:•• - TUE OEATII OF RAVrTIIORNE. :Franklin. Pierce's Account, of It% , ills Wortd publlshea , the following extracts from aprivate letter from ex-President Pierce, giving an account of the circumstances of the .mortafllnms of Nathaniel Havrthorne,at _C02 4 . - 0011D, N.H., March,lB6B.--My Dear , hen at your, pleasant home a year ago, I pronitsed to send you the last letter written LA„',-the man of genius, the companion of my •-boYhood, and my constant and cherished ;friend. 'lt was long before it caught my elre in a mass of ill-arranged papers, and a longer . period has, perhaps, elapsed since. His strength was tailing, as the handwriting but :too clearly indicates. We met, however, as ',proposed, at the Bromfield House,Boston,and proceeded at once to the cars for Concord, N. H.; stopping oVer'at Andover. * -* We were detained at Concord ten days or more by bad weather, and then took carriage for . the long-contemplated trip, which we. hoped might extend tar beyond. the White Mountains to the wild scenery of Dixville Notch. We only reached. Centre Harbor late in the afternoon of the second day..He was weary and very restless duringl the night. He partook of a slight breakfast in his room the next morning, and about twelve o'clock went out ou the piazza, which Commands, as you know, a remarkably fine view of the lake; Bed Hill and pleasant views in the direction • • IfsheroLon-oue sidr. n.wl Mount Belknap on the other. He was weak, but not suffering from, pain, and. • evidently . enjoyed the •„ 'hour. I was . much im pressed with . the idea that his journey of lifeinight terminate nearer the sea, which he so much loved, than Dixville Notch, andsug gested that it might be well to remain a day or two where. we were. He said, no ;we will go on this afternoon. The changing scenery in this picturesque region will attract my no tice pleasantly, the motion will not fatigue me, and I am, on the whole, more comfortable in the carriage, with you alone, than anywhere else. .We . conversed but little during that afternoon's drive. But his eye was quick, to. catch every object,striking or beautiful,-wheth or mountain or quiet valley, placid lake or run nhig stream. Such remarks as lie did - make were characteristic; like himself,: and like no body beside. He asked if I had read the account of Thaok eray's 'death, and, on receiving an affirmative answer, remarked in a, low,sohloquizing tone, what a boon.it would be if, when life draws to a Close, one could pass away without a struggle. We arrived at the, PemigewlisSet. House, Plymouth, just as the sun was.sinking behind the hills, and castinghis last rays Into. our room. He took a cup of tea in the even ing, , slight nourishment, and then, upon the sofa; dropped into, i a • .quiet slumber, from which he awoke n an hour or so, and retired for the night. Passing from his rooni to my. own, leaving the door open and so placing the lamp :that its direct rays would not fall, upon him and yet enable me to see' distinctly from my bed, I betook myself:to rest too, a little after 10 o'clock. But .I awoke „before 12 o'clock, and noticed that he wa.. lying in a uerfectly natural: posi tion, like a child, with his right hand under his cheek. That noble brow and face:struck inc as more grand and serenely calm than . ever before. . - With new %hope . that, such "undisturbed repose might bring: back fresh, vigor, , I fell asleep again but he was go very restless the night previoas that ,I, was surprised and startled- when I noticed at 3 o'clock that his position was identiballY the sane as when I observed hiin between 11 and '12., Hastening softly to his bedside r l could not perceive that he breathed; although no change : had come over his features. I seized his wrist, bat, found no, pulse; ran my hand down upon his bare side, ,but the great; generous, .brave heart beat no more.. The boon of which. he spoke in the afternoon had, before morning dawn, been graciously granted to him. -He had, passed from natural sleep to• that from Which there is no earthly-waking, without the slightest struggle,. evidently without moving a muscle. * .* Ever your friend, FRANKLIN,PIERCE. CITY BULLETIN. TBE. GREAT FAIR.-Our citizens will be pleased and• gratified with the gorgeous display to be 'lna& at Horticultural Nall during - the , last two weeks " of the preSentnionth; Far-off Kansas and Quebec will be represented, and Wittiest - every Lutheran Church east of the Allegheny Mountains will have tables. Tho floral display and the choice collections of •paintings on exhi- b t ion will be features of the Fair. Arrang6ments have Lien made with the different railroads for the carrying of passengers, to and prom the Fate: . Thousands of strangers are expected in, this city • during the Fair, principally from Baltiniore, Fittsburgh,Lancaster;Read fug, Pottsville,Allentown,Easton and Bethlehein. Toni of thousands of circulars, appeals and addreases haVe been issued by the active Executive Committee, of which David C. McCammon, Esq., ie the chairman. An int .mense restaurant, under the charge of a lady of expert• • enee and undoubted tact and energy, will be apreini wilt department. Everything usually to be had at a first class restaurant can be obtained at reasonable prices. The inaugural jubilee at thencadvmyofkusic Oil Monday evening will be the musical event of the season. A com bined chorus of 700 voices, an orchestra of forty per formers and a brass band of sixteen pieces will unite in the sublime music of Luther's Battle Hymn, and the • thrilling, soul-inspiring Festival Ode composed ex pressly for this occasion. The "Battle \Hymn" was the card at the Boston Peace Jubilee, and was pronounced • the greatest and sublimest feature of the programine. Great attest ion has been paid to scenic effects and the arrangement of the pOwerful chorus. The occasion ' promises to be a real festiyal,fubilee and grand musical success ; u proper_and highly fitting introduction to the novelties, amusements and attractions of the Great Fair. This charitable ent erpeise commends itself to the hearty support of a benevolent piddle. • ANDSO3I.F. CUTLEILY.—DNCssrs. James E. ezadweihk Co. have on exhibition a magnificent sot of cutlery Made by the workmen of the Lallltzoll & Goodnow Dienufacturing Company, and presouttal by them to President brunt. These goods are about the handsom e-d of the kind, and well worthy of inspection. • They aro creditable to. American art; and they are a 'worthy tribute to a popular President, • LP TO ANY OCCASION.—In any emer 4,,tcy a gentljnten can supply himself with suit able attire in the Ready titade Depot nf Wann waher's Chestnut Street Adune. Whether It boa wed ding, a funeral, a eporting excursion, a full-dress party, or whatever theneeasion may be, appropriate dress can ttlwat etc found at 518 and 820 Chestnut street. Removal. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN Confectioner} & Chocolate Establishmee From No. 1210 Market Street to hisZfew Building S. W. corner Twelfth 'and Market Sts ocb MIT§ REMOVAL -THE OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA WOOD PAVING CO. removed from H. W.corner Broad and Chestnut *Arcata t 02183 :WALNUT greet.. The Company are now pre pared to enter intosontmtawith property. owners to to 111 r. Alex. Miller's Im . roved Wobd Pavement. oe7-lanr JUST RELIEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 ' Vnibr;"ifla ° ,l l o7 P lP.l.V._,_ a ga ll r g - C atawba and , • ern% Ram, ol d Brandies nd ea Wh olesale and Retail. p.. 7. .70B a DAN, 220. pear stree t Below !Third and Walnut streets. and ,above pock ' • Street. de?-11 siiKeililiiiis, AUCTIONEER; N. Bt. t,. Aicr,trri:r.T2b.mingtd., 'llb. r so7;oo ) Vl:lll,l.2t.g B 4.rutu e Ref i '.: r i , i'llip d o i raF l ,:inu d e!. Office h il o i tt 't r s :;:n ° P A. grt i r,I , .$, p. .tom Eetabliebed for the halt forty years. Ad - . vanes made , in• large amounts at the lowei4 market f rates. . . 018 tip 41 m , ',;;rlc7 ‘, ,', • 'lMB ic ir po n i ANY . „AMOUNT, ,:', ' - ' - §9.WRLBJ6I; ; IitATA A R I OTRItir Z., at ' a ' OLD-ESTABLISIIRD LO4ll OFFICE, '. , uproar of .Tkalrd and Gsaidll streets', - "Below Lombard. N. IL.— DIAMONDS , 1 . *O., FOE. SALE AT ' a - REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. • my2.‘ Mei ...,... t;tt, MEEM= REMOVALS. HAS HEMOYED HIS Mit!== - , SALT , BY. ORD.EIt. OF 34.1 IR3.+- , ' • Estate of Rachel C. Smith, deceased—Thomati.& - ' Auctionters.—Large . and'. Valdahla,'Lot Ridge; nvenue,and Nicetown.lane; NA) feet front on Ridge STO 4 . 71110; 778 feet front on Niwtown lane; 2 fronts... On Tuelt day, October 26, 1969, at 12 o'clock., noon, Will be sold tit public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable tract of land, with the brick residence and farm buildings thereon erected, situate in the Twenty-eighth Ward, described as follows, lo ginning at a stunt standing °tithe northeast side of Wis. • sithickon road (now Ridge avenue); thence extending south 47 deg 15 min., east 206-5 perches to the side of the , road (now Nicetown lane); thence by the same north 45 deg. 45 min... east 47 4.5 perches; thence north 40 deg.;' west 39 perches to a stone or hickory; thence south 41 (leg., Ridgeo porches to the extendingad oresaid ( now avenue); and thence by tie Slime south 9 deg. oast 20 porches to the place or beginning; containing 11 acres and 22 perches, more or less. S3tlo to be mild at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to Riehardstn & Janney, 206 ,South Fourth street, where a plan of the property may be seen. . • Clear of all incumbrance. , A Terms at sale. ghL. 'THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. ocl 1623 PII 11% I C BALL. -PTO CLOSI • an Ebtiqe.—Thomas; Sons, Auctioneers. —Very valuable business stand.—Four-story 'brick Hotel, , betweenw "jones' Exchange.". No. 235 Dock street, Second and Third'. and Chestnut and Walnuets.—.On Tnesd vember 2, 1869 1 at 12 o'clock, noon,will b sold at publicsale, at the Philadelphia EXeliange, all that large and valuable four-story brick building and lot of ground, situate on the northerly aide , of Dock street below Third street, No. 235 ; containing in front on Dock street 22 feet; and extending in depth on the west line along Relief alley 94 feet 6 inches, and on the east line 106 feet 2 inches. - It is .ono of the best paying hotels in the city, in complete .• order, kept on the European plan ; the largest and best ,restaurant-r-oulloi; has walnut and ash floors, indicator, and 'many modern unpri.ciae , its -- h, andsomo rooms and parlor ; second floor desirable chambers, wide entries, gas throughout , &c. The situation is very desirable for hotel, banking purposes, brokers' offices. Whig convenient to the different banks, publicbnild snsßo Terms easy. May be examined. • , Subject to an irredeemable yearly ground rent of $BB, X. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, ocl4 23 30 139 and 141 South k`ourth street. EXECUTOPS' SALE . THE prendses.—Estato of Edmund Wilcox, deceased.— 'Thomas & Sons, "Auctioneers. Modern Four-story BrickHesidence and Furniture; No. 1432 Spruce street, east of Fifteenth street, 20 feet front. On Monday morn ing, November 1 1869, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be .sold at public sale, on the prentiaes,• ! all that ! Modern four-story brick mes4nage, with two-story back building and lot of ground:, sitnaro on the south side of Spruce street, east of Fifteenth street,. No. 1432; containing in front on Spruce street 20 fear, and extending in depth 80 feet tan 3 feet wide alley, With 'Co . .priN'ilego thereof. The house is in good repair, and has the modern conveniences ; gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace , cooking range, &c. Subject to au irri3- deentable ground rent of $240 a year. .• • • TCIIII9-V,ooo' mtVy remain on mortgage. ' • Handscmte Furniture.,--Irnmedtately. after the sale of the house, will be' sold the Handsome Walnut Parlor and !Chamber Furniture, Mantel and Pier. Mirrors, Kitchen Utensils,.-fie.- Particulars in catalogues.. keys .at Messrs. Clark &41tting's, No. 711 Walnut street. • M'. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,ocl4 23 30 ,'•••••• 139 and 141 S. Fourth street, faTRUSTEES' PEREMPTORY SALE.— moinnt, Sons; Auetionoeiseritool Three-story Brick Residence, No. 633 Spruce street, between Sixth and Seventh streets.—On Tuesday, October 261.11; 180, at 12 o'clock; noon, will be sold at public sale. 'without' reserfe, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable and desirable three-story brick inessuage and lot of ground. situate on the north side of Spruce street, cast of Seventh street No. 683 i containing in front on Spruce street 16 feet 6 inches, arid extending, in depth 76 feet. Bennded on the' northward by • a 4 feet wide alloy, of which it host he common use and privilege. The house is well and 1311 1 / 8 1011tiallY built and in excellent and wee shingle•fooled WY, years past; located in an ex cellent neighborhood for professional or business men. o.7 l ;Clear of all incumbrance. • Teirmsdialf cash. ' Immediate poession. Keys at No. 18 992 Spruce street. ! Sale absolute. - ' • ' . By order Of W. B. FREEMAN, Trustee: M. THOMAS it. SONS, Auctioneers, ; 139 and l4l South Fourth street. IM - 7 — REAL ESTATE.THQMAS 4 SONs". Ea sale.—Very.• valuable BusinesS Stand' Three , story Brick Store. No. 532 Arch street, between Fifth and Sixth stroets,2o feet 4 3 inches front: On Tuesday, 0c1.26. MO, at 12 0',616 - 11yron,will be sold at public sale,' at the Phiholelphin 10x3.1 'lige, all that valuable three , story brick mossuage nud lot of ground, situate on the south side of Arch street, east of Sixth street, N 0.532; eMitainingiu front on Arch street 22 feet 4 inches, and extending in depth 73 feet, then narrowing oil the west side thereof to the width of •11 P3et 4 Mellen, and extend ing that reduced width further in depth 15 feet 4 inches. Bounded southward partly by an alley 2 feet 10 inches Mille, with the privilege - thereof: - It is- well and sub stantialle built, and is an excellent business stand. Termse . -4_ 4 12,000 may remain on mortgage. . • assession Febrnary 26th,•1870, M. THOMAS 3: SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street.:. A en 11,,EAL ESTATE.-THOMAS & SONS' ma Sale. 'Modern three.story Brick Residence, with stable, S. W. corner of Sixteenth and Christian streets, 67 by 129 feet, 3 fronts.--On Tuesday, Ndvember 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon,will be sold • at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern threelstory brick messunge, with three-story back building and lot of ground: situate at the southwest corner of Sixteenth and Christian streets ; the - lot containing in front on Christian 'street 57 feet, and extending in depth along Sixteenth street 129 feet Of, inches to Montrose street. It has gas, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, ; also, substantial brick stable : oilMontrose street. The vacant lot on the corner of Christian street, 49 feet front, b 4 very valuable for 'Minding purposes. Tarins—&l2,ooo may remain on mortgage. Ininiediate possession. Keys at the Auction Rooms. TROIAB C SONS, Auctioneers, • c '4 23 30 139 and 141 South Fonith street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS ; SONS' M .1 Sale.—Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling. I M 1 South Eighth street, above Federal street.—On Tues day Nctober 26,1569, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the three-story brick, store and dwelling thereon erected, situate on the east side of Eighth street, above Federal street, No. 1131; containing in front on Eighth street 14 feet, and extending in depth eastward, parallel with Federal street, 60 feet to a 5 feet ide, alley. It was formerly occupied as a bakery; has bake oven, gas, &c. tii?," Clear of all incumbrance. 'Possession in thirty ilays. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ov 14 16 23 1:19 and 141 South Fourth street. ra REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.—Three-story brick dwelling, No. 71r Plover street, north of Federal street. /Du Tuesday, October 26, 1669, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be , sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all tint three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south'side of Plover street, 105 feet west of Seventh street, No. 712 • containing .in front on Plover street 14 feet, and extending in depth 52 feet. ni,7 - Clear of all incumbrance. • Immediate possession. • M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ocl4 16 23 • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS &SONS' sale —Frame dwelling, Prosperous alley, south of Locust street.—On Tuesday, Oct. 20, , 1889, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, et the Philadelphia Ex change, all that frame 'immune and lot of ground, situ ate on the West side of Prosperous alley, 80 feet 4 inches south of Locust street ; containing in front on Prosper ous alley 19 foot 8 inches, and extending in depth 20 tett, 1/GP - Clear of all hicumbrance. Terms—Cash. M. THOMAS tkz, SONS, Auctioneers, 130 and HI South Fourth street. 0c14.16 23 _ - fa; ORPHANS' COURT SALE.--LESTATE of Rebecca Horsey aleceased.—Jamei A. Freeman, Anctioneer.—Desiyable 3 story brick residence, No. 714 North Eighth street. Under authority of the Orphans' court for, the City and County of Philadelphia, on WedndedaY,Nov. 3..1669, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be t , (111) lit . public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the olluardescribed real estate, late the nropertv of Re beera Horsey, deceased. All that certain three-story brick mensuage or tenement, , and lot or piece of ground, situate on the Weet side' of Eighth street, at the dis tanee,pf 146 feet northward from the northwest corner of Eighth and Coates streets,in the city of Philadelphia; containing, front or breadth on said Eighth street, 17 feet ( including. the northernmost moiety of an alley 2 feet 4 luchemwide the.clear on the said Eighth street, by 34 feet In depth) and extending in length or depth westward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Eighth street 11U lest. Being the same premises which Cyrus B. Green and wife, by Indenture dated 10th day of October, A. D., 1050, recorded in Deed Book, G. W. C., No. 53, page 150, Sm., granted and conveyed unto the said :Rebecca nor- Coy, In foe, ith the use of Bahl alley. • The. above is a geutee? three-story brick 'liven in g , with iiev-story brick lin ibl ing has Salem( gty tar, di lei roe 'it kitchen and summer kitchen mit first ft tsr, hot and coo; rate rangcs;bath, gut } marble .iibantels, private stair -104,4, fiamire in ea:ar, 4 yr...• 04"42b0 to be paid at the timeOf sale. By the Court, al OSEPH. MEGARY, Clerk 0,- JOHN S. HARMAN, Administrator. JAMES - A. FREEMAN,-Auctioneer; _ Store; 422 Walnut street. IP OR PR ANS' COURT SALE ESTATE mail: of Anthony Brzeski, deCessed.—James A. Free et nw .—Dwelling and Dye-House, Nos. 35, 37 and 39 Wister street, Germantown,-Under authority , of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadol- phis, on 'Wednesday, Nov.o, 180, at 12 , o 'Cloak; noon, will be sold at public salemt the Philadelphia Exchange, 'the following-described real estate, late, the property of. • AnMeaV,Brzeski, deceased : Ali those two contiguous . lots of ground, with the improvements thereon ereeted, situate on the southeasterly (lido of Wlster street (Nos. 35,37. 391. in the Twenty-second Ward of the' city;• honing together in front on Wister street 2 2.7 inches, and in depth 115 feet 8 inches. . J?' The improvements consist at' a two-story stone dteet/ing content ins 5 rooms and attic, a one-story brick and Mete dye-house, with steam engine, boiler, vats,tubs, fixtures and machinery of the aye-house, a nets - three-story frames:wit shop, two-story brick dryhouse,Jrante stable, shedding, 4 . c.; • • • • . •• 114'statAct to two mortgages amounting to $5,600. sar Clear of all other incumbrance. 19100 to be paid at the rho() of sale. By the Court. JOSEPIIMEGARY, Cloth 0, C. JOHN BELLANGEE COX, AdMinistrator, JAMES A. FRDEMAN, Auctioneer, belt 2128 • ' , Store, 422 Walnut street. tiEl , ORPHANS' COURT SALE.--,ESTATH . 111EIL ef John Mountie% deceased.—Jamen A. Freeman, Auctioneer.—Businese Stand, No. 927 Lombard street.— Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county , of Philadelphia ,on Wednesday, Nov. 3 1869, sit 12 o'clock. noon, will 'be sold at - public sale, without reserve, at the' Philadelphia Exchange the following described real , estate, late the property of Jahn Mania, deceased: Millet certain two-story frame messuago and let of ground, situate on the north side of Lombard Street, between Ninth and Tenth streets (No. 927), in the. Scarenth Ward of the city, containing in front on Lom bard street . . 20, pet, more or . less,'and In depth 6-1 foot, more or less: tvir $lOO to be paid at the time of Rte' Clear of all incumbra nee. By the Court, JOSEPH MEG ARY , Clerk 0, C. JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer. Store, 422 Walnut street. 0(14 21 213 - - g THE DAILVEIrENIIIOI3-alitiVlXL4l:llto OAAi , T I W4SPAYr OQT4BEgt,I4, EXECUTORS'- BALE:. ESTATE OF. Rm.. Int/km Intone, dedeased. ,, 4anies A. . Freernatt..' Auctioneer.' Oh 'Wednesday, November 3; 186,),tit. 12 &clock, noon, will be sold at public hale, at the Phila-,- delphia i Examinee; the following described rear estate Business stand, three-story brick, attire .aud , S. E. corner Sixtettuth and Sunitierstrecta. ; No. that cortain • 'three•story brick' aline :arid ' with bath-room and lot of ground;sittiate on the S. - corner of Summer and Sixteenth streets, in. the Tenth: Ward of the ably ; centnining in front on Sixteenth street' 18 feet ,and in d,epth along Summer:Street 69 feet to a 4. foot Wide alley. The aboee giaill,established bu.si ness stand, has been lona used as g geatery and prov i sion store. Possession June, 1870. • -; Two Three• Story Brick Dwellings;ls22 and 1521 Sum mer street.—No. 2.—A1l that certain:three-Story brick dwelling, with bath room and. rho. lot of ground, Situate on the' south side of sunimer street, (No. 1522), in the Tenth Ward of the city; containing , in: front 15 feet z. inches, and in depth 68feet; with the privilege of a three feet wide alley, which leads into a two feet four inches wide alley, that leads northward into bummer street. Occupancy with the deed. No. that certain threnatorybriele messuage, with bath room and the lot of ground, situate on the south side of Summer street (No. 1524), containing in front 14 feet 4i'e inches. and in depth 65 feet, to a three feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof.' occupancy March, 1870. . Neat two - story Brick Dwellings; 1507, 1509,1513, 1515, 1519 and 1521 Summer street. Nos. '.and 6. All those two certain 2 story brick dwellings With attich and bath room, situate on the north.xide of Summer street• (Nos. 1607 and 1509), each containing in front .15 feet, and in depth 65 feet to a 3 feet wide alley which 'leads into a 3 feet 6 in, wide alley that loads southward into Summer street, and with the use and' privilege ofpaid alleys. Occupancy June, 1810, of No. 1507, and' tit'April,lB/0, of N. 6.—A1l that ceAnin two-story brick (Welling with attics and bath-room and the lot of ground,: situate on the north side of Summer street (No. :1513). being 15 feet 1 inch front by 63 feet deeti, with the privilege of f a e 3 feet Wide alley that leads into a 2 feet 6 in. wide alley _thatleadsomuthward into Summer street., Possession May 28, 1870. , No. 7.—A1l thaccertain two-story brick messnage with •. attic and the lot of ground, situate on the . north side of Summer street (No. 1515), being 16 feet front :by C 6 feet deep to a 3 feet wide alley, and with the use and priv ilege of said alley. Tosseesion Aug. 1, 1870.. No. 8..—A1l dint certain two-storyibrick attics and the lot of ground, : situate - lon the north side of Summer street (No. ,1519) being 15 feet 6 inches front by 65 feet deep to a 3 feet wide alley, with the use and privilege of said, alley. Possession; May 25, 187 U. • . 'No. 9.—A1l that certain two-story ; brkkldttelling with attics and the lot of ground, situate on the north side of Summer street (No. 1621); being 16 feet front by' 68 feet . deento a 3 feet wide alley which leads lute a 2 feet 6 inch wide a lley that Watts southward into Summer street, and with ti t- use and privilege of said alleys.' Possession Feb. 15,1870. -. . ITT Plan at the Auction Store. 27 - Clear of all in cumbrance. 07 - Will be sold separately.. 119'6100 to be paid on each at the time of sule.. •. 1117Terme one-half cash.' Ily order of the Executors.. . For deScription of thu valuable store Property Ni. 625 Market street belonging to the mune estate,and to be sold at the same time, see other handbills. JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, 4)614 21 28. • r Store' 422 Walnut street. l a ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE' Alt of A:Wile Haines, deceased.—James,i A. Freeman, Auctioneet.—Under authority of • thq Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, November 3,1569, at 12 o'clock noon, will' be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia' Exchange, the follow ing descriVed Beal Estate, lute Rho property of Aquila lam es, deceased,: Building Lot, Fraukiord road, near Cumberland street.' No. I.—All that certain lot of ground, situate on the northWesterly'side of Frankford Road, the Nineteenth Ward of, the city, beginning at the distance of 23 feet inch southwesterly front Cum berland street ; containing in front on . Frankford road 19 feet, and extending in depth on the northeasterly side 32 feet 3 inches more or less to an angle, and on the southwesterly IMe thereof 35 feet 33.' inches more or less to aim angle, thence still further northwesterly at right angles with Holniam.street, en the northeasterly line thereof 32 feet 3 inches more or less - to Holman street and on the southwesterly line thereof 35 feet 3h; inches more or less to Holnian street ; containing a frontage of 19 .13uOdinglots, Sixth street, ((Maio Dauphin. NO: 2. All that cernith u lot of ground situate on the . West side of Sixth street, at the distance of 729 feet 11 inches northward from Dauphin street,in the Nineteenth Wand of the city containing in - front on Sixth 'street 33 feet, and extending of the width in depth 181 feet 4,1 s inches to street.' •- • ; . Atso, all that lot of ground situate on the west side of 'SiXt h street, at the distance of 253 feet 11 inches north ward from the north side of DaittWin street, in the Nine . teenth Ward of the city ; contaimhg, in front on Sixth street 63 feet I inch, MA - extending of that width in depth westward 184 feet 434 inches to •Muraliall street. • Building lot. Sixth • street, above Dauphin.. No. 3. All that. certain lot or piece of ground situat on the 'east aide of SiXth street pu feet, northward from Dau phin; street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the City. ; con taining in freht 55 feet on Sixth street. and extending in denth eastwardlyof that width /36 feet 103.1 inches to Fes:Rill street. • • By the Court, JOSEIMI MEGARY, Clerk GEO. M. D. HAlNES,'Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Zit:14,21k% • , • Store. 4= Walnut street. EXECUTORS'. SALE:-ESTATE OF Wit 'Millard Wayne, - deceased.—James A-.- -Freeman, Auctioneer:—Very Valuable Five-StorY Iron Front Store, No. 625 Market street. Lot 22 by 132 feet 4 Two fronts. On Wednesday, Nimembyr 2, 1869. at 12 o'clock, noon, be sold at public sale,rit:the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described Real Estate, late the property of William Wayne, deceased All that valuable live-story iron ond brick shire property and lot of ground, situate on the north side of .Morket street (No. 625.) between Sixth and Seventh streets, in the Sixth Ward of the city; containing en front ou Market street 22 feet, and In depth 132 *et or thereabonts to Commerce street. Xiir The .abente ,is a handsbme five-story ornamental iron frimt store properly, with basement, and covers the ;entire lot, Bias handsome skylight with sheet•iron cover, count,* ng-roam with sash, 'two fire proof vaults, water, closets on first, second, third and fourth floors, permanent washstands, two hatchways, hoisting apparatus, Cu, throughoM,fiag stone pavement with vault beneath, drain to sewer, iron shutters all the hay up on the Com metre street front. The property is fire proof, is almost new, mid is in perfect order. 1-El - The fixtures of the store and the heaters in tho cellar are not included ip the sale. Subject to ..9600 grouhd rent per annum. Sold subject to a lease of five years from - July Ist, 1868. RentSl,ooo to be paid at th e time of sale. /Terms easy. e 7,000 per annum. By Order of Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Aucti'Oneer, ocl4 21. 29 Store, 422 Walnut street. 11fr For descriptions of the dwellings on Summer street and Store o. 241 North Sixteenth street, belong ing to the stints estate and to be sold at the same time, sec other handbills. e l - ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE 9. 1 .11 of Beinjamin Beddow, deceased.—James A. Free. man. Auctioneer.—llotel and Dwelling, N. W. corner Sixth and Dauphin atreets.—tinder authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, November 3d,1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described reaLestate, into the property of Benjamin Beddow, deceased: All that-certain lot of ground with the three-story brick ineseuage with back buildings thereon erected ) situate on the northwest cor ner of Sixth and Dauphin streets, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city; containing in front on Dauphin street 12 feet 9" inches, and in depth northward of that width along SP4. th street m i feet to a 3 feet wide alley leading imistivard into Sixth street. Bounded northward by the said 3 feet wide alley, sOutkwurd. by Dauphin street, westward by other ground now or late of Adam Stela met 2- and Charles A. Doerr, and enstward by Sixth att....A. Being the same premises which Adam Steinmetz and wife, an Charles A , Tfobrt by inthmiture bearing date the let day of November, A. D. 1667, recorded in heed Book , J. - T. 0. No. 93, page 518, g ranted and con veyed unto the said Benjamin Beddow in fee simple. - Under and subject to a certain mortgage debt. of 11,250. With the free use and privilege of thesaid 3 feet wide $lOO to he paid at time of male. By the Court, .TOSEPII MEGARY , Clerk, 0. C. JOSEPH W. BEDDOW, Administrator. •' JAMES A. FREEMAN, Ametioneer, • ... ocl4 21 `2s ' Store, 422 Walnut street. 4 PERE3IPTOItY SALE TO CLOSE A Concerti.—James AFreentan, Auctioneer. !Valu able Coal Lands, Lucerne county, Pennsylvania'. On cdni-Hday. October 20.12'S:et 12 o'clock; noon, will bee soil at - nubile sale, viltDout reserve, at ti, Exchange, in-the eity,rl Philadelphia, the following de .Hcrilied real elitate ' YU; A value le tract of land, con taining four hunilred ( 400 ) acres and allowano.s, in lilakely.toimship , Lucerne ''county, Pennsylvania'. ad joining and bounded by lands of the Delaware and Jind atin Canal Co., George N:llollenbach, Oct others. ti e r 11 is ver y a dvantagtonsty - situated for mining; being on lioth',sales of the Laelmtvanna, about one Mile fromthetolon of Archbald, and about twelve mileSfrom &rattan!, and' is believed •to be entirely ~,,auNia.hy rtdd the oeins•of card known in that reeion. IJO7It 9.*easily accessible by railways one) canals, both f:rbmNeto•York and Philadelphia. The imekaulannee is a tellable water-goteer,'and there is On the land Pine, oak attd hate lock anther; also, a arrorber tU , dutelliny' honses:'' The loam Atchbald IR extending tetrarch the t en et. Theetiite iilperfeet•.• Pretties desiring: to ,votatte, the premises are invited t) call upon Mr. John (lard .‘o', •at Archbald. - Plaits and survey can be e.rooimou:d 0 0 Auction 'Store. Sale absolve to elan a conc!ra. To y ota iberal.• • • • • 10:ir V0001)0 paid when file same is struck Off; JAILESA. YREIMAN, Anetienittx.;' Store. 422 Walnut trot k - - ocl4 16 18 ottkHANs' cot, sr of. G, „rile Einweehter, deceing.d.—.lam,s A ,Pree man,'Aucti.oneer.—Three.story Brick Dwelling, Apple street, above GeOrge, Sixteenth Ward. Under tintliority of the Orphans' Court for the,city and county of Phila delphia t ou WednesdaY:November 3,1559, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public. Wale, at the PhiladelphiaE x'- ;cling • the following described real estate, late the pro perty of . 470:rsie.Eintocchicri , dereased : • All that eettain• three-storY brick rnesimage and the lot of ground, situnto ,on the e mit side of Apple street, at the distance •of 237 ' feet 11;5 of inches north Ci , orge street, in the Slxteehtli Ward of thecity ; containing in front on Apple street 15 iret inches, aad in 'depth eastward 54 feet 3 inches. ale absOlitte. • • . . tear Clear of incumbrance. , SEit" 19100 to be paid•at. time of sale. • . • Dy tho Court. ,10141:1P11 MFIGARY,CIerk O. C. , •, . CEW1 , 41 . 1 lIINIVECIPPER ,04 2128 jA141.: A. VI S I L I P I e, A 42 N 2 VA;all'ataitlte;erH4t MAGAZIN DES , MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET. SBB. PBOOTOB. • Oloake, Walking Buite L L Bilke t Dream Goode, ace Shawlhi ' Ladles' Undercloth nding a Ladles' Fore Dreaseolnado to toottoaro in Twenty , four Emirs. • JORDAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC Ale for iavolids,family use, Stc. The subscriber is now furnished with his, inn; winter Supply_of Likhighly pulritiorui and well-known bevel ate. Itside-epread_and increasing. Use, by order of< ysioians, for invalids, use of families, ac.,oomutead it attention Allconsumeni who .erant a strictly Durlicie; prepared from the bTst materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home. use or transpor tation. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly aupplied. P. J. JORDAN, No. 220 Pear street, del • bolOw Third and W Omit street EMESiMIEI=== MMiaiiEM .. • . o—. lEXTUA.OnbirtAirli r, • ,-..` REDUCTION IN; ~polcks- , : OF DRY - GOODS .. . . RiCKEY=SHARP & 00 - 727 onsmuir _STREET' In order to close ‘ dttheir FALL and WINTER STOOK / by DECEMB FAA, :will offer EXTRA-' ^ '"''- ORDI AST BARGAINS in I Silks, Dress Goods' and Miioellaneous . • Dry Goods. .. ... . Thi.'itock is the largest and most varied ever - oflered' lit retail in this market, and is limp) . renlete with' STA.- - PLIES and NOVELTIES of recent importation than any other in this city. - - ' •• ' . ' • ONE PRICE • AND NO DEVIATION. ItICRIEY, SHARP St CO.,' 727 Chestnit Street. brit MD • ; • , , . • . .. . , , . ASITE_PPARD ' -r. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET Respectfully call 'the attention of buyers to their re spective departments, noW.opened with all the noyelties of the seas On. Heavy double Damask Table Linensand Table Cloths, all widths, sizes and descriptions, up to the finest OMB ties made Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Tourolings, Shirt ing and Fronting Linens; Pillovvrase Linens and Sheet ing Linens of every .width ; Nursery 7-Diapers, Bird's Eye Bud Scotch Diapers, Linen Lawns:Printed Linens, Linen Floor Cloths, Stair Drills, Linen Handkerchiefs, VAN HA RLING-EN & ARRISON, LINEN' GOODS. HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS: Marsenteit Quiltaaumiture Chintzes, Dirnities,Coun terpanes, Table Covers, Piano ColteTS Turkel , ' Darnadk and Striped Toilanett, for table covers ; French Cro• tonne Chintzes for furniture and. decorations; Twilled Stripes and Livens, for Furniture covers. BLANKETS. Plain and Embroidered fled and 'Crib, a new article. Also, ell sizes and descriptions, in different qualities from low to the very finest, not equaled by any other makes in the market; and at lower prices. • FLANNELS. A new and popular style for. Skirts, embroidered with silk. Also, all tho leading' styles of. Welsh,. Shaker, English Patent, Opera, Fancy' Plaid,, Gilberts, Ballard ale, Striped in colors, ,tc., &c. •' • • • ' DOMESTIC GOODS. All the best makes of Bleached and Unbleached flue t 4 heetings, PilloW:Cuidnga,Tickluge,Counterpauee tin i lte , Comfortablee, &C * :, &c. CANTON FLANNELS. English and American, both bleached and unbleached hi all qualities: ,e N. 8.--SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1,000 yards Heavy Wide Linen Hucabat, at 2.5 c. 200 yards Bleached Linen Hucabac, at 12.1 k. 300 dozen Heavy All Linen Napkins, $1 50, e 2, $2 50. MO yards Loom and Barnsley Table Linen, 56c. to $1 25 0 . 102 yards Fine Bleached Long Cloth Mnslin. NO yards Stout Cotton Sheetings, 2.4*, 2h,' and 2.14. wide, 100 yards Fine Half-bleached Linen Table Cloths, 1,000 yards Pillow-Case and Sheeting Linens. 5630-th s to 10trp AIeVAUGH IV DUNGAN 114 South Eleventh Street, Will Open on Monday, Oct. 4th, French Worked and Hamburg Edgings and Inserting's, choice deitins. French Embed Sets,Lace find Crochet Tidies in great variety. French Breakfast Caps, Laces, Ribbons, Collars, Cuffs, &c. Novelties and Fancy Articles. oc2s to th lain) JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Ras now open WEI FALL and WINTER ImpOrtation of CLOAKING CLOTHS. Astracans, in Black, Browns and Wbite. Caracullas, SealN, ••• Velvet Beavers, Valours, Whitneys, 'tricot's, ' Black Esquin" max and Castor Beavers, White and Fancy Cloakings. soll4m§ CUNNINGHAM & SMITH 14(4'1224 Ridge AVenee 'Are row cfforlng '3in6 nreortrnint of , FALL' and WINTER, DRESS GOOD S the Opssible pricgs. Also Agents in Philmielphialor V.:RUTTY:RICH ita Co .13 colt bratoa PATTERNS for Ladies and Chiklron. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH; oe2-stu th 2rn ry . LARGE DISPLAY OF , , „ , 10easonable 'Woolens For Mon'e t toye' and Ladies' Wear. 'Mixed and Plaid Cat:Minorca Goode.forSidta Job Lot of Super 6.4 RiENCII. OASSIMERES roM Aiictlon at $2 50 per yard. ' OYES COATINGS in all the Popular Striro• Broad Cloths and Donk / ins for Ladies' Wear . ,(111- iCalXiia ve m r ill an colors,. • Gay Flat& for Cireelars,' i • ' Whito Opera Clothe. • .. . 7 • Marneoakin eloaltinr: ' • • Verret 1 eavera. ' - "OurThetip LbcatlO'n" °nada yd,te sell" erall advance toltetait Buren. "'"" CURWEN STODDART & . CUR W EN 450, 452 and 454 North Second Street ec1:1-3t ( 1 , J-1T : :..5:V::.:.Tt' . 4 : .. 1 p . , - ,.i:"*_iy 7 4.. - .,1).,: 1000 PIE ESI BRUSSELS CARPETINGS Which we are offering at prices that will guarantee sales. E.--..--• , .:: , 0::„.•••: , ':-i,q..,'.:',Q,...:0,5ij.. A..1:-4..1:._.-',8,-..'''.0',.•.9-,,,. ?'23=CUES He3o th to gt§ ELDER,WALTON&CO . E pitite - otor), 215 North Ninth Street, above. Race. ' We aro now opening 141 the Novitiles iv Fall PRESS GOODS, At prices to insure quick calm We invite an early tn . opection of the earner. . . , ELDER, WALTON& CO: enl6-theto Grp INDIA,. P4I-LANVIAIS . GEO. FRYER, 916 CHEST%IJ STREET, Will Open on Monday, Oot. 4th, MIS FALL IMPORTATION OF India Camel's Hair Shawls and Scarfs, NOderate Prices, `'r, • ; With a MOTOR BELECIT/ON In the übual TANTR'sad QUALI'T'Y of lib Estahltstunetit„ MOURNING GOODS. Tamises, Cretonnes, Delaines, • Drat), d'lmpenal, Borabazmes,' Drap (Masse, Alpacas, Drap d'Alma, Bianitz, Velour Ottomans, And every, Other'vrriety 3lontiting ana s ..cond mourning. PERKINS & ,CO , No. 9 South Ninth Street. eel-tu the ararp 11869.' 1A69. !Wit EDWARD FERRIS, impeder and Dealer IN White Goodi, Laces, Embroideries Handkerchiefs, Linen Collars and Cuffs, &c., At Very Low Prices. EDWARD 'FERRIS, 807 CHESTNUT STREET. - a2/3 to th a _ 729 CHESTNUT STREET, THOS. KENNEDY & BROS. A LARQ:E INVOICV. :OF RICH rEATHERS Wholesale and RetalL SPECIAL ,: OPENING Trionted Bonnets & ll4ts.' ••. • • •i I - 10 frATTL" MRS. M. A. BINDER_," - ARTISTE DEM M ODES, 1101, N. W. cerner , Eleventh and Chestnut streets. This opportunity is taken to announce that I have inst returned from Farls• and London withlY elatesth ictFall Fashions—these designs being personal s and modeled from the greatest novelties, and trimmed in a superior style—and will open . , . -WEDNESDAY, Sentensber 1, Rd9__ witli French and: EnglishPres/JOB, Clo,. Mantelette; Sleeves, and Chlldreirs Co . stunits, Robe doChambre and Breakfast Dresses. - - • - 4; Dress and Cloak Making in t every variety: Weddindi TrollitHellUX furnished at , short' notice , and re atonable - prices. Real Thread and Guipure Laces, Roman and Plain Ribbons and Sashes'.'' . , .. .- Paris Jewelry; neatest styles , of 'Jet, Gold and Shell`, the rarest and roost elegant ever offered: ,Hair Bands, •COand'Regal Note Dress and Cloak.Trinenings,',the meat tasteßtl that are to be secured in the French metropolis, wholesale and 'retail. ~_ Bridal velio and ',Wreaths. Rid Gloves,7s cents and el Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated eyetem for entting.ladies, dresses. Bovines Lae. ues,&c. mylafrp _.— A DAM STEINMETZ, • - - STEAM 'MARBLE WORKS, 4 -31, 1029 RIDGE AVENDE• • • Philadeipkiit, , /514/1/31 ": 1 " 'AIAN TEL S Persona froin the COuidry would do well to CALL AND 113CAJAINE BEFORE. PURCHASING ae9 th a tu ani rp§ ELSEWHERE ~'~ ~ ~ T Y 'l'f i . w i ~ ~uu ~.•. .. r AN INVCOICE New and Elegant Designs, fgac GOODS:::: TEY - OtrollS. Open To-Day ° FRENCH' igovEur MARBLE WORKS. i,Aßlirt4stlaENT nv GRASP • SIQNES. =IMO :., :: T STIUJEFAILI. CARPETINGS, NEW A RPETINGS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLO&N, No. 509 dasTNurnstn. Importers and Retailers of '• 1 CAR pETIiv; Of every dese'ription FALL IMP° ItTATIONIS, NE* DESIGNS TN ,TIMITETTE,' GROSS', Y'S VELVETS, 64 WIDE. lii original ana exclasiv 0 pattrrris 1,000 PfeeeS . ThrtlSSebi, Of tho best English manufacture, of new• and norol, styles, many of thorn designed expressly fur us. `l,OOO ?feces Crosidey Tapestries All the netrest styles ENGLISH - AND AMERICAN OIL CLOTHS. 111cCALLFIti, CREASE & SLOAN'S Carpeting and oir Cloth Warehouse, No. 509 Chestnut Street, Philo.. 8 ODOM() Itideponacuce 110:11 th e 3re.rys NEW CARPETS. AXIVIINSTERS - , - \ WILTONS, VELTETS, BRUSSELS, 3 PLYS AND INGRAINS, Venetians, Druggets, - Oil Cloths, &c. I.F.ag-`..43301V1 Sr, SII/=k7VV, 910 ARCH p'II3,EET. erg FURNITURE, &v. GEO J. TTENKELS, CABINET "MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. ESTAIMISIIED 1.5144. tioOd Fnrnitnre Sricet the lowest possible p. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS„ AT TIIEIR NEW STORE,IOO2 ARCH STREET, • • - • Are bow selling their ELEGANT FURNITURE , at Van , reduced prices. ae2s3mrps SABLE .FURS, RUSSIAN AND HUDSON'S BAY.' The Subscriber having made the above articles a' SPECIALTY in his buginegi,has prepared a large assort ment In different styles at his Store, , ‘ : - No.. 139 ,Borth Third Street, . l'hilada. • - • „Esti/Wished 44 gears ago. • • J 4MES REISKY. oe2 8 tll th 3111 FOR SALE. fl• ARCH STREET PROPERTY - 1. • FOE' SALE, , 1922 ARCH STREET. Kpne of those splendid new Brown-Stone 1101 NA B—: three stories ' and Mansard roof, 26 feet' front;lso fbet deep to Cuthbert street, onwhich there Is a very fine; Stable. ,Thellouse is very large and commodious, hay!. , • mg all the modern iinprOvetientS, and built by thopta sent owner In the N'iTy'best manner.' Inquire at 1924 AlKu Street. , ' • - - ' ge2o tap .; .17* O"NV :1 3 1 - EXSAN.V . :. 'Ell house for ealo or to rent.. Innnetliato 100158e$810101. Apply. -between 10 twit r.l o'clock, to 21. C. LE.11,430 olnut street. ocl.l r. .1-1611.—§1CFOICSALE.,, HOR ES AND ,MULES yort' lo —Good workers: Sold for wont of use only , blo of • 41 " 13 . r li a N t i t cac t Eitn_ociirn ICE COMPANY, , '• • won -Se r - • t cowl and Harallt n ow, LEGAL DIOTIOES., Tirr.. HE ORPH,AIsTS!' COURT FOR THB, City and 'County' ot'Philadelphia.=Eotale of HUGE CARR, deceased .—Notice is hereby given that 1.11.,LNN CARR; lvid9w of ;said deceased; tas, filed her petition, Vlith tiPpraifieMeiiirOf 140 ' elects to retain undek.the,Act of . per sona l grope pr tl if s P4 ° , 1.857, .and its onhplementa, and that the nameft_p: Proved y the Court on ,RATCRDA.Y, (MOW' IMO; unless exceptions be tiled thereto. , . JOHN A. 111.HITON, 0c14..th o.* • '`Attornoy tot Wid,ow.. FR INV.ALIDS.L-A lAtTEilijAt; Box as a companion for the sick chambpr; the finest assortment in the city, and a groat variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FARB & BROTHER., 524 Chestnut street. below. Fourth. rnblalf rp =MN LIM
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