GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. 'MWM VOLUME Bitten THE, EVENING. BULLETIN. _...:-._..:.PUBLISHED EVERY . • - {BUndsYs-BECOSed). - IT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING. 601, Chtimitinit,Ntreeti P11110.410/Phia. If Tile EVENING BULLETIN A9BOOIATION. GLIBSCIO PHA , CASPER. BnODER, W. WKWrolv THUS:J;WI WED B LILIAMSON: FRXNUIts . The Jilhe Iserved to oubeeribere in we city at 18 Feats per week, parable to the terriers. or $8 oar annum. 5O Pet. Cent. Dividend beolared on January Ist, 1869, BY The Ameiican Life Insurance Co. OF -PIISIEtAXIELPERIA., , S. ..E oar. Fourtn and Walnut Ste. W hot does this signify to those insure.* and those about to be insured in "The Atne'riean , Pi ' Int.—lt chows the vroeperity of the COIM)Stii. 2d.—lt shows that the Company does a safe btitindat. Bd.—lt shows that the affelin'ef. the Company aro well managed. 4th.—lt chows that the Company have placed Just one halt of the annual premium to the credit of every polt:y holder. and mar be need. CAitll le pay the premium when duo. tth.—lt shows that PI iledelphisiii and Pennsylvanians need not go outside of their osin City and state to find all that is desirable in any Life Ito/wawa Company and o secure ;lithe possible benefits of being Insured. Why didn't you go into the American Life last year? See to it that you go in for the neat dividend. ALIIL-ITEILLIAN, Md.l GEO. NMI!, Vice Pact. JOHN & ifILEAS. Eu'y. I /On 0.0114 Actuary. J 514 the tend JOHN C. TABER, General Agent OF ?HO AMERICAN LIFE INSURANOE GOKPAITY OF WHILADELPEIG, S. E coiner Fourth and Walnut Streets. At Office dilly from 12 to 2 o'clock. CANVAIUSERS WANTED. 11.410tA la/ EWING CARDS. LNVITATIQNII FOR PAR tom. at. New styles. DiAsON & nu2stfe fel Chestnut street. WEDDING INVITAMONB ENGRAVED IN tsE Newest. and best manners. LOUIS REEK& tton•-r and Mummer. 1t33 Chestnut stxsat. tab d , a- COLE-831ILEY.--Ork Jannarr Ilith, b,y Bey. J. Wheaton Smith-D.o.Jan C.+1..010_, of Troy, N. Y.. and Emma M. t3mU.ey. d 'tighter of Llf. Thomas T. Bmiley.of this city No cards. • EIEWLRY—liOlzit —lf —Coelho 1201 tact . at th. Church of the Holy Trinity, by the Rev. Phillips Brooke. James H. Bewley. of Troy.. ff. Y.: to Anna, dangatcrof Ono late tient" J. Bolter, of this clty. - • DIED. . itERTSEN.--tinTuesday, _the lie instant. Robert H. siert/Kn. I n the year of age. Viihilf*/ the rtlidaY: toe lith inst. at SL Lakes Gharch. Germaotown: mortar', aid o'clock. .• BiLACKIMP.N.--Suddettly. on the 13th he _ethic! Blackourr aired 61' ears. His rel., yes and friends artarerptnifollytterltell to at tend hie funeral, from hi. lota reeldttore, Lid North Broad street , ontaturday, lith inst.. at 2 o'clock. to ere cted to Laurel Hill. •• ItUNTING.--On Third-day afternoon, tbe 12th Inn.. Sarah H.. dauguter or the late Josiah Bunting, in the Seth rear of her age. The relatives and friends of the family areinvited to attend 'the funeral, from her late re:Witte. Darby. on tltst-day. the DU Wet., at 2 o'clock P.M., a ithont further notice ••• DU —January 12th. IW. Walter B. Dick; in the year cf his ago. The friends and relatives, the uttmberr of tho Scot's Thistle, Bt. Andrew's and Pennsylval in Histories! Socie ties; also, Eastern Star Lodge A. V. H.. are invited to at. tene the fortertd: from his late residence. No. 625 North Lhlith •trett. OD' Friday al teimoon. , at I o'clock. , It tor. • me. t at Woodlands. Hi/ I FS.—At Bristol, Pe.. en Tuesday, the 12th het» D. borate W.. widow of John Phlilips.M. H. Iho relatives and friends of the fiend, are reePectilllr Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her son-inlaw. Symington Phillips, on Friday, January 15th. inst. a ithout further notice WlbTklt --(ns the 12th nut., at Beleeld , the residence of her grandfather, William Whiter. Jennie Boa• Meter daughter of John Winter. Jr. and Sallie T. Wister, of Diattrannon. MAGNIFICENT BLACK DRESS BILKS. SATIN FACED CROGRAE 4 iI3. HEAVIEST EORDED SILKS. WiDloWS` SILKS NEW WT. BLACK SILKS wHIMESALE. EYRE & LANDEEL, Fourth and Arch Streets. SPECIAL 110T1tIES. Mr Academy of Music: MISS ANNA El DICKINSON. HER NEW LECTURE. A. STRUGGLE FOR LIFE, On Friday Evening, January 15th. RESERVED SEATS.— .*** . . FIFTY CENTS. .I"wifIiTY.FIVE CENT& PRIVATE BOXES in Balcony.. ing 8 . . ..... ............ . .TlDur.E DOLL 4.113- Tickets to be had at GOULD'S Piano Rooma No. P 2 ti CIIEkiTNU I' Street. and at the Academy on the Evening of the Lecture. Doom open at 7. Lecture precisely at 8. SPECIAL—To avoid Interruption. the audience is most earnestly requested to be mated before the Lecture brains.. 'seam§ Bar American Academy of Mick, The Eleventh Annus' Exhibition by Pupils of L. LEWIS'S GYMICO.SIUM. Tuesday, January 10. Ticket, with reserved feat., . . Oente. Secure them in time sit GYkibiatilifbf., Cotner NINTH. and ARCH. jail Hupp J.. THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY; OFFICE No. 406 CUESTNUT,STREET. • - • PAHA Dircrin A. 3111:1USXY18.113tilk At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of he Com- TABUS'. held the Ehwenth day of January, UM the follow in gentlemen' were elected /Erecters for the ensuing year: Charles Richardson; George A. West, . : Wm. - H• Rho , n. Nathan HMIs. • - Francis N. Reek. -. John W. Eyerman. Edward R. Orne ~, John Kessler, Jr.; '' ' Charles Stokes. Robert Pearce.• _ Mordecai Buzby. At a Meeting of the Board of Diroetore, held this day. CHARLES RICIAAItDSON was elected,•President, 11. RHAWN. Vice•Preeldentand • • , WILL'IAbIe BIANCHAREi t Secretary. gr SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF MILAN/M. • Fnakurrusiu, January 13. 1869. , At au election bold on the 121 a instant .thelollowing named gentlemen were duly elected Directors of this Bank for the ensuing year. _1 * • - Nathan 11111 es. William Proton. Benj. B. Deacon, William H. ithawm ' Ch 0. W. Rhawn, ' Benj. Rowland, Jr.,' Lewis Bhalicross, Jolia , Cooper,' • • Edwa liayea And at a subset:Merit meeting 'of' the Board NAT HAN BiLLEB was unanimonaly elect e d President. It JOHNS. BROWN, Cashier. SCIENTIFIC LECTURE, 811 ` 6'. HALL YOLNO MEN'S CHRISTIAN 'ASSOC!. ATI-IN. • - • t 1210 CHESTNUT STREET. CHARLES E. MIX, ESQ.. will lecture rCt.MORROW ( kliday) LVENING. at o'clock+ SubJect -t•Languagr , - its Origin and Uses. Janusry 22.E.R0F. L. J. DEAL Subject- - rhe Atmospht•rin Air." January 22-JUDOL TITUS. Subject--"Utalt and the Mormons." Tickets furnished at the rooms. 10. rkfty_d:_ ERANcE MEETING AT CO4- n- o e l FRIDAY EVENI246, Januar 15th.1809. tinder the anordees of the Y ... ' • _ Wil • 'TEMPERANCE BLE,SBIIII2. ' 4pee . aueo tbe WIIOMAmado by A, co taniAisr. P. 9 1„ and lt -. . . ... ... _ .. .ar..A. A. Wil LITS - D ) Ladles eeecdally invited. litirviceta: cildmence. cutarior to 8 e'Llock. . '• . iatkltrp „ ~ .. ~. . . 7 t ;.t... ,:. ~ .„. . .• , : .. ,,...r . , t, 7 ,t.: It, --t. t...,. 3 : ~ .4 t ).. : I, ‘• i i.;1,....4 s,l t, .;' ,• ' .. '% • I 1 - . i f, !, •' - ''?, it ?, :.L -- ;.''''-'..'; , • . • .. - '•''.. ,'-:'-..- .. • • ~... , , ~ -....- y - . 4 T , .. .- . • .- .. . , . .. . .. ... ~ . . ' .. , . , . . . .... . • • . • ; ~'..... .. ” 1. 1 ... ' . ... _. . - • .. .... ~ . . i ' • ' - - . '-'' " • --. . . . . . SPECIAL NOTICES.' Se t- J. F. & E. B. OItNE COUNTING TO BAMErr 0149 'BVlLEstilor No. 619 -.0 It EEPTNITT STREET, Where 1111 business will bo transacted.,_. 11()WELL* BAOS. F' CE FOR THE PRESENT WILL BE :itiT PARLOR 10, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. FnansattrAza, Jan 14, 18fa. it.s tar Noutcy. TO DEALERS IIN GUN POWDER. FROWN from an let for the "Tore Effectual PeeilellrBlloll of t Ile and Property from Damage. by the Explosion of Gunpowder and Gun Cotton in the City of Philadelphia. Be it enacted by the Ben ate and Bowe of Represente. flute oft he Commonwealth of Penneylvania. in General Areembly met, and it ie he reby enacted by the authority of the same, 7'hat it eball not be lawful for any parson or penoria to have or keep coy quantity of gunpowder or gun-cotton in env house. afore, ehOp. building. cellar, or other place. vi Rhin - the city, of Philadelphia (except in The public magezinee, or in a quantity not exceeding two ponnila for private uee), unless in the manner hereinafter provided. That it dial be LaWilli for the, Valor of the city of httadelphia tosenurt licenser, rurder the official seal of said city, to any person or persona desirous to tell gun. owdei or ettmeattewtherehr., TEE pereotior persons to licensed may have on their premise, quantity sr gun: powder or gun-cotton no exceeding in all tweets-doe peones at any one time. The person or persons so licensed hall not be protected against any of the penalties or con sequences hereinafter provided ter violations of this set, except while they have on some conap!cuous part at the front of each of the houses or buildings in which they may be licensed to sell gunpowder or guncotton under - his act a sign on which I*clistipetly painted. in let ters legible to persons patting such houses or bulldog% the words "Licensed to tell Gunpowder." or "Licensed to Fell Gun-cotton." That every carriage used for rouvayirg gunpowder or un cotton within the city of Philadelphia, in accordance with the provisions of the acts now in force relative thereto. ehall, In addition to the requirements therein . contained, have painted en , each aide thereof. In letters distbscilY legible - to' :AM parters.lry. the ' 'Gun That U any gunpowder. or :gunseottort. eaceedtog the quantity mentioned in this set. shall be found in the pos. enesion or custody of any person or violation of the prcriishnis herein .centaincd, by any fireman of any company belonetog to the Fire Department of the add city, during any fire t herein, it shall be lawful for sach fireman to seize the sa me vtithout any warrant, aid to Immediately convoy the ea me and report such seizure to the chief engineer of the Fire Department, or, In his ab Bence, the acting assistant engineer, and the said chid engineer or aedatant shall con% er or cauxe it to be zoo, veyedle any magazine for the storing of iimPowdet That any viola t icn of the , protAsictrui of this act 'relit' tire to the keeping or einiveyingof gunpowder or gun. cotton, or of any of the provisions . ) of, the acts now force relative to the introducsion of gunpowder or gnn.cotton Into the city of Philadelphia, shalt, in addliion to the forfeiture of the gunpowder or gerecoPon. as hereinbe fore provided, also subject the offender or offenders to a fine of five hundred dollars for each oft, ace, to he recove red, with cysts of suit, in en so• tion of debt. in any court having cognizance thereof, by. to, and for the user of the Philadelphia Association for the Relief of Disabled Firemen. And all gunpowder or sun cotton found within the city of Philadelphia. In vio. latlon of the provision in Ulla act contained, shall b. Infeited for the use of the aforesaid Philadelphia dieuso. elation for the Re lief of Disabled Firemen. Approved the twentieth day of Ignich, Anno Domini. one thouland eight hundred and fiftyeix. NOTIC E To Merchants and Storekeepers. An Act [or the Better &enmity of Lite and Limb In the City of Philadelphia. Be it Enacted bytbe Senate and,Efoure of Represents• tires of the Comm onwealth of Pennsylvania in General At eembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That in any 'store or building in the city of Philadelphia in which there shall exist or be plated on any hoistway, hatchway; elevator, or well•hole, or in a bleb there shall be m„ de any opening through the floor, the same shall be properly protected or covered by a good end sufficient trapdoor or such other app i Lames as may be necessary to secure the same from bein g or becoming dauseroua to life or limb, and on the completion of the business of each day the said trapdoor or other applian ces shall be safely closed by the occupant having the use and control of tho some ; any violation of the provisions of this act shall subject the offender 'or offenders to a fine of fifty'dollars for each offence, to be recovered with cost of suit in an action of deb; in any court:having cogni zance thereof, by, to, and for thel use of the Philadelphia Association for the Relief of Disabled Firemen. Approved the sixteenth day of February. Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred aid platy-five. The Trustees of the "Ph iladelphia Affectation for the Relief of Disabled Firemen" call tho attention of all per. POEM interested to the above Laws; as It le not the doelee of the Board that any one ohould be fined through ignor. ante of thy exietence of' paid enactinente. GEORGE'W. TRYON. President EDWARD D. YATES. Secretary. - lal4-16-18 21123.2feetret . iPir 7 0 RAILROAD" Propeards will be received. at /MAUCH CHUNK.' elan February the,T4b. 1.845 A, tor tho GRADUATION and MASONRY of the kIEtiQUEUONINGI VALLEY RAIL, ROAD. including the approaches of NESQUELIAMING TUNNEL. Specifications and information as to the work in detetil , m!Y'bi ) otlitnind aprilleatton at the llttlineer's Mauch ()Mink. Jv B. AIOOBBpBAD t President. 104 tfol7rp GEORGE FR&NtIld TRAIN AT UONUE.R.T own ALL, SATURDAY EVENING. January lit, 18139, in the insert at of the Worklngmen• and Wanton of Ame rica, rtid of the . FolliriU BrilthPooo4. tiot , ject —"the English Bootle; or. Trait+ vit. - John Daft" Tiekett, with retorted gents, to cents. Daily saki of tioketa (Airmen Ilan 1-ox office, Tintoploea t Douttoental , and' nytntllce News Stant'. • jal4.Btro' ' - wan> OFFIOB OF THRANTLIBAOITE INSUItAN(JE COMFANY. NO.:llll.•wAtaitpr wrtire,Em, • pait.A.DErpeut.4. , .4o.i. 4. 1869. ' 'rho Board of Director/11/aye this day declared a Divi dend of ffiTeEN PER CNtNT. ou tho liapit.l Stock paid iskpayablo on demand, feon Emirur...z 3a14 6 , §" " Beerettiy. PHILADELPHIA PHILHARMONIC SO; AET) . end A.:ol.mi on Eleti ILMDAY EVEN jam lath, Academy nt IStuste. . 144 9t 01160PIIILADELPIIIA 010110 PAD-11; 1 10SPLTAL. 7 -No.-16 South , Ninth intent, -Club•foot,-Hi p And Spinal Dtaraw.- and 6Gdi ltl Delormities treate__ in dt . ye daily at o'clock. n ooL c LloryyJE:. Or TVE , SAFINY INSIMALs C - At en elactionlor Directors DAY, that'll inst., the tol'oa chosen fp servo the crowing 31 . , 'lluatts Bend. I. d aid Dariington. Joseph 11. Beal. ' Edmund A Bauder,. Iht orh•lus Paulding. Hugh Craig. James P ! ; jatPeso D ! a l y nd. a John 11. Pen: ore, H. Jones Moore, hpsincer Denly.l3loso. Samuel E Etehes, Joules Traquair. And at a cueettott et the WEDNESDAY, the lath hat VI SS usitubnowy re-ele tea JOHN - y,•l HENRI DENBY .1114-21 .NOTICE.—TH ,PUBLIC` Are (.1AT.11101411) against teftotiatiug our Check on Manufacturer. , National ,liank. No., 6.128. for $1 ett7 K dated January 11, 439, , payable to thy ordtgr of IIIigDERIeK S Y.NE $ ; said Chick baring been lott or stolen tranilt by mail trout ancaeter. Pa.. to First Natioual Bantr i PhiJadelpida. 11' N 0.325 North Third street. see. If." C. IL JARVIS. TIIE GREAT PIANO. , ' player. at the Philharmonic Convent, SATURDAY EVENII.4G, Jan. 16th; Acadesuy of Matta al! at I. THE BARCLAY COAL COMPANY HAVE 6i elated s dividend of ENMITY CENTS perhare, clear of State tax. payable on or - after the. lBth inst., at the Office of the Compttny, No. ISt S 41th Fourth street. jolt th ea sq HARVEY SHAW. Treasurer. vii&s. AMATEUR DRAWING-ROO3l. sEvrai „h stree_t. _above Chestnut 211141 19161 MINE BEEWSTEd SVIYTITE alters lecture at the above named Place. on WEDNESDAY. JthVARY 20. Subjeet—AN APP'EAL. TO WOMAN Reserved sesta. ill; to be had at Trumpler% No. EN Chestnut ; Covert's News eland. Continental HoteLand the door. between 10 and 2 o'clock. - jal4 etre§ igerGRAND - ORCHESTRA. SIXTY.F/VE BEA' performers—Beath° enoa_Ele enth pho barmcnlc liotlety oneert:IIIATUIWAY EVE ., I NO. J e w. 18. Academy of Altaic. jal4 St STOCK " ' ban O e etit U H k e l it T HE ilfil E e T L l At g ary O Coßi li . E nt RI; held at the Library Roam. en TU E SDAY P z u r Ealtata. January 18th. at 736 o'cleek. • JagtHirp* JOHN LARENER. Eec. WLLE CAMILLA URSO. WONDERFUL. WO. Unfit At Grand Concert SATURDAY EVENING. Jas. 16. Acad emy of Murk. stir ILIDWAED 110811TAL., 1518 AND 15211 Lombard erect. Dispensary artment.-- Medi cal treatment and medicine Jarman graluitomiy to tho poor. METIER 011021 WASHINGTON. glow Prog - ress of Legislatiort..BOth Houses taking Things Easy—tittle to be done this Session, except to pesos Appropriation Bills—A Swarm or Fe male Lobb}iStS—hisconsolate Ap. pearance of the Candidates for inq fice—The Grand inauguration Ball- Extensive PreparatiOnThe Detnts.. crats trying to, Create. Dincord—lhe kommittee Determined to - make Ow Beal a Grand alleeene—Bio 4 .Dead heads? , except the President and Flee and their Families am. leorrespordenee of the PLBL Evenfag WASHINGTON, January 13, 1869.—The Sen ate was, till a late hour this aftemooni still engaged on the claim of Miss Sue Murphye for compensation for her property destroyed by order of Gen. Sherman, and, from- present ap pearances, it looks as if the debate might be pro longed till the 4th of March- next, being post poned from time to time, to take 'up the appro.- priation bills and other matters which must be attended to. There la no "pre vious question" in the Senate, to stop debate, .o the Senators can indulge In long speeches to their heart's content. The anxious expectants ter confirmation for various positions, whose names have been alumberieg in committees for ateks east, have been flitting around the Senate lobbies for the last few days , looking disconsolate and heart-broken. "Wi ll the Senate hold an Executive session to-day?" is the anxious inquiry put to nearly every Senator who ventures out emu the chamber into the reception-rooms or •he lobbies. to take a lunch or "a hasty plate of -4 , up." ala General Scott. The Inquirers genet ...l,y look woe-begonerwhen they receive a neg a we reply, with the additional assurance that it to utterly impossible to predict when another Executive session will be held. Indeed, lee Senate just now seems in no mood ter "executive business," and theprobability is hat a great portion of the nominations now pending before the body will go over till after Match 4th, to allow General Grant to have a voice in the nominations. This seems to be the unveiling impression at this writing. I never saw so many female "lobbyists" as are 'ally in attendance in the marble room of the senate, waiting for "a few minutes' Interview" with Senators, and sometimes as many as half a dozen Senators are called out of the chamber at the same time to receive the visite and hates to the stories of the fair clatters. fhe magnificent dresses of these ladies chat n age admiration. Almost any day a score of them may be seen reclining languidly on the luxurious sofas and elegant re -1.1 piton chairs, waiting to see the grave and dig nified Senators; and did we not know they were Lean beyond such influences, we would suppose bat the fair lobbyists arrayed themselves in their most costly dresses, to add to 'their charms and operate upon the susceptibilities of the venerable eons. Nearly all these women are seeking flees, for themselves or their friends, male and temale, and not a few ate regularly enlisted to in securing the confirmation of some person, either for trieealehip, or "A consideration. ' Whatever their business may be, one thing is ertain, that there has never been witnessed such a display of femininity, bent on "public business" as the lobbies and reception rooms of the Senate have exhibited daring the, present week. The Same faces may be seen day after day and week after week, as if Intent on succeeding through , perse verance; and it really deed seam as It many do •ticceed through these. means, as it Is a difficult waiter for even a Senator to give , an emphatic "No 1" to a request for "a little favor," mace by a beautiful, fascinating and accomplished woman. JAG. POLLOCK A. G. CURTLN The moet extensive _preparations aro being made for the grand inauguration ball on the 4th of March next, which will take place in the Rotunda cd. the Capitol, and -will be ono of me most brilliant affairs ever witnessed in Washington city. - .lt isgxpected that people will be present from the adjoining and distant States, andordere are already pouring in upon Ito committee for tickets. The Democrats are ming 'to "kick up arrow" among the Republi cans by finding Wilt with, the Committee of Ar rangements as being "self-cOnatituted,7 &0., and that the committee. want to -take Grant in charge, to the exclosion - ,of "the people," and more of the eame nonsense. No ono except title elms ofpeople tba'dis fanit, as .the „committee are kontleinen of the highest respectability and stand ing, and are doing all in their poiver to make the denionstiation a grand success, and will succeed,' notwithstanding the "growlers.",. Some of the " priori quid " are complaining 'about Congress turning the Rotunda.into 'dancing-hall, bat, as Congress is equally as liberal with .nreaehers and uniperauce people, by grautingits halls for their meetings, surely no one has a right to Co(uplrin if the votaries of Terpsichore are, granted some little privileges too. The delegation of Philadelphia dealers In'dls tilled who 'came down to ask additional kgtetation to extend -the little for withdrawing' distillt d spirits fiord bonded warehouses, left 3 - este' day for home, having laid their ease before General Behe,nek, of tho,Ways and *anti Com mit w rat uirn again in; 4'• weeks and renew their requeaTforlegislaticition tho sub ject. • . , thrsqtrictuase. OUR. WHOLE COIMTRY. PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1869. SPEONAL DMIAWARS .4111JTVA.L COUPANY. DELKILA., Jan. 14 18(Ki. held at this oflicatOn !NUS. ►ing named gentlemen were 'ear: , • James E. ldorarland; William 41. Lod wig; Jacob P. Jones, Jo.hua P. Eyre. • Witliamo idoulton, lloory John U Taylor. • 3 ,• s• Edwin d Lafoureedi. Jairoh yooram W. Bernardon. William V. Boonton. D.T,ttforanA.Pittabigin,-, _ Boa B. Hosier. rd' of , Direetstrik on TIP /Di AU P. HAND. he E ld in., President., Vleei_President., AI:BURN, Secretary. and ALL. auisiant Secretary. HENRY LYLBUE.N. TIIR INAUGURATION 'BALL DISASTERS. The Pan Handle Railroad &Meat Pa-rticulars by Mail A kRIGHTFUL CASUALTY The Pittsburgh Gazette of yesterday gives the following :particulars of an accident of which we bad a bare announcement by telegraph: ,; . Tuesday morning, while Plueburgh yet, buried in repose, and no sound of life' went op through the thick canopy of fog which over hung it, nor feet, save those of the, solitary watchman patrolling his beat, disarranged the deep, soft carpet of snow which covered Its thoroughfares, a train hurried out of the Union depot, and sped at_usual rate over the "Pan Ran dleniorid. Twenty minutes later there was a terrible'eccitlent at Cork's Run, a station on that line,'only a few , miles distant from the city. A. rail had been moved from its proper position, the engine and four care whirled over the dangerous point in safety; but the fifth and laid car was de tached, and, with its living freight, swinging down an ctobankment some eighty feet high, rolled over and over, until, with tearful crash, it atracklbe earth below, and was changed in an instant to a chaotic mass of broken timbers. From eleven to fifteen passengers were In the ill-fated car, and of these, three were found dead when the debris was cleared away. Three or four °there were more or lees seriously Injured, and two, who are said to have been on board, have since been missing. Below we give a full account of the sad affair, from particulars gathered by our feporter on the ground, a few hours after the occurrence. TILE TRAIN AND ITS INMATES. The regular mail train, known as No. 6, by the officers of the company, left the Union depot at three o'clock, on its way to Cincinnati. It was made up of a baggage car, an express ear, two passenger care and a sleeping-coact'. In the latter it is esud there were from eleven to fifteen per sons. though the General Superintendent, Mr. Dorrington, states that be coald only learn of seven—two gentlemen from Springfield. Ohio, a drover from Kentucky, a student from York, in tbis"State, a clergyman from Clearfield, and two other gentlemen of whose vocations or places of residence, he knew nothing. One of those who occupied a berth in the car claims there were at least twelve on board beside himself, and among them two ladies. Thus far, however, no traces hate been found of the latter and the report Is supposed to be erroneous. The conductor of the train wail John Blair; the name of the engi ot er we were unable to obtain. - Nothing unusual occurred until a point was reached about half a mile from Cork's run, where a flagman on the road signalled and informed the conductor that a land slide had occurred a few feet further on. The earth, he stated, covered the main track, and obstructed it so that it would be impoStible to pass over it. The train was now. sisitthed in on a side track, and anticipating no further delay, proceeded at the ordinary speed, and such of those In the, sleeping-coach as had been - aroused by the halt, resumed their berths and again sought refreshing slumber, ignorant of the fatal trap which awaited them a few perches on. TOE FATAL MAP. There are few more picturesque spots along the whole line than' that where the fearful acci dent occurred; and on Tuesday morning it must have presented a peculiarly striking appearance as it - lay enveloped in its soft, white shroud of snow. The-little stream known as Cork's run just bete rows into, sad is lost 112, the now swollen , tind Inuddy waters of the Ohio. Its coarse lies et the bottom of a ravine, from which ,if t e trotind.rises rather abruptly, on each aide, chaps a 'hundred feet or more, covered with •Ines and The trees, which vary and beautify t view. The railroad crosses this ravine at the he ght of from seventy to eighty feet. It was formerly supported by trestle-work, but lately the place has been filled up, and it now rests on what is supposed to be a good and reliable foundation. When the train arrived at this embankment, no fear was entertained by any of the officers on beard. The locomotive passed over as usual, the express, baggage and passenger cars tollowed. But now there is a sudden snap, a jolting of the forward portion of the train, a great rumbling noise in the rear—a few momeritamore, a fearful crash down below,and then the grim truth bursts on the engineer, who at once stopped the engine, and gave the saved passengers an opportunity to Fee the catastrophe for themselves. The sleeping coach had been detached and lay in the ravine, a wreck, already on fire. THE DEAD AND WOUNDRD The passengers who escaped unhurt descended at men to the run to ascertain bow affairs stood. They found some of the inmates of the car alroaay moving, others lying around the wreck wounded and groaning, and two they discovered dead, though not very badly mutilated. Having extri cated the bodies of the latter from where they were caught, they turned their attention to those who were hurt and found that they suffered chiefly from fright, save one gentleman, who was taken insensible from the debris, and who it was sup posed would scarcely survive. Some hours subse quently the body of a third man was found in the water, into which It had fallen and lain unper ceived during the darkness. Following is the list of casualties, afterwards obtained: John C. McPherson, lawyer, Springfield, Ohio, killed. John Allen a conductor In the sleeping-car, a resident of • Pittsburgh, killed. Rev. J 1 C. Archer, a clergyman of Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pa., killed. Henry 0.. . Barnett, manufacturer of water wheels, Springfield, Ohio, seriously injured; cut on the head, besides suffering severe internal in juries. John Rennike, drover, Cynthiana, Ky., cut on the face and right leg hurt. There were others who suffered more or less, but inasmuch as they proceeded to Steubenville, we were unable to learn their names. The bodies of Mr. McPherson and Mr. Allen were taken to a hotel at Mansfield, whither also Mr. Barnett was carried. Very soon thepeople residing in the vicinity of the scene of the accident hastened there, and before three o'clock a large crowd had assembled. Efforts were made to extinguish the tiro among the timbers of .the car, but they did not prove very successful, and they were burning until six o'clock last evening. There was a considerable amount of money scattered around the-place;bills and fractional currency of every denomina tion being Ricked up, and, if report be true, they. were not in - all.instances handed over tolte;Otfl dale. Mr.: Renniko, the drover noted abcive. , stated that a book containing about $l,OOO felt from his pocket during the. descent of the car, and he failed to find any trace of it. • Two gold, watches and two pocket books were found, all of which wore handed over to the owners. - TERRIBLE. RETRIBUTION. Death of 'two uutlawe• The Macon Telegraph of the 10th has the fol lowing: A Fliocking accident occurred on the Macon and Brunswick. Railroad, on Thursday last, by which one man wart instantly killed, another was mortally wounded by being 'shot through the ht ad and haying his brains knocked out, and the third badly shot in the mouth. All three were ht oughtlo this city yesterday on the 11 o'clock Brunswick passenger train,and the two, wounded Ent it taken to the hospital. • , It appears that these, three Men, with Others from North Georgia and Tennessee, had recently hem employed us 'laborers on the Macon and: Brunswick road, and whee going eking' to' wink on Thursday,latst, they got to teasing a: Mgr° man, who was in front of tic:omA few paecik! 4 itliTC•hEiyllyinadtar gut — olt - am.o - 4 - , by throwing pine butro, at hint., Unfortunately a burr struck the hammer of the gun which caused into fliwand the whole charge was =thrown back among the crowd of men with the result as above No blame is attached to the negro other than that be bad no business with the gun—that he should have had a spade or pick upon his shoulder instead of a loaded musket.'- NEW PLAN OF GOVERNMENT IN What .% Cuban Deputy in Wadrld Says Gesicrai Nerrane Has IPronitmed. The Madrid Vos del Silo; of Deceratra 24, con-. tains, an article signed by its chief editor, Don Nicolas Azearate, and addressed to General Ser rano, as President of the Provisional Govern ment, reminding him of the ideas he had ex pressed and the offers head made, durisg his Ica g political career, in regard to the question of Cuba. According to - Senor Azcarate, the following is General Serrano's programme for governing the Spanish Antilles: 1. The African slave trade to be declared piracy. 2. The chlldren born of slave mothers to be de clared free. - • 3. Suppression of military government in , all grades inferior to the superior civil grade, ana al lowing that elevated post to be filled by civilians. 4. Governors of provinces to be named or , pro posed by the civil autierier, so that such offices may be tilled by persons of native birth. 5. The establishment of - a Junta, of Insular Assembly, with Me right to initiate measures of government and local adailnistration, -subject to the approbation of the Governor. • 6. Freedom of the press, and free corporations for municipalities and provinces, entrusting the government of towns to alcaldes or their ilea teepnts, with tho suppression of the military lieutenant-governors and district captains. 7. Trade between Cuba and the - Peninklito be placed on the footing of coasting trade. 8. Division of the financial budget,and various other important reforms. By the immediateestablishment of_ these re forms Mr. Azcarate believes that arms will be laid down by the 100.000 'insurgents in the island. Then, he adds General Serrano can add to the title of the "Liberator of Spain" the no less glo rious title of the pacificator of Cabs. DRANIATIO AND NIIIIBIOAL. —The Parepa-Rosa Concert was thrown topsy tur%ey last night, by the driver of a baggage wagon. Ferranti's trunk did not arrive in time, and although ho had-his lungs with him, he hesi tated to venture to sing without his swallow tailed coat. Be the programme was broken up; and although four-fifths of the audience were not much thewper, a number of different pieces w ere substituted for thosee which were announced. Mr. BropkbOuee Bowldr, a One, clear robust tenor, with much facility and expression, began with the ballad "Bewhre." Mr. J. rattison, a New York pianist, and a stranger in this city, next gave a composition of his own, which was pretty, but not remarktdale for originality. -Mr. Paulson's execution is Very brilliant, bathe lacks expression. Illifineore piece, Prudent's/no/oiler, was more satisfatory than the first, but there was the same lacof warmth in the coloring. Mr. Pattleon is more a mechanical, player than a peat artist. But he is a very young man; and may do betterjhings after while., Big. Ferranti came out next in a sack coat, his good ,clothes having not yet arrived. Be aban oned the programme and sang the Lar:o at fuetotum from the Barber of Seville with unusual spirit.: He his a -very good baritone voice; and a manner that finds immediate favor with the au dience. Mad. Parepa-Rosa sang "Nie Nachte mix der &Mummer" from Der FreNschutz, with her old srace, and then gave the ballad "Forget Me Not" as an encore. Her voice is as fresh and beauti ful as ever, and the warmth of her reception last' night must have convinced her that she has not lost any of her popularity with our people. Mr. Bowler forsook the programme again to sing the Haritana air."l-et me like a soldier tall." Mr. Levy, the famous cornetplayer, came next, and; likewise Ignoring the programme, played variations of a ballad air, "The Exile's Lament." As a first encore he gave the "Carnival of Venice;" as the second, very intricate .variations of "Yankee Doodle." Mr. Levy fulfils, hi every respect, the high promise of the manager in his behalf. Re plays with wide expression; and hie it cation is simply wonderful. His manlpula (ion of the instrument in rapid and difficult pats sages last evening was surpassingly graceful. Fie is a sufficient attraction without any of his colleagues. The second division of the programme was ad hered to more closely. Bowler and Ferranti sung a duet. Ur. Yattison played a selection from Liszt, admirably; Madame Parepamßosa sang Slillard's song, "Waiting," and as encores, a little Irish ballad, and "Conlin' thro' the rye." Signor Ft rranti gave the anti-woman song, "Femmine, Femmine !" Mr. Levy flourished through a pol ka of his own composition, and the entertain- Inuit concluded with a laughing trio, by Tantal. On the whole, the concert was one of the, most pleasing ever given in this city, There Will be another to-night, with an entire change of pro gramme. —On Saturday evening next George Francis .Train will lecture at Concert Hall upon the sub, it ct "The English Baetile; or Train versus John Bull." The world renowned Signor Blitz has been engaged to give an exhibition of magic and lager main, at tie N. E. corner of Broad and Spring Garden streets, on Thursday, Friday and Satur day evenings of next, vveek, and on Saturday hlternoon. —At the Walnut this evening* After . Dark; or London by Night, with Mk. J..E. McDonough as "Old nut." —A Flash of Lightning wdl be repeated et the Arch this evening. —The American Theatre rumonnees a miseel laneous entertainment for this evening. —At the Theatre Comlque to-night the operetta "66" will bo given by the Gallon Opera Company. To-morrow evening Mies Susan tialton, a very charmirgeinger,.will have a benefit, when a new opera will be produced with an excellent cast. —Ta.morkow (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock,. Mr. Carl Wolfeohn will give the third matinee of big claeeical neva in the Foyei tpe Academy of Music. The following programme will be offered. Sonata, (A, major. op,) Plana and Violin... . .. "tag --------- /s.ilegAndante—Scherio—Allegro finale. Meacre. Wolfsohn and "Colonise. Andante, Solo Vi010nce110.......... ...... Mollque • Rudolph Bening. Faulalsi Strike, dee Abenda7-Traumeawkren Curl .Wolfsohn. Pastorale, Solo Violin . ....... Eilonard Colonne. An I3ord dtt Lae, (new) ........ ..... Airolfeohn Carl Wolrsobn. (Cin the New Patent Upright Steinway.) Trlo, (D minor. . . • .. ....... .11tendelesohn Motto allegro ngitato— . A . n . danr, tramoillo—Scherzo— Leggier° c vivace—Pinale—Allegro nasal appastunato. Messrs. Wolfeohn, Clbinue and Hai:mfg. Mr. Virtdiciiihn claims for the , .first piece in the list that it Is the very best duet of Its peculiar elane in existence. It is a representative compo sition of the new romantic school, of which Mr. Wolfeohn hat been the atmstle in thin city. 11 . 3 the programme elates, the, new uptight Stein way Wane, constructed upon novel principles, will he used at this concert. —On Saturday evening, at, the Acldemy of Music, the lirst.grand concert of the. Philharmo nic Society van be, give n. Ali ,the artiste grEi etilladelphitivi t apt they are an of the hest class. Detrpit paper tails ua that ono ar es ry at:et...idol a %lonian lictiva3 engage tri,to tuarry art euttre'stranfrer,--Carolitte-trish, witir,ithoul he - rell - ln - lave at ttrat sight, Citarl93 inaderttly had oilier Wish t.O Fry.' ' • , • . F. L. -FEritmiSTON. Fubßslim pR1c4..; ; TagA::4:; . '0x:5',.;i14:.i . :..'",',.,:.' , ;..i l FIFTH EDITION' BY TELEGRAk'EL' LATEBT FROM WASHINGTON Affairs in MiSSiSSiMloits" GENERAL GIRIEM'S TESTIMONY' A Prosperous Condhion AtLoire to 111111esiealppiu Medal Despatch to the Philadelphia ftveuftursimetlai, WAsurtioros, Jan. 14.--,The ReconstructlotO Committee examined General,Gillem ityrefereneer to the condition of aflldra la ULU, morning, but adjourned Without coneindbfg until to•morrow. - (kn. (11Hem testifies that affairs are in a pro*. perous condition, and thatpeace and ordbrpre. veil. Be defended himself against the charges' made that he was administering af f airs in.the in , . terest of the rebel element; and • affirmed that' the recent election which defeated' the constitution was conducted -= The will not be ready to make a- re port to the House on Ads case for several days et. The evideice in the. Georgia case is about' finished. The Committee will make a report to. the Rouse early next week. It is said that this report will recommend the State be remanded back to its territorial condi • ! tion, until the — people realize that it is to their Interest to act in accordance with the roconstruc. non laws. From Washington. tgpetial pupatelt to the Phila. Eticatiag Balhitital • WAsHogoTON,Jan. 1.5.—80th branshes of Con- - great' were devoid of interest to-day. , In the Moo seMr. Ashley, from the Committea • on Territories reported a - bill - wiptag ' oat of existence the territory of Utah, by dividing It • out to the adjacent territories. - ibis is.onis for breaking up Mormonism. No action- wss taken en the MD. The Niagara ship canal bill came Iv at , the close of the morning hour. - of M it r . . Van Horn made a long speech ln , support The National Colored Convention now in seak sion here were addressed this afternoon-by Col.' Forney, and Col. Turnerek, N. H. A resoluttozi6 was adopted, inviting Congress to visit the can't vention. . ' Amending the Civil Tensile° Act: . [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening But Dahlia. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Senator Wilsott's btlt introduced today, provides• for amending the: Pu g act, and not for repeal# ing it. It looks as if , the , law• would be amended. by the Senate, but there is a doubt of its •helm. repealed. FOrtieth Con'greesThito. Session.. SZNATISL. Cant-ivied from Fourib Rdttiors. He understood that other persons in ,Vlrginia.- diequalifltd in the like manner, had done the same thing; therefore,contrary to his' expectation , at the time of the adoption of the amendmenti It would not execute itself, bat mild be enforced by appropriate legislation: - , On motion of Mr. Morrill ( Vt),the Senate Men took up the resolution of the Legislature of Ver mont, presented by him some days ago, which was read, as follows : Resolved, That having an intelligent regard for, the hest interests of Vermont, It is the. duty of our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence against the consunimatlon'of any treaty in relation to reciprocity of trade with the Dominion of Canada, and to insist that the subject of our trade and personal interconrikr. with Canada, as well as with all other fo‘nign countries, is not a proper subject for treatystip ulation, but belongs to Congress, and shunYda t wisely regulated by a judicious tariff, .T Mr. Morrill spoke at length in advocacy of!thek. doctrine of the resolution. Mr. Doolittle offered thefollowl ng joint rOSOw- Potion: Whereas. Cable telegraph comparties,organiled‘ , under the authority of the United States, propos& to lay cables on the shores of foreign, powers,. end whereas,also,telegraph companies organized under the laws of foreign powers; purpose to land cables on the shoros the United States, and the consent of those( Rowers and of the United States is , necessary:, Therefore.' beit - - Resolved, That the President be antberined, to consent to the laying of one or , glom, telegraph' cables, cables, from the shores of nay 'bireta power to the shores of the United States, by any coMeAlar authorized ander the authority .:et any_ foe-, sign power; provided ' said power . -will also consent to, the laying of cables' from the United States to the shores of Bade, powere,on reciprocal terms, and provided farther, , that until such •powers give, suck' equeent, the consent of the United States is withheld, ,and the laying of such cable, by, the authority of any foreign power is , declared to. be unlawful. ferred to the,Committee on Foreign Relations.- Mr. Sumner introduced a bill, to enforce eon. , tale provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment,. of the Constitution of the United - Stateb, which{,' he said, had bettome necessary in consequente`W certain persons In Kentucky, 'disqualified. by-th.O. Fourteenth Amendment, having undertaken to . exercise official functions. The morning hour expired before the sublocit was disposed of. „. Mr. Cook, from the Committee on Efections, reported resolutions cipciaring that -George : Andereon la not entitled to a seat from the Ninth, Cottgreselonal Dietriet of Minsourl, bat that WII-1 lista F. Switzler is entitled to the seat. Ha said he would call to the report tomorrow. Hauer-Contented: frout. Forth Edition. . The special order was then taken up, whart.Mr.. Van Horn (N. Y.) spoke at length, iu suppurt of his bill to provide for the construction of' a ship canal around the Fails of Niagara. He argued its importance and• necessity in a military, bard, and • Commercial point of view, and earnestly maintained that its conetruoi Lion could work ,no injury to. 04;1 prcEent lines of communication, and that,it was, a national work, for the benefit or the wielle country; and the duty of Governtserit wet. to • further and support it, as it would inernasti the. production of an immense extent of couotryJ Wisdom and sound statesmansbv and a bleb st nee of duty demanded that the work be consumc mated as speedily 'as Schumann itoborechts —Max Muller, the great philologist, appeartetor.- be delighted with the Turkish language. Tubee: of his lectures ho declares that the llignnictuta, inauntr lu which its roaroproas graJun*lloml forint, are presented must strike every one vibes has a taste for that wonderful faculty. of the ha.: wan wind which reveals itself in Speteh. "Here is a latiguage," he says, "of ellen transpaperit construction that we can study - lte.'.lrtner work., lugs as we can watch thoprogress of cella, la a bie-hive."'Auother distiugglatied authority equally enthusiastic on the 84111/0 subl:ct : fl,jght take the 'Turkish language for the Selenti- , tic result of some learned• body; Ant no s u ch f+a elety could have been able tor Invent what Wei inlnd qf luau had!, produced In the Isolation the Tartar ett:ppes,-orily •••prompted by its °Wet - laws or by an instluctivo ' owe r which IS • mar- V(POUS. a 6 InUatllre. 'fret this the anagti Viblett le popularly regarded as barlisrOUS : and utterly Incapable otlmproverokent, a'{~ ~. ;sjs. =ME 4.:00 o!Otavrk.t
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