Irbe JD evon pal treConst—f is $ enery rind igai old eaoallloo. From "South-Coast Satintertrigs in Eng bed," contributed to garper'll. Magazine by an American traveler whom we shall risk little in naming ifoncure D. Conway, the foi lowing passages will bear extraction for our readers: • THE TOWN OF TORWAT Two hours by train, through a pleasant - region, bring one across from Plymouth .to ,this beautiful town—as beautiful in its way istyNitples, and aitting on its crescent beach • renth in the same way.. Having arrived • early in the rnorning- , -Ltoo early to call on the eminent man to whom the scientific explora tion of the cavern has been intrusted, I wan dered for soine hours about' the embowered Wes for which. Devonshire suburbs are famous. On one occasion, havinx. walked some distance, forward as I thought, and finding; myself close on my starting-point,,l ingenious illustration made by the late Archbishop Whitely from an Incident in these lanes. A gentlemau,he said, riding through the deep and shady Devon shire lanes did not reach the place'for which lie Started so Soon as he expected, but saw no one of Whom be could inquire the right way; nevertheless,The increasing number of horses' tracks encouraged him to believe that he was in a frequented road, and on he went. At length a certain familiarity in the objects around him led to a misgiving; and he soon discovered that he had been riding round and round in a circle, the increasing number o tracks being those of his • own horse. The `prelate illustrated thus the mental career of those who imagine they are making progress, when they are but vehemently moving in a circle and mistaking their own multiplied tracks for those of the march of Humanity. Another ingenious story' of this neighbor hood I heard - ha - ea in a half scientific, half religions discussion which occurred in a company during a meeting of the British Association. Some persons having:expressed apprehension as to the general skepticism that might follow an unchecked -pursuit of certain scientific inquiries, Mr. Fronde, the Ingineer (brother of the historian), gave the narrative of a man who .had _lost his way at night among the moors near Torquay. Tame moors sometimes lead to precipices, and are not free from pits; this Up lost traveler knew, and at every step he was in deadly fear of falling into one of these pits. At last his foot slipped.downward! He threw up his hands and fortunately grasped the branch of a tree, which extended over the abyss. It was pitch dark and, he could not see the bank fram which he had-fallen;•he swung his feet that way,but no—he could not reach it. Hanging by his straining arms over the pit he shouted for help, but no help came. After struggling as long as he could, and losing his voice, he resigned himself to the idea of a terrible death, and his weary hands releasing their hold, he fell ! The distance between his feet and the solid ground was just twelve inches. "If people," said Mr. Fronde, "would only have less panic, and more faith in truth, they might often find solid ground under them in stead of pitfalls." THE FAM)LY OF FROUDE; TIIE HISTORIAN My reader has, doubtless, by this time per ceived that my story is of the cactus kind— one leaf budding into another—and will not be surprised if Mr. Froude's anecdote reminds me thatit was in this neighborhood that the very remarkable family of which he is a member was reared. The father of the Froudes—the venerable R. H. Fronde—was Archdeacon of Totnes, and resided, I believe, at Dartmoor. There, at any rate, the histo rian Anthony Froude was born in 1818. Like nearly all the more thoughtful scholars who were at-Oxford twenty-five years ago,he and his brother (now deceased) came under the powetful sway of John Henry Newman, and were High Church enthusiasts. It was at this time that he wrote "The Lives of the English Saints." In 1847 and 1848 there came out those strange books, "The Shadows of the Clouds" and " fhe Nemesis of Faith," which showed that his mind and heart were but girding themselves for another kind of journey from that on which he had started when he took orders as a• deacon with Dr. Newman. When the latter passed into the Church of Rome Anthony's brother went with . him, but for the fu ture historian it was the crumbling of the last temple in which be had sought refuge, and it left above him only the vault of heaven, within him the dome of reason. There was nothing in him that could make a zealot of any kind; so he gave up his orders and his Oxford fellowship and betook himself to the quiet paths of literature. The Oxonian au thorities have never ceased to malign and per secute him for the books he wrote while a student there- ho never replies, but pursues patiently his own work. He is nearly con nected by marriage with Charles Kingsley, and his home at Brompton, in London. is very dear to the circle of fine spirits—Carlyle, Arnold, Palgrave, Spedding, and others— who are often found around its hospitable fireside. The brother who became a Catho lic died. The other brother, civil engineer, bas a beautiful home here at Torquay; he is the youngest of the brothers, but Is already widely esteemed as a man of science. They are all remarkably handsome; Anthony, espe cially, is by odds the handsomest literary man in London. IL is very notable, by the, way, how in Eng lafid—and, measurably, in America—genius runs in families: as witness the NapieN, Mackintoshes, Froudes, Newman, Arnolds, Martineaus, Darwins, Kingeleys. CLIAItLEB K INGSLEY The Kingeleys come from the north of De vonshire. An old family of Cheshire it was, which in the civil wars had suffered more for its adherence to the cause of the Parliament than he most distinAulahed descendant has suffered from his early Chartist propensities. It wasprobable, however, rather from his mother than from"the Kingsley a of Kingsley, in the forest of Delamere," that Charles in herited his noble discontent with the actual, and his impulsive free thought. Mr. Carlyle told me that he remembered visiting the rec tory of hie father, who was a clergynaan,when Charles was but a small lad. He observed then that the dreamy eyes of the.mothor—a lovely woman—reappeared in the boy, who sat in entire silence during the con versation, evidently drinking in every thing he saw or heard. Carlyle became the hero of Kingsley's boyhood anol youth, as he now is of Ms fiftieth year : that pillar he fol lowed, when he turned its fiery side, into the land of radicalism, and now he has folio wed its cloudy side back into the land of bondage. The course of many a gifted young English man of these times is to be the historic com ment on the tremendous action and reaction of Carlyle's great brain. The reaction in Charles Kingsley's case, coincident as it has been with his progress out of poverty to com parative prosperity, has subjected him to many taunts. A popular speaker recently said, "How can we not expect him to smile on the world when the world smiles on him ?" My belief is, however, that the change is far more due to his temperament—in which moral timidity is strangely blended with physical pluck. It is a curious commentary 'that muscular Christianity" should have fn. its chief champion a man who trembles like leaf before moral opposition. At the outset of his career Kingsley indulged - in some hereSY,while Preaching on a certain occtfsion hi London, when. some laymen arose in the church and invited all who believed the doc trine of the Church to leave the house. Kingsley was much excited, and denounced 88 S !gist" any ODO Who should charge him with heresy- but he never rec were(' from this blow, and has hardly veutared to speak his mind since. Of late years he has com pletely identified England with Justice and (apparently) the Establishment with Truth,,, and has merged "muscular Christianity" into. Carlyle's worship of Force. leis far frotu Uting it pleasant speaker; his ..iiianner - being affected and his voice titillated with a ,sad , stammer; but what. he atty is always Profoundty , Interesting: Last year be preached to' the Volunteers,,at tiler camp near Wimbledon,' a discciurse alieut Judah's lion—the lion being the' British =lion, • and the doctrine an apotheosis of war. Ha was so much excited at one time, his stam mer at the same time damming his utterance, that some feared he would fall into apoplexy.' The discourse was powerful; but an old reader of his could not forget how lie said in "Alton Locke"—l don't know how it stands in the expurgated edition—that one of the most inscrutable things on this earth toin is a soldier. There would , seem' to be in is Mind ,und,bip t , brother, Henry ' s.. also, ants gh; or in - Oe titan enough of sinew, but a lac of, l i bone; what they, do, and write is not &DOI% 'and it must pass away. Many of his wariest friends have tried to , hold' on to their g'aith that he would recur to his earlier manlPtess and his "first love." Thomas:Hughes “ies paired of him when he found him taking r, ides with the Confederates during the AmerOan But the final blow that hass TAO' him from nearly all of his old comrad when; at his inauguration ' as 2rofessor of History at. Cambridge, he mad a formalf .-as given re traction of the reformatory it:6timents of his books, declaring that he reg etted . • them, and it that hereafter he meant to ollow the views of older and wiser thin .ers than himself. Many of those present, rho had -been most instrumental in securin b .r him the professor sbip,.hujt4hatint-IFwatis in shame; and oN of his /pi ,IFt intimate acquaintancesne that it' vVa'st taihtAaddest scene„... l :"ever wit nessed. It is undefintA&iirtrllie is now am bitions for promotion in the Church, and willing to sacrifice any thing for it. He is impressed with , a belief that his only obstacle in that direction is the heresies promulgated in his works; but the advancement of Dean Stanley—who is a _pnre rationalist--shows that such is not the case. Heresy is rather popular just now witb the ruling powers of the Establishment. The fact is; „that Mr. Itingsley has 'not the elements of popularity nor the, suavity of manner which attain such positions; and the only pity is that he should not be content to stand by his own nature and heart and reach the honors, and ulti mately the homage, which the gifted and true in England are sure to win from their peers. What a strange chapter in the next "Curiosities of Literature" his career as a writer will make! lie began with the palpi tations of living England; with stories of Chartism, and the "Yeast" leavening Church and State; then he went back ward, to old English mariners, to H.vpatia and ancient Al exandria, and now he has got so far away from the great heart of, to-day that he is en gaged translating the very foolish life of St. Anthony, as recorded by Athanasius ! "Blot out his name then ! Record one teat soul more ; One task wore declined, one more foot-path un trod." ART ITEMS. One of Van Bonfield's snow-pieces, " The Cottage Winter," sold for $5O, at Miner &I Barker's auction, New York, last Friday. No lover of art in this country, familiar with the picture exhibitions of the last ten *years, can fail to remember with special inter eat the beautiful water-color pictures by Mrs. Murray, the accomplished wife of the British consul at Portland, Me. This gifted lady has lived for several years in Boston, where her works have been thor oughly appreciated and her society much en joyed. The most cultivated people of that city are her friends. Her reunions, held at stated intervals at her residence in Pemberton Square, have been among the most delightful art-receptions in Boston. Mrs. Murray has now removed to New York. Her arrival is opportune, as artists, within a year or two, have turned their attention to water-color— exercised their talent therein, formed societies for its study, and on several occasions have exhibited the result of their skill. At no pre vious time could the residence in. New York of an acknowledged bead in this department of art have been so dqiirable. Mrs. Murray has traveled much in Europe; her portfolios are especially rich in Spanish subjects. She will be a great social and artistic acquisition, and has brought warm letters from distin guished Ruston friends. She has token a stu dio in the University Building, in Washington Square, No. 13. Robert Fleury, Paris painter, Member of the Institute, and lately president of the French Academy at Rome, has been sending letters of invitation to a few privileged per sons for a private view of the pictures or dered by the city of Paris to decorate the panels in the Hall of Sessions of the Tribunal of Commerce. The subjects treated by the , eminent artist are: let. In 1563, institution of Consul Judges by the Chancellor of the HospitaL 2d. In 1673, Colbert presenting the Ordi nance of Commerce to Louis XIV for signa ture. 3d. In 1807, Promulgation of the Code of Commerce by Napoleon L 4th. In 1863, Installation of the new Tri bunal of Commerce under Napoleon 111. The Tuileries is now rapidly filling up with bronze lions. In addition to the two fine ones by Barye placed last winter on the quay at the guichet or imperial carriage-gate,some more by Cain (author of the fine bronze ti gress in the Central' Park, N. Y.), have been placed in the interior. A Man with Music In Ms Soul. We take. the following appreciative criticism of the opera from the Indiana. Sentinel of the 17th, and are glad to perceive that Italian mubic is taking so firm a hold on the masses out in "Hoosier:" Editor Sentinel: I want to give you the first of the opera. I didn't see it all, but ex pect it was good, and lam told it will be better to-morrow night. Wal, a feller in his shirt-tail with a blue bedspread thro wed over his shoulders, came runnin in with a big snake follerin him, which scared him so bad that he just giv up and laid down on a green bench that some body had put there a pur pose for . him,l expect. Then a superannuated grave-yard lookin woman in mournin come in and took a few punches at the snake, which made him get, and then she set to squallin terrible. Then a big feller, rigged in speckled rags, came in, and they all took a squall together, when the mournin woman gave one a piece of cane-pole and tother a bunch of little bells, tellin each of em sometbin that I didn't just exactly understand? thou it seemed to ticale them powerful, and they went away just as pleased as a little boy with a tin whistle. Then a raal good-looking gal in red, with a white rose on her busom, came in, follerd by a lot of niggers. Wal, one of the niggers wanted to take her along with him, but she wasn't as much Charles Sumner as he was, and wudent go; then the speckled feller come in, and he and the nigger scared each other out, levin the gal by herself when she wont to skuallin to kill. Just then I recollected a umbrel 1 left on the bar, and thot I'd go and look after it. I'm lookin yet. The feller that sells lager beer hadent seen it; looked as tho he thot I never had a umbrel. I had no hart to go back agen, but I expect from the way they begun same one got [amid. Hope tbey did. Guess I'll go agin to-m mow night and see, and if its rainin, get my umbrel, or onnithndy else's. F Rita' LAJBBTEIIB AND SALMON'—WI 0A8E9,1400 dawn, frob Lobatars and Salmon. Landing and for sato by JOB. a BUSSIEIy, .b 00.0.08 Bluth Dolawaro avenue. THE DAILY BIILI 4 ETIA . ---PHILADELPHIA2 TUFSDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1868. , ... . . isots. ~ Ise's., ' CLOTH HOUSE. '. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER ' Wish to I eep before the public thelact. that they aim to keep the largest and moot varied - AA:liltOf all descriPtioni oft f CLOT - 11 - :; -', . . TO BE FOUND IN PIIILIDEEPEINe ' Ten's COatiogi and•;Caisinioirio. Goals for Boys' Wear. . ‘ ,• L' los , Makings' of every find. Atwilwohi nom • STR , CLOTHIER. f NTRAL CLOTH 'AC/USE; corner of Eighth anifitaiket Sti. PHILADELPHIA. - Fall Trade. 18681 .EDWARD FERRIS, GIRARD STORES. - NOW, atir. EleVenth And Chestnut Sts, • Entrance SS South Eleventh, 4 °VEERS AT JOB PRICES 20,000 Yards Hamburg and Needle Work Embroideries, ALSO. 1,000 Doz. Linen Hdkfs.---AU kinds. Real and Imitation Valenoienne,Throad, Guipure and Cluny Limes. And a complete stock of W EIITE GOODS. rerKensheedt and King's celebrated make Of Piffling. and Rutfllngs at Manufacturer's Prices. ia2B-tn Ott i- . Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, HAMRICK & COLE, Propose to Signalize the week 'commenting Monday, November 30th BY A DEMONSTRATION IN FINE PARIS BROCHE SHAWLS ! We shall then offer New and Exquisite Designs, Heretofore $lOO at $65. Heretofore She at $5O. ' 11:i r •Vol= :748 at tit paid( White Centres $lB. Selltng Elsewhere at $3O. Our stock of Shawls le large and attractive, and this SPECIAL SALE is designed to Immure its speedy reduction. HAMRICK 86 COLE, No. 45 North Eighth Street. no2B-0 to St INDIA SHAWLS AND SOARFS. GEORGE FRYER, - No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites attention to his stock of Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also. an elegant stock of BILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY OILK FLUSHES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY MOODS. nitua !shawls and Scarfs Alterod,Repaired and Gleaned in a ouperior. manner. 0c,30 2airms NDIA RUBBER . MACHINE BELTING • • STEAM I 'Packlus B oae Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of , Ifioodyear'e Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, PaoehlB Rom ao.. at the Manefactur GOO ure Headquarters. .DYERIB 808 Chestnut street , --- • N. B.—We have now on bawl a large lot ofGentl e men's, Ladles' and Misses' Own Boots. Also. every variety and strilo of Gum Overcoats. 6100pID• MARKET 423 (iv 41 0' Ar dy 4 e P it &- c% SILK FACED VELVETS, $7 00. BILK FACED VELVETS, $8 50. PURE SILK VELVETS, $lO and $ll. PURE MLR VELVB IS, $l2 and M. PL RE SILK VELVE IS, $l5 and $lB. VELVETEENS. • RIGHT SHADES BLACK AND BROWN. RIGHT SHADE' BLUR AND PURPLE. WATER PROOFS, $1 25 to $2 00. BLACK BEAVERS, Complete Stock. BLACK VELOURS. Complete Stock. BLACK ASTRACANS. Complete Stock. BLACK ASTRACAN TRIMMING. STYLISH VELVETEEN SACQUES. LYONS SILK VELVET CLOAKS. ASTRACAN CLOTH CLOAKS. CLOAKS FOR Tt3E (IPERA. WINTER CLOAKl3, $125. FINEST DISPLAY EVER OFFERED. ce2Bm tn w 3m JOHN W. THOMAS, OFFERS HIS (LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING ALL OF THE Newest Designs and Fabrics, AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BE AS Low a they can be bought elewhere. sto,u inln) EDWIN HALL di CO., 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, invite attention to their new and fashionable stook of Dry (iced& Fancy Silks. Black Silka, Fancy Dress Goods, Plain Dress Goods, Shawls, Velvets, Cloths, Ladies` Cloaks and Suits. Staple Goode. &o. Ladies' Dm Res and Omaha made to order. OVILTA_UV MIALTJEIMAAII64i*., GURTAVN ESTAIBLIESEI The oubgerieere are now receiving their ' Importations RICH - CURTAIN FABRICS PARLOR,. CHAMBER' AND LIBRARY WINDOW, CURTAINS TURNITITRE 'COVERINGS.; COMPRISING, - Freneh Saline and Smote/elle% Royal Tapestries, Silk Terry and Cotelines, Wool Terry, Repe l Damasks, &o. ALSO, Just Opened direct from the Manufacturer, EItiIIII:OIDERE'D iier - ' CURTAINS, NEW DESIGNS, From the .loW cot to tho highest ortality—oomo of them the IlItaiEST MADE.. • • . 31434T1NG8A1l LACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERED I 1 ISLIN CURT NS A . JACQUARD AND al IMMIX BRAJE'EBIES, VESTIBULE CUBT 4 AIISS lingreat variety, CATIVED I . PLAIN, EILTAND WALNUT couriiers, IN JUTE AND COLORED SHADES. P.xperieneed and reliable workmen superintend one Upholstery Department, and every efrort ia employed to give satisfactionnEd secure promptness in fulfilling the orders minuted t us. k . Sheppard Van Harlingen & Arrison t t es nu S t., PHILADELPHIA. no2l a to th 10trp .rust Opened. A Fresh Arrival OF Moquet and Embroidered TABLE AND PIANO COVERS RICH SWISS LACE AND Low-Priced Nottingham Curtains. — CARRINGTON, DE PIXIE & CO. S. Ei oor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Ste. ..12.0 to thory THE FINE Lima. LOOKING GLASSES, THE VERY CHEAPEST AND 13 E. Srr. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIOM I have this day made a reduction of TEN to FIFTEEN PER CENT. in the prices of my fine custom-made Boots and Shoes for gentlemen's wear. The latest styles always on hand, in different measures, so that a ready fit may be obtained. BARTLETT, 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut. 4)017 a to th lyrpO L.14.1313E5' SHOES. NEW STORE. HENRY WIREMAN, Manufacturer and Importer „ OF LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 118 South Thirteenth Street, S.W. nor. Sixth and Buttonwood Ste. IPILILADELPHIA, AND No. 487 Eleventh Street, WASHINGTON, De 0., Has opened hie Elegant New Store, No. 118 South THIS, TPENTII Street, between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, with a largo assortment of the finest quality of LADIES'' SHOES . Of his own manufacture. ALSO Just received from Paris, a large assortment of Ladies' Boots, Shoes and Slippers Made expressly to order by the beet and Most celebrated manufacturers. . • °cBl tfrp bEWIN LU&CUINES. huddler% iturness4Vialkers. Mannlfac tatters loth ing. BootsfShoes, - dre., Will find It to ihei.• interest to use our • UNRIVALLED bim,lllNE WSW and the "Milford Linen Taroad." Manufactured expressly for, us from the best material. and warranted a superior article. THE 6136141. MIANUeACTUIIO6I - 01111PANT Manufacturers and .Prots , ikon of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE. No. noel Uhestwat_Eltrieet o iry2lyrn vim coorEtt. agent - • - URPANT JELLY. —GENUINE -CURRANT JELLY b 3 5 and 10 lb. cans, for sale b.* J. R. BUBO= IS 00..108 Routh DOlniVare aNIMUO. VARPETINGX.,OcO. , . . • --. . T fo ARP ET (.'S CLOTHS Stair and Hall Carpets, in great variety . . with eeparato DRUGGETS, • all widths; oleo, a new article for covering Stair Carpete, REEVE L. KNIGHT dz SON, • 1222 - Chietruit'Shiet; , . ivattito •4 I'e 1868 FALL: 1858. ",`CFLEiT ECHO MILL ' 11e,CALLITIA, CREASE & SLOAN, Manufacturers and Importers of CARPETINGS, Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, No: 509 CHESTNUT ST., Opposite Independence Hall. sef‘tu di a }lmre CARPETINGS. copENINGF. Elegant Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels, TOMS, 3 PLTB and INGRAM Parlor, Hall and Stairs to Hatch. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. aolf.2nunt OPENING OF RICH FEATHERS. Just received, per mat steamer. a very large assortment of PARADISE BIRDS, ' SCARLET " - HUMMING " FEATHERS of every description. FINE FRENCH FLOWERS. The Latest Shapes in Ladies' Hats, Ribbons, Satins,Velvets, Plashes and Vlveteens. PRICES VERY EOM THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET. Importers, Jobbers and lietallen. oaa 2tart, MRS. R. DLLLON, 323 and 331 SOUTH STREET. Millinery for Ladles and Misses. batins, Silks. Ovate, Ribbons, Flo r era Feathers. Framer AlO g Millinery,Crape Valle, &c. Silk Velvet and Sal kl a i.,,te, Swab Ribbons. no 4 Smarr) Magazin des Modes, 1014 WALNUT STREET. • For the better convenience of her Patrons, Mr: PROCTOR has REMOVED her DRESS-MAKING ROOMS to 1014 WALNUT STREET, where she will be happy to see her friends. The general Dry Goods Business will be eon as heretofore,. at 920 Clbestnut street. " a. W. PROCTOR a co. nob lnarT4 1911.1bINEEtV GOODb. CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS. S. A. & D. STERN, 724 Arch Street. sela.tti th a Bm6 WAIINDIREM, aIfIWZMILYEs dige. rIS LADODIUS er. C( - 1 DIAMOND DEALER'S & JEWEL ERS. WATCHES, JEWELRY 4 SILVER WERE . \\WATJHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 802 Chestnut St., Phila. Watches of the Finest Makers. Diamond and Other Jewelry, pf the Latta etylee. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Etc., Eta. SMALL STUDS WOK EYELET HOLES. A large eatortmont Ju received, with a variety of Lettings. fp' WM. B. WAIINE lic CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 11. E. corner l'eventh and Chestnut Meets, And late of No. 85 South Third street. 1e217 POCKET BOOKS. WOR BALE.—AN ..INVOIOO OF 11.d.*B1JEG BAGS tenoned l= and cotton. ' • XS= WEIGHT & F 440. ray) Rib WnlizustrOtti MILIiN EMT. _,.,_,47II,ISCWILLANEOUS. DecoYations• , ,on,Clana-anil Glass. INITIALS. , vIcEsTS • , AND ALL RINDS OF • , I?I,4CORATIONS • - 'and. GOL. ASS ORDEIti - TYNDALE & MITCHELL; .1 707 CHESTNUT, STREET, PiIItiADELPITItt . :•• `-'` • : • . 4028 to th tfrps Q . GILEAT Eli TER,PR LSE 1800- _ • PH. J. LATLIEM4.., THE FIRST HOCK-,0F,1868. Tbefdat Hock and other lIIIENIBII WINES of this yeaileybstaao (1E68) have been Imported by Pb. J, Lauber per steelier "Union," and will be ready tor aide TO-DAY All who are fond of delicious wine are respectfully Invited. • PH. J. LAUBER, No. 24 South FITTS Street. tio2g. itry4 GREAT PREPARATIONS FINE CON SECTIONS FOR TILE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN N 0,121.0 Market Street. ncY2.B THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO., For Safe Keeping of Valuables, flecuri.. ties, etc., and /lantana of Sates. DIRECTORS . s. B. Browne. J. Gillingham Felt Ales Timm R H . clarke C. Mac.aiwtar. S. 41.: John Welsh.. E. W. Clark. Geo. LA. Tyler. OFFICE, NO. 421 CII EsTrinur STREET, N. G. BROWNE, Presidtutt. C. B. llic, 'Woe Prat:Wait. 8.. PATTERSON. Secretary mindrYoluntrer th e to -WILLIAM A. STOKES Hu rommed the - PRACTICE O,F LAW IN PRILADELPRIA. OFFICE'- 113 SOU 26 FIF27I.BTREET. n028%11* E. Si. 130 - Im, 113PHOLSTIEREEt, ' No. 136 North Ninth Street, PLIILADELPIIIA. WINDOW SHADES, BEDS, MATRESSES, CURTAINS AND CARPETS. or - Furniture Repaired and U • 'Watered. madam= • ENVELOPES 1 ENVELOPES 1 5,000,000 SAFETY ENVELOPES All tole* oLtutlitles and shwa, for sale at reduced =tees at the Bteao4 aittNlMPartrir. SAMUEL TOBEY. Agent. isel7-3ri=§ FITLER, WitilVE.R & 00. RIEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW at Etaa, DPERATION. Um 23 N. WATER BAA:S N. DEL. in OItOCEJIIIEN t &MIMEOS, IY 111 FOR THE TABLE, Just In (tore a New Invoice of Fine Large FRENCH PRUNES, ported direct from James Collett k Co., Bordeaux. n Small and Large Ghats Jars or by the Singh) Pound. SIMON COLTON it CLARKE, no2B. W. oor. Broad and Walnut Bto. IVJE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR First of the Season. ALBERT C. Ro BERM. Pealer In Fine Grocerlev, Corner Eleventh and. Vine Street= Patented September 8, 1868. Boston and Philadelphia SALT FISH COMPANY. IRAN- DESICCATED COD Fists FOR FAMILY CIL RIR POUND EQUAL TO FOUR POUNDS RAW MI Warranted to keep in nay climate for any number of 6 e nt r liii4 r ortipli a .l3l,L n argre'.l "b f r l P i k :v g el Nilor ar Sample epees 24 and pound. each. - bold by all Grocers, and manufactured by the 80111011 and Phllauttpoia Plait Fish compuiy, LEDGER PLACE, rear of 1%0. 52 ' , .tortli SECOND St, Philada, nol9 eom 6ml A MIR(CAN CHOCOLATE AND UNION COCOA. JD , SHOE% 'manufactuted by .To4ah Webb & Co.; for guile by b. D. KNIGHT & A geniis for-the Manufacturers, no2I 10H• B. E. corner Water and CbcHtout street% L l Oll, LUNCEL—PEV/LED HAM, TONGUE, AND. Lobster. Potted Beet. Tongue. Anehoyy, Paste and Lobster. at COUSTY . I3 East Lad Cirocory,,-NO. 118 South Second street. lilly ts MESS 'SHAD, I'ONGUES AND SOUNDS MI. gtessly for family we t In store and for East End Grocery, No.llB South Se street...-- 6 00td at bp u .11411' ITIABLE CLARET.—'2OO CASES OF SUPERIOR TABLE .L Claret, warranted to give catudaction. For sale bi M. F. SPILLIN. N. W. corner Arob and Elglath streets. N" FRE BEltVti D GINGER IN SYRUP AND. DRY, __of the celebrated Chyloong _ Brand, for sale at COMITY'S - Bast' Ind Groary, No. - 118 - Booth Second itreet. HAMB. DRIED BEEF' AND .T01 , 1017E0. JOHN Steward's Justly celebrated Dams and - Dried-Beef. and Beef Tongues also the best brands of Cincinna ti Home. For sale by fd. F. BFILLIN: N. W. corner Arch and.ElShth streets. QALAD OIL.-100DASKETS OF. LATOUR'S SALAD 1.3 OH of the latest importation. , ' , For sale by AL F. SFIL.LIN. N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. , XTEW. GREEN GINGER, PRIME AND GOOD ORDER 1. 1 4 at ouusTra East End Grocery, No. Ile South deo. end street. - - • '! - • - TELMBARIERICI 1011MO1kitIlf• TOTAL registration in New York city, 172,708. • DUKE DE IiItAUART-111 recovering. EARL EtitieELL in a , letter expresses/his 'regret att the defeat of the workingmen's candidateB. esvnnar. inches of snow fell yesterday at Buf-, falo and °twee°. DIA.Yon EformAN, of New York, yeaterday re signed his office into the hands of Thomas Ca may, Presidentof the Board of.Aidermen. SECRILTMIY McCuti.ocu yesterday ordered the -sale at auction of tt half million dollars- in gold in New York. OLIffirEAD, the detnnitingTotit Office clerk, has been eued by the United t3taten to recover $80,(109, the mount stolen. , THE sahooner J. C. Runyon, from Philadelphia for Alexandria,-has been totally wrecked off gag Island. The crew bave arrived at Norfolk. Tiu Supreme Court of Florida is hearing argu ment upon a motlou to (mash the proceedings against Lieut.-Gov. Gleason. THE change in the Roumania Cabinet was ef fected by Preusla assisting in displacing . the, war party. Louis NAPOLEON to suffering from diabetea,and cannot give that attention to State affairs which is necessary. NEW 6 received from Buenos Ayres states that the insurrection in the Argentine State of Cor rientes has been Ouppreseed. Jour; L. Meltritowr, Esq., who died at Borden town, on Sunday, was one of the originators of the Camden and Kmboy Railroad, and for twen ty-five years a Director. A worry of Ku-Klux boarded a Tennessee railroad train Friday night,and threatened to kill Conductor Crosier, if he ever ran another train over the road. J. Izionnsol.r. and two other persons were drowned on the 29th, near Port Ontario,: New York. while returning from a fishing expedition • in a email schooner. TIIE Circuit Court at Washington, yester day,. the_Eult of .JO/312_,Naglee.ogainetfEdwiniSt. Stanton, for damages to a farm by Its occupation by United States troops, was discontinued, the plaintiff being ordered to pay the costs. Ton North-Carolina Legislature is discussing a resolution asking Congress to remove the politi cal di,:abilitics of all citizens of that State. The Senate has agreed to investigate charges of cor ruption against members. A SAN FRANCISCO despatch says General Grant's of majority In California i5...500, and, owing to an informality in printing an elector's name, the Secretary of State refuses to give the certifi cate to the Republicans. The matter goes before the finpreme Court. Iltv. Mn. Co:m.o.a) on seconding the nomina tion at Dublin of O'Connor for Parliament, de clared that the Fenians In America were stronger in membership and organization than ever, and were the rights of Irishmen in Ireland withheld, they would act at once. and on landing on the of the Emerald hie its whole population would rise atlantic. Tun. Ledger's Washington correspondent tele graphs: "It is rumored in diplomatic circles that this Government does not accept the proto col for the arrangement of our difficulties with Great Britain, torwardtd by 31Lnister Johnson, and that amenduients to it were forwarded by cable after the Cabinet meeting on Friday. This rumor is not exactly, but eubstantially true." Dutra hundred barrels of whisky, at the In dianapolis and Cincinnati depo', Chicinna:l, yes terday morning, were st.izxd by United Statts Arsessor ➢fegrue, the entire lot being found from 6 to 15 per cent. above proof degree marked on the gander's certif,eate. The penalty attached to the crime la the seizure of the article, impris onment and a fine of two hundred dollars on each barreL Two nundmi barrels of this whisky were trona Hamilton, Ohio, and the other hun-_ dred from Indiana. - Message of the Governor of south Carol/lan.. GoVernof Scott, of South Carolina, yesterday 'sent his message to the Legt , latute. He takes nu' encouraging view of the poAtion of affairs in this State, and gives substantial reasons 'for his belief that no State of the Union Is more 'Solvent, or has a fairer prosrait of meeting all her lia bilities. The aggregate iceeipts of the State Trea sury tor-the six months erAling October 31 , have been $42.5,573, and the expenditures for_the same period e4b9.688. Tho Governor recommends that the donation of land made by the rialted'States Government be devoted to the establishment of an educational institute in Charleston for instruction in agricul ture., mechanic arts, and the higher branches of scientific and classical studies. He denounces alt turbulence and lawlessness, and strongly depre cates secret political organisations. In conclud ing his message, he says: Thu general elections have passed, and the political issue involved, tvhich so fiercely agi tated the country, having been determined for a dihisiderable period, it is devoutly to be wished that the community may be indulged in a much needed respite from the passions and excite ments to which it has been so long subjected, and that our people may be enabled to turn their attention to the development and improvement of their material resources, which have been so sadly impaired and neglected. It gives use much pleasure to state that assu rances have been received, both previous and subsequent to the election, from many of the most prominent men of the State, heretofore in active opposition to the Government, of their regret at the occurrence and their detestation of the outrages, as well as their determination to yield a willing obedience to the Conitittition and laws, relying upon the peaceful exercise of their rights at the ballot-box to remedy whatever they may deem objectionable. la theut this determi nation has exerted, and cannot but eontinue to exert. a favorable influence upon the prosperity of the state, stimulating its industry, and giving character utd credit to its enterprises. Recognizing with pleasure these evidences of returning good feelings and wishing' to recipro cate every indication of au approach to friendly relations, I would reiterate the recommendations of my last message in favor of it liberal policy on the part of the LegislatOre in reference to Ihe're moval of political di/abilities. While upon the subject of Otir past differences, 1 will take occa sion to express the hope that national politics will hereafter occupy a much less prominent poiltioOn the affairs of the State and in the minds of the peooe than befettiliire. issues having been determined 'for years to come. at least: there IS huf little propriety in keeping tip volitleal agitation.. The lustorreeCion in Cuba.. 1 - IAVANA t Nov. • 30.—Tne official account or engagement between ihe troops and 'revolution isle, cultic 24th instant, is as follows: The revo lutionists attacked a serail detachment of troops stationed in the town of Villa del Cobre, near Santiago, with their whole force, and succeeded in driving them from their position. The troops then took refuge in' a church. Information concerning the,attack was sent to Santiago, and troops . and. volunteers were immediately forwarded to Cobra. This reinforcement suc ceeded iu surprising. the revolutionists and re taking the town. revolutionists lost 62 killed and many wohnited. General Mareano. a Dominican. commanding the rebels, was killed. and Colonel Perez severely, wounded. The gov ernment lust three kilted and ten wounded. Many dead, hectic's of revolutionlets have since been found in ditches. All' the „small detach ments of Goveritment troopsrhave.beeil• called to join the main body. • Many American, lint iah, French, and other foreign residents of this cityhave joined the volunteers now In active service, ;and left' for the seat of War." 1 " - ' Prominent citizens of Mexico here,'ex- Minister of Max.ituinau's, deny that any-.;Mexi cans, are'impllcated. in • this rebellion. 'Letters from Cubans and others.' esident hrMexico con firm this statement. The only foreigners who hold preminent positions among the revolution ists are Dominicans. . All :the Mexican 'refugees hero seem _ln quiesly awaiting .a.._change of government or • a,proz.lamation pt: general am nesty by 'JuareZlOreturn tO,tbetr, Country. Later accounts of'the 'fight at Villa del Cobre 'increase the number of rebel killed. A battalion, composed of volunteers, army veterans and col ored militia, sails to-murrow for Glbara, on the northern coast.' A 'battalion of volunteers has been raised in Matanzas and will Immediately take the field. The town of Holguin, defended v 0n1y25 soldiertrand TO citizens; Was attacked by 1,000 rebels and taken. The soldiers retired Into the hospital,where they fortified themselves, and at last accounts still held oat. - . Reinforce ments have been sent to. them. Count Valmazeda has commenced operations hi the, field, ?Up to the present time, over five hundred persons, either actual rebels, or compro mised in some way by. the rebellion, have pre sented themselves to Valmazeda and received nardon. Only two prominent cations of Puerto Principe joined the revolutionary party. One of them, Marquis Saut Luelarhas, gone to Nuevitas, - and the other, Seri Feuveta, Is at Moron. 'Both command rebel batids, and refuse to compromise or surrender. THi . D.AILY EVENING BULLETIN4BILADEOFILA., - DECEMBER. ° 1,1868; .i:*: . gft.,4:_c'ilE.olA,l4: - ...; Philaaelplila EgaMt..l9l.lnement. The following. is the weekly statement of the _Phila. delphla Danks,lo4oollo on. AlondaY afterPcmi W/ 110 4 presehts the 101101,5,r4_1.g MilV ateB2 Capital Stock... 4. . • 315,01.7,150 Loahs and Discounts 52,336,66 ; s Specie._ .... 249.154 Due . ... 4,359007 Due to other Banks ' 5,815,747 ........ 32.861,243 Circulation— ... . . . . 10.603,158 'U.S. Legal -Tender ... ........ Holes 13,016,734 2,409,241 The,followYng sVatentent shows the condition of the Banks of Philadelphia; at various times during the last few months: , • 188 T. Loans. Specie. Cirenlatio 1) eposits. Jan. I. .52,812,827 . 903,633 10,969.820 41,808.317 Feb. 4.....62,651,130 871,584 10,430,893 39,592,71 3 Mar. 4.....51,979,173 826,678 10,581,600 49,867,388 April 'l .50,760;806 803,148 10,631,532 44,150,285 Bray 43„ —G3,054,267 816.053 10,630,695 87,574,050 Jule 8. , —52,747,306 834,393 10,631,482 37,332,144 Jnly 1....52,538,062 865,187 10,641,811 56,616.847 Aug:. 5 .53,427,840, , 802,055 . .10,635,925 63,094,543 Sept. 2....53,784,667 807,658 10,625,856 118,823,355 Oct. 7. .53,041,100 258,103 10.627,921 84,857,467 Nov. 4_52,584,077 278,590 10,640,820 83,604,001 Dec. 2, ...51,218.435 216,071 10.616,519. 24,817,9% Jan. 6. .52,002,304 235,912 10,639,003 86,621,274 Feb: • 8... ;52,604,919 248,675 10,638,921, 37.922,287 Diar. 2. —52,45%759 211,865 , 10,630,484 35,188,81 April 6....52.209,234 '215,835 10,642,670 81,278,119 .F 1 ay 4.-53,833,740 314,366 10,631,044 85,109,937 June 1....63,562,449 239.371 10,626,931 , 36,574,457 July 6.-63,653,471 213.026 10,625,426 39,528,200 Aug 3 .54341,163 187,261 10,623,646 40,425,671 Sept. 7. .. .55.664,068 222,900 10,622,310 58,015,607 Oct. 5.... - .54,258,512 195,689 10,609,930 86,887,500 Nov, 2..,.54,731,646 222,901 10,612,512 34,577,805 " :9. . ..52,957,647`<387,221 10,611,087 83,205,157 " 16—.63,323,460 335,012 • 10,609,644.82,445,536 " 23....52,350,630 208,754 . 10,605,975 32,3254495 " 30.. ..5`2,386,865 249,154 10.603,159 89. 8 01,243 , The folowing ie a detailed' 'statement of the bud , noes of the Philadelphia Clearing Rouse for the past . week, furdehed by G. B. Arnold, Esq., Manager : Clearings. Balancee, Nov. 23......... 6 598,717 99 593,668 25 " 5,703,905 .58 • 485,256 24 " . 5,210,854:93 891,83168 ....... 5.887,669'78 495,750 77 4,818,707 83 453,254 78 $27.210,855 61 $2,409,261 74 Statement of the Atiststant 'l'rettettrer of United States, at liniladelphla. • , The following is the statement of the business at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, at Philadeiphiu, for the month of November,lB6S: 1858. Cr. No.v I—Bilanceil on hand at this date.. $5,110,666 91 Receipts during the month,viz: " 30—Account General Treasury, in cluding Du5t0m5.51,372,734 96 Post Office Funds.. 19,401 18 Intern t Fund 1,9f;0,419 50 Disburser's Fund.. 443,449 55 Dr. Payment.: duripg the month,vlz: Nov. 30—Actount. General Treunry $2,604,866 60 Poet OfDec....—. 88,211 93 !Merest 1,414,296 80 Dieburrer's . 712,694 16 Balance at close of business this day... _55,017.033 15 TEXPOZAItY LOAN 10:1.A CT ENT TOL LIONTLI Or 186.3. Nov. I—Balance due to depo.u.itors at this date.............. ....... ' 80--Itepnyment to delto?s dur ing the month .... . . ......... " aa--Balance due io depodtora at dote ofbualneFe Ws day... `• 30—Fractional Currency redeemed. $204,545 00 _X.MV:AtTATION g Bulletin E 3 Ginxtrted for e nuludelphis Evenin I;IIABLE.STON-13rig .losie A Devereuz, Clark-103okt; rice Win Busby: 40 do 11 blosn & bon; 54 WO feet lumber Vikale cotton Charles E Baker & 6.3 tons pig Iron A ,Vbltoey & Sons; 50 do Latnbury, Wickersham Co:& 148 tons old iron W M Baird & Co; 12 blocks marble Baml U Cook ; 9 bales bagging - rope &c C Wells &Co; 11 bales rags bhds and lots Iron 4 Eh& bones W B tionlitT C'A' ravish It Hall, White -377 Was moo- lefcta to tea do Latina Co, NY. CA EIDEN AS behrJJ npencer,flemine-334 hhcbi engin. 140 tar do Win Buznv. HAVANA—Brig Almon Powell, Davie-1001 bzo sugar Berzadou 44, tiro; 127 hhtlio do Wm do John Meson & Co. ciiABLESTON—Brig James Baker. Phelan—scum ft 5 4 and feet Y Y flooring boards Charlea B Baker & Co. JACKSONVILLE—Schr Ann E Valentine. Baylea -175400,fec t timber Merchant I; Co. CitioV ALLIVFB OF OCEAN ISTEANLERA. TO A EtRIVE. 1511311 M rawa TOZ Caledonia ....GlarKovv..New York. ... ......Nov. 13 ArEUAllta .... ....... , .London.. New York. , .. Nov. 14 Tripoli ..... ... LivorPool..Boatcia&N York.... NO L .V. 14 France... ..... ... .Liverpool.. New York. .Nov. lA C1if1ia.."... -- .... ......Llverpool—New York. Nov. 21 City of Cork LivervoitlNYorkvlaflallfax..Nov. 21 Peneire ........ .... u ...klavrt.. New York ._ Nov. 21 13 beim.. . Southampton. -New Vat k ' .... Noe. ZS Netwaraa ... . .. New York Nov. 2i City of Antwerp. .Livernool..New York ....... ....Nov. 2.5 Pennsylvania ......Liverrool..New York .........N0v. .25 TO DEPAIiT. City of Waehington.N. York..Llverp'ivia Harr...Dee. 1 Ariz0na............New Y ork ..Appinw ail . Dec. 1 ReFn.a. .New Yerk..LiverpooL Dec.. 1'm0m...-. . . ..... N'ew Y0rk..8remen....... ... Met. '3 Samaria.. ~.._...New York...Liveroool.. .... ... .. . ..Dec. 3 51 Prro La5pe.......„._ _.New York..llB. .van.a.. ... . ......Dec.: 3 P10neer....... ..Yhttadelehia. - .Warningr0n.....•....Dec.14 Tonawanda Philadelphia-Savannah .. ..Dec. 5 lowa .. ..... ...... .New York..Glaegow Dec. • 5 City of Boston._ ...New York..LiverpooL. . Dec. 5 Denmark ..New York..l.ix' - crpool ..... Dec. 6 Beroetta , New York..flamburg ' 'Bea 8 Chip a......., ...... New Y0rk..L1verp001....... ..... Dec. P Colorado._ - ......New York .. Liverpool ...._ Dec. fa titers and Iftrlpes.....Philad'a..Havana..... .... - ....Dec. M ksoltr) (.)F• sANI CEL E. STuli:EB. GE°. N. TATHAM. . Ho.trnuir Co*hcamtr- ANDREW WHEELER. - ~, ~ 'PORT OF TEMADELFEIIA—DEozaturz I Err 230.1 z, 7 151 S Cli SM. (4 4.21 BUM WAVES. 3 10 AftIUVED YEVIT.R.DAY Steamer Founts-Freeman. 24 hours from New York,with mdse to John F (Jul. Steamer Chester, Jones, 114 hours from New York, with. nictre to IV P Clyde At Co. Steamer Novelty. Ault, '24 hours from New York, with mdse to W AI Baird as Co. steamer t' C Piempont, Shropshire, 21 hours from New .Y ca k. with node° to Wm M. Baird do Co, Bark Sarah •B. Hale. White. 19 days from Cardenas, with molasses tanaiss do Uo, hew York. . " ; Brig Almon Howell, Davie, 15 days from Efainna, with ellen , to Geo Vd Bernadou c Bro. Brig Jos Baker. Phelan. le days from Charleston, with hitcher to Chas E Baker. h rig f.ircasciamlitioSer,,p days from Boston, in ballast to d E liazley E. Co. Brig rt E I hom won. Chadwick, Boston. Schr .1 spencer, nen,' e. from Ca/dooms via Charles ton. 6 daye, will/ sugar to AY B.rzby. Sihr EtlariitarneuvE'liS;'3 - days - from Kingeton.....slass. with mdse to 1 BiStrfoot & Co: Sehr Ann E Valentine, Bayles. , ' days' from Jackson vilh, NC. ith lumber to 11....rehant . , . . Sehr Cyrus Forsett, Harding. 4 daye trom Pull Rh er. in banal tto E llaz.ley !aa o. delir M A McCallan. all 5 days from Wilmington. NO. .rich lumber to Nom, oe. & Bli eete. Sell: Marion King, 1 day from Newport, Del. with from to Jae L Bewley Si Co. berm 1.%1 o Brothers, 't yler, Dorclie,ter. Fehr Korot, Crocker low York. t..chr It RR No 4.9. ttobinson. Bridgeton. Saw henry Allen. Tatem, Wareham. 'jug .)eiftvou, Allen. from Baltimore. with a tow of barge:: to W P Clyde & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Beverly. Fierce. Nvo York, W P Clyde & Co. Stempel' Ii L Gaw. Tier. Baltimore. A Grovte, Jr. Hannah Si Sophia, Teaf. Norfolk. Bancroft, - _ I code & Co. Brix M E Thompeon. Uhadw icl Nutting. t3rhr tranollanchard. Havana, Warren & Gregg. Sehr Cyrus hoeeett. Harding. Boston: J Eltazley,& Cow dchr Mary 1) Ilnekellainekoll,l3oston, Andenrled,Not ton di Co. SchrU Allem.Tatcni,Bavannali, _do , Schr C 1-1 Jackson, Blackman. Boatom Ai Lidd I o Schr 1) Talbot, Packard, Boston. L Audenried di Co. sclir Keret, Crocker. tionierset. It Bare Powell. deter R lth. No 49, Robinson. NI Myrna, captain. Dig Thee Jellertion; Alien, Baltimore, with barges, NY P Ch - da di Co. • • - PORT OF PIiLLADELVIIIA Foreign and coastwise arrivals for the month of November, 184 due compared with-the same portodin 1867: 1669. 1667. For. Coact. TotaL For. Coast. Total. 3.. 3 4" • 4 3 1 3 2, 2 lo Li IL .. 11 11.1 -- . 3S. . IS 13 31 9 991 998 4 797,. 8 0 1 473 473 ~. 679; 579 373 373 .. 271) 270 1366 1366 .. 377 375 1432 1432 .. 2365 2365 Ste amithire ;r• pp. .:... twat.. Stew - nut Bargee...... 4650 46.90 CorreiPou4ence of the , Philadelphia Eventing Bulletin. • • BEADING. Nov. ttO, li The following boats from the Union Canal paeeed into the Schylltill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned aa•follows: . Annie,. with lumber to Dougliton - ii Co'; Eclectic. do to Trucks & Parker; Two Brothers, and Gen Sheridan, do to J Doyeber; Gen'Pope, do to Cook & Co; Emma, do to Bone & Rottdonbush ; S Y Karmouv, and Convoy, do to,Pattorson dt Lippincott; Margt Weiser. do to Wat son &.-Twitchell; Aaron ds' Catharine, do to J & C Stock-- Nun ; Leviathan, pig iron, &c, to Camden Iron Works; Young Friend, light to captain; 1 raft timber to D F Lin deman; ldo to Bch Nav Co. ' • F. , MEMORANDA Rhip liuniphrexe, Boiled front Foothow lath Soot for Now York. r • Shi r. Tibor, Arey, Iloilo& from Bangor nth Oct. for New .....,Stoomerrionoor...eathorine.cleerodnt Wilmington.NO. yesterdnY for thts vort. Steamer Hunter, Rogore t sailed•from -Providence 29th ult. for this Dort • • . Bark 'rhos Dallett, Duncan, from Rio Janeiro for Now York. was spoken 25th Oct. lat U 55 S. ton 85 33. Dark Lunn, Cooley. cleared at Non. York yesterday for this port. ' • , • . . Dark Swallow. now ont'over 1110'daYs . froth Banglcok for San Francisco. is bogeyed to havoVon lost. • , B ur k Annie Auguafo,..Creightou,. from Baltimore. oi No* Yorlo , esterday. • . Brigs C W Ring, Ayres, and Charlotte, Shaul!, novo at Vortland With tilt -_____53,786,085 78 $9,906,672 73 4,939,569 GO $9,900 00 9,900 00 Except at Lexington, Rent Agencies west of Pittsburgh. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COITIFA. NY or' PHILADELPHIA. O FFICF V No. 8 • SC:CM FLFT.II STREET. SECOND STOE Y. ASSETS, $170,000. Mutual system exclusively, combining economy with marts. lulu res Buildings, Household Goods, and Merchandise general's.' 'I,OSES PROMPTLY PAID. mr.s.mons. C r aibb Clothier, • P.Heeder, Benjamin Malone. Joseph Chapm am Thomas Mather, Edward M. Needles T. Ellwood.Chapinam, Wilson d. Jenkins,. biineon Matlack, Lukens Webster, Amon. W. Gaskill, Francis T. Atkinson. - . CALEB.CLOTIIIES President. BENJAMIN MALE E, Vice President. Tiiogi AS M Treasurer. T. ELL(. 00/, See.retalT. rr I E (.:OLNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—of 1 rice, No. lie Sough Fourth street, below Chestnut. "I he Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. delphi3," inco'porated by the Legislature of l'ermsylva. :nia in leaa, f or indemnity against loss or damage by fire, reaclusively. CIIARTERTERPETUAL. This old and reliable inetitution.with ample capital and contingent fund' carefully invested;' contimme• to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &cc., either permanent -11 or for a limited timemgainst lose or damage by lire, at the.iowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its CUELOITICTS. 7 Losses adjusted and paid with all pbseible despatch: ' DIRECTORS Chas.. J. Batter,Andrew 11. Miller, henry Budd, ,Jaines N. stone. John Horn: EdWiLL Renkirt. JoeePh Moore,Robert Y. Maezoy . , Jr • George Mecke, Mark Dedine. CHARLES J. SUTTE'II President. 13 EN RY 111,1111.1; Nice I. l reeident. , BENJAMIN F. 110ECRLEY, Secretary end Treasurer. Gorda, Keller et UNITED PIII.I...MEN'S INSLILANCE COMPANY OF pluiLanuppluA. - - Mir Company taken rinke at the loweBt rate 2 connietent with ealety, and manned itn bunineen excluavely to FIRE INSURANCE ',Di THE. CITY. OF PHILADEI, OFFICE-- No. 721 Arch street, Fourth National Bank DIRECTORS. Charles R. Smith, -Albertus King. Henry Broom. Jame Wood, John tihaHeroes. dr Henry Alain; Hugh Mulligan,, Philip Fitzpatrick. B. ANDRESS, Provident. I,HtENIX. INSURANCE COM ANY e .OF PHILADELPHIA.. INCORPORATED 1804--CILAI TER PERTETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. 'tide Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms on buildings,_ merchandise, furniture, /sc., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more then sixty years, during which all baudbeen promptly adjusted and-paid. • - DIRECTORS: John L. lodge. II David ,Leivie, 111. B. Mahon.y, - Benjamin Elting, John 'l'. Lewis, Thos. FL Powers, Wm. S- Grant, lA. It. McHenry, Robert W. Learning, Edmond Cagtillon. Clark Wharton.. • Samuel Wilcox. Lairrellre Lewis,jr.. Lotus U. Norris, JOHN R. WUCEIETIER, President. SAigurn. Wtr.tiox. Secretary. ; e - 38 41ifi3 • 4438 A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY.z.DILI.E -11_ TER PERPETUAL. Office. No. 311.WALNUT.street s _aboveTlaird, Phila. W ill insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build , ingsi-either-peroptually-or-fora /imitod time; Xiousehold • Furniture and Merchandise genbrallv. - Also, Marino Insurance. on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance : to all parts of the Union. . •,' ". • Wm. Esher. - - Peter Sieger, D. Luther, J. E. Baum, Lewis Audeniledi Wm. Dean, -; '4 tolm R. Blakiston - •, John Ketchanl.. - • Davis Pearson John El inn. res President. WM. F. DE NF Vice if President. W. M. p:.11all, Becrtßry. 142..tutthog Brig Ntievilas, Wood. cleared at New 'fork, yesterday ror this port. _ Brig Speed. Larkin, from London for this port, p *sod Beal 16th ult. _ , Brig Ellada. Sumner. A 6 days from Bio with Coffee. at New Itorkyesterdsy. Etchr Litszte, Lawdon. from 13oston for tart. at Bohnes' 29t0 tilt. ilchrJ C Runyan. from Philadelphia "for Alexandria. tith At load ot era'. struck, on the outer shoal of Clog Leland on rte 26th ult. andllged. The vessel and cargo are a total loon The captain and crew have arrived at Norfolk. - Bahr Nadab,Cheney. hence at Newburyport 26th • • .- •.- TO.MARLNERS., The Pollock Rip Light Vessel has gone adrift, bat the oltslieP , will be-pieced on her station as Boers as possible. By order Of this Idghtheute Board: G. ES tl. Inspector, 2d Dist. Breton. Nov 29, 1668. i 1 u)l&*i Vl+. UNITED SEOTTRITY IFE`INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY; OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pliiee l Southeatt Cor. Fifth and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. Capital, - - - $1,000,000 DIRECTORS: GEORGE G 11. STUART, Pbßadolphia. GEORGE W. CHILDS. , • . WILLIAM A.TURTER, 1 , . A. DI,EXEL. WM. V. McKEAN. .' .. TILLIMAS W. JLNANS. " S. H. HuRSTMANN,‘ " A. J. DREXEL. ~, " JOSEPH reriErtsoN. " w M. C. HOUSTON. S. J. LOLA'S, .. HENRI, E. ILOOD. " New York—JASIESM. MORRISON.s Freaident Manilal. tan Bank. " JoSErli STUART. of J. &J. Stuart & Co., Bankers. Boston—Hon. E. I S. T()BEIr (tato Preeldent Board of Trade Cincinnati—A. E. CHAMBERLAIN, of Chamtiortain At Co. iChicage—L. Z. LEITER, of 1. lad, Leiter & Co. C. AL SMITH. of Geo. C. Smith & Brothers, Bankers. Louisville. Ev.—INAL GARVIN, of Garvin, Bell & Co. lit. Louts—JAMES E. It BATMAN, Cashier Merchants' National Bank. Battirtiore—WM. PRESCOTT SMITH. Superintendent Consolidated Railway Line , New York to Wastungton. S. p B. SHOEMAKER, of Adams & Co. Ex. exp. ..CH r P.ISTIAN AX. of G. W. Gail & Ax. " litAc.ClB T. KING. Pr. sident Central Savings Bank. .Hon. J. W. PATTERSON, C. S. Senator from N. IL GEORGE ff. STUART, President. HENRY L ROOD, Vice President, C. F. BETTE, 'Secretary. J. L. LUDLOW, M. D., Consulting Physician R. M. GIRVIN, Medical Ex miners JOBEPN F. RORRPER. AL D.) STUART-PATIERSON.? c uounEel. RICIIALD LUDLOW. .3 This Company lanes Policies of Life insurance upon all the various plans Unfit bave been proved, by the expe. rienee Ettropsan and /mei - lean 'Companies to be sole. sound and reliable-, at rates as toUW and . ura ll TgR3lll AB I' AVORABLE as, those of any Company of equal stability. - • ' a it polletee are non forfeitable after the payment of two or more premiums. 1829. -CHARTER PERPETUAL. riEt.A.MTKT , TN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Nos, 435 and 437 Chestnut Street, Assets on January 1,1868, ,f:'.,60.3,74-0 09. Capital Arcroesl Surplut Prentiuma INCOME FOR 1136 e, $361000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over UNSETTLED CLAIMS 53.tZ323. ' 05500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policieo on Liberal Termo DLREVIORS. Geo. Fates. Alfred Fader, ?rm. W:Lerois, M. D.. Thomas Sparks, Wm. S. Grant. .; N. BANCKEtt, President. President iecretsity pro tern. tuck). this Company bas i n fef. Chae. N. Rancher. Tobias Wagner. Samuel Grant. Geo. W. Richards. icaac Lea. JAS. W. SIcALLISTER. S Thomas J. Martin, Jolin Hirst , \ In. A. Itolin, James Mangan, William Ulnnn.. , Jarnea Jonner. . Alexander T. Diekeon„i Alliert U. Roberta, CONRAD iVat.•A. nOLIN;Treaa. DiBURANCE CDMPAt:IY OR MIL. Inanyorated in 1841. , Chatter Perpeturl. Mee t NO. 306 Wainutaireet. - GAP,TAL. 5a0.000., fp unite'sit / genet loss or damage by • FiRE, on . 11Ousee. Storea and o'ber Buildings. limited or ne!Fetuld, and, on Furniture. Ooode. Wares and Bleahandue in town or L ts OnsES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID Asse • .... .. .... _ _ fnveeted in the following Securities, viz... Met Mortgagee on City eroPerty.welt eccur41.8116,600 00 united btates Government Loaner.... .. . .... Mr - Pliny E [phis City 6 per cent. Leann „ .... 75,000 00 kennolvenia $3,000,0m 6 por cent. Loan - 20,000-04 Penwlvanla itailioad Bonds, find and eocond :fdoitgagee. . . . 35,000 Or! Camden and 7i . trielo . 3:Company 's 73 - pii eent. Loan.. . . . „ 6,000 00 l'bilnde 'ph% a nd H e ading Railroad Company. 6 per Cent. Lean.. ' . .... . DNUU 00 Muntinguon end, 14 (gage Bonds ...... . ....... 4,560 0.1 Colllal Fire lllBfirai;jo . oolllPAll.j 4 i ......... ..c. 1,050 Mecbanica , Bank Stock.. . • . 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Penikeillqide:lsToai ... .. 10,000 00 Union Mutual lueurance,Company'n Stock.. ._.. 360 0.1 Et -nape° iteurance Company of Philadclptia Stock,. . . .. . ... ......... 3,250 00 Leah in Ba n k and . en hand. ........... 7,V37 70 Worth at Par. 'Worth thig este at .matlspt , prjEm..„ J .. 84243,002 u Clem. Tingley, - Wm.T.Tusrer, Samuel birobant, B. L. Carron, Wra.bikvenson. t. Beni. W. Tingley. Eduv... 'DIMAS C. 13 iLT., Secreter. ralL/LDELPRIA, December FiltH ASSOCIATION. OF PHILAD phis. Incorporated March M. 1820. - Wilco; lie, 34 north Fifth. street. Insure Buildings, Household_ Furniture and Merchandise t e autt . hi r o. .„ %l!ll u by Fill:ran the City of -.. Statement of the Assets of the Association January Ist, 1868, published in complianceith the pro VlBlone of the Act of assembly of April sth, with Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City i of tiiiiadelphia only ......631,076.168 17 Ground Rents 18,814 96 Beal 51,744 67 Furniture and Fixtures of 0i11e5......... ..... 4.490 03 U. S. 540 itsgistered 80nd5......... ........... 45.000 00 Cash on hand 31,873 11 To al ...... ....... . William H. Hamilton, - martinet Sparhawk. Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower, John Carron:, Jesse Lightfoot, George 1.1, oung, Robert Shoemaker. ' Joseph it Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, Lets P. Coats, M. H. Dickinson, Peter Wirliamani. WM. H. HAMILTON. President, SA MITI. L SPA KHAWIL. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. crEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Philadelphia.—Ofliet3. No. 24 North Fifth eMeet, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter perpetual. Capitalane Aseets, $166.00). Make fatal ranee against Lose or damage by,Fire on Public orPrivate Buildings, Furniture, I:docks. Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. Wm. McDaniel, Israel Peterson, John F. deleterling, Henry Troemner, Jacob Schandein, Frederick Doll, Samuel Miller, William D ISRAEL EE . PHILIP E. COLEMAN. SeCr • VIOD INSURANCE EXCLUBWRLY.—THE PENN- A.' s3lvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated PM —Chsrter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite In dependence Square. This i..ori , paey, favorably known to the community for Over forty years. continues to insure agabist loss or dam. age by fire, on Faulk or Private Buildinge, either perms, oenUy or fora limited time. Also, on Fortino! et, Stdcks pf Goode and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in a most careful manner, which enabkie them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of lam DIRECTORS. - - Daniel Smith,Jr., Alexaneer Benson. • Isaac Razlehunt, Thomas Robbie. DELD fel .H DAN WILT'AIt Q. CnowEli, Sc A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rizeoß -401_ pirated 1810.—Charter perpetitaL: - No. 310 WALNUT etreet, above Third,Philitilelphia. -- Having a large paid-up Capital Stock e9pd Surplus-in vested in sound and available Securities. continue to in sure en dwellings, stores, fulnitare. merchandiee, vessels in twit, and their 'cargoesi and -other personal property. AU loans liberally and promptly' adjusted. DIMCTORS. Thomas R. Marie. Edmund G. Dutilh,, John Weleh, Charles' W. Poultney. Patrick Brady. .ierael Morris, John T. Lewis. John P. Wetherill. William W. Paul. THOMAS B. MART% President. ALRFRT C. CRAWFORD, Secretary. nos L 6 e tn 3m FAME INSURANCE CO Wee . P . HILAD FIRE INSUILANC: Francis N. Buck. Chas Richardson. Henry Lewis, Robert 'Pearce. Gee: A. West. Robert B. Potter, PRANBIS N. Birk (313A9. HIBBARD: Wit. L. Bt ancniamix.,liccret .8100.000 00 .1,108,b-q 3 1.184,046 20 FALL, 1868. LUMBER FOR BUILDERS, LOW. F. H. IV ILLIAMS, ' Seventeenth and Spring Garden Sts. vol 2 the to 264 :MAULE, BROTHER & CO. 1868. SPRUCE JOIST. 'SPRUCE JOIST. 1868 1 arRHEMLOCKucE JOIST. . HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK. MAPLE BROTELEII. & CO. , 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1868. 1868. 1868.TPL - . 4 °TROMPakaliE 1868. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. I 868. I QgQ latiLho RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND EINE. 1868. eßran 1868: ASH. WHIM OAK PLANK AND DISARM. HICKORY. . 1868 CIGAR BOX MARE'RS. CIGAR BOX MAKERS. 1868. STASPANISHCEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. 1868... cAßcao l itAEVnee . . 1868. NORWAY' SCANTLING. LARGE A 51SORTMENT. 1868 . CEDAR 8 Ulte GLES. . CEDAR SHINGLES. lB6B. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. PLA.NIC AND 130ARDB. 1 Qt . , ,Q SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 1Q OOH. SEASONED CLEAR PINE. I$6S. CHOICE PATTER'V PINE. STANISH CEDAR, FOE; PATTERNS. FLORMA RED CEDAR. Bytom - En. ii CO.• ' • 2500 SOUTH STREET. . . ELLOW PINE LUMBER.-100,000 FEET, 1 INCH 1 boards; erhooo fent Thj and 11 , , inch heart plank; 3500 Scantling; aesorted, pet received from Si Nary's, Gil.. for sale' yEr A. SOUCEIt ,a Dock street - del St CILOBB CREEE LEHIGH C0.4).L. PLAIBTED McEOLLIN, • No. 8033 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia, Sole Retail Agents for Coxe Brothers & (30.'.3 celebrated Croon Creek Lehigh Coal, from the Buck Mountain Vein. Tbie.Coat le particularly adapted for making Sfeam for !Sugar and Malt Houses. Breweries &c. It Is also CHUM% al! a Family Coal. Orders Breweries, at the office of the Milkers. tie. 541 WALNUT Street (let Boor), will receive our trompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with Le an ase htrers using a regular quentit • . iyle tf IsiNFEC JOIIN - P. SIIEArte. ricHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION To their stock of • Spi•ing Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with' the preparation given by Ile. we think can not be excelled by,any other Coat Office, Franklin Institute Building, No. 15 S: Seventh ,street. BIN ES & SiIEAFF, • Arch street wharf, Schuylkill. e. AS •YI XTURE 13.—.3118KEY, MERRILL Zs THACKAita; No. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers 'of O Fixtures, Lampe, &c., dm., would call the attention of the public) to their large and elegant ansortment of Gan Cluundellere, Pendants, Brackets &c.. They . ..also introduce gas piece ratcrdifelliiige and buildings, and attend' to extending, altering and repairing gas All work I.II'dOVAL.-L , TIIE.:LONO ESTABLISHED DEPOT lit D for the purehaao and nal° ,of second hand doors. ~,vlndows, store fixtures, &o:, from Seventh street to Sixth 'street; above Oxford. wltorti eeeh tutiolee are for aale in ;great variety. , ,„ . . Also mw oote, sashes shutters ,to. •• • nol2-11no`' NATHAN W ELLrs. I)EMOVAL.—RIOLIADD 'J.'WILLIAhiB ' ATTORNEY. .1 V at-Law. (formerly whh GEO. IL EA.REE), item re. luoyod to Oa Watuut etroor, uo 10.1 mo § • orstmumirmi. DIBECTUHS. . _ Thomas EL Moore, Mainuel Cattner. James T. Young, lemm F. Baker. Christian J. Hoffman, Samuel B:Thomas, . Biter. , M. TINGLEY, President. 1, 1867. Jal.tu the tE DIRECTORS, 'Edward P. Moyer. Frederick Ladner. Aaiun J. GIILB4 lien y Delany, 'John Elliott, Christian D. Frick. George E Fort, Gal deer. %loDAN LEL. Piesldent. TElidgiN.• Vice President. and Treasurer. Enitirin John Deveroax, I Thomas Smith. Henry I,etci•, J. Gillingham Fell, &lock, Jr. • Jr.. President etary. 'AINY,INO. 408. CHESTNUT lELPHTA E EXCLUSIVELY _ _ Phllip S. Justice. John W. Everman. -Edward D. Woodruff. John Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes; / CK. Pr Moesid en rdeca ituzby. 1 )SON, Vice President. Mary, LI7ZEBEft. FLORIDA FLOORING , FLORIDA FLOORING CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING DELAWARE FLOORMG. FLOCYRING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORD I VTEP BOARDS, 11- PLANE. COM, AND WOOD, GAS FIXTURES. SEItIOVAL. IdIJNIII4O. DU OriuV a tx,. Aotri'lONßEita, Non. 232:and 12341 MARKET Street. comer Minket. Successors Jo John B. Myers I Co. cARGE SALE Or, FOREIGN • eiND DOMEBTIO DRY 6 CODS. •. - . ' • • ,•• ON THURSDAY 'MORNING: • Den. 3. at 10 o'clock. on four months! credit, I • DOMESTICS. ' • " Bales bleached and brawn Sheetengs and Shirting& • do all wool Waite. Blue and Oray olauketa. ,Csres Canton, Domes and all wool. , Floor/el* do. Mancbts er and sccoch Dinah/mix and Plaids. do. lientucky Jeans. Cottonadea. Corset jeans. , 'do. Print. d Uloalslogs. Satinota. Unser , . - Tweeds. • co: AM. Fano-Madder Prints araDelato do. Ind go Blueßnipes (Macke, Denims and Ticicings. do: — Jackeuir, - O - rubrwe. Slit ciao sad Linings. 60 CAS r. tt MILITARY GOODS. oases Infantry Overcoats. cases Cavrory overcoats. cases Infsntry Pants. cases Cavalry Pants. cab a Laval y . rackets . —canes Lined Blouaes.; MERCHANT TALLORS'OOODS. Pieces Frencirtmallatrand- Baxony all wool and Union- Black and Slue Cloths. do. - Esquimau:, Pastor and eloacow Beavers. do. knots, Sealeltinti, Doeskins, Melton% ,11c. , • do. French Fancy cassimeres and coatings. do. Black and t,olored Italians and Satin do Chines. - Yestings 8111 Vllvets; Velveteetui. dre. - DRESS GOODS. SILKS, . Pieces Black , t olorcd and 'Printed Merinos and De do. all a 00l Plaids Poplins, Melanges, Serge's. do. Black and cnlored Kohairs Alpaca,. Coburgs. do. Tartan A hacks. Empress s laths, Roubaix. do. Black and Colored Nancy Dress Silks. Satins, dm. Full lines iirochaStal la and. Woolen Shawls. Cloaks.= ~,,, $e1,176 70 tiNiira.waiE"aoyD , . Fna Tinge Barnsli Sbeenngs, Irish rting 'Mans. k nil lines Bleach , d and Brown Damask. , Napkins. ^ Cloths. • • Fell lines Dialler. Drills, Ducks, lincks. Canvas. Crash. Full lines Jaconeta: Cambria. Nainsoolis, Mulls: Lawns. dAlso, by miler of Mr. THOMAS. DOLAN-100e new tSSlefbigh colored striped Wool Long Shawls. lkii.i,N(a • GOuDS. GLOVE.. HO SIERY. Genre Lamb fink Silk Lined. Calf Gloves. , Gent's Lamb end, Wool Lind Cain Gloves. Gent's Remy Lined Kid and tiogskin Gloves, t Gent's Wool Lined Ca f Skin Gaunt lets. bent's- French Buck and Beaver Gloves. English saner fitout reaulor brown Cotton Half /lose. Lnglieb super stout Fancy and Merino feet Half 'lose. Genes FnFlWiSllit,and Merino Skirts and Pants..' Ladies' and Mince' English Merin7 :Vests and rants. noritry, Glovee, Balmoral. and Hoop dkirte, Traveling and Under kildrte and Drawers. Rawl , as, Tailor,' Trim , minge, mbrellas.,dkfs., Suspenders. zephyr Goods,&c. LARGE SALE OF CARPFAING,S OIL CLOTHS. dm ON 'FRIDAY 'MORNING. - $1,228,088 86 Dec 4. at 11 o'clock. on tour months' credit, about '4.1. pieces Ingrain, Venetian. Ll.t., Hemp. Cottage and Hag Carpeting!, 011 Olotltd,-Itum, Arc. , - - - LARGE SALE OP FRENCH ABL, OTHER EURO. ON MOND 1 Y 1110nNI&O. Dec. 7. at 10 o'clock. on four, months' credit. IFARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M Thomas & Sons), • No. 6R CHESTNUT street rear eat:Ando from Miner. Sere at No f.Z Chestnut street. HANDSOME WA LEILT USEHOLD FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE. MIRRORS, LARGE AND dUPE ' RIOh FIREPx OOF esiik ES, HANDSOME ENGLISH BhUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS. STEAM EN GINE, &c. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Dec. 2. at 10 o'clock, atthe auction rooms, by catalogue, a very excellent aseoitment of Furniture, incl , . ding— Hand•ome Walnut Parlor and Library Suits. covered in hair cloth and s epa; handsome Walnut tihamber Enrol te, fn oft and verni,h ; superior Walnut and oak Dining loom Furniture, flee French Plate Mirrors, fine Feather Bede and Bedding. Idatresses, fine China and Gleussware, Gas.consumice and Cooking Stoves, Cottage Chamber Suits, handsome Bookcase, Wardrobes. Sideboards, Lx tension Tables, Counter, handsome Brussels arid other Lertets. &c. ' Also, 15 pieces handsome English Tapestry Brussels Carpets. FIREPROOF SAFES. Also. large and excellent Fireproof Safes. made by Evans &Watson and Lillie dr. Martine. • STEAM ENUJNE. - - - - Afro. Steam Engine. two brow power. Also. atwen hardeomo iron frame marble top Saloon Tablea. Public quid:en the Pretui6el,plo.lBoB North Thirteenth HANDSOME MODERN THRPESTORY BRICK RESIDEN LE. AND - LO - GROUND. - or: IVESDA.I M0RN1141.2. Dec. A, at" 10 o'clock precisely. on the pretnisee. No. 1808 North Tbirreenth street, aboye . Montgorn.ry avenue; all that Handeorne Modern. bree.etory Brick Residence, tbreo•etory double back buildings and lot ot ground. HANT , SOME RESIDEITIE AND FURNITURE. - Sale on the Pretnieer,No. 331 Wharton strebtt ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR, CHASIBkR AND DINING ROOM WALNUT itOBk.WOGG PLANO .k 8, RBI /NZ RS._ RICH: .13R1h3SELS AND OT.D.k Is OAEPe.To,.ka ua THussrael , MORNING. Dee.lo, at 10 o'clock, at No. 831Wnarton street, t 'tat logue. the entire bandrome Elm:toehold Furniture includ ing milt of elegant Walnut sod Gomm ttlitim Drawing Room t urnitwe, four - Bruit. -elegant Oiled Walnut Chain. ber Furniture, ho.eccood Plane Forte, fine French Pinto Mi.ntel Mirror, hands( met Walnut or ardrooe. lixte 'Mon Table, Sideboard. Spring and flair 31 stresses, Cottage Chamber Suite. tril rob:lunge and En.t.raviuito. Bronzee, rich English Brursels carpets, China and tilturolvare, Coitkang Ltertella, Refrigerator, S.c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on morning of sale. El AN uSUME 110D1l1IN RESIDENCE:. Immediately 'devious to he sale of Furniture. at 10 - o'clock. vt ill be sold. the Handsome Modern Three-it ay Brick Residence, wi. b double three story neck building and lot of --ground. situate—on-W-hulorr-etreetrcast-of Fourth etreet. No. SM. The helots is verysuperior; has marble vestibule. ranges, hot and cold water, water closet, gas throughout. saloon par.or. dining room an i kitchen on the first floor, sitting room, bath room - store room and six chambers, dry cellar, dm gaa fixtures in - "gbek'T`T‘A'Xiii:"6l - LLERie , IMO CHESTNUT mtreet. PlRladehißia. VERY IMPORTANT SALE HIGH-CLASS MODERN PAINTINGS B. SCOTT, Jr.. respeetfnlty announces that he has re. ceived icstrrettons to sell the GALLERY OF J. P. BEAUMONT 'Esq.. •• of New b ork, consisting of Original t3pecimens by Artists of celebrity. selected by hind in the variou• capitals of Europe. and containing an unusual number of Paintings of the highest value and distinction..sainted expressly to hi• order. Among theta are the works of Eastman Jolmaon,N.A., W. S. Mount,N.A., Mme.Ronner, Carl Becker. L Mignot, Gesseliehapi Andreaa Achenbach. Chevalier Calisch, Sell, uillemiu, Denoter. V. chavo!.. • I '. Bch eu nger. B _. ..----, Leon ecaacura, G. rogue Frere, Sehelfhout, W. Riefetaht, yauvelet. V an Hove. NordeubeTM, Laneaert, Ven Wyngaerdt, A. limier. Berrule. J T.Peele, jgnajprfs , ~.0 Devedotti. Boddington. V et boockhovert. Stenhanuff, Gentz, Otto Erdman, G. Arrctteld, LL Baron, Carl Holy. Toccitaint. Bdr. doßtock, Do Jongbe, W. Amberg. E. - von Raven, J. 1.1, Dell, Jan Platted, F. Stroebel, Unterberger, dm, ZLc. Together 167 specimens, selected for their beauty And at tiatio merit by the above weilluaownlconnoisaettr. and which will be exhibited in the EsiSrEhlsl IiALL 0 di.ES OF TLIE AI:ADE3I If OF FlNr, ARTS, Chestnut street. shove Tenth, en BATLIIDAY, 21st November. and day and eve' log until the time of sale. The sale will take place on TIJESDIY and WEDNES DAY EVENINGS, December 1 acd 2, at half•paet aoven c'clock. THOMAS BIRCH & SON AUCTIONEERS AND COMIo ISBION MEROHANTS. No. IGo CHESTNUT street. Roth Entrahee No. DM Sane= I treat. HOUSEHOLD' FUItNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Walks of Ferniture at Dwellings attended to on the most !reanonable tenors. Sale at No. 1341 Chestnut etreet suPEltior, vii . ,[3eF,tioLD veitNuruns. FINE 'BRCS. •SFI.S, INGRAIN AND I.I(NETIAN CARPETS, INEAItLY NEW': CHINA, .CLASS WARE; &a. ()hi WEUNFSDAY .MORNING. At JO o'clock. at No IP,C, Chestnut street, will be gold. tho tlitting boom Dining Room. Chamber and )(itchy.' Furniture of a family declining ho.leckeephag. Sale at No. 1110 Cheetnut street :MIN AM) SECONDfIoND nousutorm FURNI TURE. HANUS, CARPETS. MIRRORS, SifOtY CASES, PLATED WARE, CIIINA, ON FRIDAY ISI.OII.NIM+, A N t 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, o. 1110 Cheetnut et, eet, n 111 be cord—A large aseortruent of euperior Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Furniture. SALE OF FINE BRONZES, CI.OOICP. PLATED WARE, SWISS CAkVED GOODS FItiNCJL SAS . SETS, FANCY GUM'S. &o.—SUCEABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ON TI:EoDAY MORNING. Dec. 8, at 10 o'clock. at the auction store, No. 1110 Chest- Der.trret, will be bold— A large asbortineut of elegant gaol". part of the stock of firet•claea retail store. mIIE PRINCJIk'AIA -MONEY EtTABIABLINIENT— E. E. come: of RACq streotit. lifortcy advanced on Merchandise genet ally Watches, ileuelry, lamour a. Gold and Silver Plate, and-on all -articteaaVvalee, for env length of time agreed on. • WATEII AND J e.;WELRY AC PRIVATE SALE. Fide Gold !touting Caeo.llouble llottom!and Open Face Foglia]) American and Swiss Patent. Lover Watched; ia Floe Go hunting Case and,i)pen Face Lepton Watchea ; Fine. Gold Duplesrand other Watches; Flee Sliver hunt log Ease and ttpou Face Ft - wit:ill, Amorlearr atid'nweet Tateilt Lever add Lepiue Watches; Double ease Rawl:All :Quartier nod other SVatebee; Ladies -Fancy Watches; Diamond 13reastpins; Finger Ringo Ear Ringo: .6W:to' F;ne Gold Chaim: Medallions; Bracelete; Sc : Bre filf 'Finger Ridge. Pencil Cases add Jew generally. FOR SALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Chest !suitable for a Jeweler ; coot Also, several Lota ha South Camden. Fifth and Cheetnul etreetn. ir AtIRBRIDOE & AUCTIONEERS. No. tiOf MARKET 'treat. above Fifth. LARGE SALE A OV 13001t3, 714 1410E3. I3RO GAN S AND II ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, December 2, at It o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, a large lino of tirstelass city made Boots and Shoes, also, of Raeternmanufacture. embracinF Men's. Bove- and Youths , - Wear; also, Women's. Mi,ses , and Ohildron's Shoes, Cc which the attention of Um city and country buyers is called. Open early on the morning of side for extrnination. DAVIS di HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. Late with rl. Thomas di Banc Store Noe. 48 and 50 North SIXTH etrect. VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOORS, FROM AN. ESTATE ON THURSDAY EVENING. At 734 o'clock, at the Auction Itoono. Nom. 48 and 00 North Sixth area. Valuable Mincollaneoui clooke from private library, by order of administrator. C.D' MGCLE" 46' Ca .AUCTIONEERE. - No: 606 MARKET-otroot, SALE OF rousAsua BOOTS, kIgmkp,,.AROGANI3, • December 3, commencing at 10 o'clock. sold by catalogue, for cash 1700 cases Mon'o, Soya' and Youths' Booto. Shobo, Brogans. &c. •,, Alio women's, allocate and Cbildron's City made goods. CLABIC.Is EVANS, AUCTIONEERd. • - 6:34 CHESTNUT ereet. , )10111'11M DAY, MORNINQ and EVENING, Alarge invoice of Blankets, Bed Spreads , Dry Hoods iCloths. Cassimeres, Hosiery , Stationery, T able and .rocket Cutlery, Notions eze. City and country merchants ni nd hargue. Torino cash. ' • • Cloods racked Ire() of charge, eiTUrcori Hsi r; PRAN DRY 41::1663 fliilltElVAY MXMI r3il;a*ioN - .)4*i..:7...;-•;7; . T , 1vi......T.1i°m"..,- . ,P,PAttligir,attlbrti, -- ;',',. FiNr.. ART EXtrIBITitiN AND 'SALE OF TLIENARIC 1.1113.1:1EnT IMPORTANCE.. ..,, 'M. KNORPLER; - soceeisor to' GOO PrID & Cl) ., New Yolk, announced to the Nople of Phitioe!tittle, that be will make an imp°. t ate 11. ring ••ot Fine Works of Art. in J. oust) n xt, And designs that it shall be ,tbe finest and rocht .legitit c Howl, n of Pictures and Works of Art ' ; ever offs' ed In Phbadeleuis •itt'oublic sale 'The endra - Collection 14 Ili be,en oil ibition in the eastern gaile Ws of tho Pennsylvania Acadetny of Vibe .Arta. commit:Win/1 ,,, about January Ist. until the day of sale. - • '- .-- -.' •- „.„.. I% , etta At the wentat of M. Knoedlor the-entire aria ink. exhibition .nd rolling. n ill be o r der the mona 0 out Or Air. Charles r. Han lttue, 1125 (fhes' nut e " ; SALES OF STOOP 8 AND ROAM ESTATE. ____" • _,.. Pr' Public sales at the Philadelphia Exchange E VERY TLESDaY at 12 o'clock. . ....___ • rir Purnil tire Salon at the Auction. Store ,lIV-itrif THURSDAY. .. ' .. .. jai" Batee ainceidenies receive medal attention. VALUABLE IMISCELI.ANEOUEL:fIOUKcI. 01 , 111.1.ESDAY AFTERNOON.-- Pee. L'at 4 c , cl( ck, Valuable 1511.c , ilaueona an 4 Theo- Boolo.lioe ediriona of the. Bible, Dickena'a;:fitil wer's 111. d Mare atra 14ovcia, , , AdministrA tar's o No. 64 North Teeth street. BDPBItifIR YDRNII RoSetWonD PlitNu. prim ed.'s PEIS, (IRMA AND OLilli.diffaltß, ESATEIER BEDS do, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. caffnton at ne e o nt l oeHat e No da N d o W Tenth P s ar e oa by chamber Furniture. China and 41411 , 541AP.T0 l i me ' Bran, 111 , and other Carpets tine Feather Beds and DaddingThdr atreesee, Venetian Blinds. Kitchen 11.1teusda cac May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mania' of sale, Extensive Sale at Nos. 139 and 191 South Fourth street. EinDDSOHE FURNl'lll.lth., PIANO. MIRRORS, F 1 RE. SAFES, HANDSOME VnLVET,' BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPET& tre. • ON THLRSDAY MORNING. -- • Dee. 3, at 9 o'clock, at Via auction room,, by catalogue. a largo assortment of superior liouichold Furniture. or - meriting-213er ant Walnut Drawing Room Suits,:oo. vered with br °Catena garnetplasti;!Librark and - Dire ing 'loom Furniture, Walnut Chamber StlitB. Flom:vow; Piano Forte, fine' French Plate MirrOrs. elegant Contra Table inlaid marble top: - elegant- -- etclosed Etagere. Wiadrobei. Bookcases. Sideboards, 2 large Mineral Casec. Este rsion Tables', Cbins, Glass and Plated Ware: tied, and Bedding; fine Hair Matresees Office, truntibiro. ortipe: rior Fireproof Safes, made by Lillie; Sewing Machines.- bruidellers. fine. iingravings„ Gas - coniuming and: Cook ing Hoses. Handsome Velvet, Bruntle and-other Car pet'. &c. . Bininud Breechion4lng Rifle. , , I'sremptory Sale. PRIVATE COLLECTION OE OIL PAINTINGS. UN THURSDAY MORNING. Dec. 3, at 11 o'clock, at the auction. store. will be sold by catalogue, a small private collection of U l Psintlnga and EngraN Int s. including works of Hamilton. 13onfield, ter Mar be examined irith catalogues any tiWe pre" vious to sale. Salo No, 'YU Clinton street.. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MIRROR, BRUSSELS eANPETe. dgo. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 42A Clinton et., by catalogue, the Household Furnitureef family declining housekeeping:" cm:lasting In p.rt of Parlor. Limns Room, Chamber and. Hitcher% Furniture, large Mantel Mirror, China and Glass are. Carpets, l'icturts, &c. • Bale No. BtB North Broad street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, MiRRoRS, VELVET CAR PEW, HORSE, cARRIAGES, HARNESS, &C. ON wELNI EiDAI MoRNING. December 9, at 10 o'clock. at No, 808 North Broad at, be low Poplar at., by catalogue, the entire Furniture of a. gentlemen going to Europe compthing Elegant suit of llrawingtroom Furniture, covered with green pimh. Ele gant Etagere, Centro Table. California Marble, Mantle end Pier Mirrors, Biting Room Furniture, covered with hair cloth Library Furniture. Damask Covers, Superior Walnut Dining Room Furniture, Extension Table. Sam b•mrd, Glass and Plated Ware, Elegant Walnut Chamber Furniture, Fine Spring and Hair Matreasee, Feather Beds and Bedding, Fine Wilton and Brussels car pets, dr.c. Also. the Kitchen Utensils. and about 24 tons coal. AI o. BAY MARE, BAROUCHE, 2 sets d mble Harness. Blankets. Robes. &c. Way be examined on the morning of sale. at 8 o'clock JAMES A. FREEMAN. AUOIIONEE Avß._ No. 42 wiur lama. Peremptory Sale No. 19241 North Fourth etroot. VALUABLE MACHINERY, JACQUARD LOOMS. WINDING FRAMES. WARP • MILLS, HAND LOOMS. SPUOLIN • WHEELS. COTT , lN AND 9ILS-BtVII AS t /SHADING- tHIINF (VON- - BOLE SEWING MAL:HINE: 4 , TURNING LATHE, c 0 .4 TON AN WOOLLN YARN. TASSELS, GIMP. WEBBING, FRINGE, EIREPR , dco., ON TUESDAY MORNING. Dec. 'UN at 10 o'clock, will be,sold the entire Stock and Machinery of a Suspender and' Dress Trimming manu factory. AT PRIVATE SALE. A VALUABLE TRACT_OF 20 AOAES-OF LAND.- With Mansion Bonze, Rising flan Lane, intersected by eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Meventh, Ontario and Tioga streer2, within 200 feet of he 'Old York Road. ValtsaW , demet of Brick. Clay. Terms easy. A trainable business property No. 819 Arch etreet. • - BUY..I.INGTON.—A Ilandoome Mandan. on Main loto tot 68 by 799 feet- BY BARIGTT it; CO., AUCTION BEES. ' CASH AUCTiON HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET street, corner of BANK atreat, einem adyarsed on consignments without, eats. ohan 0,; CATALOGUE SALE ENGLIcIi 'BOOKER - CUTLERY. TO ULM. E A FoltfaGN licitouNT FOR CASEL - ---- , ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. ' Dee. 2 commencing at Ii o'clock. IEO dozen-1;2,1. 4. S.S and 8 blade Pocket Knives. in pearl, shell, Ivory, stag and horn handles. Also. Table Cutlery. are. ' • . , . The above goods have just landed, and aro in original - packages: - FIFTH TILDE SILT: OF AMEP.ICAN AND IM PORTED Ft h' SDES. dia. by cataiogne, ON THURSDAY MORNINu. December-P. commencing at 10 o'clock. Particulate hereafter. SPECIAL NOTICES. D PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COMPANY. NOVEMBER' 26'1865.' NOTICE—A General Meeting of the Stockticdera of the Philadelphia Exchange Company will bo hold on MONDAY, December 7,1868, at 12 o'clock U.. at the. nge, at which time a vote will be taken on the aeCePt ance of an act passed by the Legislature of I'ennsylvania. end approved April 4,180'8, entitled "A supplement to tirti act incorporating the Philadelphia Exchange Company, regulating the manner of voting by the stockholders thereof." And an election will be held for nine Managers to serve the ensuing year. HENRY D.'SHERRERD. Secretary and Treasurer. no2Btdes sllsr COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY Or Philadelphia. A special meeting of btockholdens of this Company will be held at, the oflice, No: SOS Walnut street, on. Thursday, December 3, 1861, at G o'clock P. M. A prompt and full attendance is requested. By order of the Board of Directors. . - noltidOtO JOHN W. HASELTLNE, Secretary. OFFICE MOUNT CARBON RAIL ROAD AN Y. • PIIILADELMIA. Nov. 14,1848 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdera of this Com pany, and an Election for a President and eight edana gere. will be held at No. 31.6 WALNUT street, "on MON DAY. the Ith day of De.wonber next, at 12 o'clock AL WILLIAIVROBINSON. Ju. ' Secretary. IMMIEI DIVIDENONOTICES. .3 ter PEN N I'LT ANIA RAILROAD CONIPANY. , :- TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. ), Plilf.Al,ll.Pßlii,' Nov. Id. 18a3 NOTICE TO STUUKBOLDEttS. The Door° of Directors have tide day declared a Sethi annual Dividend ?of FENT. ?EJt CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable in cash 4 on'and after Nov. M. MEL Blank l'on'ers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be ban at the race of the Company. No. 238.SoutirThir& street, The Office will be opened at 8 A. M. 'and cloaca , at .4 P. M., from Nov, 3Q to Dec. dtn, for the payment of. Div idend.. and after that date from y A. M. to 3 P -M. TI.IO3IAS T. FOXE, .Troaaurer. LEGAL ,140T11016,%, 1 s )i:PIiANS' COUbT, THE CITY AND 1 County of Philadelphia.—Estato of JOHN WRIGHT; decor sod. The Auditor 'appointed. by the.CoUrt to report ; distribution of the fund in court arising from the sale of real estate of sag decedent, Under proceedings in parti tion, will meet the parties interested, for the Purimaos ,of his appointment. on TUESDAY, December Stli, • irtib, at four o'clock . P. M. at his oflica No. 615 Valnut street. Room N'. , .3, in the city 'of Philadelphia. n03.3.s tir thrit• J. E. SALTER. Auditor. LIBTATE 'Administrationct FJ Lettere of haing - been grarited to the - r nth] .igut d en the Estate of Dr. John Do Lwy, dd. eeinied all perenns Indebted to sold Estate are rolueoo d' to make ^T lament, and time having (Anima to present ! #heat to EMMA HE' LACY, 'Administratrix. WE:corner. 'reurth and' south etreete, to her Attornoy. ERNA NV. TENE R. 13 south Third street. • n 09.1 Bait. . . `WI Ai 1: OF BERNHARD FREDERICK ENDRISS. I 1 4 deceased.--Letters of elennintrtratiou [mutt:he estate. - , of DERN I Etta) FREDERICK ENDReS3. deceased, hay- - in{: been grunted to tho,unoersigned, all persons indehted to !hi, estate ill alca.te make payment, and thoSe having claims present the same without delay to . I,i/SANA KLOTA, N: cor. Thirteenth and streete.'• Or to lie , A Wy, GEV. W. motau.K. t 0.44 lir, south Seventh 'meet, ' NAVAL STORES. , U'l - .25t0 CALLS UNAND' COTTON IN sTong' 1, • and for side by COCHRAN, RUSSELL SS Ga. 21 North Front. etrmet. - • • . . Xi A VAL STORES.-200 BARRELS STRAINED 11031 N, barrels No. 2 Rosin, 25 , J barrels No :1 Ho:mi. - W(1, barrels Pale Rosin, leo bap els Spirits of Turpentine, 150 bar] elk, Tor 50 barreN #.i EVIL in store and to arrive,' •For Hale CuC PAN, itUSSILLL . '7 II 7 'IICZ — S OFWt.:ICZ4 . .3MP MOLINA_ &l l V E 'r 6u t f•le by COCHRAN...IW SdELL, nee .13 B.OIV and .01 NII LO 11 North Front ,Arcet. GALLONS B. NV : . .‘ . ..VLIALE - -0114 1,2(10 .- t 1,5m0 atilloito Fiat 014 1.2.00 Gallons Whiter Symm Oil, 50 bbis.. Prime Western NO: Lard a U; #4.q eat. by COBB It AN,RU•SdElartt CO, 811 E ert i Front street. . . riltryB TURPENTINE-50 BARRELS SPIRITS 'l' • . poutth e no w landing and for solo by EDW. ROW. WV. Nn If South Wharves. - atia/.t.t. , RIIS TUnPENTINE. AND ROSIN-410 BARRELS 1...) Spirits Turpentine ;442 Ulu. Pale Soap . Roelny.fl bb le. No. ]:Shipping Roviii,landing from steamer Pioneer. FAN' by EDW. H. ROWLEY. Pi S. Wharves.' empire , wvarnusuirma soon& f A GENT'S PATENT , SPEING.A.ND BUT ,,. toned Over Gaitere,Cloth,Leather,white and t _ brown Linen; Obildren's , •Cloth and Velvet X E: Vii.Ei si niignadp to order _ , T . . 1.; q ..• of every description, verlV gr. se3 Chestnut. Cr - - street, cornet of Ninth. - The beet Kid Moves .' for ladies and gonta,'at ___- • ~ EICIII7LITEEPERT BAZAAR. ' nett. tf .5 • OPEN IN 'ELIE EVENING. WINIEN t .LIQPOILS;ite. PURE oLn sitEma_Es, MADEIRA, PORI' ' ANti) ehazapague Wince. of a ourfar quality for ii 0413 No. r, North Pront gireat:;: MEZSINA ORANQEd.—:FLNi ki FRU PP ANI) , IN^CORD order. 'Landing and for dap by JOG. i.i.LIUSBILSiditi C 0.6 lOU 13outla I.lolawura aveuului ':-'`- .~l'~~'.~~t + ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers