NEW PITBLIONTIONS., Van Hostrand* New l'agmteeran7 Nagazine.—A. promising and very hand sortie compilation for the use ef engineers`has been commenced by Van. Nostrand, 192 Broadway, N. Y., the first number bf which Teaches us for January. It is eclectic in Character, being conducted by Mr. Alexander L-Bolley, Engineer for the Bessemer susel Works of Harrisburg and Troy, and author of several books' on subjects of Civil Engi "tering: ' The number before us is a very clean oc tavo of 96 pages, in a most ingeniously:-de signed cover, and contains thirty-seven long articles, besides a liberal quantity of para graphs. The subjects, exhibit such a wide range of engineering science, from boilers up to war-ships, and from valves up to coast, defence, Balt would be unjust to - select a few for special commendation. Mr. Holley, the editor, in a very laconic and sensible in troduction, tells the profession' what be is going to do. The articles are , to be selected from home and English periodicals, or trans lated from French or German ones: The ob ject is, not to present specimens, but ab stracts of current fact_ and opinion. These abstracts are intended tobe the net result--the useful impression that would remain upon the mind of an expert,,,affer carefully reading,the Mass of matter from which they are derived. The condensation must, therefore, be per formed more by the pen than by the scissors. The reason why,. such a magazine is intro duced,is that the great body of Engineers and Artisans can rarely - afford the money to buy, and never theftimc todigest the whole volume ofliphofessional. literature. Excellent and indispensableras are the few serials so widely eirculatedireack in its own department, they outo, largely embrace other departments, anktillf , y deal too much in specifications, and &tails of evidence and argument, to .be tho- Wily, read; they are rather consulted for spec' Information, and filed for reference. therefOre proposed that several experts, actively engaged in different.branches of the piofesSion, and benne competent for the task, shall sPecially devete a part of their time to seat:Gbh* out and, compiling such informa tion,that all others interested may keep them- Selves informed in these great arts and sciences; - liberally - and intelligently, but also, easily, agreeably; and at a small expense of Money and time. The specimen number gives eye* , evidence that 'Van IN'ostrancts Eclectic Bngineer ing 2160,9azine will at once take the furemost Place as a digest of the history of that science. The only thing we miss is a careful system of diagrams and illustrations, but it is evident that these, to be parallel - with the l.ifty character of the letter-preas, would interfere with the cheap and popular nature intended for the magazine. The ,' terms are five dollars per annum, or fifty cents the number. The fotirth number of Zen Popular En syclopedia 'and Universal Dictionary, incluoing the word ./Esormne, improves the favorable impression we have received from the previous instalments. The, definitions continue to be very copious, that in cerody rianyrice,. for instance, being a paper of nearly a °Omen in length, on projectiles and sir- Currents. The cuts are of great service, and are large enough for perfect clearness. We believe that, as edited by Mr. Colange, this combined dictionary; and' cyclopedia will be conducted with an exhaustive fulness com mensurate with its uncommonly liberal scope. It is an enterprise in which are to be combined in a new form the advantages of every kind or book of reference, and . we believe that Philadelphia, already known as the source of some of the Is st works of this kind, Will be still-further exalted by_the fame of this hap pilY-conceived publication. It costs almost nothing a week—ten cents,—and is expected to be finished in about two years. It will bind handsomely in only two liberal quartos. —Noe. 17 and 19 South Sixth street. Mr. James Vick, the celebrated thrist, of Rodinler, New York, sends to all who de sire it a magnificent illustrated Catalogue and Floral Guide, for the bagatelle ot ten Cents, not half the cost of the beautiful 90 page pamphlet it is. As a helping band to all who wish practical gardening assistance, we recommetd the list as one ot the fullest, and the best up to the times, that we have teen. he American _Exchange and Review for January has a little group of five articles, extended in type, but concentrated in thought, and then the wonderful miscellany, br which we, tea it month by month as we want in formation about the develnpment of the Gunny or its commerce. The Mining and Metallurgy Department (edited by H t 3. I.torn. LL. D., of Lafayette College), the come pilationa on Railways, Money, Insurance, &b., not omitting the voluminous ad vertiie - ments, form an interesting and very complete tableau of the business progress of the coun try.—Fowler at, Moon, publishers, .2l Chestnut street.. Messrs. Sheldon & Company announce that she subscription list of the Galaxy has doubled since the first of December. Tnis unprecedentedly rapid increase is due to the nuellence of the magazine, under the• able business management of Messrs. Sheldon, and the equally able editorship of the brothers Church. The London Saturday Review, in review inglr. F. 0. C. Darley's '•Sketches abroad With Per and Pencil," uniformly calls the artist-author Mr. Darby. Could any Ameri can critic, speaking of ilirket Foster or John Gilbert, exhibit an equal ignorance? Domestic History of the Poem 6431arc0 Itozzetris. 79 We quote from the early sheets of General Wilson's Biography of Italica, announced fOr publication by AppWen tt Co., the fol lowing letter from the poet In reference to the remarkable fact that his own family re minima for six- ,years in ignorance of the existence of his ever-famous "Marco Boz- Atria." (TO MISS NEW Yonk, March 26, 1827.—/ify Dear Sister; I have yours of the 33d. I am some what surprised and quite amused at your not haying belore read or even heard of my *Vines on Marco Bozzaris. • You remind me Of',the Chinese in one of Goldsmith's essays, who,"on inquiring at a bookseller's shop in Amsterdam for the works of the immortal Chong-fu *or some such name), a Cnineae author of great eminence, was astonished to find that the illustrious and immortal author and his writings were totally un known out of China. Why, " Bp.& stubs" is here considered my chef rfcctrerc, the keystone of the arch of my renown, if renown it be. It has been published and puffed in a thousand (more or less) magazines and newspapers, not only in America, but in England, Scotland, Ireland, etc. It has been translated into French and modem Gret k. It has been spouted on the stage and off the stage, in schools and c 'egos, etc., etc. It has. been quoted even in the pulpit, and placed as mottoes over the chapters of a novel or two. It was published gime mambo since in a Philadelphia maga zine of foreign literature as selected from an Witaburgh work, and all the newspaper edi- Ora' in town accused all E❑gland of pia titirnm, etc., for a whole week (a long time for one subject to live, as times g.)), and the cflitor all(' Philadelphia Inagiziue Lame 0111. DAILY,VOINP.„BULLETIN-PHILADELPRIA, THURSDAY, ,J,ANVAAK . I4, 1869. :with a puffand .an apology, to:vi sornetribig about !iour acconePlishelf bountrymon; F.,G;.- Halleck;•Ae4." A.ko.i after ell, that you never have, beard ofor -read It; u yo;alMost the only Persort ltvlng (for ',WlNObet:tate tie cuatomed be It) to whom the.: : -moats of 'my fame can be delightful, •is really iiorth ra - mark. 'Keep this letter to yourself; it con— tains more about myself aud ray verses than bnve ever said or written before, and much more than they are worth. Yours affectionately. F. G. HALLEmc. If I can find any of the newspaper and other puffs upon my poetry, I will collect and send them to you. They may serve to amuse you. lam now too old fl Gruti-street man to be flattered by them. F. G. H. This singular proof of how a poet's own family may be the last to know• of his genius or his fame is paralleled by an incident in tha career of Sir Walter Scott, quoted by Gen. Wilson, as follows; "His eldest son, a tall boy of' sixteen, •had a pitched battle with one of his comrades, who called, him the Lady of the Lake. Master Walter, never having heard of his father's poem, and deeming , it an offensive epithet to be applied' o himself; set a'sbut the task of thrashing the celmit.,. but Onfurtunately got Worsted in the battle, and went back to Ab botsford' with a black eye and bloody face, and great was the amusement of Sir Walter upon learning the cause of the encounter." The Civkl Service. Congress could not begin its work more auspiciously than by passing the Civil Service bill of Mr. Jenckes. It is a measure of the most obvious public advantage, and receives the heartiest and most general public appro val. Indeed, there has been no argument against it, and yet everybody, is aware of a strong and hidden opposition. When a mea sure so necessary, so economical, and in every way so advantageous, is proposed, and not immediately passed,. there is some secret reason for the. delay.. Thia reason 'is, ex posed_ by Mr. Jenckes himself in his Boston speech. In answer to the question, Who should ,be admitted •to the offices which the bill covers ? he said t "Every citi zen of the United.Seittes of the requisite age, with the prciper degree of health and charac ter to stand inveefigetion, and with ffi suciant learning tO.Petforin the - duties of the of ,:e which he Sleeks, shall be a candidate for ad mission blow would then be struck at the root of everything which could be called 25alrbnct1je. The prop used measure would tend to emancipate every servant of theL republic from the servitude of office; every man who received a commission from the United States would know that he re ceived it from the people, and he should notd it as long as he served the people well and ef ficiently." This would be the end of the present great and glorious system by which the man who gets up a campaign club, procures speattera, eines them, drivea them to the meeting, pays . fer the posters, hunts up the voters and brings them to the polls, waits upon tbe newly officers after election, or upon die Committee 01 his district, or upon the proutineets mein hers of the party near him, and by them is commended as faithful and zealous, and re cob:mended to an office as a reward of merit. The gentlemen who "engage actively in the canvass" in,this manner, and the candidates who feel the need of henchfnen, and are con scious of an obligation to - be discharged; and the Committee who Wish that consideration that comes from dispensing favors; and the prominent members of the party in the neighborhood who like to be persons of con sequence, and who wish to be able to count upon faithful coadjutors at a pinch, are a very considerable part of the voting popu lation, and are all opposed to the Civil Service bill. Patronage is the key of the present miser ably_ corrupt and inefficient system of the civil service. Patronage is the explanation of the feeling with when officeholders and office-seekers, as a class, are regarded. Patronage is the explanation of very much of the awful waste that prevails in the civil ser vice. Patronage is the ladder:by which tee most unfit persons climb into Congress. Patronage is the greedy monster preying upon the fair form of public virtue, against which every patriotic hand longs to strike decisive blow. Patronage is barter in politics. Indeed,it shows itself every w here,and every ' where it is a corrupter and a pest. Mr. Jee ekes states that his bill wuuld cover abut lolly three thousand pl ices no +4? within the gift of the Departments. Hut there are twenty seven thousand pottruasters mud tame or tour thousand officers of the grade nominated by tbe President which do not come within the bill. He says that the num her of namea, upon what is known as the Blue Book, in Washington, has increased from seven to eight buiezired in the time of Jefferson to sixty thousand at present. 't erre will remain, even with Mr. Jenekes's bill,a great many offices to be fined in the old way, or in the old way made better by a wiae I Tenure of Office bill. But with the two bills together the improvement in the ec moray sad character of the civil service will be in calculable—and so agreeable that we shall ' all try to see bow all offices in the adiniais tration, except sense of the highest, may be illied by this excellent rystem.—llarper'B I Veekly. STOPIV CISSEK RAILUOID. A Piorristourn Enterprise. The Norristown Republican coutalos a report made by a commitit e appointed to select a route for a railroad to et meet Norristown with the North Pennsylvania Railroad. We make the fol lowing extracts: A Committee appointed by the Board of Direc tors of the stony Creek Railroad Company, to make a report on the feasibility of constructing a railroad from Norristown to the North Pennsyl vania Railroad, in Gwynedd townsh p, submit the following: Several routes have been ex endued by the engineers as preliminary surveys. One route to Lansdale, in length ten miles, with maximum grade of forty feet per mile. Estimated cost of coustruetton $103,000. Twq routes to Gwynedd; the first route being eight and one qearter miles, with maximum grade of forty lett, at an estimated cost of about $1.50,- CIA The sicond route'Wits run as requested by the local committee, seven and seven-eighths milts, but involving heavy cutting, and thus increasing the cost to $204,000, maximum grade 40,feet. A slight increase of distance, by moving the line more west, would probably reduce the cost to $184,000, with same grade. A third route to North Wales (diverging from the letusdale route about one and a half miles below North Walt s Station, connecting with the North Penn sylvania Railroad a half mile below, a distance of eight and four-fifths miles,) with a rna.xlmnin grade of sixty feet per mile. E-timatol cost 203,e00. There is co up grade toward Norris town by any at these roans. Several lines were alto run up Five Mile lino, but the cost being mach greattr and the grades not flo LiVorable, they are not included. Of the kind of trade upon which the road will depend, the report says : From reliable data it Is ascertained that over one hundred and twenty-five thousand tons 01 Schuylkill coal are annually carried froth the Reading Railroad to NorrlAown and along thi Norristown Railroad as far as Wissahickon Cr( ek. Coal Is also delivered at Nurrist ,wn and all paints along the Schuylkill river by the canal. In addition to this, there to also coo ' enured along the route el the Norristown Wai -1 road TA 000 Ves' IFf 14-titgli coal. When the Buoy Creek Railroad is emplaced, it is a t Ir effithate to suprose that, fiO,ooo lOns Of L coul.wlll pass over It for actual consumption in the Sebu)litill It is also known that there is now used at Nor ' riston n and Conshohocken, }early, 7,500 tone of 1.41.t1gh pig-Iron. 1103 iron ore I tgl of aka Sta'ucon Wile" feted slew miles beyond r.Veintillsburg, attttjat, Cehtie y(a di:. Luce otAi allies froth NOr; ristown) - We are ,in dittroidatuf some of the richcutht mllite, iron ore bade IMO() State.' 'he edge Bill, Whitemarehandt,pringtlehlitre, :regions - lie-along the Norkreurttoß and ' alsott coine availabluto the,Schuyikill Val ley furnaces by this connection.7",'lt Is a fair esti mate to say that 10,000 tone of: - iron ore will bo curried yearly over this road. It Is also safe to r 14.11 that If - ore einiAan 'Obtained freely Many times that smout.t will be annually transported. &w -ere] of the furnaces in the Schuylkill "Valley trans von large quantities of ore the distance of 55 to 60 milt s. while the above g deposits will be only distant from Norristown from:18 to 81 miles. o , her (Wyatt ages are described'as folloivg Aft( r the completion of the Stony Creek Road, taking the Doylestown bratch as a connecting lick, there will , remain 'only the distance of 12 miles. from Doylestown to Lambertville to open , a through route to New York by way of the Flt ming ton and , Central Railroads of New Jersey. This link once completed, we will have a new route from New York to the far West in connec tion with the. Cbester:Vallerand :Pennsylvania' Central roads. Norristown. is about 96 miles distant from New . York, Reading about as near to New York by way of this route, as by the East Pentsylvania Road. Harrisburg will be likewise almost as near as tbrough,Reading and Allen town. Than considerations of through routes should not, however, be relied on at this time. Our report, shows sufficient through and local trade to warrant the building of the Stony Creek road upon its own mcrits. u n xsirr nastirlmoN YIY Km Nrecay United Itintes Sindinis'Flred On. . • lontnisori, Ky., Jon. 7 the Editor of the Oa- G itutle-,Nou yerneniber tbat it has tt, most infamous •outrage in' Democratic eyes for the last three yenta to .kcep Federal soldiers itt Kentucky—Joy aklong-iluffering, proud old Ken tucky ! Our paper's hiiite ;denounced General Grsnr, General Thmas. and every 'other Federal eilieellolder for so "outrageously maltreating the proud old CominonWealth—thehoineol • Preston, Sr( tkiutidge and 'Buekner. Soldiers have been abused and officers insulted, and both declared a nuisance—useless and ftpeneive. And yet, these very soldiers in the executtomof their duty were fired on by Taylor county Democrats on last Saturday night. - I'll to II .you bow, it Was: Lebanon one company of the Second United States In fantry, under charge. of Lieutenant King, wbicb has been Inoue ted. These soldiers were sent here to protect citizens and to help execute the It:virtue laws. They came here about the tuna Frank Waallord was making an ass of himselt,and have guarded our county jail on several occ t sions, as well as captured Regulators foe eh•>ot leg - singers." Lae ly they have, beea aelyely employed guarding United States Deputy Mar shals or pinking arrests under Revenue law. Last week a pop; fellow, by the name of .Rameev p pt art d before• United States Commissioner Hilpp, at this place, and charged Al. Maya, Newt. Smith, William Robinson and John M 11,bieson with carrying on illicit disulleries. Lieu ten an t Deßudie, a most gallant and active °dicer, was sent to guard United States tOeouty Mar-hal Slater while making arrests. Thor left Leba non on Saturday atternoon, and by' 11 O'elveg. P. M. bad ltroblusons and Smith uuder arrest, capturing four ails and all necessary append ages. Alter making these arrestrithey 'surrounded Mays' house, told him their basiuess, and de manded him to surrender.' fie answered with pistol shots. Quite au active skirmish took place , lasting, peruaps, twenty minutes. The house, was ricldled with bullets, and the sol diers found that bullets came Into close proxmity their heads. Mays finally broke through the line of soldiers that surrounded the house,aud escaped through a perfect shower of bullets. One Dun ban, who was assisting to defend Mays, was cap turtd. Fortunately no one was killed or wonndt d. The clothing of several of the 'soldiers, and of Marshal Slater, was cut with bullets, however. The prisoners were carried to Louisville and re leased on DfaVy bail. The Marshal Is out now with soldiers. Whisky has made it utterly unsafe tor him' o go through the country without a guard. The United States Commissioner here has issued over twenty war rants against persons for carrying on illicit dis tilleries, since Dec. Ist, lust. And yet soldiers are unnecessary here! Yours, Ecosioany lit *suitor-Slaking. Talking of novelties, as I am fond of "roaming around" to see whatever is odd and biz erre, (for this is a world of progress, and I like to keep up with the current.) I popped into a place in 286 Greenwich street the other day to witness a new nod economical mode of making butter? When baiter is half a dollar a pound, I need not whisper into the ear of people of gout that evOrythlu which promises to give us that unctuous luxury, ralitneter we warkt it. atbalf to ice and of choice quality, will attract attention. Tau idea cer tainty attracted nribt, and I appointed myself a committee of one to institute a solemn and by percritical investigation. I looked —I saw —1 was nouplussed. Yes sir! I beheld half a pound of but cr, by no Weans such as I should care to see on a dinner table,, put into a small tin churn. I saw a pint of uoor milk, bought at a !VI Gry hard by thrown in. t'o this mixture w, s added a spoonful of a secret ex rile; by the inventor. The churn was then placed in a pan of v. um, water. The but ter cud milk were "washed" into communion. Then commenced the churn tug, valch lasted four minutes by the watch. ••Whi u the pie was opened the birds boon to sir g," but when this churn was opened oat etme about tan Epuoufnl6 of what resembled whey, and with a lump of excellent butter, which weigh. d a pound and a half and a little over. litre was a pound of superb butter for the cost of a pint of poor Wilk and a spoonful of extract, sold at u dollar a puekage. It was next to inks eulous. But I "am nothing if not critical." do 1 smiled superciliously and mysteriously, as i I "uudeistor d the ji ke," or, to speak In the vul gate, "hi,cl been there myself afore." The man bt butter lot ked as pallid as the churn's product. ' You woe d not permit me." I said, in the bland est Wiles I could muster (like everybody else, I auur nave touch - en 'ties when I desire to he kill inaly quern oar). "LO ulakC Prit 'ere butter my self— of course you wouldn't?" "01 course I would," he responded. I was discomfited, bht not dismayed. I came to my own rescue promptly, and ri joined, with angthe sweetness (all the angels of Raphael, yoa now, are malee)— "With pleasure, sir-r-r"—trilling the r as most people when they purpose to intimate they knoW is thing or two, and are on the eve of extileiting it to the general consternation. I had never. .churned a pound of butter in my 11L; but wasn't,' a born American? Couldn't a both American do anything he saw another man do if he had looked at him,.while he was doing it, bard enough? Of course he could. I seized the churn, therefore . .asif the St. Vitus' had just adz, i z, d me; dropped n half a pound of batter and a pint of milk, as well as the secret extnact, and tbite drop!; of annetto to give my oleaginous result a decent complexion. Pomp! pump! pump 1-went for four minutes by therwatch; end it it bad been four minutes more I should have fainted.—l worked With such a will (there were two, good‘luohing ladles watching all my Motions with philosophical interest) to show my vigor and animation. Then came the critical moment, "big watt the fate of Omar and of" butter. I opened , the churmand peeped can tinusly In. I punred , off the trifle of whey in the bottom of the churn. !emptied out the butter, examited it, tas t ed it, and weighed it. I could not bo mistaken. It weighed an ounce more than a pound and a half, was deliciously fresh and fragrant, had a good color, and was altogether an sect ptoble article. I didn't make a speech, but I bought a churn and some of the 'extract on the spot.. "Every man his own butter manufacturer" Is to be my motto after this. I'll Make my own grease, whether it be a pat or a pound. I'll help myself as long es 1 can get a plot of milk, be my own dairy muid, , snap my fingers at •speculators, etc. —N. P. Correspondence Sunday Dispatch. HERIOVAI4. j) MisVAL —THE LONG LBTAGLIBIi DEPIYe It tor the turchato and lode of second hand doors, Ibr.ONVI. storo fixtures &c., from tit:month street to filittii at ov. Uxfold, wbero such artlelen are for nolo in et' a, UT itl7. . Also new doors, sashes, sbuttera, &e. .{.lV•3tis • fa CHAN W. ELLIS. nork,Ls. WASHINGTON lIOLTE. • ' GAPE ISLAND. N. I. Remains open during thou inter; gnod aocomenod4tiore. 6 , 1u0 GEO. If OAKts YrnoriutOr. • N'RIMY PRUNES LANDING AN a FOR BALE hv MOB= aCO 108 South Dela A lite avenue .. ( A .4. TO,PLEIIII47;;, i ,- • ' e . . • :1 :! sF.COND,AToBV- , ' , FAtopit ROOM, 111EATED WITH STEAM, SN THE . . NEW BULLETIN BUILDING 607 Chestnut Street. l A e ßry in t h e Offioe. TO . XIV. 1.:0 4 1`. The Second; Third , and Fourth Fitiota OF PIE MEW BEADING AT THE ,E. W 1 Corner Eighth and Market Elto, 0 These RI e vorp . desirable rooms and the location is in. • surpassed tor basilicas purposes. Apply to ST.RAW.RRIJAJE CLOTHIER ON THE PREMISES. - del-ti :TO RENT—TBE If ANDSOME COUNTRY 15134 T inat Edgewater, New Jenny. The mum has ever. , " linprov,.inent—l.rge and airy. The Grouuda laid out with nhad.. and Ft uit Troe,a. Ovor.lou Bearing Pratt Trees. Stable% aild tlarriage.hottee, ice bo se. am.; with r Wit scree oftrouad: ' Within tf , roo • minntes -walk -of Station at dgewater. 'Several trains daily. Apply to coerUtal & JORLAN. CS Walnut street. inTO' RENT—A HANDSOME COUNTRY BEAT. with 4 Act es of Greund, Duy`e Lane, Germantown, • nith,,evkry conVenlepee; (tau, Bath. Hot and Cold Wetery Loop bitable, Carrlnge.houee. Ito-bonen, with 411 tent of Ice; Cow Atable, Chickenhonte, and every im prkw,nut tut, NV ill be rented with or without Furniture on bine.•Anply COITUCIE &JORDAN. 483 Walnut E}OR RENT.—A HANDSOME RESIDENCE IN WtBlo7ll imit of the city, Favorable terms would be offered : to au acceptable party. AddreM Awol E . 23uLt,rrts °thee. ' • Jal2 FOR S 4 LE tiR RENT.—THE LARGE BTOFtE AND irtDwell mg situate .No 215 Market street Lot 20 feet ' 0 inch. IS Irma by 116 tett deep. te a Rack etreet .1. GUMMLY it 60148, tee st gloat street. r.. • YOH KENT—NO 410. • MARKET STREET. through to Merchant street. Four-story store, wl , ll " every unvenlet.ce for businete. J. M. GUM=Y A-CONe. 7e Walnut atm t. . ' • ; jr2FOR RFNT—THE DESIRABLE STORE PROP. inty No. 630 Market street, running through to Mi. nor street. !Iwo kron e. Also. tint R,pS ..nti hese. mint of B ore, No. 521 Minor etreet. J. M. HUMSIEIf BuI.B. 783 NV eanut etreet. • ' T LET.-9 ROOKED M DERN 11011431E,N0. 22X. Locuat atrett. By M. L. tLUFL O 4IAN, cl, 5 IR 324 Walnut street. - .J (.1 T.-111E, DEED/ABLE RESIDE:NOE, NO. n; .124 CHD101) a ln. t; 10 r..otes, 3 bath rooms, hooter. - hot and cold water, and gas - to third /Igor; in com plete ord. r- inimel tate possession. J. El. St/It.S. 733 W guilt strein. FOR RENT—LARGE AND SMALL RO . IMS 1 .. welt lighted. -anti able for lueuraare or Company °Nees or t tatlnere purposes. iu the handsome build. 6t9 ant) 614 Uheetnut street. J. M. U WADLEY & SON)), ISH 'Walnut etreet friFOR RENT-711E RANDSOME Cul? E AND Dwelling, NO. It% Walnut street. J. M. GUHMEY S bOtsal, Biwa street. - ffOlt - 1111Alidto Good Will and Fixtures - For Sale OF OUR Furnishing Goodd Department, Ana &root - Hall of l'ktoroTo Let, 627 tTLIESTNUTSTRLET. VAN DEIMEN, BOEEMER & CO eIFOR SALE:oN EASY TERMS-- 1 A FINE T., IRGE tionseoaliblie feet side sard; and 230 feet deep, built , for • Araticiaaa Boarding bons, at: Tioga tqation. On tbo nelmantomn Itidiroad. 15 minutes ride from Istatti Ind Graeii'dreete.' Key neat door; jallfito OR' BATA: A EIANDSOMI COUNTAY . PLAWit, containing &acres ordlandewlthodo obi three•etory stAng ree ‘ deae,e4 stable and carriage. house. ice house &c.',41) nate , .3, of a Mile east of .lElerniantuvrn. Large gar tun.containn. g all kinds of vegetables. and standard sod garotir fruits in abundance. 61,1fd.S1BY & SONo. 739 Walnut street.. , FOR,BAX.E. -THE HANDSOME THREESTORY Teridevce, St feet front, withthreeeto y back , buttdinge, eve; y consentence and in perfect t rder, Na. MO Spruce street- Lot running througu to a back street: GUNIMLY dtEUAkt, 7:13 Walnut street. riFOR. HALE THE FOUR-STORY BRICK dTORE and Ds elite g , No. 16 North Twedth etreet. opposite the Farceere , Market M feet 6 itlrliels In front by 50 fect .1... p. J hi. GlitaidhY & 80Nd 7;B Walnut, etteat. FOR. BALE.- 0 1 BE HANDSOME MOD ERN three.etory brick Reelden e with three.rtory double 'backbuildinge. two beater& range, bath. &c.; veil buil , . and in perfect order. No 615 Ncrth Eleventh. .3. M. GUMMY is bOlsl3, 7,7:3 Walautetreet, FOR SALE OR RENT.—THE LARGE STORE. No. 918 Arch et eat. Apply on the preadree, or to " • 1). 61. FOX. No. 140 North Fifth etreet. or the owner may be men by addre..9ng box Wiri Philadelphia Poet. of re, de4 tf I , ItR tiALS- THE VALUABLE FOUR-STORY Brick Resident e.sltuate on the southesst cos. Broad and spruce streets ; 20 feet front on Sruce by HO feet on Broad street. J. di BONS, 733 ilnytetrcet. FOR BALE—A MODERN BRICK DWELLING, ut svith,back buildings and every convenience. south " able of Delancey street west of .Tsventj -first street. J. 13 to DIM( & bONR, TB Walnut street. QOM AND IN 00D. CROSS CREEK LEHIGH COAL. PLAISTED & Mott()LLIN. No. 8033 CHES'rb UT 13troet, West FbiladelPtda, Sole Retail Agenta for Case Brothers & Co.'s celebrated Crow Creek Lehigh Coal. from the Buck Mountain Vein • This Coal is particularly adapted for making Steam feu Bpgar and Malt Houses. Breweries, &c. It in alto mum , passed as a Family Coal. Orders left at the office of the Miners, ri o. 641 WALNUT Street (let floor), will receive our k rompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using a regular quantity. 1 716 tf 114110 N /5124.6 JOEIN r. sugary. rpbi UNIAiIfiGNED ENWTE ATTENTION TO treir stock o Spring mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal. which. with the preparation given by ue, we Wnk can not be excelled by any other Coal Unite, Franklin institute Building, N 0.15 S. Seventh street. BLEB & biIEAPF. jaltttf Arch street wharf, aklbuylkilL MED/WILL& ----- FRENCH MEDICINES PREPARED ItY OM Me% ULir 41; CO., OIIEMIyTH 10 II 1. IL PRINCE. DAPOLIION, Ruu vE liiIiiIELLEU. YA Rib. EERVOUS EIEADACUES. NEURALGIA. DIA kW-BEA, DYtiEN'rultY, INSTANI ANEOUBLY CURED BY GU &RANA. This vegetal).- enkstance which gr. wa fa the 13reeils, has been employed 'thee time imuiemorl4 to cure in tiamuno ion of the bowels it has proved ditto to be of the areatest service in cases of Cholera. as it is a preven tive ..ndn. cm eiu cakes of Matrixes. Agents in Yhiladell his WRENCH. RICHARDS dr, C 0. ,, • W. cor. Tenth and tdarket meets. ---- -- if O PAL DENTALLIhA.-z-A'SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR V. cleaning th. Teeth, destroying animalcule, which in feet them. giving tone to the. gums. and leaving &feeling of frsgrance.ftd pert( ct cleanliness in the mouth. It may be net d dally.'und will be,forind to strengthen weak and Mee ing gums. while the aroma mid detersivenees will recommend it to even, one. Being composed with the assistunce of the Dentist. Physicians and Bicroacimist, it is confidently offered SS a reliable substitute for the un certain washes tonne ly in vogue. , Eminent Dentistk icquatuted with the constituents of the Dentallina. advocate its use; it contains nothing to Prevent its unrestrained sin loyinent. Made only by ..1 ... •T. SEIINN, Apothecary. Broad and Spruce stmmta, For sale by Druggists genetally. and Fred. Browne, D. L. Stackhonse. Ilimeard* C 0.,. Hobert C. Davis, C. B. Keeny. Geo. C. Bower. Jamie li. Kay. Chas Shivers. C. li. Needle% 13. M. ldethilin, T. J. Disband, S. C. Bunting. ..,. Ambrose S m it hs , Clint'.' H. Eberle. } dward.Farrisb, James N. Marks. NI, rm. B. Webb, B. Bringbunit & Co.. James L. Blepbam. I:lett dc Co.. Bushel> tit COSMO. ,B. C. iff ir'as e. Son 11. airy A. newer, I Wyeth di Bro. • • ELVA' StA • 0. ,mA, 225 N. ••' timmussamos ‘oolollt. GE DBPATaJENT SPRING AND BUT. toned Over Oaitere.utotb,heatttertwhlte and et, Drown Men; Ohildron'a Cloth and Velvet ' d a i guisi also made to order _ • ' . 41 , GENT'S PURNIBUING GOOD% o every deseriptlo% very low. 14113 Obeetnnt etreet comer of Ninth. The beet Bid Gloves for ladies and gents, a BIONFLDRIRFERII BAZAAIL nol4 tn. OPEN IN THE EVENING. IILATILUS *ND' STOVES. Tliof&A El S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews & Nixon, N 0.1824 (SIC tri NUT Strout, Philada... anuf ur Opposite f United States Hint, Macttra o LOW DOWN. I'ARt.Otty (MA Aißk.R. OFFIUr.._ And other ORATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firet WAR 611-Alz VURNAOEB For Warming Public and Frivatu Buildings, BEGISTEitS, VENTI.LATOR.s. AND MUM% BY OA Pl 3. ()OOKINI.ha Pl 3. BATT' BOILERS. WLIOLLBALE and RETAIL rZNASUiA 13ANEINV = . . , • 00-KEeC Mt and U 4 So. ICIETELD ST. PEUX.4IV.L . DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES „, .„,. , Wo will receive applications f o r Polici es Policies of Life Insurance in the now National LIM Insurance Company of the United States. Pull information given at our office.. ITHIANDoLpiII -t. '4: kfßs Seralere les V. S. 'tondo and Moniker* °Crutch find Gold fk *elm* Igo, - receives accounti of Dank/. and Rankers on lib eral terms, Leone Mlle of le xcllange on Haintiroth" , Son, 'London: B. Meizler. S. Sohn & Co. Frankfort, W. Tooker & PM*, And other principal cities. and Leiner* of credit available throughoule.sueepe S. W. corner Toird'and: Chestnut Street COUPONS OF. UNION PACIFIC R.R., CENtitAL PACIFIC R. R., 5420's a,nd I.SSi's, DUE JANUARY INT . -OLGr, WANTED. Deolora in Government Beenrities, No. 40 14. Third St. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & Co., BANKERS AND, 011011E1111, No. 48 SOUTH - THIRD - STIINET, nELELLIA. GLENDINNING t DAVIS & AMORY, No. 2 Nassau Street, NEW YORK Buying and Selling Stocks, Bonds and hold on Cousin nisi on. a Specialty. Philadelphia 'Bonne connected by Telegraph with the st4tocli Boards and bold Boom of Mew Vora. dazam • TUE RAILROAD CAR TRUST LOAN. iu"PITAL 8 MGR. *750,000. ' , Wiled into Shared 'of 9100 e each— CARHYIN4 DIVI DENDS AT TILE RATE OF 10 I'ER Ch..91T,, PER ANN LAI. The eubictibers to the above Loan have united under Article% of A teoelation for the puroose of buying and conetruetieg Railroad Care and luorn. otives. to be lewd to the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. .1 he Artt cle e of A•tot intim and the L.eaee to raid tlompany have bt en deposited with the FIDELITY INSUR.ANC TRUST AND SAFt. cOMPAN Chetttntl etrvet who have been eppomt d Trued ea on behal . o pa , d Areociatien. and are authorized to receive subscrip- Cons to the ..amourt of s . 'luo.oett. About , $360030 have been already tubecribed. turtber intormation. apply to N. D. lIIIOWAX, President. - R. PATTERSON, Treasurer. laB et; LUG Mll6 MAULE BROTHER & CO:, 2500 South street 1136, RATTgRIC MAKERS. /869 N MAKERS. MOICE 13ELECTIuN OD AllettlGAN CORK 1 , 114 E ttiß PAT Ettrit3.. 1869. PkiAtigIIIIIPAREMME 1869. LARGE STOOK L FLORIDA. FLOORI N G. -1 869 . I_B FLORIDAYWORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. Valitsirdb. , FLMOßlNG. 111:1,AFVARE FLOOKINGF. A.BII FLOORLN G. WALNUT FLOORD 0 1869 VLORIDA STEP BOARDS. 1869 • FLORIDA STEP BOAEDd. 'RAIL PLAI...K. HAIL PLANK. 1869. TrATIEI !EIIC OVALNUT RAVAS.ILI9II:IB69. BOARD ' WALNU V PLAN if,. AbSORTED FUR CA BI UILD NET ERS, A MAKER C. S, B 1869. 141BEIFriE.Egra. LEINER , 1869. WALNU' D NNE. 1869. MAR CillgttEY . . 1869. ASH WHITE OAS PLANK AND BOARDS. HIVICORY. CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1869. ,CARCIJNA B. T. HELLS. -1869 .1.40.11.wAx eVANTLINO., 1.869. _gliteit,lllllPVtl• 1869. ' CYPHER , . bill (leek ~ARGR,ABbOR MEWL FOR SALE 'LOW. 1869. mulatga 1869. stem ),LE istioinFime CO. & 2500 SOU 'CH t3TREPT . TUE' WINE' , AIM. TEE LATEST, MOST. BEAUTIFUL AND PERNIA. nea t method of coierhot Photographs, termed /V tellltTli Ph.d. The greatest advantage of tho Ivorytype over over, Ober method id to durabilitVe beir4 impervious to water or air. The raper being prepared'and cemented on elate Mass the cobra ;linnet, poplbly •fade. and have; all.. the Banos and aer earance of the finest ivory painting. ' , the/ eon be either taken from Life. Dagaorretypee or Ambro. type& VI hen not taken from UM. it ia , meeerearl to no. the color of the epkbalr. and general coesPlexien.. meted in the very beet Mlle of arc JAMBS W. WMI • hlikArtisPe EmoorieMe 146 death Meth eireqt niladelposta • Jere . , echoens can be seen. dell 6m4 BiIMV PIInSWCATIO"' T Et.TURES:-A NEW COURSE OF LEPTITEES..dtI .1.1 delivered at the Now 'lr twit Mmienm of Anatomy, em. bracing the subjects! Vow to live and, wbati talivo Tor Youth Maturity and ,oul rige;,s i tablieed generally re. % fi n! a; the au .. u tosugeation.„tistullence and , Nespons Memo accounted for. rocket volumes eontainfr it these lectures will he forwarded to partiee unable to attend on receipt of four stamps, by addressing J. J, Dyer, 35 street, Becton. felB ' jtEIikwEA.CANE4O /;- "- STAR i - , s S P . RING, SARATOGA, NEW:'YORK. The =lapin proves thetho waters of the SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS Wive a ninth larger' amount. of 'solid subehuice, richer'• Its medical ingredients than any other spring in Saratoga. anifehowa what the taitkindleatee—namely. that it fa the Strongest Waiter. It ale° dereonotrates that the STAR WATES•contalua about 100 . Ciiiiic.-,4ch4:44o,:of,tigii In a gallon than any other Orb it• It to thts extra -amount , of gel that Ininit bite thle water Its pecultarlY ensAtilutt appearance, and renders It im very agreeable to the tasto It alto tends to preserve the delletomiflaiir of the - water when bottled, and. causes It to pneork with an Worse. ems almost equal to (Thartmigne.J ,Bolzi by the leading .Druggiste_anctflotele througit out the country. • • • JOHN WYETH at,BRO., id-iiwainui street., Phitada. Wholesale Agents. to th a lyro RADe . 1 / 4 41 A RI( ' WASHINGTON. It: C.. No ember 2b the nost.en and l'hitadelvh la Salt Pieh Company: I have t hereughly. ex.. mined the. Latent Patent 'treated to William Ourlor, of ''hued !obis, fiepteallber Oth. far an irm roved methed of pmpari desiccating and pre/arcing fish, with the fo lowing result:. Ile CISIIIJS (mitred patent . novex.--frato the boned and deriecx.ted fish se • new manufacture or corningrelal ritticle: and. second. the Prances riweribMl /Xi the Venni cation by %Lich jbat new article to pryyared. In my el inter. thseir me yand and .itfilcient datum.. 7 hr fireutlaina feollrff , to cite Inventor . honed and deAe rah A fish se a new article of manila tone or commerce. by trha Meer reeve= 41 Mill be prdaft'oft. Giber Plbeezeoe than that chime d by - Cutler may be devised and m a r hapr. be yew and r .fenteble: but the olecord. er oi emit ..evr t r. cope eannug p4th.- art lel,: info the market and 01111. It bc Aid cc he montd ittinnve LA.t.nisag rini m in (Vler's pafrnf, and be II thle to date age, to thy extent of curb lafringt went : and fo preduce th IP 1119 W ankle try an old VT creo4 sip led to oilier thinais would be equally an bill ercen , rnt of Vallee s patent... ' 'hare no douhtthe article and ,the brOotot claimed to Cutlers patent are new end-patentable. ,ftni the patent sufficient far tttetrPtvlCTSol2, rip 34 tftin BURK E, Former Commletloner of Parente- I concur in the above opinion of Edmond Deokok, Ecu OW. BARD{ Mi. civouLtrl44 December iDtb, IV2 1 concur in above opinions of Edmund Borkefand Geo Hardin& Eve. CLARENCE SEWARD. Naw December Wth. I baveexedlecd the letters. patent referred to in the fare, Mad uPinlon ot . Mr. Burke. and fully wee with Mr. Butke In that oploloy. Any neton using the pewee, to prepare tbe deb 'fiaftindes the patent.. and any parson either Man er selllng.the 'BONED A all OItdItiCATED CODFISH." uhrtArr prepartd h that iiropeor or Alit onuccevr.ootst, Lutdatas the patent • GEO. GIFFORD. Nair Yogic, Deecanbex Edith. 10A8. . _ I concur In the form:tog oyhtiosui of Atetonk. Burke. Harding, Zs warn tad Ctuasolf„- • _ • _ _ Muir You. January eth. ltra. We concur in tienecgolglr r. RlTu c E a t n WOODFORD. 771 IzoLDWAY. PI. Y.. antler/ Kb. 1862- FOR BALE—A VERY SUPERIOR U)? OP CITRLVD MarAron'. Just received per sx but Bente Rank. V.A. BARTOW. is9s to ilia* la Walnut street. 1 /I[ol , 1 1 1'1./1 .44, Oil 1 r.--(------ LEWIS LADOMUS & Cif, --- ). ---- ' --- \ 1 9 DIAMOND DEALERS 4.I.7EWRIENt WATCHES, 71LireLILI :: .11.% LK 191.11.14 L 'imams and JZIVELRY REPALUD,/ 802 eltestrra.t Pl4la. Watches of the Finest Makers. Diamond and . Oilaer Jewelry, Of the lateit etyler. Bal4 silver and Plated Ware. Etc.. Ete SMALL STUDS FOR EYELET HOLES. A large areortmeat just received. -with a variety of set Inge. WIII: Be WAIILNIK At Co., Whokoala Donlon In • WATCHES AND J NWELRY, L Z. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets,. And lido of No. 55 South Third street. le2 1 .1, GINILOCEUI 141ILIDOILIk WO. FRESH FRUITS AND PRESERVES. Bunch, Layer, Seedless and Sultana Raisins, Currants, Citron, Oranges, Prunes, Figs, die., Lo. Irtry description of Groceries suitable for the liolkisfa ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Corner Eleventh and Vine Btreetas LT ADY , APPLES -7•WiTITFI GBAPP.B HAVANA Oangta—New Pae 001 Almonds—Fined Daho eta Itataina. at COUn "VS East End Graoari. NO. Ha South Becondrtreet. • • - ENIIISPB PATTF. DE . POI GRAtat—TNlippLEs— AA , Presets Peas said Idushrooms..alsvals unhand:at str Ct 111141(93 Paid Ei.d Grocery." No. 118 South, Second eet. S C aTst el l i tgairtgif Et i rlge r t 9 Vfi l e . Ken YC Erte "ll 4. at $2 fepor dove, at uoutYrrs East End Grocery, No. 118.80utti Second street. .• . q . UEEN , OLIVES — SW GALLONS 011010 E QUEEN (Aiwa by the :4 barrel or dellos. CUUSTE'S . EAST E GROCERY, No. 118 bomb Second street. SHERRY WHkE"--CHOWE SHERRY WINE &r tAa 75 EAST WilearaUtte.kNor at ou 000 DRY I 1101111. FANCY DRESS KUM ' • ' $1 26 to fl_doporyord. • • • CLOsls G 01; f DREBR Goorpg AT LOW PRWES.I OLRW RN BTOL DART & BROTHER. • 462 and 464 North Second Street. RICH BLAOK LT LOW PRICES, . 1 .10 .61everarLutolit $ll5. $6BB &tot $2 00. Full Uses from $9.96 to $6. poo..yar,d; • CUNWEN .0140 , 96.1.1 1 . T LtROTHSR,, 460, 469 and 466 North Becono Stroa. VELVETEEN FOR RACQUrAND auirs. .PERItOt GKADEtt. TWILIot ) BACK. B ACK VitLVETEEN, al 26 to 1 60_tior yard. CURW EN 2121)DDAR'V B 'WTI) ER, :460.468 and 654 North Second Brreet. ' - BE ~D FST .MAICEB OF BLACK AND C O LORED, J- -BILKS. Fancy bilks. Faeldonable Drees anode, /.yons Bilk Velvets. ~. " 'west Velvet Cloths. Fine Astrachan Olothri. Desirable Cloaking': - Broebe and Blanket, Shawls. Bilk Weal:lee and, m Velvetee. Fi Fancy Dress, Goods cdoehninnt abne Blan kase. , EDWIN BALL di 130., 28 South Second tenet. ouimPwaitiu 'DODGERS' AND WiIi3TENHOMPS POCKET KNIVES,PICARL and , srAci HANDLES, of beu tiful tinieh. RODGEPS' and WADE 'ldtiTeliEtt.d,. and the CEIEtItAT,E.O ' LECOUt f ilt PS RAZOR. 1301880118 CASES of the. finest . quality. tar.ore. Ktive Belmont and .Table flutlory, Ground-add Polished. EAR IN ATHUM LNTS of tho 'owe apuroved angstruction to aseint tho hearing. at P. MADEIRA'S. Gutter and Bur. gitut al Indrument Maker, 115 Tenth etroot, tallow Meet, n myl-O' -TELBQB&PS/O 6uliii&l Y. Irar.v, on the tax question, is quiet. Parriou &mimes aspires to the Spanish throne. Epa._ODIN bowie was inaugurated Governor of Maryland ,yestorday. Tux Conference on the Eastern Question, after a brist session on Tuesday, adjourned until to day. The Greelun lillnisurr was not present. TrmLeglslative Council of British Coital:ila are eousltiering the question of ;a reciprocity treaty with the United States. ON Monday otrening at Ottawa Illinois, Dor - ritt and Thorn ! 'lwo young - men; Word drowned ,in the Illinois rwer.while skating. Tow *Otte Legibldtuie InekYeateadaY; Save' rat of the expelled colored members are in at tendance, expecting to be re-admitted. THE Florida Senate yesterday confirmed the nominations of State officers =MIA,' Gov Used • shice - histNoVeraber. ' A DELEGATION from Prince George's county, Md., ialterday , preSented to- ,the President a 'pe tition for.the pardon of Dr. Mudd. Mr. Johnson said he would refer it to the Attorgey-Geueral. &EMIL Atoz,lii:a circular, justifies his action against Greece, and declares that the ultimatum sent to that Power requires that the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire must not be inter fered, with. , THE steamer Clyde, from New Orleans for Red River, exploded her boiler on Tuesday night. Five or six persons were killed and about twenty injured. The boat and cargo are a total loss. Gov. McCLErno, of Missouri, in his inaugural address, recommends the submission anew of tho negro suffrage amendment to the State Constitu tion, and opposes the enfranchisement- of ex-. rebels': . , , Taw Democratic . caucus of thci - New Jersey Leetsiaturo has nominated John P. Stockton for United States Senator. Carl ficheirzhas peen nom inated for United 13tateslientitor by"the Missouri Legislative caucus. LATIO advices from Crete COnfirEll The; reports of the capture by the Turkish forces of the insur rectionary officials. Four of the Cretan Gov ernment officers were killed and the remainder were taken prisoners, their books and documents falling into the hands of the Turks. AT Washington, yesterday, Gaitimony was taken by the Coroner relative to the death of the colored eervants at the French Minister's house, butlittle matt done towards clearing up the mys terY of the ease.;' An analysis of one of the stomachs discovered strychnine, and it was thought both diEd from that poison, but by whom It was given is unknown. Pennsylvania Legislature. MANE O➢ YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. I floosn,—The Speaker and members of the Senate being Introduced, an election was hold for Mani Treasurer. resulting as follows: For Charles W. Cooper, or Lehigh (Dem.), 51 iotes. For R. W. Mackey, of Allegheny (Rep.), 76 totes. For Morrow B. Lowry, of Erie (Rep.), 1 vote. Refused to vote, 2, viz.: Morrow B. Lowry and E. Biliingfelt. The vote east for Morrow B. Lowry wee that of Senator Fisher, of Lancaster. It. W. Mackey was declared to be State Trea surer, to OSMIUM (MCC from the dret Monday in May, 1869. The Senate having retired, the House agreed to make a joint committee (to act with that of the Senaie)'to consider' that part of the Governor's Message relating to a Registry law. Mr. Josephs, of Philadelphia, introdated an act to incorporate the Perilsylvsidi Life and Tra velers' Insurance Company. Adjourned. The Phltsulelphla Police. The following is the bill relative to the police of Philadelphia, width was introduced into the Pennsylvania fienate.yesterdav An A etirnprore the ,effi ciency of-• the police force of the city of Thiladelphict, providing for Use ap pointment and election of Police Commissioners, and the appointment of a Superintendent of Po lice, and other police. BY-CnOs 1- lie it Enacted, 4c.. ' That from and atter the passage of this act there shall be a Board of Police Commissioners of the city of eetiadelp,ida, consisting of eve .eitizeus of said city, namely: .Edward A. Merrick, Geonge Tru man, Jr.. Henry Burton, Edwin H. Feder and Charles Thompson Jones, who shall serve as such new their successors shall be duly elected as proeided for hereinafter; and in ease of a va cancy in said board by the death, resignation or - removal of either of the said persons, the same shall be tilled by the other members of the board. Sacrum 2. The city of Philadelphiashall be di vided into five districts for the election of Police Commissioneret, composed as follows, viz.:—The First, Seventh, Twenty- fourth.Tweoty-sixtb and Twenty-seventh Wards shall constitute the First District. The Second, Third, Fourth,Fifth s Sixth and Eleventh Words'shall constitute the Second District.. The Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards shall consti tute the Third District., The Fifteenth,Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Twentieth Wards stall constitute the Fourth District. The Nine teenth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty third, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-eighth Wards shall constitute the Fifth District. • BEC. 3. The qualified electors of each of the said districts shall, at the several elections in October next, elect one person, a resident of staid district, to the office of Police Commissioner, who shell possess the qualifications required for a member of the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth; the person elected in the First ' District shall serve for one year; the person elected in the Second District shall serve two years; the person elected in the Tined District shall serve three years; the person elected In the Fourth District shall serve four years, and the person elected in the Fifth District shall serve for five yeareand the persona so elected shall take the places of the pemoes named in the first section of this set, on the first Monday of December next ensulog; and upon the expiration of the terms of office respectively of the persons so elected, the ettellfitel electors; of any district ID which a VA cancy shall thus occur shall elect ond person who shall verve for the term of' five years; and in case of any vacancy by death resignation or otherwise, in said board, the qualified electors of the district in which each vacancy shall occur shall elect one person• to serve for the unexpired term of the member of the board who has so ceased to be a member of the said - board. ' See. 4 The board shall meet within ten days after the passage of this act, omanize and elect one of their number tiresident of 'said board, and a competent peeson to be secretary of the" board. They Shall also elect a Superintendent of Police of timid ctly,to serve for , five. years; or darker geed Whittier, who shell only ~ be removed or discharged by said Board for incompetency, inat tention to his duties, or .for misbehavior its office.. Sze. 5. ;The Board Police Commissioners shall appoint^ all thee police officers; the' Fire Marehal, high constables and detectives of said city, and the Committing Magistrate at the Cert.- tml Station tit Fifth:and - Chestnnt streets; • all the said police officers shall be appointed for five yearse.oud during good,behavior. Alt police of-, Seem may be suspended from duty by the said Superintendent of Police at any time for cause; tut it rhall'hd the duty of mad Superintendent to report the suspension and eauseor causes thereof within one Week thereafter to the Board •of Po ilete-ComEnissioners, who shall' thereupon give notice to such . suspended officer, and hear the esse,,ned shell then'remove from office, suspend for. a fixed period, or resters the oflieer, 119 mite', as may appear to them to be the best for the pub+ lic, service. , Sec.: 6. The Select and COmmoe Councils of thetcity of Philadelpbia shall fix the salary of. the Superinteedent of Police and Secretary of the Board, and shell provide for the , payment of the same; and'shall also tprovide Suitable aecommo • datious for the' meetings . of the Board; and foteall neemsary.expeeses oft,the same. The members of the said Board of Commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services as such. .8ne..7. th It shall be , e duty ot the:Superinten dent of Police to preserie. the'. public peece at election polls in said city, and protect the,citizsns In exercisin,g the right,ofs,cifirage ,from all law tentless and disorder. It shall. be his duty In all cases wht-n informed by three 'persons,' in writ, insg that disturbances taro apprehended at any poll in any election iu said city, to tar nielt SUMCIOLIt police force to , keep said;po/ls open andlree , frout all obstructions, and to'pre eerve the ptiblictpeace;- and in order to'prevent any conflict of authority, it shill rtOt be lawful for the Sheriff of the city and county of Philadel nhia, Maybr of sold city, _or any other. person having authority,oXeopt aieherein designated; to appbtrit any doputy or deputies, to t 43 Dreamt and act ea such at anlyeleettow 0)11 in any aloe lion divisiotrof any 'Ward of said city. fitto. 8. Alitaws or parts of laws tineosslstent with the provisions of : ,I.his net aro hereby re• Fmk 64' Late Ediffinis of Yesterday B, the Atlantic' Cable. Ynnoii, Jan. 13.—Tho Everiing Post, the ofthial journal, said In its bane of yesterday that Count Von Bismarck, the Prusslith Primeifinister, Ind told Count de Mimpffeni.,the .-Austrian Minister at Berlin, that the retention of Baron Von Boast in office would provoke serious action on the part of Prussia. , LONDON, Jan: 18.-:-The. London 6iiefiants are extensively petitioning the Government to re store the mail service between Southampton , and. New York, by a contract, with the Hamburg- American Steamship Company. The petitioners show that the average time madolby the. Elam burg-American steamers is hotter than that of several'. Others; and equal to, the . beat to which mt+tfservice is accorded. ; Esau, .4Jan.. , 13.-It is stated, to-day that, also, - Rangel)°, the present "AmbasSador Ut Paris frenn Greece, has been recalled to 'replace Bulgaria as Pretlideut of the Mintotry. LONDON,JRII. B,—P. M.Consola for moue' , and account S. 'Pine-twenties firm at 75g. Stocks easier, Atlantic and Great Western 46X.,' Jan. , 18, Pi M.—Cotton active; Middlings cultbe - spot, 11,04 .10., arrive.. 11k: Middling Orleans, 1190.- ;California wheat, na. Bd.®lls. 10d. Lard quiet. HAVRK, Jan.lB, P. M.—Cotton opened excited for both on the spot and afloat; sales on the spot at 133 franca, and 13334 franca afloat. The. Protectorate over Weal India lapechtDospateh to. tho Pkilada. 'Evening Bulletin.) Wcarticorox, Jan. 18.—Gen. Bantis's bill ex tending a prouctorate over the islands of St. Domingo and Hayti came up. General Butler offered an amendment,and made , a "peach in sup port of it, Baying he was Opposed to the purchase of more territory, but favored this scheme to restore the _peace of the islands Denied: Mr. Spalding offered an amendment to • extend protection to all the Islanda.contiguous to the United States in the Atlantic and Pacidc Oceans. He advo cated this amendment," saying that he believed in the theory that the United States should possess the entire American continent and the Islands adjacent thereto, and helooked upon the present step as the first movement that way. Mr. Bhellabarger opposed the bill in a briet speech. saying that the object would undoubt edly lead to a declanstlen of war with some of the European nations. His remarks attracted very close attention on the part of his colleagues. He was followed by Mr. Mullins, of Tennessee, who made a fierce. epread•eagle speech in sup port of the resolution, which created great mer riment, quoting freely from the Bible to sustain his ideas. Mr. Judd spoke briefly against the , resolution. Mr. Robinson offered an amendment to include Ireland among the islands named, and spoke in favor of it. No vote will be reached today. The Brevet System. Itioestal Deoontch to tho Mad& Evoittuz Butlettn.l Wasumorea. Jan. 13 —The Senate Military Committee, at their meting to-day, agreed to flyer' for condo matioo. a few of the pending army appointments, but postponed the greater number. There is etroog opposition to confirm ing any more breiets, as some members think the Whole system of breveting has become a farce. There was some general talk about the •army establishment, and a majority of - the. - Committee - are to favor of returning it, but no plan has yet been matured. Pending action on the question of - redaction, very few nominations of officers to di% vacancies will be reported for confirmation. Among the latest nominations is that of Cot Forsythe, who, for galluntr_v in his fight with the Indians, has been brevetted Brigadier-General. 7 fte Eretecterate Over Hari. (Special rid6paich to the' Philgidelphhi EveFleg riunenal Wasnugoron Jan. 13.—The debate on Mr. Bunke' resolution , extending a protectorate to ilayti continued until 3P. M.. when Mr. Wood ward, of Pennsylvania, moved to lay the bill with the amendments on the table; upon this he called the yeas and nays. To the surprise of all it was carried by the very large vote of ayes 122, to nays 36. The Minnesota Senatorship. (Spode) Despatch to the Phila. Evening Etolntim] WAsorworrorr, Jan. 13.—A private despatch from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Congressman Win dow, received this afterroon, says that the op ponents to Senator Ramsey's re eleetion have abandoned the contest and that his success is now insured. The Georgia Cass. • ) .VIMrIIIIMITIn Wasumtrrow, Jan. 13.—The Judiciary Com mittee held another meeting to-day, bat failed to get thronah with the Georgia case, though they hope to be able to report this week. The Legal Tender Act. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.) WAsittuoTosi, Jan. 13.—The Supreme Court has not yet held any constdtallon on the legal wader act. Governor Harriman. of New Hampshire, ar rived here this morning. He was upon the floor pf the House and Senate this afternoon. Mew fflember 'rem Arkansas. (Special Despatch to the Fhilada. Evening Bulletir.l WASHINGTON Jan. f3.—The Committee on Elections reported favorably upon the creden tials of J: F. Elliott, the member elect from the Second District of Arkansas. When the House assembled to-day, he was accordingly sworn in. Another Indian Battle. WAsumndos, Jan. 13.—The following was re ceived at the War Department this morning: Br. Louts, Jan. 13.—The following telegram has just been received: "IN,ItT HAYS, Kansas, Jan. 12th.—ilajor Gen eral W. A. Nichols, A. A. G.—Major Sheridan, commanding at Fort Dodge. reports that Lient. Martin, of the 3rd infantry has just arrived from camp, and that Col. Evans has captured a Co manche village of sixty lodges. "Three men of the Third Cavalry were wounded. No Indians were killed. Col. Evans had returned to his depot camp on the Canadian river. Signed i %I-MU:WET MCKEEVER, A. A. G. "W. T. herman, Lieutenant-General." Rocinurrttn, Jan. 13.--The family mansion of the late Judge C. 11. Carroll, of Grovelaud, Liv ingston county, New York, occupied by D. 11. Fitzhugh, was destroyed by fire thla. morning. The lose and insurance have notbeen ascertained. Marine intelligence. .Naw,Yottic, Jan. x3.—Arrived, steamship Den mark, from-LiverpiMl.' • • Grant and Colfax in China, and now • the rintertranio Voted. A correspondent of''the Satarancisco Bulletin writes from Hankow, China, under date of Na vember 10,,that the citizens of the United States residentat Bankow,ln accordance with. a circular issued by Dr. Salter, United States Consul at Itankow and- Kinklang, called at the Consulate on Tuesday, November 2y and ~voted for Grant and , Colfax. A vote was taken on the different American steamers then in port with-the follovr,- hag result: On the Fire Queen, 2,886 tons, 4 for Grant end 4 for Seymour; on the Kiang Loring, 946 . t0n8;2 for Grant and 8 for Seymour; oh the Tehrotib, 800 tons, 4 for Grant and 2 fpr Sey mour. The different dependencies of the Han kow Consular distrietrviz.:-Rinkians., Woosnc,‘ Wuehang end Hong Yang, all voted for Grant, malting a total of 88 for Grant and Only 9 for Say,' The Americans at.Hanitow met tm the 'Kiang Loring, that is, the "River Dration," the night of thp Ed, and , teleeted Woodhull S. Schenck the Deputy,Commiestonerof the Imperial, Maritime Customs, and a son of.; Commodore Beheneki , of the United States. Navy, as chairman, and ed phonso...F. Friensi :secretary. I The Consul was calk d on foria speech,and responded his fe w brief words, fitting and to the point. A copy was re quested for publication.-,but as printing ,faellities are nttlipt• limited, ht this post, am. unable to.. ent you a copy by this MA. We were congra tulated on. our good sense in voting fur the soldier, the patriot, and. the gentiernan; ., U. Grant, and hib associate, worthy never teal:met, B. c o i f wt . WO , cyere told that Ahe question of the public:: credit was oply. second .to , thator ear na tiotial existence, and-:a severe rebuke was ad reittlaWied2 titO iiiiitators of both _parties, THE. DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA,; THURSDAY, JANITARY, Irbo contilve to - jeopardize the national' honor and the national faith:' and finally we. w,ge, asked, haying elected Grant, to held sii:ou'• Ent Nies towarda the "re-cementing of our be- loved Union, making it one in f (cc , 44 wet' as one in 09166. It'speaka volumes for 460 citi zens of the United States resident at Hankow, that. livirg as they do, seven hundred miles from the Pacific Ocean, in the very , heart of Cathay, away froml63Wpd • *two InflA neca, . •they; should Ito readily grasp the ,great 'finites" of the day, and vote co Intelligibly. I came do en the river on the Plymouth Rock, 7 ,,5,6013 Nina'. Cap tain Harmon took the vote, four for Giant and font* for Seymour. The steamer men seem to Incline to the Heinocratin tick* that b prnbably owing tolim fact that they are mostly' born the city of New . York. AffaiNW In Collata—Prinelpal Catwalks rreparing to Abandon the.. halite— , Execution ofjklirtturay Robbers. Sin Faraticatice . ,*.Tatt. 11,' 180.-:Advises frcim - 211 t xico give a rumor that Governor Vega, of Co linas; bad .Obtained three :mounts' leave of, ab sence to - visit the Interior :Ttie Governor is rep resented as exerting lie influence in behalf. Aaf more liberal legislation by the State Legislature. The system of taxation lately introduced 13 re gar& das ainetteeessfal. Most of ;the influential citizens will probably 'abandon the State. A new lighthouse is to be erected at Nlanza.- to take the place of the present miserable affair. A good wagon road is also to bu built be tween Manzanillo and Colima. The authorities are acting vig. rowdy against the highway rob bers. Three road robbers were recently captured and sbotnear Connie: - Terrible land slides had occurred in different parts Of Abe country, in volving considerable loss of property. ' Creeks bad irppeared where previously nothing but bar ren degerts bad eXlsted r These Corametious were attended with contlnuone - rumblings of the'earth. A number of citizens of Guadalajara had been condemned and shot for political offences. The affair created ill-feeling against the 'government and the country seemed ripe for another revolu tion, , An Odd Wish Caught In a Detective's The party giving his nanie as Joseph Woods, who was arrested here on the 28th nit., on sus picion of being the murderer Smith, for whom a large reward is offered, turns oat to be a rascal of another dye, and given to a- more respectable and fashionable order of crime than foul mur der. As before mentioned, he gave contradic tory accounts of his travels for the past two or three months, which - circumstance strength ened the suspicions of the police authorities here that if he was not the culprit for whom he was arrested,he must be some other criminal who bad fled from the United States to escape the penalty of Justice, and hence his detention until hie identity could be satisfactorily determined. Yesterday ho questioned the Chid of Police con cerning the various crimes which would render or e liable to extradition under the treaty, and seemed to gain information satisfactory to himself as he was on the point of mak ing disclosures, when he finally thought proper to delay any admissions until after con sulting his counsel. This forenoon the Chief of Police received answer to a letter of inquiry sent to the Mayor of Canton, Ohio. the prisoner hav ing named that city as his last place of residence, and given the names of various parties whom he claimed as relatives. The Mayor had visited such parties, who repudiated relationship, but stated that they knew a person answer ing the description even ' who had been. in Canton some time since ; that his name was Joseph Woods Day, and that be belonged in Wil mitgton. Del. It was also added that he was_be- Hayed to be insane. This piece of information and the repudiation of the relationship may have been from motives rendered obvious by a despatch received this afternoon from the Chief ,of the Police Department . :of Philadelphia, to this effect: - "Chief of Police Davis, Hamilton: The prisoner fyou have in custody is Joseph Woods Day, do-, anning' Cashier of the Bank of Delaware, at Wilmington. The bank is fully secured, and he is not wanted. Smash 17p on the Pan Handle) Bond. The Pittsburgh Chronicle of lost evening says: Quite a serious smash-up occurred on the Pan Handle railroad. at Cadiz Junction, two or three nights ago, by which fourteen horses were killed and one or two men had very narrow escapes from.derith. 'A freight train going. west at a rapid rate of speed,and when near the place mentioned, the engine was thrown from the track in some manner. The Sudden stopping of the 'engine caused the cars to tumble up into a pretty bad -mix," and several of them were more or less smashed. One of the cars contained fourteen horses, all of which were killed or hurt so badly as to make the killing of them necessary. The caboose was ended up and thrown violently forward, landing on one of the wrecked cars beside the track. The person in charge of the horses was in the caboose, and was thrown out by the shock. He fell on the wrecked Car' and was caught under the bottom of the catmoso as it descended. His Situation Was dltieeevered and it was supposed, of course, that he was dead but when he was extricated it was found. that he had snitained only a few slight braises. One of the brakemen, we understand, was also thrown some distance, but escaped with only slight in juries. FATAL ACCIDENT' AT JONINSTOWN, The Johnstown Tribune says: Another frightful akd fatal accident has occurred, in . this.vicinity, ter the particulars of which we are indebted to Coroner J. A. Harrold. On last Monday a party of men under the supervision of Mei Benjamin' Jose went into an abandoned ore drift of the Cambria Iron Company on Prospect Hill, for the purpose of removing some old rails forming apart of the track of the drift. The drat had been abandoned for about four years. When the main body of the party had advanced about twenty or thirty yards, an explosion of "fire damp" took place, the gas being ignited ftom a lamp in the cap of Joseph Boltz, who was about one hundred yards ahead of his companions. Prank Boltz, Conrad Teeter, and Frederick Metzkor rev( ived injuries from the effects of which they huge since died. James George; William Wills, Frederick M'lntvre and PatrickdirAleer also re ceived severe injuries. It Is thought that' one of them cannot survive. All the, injured men, ex cept Metzker, were heads of families. The Coro ' ner held an = inquest on the body of each of the dead men, the jury in each. Instance finding a verdict of "accidental death." `STATEMENT OF :THE.ASSETS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE -INSURANCE (1051. PANT. published In conformity' with the provisions of the sixth section.of the Act of Assembly: approved April 5 i t 42: itouris and .. • $840.6:0 00 Bills Feeeivable....,. —..,......... .. . .. • %kali 20 Philadelphia City 5ixe5........... ..... ... 67,135 40 Philadelphia City fives 4,086 7n Pennsylvania State Loan... ... ....... ..... 133,001 00 Cincinnati sixes; .10„RX .. 1 00 PP trburgh eixes.-.... ..... 5.535 00 United blares Loan; 6tr cent., 1881.. 20,000 00 Crated States Loan. 5- ;1865- ..... . . 25,000 00 I,r, lied Statea;Loan,'ls/20, 1867:-.. . 106.000 00 United StatesLoan,s4o, 6 per cent 50,000 00 Philadelphia. 'and ,Raltimore • Railroad Company, seo /Maros. ... 22,957 8 3 Pennsylvania ,Railroad - COmpanY,'42oehares.. 20,118 46 Pennaylvanimltailroad Company Loari...' ... 10.000 00 Camden and Araboy Railroad Company LOaii, 63,103 55 Philadelphia and'Erio 'Railroad Co. 24,600 00 North Pennrylvania Railroad Co . Loan 37,9 N 50 ilarriehmg. Portsmouth:4m. B. Co. L0an:..._16,500 00 Schuylkill Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 6,503 54/ Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 'Loan, 34570 0/ I/clawnre Divi.ion Canal 'L0an.,...';?: . .. 17,613 00 Philadelphia flank. 234 rharea ^ 24,340 'Ai Wolfe' n Bank, 220 . . .. . . .... . 11,000 00 . . . ..-. . . . . Girard Bank, 125 shares - ' .'' .... 6.1V5 od N ranklin Niro Ineurance Co.,' 3i) rhatea........ ' 2.891 7 3 61 an azunk GBH ho., 20 aharee.:......'. 398 88 Feat ketate. No. 510 Walnut atront... , TWO ud Guth. ..... ........ ............ '.':-.... ;..... . . ..... . ....' 11,751 3i . . , . ... A BiLlilliA N EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCUR. ..0, porated lEilti.--CharterPerpetuaL • No. 810 WALNU3' street, above Third,Philitdelphia. Ila vim; a largo pald-up•Capital Stoat and Surplus in. vested Iri sound' nd available Seciaritiss, continue to In sureron dwellings, stores, fu rn iture, merchandise, vessels In Dort, and -their cargoes, nud other personal property. All loSseohborally and promptly adjusted. 1)1RLLI ORS. Thomas Ka Maria.• ' ' : - Edmund G. EMMA, 1 John Welsh. Charles W„ PettPettit/ Patrick Brady. israel Morris, ! John% Lewis, - ~' , ; - ', John,KWetherlll. ; : • - •TIMINIAS it. filiatdOnt., '• -ALDEZT C. CILANSTOILD B(gretArY faIEXIECO. het. [From ibo Hamilton (Ontario) Times, Jan. 7.] RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Explosion of Fire Damp ipirstitos „. $1,034,446 31 VAU WILL G. oßowyt,L, secrotaxY. MEE '.'...:.:',.0N.1TED 'S.EPV,I:tXTY, LIFE 1151BITRABOE AND TRUST OF PENNSYLVANIA; Offica,Boutheait Cori Fifth and Chestnut, 1 3 HILADELPH.U.. Capital, - - - $1,000,000 , GEORGE H. STUART, l'hiladslpkis. . GEtittGE W. CHILDS, WILLIAM A. YuItIEIL . ' F. A. MLEk EL, : ' - WM, V:AIoKEAN, TIIOII4AS W. t; VANS. • " , • S. IL lIGROTMAAN. .. A. J.MREELL, JOel..l'M PAT.( ERSON,, " . . W m. C. lIOUSTON, " S. J. FOLMS. _ _ __ . New York-JAMES M. MORRISON, reesident'MArtUat• . Uri Batik. __ < & • - _ . JOSEeII_STUAIWT, of J. J. Stuart A; Co.. . Bankers. Barfort-Mon. E. S. TORRE (late President Board of Trade.) _ _ _ _ Cincinnati-A. E. CIIAMBERI,AIN, of Chantberiain'a ciaargrk-L. Z. LEITER, of Field, letter & Co. , . ' C. M. SMITII, of Geo. U. Smith & Brothers. fituikcis. . . Loving/0, .14.-WM. GARVIN, of Garvin, Be ll & Co< ,Nt. kouf#7, JAMES E. It EA . IMAN, Lathier Merchant!" National Bank. Deli more-WM. _ERA SCOTT SMITH. Soverbtendeot ConeolidAted Railway Line New York to ' , f Washington. ... • " S. B. tiktuEbtAKES, of Adams At' Co. Er. ••. CffiIIEYTIAN AX. of G. W. Gail dr, Az. •• FRANCIS T. KING, -President Central Savings Bank. Bon. J. W. PATTEMON. U. 8. Senator from N. 11. . , . GEORGE H. STUART, President. C. F; BETTI, Secretary. J. L. LUDLOW, M. D., Consulting Physician. MAIDIVIN, M. D.. JOREPEI P. }WEEPER. M. D.,( Medkal. Ex " aluerB * C. STUART PATTEEBONI Counsel. RICHARD LUDLOW. This CemPany issues Policies of Life Insurance upon all the yarrowe plans that bade been proved by toe expe rience of European end American Commune.: to be wife, sound and tellable, at rates as LOW and UPON TERMS AB l ility PA.TORABLE 'ea those of say company of equal sta. .Ali policies are non forfeitable after the payment of two or more premiums. nob th a to 3m 1 - .(IQC)CIi PERPETUAL-. -11-4.lAd FELAN - MLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA„ NOS 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on January 1, 1868, 02,4308,740 09. • capital .tfaxBlll2B AccruedEincrplux. Yranhans 1,184.b46 20 13171.9 , M 11 13. Imo= F 1 211 . 1868. 4°. Loma Paid Since 1829 Over 05,500,900. Perptrtnal and Temomary Policies on Liberal Terms. PUIFA:IORI3. Chan. N. Rancher. I Alfred Fttler. Samuel Grant. Thomas Spatial. Goa. W. Richards.l Wm. S. Grant. lease Lea. Alfred U. Baker. _ Geo. Fates. Thomas L. Ellis. - - CHARLES N. BaNGKEK, Prealdent. GEO. FAZES. Vice Yrerident. JAB. W. PIoALLIISTF.R. Secretary pro tern. Except at J.sinaten, Kentucky. this Company has no Agencies west of Pittsburgh. fold 'flat RELLANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL. ADELPHIA. Incoryonstedin VAL Charter Perpetual. . .011ft°, No. 800 Walnut street. CAPITAL $200.000. natures againat loss or damage 17 FIRE. on Houma Storesand o:her Buildinga. limited or peapetnal. and on Furnitnre. Goods. Water and Marchandue in town or country. __ LOt RES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Ameta ........ ...... ................ ....$187498 82 Inverted in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgagee on City Property,well eecured.Sl6,6oo 00 United btatea Government Lea5ur............. .. 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6per cent. L0ann.......... ... 75,000 00 VenmylvanialsB,ooo,oou 6 per amt. L0an........ 80,e00 01 Penneylvanta Railroad Benda, first Mortgage.. 5.030 00 Camden and dmhoy Railroad (;ompany'a 6 per Cent. Loan. 6,503 00 I -0111115 crt'Collaterals ............ ........ 500 00 Iluatingoon and Broad Too 7 per Cent. Mort gage Bonds. 4.560 00 t minty trio, Insurance Company's 5t00k...... 1.050 00 Mechanics" Bank Stock. 4,020 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stack 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock..... 880 00 Iteliance'lnaurance Company of Philadelphia StockB,lso 00 Cash in Bank and on hand............ ....... 12.258 31 Worth at Par. Worth this date at market prices DIRECTORIEL Clem. Tingley. Thomas H. Moore , Wto.,hluseer, Samuel Castner. Samuel Mecham. James T. Young, B. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker. Wm. Stevenson, Chrbitian J. Hoffman. Benj. W. Tingley,_ _ d Samuel II Thomas. E ward Enter. CLEM Tnomaa C. DELL. secretary.. TINGLEY. President Pumanzurnis.„ December 1.186& jal.tli th s tf MBE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF; Lice. No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. -The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Ince; porated by the Legielature of PermsYlra- Ida in 1M for indemnity &naiad, loom or damage by fire. exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Thia old and reliable institutiomwith amnia capital and contingenffund carefully invested, contiir.. to insure buildings. furniture, merchandise, dc., either pen:mu:tent ly or for a limited time,egainst iota or damage by firs% at the lowest raMicorudetent with the absolute moiety of ita customers. Loosen adiusted and_paid peculate despatch. Chao. • ORS: Ch J. DIRECT butter, Andrew 8. Miller s Henry Budd. James N. Stone, join Horn. EdwinL. Reaktrt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr.. George Macke, Mark Devine, S SUTTkA President. MEN BUDD, Vice President. • BENJAMIN F. 110E0CLEY. Secretary and Treasurer FREUNEURANCE EXCLUSIVELY .- THE PENN. aylveala Fire Insurance Comyany—lncornorated 1825 —Charter Perpetuar—No. 610 Walnut street. opoo4te DU dependence -Square. This tom pany, favorably known to the community for over forty years. continuos to insure against lose ordam. age by tire. on Public or Privato Buildings, either perms uently Cr for a 'Milted time. Also, on Furnitine, Stocks of Goods and Merchandise genera lly. on liberal terms. ' Their Usenet. together with a largo' Surplus Fund, la investedin a most. careful murner. which 'enables them to offer tp the insured an undoubted security in the Case of loss DIRECTORS. Italia smmor., . John Deverellx..l Alexander Benson. - Thomas Smith, Isaac Ilazieburet, - Henry Lewis. Thomas Robins. Daniel Ha ddo c k ! Gllingham Fell, Jr. DANIEL tt* LTII. Jr., President. Vi G. Caownts.„ Secretary JEPPERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Philadelphia.—Oftice. No. 24 North Fifth street. near Murk et street incorporated by the Legielatnre of Pennsylvania. Char ter eerpctual. Capitaland Asse 121Edoett Make hum. ramp against Lose or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildinge Furniture. Stocks. Goods and Merchandise. on favorable Orme. • DIRECTORS, • • Wm. McDaniel. EdwardP. Moyer. Urea Peterson. • Frederick Ladner. John F. klelsterling, , Adam J. Masc. Henry Thomner, ' Henry Delany. Jacob Schandeln. John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian p. Frick. Rotuma MUler. George D. Fort,' D. Gardner. • , WILLIAM McDANIEL. President. • PlutApt. PETERSON, Vice President, PHILIP E. CoLustan. Secretary and Treasurer. FAME I'NBURAEOE COMFANY.':NO. 406 CHESTNUT. PHILADELPHIA_ , FIRE INSURANCE •EXU.LUBIVEL,Y. DIREUTORd. • Chas. Richardcon. • Opo. A. West , • Wra, ' • Nathan Butes. • 'Pravda rt. Buck. • • - , lJohn Evorman. llenry_tew •• ;Edward B. Orao. John Kt celcr. Jr.. , • Chas.' Stokese • Robert kearce ' • Mordecai link!. • - ' )• kflAid. RI EAROEION. Rivaldent.' t •111 H. REA ViejiKrediant... Pf4lloXWlD.4B9orePkir. 1;;' i . '~ =IEIEI COMPANY, D11IEO ; r0liS: ; The Liverpool d on ,ee Globe ,--Insurance Compatfy. The :Report of this• C 0172- pany 68 shows: Preiniums - X 5,479,278 Lojes - 3,344,28 and after paying ,a divi dend ,of so per cent., the Total Afet.s. , are ; in Gold, $1710051026. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent, • No. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, • Pbadeittbfa. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM ?ANY Incorporated by the Lee/dative of Pennsylvania. 1.985. Office E. corner of - -TOMB - end WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. MARINSINISChANCES On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES' On goods by river. canal, lake , and land carriage to DB parts of the Union. FILE INSURANCES. On Merchandise generally 3 on Stores, Divellinip. Douses. &c, • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY." November 0,1868. 8200.000 United Stat. s Five Per Cent. Loan, 10 Roe . „.. ... . . —" $208,500 00 10:000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan. 50.000 Unird t d — ati; . /36*" 15° (for Pacific Railroad) , 50.500 00 2:11000 State of Pennolvarda Six Per Cent. Loan., ~ . 731.87 g 00 125,000 Cit., of' Philadelphia SIX Per Wit. Loan (exempt Irma Tax) 125,594 00 50,000 State'of -New ..nersey Six Per Cent Loan . . . . 51.600 00 20.000 Penntylvtiiiii - iiiiiiati &GA , : gage Six Per Vent. Bonds 20.200 0 25.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage/Mx Per cent Bonds.. 24.000 00 25.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage dix Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RR. guarantee). . ^.0.625 00 80.000 State of lertnestee Pty., Per Ceni. Loan . . 21.000 00 7,10 State of Stir" 'Pei : Loan. Mal 25 15.000 Germantown ( lda Com pany. princL . pal and „interest guaranteed by the t.:ity or Philadelphia, 800 shay es stock . ... . —" . . 15,000 00 10.000 Pemnylvania itaiL cad Company, 200 shares stock_ ... . .. 11.800 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany. Wu shares stock 8.500 00 a),000 Philadelphia and Fouthern Mall Bteamildp Company, 80 shales stock. .. . . . 1 5,000 00 207.900 Loans on Bond mid Mohgage:Hrst liens on City Properties......... 207,900 00 $1,1441,900 Per. Mutat Veins. 611.130.330 Coat. 83L093.604 Real E5tate......:..86.000 Ride Reedt&e for Inea=aneee • made ... .. . "... . . =486 94 Balances due at . A . liincles— . Pie. minims on Marine ullciez—Ac. trued Interest and other debts due the Company—. 40.178 83 Stock and Scrip or "iumdt dirpors. $43356W. uinated value.— ........ 1.813 00 Cash In Bank:— ..$116,160 08 (lash in Drawer.......... 413 66 116,663 73 DIRECTORS; Thomas C. Hand. Edmund A. Bonder. John C.D.s's - Le, Samuel E. Stokes. James C. Band Henry Sloan, 11"bilus Paulding* William C.. Ludwig. Josephki. Beal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. henry C. Dallett.. Jr.. John R. Penrose, John D. Taylor, Jacob P. Jones. Gorge W. Bernadou, James Traquarr. Wiliam G. Boohoo. Edward Darlington. Jacob Maga. B. Jones Brooke. Soencer M'ilvalne. James B. M'Farland. John B. Scruple, Pittsburgh, Edward Lafourcade. D. 'I. Morgan. do . Joshua P. Eyre, A. B. Borger, do. THOMAS C. BAND. President JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice Prealdent. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. EN ICY BALL. Aee't Secretary. de2141 FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADOL. phis, Incorporated March 27. 1820. °Moe. Er ~.•• No. 89 North Fifth street. Insure Belle= Household :Furniture and idereli generally from Cosa by Fire (in the City of ."• Philadelphia only.) I• Statement of the Assets of the Association January let. 1868. published in compliance with she Pro visions of the Act of A ssembly of April 6th, 1842. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia 0n1y.... ..... ......... 17 Ground Rents 18.819 88 Peal Estate - • • 151.744 67 Furniture and Fixtures of ...... 9,990 03 U. S. 6.20 Itoppistered 80nd5......... ........... 95,000 to Cub on hand 81.878 11 - ' - Total 81.728.10 i 86 TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, Samuel Spartiawk. Peter Keyser, Charles P. Bower. John Carrow. Jesse Lightfoot. George I. 1r oung, Rot ert dtioemaker. Joseph It. Ly'nduli. Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats. M. H. Dickinson. Peter Wi amson. WM. H. HAMILTON Preside t, SAMI.D.L SPAILtiAWK. Vice PI ealdent. WM. T. 8UT5.M1., Secretary. $437,538 32 Y IX INSURANCE CUM ANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1801—CHARTER PERTETIJAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company insures fromlossesor damage by FIRE on liberal terms on buildings. merchandise, furniture. for. limited periods, and permanently on buildings by.deposit or premium. The Company has been In active operation for more tbau sixty years. during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS: John L. Hodge. David Lewis. M. B. Mahony, Benjamin Elting, John. T. Lewis. Thos. H. Powers, Win. 2- Grant, A. R. McHenry. Robert W. Learning, Edmond tiastillon. D. (nark Wharlou r Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis. Jr., Louis C. Norris, JOHN R. WUCHERER, President. BA stray. WiLoOx. Secretor/. -$454.M...11,E UNITEDkULLADEL FIREME II N'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 1.) pPIA. This Coinpany takes risks at the tweet rates consistent with safety, and conlinte its bush:Less exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN PMIA. TIIE CITY OF PECILADEI, OFFICE—No. 123 Arch street. Fourth National Bank Building. D,LB,PerOB Thomas J. Martin. Charlea R. Smith. John Hint, Alberto! King. Win. A, Rollin, Henry Bumm. James James Wood. W Mara Glenn. John tihaLlcross. Joules Jenrier, J. Henry Askin. Alexander T. Welton. Mina Mulligan., Albert C. Roberts. Fhillu Fitzpatrick. CON B. ANDREdd. President. Wu: A:BOLIN. Tread. WY. PAGER. Sec'y. ANTBRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY.--CHAR. TER PERPETUAL, _ Office, No. all WALNUTatreet. above Third. Phila, Win insure against Loss or Damage bY Fire on Build• logs, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Wand Insurance It, all parted' the Union. DIRECTORS. Wm. Esher. , Lewis Audenried. I). Luther, John Ketcham„ John R. Blairiston. J. E. salmi. Wm. F. Dean. John. D. Heyl. Peter plyter, Samuel Lt. RothermeL WM. EBIIER. kreeldent. w F. DEAN. Vice President, • Wm. M. tharru:SecretarY HB PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT— •• B. E. corner of SIXTH and'HAGE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry; L isunonde. Gold and, S li ver t'late. and on all articles of value. for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE] SALE. Fine Gold Hunting CluteDouble Bottom and Open Face English, American and fa wise Patent Lover Watches!' Fine Gold Hunting Case and jDpen Face Lepine Watches' Flue Gold Hunter and other Watches' t Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and, Open Face , Englishodmerican and limas Patent Lever and Lepinz Watches," Double Case English Quanta and other ,Watehea•._ Ladled', Fancy Watches Diamond Brea:did= ; Finger Maga:Ear 'Rings ; Studs' Fite Hold 40hains..... ildedaillonaLßraceletk; Scarf Pins t Breastpins ; Finger ;Muss ; Pencil Cases and Jewelry generally FOR BALE.—A large • end , valuable Fireproof Cheats imitable fora Jeweler" cost €dso ,• ' Also. several Lott in tiouDt Gamden,Fifth and Chestnut 4 CriONEEltti.'-• - iitc:i4 481fartillt'silVir. teh!ku".`' PEOTFIER4.4V_IIOTIONEETW. - - • (Lately lialcaLnen.tor M. Thomas dt ion/ in No. 629 VILEBTNUTX ',twat. rear entrance trout , or. !:: - ':*'!:"`I . i.;!•1 ;;...k 'f'..f i,,-0:::.;::Li'.4....,:: INSURIIIIIIOII. AUIUTION 9e,i4;t4 it:twine ft cams. AIAYZIOND • 139 and Mt South Fourth dram, 13)N . E. Arta' EXEDBITIDN AND SALE OF TUE:VERY 11.1011YbT ThIPORTANOR., fM HNoEmii.lio out! visor- to DOUPNL! - Naar York. announceo to thepanple of. Phili tdelehia. that, Os • will make an important - ufttring o Fine Work" MC janu ary n:xt, and desigtui that it shall no the flua* and moot elegant olllection of Pictures and Worksof Art ever offered tn. Phliadelpoia at public sole— Tire entire CollettictO be on 021,113100 n in the eastern gonads!' 01 the, Pennsylvania Acadetat of Flue Arts; Conlitterudirs about January tat.' until the day of sale. • At the request of M. Knoedler the entirt, arraugeuttint s exhibition ' gelling. sill he under the emmeenattoer Mr; Gliarles F. Moot Itine,ll2.l, t hestnuteL SALES OP. STOCIS AND BDAL . ESTATE. 1W Public Bales at thoPhitadelphtaßzellartaeßvidinr TLESDe.F. at 12 o'clock. 11 , " Furnl'uro 'Sales , at the Auction Store 'EMERY THOR/WAY. • ' • -• • - Bales at Itestdelieas receive eoPildeasneetkaL , , • STOCKS,. LOANS, 'ozw. t eic: , •• TEDAY A JAN.' At 12 o'clocknoon. at ttut rhiliedelPhia,hlFollandel. 541 rtinreei lianktd Tennessee. . , 10 eharea Fourth National Bank. lo abarte t ank of North' Aintrina. 100 sharer. Pacific and Atlantic to abates Cet, trat Transportation Lo. 1 'hero Philadelphia Library. .s± 1 share Mercantile Library Co. $lO COO Upton I. noble It.-NW Co. 6 per cent. gold. *Eta) t neon Pacific Land Grant Berndt!. 7 per cant. Sao CU. N mortgage bonds McKean and Elk'Land (Fs. times 'took McKean Attn . Elk Land Orsi • . • rooter.s. ' 112540 Chesapeake and Del. Clonal Long.- • "" 214010 F, nn'a t tato Loan. third eerier. Yo ehares Phcantx Man ranee Co.. 40 abort,. Or., retantoernl nrnpike Co. ' _2 • 1 share Philadelphia - and Southern MALI atom- Executor`a Sale. ", 'r! Pew N 0.52 IYrat Baptist Church, Broad and Asa spa, , . • REAL ESTATE SALE, JAN: Will. • • r".. . Pere mrtory Bale-To Cloee an Estate - VERY VALU ABLE ItUHiNYr.B STAND-THREFATOBY 'SRI= hTtoRE ant.D.WEt. LING; N. W: comer of 'Eighth and Cherry ate., with 2 I hmmatorY Belot Dwelibigc en the rear_ t.nLberry et.--%1 feet front, 101 feet dope. pr.fenrpthry Sale-To- Clete an Estate-VERY DBRI; ROBLE and VALIIABLE OLAY LttT.l244 acme, delphia Bud Trenton' Railroad and Bridge it. thideabarge Twenty.tblrd Ward • • Peremptory Sale-To Cloee an Petate-THREEBTORT DIKE. DWELLING. No. 104J6 Wtttar et. , Sale ...1.14 Order of 'lb trI.IIItEE.STORY BRICK ELLJNO, Ne. 18:8 Brown. st • lIREE.STORY - BRICK DWELLING, No. Matter et... 14144 of thtt.Framliford road, with TWO alOryFrame dhop in the rear. hiateetith Ward. MODEM' TILREE.43TORY BRICK. BUILDING, No; 1919 carrion et. • . . DESIRAIti E FOURZTORY BRICK DWELLING, 1W 1738 gamma et . . VA LUAIJLE LOT, 13; E. corner of Broad and SUM rte..l9 feet 6 inches. front. 100 feet 4 inches deep. • VALUABLE LOT, Broad et... adjoirdng- the above. UP feet front. 81ieet4inchesin dot th. VALUABLE LOT and IMPROVEMENT&Ereed adjoining the above. 20 feet front 4 inchea in depth ALUABI E BUSINESS . STAND—FOUtt.STOitir BRICE UOTELand,DWELLING.N. E. comet of Broad. and Christian eta , 20 feet front. 20 feet in depth. 11 NUt3OIIE MODERN T2inEE.l3O OEM BRIM /ter.. Bi BENCE. No. - 1263 ; Ululation at.. 19 leer front, ..60 ha de 14 h. I Plan of the above six properties can be seen at the auction looms. veremptory BaIeITHREE-BTORY 1311101E134011E and DW ,1141.1. B. E. corner of Pront and. Otter sixteenth l4 ard. . • • , • tereroptory ale---MODERN THREE•STOBIr MUCK BE iiiDENCE, No. 118 North Nineteenth at. above Arch street Peremptory , SaIe—LARGE and. VALUABLE LOT BREWERY and FLINIIRESB. E. corner of Ann and vr Edgemont ete., thward. , .Peremptmy Sale—Estate of Sarah. Stewart.deceased:— WELL-SECURED ' 'ILUtr.DEEJRALME GROUND REM , $3O a year.. , . Bale Fo. 1805 Girard avenue. HANDSOMF. FURNITURE, ROFBWOOD MIRROR, VELVET catcPgre, ONFRIDAY MORNING. Ja uary 15. at 10 o'clock, at No. 1805 Girard avenue. by , catatonia. the Household Furnictue. including—Hanel- POMO Walnut Parlor and Dining Room Furniture. Pealed ' Ware. China and Glassware. Elegant Rosewood 00vett octave Piano. French Plate tier Mirror. Walnut Frame; Fnarevings. Walnut and Mahogany Chamber Furniture., Hair Matrerses, Feather Soda, Table and Bed Linen. Blankets, a c.; Velvet, Ingrain and , other tiarPataXliotton, umiture. SALE OF A VALITABLE LAW LEBRARY„ • ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Jan 15 at 4 o'clock, Including the Pew:ow/Tanta and other Repoita , • By Postponement. - - - - - - STOOK OF SUPERIOR BALKY COWL HOME% LUSBY. Sq. FARM WACIONL_CARTSX_OWING CHINES, HORSE KAHN, FARMING- IMIT!SIIItIN.P% 0., dm. ON MONDAY. • , 'L January 18. of 12 o'clack M. precisely, at Harmer Thomas's Farm% Grare lane, between Darby road and Baltimore nike, Twenty.seyenth Ward, withlut , reserva. the ettire stock. • - • • • - --- tar No postponement on account of the-weather. The said will commence precisely at 12 o'clock. • $1.647.80 60 THOMAS BIRCH & SON AUCTIONEERS AND contrasslort mhitoutumr. - - No. 1110 CHESTNUT street - Rear Entrance Ne. 1107 flansom street HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DINNIETP. TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the Meet reasonable terms. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street• , NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD - FUREY, TURF, CARrEI,B, MIRRORS. LACE CORTAINS. PIANOS. BiLVER PLATED WARE. _ _ ON FRIDAY HORNING. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Mesta* !beet, will be sold—A tarn assortment of superior Furnl lute. including—Brussels.Napestry,lngrain and Venetiaa t arpetr, Parlor suits t f Walnut Furniture, in plush end terry; Walnut Chamber Suits, Sideboards. -with marble tops; Walnut Wardrobes, Bookcases, Extension Dining Tables marble top Centre and Bouquet Tables. Lettagale, Spring end Hair Matrerses, Feather Beds, China tad Glassware, Silver Plated Ware. Cottage Furniture. &o. LAUF' CURTAINS, Also, an invoice of fine Lace Curtain.. LARGE MANTEL GLASSES. One French Plate Mantel Glass, 79 by winches; one So. do. to br 40 inches. LADTES' CLOAKS. An invoice of Line Baequea Sacks. &c. BROW CASE. One large Upright Show Care. ii,HeMPAGNE WINE. . Also, 50 cases of C:hampene Wine. SALE OP ELEGANT ITALIAN VASES. 3T/LTV PATES, SILVER. PLATED , WAhE 044.. ON FRIDAY EVENING. At 7}l o'clock, at the auction store, will be sold. en ti- voice of abreast moods. Just imported from Italy, consist ing of Carved Stone Vara% Teases. Groupe and Figurer, Mantel Ornaments. gic. Mao. an armament of Superior Silver Plated Ware and Tohle Cutlery. B. SCOTT. Ja., AUCTIONEER.. • SCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia SPECIAL SALE OP A PRIVATE COLLECTION OE 6 PAINTINGS. The Property of D. T. SHAM Esq.: late of Baltimore. ON THURSDAY AND VisIDAY EVEDiINGS, January 14 and 15, At 7ld o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery No. 102) Chet& nut street, will be sold, the _private collection of Pictures belonging to D. T. SHAY . _ Dim. late of . Balti more. comprising works by English, french and Ameri can celebrities; also, a number by eome of Bleat& nue ten. Now open for exhibition. . SPECIAL SALE OF THE STOOR. OF A. FANOY, GOODS STORE. The Property of a Party Declining Hush:tees, remsved for Convenience 'of Sale. _ ON FRIDAY MORNJENO. Jon. 15. at 10 &cleat. st Scott% Art Callan No. let Ohe taut sheet, will be sold without the least reserve.the entity Stock of a Fancy Goods Stemeomprbing the MUMS assortment, viz.—Porcelain Vases. Card Receivers. Tollvt, Sets, Gilt Goods. Combs,agt Brushes. Papier Macho and Poem ood Deal , " Cabas, , _ SILITs ,MOUNTED F BENCH PLATE SHOWCASE. Also, 2 eight fef.t thoweases, 2 feet wide.l3 inches deep., Also.l ki.T. feet Showcase. 2 feet wide. 1.8 inches deep. HOOKS. STATIONERY &a. Also, in continuation. a number of hooks, Stationern Engr►vinge. Litbowtapbs, &c. . Orris for examination on Wednesday morning. • A. MoULELLAND, AUCTIONEER. ' T. tats (=STRUT street CONCERT HALL 'AUUTICN wow. Rear Entrance on Clover street. Household Furniture and Merchandise of every do. volution received on consignment: Bales of Furniture at_ dwellings attended to on reasonable lemma. Sale at the Auction Store. 1219 Chestnut etreoG ON FRIDAY MINANING. 'January 15. emulating in part of . Parlor Furniture.' lii putt:, of plumb end terry rich Chamber Runt in oil; Wal. nut Dining Room Furniture, Early Chaim marrenies, film SILVER 'ELATED WARE, , CARE BAFICE'TS, CAISTORS. SPOONWArORICIL Ago. FP , E CRY. HANDLE TABLE CUT) ._ BY BABBITT "di CO..iAUCTIONEItnta, • CASE AUCTION HOUMA,. No. 280 fdARIEST street. corner of BANE 'tweet. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. FROM THE SHELVES. ON FRIDAY fdORNINO. , . • , January IR, at 10 o'clock, a general assortment of Dry :Goods, Clothing, hhirts, Drawers, Jackets. &c.. compris. lug •everal stocks from retail stores. Alto, stock of Pocket Cutler Jewelry, &c.; ' • • • __A.DDITION AL, _ -- • FURS! - FURS! At 11X o'clock, 100 lots Ladles' Misses' and Children's Fine. comprising Boileau Bay Salve, Mink liable. Sibe rian Squirrel. Fitch, Blue Coney, &c. - • JAMES A. ENZEMAN.AUCTIONEKR. • . :—..• -, -' No. 1 9 2 WALNUT ortiviedi. '" • A VALUABLE TRACT OF 20 AC ffEll OF IiA.NE. , . ;- With MRVllollllquee, Idling Sun Lane. intersected lb* - Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Weventb, Ontario and Mimi. s street within 20e teet of die Old York {toad . railiam de 4t' Brick actv. Terme easy. ..,z,-...... valuable bneinees property No. 819 Arch atreet..... BLELINGTON.--4 !Undue= Manalonicon Mau if 4 let 6e be 7i feet . ~ IiaLINIII.IO. DURBOROW & CO.,' AticrilONEEXl. LI No. 2.73 and WA MARKET street; cornet Bank at. Sue&wean, to John R. %Mit &Co •I ri AT PRIVATE (R RALE S, . p, e5O Fages M M N TYOA WAYCAT.r f_ dc.. . , il LEE 0.. U. Mc4;-- AUCTION R 4. U. No.loB Mi/Wir greet' T . 1, ABRIDGE acw, m ,AuumEmia. • Na 606 WLAREET Omit. abovo WOW 7 - # ° P r E- di234•Noirn NINTH Ilaq on 'iy ° Reti u o remnu'lly g ' fl orro ta ..7=El 3 l3 ol 4s 4o9i 6B.— ': inadu m*l,4 ArITIP, !MITI SAL NAPA; 4%.111) SUOIES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers