The UmvKßsmr of PnNHSYLVAiftA.-An ex hibition of oratory and declamation by the Junior Class of TO, of tte University of. : vonis, tame off yesterday afternoon m_thehall of the University, on Ninth atreot. The Ger mania Orchestra was presont and discoarsed sonio excellent mnslc. fho class Is composed of the followlugyoung genUomen: _ _ Chafles D. Barber, George K. Hunter, Francis E.‘ Brewster, Robert M. Huston, John M. Campbell, Barton Lowe, George M. Christian. Charles A. March, Freni L. Were, James A- Mc Auley. TTnfrh-Crafc. Jr., Georgo F. MatUn, Wliliotn C. Cox, Mqxhih^ r vr* ?^ er ' nharlcB W. Dulles. Arthur V. Meigs, , Francis Gk Du Pont, William D.^ellson, 'Harrs T.Eckert, Charles R.Pary In, Theodore H. Ernst, Robert M. Patterson,' JamesC Fisher, Jr., Francis 0. Phillips Charles Frv Francis F. Rowland, Harold Goodwin, George Sharswood, William W. Griecom, Henry G. Ward, Alexander Henry, Jr., George Wharton. .Tames H» Wolfe* Rbv Charles P. Kranth, D. D., opened the ex orcises with a fervent prayer. ’ . / William D. Neilson dcltveredan addrosß. His snbli ct was “Natural Forces In Civilization." Wm.' W. Griscom delivered an oration on “Physical Forcshadowlngs.” He dlseussod the dlllerent eras of Force as they have ministered to man, shotting their suecessions to hovo always been higher developments, and In dicating their further poseible advance in their rdatibn to man. On this point, Mr. Grls- C °Buoh are the wonders with which the third rEra has opened; l and are: we, with-the accumu lated egotism ot. all preceding generations, to ■close our eats to the logical lessons of science; to shut our eyes to the forecasted shadows of pro ■grfess; to thinli -that'in onr ! advancement the world Is great enough, and honce, that with etberatlonVend must end the world ? No! neither religion ribr seiehce upholds such a doe- Tribe] htid in vain will * the "surmise of self-love to oppose them. Thought so elaborated in its Clements And so' articulated in its- .forms —this majestic pile of thought, which wo , call science, cannot-be shaken by effort so puny. It has but oneivoice, that which has echoed this truth through centuries of centuries—but one pointing; and that toward an indefinitely prolonged strug gle alter infinitely developed power. Mr. George F r Martin, m his discussion of the “Deeper Relations of Words,’ dwelt upon the profound significance they derived from the mys_ terloueness of their origin. He -howed tbclr connection with thought, not as thought s vest ment, but as its incarnation, maintaining that if philology, as a study were pursued upon this ba fls, an organ for the discovery of philosophic truth would be given us as Important as the more recognized medium of metaphysics. Mr Charles Fry made a very pretty oration, in miniature, on “Man and Naturo, taking the general view that mankind has an innate love Of ni tare; that in his gay moments nature Is In sympathy with moo,and in his sombre moods aids in restoring him to happiness. Mr. James Miller’s subject, the ‘ Balances In Time." was a consideration of the great law of compensation rnnning throughout material and moral life, but wrought out by so many causes mlngled.yet unrelated, in the impossibility of tracing them individually we may assign them all to Time. Compensation was thus considered as a natural result of the progress of Time, and the varloas plotures given of it were accurately and thoughtfully drawn. Mr. George W. Christian discoursed on The JJays of Queen Bess.” The gist of the oration was the assertion of Queeii Elizabeths force Of ebaractor In bringing and keeping about her the master minds of her time, and attributing to her Btrong will the present free condition of the working classes of America and England. Mr. Henry G. Ward spoke on “The Work of a Soul." During his remarks he said:. , “The religious revolutions which have success fully planted their.standards among the fortresses of the “Established’’ have been of two kinds. First, those Which involve a mere ehauge In the form or principles of a dopajnanV yeliglon; and second, those tt hieh Involve tenets absolutely new. The material of the first Is slowly shaped and nc cumulated by a thousand forces, hnowa and un known which,'as long aß.th.ey are under tho ln fiSonco of . lime and circumstance alone, are thrown up here and there,- without order or cou nection.eometlraes at variance, generally In cou plet®. chaoß. But let these lorces from the magazine of the past once concontrate. once idealize in the breast of one man, or In the breas ts of twenty men, and this one man, or these twenty men, will for the first time give definite abaplog and direction to the mass. These great master spirits, by turning confusion into order, bring into actual being the revolution which before was but a fitful fever. Such, wero the rellglode changes which swept Europe In the sixteenth centnrv. and such great central forces were£uther° Calvin Snd Zwlngle. But the revolutions of the second clasß, such as involve principles absolutely new, start abruptly from one man—the founder—and behind him we search tho past in vain for material or conspiring causes. They are not the result of a multitude of forces; they are a birth from the soul of one man, the centre,,; the force. Of such changes we have had but comparatively few examples; bat few as they are, on them has hang the destiny of tho world. Zoroaster, Hums, Con fucius; Mohammed, all preached principles absolutely new—principles which, whatever may have been, their character, all pro leseed to be founded on a HeaVen-glvco law. And In a comparison of these wo may dis cover the radical catholicity of all faiths. Whether born In Persia, Arabia, or China, whoever be their founders, whatever bo tbelr accidents, they all rest on a basis more or less truo. That there is an eternal, omniscient, omnipotent Bplrlt, who governs ns here, and who will jndgo ns here after,'and that according, to the tenor of onr me and tenets of our belief on earth we shall here after live In an eternity of happiness or of woe. This is the universal formula of religiOD,although ita development in successive faiths has boon dif ferent.” 0 „ The exercises commenced at five o clock r. M., and lnßted until nearly seven o’clock P. M. As each student finished his speech, the andlenei applauded, aDd bouquets were given profusely The whole of the junior claeß were present on the stage. Altogether, the “Exhibition was superior to any we have over attended, and reflected great credit both on the students and on Mr.Clevoland, the new instructor in composition and elocution. It displayed ihe very marked advance which thle ttme-botortd instilniion has made undor the new system of Instruction,and convinced all who were present that new life and new blood have boon instilled Into the University. The catalogue for 1868-69 gives the number ol studeplß connected wltn the University, In all its departments, as 852; of which number 1-18 are in tho .Academic Department. Sale OF Real Ektatk.— James A. Freeman, Auctioneer, sold yesterday at tho Exchango the following: No. 1822 Earl Btreet—2 framo houses, abOAe Thompson sin et, Eighteenth Ward, lot 16 feet by 66% loot. Subject to $2O ground rent, Anpie street—Neat two-story brick dwolltng, above Dauphin, Nineteenth Ward; lot Hi by 45 feet. $1,226. „ . .. No 1511 Green street—Modern three-etorv buck residence, with three-story bnck back buildings; lot 18 by 101 feet. Subject to $1»0 ground rt nt, $8,900. , , No. 1939 Poplar street—Three-story brick dwelling, with back building; lot 16 by 80 feel. Subject to $93 ground rent, $2,600. No. 1254 Richmond street— Three-story brick store and dwelling, above Cumberland Btreet; lot 16 by 100 lect. Subject to $3B ground rent, $2,200. _ No. 1124 ogd:n and 1125 Myrtle street—Two three-story brick dwellings; lot 16 by 78 feet. Bubject to $5l ground rent, $2,600. Norris street—Three-story brick house, above Thompson street; lot 16 by 101 feet, $3,500. No. 725 Master ■ strectr-Three story brick house and lot; 14 by 52 feet. Subject to $42 per annum, $1,500. Lois, Chatham street, above Buttonwood. 26 ...—by 46. feet-. Strip of ground -Button wood street, -west of- Flftfi rtrect; 11 feet front by 69 deep. Ground rent of $B9 per annum. Ground rent half interest In $69% per annum. Sold together for $11,260. * 3 two-story brick bouses, Lelthgow Btreot, be tween Dauphin and York streets, each 13 by 15 feel; each $l,OOO. $3,000. JTousp Dbowhkd.—An unknown colored wo- inal), apparently about thirty yearn old, was found Sn the Delaware, at Vino streot wharf, ‘yes terday. Bbe was dressed In a blue plaid frock, v The Coroner took charge of the body. THB BULLETi^—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY APRIL 22,1860. A VipijutT Fellow.— A young man, giving the ; nsmo of James Marlin, bad a hearing boforo; Alderman Kerr, yesterday afternoon, charged; with assault and battery on Mrs. Lydia J. Smith, rt siding at No. 26 Oxford Btreet Complainant, testified that Martin,came into hor houso and \n- j quirtd lor a person by tho name of Stewart, ne- j celving an answer that the party was not in, uo , asked for a glass of whisky, and being refused, i he struck her a bio win tho face and foiled, her to the flodr. Afterwards ho threatened to kill nor., • Martin was held in $l,OOO ball to answer. Malicious A. F. Furrows, an employe of the West Chestor Railroad Company, was ar rested on Tuesday evening for wantonly and maliciously killing a Valuable dog; belonging to Col. 8. B. Wylie Mitchell. At tho time of his arrest, a four-barrelled loaded pistol was found on t ur rows’person. Yesterday morning he was held to boil by Alderman Samuel P. Jones,to theatnount of $BOO to appear and answer at Court, and was also fined for discharging fire-arms in the public highways. Police Appointments.— Mayor Fox yesterday mode the follwripgj'ppointmonts: Special olll cor of the TcnlETDlstrict, Jas. McGuckln. Re serve Officer, John Hood. Patrolmen— George Schultz, William Nlekles and John Brady to the Thirteenth District force: Valentine Sanerml eh to tho Fifth District; John MeLanghUn, Frederick A. Ncfferdorf and Owen Haughey to the Tenth District force. Attempted Suicide Andrew Caflrey, fifty years old. supposed to be an inmate of the Alms house, attempted to commit suicide last evening, back of No. 1 Asbnry street. With a razor he in flicted two severe gashes in his throat. He was removed to the Second District PoHcp ®tat!ion t and the wounds were dressed by Dr* i. o. Keea. Accidental Shooting.— Francis M. Smith, fif teen years old, residing at Norristown, was acci dentally shot in the knee by another lad, in care lessly handling a plßtol. Ho was admitted Into the Pennsylvania Hospital. Bun Ovbb. —About half-past eight last evening John Cremer, aged thirteen years, residing at No. 1884 Germantown avenue, was run over at the junction of that road and Berks street, by a vehicle. He was Injured about the leg and shoulder. SEW JERSEY MATTERS, Webt Jebbey KBLsoad.— Extensive arrange ments are being rapidly perfected on the Wust Jersey jjailroad by tbb executive'officers of the company, to make the accommodations to the public more in conformity with the vast increase of travel and business in South Jersey than has ever been realized before. Everything that in terest and convenience can euggest of a practical character is being brought into recognition. New cars, new engines, and other appurtenances to a splendid rolling stock are being provided, while tbe track is being put in substantial order. All tbeße Improvements will be of the utmost advan tage to the hundreds of thousands ol people who will visit Gape Island during the coming season. Nor are the advantages lesß important in their naturo which are being made at the Island itself. Everywhere the spirit of activity reveals Itself on the Island, and along the va rious lines of the West Jersey Railroad, indicating that those who have these Improvements in charge, aro . laboring for the future prosperity of all the. important towns and places in South Jersey. It will not be many years before that entire section of tho State will become as densely populated os some ot the eastern counties, end the waste lands converted into excellent farms, while the city of Cape Island will be a place of considerable busi ness, both commercially and otherwise. So much tor tho inflnences of oxceUently;condncted rail roads. The Odd Fellows’ Paeade —The various lodges and encampments of Odd’Fellows in Cam den are making oxtensive preparations to par ticipate in the grand parade that takes place in Philadelphia on Monday next. The following orders have been promulgated by the Chief Mar shal, R. F. 8. Heath: All districts represented are requested to report to the Chief Marshal, at Scull’s Hull, Front and Federal streets, Camden, b&ore ten o’clock, on the morning of the'26 th Inst.: those who do not arrivo in time will report to the Chief Marshal of tho Fifteenth division, which is lo comprise the New Jersey lodges. From three to five thousand will participate from this State, and will go by districts. The officers arc Chief Marshal, two Aids, a District Marshal for each district, and each Subordinate Lodge to have a Marshal, the Chief and Aids to be mounted. The Lodges from New Jersey will be accompanied with excellent bands of music, and will make a very finodisplay, the mombers having taken great pains to present themselves In Im posing and attractive regalia and other parapher nalia. AU the Camdon Lodges and Encampments are in a lino and prosperous condition. Camden Markets.— During last weok prices of marketing and groceries ranged as follows: butler, 60c. per pound; eggs, per doren, 80s.; potatoes, ©1 per bushel; lard, ‘24s. per lb.; sail pork, 20c.; chickens, 22@'26c.; turkeys. 20@22c ; Loguayra coffee,4oc.; K10,85c.; flour,ex.,per cwt., J 6; prime cheese,per 1b.,25c.; mackerel, 10@14c.; Jersey horns, 23c.; onions; per half peck, 40c.; turnipß, 10c.; dried apples, 12c., peaches, 16@ 18c.; beans, per bushel, ©3 75<@5; molasses, pur gallon, 80c.@©l; steam syrup, ®l@l 50; teas,pur l lb., black, *l@l 26; green, ©l 50@2; Bugars, raw, perlb., 15@10c., reflned, 18g20c.; applos, balf peck, 35@40c.; coal oil, per gallon, 48e. Wheat was selllDg readily at ©2 15 per bushel; oats, 65@76c.; cloverseed, ©7 26; timothy seed, $3; flaxseed, $3; timothy hay, #20@22 per ton; rye straw, $18@20; corn; per bushel, old, ©1; rye, ©1 40. Bmr-nniLDiNo in Camden.— Bhip-bulldlng in Camden Is carried on to a much larger extent than 16 usually supposed. At Cooper s Polntthe yards present at the present lime great activity and vigor, and a large numbor of workmen are employed. At high tide yesterday a flue schooner, named the Sarah V. W. Simmons, was launched from tho yard of Messrs. Mathis & Tay >or, registering 340 tons. This vessel Is 108 fuel long, 29 feet 9 inches wide; depth of hold, 9 fiat 3 inches. When fnUy rigged it will be a craft of Buperb appearance. Bad Boys.— Two boys were arrested a few days ago. who had been in tho practice of going from place to place and carrying away workmen s iool6 and various other useful articles. These youngsters were net more than nine or ten years old, and had carried on that kind of business for tome time. In consideration of their tender years, tbe Mayor gave them and their parents just re piimonds, without further punishment, express ing bimßelf astonlßhcd at the beginning at so early an ogo of a career of crime. Btork Kouuk.d.— Tho storo of Mr. O’Noil, at Winslow, in Camden county, was entered a few nlghis Blnce, and robbed of qulto a large quan tity of goods and some money. The thieves made tht lr escapo. These burglars have been operating some tlmo In that vicinity with con siderable success. Wife Beater.— Last night Officers Elder aud Btilcs arrested a man named Courtney, charged uy his wlfe'with having beaten her in a savage and unprovoked manner. Tho woman waß prelty rongbly bandied, and the husband was locked up for a hearing. Claret Punch us an Educator. Tte April namber of The University utters a “Macedonian cry" for a College tomperanco so ciety, on tbe basis ol total abstinence from all liquor hut claret punch. This striking and origi nal idea is carried out by a foot-note to Provost Btllle’s sketch of tho late Provost Smith; which says : “Lord Carnarvon in Charleß Second's time is said to have never spoken In tho Houbc of Lords, but being healed by wino in the company of tho Duke of Buckingham, and excited by him not to remain always a dumb Lord, he was provoked to declare before he went up to tho House, that he, would speak oh any subject that should offer.' The subject happened to bo tho prosecution of the Lord High Treasurer Danby. Accordingly, Lord Carnarvon stood up and delivered himself thus- ‘My Lords! I understand bunittlo of Latin, but a good deal of English, and not a little of English History, fiom which I have learned tho mischiefs of such kinds of prosecutions as this, and the ill fate of tho prosecutors. I could brim; many Instances; and those very anclont, butt , will go no farther back than the lattor end . f Queen Elizabeth’s reign. At that time the Eu 1 .oiEt&ex was rundown by Sir Walter Raleigh, amt your Lordships know very well what bocamo of Sir Walter Raleigh. My Lord Bacon, bo run down Sir Walter Ralolgb, end yojur Lordships brow wbatbecamo of my Lord Bacon. Ton, Dnkcof Buckingham, ho rnn down my Lora : Bacon, and your Lordships know what happootd: to tbo Duke of Buckingham. Sir Thomas; Wentworlb, after Earl of Strafford, ho; run down tbo Duke of Buckingham, and ’ - vou all know’ < ,what bocamo ot ; him. S’lr Harry Vane, he run down the Earl ot Strafford,and your Lordships know what became , of Sir Harry Vane. Chtncollor Hydo, ho run down Sir Harry Vane, and your Lordships know . what became ot the Cbaneellor. Sir Thomas Os-. bonrn, now Earl of Danby, run down Chancellor Hyde,but what will bCGotnoofthe Earl of Danby your LordsLipß beßt can toll. But lot me see tbo man that dare run down the Earl of Danby, and we shall soon see what will become of him.’ “This speech, being pronounced In an extraor dinary lone ana manner, the Duke of Bucking ham, both surprised and disappointed, cried out: ‘The man is umpired, and Claret has done the business!’" Wo shall look for a groat advance in the rhe toric and oratory of the Unlversilv classes wheu th io Claret Punch Temperance Society gets fairly under. weigh. “Typ me a ballad, ladye fayre.'my ladye, a ballad tjp;” and ye man ho ! twirled ye block mustache ibot covered -bisVupperlip. She lay aside her ’broiderle—fpr hys lofe she stryves to win—and to o weird-like ayr.: the ladye fay re attunes her mandolyn. ‘l do not care for a wild romance of ye days of old;” says he, ‘Abut rather I'd hear, if my ladye please; some, touching melodic." And oyer ye ladye's musyc book ye gallant soldier leanß/whilo she; sings with a sweet and angel voice, “Captain- Jinks of ye Horse Maryncsl" ; —A correspondent In Florida, evidently affected by surrounding circumstances, sendß to an ex change the following: How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every, golden scale. ‘, How cheerfully he aeems to grin, ' How neatly spreads his claws, And welcomos littlefishes in With gentle smiling jaws. —lf we were a spiritualist we should say that Halleck’s spirit, very much diluted, had some thing to do with a poem delivered by Wm. H. Bboades iri San Francisco on St Patrick's Day. Here is the conclusion of it, “Strike! till the Unicorn shall lobC its crown! Strike! till the Eagle tears the Lion down! Strike! till proud Albion bows her haughty bend t Strike! for the living and the martyr’d dead I Strike! for the bones that fill your mothers graves! , , Strike! till your kindred are no longer slaves ! Strike! till lair freedom' on the world shall smile! For God ! for Truth! and for the Emerald Isle! SPECIAL nonCES. MSF- AT TUB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK u® holders of tho Central Tranerortetton Company, held at their office, 3013 Market street, Philadelphia, on M Jl-DAV. 19th Split, 1869. the following officers wore unanimously re-elected to serve for the ensuing year: DIRECTORS. 1 O W CHILDS. E.C. KNIGHT, G O FRANCISCUS, G B. DYKteMAN. Ah drkwcakWoie. w.c bt^vcnson. J.J. HOUSTON. JAMES WOODBUff, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. J. F.oOTTRINGbR. * At a meeting of tho Board of Directors, held on tho same day and iilncefuMW was re-elected President, and JONAH WOODRUFF Gen’l Superintendent. April 20tb, 18- 9. n&Sf OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI GATION COMPANY. Pnu.ADEi.vinA , April 19,1869. The stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company will bo held at Board of Trade Rooms. Chestnut above Fifth street. North side, on T UESDaY, the 4th day of May next, at 10X o’clork A. M„ after which will bo held an election for President and Boaid of Managers, to servefor tneensuluß year. The Poll* wl.l close at 1 o'clock I' M. ap2l 22 24 26 27 to my4S E. W. CLARK, President. MIDNIGHT MISSION.-A PUBLIC MEBriNG «® r in behalf of tliii Mission will bo held at tho Chil e h of the Epiphany. «omer of Fifteenth and Cheste r. Btreetß, next Sunday evening, »t Addres-« may bo expected from the Rev. George J. Mjngtns. - Ne% V ork. Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D„ Rev. George ; Boardman D. D., and Rev. Dr. Newton. A oolh-ctiou will be made. _ LIBRARY COMPANY. , S® l The annual election of Dlrectore and a Treasurer of the Library Company ol PhUadolphla will be hold at the Library on MONDAY, the third day of Mav next, at Be'clock In tho afternoon, when tho Treasurer will attend to receive the annual payment*. .. Ab there are several chares on which fines are due, tne owners of thorn or their representatives are hereby notified that they wIU B» forfeited, axroeably to the Charter and Laws of the Company, unless the arrears arc paid off on the third day of May or within ten days thereafter. WM. E. WHITMAN, Socrctaiw. No books will be given out or received on that aft-r -noOD. apl3-tu,th,s t my3> OFFICE OF THE BHAMOKIN AND BEAR PBtJ VALLEY COAL COMPANY, No. 214 CHEBINUI STIJEET. Pun.A.i>Ki.rii ia, A prll 16.1869 The annual meeting of stockholders and elecnou for officers of the ttnaraokin and Bear \ alley Coal Company will be held At the office of the Company on MONDAY, May 8, at 12 o’clock. apl7stuth tmy2s <k=£p. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK • holders of the BARCLAY COAL COMPANY will be held ot iho office of the Company, 181 South Fourth stieet. on MONDAY. May 8.1869. »t 19 o’clock, M.. whon an election will bo held for olhcers to Bervo the ensuing year! [epl7 a.tu th.7t*] HARVEY BlUff. Secretary. NOT.CE TO STOCKHOLDERS. OFFICE OF THE NEBQUEHONING VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY, No. 122 8. SECOND STREET. TjiILiDF.Lt'III a. April 19th, 1869. The second instalmentot TXBN PEb or FIVE DOLLARS ter share, on the Capital Stock of this Cora pany.ia colhd in by order of the Board of Directors, pay able at the Office of the Company on the Ist day of May n< htoclholders havo the privilege of paying in fall, and receiving cirtibratoe for their b 1 ock.which bears Interest at the rato of TEN PER CENT, from March Ist.,payable “Tp’lg a ‘ ly - W.B. WHITNEY. Treasurer. GOOD SPRING RAILROAD COMPANY. Wf ytiTi-APELfiiiA. April 9th, 1869. The annual meeting of tho Stockholders of this Com* pany and an election For President and six Managsra tj nerve for the ensuing year, and until others shall bo elected, will be held af the Offico of tho Philadolohia and Reading llallr. ad company. No. 227 South FOIJKI U street, on MONDAY, tho 3d duy of M»v next, at 11« o’clock, A. M. vy M. U. WEBB. ap9i m 3 3 Secretary. _ SCHUYLKILL AND SLSQUEEIANNA RAIL WET roftd (jompany. Office, 227 B. Fourth Street PuiLAbv.M'HiA., April 9,1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com cony, and an election for President and six Manages, w ill take pl«ce at th« Office of the Company, on MON* DAY, the 8d day of May 12 o’clock St t*p9tmy3 WM. H. WEBB. Secretary.. NOhTHEKN LIBEKTUSd AND PENN TOWN* RAILROAD COMPANY. PuiLAi»Eu*iitA» April 9,1869 The annuirt meeting of the atockuoldera of this Com- Dany mo an electioufor oflicora to servo for the ensuli g yevr and until others shall bo elected, will beheld at the fitice of the Philadelphia aud Uoadiug Uailroad (Join- Vonv No 227 SOUTH FoUHTII street, on MO*DAt, the 8d day o( May next, at 11 WEBBj oocrotary. arfltmyS ZEKBE VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, &B 0 OFFICE, NO. 227 8. FOURTH BTKEET. Puiladklpuia., April 9,1869. The annual moetlng of tho Btockboldor* of this oom* PB»y, and an election for President and eir Maaagera, will take place at the oflice of the Company,on HONDA *, ft,a ftd duv of May next, at 11 o’clock A M. a pdf o m 3 ALBERT FOriTE K, Secretary, OFFICE VULCAN MINING COMPANY, SWT V 1 Pmi.AEEi.rniA, April lb 1889 The Annual Meeting of stockholders of tho Vulcan Minina Company will be held at their office. No. 824 Wal nut street, on THURSDAY, May 18th, 1869, at 12 o'clock M fo the election of Directors and transaction of other business. D. A. HoOPES, ap 18-t m v 18? Secretary. «SS“- OFFICE OF THE LEHIQiI ZINC COMPANY, m No. 338 Walnut street. Pun,adkli’Ui a, April 20,1869. , The Annual Meeting of the etockholdeni or the Lehigh Zinc< oropauv will beheld at the Company's office.on AfcDNLSDAY.May 5, at 12 o'clock M„ror the porpryo of elect!> g ecvcu Directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for tho traneaction of any other buslnoda that mav coiuo beforo the Meeting, ai2o-141 GORDON MONGEB, Treasurer. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND W TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Cami»kn, March 29, 1869. . The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Camden' and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company, for tbo ckciion of eoven Director,! lo jervoi for theensuing soar, will lie bold Inthts city at the Office of tho Wont ■leirey H a ilroad Company on WEDNESDAY, tho 28th of April, lttffl, at 12 o'clock. M. SAMUELJ BAYARD mhSP dtap29s Secretary of C. and A. K. R. and T. Co. OUTLGRY* and JM So k t^EbUAi™' l Ml%^T§E^% l BCISSOHB ra OASES of the finest qnolity. Razors, Knives.* Bcißsors and Table Cutlery, Ground and Polished* EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved construction to assist tbe hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Bur* gieal Instrument Maker* 115 Tenth street, below Chest* nut. ■ mrt-tf Druggists are invited to examine oua large atook of fresh Drugs and Chomio&laof tho latest inoportatl* n. ' ' ■ Alro. euenttal Oil*. Vanilla Beans, Sponge*, Chamois Hklos. ole. ROBERT BIIOEMAKKB A CO.» N. E. comer Fourth and Race atreots. WILLIAM P. ATKINSON. Secretary. flmtlCMß* 0h C E ET HALL, ; , ... * , , , v ,-. ;i On EBI DA YEV ENIN G,’ April S 3, 1869. ETTORE BAEILI’S GRAND OPERATIC CONCERT. ASfIIGTP.D UT BIS PBPIM Miea PAOLINI NJNINGIfiK MimVJBGINIAFrtfiIB... filita LKoNH'. PfcXltV.... Mr. G. A. CONIiY AK» Ms. WILLIAM STOLL. The Llstingulßhod Violinist, together wlththeyou^^nlßt.^^ F f^MaS r roANTONlb BAKILL from. Now York, will iDMIIBION et "“ < !:;....... •••• ..ONE DOLLAR l'ickeSeon toiid at Andro’s. llOiOheatnut •treet and Bomr’i, lluaChestnut fetieot, add alltho principal Mu;io Stores. . t ...... - . .opal-gt ■. AMEREN AOAp (^V^^UalU [t E NCB OPBRA . Grogan. .Rosa BelllTPitouiiahamn d armo), Brlgeite ..Guerrettll for the first tlmo io i.harlcaMattel*....,Becaer«|- Philadelphia......Mußsey GeDOvieve Dteolanzae Sergeant... tfol JsS2i? B M wcik'Al eYigno,’ FKlDAl?—BenefitofM^ GOOD^lawit Night butona. BAiUilDak-FAREWfeIL MATINEE. LA VIE PaKIBIKNNE-LIFE IN PARIB. Baturcav— unaDlmouß request L’ltuLlj 1/KBVdi A dmlfslon* including Reierved State* 81* Family Circle, 60c.; Gallery. 25c. a cademy 0|«0 matinee. oon< Atl«o'clock. pA D K Oo»oponam^. NEE For tho Last Time in Fhlladolrihiß,Offenbach’s renowned - Opera L*Bouuo» LA VIE IN PARIS. Admlwlon to all paite. Includingroflerved Seata, 81* ACADEMY g OF h MDB has the pleaenreto announce that Mit. J* Uttau hM April M. for his BENEFIT, on which occarion aKANDB HBBgE will be given by hie celebrated company for the flrat can bo bad immediately at the Academy and at Boner's Muslo Btore. aplJ JOHN DREW'S ARCH THEATRE. Engagement of the charming artiste, LOITA. MONDAY, April 19th. 1669, EVERY EVENING AND BATOBDAY AFTERNOON, LITTLE NELL AND THE MARCHIONESS. Little Nell, 1 '1 ho MarchioDem,! LITTLE NELL MATINEE, SATURDAY, at 2 o’clock SEATS SECURED BIX PAYS IN ADVANCE. /'IBESTNUT STREET THEATRE. I t <; I. BESS &00 Msndkers THIS EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The great Burlesque Ertravagansa, b TBE FIEUJ OF THE OrO I H OF GOLD. AN IMMENSE aUOUEBS, Now in the Sixth Week of a.moat proaperoua run. NEXT WEEK MOST POSITIVELY IHELABT. Mrs. Oates, Mias Stockton. Katy entnam. Burnett, x iako, McManus, Bradley. Zuleila, Ventint. O'Roardon. Heinand:*, Leon Brothers, ALL APPEAR THIS EVENING. And at the MATI[iEE 0N SATURDAY, For which ueata can now be eecurod without extra charge. rpHEATRE OOMIQUE-SEVENTH STREET, BELOW 1 Arch, commences at 8 o'clock. ILr<ibU “ GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF The young, beautiful ano gifted Prime Donna, ineyo Bjjjbs BL , BA N uaLTUN end Comic English OperaTroupe l Two Operettas, *'6B " ano iJSuHKN and fr RITZUHEJS. TO MORROW—AN ENTIRE CH ANGE. Beats eccured at Tinmpler’a and box oßico. w a ‘^ T at7 ’ 4 °’ olo ' k ; LastN l e FEMALE* I EITHIEV * °* TBE 1 ONDON BUKLEBQUE COMBINATION. MISS JENNY WILLMOREas Va9A??¥ M < SB LIZZIE WILLMORE as ABDALLA MR. FELIX ROGERS a 5.......... .........HAS3ARAC To commence with MIRIAM'S CRIME. FRIDAY EVENING. April asd, BUAKSPEREAN FESTIVAL. MR J. H. HACKETT as SIR JOHN FALSTAFF. ITOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, r WAI NUT BTRhET, above Eighth. gam R Sanford Acting and Stage Manager EIGHT PREMIER DANSBUBES EVERYIIVENINO. M' Acts, etc.jUntll Ihe First Ballet, Eight Premiers 8 14 The Flying Men of the Air TheV’clocipede. 0^ P L. D &obinson »•*[ The Second Bailee Eight Premiers 9 « '1 he Brothers on the Bars f® IS Gus Williams, in changoß Iu ASSEMBLY BmiblN 08 & 1 bc NEWJnoEH'&STIQUE WEDNESDAY, April2l, andEVRKY NlGllf DCJBING TnE WEEK. GRAND MATINEE dATURDAY at 3 o’clock. Tickets 25 cts,; Children 15 eta. Bogin at 8 M “ iL FUND Street, above Eighth A GRAND TESTIMONIAL CONCERT to A UAOH MANN at tbo MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY, A |mi«?entta B lon't and some of bis pupil* will aeslut 'tickets . rUW vcDW. Atfcon«r*e, 1103 Chestnut street, and at tho Hall on tho Concert night Q . N. B;— Programmes at Music Stores n JsKMANIA ORCHESTRA, PUBLIC REHEARSALS! (jr at the Horticultural Hall, every Wednesday, at 2H K ' M ' HORTICULTURAL HALL. . Tickets sold at the door and aU principal music stores Packages of five, $1; single, 25 cents. Engagements can bemolo bAd’dressing d. BABTERT. lffll Monterey stteet, or ANDRE'S Music Store. 1104 Chestnut st ocH-tH rviBCULAB' ROLLER SKATING.—AS A PRELIMI y / nßr y atep to a series of skating assem blies. the Race Street Skating Rink mil be open for Ladif s, Gentlemen and Children, to learn and practice th>» newand beautiful accomplishment Primary Asaem biles will commence THURB&AY AFTERNOON. Apr 1 22d and continue morning, afternoon and evening, until further notice. Admission, 10cents; use of Skates J) ceuu, or ten tickets for ono dollar. Children half price. ap32 sts EXIJ IBITIO1BITIO NO FWATERCOLOR DR AW IN GS IS aid of the Children’s Hospital. Open dally from 9 M. to 10P. Mm attheAEMBT FUNOGALLEBIES, 1834 For sale at the Galleries. ft P 2a - lm ’ r-i HAND MASQUERADE AT M AMMOTH V B LOO 1- It PRrE INSTITUTE, THURSDAY EVENING, April 22d. On which occasion the renownod Elnoro Troupe of Lady Veloclpedtstß, aaslated by at least fifty cronuuent ridera, close their brilliant season bv a brand TisiitnoDial Benefit to Mr. J. W. PUBT.Proprlo tor of-the Institute. Vnri up noveliif swill be added, Admission, £5 cents, SENTZ'S Ai* D HASSLEK’B _ THJKTIIiTIi AND LAST OIiCHESTKA MATINEE * aP I Will bo given oa MAY 6th. OF Fl*{f H AETB bTßtreeti abov6TenUl Open from ft A. M. to 0 P. M- Bojjamin We.t^Orcamgnr.o,o^ •HU nn Achihltlon. JeaMi bO Vh Pe f" Sfl? °o\ Velocipede Club. lO cents. The Jlnore Troupe of L n dy VelocipedUte will com meccp. TUCESDAx, April Ist. rohgtftnS LEGAL NOTIOERt TN THE DISTRICT COUIiT FOR THE CITY AND 1 ('nui'ty of Philadelphia.—BENJAMlN I‘. CJltldWELt, v B \MLu -M K LOAB, JOHN L. BARUWUEtt and SIMON JLrICHTEN. Vend. ex. March Term, IBM hereby Riven notice that he basboeo appointed Auditor in the Dutrtee Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, to dl.trlbnte the fund nowin bour, arising ft om the Bale by the Sheriff of the feller- InK described real estate of the doloudnnt, SIMON LiiliTlN. to wtt: All that lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and lmprovomente thereon Greeted altuate on the noutheaat corner of Fourth afreet and Willo watreet, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the Northern Liberties, now the Twelfth Wnra of the eaid city; containing In front or breadth on said Fourth street Btteou fret nine inches, and in length or depth along the south Bldo of the said Willow street nf y.nlno feet to a cei tain nine-feet wide alh y lead ing from John's courtlnto tlio Bald Willowßtreet. (Boing tue same premisep which Daniel ICellner and wife, by in denture dated December 20th, 1864 ant recorded in 1, It B . No. 65, pagotBL &o, granted and conveyed unto tdatlld Lichteu. wife of said Bimon Licliton, in foe.) ‘Tlui Auditor givosno ict thatbo wPt hear ad parties havlng'-elaim upon said fund, atbis otUco, No. 623 Wat- SSt sweet, in the city of Phiiad; lphlsjOn \VapNP BDAV. Bth Way. i 869« fct 11 o’clocK A. M, whon and where all person/ are required t 9 make their claim or be debarred hom coming iu on *oHjuß. d fITUABT PATTERSON, * ■ Auditor. tn'tHEORPHANB' 0 IURT FOR THE CITY AND Icounty of Philadelphia.—Estate of HUGH ELLIO FT. dccfaeed —The Auditor appointed by tho Oourt to audit, EOtiloandaOjußttheflret account of J. B. XlPl INGO IT and WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Executor* of tho loot Will of IJO H ELLIOTT, deceased, and-to report distribution of the bftlance is the hsude of tiio-acc-mint;mti‘. wiU _nicut - oariieß'ihtercstedfortliopurposcjofhLappoinlmou.t.oa iSlONDAY. April 26th. 1869. at ll o’olock A M.. at his iofflre. NO. 9. Law Building, 532 Walnut etreot. in tho City It Philadelphia, apl3tuthasf EVANOUKiiN.Eiteciitoni of the last will of said JO 3E j*H ni{KEN> kd6coued< and to report.; distribution of tho balßnce ln the hand* of tho accountant, will moot the SSitieo interested, for tho purpose of nia appointment, on TUESDAY. April 97th, 1869. at 3 o’clooh. e. M., at hij SfflM? ho. 144 South BUth atreot (8d story). In tho city of Philadelphia. aplß-th o tu6« IN Tills OR PH AN S' COURT FOR THKOITY. AND ; I County of Phlisdelpblit+Eetate of'RBESBD. FELL. J dic'aecd -TToAudltor appointed by tho Court to aißlft, : settle and adjust tbo first aodfiaal account of HENRY L\ FELL audfcD W ARI> IL lWLL«Kxooiitors of the lwt: will and tea lament oC JIKEBE 1). I'ELiu. deceased, and to . reroitdistrlbuttonof the balance In tho hands of the ac countants, will meet the pirtlM letorCated for the purpose ■ of lTuTppolmment, on WEDNESDAY. April 38.186?. at 4 o'c ockf' M . at tho office of JOSEPii i CL&Y. li o. , No. HI South Fifth street, in tho city Of Philadel phia. " .■ ■ ■ ;. -■ aplTa tu that .Soprano .Soprano ....'.Mezzo Soprano Basso Prorundo IN '1 HE ORPDANS' court forthe city and A County of of WILLIAM MILLS, deceased. Tho Auditor ; appointed by the Court to audit, eettle„ond adjust the account of MATILDA J. MILLS, Executrjxof tho will of ; WIL. LIAM MlLLS,deceased, and to .report. distribution of the balanco in the hands of tbo accountant, will meet offlM?No?12a8. tflxth streot, In of, aplS-th-a-toBIS, Auditor. tPa^Jr C “et d tl7 Tll a 0 nd Ud edJu“t Po th0 O<l taSl SssCffice. No. 618 WALNUT street, io the City of PhU». d » B JAMEB .g^r. KAN d dccen«™/and r fo?*PortffirtrlCntloh'of nAVa orll 261 b. 1889, at 3J4 o'clock P. M, nt his office, 604 Walnut street. In the U^^ D o h^ M MON, api3tu th e st» Auditor. Pi THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE. CITY AND Cminty of Philadelphia Fetote of REBECCA . I. FUL TON, deceased.—l ho Auditor arpol' tlio Court to diiwiifc. enttla and adjust tho account of OH ARuEd uu“• MAhOARET M. HENDERSON, Ekaett- S™of HEBECci-LFULTON,decoasotL-apd to report distribution of the balance in the b fends of .the account anL will meet tbo parties toterestod. for the. parnose of hUVnßOlntment on TUESDAY. April 27th. IW9. atS o*“ ort S MTat hie office. No. 128 SoUih Sixth street. In th ap C l l 3 t tu°th™ lli ‘ lelt>hliL JAMEBW. LATTA, Auditor. F — THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County? of Philadelphia.—Estate of WILLIAM DRUM, deceased.— Tho Auditor appointed by the Conrt to audit, aettlo and adjust thOaccounta of XSDVYABD WARTMAN ord THOMAB C. JONES, Executors and Sequestrators of tbo Ee»to of YVILUAM URUM, dec d. to report diftiibutloD of the balance in tbo “bo A.coun. ante will meet therpartle. interested fothe Tfeje?p r h°ll r ° f BUth “* W,JnUt th^ TN THE DIBTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 States for tne Eastern District of . le °P rl 1 1 } ?raSS&em e jA d X^of h Mf(?H?ELG 0 E!“EL f MAN P of Philadelphia, within said Dlßtrict.wbo has been adjudged a bai krnpt upon his own petition by tbo District Court of said DUtrht w AED CARPENTER, Assignee. 242 South Third st. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. apis that- T BITERS OF ADMINISTRATION nAVINCIBEEN Lt granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of <JA VANTINB, deceased, all lndebted to the same will make payment, and those h%vlna claims pre re“ tbem“ OEI'RGE «. VANTINE, 1556Mootgomery avenue, below Frankford road. apstaec T~VEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAVB. BRIDGES, SEW OFFICE 'OF - THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER. No. 1(M SOOTH FIFTH BTKBET )M , PuiisADEmmiia. April 22ad. low* NOTICE TO CONTIiAGTOiW. _ . BEALED PBOPOSALB will bereceivedat the officeM the thief Commleciouer of Highways antU 12 o clock, M, on MONDAY, 26th lust. for toe construction of a on the line of feergeant street from Tenth street to n poiut fifty feet e*st of Eleventh street. three feet iu diameter : on thelineof Green street from th ® 8o ! 5 ’ er street to the vest cu b line of Eleventh street .two fert six inches tn diameter; on the lino of Callowbill street from Broad street to Sixteenth street. three feet in diameter; on the line of Arch street trom* Sixth to Seventh street three feet in diameter; on the lino of 'J bli tv-fourth street fromCbeatnut street to Market street, three feet in diameter, with such man holes as may be directed by tbe Chief iWinoer and Surveyor. The un derstanding to bo that the contractor shall tako bill* prepared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amount of one dollar ana fifty cents lor each lineal foot of front on e *b side of the street as so much cash paid: the balance, as limited by ordlnonee,t a be paid b> ‘‘’when (ho street Is occupied by a City R»i! road track, the Sewer shall be constructed alongside of e *id track In such manner as not to obstruct or interfere with ihe cafe passage ot the cars tberoon; and no claim for lemuneiatFonwiftll be P . t^ e -9 0n 1 J r ? c V )r i ,^ 1 5!l 0 company using said track, as specified in Act of Assetn b'luPJwdOT are 8 1nvfted to be present at the time and place of opening the laid proposals. Faob Proposal will on accompanied by a certificate that a bond baa boon filed In the Law Department, ao directed by Ordinance of May 26th, 1860. If tbe lowest bidder shall not exccnte a con tract wltbin five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed a> declining, and will be held liabtb on hU bond for tbe difference between hta bid and the next highest bid. Specifications may be hid at the Depart ment of Surveys, whtcb » s {“ DICKI d -SON. Chief Commissioner of Highways. CJEALED PROPOSALS FOR CLEANPJG AND KERI O ing clean aU tbeetieets, alleys. cou'te,or-other public highways, witu the inlets and therein embrßjCe^. within the foUowirgareaa In the city of Philadelphia, ir'iu da to of contract to the first day of January, 18TQ. will be at.the Office rf the BOA RI>OF HEALTHS. W.corner Sixth and Bannom ats.. until 12 o’clock noon, on the firjt day of P®* \ O / cleaning and keexrfnff thoroughly cleaned ail the ttroc.*. aU*je, courts or other pubHcWghwave, with the inlet* and gutter#, together with ihe immediate removal from the highways of all filth and dirt after the same h«a been colected together. embraced In tbe area of each o the several districts namtd and described in this adver tisement. AU to be done nndcr the Bupervlaton and to the en* ire satisfaction of the Boatd. . Bide must be for separate districts, nami *g the number of the district and each bid mußt be accompanied with a certificate from the City Bollcitor.thftt security has be n entered at tbo Law Department in the aum of five hun dred (W») dollars, in compliance with an ordinance •»! Councils, nppioved May2sth. 1860. Contracts b will be required to clean and remove the dirt from all the principal strrets from the south Unei «f South street to the north Une of Vine street, and from the Delaw are river to ibe west line of Broad street between avnatt and sunrise. , . 4 v,j Tbe Board rt Berve tbo riaht to reject any and all hid . also the ii»ht to award contracts for one district owy. Woirants for the payment of said contracts will i” drawn in coufoimity with Hectton 5 of the act of As«e»- bly, apt roved March 10th, 188». The envelopes enclosing the proposals should be endorsed Proposals for St ei t Cleaning." naming toe number of tbo district bid for. Fifth District— From the north line of South street t tbe north line of Chestnut street, and from the Delawai rivrr to the weßtlico of tUthstreet * . . Sixth Diets ict—From the north line of South street the nortli line oi Chestnut street, and from the west 11 of hixfh street to ibe west line of Broad \ J. W. POBT. PROPOSALS. Eighth“jDUirlct— FromVbeSotth line rf Chestnut strt (o tho north line of Vine street, and from the Delawn river to the a e»t lire of Sixth street. . Moth District—trom tho north Uno of Chestnut «tr» to the north line of Vine street. *nd from tho west line Sixth street to the west line of Broad street. By order of tho hoard Of Health. TROTH ' Chief Clerk ap2o tmy2s OEALED PROPOSALS FOR COLLECTING AND I, D movinß the anhi'B from all the rt eetj, alloTß corn . • and other public hlKhwaya embraced within the folio inn area In the city of Phllaaclphla,from date of contra ■ to till fl'Bt of January. 1870. ~ .. , Sealed proposals will fce received at the ofuce of w.- BOAKD OK* HEALTH, southwest corner of Sixth a 1 Satitom streets, until 12 o’clock, noon, on the Ist day Way, 1869, for collecting and removing, pu:e a week, < aeb< b which have been placed upon the sidewalks resident* or occupants of houses, stores, dwelliugs, Ac., • be removed in tight carte, securely roofed over, with ■ afljuEtable door m the roof, in eiicli as shall approved by the Board, embraced itr the area u the following districts as named, and described in tli ■ advertisement, all to bo done under the auporvision an i tboßoard. Bide must name the number of the dlatriot, and ea«' bid must be accompanied with a certificate fiom the L» f *• Solicitor, stating that security has been entered at t - Law Department in the sum of live hundred dolls ($800), in compliance with an ordinance of Councils »< proved May 25,1860. The Board reserve the right to i ject any and all bids. „ . . ... . Warrants for the payment of said contracts will drawn in conformity with section 5, of tho act ot a - sembly approved March 18,1869. 1 The envelopes cncloßing the proposals should be en dorsed ’‘Proposals for collecting and romoving tho ash<-< i °*Second* Slßtiici- From the north line of South street *<» the Dorth lino of Vino streefcand from the Delaware rh r to the west line of Broad street. By order of tho Board of Health. WM p TRfyrt j_ Chief Clerk ap£o t my2} OEALED PHOFOBALS FOR COLLECTING AND RE- O moving all oead animal*, from date of contract**) J BtaleJpfopoflfllß will bo received at.tlia office of the BOARD OFHEALTH, southwest corner Sixth and San. »om streets, until 1U o’clock noon, on the first day of M»*>, 1&69, for the right to collect and remove all dead aninuiw in all that part of the city of Philadelphia.over which t;»o Board of Ue&hh have jurisdiction, and a co* tract will bo awarded lo the highest and beet bidder. Eoch bid muni be accompanied with a certificate from the City Solicitor stating that .security has been entered , *pt the Law Department iu the sum of five hundred ' dollnra .<Bsio). In compliance wPh an ordinance, of .Councils approved*Mav ; 3i. 1860 lho Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Con < ractors will be required! Intbe i emoval and disposal of dead ni finals, to remove them eq far and dlsp so of them in such manner that no i.uhmnoeoon po&ibly ariso thoro from. All »o be doco und.r the suporvltion and to the entire satisfoctionof tb« Board. .... . The envelopes enclosing the proposals shall be eo* doreed: * Proposals for collecting and removing dead animals 11 By older of toe Board of Health m p t«^q T h, Chief Clork. _ COST LEA®' jj. »nnt*l > l o* » apl3-tu th a 3m H House and Furniture For Sale, ' ; jj|. Bandiome Rlodcra Spruce itteet Betldence, All conveniences; handsomely furnisbod; immediate pot session. Address V. U. Box 2770. Phiudclphia. ■pie»■'- - - • : ■ v -- H West Philadelphia Properties @ FOR SALK OR TO RENT. THE BMOSOnE BKOWS-ITOSE RB«UHEIVCGI 4108. 4110 and 4112 SPRUCE ShTeot, »nd liandsome era atom) RESIDENCE, No. 4119 PINE Btrtot- , C. J. PKiil. A Gao., 120 8. Front Mrwt. tnb2s th s tn 1318 : 1 1 DESIRABLE IN VESTMENTS.—THE UNDEK .ljrtoaoireni »6£?totS?MOHTGAOES. in ««ou of 83,000 to SCO MO. drawing from EIGHT TOTTEN PEE CENT. INTERKbT, for a term of five years.. 8-curcd on central stores and dwellings In the city of Chlcsgo.woria at a low valuation in casn at least double tho amount loaned—with coupon note a for Interest payable at name In Philadelphia, tor particulars of these tnoroughly safe and de»lrablo securities apply to ... , ' ■ - ap2l-6tt E. ft. JONES. 707 Wnlnnt stroot. _ fa FOR SALE-VALUABLE “BUSINESS PROP -13 erty. Fourth street, above Vino. 42 by 180 foot: tines' of story building, constructed In tbo best manner, covering the entire lots cellar 14foot deen and strongly ari bed. For m» m-factorlog purposes, location and prop; “ft pBATTIOB Sou ' tu Fourth MFOB BALE OB BENT-A COUNTRY Resi dence, 10 acre*. comfortable home, iurulahed if dteirtd, gosdwawr» plenty offruit and Bhade, asy lum road, ono irilleweat of r*ankford. ,dddreB« J. U.* Franklord Post-office. . V ap22-Bt* . HOTEL STAND ,AT CHESTER FOR SALH-r Haa Tbo “Pennsylvania House." a largo thicestoried ■at brick building, 60 feet «nuaro, vritb a two-dory kitchen back, built on a lot 14&feet front bv lo2feetln depth .will be sold at a moderate P tco. 'l'crms eaiy, . ill* proprl-tor Intending to letlre. Apply to LLIBV. No.Sl* Walnut street. ■ • apH-at«: M' .FOR SALE IN THE MOUNTAINS OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1 A Valuable Hotel Property, capable of accommodating SCOguestsilumlshcd throughout: with3ooaereaof land , most covered with valuable 5°JJ at * groat bargain. Apply to J ?Koom No. MK 430 Walnut street. ap2o l2t* rna, FOK SALE OK TO IST, F U ftfJ.'SJ l R ,k browDftoue Iteridonco. 1641 North «rottd JKsfcßtreeU bfuadtaomely iumlihed and M corojj *tt^or der * 711 W dime street, , PEREMPTORY BALE,—AT PUBLIC SALKuN jpg tbe premise*. AprUMth. la®. at a o’clock. M.. a £Ljl very desirable conntry Seat of about A) acres, lo catcd at the corner of the Church and Mlilltoad*. Chel tenham, Montgomery county,icooveulent to either tha ■ion kin town or Ablngton Station, North Pennsylvania ltallioad. The Improvements are a nine-room etoro boueo, with the necceeary outbuilding*. all In complete urder. wi'h tenant houeo; location blab. with a eom m ending view. The property will be fold all together. Or tbe improvement* with a acre*, the balance divided to make two very desirable building sites. Person* doatroua of seeing tire i.roperty beloro day of aale. will apply, to \VM C.RUYAII the owner. No. 4615 Main street, (itr mantown.oftoC. MATHER, JENS INTOWN, Powetj non can be had on day of talc. and Udoi casyg^-aplßllt^ FOR 841. E— DWF.LLING.I22I SPRUCESTItEET! sontbeast corner of Jumper. Lot Why 120 feet. Addlv to T. M. BAUfIB, * »pl6-m* 233 South Thirteenth street FOIi BALE-HEAT 3 ‘ TORY STONE COTTAGE, pcod location. GermantowTi. near devot: 2 room*; every convenin'*®. Lot £0 by HO foot. Prtco StSOO. ap74K J M . p. Wallace. Las, suthat _ FOU SALE* -A HANDSOME MODERN COT. ®3 face, built In tbe brat manner, wi’b every etty coo* ffci venlence. plato windows. and lo Perfect or der. bituate within five minutes 1 walk tfom nosa BU. tion. on the Germantown Hailroad. Lot 100x2*0 feet, hendfiois+ly Improved, and excellent Karachi. «L GLMMBYA; BUNS, 723 Walnut street FOR HALE-A MODERN BRICK DWELLING. ■Ha with every convcntcnce, and in excellent repair. JEai. Situate on Filbert street, east of street. J. M. OUMMEY <b SONS. 733 Welnnt atreet. —. VALIiABLECiRANITE STORE PROPERTY FOE SS Bale-Built in themost lubstaottel manner, aullaDto for tho heavies' biieluesm Nos 68 «nd 6t) North Front Btrett. J- M. GUMMEY dr SONB, 703 Walnut atreflt. , —. FOB SALE.-THE HANDSOME THREE-STORY brick dwell fog. situate No. 813 180 nth Tentbe *tn»t« fihA Lot 21 feet 4 inches front. J. 3L GUMMEY « SONS. 33 Walnut street ♦ GERMANTOWN -FOR BALE-THE MODERN Stone Dwelling, wltn stable and carriage huoae. and ■Ha large lot of ground, situate on RlttenbouM atreet. west cl Green street Ilea o very citvconvenience,»qd_ft in serfect Older. Five minutes’wa‘k from the Railroad dcrot .1 M. UCMM EY A- SONS. 783 Walnutetreet _ BPKLLTTbTHEET-FOR BALE—THE HAND flESeome mede- ' Reside ce. aitnatoiM. M-I Etreet lot sUlim to 30 feet etreet J. M. GUM MEY 4 SONS. 7L Walnut Mreet M GERMAN! Vs S—l' >K SALE.—THE MODERN Stone «m«*g. xttli parlor, library, diningroom and kitchen cm tl. first lloor. every city conveniencerod in rt rfcct order. n< rate on th.■<;?“'Vf,“£. t v . co P°i f ?£ I f 1 % Bl>d Hfcncock fin ci*. J. 51. OLSIMBY o* d(/NB» 733 Walnut Btiect. —« a op » /J REESE b McCOLLUM. BEAL ESTATE AGENTB. Office. Jackson street, opposite Mansion street. Cape Island. N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. JSS7 I ®®? sirous of renting cottages during the season will apply or addreta as above. Respectfully refer to Chat A Bublcam, Henry Bomm. Francis McllvaJn, Augustus Metino,, John Davu, atid W. W. JuvcnaL ‘ D>OR RENT.—THE SECOND, TBIKD AND FOURTH T Floors of th c new building at the W. eoruor af Eighth and Market streets Apply to STBAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER. on the premises. IsSattt T° h A HANDSOMELY FITTED-LP BASEMENT. Os* end water, for Lillee or Store, with dry cellar and vault (aoITB to tnlOt* . No. IK Booth FRONT street TO LET- A large SECOND-STOP.Y FRONT ROOM, over the Office of the Provident Life and Trust con- P “ quire at the Office of the Company, No. 111, South Fourth street. »PlMn th sMJ _ I'on RENT-IMMEDIATE I’OSHE33ION, oK»plendid rcaldeter, with lar#o aide yud, Iralt traei aVd"flowei~h*Jn "great variety. 703 'Nortli SUtpjpJti street. Kent. sl,at‘U per annum. Apply on promiaei. «• TO BENT.—A DESIRABLE COUNTRY BESl ffii? deuce, near ulncy, on tne Kensington end Ox lord YOUNG. 608 Spruce St* TO BENT. A TEN-HOOM HOUSE, ON MAIN fPstrcet, Burlington. N ,1., half way betweou etoam- Biu boat lending «nd railroad depot. Apply 240 South S. XTH aireet Kent . 8260 apse tu th a 3f. Ml O LET.—A SUPERB COUNTRY BEAT, NEAR Fraukford, with garden, lawn. (tabling. carriage honee, etc. Inquiro 1321 Girard av. apls th Btu tl» TO BE^'T—-HOUSE” N0~2122 BRANDYWIME 3 street, with modern lmprovenienta, In complete re -31 pair. Inquire No. 3 South Fifth atroet. aj 22 3t* T. E. CHAPMAN. GEKMANTOWN.-TO BENT-FOB THE BEA eon or year, a medium aizodbouao and atable. Ap« plv to E. 8. PINCKNEY, Pulaski avenue, noar Woyne Station. _ap3lSt SUMMER RESIDENCE WITH FBRNITUB FOB fe;;; rent —A large modern mansion, with bath-room, SBia ice houpe, Barden, ehady lawn, Btable, sc. Ono mile from Bailrcnd, at Mooreatonn , TT T ap20,12f ELISHA ROBERTS, Mooreatown. N. J. to. TO ISntT"- TWO FUBNISIIEO CpUNTUY Hn? Houae*. known respectively aa Builorllico and “tin "Yoik Farm,” aituated on tho aork road, near lirar.chtown, with ptablea. c«acii.hooaea. dera. Sc. For ttrma and particulars apply to DR OWEN V WISH R. Germantown. apn ms__ TO RENT - A PLEASANTLY SITUATED House (partially tarnished), and about an acre of mound. The property la ioar mllea from tho city, aLd within a (square of a Railroad Stanon.^^ 731 Walnut otreot. jess. TO RENT.—MODERN RESIDENCE IN MA§- Er tua —'Three-story brown plaattrod random dwelling I Hb 10 rooms: bath, gas. heater, nico porch ani large jaid. Lot 40 by 116. i tO BT. GIiAFFF.N tl SON, 637 Pino Mrqot. TO HENT-A HANDSOMELY FURNKHBD 6*j3 Bouse. Loeiißt Btrtet. below Sixteenth. Adores®, M&1 ALPHA, Bulletin Office. rnli26 tfrp - FOR BENT—FUHMBHED —AN ELKO A. NT n BcpModco. situate on Arclf street, west of Hrosa. « J.M. GUMMEY & oONB. 783 Walnut street. * BTOBE PROPERTIES ,FOR_ RENT.-LAROE II four.story butldloe, No. 41 North Third «tt*®J: It Handsome Store «nd DwelHpg, No., IUM Walnut Btreet Store uud Dwelling, NoBl2 VValnut street. J. L GUMMLY & SUNS. 783 Walnutstroct. , M TO KENT.—A MODERN HEHinENCE. NO. 18W HS Oxford Btreot, first door out <>fßroad AbOiThohTndrottoCo^nr' Brat,.wtthmliuu* Ajpfy to'cOPIMJOK *% JORDAN, 453 Waluutetroet rp BPNT-A handsome country seat. bath, hot »Dd cold water. Bi rtnble> cll j o k on .i,oaßo. and houee, tt ith 40 loooofico, w |th or without ftir lm;io^?f I ',PPW;K c JORDAN. 480 Walnut et- 'WANTS* „ ti " n ihj A 'railroad npFIOB. A YOUNG W nnlck »t figures, writes a good hand, and ffggggSafr - WANTED TO RENT FOB THE BUMMkB, BY €0 * rfPßlflblo tenant. a flrat-cluea Country Place* com- Bl l ?„.£?{,i» f° rniahed. - Addri'HB,-wHh full.doecriptlTO ■ BUAUi>in<>. "TinABDIKG AT MBS. H. W. GKAVKNSTINE'S H Twenty-first and "Venango streets; five mtuutoj walk from Tioga Station, apat-lbatnlm* NUdITWEIt BOARDINCI. Summer boarding -desirable rooms gan O bo hod on the North PeMusylvnnln Railroad, within Ko minutes'walk of City Lino Station. Apply atIOJS filbert ot. • - . ap3i3t» Gdrmautown Railroad. y l ' "V- ' ''"* ,- Tr> " ======= gtumerWyoming.Teal h< ®“lt^rf’k'Srk' WIFE AND I. steamer Beery Ohauneey, Cornier; d»»r«rat N *«a We flnarrcled tilla momlDltrWue ®®" !—• . _ Nebraska. Goarel. bleared at Mow York yesterday tor f ■ :^^&o&BJo^^i&*u U i'EWnoreV " e BwifiM,* ftia* smltjii io day* tromMatanaaajab Wore S couple of enemies, Bpltefol and wroth-, Not O wedded man und woman. Bark Annie Augusta, Creighton, at St Jogo 29th nit. ft ß™ k Mw°C k Fox; BoSVlwnce'at Matannja tom igrt. , Baik Amazon. Chapman, from Kto Janeiro, at Baln inore 20th Inst, whb coffee, - ‘ ‘ Bai k Der Tumor (MG), Koetzke, henco at Hamburg Btb Stewart, Weeks. hence for Matanzae, was fjpoken 18th Inst fat SO 20, lon 7312 L . 1 ‘L. 'Brig Albatron (Ur). Smith, hence for /Portland end at. Jebn, MB. at ltolmee’ Hole2otbinet N Brig Alice Lea. Foster, for .Baltimore, rcmaured atNe vatjfitbd ln»t. tOßftllrttb. ■ > _ . U ui n ,* /- nm Brig J W Bpepcer. Spencer, at Havana lltb tost from * Brig Galatea tßr). McKenzie, hence at Matanzas9th ''BrißYlccbanic,-Dyer, hence at Cardenas 9thtnst. iBilS'M lUHaakVlt Haskell. hence at Pensacola Wth tot. Brig Tantivy, Pinckney, sailed from Cardenas 13th Inst. sailed from Trinidad 6th i, BCbr > ltatiio >, Page. Hatty, atMsvasea,; .31 lost, for this PO rdw h Barsh Watson. Snilth, frijn Havana-for Borton. "VchrOeo WKrafc'rhaynel, cleared at Baltimore 20tn t< eehr”.lß l VaednBen. Young, hen coat Matinzas 9 thins t Bchr Kato Carltcn. Ccrob- ncnco at Cardenas 9th Inst. Bchr Minnie Kemlier. Willetts, hence at Zaza Ist last. B?hf G WMay. Klnnby at Havana Htb iue.ant from Vesta, Waite, hence at Zaza 8d inat. instent Bchr Frank pßlmer. Catham. at Cienfuegos 6th lnatant *°£ctw Bertha Bonder, Wooster, cleared at Portland 17th lD lch °B , B?mmons. Godfrey, hence at Salem 'SJVXjLca, Bcbf.s Ameiitantaglo. Shaw, and Ellz* « Bebpcca, Wentworth. Bobbins; rWeatmorettnd/f&eet J J,*s£J2" ate which carried away both mut* and everflblngpt- ESSrfes SSPKeSa* 0 “byg 7he Pye will nndergo the neceeaary rcpalra at G&arleston “Assssya ft’s® “i%«. WMtowedlnbystesrasrOrientel.rTOm BoetenforNew Orleans; the claim for salvage W«' be referred to the Chamber of Commerce, wblcTi meet* to-roorrotv, unless otherwise ordered by consignees of cargo.'S MfffßUOfctt StPentaeola Light BlaUon was , < SI!SSS t {S it?‘ D Si Ut " °i - n, TbV^UnmliSl)g l is.p«rtni Is revolving, showing “TbtephSfts 11 SKLSfift-r-t above the mean level and Ibe light should be seen in clear ■ * dI ““ CC °W B* BHUBMjSßChalrmm. Tres,uryjiepartment. Office Ughhhotmo Beard, Wash rpgtnn. i)C* April 1 «i» 1663. Wife, like a trttgedyrciueejvin' a way Tofsedbor swceiHtUcbeadtiMß lofty a.w.ay Ae b 6 little and a frown, tike a careless groom in aatauie. . » you’d have thouEht'ue the bitterest (seeing up rtf little women and little m6u, °T ‘-dhavelaughedat onrepltoand passiOD: An* that a storm like Would *hc ralnbow’d to tears by that sunlight, a Till we talked in the old lond fashion. Vet the storm was over In less than an hour, And was followed soon by a sunny shower, And that again by embraces; ' Yet so Utile the meaning v/aa understood, Thnt v?<3 almost iclt ashamed to be good, Aad wore a blush on our faceß. Then sbe, os a woman, much braver became, And tried to bear the wholo weight of tho blame, By her kindness,'her self-reproving; When seeing {icr humble, and knowing her true, 1 all at once became humble too, And Very contrite and loving. E'nt seeing I acted a humble par*, Bhe laughed outright with a trollc heart— A laugh as careless as Cnpld; And the langhter wrangled along my brain, Till i almost felt In a passion again,,. And became - qnlte stubborn and slnpld. And this was too time for her arms to twine A mnnd ibis stubborn neck of ndno, _ Like the arms of a maid round a lover, And leeling them there, with their warmth, yon I laughed*quite a different laugh, and so The storm Caa l called it) was over. So then we could'talk with'the power to please; As. though the passing of storms like these leaves acctlalnfelldty Of getting easily angry again, Yet they tree tho heart-and rebuke tho braiu, And teach os a rough humility. Yon see that we love.pno another so well, That we find more comfort than yon can tell In jingling onr bells and corals; In the fiercer fights of a world so drear. Wo keep our spirits eo close and clear, That we need each trivial quarrels. In tho great fierce flgbte or the world we try To shield one another, my wue nuu x. Like brave stroDgman and woman; Bnt tho trivial, qnarreOp of days and nighta Untbacklid oar Bools from tho great here- flgh .e, : Arid keep ns lowly and human. Clouds would grow In the And mohe it unmeet to mix with its kind, Were natare lesa v/ise as a mother; _ And wilh s'ormß like outs theje must flatter out From the bosom the boardtd-op darkness and ThetxceeTof onr love for each other. Kimberly «■ Butler. Baltimoiib. April 21 In tuc case of Kimberly siTA'nfit Boiler, In the Untied Btatcs Circuit Court, tlilß forenoon, after the decision of Ohlet Justice Clweo on plaintiffs demurrer lo defendant e plea in abatement, argument was resumed upon de fendant’s demurrer to plaintiffs pleas in repllca tlcnU)defendant’s plea of IlmltaUon under the act of Congress, which Involved the construction ondnpjdlcatlon to the case before U» Court of that and other acts ol Congress, passed for the protection of officers of the Government, fur acta committed, Ac, during the late war._ TUe argn mf'Tit «afi continued by Mr. Brent, for ptaiQuu, and concluded by Mr. Cushing, lor the defendant. Tbe Court, In deciding upon the questions In volved sMd; In this case tbe plaintiff charges that tha defendant has received certain mo^y wbicb In equity and good faith belonged to the plaintiff. To this general chargo the defendint pleads the statute of limitation, which he tsau tborized to plead under the seventu section of the act of Congress of 1863, and the plaintiff filed a : plca-in replication, dwylng of limitstldfiB can bo sustained, of which the Conrt Is not satisfied. As the decision of the case does not depend upon this plea, the Court wllf for the present hold that the plea of UmHatiocß is bad, &c- Tbe Court must con sider whether, upon plaintiffs declaration, a case is made which can go to the j ury. If the declar » Uon avemd that the defendant received the money of the plaintiff it would bo good. All that the Court has before It is that the money was paid to the defendant. Tbe act of Coagresjs makes it the duty or the provost marshes toafc “ounTfor afl their actions to the: General to whom they are subordinate. The Conrt Is constrained to come to the con elusion that money paid to the provost mmsbal la not money paid to any other officer Ac. As tbe case stands, the S would not allow a judgment to be entered -non a verdict for the plaintiff upon the plead ers In the case. The Court, therefore, gives lodgment for the defendant upon the demurrer. The plaintiffs counsel then asked leave of the (rortto amend the bill of particulars so as to allege that tho money was illegally bod and re ceived Irom the plaintiff by the Provost Marshal, andwoshad and received as agent of the de fendant, Gen. Bntier, and not as Provost Marshal, A* “no Court granted the leave to amend,, and ffio defendant claimed a continuance of the ease to the next term of the Circuit Court, the plaintiff re .he costs of the suit for the present. or;*®**** BmamW ' Js?£pool..NowY?rk .“ffi} 6. ■ - L K!' -K&::::tEB» .-.UvOTOoi: :S YorkvfatUPk.. ..April 10 . .Liverpool. .New York. Aoiillu Liveroool..New York April iu • ’ greet. .Now York M>n W " ” Havre. .New York April 10 ".‘.'London.. New York April lo TO DEPAHT. , ~ Australasian....... -Now York.'' V.";; 22 J W livcnnan.. Philadelphia .Wiario«um ....April SB iNow York!iuio Janeiro, fii....April aJ Mono castle Now York. .Havana Ppralre ....NowYor&a.Havre....;; £}“£ ! l iberty Baltimore. .N. O. via Haven a,..May 1 lows ""."." Now York..Ulantow.. Jw 1 of Parlß New York. .Liverpool . .May J nair# Mflnhfttlan ... Britannia Peruvian 10w*..- City of Cork* KuPßia. OKxopu***** Lafayette... • Ho e alia Uef1a.......... " auA-Kfj OB’ TKAUK I TRICE WETBERILL, 1 „ SAMI ELG. SToKitB. [ Monraw Como u a MF.K DOUGHERTY, < BPUiISTIK. r*OKT OFPHILADELPHIA— Arnu. 23. 3PB ,an». 6' 431 Hioa Warn, IQ 14 Steamer New York. "I‘rir Jo”^lSo P ( C g|erbcß. M daya from Trinidad. ‘ffSSSS@?Sfowss^ m - with grain to Jna L '“if eSTERDXV - BclrMf*iitomac;Aldridge. Washington. I. Audenrted ft 00. BchrRKHNo4fJ, Laras, do, |, O Bohr A M Baker, Branscom, Danbur ?, 8“ Bcbr Annie E Martin. Buell. Boston. . Hi-hrH.ttio. Morrison. Norwalk, 8“ Schr Marvet.Quedn, Gibbs, llartford. , Scbv Goddess, Kelly, Pawtucket, , p> a fjohr F St Clatr Edwards. Ireland, Somers I omt, u ° ■ Stelson & Co. J / ' , SrJir Pursuit,-Johnson, Pnntogague, onptuln. • . . Sclir Morning Light, Simmons, llappahaunook. captain. Ships Tonuwnndo, julluEftfind Tuscnrora, Rowland, were up at Mobilo lltli inst. TOr LivorpSol. . . Bliin Win Cummings, Miller, at New Orleans 19tli Inst. Riiynor, Richards, Bailed from Calcutta tlh '"stenmorSNoVfolk, Platt. hence at NorfolfcSOtli inst .BBIPfEBO’ GUIDE. For Boston—-Steaffislriß lone Direct FBOM i IKK BOSTON. Thi« Hue ia composed of Uie fir, U« SnsliHM Steaxuehipe.. _ _ . HOITIAIV, 1,48tf ions. Captain O. Babet. SAXON, 1,210 toue. Capl/iin Soars, aoitm - N, 1.233 tone. Captain Cr-well. Tbo HAXON, from 23 at 3P M The KO&MAW. from Boston. tfridaj AprU, ’fte'v-.^ifssSgs & 338 South Delaware avenue. TO TBE ,801/TH AI>L» WEST. 4I E &^t/?X? y^ U thU ronto com- J«S TnfiXtiF d “*»»“«” * Injure at lowest rato#. Freight recotve-d DalLi WM, P. CLYDE & CO., 14North and Booth Wliarrep- W, P. PORTEJL Agent at ■iUebmondMul Gitj Point. ■J )■ (,KOVi ELL a CO., AgeDU at Norfolk. , NOl'iCß/TO, HAVANA AND NEW OR ?o B !ie P condition of the l,TuiS »«“&. and freight will be received lor Now Oileaee. via o|meTat A( , cnt . apSO-«ts Phlladelphla'and Southern Mail B«ao.«hip_Oo. phii.aiiF.UHlA ANDBOUTHERN MAIL hFeambhip regular UEEN STREET WHARF. The YAZOO will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via HA ' will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via WUI for SAVANNAH onßa tl';hf■ W P VOmIWg 0 4lh > SufrOT> SAVANNAH on Ba- will .ail for WILMINGTON. N. a. on B l°lS a o‘%“S , . l o'f t la'dl2 g and pamage ticket. .old 'mLls OF sYgNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. *' „.UM tor Be iE“' r Sk W -SK&E March 16. at 8 o’clock. pJm2ngfifa 4 mmtbo e provided with passport*. No trei6bt received after Monday. Reduced rate*of WATTSON & SONS. 14U North Delaware avenne. new express line to Alexandria, g£^ak?an“DcUw”S^n I lLl.“with cow B< St’eame ß » hare regularly from the Bn* wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight recetvod daily. WM . P. CLYDE * CO.. 14 b orlb and South Wharves. 8 Y v D . E ,^^V«eg^f«fea.Vlrghiia. NOTICIL FOP. NEW YORK. • via Delaware and Raritan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. . The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water commtmlca 45S^*y h Vio?u d t rr^Jh 0 i k , below Marks, Bt (iood^ 8 ornarded’by 1 all° the* out*oMfle . terms. WM. P. CLYDE li CO.. Agents. 13 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia ' JAB.BAND. Agent, 119WallatrecLNowYork. "NOTICE.-FOR NEW YORK. J&BEifcx. I«ps«*SUß on accommodating terms, apply to BAIRD ftCO i », No. 183 Bttuth.Wfaar^Qg« " r ~ DELAWARE' AND CHESAPEAKE LIN. Bup’t Office. 14 Soutli Wharves. PhUadelphla. NOTICE—FOR NEW Y O RKv-.V 1A » m t£ w^v^ apply KEMOVAL* R -raa,? B «Wnd°?g B a‘lbo V ncwjJoors,, w. ELMS. ciAs ii'i'X'rkjßiEs, ■ * a TWT -o «tt r e s.—e4ibkey;‘ * MEUUILL a AU wort i wavrante-fi THE I)AJI,Y KVHMIVG BULLETIH— PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. Al’BlL 22.1869. | ;ms p&s-cusuts aocTa. train «*»* buraNN&tSttr.ySNlifG ktiM P. VL. U HO0B& bfalloUtofßouteS. „,„,™o..n iwniAHAPOUB, US“r JVSff^afni??HlsAaaFfiOHS^BUmiNg n wraißlS.»®ra«i« CHESTNUT streotfc andFrontßU. iinfl THIUTY-FIEST ttba MARKET 0 trjoU.Wot Phlla b o omi.Tj.' A|t« Httß&Qffthi w JOHnSE mii CenT EuPn AtkJSS Broudwwr.N.Y T SJ? l ji2bT%QiiE BAtb tmwk»~s& KOAljrTlMti TAUUe. -Coinmen- Pine MliNDAYiAprll Wib. 16®. Train. will leave Depot. fifesssa b B» H. •fßimtowe^ittffl'lgt P l"aL™ l |e“f d o“Fo r to«M r o’nr < Sea D d Norfolk wUI take GTON TRAINS.— Stopping at*ll Stations be tws>SMß® * M..H80. ROO ana - M. train connect. with Delaware E n d .n?.‘iag^.Uot? b r a Train. F B^N^A P v“RA’NFh“fi^ALf!MORB.-T-eaveaßAl r Kcftb-I Stt. Elkton., Newark., Stanloo. Newport. Wil m!?.*■*,°.°;sSl'S??, t l U and Baltimore centru. TtAILKOAD aailNß -Btopptneat aU Stations on Ohee. £r l“S ald FblladdpUaind BalUmore Central Ralb r PHIL ADE. FHIA.for POIO' DEPOSIT (Sunday * I c h?'7 00 A ttbp ai Ml Station. between P ««U™fM&ford (Sunday. eacePted) at r °Throogh ticket,to.n point. | wett m*y be procorrea at al/o etate Kooma be - - - - WEST CHESTER AND PHtLA- Chwlnut .treeta. 725 A M.. 930 A. m.. j-w r. m . 4 M Ph&Mk for B C ? 0^ G M”wi5 d sSor«- M ao‘i!^s “SSS! {r>saas =S&%iSfp r L-»vo PbiladelphU for B West Cheater at 8.00 A. M. and 1 and I *! n^* an h »mount exceeding one hundred l sSul£S3£“ M «“*“* “ worn General Superintendent. rniLADf Li’ina, April let, I&3SL ,_ mo NEW YORK.—THE CAMDEN '“sa® «aass#sa. r ft 1 ft^^dl^^aF-^fotfteeho^ At6and MA. M-.Aaa)ana ua)p> M „ | or ‘ijKffijfJsgatßSsK&B«gei» ««• snrTheTtndtlixi P. M. lines will leave from foot ol hi arketetreet by upper fernr. and Jeree, CU,. New York A-M;'iBo;3.36'eids;P.M. for Trenton and Morriavtllo and 4 fS3W A. Id., 6 *. M. lorßeheneto and Eddinston. i u aRn , t andSP.M.. lor ComweUt. •Ssgfgjgsfaj^Tssfisaft An other*, Ib^ssss^sssu “bELVIDEBE DELAW ABE RAILROAD LINES Irom Kennlnifton Depot. j-jj. finflalo. Dunkirk. AtTjSO A-M-. tor OB W. ego< Elmira Ithaca, Vvißu*barr«. dcraaton, faim>^eßtowiLß6tMebCT).AC; Yt , / , fma< , lata gtatioxtfl. u a^ssi^fflfs=“™ .KiWfifjafe^jESs'rS an* vUte,Vin ceil town. Birmingham andJrenibCTtotu p „ . LewirtowikWriEhtstown, Imlayrtown. Sharon and panlß Eago P c L t fc 1 £, I !|'i CompanyUmitthoirro pounds to be paid ior ®“Y*v* nA nnllir Dor pound*and will by " p " oi &»dand ,uticu Niagara W and OfflSj b c°an P ££ -a-*- * S^SIS!®dGi(3E£E *SH*ff3B33Kh«^ kollroad will run a. follow*: tbePhlladelpMaanu 10.45 P. M. Mall Train leave. ■ ""."V.V.V.V aiß A.M. I* ' •» M3rtVBS ft£Eri9v Y*vAl VleO A. M. B^Ex ¥ ” V ;;;-;:;;:: i 8.60 P. M. ||t-| MjaiTrMnleave.&}e^ a^.v:;:: - ;; : :; ;;:ii55 A. M. - •• arrlyoa atPlillSleliiUa;,^ a. M.- •■ •• MTiveaa«PWlaaelphla.. ;i j..,£ ; .v \" dAU9 . -■Mall and Btpreas connect wlth 01l lireOK a ■heny River Railroad. BaR jMiu^LTYLEI£ : ;. v “aeneralßnpertateßdent ' 'WBST'| i ■■■:>. .• •; i V.J Kj'- •••7-. | i ' AHtt*N©*it©l3HT. /r :; r ; - i ; Fiobb Footof Jlnifcet «t. (Upper Perry), i [lammenclng Tlinrsdny, April 1«1809. • | ForC*Vo^*y”n > >J l BStion«bolowMilMllOy s .pL?*'a m Ifor MmviUe, Vlnelaiid and lntermedlata atatlona 8.00 ] Salem and way atetßma 6.00 A. W? * n4 ' *sSNfeoaw«r at &u A.M.. aoe, aeodnd &p. m. ; \ Flight train leaves Camden daily at U o’clock, Freight received at second covered wharf 1 below Wai* “Vr»?..&d SO. r: Superintendent gagoIbaTTRUNK PhU* delphia to the interior of Pemuylva n |. tho BchuylkiU, Susquehanna, Cumberland ane Scorning Valleys, the North. Northwest and the Cena heading and all intermediate 3tationg v nnd Allentown. ; loaves Beading at.&M>.,M» .arriving,ta EXPKKB&-At 8.15 A. M. for Eoadffig. Le banon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, TamnQua, 'MgS?S) I £SSSS U «i£««U at Beading With the Bar. VenL*ylva£k Railroad trains for 6c.and the &15 a!R!SSb Snnecta with tie txainfg ‘ ffftrrieburgs &c.\ at Port Clinton with Catawiisa B*R trains for Williamsport, Lock Hay<m, Ktaiira- ACOOMMODATION.-Hesved Potti- Wj»ii2iw2s A JL, stopping at Intermediate stations i«i- H™inFMadS&la at A« A. M. m' iSflinwa at4.»n*. M-: arrives in Pottetown attUO P, M. T.89A.M., stcppingat all way station*; arrlvoglnFmla. at 6.15 P.M.J arrives to Pufiddyhia leave Harrilbtirgal B.IOA,Mn jnd PnthndUoatatt A. IL, arriving in tSoP. MTßßefnoon trainsleweHarrtitarg at A®PJI. end Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at ?■ Handling accommodation’ leaves Beading atWJ A. r«t to tr«& h, M&Sfe.-?iSng«™ A *? fpfttn DOffDtofrtfl'wn at 411) A. M« 1W S^feuSeUmS in M Uom f VaUeo pm-nS'utujHAND Elmira. Baltimore. 6e arrival as, ss sw#. gg££K SS W*® Sga”arfflsigss®“aifs Kir T. VALLEY EAILROAD. —Trains leave Mhßssqgsawsas gr,£&?pK^“SSSodatfon Train, at reduced *The Bdteti General Bapertalendent Tidrehat «* per cmL discount, between lat^S^feS r fo?S. l or twelve month, lor holders l £jj£i vrffl bo ftn wive, to & odlW m?Lt Office, a? Thirteenth BroadandWjHow ptrega- a. BL, Freight■ftsdMleavo ™i“^2gX&hanon,Harri* 12.45 noon. AW and« beyond, dpal Station* only at Bjls P-“- QJi s®SS-SSS2&«s owhill rtroeta. WUiMINa. S^SSSaessKBESSSa WrtEt BtaPd Bail way ran within 3SES“^"«« f,sa!!3 Part tine... '.V..'.atU.6o AM. Erie Eipresa ;••■.•."• . »t 180 P. M. ParkrtiurßTralii. - " BXOP. M. saga* «««*. j daUV^^Pt ' ta « B « e ffias ZrMVE AT DEPOT. VIZ: A t Krio Mail and Buffalo Express **9io M i parkßburg Train ** 1 7.7.*12.80 P. M. I Lancaster Train M 490 ” ! 4JM " i Day * 9.40 * H |iiS^rtM3 O^a^.^^ A * oellt ' sOl chertJlllt * tree, ‘ | the Depot. anyrUk for Bagenep, eiceptfg goiiirs in value, lirAtthelr Utmoruu All BaggMe oxcefMln* that tumonnim contrO ct tlie cbk Of «>« owner. General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. , r=ag®@sgpg^“ sateMWftft— U LdaveOUertnnt Hlll-1.10 |j*.« andILIOA. M. 1 1,40. 5 U0. 6 .40.A40 b M0 8^m t&! k' ‘SSsras.ffisess®-- ,S 'Leave ». U A. M.. IX. 8.4*. and 836 P. M. 0N buNDAYB. _ m Leave Philadelphia—-9 A. M.;216 and LIBP. M. Leave Leave Philadelphia-*. 1 «.9. U-06 AM. 1 1)6. MW. &*• "■fcavo W. W6. 11* A. M. I ». B*. 6, "ILvO PMtadMphiaS A&.“* ilrir - VrtiiiiriW ririTTn’ PAST FREIGHT , UNEi VIA ft PEN NS YLVANiA - to * Mahaaoy City, Mount Cornel, Contralm. and all poinw oill*oUijsb Voil< y.'lUifroftd. tblfl day. this road i« yifued to vho abov<‘.n»iuod P’tnte. ripnnt. i^fislteg'lSfSSKS lVyomiuE>'e? lA ‘ gljllB CLARK, Agent, rier - CAMDEN ANDATLANTIC Balt, jjfflfnarpßßg zots)-. ■ ■ i -"’.: | '.'■srspiUNa aubabghment. ju j On »ria after MONDAY. April Mth. 1869, train. will lelvoVtoe Street farina follows, vutt « Frrig£t, wliliP«BfieDg«*,Car ••■9-16.A. M Atlantic AccoxPtnodatiop. l... v *.; v A46Pe M. 1 s O. WILL LEAVE p K^(^t"wVthFMVen*eVi!ar................. ..U.Walm. Atl.nlicAccommod mi0n........ .^..AU A.M j ooctlon Accommodation, toAtco and Interne* Leave JRaadonfleld "• tii^L^uxlSy - ■■■ •■- : ■:■■■:■ NORTH PENN3YLVASIA E.R.- rala EBBKet-jafd o' hre MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortusi most direct lino to BetUehom ‘AllentowD* Mauch Chunky Hdxlclod* >Vnito He S!sHS^!r^i?«“a«ss “ raor Bert “wilfrtn'arrangement.ten daily trains -On* andntarMONDAY. NOVEMBER 23d. Paaeeiigei nectinß at Betnlehem with Lehigh Valiev haiirpad foi $JS».aB£S^ g CaU^l^a\Sroad{orUaperbDanviu“,MlltonBnd gS3£j&figS.'-s?ifla.SP»r!3 M k ?K?meiie) for Bethlehem, ARehtowmMahcb whito^rtSntWiUeebarre.Pltuston, Scranton SSfw«^« B AUO4S A. hL—Accommodation for Fort Washington for Bathlehem. AUe B Vo«n'M^Ch R Wilkeabarre. .top lor Doyles towmstop b*oi otourD accommodation t or Bethlehem. I Qi qp M„ 6.26 V. M. ftD<M®o P. M. Trains nutice SSSS^s®^* Doyle. town at 8.35 A. M, 4.65 P. M. and 7. P.M Erom St Phßadelpbla for Bethlehem at 9.80A.M. I Philadelphia lor Doyicfitown at 200 P. M. I Doy»e«town for Pbifadelphia at 7A. U- passen R< Whi«eS™f n £ Sndln°dThi:. d BW*teUno and Union m'uet be ln order I to secure the lowe.t rate of,ftre j 3LUSC i l ABK, Agent. | Ho.lQfiPouthFlftbrtreet. —-——m« 'hjsaiTjestatesaxes. Ssfel B?kw and M«t SSn»ifei tfienco running down the said rtvtr aUowwatrr maTk 14 5 perches to a post, a corner of * in M n q aegiened to Win* tiannisi thence by the Varv iiswife. and! hence by theearns north 8a« deg.* llrnri Ritu&te In Patsyunk township, nowin. the Twenty l«?h WwS of the city, described according to a survey §f®sSSSßßSsfflS3g h os"”!’& 10 ; a t^B n dc««os 1 W .EL2S porehes to a S?l£*“ w a'a icrches moS or loss, to the place of be- -rasas “mV ™ -.M Htarr jmup. £ Wraaxv’P Hotel. OOSSipr °C TH UO AJ), wmflu HAS A ETNE KIN Tbe Bun-DUiu ib'thbek-btobt ntttoK «n« nIN«O-EOOH. PABI.OBH. OIIAM BAEN, BTAULES. BUKBBINO COB 40 IIOB6ES. &0. ,_ E2r±‘f£taTd»W by the purchaser B^-f^?diate U p^essionflv t nthevurch«er. g^^tobepald^atthetWo^ala^^ Administrator, d. b. n* c. t. a. TAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ftnlfi 23 29 , Storey Walnutstreet —mm tp ha lE—.TAMES A. FBEEMAN, AUC inches front on frrunt s r inches. Bounded eantward ino.uithlico-«t<nbYkbjnY^f^ o^bfa&ut^7eH SSr« r» Stp stand, dwMing hIM C^ronoo .Ic floor in cellar. Slav be ex aruinedJTom 10 Jo 12 c’. o *o*’*' 0 *’*' •gl BarfVho mrchase money may remain if desired bythe will rent for 81.000 per annum. Im “tET** B t“be°|BW|‘ the time of eato;£ uction jaMBO a. o“ 8tore street.. ap15»22,59 sp, rtV e bb.deceafc d A J ame? A?"&«EAu^ioautr BjCL'BiDK “'fi uo. budc « on Wednesday, of '!>« »‘S 12 ivlock, noon will bo Bold at public sale, M/.y 5 ■ £ i “a iiii aKxcban g e, the folio win* described ntth “ *«?«. Aii that certuin lot or piece of ground and i 00l oitnie . All inai» fl tuatn on the south aid.- h !‘i s ree l°o feiiSluchcs eastward from feu of. ' ' . .-Vet foVmcilv called Lewis street; thence ex ning un st.iet loinioii Marriott street 51 feet a ' 1 e^ 1 'tnl' eOAU’. I> 1-BIMS ABE HKBKIIYKU, ANI> AIAY 111. if desired by the tnrreh sser I»"Clear of incumbrance. P tv $2OO to be paid at trio timu of Exocutor . JAMEB A. n»PH AN&' COUKT SALE.— EBTAt'E OF WH. Mr nrk-r 1 deceased -JamenA.Fieenian, Auctlpueei. "Sfo2£ y a|tj.^^ ioliowiug d »cribed real ground. situato on B^VS?JF®fiSMsri^^ of incuwbraDce. . .•< .. Wr sllo lO bo paid EOARV. <*>rk o. c. By the Court, BrßA^NA ,.p A iutliJß v Administratrix IIpJ6SS39 OItPUANS' I 'F'recinM,'a 1 ' 1 B. Springer* a. i ioc No mu iSlal tioneer.-Threo-etory Brick r^° c Coart Brown ftieet Under on AVedu*edft\ for tbo city and county of 1 niiaaclpiua* » t put>u M«y 5, 1F69 at 13 o’clock, noon, will do mU*. at Uw Philadelphia f E*®?Jjn6* of ground, wit > fcrtbedroal eat ate. All that cort,l o.,[ tu .,, „to.y bac tboiliKO-aiory brioktta’BMißSO' ll { h o mmtli aide o buildin* thereon erect, d. situate °u , vja t»avd o lt.ow.i ft.cet, at. tbc, <i^““th o \v.rd i of tl.ocity, cow PalolCß In'fraVo^.bfowiii atrcol , “| t n ft K °i, 1 t“ Buokutl .0 the ■l*.- l ublect, o W6jK»«S&?K KildioKH. u«mlrc«irtntloon*aJMt ' JAMFd UJ'ItKSS -.-■■■ the three. Btcrv bricfc mMW ngg t with Uio WO JwjGk-. {ackbunding therconereetea, si Hutted wfffigtrS&Ffret of Morrisßtreet t 293frt?W^-rd i W’ai.d: front JD M orr I* vroec -J® SSwuS "o'uii B cf n o ™t''v I 1 ld I e 4"j[e^s?{ssisS^ another 3 feet wide alley leading north want amo, oyr vee ei effect Bnbjecttoi« KroMdrentp«'i*nnoJWad' i ct erring the n ght of attachment to th6;hjdj^t^W#g»j of giound wUn thiUhWej story bi lek messuage thereon orected elwat»«t the MUtto cart corner of Frbert ,and Twenty-fijStr atreete, Ninth Ward d tho city. beiDgfWifoof frot&t;j)D. r vtreet, and In dfptfj Afacs.tll ® inen^- BflMectto Agroundrtrtdt MS6obei-ftliiinm, ~■■ ““ W4;l ff»S v&t : 4CB. ORPHANS’ COURT BALE.—B3TATEI OB' JANE §OO6 Wallace, deceased. JameaA. Freeman, A>tctlotieer. •MSI. Vi.luaclc Property, Kidgo AVcnuV.. above Seven-, teehtht lot 50 by 569 Icet. Under airthorltyv ?• 1 fti’SST . tohai a* Court lor the City and oonntv of FbuatewM»*oft!,s Wednesday. May 5,1869. at 12 o’clock, noon, s«W s at puol c salo at the Philadelphia Kxchange. the fnllorw lug described real estate, viz. ;• All ; that cerium-lot s at *. ground., with the 1 two-story frame mcssaageinnnq Ihelot of ground, square on the west side oi (ho Ridge 4WB».i ftfoa 1708.1710) at tho distance of 60 foots inched north- , ward of Ann street, now Wylie street, 5 ln 'the Fifteenth- Ward of the city; thence extending northward ■»» tr^g*; On Rio go Avonno 60 f eet ;3 Incnes. thenoe wbstw«ird2«., feet IW ini healnto 4t 20_ feet wide--street. 'eaUMiOfeijr street, 1 thenco souihward alone said Geary street Wfeet,. - thence eastward 269 feetJa inch to tho pjace of beginning;, with the appurtenances;, . , } &; Subjcct to 815 ground rent peranntim. * Vtf~ 59250 to be paid at the time of psut). t -' By the Court. JOBBPU MEOAIIi i Clerk G. U ' “ mG. WALKER, Trustee. , JAMES At FREEMANi Auctioneer. > > • . Store. 422 Walnto«ttieet-. < i »p 1623 29 fc ORPHANS' COURTIS gE|? Bleight minors—James JPreemtm,:Aucci opee n . ** *3 Groundxentolft93perftnnwm l , i - Lii4w.a«iho»y of the Orphan** Court lor the City and Cotiaty df cnila delphia, on Wednesday, May 5i 1869. will be told at public sale, at the>hUadeitfhl»Excta»hELV the following oescribed real- estates A ■ ground rent of $92 issuing 1 out of all that, ground; situate on the west side oFQuinceafc^t.b(J#eeV Tub -apOVB 6ROVKD BKWT la WKtIiSEOOECU. AHI? *H PAYABLE 1K.8U.y88.,-;. \ ;-£ a L--:rt -Mi. ,/v -i/J, i >'., - nr ftltio to be paid attlmo of «le aplS 2i! i» SAU4 by ORDER OF DEViaBES.-ESTATB •msu* (<, urr vo g 'Fowta deceased.—Jatkim A. m £$ Dwemn* No: 18M Oamdroa ni ree f; FronciaviUe, ar Mrv fith o’clock, noon. *»U fco feet »bo'“ ftnnd« Bt ro et bo-pg 17 feotjront by tO feet MANTET.. STATIONARY HdT ANTI OOLJ WATER* BATH. AND GAB IUBOTJGUOUT. ' lmmed ftt« pOiBeaMOU, U/r, •.; vr SWO to le 01(153229 store. 422 Walnut otreet MmiPHuNff" COURT Boxouel Fleming, doceascd.-J Auctioneer.— Tbree-atory brick dwelling, South street. Under the city end enuntv of Philadelphia, on Wedueaatty, May 5.1569. atl2 o’clock, uoon, : will bo ito ?i?J at ibe Philadelphia Exchaogo, tho fqllowing .de !g&ea real eßtoteTill that cctftia lot of tho three.etory brick mcesaaße thoreouerected, sitnkte onlho north side t ! r t BjH* l, -'A t «?Sn t "ffio Bovonth of lfifeet oaatof Twentr.fonrth street, in tho _Bavjnrn Ward of thodity, containing in fronton. South .atreot 15 fcof, and extending in depth-92-feet,“With ■ 'four loot aller.leadiog into Naudoin street. Suhjoctton E ?mmd rent of ner annum. lawful silver jno,ney. jameb ap15,&29 is 2s? sold at public Bale, without reserve. at the ; SSSSfeife” l ass: absolute. , Forforthet 1 information apply to. 0» ATnia^oairiWis^-;; ■ ‘ a and ltl South Fourth Street. ' ap!7 23 24 peremptory sale. — <£* iiSEj Very valuable btUilnosa.. stand, four- W. ftorv BtrTeIIS4SS Second and Third B traats. .Oa a npti l at tccQ «♦ 19 o’clock, noon, wyHJB bolh'.m PQOuCj PotßOßHiou on SO days'notice. , 1 ' ; ' Terms—Onc-thlrd cash. Sale absolute. ■ , r p \fmr- For (up her information apply to L. O. a U, tr._ held. Ko. 205 South or to QNB . Aaet ,„,.. , 158 andUl South Fourth street. ap17.23.24 Hmm ‘Xlem£be paldatpptum of owner. . 1 /•' Sale absolute. • r ; , r ■ Pneßcaalon June -Oth. lore. f p rx m H P.llofr*' For further Information »W'l r - »" lr held, No. 206 South bUtb Auot lonojp.• • 22 24 “• U»sd 141 South Fourth iitreet. ® jrc* SK-w aois a thatlGtoflßround, sbeumsb iS the Tara, afono.tops, yard newly paved. &c. (Tfc-v-lcur of Auctlonoere, 189 and 141 fourth apl7 2324 Catharine street, west °* nnos'ory ki'chonsand three Btoy bricki n e»B u age&.wltb one Gattl arifie lotß of P ro Bt??cf K<-, H ii and (^containing 1 Eaihuubjecttonyonily */[, that tlireol •»* « tendlEK ta de f —* REAL 9^^oraer ft ® Sd Tu afp^ e iss 27, if 69, at 13 ? h,°f » U that three itory fcripk at the Fhna^clphiaJPxcDang kitchen and. lot eforo and dwelling, with w. comer of Eighth.and of ground, ®»toate at the ». trv. on Wharton street W^S,' in depth along Eighth ettcct «6 f,,^^oloSS||>,{n™“ b J'“'S , n 0 nmortgago. ’ , apl7 22 34 apl7 M 24 BOOVS AMP BSIOES* —■=: NOTICE TO THE FUBUG GKNEBAIJ#YV ffij The latest etylc.f&ahion and assortment of. '■ SHOES AND GAITEE». EOBMEN «tdtfOY&. Can be bad at g T g o l> p. s. m IllllpSiii *&r*U IHKKWBBfe:.- ",4 • .'Tv aasoothEUhtb^Sv iV? Vi..-.* .1 ,s«.-iv ;■■■:' '■■■■■.■ • ! . '.' V «i :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers