..;-,, ~ ,.!::,:..,i .7.;fi•:, : , : ,,,'''':. ; ','1 .1, ' , i . .-il''.,'..:s. - • ; y:.t', : ',y...,T.-,c,..': : . , .! ~'i::.:.,,,:•:-,'-i-...:,,,:,-',,,..,:.',,.;,,V:'.',:,,t1: . 5 Cltr • "' 'i,i 031; Specliseltreeti4 of 4.4o•Votaziti., . In accordance with •a of•the Mayor a „special meeting of CRY - Counclis was held yes terday afternoon "to take into conshieration nnolitters yelatinvto thelnopty - gogrirldll ,il.vatei•for disyriVutio'n to tht.Ritiketika 'teet 73ra3ich The followingmessage from the Mayor was received and read: ' , OFFICE OF THE biATOE OF THE CITY`OF PHILADELPHIA, Aur23,1869. To the Seim-tam? • Coining,/ Gouncpm ophe-.Cily gal:OM/phi fflgivitif.Stml . . aastaiii"Ees.Lbfl/44raveiim -polianeelitiye made it my duty to call you to gether at this unusual season. • With a Buppiy..,of water within,,Tur sufficient rit•alt lieaSons'for Ate Wants of the largest city in the world, the experience of the Innit few weeks has shown the inadequacy under certain conditions of the means pro- -tided for its distribution.. -.Wpm Vie works at Fairmount, yhich, arc" Rp9rated entirely DrtrifiXgreilteF TOrtionott the year this:.4ibiVer4lWhaftfultrap.. plied as part Of it las Peeri-4)le„tild„..brea* - wheels requiring; it is hilidrfbite 'gall - 6840 force into the reservpirsi - avitll9):oo.l`.Peiy turbines 'fait tiVelve--is amPle for the purpose; but in periods of drought, when the - consmeptio2} et-mate}-lii- usually, greaterstk-the supPlY of Water power of bdlirse least ' I.4,.:sapacitv has not unfrequently been tested iltsiatmost - tersimply-the,iteressary=dirall but this l‘wascui it has fallen' short': 'l - The-recent-droll ht hes been of_rinu.sual length, and the result has been,that our Water Departinentomderlhe priNisure , nt the public necessity, and tonvoid - the'horrors of a water famine, assuming, responsibility in. a manner which '1 fully-"approVe,`haS been compelled, first, to take water power to which it would seem to have no right, to the, reat injury,. as it ia' ; alleged, 'orthe parties thus deprived of it; and . . when Ahat Jaasource yak. ek baustetl, to solicit, receive, and, day aftel. day, be wholly dependent upon ' further supp plies of water power,-voluntarily furnished by. those very purity: The particulars of these transactions will appear in, the emespoudente,with Ole °fill cers of .06 NaVigatioW Cempany liererritli submitted, t6which I shall have oc cation to refer hereafter, aild!'fliti"lehiieriallio` events teach Us; 'it Ls' to .belloped, will not have been taught.in vain. I.LIP on' the first intimation of the I:, eciinlug searcit, ,V very effort waS made °bythe efficient Chief Engineer of the Water Department, to mitigate the?ell'ecti as far:as pratticable. All 'that could be done at the time was to reduce cosiouniption to the lowest limit; tticeordingly, in,order to assist that offi.ter rin his move: , 'iustriletions, were' given` `,the; 'police to visit every, , dwelling • house ,in their respective districts, and urge upon the. occupants the necessity of strict economy in the use of the:B(l4lU' water; and Lienten ams Were requited to, personally. call upon the proprietors' of sugar refineries; dye works, tic ,tortes and• other large establishments constun • ing• muchwater,and represent to them the ini portance of checking all waste. The pollee :Were also ordered to enforce ,the water ,orilig natives against all persons violating the same, the citizens generally; in the Meantime, being , 'requested by public notice through the news- Papers, by the Chief Engineer, to be as. sparing 88 possible in its use. • ' , The efforts thus 'made have, been, to a cer tain extent;sueeessful; but as We haverliereto :fore relied in •fancied security upon a never- failing,ahtmdance of water, it is not surprising that' legal "aafeguards' against' its Waste have prete& insufficient in: -the late emergency, - while as regards the curtaihnent of the use of water,as `distiii,guighed froni mere waste in time oil -scarcity) u, , ehave hollegal provision what ever. In suelLa time, therefore, the good citi zen, who,,.at the request of the authorities,, closes or ' reduces, his 'manufactory in - order to 'save • Water, in - 'addition to' the ltiStt he thus sustains,•,rnmy;' have r - r,I ;'.3: suffer' the aggravation Of seeing his neighbor or rivalin; the same linsineas -whellyi : disregard s . l3clr re quest and selfishly press on as ..before. •• if,. therefore, we are to be left exposed—as ' trust ;we shaV•• not he--,tcr, the : reenrrencept: sit~li" calamity, poWerallordilhe lodged Some where t,cicompel by, law that equalization of those bludene of a water famine which now press :harder'. npon • the ,good ;citizen, than upon the bad: • •• • • • • .: • It is not to ibbliresumed; 'however; that if humatiShillcand foresight can preVent it, w shall everragain be 'reduced , to the. condition it frm.which•we have hardly yet escaped. And this leads to a consideration of the means for effecting that object • • • - • , • '• As to this, while submitting the subject , in general tone wiadom of Councils, I beg leave to express my approval of the suggestion, so , universally made, that the proper measure of • prevention, atleast formany. years to come, consists inthe erection of adequate auxiliary steam engines at Fairmount,. to be.- used as suggested, by the Chief Engineer in his-annual report of 1868, viz. • , , - "When • the 'water is insufficient to run all the wheels, and so arranged as to be able to raise the water from below the dam in case of any accident' to that important structure', Their cost Will be but small in itself, 'in Vein pavilion 'witli the object-in view quite inaig uiticaut, and their running expenses will be ,liniited•to the average brief period in each year 'when • their • services are specially r& 4q,uired. • • • This, therefore, should certainly be done, . land at the earliest moment ;: indeed, it is stir ' prising that, it was not dope long ago, in views of the mere posSibility : of 'accident to Fair pount dam. • But While t his' provision may suffice for m • time; it yet seems clesirable, .now that public iattentien is se strongly directed to the subject ~ O f Water-supply, to extend our view, further into the'future. „' • • The importance of an abundant, never-fail ing supply of Water to every cityis great, but to Philadelphia, Which isito so large an exten4 the Seat of manufactUres„ it • can, scarcely be exaggerated.' 'ID ''noti-manitfacturing 'townS the eousequences a Short supply, for even a hrief 'period,. are serious enough; but, in a manufacturing town, in addition to all considerations of health- and '• - domeStic- com fort, the mere mercantile - aspects of the case assume most formidable proportions. Philadelphia is- erephatically a great' manu facturing city. •Water is as much the breath of her thousands of steam engines mils the air of those of the tens of thousands of her skilled. workmen who are dependent: upon those engines for their daily bread; and there' hould be no more doubt or question of an ample and ' nfifailing st,lpply.of one than the 'other. The means are in our power, and not to use theta from a fear of •• the expense would be,one of those, cases in which parsimony is the:, Worst , extravagance: ; In fact, we still possess, in the water-Power • at Fairmount; properly improved and admin istered, the means of supplying water to as great an extentand'atas cheap, if net cheaper, rate 'than those possessed by any other city ; • and•it,M in. relation to this abundant supply for manufacturing purposes that the reduction of its cost seems.meSt iruPortant and the value of our water-power most apparent. - The last report Of the Chief Engineer shows that while the cost of raising one million. of ;gallons of water eneloot ,lugh at the Fair mount works is btie one cent and eight-tenths, that of the 'same service at the Twenty-fourth . Ward works hi seven cents and' eighteen-ene- Widredtlis; at the Schuylkill works', nine centiVand nine -tenths; at the- Germantown worka,-pipeteencents and four-tentlaii and'rit time-Delaware . Wprks; twenty-four , .cents,; and eighttentbso • . • . The vasteconomy of such a water-power as that at Fairmount (although' still timid by no means as 'effectively as it might''be)•is here strikingly. exhibited, and •it shows the great value of that power, and after' correcting our single mistake of relying' eXelusively 'upon it • in a period ofidrought, we should; :by raising the dam, as far as, practicable, improve • the waterpower to the greatest possible extent. • leis subject of future water supply has recently been considered by a committee of. the Cottunissioneis of_ Fairmount Park, consisting of Messrs. Frederick Graff; Chair iriani4Ohn 0:' 'Cresson, General George O. Meade; - ,l3itieklaud Kneitas, and William t3ellerS,' 'to ' whose • very able report, , dathd petober4l,ls67, I respectfully solicit your at- tention:" • • It cannot be too often - reiterated that our • City has arrighf—as well from her 'admirable situation between two great rivers as from her • Other advantages as a• manufacturing town— ti.ti l oir o ance.l,,iurimorab r v .1 goo aiird,"u'V - lt Vitet, And the'rep.ii# rdlude . tii tikmoUtratiz "that by the ra eans Altisnaincli itAfietthat:abldet • cattle purely antipheaply obtaitied.- - , --„, 7. , -- This connitteeAn-addition-t(i-reeinemen ing the irnproverueuteof-the-Nnitil-power ret Fairmomit anti 'fifelorection'ellaUktliary en glues there, urge-also the construction of very Amp ,distribudng eservoirs, 0:4 1 wol i l ,Is large . Tornp6nstitingxeSor l ddr&A--the latterirPMiaOtuh of the streams at the h . ead waters of the river. The experienee iit the last fortnightA. ;ViitAitOibliiibb,*liit f-Fll'hAl' ~.-i.-.ltl-liad-811ggiNSt ions' i das-tlie --- city increases- and the con stunption of water bet their im portance Authe-ehonproicakppe p t-ef the ease BierhaseSlU'iirohortionY '' ' In regard tote claims of the parties inter EE - ~,ested,in,the rutyigation of Schuylkill , merko tieMedin'the letterer the' 'ffayigatioti - Chai- PahY, dated llth.inst., but ~few remarks are ' necessary. If the Acts beasthereptatedcam, splnSatioti f6rariYl 03g PuStaiiiedhy; oi.ii-l'eliM pullsory stoppage.of.loaded , boats seems to be due as a simple - niehhhie,'Of*istice, outside of he question of legal liability; But, as the ac on of the ,liavigation.Company, when volun ' wily comiag to our reSelie /11:tbeliour,of.our ' tineStneett---when,in the werdi of our Ohlef nghwer; etThreeditOs' :sitpl?tp . of - , ttlateirirm be .ito7 to '.• Philadelphiakthe !occasioui Tegtards omething moro. ' . , - , .- -, 1, d - ;I, Un 11l derstand their course aiight, they aid. l etriri-this-instaiieepauselo-Considerthe.lea aspects of the 'ease, but 'id the face of 'ddis . net assurance frondeur agefiti that' he hiM no f - fmrerragally.toi-b - ixanuipatqthey,,lie., 1 us earnest entreaty, at mace elosedtheirloeks, drew down their_claau L t arid trusted'eyerything_ to builiotfor. " ' • - ' ' VT.Jpoti r - that faith in they ratty sustaiitheavy losSes „of revenue, , ,whilst we have received gi•ey.thcnefit. I therefore cannot, doubt that Councils is ill; iVitlitiut delay; make' such 'proinsion as Will funk' indeinnify the Conapany for whatever- Mimes :they:may-have sustained in thus fur.: nishinglthe needful supply to the city in .our extremity . • : •• In :conclusion, X cannot; refrain ',freni ferring to afear very noilimenlY expipsisedthaf actiontpott this important subject May , be . de-' layed until the Sense, of the danger we have so far escaped•bas,been• weakened hy.thc0 3 .!.,W 11 4. thelilfzitidg Of further 'postponement;bectine tihduly inereaSect' I: Cannot share in such an atipieheriSiorn 7 The , subjedt'istod:graVeL'.lt cOnaes • too 7 near every: man's •basineStv•and I?9S9Pk74tobe.so.treatecl,.aha I have •the the. et - infidel:toe that the result of your delihtnations : upon It will.be such as to place upon a: firmer basis than--ever the .'Widespread • repttittiiM hithertelibltistly enjoyed-by-the - Water WOrks of Philadelphia., • : • • .• •'• • , -. Very respectfully, -. • ,:, DAl;rim - , , Iqaycit of Philadelphia The following correspondeneetecoMpanied; :.Scntrvmtmn NA'aGATION Comewes . Aug. 11;186il.,ATo Iron: panip/ if. Fox,. 'of Philathiphici—Sir : Pursuant'to tege IntiOn of theinatiagetstf this company i at • a speeialineeting to-day; Thave • the honor •to address you relative to ; a communication ,re. speeting the use ,of: the water in Fairmount liielosed is 'a copy of a' Cenunannicatioli by idirection. of 'the manners, I sent to the Chief Engineer of the;Water Department: on the 7th inst, .•Since then the evil therein cora-, 131ainedof has been steadily increasing. " • Tii‘daY; in 'CiniseqUenee of the refiiSal of the city to comply, with its agreement not to draw the water '-below the level of the , top', of the dain,llim-trakigation for loaded boats:in Fair. inountpoothas been entirely suspended:, "With the aid thus obtained by takiog Water, belonging to the Navigation; the city; after ' inetirring: heavy 'liability to all injured by. this..•• obstruction to the Pub4Pl • higway„ may , supply „ .power ,to at the" ..11'airmetuit Water= fdia 'Anne: time longer. Should the' drought 'eolith - Me there is little doubt that the entire water of,the river soon prove • inadequate for that purpose.. The result may, IN Such a diminution of the supply . of . ‘vaterto the cityas Will occasion great deprivatien and suffering;' . Ad, in: the 7 event .of fire, great ,:The. ; managers have, therefore,. instructed Ille to address you, artly for, the purpose of Calling attention to •,the responsibilities Which the city May hien.' by' its illegal acts,., but:chiefly • with a view •to put You ihposSeseien Of the Main fee& of the Ease, in hope that you May be able offiCially to • urge the application of the properremedy...• • The , most, Important of these lidsaPPre hensions upon the subject is a belief that this Company-plaims the right to limit now the ex tent of the right ofthe city to use the of the Sehu`Vlkill for distribution from its reSer-. voirs. The Company have:never made such' claim. The (old) city corporation, under its grants from the Company, did claim such a right against the district of Spring Garden; but the Sitprerae'Court decided against it, and established the, law as, it now stands, by which it is clear that the Present city may dra*froin Fairmount pool all the water it needs for dis tribution from its reservoirs, at least as longas• the quantity so drawn does not interfere with the use'of the river as a highWaya period certainly very remote, and which possibly may never be reached at all. But the use of the water-power created by the. dam at Fairmount; or by any Other data on the Schuylkill Navigation, stands upon a different footing. The only light which the city has to such use of the Water in Fairmount pool is de rived by grant from this Company under the agreeinent, The supply of water in Fairmount' pool Would - .be suflicientr, iu periods of the greatest: diought, for the Wants •both of the Navigation Company and the city, if the lat ter did not rely wholly upon that water for its power at the Fairmount Water Works. The quantity of water thus used is enormons, old - breast wheels there consume nearly fbrtrf 'gallons as 'power for every gallon that' they throw into the reservoirs. The turbines lately introduced consume twelve. It is solely, therefore,: as,a Measure of economy, and to save the Cost of an auxiliary steam engine to be used only in seasons 4it &Ought, or in event of accident to'tlie dam, that thecity now takes the water and stops the navigation in the manner of which we complain. The from the Company to the city, it will p t .: seen, wags; most - *mrefffily .confined within tlie limits ley which the Coinpany itself was restricted by its charter-L•which charter guards the rights of the , public' in the,river lv .a highway, by providing that every such grant be so, framed, that it shall not at any time im :7 nede' sp.., ,the navigation... Accord.. ingly, the grant to the city is only of "the water and water,power that shall remain after drawing off from the dam erected so much as may be necessary for the purposes of the navi. gation of said liver, canal and locks ;" and it lel,rovides alse'that. ",that. the ?city shall only have use o . mi:id - Water as, with:the use thereof for the purpese's . of the navigationeeforesaid, will not reduce it below the eurinde of said dani, and keep it so reduced." • • We are happy to acknowledge that the city autherities of the water works have generally faitlifally endeavored to carry out:this agree ment; and eeinpliance therewith have.,re peatedly Ain't Off the anter'froin'thoir wheels when so requested by this Company. Mit on the other hand, theyhave- ofteny in what trey naturally considered the 'di'scharge • duty to the can, deliberatply;:Vielatett the agreement,. and • drawn down' the •WateriMthe pool Par below the'utilyulatecUlinixit: until recently : the ;eb,Strubtio*A4he ntiVigat ion thus occasionedliaVe -not, at 'any cues tim9, been of very ic i ng , company linS, therefore, forborne to more thaw temOnstraie and' rge upon the officers,at Fairmount :the- - recommendation of ' .such pleasures as would prevent their recurrence. By referring6 - thereportof the Chief En gineer oftlie .Water Department • of January 28, 1864, ef•Whith 'a coPy'la inclosed; it will be seenthettlieir tertionstrangeS had thedesited effect; in so far as thactfficer was concerned; and sonic of his recommendations of a'remedy have, frerindine "to been adopted by Councils. , • The increase of consumption of water by the city, amounting at the Fairmount works dur ing the past live years to. over, twenty-four per cent. for the months of June e fuly, August and September, has apparently far exceeded the means of supply during thp periodicof drought; and this increase of consumption, is certain to pace With the growth of the city. If no additional means of supply are ;,tarnished; the evil ti ihaoou be most.formidable: „,''. • alrkidyi stated, it is now so great us to cause, serious injury to this Company, aml, all AVSNING--131,TtLETIIPITILADELPHIA , , TUESOAY , AUMIST TkLEFD4IL, —± ' ti P Mte g#i aria: tlto , naviga on. of - I th river. 't iEf.aft emit lulliof peril Ad.so to the ritYl'atlitlf,hetirite'resttratohe' arts cOnsidered. and ,WlthOuti tdif‘refereuce to those'. of .3bia COMpany, they vroUldileirti - for.imipe-, di to tadilkieff. Ed - 111.01'A°) arsiitist elar. to:lre - fa fittfut *att. A cessation of-drought•varralone relieve th • difficulty involved. stoppagireither of the' trlieels'lo rigm:oilizitA - r - -liing/t 1:(3/34 at a raviffime. But the future is in the power of the city. Her duty-toberselfrequites rtetion„..and that duty xvill uqt: o be sonsiderld the` I 'eadinkirit becalis ei liiVolvis iJso the ills; charge, of an undisputed legal obligation. Referring to tb.e - Chef - rngineer of the Watvr,f)ppartmentyt4i wh9l3o . *aniforin desire' to - do everything` in his poWer• to - leiisen Abe " 118 complained - of. we- wish' to bear 'the strongest testimony; for acontirmation of the statements here imade,' , atilt '''•expressi ng willhignes's to gito arty - furtkev information that may be requested upoir, thatubject, I am, very respeetttilly, your obedient servant, W. 11; `.l'.thaamax, Secretary: 01 4 EXCE Of' TEE SCHUTLRILL t brAVIGATION COMPANY, NO. 41/ WALNUT STREET, MLA- DELPRIA,'Auwb; GrOff, Esq:, Ufiief Engineer Of :Me Tlrater, Department of the City of Philadelphia : DEAR fiin—The otxstrite , tions to the navigation of the Company, caused b' the ac cater youldepartinent in dranitig _the ter of FairmOnnlpinfil -Velinsr• the level of the top . of Fairmount dam, have of . late been so serious as to wake it ,uegessary. on our rence: thiS view", We" 'PrOPO6 -aeon:to urge npinr the - proper - authorit - tcrprovide - a - suitti- - lile steam engine, to, be,usedju ; supplying the.; at, Fairmount, cluringthe few weeks hi the year,when' the water-power -is -insuitt dent" for that purpose': ' ' ''• • "' • • • • We , propose this cdurse, in.thivfirstitiStance, rather .than:a resort ,to legali:pToceedings, be cause we are,awarelhat every ;has ' been made on your part to CompO r with the, agree-, 'tient between the city this ~ :pompany, under which alone the fcirtnerderives'its right, to, use the water of Fairnionnt poet as aulative poweri, and that the -repeated, violations of that, agreement bYdiawing"olYthe water beTow the level of the ,top of the dais, hie frankly ad-; nutted, ' and are explained without being at tempted .•• to be legally ' SustifletV :upon the ground that they were ltecf...,4sarif ?•in. order to supply ibe city with water:, , , he object' of this note is simply, to place upon record the facts, and to expres4 thehope that yon will, at the earliest, Moment; call the attention of the Watering Comittee'tO them, and urge upon that committee' the adoption of such measures as in your judgment are best adiipted to •, • • • "V cry resiiectfully, ;your obedient servant, (For the SchnylkillWaVigation Company), • [ Signed.] W.-111.:TII.G0111"AZT;Secretary. DEPARTMENT FOR SUPPLYING . THE CITY WITH 'WATER, CHIEF ;ENGINEEE'S OFFICE N 0.104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET,PHII:ADEIMIITA, August 14,1869.-Charles • W.. Wharton, E 4, As sistoriit President° Bchuvlkill ArcOgytimi Compuny: DEAR SiR : As you area . k . VaXqy the' exigencies of this department have•for *sortie days past compelled. it to draw the water ; from Fair mount darn below the point stipulated in tho agreement between the . city and year' Com pany..: A lthough this; has furnished inuoli relief', by enabling us not only to use the' amount thus draWit, but also that which has been retained in the dam, by the consequent, stoppage of the passage of loaded. boats thrciigh' the Jocks, yet, at this time,%owing to the - 'continuance of the drought, and, in, partld'an accident to one of • the steam-engines at thiigolittYlkill works, the supply in our reserriiirsis seloW as greatly to imperil not only the comfort but the-safety of the, city. • uder these eiretunstances,lfeel it my duty to make an • earnest appeal to your ,eompany, not only to close the locks at' IrainnOunt en tirely, but also to (jr.f.rw , dams above Fairmount td-thetitiain4f 'extenpOSsible,'and to. keep your works in that condition until the present cries is dyer. question of indemnity' to . Vom iinitiy, for the loss it may thus sustain; necessity, be left open ; it being out Of my PPWer to Make any, arrangement ..upon the subject; but,lain,perstiaded i that you may rely with confidence on thetinthorities of the City to do full justice on the occasion:. • 4n immediate reply will greatly oblige. • FRED. GRAFF, Chief Engineer :Water DePartment. OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL IS'AVIGATION CONFANY, No. 417 WALNUT STREET, PHlLA liEi:Pyna.,Alik,listl4.,lBo../erederick Gritr,Esq., eldif Engineer Water' Depailuteni, Philodelphhe : lu reply to yours:of this date,just received, hate the honor to 'state, : that placing full reli ance upon the city, for indemnity against all losses and liabilities which this Company may incur in comequence of a .compliance with . your request, J. have, without awaiting the action of the !imagers, assumed the responsi bility of acceding to it. I have accordingly . given orders by telegraph that the locks at Fairmount be forthwith, en tirelY cloSed, and the pools above drawn down tothe greatest possible extent, the workkr to remain in this condition until the emergency to which you refer is over. Very respect : ll - 111y and truly Yours, • CHABLES W. IVHARTON, Assistant President.,i. OFFICE. OF, 'I'M SCHUYLKILL` , I"AVICIATION C(ilurANY, N 0.417 WALNUT STREET, PHILA DELPHIA,Aug.IB,IB69.—Fred. Gerd'', Esq.; Chief EngineerDepartnient-'-DEAn : About, eighty light canal boats are now lying just low:the locks at Fairmount. Their captain , are urgent to,be allowed to pass, up the line. TO such applications I ..have replied, that during the preSent emergency no such, per-, luisSion Will be granted NI ithout the conettr; Aence of your department. , I de( m it proper, however, to 'acquaint 'yen with the above ; facts, so that yOU may take uch action thereon a. 4 Yon may think proper. lteqUesting the -favor of an early reply, I:: ' am; very respectfully, • [Signed.] C. W. WHARTON,:: -1 Assistant President.' OFFiCE•OF TOE SCOLTYLKiLL NMICATION COMPANY, N0..417 WALlsitiT STREET, PHILA DELPRIA, August 1)3, 1869.—C:hap/es //colon, Esq.,. :Assist tint President Seim ylkill lcurigation Company—DEAn Sin.: In answer to Vonrs_, of thiS Morning, in regard to the passing, light boats through the outlet-locks, I have to say that 'at. this moment I do not think it will be advisable ; or safe to_ allow the boats, note aectiniulating..below the dam, to i)e locked • through: leve . hati a number of applications frotwindividnals 'for; special permits to' pass boats up,' and even from the Park Couinds sionem, have , steadily declined granting such, helieving that it is important that all the water PoSSible should he retained in Fairmount p 001... Yours,.A';e:, FIRED. GRAFF I • • caller Engineer Water Department:`. prEitagto lois.] • Pm.t..ADELr,uIA, .Au g.14,1569.—T0 onto P. Smith;' rectaind,' Pa; The necessities of the city forwater are sot great tibat; at the regneSt_of the 'Water.Dcparient, we have consented:4o ClOse the ,FAiridOunt locks entirely, and , also, to ilia* down the dams above to the greatest possible . extent; .h nti 1 the emergency Woyer. N .sr.: its representative, will hefht this oflice, and rregifeSt you to confer with them by telegr4b ' • and: give such orders as•yeu may think best to carryout the object of the ahove arrangement, and supply water to the wheels at •PairnCitint. !•Answer immediately, • ' ! ' • G. W. WriAterox, ....• • • •—• • Assistant President. BEAPUW, Aug 14, 1869:= To U. 11 7 .-Whakon;: Fair rairtiht • rbannot do anything but xnineblEif by drawingdown the 'darns as, proposed,.he cause there will be. no water to fill them JAMES F. SMITH: ; ; .PAIR MOUNT ' , Aug.l4, 1869'.-Jam es P. 'Smitk: i }b plain meaning More Tully.. As the.imvigatioxi s to be entirely suspended until the drought is over, what'harm will it do' to draw doNyn dams.where such draWing will net injure beats ? . However, if, you are clear that no water cau be, spared, ray so:. Mr. Wharton has gone, tome. • ... W. M. Tmoirms..w. ItisArat4,:Atigest 14, 1869.--41eS.Ir M. (4;1, POinhOwiit : If navigation is to be sus pended oven.'the..wbOle hue then i eau . draw several (him* Without, interfering with hoats. MrAGraff - will immediately. put fifteen-, inch high s F tripS on-ainnonnttlarn to'provent wpterrtr4A doing Aver, T can try the expertr rnent dr,awing—down-heaVily..4.f....them I.hould be RoAftitt,_the • ~wp- q td. give relief for two o tbr*s. a 4 nfterwterds;?thiisittudion worse Say what I shall, do. Give me an answer right off. AT1g714i1869,F 4 -JariieB F. Smith, Thewater IS now ,tWelv n.e or fiftee inclies•belerkiiipinf Tairmonnt dant proper: , Send on graduallekalLthewater you can spare without injuring boats. l'he rate at which you can send it can "we - suppose, be regulated to a certain egto e ntahrftelegrams: Three days' supply ma y bevitalto , Philadelthia, • „ • LLOHMAN, YtED." " Aug:TlOAD.uva, . , 14,, 1.869.--To. Fairmount, from I?eading 11 go ,and draw as_mutch as I can or dare, to-night. . SMITH. OFFICE OF' ..TIFF: , SCRATTLE . Iix NAVIGATION ConrAns, , No: 417 Walnut street,-Philadelphia i , At m: 21,1869.—80 n. Daniel. M. For,. .Mayor,of thestlly of Philadelphieir.-Sin:. RefeTrring to my comthunication you'pfthe.llth Inst. ? Lltaye 'the honotto state.tbat since thin aTatither correspondence has taken place between this Cwipany iict he — Chief .11 - ogineer Water,. Department, ; of-which -copies in r closeitit' t t,:v.tor i-efounatioxii, folion - s t i v 12.: • — Augu - 517147 - 1.4%- - Grati•F - GTeref -4---- Engrz --- 'neer, to Charles W„Wharton, Assistant Pres, ident. , • • • 1869, August 14, C. W. Wharton to F. Graft 1869, August 18, C. W. Wharton. to F. Graff, 1869,..Angust 18, F. Grano'. C. W. Whar ton. Also; telegrams Nos. 1 ;II? s,'inclu.sire, dated 14thinst.' 'Respeetfully, . • •' " ' M;Trnountirr'Secietary.- OFFICE OF /%fAYOH OF THE CITY OF PHITAA DELPH/A;Ai*:,:r.3,1869.L-IY. Secretary Schuylkill Navigation Clompinty—ant : I have to ticknowlede the ree,mpt, due. cours.e, of your letters of the lith and 2144 inst., with their several inclosures. The mat tors to which they refer have received iny careful consideration, and Will form. the sitb , ` ject of a message from Inc to CounciLs this day. .1 7 ery respectfullyyours, , DANIEL M.Fox, Mayor. . . PIIILAIELP4i 7 k; A1ig7 . 12;180. his Honer` Daniel M. Fox,- Mayor of the City of Phila-, delphla:-The subscribers, recognizing the portarice' of a full supply of water, beg leave to call your attention to the absence of the quantity requisite to answer the demands of our populationfor ordinary uses,. anti deplo ring the 'denittnil that would necessarily ensue from any extraordinary event, such as a .ca lamitous lire, "We teg to ask your aid and in ; tittence With the Water Department, that, theY shall 'be induced •to euiploy such' instruthen tality and machinery, as will' . keep ,our reservoirs full and sufficient 'to Meet any emergency. Tbounis C. Hill, .Presitient 'Reliance Insu rance Company; G: IV. Wood, Royal Insu rtuice Company; D,'Sberrerd& - Co. ;Thos. H. Montgomery, President - Enterprise Insti ranee Company; , Henry D. :Montgomery, President luiturance Company. td* Pennsyl vania ; Charles 'Platt, Vice . President Instil ranee Company ctf North' .America; Henry Lyl burn, 'SeeretarY Delaware' 31 idual insu rance Company . Atwood Smith, Goneral .Agent Liverpool 'anil , Lconlion ,and ,Globe In t-ttrance Conqmny; Richard S. Sethi', Presi dent L'ition Mutual Insurance Conutany.; G. Crowell; •Secretary Pennsyl•vania Fire In suran Company ;''.llionuoi lt. • M aris, Presi t dealt AnwricanFire Insurance Cetupany... Mr. King offeredthe folleiying: • - .Resolreil, That Frederick Graff, H. P.. M. Ilirkmbine, .and, Isaac Cwin", together with two other persons to be ,by . them selected,'be' andihey are hereby appointed and consti tuted a conirnis.sionfor-the purpose of con sidering and 'reporting to Co - uncils the best plan for supplying the city with water, com ntensurate with the rapidly-increasing size of the city/' The said " commission Shall make a thorough and full 'examination of the subject, and report to these Councils the result of their investigation, and shalllie paid such compen sation as shall hereafter be determined ; by Councils. Mr. FrabeisensmOvecttO refer to the Com mittee on Water.' , r • ' Mr. liing'said be'cMno to the meeting teizie con.lplish something. Ile wanted: Some data upon which to go, and thought it would he a. piece of - e . gOtism for members of Councils puttheirjudgruents against those oftlic Pentle men named in the commission. 1Ir; Franeiscus'said he was hereto give im mediate relief to the citizenS. Mr. ow do. you pronoseto do this? FraneiSeus--By giving all the power to the Chief Engineer he desires. Mr. Smith—z All ho wants; as . lntiderstatal it, is water. Mr. Hod don said he bad a communication from the Chief Engineer; which he proposed should be read. , , Mr. FrancisOg 'Avitlidrew.l4is,pietion ribe i>ouninOcation'is as . fcilfows To the Pmeidelits trod .3fenzliersof Select and (Joni . mu» (-Vaneilt4 of the city of Plilludelphirt: GI:MIX:3IEN: The following statement of facts connected with the difficulties; of the Water Department during thiS period of 'un precedented ilrought, and a few..suggestionS upon their future avoidance; are respectfully submitted for the information of your honor able bodies ' ' • The first inconvenience felt was upon 'the 7th day of July, when We were called upon by the agents of the Schuylkill Navigation Com pany., and requested to diScontintie the Work ing of all our wheels for a few hours of the day whenever the Water was . drawn _do .to a point "below the top surfaee of the dim". 'Jlds • stoppage uthially , allowed slit - 1100A water to-accumulate in the darn to permit the whole or a part of the' win:Oslo - lie run fOr the balance of the day. .. . ,The' stoppage, „, made daily When..'re quested by the company, in deference tO 'the teems of existing agreement between the cor poration of the City of 'Philadelphia and the Navigation Company, the! Anal aerejnient • being' dated JUne, 14, 1824, which' given the 'Navigation (JompAny. "the' right IQ instennp the gateS or openings used' to' draw of thii• water, and Whenever 'the" water is drawn below the top surface of the'dam to; keen the saute fastened until:the water shall' again lie raised as high" as 'the Op: Surface of the datti." - ; ; The cornpanY,,beivever,did 'tiet'e3tercise this right in peremptory inanneri hitt politely ga l qut*ed it to be,done,Pawhieh request we daily, complied, until, by the large tire at the Patter son stores aod other eatiges;thereseriroirs Were drawn down' so in*h::that considered it un iaro suspend pomplog; and •on several days : declined - comPliance with' the,. te4ttest..or the company:f.;• The Supply of water in the river becoming , rapidly so very limited as to cause alarm, and deeming it my duty, to attempt to keep it up by every possible means, a letter,was addressed to the . ..l4ailgation Company (a copy of which is appended), desiring them , to suspend the lockage of any boats through the outlet, , lock at Pairmoant, and Also to draw down all the available;water from the dams>, on the, line,of, tbeli works._ This request was promptly ccibl plied with by the , assistant, president of the , compank,and their ivorkswe,re closed at about 5, o'cloek P. X. on Saturday, August 7,4,1869, and ;have so rernained, • Atthe same time they , haVe, by drawing,thosluices in several of their dams, liept,the,water in ;Fairmount pool high' enough to permit the working ,of , a. ,consider -f able gt , P ofkonT power for a part of each day.., L, ave no hesitation in saying', that:had; the: company not acted in this manner and chosen to :keep their upper dams,.closed, the . city. would, before this, have been• deprived.., of, ivater- , ` • , • : The present drought hag no precedent in the history of , the Fairmount • Works,' either in dtration or alarming results, the nearest tip: preach to it being thirty-one years since, • There' are no adequate- means' within my knowledge by which the present difficulty-can be immediately remedied. The future means are obvious. Attention has been. called to them in:a report, made by a-sub-committee of the Park Commission`..(of which I have the honor to be chairman); and presented to that body. October ]1,1867. it is not considered necessary at this time to do more than itittleatf.i!:tbe;iiuldeS a ua~ geste by • that report as preptraud,:feasiblepr trio. iiigtpoilinprojrApfxloip .. . : theieanstritetionor ti sewer Mantiyunlao a} lnt low Ftiirmauut ' Dam!.: being ititendeAto secure intrity o. the water.);: Second —By; theitnpreVenientet the water power m its fulleSKlMadilt.,;,- ; • • • (By stibatititlitig - filVealid snore economical I-Wheels for the duoidotoirlipels':and!c.Oiago Vtlien use.), , ;•;: „ ; Third —By. the erection of, .large auxiliary' • engines to. be Used:daring the.,•'dry.', Weather:or s on n ef which. t4S,Some'extent,,be so. arranged as to be able to raise: the water front belOw the daM in; cose,:nny'•- accident should`: occur to that inripertant structtiro.", •: • Fearth,-Additionaiengines.or!large'ilze ati Spring Garden Works;' enpable - .of supplying' the Delaware - reservoirs as Nvell`iVithiiir. own. • Fifth -43y the Construction of,. very largo dia." , tributing reservoirs or retiorriair. , • • • • Sixth—The. bidlcilpg of ! large retaining coin.; pensing . reservoirs ',upon • some,of thestreamk at the - head waters of the rives., • • AddtOtheaf the raising of Fairmount Dtunt• ..ahereby the_ ainount wasted, upon, the wheels will be very much lessito , raise the same quantity ns at present into the resorvoir, • anti the .works of the ,navigatiota , he largely improved. find increased in Value... •.! '-..; And the' `substitution of: ; Inclineds. planes, workedLbysteaut-powerrinplacenf-timpresent -, outlet loch; whereby the •water 'tio* , -wosted ! from the • (hunter loekage of anal bOate,may. ve FtitillAftes4 7 -43f;thiFlifiWgiii(oti. Company not be interrupted; -.• • . -;-; • -!'' ; - By these ineftris,_iiimv• opinion, the •'fithr improvementa, the . water -power , from,: the Sclaiiylkill can successfully accomplished, . 'The second; third, 'fourth, fifth ~ a nd 812Cilk suggestionit'requiring"attentioirtintV•v , .1 do net think that the _ unfortunate Position' in Which we are • now placed ;neediMpair our Confidence. inthesiX 7 ,6' - '6oitt i 6e supply if the Itlollllß above inylklU, dleat ed;be taken . . • advantage of.' • -.•-• r' • ••••••• The .experience- of former years slio s that. for - ten.. to eleven _months; the ','year the volume of water in the river is ample • sill the Wheels that' can be..Pbteed irt,; the: Old. During the halance•of...the. year they may be masted.. aa-..reiptired.,bt steara I may add that tome-et:the moansin the a bove report haVe . beimantielpoted t and . put into - exeCution.! , One 'new fi.a.tbitia.- wheel . has..been.erected tise , ; , and another is in course of constrnatiou. A largo Cornish engine lOW' alsc, been. -erected:at the Spring • Garde* Werksi•and has had trial.. The boileraintendedfor it not yet readyfor use. • • • • :•• Believing-that y'onr ...honorabl6, Unites will refer the whole 'subject to the Committee on' Water and this Department. fOr-. early. investi gation, I have confined myself ,t,O•'• a . sun to statement, merely:intended for the present in- . formation of llouncib. • ••. •!: Very respee,tfully, • FREDK. GRAFF, Chief Engineer Water Department. • Ararsr , lea/. The eommunieation was referred to the Committee cm Water. Mr,Tlodgdon, from the COmmittee on Wa ter, submitted the following Gentlfinen: In view of the communication from the Chief Engineer of the Water Depart-, ment giving a full statement of Lire asposition of the officers •of • the Schuylkill :Navigation Company, to relieve the apprehension / of in entire failure of a neeessary supply. of water for the safety of thweity 71.4 well us the positive' neees:dty of a supply fortiogiestie . putpOs'es. mot th e representation of the officers of mid 'Company of the di. tribinien'of•- , 'the boatmen, in consegitence: of 'their detentlein below: the Fairmount locks to reserve the %sitter in the forehay for the use of the city. • • • • • Therefore, the Conmilftee on Water 7wofild Kspeettlilly report the annexed ordinance with a invorable reeounnendation.• - : Attached to the report wos au Ordinanen appropriating, 1. - 4•25,(1:0 to the: Water Department; to - pay the selmylkillNayigation Company. • • • • • 'Air. Hodgdon urged the justice •of this ap 14oPliM on in 'crew of the . act) on•-of the com pany. The 'boatmen being detained in the canal, the company. had been compelled to" liunislo 'nun, and their tunnies with proyi- Mr. Ring said he felt like - doing Justice to all parties, but heldid.•not :think that he was informed sufficiently to juStify,him to vote for this ap . propriation , before he knew the extent of the damage. , • , . • Several members discussed the question, re..; ferring to the magnanimity of 'the Schuylkill Navigation:linking-the drought., • ' ' „Mr. Stokley (President) suggested that we Adult' not decide at once that the. Company has been, a voluntary ;went in this matter. , It Should not be overlooked_ that some of the water came down through a:dam that leaked, and this supply was not due to the Company. - Mr.,Fox said he would vote ,to sustain the Water Committee. That committee reports that this ordinance is necessary: lieL.under stood'iliat the Navigation Comppny have at least one thousand men along tifei. line of the canal, who require to he sustuned, • 31r. Cattell referred. ,to the assertion that the company stopped when they could not get water. The reason for this was that they had abandoned their claim to the use of the water. if the , company is not treatedprop- ,erly, they have,he right and' may exercise `f, to the exclusion 'of the • eityos demand. It s cheap to 'get the water. for the city at $2:;,000. • • . • The ordinance Making an approOriation of,l , -2•:.),000 was adopted, - - • 31r.•Franciscus,,submitted'a resolution, di-, reefing 'the Chief „ Engineer of the Water . Works to adopt all and every means he may deeni necessary to afford teniporary. supply, of Water to the,eitizens. . • • , Mr. Smith said' that Com Mon Connell had. already adopted a resolution. similar to 'this, and suggested thatthia 'should take the place of the one proposed by'3lr.•Franciscu.s. Mr. Fratwiscus withdrew his resolution. - Mr. Fox moved to strike out frfara •Corn- Council resolutions: the exceptions to' hydrants, f• as ,: here' , was the.. greatest waste. The Chief ought to have. power to atop this, 31r. King opposed the amendment, as he thought those who paid a water' rent had the right to the use of the water. ' The, motion• to strike out was not agreed to. • Mr'Hopkins m (Wed to strike out the restric tion of $25,909, but it not.agreed to. .The'resokition•Was then concurred as it. came from 42omnion , Council. ••. • • . • . 3lr:3lellvain submitted a resedution direct.' • ing the • Chief 'Engineer •, to- impure . into the adaptability and economy of Shaffer 86 - Instree's • pionpingOngine...-Keferred to the Committee on Water. •. • ' ' , •. ; , •31r:Iiiiag'sreiolutioit (given above) was next takeri • •• •, • ' ' 31r. Smith _ proposed an aidendmeat, appre.; printing .$15,000:to the ConuniSsion.., . • . . The resolution Was referred to the cidnatuit-: tee on Water.' ' • "' • • . •• " The-resolutions from-Common• Council, in' regard to the 'death of Mr. Harper, were cork eurredfim 3;1, , Complonoßranch.—The message of the Mayor was read And referred. Ofonimittee Mliter Works. • 3 11. .VATAletS r Pffeted ir4s4liethig'; the fa,yor mid Clalef Engineer jointly to in quire into,the. feasibility. efr applying; steam ; power for the driving•Of 'wheels, during the kw.state of the watei,and the prcw pri ety of emploving,,the steam. fire engines to pump water,' i s icitn:the river 4 •irite the reser 31.i.'ilanifitintiVed'fo refer the 'Whole Mat ter to the Committee.on-Water Work.s. Agreed liroliubn offered a „re.solutiOn creating a, jedtt special' 'couirnitted ' , five froui - each Chamber, to- mi - aire , intv the feasibility and probable cost ot introclucing.the water' of the, Lebighi or other .; suitable , stream, for: Con sumption in this-city, ,Referred to Committee on - Water:WorkS. , ' !Also, oiie Appropriating.sloo,6oofor the pro curing of ausiliav steam machinery to in crease the supply,ofwater at Fairmount. ,Re ferred to stune committee. • Bardsley oilered a resolution autho riz,ing the Chief Engineer to adopt such, tem porary measures ati lie maY deem neoessary to Increase the supply of water. • • Mr. Kline moved to amend` by adding; pre viding that the consent of the Committee on Water Works be first obtained. Tho amend ment Wlll3 agreed to—Yeas 20, nays 17. . •••••,. • V 1../ berinmend bjr , .8 rig, -that traliall mitt ajnilYto the stop page of,water in dwellings, _as that the ex enses shall, not. exceed L 525,000... -*greed , ta. The reedlutidn'hs'anierated'then passed. Mr. Evans pmentect• - a zesolution that a . eOlguldtS eumPo3, of Rrederick - Graetf, R. pi '‘ -unlieblittle, CaSsin, and • twb other persons to be selected by them, be created for the purpose of considering anolre arting to Councils the ~liest plan for , supply the cityivith'vtater clinimernanate With in ingt' • great and increasing growth, the compensa tion hereafter to be fixed: Mr. Hanna moved_that. th i e resolution be AStptdiall ilidefinitely,'ns lib believed ftlutt such a conunission we.% not needed, and was offered without Consulting the Chief 4...lnginper,-: • • • • r.lifetzell moved to refer to the Committee , on Water.. Agreed to. Mr. J. C. Martin, offered, the ••following: . Whereas, These. Co:Amens have heard of the'. death of Alexander Harper, Esq., 'Who' for' nine years.was a member of Common'Council, and one year president of said body and feel ing that it is._dne to 'the many virtues that deceased possessed that Councils should, .with becoming respect to his memory and sympathy': with his relatives. and friends, show by our action the esteem and respect in which do- ". ceased Wan held by us ; therefore, be it. itesokst; bythe, /*lag and Counsqn, Councils Of the elill of.Phitadelphla, That we sincerely de plore-tba-losirbrdeath-of--our - later - our - ern - ad -- fellow•member, Alexander J. Harper, Esq., • 111 fo r x N u • e 1. luel 44ll24At*{ honesty and capability endeared ins fP E _nit as ritentland -believing-tlttr-the-cora annuity have lost a faithful, honest, and tried friend, and Lis aged parents a true awl. con 'mint friend • . Resolved, That we .ten der to the farldly of the'dedeased out united sympathy and dondu ,. lence in their sad affliction. Peso/red'," That the clerks of Councils be di rected to have prepared a copy of the above preamble and retolutioes, and transmit-the same to the family of the (Iceman:lL The preamble and resolutions ward. agreeil Mr. Miller ,offered the Chief Engineer of the Water Department to use the stetun tire engines of. the Eire De partment to pump water into the..reservoim. troth the river if the scarcity! of water should require it. Referred to the Committee on Water. . 31r. Hi Huth offefeda•Tesoitition;that When Councils adjourn it be to me et on Thutsday next,. for the purpose of receiving the report of the Comnutteo ou. : Water on the, several propositions submitted to 'them for increasing the suppler cif water to the 'citizens. Postponed for tbe present. • • • • A report of the Committee on Water Works was. received from Select Council, with au ordiumace providing . that $115,000. should be appropr4ated to the department for.payment to the Schuylkill Navlgation,Company,. Pro- Ficktf;that if said C4antimny, should obtain dam- ages against, the city.the'. said. sum shall .bo tonsidered as un onset low taste to such claim. In the course of the-tit:late that arose, it was Stated that the. ScirtiylM. lolayigotjon had ekssed their locks at the solicitation of the city,. and in ,consequenco thereof e ,the-com pany, through she • boats detained, ant losing some three thousand dollars:. in demurrages dailyq • T e ordinance wasiigreed to. • 31r.. /Shoemaker offered is 'ressolutlon based upon'a petition 'that the. construction of tho sewer. on,-Vino street, from Crown. to Sixth, be pastponed, so that the residents of that. neighborhood';miglit IMMO their'reasons n - by they detnt it Ittateassuiry...' Agreed to. Afl- Dorn r.rxtuais . ';itizEv).—TM• distillery of .ianies . &twell,...:4n 'Darien Street, belew Mont gomery iiivato;;lii,i'bOen selied;,.;'eause. of the allegedreinoral of. whisky, front it with fmudu- - lent inspection marks outhe hatrels.'.' , This is the second sviiura within a month or two. . • ' Thd distillery Etfjohit.4l.-gelly, - actrthwest. corner of.TwelfttrandAattatiwood Shies; has beep seized .irregularity in ihelitode. of. CO.inhirthie9te . bushie.ss: ordered 'the seizure of White,tilent; rectifyinestablishment, No. "'222 North Second • mutt, • not on the 4.9xlied of Iliad, but . tveauie !Via within- 000 feet of a dittillery, 'and'!the'assessor ()lithe ,Ffrst District haS, for that yeakm, refused to assess it, consequently : no, 'license has been granted. The ihrti; some ,months ago, com menced. proceedings to'iynnpel the assessor to assess the rectifying. -house.. .The old assessor fluidly did so, but the new one rentses, and he .has been trued for'drimages, which are laid at. .$l5 000. • • • YouNG MEN's CLIMITLAN The monthlr:mecting' of the , Young,' Men's Christian Association was held - last at the hall, 11 0 .10 Chestnut . street, Peter B. Si--' moni, President, in the chair. The essay of the evening was read . by J. 11. Coyle, "on the' subject of "Sabbath &hoot 3.faeldnety.' The subject for discussion, "Is the modern arranp molt for conducting Sabbath schools adequate to the `work before • us?" was engaged In by .several members. Twenty new members were ,elected to the. Association,• after which ' the 'meeting adjourned: . No Mont 31nsie -AT iFAIJIMOVNT To the , very great disappointment of thousands of our eitizens there will be no more4inisie at Faltniourit Pa* this summer, Unlessllrnpas sekeilfailWay,corimind . take the matter`-in hand: The contract entered into,betWeen Dr. William P. Cunnington• and the Park COmmis sion, for :uniSieon 'Wedne.sday . and Saturday afternoons; expired oirSatniday ,, last.' The consequence will be that the Parkwill be shdin Of one-half of its attractions, unless some other arrangereents can beentered intO,to furnish, the'Parkvisiteit With music. , ' Phillit4lolpbll4 , .ll36lsl6..Staternenti The following is the weekly. stett•lnent of the Phila delphia nitwits, ready hp, on Monday afternoon, which, prerents the' follow lug aggregates: Capital Stock • 416,055,1.511 I,oans and I)lacounts 52,300,626 Specie , 4.••• .211,Z l'hth front °flux Bankfl, - Dive to eller Banks. ' 5,9,0,070 nenosite. • • '31.031,595 - ,..... ,..... 10,608,312 United Matte Notes. 12,977,021 ' (liParlngs '33.307,269 Balances • 2,821,617 Tile following statement , :showe the condition of the. Banks of Phiitidelphia,arvettous timee during the:last few nionths:- , • , Lakita. Specie. Cirettlestion. Deposits. Jaw. 4 Z1,718;990 ' 352,483 10,593,719 31,982,869 Feb. l 52,632.813 302,78!J 10,593,351 33,1.42,551 1,1i.r..1 52,251,351 " .;.i.l. 259,913' '. 10,458,568 31,083,931 Ap'll,s 50,499,668 189,003' 10,622,893 29,281,937 " 3ltty 3 ai,tsio,9B2'' - 201;158'", 10,517,3 g 32, 1 %3, 692 J 1111137 , . ...!52;828,367A 'J1%1169,316 ' • c10,619,m • •• •86,478,094 - 4 ,190,631 . 10,622,704. ,34,759,47 2 53.937,521 _303,621 ;10,618,846 ,34,944,832 " 12. 53,140,7'55 .483,293 '10,618,275 33,071,095 53,128,598 456,750 10,818,765 '33,489,570' ••," 'AS ~- . ..,„..52,4193,100 -.390.379. .10,611,973 •••.' 33.112,559 Au • 2t*,11,..,. ..r01,9t53,853 .384,869 10,610.230 , • 33,6XJ,886 • 0' ' 5 2,074,53 0 ',` '323.2111 10,008,381 - 33,789,174,, 11l "51,932,991 -.'268,089 • 33,339,906' ",• 23... . , *244,256 , !"10A8,312 33,031,05' .TllO following lit a detailed statement of the buoiness at the Philadelphia Clearing Ifoune for , tlee•paet, week, fur nielted Itltutagert i • • , Veartess. -,,\43Wianees. ' 85,749,195 86 ~ , $441,313 12 i ~ 1 ,9?4,032 08 410,039 87. 5,7611354 26 461,553 00 , 8,126,975 78 ! , 564,672 43 • • 5,323,256 36, 58/4346 id., ; 5,376,456 15 08 9.4 ~,I 9 0 Bc, VIRST. ' CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS for summer Warders, within'Urn mintitee' • Walk of &B. Central Buiblingrhae airy location; mount , : 1'40; bath:row/1A; , 14rgolaritilienutlit r O pm; piano; gym- madunt; • livery Apply to S. C.. , Relent* Square, Chester county, Pa, . tit*, I)EI.t.M•AI!TENT ; ,'BOARDING'' •,'VT.41.1911 7 11) Li_ • 'in a niee.irtvettifhthily, by h young merchant and hid sister, where they could have the comforts of a limn°, , no other boarders preferred ; gentleman dining Out, rw Orences 'exchanged." Address mating ,torte;ind loca- Oen "K ," 'box 1061, , P00t Office.. „ an2l-3t* ,, ' ,TllO LET, WITIT:'BOARD-;—TWO HAND,' )J.. some second-story uuftitsiehcal repo,: eelqrat. .good neighborhood. e AddressS. A . 17 tide office . TURES. fIAS FIXTURES.-:kfßcE3Cli, a; TRACK-ABA, No. 718 Chestnut street, Mantifse liners of Gas Fixtures, Lampe, 'km, dm., would call tha: attention of the public to theirlarge and elegant assort ment of Cias ()bandoliers Pendants, Brackets, /to. They,- also intioduce gas pipes into dwellings and public , build-. ings, And attend to extending, altering and repairing gan viva. All work warranted. ,‘ AS 'FI FM= qiBZ3 617.!2 • .--. , ".. Men .eeinnOnly: eic*erate'tliOthenie;Some a gntifeantt /4:l4'fitlicr4ll4gi`-,1 nifiCanti.-,1; feel thatlnylife:isNery hOnsietY;roy pleasiVellery cheap Jour, and sorrfnltisuc and tallurei 2 giiiiiieur fanCineanness, and an • deed, mestiwordir'lifilieifAlisif language -•• not mean fOr'*ftli'itt.i they ` - b0x41:00,44 - •• passion - on.nie,,that thetthink it .(fi a meant a:ilk ' imfoikfkatefdesitlik*liicli'malieS '.:Me;t4; iii theie'ffeildS:and ., :Woods so tunch' , arid sail • this 10401 bid'Aoetii,... only rialolvisitirri i ..cannot hesitate in; .choic.e Avritingoaud.Lfhi. natliesti, . tate; thoug,tr 1 ' know that ~s ubject 'As . feritnetried, - ,hy. of Standards; " , for,'; ' ye fools, the theme I.4nOthing, - .thulife:is. ovary, thing Iltl;;that intereits ; tile reader' the,deptti and intensity of the life exerted, We touch °fir subject by j a..iiaint;,:which hitt:the...pyramid of Qui! 'e , cperieucei:nr - bur terestliiit;:regfS' oti by a," liroa'der 'or .nar-,, rower baSe: 'What Nature nothing . ,butAS she .dratv , film ; Mit' and reflects, IrianGive e, and homely' : thenrea,..; It IS:NOW Many themes, that 'Skin u,ap.find : the, and inspiring Be greedy pi occasions, to. expreks your,tbVilglltri,yirnProve the iiiipprtit .bie a*eiiiieS,,t.cfa., per l*ption of the'-'truth:: Im or.OYAllAitAutrits i fitioll:Aregh - 9bleet;_ltoweVer__ --- humbl - e3 - 11 - 0 - ir ever --- sliglatir - tratisle - aqhd proveefitionl' else:, La :there' to be' iiii" proy.. ' . - flows w I opportunities -he may tregleetrit - ift net' ittrVarin that turns,aside this way or that " ; follow its leading, apply it whither k it inclines te.go. „Fruit° the, universe iieN myriad pointsk Be' ayari t its ofd these iniPulteg. '3%Tature makes 'tliciusaire acorns to get one oak. Ile is a wise man and experienced who has taken' Many Views to whom stories and plants and animals arid a myriad objects have each suggested 4 contributed siOmethiek. We cannot write well or truly, but what we write with ,„ n enrsto t (l'hel?tidy untl...eensesAlust. conspire*Witlithe mind. -"kiirerielree I ad' S the of the whole man—that our speech may be vascular. The intellech is TOWeriess to expmss thought without thejsid of the heart,,aud liver, and of every member' , ,Often that 'irk head stands out toci.,dry, wheu itsbould beim mersed. A. writer, a man Wilting, is tile herdie of all nature; he is. , the-dm qintithe: grabs and the atmosphere writing. It, is always ek•tcntial that we live to are doing, do it,,:with.,atlreart, i , There dowers of thought, and there are leat,..es or thought, anti most of ?dui .thoughts`;are! merely leaves, to which the thread_ of thought is the stem. . Whateier 'things r , perceive with my entire „man ~ those,letpe cord,-and it will be poetrY. 11 / lie sounds Which I hear with.the consent and coincidence of all my senses, those, re siguill(ant and musical; at least, theY`Only are heard. I omit the un usual, the hurricanes and earthquakes, and de scribe the cennmon-;-thislias the greatest el arm-. ,and is the true theme of poetry. You may have the extraordinary forty cur province, if you' will; letilie time the OrOilati- , Oire - , me Wei. obscure life the cottage of the poor and humble, the work-days of the world, the barren fields, the smallest share of all things liut poetical perception. -4 (live me; but the eyes to see the things whieb'You Possess.--Thoretur A to Mt!iet Clity pmfapius. -_.. , . . 31r:•31arkhani; 4 4 11 English consul;in China, has written an account of avisit Kiu-foo,the city of concous,xbich, has been. printed with other reports of Dritish,coniuls • in • China and Japan. 'Mr. Markham says Elu-foo is a city of no unportance,,lnit it may he called the histe.,- rical city .of • China. Confucius *a§ • educated, lived, taught,, and .finally . died r. and was buried. • His birth-place ,a cave, is in. the \e-span Hills, some twenty ii to-the'nortt., His representative, a ICtingyik or puke of; the Empire, dwells in the city, the, whole of the north and weit of. which is 'taken up with the grounds of the titu* palace and,temple to-Con fucius, spaciOuSaitd , weeded. The temple is a building on a far more magnificent scale than any. Mr: saw in China. Here are numerotii relics of the'sage Soine . ef. `the bronzei censers, Sc.,&c., bearing le B. C. • 2300. The city has a population oIF abodt" twenty five thousand, whi*j-s-feCimposetkebielly of-- descendants OiCdrifticitts, eight out ; 6f ten families bearbrir7 , ,,hi's surname. The office.? of Che-shier ; r,magistrate..is,,hereditag f in the— fonlilYlll-3'.4.' als4:l.lrikOilk-fAll'ittimintntent.sj When the - rebels". occupied the surrounding country they spared the city of . mindarins, declaringjliattbey . ,:4lo svisfied .to..Zdest ray' the Unjust an con-upt rulers, but that Confucius's descendants could not be 'SO.' . Except the fact of so many : Tatuities beiteing „the':*.tgoeittruati - ie,t which reel:tries gomelittle eiilanation, nothing:, could be more .satisfactory; and it would be-. well ler smite of the risingzenetatiOn it instead - of making books on the, tttrf, they Were to take a leaf -out of. the boctic.ormonfticirk.WitoCive may be sure never saw the face or a bailiff in Kitifen, - anii•WlloSC,biotizeJ;cenSets,:&_c:, were never profaned by..the auctioneer's hammer, like some people's family Plate and racing cups in these degetterWdays.; • Tsin-listen, the city of :Sieneitis, is siniilarly dedicated to the memory of that sage ; he has a fine temple,'and 'his • descendants are pertsioned by the State. - The Doctors. Doctors equire patients, and they:are bully., on approaching a bedside ; they excel in that respect; they beat the silenttread of muses" all hollow. Sometimes it depends on the good looks of the 'loch* where the patient says the disease is located. , "have knuivna.doetor Who was ex,teedinglY inunelyi being told,the cliseasei was in thdlead wheititwai not: ~ Aftbr a doc tor gets to the, beAside,it clepenfis nom circum-, stances whAtllleX ‘l6'i gePeral*they, seiw , the snow-white wrist, stick a finger on it, and haul out a watch and Make their lips go; then they make the pallid countenance open its pallid mouth, atutstielt; out its pallid.tengae so far he can • see • the ;wart§ growiksott his windpipe:- Then he will make a minute investigation of the coating upon the tongue, that, looks like it might, be growitiglUrbite,hair,fii ake az - rabbit pin-cushion for a ladies' fair. Then the old cuss will blow his:, nosea•prefessiemtl blow, shake hishead;s : and say ' '• ' " How lOnglifspig' IYderi Was The doctor will then haul Dirt his book and charge the pallid countenance four dollars ) then look out; of4heeviqow- , anti seeing, his gorse has gone :tOleep, and' Ifitely to `fait (la(n, he will sing' '64 'to his black embossed ' horse= holder : • • " Jim! that laiiselF Ser. restive, : yip'd:better drive him round . a Siptard.""' . \:- Then he'll write. something on piece of paper that you can't tell 'Whether it is an order 'for a glass of soda water or forajPuttSrblower, and sendlt l 'atiothectiry' where ho is silent partner, and the apothecary' man will stick number' 105,065 (te make you think he *,,dohg hig , ,i: r atsiness). on it, encl . _charge iett ,;seventy-flyer •CMis;for.. l doing so. 'Doctors tiallgr stop callingat four i ,fiollars a call until the Plea is able t 919 business without their assistance ,; •POOTS AN I)- S4OES. NOTICE TO.THE PUBLIC ' GENE. 1611 RALPY. 1. - „!, • '..._ ,', The latest styie j j'aehion and aseortment of . DOTS, OBS' AND GAITERS, FOB, MEN AI M. DOYB, , • Oen beled at t t..•. - i , •, • 1 - , !., ;, ~, ER ,Esp , BOPP ,-. 8, i . -- ";,, No. 230 NORTH Nnti'll( STILtET.: j Betterthen anywhere in the City. -A Fityfarrantod,' . • ragmt , i ' ; e GlVE' , Hrltt A CALL. . +,-,,,, ~ :: ~ r ltal:6-FOll BALE, 180 TONS OF J (Jhatk, Afloat. Apply to WoRKMWAN ut & 00. alneat 7' ,FlPl,ll(Nargir , , BANlciNctr4mititui , • I C , • ''' , ` , .tt '4' ./,',' : 4 3 '0. , ,,, R , r : 0 't •,, .%. ) ' p ~ ,„n. tf 41.- ,i % .. :Tyoi, ..r: , 1 1, •;', • ) 1:1! ' 212 and 114 scG , Txrizp sm , P,Epputrr.4,`';' iiii4viLliiti§i' L, „ , _ ~, , •:. 4 -i+;.l IN ALL GOVERiIIiiEWSECURiTIO4."' pirp will receive' ,tiAlleitions" for roliaiei of 's Insurance in'me'new::National -Life In 'surariger CemParlY Ottiie 'ErAteciAlte,*., Sidi inforination giveu at our °Wee. , r... '• , ~... _. ~ . , . , .....; .., ...:, ,_.. ~ I t , .t. li .. A 116,,., i .. ., R , 3 ~ v / -s• , , _.., a-.'• /_...,,_ i k .• - .,.-: ; :,,,4..4:4 - :;;, , -:4.`4.--4 , ... ! ' 7 •: , ,;.. : 1 , 1:. : , •, r ..__...•-: ... . .. .. _ _ ... . . ....... - . . . . . . . . ANREUS, <: AND DEAVERS'I24 GOVERNMENT •SECURITIES, -.,;~ :,,;' UNION PACIFIC BARR= 0 FIRST M9RTGAGE,R9NDS, , GOLD, &c., 4.0 South Third St. A RELIABLE lio E INVESTMENT THE FIRST. MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE. , . Wilmington and Reading Railroad BEARING INTERENIC iT spyric PER Md. a CURRENCY, Payable Ap4,la ad October, free of State and Lotted States Taxes a. Thie road ran throuldes Folgaufed :and rich agricultural end ummtfacturiugdirtrlcr. Foe the yreee n 4 we are offering a limited amount of the above hands at 85. Cents and Interest The connection of this road with the Pennsylran and Reading Railroads insures it a large and remunerative trade. • We recommend the 'bonds as the cheapest first :Class investment in, the market. WM. PAINTER dir; CO., niters and Deplers in Govenunents, No. 88 S• THIRD. STREET, PHILADNILPHIA. 3 ' ITIIiANDOLPII: '-f; emi t K I - Dealers in V. S. Bonds and Itlembers of Stock , -rand Gold Exchange receive an. coauthor 'Wake and llankein ,pad liberal terths; issue Bills of Bnchango on • C. J. Hambro & Son, London. -_ B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankford. James W. Tucker .& C0.,-Paris. And other principal cities, and Letters eV Credit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Streets. MACHINERY, IRON, &C. CUMBERLAND NAILS, $4.80 PER KEG, Containing 100 lbi. Nails; other brands of Nails 64 60 per keg- llordman's Barbed . Staples, 04 So. per box of 10 lbs. Staple% Shutter ' , Wages, from 12. to 17 in., complete with fixtures,' 75 , cts..,-per set; 11.2 in. Frame Pulleys, 25 ;1 3-4 in. 20 ets. • per doro; Lochs; and 415_,per dOzen,n4 the VhcaP-for. the• Cash Hardware and Tool Store Of • , , • 104051 Market Street m,;•zz-stu th iy: XERRIOK 85 BONS, • . ;- ; • . SOUTHWARK F OUNDRYO 430 WASHINGTON Avenue,l'hilatlelpiga, ' !MANUFAOTURIC STEAM ENGINES—Jiigh and Low,Pressure t Horizon Vortical, Beam, OseillaUngi' Mold 'and Cornisb P l n la- BO Cylinder,•FlUA, • ! "STEAM HAMMERS—Ruionyth andßayy styles, and t sizes CABTINGS-Loam, Uri.' and green Sand; Brass, i.ROOFS—Iron Frames, for corriog with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cot, or Wroughtjzni,for-reflueries, water, 111 GAS ACILINERIfrpSue4 as Iletorts, Bunch: Castings Holders and Irriuni t s,„Pnriders, - Poke and 0114^coa • Barrows,Valves. retntirs r SUGAR' DIACHINE us ''VaCintn'; pane Pnron4,- Derecntoro;, srono -13Orners, • Windiersand Eleyntor , s, Sugar.land Born r : Black' Cara, *0: ' ' ' • Sole mentifactnrers of the following specialties: • In Philadelphia rind vicinity,of William Wright's patent ' Variable Cutoff Steam Engine"; • In the United States, of Weston'S Patent' Self-center-, lug and Stilf-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-drain hag Ilia• chine. • -.Glass St hartiM's improvement on Aspinwall Woolsay's Geutrifugal. _ I .Bartolla Patent Wroniest-Iron Retort Lid. Straban's ng Rest. Contractors for the design t erection and fitting up of He. fineries for ivcirklitg Sugar or Molasses. irlopp,g,,; •' • "AMY , tETA,T4 Shvathtngiltrortor's ClipperliailtrißPlta and; Ingot CopTer, constantly! on band and. for Bala' 11.11i1N11.11 , WINSalt & C 0... 3 92. 4 3outhNharvasi, i 'NEW 'EUBLICATXON,S. T OHT TI U S OP NY OF'I2ARRIAGE.-•.A. ,1„. new course of Lectures, its' 7 didivere4 at the 'How, ;York Museum of AUatolaY; embracing, the eubjects How to Live and what to Live fur; Youth, ( lifatuAty And Old Ago; Manhood generally reviewed, the Cause , of In Flatulence and Nervous , Disealont •accounted for -L Marriage Philosophically Considered,' &c. Pocket volumes containing these ectures , for warded, pest paid, on receipt of 25 , , cents„ by' addressing W. A. Leary,_Jr.:Southeaat orperOrriftli and Walnut ptreete,pnuadelphia, fez* ly§ )' , 0r . :•...:1) - A1.0(:* - Y$:$,:t$,-0.-.:).::Ot',t!,PrI.$,T .. ..'...i.J'',.I...:.',A...0.::,4t . ; , ',..:4 - ;:.',P$.1)At , r;..':4.0(fitir:.,..:.:i . 0,0;, - .:i' .. .,i. - _,-:. , I =ME ~~~ ~s~: . ~-'r , IMIZZEiI EDICAL•,- SERERSTITIORSTRWIPATEE.—At ,-hist the prefeesiorils thdfolly Of.priagrating na ture in :the, :effort to subdue . disease. That, delicious saline tonic: -and cathartic, • TARRART'S EFFE,II - SELTZER APERlENT—lleaven's own :Medicine; as Rims bubbled ,s.ince thaareatimi from - tern's laboritory—is displaeing all the Tlaueeotte and debilitating purgatives of tboald school ,and everywhere dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheumatism, and all ordinary complaints of -the atonmeh, kidneys_ and..bewelsz dre yielding to Its benign o pe ra ti on . K0LD,A91,4144 pRUGPISTB.... Iy l 9 to th 3110 • •• Ayer's ,•••• W FortholtenmfationTo. f the Hair. The Great Desideratum of the 'Age. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored \to its, .originat,,eoOr < and the 9 10 ; 8 and ,freshness of:, Thin hair' is thick _O. hair ' checked, and bald 71.4 , ness ; ,.Amen, o vg b not ,„always; cured. :its use. Nothing, can ,restoxe the hair where the follicles 'arc destroyed,' or the glands' ,atrophied decity64.' ut such as remain can be savedr, for Usefulness by ibis aPplicatiori. of fouling- the' lair with a pasty !bent, it.will keep it, clean and , igorous.: Its occasional use pre.Vetit. the lair from 'iurning 'gray or , falling off, consequently preverit, baldness., , Free froin thoie deleterious, substances wliicb make some preparaCions dangerous t and,. injurious to the heir ' ' the vigor em only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIL` DRESSING nothing else can hi:Ai:lnd so desirable:'' Containing neither oil nor dye, it doep not sail white longer on the hair, giving , it a rich glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Drl 1. C. Ayer & -Co. PRACTICAL AND AVYTIC AL CHEMISTS, stiovicuat - mAs' ; • ; • PRICIPs. • $l,OO. ' •• • • • - • Sold by all Dragglata everywfriere. Al 'wholesale by J. M. maws & CO., Philadelphia. inhate:th-s-eow-ly MIDDLETOWN MINERAL SPRINGS , • . . . Necer.befo:ro have tiny 3lineral Waters ,, attained in SO short a thno a,reputiltioin . so general ftB the 31itli11etOvin fziptinff;'Watere aole y, too' tittlither of `ohnost4i,nrrollonS cures they havo (greeted. • EXTRKOTB: FRO3I A FEW OF OUR MANY • ;'TESTIMONIALS: ' 4 • , .i,LlL sa rstlli, No. 269 River st., Troy. : 4 1.11., (Kidney " It his renovated me thoroughly-, killed my pains, and . giveslue back a healthy appetite, digestion, and virenla .F. F. Burlock; No. 'B9 Clinton Place; N , Debility), Bays : ' • General• " I am sure that I owe mr presetit health solely to the daily and persistent:use of, the'water." : • Call fora copy, of teatiaionials in fall. THIS WATEfI'IS FOR, SALE ALL FIRST . ' CLASS DRUGGISTS. Middletown Mireral'iSpring CQmpany, AIIDDLETOWp 9 C. LIPPINCorrT, 916 - 'rilbeFt,Otteet, f whotesaleAgent fOr Philadelphia and, uul9 th tu OPALjI DENT-A.-41N.t--A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcule ' allich infest them, giving tone to the gums and leaving a feeling_ of ; fragrance arid ,perfeet, cleanliness the mouth. le - may be ' used dealt, 'and Will' be found' to strengthen.weak, and bleeding zems while the aroma and detersiveness recommend it to every, one. Bo ing compoeed with the assistance of.,the«Doutiat,,Physi- N clans and Microscopist; it is, conildentir,O,ffered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain Washes formerly in hminent Dentists,' accntainted wit the cOnstitnents of the Dentallina. advocate lth utt64 , it contains nothing to preyentith trtireatrained employment. Mmle only la ( ' JAMES T., &KINN, APothocarY, , ; • 1 • Broad and npruce For sale by Druggists generally, an, htreels.• , - Fred. Browne, • D. L. Stackhilmee, Hasetal & Co., ' Robert C. Davis, '. C. - ' ' Geo. 0. Dewar, Ohas.filuveins; C. 11 ‘ . Needles, , McColiu,' B' • ' T. J. usband,', • S. o:Bunting, Any etnith, «., ghee. Edw rd Parrish,' James N. Dierks, _ Win, B. Weldt, en r ;«.- Es, Brhmhurat r it,N,a;, l Janes :,Rispatorr, e „IlyottAw CaJI 3' 3 k Hughes & Combo, 1 V. Blair ' s Sons, ' Henry A. Bower. Wv ll. et &B WATcYMS. IgwEvitv, ice„, r=nla (---- r - I,OIISIADON LIS ' rm . 7 1 9 DlAlitiik9 iiiiiiilliVii .itififggia• ' I ^WITCRES,JIMMAX 01181 pr. WARS, ' .. L' WOMB arid Vt7ttiVir :411%.T.W., 802 Chestnut St:, Mils I===MWM Ladies'a4d Ge4ts,' Watches ,to _ American and linported; of the moat ' celebrated makers. .0, 'me Vest Ohain§'aiici' tie° . ittliies, . In 14 and 18 karat's. t Diamond and- Other apv,roplry, Of tho latest designs, 'ENGAGEMENT , AND, :WEDDING RINGS, In IS karat and Ooln. SOLID SILVERNV ARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. , TADLEAKITLERY, PLATED WARE, Etc. jal-tf ;-ii i i'''' ' . j.' - 'i..40; , ; , 1-'7 . - sr 1• A r...41 6 yini5.4111. GVIIS/ 1 4 4 A ;.,:. ..r. .. iiik .1:111'.13.0 .:-. litkiiißOAll....-4jtaifEATf. : runk,Line. fAirtr Philadelphiaito i the Anterior ,or Pruitietraula; the, Schuylkill, Sustnialianna.;Haniber: lam) arld . WYOming Villiers; the 'North, NorrnWetik.ag,rx the Canadair,SUmmeir Arrangenititit et Passerg_erTrainm *, '71111 , 131;3569_,1,1eaving thellompanr •slDeeet, Thirteenth',. and t 0 0}10Whill , streets, philadelphity at :the folkiwing moRNING - A.CIIOII3IIIODATION:J4At 7.30 A . ii,..k4. , ,. . Bealling andsdlintermodlate- Station!, ;and, , AllentOure: . Itutingileares Reading' at,(1.843 P. IL, arriving in: Phi tidelpbtiVat 0.15 P:3l - .; 7 , 1. , k. t l' ' ' ' , . , !, 31 ENING EXPRESS::-At 8.15 A. 31..f0r 'Reading; ir ' Lebanon Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove,Taininpia, Snail .., ' , Williarnsport,i Ebnirp, • ltdcbeeter , ' -Niagara ' palls, oil*, MilkesbarreilTittston,c,Yatk:, Carlisle', Clugoi ? t r . inr.g., Hagerinown, de., :.: tt. 4, . , Thep .M. train CiiMll6CtgllVßEalliilg 'ft/lithe East Pennity Viittialliiiiroad trains ferAllehtervim c., and the , 8.15 A, Ili train aeruletis Wit itthe Adibahrin,.. , alloy-train for Harrisburg 6cc,;.at Port Clinton .with.! catawnisaA, R-.-tr .alns for *.i'llian deport:Lock ativen.;Elmiro,'AM_,:' at ' Ilarrisilarg•Aiivith Northern Central, Carnberland ;Val ley.rind Selitirlkill, and Susquehanna trains for Nerth: • umlierland, , Williamaport; York,- Chinribetsbtugipine groveLiAn-..,.' -.!:t,.... . ,i,_,. Airr.EltrtOttri EX.PIIESS.-lbeavea Philadelphia ,St 3.30 - P:3l,ltir Reading, Pottsville • Harrisbargi4e4con -41 necting with Reading and Coltiniina . {road 'trains far • Columbia. Ac. -,.- , . -,:-.--, ~, ....,--,,:;; ri . - ~- ~, . POTTSTOWN ACCO3I3IODATIO, -.k.5..y. isivea „Potts town at 6,25 A. M., stopping at the In !:E - 'Ate...statique , ; arritestri Philadelphia' at 11.:40 A. 31. 1 . 1 IQ Iting 'enrols Philadelphia irt4-410, P. M.; arrives in • au.stownat fiAO READINGI'AND POT'IVILLE - ,' Aotoll - 316.1A'- - T10N,..-Leirres Pottsville at 6.40 A". , M.; and:Readitig at r.,go i.Aftii stopping at all wAtatientei arrive.airOmia 0 delphia 10.15 A. Di. , . . .. .. _. .. .. i ~ etiirning;leavea PlilelPhiaO- .3 t 4 arriiell 1 In Reading at B.OOP. 31., and at Pottsville at 0.4 u P. 31.1 - Trains for Philadelphia, leave Harrisbilrg at B.lOAi yd., end.Potteville at 9.00 A. IL arrivingin Philadelphia at 1.00P.M: Afternoon trains leave iittrrilibUrg itt, .2.011_, P. Id., and 'Ptettsville at 2,45 P: 314 arriving at 'Praia' -- delphs:4s - P7. - 31.1 _ , , ,_ ~., . - : --- p - . ---- .7 - r - 7 - 1 arrialairg Accommodationleav4 e,"„Reading at 1:15 A;,.. M., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P.'7%, onneeting at • 2 . 4 Z, j --ing„lititir,Alternoon A ceommodation. aoliM/11.5 50 4.1 ' tringlirPhiladelphilrato:l3P:3l":" ,-r•frrt: --r---rg r Y7'. - --'ll Market train, with a Passenger - car attathed i leAyetf. at Philadelphia 12.45 noon for PothiVille" and ' .011. .. Wel - 13tatWarl, ealrea - Puttilville - at"s - .40 - AiliW'efitniectmf - at - 1 Reading - with accommodation train for Philadelphia and.'; all WayHtatioas. . ... e ' - - .- .-.1,. ~ .•,- • `.... Alt the above trains run daily, SindaYs'ekeepted. '',.. Sundartr'ains leave Pottsrille att3 A. fef4 , and:Phila. 1 delphia at 335 P. 11.; leave Philadelphia for... Beading at B.OIIA .IL. returning from Reading at4,25r../4- ,, , -, . -, L 1 CREST II 'VALLEY BAILRIIAD,-P.assertgerti Air. Downin and intermediate points take the, .7.50"5L.', ' M.,12 and 4.80 P.! M. trains from Phillidelphia,returto: in g from Downingtown at 6.0 A... 41 ...,I.oo',l't 2 1 1 - . and 545 :. P. -.- ~. PHIIEI433IE/4 RAILROAD.-PaiserfertifOr'Skinra'ekl' take 7,1a1A .31,4.30 and 5.15 P.M:trains or Philadelp_hia returning from.Skippack at 6.15 and 8,15..k..3 1 .,1100 , P.5e. Atage lines.for various points hi Perklorneri Valley. „eon-, neutwitli trains at Collegeville and Skiptiaele: ,- • • ,-. ' -.- NEW-YQRK EXPRESS P.OR .PITTSBUR4III.' , AND T. 1114 WEST.--Leaves New ,York at 9.00 ..A.-1114 .5.00 and. SAO P. It ", passing Reading at 1.05:A. IL, ;1150, and . 10:19r 1 0 ,-31.,und connects at Harrisburg with' Petinsylininia ~and N orthern Central Railroad Express Trains for' pitta- ' burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira,,Baltimore,r itc., , FteturpWg, Express Train leaves HU rmburg on ardyal , of PenxisylvanbtExprera from Pittsburgh,itt 2.35tmd5...33' - ZAZIti. and 10.55 P. 31., passing Readiatat 4.30 and 7.05 A. - Id i and-12.50 P: H., arriving at. New yetis. ,-11.00 arid 12.20:, PIM. and . 45.00 P. 31. Sleeping ,Cars .aceompanythese trains- through between . Jersey' City acid Pittsburgh, without-chang .A e. : .. , • . ~.• . -,-; ~' • I Mail train.for New York leaves Harrisburg at 810. • 111. and 2.05 P , 31, Mail train for Eiarriabur,gleaveti No York at 12 Noon: - - , -s . .__ • " -, '' • • .. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAIIROAH-Trains leave ; - Pottsville at, 6.30 and 11.30 A. 31. and 6.40 P.3.l..returnhig front Timmins. at 8.35 A. :it., 2.15 and 4 . 15 P. IL •• - - . 'I3CDHYLhILL AND SUSQUEHANNA. RAILROAD --Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A. 31: and 3.20 P. 31. for' Phiegrove and Harrisburg,. and at.12.10,n00n for Pine-. , grove and. Tremont; returning from Harrisburg, at. 7445, ,A!..31.. and 3.40 P. 31., and from Tremont at 6,45 A:fit and L. 5.05 P. 31. ' - TICKETS.--Through first-class-ticitsteund eudgrant: ticketa to all the principal points in the North and , West and Canada, • , _.-Eircrirsion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and F Intermediate Stations good .for day,,only are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market. Train, heading; and Pottstown Accommodation Trainaat reduced rates: Excursion Tickets to ,Philadelphia, geod for day only, :are mild at Reading and Intermediate Stations by, Bead-. •inf and,Pottatown Accommodation Trains at reduced The following tickets are obtainable only_ at the - Mite of B.ltradford, Treasurer, No. Z 27 South Fourth street,.. _Philadelphia, or of , G.A. Nicol's, General Suparinten- , - dentin-ending. ' ' , ' ''....- Commutation Tickets,ae2s per cent. discount, between :any points desiml, for families and times. ?. • • Mileage Tickets, good for 2.oooloiles, between allpoints ' 'at e 52 50 each for families and firms. • . - .. ' fieueon Tieketa, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points,.at reduced rates _ . •-- -'-'. Clergymen n.siding on the line of the road. will he far -nished“with cards, entitling themselves and ,wives to tickets at half fare Extursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta . lions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re doced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office; at Thir teenth and Callowhlll streets. - -' . , , , . -: FREIGIIT.-Goods of all descriptions. forwarded to. all the above points' from .the Company's New Freight. Depot, Broad and Willow streets. ' 1 raight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.33 A. M.:, 12.45 i noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. DI., for .Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and alt 'paints be-, ytind. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places en the road and its branches at 5.. A.. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at BA2.ISGGAG . 31. E. _ , .. t'' . - , , Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No.' zi.sl,iontii Fourth street, or at the Depot,.Thirteenth and Cal Lewin!' streets. , 1 OitTYl PENN SYLVANLA. ItAItkOILD: .L.,—T,Etr. RIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest:aaal most di rest • line to, Bethlehem, Easton •• Allentown, Mauch Chunk; Hazleton, • White Haven, Wilkesbarre, lifahanoy City, itt..cannuel, • Pittston, iTunkhannock. Scranton, Carbondale and all the ,points in the Lehigh and Wyo ming coal regions • Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, W, corner Barka and American streets. SU3I,3IEA. ARRANGEMENT, 15 DAILYTRAINS. —On and Salter TUESDAY, June Ist, .1869, Passenger Trains leave the .Depot, corner of ,Betits• and American • streets, daily.( Sundays excepted), as follows: ' 6.45 A. 31; Accomatiodation for Fort Washington. '. •At 7'.45' A: MI-31orning Express:for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on forth. Pennsylvania Railraad, connecting at Bethlehem witlt Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown,' Catasaraina, Slatington; - Mauch Chunk, Weatherly,' eanesville, littzleton,W hi to Haveu, Wilkes barre. Kingston, Pittston, Tunkhaunock, ant all points in Lehigh 11.11 , 4 Wyoming - Valleys; also, In connection with Lehigh and 31nhanoy Railroad for Malittnoy City, and with Cataw ism Railrcitid Ide.r. Rupert; Danville, Mil ton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Clam& at 12 9.1.; at V, at at 2.511 r Illalianoy City at 1.501'.M At 8.45 A. 11 .—Accontmodation for DOylostown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for. Wil low-Grove. Hvtboro' and Hartsville, by this-train, take Stage at Old York Road. 9.45 M. (Express) for: Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Wilke.sbarro, ',Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown • and . Easton, and I~mots on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris and Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley Railroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington: stoppaig at intermediate Stations. 1.15, 3.15,5.20 mid S P.M.—Accommodation to Abington, At 1.45 P. M.—Leirigli Valley Express for Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown, Mauch chunk, Hazleton White Haven ,Nt ilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and W yoming Coal Regions.... • • - • • . 7 At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. , At .4.15 P. 11.—Accommodation for ROylestpairili stbp ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. 31--Through • for Bethlehemiconnecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton. Allentown - , Mauch Chunk, . At 6.-01'. 31.-,Accommodation for `Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. , At 11.30 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9A. 31., 2.10, 4.45 and 8.25 P. 2.10 P. N., 4.45 P. M.. and 8.25 P. M. Trains make direct Connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Saimaa.' Minna trains . from Easton, Scranton, Wilkeidairre, Ma. hallo . City and Hazleton. • From Doylestown at' 8.25 A.31;;4.55 p.3l.and 1.05 r .. 31 From Laardale at T. 30 A. M. - Front Fort Washingbou at 9.20 and 10.35 4. M, and 510. P. M. • "011 SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for BethleheMat 940 A: 11. , • Philadelphia for Doylestowri at 2.00 P. M. Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P 31. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6,80 A. 31. 11,1 hlelteru for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31. . . • Abiagton•for Philadelphia at 8' P: 11. • - ' '• Filth and. Sixth Streets Passenger - cars convoy gere to and front the pew Depot. • • • , • 'White cars • of ' SeCond 'and' Third-Strees Line• and Union Line run within a short distance ut the Depot. Tickets must be procured , at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. " ••• ' • • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked 'through to_princi-• pal points, ut Mann's North. B.aggage Nxposa. o. 105 South Fifth street:- • IA/EST CHESTER , ' AND EL- V V . Pill A 'IIAILROAD.- , -.Slimmer Arrangenieut.—On and after MONDAY, April 12,1869;Tralus will leaveas Leave Philadelphia;from New DOPot,Thirty-first and Chestnut streets; 7.25 A. Al: 9.30 A. 31., 2.30 31.,4.L5 P. M.,4.35 1.15 P. M., 11.90 M. Leave \Vest Chester, from DePat, on Emit Market street, 3.25 A, 111:,725 A. 31.,7,40A.31., 10.10 A: At, L 55 P. M.., 4 .W.P.I . 11. . . • Leave Philadelphia for B.D. Junction and Intermit. diato-points, at 12.311P.M. and 5:45. %Leave C. Juno Lion fur Philtidelpihid, at 5.30 A-.'31: and 1.45T.:111,, , Train leaving West Chester at 71U atoll at. B. C; Junction, Leant, Glen Riddle and Media; leaving 'Philndelphi a lit 4.35 - PUMA', Glen' Riddle, Letini and .11t 0. Junction., Paseongers to or, from al ations betweep West Chester and Junction going Bast, will lake train leaving West Chester at 7.25 A. M., awl car Will be Attached Passengersxess Train at 0, C. .1 Unction; and tio.illgArest, for Btations above B. (I.Junetton wild take train leaving:Philtidel ithia'at 4.35 P. M.; apviti 'change ears at B. C. 'June , , . .m, The Depot in Philadelphia, is reached directly by. the Chestnut anti Walnut street ears. Those of the Market' street line rutwithin'Orto saUttre. The cars Of both lines lee connect witdelt train Upouito arrival. ' . us SUNDAY S.—Leave Philadelphia for liTestsChester 'et 8 A. M. and 2.31) P. 31. ' Leave Phi/Itel phia for B. 0..3 tuictioh at 7.15 P. M. L. avo West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and Leave B. C. Junction for . Philadelphia at B.OCI A. qt Passengers aro the to take, Wearing Apparel only, an Baggage, and tho Company will not in any case be repponaiblt , for tln tunountexneeding one hundreddol tars, unless a special mintreast be made 1.. r the same. . , . WILLIAM WHEELER. . ' General Superintendent. VAST FREIGHT *.LINE, :VIA. NORTH PENRSYLVA.NIA. RAILROAD, to Wilkosbarre, MithanoylJity; Mount Garniel,•Oex Crane, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By 'new arrangements, pert:Med this day, this' road is . enabled.to give increased despatch to merchandise con signed to the above-named points. Goods deliVered at the Through Freight Depot, '' • - S. R:eor.:Front and Noble streets, Before. P.M.. will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel. blehanoy City, and the: other stations In illahaney and W701E1114 TIMM before A. M.. the socceruing day. CLAREI Agents ..0141)50Y,.i slid • Pis 1.4_ 'RAII , IIOA73:OO3EPANK4II . V OD is toßew Ybrit,iind irayo • oat itreet wharf(' ' ' rAtits , it .- • rsOr talfrrYwilly.; l . F. At SA0,1,311;111 CaT;lhenriaP't;Atbin'AilfiV4igi At BA, 111.,,y Camden a d t , Y 1.• • At 3.00 Otrndun'ind' ambby Rip; OF At Pi 111. for At:ahoy:and; intermediate station9)l. l . At 630 and B' A. K. and 2 P. 31.., for Freehold.._.., At 8.7 A ., 31 :M. for Long Branch addhllol.: n. At 8 and OA.3;' 12 M, 2420 itm14,30 31:',for•TrtottOn.n At 6.30,Ei and io A. 111,02 At-1 2 a 3 . 304 . 30 , 6 , 7 aud.1 1 -1pP..,4,9; •• fur Berdentown , Fio,tenteonnynt l ol 2 9 l ' B 4o an u L 'a • At 6. 3 0'andi 0 A1 151 c, 13 1tt,' 1 . 3 041804,7 and 1 1.00P1'311:fer. p;dgewatig e ßitersido,. RiveriOn, Pahnyra Aiottl House;ad 2P. MI; for . ST The , 11.80 Pi' 3CL , •Lid 6 - .10 . 41C of arket iftrce s tbrupper -ferry; :, ..t .;• • .! From Konsl ll llonD°ooE • • ' AtII X. 11,, rityaelimington anti ,Tereoy , Ci .; N 8 Tot '. Expreps Mae • • ' '• • •' • • • 193 00 ' At 7.30 and11.00'A:l1141 2.30, 3.30 and 8 P:111.. for Trenton - andll,ristol. &Id at /0.15 A. 31. and 11.1",..31, tor Priato.l.l . At 7.3dand 11 A; 31.; 130 'and 0 P.M. fer. 3lo yriav! l lo ann. Tullytmen:- • • -. • • •, • At 7.3o•add 10.15 A: •31,;230i .11:94nd OP. M. for Ekdoloirk t o ' tin.!.Eddington. • , •3f •.• At 7.30 and 'A 10.15.;31'.; 2.30, 4,15 two 6 .i.;ror walie, , riirrelvialojEiplmeaborit k Tii6opnWitalobmiag; brideiburg and trrankforti, amt Ibr• Holmes . 'burg and lutermediato• ••' 7 • ' From West Philadelphia Depot rid cent ecttrigliallway ' At 9.30 A :31•:, 1.20 . 4,6.45 and .13 P. iNew ':Tbrk , Ex: •press ,e via• Jersey City ' ,At 11.30 P:M..Emigraut • • At 930 A.. 31., 1.30, 4, 0.45 and 12 P.M . 'At 9.30 A; 31.. 4,645 and 12 P. 31., for Hato'. '• • - ••? ,1 -At 12 P.M.I Night ) for Morriirville,Tu lytown,Boho ,16' , Rdding_ton, Cornwelln, H Torresdale,.. olmesbntgio • ;cony, Wissinombag , Brideshurg Frankford The 9:30 A. M. and 6.45 and 121". M: LineartUt . All' •• • 'other s Sunday. excepted.; •• • :" i leavinglimatio K to. DeporrtaittOb • • • .Third or Fifth streets, at Cbmitnut, at half atf hour.be- Tore departure.' The Cars of Market Street Railway di.trectiO_West PlfilelelonlaXienakklbaalstnt " -witlinernertertmrer-on - SuudttraTtna Mart- • • e ' I will run to connect 9.30 A. M. and 6.45auvap... • • 31. lines - • • • • • , • • d BELVIDERE--DELAWARE--RAILROAD from Kelleiti!rton Depot. • . - • . • • .. At 7,30 A. It., for Niagara Valhi; ilintraloO)itiiktrli;', Elmira, Itigicti, Owego Rochester, B jmithampton, ' Oswego, Syracuse, Great Jend, Montrose,. Rgikesbarre,! :130hooloy,'0 31ountainokci, •• . • • t • At 7-W A. M. at;11, 3.30 P. at..for , Scrariton, Strands.. , bilrg, Water Gm ,' Belvidere,„ Easton, ToamhertVille, • ylemington; &c.. The 3.30' P. M. Line connects 'direct with the train leaving.Easton for Mauch Chupk-,Allen- ; .totra,Betblebem, Ac. • • • •:. • At 11 A. 31. arid 5 P.M. for riamliertillie and intergie- ' Akita Statione.•' _ -• • • ....• •,c • 4.Ia3IDHN AND sußbniaTori .cD„,,Altrp• PE3I-11ER i . TON AND I.IXGIITBTOWN BALI.BOARS, from3lar 1_ ltet street Ferry (Utiper Side./ •' . .• • , • • • At] and 10 A, M.,1,2:15,330,11d6.30.13}.fed.Merchnt5.. • ;ville,Moorestowni•liartford. illasogyjiie t liainsport,. ...,141ount Smithville, Ewansviller, eel/town, ' 'Birminglmm and Pemborton.• • At 10 A. sit for Lewistown;: WrightstOgit,JGookstown, New Rgypt and Hornerstown,, ••• ; •, At 7 A, 1 ..and3.30.P.31,f0r, IdsyletOttii W r ight,,-. town, Cookitorn;•Nebt'Egypt,'Borneretown, Cream` 'Ridge, lndayeto*ni Sharon and Hightstown ••. . • . Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger.. .I•Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag :gage buts their wearing apparel. All baggage over 'fifty 'pounds to be - paid , for extra.' Ti..' Company limit their fresponsibilitrfor baggage, to. One Dollar per pound,.. • and willnot be 'table for any, .antouut boYandi Om. ceipt. by speciarcontradt. , • • Wickets cold and Baggaga p hocked • direct through tb ;Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, Now Haven Prot idepce, Nen:port, Albany, Troy,Sariitoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, ltothester, Buffalo; Niagara Fails and' Ibuspensuitißridae.• • • • , • • . 7 • ti An additional Ticket Office 18 located at No. 828 Cheat f! Mut street, where tickets to New York, and all , imgor ;tart points andinay'bo procured. Persons' .gourchasing , Tickets at this Otlice, can have, their bag :gage checked from resblences or hotel to destinatlon,by . /Union Transfer . liaegago_ 'P Erpress, _ Wes from:New York forhiladelphla will leavii tram'' • foot of Cortland street at 1.00 , and 4.00 P. 31., via Jimmy 'City and Camden. At 630 . P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington.: At 7, and 10 A.M., 12.30,5 and 9 P.3l.,and / 12 Night; via Jerbey City and West Philadelphia. • . From.Pierl.lo. 1, N. Elver,' at 020 A. 3f. Accommoda tion nada P. M.Sxpress, via Amboy and Camden. • . July 42.1869.... • Wl5l. U kIATZMEIt, Agents. DENNSYLVANIA ' CE N TRAL::: RAIL. 110AD.-813BIBLER TlME—Taking effect Jane 6114 - 1609.; The trains of the • Pennsylvania Central. rallies/S -leeve the Denot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,w)ilch sis reached directly by the ears of the Market Street Pas 'aenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train Leaving Front and Market atreet thirty minutes before its departure. Those of .the Chestnut and Walnut Streets - Railway run within one squnre of the Depot. Sleeping Car Tickets can be bad' on -application at the Ticket. Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut street', and at the Depot. • • . • Agents - of the Union Transfee COmpany will call foe end deliver Beim° at the Depot: Orders lett at N 0.901 • Cheetnut street, No. 116 Market. street, will receive at tebtion TRAINS LEAVE DEI'GT,YI2.:.• - " Mill -- .........--at 8.00 Paoli Accom at 10.30 A.11.,1.10, and 7.00 P.. 51,, Fast Line.....—. .... ... ... . ... 1120 A. M. Erie Exprees...-...... .... 11/1.1 A. M. liarrisburg 2.3/ P. M. Lai/meter Accom.- ..... 4.00 P.M. 'Purksburg ....... 6.30 P. 51.• Cincinnati Express . . .. at 8.00 P. 3.1.' Eric 'Mall and Pittsburgh ................. ...at 10.30 P. M. Philadelphia Express- .e.a.' at 12.00 night. Erie Mail leaves dallyi except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Williseorport only. On Sunday Men passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. • Philadelphia' Express, leaves dully. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except' finuilay. For this train tickets ninst.:bes procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 136 Market street, TRAINS ARRIVE A'T.DEPOT, VIZ.: • Cincinnati Express " at 3.10 A. M. Philatielploa Express ' • ' -at6./.0 A. M. Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 /1. 31. and 3,40 & 8.26. P. 31 Erie 311111 and Duffel:, ,Exprees... • at 9.35 A.M. Parksburg Train ........ ...... .... . . ....nt 9.10 A. DI: Fast Line.. • •e • • • at 9.35-A. Dt .Lancaster Train 12.31 P.M. Erie Expressat 4.20 P. N. Day Express. ' • . 'Ait 4-70 P. M. Southern Express ..... ..::. .•.• r at 6.46 P. M. Ifarriaburg Agoirimodation: 'at 9.40 P.M. For further information, apply to • JOHN F. VANLEER, Jn., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. , FRANCIS FEAK, Agent, lis Market street. SA3i DEL H. WALLACE, Ticket -Agent at tho Depot.' Jim Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk fur Baggage, except for swearing apparel, and 'limit their responsibility to 'Ono "Hundred Dollars in value All Dageaca exceeding that amount lu value will be at the risk-of the owriemunleesstaken by special con.' tract. . • EDWARD,II. WILLIASI4, General :Stiperintendout.4lbiona, - Pa. 137i'JLADELP137A GERMANTOLWN AND 110.1MISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA. BLE,.—On and after Monday, May .3d. 486 3 , aud• • further notice: " . • • • FOR GERMANTOWN: • • , • Leave Philadelphia-6, 7. 6,9" • 10; 11,12 A. M., J. 15,41, 4.4.33, 6.115, 5%, 6, 6% ' 7,8,9; 10, 11, 12 P. 31. Lenvo Gerntantown-6, 7, '116,6. 8.20:9, 10, 11; 12 A": N.; ' 1. 2,4,4,4%tti,5;;;q,6M,7,8,9,1_,U 11;1'.11. • " 1 -• • • She 6.26 down-tram, and the 331-and 6%uptraius, will not stop, on the . Germantown Dram h. . • ON SUNDAYS. ' • : Leave Philadelphia-9.15 A''. M., 2, '4.05 inflintos,7 and Gonnantoint , 43.ls A. 1,3, 0 and 931 P. M. • CHESTNUT HILL. RAIL ROAD. Leivis 8;10 ; 12 A. M.; 2, 33 x, 511,7;9 and PP. M., • • • • Leave 4,laestnnt Mill-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40 and 11.40 A. N. 1.40,3.40,5.404.40. 840 and 10.40 P. St. • ' ? • ON SUNDAYS. Lein . ° Phihnleigibia—tua minutes A. 31.• land .P. 61. Leave Chestnut 1110-7.50 minutes A. hl:; 12.40,6.40 and 9.2.sntlautee P 31. FOR CON gROHOCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave , 9.11115, A. M.; 1%, 3,436, 5, 3)4,635.4. 05 , 10.05 and 113% . • • . Leave Norristown-6.40,636,7;736,.9; IIL A. 'I. 111.; 1%, 3, 4);_,_6.15, &and 9% P. 111.. • • ..., • NW - TIMM A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop 'at 111 ogee's, Poles' Landing, Domino or I:Schur's Lane. oar The 6 P. 31. Train front Philadelphiltwill stop only at'School Lane, Alauevutik and Conshohocken:, ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia-9 A. FOR U. Di 4 and? .15 P .M. . Leave Norristown-7 MANY L U in9 P. M. R. .; LeavoThiladelphin-6,7%.9,11.05 Ms.; 135, 3,1%, 5, 534,6.16, 8.05,10.05 and 11% M. • • . - Leave Altinityunk-43.19,7,71:03.10;9.4,11% A. 1142,34, is, eV, b. 30 awl 10 P.M. tl Thes P.M. Train from Philadelphia will stop only • at School Lane and Mannynnk. • ON SUNDAYS. • • Leave Pldledelphia--4 A. 51..; MC ilia 7M P. L eave Mainityunk-7% A; M.; Hi, 6 atid Ohl P. M." • • . • tW. S. WILSON. General Superintendents , • ). • ••, ••• Depot, Ninth anti Greet} streets. IT ' " - .TIME REC.,OItD. _T11.1.1. PANHANDLE ROUTE. • 119 - 26 HOURS to EIIiCIENATI , , via PENNSET.N. , N I AdtAILROAD AND PAN- HANDLEMir HOURSiesa , TIME than by coprPETING LINES. • PASSENGERS takintr the B.OOP. DI TRAIN firrivo'fri . CINCINNATI next EVENING at 9:0 ONLY ONE N1GIIT•on the ROUTE: , tsj THE 'WOODRUFF'S celebrated: Pallid() _litate , Room SLEEPING-CARS ran through', from cP MLA" , DELPHIA to UIN olpi NATI,. . •Passongers taking the, 12.00 M. and 11.00 P. M. Trains reach CINCINNATI and' all _points WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN , INAD. VANCE of all other Itpit tea. • • P t OW! Passengers - for CIIRIINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS,• ST. LOUIS_,.CAIIIO, CHICAGO, 'PEOEIA,_BULING' TOM QUINCY, MILWAUKEE, 'ST: PAUL; OMAHA,: N.T.I andu II riohits WEST:NORTHWEST-And WEST, will be. articular to.ttalF fog, 'MIXFa§ !Or' Ylit gANAin.IiDLI., ROTE, , • •ifr To' SECURE the uNEQ,UALElVladvitittages of this - LINE, be, VERY PAATIOULA.R. and , ASK. - : FOR TICKETS . 4 11lia, PAN-HANDLE, } '- at , TICKET FICES. X: A W . „ CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT SU : , - NO. 116 MRKET STREET, bet. Second and Frontets. Awl THIRTY-FIRST and•MAßKETets.rWest Pldla. F:SCU.LL, General Ticket A.gent,-Pittshurgh. ;OEN lIIILLF,R, General Eastern Agent, 826 Broaq-:. 111/OADELPHIA•!'ERIE RIOADI-SUMMER TIME TA.ma3.—Through:ana , Direct limit° . between ,Philedolphia, Harris-, rishurg, t u o‘ the Northwest' and' the Grea 4 Oil Region of Penhaylvania,--Elegant Sleeping Ctira all Night Trains._ . . • ~.. On and after MONDAY; Mull 26,, 1899; the Traina:cin - , the Philadelphia and 'Erie Railroad . will rah as follows. WESTWARD. • • , a P Mail Train leaves Philadelphia lo . 4B P. •Willitunspery • 816 A. AL' , " pt Erie 9.30 P. -M'. ErieExpreps leavea Philadelplda , Willianispoyt " " 'arrives :at Erie' • • ' 10.00 Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8.00 A. M.,. " ;Williamsport.. 6.31 P. DI. 1 • '+arrives at Lock Haven • ' 7.45 P.M. • "•:, • P • , EASTWARD: ,, .r -• . • . . • Mail Train leaves Erie " " " Williamsport ' 12.20 A. M. 11 ' "'Arrives at Philadelphia • . ' 9.25 A. Erie Express leaves Erie 6.25 P. M. Williamsport ' 7.60 A. If arrives at Philadelphia ---4.10 P. N. • •J hail and Express connect, with °R emelt and Ails. Deny River Railroad. Baggage Checked Through. ; . ALFRED L. TYLER; General Superintendent, \ TRAD,•RlAltfilesOlflPEt* " 11011)ITLADELPIITA, 42, BALTIMORE RATLROAD—TDIE TABLE. Corawrpt , ,i7.. ;Edit& MONDAZ, , May.„loth., 1880 r Twine . -will leiuratetys , oto cont#l: Broad- taut Wasliinatent: a:verano- U-fol.-44,i IAY MAIL TRAIN at 830 A. (Sunday's excepted), r e 'Baltimore, mopping IPI at all Regular Stallone Con- .te entts ara lettirptut yf W,iltalngtfea. itdr yip riptieldlithrinttsrnfeulattitilatione. ' " • 01 EXPRESS TRAIN at,12.00 #Sandaystexcepted). for i) Baltimore and Weelahwtou,stoppingi st Wilmington, perriville and Havre do Greco. Colmects at Wilming „t/tir with train for..N Crtgtle. ” • EXPRESS TRAIN at 4 00 P. 31.( Sundays excepted), tri t ßilitizeore and Washington, stopping . Cheeter,,, linrlow, Llnwoudelaymont,,Mi ilmington, Noy/Port. • • .4 atitoti; , lioarork," . ,North East,' Charleatown. Feryyvillh, , litatifo Grate, Abakileen, , •Penyragn Is, ,BdatewtMtiliNaolh., Chase's and Stommer's Ran..., • • rIRGEPP EXPR.E81121.30.R..31. (daily 'for Baltfmora . and Wilehfrigt6n; - ' atop lug at, Chester; Thiirlow ' wood, Clayinont', Wi gtOui , Nnwark, Elkton, North' ," ~East,, p dayefile(Rtivreidefirtica, Perrlmatlll and Mag. • '?„ 9 l ll a ft eaC44o.. ' fiii ii!idt4ortolk will take vino irmat. Trairt:• I at, , •-• W11.4111N ()TONI TR.frIXB--.Stoptig at all Btationr • betaeen Philadelphia and Wilmington, t ' Leavo FIIILADELPHIA at 11.0 A. 31. and M. Tho 0.00 P. 31 „train ncinhecta with Delaware' Railroad for Harrington. antl Intennediatartatione.. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 4.. Id., 1.30,# . 13 and 7.00 P . M. The 810 A. M. train Will not 'liter'', 'between Chester' and Philadelphia. Th'e 7.00 P. train' frorn ;Wilmington 'rune. dallyiallotherAcconamotbitlftTraltit Sundays exeept.d. , , •• " „ , , . From BALTIMORZ to REULADELPULk.z-Leayea 'Baltimore 7.25 A. 31. Way Mail. , 9'.36 42.83 P. 31.,.Exireew. 1 7.231'. 31., Expreital • ,;f 4,4 4 1 ; • ..SDNDAY RAIN FROM BALTIIIIpRei vets ~ BALTIMOR at /.23 P. M. Stopping at ;iguana, r rYttian'a, Aberdeeni.Havro-de-Graca,Perryvlll6,obarles•-• town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport:; , Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. ~., PHILADhLI'HI RAILROAD TRAlNS—Stopping at all Stations* on Ches.) ' ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central road. vgins day excepted)t 7.00'A.M. and 4,35 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Chadd's Ford hu7 Q 0 A...lll..TrainwilLatop at Philadelphia and Larnekln. • • A Freight' •T'rain 'with 'Passenger cat attached 'Wilt 1 . I leaVe Philadelphia daily (Sundays excepted) at 2.00' P'.. • , f days exceptt )at 6.40 A. 31.19.211'A:-.llii and 2.30 ; • • Leave Cha d 's Ford for Philadelphia at 0.13 • ' .A Sunday Train will leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. IL t, . for Ihreet Grove, and - into:mediae Stations. liettiniing, hill leave West Grove at 4.30•9:1%. ;,' • • • Tralhs leaving WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. M. and 4.16. , P, M., will connect at Laznekin. 'Junction •with,tho,7,..)tii.; A. Maind t3t) P. 11 . trainefor Balt i more . Central Through tickets to all point West,' South, and . Southi• west may ha procrired at the ticket °Mee,' Obeetuut•l•si l :, letrcet, ander Continental Alotel,:where slso Btato Boons' sad Bertha in 81coping Care can be secured during the " 'day, Persona cattchaaing tickets at this' •oitrce can have !bd. Mao chocked at their residence hy the Union Trans- ,•• voppany, . , i TtENITED* 8 1 31)1' - - - - , QHORS.EIST:' ROUTE•!i•TO , ,.. I III.ICSEA. 1.0 :, • •_••• L .I. ',, ••,• •`:SHORE! • ••••:t.i% . - -..Z. .• ~ , • . CAMDEN ANA ATLANTIC RAILROAiI,, ~ . ' • SUMBIER AItRANGEItIENT: , , _ ,_ ' ''I'IIROITGE TO ATLANTIC 'CITY) /NIACMOURS I • ,• . - . TARES EFFECTJULYtIASOLit- I , i L. - .•'. Through Trains leaves Vine Street Berry, as follows: • .. •, Sbecial Excursion . • ,—...4.15:A. Pd.; ' :Mail ' " ' ' '' ' ''' ''..,.' .." . i ....-.4:48.00A.J1T.' ilFreight (with pasaengor car),..,:„.',41.5,.4...a.4 , 40.411-A.11t. - . leress, through in P M hours ..........3.15P.M.„-. .. do Accommodation .... ..,...._.„ . ...,.........4,:;.4.14T: M. ' • • - ._ ••"-LEAVE • ATLANTIC: o.l•Tl,.!**q; ' ••••• •• • - - A :Atle ntio: A ccummodatiOn:,i • ..::.... 4, • i.::t AUltlJti.3l:i - ' , Express, through • in, IX hours.. ..:. ... 724 A. . ).', . Freight (with:.passenger car ) ....... ••••••, . IE SO A• • t . • Mail •• '• '' • • • • r : ... , ................. • " •,'' :137.P . .• --' 1 • . ? Breda). •E'5c0mi0m...:.«....:. • • ••• ..X....4..«: 6.15 P. 4 . I, i . .-An Extra Rapreen train tthrourA tit -ni • !Mural VII ,- have Nino stmt Ferry every Saturday at . P.. 16,- . .... ICOI . , hitting, leave Atlantic City on liondity„ nti 9.40 A: W. ' •' . f LOCAL TRAINS. LEAYR , Vitt E STREET. ''• ' . • ! A tco Accammodatiop ....,,,...;,-...j....,...........,•;..,,10.13 A.,,,111. • , 1 Bild(l9Afteid . t,....f ": iaif,•• , 1 7 ••••••..." . t•• • •••••;•••••1 ZOO, it, 31 • `, !..:11111UMOntOP . ' '"‘ . ' • ' " ' ' . 6:45 P. 66: '. t " , . :; :::•6519311.MNG1;; LEAVt:' ••• '• •i• :, :;, ••• 1' ( Ateb..:..—.• • ;: i;i,:.:......".... , ii—tz..;;" ...12:2,2ittonit Hadd0gi , 01d—.... 4 .,.......f.,....,...,:i..,..., ' «.... 2 P. M. Mamm t0b.:,..» ''' ' ," ' " " ' -• " • :5.48' A.'.M.• •, •Ii• ." • :I; teUNDAY . MAIL rtAIN •.: . - •;,,- . , . • Leaves Tine 5treeL4..—.....4...--....:..,.:tht....4:.:.8.110 .k. M. , . ;Leaves Atlantic....—.l -.........,.............i- :IX g. • 24— . : • , . . • Fire to Atlantic City, e 2.•• Retina TilteTieltetiapiod . •• • • • for the. day anti train on which thorare instiviee3: : •,,,, •:. Oakman's Local Express, No. 3 0 . South. 3,u - ch.:Streets.. will call tor baggage in any part of the city' ad ;suburbs and check to hotel 'cottage at Atbuttio City'. , • -, , • •. Additional ticket offices haVe. been located in. the read-,, , ing-rooms of,. tha •Morchants' and. Continental Hotels. also at No: 30 Soith Fifth street. •• ~' • -• • ' D. Ili IdUNDYbAgont:' . : ''•:- , F..R, c'rE P " , . ' 1 • NIA. WEST sEnsEiraterritioAto,t • Comm ENCINO TB I. I XISBAX3 JULY Jet, 1869. •• • • Leave'Philadelphra,voot of 11.1nratit street ,as 0.00 A. M., Cape Iday'Express, di:ll4kt 12.25 M. • • • 3.15- .• • Passenger, due at 7.15. P. DI. • °CVO P. M.; Fast Express (coramenclag on . Saturday. . ,July 341),'due QM Sunday Molt Train leaves at 7.15 . A. If. due -' Cape Q Freight,lcaves umran 41ai 'at 9.70 31.• t • . RETURNING—TRAINS LEAVE'g CAPE, MAX.. , 6.30 tA. M., Meriting, Illatiolue at 10.06 A,. M. , , . , 9110 A. M., Fast Express (codunenclng MondaY;• • July sthl.duel2,ol.' • t • • • • 5.00 P,•51., Passenger. .due at 0.21 P. 31 • •• • •• •;• : ' Sunday Train leaves Cape 3y at.5:101 1 ..111, f • Cape May Freight Train leaves daily at 6.40 A: " " • Annual Tiekete;lloo. Quarterlylickatoi to : be ~.t,;; had' only •of the Xreasnrer ,at Clunden. 2 0 , ,u o v.P o n, • • Tickets, &SO Coupena',l26:•Exctirsion•TlcitateifSa for sale at the Ticket Otfice.f.No.'323 Chestnut strect,lbtst ' oft Market street. also tit Camden and . Cape Mai. _ • ,sf • For Millville, Vinelanclißridgeton, Salem and: intde,,.. 'Mediate Stations; leave . Philadelpkiadaily at and 3.30 P. DI. Passenger. • . An liccoutrundia lon Train for: Woodbury.. MOutna,••• , Barn eslooro anti Glassboro'. leaves: Philadelphia at • q.OO I'. 111.. Returnlrlg-Leaves Glassboro' at 6.30 A. ' ' ' ' Commutation hooks of 100 'checks etidh; • at' redhead • 7, rates, between Philadelphia and all stations.- FREIGHT TRAINS LEAVE CABiIDEN . - ~. • . • .For Cape May, Millvill6; Vineland. gd.,,tc., 9 . 10 Atlll. ' For Btfdgeten,Salein and way citations, at 12.00 noon. •t. Freight:received at first • covered' wharf . ; , not sto,e.t. • . Freight delivered N 0.228 Si..lifelitwartitt no. • . • . • - .t • WILLIAM J. SEWELL. • ' • .• •• Su .rintendont W . R:R. Lumber ,U der Co - vok; ALWAYS DRlt's • ' ' • Wahmt, white ilner Spi4C4 Urinllocli; Wu Fled; S , C, butitlut eic nit • , WATSON. 04LT-X9 . 0 . 1 0, 4, 1 4$ 924 Ilichmond atreats, - . lrdahseeartik Ward. 2500 South Striteta. ,18ga P BAN 'MAKERS.% 18 0' - uu. ,APATTEBN bt'AKERS.'t . CHOICE BELECTIpN MICANAATCTUCTitri9rI” p E Al;rD HEMLOCAL. ig69 It ik U nucE"AND lik lmOcx. IQau • 8 LARGE STOOK. 1869T3471,11RA 4=llr ; '1869. IPLOOKINur. • • ' ' • VINGINIA:FLOORING.' • . • : ' .•:D' ELAWA RE FLQUII NA• . - KAL K U FOOR O N ING.. gt o jjF.L • OPU DA.ST — gP BOARDKIQgQi• - ILOBIDA STKP BOARDS.% ' Avuel . RAM PLANK.. ,• • : • I• . .• • . NAIL PLANK.: e.. „ • •• • • . • 1869 -.WALNUT r , i BOA R DS 1 7 ; .. ") 1869. ! BoAßps:vi i teArtf..., , • • WALNUT BO ," . . ;' •• : .; t;:ANNU N NTBD.•••! ••• .• OR •; • ; TaKtikkiti, •' • • • l• ,StCi g69 - ' :'` 1869 • .-" Q(,+(i SEASONED POPLAR. ,I9tßa ,Lutrt;. : •,; , ti t igArsolrEDßituititlf, ) , A.vver.q 'PLANK Asp 130A.ADS. . afICE.ORY. . • .144m6 qmicoL 'INA BC 141 1 1NG 1869 tik1101,114A: 11: SIT. , 110 . 11,WAY: E10141:1 TUNG.. • : :• 1.869.,1.' `'OEDAR-orrNa.LEfo, ~:, 1869 ' - ~ oRDAR, SHINGLES: '.'I ' il'l'' OTYIIEBS SHINOLES. , , ', . ~. .',, LAII.GE A151 ., 11 , 1'311.11.q. ; ~ ' ~, .: , 4 r , ^. , ASTERINq 1... A. iti6V ' • ' , . ,PLAKTERING, LATIi. . , , , ~... IC T '' . 1 , 869' , ' , , 'LATII. ' '`' '' ''' ' ' '' ''' I : ;'. . . l. . , . niukirix BuwvoDlMlLlctir.,.p 2.500 80 t. 7111 RaIt.EST. l ~r. 9114.0MAS' 8; 01111, U311313.1t.• 14Ele - 4) blarots; No ;1011 S. Fobrth • strbot.: tat , their : bo ,foand.Waluat Ash, Poplar, Vhorr foe, Helot. ~,! 1ock; &o.k at reasoaahle prioeb.. hero a call, " • • ' 141 muff, I , ' „„ hl7 . 6 , ,, h7 . ELIA:SPORT:a: • -Llc tiff 3 11 for iirgoes awry desertpt!op 41,5. ', , Puled t noticp—guitlity. tq.:inigtletittol2.l, 4 ;) Apply to NOW. 1101 1 11.11Y46.80nth fetL ri ~cetprjr4 f aty, tig . t 41 6 - 15 - d — E S At , ;P OCIKET: ICNIT S, P Altt It; 8 G" II LES of Iwitutiful finish( IUDs:INES' and WADE DUTCHER'S, and .thq.,OLLEISEATED' rizeourerws., IiAZOR. -,SGASS9ES • q ASPS ,of,thek upipttlotkl,for,, Itaiort ,, Knives, Scfittors ann Tablq Ilqvilery•,, irro gsottAidAnd oi folibd . EAU INSTRUAIRIiTti, or mo tcrvod ' coostruction to assist the henna at. P. ,MAD,ii A Cutler nod Smrgicot XuatrAmeis quir.Al4,Ten!,llotreet,' F,, below (lhestnnt: _ . tnyl,tf _ _ --- .c 0k. %. , HORI3EMINSH - Le : soTENITYI- :i .. rally taught at ate Philadelphia Riding School, mirth street, atone , Vino.- Tho horses are quiet awl; , tho r oughly, trained. or hire, saddle horses. Also' car- .. riages at all Unita for - tveddiuga, parties; opera, funerals, ito. Horses trained to the saddle. . . fIJ 11,E; •Ef ken! f & CO, . . „ EDIrCATION. • .1%., •"--`` ••• :444 Nr..v i';4o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers