E=llta 131381NES8 NOTleirS, Sibs would at !reseal porticularly invite the. attention public to far established bootees. rule, which is obtealy adhered to soda all eiresimotanees: Wes. grantee all Din 'awes than the lowest elsewhere; also guarantee full - thfaction to every I, ocheaer, or the gale canotlied and mosey' refunded.* We girg - ia - automats more value for their money mutat mar CUD Orr merivuung. mailer ary and ad cirouenstaneost. Terrism canny 4.411'11118 BOLD AT SUN PELERIMPT TIMM we lave 'educed price. of our eLtire stock, which will be diens:wed of lower then the mine or equal goads son be nurchaocd of ikolt 41grins F or Aril.lk MSS, r Dv:nu Orrr.: Without going inoo further detail. we would say.,ltst our stork cooping all kinds sod Macs of every desir. able style of geode y. be found in the market, and in . Bettaluee TO ANY fi.roax. ON Rnll.4l:ol.Leirla, in My ly l it and Workmanship. Wo have a c.beiFe and seleet,d assortment of piece geode. toltich we will make up to order now. or at any time, with the tame guarantee se we offer on - es/ready made Goode. Rah way between hnurrirrr dr Co., YHA and ) }To wen HALL. Kith drools,C.lB Mango,. BT.. YLIIILAUALTnIA. AWN 60U BUOADWAY, NNW I OM. I be blood tIVIIIOO it► red color to win. ateplehtdes whkh fleet in -that fluid. sod °attain. in a leahh, lateen a large amount ul Iron. which aloes 71titslitY In the blood. 't he Peruvian by! up supplied the d w ith "thie vital element, and saved strength and w ear to the a hale dy stele. Li 0304 E. gffigEo 00NRAD MEYER, INVENTOR AND blanuracterer of the celebrated Iron Frame rsanokbas received the Pct.°. Medal of the World's Great Labibition, London, Eng. The highest prizes awarded when t . and wherever exhibited. • Warorooms. TA Arch Established IRE. Ird9 w e intft, rftSTt, WAV , S PIANOS RECEIVED THE blithest award (fipf jgold med.l) at the laterna bfailfan. Pub. NW. Sea Iterport, at Wartroata of Bl.AtllOti DRO.3. aell•rf No. 1006 Chestnut etre:rt. rffgoTHE CHICKEniNO Ple.NoB R6UIit'VED the highest award al the Paris Expoeition. DiSTTONg3 Wereroome. 914 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. Wednesday, beeember 9, MS. ?BE FREVICII 61 CIVA nom. Popular opinion has chosen to interpret Napoleon's extraordinai prosecutions of the itrtncla newspapers as a recognid in on the part of the Emperor of the existence of an increasing revolutionary feeling among the people; and the probabilities of an overthrow of the Napoleonic dynasty are freely discussed the world over. It is generally admitted that the action of the Emperor was injudicious ti tile last - degree. The ferocity of the attack, and the 'light provocation, certainly indicate oversenehiveness, which may be the result of the Emperor's *creasing intellectual vigor , consequent upon his physical irifiratities,or of a keen apprehension of the consequences of the liberal influences of neighboring nations upon his people. Probably the severity of Isis conduct is induced by both causes. The action was that of a man without nerve or sphit—a man haunted constantly with a sense sf impending peril. That the BAndin sub scription, which provoked all this wrath, was begun in the interests of Napoleon's enemies, is not doubtful It was an ingenious device to refresh men's minds with a recollection of the coup d'itat. If the government had treated it with contempt, It might have' been a fallure,'politically;put the insane spirit of fear and hate displayed against 40,+' 00 who simply mentioned the fact • - the movement, has raised up new strength enemies against Napoleon, -- - the hands of the democracy, iftegusted liberal Bonapartists, and sown the seeds of disaffetAion broadcast over the land. Nearly one' half of the newspapers in France are implicated in the affair, and the journals prosecuted are the most influential and respectable in Paris. Napoleon has un dertaken an unequal conflict. Suppression of a single journal could be easily and safely accomplished; but it is very doubtful if even Lis power can venture to combat halt the press of the country, when public opinion is so strongly hi its favor, and public excite ment is so great. Charles .Ic.„, and Louis Philippe were beaten in just such a battle, and Louis Napoleon, though bolding his sceptre with alirmar hand, cannot conquer in the end. The Government may gain the verdict in the present trials, but it will lose its ease. The defeat of the journalists will ex elite freslitymparby for them, and will bring home to the popular mind renewed convic tion of the shamefulness of the tyranny that controls France. This wave of excitement that is now passing over France, is the reverberation of the echo of the Spanish revolution. Toe symptoms of imeaelnesa in Frain* have become very evi dent of kite. Looking at reformed England, Lerated Italy, liberalized Austria and the wet extension of Prusslin freedom, thif Preach people have begun to ask themselves why is not France free? The overthrow of Isabella, and the rapid progress of Spain to pure liberty, have given added emphasis to the question. The inspiration of sucoesaf al example, the brutality of the government, the inborn desire for liberty, all urge France once more to revolution. The very eagerness of Napoleon to check this impulse, and to save the Empire for his son, may precipitate the blow. He has climbed high, and this false step may,and very likely will,precipitate him Into the abyss. Napoleon has very few friends here, and ' bis downfall will find but few mourners, But after Napoleon, what ? If a revolution should occur, and it' should be successful, wiat is to follow ? Certainly France is not ready for a step upward to Republicanism. Her experiments in that direction have re sulted in swab disastrous and awful failure, gist despotism wawa relief ; and her attempt s at constitutional monarchy have merged into absolutism. Probably the terrors of the first revolution could not under any circumstances be repeated in France; but the overthrow of Napoleonic government, without the adoption of a wise and substantial system of some kind, would demoralize and disorganize France so that she would become again the prey of some ambitious schemer. Republi can enthusiasm is well enough, but it be-- comes a very grave subject for consideration, In view of the prospect of revolution : what Is to come neat? This is the question which la causing trouble in Spain, and threatening fo rob thii liberal victory of its laths. In Prance the danger of anarchy and succeeding return to despotism, is even greater. IMEE.IIIOIII% nal ro vs. 0; e favorite boast of the bold Briton that 4 - )te alone lives under a truly free and stable term of government, finds one of its most ILriklag comments in the conduct of the Bag . eiecttone, as compared with those of We Aleited States. In the latter, the order, quiet grad peace with which live million freemen .tr! caSt their votes in a single day, almost with out a iipple of excitement up the surface ' of namely, has become proverbial. Here ssr3 there some slight local disturbutou may •Artfle the general tranquility, but even this is exceedingly rare. Good titnonr, pttieuce and mutual concession are the rule up:m American election day. Even le,Now with its huge element of rowdYism and law • kssness, the taverns are closed and the oleo - lien is ordjnarily condwitedswithoat intercup lion or disorder, while; Allover Ake, vast ex penes' of ottr‘nattonal territory,the millbue of ballots are cast silently, and their vercket ac cept-6i with a perfect acquieseence in the wilt of the - .••Jajgrlv. • Nothing astonishes - 4 foreigner much more than a general eleciion io , thie country. _ ' The excitement which possesses the entire people for weeks and- months before the event; the huge mass rneeiinge; the enthnsiasat of the audiences and the vehemence of the orators; the controversies of journalism, and the heated discussions of caucuases and conven tions; the streets crowded nightly with bril liant processions; the- apparent absence of any restraining power to check tumult or violence; all combine to impress the foreign observer with a feeling of anxiety and alarm as the day of election approaches. The day comes and ends, and the great question is set tled. There is a night of jubilation for the victorious party, and the great tide of Ameri can society sweeps smoothly forward, without a ripple to remind the traveler of the rush and foam of the rapids which have been safely passed. We tern to England with her boasted con stitutional liberties, and how different the scene. The role is riot, the rare exception is peace. A general election, dragged out over many successive days, is only conducted with extreme peril of life and property. Mobs be set the hustings and the polls. The candi dates are expected to present themselves, and are attlaled. with 3ells, cheers and groans, and often with more substantial missiles. The electors are hustled and abused, compelled to show their ballots to the crowd, and often driven from the polls, if the maj , wity of the mob happen to be of the opposite side. These disturbances frequently swell to the proportions of riots, and during the election now in progress, the police and the military have been in constant requisition, iu the vain attempt to preserve order. Serious riots have occurred at se veral prints. The beadqusrtera of both parties have been attacked by mo`rs of ruf fiat's; public houses and shops sacked and pillage d; many persons seriously wounded; the military, as well as the police, have be.on, in some places, set at detianee,and a general spirit of turbulence and open violence ao pears to have nrarlted•the contest in ell puts of the kingdom. The contrast thus presented between the American and English people Is a very strik ing one, and it is the morn, remarkable when the conteant emigraticro to this country is considered, bringir,g, as it does, thousands of the very PeePl e .fte our shores who have been accustomgd, to exercise this violent la w/"..4 nem at home, and who come to thi country as to v ta land where they ar to enjoy a perfect liberty. What we have of xceptional disturbance at an Ame rican el tion, usually comes from the rougher sass of imported voters, a scum whose nature is too utterly bad to be re - moldtd to our American fashions, or to fuse itsclf hito our American homogeneity. The mass of' foreigners rapidly merge themselves into the habits of the country, and those habits are governed by that 'higher 11W" of self-preservation that makes it every man's best interest to range himself on the side of peace and order. The absence of all demon strations of governmental force at American elections,save where an occasional policeman may be stationed within call of the p ills of our large , cities, throws upon the people the responsibili y of protecting themselves from those disorders which disgrace the name o f constitutional liberty in England. It becomes the common interest of all parties to preserve order, aid so well is this principle understood and carried cut, that the localities where a man cannot go and deposit his ballot as quietly as he can deposit his money in bank are so few, compartd.with the grand aggre gate, as to be-almost unappreciable. Eng land, moving politically and rapidly toward political and social reform, and yet accus tomed to look with ill-disguised contempt upon whet she deems the crudities and semi barbarisms of American society, has yet many lessons to learn from us,and none mort import ant than the grand secret, by which five million free men, between the rising and the setting sun, decide the destinies of thi, great Republic, wkile the forty millions o! of our population scarcely know, save by tie after announcement, o that the deed is done Sale 01 the Beaumont Gallery Last Lven►ng—First Moiety. An animated throng attended the Auction Bale of the Beaumont Collection, last evening, at Scott's Art Gallery,opposite the Academy of Fine Arts. There was a good deal of spirlt about the bidding, though the prices kept generally low . Tee sale is to be concluded to-night, when a greater number of excellent pictures, with a smaller number of mediocre ones, will compete In the lists. Some of last night's prices were as follows: Sheep, fowls, ctre., Eugene Verboeckhoven, ¢YLU; "Morning Repast, novena. $75; two pie turee, Lake Lucerne, by von Raven, $BO each ; Mountains and Cascade, by Count de Bylandt, $115; Preparing for School, by Stroebel, $200; Pleasant Thoughts, by Amberg, $225 two land scapes by Klombeek, $l6O each ; Twilight in Ara bia, Th. Friere, same price ; The Atelier In Disor der, by Jeruberg, $160; May Morning, by Wal ker, of London, $200; two landscapes by Bavry. $145 each; The Bottle, Eastman Johnson, 3225; Market Day, by Jan Plated, $575; The Expected Lotter, by Barrett, of Lon don, $170: The._ Mirror, by Accard, $95; Evening, by Bchelfhout, 0110; After Dinner, Going to Service, Van Wyngeordt, $llO each ; Guard Room, Dinner Table, &lames, 362 50 each; Winter Scene, Kruseman, $240; Pyrenees, Fort, *210; Shepherd and Flock, do Boni, Ow, Archery, by Levine, of London, $100; Marine Vie% s, Morning and evening, Koekkoek, $O7 ho each; Grouse Shooting, by Deicker, $480; Lady Arranging Flowers, do Loose, $212 50; Coast of Norway, Unterberger, $130; Candlelight, Game of Draughts, flamer, $5O; The Young Brood. de s7a. The lino "Market in Cairo" by Ceuta, tier' Iloti's "Interior," and Borckmann'e "Cabinet of A utiquities," were withdrawn. Tht pictures to be sold might include Mr. Ut111.1017 aduilrablo Carl Becker; his gcro of a Ritts tall, his Andreas Aelitabach, his de Jougho, bh , Schlesinger, his. Rosier, and several ether rar ities which our cennoisseurs will Hardly be dis umt dtoit I escape them. A spirited oompetition is ccr.aiu. Stunting. Lour boron. & Co., Alto tioLeers,„ 111t.b. '4l't nud `2.34 Market Pure , , will hold iv-inorrow ur,day). Dee. .I,at 'WWl:lock, a large nd inure , toni Pale of Porelnn and Durnratle Dry (I. , adr, 711 ,, 114115' credit, ineludiaif 17triitiok“,7441 Don.t Daii,ktas, at , :. ; carte , Military Oloiltiog; On .•ees 4 lot De, rib,,SmeTeti, Daer•trirte„ lierivera, Itaiiarrn, Sado do Chines, VolvotS, V. Ivo . at Dies full lint„ Dis Stoovis. Aim), 1 - 1...,1;ct of Mr. 'rtrovian 1,000 high-aulS" cad Dielyvd Wail DOawk4 Al,*o Cull Du% fief urn THE DAILY EyENING ,131)14141M-PHIV And Irfoh Vnene and Lifter' Gooda;Oaniage and Lap 110her,lriabraidered and XiamAitcbenliandkorchler.9. F arnirtdi g Ooode,Glovea, Hosiery, Skirt.a r iildria and Dian Thubrellsta, &e.- ' • ' Qn linoray. Decemter 4 , b. 11 o'clock, on fon,' ,nioniFus. t •yedii, about NO pieces of Ingrain. Vedetlan. Mit, IL np 06itype and Rag Parpotinge, 103 pleoca ili‘or Oft laiotbF. &cc. Nottce--Abtalle o f Boots and_ ,D.mim t en & Co., Ailledol3ooll9, 7 1ffil aoH PE . more, No.. 506 Market. street ,10-morrow Catortla!) morning,- Dec. .41 1 0 o!clOck, A 14gc atd inpotirs .aettoriment of Boon. b Shiiea, Brontinn. holinurals, &e .. to which .they would lho only 't.tiention of tan tni'do Rale el a lo , vrollisig,Solatta Ninth St.— Included in Jarnea Prtenitia'a sale /vat Wetineo (tau, is a Cknteel Direiting, in Ronakitton's Row, on Eolith Ainth Weft, to be avid bj order of the Orphans' Cs firs. Sfe Anction advertkement. BLANLETS 1‘ BLANKETS ! STRAWBBIDGEtCLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE Corner 'Eighth and Market Sts A re rapidly dimming of their large ato3lt of Blanket) at the f °Boa ins prime F lank e 1 s, $3 per pair. Blankets, $ 450 per Pain. 131ankete, $4 per pair. • Blankets, $4 50 per pair. • Blankets, $5 per pair. 'Blankets $5 00 per pair. BinnlKeitia, VS per pair. Blanltels, $7 per pair. Blankets, $8 per pair. Blankets. $9 per pair. Blankets, $l.O per pair. Blankets, $l.l. per pair: Blankets, $l2 " Blankets, $1.3 " Blankets, $l5 - " Comfortablas, Quille, Sprands and Connie pmts. At Wboleesla Rothil,att low or IoA or then CAD bo found else))) hero. 61' AWB IDGE k CLOTHIER 11 , 2 Stirro O.FUENINer tap Pictures, Fancy Goods, Books and Stationery, AT MRS. J. HA.MILTON THOMAS, 1844 Chestnut Street. de.9 leth IN US A MuNTli. lJ A new Literary Magazine th embrace all the mora popular features of TIM ATLANTIC ANT) LAYING Ass. CONTENTsi OF FIRS (' NUMBSR. • The Mille of Tuxbury. .Uhaptent I aud, . Street Tumblem. ..... .......... /DIM. A Ski Teton in the lact a se ........ ....... . ..... 0 labial. The Old Dog.. :Aunt J 1 .Mayaciae. Snake F ating .67. James' Magician. Orath and she Seasons ........... ........ ...... Beigracia. Major Parrifer. t 2'h• Argos e. Long Pi imer and 8revier............ ..... . . firmed The impuesible W0man........................ The Q , 448,1,. be a ngelm . ... . ..... . ....... ...ocerfane - , ath . y. A Mom-ter 01 thu Deep ...... Sci.:nee V 3 Rri..v. _ll e)ribet.r. . allsgaz ine Ihe New England • Tragem ie5...., Atha • tfm. : Ihe Prince and the Widow.. .. ... —. Pa: 'fah Migraine. "THY. MILLS OF TUX nUml," the opening chapter, of a filch appt ar in the first number. it a story of povverf • I tutere,t, writtrn expressly for this Slag te ne by one of our met popular • LOCTICSO authors. It cannot fall t,..• attract_ Ride attention. TS•101B $2 ay ear; 20 cents a number. Pra number now rpsdy and for axle by news dealer,. and bmksellens. 'I. B. ARTHUR & ei)14.1 ltp 809 and 811 1 Iheennt street; f: AMERMAN CONS t RVATORY OF MUSIC -1 Suotheart coru.r of TENTH a d WALNL he R• %Vint, t Quart r will b«gin oa MO VOA Y. iauuary 11th, AV. Nance of LWTV Paalla can bo I eter HOVEh'S PATENT CO.N)bINATION SOFA BEDSTEAD. It has thr appearan. e of a Parlor Sof., with spnng back and g snot, and ye? in less than one to te's tin-', with. ~ut un-sr. wing or detaching in XXIV way, it .an be ex. troded Imo a handsomo French lEk det, ad. atth h,it• prang msttram complete. It is, wit how doubtthe band unmet and molt durable dofa Ilsd now in oco. Y or sale Itt,tho,Usbinet manufactory of F. HOvEit, Owner and Hole Manufacturer, 0c283m4p No Tin :tooth Second str.iet ChUMP. BUILDE.H.. J 1781 (.114EB I'NUT 13TP BET, ani •218 LOD ; E STRET, Mechanics of every brawn require ] for hou.selbuildizw, od fitting promptly fornined. fe37tt LJ Li ENISY PR L ILLIPP CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO. 1(614 BANSOM BTUS% 1e11.194v PHILADELPaIA. WA RBURTON , B IMPROVE 4 I, VE.VTILATI I :I' and easy•nttilt Dress Rani (patents ,) in all th, approved fashions of the season. Oh taunt tltront, ,ext door to the Poet-4,16'w. oce tfrp , I F VEN VA RIETIES OF TOOL-)RESTS, PATENT l'• bundles. con , aining sets oP Miniature fools and e a•tet) of Hoyt . Toula in aeparat.• pier a. For 13410 b. hI.IIIAN & NRA W. No. bB5 (Eight Thirty.five) Market treet, below Ninth. DAY FOR NEXT YEAR'S CHRISTMAS GIFTS 131 L r tying a patent Mame Arringer this llariattn.e. Pa aving in wear and tear of clothing and fo mate umbel Y tarhepr overbalance the account. Several of LII• e...t patents for sale by TRUMAN a Bt-1 tW. No. 833 ightbirty•ftvt ) Market etreet. below Ninth. I 0 YOUR MVP' TEIAT IS Oc IS TO BE. GIVE FOL a thri.tmaa gift one of the three etyke of Carpe . weepern alid by tut 1 hey pick up ehrroda of tar- ad, crape of paper. piny needles oirt and dust morn glickh baba br Gm. and 41 ith leas Miley to the oar of a carpet. kC MA N k SHAW. No. 835 thlgnt Thlny fire) Market ttet t, below Ninth. A. VoTroiniiilfeDmill;AN' Y rellnie S m EIZE t I ii To . oa v /k i i r N ae. A , ould take tne entire charge of one or two email coil mn. Home more of au object than cornttena tiou. Ad dress C. G., (trice of the "Episcopalian," 1221 Chestnut ctreet. ~.- IirsLIDAY PIiFfiENTS. * IBAAW u.. STAUFFIStr, No. 148 North SeCOEIIi ( 4. street, corner of Quarry, hna an assor , m,,nt ni ' WA I CHES. JeNVELRY, PLATta) A'l) 13IL V i. it'W AI( F, imitable for Holiday Fracture, which .611 be -old for each. deb-Iml-pli ILiARNI4BT BOPP, 124 No. 230 NORTH rintru rITREET, I. es'en hand a surp'y of Gentlemen's Boats and ehaes. A the finest quality of leather and workaanahiv; Mae made. to order. . Als.22uff - - (IVERA GLArFEB.—ONE OF THB BEST AB:3OKE moats, Including msuy new designs. Just root:Wed sr d for Bole at low pile s by JAMEd. W. QUEEN R CO., dcl rp tft , 14 Chestnut atr..et. G ENIB` 11lifi1-STADJIII , 2,u HANDICEttUttIEFS. Medium. fine and extra fine qualities at low prices. Germ' double.ctitched Kid &Glove.. all the 110%, co OR. Cadets (Young Genie' elms 74 to ts) doubleeetitched Kid Gies ee G.l.t.' and Cadets' rizee Deg skin and Beaver Gloves of he beet qualities, imported direct and for Bale al mil by GEORGE W. VOGEL, en3o tit rp§ MONEY TO ANY — AMOUNT LOANED UON 4 01 DIAMONDS. WAICIIES. JLWELRY. PLATE, OLOIMNG, &c., at -itia ES On.'B OLD.EBTABIBLIED LOAN OFFICE, Comer of Third aud (Makin etreota, Below Lombard. h. 11,1)1.:011014DS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, &c., ' • ItEMAIIKAMIA LOAN PRIEM. no24lnarm rilltEr COLTON DENTAL. AI33OthATION ORIGI nated the Ahlai.sTupric UNE OF NITEOUS OXIDE GAii, Ad q. intbter it In the 'nett approved manner, do nothing but extract 'I f.P.Ir--atid they certainly do that without t o 11.000 patients teritify. Bee thdr alguaturee at °thee, 735 Walnut street. ixdosv Eighth. mei a. volt - - —-- MARK! N WITH ENDELIDLE 1611BROIDEE. lug. liratding, Stamping. die. NI, Wed A. 'FURRY, otreet. . 'WATCHER 'AND MUI3IUAL BOXER R L palred.hy skillful workmen. PARR di BROTURR, julpsoters a W‘tches, etc., otlerlf • Chestnut street, below Fourth. , AN 1) 00.RSET ISAABLIPAOTORY NO. LI tin Vine etrooL AU noodd made of the boat meadriAlls d W arranted. BRIM rOPlLifed. no7itrnriK E. BAYLUY. R :NI A N 811 i P ViIifENTWICALLY t u n:di t..t.tt v lieo,h LLrt tfti c s V o l! ti: ti a or q )! II lott m l therm., hi yix 'limed ?or hire, oadrite Tiarbea.tr di.c. .Ingeld wow as all tratuti to tizuvr ik.r.se tht ethi Raddl lzge. parties, opera , t uu ml a , t. lIRMArd ifithdOE DU V 6141)0DIS. SEW PUBLIMAL 'IONS. ED u4l4Tiort. MIIMEZNII FERIA, WEDNESDAY, pgaEmpßtt, 2, 1868. QI.oTII[SIIQ - By arrangement with.'Executors. OUR ENTIREB STOOK is now to BE BOLD OUT' Accommodating Prices. WANAMAKER ISZ BRowL t' Bee other Advertisement& t01;f37.11:‘;,-;l7,42.",37l'l'orecest:grol!'o6o,l:ll,l)Nha:egy- evert• have the advautage of tbie Urea* Bale. uoon•rs. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR i S. E. Car. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. HERE COMES DECEMBER I Good bye to November; Now cometh December, With snow, and with lee, and with frost: The season of blowing, And storming, and snowing, As all of us know, to our cost. . This weatheee expected; And he who's protected Against the attacks of the storm, By suitable raiment (For which be'e made payment,) Is sure to be healthy and warm. 'Tis winter, good - neighbor, Don't foolishly labor And worry, with clothes thin or old; But come, bring your cash on, And dress in the fashion, And keep yourself out of the cold. Fashion am] health ; elegance and economy ; warmth and durability ; beauty of fit, and cheap ness of price—are all combined in the splendid stock of masculine apparel, for which the public are now rushing, in great throngs, at the Brown Stone Clothing Bali ROCKHILL &WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. BOY S' CLOTHING. In addition, wo have, in Second Stare, a WELT...OR GANIZED Tailor department for ordered Sion'e Clothing. N ote-633u,0W uncut Woolens to detect from. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market. noli irn4p ItoCEI..LAN Vts. PATES DE FOIEB GRAS, Just In Stem of our own.dtrect imtAntation, from LS. tIENhY. Strasbourg. the trot new FRESH PATES DE FOIES GRAS, Pt (Tau d and Pat Op MIN Seam, That have been received in tide country. SIMON COLTON & C.LIRKE, Importers of Irmo Goode for the S. W. corner Broad and Walnut Ste. de2 411) "MOUNTAIN" BUCKWHEAT MEAL. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Mountain and Sterling BUCKWHEAT MEAL, to tisgo and hall barrelfr--viarranted superior to any other In the market. GEO. F. ZEIINDER, Fourth "and Vine, SOLE AGENT. et2B w f ra tJak FAMILY FLOUR. lo Loth to snit GROCERS„ or by the tingle Barrel, For Sall° by J. EDWARD ADDICKS. 1230 MARKET STREET. seictinno & 0. R. TAYLOR, PERFURIER V ABM TOILETI4O/LPB, 641 and 640 ft• Ninth Streets LNV C 111.01408, .'BENGRAVIN GREAT I.' var ietry-44FLOM Prefrontal.," _ ALLOW. It EAU'S tar from liome " LAN DSltuß'S__"Conaols. or uts," new colored 1 hutegraphs, wo Lis of MEWS° Nikß and others, celoorel photographs of "The Forum" the • Coliseum" and • Bt. Peter's, at Rome, Maephemou'a photograph % 'ewe in Rome, the chrome of ••001Prl ACRE " Preyer'e •'LLECIAL DESBERI`," "Attrint! girl" new view of "Lake of the Pune. Cantons," 'VHF, , LP Oe Rh N BUCKET," and the companion, "LICIK oWErt 110511•'." Mrs. Ames" bruit of Ganeral Grant, hs H life size; price. SIO. 'rho very bets Menage yet pees rimed. Aloe, on exhiLition,CAßL MULLifit'd pointing, saint Cecilia," new pleturee by deINDERMANN_. MeI.JAS. WI PVENti, and others: WONDPAPUL v` 001) CARVINGS illuottatitrg "The 80 1 701% cardinal Sips," by WI7TIO, Munich. All the "ROGlBitirs t I OUPs."4epw circular's on annlidation,) Including the n.w "LOUR' 1311IP IN BLe PY !HOLLOW." Carved Revels. Swiea• - Rustic. Frames. Portrait a. &h. AK.. tr At Lpip Galleries and Looking alarm Won:Town% b I I O ;heat - out streat. noul4trl, O GROVER% H(YrELICEI)IPERS. PANWES AND T Others.—The underehread tree joist received n fresh supply of Catawba, (Wiforola and DimuiPiWriii Mire. Tonto Ale (for invalids). coridantly bind. P.. 1 JORDAN.' MO Pear/trod. Dejoca Third and Ws/nut etreols. ri EA TI iINO FELT Th)R BUM —TEN(VVERAM,IOI li :lm pAllak t•heatbing trolt, by ISTazit WittlitrT 115 *tut Istroet. - • ' aoll_ Itt - 7.11 1'1' to Chestnut 4 3 - Chestnut and Twelfth Streets 1g 7 4...'4:::-•.' : T.mp . ogT..;Ept:'-:."_:Noysm : i . Es.. FANCY siLyglt ANA.:.p.ATED. r. wA RA. CIMISDIAe'I•I3OLIDAYS: DF monde, Emeralds, Sapphires, Robles, Opel". Pratt,, SI littiires„ CIUSIOII/. R. men, B) unto. e, Venetian, Opera Wastes, Pipes, Match Boxes, Gear Stands, k-stands, Potte•monnsies, Cigar Cases, Bs inal Fans, BRONZE GOODS. .Statuettes, Busts. From the best French hicxicllera. Marble Statuary, Parian Ware. Paintings. SILVER AND PLATED WARES. Cake ELiskets, bettors. Flower Slowly, BuiteP Dich es , Vegetable Dishes, Eto Etc. Gorham Plated Win. Freya) Clocks, Vienna Clocks, Epergnes, Fo uit Dishes, Waiters, Gorham Silver Ware, Open eveiy Kiel* till a o'clock during December. BAILEY & Chestnut and IMMEDIATE AND IMPERATIVE SALE FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING. By arrangement with the Executors. made this day s we shall finish our Account of Sitook. and To Close A flkirs of Old Firm. our Entire Stook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Rather than eer.d soy portion of it to Auction we will offer it to the people at Prices Below the Cost of Manufacturing. And thus clear out our entire stock. Securing a QUICK SALE, By lc thug the Geode at such rates as will satisfy any reasonable purchaser. Our immense House is fairly loaded with GARMENIS OF EVERY DESCR,EPTIONT, killable to all Ciagetl i wade up vita the utmost tare, of tae Very Ilaeat materials, Comprising, In the GENERAL READY-MADE DEPARTMENT 3,000 Overcoats, made In most fashionable styles, of all kinds of Beavers, Chiecnil'as, Tricots, &e. 3,000 Butte Coats, Pants and Vests of the same material, Business, Drum, Traveling, "Indispen sable" Baits, '&e. 5,400 Coats, Chesterfields and Backs, Morning and Lounging Coats, Frock and Drees Coats, &c. 5,000 Pairs Partaloons, of all materials, and cut on every approved style—Narrow and nobby, plain end comfortable. 6,1.00 Vests, Velvet Vests, Fancy Caesimere Vests, Cloth Vests, double or single-breasted, high or low cut. _ - _ CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Here we have a large assortment of Piece Goods that must be disposed of. To do w hich we pro pose for a few days to make to order from measure, in our very best style, nuking a Deduction of 15 per cent, for aILJJAtit. Orders, Thus we offer Clothing as good in points of Style, Materria Fit ' autfirinish, as can be had in any Merchant Tailoring Establishment, and at about half the ordhaary prime. - Y6UIIS' AND CIIILISREN'S DEPARTMENT . This Department has been a specialty with us this year. We have had manufactured the largest and best,nosortment of Boys' Clothing to be found in the city, all which is nor for sale at Greatly Reduced Trices. A Rare Opportunity to Fit Old the Children. BLACK GOODS ROOM . Mourning Woor.—Clerical Garments, Full Dress Suite. Black Cloth Overcoats, Black Cloth and Doeskin Pants. Black Cloth and Casalmere Coats, Black Vests. IN THE GENTS' DEPARTMENT , Any customer purchasing au article of clothing will be allowed a deduction of Twenty Per Cent. on any additional purchase in this de partment. Hoookerchieti, Suppeoders, Ties Hosiery; Shirts, eoilars, &e., 81e ; Whilst we are not entirely through with the stock account, yet we are letting a great many of the goods go now. We shall be entirely ready, however, and the balll l 97;7 0 1i dal 113 Dtll9 :31 The etoro will be opened early. and clotted late. An extra number of Salesmen will be in attend ance. Prompt;and polite satiation wiz be given to all. No customer will be unsupplied, if any reasonable Accommodation of Price; will induce him to buy. WANAMAKER & BROWN , ~arios. 11 he 44 Mellenlett:KEW " Sur ft Class Mhiltsdelph lu re sane femme tat hisaitshieturers i Prices, °Met ha their•atiorati Rey, ailed thereby encoure_ge henna liieuistry• F.:m.lON pianos eold b e r aciaitie are generally the te get that eels be form in the NetW V oleic or U 4181.0 1 ,1 11111711111 . , and aft..r all they ettet the purcnaser an much as tint clues - . Banomaegica Pianos. The Agent has already rove , al eomettosicsee AIIuTD bt torotho customer cbtaino an instrument, .ud in a low years it tummies st re Ritmo and there la no redress - - Our Nat oe have maintained their bleb remitation as 711113T•01 , 1313 VOIt MOUE THAN Telitilr YMCAS and have neon nu girded the Matteis preinitinia. and are 1.14)97 admitted to be the finest and most highly.urip.owkrd inatriarnents made in the country. (inr new and beautiful Wgreroome. No 111(0 envenom 8T1111.7.1 . are 0010 4 1 1 E 0 Y aunnlied tram our extensive fad• lodes. with a mull aerortment eupertor Guam), IXntiatisi and UlltiOlrr PIAT.OB, lob we offer on tier reci.t eaves- AISLE t.lll/.0. , Can 01. d eIIiTI II XI. them. hav e : u admit. that we are able to mare that we id, mid ihat no ether ektfiblitlimpw in this city osn oiler the ammo LUMP AL INIVOMMIOI/13. alkefteltomacker Clo., t o. 1103 Chi eetunt eitreet•--- -Pir 11.—Planoarto - Aivit • . , . • liativramtdottl4o :.13- - A * .1.:.::.14..:,,.T;,::.-.....,:.:!.5.i.i..,........-0...9..;.-.::...:;.. GRAND . . - ;OPF,N,ING::i. FOR TUE- JEWELRY. Virnmse. IFremdi, , Engli,h, . Befallen, American • • Swisa, Watches, Swim, Engli►h, Ameriden, Chem% FANCY GOODS. IPerty Fans, RP lioulee, Clove Boxes, Monchoir Boxes, Card Stands, WWI) Boxes, Skate alga, Twelfth SELL OFF, GREAT SALE win commence OAK HAL,L BUII.OINGS 6 S. E 'CORNER SIXTH AND iI&EXET STREETS, CO., Philadelphia. 8 treets, 'TIIIB TURF. Point Breeze Park. AN ISPICIALLY . ATTRATIVc CONTIET OF SPEED To.llorrow (Tr widay) "at P. I. • FURSE.AND BT ARE, stoop. Mile heate, 8 In 5. haudicappod. J. LOVET noinee g. e. I po , diDEs,eaddle. M. GLOM names b. M. 11 t itY, homes& J. TURNER.n•mre b in FANNY ALLEN. harneae. JAL HAMILL name e. JIMMY L., bonnet. The above, in bend' opved, oroinfeem to be the boat con tepted and most Ibt,reeting exhibition of the Beason. 2.80 Moo a ill be beattn. M gibbet ki privilege 01 illtrOfirle non will b e ims p an d e d. Orbnitameo will leave L,EoItARY Street. $L • _ REttiNtim -- -.LANINu A D e law a re)AL Ihr J. B. mibinsu & CO.. 108 Sout amuse Seel Rings, Seale, °mann*. Soars pins. Scar? !Puns. Sleeve Buttons t Lockets. Necalroea, Breo ohs; Ear Ring", Brinefete, Eta Jewelry Closes, Dressing Callas, Boncion Boxer, Vases- - - Toilet Sefs, Frenoh Bouquets,. Eto Etc. Groups, Eto., lIILADELPUJUG SECONI)7.:.,O,ITION, BY TELEGRAPH. TO-DAY'S CABLE DTEWtik Money, Votton and Bleadstaffs. WA.SHIN-GFTCOM: THE RICHMOND WASHINGTON MONUMENT. ,Foreign Diplomatists Spani'ah Another finpatatt Deeb33on by Chief 'Jubilee Chase; Ply elße Atlantic Cable. Loinum, Dec: '2; A. M.—Consols; for money 9434; for account, ir2% (ex-dividend). United &sus Flve-twentles dull at 74,V. Stocks quiet. Male, 27. Illinois Central, 96. Livanroot., Dec. 2, A. M. Cotton dull wales of probably 10,000 bales. Breadstuffs quiet Other arliclmunchunged..- - - The Richmond illporlal Pespateh to the Phila. Evening Bulletin I Wasuisorom, Dec. 2.—The 'Governor or Vit . glob has received a letter from the sculptor, Randolph Rogera, In Rome, Who states that he will forward from Bremen, by steamer to New Yosk, on the 14th December, for the Washing ton monument In Richmond, two more alle gorical figures and military trophies, viz.: "Colo nial Times" and "The Bill of Rights." This mon:dines traina brought in an additional Dumber of Congressmen and Senators. A/lather liecisokois by Chief diiiitice ningetta Deginitob to tne Phila. Evening Bulletin-I Watluntomv, Dee 2.-Among the most In - .porti.nt cures dcclded by Chief Justice Chise at the tottent term of the Richmond Circuit Court Is ono establittilog the right of stockirAders In the loyal States lb dividends declared during the war upon stock held by them In the Southern Ralla.ays, tiotatitbt•tanding the ecei fi ,eitt9o of suchstock or divide nds-by the Rebel Government. It • xplitins dearly what Is meant by the term of "deftroo coverunients,"and promulgates the rule that Confederate notes- received in the rebel States, oo account of parties in the loyal Stites, timbres's of acts violating , the Interdicts against commercial Intercourse, must be accounted for In laidul money, equal In value to the Confede rate notes at the time of receipt. The Diplomatists on Spanish- Affairs. (Special Donnish to the Phibute!phis Evening Balletin.l WAAHINGTOH, Dec. t 2.--.3be members of the . WV. rionis foreign legations hero are viewing with close interest the threatening aspect of affairs in Spain. Those best informed in diplomatic Circles impress the opinion that a movement looking to waids making Spain a republic is sure to result in open scenes of violence and bloodshed between the Republicans and- Monarchists.. Whichever way the contest is decided, its bearing upon the Cuban Insurrection is held to be very great. If affairs .cem to irdicate that Spain will be Made a r• pub& ' it is believed that the present govern meal of Cuba will be overthrown. PALMELI, Mass., Dec. 2.—n. Belson's steam trill at ibis place, and a Large block adjoining i were burned last evening. - Loss 2110,000. _ Weather Report. Dec 2.„ 9 A.)l. For land Hew 1 erk Wilmington, Del. Washington...... FOMMEAMonroe.. Richmond........ dermas, Cla Bair o Pittsburgh Chicag0........ Mobile.. Yew Orleans... Key West . 5amna........... taste al Thermometer rhis Day at the Bulletin Office. ad. M.... 33 Me. ui 3,11 SS asst. 2 P. hi 27 deg. Weather snowing. Wind West. THE COURT& The Beeman momicide• FIFTH DAI PROCEhDINGS. Ora awn TlLMlllErt—Judges Peirce and Ludlow.— The case of Gerald tame charged with the murder of Tin ethy Heenan. occupied the attention of the emu yesterday afternoon until nearly seven o'clock. Alter. mai. Imugherto, who was on the stand when ear report mos.. d, remained there mail the adjournment of the court. homer virus an elaborate examination to chef and es-es. He testify,/ positively to Eaton being there with a I Islet and disehargh g it. John ,C. Heenan (the Be. nisi* 110 .) the brother of the decemsed, has been in court or-eery - day mute tie commencement okrethe trial. and wrier es the proceedings watt great interest. his morning the case was mourned, the court room bt el cos ded. John Keith sworn : On the night of the murder I was standing on my owner. Fifth and Prune. talking with Joseph It 'lntern; it was oho At 12 o'clock; Alderman boegbetty came down Filth street cp.s the east aide, and be cr. seed o‘er to wi era I was standing; while we were rttidug them we Maid we or three men coming up It& it, sneer talking rather loud; these men were on the west side of Filth; intern, Dougherty and myeelf then walked up to my gate, on Minna street. about fifty fee t flow Filth street; these three men turned tho corner and stem up truce Ur. et; they were Ewan, Health and 'I minor; 't stern said: • uow are you, Jerry P . rinallis then came bark and epoko to e me; they then wt tinned up Prime street, and went -to •Trainoria borne; we then heard the report • t o next Stn . a cross d coming from that home; this w:ea ont tea minutes after they cot-red ; I recognized only on in the crowd coming out and that was Neallie; sours were on no, tb and others on the south side of Prune street; they a tot don 12 Fifth street : standing at Fifth and Prune we heard a noise at Smith's tavern (Fifth aid dprace); I went to Landis street and through to the station house:' Rhea I saw Heenan ho had been snot; I &dal consider Het nun a drunken man. . . . Joseoh Intern sworu--On f 1 o night of the shooting I wse stazding at Fifth and Prom, with Mr. Kelsh and Alderman Dougherty Oho warren do'crlbed the appear ance of the crowd, the entry into and exit from Tra.Wor's b. Mt". all given by the other witnesses.) He then con thmed—When we heard the noise at Smith's tavern we went deo n; heard the noise at Smith's as soon as the party get there; was about twenty feet from Frune etreet when I heard the noise. and w a s walking slowly don nat the time, but when we heard the oohs we went faster to ere what it was; saw a crowd combos' out of Smith's door; some inside and some outside; when 'saw the crowd I was shwa, 20 feet from the corner; I saw Mr. Heenan come to the d way and hold his hands out and open; I did not see Eaton at to..t time; th re was a whole crowd on the pavement at this me. and Heenan wan addressing them, and slid: 41 here is no use of anything of that kind; I am not arced; I don't carry anything " The crowd then went to tie rortheast corner Fifth and Spruce and stood - there a ronple of minutes:then there tom ainan by the ns um of 1.33 , mg wile ran acmes the street to the north ear t corner, in his shirt sleeves; I think ho was in liquor at the time; after he got across, Mr. ilecoau ran after hiu.-to get hold of him and ,bring him back, but he so rcs- Or d with Mr. Heenan, end:got away.from him: Heenan told him When he first started to come back; by thin time the re owed thathad been on the tortheast ccrner, re it; aced up Filth street; there were tram eight to t.elve people there in tho crowd; ' Ewing had broke - away from Heenan, and had run after the crowd going up Fifth stroet,and Hinman again told him to COlllO back, and ran after him. and I tressed over to help Heenan to bring him back, for Ewing was v o ry drunk ;by the time I got over to 61r. Heenan to help bim with Ewing the At Inge mmeneed; I think it was the third or fourth shot that struck air Heenan fa the stomach as he was advancing al.ug with me after Lulus:Ewing was ahead of us; Iteipposo we were sheet ten yerde from the mull" that shot at tie; , I could not • 3 positively. as 1 wage:cited by the lirMg; there were eight to ten shots tired; 1 could see.Wllo it was that fired the shots ;. wlll3ll tho fourth soot was tired he kind of flinched 'backwaids, but then kept on; Heenan did not speak until the tiring was all over; arter the leer shots WON) tired this— whole , crswd• ran up Path street as fast an they • could go; Dun Heeuan and I turned beck, and when we gut to the norther et corner whore Alderman Dough erty ran aver to un, a , d said : "The, I think you' Are Pilot " Heenan , mid, "iquire,l think firm: I'll see when I get to the tavern." liegnan then walked over to-the tavern, sat down Ina chair, u..buttoned his pants, and we found he was shot in 'the stomach; Heenan had no weapon ; Ewing h rine weapon. Thu case to still on trial. Ilr. LATE LICIJOGIIST'M morning young Bev 01 . P charged .ith catalog the death of Abe. EiCetit. Ls -a miltAkein compouudiug a prescription, way In(Joart and entered bail in $2,600 to appear , and answer the oba , ge of mattelaughLer. Wrn. U. Mann appeared for the del endant. .VEJBt. Arrival of Count Sidalanasedu vet Puerto Prlnclipe-Conteretice with the I.ettt. inp inaurttenta-A ittlobtly struggle . to Commence wood. flavAnsallov. E. 90, via Rinr WEPT. DIM. 1, latia -Our actvi..r..i , oau ue vase, aro to tlie . 24llh lu , tant. Cone t flahnageda arris , d at etn:rto Pruielpist oat na , 1911, with a force of eOO Ingo- Operation erera aria. ILIAMARONf AND' , VERALID - NIAL-126 BOXES vended for tour rlaye more at the euggeution of proini. J.TI Italian Carted Marearotd and VentileelitUndisz - nont - oltnano4 ----- "witir -- tize-tiocar-of-oompreinteingen - ahlp illemnotiollreet - frain - Vinion. and ter Web/ tLe irc i uldos, The Ina urrortletary I wets, JOB. D. D1:30=3, 4 GQ,. 108 &Path Delaware mama. A ffairs. Washington Montt- la, lit. go Ili awe. Weather. Thor. gear, 14 11183 do. so do.. 36 N. E. do. 40 ,N. do. 31 ...$ W. do. 46 N. Cloudy. 26. ....N. W. C!e4r. 30 Coady. 26 ....S. W. Clear. V.) N. elev. 63 E. Clear. r 4 ....N. E. Clear. 6:1 ....N. E. Clear. 78 , , however. repel alleffent of,coMpromiae. At a conferenc I o l d on the :lab the chide represented the tzlent sod: wealth of the eastern denarttnetrt. dome pleaded' I rol•sly Jn favor of accepting the reforina ratted Is the adminlatration of the island, bet the majority refuses to at-gept any ancirtern/s. They eat/owed tneir deterinliatn! Lion ta tight tor the independi-noe of the island.' 11.:ount Hallow eda then A °titled thent test' a bloody triaggid WOUld commence 'aeon. ' FINAZIMAi, ftna - .00BINthitOIAL The Plhilleidelpht 86106 St tho Phllsdel 6500 Clty 6'e pew due bill Its 100 60060 &lan 65 , 89 lte vtlis 12t0 tts 2 fsertes' luttk 2000PennR2rtur ets • 96% 8000 •_ do 00k, 2000 Penns 18 81 800 Bead 6h:43-60 92 10 sh Bonk I.IA Its 245 , 100 rh Ins Co IlAtn m 6 20 15 eh Cam & 4m e 5 128 Ito eh Catuvids It ~11 I SZTWILI: iee 0 POIIII3 ell Peff3 3044 1000 Lehiktins II In 85 1000 neW fide 91 100 eh .131 g kronatin 060 6,U tAiO eG do_ ben 63L, 100 eb Penn R c 1544 4th do 513 d 28 an CandkAm 11, 129 81 , 4141N1 irMeaM&AIMMt6EI'6I3 883 rt UOl, Etch Ithiv Ss '62 TO,Is 2000 buvo el es 68 61+00 Leh 614. old In 933 MOO Lehiall Val mpvir cp 41. • Peirtinitrina, Wsdnesday, recetriber 2.—The money market nresenteno maPrise change from thryprevalling ease a bleb hag characterized ens pineipal features fdr man, des r mitt. IJapltatisieabundantsupply to meet the a *his bor. etyma by call 10aZIP on stock rellat,rals Iron, IN to 7 per cent. nitre is very little new mem tattle paper. bang _ created in-the • present' apathetic- condi tion of-- trade,' and the amount offirst clime obligations a hich , find their way upon the street .111 taken at from 9 to-1e percent . with ascendant' sales't. elOw our lea eat ormtatio.. The banks are •dis., counting to the extent of their mean•, acd capital are IXIOIC disposed to accept satisfactory paper. The remit. [sneer trom . the certain' are extremely ilsbt and among the a holesale racers and dry goo is jobbing 'li ruse+ there are many complaint, of the .tarditiess with which the proceeds of their sal:a come for. ard. The ntock market was doll and feeble thin morning. as alit be Sten 'by it alnico at the transaction.. Govern. tnett and Hate to. Ey were inactive; Cite 6'4. no v, were at. ady at 103.1 i ior rue new and 100 or the old homer. Reading Railroad closed , at o decline of lf ; Penn /Omni:l Railroad ass ale ;`,l Wer; Camden and Amboy Railroad acid at 1,13- o cb age,. 41 was hid for Ilinebill h alb ose ; "tor Lehigh Valley Railroad; :;i4 for North Pet wylvarta• Railroad; 914 lor itailrese preferred; and 15U for Philadelphia and Elie kalboad. Copal Stocks were very quiet, Lehigh Navigation WWI nominal .fiavlglitlon Preferred at, 24. and Proquensorla at 12. ..,, Bank and Passenger shares were - withoat table t hawse. Mesita De Haven and Brother. No. 40 Booth Third street. wake the following quotations of the rates of ex. ebonite. today. at 2P. M. • bolted States Sixes, 1811. 1145; 115; do. do., '62. 1105 , ;(41.11z do. do ' 1661. 1 07 4 19 7 , i do. do. IE4A 107, 2 ‘014 75 ,- ,;; do. do.. 'PE, new,_110411 , 34 ; do. do. 1307 bew. lielita.lloN; do. lit t, 110.4110,14; Five, Ten forties. 1023.,@,u6,50 ; Gue flompound Interest Notes!. 164.1 Gold. 1N.6417,5.'„; : sliver imAttl. Stoth. Randolph & . basizers,l6 South Third street. q , ole at 10,14 o'smek as follows: ti01d.1.154; Unwed States rites. len e ieffFivo tdwoe iti o n s. Idol, 4'011; do, do. do. y. 16th.q,71; .ddd. d d o.l d 6.lo do ' 17 110hOsIlefo do.. do a, • 15tH„ 1103;g110%; U.S. Fives. 10fi3ia,108M. Jay t o co. gore Government securities, die.. to. day as follows: U. id 04.1651. il4?idellib: old Five-twea. tier. 110.4,0 f ill; new- Fivotweottee of 1%4.107'14 tin ff, ; do.do-lke6.l(l7ls@lo7. l 4;;.Fivetsa entice ofJule.liOlsrolileY • do. 1b67. ti. 04,41101, • eat e& litei.C4llo,l; Tea-fortis% 11.63a9 1, 105if ; Gold. 125 . 56. ailaeu a Keene. bankers. 42 i3outti Third street, quote Border State Roods today as foams: Tennessee's. old. elikl4 69%; d0.0ew.M,341 , 13; Vim gluts. old. 66457: do. new. iii b: o ortb carotin a's. old. 61X9.466; do. new. CM #O4 ; Alisaouri. ifei9iikil; Georgia ea. MA 904; do. 7 , e. 92. Toe following is tno anieguitol goal transpuruxl over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, daring the week ending Monday,- biov. - 33, - T Pram St. Clair— ..... ....... 17,037 05 Port Carbon. ......... ..... ...... 8,116 00 " Pottsville..: ' . 1,134 17 " Schuylkill ........ 14.508 00 n Auburn ........................... 1.T49 05 Port Clinton. .. . . ... ...... . 6.519 15 .. HarrieturgundDeup . hin...... . . .... 3 . 290 05 Total Anthracite Coal for week. 47,355 07 Bituminous Coal from Harrisburg and - Dauphin for week. .... 3,147 00 Total for week paying, freig,ht mat* 07 Coal for the Company's .... 1,272 06 Total of all Llnds for 51.714 13 Previously this year .. ... .... 01 Total. . To November 30. Philadelphia Produce elarket. Wt.:a:trail/LT. Dec. it—There Ls not much Clovarseed of• tering. and tt eases from $6 5(1 to $7 56- the latter figure forchoice new. Priem. of ri,noteyKra notilinaL Small wales of Flaxseed at 89 5682 60 per buebeL Tbeie is no esnential change- in the Flour market, the demand being confined to the wante of the home con- OULUCIL a ales of 5.466! barrels at 67 51a8 So fur North Western Extra Family. and slolgio DO for Illinois and 'ramps. and Penna. Winter Wheat do.. Including some fancy lots at $116=13 Z; and Extra at $646 75. sLb ,ut 100 barrels Rye Flout sold at 87 75 , :441. in Corn Meal nothing damns. Tnr offerer go of trbeat are ligtt, and prime tote are held firmly. male of 4 001 bushels Red at $1 (Jr 12; and ADAK rat $.2 15 per bushel. Rya has adva,me Sc and a id of Western sold at $1 56. '1 he market le very bare of. old Core, and 1,500 bushel.. sold at s it 30— an advance 01 Sc. New al low comes in go., ly and commands 611 SI If. Oats coatleue in fair regime , and 5.(44. 1 11/1/ bushels W. stern weld at 7 !-€ .72 a. Whist y le In better demand. andprices are firmer. Sales at $1 05(41 b 7 tor wood and iron bound oarrete. New York Moue, Ilakitet e (From the N. Y. Herald of to-day.l Dr,ci. 1.- Gold was dull and steely throughout to-day fluctuating se Phi:: the remartamy ulnae Bouts of a q me ter of ons per met it opened at 136.4 and advancell to 186', in the presence hf a few large purchasers limiting to the 'Teeing price it fluctuated aukighthitne other way. touching 1:5. his movernent it repeated several Wow ' during the beerier, of the board, the price at the close be. leg the seine as at the upeni. g, although it fell to 136 to. foto the termination of business at aye o'clock. Nearly a million dollars was bought. it was reported, for the Erie cl que, sad the thouaut WWI at once suggested that gold fs more readuy negotiable than greenbacks or stocks in the Dominion of Canada. It the purchases were made for these parties it is more likely the gold le wanted to hay for the sterling bonds reshipped Dom Ein ope. whn h are now expected by every steamer. lhe borrowing demand, what little there was of it, was easily accomkodated, while for carrying the loaning rate ranged to cm oflO to five per cent The dub 'Cream:rec. Mr. Van Da ck. sold V3UO,COO, gold. id acco:dance with his anobuocemont to dispose or g1.5e0,000 at auction this se et k. Tne mice realized was 185 eti for $100.0tto: 13306 for another hundred thouaand. and 136 10 for the balaocr. The steamer :son:ante took out $43,000 in specie The grow clearings were only ga1.760.000: the gold balances. 111.196fg,6, and the currency b :lances $2.916,914. The money market was a little more active and the banks Imo trust companies fliers solicitous about °Mottl ing the full legal rase on cal loans. Bet wean brokers and stock houses the rate on the ordinary collateral., was six per cent. Palma itousesa7d favored cuatomers got all they wished et five Der cent ongovernments. There fa a crowing hupres-ion that mom.", will be quite active fat no very 'emote day. bct ()bp y seems capable of agitat ing any very definite reas-tn for it Thia foeling,comenu. ideated hour one person to another, was the occasion of a decline in the otock market to.day. The algae of the times e o not indicate any very urgent - inquiry at liand. hatever demand there is now in the city is easily satisfied at rates above enumerated. The fends to reeve the cotton crop have been almost entirely re mitted, The balance isg .goin so gradually that the effect neon the moony market is imperceptible. The few re. refttances to the South are counteroalancod by the re ceipts fmm the Weat. In the latter locality the pork packing interest is beginning to requir,e more moiety, hut can be easily eatisfieo by checking off the remittances eastward. Our basks are also rodhcounting Western debts. The Eastern merchants do not &aerate require any further accommodation' and are withdrawing their paper or °Serie , git at very low rateaof discount. They seem to prefer doing bushman on a cautious, conservative basis for the rest of the seaman. particularly pending th e course of gold, as it will be affected by the 1105111011 of Con. Mee. At the du goods sales to-daY prices were steady Con and fair. but without enthualatm. the severe mot market opened steady at a decline item yesterday'a price: The causes at work were the eat. Dement of gold: the apprehension of activity In money. and the :“beers.:' At the noon call there ewas a• further decline, when the low prices induted investment, which In turn brouitht about a recovery. _Dh d ow the N. Y. Worlof terday.l DBO. I -1 he moony market was active to day at 6 to 7 -percent, comfit The. government bond market was unsettled by the salea of the bears. The foreign exchange market Is quoted 10911 for Prime bankers' isixt3 -day sterling. and 109 to 1094 for ether bankers': Cotton bills are quoted liti36 to /09. I be gold market was firm and steady, opening at 1334 advancing to 185'4, declining to 136, and clewing at 054. The r ates paid for carrying were 1, S. 4 and 5 per cent. After the no-rd adjourned; the closing quotations at 6:S1) P. M- were 135 to 2353:,. - , The award of government gold tactic: , was made to Henry ()lewd dt Co. at 185 U 5, 185 06 and 185 IU. ho operations of the Gold Exchange Bank today were as follows : Gold balances ........... ....................... 131,795.146 10 Currency balance!". --• •••••• •• • • • , 3.916.914 41 U 1044 clearances .iltaelkottest Qttotartoris .irena Mow Work [BY Telegrapthi Nuw Yens. Dec 2.-Stocks steady and dull ;Oblong. and Rock Island, 107.4 ,• Reading. Dtqii; Canton Com pany, 49: Erie , , Cleveland and Wade, 100: Clove. , land and Pittsburgh. MU • Pittatrtirgh and Pant .Wavne. 12034 ' Michigan Gentral:llB:' Michigan Bentham, filV: Now York Central. 19.94: Illinois Central, 1414; Cumber. land Preferred, 87; Virginia, Sixes. 67: Missouri sixes, *AY river, 189j': PlvetwentiadB62,llo;r9: d0..1861, 107 H. do., 1865: MN* New: 1104'; Toutforties, Gold. 125 : ?Sorrel lull per cent : Brehm:go. 94. 80 The United States k'reasurer to - day sold 19300,000 in gel/ at 14. Markisto by . Celekraph. liEw 'lona. Dec. 2.—Cotton mile,. 28. V.• Flour steady for low grades and dee FO° 4 / 6 ",. °116 : dllnit; salve_ of .9.000 bale. State. at ;55 50' ,4 7 SO; ' lino at 08 10@i); Weet.rn at SO sag" , bs: eh leo White. $1839 75; bouthern• $7 20®18; California, $8.75;4'8 Mont dull. Corn dull; rule. of Unshorn at 01 Mfg 17. o.da dull; sales of MUM' bUshela at lavgbi. Beef quiet. Pork dull at 28. Lard dull at isuolw. Whisky heavY at loB}f In c Bevrineux, Dee. 2...:-Cottan (inlet but firm; Middling Upland, - 25 Flour active and firm and enehang..A. Wheat dull; prima to choice at 09 M 8412 411; - fair to good. A2(ii 2 25. Corn dull; new white. fide.® ;51. 00; , 1 ,4 es4i 05 Oate Wm; Western: 73'4750.. live doll, nominal at ;51 COL 46: Pork dull at Sat. Bacon quiet: rib gide& clear *idea, 183 d ; ,ellouldare,,l4laLhams, hi. Lard dull at 17e. , • - THE•DAILY G BULLETIN -pIiILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2;1868. Money 114x1Le f. bla stock Exchalago. 200, 109 eh sh Readdo 49 R alp 4034 V 100 sh j do 820wd -49 V 200 eh •do c lte 491( 100 db, do b3O 49W zOO eh do c 49X 100 eh do b3ll 49-3.16 8 Ph round R 04 :6 eh , do, ,15 / 1 1 9eh do Its , 51% .128 ph_ do lte 000 sh StNich cl • 1 tiosILDS, IlOu ohNortb()entß 48 400100300 It Its •• ..49 900 eh do siSventkin 49 • 100 eh ,do c - 49 1200 eh "do blO 49 144 eh do 48.04 100 eh do •b3O 49 300 eh do bI6 Its 49 1 WARD. 1 eh Peno Stqb3 In 2 1 736 18 dh Peons •151,;( , 00 eh Milton Coal b6O 631 400 .413. Beal kt - ;00 eh do 133 - 0 4514 100 eh do. bl. O--49 3 574.873 14 3 446,826 08 E.1)1TION. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS . Executions in Maryland Atlantic Cable. Lorwoo t Dec: -2, --P. M. - -Codeols;:-92%- for roomy and account. • kovatteom„ Dec. 2, P. bi--Cotton dull. HAVue, Dec. 2. P.M.--Cotton dull at 185 franca on 'the spot, and 124f..a float. loom non, Dec. • 2.—Arrived, 'steamship Cella; Losoror, Dec. 2, 2.39 P. M.—lrnited 'Stites five tvret Iles qnlet. Railway shares firm; Atlantic and Great Western 89. , - • Live.nroof., Dee. 2, 2.80 P. 14.—Provislous firm. Polk firm. Lard quiet,. Sprits of petro lenn3 Bd. Turpentine qolet: ' 'QUEIMSTOWN. Dec. 2.—The steamship City of Loi.don al rived to day. • Executions ill Maryland. WILMIKOToIg. Dee. 2.—A special despatch to theleeneserciar, from Princess Anne. Ifarylind, state e thbt Olt warrant reeulccd for the execution of William Wells, _William Wilson-,and (31-lorge Roueds, for the murder et the captalia atictnaste of the Ecbooner Brave, In Chesapeake Bay, Mgr eb alp t, fixes January Bth .for the execntions. It boa been trrentously, reported that the 'execu tions would take place lit.eember 4th.' Q R DIEL&WARIK eiviLizaraos., borne Merciful Fventences. The following Cll4ll were tiled in ,the , Court at New Cutle, L elen ore, duties the esent week. We give the intamoue *Ld wicked e.ntoncee pronounced *gallica the criminals by the "'neigh:in Judge: Robert Pante. cot red, baving been convicted of the larva yof a five dollar greemback. the prowl , ty of Ai %e -'en/et Loft aas lienteveed to pay ten. &Pare rcetitution, opera, and on fiatutdae. next, iiPectuher sth. to be ablpped ten lathes end be imprisoned .1x menthe. Monis b 7 men. a young a bite men. crawl .toed of steal. lag a coat frem Emanuel iii , benber,er.vras ee,.tc iced to pay ten d glare recti , uttra costa, on Retard next.-+'e• mber stb. be wLlpped with ten Is/Lea. and Imprisoned six mouthy. Hate vs. Jona'han Graves—lndicted for the larceny of a shot gon, the.property of. Lewis mamma:et 'hristinzu It Durkee. pltad guilts. bent, need to par ale re* Dutton. .col to. stand iv the pil!ory one hour, and on Saturday nt_vt, lies etuter Leh. to be whlppeur with - twenty lashes; ono frouris. ued two years. State v5..14 sepli Shit by, indicted for. arson in setting fire to he office of H. Id Roe, plead guilty, and was., sew tenerd to pay a tine of 4 , 5t0. to pay $l6OO restitution.Co its o• nit. on catuiday next . Hoorn/ qer 6th. to stand in the pities y ?Ai a. to be whipped wVis Al lashes and inr to b. er d tour 3 - ears. . Etats vs. Jtuerh bhlrby..ind'cted for the larceny. of ince. y and pr.( dm, the t roverty of H. M. Hilo. p 1 ad gi ilty. and was sent, need t pay votes to stand in the pllor. ;OD,ll,lltee and on Safur^ay pest. iJeceniber eth. tore ;chirp , d with lv lashes and imprison el one, year. State re. Reuben Johnson, colored;-Charged AOh re. ceivii a buying and cola eating thirty pounds of pickled pork. rhe poverty of lien, yA. P. 2 king. Verdict,gdity. ter try cad to pay 69 reA.tnlioo, coats. to ba,Whipped a Ph' 2. last el and ituorisous d riz months. State vv.l3. . njamtn era% colors d.—Ch 'reed with the lan my of a coat au d vest, the,, property of floury Masten, io Brand, et 01:m*1 1 / a ge. Yr relict guilty, rentenced'eo p ay kthutitto. costs. to be whipped with 20 lashes and' unpilecned EIS 1124161110. - FORGERY AND, loßFlVeirrioni IN irrir vs-strut:4i An Insurance Agent Chanted with Vol ix ery- Ile Leaves. for Calltorntall Lieforicutloo of $1,200. ` The Pittsburgh-Bispatsh-Of-yesterday says: - - Freesia T. Lusk appeared before Mayor Blackinore, yeste day, for the_ ourpoie of promenting a ouog Inv% named tundel teds. for forgery. Mr. - Lusk is agent fof the Mutual Berefit Lllo lusurfticeCompany.and does business n the corner of Wood street and dixth avenue Be alleges in bit information against Woodst that the latter forged tbe name_ , a ,of a certain Daniel Swaney, of Bookstores'. - Beaver county, to a bond for $1.093. under the following circrwlefancesi Mr- Lusk in the early partof the year wanted alh mar .nt the company in iri'ashington and Beaver counties, and the secustd appli e d for the noritiou.refrosenting that his name was bsmul Wentle, and - that be could give any amount of fecurity required for the faithful and honest discharge of his dutlea lit. Lank thought him suitable. and _agreed to let him have th e first requiring bile . to give - a bond m the sum of ai coo. eo as to protect binuftlf and the corn pony against cs ntingef.elee. Weeds expressed his len . linguae to comply with the cotditiOn. and accordfngly, on the 4th of March. be shilt,d the prosecuter and pre seated to him an article. signed by "traviel Stifronev.” of ookst ewn trite:kg bail that be would fulfill his duties oret etly. Ihe bond was believed to be all right. and. Al! promptly aces - Tarsi From the eiefemeut of Mr. Lusk it would gory ar that Wood., instead of act log honestly in his cavacieS of agent, lately became a do. fanner to the extent• f tome twelve hundred &Mare, and loft ter t aldoonia. _Etta bond welt then brought forth sled examined, when it was ascertained the signature of Mt Set aney had b. en fo red. and that he knew nothing at all ctnceroing it. Mayor Mac) more issued a warrant for the fif rest of the Br, used. t at if be be caught at all, it will esquire coned& table Amassed troubte. 711 E INDIAN WAR. Ifige Clicrenve 171111/1043 of Ilittek Set. tie's Hand (aptureo by toe NeVetattt I+Valir) - -One Hundred and Flirty • as dines killed—aurae Amount of P ro. petty Captured- IN IDE FIELD. IeiDIAI TEIZILITnET. Nov. VI via ILLTO CI7Y. Dec. 1. 18613.-1 he isheyenne village al Black Ket tlos bond tree captured yeeterday morning at daylight by the BI venth cavalry teginient under General Custer. OD the north fork of the Wit, belt dyes. tine hundred and fifty Indians were killed and the - bodies left in our ,pnseeseion; and fifty-three ta_ken tirisoners. immense amount oft rapt tly was captured and destroyed. consist. ing of fifty one lodges, nearly 1.000 horses and mules, af ma, am to uPi Non. b OrPC ego ipmen tis.ro es, provisions, Sc. Captain Lc tds Munition was killed in the first charge. Brevet Unit( mint Colonel Barnitz was seriously. if not u - o , tally W ended. Major Elliott is missing. tine man of the Beventh n as ki led and fourteen wounded. The tribe is badly crippled. ltie Indians. in. hiding women and boys, fonet with great despot atbin from the cover of bashes and graa. V% hi n driven out of the village many of the wounded effected their escape. The %ietory was compleo and will be a wholesome tree. nto the Cheyennes. Black Kettle, the principal chief. was killed. Wattle of General Custer tvith the Sav ages—Defeat of the •ndians and he_ p 'tactical. of Caen* Wallages--deneral Cu.ter , s Caste t .as. IN 711 E Figin.FOßK OF REAVES AND Wets. RIVERS LT.. 29,. VIA I T.POI GEKateB,l3,l/te. I.lBl l B.—The presence of fanjet General Cherie an here in the very he .rt of the scene of op. rations against the Indiana resulted in that activity which la the universal chsracteriattc of his entire military career. Scarcely twenty -four hour. elapsed since his arrival, that. en laovernlwr before daylight, in the midge of a violent snow storm,General Cu.te ,with eh veto companies of 'he Seven b Lnited States cavalrY, left this poirt under orders to move against hostas sav ages la the direction of the Washita river and mountains and attack them win rover found. After a severe march of five days General Custer struck a village ef hostile Indians, consisting of forty-seven lodges of Black Kettle , . band of Cheytunes, two lodges of Arreprhers and too lodges of Sioux. These were alter. w a rda reinforced by the Klemm. who were near by. he'attack cralmenced result morning of the Silth end larded until afterroon.inginthe destruction of the entire village and the killing of 103 warriors. Ihe capture of supplies is immense. 't he casualties are Major tteorge L. H. Elliott, Captain Louis M. Hamilton and nineteen enlisted men killed; and the wounded are Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Albert nar rate- Captain Seventh cavalry, supposed mortally; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel T. ,W. Custer and Second Edenton-LA .T M. Marsh, slightly, and ler n enlisted men. Colonel Benton had a novae Shot under him. . General Custer returns here, will refit, and again take field. FROST NEW YOBS. Now YOEK, Dec. M.—The charter election parsed off quietly yeeterday. A email veto was polled. A. Oakey }tall Wad Mayor. and Richard O'Gorman Corpo. ration Cornsel. . - . . An affray ocer reed at a polling place on Second avenue yesterday. in whi Patrick Kelly, who had excited the wrath e f vele° political opponents by chaUeneldg a doubtful voter. was shot and injured so seriously that lib, recovery is considered be , Bless . Dan Nohle was ar reeted by the police on the charge of tiring the shot. A vetty punster. whose earn will doubtless be clipped by the new Mayor. mays that New York City to now gov. erne d by leakey Hell,Tammany Hall and Aleohot. -A meeting-was - held at Cooper institute last night to des lee Meana for rewiring the pardon of (-teeter Vaughn, who is entere4d to desth in Philadelphia for infautleide, Horace Greeley °coupled the chair, end speaceee were made bv. Susanli. Anthony. Parker Pilllbury. Mre. Dr. Lezier, who said that Heeter was temporarily insane when she destroyed her child. and by others. All urged thee women should he tried by a jury of women. A large subscrittion was taken up. one gentleman from Police Livadquerbtre giving CM. and Mien Anna Dickinson tea, *alibis:lg f r the saran amount. • - - Jamea Mel seehlin, alias Fuller. who is charged with perjury in the whlelty conspiracy against Collector Daun Y. escaped twee time ago and was re-arrested Yes' terday in Chernbere dwelt tie made a desperate roar tavee. sweet d leg to the statement of the oflieers. and sev eral chute a ere fired at him before he wee captured. The jury in the case of Garnet C. Raker, charged with embezzlement from the Tradesmene Bank, came Into court yesterday, after being looked en all night, with a verc let of guilty on three courts in tholudietmentwhich involve the gravamen of the offence charged. ?Om Gatovrood. a very reepectaolo lady, _committed Feticide this morning. at her residence.. 41 ' Washington etreet, .euttine tier throat with a razor. - A day-or two rive awaited neer a Miss Beton. a dressnlaker, and or dered eeveral arilelee of dress. , After she had gene. Miss Eaton catered sundry pieced of lace. The detectives ca n e d e p ee the tad,. the received them courteouely, but inkling:a few morneute privacy, she retired to her room, and 'result wee as above stated. .' MTH BI7LMDTIN. Armin ARMY CORPB:—A meeting of the "Sisat Army, Corps Legion' , was held last evening at the District Cou t rconl. N 0.2, and tho_f.ollotv 13g,officer. were elect.d for the coma. g year: President—Colonel James W. Latta. Gordon.ire Pre.sidents—Cloptain Ohs. Noble, Captain David n brenatraieUolocial Ohs. D. Greene, CRP. ts in P. W. C. Hanllne. (Mrrespondlug eecretartee-Cae tntn Jaia es Dyke.. Captain J. H. O. Roberts a reeumrer s u „ ta nC. Airkilatigh3o. Doctor 'POMP Leidy. Maroc ;b. 13 ScarliorouiLho P, Ellmsker. Colonel l , obert L. Orr. Colonel Charles O. Knight, Cart. Winiershelnk: - Col. *William C. Lieut. W, Brady. Oa Tiro gni. Cent Wood, c art w fa . maLsurhtin. coot. Wm. Monies. Col Charles entain Charles. Wit-on Doctor Carrot tkror „Atte° en Bi t mbt rebtpr (.701 t•harleo Netter. Glea n , F. R. ', atta r. Doctor 04 Asoo. VI oh. Cant. J ihn . N chel•ce inc. 'Wm. V -frets. All honora^l,, disoharged oflicent dAsirtag_ to connect theniselves with thu Legion. ,eau asnd their nnti , es, rink ' and add rjestr t 0.1.701. iza t r!iia, Naug, Otation "A."l'hllsdelphin Pesti:4l3oe. 2:30 (31Glock.. Oh, motion of 'Mr: johnson,„Mesem. Geo. W. Hamer*ly of PhiladelPhia; 'Geo, Merin of Allegheny, and J. Ro6ley Dung Mott of Herds burg, were made the Secretaries: On motion of Mr. Stewart, Rev.S. S. Mitchell ,of Errisbmg opened the proceedings with prayy Mr. Frew moved' that a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Governor,&e Agreed to, and Mews. Frew, Pollock and Johnsen were appointed on said committee. Mr. Booten moved that Col. HaMpton J. Thomas, of Chester county, be' the Sergeant-at-- ant*. Agreed to, Mr. Coates moved that Andrew Aleitinder, of Philadelphia, be the messenger. Agreed to. Mr. Wilsey moved that Captain'e: Brown, of Harrisburg,act as Assistant-Sergeant-et-Arms. Agreed to. He also moved that Isaac Hambere'• of Philadelphia, end-Jacob ¥, of Harrisburg, act as Door-keepers. Agreed to. On motion or Mr. Hooten.the forms InAbe pre ending of the College of 1864 were adopted. Tne Governor's message, transmitting his prod:rim, Lion of the election of electors, was then read: The roll was called, all electors respond lug. The vote was then taken and Ulysses , B. Grant, of Illinois, was declared to have received twenty-six votes for the Pres'. &nen amid applause. A similar vote was given for Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, for Vice Prod dept. On motion of Mr. Frew, Col. John H. Bring burst was selected to carry the sealed vote to the Judge in Philadelphia. - On motion of Mr. Elder, B. F. Wagenseller was selected to carry the vote to the Post-office, di rected to the President of the U. S. Senate. Oa motion of Mr. Barnes, one hundred copies of the proceedings were ordered "to be printed. The motion was referred. The President of the Colter° was authorized to raw on the State Treasurer for 8787, due mem bers and officers. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.—lnformation has been received from KLIDPSS that Gen. Sheridan's forces are moving from New Mexico, Fort Hayes and from Other points, in separate columns, to the Southern country, where the climate is mild and to which the Indians asesesorting_for...a_winter_ sojourn. Gen. Sheridan IA elitatilishinjahas76 hi supplies on the Canadian river. The indications are that his plan of operations will be successful and the Indians summarily punished. Indian Agent Wynkoop is apprehensive that • innocent Indians will suffer in the campaign, as no dis crimination can be made by I the commanding generaL Sr. Louts, Dec 2.—it Denver despatch of yes terday says both parties held separate conven tions yesterci4v to consider the subject of the ad mission of Colorado into the Union. Both con ventions were fully attended. The Republican convention passedla resolution,with bat one dis senting voice, requesting Congress - to Aunt Col orado at once on such terms as they may deem necessary. The Democratic Convention is not vet harmo nious. The Chairman of the State Central Com mittee atd tsther prominent members advocated admission on any terms, but many opposed, ex cept that negro suffrage was not made part of the constitution. t The Convention passed resolu tions asking Congressional aid in the construc tion of railroads centering in Colorado. CHICAGO, Dee. 2.—The full vote of lowa is 194.527: Grant's majority. 96.270. One lamentable feature connected with the burning of the beautiful residence of John A. Buck, formerly Judge Ebenezer Pack's, at the junction of North ulark street and Fullerton avenue, is the destruction of one of the finest private collections of paintings in the West, and also a very valuable library, ATTESIPT TO PASS A FORGED CHECK. —About noon today a boy about sixteen years old presented at the ‘ontmnnu ealth Bank a caeck for e 55 65, purporting to to rigniqi by Tee & Walaer. The genuineness of tne check was doubted, and the leu'h wee d Wand. It was cuherqut ntly aseertaintil that the theck wa- a forgery. and the lad was then taken before Recovier licit' by Ito serve Policeman Wilson, and was held for a farther bearing. NOONDAY PRAYER ISIEETINGS.—The meetlnza at noonday for yrs:, er, which were held with such deep Int, rest Lb years past in Jet ne's and In the old San tom, Stre, t Church. are continued f n the Hall of the Young kJ n's Christian A mach don, at 1210 uneetnut street The me• tine on Thursday will be conducted by Rev. Howard Males Im D. D, cod some remarks are expected from ex- Presidtut Roberts, hem Liberia, now spendhm a few days to our city. The Liverpool & Lon don & Globe Insurance Compa-ny. The Report of this Com pay for 1868 shows: „Premiums - 85 1 479, 278 Lees - - - 3;344 1 728 and after paying 'a divi dend ,of 3o per cent., the Total Alas are, in Gold, 4TWOOD SMITH, General pbjut,* .A ent, No. 6 MERCHAVTS' EXCH4NGE, LEffIGH VALLEY AND READING RAILROAD .13 N S _ Per sent oleo" of all taxes. • - FOR PALE L43W nY 'DREXEL 34 BOUTEk'9I'III.R.p STREET.. :r0..,V1011-::::E.1)11'10: . ?I' FROM HARIISBUF(' Penntylvania Electoral College MEETING OF THE ELECTORS Ciasting of the Vote. LATER FROM 'VVASHINGTON THE INDIAN WAR. Tao Penneylvotila Electoral College. WM4I llespateh to the Philadelphia Evening HuiletliLl HARRISBURG, Dec. 2 —The electors met at 12 . o'clock, in the Senate Chamber, all present.. - Mr. Johnson called the College.-to order and Domi nated Thomas M. Marshall as President. Tfio nomination was agreed to, and Messrs. Johnaun and .Coates conducted Mr. Marshall to the, chair, fromwhich he made a brief but eloquent ad , • dress. .„ . On motion of Mr. Wildey, a • committee of tbree. consisting of Messrs. Wildey, Ketchtpn and Ewing, was appointed to superintend the signing, &c.. of documents, &c. On .motion of Mr. Elooten, Major James 8. Ratan was selected til carry the sealed vote to the President of the United Btatea Senate. From Washington. From et.. Louis. From -Chicago. CITY Kt! LuKTIN. $l7 / 005,026. 3:15 O'Clook. TIFFANY ``'&. CO.; Noe, 550 and 552 Broadway, New Yolk, DIAMONDS, EMERALDS, SAPPHIRES, PEARLS, And Other Precious Stones; DIAMOND AND GEM JEWELRY Oft he Newest Lon/on and Paris styles •of Bitting worth 9 of the notice of purchasers and of parties wishing to have Gems reset, HOUSE IN PARIS: TIFFANY' REED &CO. c e • ° BAN IcER S, 44? No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Aeootints of Ranks, Firms, and Inalviduala reoehod, outgo, to chock at sight. INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. ENERA;L P k gE NTS , FOR 4 S t o w PENNS A Y N LVANIA ATRII N D EV 37 "' Oye s.) OF THE' 4 5\9 0 )rntltio t NS % ow_ OF CELO, UNITED STATES - OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IA a corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, up. proved July 25,1868, with a Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, win , pp invited to apply at our office. ' Full partioulars to, be had on application at our office, In the second story of our Banking HOllBO, ere . Circulars and ,Pamphlets, ftilly describing the savantages Offered by tho Company, may be had. E. W..CLAUIL No. .85 Smith. Third St. CHARLES RUMPP, PORTE MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK SATCHEL MA.NUFACTURER. No. 47 Norib Fish Street, below Arai PHILADELPHIA. rte Monbnies, ()tsar Ogees. Pookot Book& Port Fobne. _ , Cabito,l3atchoie, prepotn• ewers. Mosley Bolto, Worm 110x0m. Montero' Casey. Purees. Etulooi Wholesale and Retail:l de2Ut.dieg4Otrea L"S l i , t" t " I • 'B . 400 NEW c4ffito , " eiErith Litdizil;sualte. Lao D • t Co. ice 801413 DelaWara atritTMAl ;lit ULAW. L E. WALUVENP BIABONICJ No. - 719 CRE&T4T STREET. ~ t. _.i t. ADDITIONAL LSIPONTATIOIS By Last meanie" LACE CURTAINS DCORATIONS, Fmbraeing some of the RiehestOoveittes ever introduced in this Department. A• 111,10 kti•' aisiviazielr• aith. BAILEY & CO. WILL KEEP OPEN THEIR NEW STORE EVERY EVENING TILL 9 O'CLOCK During December. tab's! m DEALERS IN STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. 'CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, TOLL PAID T PIatiII:TI.ANS. Nsvr Tow% Auiu X 41161101; Allow me to call yore attention to my PREPARATION OP COMPOtIND EXTRACT BIJORU. The immanent" Darts arc prrouu. Lona Lam.. CURERS, JUNIPER BERMES. hichot or Pintranarrort—Bocitu. tit vacua, Juniper Denier; by distillation, to fords fine gla enbebe eZ. , tracted by dirplacentent bi liquor obtained from Joniper ;„: Berri( s, containing very sugar, a small proportion of spirit, and more palatable than any now in nen. 'Rho active properties are by tbli mode extracted. . Dacha, as prepared by Druggists genorallY, ie of a dark color. is a plant that emits its fragrance; the salon of a flair a destroys this (its active prinoints).loasimit a dark. end Mutinous decocfion Mina is the color of Ingrodknita. The Dueha in my preparation predominates': the Smallest quantity of the othtr ingrediente are added.*o prevent' formentatton; upon Inspection. It will be found nolt to be a Tincture. u made hi rharmacopcca, nor la it si and therefore can be need in cages where fever or inflame• minion euten. In Me, you heti the know/0431U of the ingreditnto and - the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor itwit a trial,and that upo Impection It will meet with your approbation. With a feeling of confidence, I am, von , respeetraY. °hernia and Druggist of 18 Yawn' Expirionee Philadelphia. and now located at hia Drug and - Chemical Warehouse. 894 Broadway, New [From the largeel Manufacturing Chen:'stein the *orld.l "I am acquaintoi with Mr. H. T. Beittibold; he occur pied tho Drug Store opposite my-residence. and was sue. cessful In conducting. the business where others had not been ettnaUy so before him. I have boon favorably premed with hie character and enterprise WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN. Firm of Powers Woightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown area% ItMade/. Harituotres. Flynn ..EXTIL&Crt - Bucatr,.. for -weaknemp arbing from indiscretion. 7he exhausted powers of Di stare which are accompanied by so many alarming esniptome. among q hick wW be found Indbmosition to Exertion. Line of Memory. Wakefulnee.c Horror of Mee ase, or Forebodings of Evil, in fact, ETnivdreal Laud- tede, Prostration, and inability to enter into the enjoy- merits of society The Conatitution, once affected with Organic Weals• nets, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and in. trigorate the system. which 11EIABOLDII EXTRACT BUCRllinvatiably doee. If no treatment is submitted to. Consumption or Insanity ensues HIMAIBOLD'S FLUID EXTIIACir BUOIIU. In affections pe. culler to Femaier, is unequaled by any other preparation. as in Chloroala, or Retention. Pah:dolmen, or Suppromlon of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Bchirrus State of the Utermr,and all oomplainta incident to th 3 ear.whether milling from habits of disaipation, imprudence in. or the decline or change of life 1.11 BOLD'S FL' ID EXTRACT BOORT( ' ARID IMPROVED ROBE Warm will radically exterminate from the ayatom dlecaatia arising from habits of diatipatlon, at little ex- pour°, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or or, Pogure; completely superseding those unpleasant and davigerou remedies. Col:lava and Mercury. In all these Use Hnoinoi.Va ELIIID Ecxs►ar BIICIII7 in all disease*, of these organs, whether existing in the male or female. from whatever came originating. and no matter of how` long standing. It la pleasant In taste and odor, "imme• diate" in action, and more otromtheaing than any of the /reparations of Bark or Iron. Than ordering from brokou down or delicate condi. tutlour. procure the remedy at oneel_. The reader meet be aware that. - hoWaver alight may be the attack ofthe above diseases, it to certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. Al! the above ,dteesees require the aid et a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the west Diuretic. Sold by Dridgetats everywhere. Psuca—sl 25 per bottle s or 6 bottles for $6 60. Delivered Co am , address,. Describe symptoms in MI communion than Addresa D. T. lIELISID4I..D. Drug and Chemical Wara• house. VI Broad War. N. Y. Nose are genuine =lase done up in ateet•engraTep wrapper, with fao•eimiie of my Chemteal Warehme. and eigned de2wP2m H. T. HEL7tIBOLD, H. T.11EAM1301,1).-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers