lIEMICL .L1ME...7q111:t7410.1:68.. • . 11'11-CLOSETS, COMMODES AND • rivy ,Fiztores, Sales-room with A. FILO- U 8 ,t00•.,613 Market stmt. oat thos,tit•zilti k.D.DIN(3I- - CARDS. INVITATION for Parties, &e. New styles. MASON &00 A gor Chestnut street. ' . 1 I I G ' III " A f N stared fa the newest. and. , -At manner: Loy ,:... tit • stationer and Ertqaver., .fejolfr 1 npu S—VANFLEET.--0n'Ti141137., October lath, v. win, O. Bobingon I Zlr. Wtti.L.-Iforbee to Mjse. IDDEN—WABIIS.N.—On • Oetelier 21, at St. Patti' rch, Troy, N.Y., by" the Bight Rev. Sieben flaw don,assisted by the Bev. Dr: Volt, John M. Glidden, • . ton, to Anne, daughter ofJoseph M. , Warren. 4 F , 1 ' . i YD-711 DBN Q 4 A. ,V‘.Eit. - S tphens Ch urch, on . • ayi Slat 'inst., by the Bet.i'Albra Wadleigh, lam vii yd to Bolen, daughter,/ the late Samuel ,•i RE , -*Ainfi:e-On Wittineeday morning, betober 'l4 ' , at the neeentl'll4tlet Church. by the Bev. William ieartocillliatt 8. !!,;Dore to Sa ll ie O. Bemis, all of tide 0.7143K%—01s October 21st, at the mi ' •' . ce oGM bride's parents. No. 1328 Mount Yemen a t,. Pittiladelphia, by the .Rev. W. B. °ulnae. Mr. , trier K. Pedrick, of Lancaster, to Mn.sEmil,' ford. No cards. " • NOTTERBURY----Itr-Treattn, ~ • • sober - 2f by Rev. Samuel Studdiford, Aaron S. Pen , ti on of Pateteon, N.J.. to Annie 8., eldest daugh ' tett:dward I. O. Atterbury, of Trenton. T7.—GY.Tz.—Op the morning of October2l, at the' r ce of the bride. by the Bev. J. Voglebach, Mr. ..... eflee H. Getz. of Pittsburgh to Miss Kate 1,.. Getz, of phdelphia. [Pittsburgh pavre please copy.] lEMANN.—At Logansport. Indiana, on the 20th h., Mary Shoemaker, wife of Henry F. Nieman.. ue notice of the funeral will be given. • fERNWAG.--On -the morning of the 22d inst., Wernwag, in his seventieth year. relatives and male friends are invited to attend bfuneral, from Vine street, on Monday after = at 3 o'clock. VICTERIngIrOit 6 • • y BLACK AND WHITE REPELLANTB, GOLD AND BLACK REPELLANTEL SHOWN AND WHITN IMPELLANTri. EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch "pLt — ACK GEOS GRAIN SILKS.-JUST A opened,* new stock of Lyons Gros Orain Black Sts at 32, 62 25. e 2 to.e2 75, 33, 33 W. dtc. lIESSON 6; 80N, Mourning Dy Goods House, No. 91$ Chestnut street. ILAbk. DOUBLE-WART' ALrAOA — S.— Opened to day, 3 cases of Double.warp', Alpacas, at WV:, and 75 cents n yard. lIESSON S SON, 3fourninieDry goods novae. No. 915 Chestnut street. irkt i li 31()HA Lt. LUSIICES.-A. FITLL assortment of the beet rmake of GLOSSY ALPA it received. at 75.8735.. fit I 123.7, $1 25, &c. - BRSSO! SON, 31ournIng Dry Goode linage, • , 0c21:..1§ • *. N 0.918 Chestnut street. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. 1.. CALV A R Y PRESBYTERIAN Church, Locust attest, above Fiftetoth.—lttr*.Dr. Humphrey, Pastor. i3ervicsa at 10.5 i A. M. andni P.M.," 101. ARCH STREET M. E. CHURCH.- Rev. C. IL, Pastor, to-morrow, at 101,i A. 31, awl 73: P. N. Strangers In7ited. lt• TI:INITY 31. E. CH URCH;EIGIiTH 0)01 . 0 Bace.—llar..ll. W. Humphrias,Pastor, at A. DI. said 73 P. 31. Strauvra Invited. 1t• 17SPRING GARDEN BAPTIST ehurch, Thirteenth Ntre.t. above Wallace, Rev. L. P. lioruberger. Pastor.—Preaching to-rnorrow,at 104 A.N. andl P. M. Sabbath School at: 1 M. us, THE WORK AND THE WAGES OF 6111.—A sermon at Logan Square Church, Twentieth and Tine streets, by th , , Pastor,'ley, Thos. J. Brown, at lei o'clock to-raorrow. morning: 'wax 04.1 - . IS of Bin."—A sermon by Bev. Thomas J. Brown. at Logan B,4uare , Church* tomorrow morning, at 1034 o'clock. Evening meeting usual. . UNITARIAN SOCIETY, GER fanntescu.—Subject of Lecture to-mot-role eve'- nicg : "bt. Augustine. the Christian Dogmatist.- Ser. s 101.• at 771 o'clock. Boats free. 17-7 - a THE BISHOP'S CHURCH, NORTH aide Spring Garden, Lelow-Broati.—The Itt: Bev, W. B. Stevens . 11. D. will preach Stnulay evenin Ser vice at 10.3 C, A- M.,7...1) P. X. Sunday School at 1.2 g. 0. FIItbT R FOR ED CHURCH, corner of Seventh and spring Garden streets.— Bev. Thomas X.. Orr. Pastor, will preach to =wrens. at 1034 A. U. and 1 P. M. lY oft TELE FIRST PRESpyTEIiiAN Church, .Wathiligtem Square. RIP/, Herrick Johosott, D. D., raiitor, will preach to-morro, at 73ii N. w It* THIRD REFORM ED CHUM() 11, urn Tenth and Filbert streeh;.—Tho •Iler. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., will _preach to-murrow. Services at lO3i o'clock A. M. and 73i P. 31. U. cp, REV. E. R. BEADLE, PASTOR, Will preach tomorrow at the second Preabytarlan Church, Southeast corner. of Twenty-flrat and Walnut streeta. at Wi A, M. and 7:4 P. M. • it* SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Spruce below Sixth atreet—Ser. S. J . Milllke L.,,, mrrow, a t 103 . i A, 'IL, and 73 arening. Screingen ! invited. ui. BEAN A LTVING SOVL.— 11.,E DR. March will preach oh tide subject To-morrow ( Sunday) Evening, at nz o'clock in Clinton Stree Church, Tenth. below Spruce. All pereone cordial! invited. It' SECoND REFORNFED . CHURCH Prownßev. P. K. Ifernatigh veil _breach in this church to-morrow( Sunday), at 105; A. M. and Ts , :i P. M. Also, on the following Viednesday evening. ea. "LAME ON BOTH FRET; OR, THE K India:so of God." Rev. W. B. Culliss 011 this'sub• ject to-morrow ; 7..k; P:M., in the ebtirelilelon street (below Coates); above TWelftb. Strangers invited and made welcome. lt" Ws - NORTH - BROAD - BTREET - EitE: hytertan Church —Preachingto-morroiv by tho pastor. Rev. Pr. Stryker,at ldii A. M. Subject : "Au tumn Leaves." At 734. P. 3:L . —Subject : "The Si*i of Sui cide.' Strangers welcome. It` SEA' 'rTH SBY TER lAN Church. Broad stm-cr, abosu Chc6tuut.—Rov. Elishu hitticacy. of Waterbury. Conn., wip roach In 3.34 P. K. it' ALEXANDER. PRESBYTERIAN Church,Nineteenth and Green streets.--Bev. Dr. J. W. Scott, Into Prenident of Washington College. Pa., is expected to preach in thin church on next Sabbath, at. 10% A. M. and P P. M. . _ ST. CLEMENT'S CLIIJRC.FI, TWEN tieth and Cherry. To-morrow being the fourth Sunder in the month, this churclYwill 40 opm for ser vice in the evening at 73S o'clock. The afternoon service will be omitted. it' 10 ., NEW lINITARLIN CHURCH, Rev. Wm. 11. Thorne; Pastor. Usual services to -morrow (Sunday), at 103 i" A. M. and P.11.-.-i-fn the hall N. E. corner of Dived and Spring. Garden streets. Seats free; Entrance on Bread street. DAILY NOON-DAYTPRYER 1)& b Meetings are hold at No." 12.10 Chestnut' street. The next Union Prayer Meeting" for Prayer for the Holy Spirit will be held at the Church of thefovenant, Filbert, above Seventeenth , on Monday atm eon, 25th instant. et 4 o'clock,- Pastors , Christianti an( all others are cordially invited to attend. It" 07 LECTURE BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. -Tomorrow-evening, 24th - o'clock, in the Chnrdh corner of Broad and Brandywine directs. Dr. William Elder: will deliver a Lecture on the "Providential Provision in the Constitution of the Earth for the Sustainance and Development of the Rumen, Rare." The public are invited. It' 11,HALL YU (TNG MEN'S CHRISTI - AN .AI3BOCIATION, 3210 CHESTNUT street. rhe monthly meeting of the A *3O elation will ho held next 310NDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock. - Essay by GEORGE A. CRIDER, Eeq. , subject—" Lessons from Flowers." Question for discussion—. What is the Legitimate Work of the Young MeiutChristian Association t" V al and instrumental 2dusic, under the direction of Prof: JOHN BOWER. , . Recitations by . Prof. RUFUS ADAMS. . Report of the Tellers on the election of officers for the erniningyear. The public are invited. It§ OPEN utt AIR SERVIOES, UNDER THE auspices of Gip Yonne:gores Christian Associa tion, on SABBATH AFTERNOON, at the following ;daces: , - - • Germantown avenue' and Ntoetewn lane, 4 " o'clock, Preaching by Bev. 0; P. BACHE'S. . m Franklin Clieetery lane, , Tenth Street and Girard avenue, - - Delaware avenue and South street, , , • • Seventh and St. Mary streets, ' Broad street, above Montgomery avenue, I Gray's Ferry road and Shi . .:n street: . A ). Moyamensing avenue and ' , arton street: " 2 ' Broad and Arch streets, Twentieth and Muster streets. Broad etreet, below Coates. 1' Tweqy.stcond and Federal streets, • L. 5, Broad nud Tonth:B tree hi, orrif) Square, 5 o'clock. W EST lIIILA.DELPILIA. • ... FoitY-firet street, above Lancactor . avenue, 4 o'clock. Thlrty , eixth street and Lancaster ave.. & o'clock. It§ WANTS:-.:_ S3OOO TO ' et ß r . to ccnneCt with an establisdus! meas. 99minission preferred. Address " JR., Wt ht tib ia 91.0 0 .4121-tb 22tr . TvrAN ED.- GENTLEMEN OP. GOOD address for a lirst.class Life Insurance Company. •To.competent persons satisfactorycompensation. Ap ply, between 1U and /2, to EDWIN E. iiIMPHON, 612 Walnut street, Pinladelphia. 0c.21 titrp" ' . .. . .. , . . ~ , . . . . "- - • , i . . . 0 . ~ . , . .. . ~ , . . • • 1,:,, - ' - ' ' . ~., , .. . . . . - . ^ • i. . , ~ . . . . . . . , . . . . ..: .. , . ' .. l' . . . ~ - .., • ~ ~ • . , . .. , . . ~ . • . . „ . ~.. , ' -• . , „ . , . , .. . • , ~... • . . . ... . ' . . " • , .. . . • •,.. ~ , •• • • • •• • • • . . . - • • • ';'.... .......... ' , .....•• . ....: .....,.;..,:......',• --•. ... ...i. • ......,.. .... . . . ...• .. .... . .. , . ... , .. ..., SPECIAL NOTICU. GtNTS'' . FURNISHING GOODS AT , John Virannann,ker's CHESTNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. , 113,•AY CRAVATS. • Welch, Btlaizetson& Co.'s London Made Ties, "Wallace 844" "Roman Tie," " Cravat Bow," " elan Plaids," "Aviator," " Von Humboldt's," " Harvard Scarf," u" Bt. James," " Lord Suinley," BrOadway," • And all other novelties in this line, ore •er " STOCKS" and NECK HDKFS., , And am. =gamer of PLAINER GOODS . Of the best quality, at -------- 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. GLOVES FOB GENTLEMEN fteynier's 8.1 Dent's Tanned Dog-akin. Gloves, Colored Calf Gloves, Lined Chamois, Driving Gloves, Tillbury'd, Super Town-made Cloth; Drab Buck, Fancy Cloth, ' • Drab Doe Gauntlets, sg: tops, The Moscow Glove, Plush Lined Drivers'. ' Taffeta Fleeced, And a hundred other styles of the BEST MAKES, u at 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. Oa ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THE STAR COURSE OF LECTURES. THIRD LECTURE, ON MONDAY EVENING, Oct. Z. • BY MISS OLIVE LOGAN. Subject—" Gluts." The remainder of the series will be given in the follow ing order: Oct. 27, IL J. DE CORDOVA ; Nov. =HON. S. S. COX; Dec. 1, HON. CHARLES SUMNER. ; Dec. 3. REV. ROUT: COLLYER ; Dec. 1, MARK TWAIN ; Dec.R. J. ,DE CORDOVA ; Doc.. 16, WENDELL PHILLIPS. - Admission to each Lecture, boc.; Reserved Seats, Tbc.; Reserved Seats in FamilzaCircle ' 50c.; Amphitheatre, • 25c. Tickets for any of ttio Lectures for sale at Gould's Piano Warn - Goma - 92i Chestnut street. Box Office Opeti daily from 8 A. M. to 6 P.M. Doors 00.913 at . 7. Lecture ai 8. oci223trp§ • 10. NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a special meeting of the Stockholders of the AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR will be held at the Office of the Company, No.= Walnut street, Philadelphia,on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of November, lek9. ut 12 o'clock, M., to tako action on increasing the capital of the Compare and to -consider such other business as may ' legall y [come . before them. - - By order of the Directors. m : H. Secrelary• ibapxtruis , Oct-7,M29, 0c23t0n024.1 07 PEAR TREES FOR SALE.--STAND MID and Dwarf, all sires • varieties and ages. J. S. HOUGHTON, OLNEY PA.)., Second Street Turnpike, Philadelphia. • NATATORIUM 'AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, Droad street, below Walnut. J. A. PAYNE & BRO. Le.wes. GYMN'ASIUM DEPARTMENT. _ . . The Gymnasium season will open - MONDAY, October lltti. The class for Young Ladles andiMisses meets on Monday and Thursday at ternoons, at 3.4 o'clock. They will be ender the personal supervision of MRS. B. C. HALLOWELL, en experienced teacher of Physical Training. The class for Masters meets on Tuesdays and Fridays, at; P.. M. Many new and novel exercises will be introduced during the coming season, the Managers having various Gymnastic Apparatus iu course of con struction that have never been introduced in this city'. Cautious and studied training of deli Cate children will also constitute a marked feature of the institution. Pa rents with children fleeting physical culture are cor dially invited to call. Circulars sent free to any ad dress. ve atrp§ 00. WILLS OPHTHALSIIC HOSPITAL RACE ABOVEEIGHTEENTH STREET. Open daily at 11 A. M. for treatment of diseases of the eye. ATTENDING SURGEON, DR. R. 3 .LBVIS, N. W 'con Thlrtkeuth and Arch VISITING MANAGERS, MORRIS FATTERSON, .N 0.1511 Spruce street. EDWARD TOWNSEN.D, No. 526 North Fourth street. WILLIAM C. HANNIS, No. 323 Walnutstreet. • oc9-s w tf rp§ Um THE LADIES' F AIR FOR THE Iltanompathie Hospital Fund will be held at Hor ticultural Hall,from - the 17th to the 30th of November. The Lady Alanagers will meet at the College Building, ou Filbert street, above Eleventh, on TUESDAY, at 4 I'. M., and invite all interested to attend. oc 23-2trp' RE3I OVAL.— The Philadelphia Saving Fluid Society will commence at its new office, S. W. corner Washington Square and Walnut street, on 31t).NDAY, 11th /natant. ocl2 to th s tnol§ M3ME=M:EN=ME - - - - re-open her Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies on I.I"EDNESDAY , September 15. Circulars may be obtained from Lee .5.; Walker,Pas. W. Queen A Co., and after August 25 • AT THE SCHOOL. 15'21 a 3mrpg• 1109 GIRARD STREET. 1109 TUBEASH, B.DSHAN, AND PEAFUMED BATHS Departments for 'Ladled. Baths open from ti A. M. to 9 P.ll. pltf rp —IVHOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 - wad 15) Lombard street,\pispensary Department. dical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitotudy to the poor. CRIME. A HORRIBLE CRIME. Attempt toreloOn the 'treasurer of Erie Comity. A dastardly attempt has been made to take the life of C. W. Kellar, Esq., Treasurer of Erie county, by poison. On Monday last (says the Erie Dispatch), about noon, Mr. K. met at the Court Muse, in Erie, a man whom he does not know, except by . sight, who en gaged in conversation with him, and the ar gument waxed warm, but after a while the di Wants got 'down to a more friendly foot in ;and just before leaving the man asked ' if ho would like an' apple. Mr. Kellar replied in the affirmative, when the man handed him one, remarking, "when you eat it you'll never want any other kind." Mr. Kellar laughed at the supposed joke, and put the apple in his pocket. He is Treasurer of the South Erie Iron Work§ Company, and while at that place looking over thehooks,be .tween three and four o'clock in the afternoon, • he recollected the apple, mentioned , the Or-. cumstanee of getting_ it, and . pronounced it 'sweet, but after MM . ng a couple of bites, said a part of it was extremely • bitter, and burned his throat. He threw it into the 'coal-scuttle, and it was thrown into the stove. At about 6 P. M.,while at the slipper table, he was suddenly taken very sick, and soon after was Seized with con vulsions. Eminent physicians.were called in, who at once commenced treating him for poison. The convulsions lasted, at irregular intervals, all through the night, those about midnight being so violent that he was not ex pected to live two hours longer. His condi- tion, however, had imprOVeltind hopes were _entertained of bis_recoverk. he- poismr-ad-- ministered was strychninp? • --Blondin coniplains that ho is only allowed . rope thirty feet from thc, g,round at the Sydonham Palace.. L+ —Extensive fires are reported to be raging on the coast range of mountai)ns iu Southern California, PHILADELPHIA,'SA'IIITILDAY, 0p1'08ER.23, 1869. roittepari CORRESPONDENCE, umn*.nom itonm. *seamiest to Chinsi and Orvieto-The Ancient Conical. of Ilitrurbi-Thouglit4, on Old painters.....orvieto audits OstitO , dral.-The-The Council lion In Ot: Peter's si Failure, dec. Arc. [Correspondence of the. Philadelphia 'Evening Bulletin.) liosrE, Tuesday, 11th October, 1869.-Just be fore the cloSe of my visit to Siena, an excur sion to Ching and Orvieto was planned and carried out.,mest successfully. All last winter .1 was occupied in reading:up: the history of those wonderful people, the Etrurians, who, as a clever youngfriand sayii,haveleft nothing behind them to tell of their l ffies only tombs, mementos of their deaths. I had' gone to Lt Dionisfius, and all the Original sources, and thento Niebuhr. This summer, to form a resume of our informatiOn sve read over Mrs. ilamiltoreGray's-andria7---This preparation, heiwever, made us too exacting When we reached Chiusi and went ou our pilgrimnge among the tombs, no wonder we -wereslhiappeinted.--A-wittylady in the party , said nothing would have satisfied us, how ever, but to have had Lars Porsena meet mat the gates of the town, and do the honors of old Clusium, accompanied by Cilnius of Arse tium, on his fleet roan; 'Astur, the great Lord of' Luna, with his fourfold shield, and Tolurn nius, with bele of gold. No such honors greeted us. A dirty -village is •the old metro polis of ancient Etruria, the headquarters of brave Lars Porsena.. The fine private collec tions have been sold and dispersed; the best have gone;to Palermo,andthe tombs have been rifled by visitors, even to the last bone-for it appears that tke Etruiians did not always burn their dead. One of the tombs, deposito del cella (fasuccinf, interested us because of its two travertine stone doors, that still move on the hinges on which they worked over two thousand years ago. So we shook the dust of old Clusium off our feet with disappointed disgust, and pro ceeded on to that city of refuge for the Popes in. the middle ages, one of the great,strong holds of the Guelph party-Orvieto. Tiis journey was extremely interesting. All, the way to Orvieto-indeed, prettY soon after we left Siena-we noticed, in the landscape peculiarities which told us where the old painters found their backgrounds-their curi ously-shaped mountains, representations of deserts, and stiff trees. Through the whole country there are long stretches of sand hills.- in some plates devoid of all vegetation. The forms of these hills are precisely like the little pyramidal peaks , which we see not only in Perugia() and others of the Umbrian school, but also in the - works of the earlier masters. The trees stand isolated, lie like silhouettes against the sky, and have the same simple, mere act cessory look 'which we see in the foliage of old pictures. Those ea'rly painters evidently came to nature to study, for here she lies spread out before us just as they modeled her, only-they-dianot know, _how to.- idesh ss Wile ' or some other clever Frenchman says'', sArtists bad not learned to hold conversa tions with a tree." While studying the works of the masters of the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries from their own frescoes and paint ings, I am deeply impressed with the various feelings which I see governed those epochs. The period comprised in the thirteenth and beginning' of the fourteenth centuries is as beautiful in its way as the Greek era of Art, and more •remarkable, for it holds a divine manifestation. The works of its masters are without fever, fatigue or labor. There is in them a heavenly equilibrium; also,imper sonality,abnegation, submission to God;-they are a simple echo of that which a devout spirit hears. The versions they give ofEiblical and theological subjects are full of variety; fancy and imagination seem -to have been bound less. In them we see not only the germs of the great painted and written poems whose echoes still go reverberating through the vast halls and domes of art, giving the only true diapason, but the very ideas of these poems. Dante's Divine Commedia 3lichael Angelo's Last Judgment, Prophets and Sibyls, and Raphael's heavenly Madonnas and chil dren, can each and ail befound in old Nicholas of Pisa's Sienese Pulpit, in the marvelous marble bas reliefs on the faeade of the Orvieto Duomo, and in Signorelli's and Fra Angel ico's pictures-expressed too, with more ease surpsi'inplieiti'—Sly this a,. ,• 11l • works of the masters who followed these men-those who painted in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. ‘• 'Tis the substance that wanes ever;' tis the symbol that exceeds." In the sixteenth ceutury want of Faith'first appears in art; and as we come ou up to our day, we see this sweet old Faith sradually dying out entirely, Earnest students, like Overbeck, Schadow and their companions, have made attempts to find the old spirit, but in vain: and Christian artists of this day seem to be wandering about hopelessly, like the Crusading Knight, in search of 'the Lost Grayle of Art. We rumbled into Orvieto at ten O'clock of a beautiful,-bright moonlight night. The town is placed, like Chiusila long distance from, the railway station. Orvieto is well situated on the summit of the last eminence to the east of the volcanic group of Bolsena. The river Paglia washes the base of the Orvieto hill, and the town is 720 feet above the Paglia and 1,230 feet above sea-level, The city looks like a strong rampart, a great bastioned fortification. The Duomo tower rises up with fine majesty in its centre, and has a masterly look; it made me think of those brave old Popes of Guelph and Ghibelline times, who stoutly resisted the overbearing emperors and sovereigns, and defended the cause of the people, of which they were the representatives. Often a cowherd's shed or a laborer's hut has seen the birth of a Pontifex 'Maximus, and in those- days the. elective -Papitey was the only place where the people bad a chance, against hereditary right and grinding feudalism. But I have neither time nor ,spaoe to give to the interesting history or imposing appear ance of- this once grand old mountain city and Papaline stronghold, whose population now is hardly that of a prosperous village. The Duomo, that most interesting specimen of Italian, Gothic which Can be, fonnd on the -whole peninsul%-teok-L-4-all-my--time-and thoughts while'llwa.s at Orvieto. ' Its corner stone was laid in 1290. Three hundred years were occupied in its building. The' church stands without ,rival, for no ecclesiastical building equals it in certain points. The num ber of groat artists who labored on it, during' t hese three centuries or its growth has been OUR WHOLE,COUNTY. ctition4Pannted up. They amount;to three hundred and eighty-six; of these there were thirty-thiim architects, one, hundred and fifty two sculptors, sixty-eight paititers:niiiety mo saic workers, and twenty-eight. wood.caryers and in tunic or inlaid wood orna 7 msntation„." The facade is the most beautiful, the ~ most, richly .ornamented church front in Italy ; • it;is a marvelous assemblage of line has=rellefs, marble and bronze'statues and attrihntea, and rich mosaic Picture.s, • , °neer" the greatfitaf of the toirian Catholic Church;•Corpus Christi,7inpreseritithe event in comniernomtlon of whiCh, this' famona_ Cdthedral was built,—the miracle of Balsam , . Thi s miTacle occurred in 1.283, at the,-:period when *ET? WaS that greet ferment of mind andreelink which preceded the "itetormation'' as it is called in modem hi'sto • . Ra had, it will be remembered,:, has treated the subject of this miracle above and on each side of the window in the Stanza at the Vatican ,called the Heliodorus. The whole history of this occurrence is painted'with simPlicity and childlike faith on the walls of the chapel, in the north transept of the Orvieto Duomo, where the relics of the miracle are deposited in a of great splendor; - reliquaryl3 - nt. -- tha main attraction of the church to art students, after studying and wondering over the beauti ful faipAjfi, is the chapel in the south transept, formerly called Chapel of the Madonaa of St. Blizio, but now known as Capella Nuova.• ' This 'chapel is a veritable shrine of art. On its ceiling and walls are the famous frescoes of Fra Angelico, Benazzo Gozzoli, and Luca Eigriorelli. We were surprised to find them in sucirgood preservation. Angelico's are re markably fresh and inexpressibly beautiful. The chorus of Prophets is a splendid example of Fiesole's style of painting and, disposition of subject. It is a pyramidal group on a gold ground. In the centre of the Prophetarium lauclabilis nionefts—the admirable company of Propheui—is a young _Daniel. With almost, one voice we observed how like his beautiful serious face is to the St. John in the Fra Bar tolomeo Crucifixion at the San Spirito clois ters is Siena; only the sweet, soft eyes are not reddened with unutterable grief, and the young face has no torture of anguish. I had heard that the Christ Sitting in Judg ment of Angelico's on another compartment of the ceiling, is said to have suggested to. Mir chael Angelo his burly, angry Lord in the Sis tine Chapel at the Vatican. ' I could not see the resemblance. Angelico's Cristo Guidi6s is a dignified, draped figure ; he is seated in a quiet position, and the expression of the figure is entirely free from' the hurried, eager 'Violence which Michael Angeld has given his Judging Christ. The.. hand—rests on a globe, surmounted by a cross; the right hand is raised in solemn- condenanatiou, and no Crucifixion ever held a sadder face. Around him are those beautiful angels which Angelico Fie.sole alone knew how to paint. Fra Angelico received for his work in this chapel hia board and lodging, the colors and gildinga, and , two hundred' gold ducats a year. Gozzoli, who' assisted him, was paid seven ducats a month. They did these frescoesin 1447. The whole chapel is like a large illuminated book. The pictUre,s are chapters in the great Biblical and Gospel tragic-epic as it was taught in the early days of the Roman Catholic Church: The Hebrew Bible and the Christian Gospels, with the Epistles and Apocalypse, went hand in hand in medimval art. The characters and \ events in the Bible were used as types and forerun ners of the great Gospel story of fulfilment._ The beautiful unwritten Law of Tradition had for a long time flowed beside the writ ten Law in illuminated missals, glowing in rich colors, and radiant with gold. The early painters had only to transfer the same glorious story on their walls and canvases. Sixty years after Beato Angelico and Goz zoli had sung the Prelude, as it wele, on the vaulted ceiling and back wall of this famous Chapel, Luca° Signorelli finished the great poem, not in the — Same sweet, minor, tender key, full of the simplest melodies; but in a grand heroic strain, throbbing with the con centrated rich harmonies of° his age—an age which reached its highest culmination in Michael Angelo, who immediately fol lowed' Signorelli in Art history. Luca Signorelli painted these Orvieto frescoes They are four in . number, and in my next letter I Will give you a short account of the most striking points in them, and make a few more remarks on this great Cathedral, Which is well worthy of careful study. NeXt year the railway route from Orvieto to Rome will be completed, and in three hours the journey can be clone. Many a pleasant pilgrimage will be made to thiS old mountain city, I am sure, and I hope then toenjoy another visit to my beautiful Capella Nueva. Now for a little Roman news. \The first in formation. which I received on 'thy return a day or so ago Was, that the Council Hall in St. Peter's is so, far a failure! By a strange piece of profesSional forgetfulness the archi tects have made the same blunder which was - committed in-the original construction of-- the Girard. College lecture and recitation halls. Acoustics had been entirely overlooked. The place has been tried, and speaking cannot be heard. The voices fly up and are lost in the dome of the North Transept, in which the Council Hall is plaCed. When I visited St. Peter's just before going to_ Siena, a friend, who was with me and wondered how an orator's voice ,could be heard in such a place, hut we concluded our, observation with' the remark that of coarse all impediments had been thought of ,and would be-counteracted. Last Week a report was : made to the 4 Tope of the great difficulty, and the report con cluded with a request that some other place should be arranged for the Council Hall, Holy Father was very indignasit ; he poSitively refuses to appoint ,any other place, and has • given orders to the architects to correct the acoustic detleiences of the hall. Of course all hands are in an anxious and excited state. Pius IX. bas's , well-controlled temper, but when he is provoked he shows a good deal of resolution and spirit: .The red-tape heaps. which surround hint, as they do every head of a governnienti have their tang] e&iinely shaken • •up whenever his attention is attracted - to their - workings. s The curate of the Polish Church St.Petronip , (which is near tho Farnese palace) was robbea lately. Four thieves entered his house,. at 8 o'clock in the morning, tied the poor priest to the foot of the bed, and robbed the house.and . churth. Among other things,•they carried off a valuable chalice set with rubies and. Pys, piesentedloythe .11"oly.Fathor to the church oftSt.Petroolo.,. When the Pope heard the news, the sacri lege shocked him greatly.' He sent for Mon.. Signore . Randi, head of the police, wa very angry and said sharply: 6 Yoti 'must find therobbersyMonsig,nore, and do not appear before, me until you have The.poor Monsignor° went :off in. despair But his - deputy ,Marquis Caprartica is a bold daring map; and he devised, a -plan which, if not legal, was successful . A w,ell-known par glar had just finished his time, and was re leased from prison: t Marquis Capraniett had him arrested and brought up before him. The Marquis said • , • • "You robbeif the curate of St-Petronio." . "Indeed I did tot," - replied the bttrglar, ykth such natural surpriSe that there was no doubt "I cannot help that," said the Varti.nlB. "I want a thief, and therefore Int - rest you." "But that IS not just," urged ilke burglar. '# PI know it. However, I will more fairly if you choose to help me. Bring me the , thieves and their plunder, and.' will give yott_ 100 sendi and your liberty." - One hour after_this. _curiousinterview the four thieves and the stolen property were put in the poss sioicof the Marquis! Mgr. Bandi did not wait for Holy Father to summon hbn to his presence. but hastened to the Vatican with the good news. Father liyacinthe's conduct creates a great deal of talk in Rome. The Pope' was much depressed for several days after -the news came, but his Holiness seems more cheerful. The Council Hall arrangements divert his thoughts a little from what must be to him, however, and every Roman Catholic, a sor rowful affair. I have just received a letter from Dr, Winslow, the eminent author of "Fbrce and. Nature." lie informs me that he intends to settle in Rome, this coming seasoh, profes sionally. 'Ashe is an able man and has had much experience in the practice of medicine, he will be a valuable acquisition to Ameri cans. There are many excellent physicians in Rome. Besides the German and Italian there, are also several English doctors, and only one American—Dr. Gould. This last-named phy sician is deservedly popular and quite overrun with business, so Dr. Winslow will be warmly welcomed to the ranks by its professional brethren, and highly appreciated by the in valids. ' ANNE BREWSTER. THE WARMS REBELTION. - The Insurrection and the Law of. Indi vidual Guarantees. , MADRID, Oct. 6.—The telegrams will hardly have informed` you of the gravity of our re volt, which, it s ,obvions, has been provoked by the arbitrary conduct of - the Government toward the Barcelona Republicans. Conscrip tion, the massacre of prisoners, the disposition to beg in the courts of Europe for a king, the failure to maintain the Constitution; were among the causes of the Republican, dis gust. There are, in Barcelona thousands of workingmen, who constitute part of a gathering army of. Spanish labor 150,000 strong, more or lessnnited by a trade union system ; and accordingly republicanism has.. a stronghold there. Deputy Joaritzi headed its movement, and called upon all the provinces to revolt. Not only in Catalonia, but in Aragon, Granada, Murcia, Ciudad Real, and in all the towns of Valencia the in surrection spread. In Catalonia alone it was supposed that there were already 50,000 men in the field. Marshal Prim, :it a meeting . of the Monarchist Deputies, after stammering, over Montpensier, has blurted out the name of the Duke of Genoa; bat it is not certain that • anybody will have him for the throne. Some of us are for Serrano alone; others for a triumvirate composed of a Union ist, a Democrat and a Progressist. In further complication of affairs, B Re Galantuomo de- 'dares that he will not permit of his nephew's accepting the,,throne, unless elected by a majority of two-thirds of the Cortes.. In the existing confusion of the political mind, a return to absolute despotism is threatened. The Cortes have just discussed" and passed a law, presented by the Cabinet, declaring articles 2,5, 6, and 17 of the Consti tution null and void, so long as the political troubles shall make the continuance of mar , tial law necessary. These articles declare : "2. That no;Spamard or foreigner iniSpain can be arrested except for crixne. 5. No one will be permitted to enter the dwelling of a Spaniard er a foreigner resident in Spain,with opt his permission, except in case of inundation. fire, or similar danger, or 1 in case of a, cry for help from some order of the judge, &c. G. No Spaniard can be compelled-to leave his home , or counta.T, except when sentence has' been passed for crime. 17. NO Spaniard can be deprived of his right to emit his opinions or sentiments s whether by word, ..pen or press, nor of the right to meet publicly in a pacific munner, nor of the right to--form --associations -for-- every -.purpose--of human life compatible with public morals." It is because of the overthrow of these provi sions that the RepUblicans in the Cortes`have (protested and seceded. Giulia§ and associations I are now - forbidden - except - upon-special - per mission: .Republie/minewspapers are warnet.l, and one of the most important of them, La Discussion, has been compelled to withdraw its mottos, "Live the Republic!" and "No more Kings !" Tribune. A. JAI; DEFEAT. The reeling" in Washington..Bellef that Andy Johnson will •Manipulate the .New henator. ' The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Herakl says : The defeat of Andrew Johnson for the United States Senate occasions a good deal of surprise and disappointment here to-day. The strength displayed by the ex-President vester daysled both his friends and enemies to sup pose that his success to-day was a certainty ; but the almost unknown Cooper turns up the winning man, and Andy is shoved aside Until the next vacancy occurs. It is 'believed here by many sound Republicans that Johnson's defeat is a loss to the Radical party instead of a gain. Ben Butler, for instance, says had Andy been elected • he could have done no harm; he would make a great noise and - sensation, but . nobody would mind him. With Cooper, however the case is different. Cooper, it is said, will bo in the hands of Andy, who will manipulate him skillfully, and carry out his own plans much more efficiently than had ho obtained a seat in the Senate himself. There is no, doubt as to Cooper's Unionism during the war, and on that subject there is a pleasant little story that probably will remembered by those. who were, in Nash Ville during the war. While Cooper was State Judge he' was seized b 3. a party of rebels and carried into captivity for serving under Andy Johnson in that capacity. Johnsoni who was Governor at that time, immediately seized upon the person of a prominent and wealthy_eitizen_of Nashville and held him as a hostage. Word was went • of this manoeuvre to the captors of Cooper, who were glad enough at Andy's suggestion to exchange prisoners, and thus Cooper was released. —The Princess Marguerite of Italy was re cenilY robbed at Genoa , of jewels valued at $7,5001 ''` " F litnigllstON- PRICE THREE CENT*, \„:;. FACTO AND FANCIOM —Two new domntoriee and a large char:Weal labdratory for Harvard College are projectee, —Doyle, the - author; of _ ,, Brosin, Jones and f,,,, t 0 Robinson;" _has illuStrated a fairy Christmas book. ' Rurepe reports a poor hop Crop thus sea son owing to =favorable weather and insect —lt is reported that Mme. Jetinir actmlidt will sing in her • husband's , oratarie,: "Ruth," at Exeter Hall;' London, about - the1.',7; 4 ;; . 4;'. of 17th next month. • - —ldolatry is' reported '& be 'on the wane tot India. The'people in the southern prbivintomi.4v4::',' have lately aseardedithe Sacred monkeys:l3 1 .-Professor Lane has introduced the . 'Coittletio , p , ti mental pronunciation of Latin and Greek Harvard, and it is to , be used hereafter in instruction of all the classes. ' ' ' —Miss Harriet Martineau denies ,that began life 2.9 . 4 Music,teacher or as arly - sort - 0Cei,,)14 teacher . 3 I :h i s 1 ,, Pi inLaving ti , it rvil .1 . c, or even • ear'music, aving beeeat'4l from irdancy. —A quarry of the finest quality of litho-ft graphic stone has just been discovered.tipoir, t ,,,„ the farm of W. Taylor, five miles from Pit. Louis. Lithographers •pronounce it equal to the - best Bavarian stone-Dr. .i Lilienthal, a prominent jewish,,rabbe. of Cincinnati, has been , especiall3r-prominent , in opposing the efforts of the Roman Catholics' to exclude the Bible from the public schoOi of that city. ~ • —Jane Bretonne, a young girl at Dieppe, has saved the lives of fifteen sailors and Rat- ' ermen during the past five years. She weans,' five medals of merit and the Cross of the LlS gion of Honor. •:z —The Massachusetts school system. is ape-- caliar institution. _A. mother was fined stele dollars and costs, in Worcester, the other daY,. for taking her children away from , a schOol - where she thought they had been improperly:, treated. • —The castor bean, from which the oil is made, is becoming an important industry is • Perry,epa r nty, California. One, prominent, dealer• received at his warehouse I,ool' bushels in ono day, paying 83 18 per bushel. It yields more \bushels te the acre than wheat. —Jeff. DaviS has disapPointed his friends by going to Mississippi by way of Charleston,, instead of through Washington. as her promised. Jeff.. never could be depended on at Washington ;in thii last eight years he promised to go there several times, when he. didn't go. —The Rev. Shapha,rzi Edalzi, a converted fire worshipper, of the celebrated sect of the Parsees of Bombay, India, commenced to offi ciate as assistant - curate of Holy Trinity'Epii. copal church, 14. Ebbe's, Oxford, Enoland.., The reverend gentleman was ordained by the Bishop of Oxford. —TheiGonsttlutionnel, of Pans, denies.that`--.. the Emperot., the .EmpFess and the Prince hu nerial have insured their lives. The Empress has one policy, it is true, but merely to cover her suhserintions towards benevolent institu tions whielishe has founded, in the event of her death. , • —An experiment is about to be tried at Bradford, England, in the way of providing a substitute for the public house. It is pro posed to erect a large building, in which all sorts of amusements will be provided, together with library and reading-room. No intoxi cating drinks. will be allowed on?I. premisett. The capital requifeil is .£1;000; X.BOO - of . thint sum 'have been taken up by , workingmen themselves. --Richard Weaver, of London, the famous lay preacher to the poor, is - becoming almost as famous in England as. Whitfield - was 130 . years ago. lie lately preached at Ascot,where ,people came from'all parts of the surrounding country to bear him. The whole congrega tion listened with . great attention, many standing with streaming eyes, as he spoke - of what he himself had witnessed, of the power of the Gospel. Invitations crowded upon him far beyond his power to gpcept. • —The discovery of. jirnius r so often an nounced, has at length, it is said, been placed beyond doubt by the researches of the Son. Edward Twisleton, of England, who has for the first time called in the aid of a scientific expert in handwriting, the well-known. Yr. Ch. Chabot. The' results will shortly be made public, public, together with fac similes of the auto graphs of Junius's Letters to Woodfail and George Grenville. -The American Churchman, of Chicago, says" that the knaves - of Utah are nearly all Yan kees, including the "apostles," "bishops " and "elders," and all, who get the tithes;while th dupes are mainly very degraded: European peasants, many of them• from England and Wales. and members by baptism of - the Eng lish Church. It ',says: 'There never existed but one Mormon Irishman ' and' a Mormon Irish woman is something totally unknown to naturalists." Ft; t ill i,.) 8 —The line old comedy The Jealous Wife was produced at the Arch Street Theatre last evening in a superior style. Mrs. Drew ap-- gs "Mrs. Oakley, 2 ---and—played-4hl character as she hats donemany a time before, iuost, admirably: She was well supported by Mr. Cathcart, .who gave an artistic persona— tion of "1 1 11 r. Oakley," and by the other meat—, bers of the excellent company. This evening Buckstone's comedy. Married Life Will bepre- ' sented, and on Monday Airs Well that - Ends Weld will-be-produced in-handsome styles - —At the Chestnut Hunted Roam is crowding , .. the house from roof to sub-cellar. It repeated to-night together with the drama en. titled The Robber's Wife. • , —At the Walnut, this evening, Mr. -Edwin. , Booth will appear in Richard, Third. The announcements for next week-4he last of Mr.. Booth's engagement—are as follows : On Mort* -,- day The Stranger and The Taming of the Area on Tuesday and Friday sights, and on Satur.: day :afternoon, Hanitet; on WedneAday, The ' Merchant of Venice and Don Qesar on Thursday, The lady of Lyons. . —Miss Olive Logan's lecture, which, will delivered on Monday evening, is devoted to a brief consideration of "Girls." —Carncross & Dix,ey will give a minstrel entertainment at the. Eleventh , Street Opera. • . House this evening. ' . • • . , —On Tuesday evening' next, at ?he Academy of Music, a - vocal and instrumental concert; for the benefit of the German Theatre. The Mannerchor 'Society, •the Siingerliund, the Harmonic," and a gramd orchestra,' led: •by.•-- • • • Caxl Sentz, , will • participate. Among the artists who will appear we may mehtiou-Mr.,a& Isaac L. Rice,, Mr. Wenzel Ropta, Mr. •Ihtrill.;6 Gastel. A first-rate programme has beruiprekff.".., pared. The whole concert will he under .direction of Mr. Rice, who will make his•tirst { ,:'/: 4 4 4 appearance. -We have already spoken.of as a pianist of rare ability. •• • • •':•-• ' ••••--.Wo had intended to write tice of the' circus, but after readingthe follow; 1•,,k, ing from the facile pen of the , - GreaC.Nativer. , ;:•4g' American Advertisement Writer, we, felt hott.. ; „ utterly. useless it would be to attempt anything„:„, more gorgeous. Listen to this now: . • •j i "Final .Arenic Matinee and Nocturrial:F4.,... position of the. Great Hari:peen Circhs;'•'xia.•,!,,• • Eighth street, between Race and. Virte.o Tti brilliant season of therGreat.Earopetitt will terminate to-day withanaftenreon • nee (sic) and an .evening.exhibittott.• FersonW ,2 4.;'- 7 '.: . •$ who have not beheld the Gorgeous Equeistriaw,,;.• Spectacle should avail tbernselVee.oftbiO,..last ‘ ,.;••-;:e. opportunity to witness fldspeerlese conlb3t• ; • tion orlinishedurtists - , - equine - hisaptyliitidlYPt 7rrti telligence, 'rind the grace; agility and of the ferocious Lions, submissive - to tho wilt of the renowned Dompteux,'Prof...Pierce. —On Monday evening,' the 25th ii k a t. ,;b_ ). of,4.o,: , prez & Benedict will open the oPera, '.4tOr:fit Seventh, below Arch street and give a - class Ethiopianminstrel_enttirtuirialent-tilfrit4oo4l•;'. after nightly daring the Seagip.. S Cdr IP4s, -11\ "4;.; 1 :y ; „, ,air • ' 6141 • ;t..,;.t .4;1 'Y .~,:~~~
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