GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXIL-NO. THE EVENING BULLETINJ., PUBLIEJHED EVERY EVENING, (Bnadays excepted), ALT THE NEW BELLEIIIII 1311111,1111661. 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphlg, EVENING BULLETIN ABSOLUTION. • PROPZII7TO724 OABPER, snungß o lk. u. FAnaTON. THUS. VVLIALIAnnu _ FEAINOIA wax% The SoLucrusU oservoo to spbacribere In the city 018 eats • • week. payable to the carriers. or $8 per. annum. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pl:iiladelphia, EL E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Bto. arTM inatitution has no superior in ilea United &aU INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT _ TUAVELEUB' INSURANCE CO., OF HAM FOILD t CONN. Assets over - • - $1,000,000 fi edby Persons leaving the city eePeelelly will feel better entice beLng insured. waLuin W. ALLEN. Agent and Attorney, FORREST BUILDING, 117 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. geS4 to !Ix tt WEDDING CARDS. INVITATIONS HOB P&P.. T New, style!. ELti ON & CO., aw261:14 • " • :417 ChtittatO 'WEDDING INVITATIONS ; ENGRAVED EN THE Tr Newest and beet manner. Idit UM DEENA. ay timer and &welter. lid3Ctiestaut street. Obit:11 DIED. liDAMß.—SuddenlY on the 116th tilt., at the Conthiental Hotel, Will , sur. G. Adana, of Chicago. Dna notice of the ;uncial will bo riven. • LEE.--On hunday. eyelid:we:Pt, h. at the - residence of her husband. itt. hey. Alfr4 Lee. in Wilmington. Dela ware, Julia Winto Lee, In the rAth year of tier age. Der relativea and friends are _invited to attend the fn. neral rervicer t to-be held et • fit. , Atiorow'a Church. Wil mington on Wednesday. Dc.. 2d. at o'clock Y. BleifilsPlDLO.-4n London. kagiseal. Nov. 16'44 at :A Charles *civet. Berkley hoogre. limed ,P Mary Boeban _Mansfield. widow pf the Late John Mansfield. EMI.. of Dig•well Howe, Welwyn, llertr. and daughter or General Samuel Smith. of Baltimore, Maryland, D. S. - Itollll.—On Sunday evening, ult.. Ddward. Youngest eon of Rich rd and Louisa-id, Robb, aged four Years and MOOD mouth!.. • - • Ituneral from his pimentos' residence, 1444 Berth Twelfth street, an Wedmiday. December ad: at 10 O'clock A. Mu 148.—urifdonditi weeks., Nov. nnh. ite. Sidney J., son of John B. and Martha H. Beim& aged: , Toe male friends o the faintly are respectfully invited to attend the , funeral, from tits- parents' , resPte•••o tag blaster Etreet, on 11lredneaday afternoon, Decentitier 28. alb 'O'clock. • Sthlitlin. On the ult.. flachel St. Spencer. who Jsrots 8. Splicer. nr.- Ihe !thuds of the family are invited to attend her fa semi, on the td- fat., at Il o'clock from the resl r derice of her. husband. lloti Bt. Verntm street. • • Lt rls'tS SLAM OTTOMAN POPLINS. • litacL Battete. Shalt Cretornoe. Black lA4oglloce. Black frith Poplins. Block Att•woolPoptive, • Black link and Wool Popllne.. Black Hemmed ihibet Lena :.!•haertc. Black Mixed Water Proof CI ca .11011nafilg Ilnulavard ' Black and White Striptd Popltite,37:4 cent& liksdON 4; burl. Mournloe Dry Goode i/011ne. o. 9le CHESTNUT etrcet GBLACK AND COLORED BILKS. J . B 1 OUT BLK. CORDED SATIN I."ACE GROGRAM. PURPLE AND GILT EDGE. BROWNS AND KLUB RO-ORAIN. MODE LVI2O PLAIN SI LKS. aunt( BYRN. & LAN D &LG. Fourth and Arch. BPI VIAL NOTICES. CONCERT HALL Oar FIELE,T itEADINGS BY „RUFUS ADAM. Und. r he anapi ens of the YOUNG DlEN'ti CFInht3IIAN AntIGGIATI( tN, EVENING. December 44, Doom open at maven. commence at Eight. •TIVKIIT6 FIFTY UD , ti g.• For este at GOV/I.VA 111 n lc adore. £.23 Cheatnnt street. and at the door on the Evening of the Reading. N. It —llaserved Seats without extra charge del-tn th eitt "'IiOTHJE.—AN ELYHTION WILL BE HELL) at the Home for Little Wanderers, Shippen street, on 't kiLltoL AY, De comb*r 8 P. H., for three managers of eaid Home. to eerve for the term of one year. By order of the board of Managers, . del. M 4 H. H. SEUCE, Secretary. EVANGELIZATION OF SPAIN. Toe friends of tho Anteriean Bible Society. Auti.rican Tract „ Society and American and Foreign thrietian Union, will bold a third union meeting. Tuirday Evening. Doc. let, at half pai t coven, in the Church of the Epiphany (Rev. Dr. Newton'a). Fifteenth and Oheetnut etrcele,t,i further 'evangelical effort, in Spain. libellee Gibbose, Egg will preeidc. Addremea will be deliver dby 11ev. H. D. Gamer., of New Y ork, Rev. rhillips tirooke, Rev .T. Wheaton Se ith, B. D., Rev. A. A. \\ D. D., end Roy. Riche, d Newton. D. D. notafirticp• ALEXAWDER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Nineteenth and Green etrecte. Lecture the Rev. EDWARD L. CLARK, of New Haven. Subject—" Recent Discoverieo at Jerusalem." TUESDAY EVLNaNG, Dec. lot, Isesi. at 7' o'clock. Tickete, be cents. May be obtained of J. T. !intim!, Druggurt. Atuetwaith and Given; A. L. Vatiaant. Nintti and Ow:taut t Ow. W. A.'frumpler, .92dChedtuut. 030 2t war A BALE OF USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES will be held at the "Childrer'e- Home" of Nest Philadelphia, Forty-diet and Bliabingo etreete, on TUE ~ DAI, WI Iib,ESVAY and TUL rasllaY. the let, 2d and rid of Ut ember. Market direct carp pace the door. no3o.2tral stir FRUMP SOR GALIA) W AY. UF T(IE PEILLA delphui Eleetropatlitc Indication. will inetruct a clam in the epecial doptrtment of the Healing Art— L'lceirepethy. The Lecturer, of the Connie will com mence on the evening of December let. Studeute can enter by applying at the Lnetnation, Walnut e Rect. no le-are: seer IMPORTANT NOTICE. I hirehy Wye notice that I am no longer connected with tho Dolton Dental deeoclation of this city as their opera tor. Perseus wiehing teeth extracted andolutelv without Tian by nittoile oxide gag, will find me in my new office. 1021 Walnut 'street. noW2otrii DR. F. R. THOMAS. Der ORTIIOPAiDIC HOSPITAL. No_. _l5 South Ninth etreet. -Clubfoot, Hip and Spina/ Dim-axes, and Bodily DIVOTTRitied treated Apply dall9 at 12 o'clock. no 9 3ui,rg set - Lunirmoriracturrp_,SJ emeAil'n Essfige treatmont and medicine Pu l naisneu ' gratuitously to the peon ki too a: 411 `STATIONERY FOR PRI BENTS. AND tiTATIuN EBY t...) tor rm.—Lama aaprtment in 'the .city of fine note p a pers. (now 30 W. G...PERKY, 728 Arch stmt. BACIEGAMISiON BOARDS FuR CHILDREN; A NICE article completely furnished. Selling at $1 25. W. G. rEttltY. litationer. No„ Arch street. IMPORTED AND AMERICAN canoatos. A NEW .11.1ot Just rocolved„embrnclng some choice subJeote, now open (or examination. W. G. PERRY. no:Net No. '728 Arch street. D'LCODIENE PIUTURES.—A NEW L0T.'..11113T _ imported...arid for eats by _ uoBo W. G. PERRY, 7AIB Arch street. TA/BITING DESKS, IN EVERY VARIEI S OF T etyle and price, from dn. 115 to atllls each. The Trade OuPPliod. (rioN) It] , W. G. PERRY, 728 Arch. 11110TOGRAP1I ALBUMI3,NEW SPYLEB.—A LARGE assortuitut and low Prices. W. G. PERRY. Publisher. 728 Arch street. AIIVTION SALE THOMAS BIRCH & SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION AIERCUANTS, No. 1110 Chestnut street. Roar entrance. 1107 Samna street. • Sale at No. 1342 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR Olt, FINISH BOUiLIIOLD FURNITURE, FINE BRUSSELS AND VENETIAN CARPONS, FitENCH• CHINA, GLASSWARE, dm , dm. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Dee. 2. nt 10 o'clock. at No. 1342 Chestnut street, swill be sold, the Furn i ture of a family declining housekeeping, 'comprising, viz .: Three snits of elegant t.,hamber Furni ture, oil" finish; cult of Parlor Furniture, covered with - maroon terry ; Stilt of' Library I , urniture, covered with green re Also. Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets. Chin po. a, Glassware, The Furniture and Carpets have beon in use onlya Lew months, and are nearly now. Can be seen aftvr 8 o'clock on morning of stag. Tr 10 GRocEna. HOTEJ4ILEEPERR. i?AMfI4I AND Others.—The undensigned has lust received a fresh nspply of Catawba,. Calif o rnia and Ohampagnsi Winos. fßottio Ale (for invalids). constantly on hand. P. J. JORDAN. SdO Pear street. . • . Below Third and Walnut streets. . EMI N GINGER.—LANDING AND -FOE BALL BY g.. 41 J. B. SUMER & C0..,103 south Delaware avenue EITROPEutIiN ANIM.IItB LigIFTZSI FROM PAWS. ' tCorrerpondence et the Philadelphia Evendai Tiattatki) Pants, Thursday, Nov. 17,:1868.—I etIPPOIO.It is by way of amusing the Parisian publkt at a cno': meat when politica are somewhat dull,and keep. lug Its own hand In prattle°, that' the' Govern , . meat has been what is vulgarly called "runnia& a miler against the democratic press. .'fror thi3 last week there have been almost daily visits of the police at the neirepaper °Oleos .or,the post of lece,and seizures and confiscations on all sides- The pollee authorities eomethites proceed in their inquisitorial • visitations , with - ts.' crafty malice and cunning which are quite worthy of record. For Instance, 'When the eat tor of a paper thinks he is publishing something whichjney'iead st - toltititrof 3b - kwitiof that day, ho sometimes in the first place prints off • enly'five hundred or. a thousand copies, and , then waits to See the effect produced by the depOsit of a imintier of the journal which he Is every day bound by law to make at the'efflee of thecrown, lawyers, before issuing, to the 'public. , OUcourse it is the duty of the authorities to prohibit the publication and make the seizure immediately if they findlhat the number of the journal-which has been deposited with them contains illegal matter. But, pas at bete, say these crafty and zealous tunctionsitice. We know a trick worth two of that, say , they; there is no occasion to be in a hurry; we shall bring oar bits down all the morn surely for waiting a bit! Eio they do "wale"until the unhappy editor and his printer, thinking that all is right, that the "proof' nem , bet has been approved," and that there-will be no seizure that day, throw Off their whole issue of so many thousands. But "bide a wee," as the Scotehmen Boa. The imperial police is un common "canny," and is just "waiting" _ at, thaepoinfloexemare their_game mona_surely- Down they come at once upon the unhappy newspaper, both at its own office and even at the peniVellices to which. it has been forwarded for distribution, and confiscate the whole issue ; at the same time that a prosecution, involving certain. fines and- imprisonment, brings all the parties implicated before the famous • llixtisme Chambre of Correctional PoPee, which, in such a ease, has serer been knevna- to tie: quit. This • dodge" has recently been practiced over and over again ;and I have just alietched the proceeding to show you what "liberty , of the press" really con sists of in France, and how the Government can "worry to death" editors and journals thit per sist In oinking themselves ''`dhsitgr , eettble,". _ _ The particular matter in question at the pres ent moment arose from seine democratic, mani festations exhibited et.the,tombs of General Ca vaignac and Deputy Bandit' (killed on the barri cades the ad or Decenaber;'l6l)---on the foal-du horto, 2d of November last, when all the people go to the churchyards. There was a sort of rendez yeas at Bandin'ts . tomb. and scent speeches were made and verses recited about"mar tyrs to liberty," "tyrants,'' fee. Police in plain doilies are always set to watch `suspected" tombs, and take down _what Is said against ,' the parties who otter it. But as th ere was no ' view knee nor breach of the. peace committed, no arrests were made, and the matter was almost forgotten,when the journal,theßereil, proposed a subscription for a suitable monument over Ban din's tomb, and began, with other joarnale, to publish lists of subscribers, who came in pretty last. The Government took the alarm, seized all the journals which published lists, and began prosecution against them under the famous law called the law of "manoeuvres," passed at the time of the Orsini plot. The law does not alit utpt to define what " manoeuvres " mean ; so that, in point of fact, under it, anybody may be proiecuted for anything that the Government chooses._ Eight persons, including the editors or proprietors of four Democratic newspapers, have just been tried and sentenced. of course, to hitt prisonments of from six to one month and fines of 1.,00 and 2,000 francs, with deprivation of civil and political rights, tt.c. The inameuvrea "in this case were the manifestations made at liandin's tomb, followed by the subscriptions to his monument. As regards the latter, M Berryer, the legitimist orator, has writ ten and published a letter saying that as on the 3d December, 1851, Louis Napoleon was himself "deposed and put horl la /vi" by a decree of the National Assembly, which Baudie was only - doing his best "legally" to support when killed on the barricades—therefore he, M. Berryer, the first lawyer perhaps In France, should sub -cribe to his monument. This example has beer. followed by M. Prevost-Parade!, of the Debuts, by M. Odilon Barrot, by M. Edgar Quinet, and many other influential Liberia: - Even persons who do not approve either of the demonstration's' at the tomb or the subsequent subscriptions,blame the Government for exasperating public,opinion by these prosecutions, which have spread rumors and alarms all over the country. The Gorda; another "unpleasant" paper„ taking advantage of this state of public feeling, published a ere mentious ''Sensational" two days ago, setting forth that the Government had discovered a ter rible and widespread "plot" for upsetting the Empire, and that in consequence it had resolved to repeal all the "liberal" measures which had recently been granted. The article produced a great sensation, and may, for aught I know, have been telegraphed across the Atlantic. Of course there was not a word of truth in it, and the" Government has now brought another prosecution against the Gaulois for disseminating false news. Thus the excite ment is kept up and not in Paris only, but all over the country; for the provincial papers also publish Battdin subscription lists, and every where there are seizures and prosecutions going on. You cannot take up a newspaper without reading half a dozen of them. All this is a bad preparation for the elections of next year; and the government goes blundering on from bad to worse, while "the Court" is dancing at COM plilne and keeping the "nte of Bt. Eugenie," as though -we had gone back to the Middle Ages. --all my prognostications of bast week have been, unhappily, fulfilled, and I have to chronicle the deaths of three individuals, all well known and remarkable in their" way—Rossini, Baron James de Rothschild and Is. Havin ,deputy and political director of the Siecle. It is certainly!.a singular coinbidence that three persons so emi nent in the musical, financial and political world should have all disappeared from among us so simultaneouely. There were not, I think, twen ty-four hours , between dick deaths. Poor Ros sini suffered awfully at, the , last, being one mass of binning erysipelas from head to foot, and-de riving relief only, Irene lee, both internally find externally, , but which, of course, could only be. applied ;.all , hive of saving hint *as gone. :With James de %Roths child dies the last of thesecond. generation Of that wonderful family.' Ho was the fifth anti only' surviving son of the orlgintil; ROthalphildof Frimitfort, and, .as often happetis inn-viealthY Jewish families, married his own ,niece; the daughter of his brother Solomon. One., of the mrlltn PIIILADFLP4IA. TIJESDAY,DEOEOF,R, j iB6B moat curious relics of biti IMO:1013110 wealth, or rather reputatiotrfor wcalth, which he leaves be -6lnd him, is merles of volunieicontaktizig e bo op together, all the "begging" letters which have ever boon addressed ,to him. It is truly said that if ever these lettera 'should be published, with the names of the writers, they will make posterity van at the number of "Llinatritme. and even "royal" who were among the corres• , ponder& of the wealthy Jets Baron. ' zrAur. Victor Emmanuel and the Papal otetten. , ,, , • 2 mom the X,onlo Olobe, Nov- 15.1 Sinister rumors have obtained currency in the foreign press that the King of Italy, with the as - sent of t b rusala and Russia, intends 'to supports 'he Mozzlolans in another raid on• Rome. Tee, rumor,.lt_titittue,_lls inflicienilk_terions and "dr, - - en mitantiallo Call-fbr iminedlate- tatlom-- ia said - King:Victor Ertituandel's speech for the “pening of • the Chambers , "Is already made, and .may be _summed np In three seniencee= evacnatibll ' of 'the' Froth troops,' annexation of Rome at all hazards. abdication if his peppier do not support him:" Such a resole.; don on the part of the .government, we do not hesitate to declare, would , he . stheer "Mad:. 139.:E.13. Italy's demand upon France for the, evacuation of Plintifical territory, it is. well, tinown, would be the signal for the embarks- Lion of a French force for the defence, of the P•pal States and would ioevitably lead to com pit !Idioms of a grave character, possibly ..svolviogs even other powers than- and France. We rely, however, on the good sense of the King and the Italian government, to refrain from the premature and suicidal action attribu 'ed to their deicrts.' We sincerely trust, as we filly believe, that there is no foundation -what s r for these sinister rumors or for the fears en tertained. Italy must bido her time If she wishes to obtain Rome for her capital. 'allure of the Rout Cents Railway. The Florence correspondent of the London Times sas e: I regret to inform you that the Mont Cents Railway Company has come to considera ble grief, and that the communications between France and Italy are in a very disturbed and un certain state. Singe the 25th of October there bad been constant great delays, and the trains bad arrived in Turin, as ;I - think 1 thenee wrote to you, at all hours of the morning,. Wednes day, the 4th of November, was the only day on which the time was nearly kept- Since the 6th the_ trains have ceased to run. We hear of one having been stuck for eight or nine hours in the snow, frozen to its place. In short, the concern seems to have completely broken down, the disaster being ap parently mainly due to want of sufficient loco motive power, but accelerated by the unusually early laid very heavy fall of snow. - The mails are taken across the mountain in a horse carriage, and travelers seek other routes. One trainfull, which had started from Susa, was glad to get brick, after severatfreezing hours passed a short way up the Mountain, and to take ship at Genoa' for 31arseilles. I know not how far the snow will nave closed the other passes (the Splugen was still very., practicable about ten days - ago,) beetth6. sea route and tliat by the Corldee are. likely to s in - fayor-thts Winter; . -- Later on the - Mmmt Ocilla - - Company willprobably resume running, but it is evident that they must first have a better sup ply of engines. "P • ft,. Danger to the sra.aquality or Spain. [Madrid Nov. 12 Correopondenr-e of the London Morn. ing Herald Every day which elapses before the final settle ment of the great question of the future form of government renders their settlement more diffi cult. Parties are everywhere being formed, the me between those parties becomes more defined, and the individuals composing them become more and more strongly wedded to their own opinions. Why should not government, three weeks since, have made an effort to settle the question promptly and decidedly ? The example of Italy, m Venetia, was before her. Why could she not have imitated it? There in every parish a ballot box was kept open, and the question asked of each man was"Do you vote forVietor Emmanuel, or no ?" There was no complication, no difficulty, no writing of names upon paper, no formalities of registers of baptism or authorities to vote. Each man who so chose simply walked in, gave his name to the crutincers at the table, and voted yes or no. Why could not the Spanish government at once have adopted a similar simple method? Why not order ballot, boxes to be opened in every parish in Spain upon a certain day, and let every male - ' person over twenty-one walk in and deposit his vote for a Republic Or for a Monarchy. The affair might not be as formal, might not be :o theoretically perfect, might be open to -.ome abuses: but what are these small drawbacks ro the great question that Spain is to be kept in a state of uncertainty and confusion for another 'our or five months? Once a republic or a mon archy decided upon by the acclamation of Spain, all the excitement would cease- at once. The Ministry would only have to carry oat the popu lar will, as they have done in the case of the various points .acclaimed by the ' Cadiz pro :van:tine, They; could proceed nnimpeadel and unembarrassed in their path of making necessary reforms, and 'when the time came they could either, should, a repnblie be fixed upon,..summon a Cortes to decide upon the constitution of that republic, or in the event of a monarchy having been selected, could produce the sovereign whom, they, as acting for the nation, had decided upon. From the general tone of feeling here and in the provinces, I feel convinced that long ere the time comes for the meeting of the Cortes Con stituen tes they will have cause , bitterly to regret that they did not pursue some such course as that indicated AL . VLrganlaa Catilt Lo [From the Richmond Journal.) We have heard of Texas and arkansas jurors deciding the life of .a man by playing a game of "old sledge," but the following statement, made to Governor Wells, of the "majority rule" in the jury room, is-about the first instance approach ing the "jack-flopping" process of rendering a verdict that has come to light in Virginia: William Armistead, of Portsmouth, Va., was convicted the November, 11868, term of the Hustings Court, of unlawful shooting, and sentenced to the jail for six months. Pardon was applied for by ten of the jurors by whom he was tried, and by citizens, on the ground ~that there were mitigating circumstances, and of his former good ehariteter. It appears by the sworn statement of one of the jurors, that the cause was given to the jury on the 14th of the month; that they were unable to agree, and remained in the jury -room until theltitb, the jury, then stand ing eight for unconditional acquittal, two for conviction and two for compromise—they being ready to vote whichever way might secure a ver dict. The Jurors agreed to draw lots. - Twelve bal lots were then placed in a hat, marked "guilty," with twelve blank ballots, making in all twenty four. The hat was then shaken and twelve bal lots drawn out. and it was agreed that the ver dict should be as the ballots remaining in the hat Indicated. On counting , the hallots it was found that seven had written upon them "guilty" and five wore blank. The prisoner was thereupon, in pursuance of the agreement found guilty. Under such cif ctmstances the prisoner cannot be said to have had a trial bvjury.- Pardon granted. The Delaware 'Whipping-Yost. The Wilmington Commercial of yesterday Inge: On Saturday betweeffk and's o'clock- in the evening, a young whiteman by the name of Bluffing tonotaid 'to be very respectably. connected, was brought out of the prison and pinioned to the post whereln.theiname of the State of Dela! ware the majesty of the law was vindicated by Sheriff Richardson, administering -1.0 laihes on the bareback. An effort having been made to havb the Governor remit the huthee, the performando was postponed until alate hour' in the day, but no reprieve ' arriving,. the, sentence was fully executed. Owing to the uncertainty of the hour at which the lashing wor3 to take prune OUR. WHOLE COt/NWtY. the`tleoal ciOioci Of eitiblren irai not p t. to I . bake warning from the fate of "evil doers, and temme,better , citiZens.,j-The crime for, bleb Ttliiriymiriiiiikt was punished was thh b " Or :stoat from a lead ing lawyer of this city. . • 'A Verb , Singular , lornipedy- in , ter, L. T. Late (n s m ftg ßh segurolanr snNo vne valuie tragedy was performed, in South Si. Paul Wert ;of which we bave gathered the following parleu ,lars:, • A beautiful and accomplished, young Ad.'', MiMEoitfta W----„ a stranger, temporarily Mg lit;the , Osburn Hoese r disguised, her* „ut makYapParel and proceeded to. Ei oth N0.,;27,. req. 'Paul street, where several of her friends, c-Irra s fug ber„,uncle and, another, wore pasettl the evening; whom'she at brat accosted an tcfrPTY manner, and conversed with pleasantly movie. though. rather, taeited, tor. ran , hoar r tr0.1"2 4 She sail' to be "' of singular romantic and erratic disposition, 3 - .SWlertieek_tifjihanniegmaa's attire, tnerefoie, attracted little aftentten and created no surprise. In MeV - 0W . 600f the evening, however, she end idezdy became insane, and, drawing a knife, at tacked and fatally stabbed an Old - gentleman ;who ceileaVOred to curb her eccentricities. and thenoyishing upon her uncle, whose name waskg, killett-him with a single blow of•be, wett =7 Before the horrified spectators' could sunup Oil preb'ence of mind enough to seiz. the Infuriated lunatic she swallowed some po. tent poison t ..apparantly, strict:mine, ,and died In a feW minutes. - • - ..41 1 1MANIATIO , auto MUSICAL. —A large and brilliant house.greeted the return of sericfja opera to its noble temple on Broad street hiat night. The familiar opera of "Trove - tore" was sung with great spirit by the Italian part of Maretzek's troupe,auit the audience lis tened with the pleasure which this popular work is pretty sure to afford. Miss Agatha States, in her experimental part of Leonora, was received by the house with a kindness that was burden some, inasmuch as the encorrs to which she was invited were evidently a tax upon her strength ; her fair and intelligent thee was a charming in tertneter of the feeling Of - the dark old Spanish story, and carried off a great deal of acting which was more fitter the drawing-room than for the sabers house. We shall alwaya be pleased to hear bliss States, even in parts as intricate and Important As- Leopora l believing that time. and'thoroligb practice are' what she to mellow her upper .• regiater. Brignolt took the troubadour's role with greatzeat; while his tho rough familiarity gave to every note the effect conferred by exactness and calculation: hismet inn of course was, as of old,—but there is no use in trying, to make an aetor.of Brignoll at his age; audieneea have learned - to listen es to a blast ol singing air, without any sense of the carnal ac companiment. ills "At:. 'elle la morte,"' , very passionately supported by - Miss States, received the expected encore; the latter in the trying To - mance which immediately' precedes it, good natnredly gratified the wish of the house for aids, I although the effort was =painful;-and evident: flowers rewarded her paint:. Orlandini, whci Im prisonslt very level and baritone in a physique that does.not promise much music to the hope:-or the eye,:snstained the easy part of Pi Luna ivith great felicity, although troubled with some bronchial accident. In his 'great op portunity,- "ii rtialeti - del •Eno sorriso," he intro duced a cough, with rather too, much expression; the audience were pleased however. and asked for the pretty serenadeagain. - very well dressed and very energetic, made all •that could be mad: of the minorpirt of Ferrando. 'Signora Cellini made"an exceedingly good impres sion An the gypsymother. We shall be glad to hear her to-night in the worthier part of Eidetic, in the opera of that name, by Beethoven, which the Philadelphia public loves so well. The noble, music of the German sympnonist's only opera will be uttered by a choice company of :tasty singers, of whom the prima donna . is Ore only Italian. The male voices to-night are an exceedingly strong selection, ineludinz Babel :mann for tenor,- Bement:a for bass, together with Formes and Reichardt The favorite so a brette, Rotter, will Bing the charming part of Mareelltna. —lt was Mrs. Drew's announced Intention, at the beginning of the fall campaign, to rely largely upon her own resources instead of calling to her assistance expensive "stars," and with her su perb company, to give, what may be called, an assorted' series of performances, stilted to every variety of taste. The season was to be filled up with a mosaic work of sensational drama, high and low comedy, and melodrama, so judiciously intermingled that the admirers of any one branch of dramatic art would not have to wait long at any time before their turn come. Last week she gave sensation,•thie . week high comedy, and melo drama is preparing for the early future. To in telligent play-goers the comedy seasons are the most attractive, and if the experience of the last few months proves anything, they are about the most profitable to the theatre. But the comedy.last night did not crowd the house; partly because there were powerful attntc done eleewhere.rpartly because the play, The Way to Keep Him, is not as popular as several other dramas of its class. It is one of those old fashioned comedies which have furnished later dramatists with. Ideas and situations for a multi tude of inferior plays; and ae a literary work it is vastly better than the productions of most patch work playwrights of this day. Its plot is In genious, the language is elegant, and the situa tions are very effective. Its faults arc that it Is too verhose; its sittgle climax is placed at the end oldie anti act. and Some patience le required to await its attainment; and it has the very common lault in plays of its age and class, of being a little too broad for nineteenth country ideas of delleag. — We can somewhat ex tenuatethis latter defect in view of the fact that it was written at a time when licence of lan guage was the fashion, even in society, and thattt presents a correct acture of the morality of its day. The looseness of a century old comedy does not excuse the bawdry of a drama written yesterday, any more than the free speech of Shakespeare affords a satisfactory precedent for the cheap filth of Offenbach's burlesque writers. If the great literary .merit of the oue does not atone for the grossness, the custom of the time does. The small Sensationalists of this day can not plead excellence of workmanship, or licence et fashion for their indecencies. The comedy last night was, of course, admira bly performed. It is Mrs. Drew's fortune to have in her theatre. one of the very beet stock cm:opal:l -ies ever collected upon the stage. From hor very accomplished self, down to the overealved young gentleman Who- dock 'the business of footman, everybody gives an Intelligent, able and com pletely satisfactory representation of their respec tive characters.;• 'lt is hardly fair to make any distinction where all were so good, but perhaps Mts. Maeder,;Mr. Mackay, and Mr. Everly deserve especial commendation for the very superior manner in which they fulfilled the require ments of their roles last evening. Mr. Barton Hill and Miss Pried . were hardly less pleasing, the latter, particularly, having displayed rather more rim than is, customary with her. Mrs. Drew's character, was for from being the most prominent in the drama,- but she played as well as usual, and Mrs. Creese, in a minor part—all too small for so good an actress—vas very charming. This evening the comedy John Rua will be given, and on ' Thursday Mr. Craig will appear for the first time in the Heir at LOW as "Dr. Pauglose," a character that must be well played to be.eatiefactory. while the person:4lone of Mr. Warren and other good artists are fresh in the public mind. —The circus company at Y the ',Chestnut street theatre gave a first perform:ince last evening, to an immense audience. It is only fair to say that the entertainment was very exceliont,_ and that the promise 61 the manager, that he.would give a model circus performance, was fulfilled in the most satisfactory manner: Without attempting to specify the woridettalithirigs accoinplished by each member ,of, the company„wo may mention the equestrian .feats of Mr. James,Robinson, for their gracefulness Andtagility, the acrobatic per- Tonnances of the , Levantlne Brothers. the "cloud ewleging u 'of Mr. Ward, and young , Master Rob iiisoule-trieWwith his' pdny, for their , stiperlor excellence. Tha'performahen will be repeated this evening. — , lNlrßobort Craig will havq beliefit at the Arch , , . Street Theatre on Sattuday.evening next, when a very Attractive bill will be presented. Nearly all the Wats have been sold, at this early day, and as 1 ibis trill be a benefit night, those priveeip3d•per : 'ens Abe desire to attend; will, be compelled to dtpai t from their usual custom and outley their 11l , it' they desire to:, physical comfort v.bil refreshing their Intellect& The %modally ;is a i .trd one, but it will'not be made le 's griev ' aisl/_v charging , &fr.-Craig with vulgarity. ',.. —Mril, 1). P. Bowers appeared at the Walnit Street re last evening.ln :Cady Audrey. Se cret. I.,i'tel i m •duelegrini for the excellence, of Mrs 1.*;.% VP"" efforts in the line of histrionic - ir csto. eharsetefa-2, e lett ehe'halt lately 'app'eared, we 'do not beeltate t Pronounce her "Ludy Audley" ber very finest p , rtioOation. The drama cas tt e - herbintr thio 'ugh a series .of constantly: changing emotions, n to , the highest pitch of tragic.passion, t parsion, and ra.owera contrives, with t/a tarable skill, to deppt. every phase BO that the ,o l t meaning stands out In' ~,.. Poltand striking relief. `-c- the intensepasstigcsbWm‘folets is even better tunic the more placid episoil.',--I,4l.,`"i'vh°lB` ticreelilint , 44 artistic and e.., 013 / ,,- . -- h. , & Ma wont rsetingturi lwen3 wiu,,,,..4ppear in the character again MI& eveutsg. . —The American Theatre announces an olio entertainment for this evening. ' • , < —The Theatre Comique, Seventh street, below Pitch, has au excellent Dill prepared for to-night. the whole company , will appear in. a variety: of perfortnances, and the mined animals will exert i bemselVes In a surprising manner for the amuse-' meat of the spectators. biTy ATTITAIPTED Bonotaxir.—Last night about 11 o'clock an attenipt was made to enter the bottle of Col. John B. Peddle, NO 40 North Eighth . htreet. Col. Peddle, ti was 'the sitting-room, and heard glass breaking. He iapOned the window and observed s' man in the side-yard. He called to the fellow, who immediately jumped the fence and, got into the 2. arid of the church adjoining. Col. Peddle went, out the front door, and with the. assistance .of , a gentleman who was passing, captured the 'bur glar as - be - was - getting - overthe - railingof the -berth yard. The prisoner was taken to the Eighth District Pollee tEltation; and this morning, after a bearing before Alderman. Massey, was committed. 'NEW Bufr.ohvGa.=-The whole number of per mits for the erection of new buildings issued by the Building Inspectors during the month of No vember was 290; an increase of 22 over thenum her issued during the same month last year.' Of ibis number 12 were for the erection of'four story dwellings; 116 for three-storydwellings,and 28 for two-story dwellings. "Banking house, 1; Bailer house, 1;• Chapels, 2; Factories, 4; Ice hoWee, 1: Offices, 5; Saloon, 1; • Sheds, 2; Shops, 14: Skating Rink, 1; Staides, 21; Stores, 8; Store , houses and Warehouses, 8. There were also is sued 71 permits for alterathins and additions: SUrrOED SWORE ROEMER, VAPTURRD.—Two young men named Francis Bradley. and Edward Benedict were arrested , last evening, about half past six o'clock, - by Policeman Eros, 'Fourth District, and private watchman Jessee they were in an alley adjoining a store on Cbtirch street, below Third, and while the office.ra were commit's; theni, a fellow supposed ,ba a con federate:-jamped from the - second story window of the store and. ran . away. The prisoners will have a hearing;at the Central Station this atter- BuopmFrDlG.—ltate O'Brien was arrested yes terday afternoon, at Eighth and Arch streote, - by Reserve Policeman Mitchell. upon the charge of the larceny of a piece.of cloth from the store No. 55 North Eighth street. Ald. Beltier held hor in itBoo bail to answer. ASSAULTING A PnrAcmuluv.—Francis Doyle, •lames L. Ross, Robert Williams and John Trains got Into a fight at Third and Brown streets. yesterday afternoon, and Ross, it is al leged, assaulted Policeman J. Miller. The bel ligerents were all arrested. They were taken be fore Alderman Toland and were held in $l,OOO oail each for trial. RAILROAD ACCIDRNT. This morning about half-post nine o'clock Martin O'Connell jumped from a train of cars on the Norristown railroad, at Flat Rock, while it was in motion. He fell and bad his head badly cut. Ho was convoyed to St. Joseph's HospitaL O'Connell resides at Ninth and Vine streets. PRESS CLU/I.—The regular stated meeting of the Press Club of Philadelphikwill be held to morrow afternoon, at the rooms, No. 607 Walnut street. The reading of essays and discussions thereon by members is to be resumed, and the meeting will. no doubt, be an interesting one. Mr. Wm. J. Clark, Jr.; of the Evening Telegraph, is the essayist for the occasion. Susrictors.—Last evening Policeman Laird attempted to arrest two suspicious looking men, who were prowling about on Arch street, near Fourth. A scuffle ensued, aad one of the fellows dropped a large jimmy and ran. The other man was captured. and on his person was found a at-tall file, The prisoner gave his name as Alonzo Snow. He will have a hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. CABMEN Fri:am—Joseph E. Frono, M. Kirwin and James Durham, cab drivers, who persist in standing at Ninth and Chestnut streets, at late hours of the night, were arrested yesterday by High Constable Clark, on the charge of violating a city ordinance. They were each fined $5 by Alderman /jam. BricroF..—This morning, about eight o'clock, William Still, residing No. .704 New Market street, cut his throat with a razor. Ho inflicted a frightful gash and died from the effects of it about ten o'clock. &Alum Ev ANGEL re.Arros. A meeting of much interest is annonuced to be held this evening, at torch of the Epiphany, corner of Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, under the auspices of the American Bible Society, American Tract Society and American and Foreign Christian Union. These Societies have ~ • ecelved at , Stirarices trout General Prim and others that Bibles and other sacred literature issued by them, which have hitherto been excluded from Spain. will now be welcomed and their circulation encouraged. The object of the meeting is to give information on this point and enlist an interest in the work, that it may be prompt and vigorons for fear future political changes should abridge the liberty now afforded. A circular issued by these Societies states that Bibles and 129 other publications, in the Spanish language, baye been provided by them, and the services of de '-oted native protestants, who nave secretly main tained an organization for a long time, have been se cure(L. Twelve churches, one numbering 200 mem bers, are already organized In that country. Tae lion. Charles (admits will prgside this evening, and addresses will be made oy theßev. Phillips Brooks, Rev. Dr. Newton, Rev. Br. Willits, Rev. Br. Guise, and Rev. J. Wheaton Smith. TVItSD VY, December ist.—Thifi is the first day of winter, and it is made a marked day to Philadel phians by the opening of the great clothing sale at Oak Hell. As it reminds of snow and ice and cold, lot it also remind us of overcoats and skating jackets, and warm clothes generally, and then we will see the fitness of beginning this grand sale of heavy clothing on the drat day of winter. A quick sale it Is to be. and to this end the prices ar o way clown to where the thermometer ought to he to-day—a little abbvo zero. Get your money ready— you will net need a very large amount, and you will be Rue to receive much more than a fair equivalent for it at_Wananialter-kt Broivn's tnis week, A WortritY entiniric.—A fair is now beinz hold at Neale°itnral flail in aid of the Home for the . aged and infirm members of the Methedibt'Eplacepal Church. The display of .gbods of ,all kinds 18 very large and very attractive ' and the prices are not greatce than those churned byrelail.stores-Lin some Mee, in, deed, they are amaljer....The very excellent purpose of this enterprise commends it to ,the kind considetation of every Methodist in this atty. and More than that, to every benevolent .person. The fair will be continued for two weeks, and we sincerely hope it may be the means of ralaing a large fund for the worthy charity in the Interest el: Which it has beck established, ',* . ; . Z' .. ::OlWW;'- PRICE THREE CENT% NEW JEllitSer BlAlrrelitft _ Tire Crrr Coustoin -:-.Laat outing' the etie (=tell of Camden held a regular stated meeting. ; having adjortrned from Thursday night; MeV being Tbankegiviog. - The usual bttsiness Wag disposed of among the most Important of which was an ordinance (which, according to rulewary, laid _ over until next meeting) providing that; *hen the Camden and Amboy R•silrold company ' shall fence in befit sktea of their"track on Bridge avenue in a secure manner, the council will thee; vacate said avenue from Second: - etrect to 'lke" river. The ordinance contains quite ettingeet: provisions, and will meet with,much OPPoiliflOe l himmicarrz . s.—The streets and vielnity,oololll,.. den now daily present a larger number of hew, dleanta and beggera than usual. It is belleraL that they make begging a medium for the - rine- - pose of Obtaining a view of the: pretahleS "air visit in order - to facilitate burglarious operatiosibc Camden should possess a worbhoutie for 1174110 idle itidivldtials: Bonanaruous,—Burglarts appear to betirettri active In carrying on their business. There hi Al" gang at work, seeming to be operating ja.edia'• junction with each other. Four different &sea.: icg houses on Sunday tight were entered, bet; the villains were not verysuccessful in obtaittiop much to reward them for their pains. • • • Commrrittn.;—Yeeterday Justice JametelL study committed Lorenzo 'Doughty for , commie. • tang an assault and'bettery on:another Maw Re • is an old offender, and has served out a terni. oC imprisonment on a charge of atiliault, and tit iitach_a man Instills life._.___. • • -••• FROM NEW TORIL• Now Youx, Dec. I.—The L'oroner's inquest; hi' the Larkin murder case : was concluded yesterday: the furynvdering a verdict that the , death - o f: Larkin was caused by Robert_ Campbell, JoltaL nerrlgan and Ann Hines. The three were them committed to await the action of the Grand Jury Norman L. Johnson, living • at 178 Forsyth: street, Was stabbed in the side , by his wife, - Rilza. Johnson. yesterday noon, while the two were: quarrtling,lirs. Johnson beingintoxicatedht the , time. Bhe'immediately disappeared and a'aeltr-' rant is now opt for: her.- arrest— Johnson:Watt:lL living, but is severely, wounded. The -anniversary of the appointment, 'Orthe : Polish Proyisional Government of 3.830;wita04 brated last evening, at the Hall N0.'235 Boweirq. - Colonel Zoltner prodded,- and much enpinslasne was thanifested. - ' ' • • - ' • Mayor Hoffman retired front office atrtoon yeg-: - terday. Mr. Conan becomealdayor utitit t the xAtj of January . next, , by, virtue of big office as "Frest• dent of the Board of Alderman. , mass &VIIIJSE „ . • Official Vote by Cousit es. Cateutiett.- • Town& Gra2it. I3amrden. ..1 ,6.769 3 701 6677.9J1 ' 3 318 649 ' 5,813 '919 1 Franklin . 4 6191 , • 916 .• Berkoliire.'..3l 4493' ' 3,783 - 5,464 a.m. • 4' 17,363” • :19.918 16,874 13,6601 • East . ... ...... 34 a 1,614 , .7.665 19 031 . • 8, lit MidOltiox 53 ..2,4688 • 12,446 93,894', 13.189 Womater. 68 19.850 :6004 19 0E - Norfolk .......3310 , 4,726 9 673 .5,,M nrial of 19 10,155 2,784 0.943 ' 3.88 F 1pta0uth............ 5 1,507 • 2 699' 7,6113 11arnatabie...........13 3,381 - 647 13 4 • 4.36 108 433, 113^ Nantucket.... .... . . 1 . 471 - 401 • 470; =. • .42 , , • Total. , :rts , 13c.59°.59,221. • 111,243 , - Grant'* saa - jorify.l74.tlL InfUrt!li majority, 69v10p, The Weaehar for Notromb - Or. B. S. L. sends us , the. following table of weather at Germantown for the nzontb. juish Passed -.:NOVPSBE tf;- L.: ...4 I I W - .3 .Z , ...- ind and Weather. '..; ?.. I ti ~ I 4 i e, .-C ...1 ..: 1, - - Z. -t• fC - . • : l iZt 4 N. W.Cloudy. Hain Snow N. W. Cloudy. N. W. Clear. • • W. Clear. W. Cloudy. Bahr.- W. Clear. N. E, Cloudy. IN. W. Clear. S. W. Clear. S. W. Clear. Ha. y.. • N. W. Cloudy. Rau,. . W. Clear. S. W• Clear. 1 W. Clear. N. E. Clear. N. E. Cloudy., , IN. E. Cloudy.., Rain. N. W. Cloudy. N. W. Clear. . • , N. E. Cloudy. it 'mu., N. E. Cloudy. N. Cloudy. N. W. Clear. W. Clear. • , E. Cloudy. Rain. 8-1 U 3. E. Cloudy. Rola. N. W. Clear. S. NV. Clear. , W.Clear. S. W. Clear. I.IONTRLY AVi,RAGEB. LON Big TN • Ttr De vest Point gut o'clock • lye Wein(' vc o'clock oth (>1 Rai CITY NOTICES. . gym"- arid-soothe the Pali - of children - teettitii I' se Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Draggiatt... WILEOR'S Coo LIVER OIL AND LISIE.—The friends of persons who have been, restored from. con firmed Consumption by the use of this original prepa-, ration, and the grateful parties them Selves, have by recommending it and acknowledging its wonderful• efficacy, given to the article a vast popularity In NOW, England The Cod Liver Oil is in this combination:. robbed of its unpleasant taste, and is rendered doubly . effeciive in being coupled with the. Lime, which is it a restorative principle, supplying nature with just the agent and assistance required to heal and reform, the diseased lungs. A. E. Wilber, No. lee Court street,Bostrin, is the proprietor. Sold in Philadelphia. by Johnston, . Holloway t, Cowden, and Drugglsta generally. • LIKE "QUA loar),-,"Guss. Artificial teeth arc of little use and easily detected.. Take care of the real ones. All you need is fragrant s , )zonoNT. tlfe It daily and your tenth will km the last of Nature's gifts to fail you. "811.ALDIP7 , ; . t. ' GLUE:" mends Headless Dolls. and Broke Cradles, AMTHAICS %VAnu ON.WASHINGTON. A. Ward anis of WASIIINC:TON, that his • great. forte . wan. in not having any man f)f the preaent_generation to re-. ~ e nible him to any alarming extent. . . _ forte is in surpassing all others in the quality, style, and cheapness of their line customer-made clothing. Every garment cut over a customer pattern by,practit.!, cal artists. You; patronago is respectfully solicited at No. 529 Gheatimt strdet,.. GEN TS can procure the latest styles of Hata, and Caps at the very lowest prices and of the hest. make. at. Chas. Oaktord Sons', bat, and spo Chestnut, o'rcot• lnosmit; Tables, CI to :112. • • l'Aueo N. & Co.'s Kitchen Fernistdng Mom, 220 and 222 Dock street, below Walnut.' DON'T FAH.. TO TRY BOWERAI "(hem Arable Secrete" for your Cougb. Sere Throatt and Pulmonary troubles. -Physicians nee them.' De pot, Sixth and Vine. On man, Corms, Bunions,. Inverted Nails, skiilfally treated by Dr. J. Dtvisison, No. 015 Chestnut street.. Charges moderate. . SPItt:ICAL I.NnEinit.ENTS eun. d1;e8. Slictvralrar & Baostiiirg, 'ra Sonth 311,1 , ,kttir atm.*, To Loma AND Aftssas. Piepafiflnr the Holidays by getting one of, those ticantifol Hats at Oakfords' Continental Rotol. DEAMEIII3B, BtiNDNESS AND O.4.TA.RRIL J. hallos, M. D.. Proleaser. or the Eye and treats aildiseases appertaining to the above melba* twith ttertitmost auctess. Testimonials trom the mosst reliable sources Abe city can be seen at this °Moe, No. SW Arch street. ; The medical tscally are:Lava , * to accompany their patienta,as ho has no secrets is his pratlice. Artificial eyes pt•erts,ti. No charge nodes ler. examination. Mins=a nathaaz'
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