131o811a , Blii bitYTICE*. agb wow _LOWER TIIAti POW VT.7.-1 'MABEL CiiisooASlL—Fine thinchilla and Per ileaver nodueed to. ~ .. ..... . $ll3 • Of the newest and most stylish materials, out ' and make, 'which have bet n told at. . ... $B5 . A great variety of all styles, upwards from $B, 87Lierin0 JACIE.OTA.-7 he best assortment in the city, sill ' hag °Oven? low. Pairrattams.-tawoot Catalina:o, reduced to $3 Varrre dueall wool Cassilunre, reduced t 0..... • • ••• $3 Remorse COATS, in great variety, at prises equally low. soar Cumuli 0, very low indeed. Our whole stock of -MEIOB,- Yocrrus% Boys` and enua:Exat's thnutrrie to be sold out at a great iticoncrrioN or Patton, which are in all cases guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, or the male cancelled and money refunded. Call d examine our goods alter having em• embed those of the '•Bactritldur become before purchasing A fair test is all we auk. halt way betioreen BErrarrr dG Co., Fifth and 'rowan If slx., Sixth streets. 618 liamcwr &r., YUILADELPIII.A. awn 600 8110/13W.A.14 haw ouk. 6 Ito rapidity with which Plantation Bitten have become a hounehold neceseity hroughout the civilized natious, is without. a parallel in the hiworp of the world. e ver flea 4 million bottles were soli in twelve nom he. at d the demand is d'-ily increasing. Rich ato poor con g and old. ladles , . physicist a and elerg u, Mid that it revivea deoeying and leads strength team synetn, vigor to themiod and itmaturiPs great re e.orer. lt is compounded of the choicest roots and herbs, thee. lebrati d Cantu/ye . or 'Peruvian its it. etc., sit pro get ved in put eSt Blois Hum, leis sold by all respect able (eiders , n every town, pariah. village and hamlet tbsoneh Northeand:ehiuth America, Europe and all the lelar.da of the Ocean. . . MAGNOLIA WATER—eupellor to lhe beet imported Oe ts an Cologie.aud 'old at half the price. jal2,tt.,tMe4t IME 'A Et&,?R IITbIIDT, Manufacturers of PRIBT 7 OLASS•AGRIIFFE PLATES ,PIANOFORTES. •We.reloome, No. 610 Street, "7: 'Yhllsdelpbl dole the to amt STECK • •k. SAYS AND GAINES BR ../9`. liWit . Pittnos. Mason ACE aroittes Cabinet mud Metro- Duni Sui Oigaii.• with Vox Dunt GOULD. dt29 twth.s. MIMI • NaPio. fr33.Uhestuut street. BTEINIVAV'ES FIANCE RECEIVED Tile highest award Ord gold medal) at the Interna 011a ibitlon. 1867. Bee °dicta! Report. at Waretoola Of BLASIUS Bituo., oell.ll N 0.1006 Cbootnut streot. reIITFUM? Val RECEIVED a. _ DtArruri'S Warm:tom. 914 Chestnut land. 5e21.1f4 EVENING BULLETIN. Iplitunadays January 14, 1869. 11.114.1 r. CHEMITIVDT ISITJECEEC F 111.113. The destruction of the magnificent marble block at the corner of Ninth and Chestnut Et:teem is naturally felt as a calamity, the inter est in which is by no means confined to the immediate sufferers and their personal friends. The three magnificent stores ofJatnes E.Catd well & Co., jewellers; Howell & Brothers, paper-hangers, and J. F..& E. B. Orne, car pets, for Med a trio of the handsomest busi ness establishments in Philadelphia, having very few rivals in any part of the United States, in the beauty of their buildings, the extent, variety, and value of their choice stocks of goods. This morning this superb marble pile is reduced to a mas of smoking ruins, presenting a sickening spectacle of sud den devaitation and loss. Philadelphia has been learning of late years to take a just pride in the great strides which her:enterprising business men have made and are makine; and among them, none have showed 'a greater public spirit in elevating the business reputation of Philadelphia, than the gentlemen who occupied and owned this splendid block. The Messrs. Howells and Comes are native Philadelphians, and Mr , Caldwell has spent his whole life here, from early boyhood, and is 'thoroughly identified with every Philadelphia interest. Heavily as this disaster falls upon this trio of business houses, there is an amount of vi tality about them, a recuperative force, that will undoubtedly place them all speedily upon their feet again. One loss alone is irreparable, and that is the loss of life, at least two of the young men employed in J. E. Caldwell & Co.'s store having fallen victims to the terrible destroyer. With this aid es - eeption, the ruin which mars our chief thor oughfare this niorning,and which has e jolted such a universal expression, of symp• ! • throughout the community will soon pass away, anti' the establishments which were yesterday among the greatest attractions of the htg.ieehs of POiladelphia will resume and, as we sinceiely trait, 'mg continue to oc cupy their foremost place among the enter prising and public-spirited business houses of the city. Tim moo timEan nowirori. -The free trade interests have been claiming so confidently that New England had become a convert to their theories, that it is refresh ing to see their assertions satisfactorily con futed. A few large establishments, whose profits daring the war had swelled ,their capital enormouy, have, it is true, imagined that if protective duties were removed, they would be able to crush weaker rivals to the south and west of the 11 , 124 alsp be ablet r ; control their OperatiVefi more absoltitely. These concerns, therefore, through their organs, have been endeavoring to influence legislative action in Washington, and public opinion throughout the country, and hive succeeded in creating a wide spread belief that New England had abandoned the pro tective policy to which she, owed her pros perity, and had become converted to the specious simplicity of the free-trade theorists: By dint of proclaiming these assumptions to be facts, they apparently at last succeeded in persuading themsi lves of their truth; so far, at least, as to venture upon au open trial of strength. We are glad to see that they have bten beaten in their stronghold, and that their ablest champion has been unhorsed in the lists in which he had himself challenged his adversaries to combat. At a meeting of the Boston Board of Trade on Jan. 4th, ldr. Edward Atkinson, who is well known as the most earnest and most ef- &lent of the New England free -traders, offered a series of resolutions strongly condemnatory of the bill now before Congress,kno wn as the "Moorhead Tariff ,bill." These resolutions denounce the bill as wholly uncalled for by either the tondition of trade or the wants of the revenue, and covery demanded a reduc tion of duties to correspond with the removal of the internal ,tax upon manufactures. The Boston merchants were not prepared to de cide upon interests so weighty without af fording every member a chance of acting in telligently. They accordingly ordered the bill itself to be printed, with Mr. Atkinson's resolutions appended, and to be sent to the members, with a notice that the question would be discussed at a meeting to be held, on 9th. That meeting, after a long and ani mated debate, adjourned until the 11th, when another vigorous discussion took plate, and Mr. Atkin sorrshad at last the mortification, t a see Ins reeolutlons postponed.: by a large majority.-- Alter thus giving tki free traders every op:- portunity to make the beet of their case, Bos ton has fully refuted the slanders whlchhave represented heves opposed to . the interacts of American labor. This will doubtless surprise many, and we hope that our legislators will take it to bend:. The adiroCafes 'of free trade are so loud in proclaiming the progress of their doctriners, that many of our public men are misled into believing that the N mth is gradually becoming detached from its sup port of, domestic industry. We beg to assure them that this is not the ease. The masses of the people are beginning to understand more clearly than ever that protection is even more for the benefit of the employed than the. employer. Like the Irishman's owl, they are doing "a dale of thinking," though they may make-less noise than Free Trade Leagnes and Manchester agents; while among intelligent business men, such as those composing the Boston Board of Trade, the conviction never was so strong that increased duties are neces sary to foster the depressed industry of the country, to restore the balance of trade, and to hasten the resumption of specie payments. Of course a general revision of the tariff would be preferable to any partial measure, such as that proposed in Mr. Moorhead's bill. In the present session, however, it is mani festly impossible to give the time and atten tion necessary to perfect a , measure so com plex in its detail° ae a complete 'tariff.. We therefore hope that Mr. Motirlinad'a . be speedily enacted, and that the neat Cbli gress may find time to put into shape a bill that Nall relieve all suffering branches of labor and codify our present somewhat cumbrous and contradictory customs legis lation. That venerable annual, so highly valued in Europe, tilemAlmanach .dc Gotha, is swol- len iu tbisrits hundred and sixth year, to a bulky volume - of about eleven hundred pays. The size of the pages and the general style are the same as thosArof the first volume issued in 1763; but that was a thin little pamphlet, frt m which there has been a gradual growth to the present plethoric book, which is crammed full of information concerning all the organized governments ()film earth. That so much information,containing so few errors, should thus be collected in a neat volume and sold at a very low price, is a fact very credit able to the industry of its editors in the little German capital. Originally the Gotha Almanac was simply a manual or directory concerning the sove reigns ot Europe and their families. It soon became a recognized authority, by which titles and lineage were proved, and it became a matter of importance to people claiming royal blood to have themselves properly registered. So the catalogue of the "Sove reigns of Europe" had to be followed by another ot "Princes not Sovereign," and of late years there is a third list of "Maisons Co mtales," consisting of families a little lower than those that are princely without being sovereign. Tilde must be a growing ambi tion, in this age of Democratic tenden cies, to secure an authoritative recog nition cf the grace that is supposed to accom pany royal or noble blood; for the list of 'amides in the two lower classes included is the Almanac is much greater in 1869 than it was a few 3 ears ago. There are some un questioned and unquestionable snobs among the princely and titled. There are a good many families that have rim down in pro perty and in brains, but that can trace a dis tinct lineage far back into the middle ages, or the dark ages beyond. Especially do the /ancient German families make a figure in the Almanac, even though the vicissitudes of fortune and politics have left few of them acything to boast of except their antiquity. The history of the Gotha Almanac has not been unchequered. As an oracle on royalty and legitimacy, it has always been conserva tive, and him reluctantly recognized every political change that was damaging to the old order of things. The first French Revo lutiun was ignored by it, and for a number of years it kept the name of Louis XVII, under the head of France, while that prince was an exile. When Napoleon I. became Emperor, he thought the little manual important enough for Lis special notice, and he had the whole edition of 1808 seized, its editor hurried to Paris, and an aummeement of the contents made Ly which the name of a German prince, in defiance of alphabetical order, was put at' ter that of Napoleon. After the Bourbons w ere restored, the I3onapartes all disappeared • hum the successive f..l llll ber4 Of 14 Alm Anita, and the Bourbons had such honor done to gi,iFE e Q them as w ou' d atone for past omissions. The revolution of 1848 was also resisted along as possible by the compilers of the Almanac; but since 1853 the Imperial family has had its proper place, and there is now also a full mord of the collateral Bonwartes and Mu rate, some of the latter being born Ameri cans. But there is also a full list of the "Maison Royale de Bourbon"—and a very monk maison it seems to be, with princes and princesses enough coming forward to make no little trouble, should there be politi cal convulsions again, in the various countries where Bourbons still retain partisans. The conservative character of the Almanac is further shown by its giviug this year, under the head of "Mexito," the name of poor Car lota as the "Imperatrice Maria Charlotte," ..Vc. Under the bead of Spain of course, figures Isabella, with her family. But the revolution which dethroned her is acknow ledged in a brief narrative of the facts of the last autumn. All these dynastic and family records that the Gotha Almanac: editors preserve so piously are of little value to the world in general. To Americans and liberal-minded people everywhere the great merit of the publication lies in its carefully compiled political, diplo matic, statistical and other information- IV hen the first edition was printed, Switzer land was the only Republic that existed. Now there are many Republics in America, each of which has its government officers, its civil, military and diplomatic organizstion; its finances,its commerce and many other matters described in a satisfactory , form. Over thirty pages are given to the United Bt - ttes alone, and this part, to prepare which the services of Men, Edward McPherson were engaged, is TIIE.DAILY EVENING BIiLLET,IN—,4!II-IfiA:Esklii' THE GOTALt &LIMAN/M. • - as cortect as possible.;Sonic cf . the famta are of coursekinmerseder by Ofentii Witt nave happened since they were compiled, and the Bibbed, tents of - "itidre 4ohninn, , ; ringuha McCulloch, Guillaume H. Seward," &c., as they are printed' hi the :Altuanan, will soon make this part out of date. but the general information 18'101 comet.. ,Tink - tioyth Gar man Confederation, and Germany in general, since the war, of 1567 ~ ,h ave; given the 00131- pliers a good deal Of 'trouble but they have arranged all the,avaitable information concern ing the existing organization in' a remarkably intelligible manner. In a word, the Gotha Almanac is a most valuable hook of reference, and it is this year, more then ever, a pro A' of wonderful industry on the part of those who have prepared it for publication. 7`ffil E• Is &MAT E. • The power of public optaion is surely searching out and rewarding fleedelinquent men who failed in their manifest duty in the Impeachment Trial. In Maine, Hannibal Hamlin, once so foolishly set' aside to make way for Andrew Johnson, comes forward as the successor of Mr. Morrill, simply because he is opposed by Mr. Fessendeno_ There is a direct retributive justice in this. Mr. Ham lin, defeated by Andrew Johnson, in turn de feats Andrew ,Johnson's champion, and goes hack iriltonor to the Senate. To-day we learn that another of the re creant Senators has igot his reward. The three members of the Impeachment Caen who are most generally believed to have been directly tampered with are Henderson, RO3B and Fowler. The term of the first of these expires in March next, and the Republicans of Missouri have expressed their reprobation of his conduct by leaving him at home, and sending the brilliant German orator, writer and statesman, Carl Schurz, to the Senate, in his place. This action of the Mis souri Republicans will receive the enthusiastic approval of the party throughout the country. The State and the Senate gain immensely by the change, and the great moral lesson which it reads to mousing politicians will be laid to heart by every man in public life who i 3 tempted to sacrifice principle and public duty to any of those personal considerations which come in such Protean forms to tempt men from the paths of honor and duty. We trust that West Virginia will follow the examples of Maine and Missouri, and that each of the seven States which were dishonored by the defection of their representatives will, as their opportunities arrive, pass the same condem nation upon those who failed the country in one of its hours of greatest need. IRE ntir.ip..m QUESTION Every housekeeper of the present day ap preciates the expense of butter, and anything that w ill lower the cost of it will be wel - corned by all of them. The Ectorterny But ter Company, whose advertisement appears in to—day's paper, announces a discovery that promises this important-result. Their "Ex tract of Batter Plant," we are assured, creates excellent table butter at a cost of fifteen to twenty:fiVe cents a,pound. An extract from a New York letter to.the SundayDitgriatch , pub lished on another page, gives some interest ing particulars concerning the dew process of butter-making. A New Art-winery. Out of one of the oldest stands in the city has been made the newest sensation. Mr. G. Pelman, of 628 Callowhin street, has been extending and improving his premises in admirable taste, and has established a gallery of -paintings tipit'airs which has no match anywhere in the vicinity. Besides the new French and Diisseldorf pictures which the proprietor brought over with him six wetks since, the collection contains some of the beet paintings embodied in the last sale of M. D'llnyvetter, the Importer. Conspicuous among these will be found the large picture of Cattle and Ducks by Verboeckhoven, une of that painter's most assiduous pieces of finish ; it was the most striking ornament of M. D'Huyvetter's late collection, but was never intended to be sold with that gallery; also the beautiful picture by Bosch, of a white dcg reel iving a lesson from a be); the large Portia:3lk- besides many others by Col, de Noter, do Isylandt, Dietfenbach. etc., forming a pretty complete exhibit of the Diis4el - f school OS exemplified in moderate-sized cabinet art. The picture. gallery is artistically lighted from above, said floored, like the rest of the building, in walnut and ash in marquetry. Communic,ting with the gallery a magnificent parlor bes been fitted up, simply in order that Mr. Pelzaan's customers may be able to Judge of the tin et of a mirror or a frame when surrounded by rich upholstery and relieved bellied bronzes and marbles. The furniture, hang ings, and every circumstance of this salohn form a creditsble advertisement to the famous upholsterers and eabinc t-makers who contributed teem; 'chile the frames around the mirrors and curtains, of the most classic French designs and nee Celt taste, show the skill and care with which Mr Pelman has collected the latest Ideas in his art during his trips to Europe. Mr. Pelman, who has but just returned from . Germany and France, is in expecsMl9n 9f fresh t t 2likS, to keep hle &Am" changing. The Veibitieckhoveu should be seen, before it is removed, by all who appreciate the sin ciality of 'Paul Potter and Bakhtlysen. In the ground floor ware rooms are exposed French mirrors, the most recherctni matters in carving anti glldieg, French ehromos German chtontos printed directly on canvas, Prints, ake;, in all profusion. , 4 netion ottee.---Our readers wilt not forget the eale of elegant ,Enruitnre, Triple-plate Silver Ware, &c., to be held to.morrow (Friday) morning, Jane. ry 16th," at Concert Hail Auction Rooms,' 1219 Chestnut street, commencing at 10)i o'clock. SOVER'S PATENT COMBINATION BOVA BEDSTEAD. It has the abPearance of a Parlor Sofa, with spring back and emir g seat, and yet in less than one -minute's time, with. out unscrewing or detaching In any way, it can be ex tended into a handsome , French Bedstead. with hair spring mattrasis, complete. It is . without doubt,the hand somest and most durable Sofa Bed now in me. Nor sale at the Cabinet marfactory of B. P. IIOvER. Owner and Bole Manufacturer, oc2B 2rn4p NO. 280 South Second street. HENRY PILILLEPPI, CARPENTER AND BUllaEll, N 0.1094 RANSOM STREET. Joslyn , PkiILADELPAIA. JOHN OhUfdP. BUILDER. 1781 (111BBNUT STREET. and l: 818 LODGE B'fREET, Mechanics of every branch required for househulidin6 ud fitting promptly flualsed. Witt WAB.BURTONII D4PBOVEn, VENTILATInD and easy fdtbia Dreea ElMs (patented) in all the approved faahions of the season. Chestnut street, neat door to the Post-aim LOHPINCSING STAR. MOON, ROUND, SQUARE, P oval. oblong, and other shaped holes. wo have Rail road Condor:tons' Pocket Punch Pipers. Also on hand a vat WV of Nhoemakers , Punch Plyers and Putirbes. Th%MAN & BHA W, No. 835 (tight Thirty five) Markot street, below Ninth. FON PNUNING TNEF.B W DAVE RAND AND Pole Blvar... unting Rnivre. SaWEs ag t 8qr10 .: Al 3. TRUMAN & SIEInW. No. f 3138 (Eight 'rh ty.hvii) Mothet hired. boi ow Muth. .I[l,li4C ING Toots,nF THE 11 LF-ROUNDATAIGHT aid flat Oispes. AAA OI ocallop oreaw-rootn pattarbe ho, p uuc h eet m a u r ie, Hammers and G .unuf mg' do o• von. TRUMAN & MI/1W No. b 135 Itight TuirAplive) yurket ku eat below Airy h. 13111LADELPUIA PGILLITRMONIG timid Concert on PATUItDAY .EVEMNsa, j filui , r ; ligb. AcademTif Idti*. • )414143t DINE APPLE (THEEBE.—NORTON'E cratmaiserpo oonagnment and for sale bvJOl3. Huth anA 4 I s.. me south xkluwan avenue :; T TIRSTYAY, ',JANUARY 14, - 1869.: 7 To-51'72am. L IHE LARGE BROWN S TONE R 818 'and 820 Ohestnut Street, Built and occupied by Messrs. Thos. W. Evans di Co.. Is now offered TO-RENT - , - On favorable lease. Posserelon Feb. Inext. Owing to recent changes in our brightens plans we will recsive applications for tbo rental of the above property. Ail application) will bo strictly confidential. WANAMAKER & BROWN. CLOTHINO4 EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. REDUCED PRICES. Closing Out Pattern Coats and Clothes not Delivered at Low Prices. CONCERNING SKATING 'AND THE SKATING RINKS. Rink ; ! Rink What do you Think ? Bee how the p'opio are waiting! Why Willson dote? We're ready for fun ! When are we going to have skating?? Skate Skate! Row long most we wait? The lee isso slow in freezing ! The ice had the snow ire horribly dew, This singular winter season. Rink! Rink ! Surely we think 'Toter° a tedieus thing, to get open; But when you are done, We'll have lots of fun.' ' • In the queer old sort of a show pen. Skating is good exercise. But the exercise of , patience is good, in its way. Only , it hasn't a way of, 4veloping the muscles„At Wilkou's there is not so much room for the exer cise of patience ' • although there is room for pro. digions piles of clothes, And no end of customers. Everything,biog . ready, nobody . % Kept waiting, as they are for the skating ftwtiat 'id already made up, r don:t 84 you, iL will give as pieamro to takb .your measure, and have your spit ready in as ehori atime as any body in town. Filets shit miraculously low. ROCKHILL & WILSON Great Brown Stone Hall, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE ! URDERWRI PER'S SAME. FINE READY-MADE CLAD TING-,ut Slightly Damaged by Water. ISTOCR TO BE CLOSED 014 INDEDIITILLY. PAINTER, READ & ELDREDGE, 321. CHESTNUT STREET. 311412 f apo BE GIRARD LIFE IN UTRANCE, ANNUITY A'..40 T `Dust otupan), of Phil ~ delphia, in confoiyuit , with au net of Ow i egielature, oublieh a Statement of the bead on let danuary. 1869, a, Itent Efface tr,s44 000 00 Bond. end Mortgagee. ...... ........ ...... 16,443 24 Ciro d- Reran. ...... 69,749 16 ._• ••••••...... Loaned On Collei.leral Security., 5)8,511 tb 4014Vg. • • 0,616 checapeaketend-D. per Canal Chnipany Loan 6 per cent 617,100 City of Yllitadetplais Loan 6 per ct 45,000 liar/ hiburg • Unthread Company 1 oan (I,per tint 4,660/Delaware and 'Raritan knd Cam.l den and Am6o , Railroad Com. pony 1 oan 6 pier cent 7,0(0 Lehigh Valley Rath oad Co mean,' • Loan 6 per , tent 5000 Deiaware Railroad company Loan 8 Per cent. . . ... MVO retingifv4nlti Croui , puny Lean 6 per cent. .. . . 7,4E0 Schuylkill Navigation, Company Loan 8 per cont.'„: . . . 10,000 Belalt are •Divielen Canal Com. pony 1 oan 6 pa' cent.... 12.000 rennaylvania natinind Lompcmy Loan 6 per, cent 3,000 /lia and 'Reeex Railroad Com. puny.Losu per Cent 11,000 Cincinnati loan 6 per Cunt-- .. I 164,900 Pynns)lvania Mate Loan Per . • cent 2,00 E Rentkcliy State Loan 6 per cunt... 29,000 Butqu•litilutt Canal Co. Loan 6 per I, cent.. . . . . .. . 254,250 r tittac i 0 1.0;1n 6 110 e ...... 4,7sotnited Statue 1.081 Lea,, per cen t 6,0u0 Cunnictlng and Junction it R. Co. Loin 6 per cent._ 8,00 Pt fladelphia and Reading R . A.Co. • Loan 6 per cent.. • .'7.000 Morris Canal t o. Loan 6 per Cent.. 15,c,1.0 Cltveland and Mali. It. It. Co. Loin '7 per cent. . ... .. 6,0t0 111,1 ois .A nual It. it. Co. Loinc . 7l per cent 4,000 Fbilad.l4.l.a and Sunbury It. It Co. '7 per c , nt. 42.91 oxotteo tatee 0 per tent... 18,110 Ministrants, 5 per Cbnt..•.. 4.146 UMW , gh and Allegheny Coin- PanY, 6 per cent... ......... 7,000 Ti nticebto, 5 per cent . wrou . A. . . so Stu.. Northern Bank of Kentucky. 58 ' • Bank of 420 " Lehigh Valley Railroad 1,555 " Girai d t,ife lee. and T. Co. of 90 " PhSadEdpbtaNationnl 123 " lineUi.4l Mechanic:a...Nut IlAnk (5 " thauncerclut Nan mil Dank.. 46 " Mechanic.. National Hank... 29 . Bunk of the North. Liberties 76 " Penn Nationalllsuk 1513 Weir ern bad nal Bank... 617 " Barriihurg flailr,,ed 504 " Machin Railroad Cad. Jenuatti 18th, IEB9 ICt C. It JAR VIB. TBE G"V AT PIANO PLAYER. At, at the Ph II h aottoeln ( 'oncert c bAT URDAY ob VE. bIiAG Jan_ lith, Acauatey of Mode.) UBo— - --. --. 1111 .11. P. CAMILLA URBO, WO NIDEIWITL V IO Li 4 MT,' NI at Grand Cowell, DATURDAY ISVEAING, Jae. 113, Atadetuy ollittaio. j 411.31. $11 4 8498 co eStt 083 Kay 5q F. lOLu•Lry. jal.l4try* JOIIN F. J A 4 a NTS WAlq `r:Eo' ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA . ; rovit.',?* 1. 7 11 BEIM READY PRIM 10 INN El lr,Af 1 be distsetfts, saw It . 18 , the -14 , )ISLES C LITItRA hY . 1,12%1? 0 it:FAKING ev..rlren !red upon lu 1 his cull trw 7be l'fle or I to "the ell gAPFAI'and most C1)1111 . 1.P. KtISGYULOP} DIA. the' Thss . Prom • osysi ft sp vv BIT I JENI. , WELL )111:PP. WELL' PltittllD. AND titATLY ibLIJA Eidi:wonii !hew lan qblishor, 1'104(1(19We. ,-• • • WANTED TO 'RENT. , jita On or Befbre the 15th of March, A lUOMIIITE SIZE BOJO. Una contain no the modem convenience-a and befit gool eider. tor •vg bleb a goo° tent will Loa 4d and the be t of erne taki n of. A pi os rirt 9 with h Blume Attached preferred iituatid between Tenth and 'twentieth 'and t hettnut and Vine btreete. iddrono W. Pod Itrace Doi 1669, PhPati;, Stating terms and, attention. Jan Uri:4 $6.000 -- A GENTLEMAN Wll.O NIOMM aND . thiamin) will be admitted to au intern t pe a teenufaci urine hardness, paying well; article--a Wood F awiriq Machine and Pump, met pateated. at // 2801 " 211 UR:ni atleet roomBo,rind pee it in one. ration. isle th 4 4113 t. IfINANICIJIAL• lieo*Dl UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD -COMPANY OFFER it LIMITED AMOUNT 01e THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AT P.R.. NINE HUN DR'ED AND SIXTY MILES Of the line West from Omaha are now completed. and the work to going on through the Winter. Aa the Mir I 81 ce hi tween the fintthed portion of the Union and Oen. tral Pacific itailri ado he now lege than CO milee, and both companies ate ruching forward the work with great energy. employing over ZD,tOO men, there CAD be rtO doubt that the whole GRAND LINE TO THE PACIFIC KW he open for Buglers. In the N110103€17 of The regular Government Commissioners have pro nounced the Union Pacific BaUrend to be FIRST CLASS in every respect, and the Epecial Commission appointed by the President says: • "Islets as a whole. 'THE UNION - PACIFIC RAIL BOAD DAS BEEN W ELL CONSTRUCTED. A • D THE GENE/Iid:ROUTE FOR THE LINE EXCEEDINGLY WELL b 7 LEC7 EP. The energy and perseverance with which the work has been urged forward, and the rapidity with which it has been executed are without parallel in history. and in grandeur and magnitude of andsrtakiag it has never been equaled,. Tne report concludes by • saying that "the country hum reason to congratulate itself that this groat work of zutUorat, importance is eo rapidly approaching completion under,euch favorable auspices." '1 be Conipsny now hive' in use 137 locomotives, endues:l, Ltaicateed i4ll descriptions. A large additional equip. meet is'ordered lobe in the - Spring. The grading is nearly completed. and ties distributed for 120 miles in advance of the western end of the track. Fully.l2o miles of iron for new track 'are now delivered west of the MI& souri Hirer. and 90 miles more are en route, The total expel:l(3'4Lnc for construction purposes in advance of the convicted portion of the tone is notices than eightmillion dollars. Besides n donation from the-Government of 12.800 acres of land per nate; the Compaby la entitled te a subsidy in P. if oLde on its line as completed• and accepted. at the average rate ol about e 29.000 per mile. according to the enconnbsred. for which the Government takes a second Ike As security. Ibe Company have already received $14.08.tC0 of thie eubehly. being In full on ttio 940 wilco that have been examined by the United States. Cornmispioners. Government Aid=-ISeettrity of the Bonds. Ily Its charter, the Company is permitted to Waite Its own Fl lIST MOM (Lan E IbiNin3 to theeanie amount as the Coverno,ett Boutin, and tio more These Ronde are a F bet 51e rtgage upon the whole road ;ma all its equip. mr nts Such a mortgage upon what, for A long time, will be the curly t abroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ethatee, takes the highest rank as a cafe security. The earning+ from the way or local burbles& fer.the year endive 'tar e 30, PAX on an average of 471 miles. were over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, which; after paying all expellees, were much more than sufficient to cover all inter. et liability upon *bat distance, and the earnings for the lan sve menthe have been 82.21ki.870.TneY would have been greater. if the road bad notheiiii 'tiled to its utmost capacty to transport Its own materials for eon. enue!lon. The income from the great pareenger travel, the g. hina freighta, and the supplies tet',, the. new Rocky Mountain States And - Territoriell intuit be ample for all interest and other liabilities. he, political action can reduce the rate of interest. It mug. rem, In for thirty years—six per cent. per annum an poi', now equal to between eight aad MIK! per cent, lo currency. The Princ , tral is Men payaDie In gold. If a hun'd, with pitch gusranteee, were leaned by the Govern, uncut, he market price would not be lent than front 20 to 25 per tent premium. eta these, bonds are issued under Goverrreent authority and etioervision, upon what is very largely a (lover, went work, they meet ultimately approach Government prices. The price for the present is PAIL - pubetriptions will be received ill Philadelphia by ODE 14Amoi & BROTHER, No. 40 8. Third Street. WM. PAINTER & CO, No. SEI S. Third Street. And Now York At the Compeers Office N 0.20 Magian St, AND 071 Johi J. Cleco & Son, Beam, 5,9 Wall St, And by the company% sulvertleed 411sente throughout the United'EState& , Ronde sent free. but parties subscribing through tow agents toiU took to them for their safe de4teery. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP.WARIfiSUED OCT. let, containing a report of the progress of the work to that date, and a MOTO complete statement in relation to the value of the bonds than can be given than advertisement. which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices or to any of the advertised agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Tressint, New Ifotik. JAN. 1.418 e. INDIA: RUBBER MACITIE BELTING STEAM s. Packing Hosejse. Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patine, Vulcanized Rubber Beltingg.. padding Hose. dm.. at the Man GOO ufacturer's Head DYELSM3 tiusrteitf Chestnnt u street Bo 14.13.--We have may, on hand a large lot of Gen th tle .s m id en e. Ladies' and Miami' Gam Boots. Aleo. every varlet& saA style of Ginn Overcoats. " : writ; s DO: s kiln 6. raiding. Stamping. ga. M. IL IMMIX. •:“ Filbext street. , — JUST TECEIVED,A BMALLINVOICE OVSOUCEIE k;°:'d Gram tibrimpogoo, of s '6llos:riot gnelNp.- -E. IdifDDIATON. iplf Biro* A 11 groat et. GNIIINE FARINA COLooNv.— FIN} ST liß6hog ElauterS FOR TELE HAND. lI.ERCHI MAIM ADPR, RICHLY SCENTew bOAPEk. HAIR PREP ..t.IiATiuNES. great varlekr. _ . For mile b y 3AbiOs T. Stuart: - Isp o is ups spruce eta PARRA& • fIREEN GINGER. -LANDINg ANP FOR SALIII BY 1A J. B. DIMMER & 1065ntb PliaWare Immo de94fmt, J. W. PROCTOR 4St CO. AUE NOW OFFEUINO SPECIAL BARGAINS LADIES' FINE CLOAKS, Reduced one-third to one-hell I'OnMER PAIOES., LADIES I' FURS, The sv,hole of svhfch they device TO GLOBE OUT, In order to rellnomteh tbe &Darts:mt. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The "Bee Hive," NO. 020 CHESTNUT STREWN do2B tn th I 1869. REMOVAL. 807 ORESTRUT STREET, EDWARD FERRIS, WHITE GOODS, LACES Has Removed to No Nov Uwe, No, 807 (YHESTFTT STREET, NiSqlstsi <SECOND STORY.) • COTTON GOODS DEPARTMENT. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner Eighth and Market Sts., We shall continue to maintain and increase the reputa tion we have sustained of being the largest And cheapest bIUBI-1N HOUSE in the city. Becelvang our euyolles from firet handy only, we shall hereof (or sell all lituellne by the piece, at the regular wholesale prices. TIMITY-FIVE CAFES AND BALES MIJSLINB, co - lathing all the leading brands and reldtho oI PILLOW td OLIN% • WIDE 13111:ETIMA FINE MEETINGS. WILLIAMSVILLE. NEW 'YORE MILLS, BAIL' MILLS. A MIWP.IGHT. FOREaTDALE. FL MT OF THE LOOM, lIMJSEKEEREA. Our constant aimsi RI to to make the loweet prices to the Market. Good yard•wido SHIRTING. 1330. ard•wide UNBLEACHED MUSLIN; 1236 c. 23g•yarde wide Vb. BLEACH ED !MEETINGS, We. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS la large afitortreent. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER TRY THE NEW "(STERLING- THREAD' For Sale at all the Stores.. sHitu th sarP NEW_" PIIIIIGIVDLTIONN. ONLY 2,000 LEFT NEW MUSIC ALBUMS, Batiaomely kaolin Leather sad Rich GEirtog, toatobliag FIFTY of the;Newt* Moo of Maio folio°, both Sag and IllettuneldaL- • Real Valk, $25, and , doldior Only at Ur. AT J. E. GODLD'S, PIANO WAREROOMSy 923 CHESTNUT STREET. VINGLIaII AND EURLPEAN NINE. "TIM MAIL." A Paper containing the News. theprincipal Leaders. a well,digested dummary.and nil tritorodtaii matter from The Time?, and Is thus rendered availabie. in a cheap form , for persons residing abrord or In the colonies. The days of publication are Tuciidaya and Fridele,tla the afternoon, and the priim is lid, per comer 6d. a week. post free. Subscribers can obtain "THE MAW' through News. paper Aatraw, or may have it from the Pablieher, on pre- Paymentat Printing Boum Square, London, - sa7tbf 4P Ja2 e tu th tt H. P: & O. R. TAYLOR, PEIRMIEUT 4WD TOILET SOAPS", 641 , and 64811. Ninth Street. noMONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON .DIAMOI.DB.• WATCHES. JEWELRY. PLATE. CLOTHING,dm.. at E 8 • - 304 a co.'s OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OPTCICE. Corner of Third and Driskill streets. . Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMOND% WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, FOR BALE AS _REMARKABLIC LOW PRICES. de24l-IMrpe BAAO NATHAN AUCTIONEER.. IC' r. Gomm 1. % Tbird and Bppace Btreatir. only one square helowtho radians°. E9 aou 000 to loan w Large or small amount% on Mamonaa silver plate. watchosclewelry. P.M.nd glisows of value. Office hours from BA.M. to 7 M Imr" &tab. tusked for the last forty` pears. Advances made In far de arriOunta attha 'omit** market rates , Jag,. , ORCHESTRA. $ XTY-INIVE BEST PER- U - fornierF—Do.thoyeWe Seventh Eivtnotiooy Philhar monic Society Concert. SATURDAY EVENI.BO..Ion. Academy Of Mule. 10,142 t (SECOND FLOOR-) IMPORTER. EMBROIDERIES; HANDKERCHIEFS, &c , PHILADELPHIA. TEM 1869. SECOND 'EDITION. ~. BY-+i'ASLEC~RAPH. TO-DAY'S , CABLE NEWS. financial Quotations. • THE COTTON, MARKET PI. TUE SOUTHERN MILITIA. BILL The , Ordnance Coraraittee By, the Atlantic Cable. I,ormon, Jan. 14, A. M.--Consols for money, 92%, and for achonnt, 92%@97%. Flue-twenties quiet at 75. Railways quiet, Erie, 25%; Illiools Central, 96%. - LIVERPOOL, Jan. 14, A. M.--Cotton active: the sale's will reach 15,000 bales. 431..5500w, ' Jane -lt4h.—Arrived, steamship Europa, from Now York. Loincm, Jan. 14th, P. M.--Consols 92%, for money and account; Five-twenties _quiet and steady. Railways dull; Illinois Central, 93, ek dividend. LIVIMPOOL, Jan. 14, P.M.—Cotton active; Ups lands, 11346119(,d. Orleans,ll%®ll3o. Peas, 445. ed. Bacon, 575. Lard, 725. 6d. Tallow, 472. HANEE, Jan. 14.—Cotton quiet for tree ordt none on , the epot, and firm for low middlings afloat, at 1351. From Washington. Wasniavioes„Jan.l4.—The Southern bill was presented to the President for his slgna sure on Tuesday. Tbo following gentlemen constitute the Special Committee on Ordnance: Senators Howard, Cameron and Drake; and ItcpFesentatit'es Logan, Butter (Hass.,) and Schenck. Specie Shipment. (RPM al Despatch to the - Phila. Ecardnir Bal4etln.l NII.W YORK, Jan. 14.—The steamer Herrmann eaila AO-day for Women, taking $200,000113 specie. State off 'I hernsoonoter This Day, at Hie Bulletin Office. ID A. IS des. 13 .40 el.'s. Sr. das. WWl= dear. Wind Borah welt. AMNESTY AND SUFFRAGE. II ae Visskifin Promo on the New Mlove. The' Virginia newspapers reflect all possible sharks of opinion on the proposition of Mr. A. D. B. Stuart, and his associates to accept negro suffrage, in return for amnesty. The Richmond Whig, a journal of long-established reputation and influence in Virginia, which seems to be the special organ - of the new movetnent r says: Our situation le peculiar, -If - General-Grant could get time from other weighty matters to brinlds practical common sense to bear upon. the Southern situation for five minutes he could cotinreltetd and fully appreciate it. He would see taut whatever may be the patriotic wishes and`ttete;of one people, we cannot of, °melees extrieate Otireeleeil from otir embarrassments We are •thnyletkets of circumstances over which we have,no control: The Radical party of the North, looking more to party than to country, have, favored the ,keeping, of the South in a' disturbed and unsettled condition, .. that they might- at any time fire the North ern: heart -by raising the cry of a " New .ReheUiort." On the ether hand, the Northern Democratic party, with perhaps as lit tle patriotism,are opposed coany pacification,and, • rehires to hear that the South is harried and raided by African militia and rapacious carpet-baggers— for the more shamefully we are oppressed the better the grounthetor their parusan appeals to the eympathies of tae generous people of the North., Between the two we arc crushed and al moat ground Into powder. We could not and cannot help ourselves. Our beat and wisest men know that our true policy was to have no connection with any of the national parties, but to devote all our energies to the recupera tion of our 'ruined fortunes ; and to that end many of them . have diligently labored. But in vain. Both the great parties of the North, being determined to fleet their battles over our hearts, we had no alternative but to take the bless of both clues. Our only hope for extrica tion from this unnatural and painful situation— oi a into which, we have been forced, and are kept against our wiehes, and in spite or our ef for is to escape—is in General Grant. His corn matidirg posit:oft, political and moral, would en able him at once to deliver us from the harrass ing pent:cutlet:le of the ono party, and the equally destructive and cruel endearments of the other. And the Whia's correspondent writes from Wru.bing.ton: There are two points of extreme delleicy in tbiAlzoveracnt: one is to act witb such discretion and wisdom as to run no risk of offending and shockieg the true Virginia feeling, and the other is to show to Congress .and the Government a willingness, I may say an earnest desire, for any such conditions of adjustment as shall not be altogether unreasonable, and as cannot fail to pave the way for a respectable hearing. To be successful, the action of this committee must be such as will carry alone with it the great body of the' Virginia people. There is a hand ful of extreme and violent men, who prefer dis cord to peace, and who would be satisfied with no st ttlenientsbort of the unconditional 811M30- der of everything into their bands. It mast be rem intend that Pith who load a public move ment must almost heaesiiiitY'eo avoid of the eple a pace or two. Those at the head of this movement--arc sagacions and thoughtful men, and will he pretty.cortain not to advance too far ahead. If the people of Virginia cannot trust Meru, whom e4n they true'? On the other.band, the Enquirer and Examiner, which still retainii the fire-eatine proclivities of its duplex origin; says : But what must loe,the amazement of the people of 'Virginia when 'they leain Mat these self-ap pointed citizens have actually inaugurated a movement,, whose sole cffeet,if it succeed, will be to surrender the cenatnonwealth into the hands of La enemiee—not for a day, but for all time to comi! What bb ' their liadignation against this scheme, whose first :etiolation proposes to "accept" negro suffrage ati the org. ante -law of Virginia, to endure for generations to come, and whose second provideb the means " to give'effect to this purpose!" 'This is the sum and substance of the action oflthe self-appointed "representative" of the peopkt 'of Virginia, who met at the Exchangp last, week. It'it a "pose() offering" which sacrifices everything for which ire have bteti f.gteting the political battle, surrenders our Whole -ground a* places as entirely at the mercy (!) of the enemy, bound hand and' foot. Tor oureelves. we most earnestly protest against such :action 'being , received as inspired by the sentiment of Nirkinitt. There is not in the broad limits of this glorious old Commonwealth enough white Wen, to' form a constituency for a single Congressman.who,' under any cireamstances,will ever acknowledge the equality of the negro raceme matter under What tcferclon, and no matter how pressing the; importunities of "expediency." the mention of such a project will arouse the spirit of Virginia, and the Primary meetings which these self , appointed gentlemen recommend' will round • the note of ,Jtidignatlon against such trifling with the honor of the CommOnwealth in tones which will reverberate from the seashore to the Mountains. A Muropean Plan to Ste.estobllsh the • - • Mei:loan Empire LcoPON. Jan. 10,1869.-430)01d despatches re ceived in thlstitv to-day from' Madrid state that eye of, the late taperer Mexican fienerals to secretly- engaged in that city making cirehgcletrile With a InimOtr Of Spanish seleptitie and zullilirY Oftloere, with the view wf placieg menu. SPAIN. COunt eirgenti, brother of the ex-King of Naplei, 'on the ihronu of Mexico. Two buudred officers,of_ bigh rank are wanted , to: carry the MOltettlolll . execution. Their ,pay will be itecured•them 'from the time they en ter upon their duties. Beveral of the European goVernments assist se cretly this enterprise. Gen. Prim grants a number of officers desirous jsiiniorr unlimited leave of absence for the pur- Poee of taking part in the expedition. The Emperor Napoleon, it is said, secretly fe vers the .project. • . General Grant and the hew York ° World. 'The N. Y. 7'i;nes of this Igor/116g says: We have received the following from our reg ular Washington correspondent: , , ,"Gen. Grant authorizes the 'statement that the articles written by an 'occasional • correspondent' of the New-York War/Amid purporting to Hate conversations or furnish opinions of his in re gard to public Men andinatters, are utterly with out foundation.. No human bring has ever listsned to, or share& such conversations, as those re ported. • Nita. Grant would not deem,it becoming In him to contradict the articles • hiquestlan simply affected himself. But. as they are evi dently written with •a view to embroil his rola done 'with prominent gentlemen, most of them' Lib political orpetsonal Iriende4 or at least to ouirt ge' their ' just sensibilities, he' deviates in this instance from his usual course, and pro-. rieueect the articles alluded to incorrect, in delicate, and impertinent in an extraordinary degree." The World has at last succeeded In attracting General Grant's attention—with the result dis closed in the foregoing paragraph, which emu to to from our regular Washington correspond ent. That the language used, as well as the sen timent expressed, is that of General Grant him self, we have assurances which leave no room for doubt. The World's course towards General Grant for a long time back has been extraordinary. Before he was nominated for the Presidency, the World commended his puhlic services and indorsed his personal character' in the strongest terms, and was understood to be doing everything in its power to Make him the Prealdenti al candidate of the Democratic party. When this- scheme failed, -and he re ceived and accepted the Republican nomination, the World changed its treatment of him. It abused and denounced him, in the most virulent manner, and in every revect. It assailed, witti'' elaborate argument, his military conduct and character;—vilified him personally in the most ontrag«ms manlier; and did everything In its power to overwhelm him with obloquy and coa te mpt In the eyes of the American peo ple. 4nel when, in spite of all these crideavciire, be was elected to the Presidency by a very large majority of the Amer ican people, the World, instead of discontinuing its assaults, only changed their form In prder to make them more venomous and effective. From tnat'day to this it has been putting its own opiti -101314 of public men and affairs into his month— asserting that they were uttered by him, in con versation with pretended correspondents, and giving them to the public as a veritable record of his declared opinions. Erie Stuck. The N. V. Herald says: The followins , ached ale comprises the property and effects of the New York and Erie Railroad Company : Eric Raltroae, main line. Biz old brocu roads. One city railroad. Two steamboat lines. One line of freight barges. One ferry. 000 opera house. One French opera company. One ballet company. Lot of old wardrobe. Twelve lawsuits. THE COURTS. &morn Comm—Chief Justice Thompson, and Justices pew, Agnew, Sharewood and lima—The following judgments were entered this morning: Justice vs. Remand. Judgment affirmed. Coulter vs. Garsett. Decree tifflrmed. Quay vs. We.ateott. Judgment affirmed. _ Dearie vs. Roberts. Judgment affirmed. Elliott's appeal. Decree reversed so tar as respects the surcharge of $l,OOO. and verdict remitted to amend the decree accordingly. Smith vs Simpson. Judgment affirmed. If untlugdon vs. Jones. Judgment affirmed. Scblecht vs. Scblecht. Decree reversed. Palmer vs. Harris. Decree affirmed at cost of appellant. Germantown Passenger Railway Company vs. Fitt( r. Decree reversed et cost of appellees. Martin A. Howell and John Scott. Trustees. (cc . vs. The Broad Top Coal and Iron Company and Daniel Packer, D. W. Wilbank end Christo pher Meyer. On Roof of service of bill the Court gran tt d judgment pro cesfAsp,atid ordered sale of the premises stated in the bill by order of the Court. The Philadelphia list was resumed. NISI Parns—Justice Williams.—Jordan vs. The Relief Insurance, Company. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiff for 65,750. DISTEcIrT COURT—Judge Grecnbank.—Harbe son Vs. The Fairmount and Hestonville Passenger Railway Company.—An action to recover dam ages for the destruction of a carriage. Verdict for plaintiff for $75. He nry Beybert vs. John Jnnker. This was an action to recover damages for -an allP.ged breach of contract in the sale of a bakery. On trial. John W. Bell vs. James Robinson. An action to recover for services as a clerk. Verdict for plaintiff for $l3B. OYEN AND TRltAtlNKß—Judges Allison and Ludlow.—The case of Henry tichnatz and John Dougherty, charged with being concerned in the murder of WHINED Meffieve, on the sth of No vember last, at West Philadelphia, occupied the attention of the Court until last evening, at d was resumed this ,morning. This was the case in which Mr. /dclileve, while walking in West Philadelphia, was assaulted by a party of boys, and so seriously injared that be died the KIWI, evening. Joseph Hart, one of the potties, has already been convicted of man slaughter.- In regard to - the two defendants, it was alleged by the Commonwealth that they were present, but the defence showed not only the good character of the scented, but that Echnatz was at , home at the time of the occurrence, tied that Dougherty, - although in the nets bborhocd,•was not one of the party assault ing Mr. lilelfieve. The. Commonwealth aban doned the case a's against Behnatz, and left the case of Dougherty to the jury', under the charge of the Court, without argument. Verdict not guilty. • FIBANCIAL and VOMMIRBAMAI PbUadlelpht Bales at the Philadelte Two ; 1)0 11 S-21:15'65 cp c 108 h 68.10 CltyS'e stew Its 1003 i 4,10 .. do Its Mil 2000 Meg Co 55 ,75 8000Cam&Zunrntee ' 'B9 98 6000 Lehigh ..(31dLa lie 8814 14 stb&,6thBt, It 85 100 eh Beetonv'eß h6O 1131 100 eh do, fag: , 1131 SO eh Phila Bk b 5 158 100 eh Catawa pf b6O 3834 100 eh do Bail TrFTWZIC 1500 eitiondio 10 0 % 1600 Lettish Old In Hs 88k 1000 Harrisburg 6'a ~ 9 0 5001 a 68 2 sera rag 106 100 eh Heeton'illelibcoll34 ItO eh do' 113 i 20 sliN CRvr - 48% 100 eh 136 h Nav Pt 20 !SOON . 1900 014 (Sensw 100 u 2990 Fs, es 9 mere 103 k 6 6b Eicbß 43U 94 eh relies 1. 1 . tsl 60 eh do 2dye 56 , natmenav, Jan. 11. lE65'„-The' mkretop market opened to•day with an active demand, Width holder/it were not so tree to meet as nenn7, being kather exacting with their easterners as to the cleatatter of their 'securities. This mo d e o f proceeding being its 'sudden and general among the brokers soon treated the impression that artificial moo ns word at work to create a' stringency kmoney. of at pressing the stook marker. 'Ad might be et ,erted. there woo - quite. an Uncomfortable f,eltog ; Th eo, g needy 'borrowers,,teho, fee Mg .au extensivelocking up of undo on the ogrt of, the "be ara,il w. re,rather in a burry to accept Utile% on unfeveralde terms. leis not difficult to trace thiehineverneut to the • bulls sod , bearatt of Wall street. wilt gad st coho o ote, l e no m so mee a r igclal appliances to the uto , ay market in eider to Ittpl , ess the price ' of steals, white they Make THEbAILY VirENIN4 BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, THITSDAY. JANUARY :14.1869. a Blaney flarice 8. )bla Qtock Vroluibge. 7 813 Vanua R its 68 200 eh Read .111 47% 200 sh do ha 47% 200 812 do 830 4t 100. eh do 680 48 100 eh , do 47.94 1100 eh do 8110vrii 47,4 100 shPhil&ll.lloß c ;26g r 200 eb Leh 811; Its 99 tOO 811 Schomokincl Wu 6 800 eh St Web Cl 1 ateLehlTagt doe bill 61.111 21 rph Del Mutual In SIT 60 eh Lh Nv et 29 eh do Its 2913 00 Et do 29 00 eh Phil&Erleß 9614 10 eh'LehVal R 64 34 190 eh Read It 47% 200 eh Read 12 4 1114 seh do eStp 200 eh do 2dye 98 100 eh do 48 tit b-partl 0/(1 But Inc orb the ti , mand for'Money to. daY .aas ! tit He hrielt the... supply.wss ample to, meet ell the, demands 'and the advance to rates wee tot instilled_by s. .v . -real etrinency . in the market Be Ilia boa ever,' pelt may. thoee who wore in lashing want of funds bad to submit to a; heavy, shave* tv•lnh• moor. .11P b lfeve. did with a good strafe. restrict; last 'O. mot. ow tba fiction 01 a Fit logooo9l/ 1 1013 be AO tuntlifented• ee tO beeeme • rarity.. we have, to note a rise in the Wes dinette of about one half per,cent , We mote eau leans * t 6w7 per cent. on G...v*romen a and 7(48 - On /nem 1.. moons steuritle. Merest:4llo patter ..* as Mceotatle at plea* ranging from 8012.' Tun fanner figures for AI filen:twig an active toteinees in the ppeculative aharee toAny, with aln Arked rise in_prices. but thu bather class of Beside were With Ola • lier tidal change. Govermwmt snd 8 ater Loins tr I n'cin iea 7- City Leona - new Were sold at . 1 403‘,._ Lehigh Odd Loan was •, Oak 1 11)181‘ ' - 100, 100 Railroad was active and advanced trlo 1 18:h o .: P. now. Railroad was firm st6B:Lehig Va ll ey Biltroadat B 430: catawitsa Preferred at 834. an .. elate.. d tibia end Erie Railroad, at 2834 , an advance In Car al stock a th e onlv i chango `Was lit I ebtah &via& thin. which after the adjournment sold at 19.14—ad ad wince of N.• , , 2be Board 0f,,. Dfreitors of the Ant hracite, Irisuranise Con navy hte declated a Maid-mad of layer cent on the capital stock paid In. payable on demand, free* of team. '1 Barclay Coal Company announces a dividend of eighty cents per share, clear of State tax. payable on and after tbe 18th ipet. , , „.• L., • • . • -,‘ Wallace do ßecta BarikeratiB South Third street,qaoto Porder Shit° Bonds to-dav aa f 011 ms: TOIIOOOIOO. old. 683;(8;0; do. new. 6834,108834: Virginia, old,1161601571:: do. new._ _ 694 North. A:grottos. old. g5%04353.1; do. new, 82,40;82' 'Morel , es.' 701080; do 7s. 91092. Meseta lie 'Haven and Brother. rm.- so douth Tided street. make the following_quotations of the rates of ex• rbanitB tadaY, at 1 P. M .1 , 1501100 Btatea Bixeo. Mu. 11134 @MR ;do. do.. tea. 1123-gittligs. do. do.. 1864,104 ' ,118 4; e0d0.1866,10 3 401041•"d0.d0..'66n0w.10830 11 'at,dodo. , DM new. 1084011083 A do. 1868. 108$101 1 4' • tn. Ten fortlee. 107340108; 'Due Comp. Intt, Notes: , Mil 13014: 186t5t12830 ; hilver„ 1203 e 0182.. . ~ , , , Strath. Randolph & Co. Minims, Third andelf . etrilallt. quote at 103 d o'clock' m • follows: Gold. 1353‘; United Btatee nixes. 11931, 112104tia1.4 ; Eivo.twenties l&G, 112,1401123,,'; do. d0.d0., le64.109101.0111i; do. do. do.. 1886. 11.8.3tiei1t934: do. do, July. bed. 10814010234,• do. do. do. do. 1887. luilf(alObfgr do: do.'do , 18123, - 11:13%1010tf',4; U. S.' Five*. Ilemfortles. 107310108 Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government eccuritles, &c., to. day as follows: U. 13 We. IEBI, 112011214: old Fivatwed. ties, 11230011 M; new Fivetwenttm-. of 'B4. linratiand: do. Nov.lBn2, 102,1401G274: Flvetwenthas of Julv.loB.4oloB 3 dt do. IBlf7. , 10830021u8, 4 ":. en, 1 ,1 1 . . 11 1 11.1. ( 4 1,4) : ''" ,o rucs 11/Tha4loB,li; SoW. 186,4% Un X:., ion Pacifica,lololol , • . . Philadelphia Produce liar Ker. Ton - Banat, Jan:l4.—Therso is a to id demand for Clover seed. and further eiles arc` reported at $8 1.2%®88 Timothy It scarce, rtd has advanbed to ai3 115 per boshel. There is hot little Flaxseed coming forward, and it is in ncd rtquest at 152 Wil2 62_ here is uo life in ti Breadstuff's' market. no inquiry excett for small lota fcr the supply.of the home comm. Ti era. Small Wes of eopmflne, sratia, 60 per .nstrel;• Yxt, as at - $6(46 26;,. lows , and WI - cousin Extra' Vanilla , At $7 25(a7 76; Minntsolt do. do. at 87 60 COI: Feral& do do. at R&M?" P Ohio 'do. do , ff 9 g lo nd 'Fancy lots at 81116510. Ilse' , lour sells inlets at 87 MI Et. & ,hires of Comities' are n.nmin al. ',the Wheat market fe vsri , .qoiet, with small atlas of Bed at $1 P.:(42 00 and Amber at $2 03A2 08 per hus.el.' Ilya on ea fora are/ 'lowly. and conimands 81 6142 62. ..Corn Jr dullatyretetdarctlgurea; •sales of .2uoo bush ,new Valow , at Itue , Oats Ole 1, .1 , activa and , ranee fr 72 to 16e, for Wtoterr and 60(468e for Penntvivant s. Whitky is dull and ranges from $1 to $1 04, tax paid. - 14/val . York !honey tilarket. • Morn the N.' Y. Herald of to-day.l J. 13 —The bill introduced by rienarat hitter in COll green e Its ires a topic of conversation in Witt street than a ould be supposed, Except by • Jew of the more vette- T able o f tie banking fraternitt it was hardly niacuued. ,Ititrotel limmt*ry es the fact may i mat V. the author of to mutable a financial measure Whatever effect 3 t, Oil ' , roc pee seat pot so ninth by its own pros otirions as bam a la lief that it fore shadows tlonereCcional action a lib r ftrunte to the c 'ropey praludirlat to the inte r. eta of the gold and t. bond g.inblere of Wall street Among the majority it erected no spare h talon. its provisions embracing a change Ea ewe. Ping, And ostentive as to place it outside the posei hint, of • being suede a law during ther present 11 , IS hes so often etultlB d ite , lf on the tinaucial cniestion that the great mate of financiers begin to lore ell bore of yt Ise action. tiald..which was condos d , e - 13 the male d Ming the recess of l'ong es% is now trt. voling hack again, and this with a very flaVering arming of Lupines for the new year. It is difficult to foresee what the r. it abider of the reesivn will bring forth., The policy of **masterly inactivity" until the bleep:dog of the new adromletretion.ai h a President end Congress fresh Ire a the people, would he the most sensible one for the utter. tired term of the prefent body, Wall street would cur ta , ply meter it. '1 he money market today was easy. The Drumlin:ll rate n call loans was seven per cent. currency. A few triveartione are reported at coin intPreirt. hut they.swe so exeeptional as not to merit quotation. As on the ore viola day money. was most - am ire - irrhuaineserlatranr. - ft er half .pa st two o'clock balaneos were offering at -six- Per cent, while a large number o' lend•ris were linable to : r lace their fonds.' :7 he interest rate fa toneless in keen. , tog .t the 1. g 1 Mame. The supply of money on band is t lentilid and more than ie. ordinarily s equlmite. The do. maid is anstained by the heavy Investmente elocia, which ware so extensively- purchased. by _Soper/- tole in anticipation of a etrong upward, n °vetoer t with the peerage of quarterly statement' time. In this as in many other things the advance had been counted upon, and hence holders are not . disposed tore% WaU attract operatora are beginning to Dean share ti at they can foresee and make allowance for every con., lb:menet of the future.. . ttothingistew with them news. days. For instance, the Pacific Railway is to be' corn.. tleted sometime this year. It fa confessed on all sides that it will have an luatortant influence upOn Ill' lines of railway running trom the - Atlantic - cities tcr the, Maris: tippi river. This influence fa now discounting at 'pretty DIN rllB par valne, and thireourplotion of the road wilt come and go as quietly ash' it - was a most ordinary mat . , 'I he foreign bankers have been fiea putehnsore Of 'Told during the Pact few dalye for shipment to Ell - 01114 the high rate of exchange making the transaction profitable. "he e fleet of there vales, aided as they were by aporeinmeotus for the result of the Paris limstmeince and a little nneasi. nets concerning General Rut ter's bill. was to cause an rm. poll ant edvanee inthe premium, The opening price was 135.1',',. with a relapse to 13.514. From this point the market became active, and the pnce at 'squatter past four o'clock bad ripen to 120. oath gold wag in abundant enpply. 1 cane o ere made at 7,ki TAO per er.nt., ano at 1.32 toe carev• lug. After Clearing Home time loans were made Hat for borrow ir 0. The gross &Parings were A 33646.000 the geld bai•nces sl.Bt 3 67a and the ertrrenegjeilances 512.747,74.9 The improvement In government stocks created by the caries feeling in money induced a large number if opera. tors to go ",bore" of them to the beginning of the week. A ger end her re. env g of the market took place to day end prices at-the noon and afternoon beards were faced down an &vet awe of lif ft on) the opening prices. Adven t.ppe uas taken of General Btnices financial bill to fright , n timid 1 olden , . and it is a suggestive f act that wade five-Anomie, declined above the teniorties ad vanced alien, 1,;. The speculators wore eucceseful , n their echrn,e. but on their parch. sing to cover. later to the day, the walked r covered tone and prices returned to the vicinty of the opening figures. [Fr nth the Nen York JAN. 13.—The money market le easier at 7 per cent, in currency, and the a' ppiv thronghout the day was in ev- Yeas of the demand. 'the hanks are gaining currency and the tendency is t, wards greater ease. The activity In g• rend business throughout the country, however, is likely to keep our imoney Market fairly active at 7 per cent currency. The ton lon exchange market it quiet as neual on Wed ee4llB‘ aft r the ratline of the packet The gold is arket was active and advanced. opening at 13 sr, & clizing to 13'04, advancing to 17514. and etin g at 8 P. M at 115%. TI e rat , a paid for carrying were 7‘6. 7 8 and 132 per cent., and at 12 55 P. 31 fiat. After the I oat d ad jour ned, the quotations were 1353 t; to 13'3 at 530 P.. 51 . vt ith sales at 126 • or, rations of the Onld Ex:change Dank to-day were ff 110. C: old bn lances Cunt nes. halancee Gina* clearance... The Latest Qu otations from new York Lin Telestrann.i NEW Yong, January 14th, 12W. —Btocke strong acid nu changed ; Chicago and Rock.. Island. 12131; Reading. ni3a . L anion Co., 063:. : Erie. 1814: Cleveland and Toledo. 104 L. ; (. elandland kitistrurgb.Bs:l."; rittenargh and Et. Wayne. 1223; Ichigin :tiara'. 116 ; • Michigan douthern. New York entre' 1,56 3 4 ; Cenci - al —; cannel • Ind Preferred, ; Virgin's rtaer, _ps • • Ml:court ix. N. ; Hudson "Over. 1613. i; ; Eloeivoentieo..l.B6l. 114'.: de.. 1864, 116.14.,d0.186k, 1ep,56 ; do. new. loslifttut9. ; Too fOrti',l. 1013 s; M old, t ' • onev percent. Blarkets Telegraph. (Steele) Despatch to the rbiladelphia Eyeuttut Bulletin.) PW Yorta..Jan. , l4. 12.31i'F:"BL—tiotton—The market this merning Wee aotive.exched and buoyant. - Sales of about 3,ofe talea. We quote as fellows: Bltdddpg • Dolauds. Idtddlin Orleans, 80. •"' • • • lout, &e.--Receipte ICC Nimbi The market for U. te,n ard State FlourlesaactiyVeawlheave. The Bake are shout 9,000 obis., including ..etipertine State at $5 70@$6 20; Extra Mate .at s6lo@ts7 Ur; low grade wii.cern Extra, ; go@lfv.. Southern Flour la 'Ot.oad.Y. v , ith aleederate demand'at - - $6 fo@7 (li fur Extra Haiti more and; On ntry. al ds6 46gilt 1046 50q14 for faintly do, Califonnto ' timer is dull end' Steady at $6:749 for old by aay of the Dorn. and sl,oo)..Lfor. new, by wayof the sthmus. Grainitcriuta--Wheat.' 42000 bushels: The market is tow, r and da11:1111 sales - The vales are --- bu-h. No. Milwaukee st $1.69481.61. Coin—lt-teipta. 84ti; the rket bib rat r with a fair demand ;-exoort Mew bird'. Now Weattrn.nt .08c.@.,96c... afloat; Old Ail 06(4.51 07 1 sl'll Oata—llecelpte, 2 40u; market firmer, fair dem au at 76,50. Prt visfoni--The reoellite' ot.F,'Ork are = l -- hands. The market le lower , and . naerilual . - at 61Z for new western. Meas. Lard--Recolote.6oo oke. Thu morket dull and heavier.. We quote fair to prime steam at 19:4 H' et nee, ReMi---Weetern, at 74'a14 cents' into. 14 (is' 14M cents W Mika Receipts -- 66 boner %so markber !lab 6 We quote ‘Vesttm free at $1 U. • _ ii:oneepondt uce of the Associated 'Preral Nr.w 'Vona, ,Tan. 14.--L'otton firnur ; 180041141 e! sold at 293 e. Flour dull and declining but_ Priem: o'..changed; 7.600 barrels . sold. : Wheat du -1 11 P dn declining; 7 660 bushels mold No. 2at 168. m skin. : 33 coo tile. ;W. stern M ixed, 00€060 onthero, 98c0061 tune dull, and quotations ars lord PAI. Beer quiet Pork dull; New Mese, ISM ...Lard MIR ; ' tteam rendered. 120 A 193ec. Whhky dull, ". - • AetrctfupilE ‘lll.ll.l6.z—tetion firm at 29®2534 cents Flour qnint and etradt ;_floward Street fitiperfine. $6 86 $7 00 ; no, Fix trim thelqllo 00; do. Family. $lO 00601.2 00; City stilperflne. lii 25047 60; do. Extra. $8 00®10 60; do . FAtnilT• $lO 50(412 75; Western Bunertiur. $6 26e46 76 ; do. I....strae, $7 700.0 60_.; do. Family. $O3 04110,10 76.; Wheat dull; Red. S 2 26fit2 80 Vane dull; prime Whim. 868188 et , allow, 6.9Cedil route. Oats firm; prim", 70076 cente. hoe lower. at $Bl-47u41 60. Pork. $BO 60. Haemr—rib elder, 17.4 rums; clear aides 173.1 o. n th ; ehouldere. 1314 cents; llama 19e20 cents. Lard. 20 yenta TOO LATE IFORCUMMINFICATIOR• llFF lllo .llNotatilistiodUliMPANY sußrri • T'utr.A.DELPuta.. Jam 14 1869. Ate meeting of lbe!tockHolde,-,% b ld 13th !n t.. dr3 fellou lug gentlemen wtre dul; elected to eerve4or the calming year as Arthur G Coffin, ntUncrroaa.l tirorge Ifureenn. Fame' W.,1 tam FrADC I6 R. twos John A. Brown, : H. Trottmr, Cbarbit T_3lor, Ed4P.44.8...0 , ark0. A 11.birad v , hite.. 'hariton . 000 0 .9. William Welsh, A Ifrod Et Jemmy. l'ichard G. IVood. John P. White. kiwi fa Wain, I cute et madulra, John Maron. Illuirloa - W. Outman. And at a • anlve_unfnt Totaling , of.,thaqibova Anton, lll Mau pit 9n oporAtilvyak nuanfrocinalY•tolfilutgo4 .. 0 Jal4 810 ClEtiftlai Pigkrt. keen) tan,. 'l'lll.RD''..'::-HEDITION::; BY TELE43.II,A3k-I. Frtoikt WASHINdI'ON IHE , - MISSOURI SEPIAtORSHIP `The liozeine.ticin Pleases lielmblioatis Thepltissouri Sentgtorstalp. [giecial Deepateb to the Plitledelphin Evening Belletin.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—The despatch announ cing the nomination of Carl Schurz, as 'Senator from Missouri t in caucus last evening,gives gene ral satisfaction te all the Republicans here with the exception of the few friends of Senators Hen derson and . Drake. There. is much silent rejoicing among the Radicals that Henderson hos-niet with such an overwhelming defeat. The action cif Senator Drake In going to Missouri to defeat the nomination of Mr. Schurz is criticised very severely by many of his colleagnmas being unnecessary interference on his part, and his failure, therefore, is well received in Republican circles. Speaker Colfax and Governor Harriman of New Hampshire, had an interview this morning with Gen. Grant. Fortieth Congreas..--Tbird Seenlow, WA8111:NOTON, Jan. 14. • BEVATIE.—.Mr. Wilson (110,18.) preecuted the weroonal of the Equal Rights Association, for a Constitutional amendment giving equal suffrage Mr.. Colliding (N. Y. presented , toe memorial Peter Cooper, President of the New York and Newfoundland Telegraph Company, asking to be allowed to land their cable on the shores of the United States. Mr: Harlan (Iowa) presented the memorial of certain capitalists of Prairie du Chien, praying for the improvement of the Mississippi river at ,that point, and setting forth the great import asee of such improvement. Referred to the Com mittee on Commerce. Mr. Anthony (R. I.) presented the memorial of Lucretia Slott, Ernestine L. Rose and others, of the American Equal Rights Association, pray.' Ing for a constitutional amendment giving to women the_ right of suffrage on oral terms with men. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Bonsu —On motion of Mr. O'Neill (Pa.). the Committee on Commerce was discharged from the Inethcr consideration' of the bill giving the consent of the United States for the erection of a bridge across the Delaware river,to connect Phil sdrlphia ono Camden, and the bill was referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. Mr. - Windom, with the consent of Mr. Van Horn (N: Y.), who was entitled to the floor, on the Niagara 614 Canal, moved to postpone its consideraticn no til after the morning hone. This was agreed to. Yeas, 70; nays, 40. - - Mr. Wasliburrie (III.) moved to reconsider the Vote and asked for the reading of the bill as preliminary to his remarks. Mr. Eliot (Mass.) raised the point of order that it was' not in order to read the provisions of the Mat this time. The Speaker sustained the point. Mr. Washburne (Ill.) said his object was to show-that it was right and proper to dispose of this billet the earliest moment, in order that the public business should be-proceeded --with,- and besides he wanted to see whether the House was willing, that the large amount of money proposed to be appropriate should be made a charge on the Government. ,After further proceedings Mr. Washburn moved, and the House ordered, his motion to lie on the table. Mr. Asidey (Obio).from the Committee on Terri {oriel, reported a bill to extend the boundaries of the States of ‘Nevadtc• Minnesota and Nebraska, and the Territories of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. He said the Senators and Represen tatives from these States, and the delegates from the Territories, are in favor of the bill. ' • Pen's , "!vain° 4.egisiature. HARRISEI7IO3, Jan. 14. Burn.—The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock. and three petitions were presented, bat none . (if interest to Philadelphia. Mr. White moved to proceed to nominate can- Astro'for.the United States Senate. Mr. Connell nominated John Scott; Mr. Jack eon, C. N. Buckalew. Mr. &aright, Samuel Evans, of. Fayette: Mr. White, George Connell,of Philadelphia; Mr. Mclntire, W. A. 'Wallace; Mr. McCandless, Hon. James H. Campbell, of Phila delphia. • Mr. Nagle presented a petition from sundry citizens; contesting the seat of J. I. Clark Hare, President Judge. To-morrow was fixed for the - drawings of the committee in the case. The Senate then proceeded to the House to the drawing of the committee in the Greenbank contested election case, and, on returning, ad journed. HOUSE.—The annual report of Wein Forney, State Librarian, was presented. The Speaker announced the Standing Commit . - tees' of the House. The chairmen are as follows: Of Ways and Meane—Mr.rilson, of dile ghF ny. Judiciary --General Strang, of Tioga. Judiciary, Local—Mr. Herr, of Dauphin. binnicipal Corporaiions.—Mr. Stokes, of Phila delphia. Iron and Coal Companies—Mr. Foy, of Phila delphia. Mines and Manufactures—Mr. Ilolgste, of Philadelphia. Roads, BrOges and Ferries—Mr. Marshall, of Indisrta. 301 673 00 ....., 2 797.749 21. _33 676.000 00 Railroads—Mr. Davis, of Philadelphia. Penelons—.Mr. Hamilton, of Indiana. Federal Relations—Mr. Phillips, of Chester. Education—Mr. Nicholson, of Beaver. Estates—Clark, of Warren. Counties—Brown, of Huntingdon.. Corporations—Hong, of Philadelphia. Agriculture—Miller, of Allegheny. piVQ7c2P—Webb, of Bradford. Faskenger Rmilways-..Buhers, of Philadelphia. Bonke--Leedoro, of Delaware. Accouptp—Res, of Erie. Mr. Brown, of Huntingdon, moved to proleed to the nomination of candidates for United StAtea Binator, which was agreed to. Mr. Davin nominated John Scott, of Hunting don.; • • Tdr. BrOwni of Clarion, nominated Wm. d. tr. JOnea nominated Asa Packer. Mr. Brown nominated Geo. F. Morgan. Mr. Josephs nominated C. R. Bnckalew. 1 The Senators being Introdneed j the members of both , branebea proceeded to choose a commit tee to try ;the contested election case of M. Ras. sell Thayer vs. Thomas Greenbank. Messes. E. T. Chase and J.. A. Simpson appeared,for the con testant, and Messrs. R. A. Lamberton and sH. A. /lecher& fOr Judge Greenbank. . -- • rated Atpay CHICAGO, Jan. 14.—1n N county, Illinois, on Tuesday night, James. Laird, Deputy U. B. Marshal of Wyoraing Territory, was billed by Chauncey Bailey, as he was enter ing 'Mr: Bailey's bed•room; Batlny anapectinc improper intercourse with` a woman who had Previously eloped with a Univereallst minister. The citizens justify the homicide. • itembery. FIRITICILL, N. Y., Jan.l4.—Thedi7 goods atom ot B. T. Conch, at Cold Spring, was entered by burglars yesterday morning, the thieves forcing an entrance through the show.window and rob. blng the store of 8800. Weather Report. Jan. 14.9 A.M.: • • •Wind. Weather. Then Pleleter Cove. ... . ..... .....N. W. Cloudy. •go llalitnx... ..... . . W. Cloudy., 29. ..... ...... ...H. NV Clear. SS 8eet0n.."...... ..... . Clear. St New 1 . Clean :S. VT. Clear. 85' Wllmingum. ". . . ... .S. W. ' Clear. se .. .. ..s. Clear. ' 85 Iticketiond." • ' • & NV. Clear. SO Augusta. _ 2. Clear. lSt Cbaratetee......... ..... ...W. Clear. 48 Clearo. n ic„ r• • •no wa e... • ki Clean 44 Pitta urgit sw• llhiea¢n N. Cleat. 1 'llll` Inaierille,; N. Cloudy. • 88 ;;Cloudy. 64 New .R.eYtatUiugsl, cY ' l 4/eat. " r• - ICOSTIt • • 013 ; 11avau5...... . ............. Vloa y. 2:30 0'01o431(.- Eouuvi„...•:' .. p...vrtQN, BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM WASHINGTON Ihe:Civillenure Law in- the senate THE CHANCES OF ITS PASSAGE ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS The Repeal of the Civil Tentire (Special De match to the Phila. Evening llailetio.l WASTILNGT9N, Jan. 14.—A partial canvass of of the - Senate showaptat the• sentiment is gene rally fiCvorable to' a 'repeal of the Civil Tenure law. It is thought, hoWever, that it will not , be acted upon until near the close of the session. Senator Berry, of COnn., says the repeal of the law now might defeat the Repnbileans in his State at their election next April. He believes that every Republican in office would be at once turned out. Sale of the steamer Atlantic. Deepateh to the Phila. Evening Bulletin 3 WistsmorON, Jan. 14.—The Senate Naval Committee at their session this morning agreed to report adversely upon various private bills They also decided to refer the House bill for the sale of the steamer Atlantic to the Attorney- General, for his opinion upon the legal pohits in volved. The toggle; Cumin. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Eventng Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—A special meeting of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate is to be held to-morrow, to consider the Georg'. ease. ImprOvenrent of Rivers and: Unsnarl. [Special Despatch, to the - Phila. Evening Eulletin.] WASHINGTON', Jan. 14.—The Senate Committee on Commerce , were at work to-day upon the River and Harbor bill left before them at the cicee of the last Ee6131013. They are correcting the various amounts ap propriated,and expect to finish the bill this week. The Blaine Senator—H. A. Smythe. (Special Despatch to the Philada. Evening ttulletinol WASHINGTON, JIM 14.—flenafor Morrill ap peared on the floor fresh from the Senatorial con test in Melee. Among the memorials presented to-dsy was one from twenty-nine leading mercantile firms at New York, asking the confirmati.n of IL A. fimytbe. to the R u sgan mission. It is thought Bmy the's case will come up this afternoon. Tice Case oil Commodore Meade• [Special Despatch to the Phila. Eventng Bulletin.] WASIIINGTOP, Jan. 14.—The chairman of the Senate Naval Committee made a report to the Senate ree,onithending that the application of Commodore R. W. Meade, asking to •be restored to active service, be indefinitely suspended. Moro Nominations. (Special Denotoh to the Phila. Evening EnEeilnA WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.—The President to-day nominated Perry Fuller, Collector of Customs at New Orleans, and John Savage as Consul at Leeds. The latter is the Head'Centre of. the Fe nian organization. In New York. Pension to Mrs. it idtiit.. Wrenn' Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] WASIIMOTOW, Jan. 14.—Senator Morton Intro* duced a bill granting a pension, to an amount which was left blank, to the widow of President Lincoln. The preamble recounts that President Lincoln, while Commander-la-Chief of the Army and .Navy, was killed in the late war, and his widow, therefore, Is as much entitled to a pen sion as the widow of any army officer. By the Atlantic Cable. Guisoow, Jan. 14. —The Prince of Wales Theatre, in this city, was totally destroyed by fire lest night. No lives were lost. MADRID, Janp-14.—The government authori ties received a despatch yesterday from Captain General Dulce• of Cuba, asking for reinforce; ments. fie thinks he can suppress the insurrec tion there with 4,000 additional troops. LONDON, Jan. 14.—The press of London and Paris almost,nnanimously condemn the attitnie of, Greece in insisting on representation in the conference. xLtta CONGERAN—Seeond %gavot° n. [Emisno—Continued from MoThird Edition.] Mr. Grimes, from the Committee on Naval Af fairs, "reported adversely upon the memorial of Corn. R. W. Meade, asking to be restored to the active list, and moved its Indefinite postpone ment, which was ordered. Mr. Sumner, from the Committee on Foreign Relation's, reported a bill to carry into effect the dr erre of the United States Court,of the Southern District of New York, in the case of the English cbooner "Sibyl" and her cargo. Mr. Morton introduced a bill for the relief of Mary Lincoln, widow of Abraham Linc9in, late Pry sident of, the United States, as follows: Whereas, The late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, while acting as Presi dent and Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States, was killed in the war of the rebsi lion 'y the enemies of the . United States; and Whereas, rills widow, Mrs. • Mary, Lincoln, is entitled to a.pension, upon the same principles, and for the - like reason with the widow of any other officer who fell in the war; therefore, Be it enacted, etc., That the said Mary Lincoln, widow of Abraham Lincoln, shall receive a pen sion of— dollars, to be computed from the day of the death of her husband, Abraham Lin coln, late President of the United States. Mr. Sumner suggested that the blank be filled with the words "live thousand dollars per an num," and that the Senate consider the bill im med Mr. Conkling thought it had better lie over. :Mr. Sherman moved to refer up 'lt the Com mittee On*Pentions, and it was so referred. nicna—continued from Fourth Edition.) Washburne (Ill.) said that the bill proposed to diems mber Utab, and he suggested whether, before taking the first action on it, it would not be better to wait for the arrival of the delegate from Utah, who is detained •fiont the House by sith nese. Mr. Ashley said the bill did not design to inter fere with the settled portion of Utah, but to give to the territory of Colorado so that there would not be territory enough in Utah to make a State. lie originally drew up the bill to blot out Utah, but the committee thinking that the Mormons should not be, disturbed whore, they • are; the provisions were altered to 'what they are in the billy. He .consented that the farther considera tion of,the bill be postponed for two weeks. Mr. _Ashley also reported a bill., granting the right of way to the Walla-Walla mad 'Columbia River Railroad. The distance from to 'he Colunibla River is 30 miles. The bill gives 100 feet on each side of the road and five acres of laud at each of the railroad depots. There are no other grants. Mr. Delano offered'an, amendment, which was agreed to, naniely, that the grant is made on the express condition that if any effort shall be made by the• said railroad company to , obtain any land grant. subsidy or pecuniary aid from the. United States, this shall work a forfeit ure of the grant. The bill was ordered to be en grossed for a third reading. Mr. Ashley (Ohio). from the Committee on Territories, reported a bill to preserve the purity of elections iw the several organized territories of the United States. It provides for conetitutinc boards of county canvassers in each county, and also election boards, Am., it being the intention to have such a representation mi. parties. on the boards as will' secure - protection against illegal voting and fraudulent elect ion returns. . INDIANS " • 1 , . _ , Mt viirsavatlitsysing avid ffliarlaor. ' TI:Kt. Denver (Colorado) 7'raune of tho 7th, lifter glv,lpg a 'pug aeCount, of Indian thlevlog MA ,tul;t cdorlng oporathma, concludes with this statement: -, - . I / 4 , r, , IN-' , /a , Malony. who Is engaged in hooting. and hap in camp at the month of Urciw . "rtelt.,e t atno In .last evening . and famished us lib tbq following adlitional particulars, of ' late,. ridian,opiationa. • Christmas day six Pidiftris' ran cif Ids stOck, eight horses,' 'A fight bottrbert hie party of eleven hooters and the Indians en" 'anew, mid resulted in wounding orfe and . capturing his pony, and one . pony' killed. Mr. Malang bad his horse billed le the fight. Next, the redskins dropped in and burned Ildrs-estatp,. fourteen miles from Crow Creek, whets:this mg. 'era. with 2,000 head. - of °ratio; were Maytag"; ant • ran off fourhorses. They &sestet Brato thepratrisn and the feed is entirely destroyed.' Lad MdaY evening twenty-eight Indians ran off thirtykorsetV• ht longing to `Geary, who immediately tants ; company of thirty men and: went in punteiltonr.ra recting to overtake them on ArrapattOo (Track. They - had'not - returned-when Mr. Malany left; Geury's wife's father (an Indian) says••that Chien hand of Sioux and that: they arereattped Pumpkin Creek, which is north of theactith Platte and empties into It below Crow Creek.-A' warrior's bat, bedecked With featherS, indicating that they are on The war-patb; was picked up near Pine Bluffs. Geary gays that the Indians who ran off his stock, all bad theit 4 war-eaps on. Mr. Malony has seen many "signe for a Month past, Indicating that the country between the Platte and the railroad at Pine Bluffs Is" alive with red skins. 3:15 0'010431r..' uiraTAus' 141milatiLu•• 1868. HOLIDAY EASDN'' • .• 8684 LACE CURTAINS, BROOKE STRIPED TERRY, PONCEAU LPLUSHES. TERRIES IN PLAIN COLORS, Cretonnes, Tassel and Loops , PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. The above goods are fresh * and are offered with confidence. as: the moat recherche and complete assOrtmOnt Olt Fabrics forthe embellishment of Tar. isno t Llibrarlet,• Chambers, inning rooms, Halls, &c. ever exhiblte in thlsoity. I. E. WALRAVEN,. MASONIC HALL. No, 719 CHESTNUT STREET: WETANCULAIm LEHIGH VALLEY. RAILROAD MORTGAGE' We offer•for sale% limited amount of thee° floridts • NINETY - And, Ac"aimed Interest tecisiDee. let The Donde are In amount, of either Begirtered or Conion, at the option o the , par - - chaser, and bear interest at • SIX PER _ 888 IRON ALL GOVEBNENTAND STATETAER The Mortgage under which there lionda are issued ID ,Fie ffiilliona ottollar . 0, upon a propeitv coating oVer Twenty Millions of Dollars. The am receipts upon whichfor• the year part are veer Four 'Million Dollars. We offer these Bonds as in every respect A FIRST-CLASS SEUiILIT' ,- And will receive in payment for them, tithed States, State, City, or other Marketable Securities, allowing the full .market price, IIinIX.ITA CO, BANKERS, 84 F outh Third Street: WM. HINEWBOLD, SON & 4.ERTSPN,I Corner Walnut and Deck Sts, • eX3 IsuLa , ai tt,Aiß 4 cs 44 BANKERS, No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET T. PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS tN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES STOCK, COLD AND_ NOTE BROKERS i Acoonnto of BMW Firma, and kV - lauds tecetted, alitliata bootie& at sight - INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES . '4,EN ERAL AgENTS FOR 0,,. PENNSYLVANIA . 9 , K , ,K, So 4 AIE RN NE I N IV*4' OF THE c". \.. c....d L) IfE N if ltit t t4ll O of T/ I 1 -44 CECO .The STATES OF AMERICA /. h 0 NATIONAL LIVE INHUMAN CI COMPANY hi 0, corporation chartered by special Act of Congrqui, ap • proved July 515, 1868 with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL, PAID Liberal terms offered to Agents and. Sollelton, who are invited taapply at our alive Full particulars to be bad on application at aux office. located in the second story of our /anking Rouse, where Circulars and Pamplaleba, tally' deeorising tbu advantages °Mated by the littompany, may be had R. W. CLAIM Alt CO., Pro. MI Boufh, Third st. "11191r1F,C- - -io o 041113 5 Welrill 80X49: hu3 drag and for eats ,7 uparllßlZ. Bontk Delaware avenue. NEW _ COW WALNIMS.-Cr BALES MTN uroalsf filmoille Walnuts Inadinik spill cat sale bi mug. 4.4 if CO. 108 Saab UtieWlii' swab • • - 80131011 obt•D TRENTON BIOCUM—T III 3 JJP trade Arappllod with Bmße Batten Inn= Oiett, ' r en by 'rbore **N. timed renton and Wino Biscuit, by .100. 11. BIJ CO.. H alo enennr.loB Month Delaware avenue. UVNI VERKIMILLU.-4141110X1M1 Corker macaroni end verml bulldog lagninriaruMriareaglitter
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers