GffiSOIT mCOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXIII.-NO. 13. TArBDDIKO CABDB. INVITATIONS FORPAR TUB DDmd INVITATIONS ENGRAVED IN THE W Newwtand beet manner, LOUIS DUEKA, Btv and Betrayer. IC3B Chestnut street f0b20,-tT MARRIED. BABNEV—COOKE.—ApriI 22d, at Ogontz, by the Fev, E. W. Appleton. Mr. Charles 1). Barney and Allen Laura E. Cooke, eldest daughter of Jay Cooke. * HOWELL—ROBINSON.—On the *!d Inst, bv the Fev Samnel E. Appletm, Georce H. Howell to Muy P.. daughter of the Jate Alexander P. Robinson, of Allegheny City, . ■ DIED. ' MEBBICK.—On the 21st Inst, William B. Merrick, in the 88ih year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited t« attend the foncritl, from bis late residence. 82T Ue«ry street, at 10 o'cl<«c«i, on Saturday. 2»th last. * WITMKR.-00 ihc 20t» Inst, Jacob Winner, In the 7Ctb year of hie aye. , , The relatives and malo friends are re spectrally in vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, northeast corner of Thirteenth and Soring Gardon streets, on Saturday afternoon next 24th mat, at 2 o'clock. j£YBE b LANPEU* OI’KN TUTS MORNING. NEWFABRIC'S FOB JCPES 81* K CHAIN AI'BTKiENi KB. aF.I-GI'B. PONOEEB. Sic, tie. NOTICES. tor WOOD ft CADY. TK CBKUTNUT BIUBHT. UOVQTUB tl > . BONNbl'd AND Uil#). «trtS Iniln rot ■ CITY TREASURER. JOSEPH PI. PEIBSOL, Subject to Democratic Boles. . maa- FAIR fOB THE BENEFIT W*®' or riur BOUCEOPATHtU HOSPITAL. Measures for (be peixnam-bt establishment of a p*U»to Hospital to PbU.deli/hU being now inaugurated under the most favoraolo atwyices, the ladies n o other* inunntodlotbe Fair to be hew neat Autumn.for Its bcno fit are earnestly requested*o use all their influence, as well aa personal effurt, to afie it a complete *uccom Contribution* of Useful -ad Fancy Article* of every desalotion may bd collected aa fast as convenient, and provision will bo made for the storage of all bulky pack agea. Donations of money, cooda, Aa., are solicited. Ladles desiring to aid the good caoee can beat do this by forming *Circte*,* , or societies for work and col)cation, atooLg coagrnlal and efficient persona, which, a* coon a* formed, eboold report to Ute Seeretary- . . ... mien ding to co-operate are requested to notify the > ecretaiy at Tunis vanucarr caavnsiaitos, in ad vance of the fonnation of circles Blank book*, properly attested, will be lumiehed for the uee <4 the collectors of °°°tTiiJlßEN-B DEPARTMENT AND CHILDREN'S a iiuuu TABLES IN THE FAIR At* ab wthhdbd fbatcbb. . Physicians* who see ibU circular, and all other benevo lent persona to whom appeals may be made, wiu* we doubt not* promote the formation of the *XJircle« M herein proposed, and further tend to the enterprise the weight of their tnfluttice. . . The presentorsanisatioo ia temporary, and whenever •*Circiea w are sufficiently numerooa an erectionfor perm a cent officers will be called. <apBl*Btrpfi) President, pro tern- M*S JAY COOKE 1&.3 Walnut etreet, 138 S. Nineteenth street. ms- NATATORHJM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE. <***' Broad street, below Walnut. “MENS SANA I* 1 C -KPORR SANO." hE-OPKNINO or TUB SWIMMING DEPARTMENT, r . wr , v , SWIMMING SCHOOL FOR LaDaEo, GENTLKMEN AND CHILDREN. Swimming the most important of all bodily accom plieumei t«. . , „ ~ Swimming tho raoit complete Gymnastic. Swin-nung the moat heafiMul and useful of all manly BP Swtmralag the essence of corporal discipline. The practice of swimming the most radical cure or Bound Shoulderneta for our crooked youths. Cloanlineta aisd exe else mean comfort and health, eotnfort and he«l*b mean - strength; bodily comfort, health and strength mean happinoaa The Summer season of our Institution will open, as “ U * 1 ’ THE FIRST OF MAY. The Club deductions are on the »ame liberal ecale oi last season. Clubs lonning nowevery where. Ihe ma jority of them will bo attended jo on or before the uret of tito month. All Club application. wIU oeaee on SAT UR DAY. May the Bth, at 6 s\ M. . Tee, aa rnuaL opene free of charge to alt enbscribere. For mlnorpai tiaularß ece tlio now circular. Respectfully, apSl 4trpo WM. JANSEN. oM'aMMESIOHEES FOR THE ERECTIUN OF PUBLIC BCILDiNHB. „ Puiuldeu-iiu, April 5, 1869. Designs for new Pnblle to bo erected on In dependence Square, in the city of Philadelphia, with specifications. and eatlmate. for the came, will be re ceived at theOFFIOE OF THE “DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS," No 334 South FIFTH etreet. on tiltho FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, at 13 M. Architects Intending to aubmle plana will reoelve elr culare containing (till in'ormation aa to the general char, aoterof the proposed builolnge, the amount of accom modation to be provided. Ac., by applying, cither per sonally or by letter, to the underelgnea. Secretary of tho Board of commieeionere. at the eonthweet comer of Walnut end Fifth streets. , A premium of $3,000 will be paid for the design posses*, tag the most merit, 81600 for the Bcoond beet, $l,OOO for 4he third, and $6OO for the fourth. The decision upon the merits of the plane to be made, and the premiums to be awarded, by the Board of Commissioners, on or before the fire td ayof ext, at 13 M. All rejected plane wIU bp retained. By order of the Board of Commlseionore. pcoH< aoUßtfrp Secretary. ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THE CONDI a lON OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE RE PUBLIC. OF PHIL .DELPHIA, made to the ControUor of the Currcacy. ae shown by ite book at tho close of buslnoeeon tte 17th day of AgrlL 1889: Loan* and D1ac0nnta.............81,173.388 86 United Btatoa Bouda depoeited with Treasurer of United States, W 0 M 0 00 Bonds on band .■••• M}-®?,®? Real Estate (productive) U 3.131 Legs! Tender Note* »nd Certlfi cate*..., $33 785 00 National Bank Note* M-6J* 00 fractional Cum ncy and Stamps. 8 9i>o 10 Pr trluma 9.82fi 00 Duo from other Banka 502.E68 43 9JB M 53.860 at Expenses and Taxes. TotaL LIABILITIES. <>'ajiltalßlock r.:.. $1,01)0 00»00 Di prelta .' 1,413.129 Print and L0u*..... 57.219 0* i 81037,838 71 . JOrtEHll f.MUAIFOIio. Outlier. PmLADEi.rmA, Api 11 at. 1669 »p23f,m,w6« mgW NEW METHOD OP BUILDING CHEAP AND Beantlful cotiagea. Clroultr free. A. D. CALD. WELL <b OONS, Ua South Fourth streak epSWtrp *®’ AND IMPOSING REGALIA AND DBEBB BALL, In honor and ronnneninrattonol ilia ... UR AXV RATIONAL CKLRBRATIOH OP THR SEMICENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF ODD FELLOWSHIP, . »n be t lren iindc tbe A reel »op<;i of Iho URASV LOLUR A AO UK AM) MS VA It t'HKST OP PF.SNKYLVANIA, ON MONDAY EVENING. April S 6. 1869. PH ILADVLPHLv ‘"rating RTNK. TWENTY-FIR-T AND RACE STREETS. MIBJC Kv BEcK'B PHILADELPHIA BAND. REFRESHMENT AND SUPPER DBPAKTMENTIN UHARGEUF ADoLPII I’ROSKAUEA. Tickets infnebim Kite not included), admitting a flri/tlen)ftD»Qd (wo ladies $3 00 Additional Udits,eacu ... ......... i 0) To bo bad c/f the Janitor/ of the Tenons Odi Follows* Had/. Mu/ic btoros. Dfomiuouc place/ of bmlaoas Uiooghouitbecity.and at the Kink on thee voatna. •j tie i ou’Dilttee t-fftr ss s mptneuio of thtj gigiatlo. reunion of tbe Brotherhood from all parts of the conu* nentof Ameiica, tno following •- Vji IZis*. First.—For Ibe large** number of Ticket over one, hutdrtd, told br any i.odge. kneampment or individual. th. re *b*li iO ilvcn A MEDAL IN UcILD. struck from the die prepared br order of the General Joint Gioa n<Ht*e. valued at $lOO. and enclosed in a beautiful ihibhed case ' ■ . ■ . . 4 Becoi d —For the vecond largest number of Ticket*, over one hundred, sold by any .bodge, hncampmeator iidividdai. there shall ce 'given a Medal, struct m bil, encloied in a oe out ft nl tl&Lhed c*sa. 1 bird - For ibe third largest number of > icket* sold by any Lodge, JLncampment there eh*Ube given a budiU, struck in BE Ob ZB, enclosed in a beauti ful finished case. .' ' • . Fo'irih.—One Ticket to tbe Ball will be given gratuL tou»lv for tvery Twenty five sold by any i-odge, En- CHtnpment.or singlo individual a ... Fetnrns of monev from sales to bo made without delay in the Bcoet«ry of the Committee. Brother A. Mo.Nutt, No 116 North niath street _ NOTICB. In order to promote tbe comfort of the vintors. ft la reutirvted that vehicles set do vd 4 4 hoods west and take tip. “toad* east.’* This teauiation will bo rigidly en> lorced. apSßiWj FOURTH AND ARCH |y 1. 0.0. F -SEMI CENTENNIAL ANNIVEU. Gran"&'anbal’> Aid. Division M arehal. snd Alda.will m..i.(4£1 RAUr.«tr<.ot, on HATU RDA YEV h Hudiibol Sab. l»d,e> .ml Enompmentf will meet at 0o dock- b*mo place- ... .. „ Punctual attennance Is required, without fall. l/»trderof PB‘EA FRITZ, I hWrrn.n of Committee on Divisions and Marshal*. A. J. KNORK. Secretary. »p2J 2t MSr> NOTICE.—APPLICATION WILL BE MADE *— lotbe Chief Cooimia,loner of si hts office, bo, 10< boulb FitTH street on TUESDAY. April 27. USA et U o’clock M . fo. a coat-act to rare Dejkett aircet. bei ut* n lYocdlud, ud Fort v third streets, in liie Taenty-eeretith Word. Owner, of propenj onsi*id ,tie. U dtelroos of being present, cut do so at that time and Discs. MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM,) Centraeton. H* D.M&L MoNiCHUL, (Contractor,. gag- THE BED HORSE POWDERS ABE AOKSOW. lodged .uptrior to any ocher, for .11 of Horses, Block aid Poul Dy. Prepared br O. Browi-i d ugffb-t. chi mist spd horseman, Milton, Pn. Bemetnber Red Horse Trade Mark on essb peck. Fors.le.t6Jl ARCH .erect, Philadelphia. F.,r circular. of- tna worn derful core address, U. BRuWN. Milton. Pennsyt Tsnls, .piß I m w 6ircr* .$3,007,663 70 SPECIAL, NOTICES, ffij- TLBKIBH DATIIB. IH» GIRARD BTREET.TWO SQUARES PRO if THE CONTINENTAL. i Lo dies’ deputmenl falrictiy private. Open day and cTerlng. aplttrpl ttSf OFI ICE OF THE DIAMOND C JAL C0..E03 — 7 W.lnntak NOTICE.—*i he Director, have dfclsrcd a dividend of udetneper ehare. payable on demand. S.AIIEB. Becretaiy. Acntxz. S 3, tm. sp-Ai «• egg- HOWA BD HOSPITAL. NOS- IMS and 1531LQ «• •**' bard street. Dispensary Department.—Medical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to tno poor. ; AaCSBHENrS. —On Saturday afternoon the regular concert will be Riven at Musical Fund Hail, with Iho following programme: Jupiter Symphony (last time) - Mozart Allegio vivace. Andante csntabtle. Minuetto Biles'etto. Finale allegro mol to Piano Solo—Rondo Brlllante Mendelssohn Mr. H. G Thunder. Witt Orchestra Accompaniment Waltz—ln the Twilight Faust Gslop—Lelcht Get tick Piefke Tbe thirtieth and last matinee of the present season will take place on May Bth, Lotla U dolsg each ftn Immense bnetnese at the Arch that the heart of Manager Morphy is glad and the etochboldera sing vrlth joy. The hoose last night was so tightly packed that the people had to take their breath alternately,becaore Mrs. Drew (eared that If they breathed all together the mass would swell so as to split the building. To-night Lotta will appear as "little Nell’’ and “the Marchioness.” To-morrow oftei noon at two o'clock she will go and do likewise. On Monday she will appear In The Firefly. —At the Walnut, this evening, the Cantons come dian Mr. Jsmes 11. Hackett will appear os "Falataff,” in The Merry Wires of Windsor. The fifth act of Midsummer Night's Dream will also be given, after which Mr. Felix Rogers and the Misses Jennie and Lizzie Wlllmore will appear in Ixion. —At the Academy of Music, to-night, Mr. George Hood will have a benefit. Urea's French oners com pany will appear in La Grande Duchcsse. The east In cludes Mile Bose Bell, with Carrier, Beckers, Dellgoe, Ueuot, lluetay and others. Mr. Hood is an excellent and t ffleient officer, and a popular man. He deserves to have a crowded home. —The Theatre Comiqne has won back all Its ancient g ory under the Galton dispensation, and the eharm fng prime donna. Miss Susan, sings to large audi ences nightly. This evening the operettaa .1 Mar naps by Lanterns and No Song no Suppsr will be given. There will bo a matinee to-morrow, at two o'clock. On Monday, Dnprata’s com'c opera Jouvetts. will be prodn'ed for the flint time, with all the music. Tbie work haa been translated and adapted by Mrs. Pyne-Galtnn, and It his been admirably done if we ate correc'lv informed. The Gallons now have for their agent Mr. F.Widdowa. —At the Musical Fund Hall, this evening, a concert will be given by'he choir of the Zion .I*, if. Chnrca, asi-isted bv a numbor of amateur singers and the “Arion Amaieur Orchestra.” The entertainment wilL no donbt. ben very fine one. The propramme is well selected and Is as follows: Parti. 1. Overture, (Lac des Fees,) Orchestra Auber 2. Stabat Mater i Rossini S FraPoco, (Lncia.) Soprano Solo Donizetti Part 3. 1. Twelfth Mass Mozart ts* o Mlo Fernando, (Favorite,) Soprano Solo, Donizetti 3. O Fair Paradise, (Afrlcalne,) Soprano Solos Meverbeer 4. Hallclojah Chorus Handel —On Monday night next the Chestnut Street Rink, at Twenty-third and Chestnut streets, will be opened as a "Vsloripedrome,” nnder the able management of Mr. Wm. E. Sinn. It Is intended to make the Inaugu ral night a grand one. A number of the most accoth plirhea velocipede riders In the country will be present, and Here will be several trials of skill. A gold medal will be given to the best rider, a silver medal to the most skilful boy rider, and a Bilver medal of oonsider ablo value to the best velocipede. —This evening, at Concert Hall, Signor Ettore Bnri)i will give a grand concert. Among the artists announced are Mr. Wm. Stoll, dr., the violin ist, Miss Paolina Nlninger, Miss Virginia Paris. Miss Lconie Petty, Mr, G. A. Conly, and Master Alfredo Barili, the young pianist, a pupil of Mr, Carl Wo|f sohn. The programme is an oxoellent one, including selections from many of the most popular composers. —A miscellaneous entertainment will be given at the American Theatre this evening. The bal let at the American Is one of the best ever placed upon any stage In this city. It includes eight drst-class dancers, with corps dc ballet of surpassing excellence. Tho entire company, indeed, Is composed of artists who excel in their peculiar line. There will be a Matinde at 9 to-morrow. —At the Chestnut, to-night, Tits Field of the Cloth of Gold will be given in enperb style by the burlesque company. A Matlnfio Is announced for to-morrow at 2 o’clock. ; —At the Assembly Buildings, tbis evening, Wyman, tho magician, will give an exhibition. Wyman IS a legerdemainlac, a ventriloquist, and a Juggler of very unusual and remarkable powers, and he always creates enthusiasm in bis andlences. At 3 o’clook to-morrow a Mutiroe will be given. - One of the most attractive and brilliant concerts of the eeason will take place at Musical Fund Hall pa Thai eday evening, April 29th, on which occasion tho Mendelssohn Musical Society will give a testimonial benetlt to Mr. Joan Loais. Soma of tho best mu sicians in the cl’y have profforod their sorvloes, and a full orchestra has been engagod. The concert will Ud aiVlded into three parts. : BScreds>eVassical'-and cellnueouß, and n great variety of rare muslo may ho anticipated. . _ ; —The nutmeg tree la indigenous to Califorrila. There Is not, it Is believed, a very large number of ibe trees, but nutmegs were gathered and sold In Placer county many years ago. j PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1869. Tie Ge&eral Appropriate Bill of 1869 TV, Whom and for What Money was Appropriated. The following la a synopsis of tbe general appropriation bill passed by Iho last Legislature, oiler being recommended by the Committee of Conference, and which woa previons to Its passage the tnbject of so ranch warm diecassien. It will be remembered two of tbe Bepablican Senators, Met ere. BllUngfelt and Graham,deemed! some of lie provisions ao monstrous that they refused to vote for it: Governor's salary, 85,000. Secretary of Bute, 88,600. < Secretary of Slate for compiling election laws, 81000. ! Deputy Secretary, 82,000—a reduction of 8200.’ Auditor-General, $3,000. > Surveyor-General, 82,000. Atiorney-Gcncra), $8,500. Adjutanl-General,sl,6oo—v redaction of $1 500.' Tbe same section elves tteO ilef Clerk bleu certified copies of recoids In the absence of the Adjutunt-GtDeral. State Treasurer, $1,700. j Superintendent Common Schools, $2,500. Slate Librarian, s9oo—a redaction of $lOO. ' Assistant State Librarian, $9OO. j Snpetintendcnt Public Printing, $BOO. Governor's Private Secretary, $2,000. Executive Messenger, $9OO. Postage, stationery, &c , In Executive Chan* btr, sl,2oo—an Increase of $2OO. Chief Clerk State Department, $l,BOO. Seven other Clerks State Department, $9,800. ; Messenger State Department, $9OO. Postage, telegrams, dec., State Department; s2,ooo—lncrease of $5OO. j Temporary Clerk U> Governor, to be employed only daring the session oi Legislature, $125 per month. Blank books In State Department, $l5O. Stationery In State Department, $9OO. Fael end lights In State Department, $l5O. Cleansing Stale Department, $125. . Miscellaneous expenses, State Department, $BOO. Balance to pay for seals and presses, State De partment, $165. Chief Cleik, Auditor-General's office, $l,BOO. Corporation Clerk, Auditor-General's Office, $1 700. Eight other clerks, Auditor General's Office, *11,200. Messenger, Auditor-General’s Office, $9OO. Night watchman, Auditor-General’s Office,®9oo —an Increase of $lOO. Postage, &c., Auditor-General's Office, $750. Stationery, do. do. do. $5OO. Fuel, do. do- do. .$l5O. Miscellaneous expenses, Auditor-General's Office, $2OO. iJ V ' Cleansing Andltor-Gehferal’s Office, s7s—in in crease ol $75. _ _ Cbief Clerk, Surveyor-GeneraTsofllce.fcl.fiOO. : Thirteen other clerfas.Surveyor-General’s office, 118,200. Mtesenger,Barveyor-Generarß office, 8900. Postage, Surveyor-General's office, s7oo—in irease ol 8200. Stationery,Surveyor-General’s office, 8500. Cleansing, Ac., Surveyor-General’s, office,slso. Fuel Surveyor-General’s office, 81&0. Renewing seals, Surveyor-General's offiee, sloo—increase of $lOO Forwarding lien dockets, sloo—increase of $lOO. Deputy-Attorney General, $l,BOO. Messenger to Attorney-General's office, $9OO. Contingent expenses of Attorney-General's office, $5O0 —reduction of $2OO. Chief Clerk io Slate Treasury, $l,BOO. Three Clerks in State Treasury, $4,200. Messenger In Btate Treasury, $9OO. Night Watchman, State Treasury, $9O0 —in- crease of $lOO. Postage, Ac., State Treasury, $3OO. Stationery, Ac., State Treasury, $3OO. Express, State Treasury, $lOO. Fuel and light. State Treasury, $7O. Miscellaneous expenses, State Treasury, $176. Cleansing, State Treasury,s6o—increase of $6O. Chief Clerk Adjutant-General’s Department, 81.800. One other clerk, Adjutant-General’s Department, $1,400. (This reduces the force from three clerks, who each received $1,400). Postage, miscellaneous expenses, Ac., Adju tant-General’s Department, $6OO. Messenger, Adjutant-General's Department, 8900. Telegrams, Express, Ac., Adjutant-General's Department, $750. Blank books and stationery, Adjutant-Gene ral's Department, $7OO. Cleansing office and repairs,Adjutant-General'B Department, $5O. Miscellaneous expenses, Adjutant-General’s Department, $lOO. Transportation of bodies of deceased soldiers, $2,172 49—a reduction of $3,887 61. Tbos. Numbers fur extra services as Messenger to State Historian, sloo—increase of $lOO. Six men at Arsenal, s4,2oo—increase of $4,200. Coal, lumber, Ac. at Arsenal, sl,ooo—increase of $l,OOO. Jno. M. Thompson, Keeper of Arsenal, salary *l.2oo—to be computed from November 13,1868, an increase of that amount. It most be borne in mind that although these appropriations are made to the Arsenal, $6,000 glvon to the Adjutant-General as ex-officio paymaster are cut off. Pensions and gratuities, $60,000 an increase of $30,000. Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools, $l,BOO. Three other Clerks of Common Schools, $4,200. Expenses of Principals of State Normal Schools attending examination, $2OO. Engraving and printing warrants, $276. Messenger Common Schools, $9OO. Stationery, postage, Ac , do., $3OO. Cleansing office and miscellaneous expenses,do., $3OO. Packing and distributing blank forms, do., $6OO. Publishing official decisions, do., $2,100 —an Increase of $lOO. Traveling on official business, do., $6OO. Superintendent Soldiers’ Orphans' Depart ment, $l,BOO. Clerk Soldiers’ Orphans’ Department, $1,400. Messenger Soldiers’ Orphans’ Department, $9OO. Inspector Soldiers’ Orphans’ Department, $1,600. Female Assistant Inspector, do., $lOOO. Postage, &e., do., s4oo—increaseol' $lOO. Stationery, Ac., do., $l6O. Printing, do., s4oo—redaction of $lOO. Transferring pnpils, d0.,5600 —increase of $lOO. Funeral expenses, do., s3oo—lncrease of $lOO. Traveling expenses of Superintendent and As sistants, do., $6OO. Office l'nrnitnre, do., sl6o—lncrease of $l5O. An item of $4OO for advertising, allowed last year, la stricken out. The entire appropriation for the Soldiers' Or phans’ Department, including the above Items, Is $460,000, and it is for the first time mado requi site for the Superintendent to have his accounts audited; and it also prevents the Auditor-Genoral from approving the accounts, unless be Is sat isfied the Superintendent is not Interested, per sonally, In any of the schools. FtSr the support of the Common Schools,ssoo,- 000. Normal School, Third District, $5,000. Normal School, Sixth District,ss,ooo—increase Stato Library, $l,BOO. The bill for- tho first time takes the disbursement of this money oat of the bands of the Librarian and places It io tho hands of the Senate Finance Committee. It also reduces the Library exponsoa utidcr last $1,050. I OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. Judges Supreme Court, 830,000. Philadelphia Judges, 836,000. Allegheny Judges, 825,000. Judge Twelfth District, 84,000. Other Law Judges, 8115,000. Associate Judges, 850,000. Payment of interest on funded debt, $l;800,000. Public printing, binding, &c., 835,000. Pay and mileage of legislators and officers, 8220,C00 (a redaction oi 840,000). ,Tbo bill , also provides that tbe Legislative rffieers shall receive tho pay allotted by tbe “act of 1868, which, of . course, is a great reduction when compared with the pay heretofore given; gives the pages 8200 eoeb, instead ei $lOO, as provided by tbat la w;and pays the additional officers ordered by tbe Bouse,and nblch created so much comment. It is also provldtd no member or officer of the Legislature shall send letters or documents through tbe mails at tho expense of the State, exce pt tbat last session’s Legislative Record, , may be sent, and repeals all acta authorizing the printing of tbe reports of State officers. Packing and distributing the laws, 81,300. The Secretary of State is authorized to publish ; annually five hundred copies of the pamphlet laws in addition to tbe number now au thorized. . Water, 8800. Tbe necessary amount of gas is to be paid for, but it is provided that the State Lunatic Hospital is to be supplied at fifty cents per thousand less iban is charged private consumers, and that no contract shall be mode which will prevent the next Legislature from adopting any otber mode of lighting the public buildings and grounds. Superintendent of Public Baildiugs ' and Grounds, 81,200. Three watchmen for do., 82,700—increase of 83(50. 84,900 are saved to tbe State in tbe public bnildiDg section ol the bill, bat $3OO are appro priated fora new carpet for the Executive Depart ment and 81.000 for an lce-boase. Tbo bill also provides tbat after tbe first Monday in January □ext, the Governor, Auditor-General and Slate Treasurer shall form a Board of Commissioners for pnblic buildings and grounds, who shall have power to appoint a Superintendent at $1,200 a 3 ear end two watchmen at $9OO each, and they are to, have charge of repairs, &c., except in the Senate and House. Indexing Journals, 8400. $7OO allowed last year to tbe Cbief Clerkß of tbe Legislature for miscellaneous duties are not given by this bill; nor are tbe $350 allowed lost year to Mr. Small for revising, &c., tbe Legis lative Band Book. » Resident Clerk, sl,Boo—increase of $l5O. Tbo pay of Resident Clerk is to date from January sib, 1869. Tbe distributing, folding, &c-,of the Legislative Record, $l,OOO (an increase of 200). This money has been heretofore distributed by (he Cbief Clerks of tbe Bouse and Senate, bat hereafter one half will be paid out by tbe Clerk of tbo Senate and tbe otber half by tbe Resident Clerk of tbe Bouse. Chaplains of Senate and House, $6OO. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, $40,000 increase of $5,000. The bill increases the amount appropriated for every deaf mute taught at the expense of tbe State from $240 to $250, but the total is not to excecd:s4o,ooo. IK-Jiutlon for the Blind, $33,000. Western Pennsylvania Hospital, $87,587 —re- duction of $13,913. State Lunatic Hospital, $30,000. Media Training School, 825,000—reduction of 85.000. Five thousand dollars of the appropriation to tbe Training School is for repairs and bniiding purposes, to be given if $lO,OOO are raised for tbo same purpose by voluntary contributions. Eastern Penitentiary, $23,700 —redaction of S4JL3OO. Tbe same allowances to discharged convicts are made as heretofore. Western Penitentiary, $69,950 —increase of $31,800. the same allowances to discharged convicts are made as heretofore. Eastern Honse of Refuge, $30,000 —reduction of $5,000. Western House of Refuge, s2o,ooo—reduction of $8,500. Northern Home, $5,000. West Philadelphia Home for Colored Children, $l,OOO. The last appropriation is made to pay in full for the maintenance of soldiers’ orphans whose claims conld not be made out nnder the soldiers’ orphans’ law. Union Temporary Home of Philadelphia, s2.soo—lncrease of $2,500. New Brighton (Beaver county) Retreat, $2,000 —increase of $2,000. -Lincoln Institution, Philadelphia, $lO,OOO increase of $lO,OOO. Marine Hospital, Erie. $20,000 —increase of $lO,OOO. / Albert Blentz, Contractor for building Execu tive Mansion, sl,soo—increase of $1,500. \ McFadden A Bro , Contractors for building Mexican Monument, s3,o9o—increase of $3,030. G. L. Braun, serving subpoenas, Ac., sssVin crease of $55. 1 Completing and fencing Mexican Monument; $ I,ooo —increase of $l,OOO. Payment ofMlUtary Claims under act of April 16,1862, and Us supplements, s6o,ooo—reduction uf 810,000. Tbe bill allowß claims to be presented te and settled by the Auditor-General up to May 1, 1870. Commissioners to Cattle Convention at Bpring field, s3oo—increase of $BOO. Prison Commissioners, appointed under act of 1867, sl,2so—increase of $1,250. St. John’s Orphan Asylnm, Phila., s6,ooo—ln crease of $5,000. The above item is to pay for maintenance of soldiers’ orphans. Legislative Reporters, sl,4oo—lncrease of $1,400. Two firemen at Capitol, one twenty days and the other ten days, at rate allowed by law. State Insane Hospital at Danville, $lOO,O 00- lncrease of $lOO,OOO. The bill provides that the Hospital shall not cost In all over $200,000. Survey of Conneaut and Pymatuning marshes, $971- Increase of $971. Senate Committee on Public Charities, $1,600- increase of $1,500. Publishing Porter’s Botanical Survey, $6,000 increase of $6,000. , _ The sixteenth section of the bill repeals suffi cient of the act of 1868 fixing the number and pay of officers to allow the Resident Clerk of the House,sl,Boo; the Librarian of the Benate,sl,loo, and the Librarian of the House, $l,OOO. This will give the clerk aforesaid $6OO more per an num, the Senate Librarian $3OO more, and the Honse Librarian $2OO. . Thayer vs. Grcenba k Commlttee,.clork and stenographer, sk,Boo—increase of $6,800. For fitting up room where battle-flags ore de posited, s6oo—increase of $5OO. Tho last section of the bill appropriates #6OO to Daniel Wilhatn, late Representative from Philadelphia; $2OO to W. C. Gordon, Clerk of Bunn vs. Wltbam Contested Election Committee, and $l5O to M. R. Adams, Clerk to Hirst vs. Haro Committee, . , In noting the increase and reduction In dlfier ent Items it will be seen that wherever a now, item was insertediin tho blllit has been marked as an increaeo. It will also, be observed that no appropriation was made for tho Stato Historian s office, so that the Governor will bo obllgod to discharge the historian and hla clerks on the first of Jane next. legislative Record , $l5 a page. Index to Legislative Record, $2OO. Fire Companies ol Harrisburg, $7OO. years’old organist. —A near-Bighted Pittsburgh woman tho other day having occasion, to replenish the coal la bar stove, picked up the ecu tile and dumped In* a black cat whloh. was taking 0 nap ju thM yer ceptaolo, .. CUBA* FIUBIBTEBB. (general Nteedumn’s Expedulan (o Cuba— Wbat u Union ueuerul t»si legea lo be liolng (or Cuban Inde pendence. [Correspondence of tho N. Y. Tlmos.l New Oklkans, April 10, 1869 Some time lisee a . filibustering expedition was planned here in older to reinforce the Cubans with men and arms. The Spanish Consul la this city, after getling.wind of tbis movement, aeked Oiptaiu- General Dolce to send over from Cuba some adroit spies. Nearly every steamer from Ceba brought some of them, but they did not fare bet ter tton tbe Consul, tho volunteers and Cubans. keeping a strict watch over them. It will be remembered that sometime ago GeneralSleedman visited Havana, that ho was arrested there and released afterward. Tbis trip was undertaken for the purpose of reconnolter ing and putting himself iu connection with the Cuban patriots. Shortly after bis return here, in tbo upper room of Hawkins’ saloon, a btr roam ol the Havte-voUe, a secret meeting was btld, at which the Executive Committee of the Cuban refngees, tbe Mexican Consul,Scuor Diaz; General Sleedman, General Harry J. Hays, late Chief of tbe Louisiana Confederate Artillery; Colonel pnxon. late Colonel in the Confederate , Army, atd proprietor of tbe Crescent newspaper,: and many other influential and opulent citizens ; of tbis city met. General Bteedman reported on what be bad observed at Havana, after which a plan for au expedition was made. Sisco then tbe corps organizi d numbers over a thousand men, camping on different plantations in the neigh borhood ol the city. The chiefs have further pur chased 2,000 rifles and two fall batteries of artil lery, and also hired a very last steamer, a former blockade runner, to bring them to tbat northern ’ coast of Cuba. This steamer is reported since to have left for Cuba. The expedition will be joined by nearly all members of tbe Democratic Ex-Union Soldiers' and Sailors’ Club (organized during tho election campaign), whoso President was General S:cied man. They hope to be able lo baffle by their steamer every pursuit, though in case of need, they are firmly resolved to givo battle to any Spanish man of-war which they may encounter. There 1b plenty of money among tbe filibusters, for the rich planters arrived from Cuba and tbo Mexican Consul, Mr. Diaz, have provided ample funds for earn lng out tbe expedition, General Sleedman having also contributed $5,000. Seaor Diaz, iu tbe negotiations with the Cubans, serves us interpreter aßd negotiator, wbile tbe latter occupies bimself with the organization of tbe corps only, which will consist of two divisions, commanded by Gen. Hays and Col., Nixon, while Gen. Sleedman will bo Commander-In-Chief. A splendid Cuban flag made oi silk, by the wife of Senor Diaz, was presented to tho officers of tbe corps in Senor Diaz’s bouse. It may be well Imagined that pure love of lib erty has not solely caused the members of the corps, and especially the officers, to tako part iu tbe expedition. Tbe leaders of tho expedition have been promised high offices, and tbe other filibusters are to bo compensated according to rank aDd their merits. Senor Diaz has just now returned from Washington, bringing iavorable news and much money with him, the latter for tbat expedition which is to start at tbe same limo from Mobile for Cuba. That the enterprise will meet with difficulties in Ibis port is hardly to be believed, the Cdatom boneo officials being all in favor of the Cuban cause. Moreover, tbe emrps is made up of men who have scented battle-fields,- and - who are not intimidated by Spanish troops or Spanish sur veillance. FIUBCHrEBS Af WOBB. A Brigade of Americans Fighting for the Cubans — Old Confederate Sol ti lers In the Field-Curious state, ments of a Newspaper Correspond ent. A correspondent of the Savannah Advertiser, writing “In the Field, near Bayamo, Cuba, April 6, says : Successes of the Liberals continue to be reported daily. General Gomez Is actively harassing Vulmaseda's forces, and Marcamo, Foldres, and Thornton sweep the country for six. leagues about Santiago de Cuba. Within a week a dozen ekinnishes are reported, and each one was a Liberal victory, as the foot ing up of prisoners, arms and stores captured will show. Every plantation in this section is a harbor for the Liberals; every cross road is a gathering place or patriot camp, and every hacienda you can find a patriot quarter. The trains sent out to San Louis, El Christo and Palma Doria have, for the third time since March 7, been cither driven back or captured. The armed and unarmed patriots spring up from the ground as did Marion’s men in flays gono by upon the Pedee, and their success Is inevitable The arrival of Hamilton's brigade at Port Naranjo was an event. 1 hey came in detached companies, und only since they have taken the fleld has any appreciation of their strength in arms been had. From their arrival they went to work in earnest—a large number were mounted within twelve hours of their arrival and away, scouting the country as though to the manor born. Ham ilton is not yet with them—he may be in Cuba ere this reaches you, though. Old familiar faces are here, though last seen at Shiloh or at the Wilderness, pressing throuqk the smoke of battle , and these veterans of the great rebellion make short and speedy work of the thin-skinned Andalusians. Yon con readily imagine what chance a consciipt Spaniard, fresh from a voyage, reduced by the borrors of an aggravated sea-sickness, and green to war, has with these powder-burned tigers. Some ol them have recently been seen in and aronnd Bayamo, Mayara, and Buciry, and wbeiever they have been seen will long be remembered. Thornton is at Palma Doria to* day to-morrow about Villa del Cobre, ever ready. Broughton is invalided with a wound re ceived within twelve hours after landing. Van Horn, who save he is an original Alabama rebel, leaves me to-day for La Gnanaja and the vicinity of General Qaesada’a command. Valmaeeda and Maicamo met a few days since, and another Liberal snccesß has been added to tho list. The Spanish troops are beginning to desert freely. Twelve came into our camp last night—all now arrivals from Spain. Little of this is of Interest to you who listen for stirring news; for great bat tles whereon yon can Indite many words? for charges and assanlts, upon which to build long black headlines; but to us these little skirmishes, tempered as they are by tho most bloodthirsty spirit upon the part of the Spaniards, and by the desperate, Boul-nerved resolution npon tho past ef the Liberals—these things to ns are nt* void of excitement nor danger, it is not permitted,mo to go into details—suffice it to say that each day adds to our force, our strength, unanimity and prospects. Each day brings to the ports we hold men, munitions, stores, money and hope. The issue Is no longer doubtful. Blockade running continues to increase. If the hatches could bo lifted off, half the vessels In the Gulf to-day would show something contraband ot war. We we working rapidly against the day when the grand cordon will ho placed urwrnd as, which lire oßd iron alone can remove. Now is tho time for tho adventurous, either In person or puree, to come forward. Fortune and fame come easily and speedily in such days ob these. Tho prospect is cheering to every Cuban—to every lover of liberty. Wo havo gotten beyond the stage when alldeslre to bo generals. We have reached that stage when all are willlu-st to work in'whatever sphere they may bo placed, and,to ' work whole-hearted whon that Umo is as you know success Is no looger problematical. I will continue to write to you as occasion may setve, Unt do not look to mo for counts ol great battles-thoy are not Plentiful. We eating the country “P- !?? lnc {*~ ove.rooming prejudice— creating patriots, not ■ XiybSAasionrbut by amd win wo must. Volontkwi. IThn differences bolwocn tho directors, of tho RoTll Ita ian Opera, Covont Gardeo, and Mile. Nilsson have been satisfactorily arranged, She will appear at Covent Garden early la May, F. L. FETHERSTOtf' Mister. PRICE THREE CEKTS. odb roßßiov POfiieV. ;■ England Prepared to Keinler SttUtora**- tivnin Uie idarir Lowell HllMr-lU* ■nored Coullliau ol Btieiaad, WraaM anil Mpaio-eipalQ of tuba. The Washington correspondent of thtr Now York Herald, sayer Official Information received from Londotvcon*- firms my despatch of two days ago to ttredffiJet ihut Secretary Fish had demanded of Eaglaild »*' explanation regardlntr the seizure aOd'cOndenra**- lion of the brig Mary Lowell. There ISnoddubt s whatever of the fact that such a demand has heMt' placed before the English Premier, but atrtho samo time it should be- stated that no fears-are* entertained In official circles here that auyccW cauee of trouble betweem the governments trHl' arise therefrom. It Is understood hero that thd ' EDglish government agrees with oar own ht' i regarding the conduct Of ' the Spaniards'St* this matter is completely Indefensible,' andfnr tber, that it baa already requested anexolanatiorr 1 of the whole proceeding.. In vindication of iIS own honor and dignity, should Spain . to • furplth an explanation to England, there is , rear ■ son to believe the latter will firmly insist ebon the surrender of the brig Mary Lowell. Wei tr over may bo the sympathy oh' England foteithn 'Spaniards in their straggle to- preserve Cuba In their poßseeslon, she will not suffer a flagrant violation of international law to pass, dnbr plaihed and ntfsatieflid. It Is said ‘Mr.'Fish’ halt aesnranees from Minister Johnson that .steps have already been, taken by England looking to the surrender of the brig in question.; Oo tho other band it is stated on good authority that this point being settled. England will do allin ber power, wilbont openly declaring herselt Oh the side of, Spain, to old the latter connlryln keeping the rebellions Unbans In eubjoctiom It Is even asserted that a secret understanding has already been entered into on the part of Eaglaud and France- to send a powerful fleet to (be West' Indies to assist in' preventing snpplies from reaching the Cabans, ana thus enabling Spain to starve oat bur rebellions subjects. The two statements seem hardly recondlable.bnt I give them as they reach me, without vouching fur their trathfnlhees If England really has any snch dangerous designs; it is not easy to explain why she should express herself so ready to pick a quarrel with Spain about the Mary Lowell affair. Certainly Brother Jonathan will be quite as likely to fight about English and-- French' interference with Gab* as about the seiznre of a little brig in English waters. Farther, if Spain had assurance of Eagllsh and French support she would hardly yield iso- promptly t» Ibe late demands of Secretary Fish. Some of the diplomatic folks here declare that notwithstand ing all the talk about Spanish pride and the Im* possibility almost of effecting a bargain for the sale of Cnba the provisional government In old Spain are only waiting a good cxcase and oppor tunity to sell ont the gem to Brother Jonathan. Money, say some of the diplomats assembled is Washington, is what Spain now needs above everything.' She must raise money soon, some how or other, and one of the easiest modes they believe is by tbe sale of Cuba. Mr. HdTcrdr Jouu.oa to ffoaven.J'B At the annual festival of tho Royal Asylum,; .of St. Anne's Society, our Minister at, London Is reported as having said that if the recollection of scenes in thiS life be permitted us hereafter, one of his fondest memories would be the festival din ner of which hebad-just-par takeout tUaLondos* Tavern. Whereupon the Pall Mall Goeefle remarka that Mr. Reverdy Johnson in heaven dreaming of tho cuisine at the London Tavern must ho a do llgbtfnl object for tbe proprietors of that bostlery to think oft and proceeds to exDress the heps that an anticipation so inconsiderately Indulged may not be realized. Certainly if the public (Un- Ders Mr Johnson bas eaten in England are to form tbe subject of bis thoughts in a future state, the/ will occupy a little eternity in their contempla tion.—A’, r. Post. FACI’S ASD FAHOUSS. [From Harper’s MagasineJ MAGDALEN. If any woman of ns all, if any woman of the street, . Before the Lord shonld pause and fall, And with her long hair wipe his feet— He whom with yearning hearts we Ibtc, And fain would see with human eyes Around our living pathway move, ‘ And underneath our dally skios— The Maker of the heavens and earth. The Loid of life, the Lord of death. In whom tho universe hadi birth, But breathiog of our breath one breath- If any woman of the street . Bbould kneel, and witb the lifted mesh Of btr long tresses wipe bis l'eet, And with her kisses kiss, their flesh— How round that woman would we throng’ How willingly would clasp her hands 1 ; Fresh from that touch divine, and long To gathor up the twice-blest strands I How eagerly with her weald change Our idle innocence, nop heed Her shameful memories-and strange, Could we bnt also claim that deed! Harriet . Prescott? SeOKFOEDw —Don’t forget the Children’s Hospital and tbs Water Color Exhibition. Mr. Cameron opposed General Bussell for Ecuador, but if it was- revenge he-was after, he got Nunn. The opening of tho Tobacco-Trade Rooms, yesterday, was whaL the French sail a “chew de spree." —Strange times among the newspapers- The Globs lias ceased to go round, and the JOcviocratec. Union has been dissolved. —At a Into hour last evening the Brazilian nominee received' news of bis defeat In thw Senate in the following despatch: “Oh I Pile, it is a fearfal night'" —An infant Trojan fell lnto-a kettle of boiling water the othei dsy, and as a remedy, was soused in a pail of ice-water. It Is now a questfon whether the child was scalded/ or frozen to death. —Buffalo haa got a fire-proof grain elevator, built entirely of brick and stone and Iron, with a , storage capacity of 500,000 bushels, and a receiv ing and delivering capacity of 41,000 an hour, , —An unfortunate schoolboy in Massachusetts, staggers under the iDCubuo of the name .or Andy Johnson. He gets “licked" every day, eltjrerbr tho schoolmaster or the boys. lately, but one says, this morning: -• •. “ Imminent" (.overhanging) “amone. the chan ties of Philadelphia Is that of the Children sifoa pital.” We are assured by the Managers Shat ilie building is perfectly safe. . ' Here's another, ot yesterday: “At last the logal-tender question.has. open, authoritatively settled, and tho iaaua. bqSvfeoa coin and paper haa been determined in favor ot.' the former. The Supreme Court, of tUo Onlta* Stales, whose dzeisions are binding on every State court, bas, in a recent great case? decides that when it is covenanted as aa.agreement that the money shall be paid in coin,,of asy speclflow kind, it can bo demanded and recovered in the coin mentioned, or its equivalent. ' * , . The decision will also apply to all ground roots not already covefcdpbg tha tcelhAnawn decision that; "a grov,tid rent is ait estate and not a dobb" WhAt on earth docs this mean? Tho Soprente Court adjourned April lbwithout finally deciding tho legal-tender question, but having .decided o'ad or two coin cases. ’ Can It be that tho f ee** ’aas just waked up to tho knowledge that Hron- L son v. Bodes was decided id Washington ana to-" L ported in March last? (Hi i’: » A-W,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers