CITY BUEiMETIN. IPn msvfT\' I^4TiTDrK< ,^i^ tiVOQlQ? thC pfO* cccdlbg* ol the Institute M ,V co"p""do n Un the SmfrJjV TOomas Bb"w exhibited his gunpow- and explained Ub structure andmohoof aclion, by moans ° r dla f Dhotographs projected on the screen, and worldßK model. T h | S apparatus may bo do- Irrlhod as follows: Upon a solid foundation or anvUMblock are toe a rely attached two pu'de plllars, between which move first a 60coadary anvil and a hammer or ram. . The secondary anvil, carrying on Its lovrer end an appropriate forging die, Is supported at any desired height above the work by moans of two niston rods and pistons which are connected with u by a orosehcad, and enter two cylinders sup- Dorled on the guide columns at each side and fitled with compressed air or gas. • These two cylinders ore connected by a pipe which equalizes tho Dreesuro in thim and has a Baiely valve which may be so regula’ed os to allow any required amount of gas to be related, so controlling the position of the aecondary anvil above the work Pines leading from the explosion cylinder (to he presently described) of the secondary anvil to thMC cylinders through the piston rods and pis tons (which are made hollow for this purpose), carry oompresecd air and gas to them, and by a regulated valve admit ot adjustment In tbla re spect. Tho support of the secondary anvil be ing Urns provided for. we como noxt to the driv ing force. The upper part of this anvil is bored out to a cylinder, into which fits the plunger nt tho hammer, or ram, which, to begin with, la supported near the summit of the guide pillars. When this is allowed to fall, its plunger, entering tho cylinder of the anvil, compresses and heats the air, starts this anvil downwards, l ,eiplodes a small cartridge of powdor placed within, by which tho hammer le shat book to displace at the top of the guides, and the anvil driven with continuous and In creasing force against the work placed between It and the lower anvil Block. It will be soon thut the force here exerted- is not simply that of a sadden blow, but combines with U a continuous equaling action, since the pressure Is continued while tho plunger travels from' top to bottom of the cylinder, and again while it is driven by the explosion from bottom to top of the same. The ram is automatically retained at the top of the gnidts as follows : The edge of the guide on one Bide is attached by lings In the manner of. a parallel ruler, so that if pushed up It approaches the other guide and so stamps any object be tween. Ab the ram files up its friction operates this motion, and it thns j »ms itself tight. A rod and lever enable tho engineer to slack this part and so to drop the weight at any moment. A pistOn attached to the summit of tho guldos, and entering a cylinder In the upper sldo of tho ram, serves as a boflVr in caae an excessive charge or other cause should drive tho ram up with undue From the work actually done by this model, eight feet blgb, with a ram weighing seven ponnds, whlcn jet produces an effect equal to a pref6ureof 12.0U0 pounds, it Is easy to calculate that a machine with a ram of one-quarter ton and fall or twenty feet would exert a force of 3,500,000 ponnds, and be fully equal in effect to the chorniOUE steam hammer of Krapp, which weighs 125 tons, or five hundred times as much, abd ictist at least $1,000,000. . The report of the Beßidont Secretary, Prof. Morton, was then rood, in which a description whs given of many interesting observations and ■ discoveries In connection with what may be called Astronomical chemistry, or analysis of tho sfini, stars, &c., by means of the spec troscopa; also, homo very Important discoveries in electric science, . . . , A spectroscope of very complete form was also exhibited in operation, as also some novelties in illumination by the oxobydrogen light, and with blocks of compressed magnesia. The vatlens committees weie then appointed, and the meeting adjourned at a late hour. The Tobacco Trade. —An association, called “Ibe Tobacco Trade of Philadelphia," was formed in this city on the Ist ol June last. Its member ship comprises all the prominent dealers and mannfaoiureTS engaged in the tobacco trade in this hUy, and Us dbject is to take cggnlzaneo of all questions relating to the specialty, and to use Its Influence In correcting abases, national or otherwise, which may clash with the true inter ests of the trade. In order to carry out the par poses for which the association wae'inatitntcd, a large room has been secured at No 129 North Front street, and has been fitted np In an appropriate manner for the accommodation of the mombers of the assocla lion, In thq second story Is the large mooting room. Tho woodwcrk Is painted in Imitation of oMr. and the walls present a tasty appearance.the paper belrig bine, with a gold border. The floor Is covered with cocoa mattlsg, and the furniture, which is of the most substantial kind, is made of oak. A number of pictures adorn the walls, among which is a fine photographic portrait of the late James Beck, one of the first men that en gaged In the tobacco bnsiaeßa In thlqpclty. The formal opening of tho new quarters yvill take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The officers, and members of The Tobacco Tiafls cf Philadelphia" are as follows : President—David C. McCammon. Vice Piesdent—Wm. H. Fnguct. Secretary—Wm. M. Abbey. Treasurer—Geo. W. Bremer. . Assistant Secretary—Henry V. Kills. Leaf Inspector—George Boldin. Directors Commission Interest—D. C.MoCammon, H. M. Abbey, Jacob.M. Duncan: Cigar Interest— Wm. EL. Foguet, Samuel F. Smith; Leaf Interest— Gabriel G. Knecbt, Jobn Moore; Manufacturing In loreet—W; D. Ftisbmulb, Jr.. Charles J. Miller, George A. Greenly; Snuff luterest—John Wmdsiae; General Trade—George W. Bremer, Thomas Hire, A. U. Fougcray. . Board of Arbitral ion—Commission Interest—James A. Courtney. M. J. Dohnn. M. E. Me Dow 11, Wm Henry Nassau; Cigar Interest-Wm. H. Fagnot, B»- noni Frismatb: Leaf Interest— Michael Wsrtman, Sol ■ onionT, Her: MannfsoiariDg Inierest-S. H. Bush, B A. Van Sclmlct ;-Bunff Interest-Jacob Beck: Auction lnt< rest- Hsrrv F. Weil; General, Trade— Boujamln Y. 11 01 1 , Wm. Warner, D. L. Ketlcr. FinanceCimmittee-JacobM. Dnncan.S. F. Snl'.h, W. D. Fil-hnmih, Jr. ltoom Commiuec-G. G Kuoclit, A. H. Fougeray. Charles J. Miller. MEMBERB. Baibp.John. iHigkman, Hoi.i. & Co., ci Co . L . Kf.tlkr. • uablrh W., Batou> lou Bno-runm, |Kkti.»u, Ikviu u, J- KOJ& & IihOTUHU, IK.UETOIIMAU, Kl.lNi' & Bosif John Bbtki., Royp. Fouoku\y A < <»., ,1n0.,L.. BIIKMFII*BiXjNB IEWIK, l. KKB. .U>UN. BUOKKOB, MoCAMMUS & I UVV Uuotukur. « o . '4oho A’lii.L « i* UNO Art, Buncraa & Bno . M iUinku. Jaoou, BceiL Miller & Co . M tohui.l A Warm, A 'I ATEW, tHxiltlfi, ». & J.. CaSVABT, W.. P OWKLL &i w KBT, IXIMENT, BaMTUL M . KALl’ti & CO . A., COUKTNEY, WOUDWAEO A UNK IiIBAM W , (j^ t KtUNiIOLU , JOUN, CUNNINOUAM, GLKIM' & KOUU 6l MoGonkkt, i;o . hUttctiMAMN 6i lixo.. V , PaLBT JaMKU. UUBBKI.uA Co., Jamw, DOUAN & I>ITT. ’AWK & Co., J. Kiwali>o, TO! OLASB, SoilMlUT, » . IDWAUJ)B, 1. L & G. W\, 'LVKBIN, '>KO W.. Fiouuoltx. Maybe, duaw,John 11., Fibknlohu. W.A Co, ti&oTjjie&a. f*BßUlilfc&’Co.. A. M., Smith & ie/isuu. JbbItiUMUTH 800. ii Co , Sony 61 CA. WJ) . I'tOOßt, STEniBN, cJtkinp.b it Co , J. 0.. FrOUJrr & cowe, S.. »tout 7. a. K., Fits. !*.• I kulku Buotukub, CSYJKB ItJHIPB, I Hr-OHAM*, A. u., GBeRNLY &* o- GXO. A . I LBIOH, L. &l U.. IiAGAN ARTHUR. VAN SOHAIOK, B. A.. IiAUB A LkEUOM, «r ABI> & Hu" HAeu&Bort, THOB. Wabnku Wm.. ilAiiUibOWi‘Samuel, . miohaku UiivJiXU,?* l*% Ooeokek’b Inquest—Tho Coronor'a inquest noon the body oi William Valentiue was con cluded tbiß morning. The deceased had a quarrel willi a man near the Columbia Bridge, In Novem ber last, and ran upon the bridge, from which ho disappeared. His body was iccovered a few days ago In' the Bcbuylkill. At the time of his disap pearance it was ennposed that he had been pushed from the bridge, bnt the evidence before the Coroner’s Jury showed that he fell through while chasing ibe man with whom he had tho quarrel. The verdict of the jury was : “That the euldgWm. Valentino camo to his deuib by being drowoed In tho Schuylkill river,at Colombia bridge, Nov. 11, 1868." The deceased bsloni rrt to Trenton, N. J. Musical Ektkutaims km.—The choir of 81. Jnde's (.Upleeopul) Church, located on Frankl n street, norih oi brown, Rev. Charles P. Kollogg, Rector, gave an entertainment last evening, at and- Spring G'ifdi n etreete, bclorc a larpki,umber ol tbu congregation ft DO frll'UCi# of Ibe. church. wUo gave cvlduDco of their delight at the varied-performance by fre quent Slid well-merited encores. The choir la under the dlncden <-f M. Albert A. Rlckert. Reckless Deiviau - Geo MaCutcheon was *rrt6U.'d jeeletday all, moo i t.j Pjbceman Prlt »er, for reckless drivlr gon Mr rkat etroet, West Palledclpblu. He was fluid S 6 and coats by Alderman Randalt Hoosk Bobbebt and Abbbst.—The. dwelling. of Mrs. Hardin, on Ludlow street bolow Fortieth, was entered, yesterday afternoon, by means of false keys, and was robbed of silver ware valued at $lOO, some silver cole, a silver watch end several articles of jewelry. Two men were seen to leave the house and were fol lowed to Fortieth and Chestnut streets, where ono was captured by a citizen and handed over to ■i policeman. The prisoner is named Bichard Kennedy. On his person were found some of the silver coin, the watch and several other articles which hud been stolen. Kennedy had a hearing before Aid. Langren,and was committed to answer. Larcenies.— Peter Sterling was before Aid, C »r -penter this morning upon the charge of tho larceny of a barrel of lard from Bprnoe-, street wharf. He was committed for a farther hearing. John Flahtrty wasarrested by Policeman Mc- Cnlly upon tho charge of the larceny of iron from Almond street wharf. The Ironwasfonnd concealed under a pile of lumber. Flaherty was committed by Aid. Tittermnry. Bobbery. —The wine-house of Mr. Philip J. Laufcer, Nos. 21 and 26 South Fifth street, was robbed of a coat, a few cigars and abont $3 in fmall change, abont ono o’clock t]ils morning. The thieves are supposed to have Deon secretod upon the premises when they were closed last evening. Ab Unauthorized Collector. —The ladles of tbo Widowe’ Asylamn caution tho public against a young man who 1b soliciting subscriptions pro fessedly on behalf of that Institution. As no one is authorized thus to act, the individual Is an Im postor, and the managerskope to prevent others from falling victims to hla misrepresentations. Interesting to Oor Ladibs. —We understand that the, new sylem of circular roller skating Is soon to be introduced at the Mammoth Veloci pede Institute, Twenty-first and It ico streets. An exchange,* lb speaking of this amusement, says: As a fashionable exercise for ladles, there is nothing so well adopted to the development and display of a fino figure, and In no way can a lady present equal elegance and grace, os when circulating nhout on skates in evening costume. As this accomplishment is now becoming very popular, wo design to present from time to time whatever may appear of interest to our readers upon this subject. Cricket. —Tbe Youug America Cricket Club, of Germantown, will open the present season with a club match, on Saturday, the 24th Inst. Wickets will be pitched at 2 o'clock. Clubs wishing games with any eleven of the Club will address Thad. L. LoavjU, M. D., Secretary Ground Committee. Tfmtkrance Meeting. —A public temperance meeting will be held in the lecture-room of the Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, Eleventh si reet above Spring Garden, thla evening, ot 8 o'clock. Several speakers will address the meet ing. Friends of temporance and others ore cor dially Invited to attend. FBUin VINELAND, N. J. Items of Interest. [Correspondence of the Philo. Evening Bulletin. J Vineland, April 21, 1869.—There la only ono item of news of special interest hero, and that Is the opening of the new Masonic Hall last even ing. The boll is loeotod in tho third story of the new Leavitt & Sherburne building, and is both commodiouß and beautiful in Itself and iis oj polniments. A large crowd assem bled inr the inaugural services, which were enlivened by splendid music from the band and a eeket choir,and by addresses from the Bev. W. J. Clark, Bev. C. Clute, Copt. Holnrook aud others. The exercises continued until 10 o’clock, w ben the company were invited into other rooms, v, h cre refreshments were served In the shape of r.n excellent snpper. The pleasures of the eve ning were not over until after midnight. All dov v esterday the wind was exceedingly high. We thought we knew hero something of weat the wind could do. but it surpassed itself vcsteiday. A heavy rain, which was much "neided, come on in the night, and to-day the wind Eeems to bo trying If It cannot equal Its ef lorts yesterday. Tho country is beginning to look very boautifnl. Tho rain of last night has r one thousands of dollars’ worth of good. FBOOf JAPAN. A Terrible Disaster—f os» of a British hicamer al 6ea« The Yokohama (Japan) Mail ol February 24tb, contains the following: We have to record with deep regrot, as the principal event of the fortnight, the total lots of theP. M- 8.8. Co. 's steamer Hermann, which struck on a reef off Kawatzu point, about 76 miles from Yokohama, at 9P. M. on tho 18th Inst. She was on her way to Sangar Straits, which divide Yczo from the mainland. Tho imperial troops have begun to move northward, and the Her mann had on board 360 soldiers, together with a crew of eighty men. Of the latter 58 remain alive; ol ihe formor, it is impossible to say how many, Captain Newell saying that ho cannot estimate the loss of life. Bnt from his account of the wreak H would seem that between 260 and 300 bad periebtd. Notnqulry has as yet been held Into iho circumstances—or, at least, no result from ony inquiry has yet been ipade public;'comment lor us, would, therefore, bo ont of place. It is needless to say that a- considerable excitement bos been created here by the accident, and a thorough investigation Is universally demanded. The behavior of the Japanese soldiers, os de scribed by Captain Newell, la worthy of the highest admiration; tbelr calm courage and eiendv discipline in the faco of death entitle them’to n place In history beside our own heroes ( f ihe Birkenhead. There was “no stampede, no disorder,” says the Captain; “from the first they were quiet and cool, retaining wonderfully ibtir presence, of ' mind and calmly awaiting tho commands of their leader.” After consultation with Captain Newell, this officer orrtoied them to keep in their cabins, which they aid until tho water rose, as the6hlpsettled down, nr d drove them on neck Then,when permission was given to iboso who chose to take the risk, to try to swim onshore, they ihrowoff their clothes, girded round their naked bodies their swords— -4 iLe living souls cf Samurai”—and boldly made the attempt; in too many cases, unfortuuately, nr.tucccesfully; for Ihe sea ran high and though life-belts, of which there was most properly great nore on board, preserved them from drowning, most were killed or horribly mutilated by being dashed upon the rocks which fringe the coast. “A. J.” IN JUECnPHIS. A Model Procession* [From tbo Memphis (Tenn.) Post J Onr citizens bad a hearty langb yesterday, and seemed very much to enjoyed it. Aboat 4 o'clock in Ibe afternoon the noise of a band attracted al t. mion on tho slreeta. Pretty soon somo twenty or thirty velocipedes hove in sight, and in the rear of these an old wood-cart, drawn by several yonng mackereU and newsboys, In which was seated the illustrious ex-chief of the mackerel brigade, bowing and smiling to the gaping crowd around him. After him came the lire companies, which always like to have a parade when they ( .n„ and always are ready for a fire alarm. Thiy looked wt 11 and attracted attention, as usual. Immediately in the rear ol them thore v»6 an open burouchc, containing several re spectable looking individuals, who were evidently much mortified at the conduct of a drunken tailor, who stood up grinning and bowlrg to the people on both sides of tho stroet, who bed come ont to see tho velocipedes and matkcicls. We inquired who the fellow was, and were informed by u Soulhern gontluman, who Burned to bo mftdb excited, that ho was “one of thed jtef t, lowest down plebeian scoundrels that ever lived brfiqiior.faee of tho earth.” Wo subsequently learned that it was the samo low fellow who went toAj?as!)iogton some tour yoars ago. and mode by getting drunk and crowding into tnewhilte Chamber and dis turbing the Inaugural ceremonies. Tho crowd bad Ibe good sense to lake no notice of him by ODy hootiDg or ribald cheers. —David Fariasut(the Admiral) told a young Sandwich Islonds doctor, not long since, that nptif he wfis fiS years old-ho cou’.d bold. ene foot in his hand and jump through wiih the other foot. David was always a tough and wiry naval man. Moreover, a pleasant niun. - Maximilian’s library sold well, consult rably lorgcr than It had cost. Tbe Empe ror of Austria is severely censured for havlog al lowed It to bo sold and scattered. —Mts. V. A. Hansford ministers to two Ual veisalist flocks—one at Hlngbam and tho other at Waltham, Maeo. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY APRIL 186.9. i Titos. Kennedy & Broth kit's New Millineuy Enron mu or Pabuionb.— Messrs. Thos. Kennedy & Brother,No. 729 Chestnut stroct,bave evidently,eirnak the popular chore in tto completion of their Bplendld pew Retail Department. ■ Their, store biIII condones crowded dally with Indies,who have found to thelrjoy that they can hero purchase the .most exquisite Hate and bonnets at less cost f Aon they could buy the ma terials and make them themselves. This remark was mude in our hearlmf by several of their caatomsrs yes terday. Messrs. Kennedy’s Immense wholesale trade enables them to buy and sell at much below the usual rates to customers at retail, endlbe ladles o'oar oily are evidently appreciating this fact. , -Their stock, moreover, is as itch aud ncaatlfal as the oesv markets of the world afford; to which is added the proverbial good 'Bete of this well-known firm la the making up ■ and trimming of their hats and bonnets, and the selec tion or their material for catting purposes. FI no real French flowers, brimmed hats, and laces constitute their great specialties this season. Keally Fine and Fashionable Clothing Af -1‘BKOIATBI). Notwithstanding the Immense amount of printers' ink consumed by rival establishments, the rash to No. 824 Chestnut bteeet, yesterday, for oar fine Cheviot Suits, exceeded oar most sangaino expectations, and was a flattering evidence or the opinion ot tbo people on the clothing question. We make no vain boast— merely ash of the people to examlno oar assortment before being allarid by flaming advertisements Into other establishments. Compare oar goods with others, and wo will be satisfied with yonr choice. We dofy competition, Plaid Muslins and NoloBookß,.at 20.22. 25.31, 87, 45, 50, €6 to 75, at Bartholomew's, No. 23 North Eighth street ________ Specialty I— Block Silks pod Fancy Dress at A. & J. B. Bartholomew's, No. 23 North Eighth street. Go to Oakfobds', under the Continental, for year Spring Hat. _______ The Vermont Spring Water. The great remedy for dander, Bcrofula, Bright's DU e:isc und other Kidney affections. Sold b J Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, 6U2 Arch street. Pekoe Bouchong. —A very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sale by Falrthorne & Co., 1030 Markit street and 205 North Ninth. Mixed Poplins for Suits. Some very hand s"UlC goods op ned Ibis moiling, 31. 37)6, 50, 02 and 75 cents, nt A. & J. B. Bartholomew's one- price Dry Goods and Notion House, 23 North Eighth street. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nalls, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. #IB Chestnut street Charges moderate. Spring Hats—Spring Hats. Chailts Oakford & Sons, under* the Continental, have opened their Immense Spring slock. The raosl lx autiful Blyles and beat goods can bo had at Oakford-' Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. 3. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can bo seen at this office. No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invitei to accompany their patlents,as he has no secrets In hie practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No .charge made for examination. Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething— Use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggist* Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun dries. Showdbm & Bbotuib, 23 South Eighth street. IMPORTATIONS. n M Reported for the Philadelphia Evening BnllettiL OAKPENAS—Biig Rrtven. Leighton-660 hhcb 61 tcs noluwie E O Knisht ft Co. ... _ A MATAhZAd-Brig J*» Crosby. Baldwin-313 bhdeSO tot* molasses E 0 Knltbt & Co. „ AAA PORTSMOUTH—Schrdarah Harltiorn, Adams—lB,ooo Scinch and 3 feet cedar shingles Patterson ft Lippmcott. POET OF Pnrr.AnicT.PHlA—Apgo.22. g trace Karine Bulletin m Inside Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. „ „ . Stetmor Brunette, Howe. 20 hoar, from Hew York, with mdu to Jobo F Obi. Steamer oComßtock. Drake. 34 boom from New York, with mdae to W M Baird & Co. Bteamer Florence Frauhlin. Pierson, 13 hoars from Bal* timore. with mdte to A Groves. Jr. Bilg Raven. Leighton. 8 days from Cardenas, with molasses to EC Knight ft Co. Brig JasCroi-by, Baldwin. 9 dayafrora Mataozas. with molasses io E C Knight ft Co. Sailed In corapaoy with bila b C Hetry. for Cienfuegoa, to lo*d for the uStates. Lewis Vineland. Thomas, 7 days from Norfolk, with mdse to Lennox ft Bui gcss. Schr B&rnh Harthorn Adams, 6 days from Portsmouth, withehinftleß to Patterson ft Lipplncott. Brhr *nnle Mrgee. Young, 6 days from r ewbem, with lumber to NoicrOßs ft Sheets. ... Srbr Mary Jane, Waters, 4 days from Newtown, with umber to Hickman ft Cottingbam. CLEARED rain PAY. Steamer Brunette. Howe, New York. John F OhL ls< ik Vceta (Norw), Koldrup, Cronstddt, L Weatorgaara BpikAbbie N Franklin. Holbrook. Antwerp, J N Bazley Brtg*Ueo E Prescott, Mills. Portsmouth,Lennoxftßurgess. 8o»«r H Btof In an, Robinson, 3altimore, do be hr Milled Fillmore, Chase. Boston, Geo B Beppuer, fc'cbr Joe W Wilson, Someis. Salem, do MEMORANDA* Ship Martha. Lew in, sailed from Liverpool flth instant Booth. Gunby, cleared at New York % t,rtt-idny for hiii« Freiicipco. . btenmiT \oluuteer, Jonce. from Wilmington, NC. at New York T*»Rterday , .. Steamer Whirlwind. Shcrmamhenoe at Providence 20th 1 * Eenry, Perkins, cleared at Liverpool Bth ( °Baik Vtorrfnßtrn (Br), Colgin, cleared at Boston 20th iiift. for Melbourne „ „ _ , , i'urfc John Mat hues. Bull van, sailed from Messina Ist IjibL lor New York. wirb I’hlertine‘Hr). McCnllourb hence at 8t Thomas 7th in*t end sailed 14ih for PoDre to load for New York. Bti*rp« ed, Larkin, henco at Elsinore 6th lost. BiigJ Means, Herrick, cleared at Calais 17th instant for I bin vort tichr Bcftlees, Baxter, cleared at Boston 20th instant f 0 WUHairtwn Colson; Lady Ellin. Doughty, iiud Geo FaWa. Utile, banco at Providence 20th Imt. S<br J Nelson, Cavalier, sailed from Providence 20th ieet. for this rort. t _ x t . Bchr Watauga Lawrence, cleared at Charleston 19th fn*t. foi WiluilbgtoDs NC. „ , _ Brhr Fonm, Johnson, sailed from Norwich 19th instant for enu port _ ..... Bchr George R Conover,Roblnßon honce at Taunton 17th Instant Sctir Goddess, Kelley, soiled from Pawtucket 19th inat. fo* till- port . . .... Bchi Fly, Carter, hence at Arponsug I 9 h ln«t. Schrr Mory G Fair, Maloy, and F. B dbuw, Bhaw. hence at Boaion 2uth mot .. „ Bchit. J W ilson. Connelly; It Peamao. Beaman; Elta% B Froeii, Clayton: J Ki.hzle. Steelman; K W Tuil. Rob* bine, hmea forBoMon: H W Godfrey, Sears, hence (or Portsmouth, and Trade Wind. Hoffman, henco for Port* land, at H< in es* Hole 19th iart SPRING STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOB GENTS’ WEAR. BARTLETT, . 33 8. Sixth Street, above Chestnut. ocl7 s tu th lyrt>S C- ABTILE B(>AP—NOW LANDING.-Iwo BOXEB White and Mottled CnstlleBoap, very eup.idorquality, POLE. T BHUEMAKEU A CO., Wholesde Drarglste, N. K comer Fourth and ttace streets. SPlillTb TU f.pENTINE AND ROBIN-110 BARRELS Spirits Turpentines 143 bbls. Pale Boap Kotdns IIM bbfr. No. 3 Shipping Koeln.landlnK from steamer Pioneer for galrjby ED VI. H, ROWLEY, ft 8. Wharve* noStl t PRR3RBV47D GINOEU,—PRESERVED \J Ginger, in pymp of the colobratod «jhy!oong brand t al«b Dry Preserved Ginger, In boxes, imp irtod and for ealo by JOB. B. BU881LH& CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. OITY NOTIOKB. Tub Vbediot Behdebbd. Tub People Have Chosen. Tub Decision is in Fayob or CIIAEI.KS STORES. Charles Stores, Chubb Continental Hotel. MAKINBfI UUJLdUfiJTJLN. BOOrS AND SHOES. iuh ruMSAim. '• ■ OHKOMO EXPOSITION. JAMES S EABLE & SONS LOOKING GLIM WiBEftOOHI - AND ' FBEE GAJhtEttY OF PAIKTISGS, 816 OHEBTNtJT STREET. Now opcn.en extremely interesting cxhlblUoanrepared to explain the method of producing chromof.nnd to show their ramaikable fidelity to the originals. glviug a fuU answer to the oft repeated question, Wh.t aro chromoa?" With tills vlow are, placed, side bv Has, several prominent original paintings, and the chromoa from them, for careful comparison, amo l g which are: Wblttllrt "BAREFOOT BOF," Bloretadt'a "CALIFORNIA BpNBET." Lemmon’s "POULTRY YARD," Tail's "GROUP QF CHICKENS," “ "GROUP OF QUAILd," Briobcr’s AUTUMN IN WHITE MOUNTAINS, Mm. Lilly M. Spencer’s "BLACKBERRIES," and others. At profent are exo' red in the show w indow. tm Cheat* not street, ’ho original painting and chromoof LAKE LI ZfcRNF, by Triebel. Copies of this and all olher chi on os always for sslo Hy special arraugemoat, wo now moke a notable reduction in tho prices of PRANG'S CBROMOS. aa follows: Group of Chickens, or Qualls, each ®* JS Six Amerlc n Laodscapes, oach jj* nuti mn. Est pub Creek ’ J™ The Poultry Yatd S7J Compel..’’'Magdalen. J “} T he Kid’s Flayg oimd “a liitnd Ip hood" J Easter Morning..... - ‘ wh’t’lei'd "Itaiefoot Boy" 8 76 Huollght in wit ter R 00 Blcrstadt's California Sunset 7 60 House in a Storm Ota The Two Friends * f® The l neon cloos Slicper » W Boyhood of Lincnto ctown ot Now England.... u & Acd all Olher, ol tho aamo rates. Full lists, and orlces, and Prang’s • JOURNAL OF POPULAR ART.” on ap plication. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT EARLES’ GALLERIES AND LOOH ING-GLASS WAREBQOMB, 810 CHESTNUT STREET. VO SEMITE VALLEY, by Thomas Bill. GOL D WORDS, by Constant Mayer. THE BOY HOOD OF LINCOLN, by Eastman Johnsbn. IIIE CROWN OF NEW ENGLAND, by Geo L. Broxm. 81 NSET IN CALIFORNIA, by A Bieratadt THE REEF OF NORMAN’S WOE. by E. Moran. COAhT OF NANTUCKET, by Wm. T. hicharda. And other very fino AMERICAN PAINTINGS. Also, a Special Exhibition of Bieretatil’s Eruption of Vesuvius, 1868, ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. miIiUNEBI GOODS, OUR FIRST RETAIL OPENING OF TRIMMED HATS, BONNETS AND French Millinery Goods, 91 ARCH 31, ISG9. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., No 729 Chestnut St. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERB, FEATHERS, Ao„ &o. IV. W« corner biKbth and Vine Streets, a. r. B. xibath. FHILA DELPHI A. anH-lmrp ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, ARTISANS’ AND BUILDERS’ Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works SPABKS.STILLMAN, DOWDELL&CO. MANUFACTURE Eft OP Oast and Wrought Iron Railing, GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, FOUN TAINS. VASES, VERANDAHS, SETTEES, CHAIRS, tie. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW AND IM PROVED STABLE FURNITURE. Foundry—2o2B North Tenth Street. Wareroom—Bo7 Chestnut Street. mhPO tn tb a 8ro8p» XU KENT. H TO LET. || At the STEAMBOAT STATI ON. Pennsylvania (Joutral Railroad. S 5 relies from Philadelphia, a now HOUSE containing nine good rooraa. aoft spring water Introduced, bath-room and water closet in the house. Will be lot with or without furniture. Kent, without furniture, $350. Inquire at 2» South THIBD Street, Philadelphia. Good Boord can be had In this vicinity. | apMKu th a rp* TO KENT. - HANDSOMELY FURNISHED nB Country Seat, Nlcetown lane, weßt of Townahip ■a Line icad, 4 acres of around; within 8 minutes* walk of Wayne Station, on Germantown Railroad House baa 15 rooms* Will be rented for a Boarding Houpe. Apply to apMtli tolls » IttSTMITHILU-TO RENT-A COMMODIOUS furnlehed, commsndlDK a beautiful Tiow; JHia. w ithin a f.w mtuu'eo’ walk of the depot. Apply at 488 Walnut etrcot. second dory front. ap4l3rp y IMEWINfi BiCHIBBS* Saddlers, .llarneos- Tlalters, nanuluc* Hirers o* Ulotlilnff, Hoots, Stooes-dco., will find It to thvlr Interest to use our U’NRIVALIjED MAOIINE TWIST and .he “Milfordl Linen Thread." Manufactured expressly for us from the beat materia) and warranted a euperlor article. CoHPIJf Manufacturers and Proprietors of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE, No* 1 LOG CHUS I N 17T Street. tnvatvrn THUS. K.OBER. Agent RANGE In Constant Operation. Will <lo ibe Cooking for a Large Family and HEAT THREE ROOMS. H. McOLENAGHAN, Ho. 837 Haoo Streep. . apieUituelmrpS /*\ DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELBY. PLATE, ft ft CLOTHING, Ao, at ( OLD-ESTABLISHED LO AN OFFICE. Corner of Third and Gaakill atreeta, . Below Lombard. N. 8.-DIAMONDB. watches, jeweley, guns. Ac* REM ARKABLY B L*W *PIUCEB mM-lmrpS jFiU Al-K -FOR BALE.IBO TONS OPOIIMjK.AFtiOAX V Apply to WORKMAN & Ui>., V arrv . Waloul Btroot. THE THERMOMETER IS ASCENDING. Ample Oaoli Capital* Abundant Store Room, Prolonsed Experience, Ohoioe Locality, Finest Goods, The Most Tasty Cutters, The Most Polite Salesmen, . The Largest Stools, The Lowest Prloes, And everything necessary to earry on the business of supplying the constantly Increasing demand for first-class Clothing, with _ap!2 RJtrpS LEWIS H. REDNP.R, 781 Walnat street* ROCKHILL GREAT BROWN STONE HALL The Bueinete-Thirmomeler of Philadelphia, IS BEADY FOR THE MILD WEATHER, clinging to up, as the try to the vine, and with r • f u rushing In mullitudesr hh& wishing they had always come before. ROCKHILL & WILSON again Invite the pabllc to keep on eoming, and supplying “jlhOlnßelves, cheap for cash, at tho GREAT BROWN HALL, 603 and 60S CHESTNUT STREET, upsa - « , . ■■ ■■■- 1 " 1 SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. ENGLIBH AND FRENCH FABRICS INGENUITY AND ORIGINALITY. CHEVIOT?, MELTONS and BANNOCKBURNB, new Mixtures and Designs. PIQUE. GRANITE and DIAGONAL COATINGS. ELEGANT STRIPES-Rare beauties of designs and colors, for Pantaloonß. WHITE and BROWN DUCKS, and WHITE MARSEILLES, for Vests, made up in new stylo. DOUBLE-BREASTED PROCK COATS, popular for street wear. HALF-DRESS MORNING COATS, convenient for general use. BUBINEBB COATS, English stylo. Jaunty garments. SACK COATS, tastefully cut. Coming Into fashion again. MANY OTHER NOVELTIES OF MATERIAL OR MAKE, An Immense assortment ot pertuloiog to tlie CLOTHING TRADE, CHESTNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN WANAMAKER, 818 and 830 OHESTNXJT STREET. N. B.—This is a NEW Establishment, jnsl opened, in lhe large Brown Stone Buildings, formerly Homer, CoUaday & Co.’s, and strangers will do well to look In at il, if only for curiosity's sake, aptsu ■ 04BPETUI68, *b. CARPETINGS! M’OALLUM, GREASE & SLOAN, No. 609 CHESTNUT STBEET, Opposite Independence H*D. Importers of Carpetings 01 every description. FREBH CANTON MATTINGS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. MTALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, CARPET iSO CIL CL ITU WABEHOIB No. 609 Chestnut Street, ftppoeite Independence Ha‘\ Philadelphia. apTS tb e tv il JeB rp _ SPUING. \ 1869. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very large at>ck of new good, lot SPRING SALES, Embracing all the new etyles of CABPBT IN OS, PLOOB .OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, dec. mhasinrpt . CJIRKIAOESi D>M. LANE, BaUdcr of First-class Heavy CARRIAGES, Respectfully Invites attention to hlfl large stock of finished Carriage#. AUo orders taken for of every de scription* at EAHIFiCTOUT AND WARBBOOHV, 3432, 3436 MABEET STBEET," - Three *eu&W»,.weaL.ol Pennsylvania Railroad Depot iawa hMIBbu MACHINE BELTING,” STEAM Fi gta , e B ere l lnd'«eSere will find a full ff/ortment of GonVjear’e Patent Vulcanized Rubber Beltliw, PacUn* Uoee, &0., at the Manufacturer'. Hoadquarton, . G ° ODYEA Solfahe.tnu ttMe . L^K»Gu°m n a style of Gum Ovorooate. & WILSON’S WIIH OLD CUSTOMERS NEW CUSTOMERS MADE UP WITH TOGETHER WITH AT THE GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. / Eslablished in. 1844* fel Sm« FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRI HAVE REMOVED THBIB Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, OTKARD ROW. tit th flmrpfl ; . I. LUTZ, FURNITURE. 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINE GLASS FURNITURE At tdcdcrate Frleca. .p'U'lm'Pl VUUHI'JTVEtS. ate. . FURNITURE. T. & *L A. HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT BTORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Are now .oilingfiirt-cluee FURNITURE at very roduced mhst-amrpt . IPITLER, wjeaver & CO. *' NEW CORDAGE FACTOR^ NOW IN FULL OPERATION. bo. i! N,WATER street euad 23 N, DELAWARE avonuo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers