,The. Philadelphia' Library. To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin Astir lamentable fact - that, as a-general rule stockholders take but little interest in the atiairs of an institution until the time oi ::danger, and then they end;:sothetimes too late for remedy, that the power given to thd ageis has not been wisely exercised. It'is this italifbrence that makes doubtful the future of the I-brary Company; and it is for the purpose of endeavoring to excite * the attention of the shateholders to examine the subject now in ~ . .Aquestion,;and which is sO vital to the' interests' of the Conipany i that these views are presented. The Library Company was established by Dr., Franklin and his associates in 1731. It procured the favor and patrooage of the Pro prietary Governors, who, gave` it a ,chaqer of incorporation in 1742. For the purpose of en larging its sphere of usefulness, it was, in the year 1709. united with the Milan LibrarY Company, and thus obtained nearly three hun dred new members, 'and at the present time it has about nine hundreel and fifty shareholders'l and to this number, at the outside, it lutist be forever ' limited if the bequest of Dr. Rush be accepted. r. 'tus , y w a mac ern gives his residuary estate to his -executor, Henry J. Williams, "in trust, to 'select and imrcha.se a lot of grOund. . not less.-than one hundred and fifty feet' square, situate between 'Fourth and Fifth and Spruce and. Race streets,' in the city of Philadelphia 4 and - thereon to erect a .fireAnoof building srilliciently large to accom- MOdate and contain- 'the books of the Library 'Company of • Phi adeiphia (whose library is: now at the corner of Filth and, Library streets), Sce. 7 : " AND 'mom THIS FICLIMIER TRUST, so soon as this' building" : s completed and ready • for occupation, then in trusttiust'to cOnvey.the same, With the lot.hereon it. is erected, unto the Library Company of . Philadelphia aforesaid, mt-their : successors, • for the, use of. their library, and for no other use Or purpose .whatever—pronided,", • tic.; and here he, recites the conditions upon which the Executor, is permitted to Make a conveyance., By. a codicil to his will, M dated, ay,- 1807, he authorizes his pxecti ,. tor "to select any situation he may, deem most expedient. 7 in the same codicil,: after • de:- Timing that his Executor shall erect &building -."for,the Library Company of Philadelphia, not *ply large enough to contain theirPreaent hooks, but also their probable increase for many.,years to egme,". he directs his Executor.-"to expend the whole ,remoinger of my estate 'in tlie puri• chase of a lot and the erection- of the library building, construction of- book-eases, • 45x., leavingthe said company only an income /idea to defray the ' ordinary and strictly air , propriate expenses of such an' institution." It • will, thus be seen that all his ;estate, excepting legacies.ef annuities amounting in' all to abont $8,400 per annum, must be :expended. on the. building, and that the interest:on the annul ties, as each one falls in, is all that is given for sup Port of the library ;- that the 'expenditures, are to bes.ueb As he requites, 'under 'heavy. An penalties,d for the purpose of exacting these pena -the accounts of the Ridgway branch separate and distinct; that the . • must be supported from other 4 rid as the_ annual dues_of members at the present rate: of $5 will' only produce $4,750, this ,subscription must be increased, for the. new andlarger' building, will make heavier'expenses. 'There are: other restrictions not now necessary to he' coneidered, because the time has not tome for action, and the at tempt to precipitate action at this time is al most unaccountable. The Executor, though invested with the right to select any location, insists upon a lot at Broad and Cartienter streets, which was agreed to be bought shortly before Dr. Rush's death, as was explained at the meeting of shareholders and which ..Dr. Bush lierer saw. Nine-tenths of the shareholders are opposed to this loCation, *and yet it is at tempted to buy them by the large bequest. The Executor's duty is plain, not to make an effort to coerce acceptance at this time—but to proceed erect the building ; and then, and not till, then, if the- Legislature will make the necessary alterations in the charter,and the com pany will accept these changes, to convey it to the company. The Executor may rest assured that whatever may be the action now, there will be found then some prepared to reject the bequest and to endeavor to prevent such legis lative action as is prescribed ; and the right to accept or reject belongs to those who may be shareholders then, and not those who are so now. Present action will not bind nor prevent fit ture,and of a different kind; and , ceitainly it is better to await the chapter of accidents, take all chances and see the building erected ac cording to the Executor's will and pleasure, before it is determined to receive it, especially as nothing is gained by present acceptance. The fund of nearly $lOO,OOO, so long acctuntt lating, the Building Fund, to which the late Mr. Fisher shade a large contribution, must be surrendered and returned to the original donors; for law, as well as honor, will pi'event it from being used for any other purpose than erecting a library building. The resolutions to be voted upon by the stockholders on the 19th are : Firstly—TO accept the beqUest. Secondly—To retain' the presentcollection ol books in the present Thirdly , L-To . appoin( a committee to C0p.311 with Dr. Hush's executor, and carry the reso lutions into effect. Fovrthly—To return thanks; and • Fifthly—To unite the two first resolutions, so that they must stand or fall together. The writer is of opinion that the provisions of the will are obligatory ;Biel a branch of the Library - cannot be maintained in its present lo cation, and the Executor hos never said other ?vise, and while the acceptance would (or might) be binding, the second proposition Would be nugatery and invalid. If those who preSented these resolutions are sincere in their belief and Purposif they think that a branch may be retained in its present loca tion—there can be no objection to the fifth': propesition.' So' that, WhateVer' may be the vote on the first three, it is certainly safe to vote: "4e"" 0 1. - the last . : A negath , e - vote -- on the othere Only, postpone action, till the building is erected, , when eyes, and ears can help the judgment; though in case , the nega tive should not prevail, an aflirtnative vote on the fifth resolution will be calculated to pro mote the haterestaer the Company and the har mony of its , members A Plumber's Ileply. To the. Editors of the ,Evenlng Bulletin::— We cannot believe that the whole,sale bnputa tation of frauds, Which your article on the "systematized imposition" and "systematic overcharges" of plumhers contains, is intended to apply to, the whole craft,Or that you would in tentionally wish to vilify the cbaracterof many respectable citizens, whose integrity of char ter, aud,reputatiort for fair dealing is as; dear to them as, they are to the gentlemanly mer ' ehant•patices of our clty,. the mairufactnier, the doctor, the lawyer, the . editor, or even the • poor: printer.; . l'herefore, on behalf of some who cannot , but feel abused at your . sweep ing a.ssertions, it seems right to make a mode rate reply. .• Your quotation from the London very forcibly illustrates the whole ideal, which we canna wiSh. - : were . .,etherwise, viz.: "That something unintelligible . was, ,like a . plumbers' bill, whieh i ppbody,-.--ceuld t under • stand; &c:" This is .the . giat of the 'who're mat, ter. If plumbing-work. and plumbers' bills' were uridersteod.Lbyeretypdy;these."diari,,,oreea ble surprises which every' householder expe riences" would pot be so common— To a person initiated, it 'is • the greater rays- - . tery to know i'vhatit great mystery the 'details of the business are to the general public. This is a fact which cannot .be ; . eoutrevertedr and which:will probably: remain, fixed initihall the community are plumbers: This ignorance of the business, and the • necesSary- high :cost of everything connected With it, is what makes , the generality. of bills:Seem extravagant. It 'would not be possible in'an article like the preSent to institute a just comparisOn'with other trades, the carPenter, - the. bricklayer, &c. Any reflecting mind ought to see at, a glance . the difference, where,a large amount of. labor • is put upon plain materials •of-coinparatiVely low cost, requiring',.vely • - theught exet ; tion ,tO procure,' and comparatively Small amount, of labor. ',npon articles et. high eest,. • requiring.the greatest.. experienee: and:knew ; - : ledge, to imew, amongst . the, infinite variety;: of materials needed, just what to procure for each narticiilar - tb and no.. two. are -, exactly.:alikej, and the', proper manner .o a' us men ,; so' a When complete, the 'ariangenient; whateVer it IS; will in every respeCt answer its, purpose, free from danger.of leaks, overflows. and .stoPpages and annoyances of yarieus. kinds, which ..no other work is liable to. That the business can be 'improved cannot be questioned, for in such a progreasive.age: it would be folly to claim perfection; but one or two statements which we know are not entirely correct should be alluded ~: There. is= no . complete organization. of plumbers combined to resist the purchasing of materials by owners, not Withstanding the pub lication of proceedings of, a meeting,aPparently as, such—someplumbers, least, being- , of' the opinion that: their customers : would prefer the purchase of. materials by.tliose 'On. whose judgnient „they, aro depending for theexecution of their work, 'andWctUld . .,rather 'Pay, a legiti r mate p.ollt for-. the . prePer . .Selectien of. only Such artiolessas.are needed, than by attempting to take.....tbe business out ofr.the :plumber's hands, waste their own time,•anithin - _,.lhe risk of getting such . as they do not • if you, IdeserS.- Editors, or any of your 'friends, have been unfortunate enough to pay ° rates, ranging from sixty to one and fifty percent., ' the :Sooner' you change yonr 4 journeyinan shop" the better'; for there are sonie honest men left, and you would do well, by. a 'kind word, to assist, them in collecting ell-earnedtheir tis bills, rather than• still more embarrass them. in carrying on a really vexa tions,and troublesome business. • . CITY BULLETIN; . . Marshal Blackburn investigated the, the at the grocery store of : John L. Carney; at Twelfth and: Federal, streets yesterday. and caused, the arrest, of ••arney. - At the: hearing before Aldelinann Kerr 'it was 21104 that, the police were attracted to_ house by cries: of murder and fire, ;Proceeding fidin persons on the roof, and finding the lower part fastened' • up, the doors Were• forced open. They then discovered fire : the -; cellar, arid in the stein as : Well; = the flaines in their opinion, having been kindled in 'bcith. about the same time. In making the lure.• kindling-wood Seemed to,have been used,: as well as. wrapping-Paper.' 'The Fire 'Marshal testifie that defendant had obtained an insui ranee in the Jefferson Fire Insurance Company, of SEOO on the stock; on the fixtures; s2oo;' on the furuitu/V, ssoo; : und;ssoQ : on,theliquors. In "the opinion of" the "witilesS taieliqiior in thC store was not worth five dollars; the furni ture not worth $2OO, and the stock fixtureA not ivorth half the amount of insurance. After healing the testimony, the Alderman held the accused for his appearance at Court. to answer the charge of setting fire to the, premises with intent to defraud the Jefferson Insurance parry. —Yesterday afternoon about two o'clock the large three-story brick building on the east, side of- Twenty-third street, below Chestnut, owned by David S. Gendell, was '.destroyed by fire. The two upper floors were occupied by Mr. Gendell as a carpenter shop, the fixtures, tool 4, and materials of Which were consumed, and which 'were not inSm•ed. The loss upon t,l+ building is estimated at $5,000, upon which there is an insurance of $4,000 in the Lyc,om ing Mutual Insurande Company. Mr. Reuben N. Buckley occupied: the lower floor for tli storage of furniture, the greater portion of which was removed in safety. ' T. Pierce and Walter Bayne had a bearing at the Central Station yesterday, on the charge of conspiring to vote illegally at the Second- division poll Of the. Second Ward. It was alleged that Bayne offered to vote in the name of John White, residing at No. 104 Mary street; and stated after his arrest that the other • defendant, Pierce, had taken him to the poll to vote, Bayne being a resident of the Fifth Ward. They were held to appear at court. Bayne, who had a black jack on him,was held in,addi don' to answer the charge of carrying a con cealed-deadly weapon. —William Campbell was seriously stabbed behind the ear by a man named James Lafferty, at Twenty-ninth and Filbert streets, yesterday afternoon. Campbell was removed to his home, and Lafferty was taken into custody. political discussion originated the difficulty. —John•Desmond was before Alderman Kel!r yeaterday on suspicion of having broken into the saloon of C. Mirabella, No. 8:3 South .Thiril street, .on Sunday last, and stolen. a gold watch and other articles therefrom. He was held for a further hearing on. Saturday next. —A match game of base ball between nip Athletic, of this city, and Brandywine, of West Chester, played yesterday afternoon on thb gounds .at. Seventeenth street 'and Columbia avenue, resulted in favor of the Athletic by tt score of 70 to 20. . , I —The store of Samuel Bowers, clothes rend,- vator; No. 15 North Eleventh street, wan robbed of nine pairs of pbaits, five coats, ILO three vests yesterday. —John L. Hill, Chairman of the Rd publican City. ExecntiVe `Committee, was 11 night tendered the. Compliment of a serienad at. is residence, No. 1209 Filbert street. NEW JERNE'Y MATTERS. dectioti inyaniden county,' Whieh:oecinit on.. 2 the nesday , after. the first Monday in . November, begins tp assume.iMportance, and it invOlves:lu'inctples which no ,•lieriublican should overlooc, Or ignore. ,Partietilarly is this the case, frinnjhe fact that an ill-timed effort', has been tnid.O. tO organize a third party with assumed can characteristics, solely for the ;purpose of aiding .the Democratic candidates, and to satisfy the • personal animosity or ambi r , Lion •of a • few, disappointed mal-con7 tents. ,The wholerce of this movenient haS been aimed at/the Hon. Edward' Fettle, agairst whose 'name and character not a Sylla ble can truthfully be Spoken. He has, occupied t.`prominent positiOn in. the Irithlican party . ever since its organization and as always been • enthusiastic in support; of • its ~principles. Thoroughly acquainted with the wants and interests of his constitueno,in,catmlint county, and scrupulously honest in inter course With all Men in business re lations, he has won for bitnielf a strong ' hold on the friendship and affections of the people. The most inveterate, "hard-shell Dem- • . • • •• " .• . . . -.LL W •4 - I ~ " •- • . - ‘-- • . , :- .• 4 •:1 • , THE DRYLY ghNOTO.B ?ELFR ' 14' THURSDAY 4 ,001'aprirt 14 1869 VERITAS. oPrate"those who !Sever cab! see aayt ng o a ;019inendable (cbartiOtei, la'RspublicaW—t„ tale pride -in 'rendering tfi Bettye . honor, 'Ail are satisfied tik,t,V;disCliarged the duties, ofi a Senator 'with that zeal And abilit* which evoke adtrdration dor sa good and faitht fur servant ; and, outside Of politic .s, Dem (wrath of the coanty esteem him as' )iighltas any member of their'own' party i The imperk tive necessity • for • electipg him. to the St," 'Senate is, therefOre, apparent., The, tegisla- W.re in 1871 will , have to elect ; 4 . United Slates Senator, in, place of Hon. 4. G., Cattoll, and Mr'. Bettie wilt if elected, and , living, be there td aid in the sending of 'a good 'and reliable Republican to the Senate of the United States. No merriber of the party; therefore, should fail to 'cast his vote for lSfr. 'l3ettle and the en.- tiie ticket. ' ' ' ' T.E3rPERANCE nrinTo.t.rries.,4--The friends of temperance in Camden county and through- Mit the State of New, Jersey are 'moving 'quite efiergetic.ally in the •datise,alad are, determined to make political affairs. Contributive to their interests. At the last • session of the New Jersey State Temperance Association the fol lowing were adopted : , • Resolved, That we will ask -the = Legislature very respectfully to serimend'the license laws of the State.as to allow ''the: legal voters of each township, or ' sub-division, to deteiniine-at-their-lowtingi r Looth • municipal election) by popular , ;i'ote, whether the sale of-intoxicating beverages shall be li censed therein ; and we will Withhold our suf frage from' all candidates - for 'office who are known opponents of so reasimable a request. Resolved, That a committee of five, as a central committee, and one, from each county, be appointed to superintend the Y securing of the' largest possible petition for ,this measure, and that .the names of legal voters be kept separate from others on the .petition: • • Resolved, That the --- frfends of temporaries, morality, and good order, and espedially, all Christian ministers, churches and ; temperance organizations, are earnestly invited to take -hold of this, measure and agitate the public mind with reference to it to the -greatest possi ble extent. • • The 13lan thus proposed is much more feasible than the formation of distinct pellticatorgani zations, and will meet with far greater en couragement•a,nd sup Port. There is much pro priety. in,remoVing from.tbe Courts, the Coun cils and tExcise Boards, the power of granting licenses, and ; of returning it to the people. 'AS.S, AULT :Oisr E' illinntiir.--Yesterday morning as Joseph Hamell, engineer of tiM Federal street niglit,boat,W,as returning home up Kaighti:a POint aveniieJikwa's assaulted by some unknown man, who seized him by the throat, with the felonious,,,intent.. of robbing hobrever, - anticipating the assailant's intention, succeeded in beating him .ofl; when be precipitately. ded, alid . thus mad'e 'good his escape.' ' ' CHURCH MATTE Its.—The - NorthoCamden 'Baptist Church is advancing in usefulness and increasing in membership. In order to'assi4 in the Work of this church the ..ladies' con nected with it. have completed arrangements for',giVing :4 grand supper and festival to-night; -tlie receipts' of which Will be- appropriated for the benefit of the church. The ladies of the Tabernacle BaptiSt Church *alsci-glVe si similar simper for the benefit of their, , , , ,chnrch to-night. TUE DE3IOCTACY.—The Democracy held their County Convention 4-.Longacoming, yesterday,,seleet , Candidates:( for State Sena tor; Sheriff, and three' Coroners.' The follow'7 int* gentlemen were nominated :—For State Senator,Hon; Clialkley'Albertion; for - Sheriff l: uulall E. Morgan. Mr. Albertsdn has been • a„member. ofthe Assemblyi from the Second District,and Iqr. Morgan is th.e, present incum bent of the office of .Sheriff. V,IT Y NOTICIS.. EXQUISITE NEW FALL CONFECTIONS, Manufactured by WISITMAN ,S; Co., MS Chestnut street Retailers supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. - - HOLT'S PATENT MARKING WHEEL. F. SCHEIBLE, SOLE AGERT, NO. 49 SOCIII THIRD • STREET PHILADELPHIA. This machine is designed to supersede the use of sten: cil plates on cases, wrapping-paper, cloth or paper bagi. The type being Made of rubber, it will print on au, level surface. It is self-inking. It is simple, durable, and always ready for iio. • BURNETT'S COOKING EXTRACTS.—Their universal success is batted upon their merit. Reference to DIP& to the principal Purl/v.7on), Confectioners and Hotels in the United States. GRAND OPENING of Misses' and Children's Chathing, Thursday, October 14. • M. SHOEMAKER & Co., 1021 Chestnut street.. A VERY mr. - 1, and the Vest stock of . • , -Hats and Cape . .11 the city can be found at OAKFORDS', under the Continental Jtrncious Morn Ens and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in BOWee, infant Cordial. A GRAND and attractive sale is going on at the great fashionable lint and Can Store of - GRAS. OAKFORD SoNs, 834 and 836 Chestnut street.. StudicAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries. SNo South BROT)TER, 2.3ighth street. A VERY FULL AND CHOICE STOCK OF Ready-made Clothing, at•the lowdst rates, may he found • CHARLEs STOKE3', ' No. 824 Chestnut street. ; CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 916 Chestnut atm* Charges moderate. • LADIES' AND MISSEE3' HAWS, The most complete and largest assortment to be found in the city is at ' • OARFORDS', 834 and 836 Chestnut street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, X. DProfeamor of tho Eye and Eai treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his °Pico, No. 805 Arch street. 'The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted:'. No charge mad o tor oxaminatiop.. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW - BOOKS' BY THE American Sunday School Union. •• • - THEVOYAGE OF THE' WHITE FALCON. By the author of 'Cherry the Missionary, &c. 90 cents. Full of interesting incidents and useful information. TWENTY-FIVE'CENTS ; or, The Grateful Irish Boy. 16ni0., cloth. 40 cents. OILED FEATHER BOOKS, 3d Series, Qn lititlKne,wing when tine ho Wen Otf,—Upon -La n etting.Ono'e Self Alone. Paper, 5 cents each L' NORA'S LIFE ATDERNCLEUGH. 6t) ets. inst PUI/1611 . 1(:I and for sale by the • AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, .„. ;1122 : Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . th 04, r , - 10 - 1.1.1 J alt-H , Yi 01 1. .MARRIAGE.—A ,;,,new courke of.. Lectures, OR delivered at the", New rh Museuta of Anatomy; embracing the subjeets; Mow, to Limrand what to:Live for; Youth, MaturittanC I Old 'Ago; Manhood general_ yt reviewed; the Cause of ,In ; digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases , sem:minted ; fo r r •;mtrehtgo.: Philosophically Considered &a. PoOket volumes containing them Lectures will be for: warded r post , paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing - W. A . Leary ,Jr: t Southeast corner of Fifth and Walaut streets. Philadelphi a, • • • • • fe24 CITTLtILY . • k” " 51 ,ELND wo§,TENHOL]siit3 fltrocxv..r ENIVES, 'PEARL and 'STAG: .OAN -ItLES of beautiful Ilnieb; RODGERS' and WADE It BUTCHER'S. and tie CELEBRATED LECOLiLTRA ltAEolt. SCISSORS IN OASES of the tined qualitx ; lt zere, En Bellmore kid Table Cutlery, ground nal polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved construotion to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker,lll3 Tenth street. below Chestnut. vaYl7tf . HERRING'S CHAMPION 84.gSi . . The Burning Earles , Art. Bauer~,;; . PHILADELPIIIA, SepteMbey i k.kl49. MessiM. , FARItNIA stitiatraVco:,) ' f • 1' : ..'` %AI 1.) CHSEintrit Stinbet. GENTLEMEN,: Wattitve Itist -eXtunineditvitilt thavery greatest eatisfaction, ;our; safe; purchased og 'yam some years ago, and which palmed. through Otto delltortMlYP fire of last night.... • • *" We findther,ccutents, , without triception, ,entirety un harmed, merely ellghtiy damp, and we feel now ilia cpa dition to commence our liminess, again. haring *TM Book perfectly safe. We shall in a few days minim) a larger elms, Mak Will call upon you.. . - . • , Very Respectfully, , , , • , JANES . EARlalift*Gfi. ' • . Putz;anaLputa, Auguat 4 0,•191g. IdEsstts. FARREL; “EntuNo4, Co. - 'OENTi.EmEN: - 'ln the year I nnfortunateliiial in briefness in the Artisan Building. Which Was de - steered by ilmontholOth of Apet.....l•liad thew in use - what I supposed was a Fire-proof Safe,' bat :upon Opening it I found everything was destreYed,and fire buiMing therein. You will raiollect, mmtlentani there ,••was .seieral. of ;your safes in , that fire, also several in the Ilse. at . Sixth 'and Catunerae streets,Aliezaiit Hay, "five Weeks' after- Wards,. all of whiCli upon 'tieing opener} proved ,they _svertillia4ita-liidead,,for-I--Mitriessed--the-osszadng-o the niost ofthent;enCta every ;case the cententS were ' preserved, while safes of 64ies makers were Martially; or entirefr destroyed. ' It 'at One 'concluded to , / MVO that I cbuld depend upon, and parches* one of your eaten: '• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .The s safe I pnrbfiaseif OS yob it' that time Wad S u b j e c ted to a white heat (which , Was witnessed by several gentle men" that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction of my 'Marble Papot factory', 021 • Wallace street,' on ..the. afternoon' 111 id even qr the 24tli- inst. After-dlgging the safe frotn the ruins; and 'opening it this morning, I was much pleased 'ha flak everythinV consisting of 'books, papers, money and sil4erwarei all, right. I shall want another of your tares , ' as soon as; I caumot a L placil to continue ray business in,; I could not rest contented With any other 'nuke of safes: • • , , . „ Paper htanufactnrer. PAYEWT CHABIPIQN - SAPEE4 , thit most reibible protection . from fire nolf - known. EEG:. RING'S NEW PATENT BANKERS' 'SATES, aim: .bluing hardened steel, and iron,. With the Patent Frankliniti3, or SPIEGEL EISEN, furnish' a resistant against boring,and cutting tools to an extent heretofore unknown. . Farrel, *rend& Co., Philadelphia. Herring, ‘,,Farrel & Sherman, ., No. 251 Broadway, corner Murray St:, N. Y. Herring & Co., Chicago. • Herring, Farrel Sherman, New Orleans. au2B ratf gq WHEELER & WILSON'S 9'4 slowing Machines, FOR SALE ON EASY..:PAYMENTS,- 914 Chestnut Street. oi 4 PETT SE ON & L C A A G R E Zt r i s TER, oi 4 th lyrp BOOTS AND' SlloBa. wcoVv FALL STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. 13ARTI:E,TT, 33 S. Sixth Street, above ORNAMENTAL IRON WORM!". WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted. WIRE GUARDS, for tore fronts and windows for factory and warehouSe windows, for churches and collar windows.. • IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, offices, cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders' mid Carpenters. All orders tilled with promptness and work guaranteed. ROBERT WOOD ee, 00., 1136 Ridge Avenge, Phila. je3o tu th 6mr GOLDEN EAGLE= FURNACES • AND \ . \ COOKING RANGES • . . /1 1 461,600 Cubic feet of space thoroughly heated by 8 medium-slzed Golden tingle Furnaces at United States Naval As Arun, Philadelphia. • , ." PERFECT SUCCESS. It is three years since the' [dne Furnaces were in vented and offered to the public. The advantages. they combine have given them a most signal, success.. Already in pur city ithas taken the lead, , • • AND THE DEMAND CAN SCARCELY 13E1 513PPLIEp. The commatiity are enured that the mettle] featnris which have given the Golden Eagle such unbounded popularity are not found ire any other Furnaces now oz- AD examination is solicited: SEND fOR 'ILLUSTRATED OATALOGIVE, Ni , 5.1132 'AND '034 MARKET ' STREET. - .411 • :1 PAI'ENT OFFICES. cor... Fourth Vinci Che'staLUV, (Entrance on FOURTH Strcet) • , FRANCIS :Di PASTORIUS • - • Solicitor otPatents:v•- , patente procured for Iriventiona An ; the, Unit , Ettitea and Foreign Countries find all brolitiese relating.tOthe eilraeproniptly transacted. `Callr fiend for 'circular, oti patents. DMus open until 9 o'clock everrarehinfc: r/020-0 tn.th lyre§ , • . OPIOITS , OF. I:7RPEIVIINPi 7A-ft 'ANL! Rosin. • • „ • „ 68 Mils: Spirita Turpentine. • , 80 bbls. Tar. 439 .bble, Soapy makers' Rosin. - 4319 .bble. Strained Shipping Doan. ,;' Landing poi. steamship Pioneer. .30 Wile. Elpirlta Torpottuo, 6 . ; . 200 bbla. Pio. 2 Room. • I!, r) • Landing per ateamahlp Pr°rattiMill. ROWLEY. For Kilo by eel DI 10 South - Delaware avenue. .YELLOW PINE -LIIMBER.—ORDERS L for cargoeS of every description Sawed Lumber exe cuted at abort notice—finality subjeot to inopoctlon. Apply to 'EDW.'S. BOWLEY.I6 booth Wharvon. ~: ~5 w..n _.: ~r- ,1:). ,:A - ellgals. - ': 1 , Vibi` 41‘,.0Atikm' ic. , .' ira 1, ~, ~_., %SOO, ERT*I4/EET.. , : • , ' ' All th6R4sivididi ashfottable DaneeirTangi r te '' ' : e<. ' LAtilASAnd GenthigiettA=Titeadayand Frhin Evenings,. Misses arid litsetera*TgesiditY -and '. Saturday Atte oone. Gentlemen(lnlgT-Saterday trotting. , - , "., . ;Private iblifiL/116.0 Sing j'Vr' in. classeik ' at any 'hour t suit convenience. , .. ~. ! , , t . ' -!. .. r . ~ s tal•lnt* MERICAN ' .BicADEMY , I.JY — Dttr — W S A' , CARL ROSA , and, - ,0,D,..UE511.A Op , propriepro,,and Directors: D. DE VIVO , --....- "-- thief 'noes Manage H. J ACKnON' ' . cf...i.'...;..Ltt,t1.1.i...'a , ,''. Stage Manager ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ,111. LAST . l'E ' RFORId PAREPA-10SA AN N CE I O E(TOPERA t COMPANY. i ONLY TEBBE' EIOWYS AND 'CINEMATINEE , i • . ~ . • , REMAINING.* _., ' THIS, THURSDAY; EVENING * f • LAST TIME •POSITIVELY-of Auber's Successful TUE BLACK IM ' INO. • - f ` ' ;`.' ': TIIICELAOIC D AtINO.I.r , ~ : .:, .1, With Its splendid cast, embrac ng Miss ROSE li ERSilliins.SEGUMMisit STOCKTON, , Messrs. CASTLE , WitENCIIi,MALL,,,,SEGUIN, Sc. • MR. ANTHONY EXIT... .... . ......... ....... cienductor TO •MGRIICiW ailllDAtf ErElillfd.'' •' ' ' First Benefit in FilitadelphiA.QUMADAME, pErth,,p '- ROSA ; whe will aPpettr, sustained by thesame splendid y i cast as preously t t n Flotew seharniingereation, • IIIARTRA, .-, • ' MARTHA, , Which will be again Presentedwith itagtosideadettarae• terist le miss en. scene , including_ _ • , . , THE GREAT EIiGLISH'FAIIt SITENM:' ' ' • , SATURDAY—LAST GRAND MATINEE: .'.! Admiasion-.SlonclralingEeserted Seats; - • ~. l LAST. TIME POSITIVELY, OF. AtititTliii..___ MADAME PAREPA ROSA-. ~.....'..as MARTHA Bin. 5p,0131N, , : Idesorti.•• OASTL le ,': - CAMPBELL, , SEBUM', BALL i Anitt‘theatnt .t t : -A-T-1,118A.-Y—Hight—lr-AB-E1 . , • ._• 2 _ .. . 1 5 SATURDAY 'Hip,ht-4fAREWELL PERFORIi ANCE. A GBAED-OPEBATItt MELANGE, , introducingLail the artists of the Company, Madame Parepa-Rosa, MN. . Seguin Miss Stockton, Mesars.'Castle, Nordblein, Do Bolus. Campbell, Lawremee,liall. Stettin. ' ____ .. The ENTIRE DOUBLE COBIPA NY IN' ONE Rua:. For : the GRAND FAREWELL the Performance will emend of , , - • , , . ..„ , , ~,,, ;‘. FIRST ACT OF TROVATOttt _._. • 'SECOND ACT OFT° EMIAN &MD, , . SECOND Ain OF , FBA DIAYOLO. TeiLo-11. I - OUS SI/ ilb9lo. P r tilt Ali GREAT %A • EU-110PDA CIRCUS. On the Illuminated Grounds>. Eighth street, between Race and Vine. ,A Reputation for Superior " Excellehce Firmly Established. . SUPERB DIVERSIFIED- PERFORM ANCES;' Ell BRACI 'V) ALL THAT. lA' biOVEL INTERESTING,TIIRILLIKU ; mid SEESA.- TIOKAL. 1 , SECOND WEEK... : . , NEW ATTRACTIOBS., , L ; ' . - ,' .11,1Tearanco of Mr. CHARLES SHERWOOD., • : Allot the Famous Riders, Acrobats. Gyronaeni,"de.; ~_,. TE INFANT WONDER. MH - -"." ' '• , • aster HARRY CONRAD, the Youngest; Clown eior seen. - Mr. PIERCE, the. Celebrated, Mop .Tamer e will ' enter the den of wild ,Lhinis at the Mae Of each , performance, and" feed them with rale meat ; : in the _presence' of the audience. . El REMEMBER i REM ElitliElt I I A pk:;FORMANCN EEltit A FTERNOO/4i_nt 2 1. .4 o'clock - A PERFORMANCE EvKBY. MOUT, ; , r - - - At 7% o'clock.." , ' • • - ' 'ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. , „_' "'" Children under ten (10) years, 21 cmigs. 0013 tf ; Ri A ND , GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL, • '; _ ;: • _., AT THE • ; ; AMERICAN ACADEMY- OF ?SUSHI, "`MONDAY EVF.NING. Oat. IS. at •Inauguratlng-the'GREAT FAIR in aid of the ORPHANS' HOME AT GERMANTOWN, Soo Special Notice column. • .- • • Mayor, DANIEL .M. FOX will Preside__.', ; GRAND CHORUS OF 300 VOICES. ; • • _ • AN ORCHESTRA OF 40 PERFORMERS. ' THE YOUNG AMR N ERCHO,II. Erm. Band oild In struments. W Orphan Children. from Ur Home.. Children of the Sunday ' Trot L. ENGELKE. ' • • Conductor Grand Festival Ode, employing in its — fluala dearly 700 yoicto. • • Admission.—Parquet, Dres Circle and 13alconY, ; Reserved Seats, el; t 0; Family Ore's,. and Amphi theatre, t.,0 cents. - • • . - • .. Reberred Seats at BONER'S. 3102 Chestnut street, on and after MONDAY Oct. 11th. oclii•th m3t MRS.. JOl .N DREW'S. Wien: STREET ALL THEATRE. Begins,,‘ to IL ;. • LAST NIGHTS OF FORMOSA - • MONDAY AND DURING THE WEEK Doncicault's great drama of .. • ; FORMOSA • RUIN. OR, THE .11AILROAI - TO R ' • With New Scenery, Fine Effects Efficient Cast, luclutling MRS. JOHN DREW. MONDAY Nr.xx—PROGRESS: Seats secured six days in advance. , ; LAURA E.EENE'S " • 'CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE HOME. HOME. • • A GLORIOUS SUCCESS - . • ' , The New Comedy , HOME. • , ' TM'S. B> Robertson, authOr•of "Ours;" "Otste. &c. HOME. , HOME. ' HOME. TO CONCLUDE WITH A FAECE. • Seats secured six days iu'advance. ' Doors open at 7; catutuenco at 3. to 8. W AL NUT ST. THEATRE, BEGINEn To 8. N. E. corner Ninth and 'Walnut Streets. THIS. THURSDAY. EVENING, • . .3IR. El/WIN BOOTH In Tom Taylor's Tragedy of THE FOOL'S REVENGE. • • NERTRUCHIO, Jester.... ' MR. EDWIN'BOOTH FRIDAYTNEFIT OF EDWIN BOOTH. THE STRAN 'ER AND TAM TI HE OF TE SHREW. FOURTHBOOTH MATINEE. Saturday at P. M. THE STRANGER AND TAM LNG OF THE SHREW. SATURDAY NIGHT—MACIIETIL T U. 0. F.;‘ , .-THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY of PARADISE LODGE, No. 121, 1. O. 0. F., will be celebrated, by a Orlin.' Entertain ment of liluyie and Elocution; in the musical Fnn,l Hall. on FRIDAY, 0ct:15,1869, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. ;; oel3-1t• FOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, THE NEW nun:la:slows TO-NIGHT. FEMALE FORTY TinEvEs. Harry Loodle,Franlc Dillon and' all the Company In a new Bill of Novelties, Matinee'on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. NrEw ELEVENTH STREET OPERA L' DOUSE. 'HIE FAMILY RESORT.' CARNCROSS DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, FVk I. L AR CROSS, Manager. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS,, CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin West's Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED still an exhibition. . •• je22-tt SARATOGA WATER. STAR SP RI NG-S I SARATOGA, NEW YORK. The 'analysis proves thatthe waters of the Saratoga Star • pr ngs have a much larger amount of solid substance, richer in • medical ingredients than any other spring in Saratoga, ,and shows what the taste indmates--namely, that it is the STRONGEST WATER, It also demonstrateetha t hthe STAR WATER contains about . 100 Cable Inehea MOre‘of 611w4 Ina gallon than any other spring. It is ,this extra amount of gas that ,imparts to this water its peculiarly sparkling appearance, and renders it so very agreeable to the mem. It else Oudot° preserve the delicious flavor of the water when bottled, and cantles it to uncork with an effervescence almost equal to Champagne. Bold by the leading „Druggists and *telt; through- Out Mg c01 , C 7 . 112 /I.' , • ' • 4 JOHN. WYETH & BROi 1412 Walnut gitreo Philada, Wholesple Agents.. , • Alit/ for sale by W.Walter Brown' comer of Fifth and Chestnut Gra hamet.Twelith'and Filhert; B. LippliMorit wentleth and Cherry; Peck & Co.. 1225-Ohestrn ; Saville S. Bunt- Mg, Tenth and OpruccA B. Nile Chestnut; P.O.j Oliver, Eighteenth and Spruce - ..lacoby,Jr.49l7ohest 4 Ant; Ge0,;40. B ower,iiixt6 and Inc;Ja Shinn,Broad andLSprnee;Batiiel W. teatia;TWelfth and:Spruce; V. /3.; Webb, Tenth and,Sprin ft ßeF4l l ?!:,r , • , ' del-tuabis;lyrily " • , E FINE ARTS , , .:IV6Sik I A ';,'S:II,OBINSO4.. ':,• ; foENos.FLATi..ioo)ciNia . GLAsSts, • „ +'e 17. ; ;i;•; • ; C4ronaos, tiCtiilAliliNf; 4 AigicitAlirsttrisis, ~.., Manufacturer ,of all hinds of . t Looking -Glaisg; PROpit iik-pctureftipites. tido - .Fifth Door above F.,811/ADELPHIA. 7D A. CHEESE.-AI INVOICE OF . NOR- \ 'TON'S celebrated Pine Ample. , eheese delly elc. •flected, and for Baia by JOB : B. BIISSIEIt 00.. Bole -Ants COTTON. -100 BALES COTTON IN store and for sale by COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO., 111 Chestnut street. finausainaileabliiciaZia FOR,I4',U ,a till A beautifully located Fann , on tho Brandy wino Railroad, anovaDaWniolt9w ll , within man utes'welk of a station ; containtn‘ tifty:two acres /gamed house ; largo barn,winn-no.upa„wolic-ellon o tc., and MI eithea•eite.ssall outil Int a. no,tfailinfrarat er thatdootor young ore arda, Ac. sd, a ottani /muse and stable'. Fences to complete order, being nearly all new. The bulldingo ere all new and In comm_ plate order. For particulars Inquire of Nr. A. EIW 11 BBAB, • No r: , 4221 Market atroot, .hilt.; i. r • ; r's . ftic 44174% FORLSALE--NORRlSTO*l4:43bk miLrior Ilesidettat.=-Threo'fronts; largo, and substaa - tut' 3/orr brickhoOse, Naha street, corner of , Walnut; 16apao one ronmoi• hallo- and roltrwaXa.. feet aide; ti g h , eilingc . nadammind - drat age; gas.' mut Water throtighovt; steam beater l it thorough repair; house 21 foot front; tot loolly 233. - Terme eapl half' Ice IsirtVEs 2tyr , . ; • 2tatl 6ont¢ Fourth street. FOR SALE-!-.I'INEI tint/Mr--2111.11,D— -•MI bowie east of Eig.1411;,140, SUDerlor restilextee, 23 feet trout, ma fent deep' to ltett'street., attart -431.,0..high equings i smsr wile -halts and etilirwarm. Replete with conrettlene,es. In . good order.- The vaster is 16 by 42. , :` , :Lsrge%ebn servatory communicating rithth,e.dlutug.roohs, peen tiful neighborhood._ - • ; FRED. SYLVESTER, ; 3. ' H,ifeiltrth Eltrret. FOE, ~.vl/(/8. OIiFIST/i UT street, the first-class taarttle-,fr,out C1W , 111041. replete *ratiyeverk modern conrellienee Also, large property northeast corner. 11;od:r,Rad,OltrIstlett streets . ; MO feet s(ktuire: `FOX & 1117RKAET, • ; : 110. 221 tenth Fifth street. • frie) S A L E.—MODEN THREE. st o ry Brick 'Awning, MS. Ninth et. Every Nil euience„ Inquire on the prvnbreth- ai,l3-thohtug) A/ tit.; IMET—Ie OR SAL E-t-TIIE Nu.'1922 rch street, Luili In a eery superior manner. and furnisib-d 'with every modern cerrreulence,, Lot 26 feet !rout by , fen ft , et deep to Cuthbert street, on which street ie erecter! commodious clinch-house and' stAble. J. 31. Gl:115llatY 8010,733 Walnut et. WEST- P.I.NE,..STBEET—FOR .SALE. , '..--, Tiw handsome :roily -story . brick -rosidende,- anti three-story buck buildings, situate No.lBoli.P.ina street; furnished with evert convenience, and in 'gond. order, in,lntidints possession given . J':1111:..G1.1111ittIKICLIc eqNs, Ma Witinut et. , ; ~-. - - I .. . v , ~.. • 5,..v, ,,. ~ --A- - ' - --- A GERMANTOWN.-4- . POB,SALFTIiE Aga lionfißollllo Mono Cottage Itealdence, situate N. W. corner East. Walnut Lawn and Mortonstreet kiss ever, modern conyoulenee, And 'ln In perfect Order' Arounda boodkomoly omitted L full grown tram. UnltAdifitO 001111- seeelon given. 41'.. M..01711131.EY do SO4B. 723 Walnut of Met: T;.845Z.1, Fr- , TIFLE, VAL P,roirrtz so., 114 Booth T wolfs lt !web'. keipw ' esthut 2.5 fog( front 14 91 feat deep. J. 91.(41111jarar 601.18. 733. Walnut strett. ' GERI% • ' 'TOWN-FOR BALE-TWO ma new 'pointed• stone jerottapes,, hot finishing, ,with ei ere , city convenience, within litre minuted' walk from Church bane Station. i Prime, eamo each. J. M. QUM ,IIIEY & SUHti« Wolnutat.reet. - , , )ift FOR bun kiALR—DWELLINGS: ..... - 1210 gobin avtnia:Nineteanth and •Thampao u 14 N. Elstitevuth 10602; ..V22l.Bananm, West.. Phtb. 1807 Vernon ntrout, 002.8, Fifteeo;4 . .orp v t.. . :'1323 Braudy wine. La 10x60.: 8 rooms n!wly pFeQ antivaintad.. Only_Rooo cash retialr.ll:' 'Price , JAXEB VT. IiAVIL. 8; r .aclltt r.. t3.,W cornar I;roa4 and Clatatnut. lc FOR HALE--A HANDSOME- RESI: nOE, 2118 Spruce street:. ... . . . .A. tore and Dwel ng t , northwest corner Eigtith itud lefterson...' Allue Ileiddence, 17211 tine idreet. -- • , -, - • ' A hendeputellemitence; SOO South 'Ninth street- :, A lutudepine Reeidence. %Vest Philadelphia. A Bushm.e.Location:Strawberry street. - ' , A Dwelling, No. 1110 Wirth Front FStreist: • . Appit , t• CO.P.PUCE i J,ORDAN;;.43:I Walcott stre*t. . . 7 4141 .-- "FoitgALES—T . HE HANDSOME AEA fidence, marble grat.mtery,' finiebod in• the beet mousier. with every contenience. cud 6-feet wido side pOrki 317, South Fifteenth 'street, below Spruce. J. G [JAMEY S SONS 739 IValuOt greet: :110P 7, GX:II3IA.NTOW N .PitOPERTY POE Salo-.A. Dwelling and large .and valuable lot of kround ou the N. W. side of ‘l, atria lane, near Groe,u streot. The lot le 220 feet front: by ,438 feet deop. • ocl2-tu th s St` il. CALVERT, far Walnut street. TO . EENT—H ANDSOMELIt F niFitod Germantown Itesidonce. • Elegant. v.:minim owns mansion, fifteen routos, replete with uto.h.rtt con yenieneeet-: hniolsoniciitrouuds, stab,e and e oach•houto • onlitanhelin street, convordent to Wayne Station, titeatri - • ' itENjA3IIN J. LEEDOM.'" bcl2-tu,t u.v ft; ' No. f2r3 Walnut st. efit FOR SALE -DWELLING DWELLING 14. M. Ira. North Thirteenth street ; every c'onvonlence, and in good order. • et - mu-Wont Dwelling, No. 637 Pine str•eol. ; ten rooms, bath. Rae Ac. Ciu queon street, twO•story brick, good yard. , 205 ntornper irtr.et, below Pine, house. • Altor stroot,two mat four-room houses.' "Wilding Lots on Ihooirunk road, and a good Lot at 'Using, Sun. GRAFEEN • - 537 Pine street. TO - RENT. CREESE'& EILTEStA - 2 - 1311 LL , c APENTS. Oftlee,'Jackson street, opposite Mansion street. Cape Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the _season will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Chas. A. Rubicain,llenr7 Pam Francis Mclivain, Augtustwo Merino, John Davistri JuTepal. f 054 TO LET—A OUSE, NO. S(IIY — ORTA 1 3 54 Broad etroet. with znodorn conveniences, Materitte Arent. Inquire wiihtn. ocl3-21." TO LET-FINE MOUSE, NO. his - Jltra.South,Forty-ta-coml 'street, ?A dour north of Spruce street. Apply to - ' 8. DAVIS PAGE, 619 Walnut atreet. FOR RI story Dwelling, .with double three-story back buildings, and every modern improvement ; first class ; 22 feet front T"10 chamberti,haths soloon-parlor, dining MOM, and &Oat: Rift ing-ttiom; , is near to Logan Sti linro. Apply ut 270 bout h Fourth street, office of 'l5 - . W. 11 CD DELL. . ocll fit' tigt TO R E N T—FURNISHED—THE large coin-toile:it Dwelling, No.loo Ninth street; in comph.te order for immediate ocrupanby; will not be let for a boarding house. Apply from 10 to 2 o'clock at the house, or to COI'I'CCK JORD.AN,423 Walnut street. t. L. — TO BENT.— THE THREE-STORY Modern Beildence. with tiontile three-story back tiuiltlitign and side yard ,situnto N 0.102 North Ninotoontli 'street, tient' Arch. Intute,liato.possession. GU-U -31EN t SUNG, 733 Waluirt street. OM TO BENT—HANDSOME sTOR,I , ;• IN Uliflibbou'it Building, 123 and 125 Etoath Elovelith btreet. oe) tit" FURNISHED HOUSES TO, RENT -Situate Nu. 1111 Girard street ; No. 250 Stir Ult Twentytirst street', nod southeast corner Seventeenth and Sutnnier streets. :J. za. GI.I3IIIIEY de SONS, 72'..3 Walnut street. MI, TO LE —DESIRABLE BUILDING, 644 mortal location, rear of fill Commerce street, 25 feet 1 rinit, 3 titorieA, light front and rear, tine cellar, awl flu/Me-room with chimney idaek; outlet upon Discount Place to Sixt , h street. Apply to thy owner at 80511ABRET, front 10 to 11 daily. •. fm TO '.LET-THE UPPER'FLOOR§, with . connting-reent, of the store 1 , 19:111 Chestnut etroet. Apply on thopretuiSen to 'SELL & oe2-0 BOARDING. rirvw o FURNISHED SECOND-STORY X feout room with. boar 4 :'also, back parlor: No. Che.t nut street. ocl4 "VINE LARGE ROO3lB, WITH FIRST- Jl2 I ;1.0 beard, 418 Broad., below Pine. ocl2 3l' BOARD.—ILANIDS6SfE . CO3I.3IIJNIG'A TING 11lotus, and other vaencio3i With board at 2.2.1 South Broad street. • • ocB-6t" MORTprAGES. $6--660754,000 AND $3,000 TO . IN VEST upon rucrtgago. Apply to • . , ' A. IPITLER, 0c13•3t No. 51 ,North Sixth street'. WANTS. PHYSICIAN :WISHES. AN OFFICE on Ohaenut, Walrigt , ,or Spruce %trod, .weat, of Ileventh et.- Addrosa B,,B,,Oernuintown P. O. 0013r3r. • • THE PHILADELPHIA RID I.IG- School , Non. =li t 8.7/433384310 and Sl42 t itarket n now open._. Tile tiehno) is the largeeti it-nrCar : 511k , k91q ranged, andlho litablea attached are" the • most • ammo "dioxin and -titoroughly :ventilated - of any, Her,,cmanehlp ecientitipally taught,; and ylorges,tlror oughly tratnad for. the huddle. Tho ' .most irniy_xtle with perfect safety. • , • . • To hiro,'lmminonto Catiiagoa, with caietnl. dri.ver4V.for cycddinge,' parties, opgrfh l 0)/aPPing;;P]i , Horses, on at livery„ , oc9tf talf- 3 'slgrlT CRAlGE,•Praprietoi,, M ; 4I;ICAL. Air ]. SS .. , '.MARY F.' HOWELL, . HAVING ramified to. the 'city, will resume .lier„inusical duties on Octoberls. No, Al S. Niuetcolith 'Arcot. osdt It. CHARLES-H. JARVIS 4111. 17;11. BE sutnb'tho duties of hie profession IKONDAY, Sep tember 1ath,1809,.-,ltesidence X3l, .I!Tig tlx,ineteentli Street; abo`vd , Arch. , " , • 1110KAIi0.—MISS . ELIZABETH' ANB MISS 1.1 JULIA ALLEN. Apply tit the rneldenca of their fidhotatefessorfiNWl "I:ALI,4N, 2158'• Seventeenth • P.' ' 4 ' '' Rr9isnl'ldellinLECAand 'lclaßLlAg,er.riFfugte" 'Singin V ; • , 8(18 8. Thir eonth •. • • ~,,,, —.I.I4I I ITES: -r •Aitivs•CUTTIIGE,CAP IlLANI;1, N. J„, • . • 'OPION.ALL•TIIII• YEAR,IIOIIND.' Sportsmen mid others desiring to spend any them at the Seashore, during the fall and winter season, will find at this house every convenience and comfort. ; Gans fishing tackle, etc., can be obtained et the C9T TAG E se22 w 8 time§ FRANK CARR, PrOprietor IT.CTI(I. " — "TlWlrlidt ofDr; Ifayee aad Arr. Bradford fo the Aretie Begiono.•. This, hovel and enterprising summer exeur sion to „GreenlantLand,..„Labmdiarbasbeert,a, great success. The Party :reached ; BoSton lase Friday evening, glugh,plate4-at finding-t.thena, selves once more iniaTehrillzedllatull, Ilayes haS made ex fenWe eXfilorations nit . eito unvisited places, and has made arrange, • rnents for another season. Mr. Bradford has " four hundred photographic negatives and in numerable sketches, and their comp; ttio4-had: ' plenty of adventure and an abundance of shoot - ing. The party went out in a' chartered steamer from St. John's, Newfoundland, leav ing there July 3. and returning to the ; same plate September 28. Meanwhilethey steamed four thousand miles ~o ity, and coming, and yisitp4 both COaStS , Ballin Bay. - T4erreachg(l as far:north as the, middle of. OiVillej.,34, Mti tulle "11 - , lieg., and - eneinitiicieirSinne rough handling iu the-"Aliddle Pitch." The season has been very unfavorable for Ice navigation in the upper waters of Nan_ hay, and several whale ships are reported as ; Wive cessful in finding_ a passage in the quarter where our party bad their hardest encounters with the "thick-ribbed. ice." One vessel, the Alexander, was lost4-latit her' crevi was isaved. -. lin Melville Bay thank polar bears were seen, and they were lucky enough to shoot six. The" bears were literally run down by their power ful steamer l ploughing through and tearing up., the ice , draving ni the - - gaet from ;Ice-field to ice field, , 'until they were , iinallY brought to bay. A curious incident of this novel chase was that while pursuing the bears the -- pho %lapin:Fs (Mess s. Dtouriore 4i.(jriteher-:-; son), stationed' on 'ilia teii-gallant;-forecistle, - took -the portraits- of the bears while they ran - a feat in the photographic" art probably quite new, and not likely to be soon repeated. ".In' this vicinity;:' "at a - "place , dalled the !Pe'fil,%; Thumb;h as well as at Aulipadlartok; ' • Upernaviki'at Jacobsboon itt DiskO and at Krakiiiment, %nth Greeilland,'-the - party visited, surveyed and photographed Immense glaciers; and in . instance- Made , " a eon.- • siderable journey upon the great ice-sea ormer de glace whiiih covers the Interior of Greenland., I*mm : one of the glaciers they - had a narrow eseape. Anchoring near its front, Which roSe more than two hundred feet high - in a per pendicular wall, they were in the act of sur veying and•pliotedlraphingl4 , ohen -!theY ,, Were , suddenly startled by .loud aod -deafening : re ports, which .were followed by, the discharge - of several enormous` icebergs. This disruption sent. the waters rolling in gigantic waves down the fiord, and Itseettur almost tiliracie, that in the fearful crash and disturbance which fol lowed they . were not dashed to pieiaes, The photographing party' -- was on : the shore, and • barely escaped. :by. elhnbing the rocks, while all their • im plements were crushed to atoms by the force of the waves, one Of which is represented to have been thirty feet high. ' , Those Greenlanclgla.,. tiers are the source' - of all ' the - icebergs which ce - tne - down into_ the North. Atlantic, to the;, great peril-of ships and for the Wonder of voy- They visited numerous places of interest on the Greenland coast, beginnig at Juliabashaab in the south and thence working notth. They have been entirply sfircestfill in everry object of their voYage-and - have been singularly' fmtred with good weather and goad fortune. , • Not- least among the objects- orititerest visited by the party was the old "Norse.ruin in" Krakatok or Gaidar in South Greenland, - at" which place theme once flourished - .-an extensive colony founded in the year 080, , son of the 'founder named Thorwald being,. 1001, the first discoverer. .of, Newfoundland. .Among the ruins of this ancient 6)164' (Which' by all ac count was a very prosperous one) the party discovered thevalls of an . .old, cathedral • in'a tolerable state of preservation. They produce , many evideriOt-truit the climate - of Greenland,. , since the Norse occupation, has gown much colder. They paid - a: to the famous kryolite - mine at Ivigtnt, the only place in the world where that valuable mineral (which is almost pure soda)'bas been discoVered. The annual production of the Mine is about 12,900 tons,. the half of which --is shipped ;to the United' States. Besides polar heart, our voyagers found abundance of game, in the shape. of birds, : many of • which were shot, especially eider' ducks. The Greenland coast., like that of Labrador, abounds in bird life during the sum , mer, many, varieties of . water-fowl migrating., there-to breed ' " Among the :most interesting places visited i was Upernavik, in latitude 72 tleg. 50 rain.; 'the most nprthern part of Christian ,oceupation on the globe. At an Outpost. of that place they fell in with Dr. Ilayes's old interpreter and dog manager. Peter. Jensen, who was the only White num in the settlement/,'and has now for . many years liVed; hunted and prospered within :a thousand mules of the riole. The 'party met with no' serious accidents. At the Duck Islands their vessel ran upon a sunken rock„ but.. escaped without any:very • serious injury, and at: Cape Desolation, during 1. gale of wind, they were in some peril from i hick weather:and bad anchorage. The stocks ,f both their ; anchors • were atrried . away in ihe vain endeavor to hold on iu a most dreary . nd forbidding place, where nobody has proba i ly ever been "bcfOre,*or ever Will be, or per- ,aps wish to be again. Of course they had i "ad their adventuers with icebergs and icefloes, fetch was quite legitimate and to be expected. ;bey were once badly "beset," and their vessel ii as sadly "nipped," while the young ice (in i tigtrst?) was forming at an uncomfortably pid rate,, and . everything betokened 'a . , utter in :the: .drifting :"pack." : But from: Ids they were mercifully spared by a change of ,intl. . , \:: j i The ;party , was- moat 'hospitably receiVed '.s terywhere by the Danish officials and people i Greenland. That country, it is known, is : trued by Denmark, and trading stations much 'ter the manner of the Hudson's Bay Corn try are numerous along the coast. . It is'ene of the most: singular features of this 1 1 '' mmer voyage,tbat much of it was performed : constant daylight. Nor ten successive days ' It.ty saw the sun at midnight, and during two . punts they never once lighted 'their lamps. kl, The:temperature:was at no time very Cold, nigh fires were generally necessary in the , Itin. On* one occasion the temperature rose 1 Seventy;degrees; • This was: in Southern eenhindy' where they found "Many ' pleasant • ,iple, and,' as a setoff to it,..animmense 4 , malty of mosquiteeS rind *tormenting flies, , welch Dr,llayes,wAs,oneedrlven from-the : - Te to the ship:White in the actof surveying' lacier, and Mr. ,Bradford had the same fate ile sketching It. . 1 1.11 ' 'together, the success of the* journey has n rentarkable, and the • amount of artistic scientific materials collected during the:, voyage has well repaid the cost.—Boston: cri , pt. - ... • : - - - . .1 . HITESTOOK'S FARINA.=THL UN ervigned aro now recoiling &Om tho Mills Irahno ceiebrated Lanccurter county Farina, which they o trade. .408. 13. 1317101 ER 0 0.1Agelikilor. k, /0§ tiptltk Delaware avenue, . , , ~ ~ ORSETS. BROWN'S Wholesale end. Retail Corset.; Warehouse REMOVED . 81R, ARCH STRERT, FINANCIAL! • BANKING JloU6E''' tA; 1 , . : 4 ~.... , ..,..,,,.• , 4 ~,, ~v.,, .. ..,;...,„ •,,,,,-., - :... :., „ ,t,, , . r , : 1 PYLO °Rik 451 -i. t9 112'and - 114 So.'THIRD ST. PECILAD'A DEAI.,ER IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National, lotfe In haird=o (roltnlxtnY'Ar the' I:lnitettki i tat b'uL infotniatielititenAt Oiii.bUtc6: , , i;. X. A. ' , 4 ',...1N 'f.FANDOLPII B c. . 4 ktßs , r3,,—.! r . A 'l 7- N.Y '`l -)-1 1 , , Bottlers in V.l9f Bondi tindlifeitibers of Stock and Gold Exchange, receive sc.' counts of Banks and Bankers on liberal terms, Issue Bills of Exchange on Ca J. Hambro &Sonykondon. 5 Metzler,lS.Sohn&Vo., Fronkford. `46meo W. Tucker & Co., Parit. — And other principal eines and Letterer of Credit available throu ghout Europe - ''w,eolllef,, , 117 , • - VNION7":"PAVNIO" 'RAILROAD. NEM FIRST MC RTGAGE BONDS, - ,~ r f r y': k.--.~ Six Per Cent. Interest in Gold. L AND GRANTS, Bevels Per'• Gent. - 4;:in.rienoy, I Tatra at par la-psymant for loads of Cfmkipas7.; For rale at besituarket price Dealers in Government Swami- ties, Gold; AO., ap9u 40 South 'Third St. • A RELIABLE ROME INVESTMENT _ •_._, • . - -f;;: - THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS oir TILL • • • Wilmington and. Reading- Railroad nr..A.nrse..reinunwr AT SEVEN PER tEret. IN CITEMENCY,' Payable Aprilsatiisi October, tree of State and Vatted States Taxes. This road r n ta through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district: For the present We are offering ailmited amount of the above bonds at 85 Cents arictinterest. . . . The connection of thie road with thel'enxieylvan and Beading Railroads ineurea it a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest that clam investment in tho market.. WM. PAINTER dig Bankers and Dealers In Governments, No. 36 S. THIRD STREET, leitif inni.Anzur.n.m. HEATERS - AND STOVES- ANDREWS, HAttlitigt*N & CO., 1327 RAMIREZ' STREET. . , IMPROVED STEAM MEATINGrrAPP.ARATIFS, FUREACESAND (WOKING RANGES: ocel th tn 40 T XTO 31 IS 0 lI'S LONDON ICITOH ener, or European Ranges, for families, hotels •,; or public , institutionO. in ,twentY differentatals. . Also, Philadelphia Ranges, HOCAttgutitacea, Portable neaten!, Low down antes, Fireboard Stores, 1 Bath Hollers, Stew-hole Plates Broilers, Oookinu, Stoves, etc., wholesale end retail b'; tbe thatitirdettirefsp . , SOAR .E.&T110./ILSCN4,4 ' wyn t „i w 6m q ~ , . Ne. 209 Htt il itt s3oo44 -iliPtTli ' THOMAS S. DIXON. A i)01173,- , ..- - 2 Lath Andrews & lion, _;`. ' • 1 - • ....• No. 1424 OHESTNUT Street , Philadiv . .11 q Opposite United States Min,. ; ..tif ac tur ere of - ' • ; - • ,: . CHAMBER, ; • i And other GitATES, - ; __. • 'rot Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; WARM -AIR, FUIIITAOES • ; 2 ' t ,For Warming Public ' and Private - B uildings. _. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, • . _ - , ' _ U lfitN , E A YO APH' ' ? COORING : RANOIB4;BATH-BOR . ERS ; .. ' L' • WHOLESALE anti RETAIL: • fi " r ft,X l lo9%,' G SsFI XTURESM/1381311E,..XERItaat' & THACKABA, No. 718 Gheetnut street, num:deer_ turera of Gad .Fixtures,Latitps;iadr, ⪙ would •oalt 4.ha attention of the publiodo their large and - elegant assort ment of Gas Chandeliers 'Pendants lirackeht,'SinV:-Ther also introduce gas p l i kei tt 4o4 widitattfrigaltilillo bull - .inge, and attend to extending, alter ;kg audfepairiug gas biped. All work warranted. I A a9T„ais: WTOTICE. CERTIFICATE, OF STOOK Lost.—Certilicate No. W.-of:the West branch Umnil company, doted the ilth Juno, 180, in favor of W. A. Martin, for forty-two (42)' 111 Imres cif the capital stock of said company, has been lost, and the Under signed, tho lawful ownor of the starle t has applied ter a new certificate to be Issued to liou of the one lost su.2om that§ • • ' • W. A. klearr.M. THE DAILY, EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1869. .. ..~~ . ' F ei" AMO, 2 0 xi Zs "-i m 1172211 *Yikin(El"A l. CI 1. tZ mho .cr. OLIO r7 )X tr ra ;h l ; .• . - , , - Reyes' before htiie ., any Mire alMltiterti 'attained in• • short a time a reputation 'No general as, the _Middletown Tdineral Spring Inters, soleir; too, by the number of almcist marvellous cures they tare,effeeted. , „ „ EX '.IIACTE. FROM A FEW ; Or OUR MANY • - - I TESTIIIIONIALS: , , A. B. Grant,, 'NO. ' " 209 itt4 Itter (Xidnoi, Disease), says " It has renovated lee thoroughly `killed ray pains, and Kirett :no hack 'a healthy appetite, digestion, and circula tion., . F. F. F Bnrlock, No. 89 Clinton place, (General Debility), says : • ' " rain sure that I owe Inv present health solely to the daily' and persistent use, of the water. , ? . -for-a-copy-of-teetintottiale in cal TUT§ WATER IS FOE SALE BY ALT.. FIRST- Area: CIABB DRUGGISTS. I.l ,. ifidletown Mineral Spring Company; MIDDLETOWN NT. - - C. LIPPINCoTT 916 Filbert Street," Whole Fain Agent for Philadelphia and vicinity, anl9 th a to Ayer's. Cathartic Pills, __*or all the purztoses o ay- a Laxative Perhaps ne one medi dine is so, universally re qtdretl- by everybody as cathartic, nor was ever before so unive".7.3l-. adopted into use, in tery tenantry and among 1 classes, as this mild it efficient purgative 'ill. The obvious reti e in is, that it is a more re dile and far more circa lel remedy than ' any:: other.' Those who have trit. them; those who have not, _.... neighbors and friends,. know and all that - what it doesonce it does always —that it never Lana through any (wilt or neglectof - its composition. We have thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their reauirktible cures of the _follawmg.e.omplsints, but_sneh_crires_nre knowrthd, revery neighborhood, and we need not publish them. 'Adapted to all ages and eonditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any 'deleterioris drug, . thy ma be taken with safety by anybody . . Their sugar co a ting preserves them ever fresh and makes Ahem pleasant to take, whild being purely:vegetable no barm can arise from their use m any quantity. ' They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the' stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their iriegutlaraction to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange •-ments as are the first origin of diSease. • Minute directions are• given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these .Pills rapidly. cure For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless ness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore, its healthy tone' and Far Liver Complaint and its various Symp toms, Inn OM 'Headache, Sick Headache,_ Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Dillon* /revers, they should be ju .- did ou sly taken for each case, to correct the diseased ~action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose Is generally required. ' •- - For lithennalatisna, Gout, Gravel, Paint.. fatten of lie Heart, Pain in the Sido, Back and I tins, they should be continuously taken, as reqtt.xl, to change the diseased action Of the system. With such eh , ngo those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings Lacy . should be taken in large and frequent doses to , pro- duce the effect ofti . .drastie purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. All occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One:wht) feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their e.leansing. and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. • .0.73; 1 ,7". O. AYE'lt & CO., Practical Chemists, LOMELI,. 314801., U.• 8. A. Atwholesale hr"J 11. MARIS .t CO:, Philadelphia.' , ytkti th a 4m OPAL DENTALLDTA. - A :SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcula which infest them, giving tone to the gums and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the . gi month. It may be need daily, and will be found to , strengthen weak and bleeding. gams, while the aroma 1 1 7 , and detersiveneSs will recommend it to every one. Be- Mg composed with the assistance of the Dentist; Physi cians and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a iii reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constitnentS .'ol..the Dentallina. advocate its use;•it contains nothing , to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made ,only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecarl i Broad and Spruce streets. For Sale by Druggists generally , ancl . ~ ,' Fred. Browne, D. L. Stackhouse, , . • Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, C. R., 'ferny, Geo. C. Bower, Isaac H. Hay, - .' . • Chas. Slavers, C. iii Needles,".. •• ; S. M. McColin, T. J.' Husband, S. C. Bunting, ' -' . Ambtose Smith, Chas. .11. Eberle, Edward Parrish, - James N. Marks, , Win.lß. Webb, , E. Briaghurst & Co., James L. Bispham, - Dyott & Co., Sons, HenryAt Combe, H. C 4 Blair's Henry A. Bower. • Wyeth & Bro ' BUSINESS' CARDS, Establbaxed 1821., WM. G.' FLANAGAN' & SON \ MOUSE AND.SHIPIPLUMBEUS, 146. 4 1 - 20 W,alnut Street 3y§ „ , • JA.MHA A. WILIGNT, '.THORISTO . M PANE, CLILMign A., GIBMP COM, TIMODOO.E WRIGHT,FRANIC L. NILLI.L. PETER INRIGHrdt.E3OREI,:; Importers of aarthenware Shipping and Conuniaaton iferahantai No. lib Walnut street,'Pkilaelelphla. • 'ATTORkEr:AT-tili," Cotoroissioner of poeds for.the State., of gonnsTlvanla in . 111100,10. -tif Madison st reit; SO: Olittago:iMitiOte: 11 4 TWQN: -kJ width, from 72 inches to 78 inches wide. all numbers Tent; and Awning Duck, ralkienteker Ts Felting, Bail g o . _ JOJIN EVERNANt„, jars Twine , "fgat: INDhurch etreet,rgity iltoreeo Pte 'WE& 6:4-owNER 0.P2 PROP.. rty—The only place to get privy wells clearwed and dielniected,_at very :low .rpricea..,. TNYBSONAienti facturer of Pondrette; Goldentrith'ir 1111111:9Cdbrattr Wed '“DHANIS 4 `t /14STILE SOAP--- I GENUINE AND VERY auperiory-Mbteree bud landed Mom bark Idea, and for ole by •ROBEE'r"8110EMAIIIIR It CO., Importing Praggifita,ll. E. cormertronrth r anti Tian etreeti. padUGGISTS. WILL FIND A LARGE e oek of Allen'sliledletialtl4tealdn and 011 Almonds, . bal. Opt., Citrib Aeld; erixe's s liparkllng'Gelatla, genu7 ll no Wedgwood Mortara...to., JAII ust landed from bark Rognaug;from Nandpn:/ *OBRA' TQICALAKEtn * . , 'lO., I Wbolosale Druggists. E gists. #. E. corner - Fourth and. ?WERT .J.E.RsEI%,-BA.I. L.R. AD., L FALL AND WINTER, ARRANGEMENT. COMMENCING TUESDANi _SEPTi'2let,lB.59. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Idarket street ( upper 'Ferry) . ' landB.ls A. M., Mail, for Bridireton; &dein; d, wedesboro and all intermediate stations. 6.16 P. M. Mail, for Cape May,Millyille,.; Vineland,, and day stations below Glasabera., 3 3q P. M., Passenger,; for ,, ldrittgoton,:ookop: . loWeitee iofro. and all intermediate to foes • DENTISTRY 6.30 P. M.. WoodbarYddd. Glassboro acceinidadatiP 4 FreiFht train.far ail alatirts. leaves eliuntlei‘ daily, at clockt • e Oftk3o YEARS' ACTIVE! Trelght received in PhiledNEhiq 9t second anvared 1 —Dr. FINE, NO 212 Vine 'street,. bolo* Third,. wharf-below N.' = inserts, tho hands onlest . Teeth inthOcity,at prices Freight delivered at No WI fikShaswake nir6nne c'r to snit all. Teeth Pitialed;Tenth Repaired , Exchanged, Conunntation ticket% at r educed. tato, petwoon Pirdlaiq or RemOdelled'to ap and Ether.. hi o ta-,, • idelphia and allAtation__,.s • Ir. .trotting. • Ottloo boors, tO6. - An, • ••, • NUirVill'aililtilliKkibt3Wrlntendenv4 1 " . .) 4 1 7 G GIIS T B' 1 ' - 4 1 i:UsTDArEEI ! ;' . rict13KAATIf. &tea, Hortar, wizard, Puff ,Boxes,Horn• Scoqua'i Surgical Hiatru , • .mitt, Trusses, Hard and Soft. , Huttbop 4.404 q, (lama, Glass and, Meta! Byrigkes,„ dca.;. all at " Hands" prices. ' Sri Ow HUH .34 BRORnkas,— " arllo.H. • ; • , - 0u04,13 • lith 04434, ; TR4 VELEM. G UIDE I 'o YQB.YI - ,--1111.0 r CAMDEN f, HD. t. AM BOY " - in& WitlLAbkriPistA i 410 - Milli -I_, , R. ol, Rout„compenars.u4Nzse-f . - e p Ist° lfew York, and ,waY„plaCes,' frorn.„Wal.%' nut Street whar`la ', 0 ; ~. .. i,, , e„ -T. ~. , ~..At 6 4 cuk,-,M ol vla Camden and Ambqy Accom.. .. .225 'At to,A. 31.:orta thuirden and '..lerney Citi For. Nall; .. -3 00 At 2 1 00 T i i X.,itla Cumden and. Amboy :press, • • app . At IPPi rfor.Ambby and lotermediatestatione •,' z'i At Oa/Oath/8 A:M., and 2 P.. 111.4 for Freehold. , - • - :lAI 2.0V.P... IL- for Long Branch'. and Pointe son , ~; ,: u.,1 ~ 1), B.A. B. 7 , • .. • , •• . At 8 and /0 A.lit - , 12k, i,3.30 and i. 50 P. Muter Trenton. , At 630,8artd 10 At3l., 12 31.,2,3.30,4.304, 7 and 11.30P.11.,' for Bordentown , Florence,Burlingtonaleverly and De-' , At 600 and 1 0A:31.12 31.., 850,4.80,6 rand 11 .30 P• 3 1 04 , 0! Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton AquAkyra , and a IBA llose, and 2P. 31., for Riverton: SGFr. Jim' / 4 . 30 P. 3i. ;Me . leaven front foot. of liter? etrcet by upper ferry. .. ... , . .. . _ lu'r m Kensington Dorm :•. • ' At 2 Ai 31_,. - ma Renstradon and Jersey City New York.. Etrpreao . I, ine..--...-........... .-. ..,,,. . ... . ..... .. ... ...' ..7,..83 00. At 7 .30 and/1.00 A. M., 280,8.30tnd SP. 31..f0r Trenton • anßristol: And at 10.15 A. 31. and OP. 31, tor Bristol. At 7 .Boand /IA. 3.1,2.30 and SP . M . for,Morrieville and - Tu lytown. . , At 7.20 and 10.15 A.,11., 2.30,5 and° P. IL , for SChenolol3 an Eildington. A 47.30 and 10.15 A. 31., 230,4, 5 and CP . M'., for Corn , wells,' Torresd ale, liolmesburg, TriconV,ssinoming, 'llrldesbur_g and .2 rankford, and 8.30 P. M.51 for Relines. burg and intermediate Stations, From West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Railway At 020 A. 3f:,1.20 3 .1, 6.45,8 and 12P. DI. lien , York Er - • ,press-Linecyla ersey city ' ' • 83 2 5 At 11.30 P.. 31. Emigrant Line 2.00 At 9.80 A ,11. ,131, s, 0,45,3 and 12 P. 31. for Trenton. • A tO.BO A. 31..4, 6.45 a. 1111•12 P. Ili., for Bristol. At 12 P.31.11i ight) for Alorrisville,Tully_town,Schenek's Etldington, Cornwells, Torremiale, Rolmesburg, Ta cony, Wissinoming, Brideaburg and Frankford. ... The 030 A. 31. and 8 and 12 p. IL Lines run daily: :All: others, Sundays excepted. , For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half u hour be fore departure.. The cars of 31arket Street Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut withln One SqllDre. On Sundays, the Market Street Oars will rink to Connect with the 9.40 A. AI. and 8 and /2P. IVl.:litietrl. , , ' .____, . , re; a t .`" vi fr 4 a z Acsa - 14' 41 3 e)QS froil' Kensiiyggtton Depot. . At 7.30 A. ~ for :Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira; Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Owego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkeabarre, Schooley 's 31onntain, Ac At 7.30 A. M. and 330 P. M. for Scranton, Strands berg` Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, FlerdingtOn , Ac. The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with ,the train leaving Banton for Mauch Chunk •Allen towd, Bethlehem, Ac. At )1 A. 31. and 5 P. 31. for Larabertyille and interme diateStatiens. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON. CO., AND PEMBER TON AND 111 GH T STOW N RAILROADS, from Mar ket street'Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. 31,1, 2.150.90,5 & 6.40 P.31.f0r Merchants. vllle,Aloorestown, Dartford. blasonville,Hainsport, ?donut Smithville. Ewansville; Vincentown, Birrnin,gliam find Pemberton. fit 10 A. 31:. for Lewistown, wn, Cookstown, n Wrighistt ' New Egypt and Ifornerstown. ' • - At 7A. AL. 1 . and3.3o P. M. for Lewistown, Wrights town, Cookstown, New Fgypt, Hornerstown, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon and ilightatoWn ' Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen,ger: Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as btut gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage' over fifty pounds to'be paid for, extra: The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per Pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond St/f/O, cept 14 special contract. . Trekked sold and. Baggage checked dlreet through to .Sostoni Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven. • Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Bona?, Syracuse, Rochester, .Buffalci, 'Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. - • . .„ An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York; and all Impor tant polars! North and East, may be procured. ' Persona purcnamog Tickets at this Office, can have e their bag ;Unionra;c hgc n e:l r g . nr a i l f •y a i g 3 .. c . :! r o e r si toted d atination, by Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via Jersey citvand Camden. At 6.30 P. M. via Jersey City and Bennington. At 7, and 10 A.31.,12.30, 5 and 9 P.M., and 12 Night. via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. ' From Pier No. I,N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Accommoda tion and 2 P. M. Express, via Amboy and Camden. • Aug.• 30:1869. WM. 11. GATZMER, Agent. PRTMPENNSYLV NLA:RAIEiROAD; 4.-THE MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest and most di rect line. to Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Manch Chunk Hazleton White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City; Mt. Cannel, Pittston;.Tunkhannock, 'Scranton, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyo ming coal regions - .Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Barks and American streets. BUNKER ARRANGEIdENT,.IS DAILY TRAINS. —On and after TUESDAY, June let mss, Passenger' Trains leave the Depot, corner of Barks and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: . 6.45 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. - AV7.45 . A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Printipal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem Railroa d with Lehigh Valley Railad for Allentown, Catasanqnsti Slatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherlyjeanesville, Haaleton,W tate Haven, Wilkes barre, Kingston, Pittston, Tunkhannock, and allpointa in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys,• also, in connection witk.Leuigh and Rabanoy Railroad.for Mahanoy City, and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert Danville, Mil ' ton and Williamsport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12 M.; at Wilkesberre at 2.50 P.M.ast. Mahanoy City at 120 P.M. At F. 45 A. M.--/Iccommodation for' loidestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for__Wil,. lbw Grove_ Heft and Hartsville, by this train; take Stage at Old York Road. P. 45 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, - Allentown, Mandl Chunk, White .Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown 'and Easton, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris and Esseitßailroad to New York via Lehigh Valleyßailroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for FortnWashington, stopping at intermediate Stations. 1.15,5.15,5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Abington. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Easti,n,_,Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton. White Haven ,Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 2.45 P.' M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping'at all intermediate stations.- At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for .Doylestown, stop. . ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton. Allentown, Manch Chunk. At 6ts( P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, Stopping at air - Intermediate stations. At 1130 P. M.—Acconsmodation for Fort Washington, TRAINSARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. Fron7 Dethlehem at 9A. 5E„'1574.45 and 8.23 P. 2;10 4.45-P--M..and 8.:5-P,Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Sus ate= banns trains from Piston, Scranton, Wilkenbarre, Ma hanoy City and Hazleton. From Doylestown at 8.25 A.M.,4.55 P.M.and 7.03 P.M From Lansdn le at 7.50 A. M. • From Fort Washington at 9.20 and 10.35 A. M. and 3.10 P. 31:. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.a/ A. 51. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 I'. ]f. Philadelphia for Abington at, 7 P • Doylestown for Philadelphia at 0.30 A. 51. .131thlehern for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Abington for Philadelphia at 8 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey women ieni to and from the new Depot. White cars of Second and Third Streets Line and johni Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Mice, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage Checked through to_princi pa Ipoints, Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express' , °thee, No. 105 South Fifth street. PPHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Com mencing MONDAY, May 10th, 1369. Trains will Leave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue. as fol- Jou s • WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays exceptesli • for Baltimore., stopping at all Regular Stations. con necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre do Grace. Connects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. • - EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M.(Bandar's excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perr7man'as' Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. Chester/ for Baltimore and Washington,_stopping at Thurlow,Lin wood, ClayniontWllmington, Newark, Elkton North East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Perryman'a and Mag nolia. Passengers for Foreman Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 11. Train. WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Station' between Philadelphia and Leave PHILADELPHIA at • 11.00 A. m.,.a.soticoo and 7.00 P . M. The 0,00 P. M. train connecte with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.20 and 8.10 A. Ai.. 1.30,4.15 and 7.00 P. H. The 8.10 A. fir. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M.. train trent Wilmington runs , daily Sundays excepted. From BALTIMORE to' • PRILADELPHIA..—LeaveII Baltimore 7.25 A. Al., Way Mail. 9.36 A. M.,Express, 2.35 P. M. _Ex_press. 7.25 P. 11., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM 'BALTIHORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolias, Per rynin Aberdeen ,_H av re-de-Gnice,PerrYville,Oharles town, North - East; Ellston.Nowark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA - AND" BALTIMORE .CENTRAIs - RAILROAD TRAlNS—Stopping at all Stations on Ches. ter Creek and Philadelphia and - Baltimore Central EL Leaves PHILADELPHIA: for POST DEPOSIT (Stru-.. day excepted) at 7.00 A. M. and 4.85 P. M. The 7.00 A. M. Train will stop at all Stations between', ',.. Philadelphia and iminoktn. - A Freight Train with Passenger .car attached will leave Philadelphia daily (Sundays excepted) at 1.00 P running to Oxford.'PHILADELPHIA Leave PORT DEPOSIT for (Sun days excepted) at 5.40 A. M. 9.25 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. „. Trnine leaving WILMINGTON at 6.30 A: M. and 4.15 P. M., will connectat Lamokin Junction with the 7.00 A. Wand 4.50 P. M. trainafor Baltimore Central It. R. Through tickets to all point 'West, South, and South west may be procured at the ticket Mace, 828 Chestnut . area, under. Continental Hotel, where also. State Room., and Berths in Sleeping Cars 'can- be secured .during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage chocked at their residence by the ' Union Trans. fer Company. . - If ;„F: REIiNERY., Sup't, ' ; BEIM TRAVELERS' GUIDE -s. - --- t rE"A Dr . ,..111.4 ;:IRAILROAD. - GREAT i . , Trunk . -lii e fronoPhiliidelphia to the interior of e nasylvanla;theßchnylkill, Susquehannas , (untier . and and Wyoming Valleys ,tha North,,Northwest and the Catiadae,Suimnet Airan'iremt ant of Passenger "Traina. . July 12, 1800 leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth rdicall4nvhlil Strada', Plmsaelphia, liflthe, following t . ....V oB ANlNG:iditilidtiiikriciici;-Ai 7.30 - A af. , ist. i Reading and! all intermediate Stations, and. Allehtclwil: . Returning, leaves Reading at 6.3 ~ OP. M arriving 1n Philadelphia at 9.15-P. M. , ' , -_,', MORNING EXPRESS:At 8. Vi A. N. foreadingo Letianon, Harrisburg, Pottsville,Pine Grove,'Esmaguai Sunbury, Willimsport, -Elmira, Rochester, Niagara . Falls, Buffalo,- Wilkesburre, Pittston, York. Carlisle, Ohainberaburg, Hagerstown, /to. The 7.,1) A. 31. train connecteat Raiding with the East Pennsylvania Railroad traina forllentowniitc.,andthe 48:15 A, Al. train connects with th e-Lebanon lialley,train - for Harrisburg, Arc.; at Port Clinton with Catawissa R. K. trains ter WAlliamsport,Lock Haven. Elmira, ,kc_„ , :• at • Harrisburg -, with Northern Central, Cumberland-Val : ley. and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for North , umberland,,Williamsport. york, Chantberehurg, Pine. grove,' Ac. • AFTERNOON EXPRESS.-Leaves Philadeliphia at 3.30 P. M, for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Ac c., con necting with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for. Columbia. dro: , , , , POTTSTOWN , ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Potts:- town at 6.25 A .31., stoepin g at the intermediate stations; . 'arrives in Philadelphia at 840 A. AL Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 P.M.; arrives in Pottstown at 6.40 READING AND POTTSVTLLE . ACCO3I3IODA TI ON .-Leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A.. 31., and Reading at '.30 A. Id., stopping at all way stational arriVes in Phila delphia at. 1.0.15 As M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M.; arrives ' in Reading at 8.00 P. 31., and at Pottsville atr9.4o P. M. Trains for Philadelphia, leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. 31,, and Pottsvilin at 9.00 A .31., arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.00 P.. 31., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. Al,; arriving at Phila delphia at 6.45 P. 31 . i 1 _ arrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. Al „ and Harrisburg at 4.10 F. 31. Connecting at Read ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. 111„ writing in. Philadelphia at 9.15 P, 31. , ' Market train, with a Passeng6l tat 'attached, leaves , Philadelphia at /245 noon for Pottsville and all, Way Stations;-leaves Pottsvith. et, 5.40 , ... Heading with accommodation train for Philadelphiaand all Way Stations ", /it the above trains run dailr , Sundays excepte d . nnday trains leave Pottsyll eat 8 A. AI., and Phila de alga at 3.15 P. MI.; leave Philadelphia for. Reading at -8.00 A. 7/1:, returning from Reading at 4:25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAlLROAD:Paesengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 730 A. M.,12.45 and 4.30 P. Al. trains from Philadelphia,return inic from Downingtown at 6.10 A. Al. aloo P. M.. and 5.45 PERHIOAITEN RAILROAD.-PaigiengersforScliwenits vill a take 7.30 A.M., 12.45 and 4.30 P.M.,trains for Phila. delphia, returning from Schwenksville at 5.55 and 8.12 A .11 12.55 noon. Stage lines for. variouspoints in, Perkionten Valley coanect with trains at eollegeville ' and fiehwenksv ille. i COLEBILOOKDALE 11AILItOAD.-Passengers' for Boyertown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. .61, and 4 30P. M. trains front Philadelphia, returning from Boyertown at 7.25 and 11.60 A ;31. , _,. RENY YORK EXPRESS FOR' PITTSBURGH 'AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9.00' A. AI., 5.00 and 8.00 P. 31., passing . Reading at 12,35 31., 1.45 anti 10.02 'P. 31., and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts= burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, dtc, Returning, Express Train leaveallarrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 2.10 and 5.20 A, M. and 4.45 P. K. passing Reading at 4.10 and 7.05 A. ' 31. and 6.1 b P. AI., arriving at New York 10.00 and 11.45 A. 31., and 10.20 P. M. Sleeping Cars accouipany these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change, . Mall train for New - Yolk leaves liandsburg at 8.10 A. 31. and 2.00 P. M.' Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD --Trains leave ,, Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.50 P.M.. returning front Tamaqua at 9A5 A.M.. and 2.15 and 4.50 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD . -Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A. 31. and 3.20 P. 31. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg and at 12.10 noon for. Pine grove and Tremont; re t urning from Harrisburg at 7.35 and 11.60 A. M., and from 'Tremont at 6.45 A.M. and 5.05 P.M. TICKETS.' - Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets_ to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. - Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and _lntermediate_Stationa,_good_for_day_only, are _Boldly_ Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and' Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia; good for day onle are ingand Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates.. • The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S.tßradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth Street, 'Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicol's, General Superinten dent{ Conmmtation Tickets at 7.s•per cent. discount, between any points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets,good for 2,000 milea,betweenallpeints at eta 60 each for families an firms. • Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve4nonths.. for holders only to all points t at reduced rates. . _ Clergymen residing on the line of the'road will be fur nished- with cards, entitling themaebres and' wives to tickets at half fare Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta- • tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at. re duced rare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at This-: and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.—Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Merit, Broad and Willow streets:.• • refight Trains leave. Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A. M.,. 1.2.45•n00n,5.00 and 7.15 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be lls:ills close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places on the road and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin. cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. BAGGGE Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for. all trains leaving. Philadoipli la Depot. Orders can be left at No. =.6 South Fourth street; Or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Ca11ov:hill streets, • . , SENISYLVANIA CENTRAL BALL . ROAD.—After 8 P: 31., SUNDAY, September sth 1363.. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streete,which Is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last cur .conneptiug with each'rain , leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure.. . Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway run within one square of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can he had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner Of . Ninth and Oheetp u t streets, and at theßepot. - • ' Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot... Orders lett at N 0.901 Chestnut street, No. 116 Market street, will receive at tention TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: - • - 4... at 10.30 A. 3141.10, and 7.10 P. 111 • at 11.50 A. At at 11.r.0 A. AI at 2.30 P. 31 . Paoli Accom Fest Line Eric Express Harrisburg Accom inueuster Accom P . Parkmburg Train. at 5.30 P M. Cincinnati Express ' at 8.00 P. M. Erie 11tnil and Pittsburgh Express. . . .. 9.80 P. Al. Accommodation at 11.00 P. M. Philadelphia Express ' at 12.00 night. Erie Mall leaves , dally, except Sunday t running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night. passengers vi4ll leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. . " Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Cincinnati .Ex press daily, except Satuxday. All other traina except Sunday. The 'Western Accennuodatlon Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be Procured and baggage delivered by k.OO P. 51.. at 110 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE.AT. DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express at 2.45 A..Tif Philadelphia Express ' • ^ atti.'/A A. hi Erie Mail at 6.,..V A. M. Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. hi. and 4.05 .t 6.35 P. 51 Parksburg Train, Fast. Line Lancaster Train.... :... Erie Express Day Express Pacific Express Harrisburg Accommodation For further information, apply to JOHN,F. VANLEER, Ja., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market street. SAN ÜBE 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to Ono Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the oWuer, unless taken by special con tract. ' ED WARD H. WHALIAAIS, General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPELLA. AND' ERIE RALG ROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. On; and after MONDAY, Sept. 6, 1869, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will ran as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. • 9.20 P. M. Williamsport 7.30 A: M. " . " arrives at Erie - 8.16 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.50 A.ll. ' " t• " Williamsport ' 9.00 P. M. .. '.. arrives at Eria 10.00 A. M. Elmira Mail leaver. Philadelphia. 8.00 A.ll. 44 " " Williamsport— 6.19 P. M. " '" arrives at . Lock Haven 7.30 P. M. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 8.16 A. M. " • " " Williamsport 9.15 P.M. " ' " arrives at Philadelphia-- 6.10 A. M. Erie Express leaves Erie 3.20 P. M. ~ WilliflnlapOrt.: . 4.26 A. M. " " arrives at Philadelphia ' 1.20 P. M. . Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven ._..... 6.50 A. 11. ..„ Williamsport.. ' 8.45 A. M. - '; -" arr ives at - Philadelphia. ' 7.15 P. - M. Buffalo It3ipress 'lmes Williamaport. 12.20 A.H. . 4 . . . Harrisburg. ' ' 5.10 A.M. !i ' l' ' arrives at Phi1ade1hia...,.....„ 936 A.M. • • • ' --- - , . , Express oastvonnects at CorrY. Mail east at Corry and ,Irvineten. Express west. at Irvinetem, with *rains on Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED El TYLER; •'' • . '. , . General Superintendent GA.MDEN - ' AND_ ATLANTIC .:` 'RAIL: AtOAD:.-bn and after MONDAY, OctOber '4,-1059; trains willleave Vine street terry as follalys 'o3undays expeptecD,l ' 1 ., ... , . • '. . MO ' ' ' B.OIQ A. M. - Freight (with passenger ear) • ' 9.15 A.M. AtlanticAtcommodation. ... .. ...........,.. ,', .—. . . 3.45 P, M.:, Junction Accommodation . to ............ . Inter- mediate stations., .... Ls° x. l o t ItETURN4NG.EEAVE . A7TLANTIO. . • • 145 P.M: .. .. ............. ' 6.05 A. AL, . .; ' 6,211 A, Itl, Mall • Proight.. Atituattc Acconunodatlon „„ 'Junction Accommodation from Alec)... Haddonfield Accum,nuidatlon trains laaio Vine .. .. „......;„.10.10 A. M. and 2.00 P:11: ....... „... 1,00 P, avid 5,10 P... AL. 'DAVID H..IIUNDY..Agont.:: Mahan• - • REIGHT LINE VIA NO 'V( RENNeInKANTA' ItAILROAD t to WilkeibilOoi ahaVeltt mot Carmel % Coli tralint 14i/1 EiFpiilip, on Loh ' 80 , Ailey Iroad sou Its braticoog,;, , -• 'l l l l t i tS ' o l t illinOrPro,y r e l r'Ote() ;this FlOittlltr..4l4l iefi q7.ll , ) ` OOO: l .ZAPO4l.4lPny' lq,'" ae . l l 4!lT'' , . , , ,-Ch r dOpp lt ibilM the T.r009 1. reelghiriOliot: , 4 11 7 Before V 2 ' 'till, Ma r iikeA t rA d AriZ t p ... "64}l3l 2 it Idatrati "141 lit d'irOttor 'o.rttott. ,o'lttpl.ttoropu lif"Vaittlit levoll to , A:W° OttOtootitne day; GUAR' aaent ' 1 ;. , . Llt ILADE la PHI.Ai GERMAITTOWIT A AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIMM TA. afteritonday,-Mar , 54180, -andl=W further notice: • • „POR GERMANTOWN; z- Leave Philadelphia-5, 18, 9.05, 10, I.l*, 12 A. M. 1,2, 3.16;04,44.35, 5.05,53, 6,634, 7,8,9,10,11, 12P. 81, ,Leave Gorm 41antown-, 1, 05, 8;8.20,9,10; 11, A.'113,.. 1.2' 301; 4,4 3 65‘i ,8, 10,11,.P. • The 840 down.train, and the 04 and 5X up `tredne, wii not;stop on the Germantown Branch. Leave:Philadelphi6;-935A. M..,2, 4.05 minutesq . and eaye, Germantown-8.15 A. 31,; 13,6 and 04 P.bt CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD.. Leave Philadelphla-6, 8,10, 12 A. 314 , 2; .174, 44', 7, 9 • afil ir3e i b'es'6 7:l6Mfiriied,' 8,9.40; a' L d Catid.ji4i4„'': M..; • IAO, 3AO, 5.40, 6.40 1 8.40 andlo.4o P. M Meaie PhlledelPhia..4.l.smlnutes A.' M.; 2 and • M. • Leavd Cheatikurlllll-;:/.50tainiiteit A. Id.; 12.40,8.40 and_; 9.25 minutea-P.11)- • • •-• FOR CONSB 0110 OR EN AND NORRISTOWN, . Leavea Philadelphia-6.73x, 9, 11415,A 1. 5 4 8,4)4i , 8,, 61i, 6.15;8.05, 10.115 andll% Pr. M 1V . • - .Leave•Norristoo6.4o, A. M.; 1 145, 3i:„ 44.,_6.16t8 and o.i P. 31. 5 _ • . War The 7 5 ,4 A.M. Trains frourNorrlatown will not stop • nt Moge.re, Potts' LandingiDewily or Schur's Lone. op— The 5 P. M. Traip from•Yblladelplua will stop oul at iichool Laue,Manakunk and Conshohocken,. Leave Philadelphia -9A. M.; 236 and 7:15 P. M.,: • Leave Norristown TA. M.; 1,63 A and 0P; M. WOR.MANAYUNK.. - • Leavethilsidelphia-6, 734.9 11.05 A. M 01 3 ;, 5 0. • ' 535,6,15, .05, 10.06 and 113.,'. P. _ Leave Ilanayunk-6.10,7,0,1,‘, 11420.4, ft"' The 5 P..M. Train from Pinladelphytwillstopeidi; at School Lane and 31anayunk. ON SUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia--9A. 31.; 2% . , 4 and 7.15 P, N. Leave MenEtyunk—Thi A. M.; lYis,b and 0,1 M. B N General Superintendent, • V. WILSO, • . • - - . Depot, /Ninth and. °teen etreeta. • WEST CHESTER AND RELDJADFID• , `PifIA RAlLAol4)).—Winser Arrangethtint;—Oz: and after MONDA _ ' • Leave Philadelphia, from New Depot Thirty-ilia and Chestnut streets ' 7.45 A. M., 11.00 A. M 2.30 P. 51 ,416 P. M., 4.40 P: M . 6.15 P. M., Dm P. • • Leave West Chester, .from Depot, on Dust : Market street;4.2s A. 31 ., 8.00 A. M., 7.4,5 A. M. 10.45 A. M., 1.55 . P.M. P.M. • • • Train•leaving West Chester at 8.00 A.M. will stop at P. O. Junction, Lenni A . Glen Biddle and Media: leaving Philadelphia at 4.4.0 I' M., will stop at Media, Glen . Riddle, 'Lanni and B/0. Junction: Passengers to or" from stations between Westchester 'and B.C. Junction v.,litatAi-,-I.vitittrogretis,zipa;)l,l7l94 O. Junction' and going, West Passengers for ! Stations' above 43.' C. Junctica , will take train leaving Philadel phia at 4„.40 g. la., and will , change cars at 11. O. Juni- The-Depot in Philadelphia is reached direkly by he Ohestnat and Walnut street ears. Those of the Market streetlinertin within one square. The cars of both lines. connect with each train upon its arrival. ON BIINDAYS.—Leaae Philadelphia for West Ohester at 8.30 A. M. and 2.00 P: M. • loarfe Weet Chester Philadelphia at 7.55 A. M. and 9.ooP '• sfir pasiettgeiti are allowed to fake Wearing. Apparel Only, as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case - be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundreddal.,-) lam unless a special contract be made for the same., ^ • • - lyumit O. WILEDLER: ' n • . General Superintendent. ITO CONTRACTORS AND BErILDERS.— "I &PALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Pro imsals for building a -- 13ublie school-hottse in the. Fifth Ward," *ill be received kr the un dersigned at the office, S..E. corner of SIXTH and ADELPHI - streets, until THURSDAY', October 14, 1869 i at 32 o'clock M., for °buildin a public 'school-hause on a lot of ground situate on Third street, above - Lombard,,itt the Fifth Ward. • - • Said school-house to be built in accordance with the plans of L. 11. Esler, Stiperintetident of School Bniliiins ; toe seenat - the office of the Controlleriot Public Schools.*' ' " • No bids will be considered unless aCcompa- , Died by a certilicate from the City Solicitor that the provisions of an ordinance' approved May 2 5 ,1830, have been complied with. •- •The contract will be awarded 'only- to known master builders. ' •* By order, of'the Committee on Property , . • • * W. T-1 A 'Lid - WELL, sett 27 30 Oat 91114 - , • Secretary. 'HARDWARE,. &C„ wxzm, xvot,Yti','t An indeetructible WHITE 'HANDLE FOR KNIVES, - an American 'Torment of great merit beet quality of steel blades, 00 _per dozen._ , - HARD RUB ERHAHDLE KNIVES AND PORKS, $.l 25 per eet.. - • • . , 'A SET OF GOOD RNIVEa AND FORKS fur $I • 7-BEST CITY-MAKE - TREBLE-PLATED-SILVER ' FORKS. $3 60 2 ger set: _ - EASTERN AKE GE PLATED - FORKS; $2 25 per PLATED 'TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, in great va ri i :! V; MI PAYZgAs,. $5 10 *ER_KEG, of 100 LBS. OF NAILS. OTHER BRANDS OF NAILS, $ , 5 00 PER KEG. At the Cheap—for.Caeh-,Hardware Store of , . J. B. 1009 Itiarke't Street: my22-e to th 11- '' • ' ' ' ' ----- TN THE COURT OF CO3IMONPLEA' • IN FOR THE CITY'AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL MARIE PRENO_ ,T by .ber • next friend, . etc., ye. HENRI PRENOT.. " March Term, 7869, Mo. - 23. In Divorce. To HENRI, PRENOT, Respondent—Sir : Pleaee • take' notice that the Court have granted q•rule on ydu to shoat cause why n diveree in culo ina;n7)l on i i should not ,be decreed in the above - returnable •on S.A.TU.RDA.Y,- October. - 23d. 1869, 010 A. M. Personal gervica of this notice failed on account of your absence. • S. DA.fil Attorney for Libellant.- .at 8.00 A'. M. EXIIMEIRM TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR `,CITE .• City and County. . of Philadelphia Estate of JAMES C. CHRISTY, deceassd.—The Auditor ap pointed by :the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first and final account of CALVIN M. CHRISTY, Adramis trater c. t. a. of JAMES O. CHRISTY, deceased, and to report distribution Of the balance in the hands of the aecountant will meet the parties interested, for the 1 purpose of 'his appointment, on FRIDAY, October 1.5th 4 , at 4 clock, P. At., at. his office, No. 707. Walnut street,iri the city of Philadelphia. , • GEORGE D. RUDD.' Auditor. at 4.IYJ P. fff 0c.5 tn th St!' TN THE' ORPHANS'' CO ETRT FOR THE • City and - County - of - Philadelphla.—Estate of 'CHARLES 8. PEA SLIM, deceased.—The. Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the first and final account of au it. F. PEABODY, Excel] tor of the last will and testament of said deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties illtmsted, for the purpose of his appointment, on 40NDAY, October 18th, A. D. 1869, at 4 o'clock P‘ n, at his office S. E. corner Sixth and Walnut streette (ictondrstory), in the city of Philadelphia. ocs-tu th ebt* 'GEO. JUNKIN, Atiditor ..at 9.10 A. M ..at 9.35 A. 91 at 12.30 P.M -at 0.10 P. M ..at 1.30 P. M ..at 8.25 P. M ..at 9.40 P. M N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 1. City' and Comity of Philadelphia.—Estate of PATRICK }IcGOW]N, deceased.--;Tho Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and, adjust the ac count of JAMBS WILSON, Administrator of the Estate of PATRICK McGOWEN.deceased.and to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountaut,will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appoint ment, on FRlDAY.October lath, 1.369,at 3 o'clock P.M., at his office, No. Ha South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. RICHARDSON.L. WRIGHT, ooa-tu th s at§ • . 'Auditor. ' STATE OF ANNE E. BANCKER, DE- E ceased.--letters of. Adrninistrationir. cum. testa ment() annex°, having been greeted to the undersigned, persons indebted to said 'Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to JA?dES A. EANCEER, care of , CUAB 8, PAX COAST, Esq., 416,Walnut street. , se9th6t• VSTATE OF CHARLES. •lI,BANCKER; 111 deceased.—Lettere of Admbilidrution" do bonis nori testamento annexe having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Andebted to said 'Estate are nentiested to make payment; and think, hitting claims to present them to JAB A. BANCKER. care of 011A8. B. rANCOAST, hisg.,4l6 \Valuta street.. , se9-th6t* IO, J ETTERS TESTAIIENTA.RY HAVING been granted to_tbe subscriber upon 4the Nstate of. NN It. PENROSE. deceased, WI persons indebted MI the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to EDWARD, BURTON , No. 5 Walnut treed. ' ;; '. ,'.sel6 thoSt* MACHINERY. IRON, &C. 4.BOI4__ L IS ' • . SOUTHWAnA FOUNDRY Off WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, _••• MANUpAOT URIC SwEAdi ENGINES—High and LOW PressuretHerlanzi tal, Vertical, Beam, Blast and Cornish Pumping. BOlLEllite—Oylinder,.*lne; Tubular, 4sc,' • , • , SIAN' HAMMERE-Ifastnyth and Davy styes and I.' eloee OASTIIIGSt—Loam t Dry and Green Sand, Brawl, Ao• 11.00Ffri_, Wattle thrdcivering with Slate or Iron ';ANKS--Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water. , GAS ItLAOHI*IiII*--Blidh ad Ildtdriff, Hunch Hooting* • , Holden" an Xrfunes• Purifiers, Goke,Anil , foherendi, ' Barrowleal um t :p Govergars t Ae. ~ • .• ~ • 411:1OAH' C I ,E4y-Auc Vacuum tors; BODO , 140 k, riiterOt Bllnielref - yoilegp c kulE/ElTtorliVag.riY , ThAuffitFlaul ftolVkiVl Sole iiiitaittlidtutbril it the foIk:KILIAN inpttidiatildie end vicinity,of liWantyp r rifi l lit'irPaieFitrt',' , " • • vat lableprit•off Stearn Engine. ••• - In'the Ultiteil Stateh, of Wastonit patent Seit'-eamtar.i. • • ingandiselPlitilattelng GentrlfUgal anger -drafrifulliso••• chino.• • -' t.7 " 11 , 91,188 1-Ba ent i ireiSß4lll.97li3Pil)°/YfulAttilkWAitfilYlol2o3*.t:?.. t contractorefprthedeeigu,erection dflt tlilt*,' ! , ••• • OnerleitiorlvorstlrigPrga4nt t ltioPrEllEo A ND 'WELliGliirl"id;llllol , AT,e-~ , •‘,./ prldav per4114414.a nd Ingot coper,conslatititot%aeltor toroUNlfn vr p z3u4dVP..AHOWriSrytt 4),1 , • ORAL ' Q :180 1 • TONS 0 0,2 1- Ai chalk, Await , affkis*lt IrO x igia.4.)l si 00, ;,'J , • ;) • ' 'WognUt street. TRAVELERS' LI IDS PROPOSAM. LEGAL NOTICES. EIMIEMMI 7 , MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers