Y ~ a,7 x , ~ ~~j7ni; , ~: ~,'= a • DISTRESSIN TR 11 D'Y AN MANE MAN SHOOTS AND KILLS FA,THER. Mr . Thomas L. Evans, aged 63 years, resid " dug at 'the house of Mrs. Belcher, .No. 3thl South Tenth street, was shot and killed thir4 morning by his son, Marshall Key Erair, , . aged' II years. The deceased was well-lc . non n ‘'' :,,i la the city as a real estate agent, Ins °thee be- Al ing at No. 431 Walnut street, He boarded with Mrs. Belcher, and had with him his son .. ' l e. Marshall and three daughters. His ivife has '.. L. been dead for several years. The son has "'linen afflicted •with inflammatory „rhdu ' ..' Inathen. for about twelve years, ands for a ..'' great portion of that period he hasbeen a :'oripide. He wasformerly connected with' a 'Wholesale tobacco establishment; but • since • May hist has been out of empleyment. Hits . - diseased coinlition : rendering:him almost help, , less; arid his iyability to get employment, have preyed upon his mincl. and recently he . has • exhibited unmistakable' evidences of insanity,. He Constantly imagined that there ?.. was a conspiracy tO take;his life, and several ~'times told-his-father that-thero-werninen-com_ ~ - cealedin his room waiting to kill him. He. : was married to an estimable young lady, and . 7 -7-+.1.z.--altimugir -- 4111 verbeerc.-ithEalightmr.: - - -.•-, difficulty betweedthem, he has • said that•she had attempted to poison him. She - has I been'alien lig t e summer season .' • ' witlisonte reletive,s at Rivemide, N. J., Making 4.- occaaotial • visits to her .husband, Who re 'Brained in the city, in the hope cd getting em ployment. On Saturdaylast he went to River bide. While there licalled his wife up stairs, and then accused her of attempting to take hi+ life. ' There was a lax e Saratoga trunk In the 1 . room: Ile .held her tightly with ono hand: , ' while in the other h had a knife.' Pointing to the .' Minh, he Baia : "There is aMen In. there; if he comes out we both die, but.you must die , iirst."'• He then raised the' knife . as )f.,; for ' strike' a ~t ' her', ',:heart, 'When she, • instead 'otif. getting excited , and perhaps irritating hint further; quietly remarked, •"If you .aregoing,,tto -kill,m4 please cut here,"• pointing to her,throat The coolness displayed seemed tirappeaSe him, and heyond a slight scratch ander the nose, which was made by a flourish of the knife, no harm was done. - Open entering the room, and previous to, seizing his ;rife he piled the beds and'other articles against the door, to preventany person from entering. . , Boling Evaretreturned to the cityearly StOß terday morning : lie, went to his home , and told one;of his sisters that au attempt had been . - made, to'poison him, and that: Kate (his Wife)" had done it; that his wife bad given him +air his food.; and that the others had not partaken of any. Iliseister endeavored to conciliate . . ~lam, but he started for his ,father's •ofticci , -where lie remained.until about two o'clock, , - and theriavalkedlome with his •father. On ~..,... :::. the way he remarked to the latter, "You are gg 1:e my be.st friend." When they got there they wound. Mrs. Evans. Shelled just arrived front 'Ttiverside. Sbe bad a consultation with Mr: .Evanh, Sr., in the parlor. During• the interview Marshall entered, but immediately withdrew, remarking, , "Oh 1'! I ,thought that-von were • through." Mrs. Evans then left, and returned to Riverside. It had then been determined to ' place' Marsha/tin an insane asylam, and the neeessary,certificate of insanity was to have been +Attuned of Dr. Van Dyke; the• tinnily physician, this meraing , Dtrriug yesterday afternoon ; :Marshall was ',' observed with a peculiar kind 'of knife, very' "1"• sharp, which.liad been' about.he house: After --.- considerable 'persuasiori, his father - got the ' weapon away from him and hid it,. . - leather , and son retired to .the saute room, ,:', • e, last ' evening. About midnight' Marshall , ‘,.'.- ' leaped out ofbed , seized a pitcher, and ex "' ' claimed, excitedly, that ,men were there for • the purpose - of .killing him. -The father at - tenipted to reason with him., ' , lie looked --. t - wildly at the father, raised the pitcher in a threatening manner, and said : "Deal,' move; or. I will kill you." ' looreome time' Mr. Evans • - lyre; kept inhed by this threat, and during the • tune one • of his daughters entered' the , room, but was iminediately driven Out by her brother. The latter finally went down stairs. taking the pitcher < with him. He remained about , an ' hour, and then Mr. Evans • went to look after him. Ile found him in the dining-room, having'iii his hand the knife which letii been hid yesterday afterno oh. Mr. Evans becanie frightened at the appear ance of his son, and after • attempting to per suade, him to go to bed, without success, re turned to his room and locked the door. Mar shall went to the attic and remained there until about half -past seven o'clock this morn ing, while the family was at breakfast He then entered • the breakfast-room and • was greeted with apleasant ' " good ' morning" by everybody. lie made no reply, but merely staredrvi Idly at each persoit seated at the table. lie was asked to eat some , thing, but lie refused. When the • meal was • finished Mr. Evans went upstairs to get his . hat and change his teat. Ills intention• was to go to the house of DrArau Dyke and get the certificate of his son's insanity. Marshall went, out into the hall and walked up and down,fre ' quently glancing up stairs. The next heard by the inmates of' the house was three shots fired In rapid succession. Marshall was in "'the -entry near the front door, anti his father was staggering. long the entry, towards ° the dieing room. , He clutched the door of the .`.pantry..;Mrs. Belcher, who was in the dining room at the time, ('aught Mr. Evans a+ he fell =tif-in the door of the dining room. Marshall - walked back and looked at Isis fath-r. Mrs. Belcher said to him, " See what you have done," hut he made no reply and only stared about vacantly. The suety nod the screansi of 344:Evans's daughters attracteft some of the neighbors and also a policeman. They entered the house,and 31r. Evans, who \VaB still alive, was removed • into the front parlor. •As the policeman took charge of Marshall, he . :'Fetid: "Don't hurt my boy; he dein% know • what lie is doing." .l)r. Van. Dyke, the family physician, was summoned: NN as °mid that ' the ball had entered the abdomen of the un . fortunate man, and that there was no hope for - him. 31r. Evans died at ten minutes past eight o'clock. The revolver with which the tragedy was ..;' committed was purchased about the ith of ' ' July last. Two - weeks ago he presented •it to his father, and it was kept in the bureau . drawer, in the room of the latter. As Mar , shall got his boote from his father's room, this. ' - Morning, it is supposed that he obtained the • pistol at .the same time. .- Marshall was taken to the Central Station, and was locked up to await the result of the Coroner's inquest. , , „ The tragedy created considerable excitement .4. in the neighborhood, and during the morning small knots of people gathered about the street sand discussed the matter, but the side ' walk in front of the house was free from the crowd of persons who generally assemble and " gaze up at houses where anything unusual has happened. The house .in which this distress ing tragedy occurred is on the same street, and within a half square of the house, in which Mrs. Hill was so brutally% murdered. Dr. E. B. Shapleigb, the Coroner's • Surgeon, made a post viortem of the „lardy of the deceased this morning. Five'wcainds were.fotiiid, viz.: One ill the body, three niches to the left of the navel. The ball passed through the stomach and spleen, and was found under the skin at the back. This was a fatal wound. An other was about an inch and a half from the right end of the, ensiform eartiladge; the ball passed through the liver, and was found under the skin at the baek; this. was also 'a a fatal wound; the third was on the left sidk, about fax inches beneath the arm-pit; the fourth it; the back, the ball being found in the spinal column, and the fifth was in the outer side of the left foot, the ball lodging, in the lame. The revolver was found •on Marshall when he was arrested. The five barrels were empty, but all were capped, showing that they had iyeen discharged. 'Rho shoemaker's knife alluded to above was also foetid on him. ' The 00roner'e inquest in the ease will be held to-morrowmorning. -Roji 3t mtv.,--, dam lint• ways arrested yester ' day and taken before /kid Egeleten upon the +-lenge or the lardeny of SI Erma a lager beer saloon on Third street, above ( i eorg,. if , irAt. COMinitted to prison. I'M WATER 411ESTrolf.---Still tioritin; and still a universal anxiety to knew all a'fout the water supply, itspresent conditiOn an ;lure prospects. We wish we could 8 ii/J l r l '+' wits wumversal cooperation on the part of :the'' people with the authorities in the efforts to economize the scantytupplies of water which • we are yet able to drain from the Bchrtyl-` Fairmount is a dis Mal-looking place. , The dam stretches across the river a stoutiwoo&in bulifark, as tight and as dry as a drum. , For twelve or fifteen feet back of it, therank vege tation floats on the surface of a few inches of water; while abroad meadow of mud stretches out into, the channel' in front of the boat houses of the Schnylidll Navy. During the, greater portion , of yesterday three of the four old breast-wheels - yet in service and the, two turbines were at work punai f irig into the E'airrnotint reservoirs, but were barely able to hold thecapply ant depth of about foor feet. The interior of the reservoirsis cracked and. baked mid dry, and look as if they would be drained out in a very few hours if, by any ac cident, there should be any additional coma& lion the steady pumps that are doing their utmost tri keep up our diminished supplies. .., I Philadelphia, or that partrif it which derives, its water trom. the Fairmount reservoirs; is and has been for:days past wholly dependent. ,upon the grace of, the Schuylkill Navigation Company. ; That company has • :suspended all its own ,operations, and ,ty a sySiteufatie and _generousscontribution_fromitsseveral feeder dams, is enabling-Chief Faigineer Graaf to keep his wheels ininotion. 'This accumulation hoWeyer, is rapidly giving ,out, and cannot e de fended" on for an 'Considerable len th of lreSterday mfterfioon the steam fire, enginello • 100WPs.triPd: '.lThe , Hope,Engine. apited • on the groUnd soon after five .O'clock r aild stationed by Chief Downey at the' end- of one of the, "Siiiills:!plerS. Above the, dam; near the' 'steamboat-landing, which_wasiound to be the. nearest point Sufficient depth Of water: ,catildbo ohtainedpr suction. After considor-i able delay the hoSe was laid up the nOrthweat ,corner:ol the hill an was found,. insufficient to reach' AboVe 'the base ,of ~ the "'Upper ..terraceTheTivoli'llose-Was 'then. sent -for, and, after a great deal more ,caused partlk by the different sizesp of 'the " hose,and; pertly from the fact that, nobody was' n hurry,the hose was finally parried to' the basin:" P,rtivioutitci this, howeVer,:the.: engine . Was started; NMI a small .quantity .of water was forced‘withißabout thirty feet of the , basin, Soon. bursting: 'the ,hose' • abeirt mid ryas', bed tween the engine and 'the basin.'" When the burst section:was taken out and the frdllength . bad been leiln - to the basin,' which: '; cva.s."ac • eomplishetilit- a little.over an hour • from : AlM' 'time the oporatibri .began. the Hon again tried-her. powers, but withless., Success, than at first. .Thelese again burst, and no , water reached more than'about half-way no;,; hill. Ata lnte.honr a . third attenipt Avis` unide - With other hose, and water was raised to the is said; at the rate of , four hundred a minute. To-day the experiments are being continued with" the;lloPe.. and 'Diligent en ines. .he experiment • deinonstrated two things, It showed that the hose now in' use '.by.' the Fire Department is instill - I(4,mA m for the p pese, birt'also that the' first-class engines leave .snificient power to,force; a slow stream the, reservoir, through iron pipes. It is. hard. to Say hew imich they can be made to:Taimp: Councilmen, inigineer# 'firemen busily ciphering out , this problem yesterday, and ditleredby millions of gallons per day: There mightlaCsenie water. Inimped thelreservoir:froni the . eallovihill street side of Fairmount, , througleiron pipes;or by:relays , of :engines, with tanks, but the!'re .fieLobtainediwthiS.Way would be very Small,' "The -main , reliance of our people, while Awaiting the unick prayed-for,ram,- must be' upon their economy. Much haS, been 'saved in this.-way, but Muchmore might. be Raved: Many public-spirited manufActurershave been willing to suspend OPerations; andhavelieen . discouraged' from doing so by the selfish re-, Insal of their fellaw4ratiesnien to comply with ;the reUnests of--the' authoritieii. .This mean.' ness which will led one manufacturer to take adVAntage of the publie'spirit 'of his rival in business deserves a-vide.publidation. We have not room:‘ to-day. to recite the -wonderful projects that are daily presented to Chief Engineer Graetito help him out of hiS difficulties. One only is too ..original to be pmitted.; It has been,graVely proposed to Mr. Graaf: to gain additional storage room by turning out the inmates of the Eastern . Pent tentiary, and then filling itwithwater from the Corinthian reservoir Capital idea;'but open, to one or two practical objections. . . Imi , onmANT Itkvnltu.n DEorSioN,- . --The fol-' loWing important decision of the ;Internal Revenue'Department Will be ot interest to im porters of foreign merlicandiSe Tln DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF IN TERNAL ItENTENUE; WA'sHINGTON, AilgiPit•l9 2 184.;!1.—`5ir I reply to your letter of the 14th inst. relative to the, liability of importers of foreign merchandise' to the payment of the special tax as dealers, that theformer ruling of the office upon the subject; viz.: in - the cases of Messrs. E. D. Morgan Sr, CO. and others, was reconsidered and ' reversed on: the Ist of July ; by a letter to Assessor W. Raymond Lee, &I District, Boston; Massachusetts. In view of the circumstance that the assess ment of this tax for the time intervening since the decision of October sth, 1868, exempting importerS from this tax, and the date of that . by which it was reversed, might .work hard ships and inconveniences upon those who had sold their goods and made final settlement upon the basis of exemption from the tax, it was not intended to make. the said decision of July Ist retrospective in its cluiracter and operation, but assessments for tax under ' the same should commence with July Ist; 1869, and continue from and after that (late only, but that no assessment should be made for Said intervening time. • For the purpose of complying more fully With your suggestion, .and securing a um formity in all collection ditailets, with respect to assessments Of importers and others aftbcted by this question, a copy of . this letter will be published in the Internal Rei , e»oe Record. Very . respectfully, V. DELANO, CORThMs sioner. Jells 8.K1NT . 711i117, Esq., Assessor First Dis trict Pa., Philadelphia. ' ' , ~-11.85A1T7.3`. UPON A POLICEMAN.--411.9: AI CD oil aid, Bridget:MeDonald and John Gibbon were before ; Aid. Ifonsall this morning, imon the' charge' of assault andbattery . Sergeant John Duffy,Of the Seventeenth bistri ct Police, with intent to kill. A. quarrel occurred at Seventeenth . and ,Tasker streets,. About half past one o'clockithis morn i ng. Sergeant Dttify* interfered, when,.it isalleg.ed, he was attacked by the defendants and, knocked down • and beaten: • Brid,o•et got the officer's billy:and beat him with it. The Sergeant summoned assist ante and captured his askailants. - , The accused were held in $l,OOO bail . to answer at Cotirt.", . . How • A STREEW WAi3 ( ; WANED.-Hopp street, between • Susquehanna" avenue .• and Dauphin street, has peen for some timo past. The attention of, the contractor was called to. • the , matter, . but. without effect. It, was determined,that the street must be cleaned, aid yesterday morn-, ing the residents in - the square—nten, women and 'children—turned out,With;:.brOoms, shovels spades, &c., and removed the :ABM A quantity to to make:ten loads was removed to a vacant 'lot Susquehanna DIFIGRACEFVL Fic.;uT.—About eight e'cloek this morning a butcher's cart'and a brick - cart tame in collision at Fourth and CalloWhill streets. The result was a fight between :the driVers, in 'Which One of them hdd his head dreadfully' injured with'a• club, and the other, it is said,had his ribs broken. The row lasted a considerable time, and caused much excite ment. There were no arrests made, .as no policemen could be found. ' FlRE.—About quarter of ten o'clock, het evening, a eouple of boys discovered smoke coming out of French. Bollards &Co.'s drug house,Tenth and Maiket streets.. The mem bers f the Diligent Engine Company aroused the watchman and the door was opened. A harrel of sweepings, on lire, was. thrown out, and the building was saved. STEALING lIAGGAUE.--JaCOl) Sharp was ar rested yesterday by Policeman Pidgeon, upon the charge of stealing baggage from Vinestreet wharf. Be will have a hearing at the Central station this afternoon. _ THE DAILY EVENING B ULLETI2L-PRILADUPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2t, 'How TO . • Gi;ai lc as pi New'YOritoa `now in this tItY. trying to introduce tOtho;;Watet Depart ment;tholrire tiepartment, anti;thelnauranee v onipurties, the 'Bunckmattii , ':iikilf-Closing Fauctt, which is an invention admirably con 7 trivekl topre'ventthe waste of:Watei;from hy drants, &c. 'Without doubt abitiething of the land is badly needed in thiseityVnot only, in the prc sent dry time, but eyetk , '"a4ken there plenty of water. • ' ••••' , • Szleroys'AC NT.--aliOnlaS Green.„ . aea 110 Carty residing. at Fifteenth and bpring Gal den;streets, fell from a wagon at Thir teenth : and Bose streets, this Yu:touting, and g was seriously injured about the:head. He was taken:to the Pennsylvania Hostilul. ' " NEW Cum , CoTTort.--L-The first bale of new Crop cotton, raised near Selma,'' Alabama, and , consined to Messrs. Henry Sloan & Sons of this ctty, was sold at auction' tilts morning by C Samuel . Cook, at 40 cents Per lb. -", Mr. Moh an!. Gamed was the, purclmser. YOUNG 31E:10$ CHRISTIAN AeSeezATION.— The monthly meeting, of the Young Men's Christian .Association *Pas, held last evening at the hall, 1210 Chestunt street, Peter „B. (Simons, Esq., President;• - ib, the' chair. The essay Of the evening was read by J. H. Coyle, Esq-L•the subject, babbath'Scherd Machinery, of which the following is an, abstract This,• like all other machinery, is best ,whensitnple and fully understood by all o-"lanceted with it; likeaffy ge , 6d Machine, it may be made very attractive to look bpon Without distUrbing its 7 rembasefalliess • if • , , -- The speaker referred to the of a - systematic ,iirangement - of the flUties—of-the el-beers andteachers ofit Sabbath-school, and defined the duties of ..each, in. a, clear and fortible,;Hanner. The ',superintendent and teak:hers should command the entire confidence and respect of every member of , the :school. Babbath-sehools at the Present- thin are 'more particular in selecting Ahem - officers and teachers than in former yearil,and teachers less careful in their choice of samaras, so that they have -innnortal Souls totrain for Christ. The library of the school . frequently ()couples too much time and importante'during the session. The Sabbath-school, , likeour heroes', requires mangy: little, things to make,-it attractive, and these . may be suggested, by arty one. 'A. very unporta.nt wheel in. the inachinq is the music; find a music teacher may ceed. everywhere else and. fall in: the Babba h school. , , • •,o • . ••The subject for diseuSeion , follo, , wed: "Are 1)le' modern arrangements •• for :conducting Sabbitth-schools adequate to the work before us?" - Several members took part 'hi, the de bate., and mans" practical suggestions were brought out foiiinereasing'fthe. • elliciencyrof thiS Important branch of , the work of the Church. • Professor John Bowerwas present with a 'select choir, and the ',choice music furnished was a delightful feature of the.evening's enter tainment. . • . Tiventy new meinhers were elected to. the Association; after which—the meeting ad , ' NEW Yonx 11AE • •,E 4 , : x,du.nStei.r.—The fourth New York RaY;F 4 *.canonoti,gWeribY the Camden and Amboy Railroad COmpany t undero the auspices of Mr. J. Warrein'Gere; the:Gen- • era) Ticket Agent of the ~ C oinpany is an. nounced for. Thursday next, - -1111ach one of these. eg.ciirsions appears • tti be 2 Moic 'popular than the. - •:preceding- One. , course, everybody who participatee•tellii his friends of the: delightfill trip, and :'•what :magnificent "scenery IS to be seen around. New York ~ty and Staten Island; and up; the •Tindson; river, andtlien evdrOody!tk friends Want to ,go, • Mr., Gore giVeS hiSfiersonal attention o . the Of the e#ursion,and his long experince:in such %matters .is Suffield - lit :guarantee that every ,thing bd conducted in the best Manner for the comfort of the .e - s.l3firsioniats. The Liberty Cornet Band,Pref; B.lCMeCiurg leader, will accompany the,4ettriiieu , otoNvii;itr• h'xcluism*:--Dayi`a H.Mundy, the popular and efficient agent of the:Camdpn and .Atlantic Railroad, announces:that:his an nual excursion to the seashore:Will take place on next Saturday eveningjlielaSt . boat leav ing Tine street wharf at 8 o'clock P. M.; re tinning, Will - leave 'Atlantic. City' in ample time for participants to arrive honii; iri time to at - fend to busineSs on Monday , Morning. Mr. Mundy always gives his personal atten tion to these ek - cnnsions, "and; without douht, this one' will be as large and enjoyable as.any of those - of previous years. „ ' I.i4tItOE'X'ALL SAILE OF BOOTS t SITOES, PRO- G 4.1413 :AND. HATS.-T. L: Ashbridge 8:: Co., auctioneers, .505 Market street, will sell at their store to-MorrOW orning,, at 10 o'clock, about 1,500 cases of boots, shoes and broganS of city and eastern manufacture. Also, 104 arses of men's and boys' jiir and brush hats, to which the attention of city and country buy- . ers is called. Open early in the morning for examination, with catalogues. CITY NOTICES. MOSQUITO BITES.—A never-failing, antidote fer the potion of ntoeguitoee and °TILER. ISSECT6 Ita beenfound in iltarsliTT's XALLISTON. PRESERVING JARS, • 1 reserving rallET;" - - Preservinp Bottles, , Preserving Tumblers - - • Corks and , Sealing Wax, And all articles necessary Al! goods delivered free. At FETHEIISTON &CO.'S; • 270 South Second street FOR specimen copies and advertising terms of the Wilmington Daily CoMmerrial and Delatunie We4/Y Tribune, addrens JENKINS .S; ATKINSON; Wilmington, Delaware. • SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun- Brien. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, N... \ ' ‘ 23 South Eighth strotL . Oult CUSTOMERS AND THE PUDLIO. CHARLES gTOKES MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, NO. fi24 CHESTNUT STEET, respectfully draws your attention to this notice, that the assortment of Fine Clothing now being made for his Fall, business will be full and .. . . .. . UNSURPASBED IN STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE. A - very great redurtina from former privies will lid made, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all. The best cutters only employed, and customer-work made in style and lit unequaled by any establishment in the State. . . _ Yon+. PAntoNAGE'RESPECTFi'LLY SOLICITED, MISSES' SorrowNs, at Oakfords' EMS . aftii nurses use for. children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowee.s infaia - • LADIES' SUM)OWNS, at yakfords' GtT ONE of those POcket Pauamas, sold at Onkforc.le', under. the Continental. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH - - .J. Isaabs, Professor of the Eye and Ear treats, All diseases appertaining to the above members with the utrnost..euccess. Testimonials from the most reliable, sources in the city can be seen at his office, N 0.1305 Arch street. The medical , faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as ho has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for , examination u.o,nark:s Pocket Pattamas, sold at'Cliarles Oakford & Son's, 'under the Centinental, are very convenient for gents traveling. • Corms, Burnous, Inverted Nails, skill t ill treated , by,Dr. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut etre° Charges moderate: IMARTH-VLOSEt S, COSnIODES 124 'Privy :Fixture:l. Sales-room with A.. FRATV"- cisGussz• Cq., NS Market ereet. jy.Ml3 to t'11,..40t§ VAT EDD IN G - , CARDI3; IN TATIONB VV i for Pait,o6;.&o. Now,styles. MASON &00 • :au2stf§ 907 Chestnut ritroet; INVITATIONS EN.; `_graved in the newest and beet manner. 'LOUIS EX V A; Stationer and /Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. fo2o tt . B Sunday 'AIfiLDEDIOE-At Wilmington,Dol on Sunday,the 22d instant. Joseph Allderdice, in. the 36th year of his inst., Thomas Evans, in the 77th year of his age. , • • • • . The relatives and friends of the family and the St. Da yid's Society are invited to attend the funeral on Thum. .day, the 26th at 3 o'clock P. M.; from his late real deem 1813'North Thitteenth street. To proceed to L Ru- retllill., , • , • 111114 L.—On the 234 inst., Samuel C.,. son of Samuel and Min B. Fell. le the 3iith year of his age. , - • The ;relatives and friends of the family, and tho Woc cacoe Fire Company are respectfully invited to attend tile funeral, from the residence of his father,No. 221 Mar riott. street, on. Thursday afternoon, 26th instant, at 3 WC lock, it OAK FOUD.-LAt Darby, Delaware county, on the 22d in*t Elizabeth' It.. wibrof the Iftte John Oakford. , 11 er relatives and friends are invited to attend her fu neral. - from - her late residence, on Fourth-day after noon, at 3 o'clock. . . • for putting up Fruits DIED. lit LACK . .I3ILK6, 2EXTRA,.-GOOD :". ". :- '', - • 14 PIANO coymns—o: HERE 'l' iii .. .'' DOUBLEIOI(ALN- , : tiV- 0 ()LOOK BRA,O,re ea . . 40 . v ~.,',--: , :‘ , -....:04 , ..i• •t , 0 - 7 lib: , 'a Acra.i.: ' ' '"'-^, ''lA' ';', , ‘"rY.:'4'..' , ‘ , .,4..h . :.. 'Arch fl,l feV.; % 1 •"::'d r fi te',7s t fLr i 'eff? , ' - . • • itf.ADY-MADE • s•i: -. 1.:;7:.........::.:C,:t;...()T:1T..1:::5,:',0',. , .1 .-- ", MEC .i.': .ctiOT'oj.l'%'*oii...'l . . ... . ..... . , . . . . -•-•• ' • ~..!::::-, ....:, .';;;',''' ''',•', .if.....:4 '''..:...1 , . JOHN' :. W4 1 ,04,14KEH,,,','.i,•.'' f.''''''.!'..f..7 . ..:) . l' .. i'' .. .....''''H . • ' •f , ':'''fi,' 'i.....;:'.:---:.:.:P•..ti.'" 'w.alr—altrd -1112 CHESTNUT 'srAttr: •. . . . 4. , • .. rgIiKEE (+II,,EEIC cog - 51 * AVERS' A.tonisiang! thii, universal, ,i4preesloii:', Lovers of Oorn net, believe that the,detioneY''oU: flavor and enjoyment of eating can he improved, •until they try, this. little, inolornent; Then. peg.. exclaim astonishing I, WhY'has not this been thought.lif befeKef For pale everywhere.: 25 centii - anti-tir,th,srpt; [up 1109: GIRARD. STREET. - • _ TURRLSII, ' RusSIAN PanyftEEFIIMED BATHS. . . • - • • Battis,o 8., -FRANK PALMER,;LL. D.,, BUR; goon Artist, has just been conmilsaioned by the Surgeou-Ooneral to supply the'Palmer Ann mut Leg for Mutilated Officers of the U. B. •Army and Navy._ 'rhe tloyerninental offices are to be located' In 'Philadelphia, New York and Boslon, and • are •all : conducted by. Dr. PALMER.- , • • • • -• • ray2l74tr• §• asSTATE -.RIGHTS FOR..;. SALE.-; iltate rights of a valuable invention just patented,: signed for the 'slicing, cutting `-a nd -chipping of dried beuf, cabbage, &G . .; are hereby offered for_ sale. It. is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and , restaurants,'and it should be introduced into every fain tly. State rights for 'sale. - Model' can be seen at the telegraph office, Cooper's Point. , • . • niv2S-tlli ' ' MUNDY & HOFFMAN._ REGUL AIL DEMOCRAT-IC . , YOB LEGISLATURE; J • SECOI4II49ISTRICT'iL,. ' ;' • WILLIAM C. GILLINGHAM. iy3 Istp§ HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 tk•rD 7 rind 1520 Lombard street; Dispensary Departinent. —Medical treatment anil Medicine furnishodgrataltendY: o the poor. MMita Insure your 'Property ran , : Home , Com panies First, in Preference to • Foreign Ones. . SPRINO:, OARPE r N FIRE . INSURiNCE" COMPANY; • . OFFICE, - : . , . . N. W. corner Sbcth and Wood Streets. PRILADELPIIiA, Aaguit 1,180 Capital and Atiseta nrarly ti 700,000, • 111Mite4I US follows Real Estate . ground Boats Impfoved 310rtgageF37,5,3 - 7 i 2 Interest 'unpaid - ' . IT. S'. Loinia,lB3l, 6 per cents - ' • ' - 12i,783 60 Philadelphia City Loans. 6 per cents 63,433 110 Temporary Loans, with full security 6,0:8) 00 203 shares stock N. Liberties •Gas Company 5.944 on 200 shares stock Man. National .Bank:: 6,000 00 314 shares'stock Penn National Bank ' : .13,1.112 00 kV shares Stock Commercial Nat. Bak.. .. -. .... - .1 , 5.825 00 201 shares stock Spring Garden Fire Ins. C0...' , - 47.665 01.1 Catat ' ' . ' ' - , :'2,267 96 ,833 80 Conipany ix open for Increased insurance ou merchandise general's', lumber in yards and on wharves, building and furniture in the city and surroundings, at as low rates as are consistent with security to, its policy holders. . . . . Our . merchants . and ' busineas , 'men's. success is identified with the increased prosperity °flint city of Philadelphia and the encouragement or its own institu , trans. Yours truly, • , Joillt 13%,DOUNERT, President. JOBS A Pity, Seeretary.:.. " auli-s Ws tu tit 86t . - , . • . , • 7 ------ t - sc - ,eit; - .Gxrrr)strs. • • THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With ILLUMINATING • DOORS__ MAGAZINE of sufficient capacity for fuel HOURS, at' a cost of but 11 CENTS PER DAY. .The mast perfect and cheerful. Heater in use. Having made arrangements with MR. S. B. SEXTON, OF BALTIMORE, For the EXCLUSIVE manufacturing of those Heaters, we are prepared to furnish them in largo or Small quan tities. Sold wholesale retail by the Manufacturer, JOHN S. CLARK,' „.- Stre • 1008 Market e .• • Beware of imitations gotten up on the popularity of these Heaters. au3 2m§ =7- oicriAniEN.itt WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, for 'tore fronts and windows, for factory and ;warehouse windows, for churches and cellar windowe ' IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, ,offices, cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. ' All orders filled with promitness and work guaranteed. ROBERT WOOD ; ,So 1136 Ridge Aveime, etcl td the 6mrp6 THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City and County 'of Philatlelphia.--Estate ofJOHN LOGAN, deceased.—The Auditor Appointed by' the Court to audit, settle' and adjust the account, of JAMES `WALLACE and` THOMAS HENRY, Executors and 'Trustees of the Estate ofJOHN .LCGAN, deceased ant ; to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the aceoputant. will meet, the parties - interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, September 18th 1869, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office, No. 128 South Sixth street, irithe City of Philadelphia. JOHN C. REDIIEFFER, au24-tu,th A Auditor: ---- NEW $125 MUSIC; AVIUMS. sl`2s Reduced to One Dollar• and Twenty five Qentst !Sold at J. E, GlouliPs Plano Room, 923 OIiESTNUT STREET: bonisintrig FIFTY PIEOEB MIIBIO, Vocal and Instru mental, worth alb, bound in Morocco -and handsomely gilded. Binding alone worth $lO. Reduced to One Dollar g101 1 =1; i lfilvagla J . . E. G01:14)'0 1 923 • 0/11:7T7., 'BUDPARDS & FENNEMORE, Artists and Photographers , ;,f, itnyE OPENED THEIR NEW, GALLERIES, • , . No. 820 Arch Street. Call and see them: Pictures in every otylp, and satin• • faction guaranteed, , - • • N. the Negatives CUKEELEIt &PENNE I,IOIIE, late of N 0.58. EIGHTH Street, have boon ro trioviidto the New Galleries te_io - w - amisz ACAD.EbILY :Ulf THE PICOTIY6TA - NT (founded. A. I). 1783,i Southwest corner LOCVELT andJULllPllltatrectet: The Nev. Dt.,•lleail 'Masten With .leu Assistant Teachers. From tleyteinber 1, 18&.), the y. rtge of Tuition gill be NINE . T 1 Dollars pny !mutual FtenCh.GCl/111111. Drawing an -Natural Philosophy are taught without extra charge. - - By - order - of the Trusters----- elom 00 2,01 At) MEM= ;1' ~ED~ruA~un; Y. L]E 1 , lOP i l 813 ..*: L. illitilAtS- .. . , .., 1 1 . • c weL, SCIENTIFIC.. AND COMBLEBOILL ACADEMY. ' . '.• . 1 • t ' . ..FOll BOYS AND .YOUNG MEN. , ', *l. . '• . ASSEMSLy BUILDINGS. r; * 1 • ...1 4 . Entrace IN SoutIi.TENTR Street... 1 - This S cheel presents the folloning advantAges toot 3 Flnely'ventiltited clnee-bmitilf,With collin is thirty .in height, giving each pupil mom than dOuble the usual -,ore space., ..' Width massive !stairways,' rendering accidehts lit as sembling and dismissing almost impossible. A corps of teachers every one et whom lois had years of experience in the art of imparting knowledge, and making' study interesting, andconsequeutly, profitable. Anode of.,tosching and discipline caltulated to make school attractive' Instead or burdensome to' the-I:moti— on indispensublerequisite for complete success. Applications received tit the Amide/ow' from ID A. M. to 5 I?. M., daily, on and after A IJGIIBT ?S. . - • . Catalogues, containing fullparticulara and the names -of many of our leading citizens, patrons Of the Institu tion, May be obtained irlt Mr. W.J.I'• Wittburion's,•43o Chestnut street, or by addreseing the Fiincl patois above. . ~ 1. Y,MAATIIEBTIAOII. Late Princ loal of the Northwe .:l st Public Grammar School .nitl4-lm . . " SClEXPitilas Witt bc:ithi•its Oilct seeslan fa t}to Now imutdemx itt1114114; .. .* 174!,.." • • • (Eotil• miles from Crundend ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Fbr Circulars, apply to Uov. T, • CATTELL. ir2o 6w§ ;•GEORGE .w; urgyEn. • wretiourer The erasion will open on MONDAY, September 6th. Applientionn for ndmiselon may be made during the preceding week, between ten and twelve o'clock iu the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, aulT tp th a Plat; , alL,Msoter, "rjr t •LE• ?. • /1,41, SELECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL, An nglish, Classicai. Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, „FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, ' At POTTSTOWN , Montgomery Ceuta/. Pa. The Find Terra of the Nineteenth Annual session will nommence on WEDNESDAY, the Sth day of September :next. I'upila tees:dyed at. any time. For, Ctrettlans, address ! . Berl GEO,, , F2IIIOsLEII. A. 31. . • ' '• - • . .• BEFKRENCES: BET. DRS.—Meigs. Schaeffer, 11111113, Krauth, Seism, Muldenherg, Steiner, Rutter, Stork, Conrad, Boni berger, Wylie, Sterret , Marphy, Vrnikshanks, etc. HON S.—Jtlge LEKHOW Leonard Ayers, M. Russell Thayer, Benj. M. Boyer, Jacob S. Yost, theater Gly- Mer. Jots, etc. , - • • ESQS —James E. Caldwelii.:Jainee L. Ciatthnin, 02 B. • Grove, T. , 0. Wood,llartiity Bancro ft , Theodore ' Bugs. C: F. No nen L. L.Roopt. B. Gross Fry Miller Allen, Charles Wannemturber, James, Kent, Santo° Co., ete. • JULY 13, 1363.. . jy . 29 th s ta.2mi . mILO IA BALDWIN'S ENGL.'S CIIAS• 11 steal and Mathematical Veinal for Boys, northeast 'corner. of Broad and Arch ofsite.tat , tllll romiAnt Septets. her ellt. • . • . .• • • • nute-ine •Aef GITHIONS'S SCHOOL (NORTH -4 aidd of OrougoMireol. second gate Lel own i ld th fipeas Atli month Oth. • • • au COLLY.G.IATE SCHOOL,.B. W. CORNER ;Broad ,tattA WalmtVolorow......reym.;.heitz . B?. Wither Gtb...• ~. 0 _ a.,:j.L4 ti • ItEGINALD H • CHAS ' k:111. tprincipals. • liENur w. - Barry. A. M. • 15pA4Z.A.P, SINUING;--Allt. ) . T. 11103.401 . wurieswo buidiess octutigi...lfitt, ss South: :.N,I.Sr toenth •strilet. latZtrlm . ; I . JAMES M.-CHASE -WILL RESUME •VL him classes hi Latin and 4:reek, and ,In English {termni, i * Sew' ilke gliolild4tes far EidhiteAlliorraighlri; prepared for ilia frealanati for ndvituivrlelioNer. Address.. MI above dale, Carni•risige, Mass. ...., nu 24 to tit iilll TWE.l 7 .ll o TrEk.;ltti ' AiYA.Ii E 3.1 IC YEAR. ants Spring Garden u len E i li:: earner Eighth '4llpal ttuttatrwund tatteetili healtat . 0 lilk Yi :petit' 018 Burs and Young lithh prepared farlon uses* or cu ifrip.: •7' I J_ - p. DI It4lll, A.;:g t , .- • 4- nup nig CIIAB. A. WALTERS. A.M.. , ItECTOILY'SCHIf(.).L, • 11.1)1PEN, PONN. , • • 'TiIi3IItV . .,O:3V:EVIPEST J Itectok, Aided by O) pe s t n ileanasislautti. Tito bchool 1s closing its twenty-Atxtli yeztt; mid refers to Its old pupils. found in all prufev- . Wont. and every departnient of lotiiinems, Thorough phy fical eituentiontindludinginilitgrrtlrllling, boating and svt !diming tlielg t souson; .tissto.oUndminigion, from Lame to font teen. Tenno. q7lO per _ L THE P'.%1.1• SsION SEPT. 7. ' EcTerence.—The Itlygitt Bor. J .W 1114411 1 .13, D, 1). linniden, Augnst; Wean. ' • ' .autl 4 ;t3 •• D 611.1" ACA DE3117, FOR, YOU. \l4 !AN 110114. 1115 I:ol.ll..l4T•"ititiet: EL WARDD 831ITII, A. 31., rrlnclpal. • •. •"• 1. This School Wren( superior 11111VIllallaCi; to thou) pre pariho tor busbies. The course In tho•contraou Englinh branches, Inehallng• nattheniatlec is very thorough nod coutplte, Special Inotrtietorii In Freitch, Drawl tt7„ Peu nuuishlp, 2. Whose looklug to Vollei.! . reFelve a Roost thnrougli preparatory frith:mg. ' • • ' • • 3. HpeelaL Features—Alß nnaurpagnotl locality, largo mot wall ventilated round., a includvtl plargrounil, a tit7l4clalui l'rimary 1/upon:nein . . . Next ricictiun Legion Sopteasher 13. Circulars at I:2iR lieotnot street.. siu=-17o§ 'VII SS' CARR'Sn.LECT •11()ARDING.: 'Day School for IMMO Ltullec 1.111/JON SE3llNARY,oppokte the York Road Bta• ion', North -Penomylvimia ltaih oa 1. seven 'wilco! from Philmlelphitt;w Il reopen WFAMERDAYieept , 'l.3th: Circulars obto Med ot the oflke of Joy Cooke At Co„ Funkers; 114 S. Till ril kreet, or by (bill retodng the Pripet; rith Bleu mokert own P, 0„ Montgomery c0.,Pmat42.1 I 'IHE BEST,PROVIDED SCHOOL' IN A METtICA .—TIIE SCIENTIFIC AND ' CLASSI. 'AL IN STlTUTE—mt6chmil Boys and !Xining Men -Corner Poplar and Seventeenth streets, re-opens dONDAY, September 6,th. J. ENNIS, A:. 31.. au2l Principal. Itt 1 O WitN SEMINARY FOR . YOF,NO DAWES. flrOn street, smith, of Walnut Lane, will re-open September 8. For circnhlrr contain= lug full intormat ion apply to Prof, W. k). EOUTESOUE, A: : , COLLEGE. - Ro-opPns SPpterni,or 13111, 18119..___ PREWAR Y AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMDNTS. A Homo Boardiug School for Boys..- Charges -8260 $1301) psr ye/Ir. .. . • Address,—REv,,Dll. W,Ez.ts. Andalusia. Pa. aul.2lxn* SO.QOI2S -CORA) 4 OURTH and Green streets (entrance on Fourth'street); will• reopen oil the - lint Second !dapity.tilti Ninth month September 6), 1869. These to:11601s hirrelarge and well-ventilated" rootne4 end ire tinder the care of experienced;teachers. •' . For further Informittloti applk at the schools tb s'erely S. Long, Principal of Grammar School; Relarcon Buchman,, Principal •of Secondary Abide Lippincott, Principal of , iirfrnary School; or to Speneeritobertsoi2l . N:t3lxth street A. Allen, 721 Green street FOIE MISSES MANSFIELD'S SCHOOL, 1. No. 3763 Mein street, Market Square, Germantown will, open Wednesday, Sept. 15th, 186:1. Fur furtherin formatintrapply.at the 'School. after Sept. 2d. • ItavratENens.—llev. A. P. peabody, P. D., Harvard UniVersity: Ralph Waldo. ;Emerson, EBn. cone-ord Mass. Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., Boston -,- . 'Serape Bowles, Es9.,,Springtleld. Mass.. R. R. 4ottr, , Attorney General,. W asbitigton. "William' Dorsey,. Germantown. Rev SIMS Farringteti, porn:tank/Vim. ~ • • aulS lmo* IRD I B , SRMLICARY FOR R• lA iat*B, No . = North Sovehth stroot • VL EDNESDAY,fil.eptembor 8, 1869. ota6;fro• $' • SSTORES'BPEIQQL , ''4BO7'MAIN rt qoinuoitown t .41101.1 DAY, SO : t , nar -13th. - • •• - ' wag lrul3 1131ESERON WILL RE-OPEN v.ON .I.VJLI the lbth of SepttinberJ a Select Pronchund English School for ;boys' under -12, at her ltesidence, N0.: , -1130 South Penn Square. Tersuft--Per seaelonuf ,five mottos (inclu , llng Latin) 840:- , ; ;;inul7lnt§ *SS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE • will reopen their boarding and day school (twen tieth year), September 15, at 1615 Chestnut street: Par ticulars from circulars. ' • aulato oda rPRE MISSES WILSON . WILL,ROPEN A., their School for Young.Ladiee 5090 Green 'street,' Germantown. September 14t11,15439. aul9 to Bell* . . rpELEHIGH UNIVERSITY, • •• ..' SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA.. • • Term opens on September ldt. „For ad,mike3ion to:Hm Glosses or Special Sehoobl. n.poy_ , . HENRY UOPPRE, LL.D.; - • • . - President.: . nOl-Im§ 7 -. 777 X.Ib'S'ARROTT AND MRS WELLS, • • (Formerly of No. /607 Paplar etrobtn ,- open their Boarding and Day School Or . Girls, on Mb tint Monday in 'October, 1869 at No'. Bat GEFMAN _TOW blayonne, Germantown,'P iladel hin_ Until October let,'direct to' o. 744 North N 1 TEENTII Street. , , aulo-91.0 • ADAME CLEMENT'S :FRENCH pr.- ANA: testant Boarding and pay Sehool,itlerrnaatowtt, l'a. •, The Yell term ,wlll Open WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 16t1i,1869. ty ."or Circulars, °Play to the Principal, au2lm§ ti - IHE MISSES CHAPMAN'S BOARDING ond Day School for Young Ladies wilt ro-open September 1ath,,1860: For Circulars, address the Prin cipals, Hohneeburg, Twenty-third Ward. Philadelphia, or they can .be obtained at Mr. TRUMPLIOR'S Muein Sion), 026 Chestnut streof.Philada. ' au2 2W' • EORCrE , R. BARKER, A. M., WILL RE-; k-3{ , open , his' English and 'Classical SChool, ?rico sir , at, Germantown,' on Monday, k•eptember • 6th, , s „. • • LBARROWS'S SCHOOL - FOR- BOYS . in tiro CITY INSTITUTE., at 0110etnut tin( 'Eighteenth, will ro-open MONDAY . , tient, 1$: ,ata 3m. FEM:O4'E' COLLEGE, BORD'ENTOWN; J.—This Institution, so long and so .favorably known continues to furnish hl5 best educational advan tones, i'n connection with a pleasant, Christian home. calologues,vith terms, etc., furnished on, application. College opens September 16th. • . • „, jy3l.2tor , DiGAICtLr , T, Preald6a. in TRAK; • ITUTE, NC)ItTIEW = T c 0 y k lo o Tglib l r: te B4l4g d fl h atdel , streets. irlll. ro- MeAe or Dustage. itmlrienro Pri fo E' Tenth et. . 1111.4ZZ °""/ ati24 mit§ J, W. BIIORJLAKER, nee Pd . b., OILEV.P.AND DESIRES, TO ANT; ; - flounce Mit she will open. on MONDAY, Se Mem. er Kith ' s School for the education of a 'limited number of Young Ladies. Tho plan of instruction will he similar bi that so long • pursued by her father, the late •Prof. C. D: CLEVR LA NC, and will embrace the• usual English branches, together with the Latin, French and German languages. The'Departments of English Literature, Rhetoric-and . Elocution will .be under the, charge of Prof. 13: CLEVELAND. •, Application may be made at No. 243 South 'Eighth' 'street, between the,hours of 9 and 2g • • au2 4 St; • - - • EST ;PENN ISQUARE ACADEMY, . • • ' Ontlintional Dank Ithildingl, , W. corner Market street anti West Penn Square. A , training Collegiate Technical • and • Commercial- • School for boys andyming men. .•• • • , •+ • . . Gymmodics, French, elorman. Art, Vocal' MUnle, •under skillful teachers without extra charge. College", classes In ever) * stage of ' preparntion. • • • The Rooms will be . open .for Inspection. on and tiftlie ; • . • Xuguet 2911 , T. BRANTI4T LANGTON, Princival. '• • • • • • (TeStimonlal . • • • PIIILADELPIIfk, May let, 1869. %I take sincere pleasure In commending Mr. Langton to the confidence of all who are interested In the education of hers. Ills Urge' experience ; his past success; hU " broad and thorough Vol,* of education ; his enthusiasm ~ In his profession ids conscientiousness mid 'muse of the responsibility attaching to Ids vocation ; and his exem- Mary ,life as a member of a Christian church, render him, in mY judgment• peculiar% quailllNl to he en ill- s et muster of youth „ • •GE , BOARDM AN. • ntil4 to tli,lf 4 . Pastor of Find Baptist church. • • .1113.41%. W. 8311.T11, HA.VING ./.v.L removed fnou 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE street, will re- open her Hoard Ing and Day ScheN_forlYoung_LaglegAn "M i 3 4o 8Y: apla:lti'bak . viretuaryi may be obtained from Leo it Walker, Jas. W. Queen* Co., awl after August 21f ' . . 'AILTHR-SC/1001-.UIO-tuilrlmfr-- EIAYARO FERRIS, CriIESTFUT 'l3lll,Ekr. brOjit Inducements to Retail Dealers. Nalwoolui, Plain,Plaid and Striped. Cambries,.l44 ,Hard, all widths. daeonets, Nulls, Indblind Swiss. Vietorias and Eisbops. Organdies, 4-4 and 8-4. Frentb. Piques, Figures and Welts. • Embroidered Sets. ,• Cellars and Cab. • The shove stock will be offered far the coming swath at al percest. less thttu regular Wass...: . •• —••- ,••• • •• •_. _._____ EMBROIDERED- PIANO COVERS. COOPER, 45 cONA RD,. AkiXo'vv', 3Tar4et,.,, . . . , To ran them' effaaro 'matted doe& to the lowest.' point namable their nnnuoer and Zally Autumn DirESS GOODS. •.• • • wfinyE• aboD§, SILK M.¢NTLES. Tgra'ol-LAWr6iiBO S3 '; CLOTRING.. •• BATHINGO ROBES, ' . A ixml illeiphiy, of Dornestto 3luallas, Flannels, Tick• . lags. Beseithported I t luens, Towels, DamaJskis :A 4 ,N• 1 LINEN STORE, .tp 82S dkreir t filtreeto l AND 21128 .CHESTNUT STREET. 116 , 1 4 4 • --- Cheap Bath Towelingk Turkish Towels, Heavy Absorbent Diapers. fT,TERAL LOTS Or CHEAP HANDKERCHIEFS, In. DAM& and. Gents' sizes. Summer Gauze Flannels, Gauze Blankets. Linen Bheetings, every width. Ire ,furnish Hotels cosi Public Institutions at Importers' package prices. aul9-Im§ ItICkETSHARP&. C0. '127 CHESTNUT 'STREET, Aire dlditiing Out LAWNS, ORGANDIES AND OTHER Six:miner, Press! lor70 04 ' , ! : • • ' iyl t • At Greltly• , Reduceit Pp!ces., 4 iro HEELER k ILSON't"' - • W B owing Mgichines panoAtin-•prz EASY - PAYMENTS' ' 914 OaeatTit Street. QI!PETERSON & CARPENTER h GENERAL AGENTS.• Je2 . 6 t .1111Yrti • • 1 ; . GER3IANciVAVN T:!OINTED, =STONE I t o g A l ft:pilY l ‘ U w 1 3 • (!' 1". . ' .r •l i tf it. • GERMANTOWN.-5 ACRES LAND, oVly 47,600; $2,000 cash.' 0 IcEYSI9I; NEW STONE (30TTAGE,, OHEST: not 11111,• 9 roome r ' etS,Oll; only 411000 cad% wanted: :KEYSER RING, Germantown, next Minot. It* • 7 A -7 -rE 4447 PETi'ftiegn W EdaniPat, t t , LIAN / , attlut club: APPI Y .?!, 'EntreATION: ; • .DR GOODS. IMPORTER, Laces and Lace (kinds. Handkerchiefs. FQXt f;41.,E, „,„
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers