Camden Courts for the October term: State vs. John Diehl., This was an aggravated case, in which the` father was charged with an atrocious assault and battery upon his son,With intent to kill. In the assault •he inflictd' a terrible wound with a knife in the abdomen of his. Son, WhiCh, for a long time, endangered his life. VerdiA, guilty. State vs. Alice Mellhone ; assault and battery; guilty. State vs. Wm. 11. Ford; assault and battery on an officer; guilty. Same,charged with maintaining a nuisance ; guilty: Andrew Storms, guilty of assault and battery:: Morris Carkerton, assault and battery; guilty. John Burk, assault and battery ; guilty. John Peters, misdemeanor in intimidating a witness not to testify ; guilty. William Steward was charged with forgery ; verdict, guilty, for pass ing, but not forging the order. Robert Small, three cases of assault and battery; guilty in all. About forty persons pleaded guilty to sell ing liquors in violation 'of 16:w. • William H. Yord pleaded guilty to the charge of.bigamy and assault and battery. Several other persons pleaded guilty to the same offence. Jacob Frederick was arraigned on the charge of hav ing set fire to and burnid the carpenter shop of \lr. Harden several months ago, and was con dded. THAT SUppEH.—The supper given by the ladies of Atlantic City, on Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the Methodist Church at that place, was a grand success. The tables Were amply supplied with the most attrac tive viands, and about two hundred guests sat down to them with appetites that,soon told that they highly appreciated the feast. Speeches were made by Roil. Jaccib iiis Honor, , the Mayor, Jonas lligbie, Esq., Silas B. Morse, Egg., Charles Custis, and several other lesser lights, and Mr. John liar rold sung one of his 'popular national songs. The whole affair was arranged iu adinirable order, and -the programme was carried out literally. A number of strangers from "off' shore" and elsewhere were present. All en joyed themselves to overflowing, and the re ceipts of the evening added a handsome sum to the benefit of the Church. THE PAID FIRE DEPAATMENT.—The Commissioners appointed by . the City Council for the purpose of organizing' the Pahl Fire Department are moving quietly and cautiously in the matter, it is said, although their pro ceedings are kept from publicity. it is thought, however, that they have made such arrange ments that the new department will he ready for service by the first of December. In the meantime the various volunteer companies are offering their engines and apparatus for sale. • +3IOIIE INCENDIARIS3L—Abotit 12 o'clock on Thursday morning a small, unfinished, frame dwelling house on Sixth and Chestnut streets, just over the Camden city line, belono ing to a man named Fisher, was set on lire and totally destroyed. , • PEERAEING FOE IV I NTEE.—The different •ferry companies of Camden are preparing for winter by putting their slips, boats and other -econnnoaatiolent t•ep ' • • 1 • • • to be ready for the icy blockade approaching DlimeATlOx.—The members of the Metho dist Episcopal congregation at Smithville, Atlantic county, are erecting a fine new church edifice. which will be dedicated about the nth of December. • CITY .NOTICES. CHARLES STOKES, 'Merchant Tailor and Clothier, • , No. 624 Chestnut atreot, Offers extraordinuru Inducements to Purchasers of Ileady-uml , FINN CLOTHING. llhi assortment Is full, and comprises all Styles and Qualities. A RELIABLE REMEDY is at •hallti.- in \V1a l:0111106 Remedy fur Aethma., . • -- SELF - -A.JYVEItTISISri.=-PILALOWS VITALIA•• on SALVATION for the Nair Mirriem with it ite own best advertisement. Ae the light shiuse through the . bottle you see that the liquid is clear am the nature of Leuven. You smell it and rind the odor agreeable. You apply it and it ehangee gray hair to any naturdl abode wthollt • sailing the scalp or producing headache.. Nothing eau be more harmless. - • 'VERY FULL and the best stock or nuts and Cana to tho city can be found at. Omt I/010W, undeethe Continental JVDICIOUS MOTHEnkt and nurses use tor children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's infant COrdial. . . • A GRAND and attractive sale is going on at the grsµt fashionable Hat and Cap Store at Clu s. OAKFORD & SONS, 534 and SPi Chestnut street. Siji l. 9CAL iNsFittrmit242l3 and drltg,iette sun dries. caNOWDRN DROTIIEII, 26 south Eighth street. Cougs,ThiniOns; In*eited 'Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. LADIES' ADP MOSSES' HATS. ' , j The most comp,lete ecllargest, ftEleortnikent ho fouud in the city is at - " • Oiltbottns',.l33f and 836 Chestnut street,: Wr.LioEN.SritrNGlbtuis,'Ver mont, Alterative and Ohnlyheate. Apply for desalotive pamphlet. Fitraric BnowN, N. corner Fifth and Cheatnut atreets. • DOSED ALMOST TO DEATH with vile ctrastie compounds, the dyspeptic, the bilious, ,the constipated haifulth.rapturefhe. advent of Dr.Wir;lstow's delicatei palatable Liverund L9ZellgQ. It rail modica-. tion of all its horrors 'and paiigti and in deßtined bevonle the Standard Family Alterativo of America. For salo'by all Druggists. HOVEDUDErgIts • • . • Can get a complete outfit for the latchett at • FAILtiON tS: ' Dock street, below Walnut. . • DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND 'CA.TAREIt. Isaacs, N. D., Proleseor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimoniale from the meet reliable sourced in the city can be seen at hie office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty aro invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Aril• ficial eyes inserted. No eliarso made tar aXamillatioll . ". "~....«.i::.'rw..-.•+--..._.~ _ 1 ....: .r.rca~ u..a:.ti.,.~ ,_. ~w:«w,: tr +'~^' Ssiy.>..r ptri l 76l -- ILLS Fon LOOKSmAIIi POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Wasuirterorr, October 16,1869. SEALED . PROPOSALS for furnishing Mail-Locks and Keys of new kinds,,to be sub stituted for the Locks and Keys now used on the Unittid States mails, will be received at this iDeparttifent until 9 o'clOck A. M. the 3d day of FEBRUARY, 1870. It is desirable to 'obtain Looks and Keys of a new construction for the exclusivetthe of the - United States mails, and, if practicable, invented expreosly for that per be. , As tile expbsure of a model Lock and lcey to As examination would impair, if not destroy, its utility for the mails, the De partment prescribes no model for bidders, but relies for its selection on the oecimens "of mechanical skill and ingenuity which a fair competition among inventors,' hereby iurited, may develop., It is suf ficient to describe ,the.' principal" requisites of Mail-Lock, 'as follows: Se(f- Locking n)ormity, security, lightness, strength, durability, novelty of construction and facility of use. , Two kinds of Locks and Keys; one of brass and:the other of irou, ditierent in exte rior term and interior construction ovarrange ment, are required; the Proposals - should , speolfy separately the price of each „brass Lock, each Key for same ; each iron iLook 'flilll ' qach Key for same. Duplicate nape; of each idnd of .Locks ,and , Keys proposed.,are required to be Submitted with the Proposals one,of each Sample Lock to be riveted up and finished, and another, to be open or unriveted,, So that its internal structure and arrangement may easily be examined. EverysampleshoUld be plainly marked' with the 'bidder's name and, if the same or any part Of itbe covered by, a patent, the date' of such patent and the -- nante - of - the -- patentee - raust - abe -- be - attachftt thereto. _ The internal plan or arrangement of the Locks offered, and the particular shape of the Key requisite to open them; must not be like airy now or heretofore in use. They must be warranted ;not not to infringe' upon or conflict with any patented invention of which the bidder is not the patentee. Pre ference will be given to a Lock, the Key of whielf"has not been exposed to general obser— vation, or been publicly described, disclosed, or suggested. . A decision on the various specimens and Proposals will be made on or before the 3d day of MARCI - 1, 1870 ; and, unless the Post-; master-General shall decurit to be best for the interests of the Department , to reject all the - Proposals and specimene submitted under this advertisement (a right hereby expressedly re served to hula), connects will be entered into; as soon thereafter as practicable, with the successful bidder -whose Luek.s shall be adopted, for furnishing similar Locks and Keys for four years, as they may be required and ordered. If mutually agreed to in writing by the contractor and the Postmaster- General for the time being, not letsa than six months before its expiration, the contract maybe, extended and comtinued for an additional term of four years. But on and after the expiration of either term: of the contract, or on and after its rightful anulment at any time, the l'ost master-General shall have the right to con tract with or employ any other party to furnish the same, or any other kind of Locks and'Keys; and if he shall deem proper, to tieniand and receive from the late or de- Vaulting contractor all finished or unfinished Keys and the internal parts of the Leeks con tracted for, and all dies, gauges, and designs, (which would enable others to make or forge such Locks or Keys), in the possession of such contractor, who, after their surrender to the Department, shall be paid ftir the same,at such price as may be ascertained by fair appraise rneut. The Contractor must agree and be 'able to furnish, if required and ordered, 20,000 Brass Locks and 3,000 Brass Keys within three - recuthsfrom che time uf eutering — into tract, and 80,0110 Iron Locks and 00,000 Iron Keys within ten months from such time. But the l'ostmaster-ii entire' will reserve the right to increase or diminish, as the wants or inter ests of the service may demand, the quantities of the Locks and Keys above specified, with a.proportionate.allowance of time to furnish them. All the Locks furnished b• the contractor° must be warranted to keep in good working order for two years in the ordinary use of the serrice„when not subjected, to obvious vio lence;such as becoine defective within that time to be replaced with perfect Locks With- . out charge. All the Locks furnished under contract are to be. eaeh, distinctly marked " U. S. Mail," iweither sunk or raised letters, and 'all the Keys are to be numbered in the natural order; each Key haring its appropri-- ate number distinctly stamped upon one side of the bow, and " U. S. Mail" on the opposite side. The contractor will be required to deliver the Locks at his own expense at the Post- Office Department, Washington, D. C., put up on sticks, forming separate bundles of five. Locks each, and securely packed in wooden boxes containing not more than two hundred Locks each. The Keys are to be delivered to an agent of the Department,duly and specially authorized in each case, to take charge of and convey the same from the contractor's manta factory to the Department, where both Locks and. Keys are to be inspected and approved be fore they shall be paid for. The contractor will be required to give bond, With ample security, in the sum of fifty thou sand dollars, to be forfeited to the United States as liquidated damages, in case of his failure to faithfully perform the contract, either as to furnishing the supplies ordered within - a - reasonable tame, or as to guarding the manufacture of the Mail Locks and Keys with due privacy integrity and care. 1 , :13 Proposal will, therefore, be accepted if not accompanied with a bond of the penal awn of Twenty Thousand Dollars, duly exe cuted by the proposed sureties (whose respon . Hy-tai-ust-he certilied-by T a l ltal •. • -'. • of Record nearest to their of residence, attested br the Clerk of such Court under the seal thereof ), and conditioned for their becom ing responsible as sureties on the required bond for the fulfillment of the contract, in case Mach Proposals shall be accepted. The maim . taCtiire of Mail Locks and Keys is, of neces '-sitY,-A highly - important and-delicate trust which the Department will confide to no bidder whose Proposals are not also accompanied withtestimonials of good character.' In deciding on the Proposals and specimens the Postmaster-General may deem it expedi ent to select the Brass Lock of.one bidder and the Iron Lock of another. He. therefore, re serves the right of contracting with different individuals for such different kinds of Locks as he may select. Proposals sioulu be carefully sealed and ad dressed to the "Second Assistant Postmaster ( eneral," and endorsed on envelop e"Pro ._pOsals_forMail Locks." • JOHN A,. J. CRESNN ELL, 0c22 f m Bit • Postmaster-General. C..... & NI , REESEcCOLLUM, REAL ESTATE AGY,NTS. ,y r _.,... Mee, Jackson street, opposite Matilififdetreet, Cape Island, N. J. Real Estate bought 'and sold. Persons desirous of renting nottaged during the wagon will apply or address ail above. Roapectfully refer to Chas. A : Itableam; Henry Bumml Francis 31clIvain, Auguhtne -Merino, John D 3 vi Kw fi'r Juvanal.- • .• • feB4lo TLo ET:- . —A SPACIOUS SUITE OF COUNTING ROOMS, with one or more lofte_,.,n Cheetnnt Bowes . Apply to COCHRAN, RUSSELL & C0.,111 Chestnut Street. • . 0e22-11§ dFd • FOIE REN TaTRAND S 0 ME MILLING, Aril ished, 1539 North Tenth et. 002 6t" TO }ENT-WITH OR WITHOUT Ma Furniture, corner TWenty-firet and SanioFnetrCete. Apply from ll to I o'clock.' • ' 0c.1.0-3* • IR TO RENT--TIOUSE gl . 1 No. Pi3f Pine street. To he seen 'Only upon applica tion to , •. , , , , l 15 valhnt street',!, ecl9.4t* Eri TAM i au e p mi. _._._ - - a .T 0 It E N T--FURNISkIED-THE•• AUL large convenient Dwellino,o3 South Ninth et.; in complete order for immediate occnpancy; will not be It , t, for a boarding bonito.' Apply from 10 to t 3 o'clock at the house, or to COPPUCK ,St, J ORDAN , 433 Walnut street. ----- NI TO RENT.-THE THREE-STORY Ma Modern Residebee, with double"throe-atory 'back buildings and aide yard ,Situato N 0.102, 2.1411 Nineteenth street, near Arch. . Immediate possessio . J. M GUAI• 3.IEY 13 SONS, 7,33 'Walnut street. • . . --,. fri FURNISHED HOU'SES TO - LENT— Situnto No. 1111 i.lirttr(Tntreet ; No. 2ZO South Tlventr- first street, RIO sontltonorner Sovevitenuth told Sumnior iltreots. GUTIINY di SONS, 783 'Walnut ntreet. ' .—_-- • _,......--,_-_______,..... TO LETjDESIBABL'E BUILDING, Liacentral location, rear of all Commerce street, 2 feet front, 3 stories, light front and rear, flue cellar, and e ngine-room. pi th chininoy.stack i outlet upon Disqlmt Plitco to Sixth street. Apply to the onmernt ______—_._ ......_._• 805 DIARIVRT, 4 • or7tft ' from 10 to 11 dAtly. C - OTTON ,-100 BALES COTTON • IN pton , and for sale by COOll RA. 1tU54,1i1414 & 00.1 111 Chestnut street. PROPOSALS. TO - REICT: =S=Z2== AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN , ACADEMIL% .GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMESNTAL CONOERT, • 17011 - THE DENEPIT Of THE O E B . IC A. N T E A T B&, 4 • On TUESDAY EVENING; October 26th, Under_theilirectiort o 1 Isatto , L. Price. The folloNflrut esittkeht Artists and _celebrated Singing: Societies have been secured for this occasion : ME. EMIL GASTEL amt. WEN7.B.I,KOPTA, TRH • MAENNERCROII, THE lIARDIONIFL, chorus ormixed voices HAWN , N.XNUREBUND and- a GRAND OR ORESTRA:, INE.CARL'SENTZ , ,Xonductor. Tickets, Parquet, Parquet Circle and. Bolcom' Si N Can be secured at Trumpler's Nage Store, 924 Obeetsat street, for 25 cents extra. Family Circle.... 4 ' - • ' I CO mita Tickete can be had at the priuMpal Mask Stares, and on the evening at the door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at ft o'clook.• - ' , . 0022.4 F AURA KEENE'S 14 OnESTNUT STREET THEATRE. The Best Play) written by; Boucicoultr combining all • •tbe elements totnake irpopultir. 0... . THE " runme DELIGHTED' , DELIGHTED I With Boucicault's new three-act dramas 'Written for 'LAURA. KEENE., ' • ,LAU iA KEENE:•, ' • ' .EROM. SMILES TO TEAM.' -. • Au easy - tratudtlou to those who • witness HUNTED DOWN; —HUNTED DOWN:- Or, The ;Two Lives of. Mary Leigh: I,llliße KEENE su , • Mar/ Leigh • The Heroine of Two Lives. HAPPINESS AND MISERY, • As witnessed in everyday-life, , , 'Every dhara6ter beautifully portrayed • , •-BY THE SPLENDID COMPANY. • • Performance to conclmie with a • LAUGHABLE cOMEDTETTA. Doors open at 1 commence ati4 to4l. - - • NITALNUT , STTI I HEATRE4 BEGENS . I to t corner:Ninth, ain d h W e a , ln . ut St • reeh• r: T11/ IDAY ENINTI BE!EF x T.OI EDWIN 110r/li, ShakspearME F RCHANTOP VENICE _ • SIIYLOCR MR. EDWIN BOOTH And the Pumas'. Drama in thrve acts, of • _ DON 0/ESA • ,•,„ , I `AN_.... . ...Mil. EDWIN BOOTH • : Flb'Til 11(.10TII MATINEE. Saturday at 2 P. M. DUN ciEsen AND TAMING OF THE swim; - IVIRS -- . JOH.N DREW'S. ARCH. STREET Fitimy.oct. 22 Let w ins . 54 ., to 8. THEATR. • TO .NI T G I I I I IPJEAL OHS WIFE MRS. JNO.RREW us..— .. ... ...MR.B. OAKLEY Aided b y.the Full Coilipeuly. , • After which, THE WINDMILL. Marian ' Mn 3. G. W. STODDART finial:won Lew - Mr. R. GRAI . _ MONDAY - Oct; - 25,1889i - iihnk - spirrirs - , _____ ALL'S WELL TIIAT LEDS %% 4:I:L. In Rehearsal, LOBT. AT SEA. --- FAREWELL PERFORMANCES OF TIIE • GREAT EUROPEAN CIRCUS! EIGHTH STREET, BETWEEN, RACE A D VINM. FRIDAY, October 22, and SATURDAY, October 23, POSITIVELY LAST DAYS ANDNIGIITS. Two fierund Perfornin coe each dor; 2% and - Ti - o'CIoZIC. ADMISSION FIFTY CJ TS. ClOWren under ten OW Yearn, 25 cents. F OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, TWO NEW BALLETS. DE ROSA IN TWO CHARACTERS. The Fairy Burleague , . TIIE FEMALE W THIEVES TheNariety Combination in a New Bill. Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. NE' ELEVENTH STREET OPERA . HOUSE. 11 - 1 E FAMILY RESORT. eititIVCROSS ¢ DIXEY'S .11f/NSTRELS, EVERS EVENING. J. L. CA.RNCROSS, Alawaser. 7C,TEN TZ AND HA St3i, WS N EATI ES.-: Mumkril Yawl Hall. IV3-70. Every SATURDAY A k."YERNOON. ut.335 o'clock. oel9-st FOIL SALE. Fort SALE—A ' VALUABLE WHARF Property near the K•nuington Water Works. over 7e4:) feet to length and i 3 fe•et in width. Price moderate; one-third only reinitired in cash; balance can remain for a term of yeare. Apply to EDMUND S. YARD, N 0.217 South Third street. octittiti 'FOB SALE VAL VA BLE ' BUS& nese locallott—Three-story brirk Levelling, No. tG North NltiTll, above RACE btreet. Terms easy. Immediate possoodon E. D....WILLIAMS. No. X... 1 Walnut 4treet. . . . .._. _ , eiis , - 1 0 ItTlf III; OAD 81' It EilT.-Aillit '.L, T r". Sale—Brown -..toue 11.?..h.leure. It. J. DOBBI'NS, L-'uger B ullklitne. ' , - oe.l. 31'. F 0 It ti AL E--THE HANDSOME four•story brick residence(,22 teet if inches by ,nteet - t - No.MIII - 11elancrybeer - , built-in—thetuosi--/1111 stantial rnanwr, containing fifteen rooms.; bath molar communicting whit the eh:unbent ,furnished iti the beet style with smile! eon•eniencei±.,., • Also, the storemel •Iwelling N0.2.r..S CoateS street,cor- Tier of Corinthian • • one. iiaviug. all the tnederd pre. unients. A ppl eIAI7 N. Ninth street. 0c2.1-.lt" .1. g. I,YriNSoliwner. (.1 Eli :NI AIN T0•"•,',7 N---F •I: 'SALE'SALE_ »Y. to - Itent.•-•••A lone:•• 4ne dressed Stone Cottage, new, tifibectirdtel: every t li9 eonverdestee: near 4tatiOn_37 . 14 rooms, larg . e lot, improved surroundings. 11 EN BY C. FISS, Race bin et. ocZ) tit" FOR SALE THE DESIItA_BLE Residence. Sit North Sixth street. Every modern convenience. Lot 21)x133, to itondotplt street. APO/ on the pr(.inises. Immediate possession. . FOR SALE. ni A beautifully located Farm, on the Brandy• „V wine Railrmul, abore Downingtown, within tiie iota vtte'walk of a station ' • containing fifty -two 11Cre4 ; ten- • roomed 110118 C ; large barn,wagott:house,work-shop,Scc., and all other necessary out-buildings; ne•er•Miling water near the door • young orchards, Au. Abio.a tenant house and stable. Fence.. in complete order, being nearly all new. The buildings are all new and iu cotes tdote order. For particulars inquire of Mx. A. K. No. 15 Market street, phis. ocl4-121' p. ARCH STREET—FOR SALE—THE n elegant four-story brown stone residence, Fituuto 0.. 19r.. Arch street, built in .a veil superior notner. and furnished with every tnoderu convenience. Lot feet frout by 1.55 feet deep to Cuthbert street, on which street is erected a eumniodious concb-house and stable. J. 34 . GliWilliT k. IiON3. 733 Walnut st. etl FOR SAL E.-MODERN THREE, ja Story Brick Dwelling, •5108. Ninth et. Every coo •enience. Inquire on the prequiees. tnyil-th,a,tug§ fWEST PINE STREET-40R SALE. a —The handsurne four , story brick reiidonce, and thr”e•stury hack buildings. situate No. Kid Pine stret; furnished with every convenience, and In zood order. Immediate possession given. J. It. GIr.IIIIIEY & SONS, 733 Walnut st: • fig GERMAN T WN.—F OR. SALE—THE &tit handsome stone Cottage lt, , mitlence, finnan) N. W. corner East Walnut Lane and Morton street ; has every modern convenience, and is in perfect order. Grounds handsomely - shaded fly full grown treesp. Immediate pos ses Mon stiven. J. 31: SONS.A 7,13 Walnut 4 OE. YALE—THE VAL LI A 131.14 kill Property No. 11,4 South Twelfth street, below Chestnut : 25 tee•; trout by 01 feet deep. J.M.GUMMET & SONS. 733 Walnut street. MAN TO WN—F OR SAL E—T WO new (Anted stone Cottages, just finishing, with- Cty CQIITeIIItILICe, VI I I CI 111 %. I , Church Lam, Station. Prier, et; 010 each. J. N. GII3i- 31E Y & SONS, 733 Walnut street. SALE—DWELLINGS. • L!&,210 Columbia avenue. Nineteenth and Thompson. ]44 N. Eighteenth street.. Sansom, West:Phda. 1307 Mt. Vernon street. RON. Fifteenth street. 1323 Brandywine. Lot itlxo. 8 rooms, newly papered, and painted. Only 8500 cash required. Price .5:3,500. •.1.1 31ES _ S. W. corder Broad and Chestnut. FOR SALE—A HANDSOME REM— ., DER CE, 2118 Sprnce street. v A Stote and Dwelling northwest corner Eighth MU* Jeffermon. A tine Residence, 1721 'Vine street. - Alan ndsome Residence% 400 South Nbith street. • dsome Reaidence..West Philadelphia.. A Business „Location. Strawberry street. • A Dwelling, No. 1110 North Front atteet... Apply tie COPPECK 4t4 JORDAN, 433 Walnut street, FOR. SALE.—THE HANDSOME RE ildetice, 'marble first story, tinisbed in the , beet wanner, witb.every convenience, end 5-fe,et. wide side yard : N 0.317 South Fifteenth street, belowhruott. J. a GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. 4 : FaR -- SALE - ---DWELLING d good order. Convenient Dwelling, No. 637 Pine, street; ton roOmi, bath, gas,*c. • eau toloca greet, two•story brick, good yard: • 206 btemper street, below Pine, snhill haus& Alter street, two neat four-room houses. Building Lots on Paysytnik rood; nude good Lot it Rising Snu. 1"- ROBERT GnAFFEN &SON, 637 Dine street. BOAiUfING. A LADY HAVING .A,LARGE 'HOUSE , , 13.. very central. would giro a few dentivulen, suites or oinglo room, with breakfast ; .ten, ildosired, Addreos 207 South Tenth strret. HA NI)S0 31 E 003131UNICATING roornsovith beard, nt No. 1209 Spruce et. oela ft' TrWO BANDSO3I.E I.IO3I.3I,IJNICATING _ Remus' for lieut. in it private family ? with board, at 2,,,on i fiai,„t. street , - • .oel9-tit* ANT I'D BOAE1),E1";0 , IN A PRI VY 1 ' . -vat° family by a gentleman, wife and (laughter, in n reApeetablii location south of :Market street. Addreen E. 11., Otliee'of this paper. , - oels miv fit".. - MORTGAGES; • ,009, AND OTHER SUMS TO - 43. o mortgage of city property. S. $8660 —;: 1„t ; KINGSTON McCAT,. 429 Walnut street. oe2l :it.* ------ 53,000, * , 1,801), . 4 t,1,000 .10 LOAN. a.., 4 on Mortgatro. l'gr 000 , ogus4v, 0004 3 .1.1.3101tILIS;n 1 North Tenth street, WANTED, AN AGENCY . . Fa/lA.IIM SAIL OF A . Fil'St-class . .I.3:l•Una i.v. LoNter,g in :Gc.it ,•• Nor 'further particulara, apply to JOIIN 111,01 R at SO4 Abel:deo): ' ocl2 21§ . _ j t STATE OF SUSAN , ILWAINNtRIGHT, Decons'pd.-I.,ett6rs of Administration, having boon granted to the undersigned on the above /fatale, all par ties indebted thereto will Meese makepayment, and (hose having (106110 will present them to, CHANDLER -WAINWRIGHT, Administrator, 12it Beindl affect:. , BoNtu(lt'" "WHITE CASTILE , SOAP.-100 BOXES genniab White Castile Soap:ChM I brand. imported frosu Leghorn and for sale by -G M,. autjtkuAA 4 (le _ 1081Sonth Delaware avenue. ===;Z M!MIM=3I=M CEMi2I • --91_1Ek74s' C+o.lje.M.'N 11911114A 4 DERMiIIIVIENENIOIO FltipAY, October•V 1869 February iikthi 1806 , published a short Muzie Gambit of Id r..Reichhelm's, and of .which, wehaa,ereeenl il y,learned,„l l :lr.-Steinitz harms to be the author. If..l 4 lr.Bteinitz really diu playa game move_ for /move, tip same as the ganittib*lnetittened, reallya, very eritioue coincidence. We can assure • Mr. . Steinitr, however,that zittch a thing. as steal.' ing games is unknown on this side of the At lantsc :kir •; lieichhelm's adversary Tin tho .above contest, which - wM plaqed in 1861, was Mr. It. 8. , Keys, 41, well-knows player of f.his city, who at that time had not reached his pre gent force of play. In conclusion, we beg -.laid to mention that another. One of Mr, eteinitz'Ffgameti is identical with tsgame played Jong ago between Messrs:l:meet liforphy and Sc)aub. - . The following, from , Mr. .Elson speaks . for itself. Another,zaatcli between him and Ni r biteman. would prove exceedingly in terestingto the Cherai 4 ' To Mr. James a, Whiteman: SlR—While 'entertaining the livelicatadiniratioa. for y#4r Chess iili4ll o .l am nevertheliks'etrieviticed; from the Character of any play I,ntlie kite match. ,;ww, ith. von, and. the many: voitatin* .overOgbtei cerainitted, that I:dlir net do 'myself anAdng justice. am ',naturall,y desirous of playing a return match with yerVeonditions`to be the s.vaie tui lefore. Sincerely treating that you will accept the same, .dud ilanae an early day for its C.OLU ntenkpment, I'reinain, very truly yours, , ' ,JACOB EiLtic!." .. r • GEIVAIAN CLUE MATCH.— •e fourth _mine - 7 .1: won y o lerts and allies. problem So. 895. •,1 BY MIL J. MINCRWITZ. 4 • ' BLACK. V'74% I p. ......, r ,„7, -7 ///4 0,,y,mt,.,, mt ,., )./. 4 / . 7., c V / ----, %,,--- -- z--!// rr ///,:" 1, , ~,, - /,/,',/ * •, , 7",, 3 4 , A,id•-•=. / g /A // Azl ./0-..,, 4 ;7 ,7,, ......, 7 .., f , , .., ~ ..., ~,,...„ . . 4 ,, c1e y,,,, , ,- ~ , ,s A - -,,, ~,,,, / -...:,.,, er , - /'' .0 ' , , ,' /A ' ' , ; . 'iA, -. 7 -, ... W ' .:., ' i, 2,.•. r „V .6--// „i, . P/ ,z Z / 04., • .. i ;,,/,,,, . ,/,./ ~ , '4: ,A;,,.:,;;;;, , ~...,/,,,/ ' , ,,,,,,i,'” %,L,'": - ./;. ".•,',Z2,tr. ".%;";'2 , /, - 4..!/4” warn:. . White to play and force inii4nate in four CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA Gaine No. 2321. ' Eleventh and concluding game of the Elson , "White Man match. -• ' (French Opmbirb) - :ti. (MIL 'WHITEMAN) (Mit: E 5.5 0 ....;.) 'l. I' to R 4 , P IC 3 2.i't Q 4 P to Q 4 :3. Q"Kt to T.; 3 . B to Kt 5 4.^11 to Q 3 P tO Q B 4! (This move uas tir6t pointed out by M. de .laeniseli in an anal:mical.articie in !the Chss Wor/d.) • G. PxQ P. • 6. to B sq (?) (6. B to'Kt 5 (ch) is the correct play. e. g, 6. B to Kt .5 (cl.) Kt to B 3 7,-Kt-to-11-3 P 8..-B x Kt (ch) 4,tx B. • This . is decidedly better than P s B, which is recommended by Jaenisch. Ltt, Q x P 10: P x B lit to B 3, &c.) • 41. B x Kt • . • (Q x P would be dangerous, on account of lit to lit 5.) 7,P. 8. to B 3 Btu K 2 ' 10. Kr to Q 4 11.13 to Ed . 12. It to Q Kt fql 4?) (A slip, such as Mr. Whiteman is not often guilty of.) 12. Kt x .1" • 13. P to 13 :3 Kt Wirt 5 (??) (This move throws away a won game. It was not by such play that lSt r. Klsim has made a stand against many fine players.) n 14. ht. x P ! (The etlect of this move is perfectly magical. It renders the defence well nigh hopeless.) 14. Kt X Q 11 P (Q x Kt was thought somewhat better.) l(. Q x Kt P x Kt Q to It 4 ick 13toll 3 (Q to 13 3 would equally lose a piece.) 17. Q to Kt 4 Kt to-K,6 (ch) 18. K. toll 2 :' Kt to Kt 5 (ch) K to Kt sq Castles (Q It) White now mates in six moves, .winning the game and the match.: Oracle No. 2322. . Second game of, the • Consultation, match, Hoskins and Hach vs. Roberts, Reuss and Hieken. (.%"ta untores Attuci..) W.HITE (IL, IC. & H.) BLACK (H. & H.) !...:.P-loK4_-- 2'KKitoß3 QKt to 3 3. Ptoß3. ICttoß3 4.PtoQ4 Kt x K P L.PtoQ KttoK2 • Gr ICt s P Kt toiCt 3 7. Kt to It 3 r. to B 4 8. Bto K 3 ( • . 9 . . x B (?) .(9. B to K 2 is better. White will now either lose a pawn or find it difficult to castle.) 9. Kt x B (eh) 10. Q to K 2 (HD to K 2, then follows Kt to 1 - 1 , 5.) 10. Kt to Q 6 (ch) 11. K. to Q 2 Q Q.e1.1) 12. Bx Q . Kt x 13P 13. Rte K , sq Castles 14. B to B 4 Kt to Kt 5 15..Kt - t4R 4: , : , Q, R 3 16. P to R 3 Kttoß3 17. Kt to B 2 P to Q 3 , If4.PtoQll 4 13 to Q 2 .19. Kt to K 3 Q R to K sq 1,1). Pto KKt 4 Ktto B 5 21.11it - to - 7,:t sq .R to K 4 22. Kt to B 3 It to 'K 2 ' BtoKt 3 KtxRY .Btoß 2 KRtoKsq .White resigns. . _ Game No. 2323. • - - - - Third g,ame of the match. .•••••-, • ' (Sicilian Opening.) WNITE 8 3 H.) BLACK (11.. It. & H.) 1. P to K 4 , •P to Q B 2.•KKtteß3 PDX 3 3. Kt fo•B 3 , • • (We prefer 3. P to Q 4.) 3. Q Kt to 8.3 . 4., B to B 4 (This Bishop is better posted at . Q 3 after the Queens past.,:; has been advanced.) •.• 4. BtoQ 3 • L. Castle§ KKtto K 2 . (1. Q Kt to Kt 5 B to Kt sq 7. Pto Q 4 Pto Q, 3 01. Kt to It 3 P . • 0. Kt x Qto 82, . • ift, to - B 3 Kt te - K 4 , (The Black allies here gain a, pawrt.) 11. Kt xKt '•, Qx Kt 12. Pto B 4 • QxK P, • 13. Bto Q 3 .Q, to Q 5 (ch) • . 14. K. to It sq P to Q Kt 4 15. P 'to B 3 'Q to IL Y 10. Q K. 2 17. B to K 3 Q to B 2 • 18. Pto B 4 " • P 19. lit to B .P to QR. 4 - . 20. Kt to Q 4 .eastleA 21. P td Q It 3 --- 1 -,ll' to lit 2 22. Kt to Kt ' Qto,Qrq.. • 23. P:x I' Pxp. xlt • • B x 11, • • • • Z. B B 15, •itto B 3 . 20.: It to B. sq fl to Kt 2 27. Kt to Q t; • 13'x Itt B x B• It to lit 3 . It to IC lit sq. ,Kt.t0,13 3 30. QtoIC sq • . ,Q,••to Rog • , 31. Q to lt sq Q x 32.• R x Q Kt t 0 44 5 Bto B sq. ' - Kt to 11 7 34. Ittoß 13,( 0 ,11 3 35. Rteß7 Ptolt 8 • 36. K to Kt)sq Kt to K 6 37. to KKt 3 - to R-4• :38. K to 82, Kt to Q 8 (ch) 39. K reac4, sq . Kt x P • 40. B , P t 6 R 5s 41 41. BtoNsq Kt6R2 42. B to _Kt 2 Kt xl• 43, Bx B P.x B 44.-11,x BP Xt to K "45: Bto B 2 p Kt tO Kt 5 46.. K to Kt 2 Ptolt 6 (ob( ) 47. K to'' Kt mg P to K 4 48. R x K x R (The vonel)ndon of the gain°. is most inter esting.) ' • 49, P ' Kt, x P• - (Kt x B, &e.,,would also have allowed White to draw.). - 50. B K 3 Ic to 51..8t08eg. P to Kt 4 . L 2. BtoK 3 Kt,oKts' 53.'33 toßsq Kttoß2 54. B to K a i K to 7E16 ••• 55. 13 to V. 7 •Ktto 4 4 3 56. litoKtB KttoKs 57. B to B 7 Kt to_gt 7 58.1.1t0g8 KtoK 7 119. Btoß 7 ' •Kt to (eh) K to R sq K to K,O 61. B toat 8 K to K 5' 62. Btoß7 KttoK4 • f 3. K to Kt siji P to 15 64. x , P.xP, ""`I3:111 to .Kt 6 ' •Kt to Kt 66.73t0Q8. 'l't°B6 , KtoK6 ' 68. B to rkt 3 Kt to R 3 (68. P to B 7 (eb)is.efsio .12). Bto B 2 (eb) K to It 7 70. B tto Kt 3 • /Kt to B 4 21, Btoß2 Ktto(.l3 72. P, to Kt 3 Kt to 5 5 73.11t082 KtOQB 75. B to B 2 (eb), drawing the game. (Centre Gabzbit.) , -Vi r il.,43lE—ELso(.) Bt. (Mr.;O6Hl rB.) • 1 1.'1' , PtcK4 • o ._l"_to__4l 4 P-x P 3, K Kt to 13 . 3 • , Rat to B 3 4: PtO'it 5 Kt to ir 5 Q P Pto Q 4 G.8t0Q3.33 to Q B 4, 7. Q to lt 4 (ch) 8t0X22 8. Q to Kt. - Kt.x BP • 42 x Q Unlit 3 • 4 11 Kt-z .R,lle-ivoitld have lost. two_piezei tor 10. R. to 13 ,ti ,Pto Q B 3 11. QtOB 4, . Bto Ii" 12. to 11 3' .Kt x,B (Ch) 13. (2 x 1(t Q x.Q • 14. l' x Q ' ' Kt to Q 2 LI 1' Q 4 PtoQ B 4 • 16. Ltoli3 ' Px P • 17. Kt x P lit x P .18. Kt x B I; to It 4 (eh) 10. K to K 2 P x Kt 20. Kt to R 3 Castles 21. 42 It to B 8(1(011) • lit to 8 , 3 ~ 22.1.1tt0114 B to B 2 23. it to K 4 K It to K sq 24. tv,Q .tit 4 KtoKts q I: to Tit 4 It to Q 2 Kt tO 5 PtoK Kt 3 27. lit x x Kt 31. P to Kt 5 lit to Q sq . B x P to B sci 30. K It to Q B itxit 3L x (eh) - Kto : Q 2 3.2.-B to lit (V • Kto Q 3! M. It to Q 4 (ch) K to K '2 :34. I , to Q It 4' (The only correct move.) 34. R to K Kt sc . ! 34. lit to IC to B 3 R to 42 Kt sq Q Kt to B 3 Ptaßs Ii Kt to B 3 PtoQKt4 B to Kt 2 Game %o. 2325. BetWo.en the same players. (..4.vtch Gando ir.J W n.f.11 n. HOsK INS.) Bt.. (%En. EtsOx.) I. l' to li 4 P to K 4 2. Ii Kt to B 3 • QKtto B 3. I' to Q 4 P x P 4. lit x.,1 3 " . Qto R 5 • 5. Q to Q 3 lit to II 3 ,6. Kt x lit Q P x _Kt' ' 7. Kt to Q 2 ' . 13 to Q B 4 8. Q to IC. Kt 3 Q x Q 9. ItPxQ Kt to Kt 5 10. Pto K. 13 3' '. . Kt toli 6 11. 13 to , Q 3 ' •Kt x P (eh)' (Injudieiop . i. The Knight remains impri soned) ~ , . 12. li to K 2 P to K It. 4 13. lit to lit ,3 . . B tolit .3. 14. It to It 2 ' ' Pto It, 5 15. It x,lit P. xP • ! . . 16. It iP . ' r. Itt.O'll 7 (eh) 17. K to Q •sq R to R 8 (eh) 18. K to Q 2 It to R. 7 (eh) 19. K: o B:1' " • Ktoß sq , 20. II to li B 4 B. to R 4 21. It to KIIA4 - - 13" to K 3 22. K tp Q 2 P to Q B 4 23. P to 'B 4 • RtoQsq, 24. K to B2' R to It 7 (eb) 25. 'B to Q 2 P to Q It 4 2i;. Qltto K, lit sq Pto 1t,5 .. ~ - 27. Kt to .13 A 4 . 13 x P .--- - •._ , li: Qlt to - lit - 2 -- ' It X it's -- --- t.7 --- 29. It x . It _ B to IC 3 30. B to B 3 P to K'lit 3 ' 31. Btol3 6 . Rto Q 3 32. It to It 2 . I( to IC sq 33. Pto K 5 . Rto Q, 5 . 34. lit .to K 2, R to Q Tit 5 . - n/( ERRICB Fs 80148_,_ • SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, ' MANUFACTURE STEAM. ENGINES—High and Low Preesure. Horizon tal, 'Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping. BOlLERb—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, &c. STEAM llAMMERB—Natanyth and Davy stifles, and of 1111 1117A41. ASTINGS—Loam, Dri and Green-Sand, Bran, deo. ROOFS—Iron Framea, for covering With Slate or Ison. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron ,for rettneries;water, oil, Ac. _ - GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retiorte; Bench Castings. Holden and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Barrows, Valves, Governors, &o. SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as' Vacuum Pane and Pumps, Defecators. Bone Black Filterti..Buraera, • Waehere and Elevatore, Bag Filters, Sugar- and Bono Blaok Cars, ice. Solo taanufacturere of the following specialtieet In Philadelphia and vicinity,of Wilham.Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. _ In - the United - Statel, - of Weston'i-Pate—ntSelf-center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ida chine. • Maga Barton's improvement on Aspinwall A WooloeVe Centrifugal: Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. • Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. . Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Re fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. C OPPER AND YELLOW METAL ,• Brazier's Clair Botts and Ingot WrlnrdiatOn.tikoo.nd9aiftualiThgAte by R"" A BSTRACT OF REPORT OP THE CD -N • NATION OF BANK OF IRE REpußido, OF FLIILABELPHIA; Made to the Comptroller of the Currency, as shown by its books ut the close of business on the 9th day of Oc tober, 194, REspuncEs:- • • Loana tine Discounts • $1,171;415 59 C. 8. Onds deposited with Treasurer of the U. 8 500,000 00 Bonds on hand • • 141,000 0Y Beal Bidet° ( productive) 132,121 10 . , Legal Tender Notes and Certill- __ _ ' $1,9i4,636 96 _legal Ten.__ elites National Dank Notes. Fractional Currency and iitampa Fretniume,. Due from other flanks Expenisa and Taxes Capital Stocl-' . ' 1,000,000 00 Circulation • , •, • 417,N0 00 Deposits ' • 1283,N3•01 Surplus Fund $10,713 fl' - Loss 51,037 55 • 73,751 18 . • • , JoenPn 1 3 -141).11! PRO, eitalner. - PIIILA1)ELIIIIA'. Oct. 15. 1509.„: 0q 123,1 1 t ot§ LAIM oft.-. 59 BBLS. NO. I,' W.ESTEA,N Lard Oil; to arrive , and for by.,00011.11,A1i KIMBELL It 00:.1,1101notnnt 1600 • Gpme 7114.2524. . .` The, Following gamea; between 3lessni. Bison and llobkins, were reeently,played in a little Tourney .at the German Club. 35. B 4o B 5 (ch) 30. R to (2 7 toi.__l .37. B to It 7, &c.) Z,x 36. 13 X B.,•(01) . 37, Pto 5 K K to 40. P 'to Kt 4 41. P toft 3 42. K"to K's toil. 6, will wins ', Xx B K 'to Q 2 K.to.Q,3` P to Kt 4. P to It 3 X to Q 2 KtoK2 36. 13 to K 4 9 and wins Y. IRON, &U. WANKS i rATENgM's. , LIT/ES ‘1 : " t e 2,7601100 07 ABIL ' A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT OF THE Wilmington and Reading Railroad, Payable April and October, free of State This roadr ti n through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. For the present we are offering a limited amount of the above bonds at . The connection of this road with the Penneylvan and Reading Railroads insures it a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest first• ease investment in the market: WM. PAINTER & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 3estf jAyCoOKEeccp. 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. = We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In siirs9leeiccoepany of thn 'United States. Full information given at our office. - 4 (VAST I E SOAP—GENUINE AND VERY V superior -200 boxes just landed from bark Idea, and for sale by;.ll9BgliT Druggists, N.E. corner rm our an o Dace streets. _ _ _ 346,174 00 24,899 00 7,949 19 9,925 00 399,912 29 7 88 , 36 9 48 27,203 93 , TARUGGIBTB 1 4 7.,1ND A LARGE A./stock of /lion's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, Radathel. Opt., Citric Acid, Coxe's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood' Mortars. kc., just landed from bark. Hoffnnug, from Loudon. • ROBERT.' SHODICAKED, CO.; Wholesale Druggists. N. E,,coruor .rskurtla and Race streets, TARUGGISTS' .STINDRIES.- GRADU xx ates, Mortar, Pill Tiles s Combs, Brnabors, Minters, Tweezers, rug Bcows,Horn ScuolaSurgical 'mam moth, Trussea; Hard and' Soft Rubber.bGcbde; Vial Caeca, Wass and HotalLSyr ingoc s &1a.,. rirst Handel" prices. Slit 'IV,PEN do BROTHNII, a. -tf 23 South Eighth street. 30 YEARS. ~ 19.CITAVII, ,PRACT.ITE Dr. FINE; No. 219' Vine"street, bolonr Third, inserts the handsomest Tooth in the city,nt prices to snit all. Teeth Plugged, Teeth Repaired, Exchanged, orNmodollod to suit. Gas Ether.; No pain , in ex. trusting. • 011ico'bouiv,8 !ob. • ...• se2s.e,mtibm • . . , . • : , ..' . ., , c.,igAitai1iiiii!A , 4...kiiie...(L... , .t... , , ..,...:____ . . . . ........ rim A m , ,SPRINGS SARATOGA, NEW YORK . .‘ • The analysis proves that the waters of the , ~SaratOga Springs have a much larger amount of solid abstance, richer in Medical ingredients than an Other spring In Saratoga, and iihovrs what the taste! namelYi tha IS the 'STRONGEST. WA'X'ER. it also demonstruee That the. STAB WATER contains , 100 Coble kora 0 64 • in it gallon thaw any other spring. it is this eXtra amount of gas that Imparts to this water Ito peculiarly sparkling appearance, and render. it so very agreeable to the taste. It also tends to preserve the delicious flavor of the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with an efferveseence almost oqualtttakuppPallhe• lilt Sol d b c oy untry. the leading Dnigyiete and Hotels through- , the • ' ' JOHN' WTETH & 81104, 1412 Wallotut Street, Phillitdsa g Wholesale Agents Also for sale by4V,Waltar kfulfenteheetnut liillafrod Brown,corner of riab and Chestnut streetc_. J Gra:. kerne, Twelfth and Filbert: H. B. Lipdacott.Twentieth and cherrYl Penh &Go., rsa chestnut. ; amens) S. Bnnt. Ag, Tenth add Borneo...lL O. Taylot.iuls CheatnatlP.(l , SighOunth and Bp . 6e.• Y. Jadob.y, Jr.,917 Vilest * nut; Geo. G. Bower, Sixth r :zul Vinc;Jae.l'. Bhinn,Broad abet Spruce; Daniel 8. Jones, Twelfth and Spruce; W. B. Wobb . it Tenth and :pring Garden. ~ .iiiIIbANDOLPII. 8 0 -,,gmv , - P 1 3 1 '.-- 11, 7 A " ) , ----(1 --- 1 4 - *FRS 1 1 "Z.1.1.,,,_1K Dealers In IT. S. Bonds and Members of Stock-and-Gold-Itcehange o receive ae. counts of Banks and Bankers on Ilberal terra, Issue Bills of Exchange cm C. J.Hambro & Son, London. ,'B. Metzler, S. Sohn'& Co., FranktOrd. • • James W. Tuoker Co., Paris. And other principal cities, and 'Letters of Credit available throm;hont- Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Street& UNITED STATES BONDS Bought, Sold and Exchanged on' most liberal terms. GOLD Bought and Sold at Marhet Bates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought, and Sold. swtocirLs Bought and Sold on Commission Only. COLLECTIONS Nade,on all_Accessible Points. a 41 ilittitte, 101 I to , fi 40 South Third St., 1139tf THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS BEARING INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. LN CURRENCY, and Vatted States Taxes. 85 Cents and Interest. Banliers and Dealei4 In Governmenti, N0..36 S. THIRD :STREET, BANKING ROUSE DEALERS n 1 Lr 5: 1 a i w ItS'A'D /NG RAILROAD: - - 0-.11,11A.Vj Trunk Line from Philadelphia to the interior of ennsylvania, the Schwan', Saftnebanna, .flumberr' * land and Wyoming Valleys, tha_North. Northwest and; the Canada.,Smamer Arrangement of Passeriger TrAins.` Jul ,12 - OE9, leavingthe Company is 'Depot, Thirteenth and Oaliowhill streets, Philad r eblilat •at •the fennwing!' hours: __,.. . . . • MORNING A (IOOI 4MODATION.--.At 7.30• AVM' fiir 'Reading and ' all intermediate , Stations and• Allentown.' ;• Rourning,leaves Reading at 6.30 P. M.'. arriving -ft ' 'Philadelphia at 9.35 P. M. ; . MORN/NG •EXPRESB.--At fl. 15A. If: for eading. • Letuanioai t Harrisburg, potteville, Pine Grotte,Taniaqua.r, Sunbury,_ • Williameport, 'Elmira. Rochester , Niagara! I . Pallaißftralo Wilkdsbarre ' Pittston, York. clarikien Cbalnuereburi, Hagerstown; ,tc. ' •-' - !" 30 The 7. A D . train connect. at Reading With the Naar Penneylvaniaßailropd trains forAllentowntite.,and the! '8,15 A. M. train connects with the Labanon valley train' - rot Harriebum, dec.; at Port Clinton volth Catawinsa E. /11.' trains los W.illiatturportfLock Haven , ,Ehaira, dro_....•ati Rarrishu_rg„with Northern Central,. Oumberhind Val-; leg. and Schnkill and Suearlehanna trains for/forth-I tanberlarid,"Williameport. 'York; Chamberiburg,Pine., W I lt e liNOON .P.X PRESS.LilltiveS•Philadelphin ;V' i 3.30 . 14, for Reading, Pottsville, Ilarrieburg; Ao„ con. t Codag with Reading and•Columbla //unread trains for ',. b..be. , ~ • - .. -___•+ ' ; i • • • , .. POTTSTOWN. ACCOMI I OIR/ATION.--,Leaits . town Pott n at 0.25 A. Ili.ottopping at theinterniodiate Stations:l arrives in Philadelphia at 8.40 A. Mt Returning :leaves! • Philadelphi a , at 4.30 P. M.; arrive. inTottstownatt 11401 READING AND POTTECVII;LE •AtVitildMODA-1' TlO2B -Leaves Pottsville at 530 A:ll4l=d Reading lat i Igo A. M., atopftgat all way stations' unveil in Phila.. l delphia at 70.1 A. 11 ~ , Retinsing, leaven philidelphla at 'l5 5. P. N.; arrives l in_fteading at 8.03 P. M., and at Pottftlllo at 9.40 P. M. • l _;,•Tpains for •Pkdladelphta leave ; itarrishu*BlloA.. ki, and.Pottaville at 930 A./11., arrivifts is P 01Phta I at t i llo P,M. Afternoon trains leave ,Marrisb 'g at 2.001 -P. , . strut Potteivillu at 2.45 P. 'M.; iirrilltia" Mk Phila. l del arrinburg Aoconnuodition leaves *Siding it 7_15 A, I ,nand Harrisburg at 410 P. M 0 e tins at Need .1 .., - ink with Afternoon AccomModation south at 6.30 P: M., I arrhim In RhibidelDbiaat 9.1.3 P I N. _ - •1 , ~ , Slrma tmin, with& Passenger car attachedjleftes delphia at 19 45n00n for Pottsville and , nu Way, I I leaven Pottsville olt 5.40 A. N.'. connecting at -sending with ancommudation train for Philadelphia and .4112 Otatinata. fr !' AlMillie above trains innAtillyilkftdaprefteepted. •,_' Bi !ay trains leave Pottsville at 8 A.,'.Bt.,"and Philo air at 8 . 1 5 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Beading at -AIM, returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. • • , , - ..._ URETER VALLEY RAILROAD,--Passeng fur ;Downingtown and intermediate points take the 1.80 • ra ne em • nun spa in from Downingtown at 6.10 A.M.. 1.60 P. 11.. and aAS pBRICIOMEN RAILROAD.-Passengets for 13ehweriks title-take 7.30 A.H., 12.45 and 4.30 P.ll. trains for Phila delphia returning from Sohwenksville at 5.55 and 8.12 A.XL 1 2 .55 ' noon. Stage lines for varioua Paints in Perklomen Valley connect With trains at Collegeville and Schwenkaville. COLROROORDALE RAILROAD.--Pasaengera for Boyertosn and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. D. trains from Philadelphia, returning front Boyertown at 7.2.5 and 11.50 A. M. NBW YORK EXPRESS-FOR-PITTSBURGH-AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at'9.6o A. 31., 5.00. and 8.00 P. Id., passing Reading'at 12.35 3141.45 and 10.02 P. N., and connects at •Harrisburg with Peanafivaala and Northern Central Railroad Express Trainb for "Pitta burgh; ChicagoWilliamsport, Elmira', Baltimore, &c. Returning, Express Train leaves Ha rriebtir ;g on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh.at 230 awl 5 - 20 A: 51. and 4.45 P. 31., pa.sing Reading at 4.10 and 7.05 A. 31. and' 6.16 P M., arriving at New York 10.00 and 11.45 .11.31., and 10.20 P. 51. Bleephweara_aecompany theao trains through between Jersey City and Plttahurgh. without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.00 P. N. „Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New york at 12 Noon. CCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD-Trains leavo Pottsville atG D and 113.1 A.M. and 6.50 P. 31.. returning from Tamaqua at 9.35 A. 31.4 and 2.15 and 4.50 P. M. SCRUILIiILL AND sIISQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Trains ienve Auburn at 8.55 A. 11. and 3.2(/ M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg and at 12.10 noon for Pine grove and Tremont; returning from Ilarri4burg at 7.35 and 11.50 A. 31., and from Tremont at 6.45 A.R. and 5.05 P. 31. TICKETS.—Through firet•olaes tickets and RmitTrant tickets to all the principal points in t o heNorth and West and Canada. Eieursion Ticketa from Philadelnitial') Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for day oni3•_ , , are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation 'Dating at reduced rates, •. Rzenrsion Tickets to Philadelphia, good Tor day only, are Hold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation , Trains at' reduced rater.. . . The follovine tickets are obtainable only at the Office of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 221 south Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicol's, General Superinten dent, Reading. Commutation Tickcte.at 25 per cent. discount, between any 'points desired, for families and arms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,001./miles,between all poinfs at 6 , 52 each for families an.l firms. ' Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve 'months, for holders only, to all points,.at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on 'the lne of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wices- to tickets at half fare . • Excursion Tickets from rhiladelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had streets. t the Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill . FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded -to all the, above points from the Cornpanyls New Freight ,Dipot:, - Brond and - Willeic — Streets. reigle Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 435 A. H., 12.45 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. H., for Reuling, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be d Send. Rails close at the PhiladelPhiaPost-office for all places en the road and' its branches at 5 A. H., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. aL • BAGGAGE. • • ' . Dungan's F.nress will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. 'Orders can be left ,at No. 225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. ron NEW YORK.-THE' CAMDEN 1 AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA' AND TRENTON _RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from Wal nut street wharf. • Fare. .At 6.30 A. M., via Camden and Ainbtry, Accom.. $225 At A. M. via. Camden and. Jersey City Ex. •300 At 2.00 P. 31., via Camden and Amboy Express, 800 At 6 P. 31. for Amboy and intermediate stations, At 630 and 8 A. M., and 2 P. 31., for Freehold. At 2.00 P. 31. for Long Branch and Points on R.& D. B. R. R. At 8 and 10 A :M., 12 AI, 2,3..E1and 4.80 P. M.,for Trenton. At 6.30,8 and 10 A.M., 12 31;,2.3.30,4.80,6, i and 1 1;30 P • 31., for 33ordentown,Florence,Burlulgton,Beterly and De lance. • . At 6.:11 and I 0A.M.,12 31., 3.30,4.38,6,7 and 1130 P.M. for Edgewater,Riverside, Riverton, Palmyra and Fish Nouse, an AL, for Riverton. The 11.30 P. M. Line leaves from foot of Market street by uppei ferry. From Kensington Depot: At.ll A. Si., via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Line $3 00: At 7.30 and 11_00 A. 31., 2.30, 3.30 and P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.15 A. M. and 6T. M. for Bristol. At 7.30 and 11 A. AL , 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and Tulbitown. At 7.30 and 10.15 A. 31., 2.30, 5 and 6 P. IL for Schenck's and Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15 A. M., 2.30, 4;5 and 6 P. M., for Coin- • *ells, Torresdale, Holniesburg, Tacony, Wissinoming, ltridesburg and Frankford aud.8.30 Pad. for Mohan& burg and lntennediate Stations. ' From West Philsdelphi&Depot via Connectingßailway At 930 A. 31.,J.A) 4, 6.45,8 and 12 P. M. New York Ex -' press Line, via Jersey City 31325 At 11.30 P: M. Emigrant Line At 9.30 A. 31 ,1.30, 4, 6.44,S and 12 P.ll. for Trenton. At 9.30 A. 31., #, 6.45 and 12 P. 31., for Bristol.' At 12 P.M .(Night) for Morrisville,Tullytown,Schenck'S Eddington, Contwells; Torresdale, Rolmeeburg, Ta cony, Wissmoming, lridesburg and Frankford., • The 9.30 A. M. and s and 12 P. 3 f Lines run daily.' All others, Sundays excepted. • • Fur Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fore departure.' The Cars of 'Market Street Railway tun direct to West Philadelphia Depot Chestnut and Walnut' within one stmare, On !Sundays, the Market Street Oars, will run to connect with the 9.30 A. M, arid 8 and' 12 P. BELVIDERE . DELAWARE RAILROAD LL,NEO , front Kensington Depot. ' At 7.30 A. .Al., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk,'' Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, §yracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre,: Schooley Mountain. &c. • • At 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. Si. for Scranton, ,Strouds-: burg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville,' Flemington, &e. The 3.30 P. 11.'Line counecta 'direct , with the train leiving-Etiston for. Stanch Chunks/Men-I. town, Bethlehem, &c. . . At 14 A. M. and P. M. for Lambertville and interme diate Stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEMBER TON AND MIGHTSTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar.; ket street FernqUprier Side.) ' • At 7 nna 10 A. m.;i; 2.15430,6 & 6.30 P.ll.for Merchants.r ville,lllooreatown, Hartford. Alasonville,llainaport,' ' Mount Ilotly, Smithviliu, ,Ewausyllle, iincontown, Birmingham and Pemberton. •• • • • , ; Atslo A. Id. for Lewistown, Wrlghtstown, Cookstown,,; New Egypt and Hornendown. Al 7A. At., 1 and3.Bo•P. M. for Lewistoivn, Wrights-; town. Cookstown, Now Egypt, nornerstown, Cream Ithisze, Indaystown, Sharon and nightgown. _ Fifty pounde of Baggage only allowed each Puasohger,l Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag 4 gage but their wearing apparel. Alrbaggage over fifty, _poundsto be pilidlor_extra,L_The_Company_limit their responsibility Our baggage to One. Dollar per p'ilatidil aim will not be liable for any, amou ,V.0)0 nt beyond , ex cept by special contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked -direct through :to Boston, Wortester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven;' Prot Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga,' - Utica, Bence, 6 , ,) mouse, limehester,Buffalo,• Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge: ' " An additional Ticket Office Is located at No. 82.1IChest, nut street, where tickets to New York, and all import taut points North and East, may be procures!. Persona .purchasing Tickets-at'this gun have their hagl gage checked from residences or hotel to destlnation,by Union Transfer Baggage Express. • •• ` Lines from New :I. ork, for Philadelphia will leave front • foot of Cortland street tel 1.00 and 4.00 P. Al., Via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 P. M. via Jersey City 'end Kensington At 7, and hi A.M., 12.30,5 mid 9 P.M., miff 12 Night, via Jersey City and AVest Philadelphia. • Front Pier No. I, N. Inver, at 640 A. M. AccommodM tine and 2P. Si. Express, via Amboy and Camden: • Aug. 30,1869. VIM. it. GATZ3LKIt, Agent. EST JEItS Y• 11 A,D; lf .FALL AND WINTER .ARRA.NGE3IENT. . • COMMENCING TUESDAY SEPT I . 215t,1669. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of'Market street ( Upper Fern )at • , • • ; '• • • 8,15 A. Si., Mall, for Bridgeton, Salem, Aliilville,Vlrm• land, Svredeshoro and, ailliderniediii to stations. Ai.,, Mail, for, Cape May, Inlllville, Vineland and way stations below Glinieboro. ' • , 3.30 P. Me Passenger, for Bridgeton,' Salem, Swedes born. and all intermediate stations. 4.• 440 P,M., .Woodbury and. Glassboro sccorniniabilfen: Frefeld train,fOr all'adtioti,tleaves Canideu at 12,00 o'clock, n00n... • , • ,• ; , Freight received in , Philadelphia at oecoad. covered wharf below Walnut etroet. • Freight delivered at N 0.228 8. Delaware avenue. • Commutation tickets, at reduced . rates, between Phila delphia and all stations. _ r • +TVIA.iLIAM. J. BEWEIIL, Superintendent. FAST.. FREIGHT MATH -PENNSYLVANIA--; RAILROAD, -to Wilkesbarre, • Annoy City, Mount Carmel, Centr ilia and' all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad mid its branthea. • , By new arrangements,Terfected this day, this read is enabled to give inoreased•tiespatch to ,merchaviditio con signed to the„above , ntimpti points Goode delivered at the Through Xreight Depot, 13.1 G: ror. Front and Noble streets, :Refine 4 P/ ;numb Wilkeabarro, Mount cannel. MalialPteY Pity', and : the, other stationa Memleinoy and ikilevh3tieforf' `,ll:' the succeeding day'. , • :ELLIS CLAIM Aaoatt -' , s:'f , -, '::t• . ! . ;;Eir;*,vei.Eits , aviiii. `"-110' ORM' • :A' NSYLVAITLEIAILROALI; '.IVI - 1-TH2t , ' ) DLE ROUTE.t-ShOrtest and most di_4 rent line ter:'Bethlehem_,_ East(' ,n . Allentown , Mauch. . Chunk, Hazleton, H White aven, Wilkesbarra f Mahanoyo 1; City, lit. Carme l Pittston, iTnnktunnicick, ficranton4 1 Carbondaleand all the points in the Lehigh:and W 70.1 mangoes' regions , - , k • - . Passenger Depot iiii' Philadelphia, H. W. corner Berkli and Areerictur aced/3'; _ . ' ~BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 15 DOLT IffLUlO3.: On and niter TUESDAY, June let, ISO, Passenger; Trains leave 'the Depot, corner of Berke and American) I street!), daily (Sundaysexcepted), as followii• •'- • • 6.45 A. M. Accommddation for fortiVashingtoo:. i At 7.45 A.11.-Morning. Express for. Bethlehem and! Principal, Stational on Korth Pennsylvania Railroad,. ~,,c ohnecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Rallroadi for Allentown ! Catasanana,Slatington, Mauch Chunk', 'Weatnerly,Jeanesville, Hag leton,White Haven, WiLkes-; tarre, Kingston, Pittston, Tunkhannock, and all points( In 'Lehigh' , and 'Wyoming Valleys; also, it cOnnentioni with Lehigh and Malutnoy Railroad for Mahanoy 0.14•', and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Mil-; ton and•Williezniport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12 M.; atWilkesbarre at 2210P.M.;at Mahan°, City at 1.50 P. 11.1 ) At&46A: M.-Accommodatinn for. Doylestown; stop.' ping at•all Intermediate Stations. Passengers lor Wil low GroVealltboro , and Hartsville, by this , train, take Stage at Old York Road. , ' • 9461a..••M. (Express) • for Bethlehem,. Allentown,', Mauch Chunk., White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston ' ', Scranton and tiarbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna • Rif Irdad, '-.'and ' Allentown and' ' Easton, ' and ' points on New Jemmy Central Railroad and Morris and 4 Essex ILdiroad to New York via th igh ValleyßaUroad. " At 10.45 A. /I.o4cconanodatibn for Fort Washington, stomping at intermediate Stations • , , 1.15,8,15,520 and 5.P.M. , -A odatiou to Abington. At 1.45)P. M.-Lehigh Valley press for Rethlehem, , Easton ' Allentown, Manch ,Chmilt, ,Hazlletdn„. White 'Haven,Wilkesbarre, Pittatoty Scranton, and Wyoming Coal Regions. . t _.% . ~ , At 2.45• P. 144-Accommodation for poyleatown, Itoll - at all intermediate stations: At 4 3 ,5 P. M.-Accommodation for Doriettewll;44Opt tpixtlg at all intermediate stations. i , , i . ;AA 6.00 P. 111.-Through for Bethlehem, csuniecting at 'Easton: with Lehigh valley Evening, Train' for 'Easton:Allentown; •'Mauch Chunice. _ • ) .. , , • • At 6.20 P. X.-Accommodation for Ltungiale,stopping at all intermediate stations. . . At .11.30 P. 11.-Accothmodtion`for Pert Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADLPHIA: _ • Pram Bethlehem at 9 A. 11., 2.10, .4.45' nnd , ,8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. M.,,4.45R,..M. and 8.25 P.M. Trains wake' direct connection trith'Lehigh Valley dr Lehigh 'and Susque li arum trains front Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre„ Ma hanoy City and Ilaxieton. __.- _, , from Doylestown at 8.25 A.1.1.,4.55.P.m .4' 1 4 7 . 110 P.M From Lansdale at 7.80 A. M. • ' ' " - 011 --Waddrigtal.. 4 % Nr...”. 1 q 10_ • ON SUNDAYS. • , Philadelphia for Bethieherti,at 9.38 A. M. ' • ' • Philadelphia for Doylestownstl.oo Pi. M. • Philadelphia for Abington Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 4,,At; Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. - • Abington for Philtulelphia at - ''• •• Fifth and Sixth Streets Passengercurs convey,paseon gers to and from the new Depot. White cars of Second and' Third - Streets Liftol and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot, •• Tickets must ho procured at the' Ticket UtHcot ittOrder to secure tho lowest rates of fare. • • ELLIS CLABB,li.gOnt, ' Tickets soldand Baggage checked through turinci pal points, at' Nunn 'a 'North Penn. • Baggage , Express office, No. J 0 South Fifth street TDRILADELPHIA / •WitIINgTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD.- -TIME TABLE Corn mencingDlONDAY,' May 10th ; 1 869 Trains will leave Depot, cornerßroad' and Washington avenue, se.fol•• WAY HAIL TRAIN at 8.30'A. It. (Sundays except .4), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. CM meting With Doiawara Railroad at .Wilmington• for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 DI. ( Sundays eicepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre de Grace. • Connects at Wilming-/ ton with train for New Castle. • , EXPRESS 'TRAIN a 44.00 P. H. (Sundayit excepted)4 for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linta - ood,, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, ,Stanton. Newark, Elkton, North East,, Charlestown, • Perryville Havre do Grae, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood,' 3lngnolia, Chase ' s and Stenimer ' s Run... Iv E IGIiT XPRESS at ll'.„U) P. M. (daily) for Raltiniore and• SVRshinaten. stopping at. Chester, Thurlow, Lin wood;'Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton; North East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Perryman' and Mag nolia. • . Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 121,0 M. Tram. WIL3IINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Station between Philadelphia and Wilmington.' LCRSO PHILADELPHIA. at .11.00 A. M..2..53_,3:00 - and 7.00 P. M. The.o.oo P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington end intermediate stations. Leave WIL AIINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A. 31., 1.30,4.15 and 7.00 P. 3.1. The 8.10 A. M. train will not stop between, Chester and Philadelphia. The '7.00 P. 31. train • from Wilmington . runs daily ;allothorAccommodation Trains Sundays excepted. From RALTI3IO.IIE to PILILADELPBIA.—' Leavell Baltimore 7.25 A.M., Way Mail: 9.35 A. 1J.., Express, 2.35 P.M., Express.72s P. 31.,-h'xpress. . SUNDAY TRAIN FROM' BALTDIORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at 1.23 P. M. Stopping at-Magnolia, Per rymun'ti, Aberdeen`Havre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charles town, North-East, Elkton; Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Dial-Mont, Linwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA AND- BAL-T.LHORE CENTRAL RAILROAD TRAlNS—Stopping at all Stations on Ches ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central RR. • Leaves'PHELADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIPLOut day excepted t TRFA The 7.00 A. M. Train will atop at all Stations 'between Philadelphia and Lamokin. . , • A Freight Train with Passenger car attached will leave Philadelphia daily (Sundays excepted) ut 1.00 P M., running to Oxford. " • Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA. (Sun days excepted) at 5.40 A. 31,0.25 A. M., and 2.30 P, 181. Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 0.30 A. M. and 4.15 P. M., will convect at Lamokin Junction with the 1.00 1.:31.und 4.30 P:11. trains for Baltimore Central R. R. Through tickets to all point West, South, and South west rnay.be procured at the ticket office, 628 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel,' where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by_ the Union Trans fer Company. H. F. KENNEDY, Sup7t.• 1101ENNSYLVANTA CENTRAL RALL _L. ROAD.—After. 3P. IL; SUNDAY, September sth 1869. The trains of the , Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at ,Thirty-tirst and Market streets,which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes 'before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway run within ono square of the Depot. Stepping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and. Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggy at the Depot. Orders lett at N 0.901 Chestnut street, No /16 Market street, will receive at , . tention TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: • Mail Train at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accona. at /0.36 A.M., LlO, and 7.10 P. M. Fast Line. , at 11.50 A. M.' Erie Erprese nt 11.50 A. M. Harrisburg Accom .. at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Accom at 4.00 P. M. , Parksburg Train. . at 5.30 P. M. Cincinnati Express . at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mail and 'Pittsburgh Expre55.—...........at 9.30 P. M. Accommodation at 11.00 P.M. Philadelphia Express 'at 12.00 night. _ Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday,. running on 'Saturday night tp Williatimport only. on Sunday Wight 'passengers will Wave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock._ , Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex- , Dress daily, except Saturday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. Tha Western Accommodation Train runs, daily, except Sunday For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by LOU P. M.. at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express.... at 2.45 A. IL Philadelphia Express, at 6.20 A. M. Erie Mail ' ' .at 6.20 A. M. Paoli Accommodation at 8.21/ A. M. and 4.05 Fr 6.35 P. M Parkeburg Train at 9.10 A. M. Fast 1ine....-- ' at 9.35 A. M Lancaster Train at 12.30 P. IL ,xpress at 6,10 P. 31 _ Day xpress Pacific Express ..at 8.25 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodationl‘ at 9.40 P. M. For further information, apply to JOAN F. VANLEER, JR., Ticket gent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, Ile , Market street -- SAMDEL 11. vALLAcn, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume an risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to -One -Hundred Dollare-in 'value AU Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special con tract., ' EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS., General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. IaTEST CHESTER' -AND PHiLA.DEL- Y PHIA RAILROAD,-;-Winter Arrangement: On and after MONDAY, (let. 4, l&ig, Tram] will li:exam follows: . Leave Philadelphia, from Now Depot Thirty-first and . Chestnut streets, 7.45 A. M., 11.00 A. 3i 2.30 '. M- 1 4.15- P. M., 4.401'. 11,6.15 P. 11, 11 .30 P. M. Leave West Chester, from Depot, on East Market street; 6.25 A. 31,8.00 A. M., 7.45 A M 10 45A 3I 1.65 P. 11,4.50 P. 11,0.55 P.M. Train leaving West Chester iit 8.00 A.M. will stop pt B. C. Junction, Lanni, Glen Riddle and Media: leaving , Philadelphia at 4.40 P. .11, will stop at Media, Glen from stations between Wait Chester and B. 0. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chesteeat 7.45 A. M., and cur will be attached to Bxprese Train at IL C. Junction; and going West, Passengers for Stations above B. C. Junction will take train leaving Philadel phia at 4.40 P. AL, and Will change cars at .13. 0. Junc tion. . • Theelle - pat in Philadelphia is retiched directly by .the Chestnut and 'Walnut street curs. Those of the Market street line run within one square. The care of both Lime connect with each train upon its arrival. . ON SUNDAYS.—Leavo Philadelphia for Weet Cheater at 8,80 A. 31. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphiant TM A. M. and • Wir Passengers artiallowed to take Wearing Apptird only, as Baggage, and.the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one kundreddoll lam unless a special ovine be made ter the same. \WILLIAM C. WHEELER.' • • crenoral (Superintendent. ' • 11DHILADELPHIA. AND - ERIE loom. -.1... . 110 AD—W INTER TIME, TABLE.. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 6, 1869, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as followa front Pennsylvania. Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WEhITWItD. Mall Train leave's Philadelphia . • ' 920 P. M. , ~ . :Williantsport 7.80 A. M. ',• LE - THE ORPHANS'' CO URT FORT - fitill ~ ~ arrives'at Erie..., • 8.15 P. M. 1J : • city' CA and County ' of I ,l ll,ll.ttlelphia. , *-Estatecof Erie Extort:es 'mires Philadelphia ILSO A, M. /., GH CARR, deceased.—Notice. is- herd. ygiveu,tiiat .. 1 '• " .', 'Williamsport ' ' TAXI P.,3f ELLEN CAR,R,..widow of saki ,decease,d, has tiled sr: .. •4, arriveelitFria“.., , - 10 .00 A.M .Petitien, with' appraisement of !personal' property ' be. Elmira Mall loaves 1. 4 )1 ladelpida t 8.00 A. M; r. 'electil to retain under the act ,of Assembly of 'AptitM s " " ' '" '3 illitinisport. ' 6.10 P. 11l • ~ 1667, and itoeupplementontel. that the, MAXIAMIAlteal,p.t , ; od, “ arrives at iLook Haven ' 1.80 P. 84 - prore4 by tbe your; on ATUEDAY.,9 S O#I-;234 _Wo • • • • - - . • - TA , • L _• urilpile exceptione be filed hereto. • •Az - ~,, ... .11lail : Train levee Erie. '8.15.14. m. ,i ... ~. F. - - JOHN- 214.) BURTON, , .. -- - , c • " ' 4 _ Willitunsport ' ' 9.15 P.M, 4, , 0014-th s 4t* ', ,•. ~ ~.. ', .• : At.ternoy, 1 . 5 . F . ,,W18406', ~ •. • ,•-. " 44 tdrireentrPhiholeipitla ' 6.10 AO*. ;' Dip Eicyreoe leaves ErteOF ' (.1 0 37 : ' 31 3- L' i tAit ' ' - ''' '‘' 0.20 P.:i X. i TN THE COURT ,. . . , , ~!, " Williamsport 4.25 A. M. ' 1 FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY; OD' porn ~ ' , 14'; " " Williamsport Philo.lelithia 1.20 P. K. . PRIA.--HANNAII. GERHART A by her. next 'llFjetulli ~ ' , - ;1.1 Tiltaira - Illai loavvo ',eh-Haven. .... :.. .....--..-6.50-A,IC - e ,:o. , -1 , 0.-- OIiA4LEIL-GILIRUAIVE..--..Tuno--- k rl rer sT " •" Wi 1110 msport '8.45 A. SE, No. 26, lit pivoroe. .To CHARLES -0 It ti Tioi•-,ls , "• • " arr ve4 int Plillottotobin , ' 7.15 P. M. ' respendent ; litit ; Masataka ttotloothat a rola haatr:;vi. I t re a rine betweouo to dth Wel a45; - .1 . ; Eplo , E we leaves MILI:I4Ort *. ' i l 2 20 rin t t ei g . ?i ,), u i cin the. !above Steert . show. causer 13 1- . - '," . ' arrives at, Pihiadtapbta. 9.25 .A; M. 'thud. not, be decreed„ unik, • ainl *old, and ” why why,tvi , ,, , ,y,.::', , .' .• .4 ' I • ', ---. '•• - • . - • divorce a vtarato • mearimo _.isi.• 'o hook! , not , be decrOia' l- .7,ni' Xrpretio east conooete at Corry. grill mast at Corry and , therein, returnable tIATURVe.A.Yr October MAL 4n6ih, 4 r'-N In jitetpli. ,Expropo wed 'at Iry tnetuo with trains on lo o'clock A. M. Pereonal,,norrlco haling flied 91.1. i. ... o y i -c‘rat.i, and Allegheny River Railroad. . •, ' count of van!. abracQ. , &'_, , BLEB , L. . p Jlet -i m ii7..;;; . • . : ALFILLu L. TYLER, ' 1 - OA ~.. 7. : .General Superintendent. , ociO to tit 4t§ • Attorney t0r14144404.1i.tt0 : L04,4:4141 TRAVE ' LE4k ...............,,,,,---- OH iIiADELP te . , 'OBE -. • ' I ,:.„,, .a AND FORIMISTOWN -RAILROAD 7 , a 1 p, ,, P.E.-On and after Monday, May 3ds /810,91,81,11 • • ~ further notice: TOR GERMAIPTOWN; -(N„,;, , i Leave rhfilidel4lll4.- 4 4,7, S, IMMI ,1 0, 11 .- /a A•lesit . :* ,t, , 4.14, 8 1 11,4,4.34,4.01, 00 ,7,8,84A0, 11 1. 12 P. Leave G : rm antown ....4 ; 7, l/11 31 ,1 8 , 41 ), Vs ...w, Ds 12 4 1 i, „ I, 2,3, 4, 4 41 5 , 631.0, 63b, 7 1 0 , - .4 4m. , ... , • ...• ,_ ..-..'-,..1 - The 8.20 down-train, and the ex and Eli ult tramis•was notnt9P 00119 Genrill'atemlarkirrjl.: " ••• ~: •., %. • _ ~.., . .4 ON SU ' Leave Phiiadelphlar-9.15 A. M., 2, 4.08 minutes, 7 ... q ., 'IT ......-* 8 •36d9M P 1M Leave Clermont° .... ~.1 A. lit, 1,. ,_ an . OREBTNOT BILL BA.II,D,OAD.__ _:;, 2 _ .. .testve PhiladelphiaB; a, 10, 32 A. N , 2, 38f,01,41t , and 11 P• M. _Leave Chestant Rill--7.10 minutes, 8,9 40, eat* 1140 AI i M ; 140, 340,640, 6.40 i1 8.40 and 10.40 P.M. ~,,,,, ' teiti4 Pfilladelphia-9.15 antes A'. M.; 2 and .."38,.„, Leave Chestnut noi-azo zonnter A. N . ; /240,6 A aw, .. • Liave Thiledeiplla,..B . 7%,0, 11 J30sA. re- s ~ 9.2S .B IP O I E nu C te O B I3 P B . II N oocKEN AND. Noßß,Lyro 3 wr a 4 i'l.,•;,i -"6%. 6.14, 8.06,10.08 and 11% P. 31-,,„„, . Leave Norrietewn-84.0,631, 7, t x,,,9 111 A N . , Lti t e ll 4: 43b 4.18, 8 and 93i P,M. iir en ralf: g fr , o_m_Norristownwill riot stop,) Domino or Schnee Laney I: at jll9" .llos T ea h ' e tPP 4/A otta:l anayttn rnuadel hla will etoponl "..,, ' IW * /'he a P • 4l ' Tilinfr°ll2 h P h ken i'A et Schoolla , n , e, on s k tr aip p d A,_ Cri ti a ,, c' . 0 ,7 0 15 ; m vii ,,! ,:;l Leave rhitaatlphia. 4 9 A. 31.; 2,4.4 Etna . __.. 2, ,1 , Leave Norristown-l•A. If .; I_,,d 9 P. M, ,11 ,, k,. Leave Philadelph i a - 6,73 A: ?d•; 2)11 3 $ 4341'110 N r3k4,, e 6 st al letaett o in i n a k u -d d'4 .1 78 0,717 : i . , 810,9 M, wi.A • 3t4 t 3 g tr- ' .17 -5, 6'fi,,13.30 and 10 _ . P mi . The,M tromphaadeisda iiii , 2, ,•: .. 'l' at School - Lane and W ln anarank. __ , , ~•:, , • • =, ON , 8 uNDA - 21A 4 and 2m p.14,, , ,,, ; :1.„,,,, LeavolPhiladelphits. 31._; I.,ottv/Idanagunk.-T. Af ue . ii • e i r it i t3; i a ti n ve d r 9 l 3i nte r nd . M alt , ; , ,• 4, , 4 f t W. . D WILSON , tNi th and Green' ensue ' ciA3I,I3EN ' AND ATLANTIC . - R A J DOAD.-On and after MONDAY, October •i ii .; , trains' will leave Vino street ferry as follows ( Bad i r I , Mexcepted,/ : • ' j..:..-. IMO illf aiL.... ... ..... ....... • •••••••" . •'," . 434 Ai ..:' Treight (with passenger car) , &Di P,.^•31,1 Atlantic Accommodation Ateoand inter- ••• , 1' Junction) Acconimedathm • to ~!..,,...„L„ ~„,.., sx, i 544,, , mediate atations LEAVE - ATL - Airifio.. 4 13., ;IA BET D R / 4 / 11(3 . .thai. , .. , _.. ,,, •„.......:.......,...----- relght liAas.l•l,,:i Atlantic, Accomincslat on 606 Junction Accommodation from Atco 43, Maddenil eld Acconnned atEon • trains . leave , 2 ~,,1 : ,„,.‘,..'• 1 1,...,^1 Yin street 10.35 A. N. and tr .yr. •2 ' , iffildoenfield.....-.1-............. ";.DAVID ll l,oo H P lF :M trim an r d ~A .4 ., ,e , `, MEDICAL A 4 , year - .. Irv . • ' vv .. v igor For ,the Renovation .of the , Hairt:', - , The Great Desideratum of the 'Aga. A' dressing 'which ,is, at once argeeab,li, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. 'Faded or gray hdir is soon, restored to its original' color and the ,gloss freskiess of * youth. Thin hair is .thick- ened, falling, hair checked, and -bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore hair where the follicles are. destroyed, or the glands- 'atrophied and decayed 'Y That such as ;remain can be saved' for ,usefulness by this application. Instead of, fouling the hair' with a pasty sedi, ment, it will keep it clean and . vigorous Its occasional,use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently—prevent---baldness-.--Frge— froM those deleterious Sub Stances which make some preparatious dangerous and . Injurious U) the hair, the Vigor can only, benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely fora , ,„; HAIR' DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doet? , not soil white cambric,- and yet lasts longer on the hair; giving it 'a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer & Co. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS) MASS. • • PRIDE $l.OO, • ; Sold by all Druggists everywhere. •At wholesale . by J. It. ALARM at CO., Philadelphia. mh9 to th s cow ly (?P.A-Ti • DENTALUNA. ••=-; - A StrPERIOR article for cleaning the . Tenth destroying animalcule w gich infest them, giving tone to the grime and leaving a feeling or fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, - and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, ,whila the aroma detersiveriess ,will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assititance of the Dentist, Physi cians and Microscopist, it id confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue, • . Lminent Dentists, acquainted. with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its nurostrained emplbyruent. Blade only by JANES T. SHINN, ApothecarY• Broad and Spruce etreets, rally, and ~ D. L. Stackhonse, Robert C. Davis, • Geo. C. Bower, ' Chas. Shivers, , S. M. S. C. Bunting. Chas. IL Eberle, James N. Marks, E. Bringhurst k Co.. , Dyott Co„, • 1 - 1131al, I, Wyeth &Bro. • For sale by. Druggists gene Fred. Browne, ; liassard & Co., ' U. R. , . .Isaac H: Kay, ' C. R. Needles, T. J.' llnsband Ambrose Smitb, • Edward Parrish, Wm. B. Webb, James L. Bispham, geea& COLA • Henry o A. Bower. , LEGAL. NOTICES. 'UN THE COURT OF COMMON-P1.7t 7 i....4 ' A. for the City and Co'linty of Philadelphia.—Assigned Estate of JOHN H. WILLIAMS dc CO.—The. Auditor • appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the -- account Of JOSEPII J. DORAN, Assignee of. JOHN IL _.: ......... ' , ;wiLLIAlis , & o.,.and- to make distribution. of the balance in the hands of the -accountant, will meet the . parties : interested. for the.purposes of his appointment, onMONDAY, October 25t11,18r,e, at 4 o'clock I'. AL, at --.' --. 'his office, No. 217 South Third street, in the city of Phil- 4 .- ..--. • • adelphia. . , . -.5. HENRY NORRIS, . ..', -- • ocl6 f in - w At§ - . . . - • Auditor: VSTATE .OF ELIZABETH. AV. 3 , 1.c-,, ,. 1;.., lA, CAUSLAND.depoused.—Letters teshunentary On ,: \ - .4-, . the last will of said - decedent having, been granted to the ia.-41 undersigned; all persons indebted to' the said estate trill.:;`. - '-.y . • . make payment, and those having' claims will -present , ;1 5 .;4 - 7," ; , , '" the same to MARGARETTA McCAUSLAND, Exec-- •! e.' , 1, • . . utrix, N 0.807 North Nineteenth Street,. or to .her At torney, --- WILLLAAI, - 3. - AIcELIIOY, - southeast "corner, 'Sixth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. ' • eel TOL" :•,'li..- t' , ...4 - e, if , , - 4 ' TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR' Tlik"k;ie4 - 20c.,: -- x—city - ami - Countrof-Philatielelthr.—Estate`of ISAAautt RODGERS, deceased.—The: Auditor appointed by,thoW - ;-&-: - 4 - ', Court to report distribution of the - fund in Court; - ", •-•-"1" - ," . being the proceeds of a sale by decree of the said; -r .=. , „-- Court of ' the premise" situate on the north side of ' • Shippon street. at the, distance of 184: feet west from Sixth •- '• ,'. •I street, will meet the parties Interested for .the purposes of Isle appointment, on WEDNESDAY. November ;(1, 1809. at 2 o'clock, P. 11.. at Ins Mite°, No. 217 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelnhia. ' ' ' - . . .- • . _oc2l4ll,s,tust§ , - JOUN GOFORTII, Auditor: -, .- -. ESTATE OF REV. BENJAMIN DORIC, — ' D. D. deceased:—Letters Testamentary upon t he . ' estate of BENJAMIN DIM% deepened, lato of the o ty ~. of Philadelphia, haring been granted to the raider. , aigned, all persons indebted to the said estate arettw' quested to make payment,. and 'those having • elainatk., ~ against the same to present them without delay to • A LIAM U. WEBB and. EDWARD L. CLARK. edit. tors ;or to their Attorney,SlNlA RD CARRIE TER., , , ' • ': 242 South - Third street. . ' ' ' ' Otarldtr'' , '.t; ' ' --- VSTATE OF JOHN L.ITTL , 0 1 , 0 1:0: 1 =- .112,1 ,k it *., Lettere of Administration to the estate . „ mat , ,:. ~ :1 l LITTLE haring been granted to. 'the under :, • '-, II ' ""y. 4 persons indebteci to said estate are requested , o, in paTinent and those haring elaims_,,asainst'ghe Hameln! %.," Tresent. them'.to JULIA B. LITTLE, Addothlestrattlx, , Bridosburg P. O. • .• • ~s .: ' oo23•lfer ~ is .._ MSSMII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers