OIOBLNBSEI NOTIOEF• ' WOWeald at vocal , particularly Invite the attention of the publie to 'trier establiehed busineas rule, which le serricab adhered to under all ciretnnstancer.: •'We gwaran tee sit priors lower than the lowest elsewhere: also guarantee full satisfaction to every v 'rawer. or the sale cancelled said money refunded:. 'We ere all cu-tome a more - value for their money CIA x Turf eau our snecerumve. • 0, riader sir ard arlowcumetanorb - • • TOYIILLT L.AIRDY DDT TIDO DMA AT TDB rnESIMF/T SIAM we have leducld prime of our entire stook. which pill be dbptr td Of 19wET than the Fame or equal goods tali Ire ourcliesed of - Awl t.o MD I erannitillt rIN .rng erry. Without going into further detail, we would isay.'hat env dark comprises all kinds and 41r,es of every desk. title tfyle cf geode to be found in the market, end le Eigspien ZO ATY Er9l2li fig Fm Lanta.rink. in Stile, _ I it and Workmanship. We have a true and tholes Stott of pleoe goods. which we will make up to order now, or at any time, with the rains guarantee at we oiler on our ready mr de Goode. Half way between Tittaxorr 1 tisk ,;,i,EI TOWER HALL. Stith street.. bIfAUK N.T PIIILADALPAIA: AND AikO Bt.oe . ewair, Now 't ODES. orktrfrout little scare grow. Large ttreame from little fouutatua flow sieVien.yrars ago the Piettstutiett Bete TY me umi: tut bilk kt or n. 7 o.dey them 16 not a 1101:1k ay corner of cur lend where then are not found and used. 'lke tale hue iencbrd the ono moue natith..r of Five Henan bottler cniumlly. ono it it , t onemetiv inoreaziug. It itzly PI , OICP w hat can be do , e a ith . really good medi cine,, and a e,.etcreatie cnur•e of making i kuovn Per etre no mei:hell cin the w orld was over tto dl.erreely yet al►r ae t he I'mtmr.rettOli It Go °clime you WIG, among th e rhl3 or poo ,at d you wilt always fled thme Bib tore fit me. 'll tic merit ham become all eatah blind fact, vied a e rordt.lly r commemi .h min Callek3 of dvecePcia: /Bee of appetite, cbille and fever, headache, ac., ttiO. 1/14111,01.74. WATWIL—BIIrCTIOr to the beet imported Ger. lee■ Colt eve, end vold at at. the price. del to al oat e et I ouel ertecet tts red euler to sae Me, Vie globules which float in that fluid, and cootain, in a bobby preen a large amount—utiron. _whion.ltivee vitality to tbe blood. The Peruvian by' up supplies tile bus e d a ith fhb vital element, and given etrongth and , 71. gar to the whole oaten). no3eet. - ------- ALBRECHT, RIEKEn & SCHMIDT, 1 Manufactures% of FIRST CLASS A Witt FE'. PLATES PIANDFoRTES. Wareroomn. N 0.610 ARCH Street, sato,tb,a3ca fiThlIN WAY'S fli.‘NOS ItECE.IIVtAI CUE highest award (firFt gold wed .1) at the Interna, k.ahlonion. Faro, 1667. lieu ullietal Rpo ert., at Warerooin of litanlLS &Met N 0.1006 Chestnut etret O tis THE CHICIEERING PIANOS RECEIVED the highest award ati the Paris Exposition. • DUTTON'S Wareroems, 914 Chestnut street. se2l,tft EVEN IN G BUL LETIN. Irbesday, December 1, 1S(18. TUE MEPATOUSHR P. As the time draws near for the meeting of the Legislature, the question of the United Slates Senatorship engrosses more and more of public interest. It is very evident that the Republican party at large will openly repu diate any attempt at a repetition of any of those schemes of bargain and sale which have, on some previous occasions, made the Pennsylvania Senatorship a mere matter of auction, a thing to be knocked down to the highest bidder. We have unbounded confi dence in the purity and virtue of the masses of the Republican party and in the fact that they will hold each and every one of their representatives to a strict account for their stewardship at Harrisburg, during the coming session. Here and elsewhere, throughout the State, portions of the press will be found, independent• enough to give free utterance to the determination of the people to rid themselves of those imputations which are so often and so recklessly brought upon the whole Republican partly by a few corrupt and venal individuals. In the contest for 'the Senatorship there will, of course, be several can lidates pre sented, and among them will be those who hope to control , the election by the direct appliances of wealth or patronage. A. very improper attempt was made, last week, to connect the name of one of our most respect able citizens, Mr. John Elgar Thlm3on, with one of these bargains for the Senator ship. We have had no communication with Mr. Thomson on the subject, but we know quite enough of his position and views in regard to this general subject to feel our selves fully, warranted in denying both that Mr. Thomson has made any such bargain as was intimated in the Inquirer last week,and that he is or means to be a caudidate for the Senatorship. Mr. Thomson has never been a politician, and has never made any claim upon the Republican party. Re is the "right man in the right place," conducting the vast interests of Pennsylvania's grand system of internal improvements, so largely represented by the Central Railroad, and he would be one of the last men to desire to step in between the Sen atorship and any one of' those distinguished gentlemen, who, having devoted themselves to the business of statesmanship and to the great interests of the Republican party, now form the only class from among whom the neat Senator could with any propriety be selected. Our impression is that an 'Unwar muted nee of Mr.'Thonuion's name has been made by interested parties for the purpose of fee& g the public pulse, and we do not, for a moment, believe that that gentleman was, in any sense, a party to the movement. It will be observed that it was only asserted that the Republican city members had "agreed to support Mr. Thomson, &c.," a fact which we seriously doubt, but which, even if it be Strictly true, does not necessarily imply that Mr. Thomson would permit any such use of his name. The EvEroNo 13ur.tEriN has more than once advocated the election of Mr. Grow, not be cause it is believed that he is the only suitable person whom the party could present to the Legislature, but because he possesses, in an eminent degree, all the proper qualifications for the post, and because his selection would be a convincing proof that a man can be chrsen Senator in Pennsylvania upon the simple ground of personal service and merit. Mr. Grow is what, above all other things, is most needed, a positive man. There is no uncertainty about his past record, and therefore no doubt about his pre sent course. He owes hie present high posi tion in the esteem of the Republican party, to no "fortuitous accidents." He was ad mitted to the bar of Susquehanna c )unty at the age of twenty-three, and three years afterward was nominated to the Liigislat ore by acclamation. He declined the nomiciatim, and the same year was sent to Cougress, to which he was elected for twelve consecutive years, by majorities varying , ' from 1,261 to 14 Geo, and this trout a dibtrict whose custom bad long been to send its member for only four years, and never, but' in one instance, for a longer period than six years. Mr. Grow entered Congress, the youngest member of that body, and during the wh ,le of the trou bldus times of the Ktiusas difficulties held the rekponslide position of Chairman of the Gaup ittite,,on Territories, then the cant i.: important jinst in the Raise. Ls early as 1867, the Republicans ran Mr. - Grow f,r 'Speaker, against Orr of Bluth Car Mat, who wn elected, and in 1861 ho c , wile damn ,f3peaker, flow among such men as Co s Ifax, 'Washburn, Fenton, r/twes•and others alike ability and long experience. Mr. Gross's later record is well known to the &publican party in this State. As from the beginning, be is an earnest, steadfast,out spoken Republican. Pennsylvania cannot g) Amiss in sending to the Sedate amen wbc ba4 been so thoroughly tested in BO many posi tions, and for so long a time. Erb election Would ailed high credit upon the Legiilat tare, as it it universally admitted tint he would go before that body simply upon hi , 4 own personal and political merits, and no member would be compelled to go back trt his constituents-and- defend himself against any imputation of having been tampered with in any improper way. Mr. ,Grow is brought before the people with a thoroughly clear re cord, and the Legislature will present an equally clear record to the people if it makes him Senator. OFFICER HAWS CASE• The individuals charged with the recent murderous assault upon Officer Hill, while in the discharge of his proper duty, attempted to evade the notoriety of a public hearing, yesterday, by the expedient of waiving the beating and eiving bail in the sum of $1,500, each, for their appearance in Court. Alder man William Mildullin's bail is Mr. Henry Marcus, Democratic Select Councilman; Mr. William Whitney's bail is Mr. Samuel Jo sephs, Democratic Member of the Legisla ture; and Mr. John Kale; whose name we cannot find in the Directory, is bail for Messrs. John Tobin, John Ahern- and Robt. S. Lister. But this quiet arrangement was disturbed by a blunder in leaving one of the defendants, George Ahern, "out in the cold,' , and he enjoyed the pleasure of a public hear ing yesterday, while his accomplices looked on from without the magistrate's railing. Officer Hill gave his testimony in a manly, concise, straight forward manner, and Mr. Ahern was put under $1,500 bail to appear. The testimony of the officer is very direct. H' connects the parties named above with the crime of assaulting him, while attempting to serve a writ, seizing him, knocking him down, beating and kicking him, and, when be finally broke away from them and ran f)r his life, shooting him as he ran. M >st of the persons implicated in this serious charge are old offenders, who have frequently brought themselves under the co b nizance, if not the punishment, of the law. By various means and processes which we confess ourselves unable to describe, they have heretofore escaped trial, and have naturally grown bolder continually, from the impunity which they have so long enjoyed. They are now in the hands of the District- Attorney. If that officer has the ability and the dieposii ion•which are claimed for him, he can undoubtedly bring them to trial and pun ishment. Will he do it? The chief witness, ,Officer Hill, will be plied with threats and promises and bribes, to modify his evidence. If be yields to these appliances, he is not the man he is represented by his official superiors to be. if the cases go over until a Grand Jury can be bad whose complexion looks particularly favorable, they will slip through there. If the District-Attorney is listless and lukewarm, or if he has any partisan proclivi ties for these defendants, which we honestly doubt, the public will hear no more of this case, but will coroinue to hear a great deal more of these men, flushed with their renewed success in defying public sentiment and pub lic law. As a specimen of the annoyances to which a faithful officer is subjected, when he tries manfully to do his duty, Officer Hill was dragged before Alderman Harley, yesterday afternoon, and charged by Alder— man McMullin with being intoxicated and carrying concealed deadly weapons. Officer Hill was held in $l,OOO bail, and as he left the Alderman's office, McMullin swore that he would "put him through." It has certainly become a very grave ques tion for this community to determine whether it will enforce its own laws and compel all men to live like peaceable and orderly citi zens; or whet her it will permit any' man or set of men to live in it, warring continually against its peace, defying its laws and des troying its good name. Oar great American communities need to be fully alive to the grave importance of this issue. A people claiming the high prerogative of self gavern- Le ent must vindicate its claims by compelling obedience to its laws; or it must pass through the several stages of a rapid demoralization, down to the lowest condition of anarchy and political de struction. The press, the pulpit, the school, the court,thelegielature,should all band them selves together in a solemn covenant to prove before the whole world that American liberty is a grand and practical and permanent reality, and not that mere "cloak of licen tiousness" which too many are willing to make it. THE RESTER VAUGHAN CASE. . number of over-zealous and restless busy bodies have called a meeting at the Cooper Institute in New York, this evening, to man ufacture public sentiment upon the subject of the case of Hester Vaughan, an unfortunate young woman now in Moyamensing Prison, under sentence of death for infanticide. It 14 an extremely impertinent thing for a parcel of women in New York to undertake to con trol the action of the Governor of Pennsylva nia in such a case as this, by public meetings at the Cooper Institute, and by no means the best way to secure the release of the prisoner. We have not referred to this case, hereto fore, fur the simple reason that we are thor oughly satisfied that Governor Geary has no intention of executing the sea sentence of the law on Hester Vaughan. The facts connected: with it are in the possession of the Executive, and they are un derstood to present strongly alleviating feat ures in the crime for which Hester Vaughan was convicted. But infanticide is a horrible offence against humanity and all social law, and it has become fearfully prevalent in these (la) s. To pass it over as a trifling, matter; t inv , at it with a gloss of - actual sentimentality and almost romance, as some of these med dlieg people from New York are trying to do, lb a great wrong to society, and it is only right and proper that Hester Vaughan should undergo punishment fdr her crime,though she was driven to it by the despair and distress which some unknown wretch,in man's shape, has brought upon her. We feel quite assured that Governor Geary iutends to deal morel- fully *id) her cue, and that he *lli do so without the meddling interference of the "Wong•minded" women of 1443 W York, who THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN - PHIT Ann PHIA-;.`TTASDAY,-DEoEMEER-1-4(3, Omuta obey et, Raul in such ititterit'aa sheee , and be "keepertat borne. The popular taste in PailadelOis has not been whelly vitiated, by the vulgar btuiesquw of art and virtue that have enjoyed a temp-. my success at the Academy of Music. Teat People were tired of them was shown by the comparative failure of the'etst season. -Teat * reaction in favor 91 &emit art has set is was shown by the attendance kat evening at the - Aeadethy. The opera watt an 'old and hackneyed one, and there was no special novelly or attraction among the arti3ts. But , he audience was very large and brilliant; much larger indeed than that of >any of the recent Offenbach evenhigs. If the bade - aqui opera js espeeted hereafter to fill a theatre in Philadelphia, it 211118 t be a smaller one than the Academy; and such a one ought to be quilt by its liberal advnrates and patrons. :gale of Um Beau!about fAlaccition To t% WAI. Attracted by the fine weather and by the excellence of many of the paintings, . a .crowd ~ f respectable persons moved through the Academy yesterday until bedtime to see the Beaumont Gallery. The same interest ha 3 been manifested to-day, the last opportunity to see the collection in its tatirety. At twi light the contents of the northwest room will be carried over to the auctions store of Mr. -icon; to be ready for the sale to-night. The remainder, being the pictures in the southern room, will remain on free exhibition at the Academy until dusk to-morrow. Orders left Jrivately with Mr. Scott by persons who will Jot attend indicate a high range of bids.. Boole, t , botti tha,d L. Ash r lege 4. Co., Ancooneerp, hPG Market street, will toil o-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue. a Iwge teurrmeut of fitei-ellise. City and Eo'tern m do Boots ❑d 6ii. ev, to which tte attention of city and country in 3 ere is called. Open early In the morning for ex . STAR SPR - ING SARATOGA , NEW YORK. I hs analysis fl eves that the waters of the SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS base a much I , rger atr Cunt of rolld substance, richer in tth dice , a grrilients the any other spring in Sarat.gm a .o Lhowe what the tas e i udicatee- namely, that it is the S iron getig - t Water. It eh o demonstrates that the STAR WATER contains about . 100 Cubic Inches More of Gas in a gallon than any other spring. It is this extra amount of goo that imports to this is ater its peculiarly spare ling appearance, and renders it so very agreeable to the taste t tinds to preserve the delicious flavor of the water 'whott.h6tlled, t.nd causes it to uncork with an efforves once almostrual to Champagne./ sold ky the leridin DruggiVs and llotels through out the country. JOHN WYETH & BRON 2 1112 Wal out Street, • PHILADELPHIA, Wholesale Agents. • del-tu the l‘Tit 6]A ARCH STREET. 614 FREE ART GALLERY . OWEN & - SHERIIJAN, MANI FAcTU. Et.a CF LOOKING GLASSES AND Picture Frames'. OIL PAINTINGS AND CHROMOS, IN GEFAT VARIETY, At the Very Loved Possible Pricet. It it an acknowleged fact by all wl3l eViltdl33 our quality, of work and emir o' pricte, tbs. we get up the 'BEST" we, k for the "I.I.7AST' amount. e! ..eueY or any donee in the city of Pnil.de pbta. del try a OVER'S PATEN r COMbINATION SOFA BEDSTEAD. It has th,. appearance of a Parlor Sofa, with epring back and •in g seat, and yet in leas than one minuteie time, with Jut unecrewing or detaching in any way, it .en be ox .rutted into a handsome French Bedetead, ith h prang mattraes, complete. It la, without doubt.the liana oweet and molt durable Sofa Bed now in nee. k'or rale at the Cabinet manufactory of H. F. HOVER, OwnotAnd 8010 Manufacturer, -no „sso South Seconfietreet. oc2E.3m4p OIIN CLUMP. BUILDER. 1731 Mal rNuTtsTREET, and 213 Lta):II , 7.STREP.T. Mechanics of every branch required for hcnnebuilding ud fitting promptly tumbled. te27tf 4 1 EN RIC PRILJAPPJ. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 4WA RBURTON'S IMPttoVErk VENTILATED and eazi•fitting Drees Bata (patentel) In all the ~1 approved Willow of the kesson. Chnstnut street, next door to thd Poet-office. oed tfrp ' OR DIFTS. SEE WICIIE.—BOVP AND LAMES' SKr tt.B. a variety of (Alert§ of I oolr,Miniature Wood. awe, and dere -alron Furniture for Play-h Paton' I 001 il audiee with twenty small Took; liarpet Sweeper , . iother Wringerr. dre., &c, TRUMAN & SHAW, No. f. ght 3 hirty-five) Market etreet. below Ninth, t A UTIFUL POLIEST-lENIVEI, BUlra ST,F, FOIL 6ifte, bcLeors In cares, T.bla Cott.) y. and Plated orks and Spoons, at TIMM AN & titILVN'S. No. 84. 818 ht Thnly.fiv, ) Market street, bel Ninth. BSo - DAN D-SAWS AND MALLETS, SMALL !air:3 11 liatek , ete ono Mance. Maxie and "brute of fo le far du by 1 HUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thlrty.tivet aa; hot 'street. below Ninth. IbERA GLASSES.—ONE OF THE REST AS. ORX nte. Includind• mat y new &Luna, j out received .1, d salt at low prlc oby JAMES W. QUEEN CO.. del rp tit PA litavitnut ;Arcot. G MTS.' ITEM-ST/TCHEL) lIANDKERCLIIEPS. Medium, fine and extra fi i ne (matinee at low prloes. double•stitcbed Hid Moyne. all the non eo ore. Cede, ( Young (tont& slam 714' to a) double-stitched hid G loves. Glenn,' and Cadets' eines)) , g Skin and Seaver ()fovea of he beet • qualities. import,d direot and for sale at ',tall by tn3o.6t rpl col To MOT , EY TO ANY AMOUNT - MANED UPOv DIAMOb4. WAletlEB, JEweLRY, PLarl4l uLuntitio, ac., at ...._ Le , E 8 & COM OLD•FSTABLIStf Et) LOAN °rine% Comer of Third •Jad OaPkill etreet.4 Below Lombard. --DIAMOND& WATCH:MS. JEWELRY, GUNS. REMARKABLY PRICES. nommrp: 1868 A nt j o i yy r , n % Kosr i v i i Ilia' ()Ili'. til . ;:tv 3 'and r t:titi ita.e.oZput order. Sunday worming. ho. 12b Paoliango place. O. C. KOPP. THE EN ECUTOI-13 OF T 1164 I,UB J. Id .../t , Ii lola r a ill eioto out et retoll,thu etoak of W oTtale.ti dee., at very low uzieolf, at gio2Bea to, th-atrp • • 808 Chi Inal% 13 NaTHAN d. AtiOTIONEItft, N. E. I.PottNEB Tllird and Byrum etroote, only one square below the I,llelfangtf. id26o Oggi to limn to large or small amounta, on tiamoude ellver plate, watches. lowan' and all god& of aloe. Oftlou 110111 V from Ba.U.to I P. ' l.l. I Batab eilie d for tit a fact forty years. advances made in large , tmoim u i at the lowed ma Owe rate& loitttro - . L'i "114. T CLING FELT rnR Elid,Lr.—TEN 00 FRAVIDIS IJEughrh ehouthing Felt, by PE.L . EI 1 W.Uldfil V di edsli, 116 Walnut sueltt neY/ ti 50.1024 SANSONE STREET. PHILADELPtiIe. GEORGE W. VOGIET 4 Chertati I etre& entnnt street twcwittanto. - • By ar . razigoinent with IRxectitore, OUR ENTIES STOCK ie now to BE GOLD OUT at k Accommodating Priooo.--- 4 i ni T ANAMAKER & BROWN. Elto cam advertisements.. FALL 0-040313E5. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR I S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. HERE COMES DECEMBER ! Good bye to November; Now cometh December, WWI know, and with ice, and with frost lbe Flkoson of blowing, And storming, and snowing, As all of us know, to our cost. This weather's expected ; And he who's protected Against the attachsof the storm, By suitable raiment, (For which he's made payment,) Is sure to be healthy and warm. 'Tie winter, good neighbor, Don't foolishly labor And worry, with clothes thin or old; But come, bring your cash on, And dress in the fashion, - And keep yourself out of the cold. Fashion. aLd health ; elegance and economy ; warmth and durability ; beauty of fit, and cheap lICES of price—are all combined in the splendid stock of masculine apparel, for which the public are now rushing, in great throngs, at the Brows Slone Clothbg HA ROCKEEILL & WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. BOYS' CLOTHING. In addition, we have, in Beeend story a WHILL.O%. N ;ZED Tailor doPariment for ordered Menlo lgothing. Kr" Note—s.lo,o64l uncut Woolezu to select from. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market. non MO AI Ulllllsllol% AiCTION NOTICE. IMPORTER'S SALEI Choice New Crop New Orleans Wanes. SAMUEL. 0. COOK WILL BELL On Pier 8, be'on Cheet at Street, On Wednesday Morning, Deo. 2d, At 12 o'clock. SO bblr. and - 25 half Mir. ',Wetly cho'oe New Crop New (lolto.ne Molasses, lust arrived. BRON Z ES. TIFFANY & CO., Park. 550 and 552 Broadway, N. Y., Invite a visit to they very largo coffeetlon of FIRS BROf4ZYI3I a much larger and more carefelly selected Mork than they ever berme offered—oomprising the e,holeset and latest works of all the beet lutist/3. GROUPS AND STATUETTES: &bent, Career, earner, eleislnger s Amin, and Damn e. BIRDS AND ANIMALS: I:01We; Pau trot and Dom. . , .... CLOCKS, MANTEL SETS, VASES, COUPES, BRONZE GAS FIX -, TURES: Bat bedlenne os Refine:4lone tram the Magus, Glehenne Enameled, and small articles In great variety. J. T. GALLAGIII.II s o 4 L. ' . Watchmaker and Jeweler, 1800' Chesl not, Street, (Late of Dailey & Co.) WATCHES, DlAlleitlla, MYER AT LOW PRIOEB. 086 te th a tdael ref H. P. & 0. R. TAYLOR, PER run ult v & D TOILE r tbto &IPS, 'Aland 040-N. Mani enrees. IMMEDIATE AND IMPERATIVE SALE FINE READY-MADE . By arrangement with the Exeolltore• made days.Ncre shall our Li coo ant of Litook• and To'Close • 'frai f iDI • w • • • • t of. - FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. - Baer than aced any portionlorirto - litietion we - will - offer it to the people at - Prices Below the Cost of Manufacturing, .And thus clear out our entire stock. Securing a QUICK SA.T_JE, Ry lettleg the Goods at each rates as will satisfy any reasonable purchaser. Oar immense Eloise is fuirly loaded with GARMEMS OF EVERY DESO WM% ' suitable to all C ants, made up o Ith the utmost care, of the very dant materials, COmpribing, in the GENERAL READY-MADE DEPARTMENT 3,000 Overcoats, made in most fashionable styles, of all kinds of Beavers, Chinchillas, Tricots, &c. 3,5,00 Sults, Coats, Pants and Vests of the same material, Business, Dress, Traveling, "Indispen eable" Suits, &c. b,ibtl Coate, Chcsttrfields and. Sacks, Morning and Lounging Coats, Frock and Dress Coats, &e. b,OOO Pairs Pantaloons, of all materials, and cut on every approved style—Narrow and nobby, plain and comfortable. o,t ttl Vests, Velvet Vests, Fancy Caseimere Vests, Cloth Vests, doublo or single-breasted, high or low cut. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Here wo - have a largo assortment of Piece Goods that must be disposed of. To do which we pro pose fora few days to make to order from measure, in our very best style, making a Deduction of 15 per cent. for all Gatti mom, Thus we offer Clotbing as good in points of Style, Material, Fit and 'Finish, as can be had in any Merekant Tailoring Ebtabliament, and at about tuff the ordinary praas. YGIJ 1 . 11 s' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Department has been•a specialty with us this year. Wo_have hati wanufActured_lbelatrest nrd t e-1 aelsorimun of Boys' Clothing to be found in the city, all'whtch is now for ante at Greatly Reduced Prices. A Rare Opportunity to Fit Oul the Children. BLACK GOODS ROOM. Afourning Wean—Clerical Gamed's, Full Dices Suits. Black Cloth Overcoats, Black Cloth and Doeskin Pants. Black Cloth and Cassitnere Coats, Black 1N 6 - . GF.N TS' 1-111NG DEPAIITMFNT i Any customer pureinkAng an article or clothing . will be allowed a dedaetiou of Twenty Per Cent. on any additional purchase in this department. B io !Thick t‘ Flinders. Ties , Flosiery, Shirts, 4 .ofia.s, 4te., &e, Whiltt we are not entirely, through with the' oek ticcouti,t, yet_we are letting a gre.tt many of the goods go now. We shall be entirely ready, however, and the 7rILTIESIDPAY, us • The etore will be opened Early, and closed late. An extra number of Salesmen will be In attend ance. Prompt and polite attention mil be given to all. No customer will be unsupplied, if any reueonable Accommodation of Priech will induce him to buy. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK B(BIDDLE Wishing to close out their PRESENT STOCK previous to removal to their New Store:ll24 CHESTNUT Street, will offer. their entire assortment at such prices as will insure RAPID SALES. CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewels!. and Silversmiths, 712 CIUSTNIIT STREET. rat s to tlelini GO. i ELIN TAPESTRY AND M °quiet, Table Covers. Just received. an invoice of ibe.o Rich g oo d. In (mm. con. lire, it. Maroon. Lnue. Bieunirek and Chintz Colors. nom $lO up. A real be gain. Alm a ,Lie re ascortine LIG of Rich. Table and Piano Covers, And very elegant LACE CU WI:A:INS, In New Detigna. Shepparklian Harlingenic Arrion t . nOB Chestnut Street. del to the en vt FAMILY FLOUR, In Lote to suit GROCERS, or by the single Barrel, Vier Sale by j. EDWARD ApDICKS. 4 1230 MARKET STREET. NAV frmln kik attiilNG VVITErIINIDELLBJLE EMBROIDER. .111. Ina, Braiding, Stamping. an. M. A. TORRY, ' tgAi Filbert atrefd.. INATuHER AND' MUSICAL BOXER RE, EX Paired by AIM] workmen. • • —FARR dr. BROTHER, • Imiortarn of WRtehau, etc., timustnat street. below Voursl4ll 5:1;E:.1 . ,L..:::._. - ...n,_:.....,.i.0::',F:.. - Y.:;. GREAT SALE will commence WANAMAKER & BROWN, E CORNER SIXTH AND KOUT STRUTS, CLOTTII.NG, OAK HALL BUILDINGS, tacrooDs FOR TF3E S '_l l6 ' HOLIDAYS. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening a collection of Novelties, Gems and Mamie Goods, Greatly excellieg in variety and extent every former effort of thla douse, to will, They mode attention. Gold Watches, Diamonds, Oriental Babies, Emeralds and Sapphires, East India Pearls. A magatheent dock of Jewelry In ITALIAN BYZANTINE MOSAICS. NEW DESIGNS IN GOLD JEWELRY. PALMS ROYAL J EWELR Y. Bronze and lolaid Marb e Clocks Si Vases IN SETS, FOR MANTEL ORNAMENTS. Very choke productions of Art in REAL BRONZE. epeeist designs in • STERLING SILVER GOODS. Beet qualities and newest style," in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Plated Wares. An unrivaled dieplav of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, In Bela], Marble, tat 61Euro, Leather and Golden Bronze, Of the moat reunion° taste from all quarters of Europe. Our arrar geraeute. both in Marotta and this country are such as Give us uhusual facilittei in the euiection and eoo thmuca production of our stock. It is our wish. as wet/ RP tntrrest, to secure to our patrons tnu benefit of each advaut.ges in MODERATE PRICES throtwhont oar stock. without exception. .A.GEJE NT S• IPI 4 .1)r) 4, 196 ' 7 :** - ; 7 Nif LY mr4 4 F s .4° FL 01111, Vlrs,ll l4** " . oog THE ABOVE Celebrated Premium Family Flour. GEO. F. ZEHI4DER'S FLOUR DEPOT, FOTT AND VINE: 0e29 tb a to tits 2 - Vot:Ctila — iitY;eg. — '2l'.l l l".7,liatr itEKE Y E urs e t Oder. bbk. Champagne and arab Cle a n Tie an . • , J. JORDAN. • '4 l ) Muir arreet, k.15111:1 4 AISI , T WANUFAMORY. £1 812 Mu rf rett. 4 Ihouda wade of the bout inntariele at 41 p, unaided. Fluor 881xte revalre,d 4 no 7 arum) PHILADELPIIIA. nori tn tke ti E. BAYLITY. SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGR TO-LIAT'S CABLE. NEWS. MONEY AND COTTON MARKETS. Attaxrine Intelligence VVA.SUINGET Important Deciotoi by Chief 'natio 'Chase, The Corbin ion Pots Sustained Davis's ..Te F7E1.034 ST. Another. ,Destructive Fire By the Atlantic Cable. Lennon, Dec. 1, A. H.--Consols, for money, MN; for account, 02% (ex-dividend). United Stilt a Eive-twenties, 74%. Erie, 27. Illinois Central, 96. LIVIsErOOI, Dec. 1, A. M.—Cotton market quiet. The sales for to-day are unmated at 12,- 000 bales. Shipments from Bombay to the 27th since List report 12,000 bales. -Petrolduto-qqict. BAVItE, Dec. 1, A. M.—Cotton closed last night at 127 f. on the spot, and 125 f. to arrive. Qusitnevowir, Dec. I.—drrived, steamer Sibe ria, from New York, yesterday afternoon. The ship Isabella, for New York, from Liver pool, put into this port, damaged by a collision during . n gale. Livenroor:, Dee. I.—The steamer Cuba sailed yesterday for Now York. LolnoN, Dee. 1 —Tbe brig Gladlator,from New York;Airrived here yesterdiy i leaky. - - Important Decision by the ehLeg Jas. I &Special DrEpatch to the Pi lladelphie. Evening Bulletin.] WAsittNoTo:4. Dec 1.--Chief Justice Chase. during the present term of the United States Cir cuit Court at Richmond. has delivered an loipor tont opinion in a case of the confiscation of real estate under the act of July 7th, 1864. The case of Semple vs. The United States was brought up from the District Court on a writ of error. Judgment was originally entered by default. The points made were that the Confiscation act was unconstitutional, and that the suit below was In admiralty, when It should have been at common law. The Chief Justice overruled both points, and affirmed the decision of the court below. He said that several cases arising under this act and that of 1862, of a like tenor, have been considered by the Supreme Court, and as the point was not raised it was a fair conclusion that neither at the bar nor on the btnch was the constitutionality of the act doubted. Unless clearly satisfied that the act was unconstitutional, and also that the point palmed without observation in the Supreme Court, he was here bound by the action of that/ Court, and should bold for the ;resent that the act is warranted by the f•onstitution. He shottld,how ever, be gratified if the question was again submitted to the Supremo Court and adjudged upon direct argument and consid eration. . With regard to the second point he feels that it was the constant practice to render judgment,of forfeiture In such cases by default. without the intervention of the jury. Jett. Intavues Case. ISt:welt' DeEPAteh,to the Mind& Evenaur BrilleUn.) WASULNGTON, Dee. /, 1868.—Tho Attorney- General has engaged Richard IL Dana, of Bos ton, to represent the Government In the argu ment before Judge Chase, In Richmond, on . Thunday,of the motion entered by Robert Ould, to quash the indictment against Jeff. Davis. Mr. Everts would have appeared personally in the case,but his duties hero in preparation for the approaching Eeesion of the Supreme Court made it quite impossible. From St. Louts. Sr. Leurg, Dec. 1 —The storage warehouse of J. M. Bloomfield te. Co. was nearly destroyed by fire last night. The watehouse contained a large amount of property, valued at about $150,- 000, most of which was either totally destroyed or badly damaged by water. Among the prop erty were 900 barrels of ffour, a large flue tally of grain, household furniture and a great variety of other articles. Bloomfield (Ss Go.'s loss is estimated at from $25,000 to $30,000, The building is owned by James H. Luzcaa,valned at $150,000. The Merchants' Exchange yesterday adopted resolutions approving the bill now before Con gress favoring the uniting of telegraphing with the postal department of the government, and expressing the belief that such action will work a practical solution of the evils of the present tele graph system. dilate of Thermometer Thls Day at the Bulletin Office. lo A. deit 13 e1.....34 dee. SI P. el .33 dad. Weather clear. Wind Northwest. HESTER VAUGHAN. Efforts off New York Pbtlanthroplato in lier The New York Times of this morning says: . A wayward , woman in Philadelphia was re cently convicted of murdering her Infant, for the purpose of getting rid of the fruits of a guilty connection. The deed was traced to the culprit. She was tried, and, after a fair hearing was con demned. She is now in prison in Philadelphia. Her case has been taken up Were audio this city by the party of "Woman's Rights." Several q the journals have been filled with apologies for her crime, mawkitth sentimentality about her sufferings, and appeals, not only for her pardon, but for her triumphal release from the prison where she is confined. A meeting is to be held this evening in the Cooper Institute, in this city, to help her case. The advertisement says it is held `•at the solicitation of several distinguished ladies of this city," and we are promised "elo quent addresses" and "disclosures of the most thrUitng character " and are also assured that it is "confidently believed the Governor can easily be 'educed to restore her to liberty." Now there are undoubtedly cases in which it is perfectly proper to make an effort to release convicted offenderalrom the penalty of the law. In some cases there may be pleas in palliation, aid in either cases there may be extenuating cir cumstances that are felt by a sympathizing public, though they were not taken into account by the judge and jury. In so far as ouch' con are applies hole to this ease the parties moving In the Matter are quite right in bringitg them before thriths vernqr of Pennsylvania. But the newspaper and other appeals that have already come_under our Loelso in regard to the case of Heater Vaughan, have gone far beyond this. They have been in the nature of justifications or. apologies for the crime, and glorifications of the criminal. They have either ignored the fearful nature of the of force of which she was convieted,or they have held up such pictures of her outlet logs and her pros pective punishment as are calculated to work upon a sympathy that knows nothing of law or Justice, nothing of social wrong or moral =doe billiy. The woman guilty of infanticide is al °ken of as a "martyr," a "victim," and it would not be wonderful if it should all end by her adunissiou to the °Antler of saints. Against all eh% sort of thing we proteat. We trust that it will not show Itself at the Cooper Institute meeting. If there Is any stop to be put toth crime of infanticide which now blackens the morals of our cotinti . y, the law must be applir dto those who are guilty of it. The truest huminity and the highest sympathy with suffor . .. lag dernand . this. - If 'the woman is innocent, or f them are extenuating eircomstances in her case , it let it bo oown; • but do not let ber b be glorl d . cause of ber.olfenee, , or, held up ass model to, he followed by other women who may be too ready to copy her example. r INAZIAMLL communzarez .Irbe Tioney Maurice 11. Baled at, the Philadelphia Stock lizahattga. • iiseroas Beenba. •20 eh Cam &Amboy 128 I 3roo Fauna" 6'e , 3d ser 107% 200 Lehish Ss 'B4 139 200 **,Head 1) its 49.fi 100 Ell , do 49% 100 __do _ bin ,d 9% 25 oh Cam & Am •128 - VETWI4I4_ 9000 tehlob GldLn 2els 043 j 6000 Wyorolnz Cl Os 78 8 eh 2d AtBd S.lt 99 . 100 .6 Read 1 4 49.31, 300 sh do blO Its 49' 200 sh do [its 99% &LOON]) BOARD. eh Perim 11 e43:11000 Lehlgh - Val bds 68 eh do 1113 6t%1 new e9l 4eh do its 51%1 1 - 117BPAY. December I,—The money market hag tinder gone very tittle r haute, and we continue to qnoto Gall Loans at 647 per Cent. on mfacellanenus am-urine:l. The offs Tiros of Mercantile ,Paper me light, but there la ne disposition on the ; part of capitalists to vol out their funda for a - period - "exceeding thirty days. for lees than man or twelve ner rent lbe official slatetnent of our haute. made public ti la morning. shown EL cremed strength in an accearion in the legal tenders on baud. and an increase, in their do posit-. The porit'on of tho' b tike has b en greatly im proved. but they discount with extreme cautfoo. lb aggregate buaineem at tbe atom" Hoard thus morning wee light, and Government. State and iqty-Goans were v Rbout r ea. Mid change. The Third Seri 1115 State Loam told at 107 M. • - e' Feeding Railroad Wm inactive and Mooed at 4)- bid: Primula ante Railroad was strong at 544(t&454; Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at IM-oo chaagn; 4511 was bid for Little Bel: Railroad:s7 for. Mine Ell( Rail road: 34 for 'North Penneylveu is. Railroad; 544 for Le ttish Valley Railroad; 304 for Cab:wins:l Railroad, pre" rred ; and :54 for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. in Canal Stooks the only change was -in Lehigh Nevi gotton whleh advanc: d 4314 b. 60. Bank shares: are withers. rhange. herond d Third firre.t. Posaenger Rail way said at 49 —a declin an e. of -2 .-7L -slur- bid -for -Tenth and -Eleventh Street': and 46M for ebeatuut street Smith. Randolph, bantera,l6 Routh Third street. quote at 1031 S oVnock as follows: Gold, Moll: United Staten Sixen. 114.!,;411t; Five.twenties, Lift, 11 , 41144 : do. do. d0..16:34 1u74(4107M 4do. do. do..186V.107:40I1014; do. do..Thly. 16t5 110.4411.91'• do. 4n, do. do. 1667. 1103:40 lite; do, do do„ 110M4UOM U. B. FireS• len.fort lee. 1CG44105M. Blerans De Haven and Brother. No. 4:1 South Third street. make the following quotations of the, rates of ex change today, at 3P. M. I.niterl Rtates Stress: 1681.114? .115; do. do ...leo 111141D44d0. d0..180. 10741074 4 do. do. 180 - 1tr7M(410710: do. elo.. 'tZ new. iiiyaop4 ; do. do. 1667. new. 11(604111P,i; do. led& 1101.1(411034: Five . Ten nowa. it 6": ilomnound Interest Notes,lo34l Gold. 16.50125 1 .( ; Aver 1 :163162.Jay ooke ett . 4lo. quote Government :securities. etc., to day as follows: 11. S ital• itelf4lls; old Fivetwon. ilea 11' el 1)1.4 ; new Flee-t went lessrf lam, 107 r i c-,4 tm ; d0.1665.107 1 ;', alo7s,l;Pivotwenties .It:te.l to 110 s 4 do. 1661 110Oillinu; do. lisa. 110M4110%;; Ten-forties, (ei 106 ; (10 1,5%". 1 , V% altars ex Erq:ne. "'sinker& 42 South Third street. qnoto Border State Bonds today a' toll +we: TenneeAee'a. old. Golf rnle:do.new.:Drliarem4: Virginia hid vto, De w, 57,V Or ort h corolla aro., old. 6P„rie664 :do. now, 62% fd 3 1-irtnnit - Wgo"-%;Gsorttis tre, 10.48034; do. re. 92 Philadelphia Produce narket. Ti FSIPAY. Dec. 1 —There is Do easential ch Lute to re cord in tLe Flour market. Supplies come in elowly and the demand to limited to the went of the home t-eide at lesterdays'iptotattoes. Only a. few hundred bbti.ch uged. Lands 0 teeny Extr • ['aunty at 87 51(4 , 8 25 perit irr.l for, tof theysst. and *.i.Kra 11 (o:• Penns . fend Ohio dn. do.. in - eluding 300 barrels Tadiaua - and I Itinniast ittd: 1511 bbta...=• FM ry at $11" fArd.,l:l 24. and Extras at 844 g 75. Rvo Hour i_ held firmly and further sales are reported at $7 50(d8 In Corn Meal nothing doing. _ The Wheat market is a•muly.,but there watinot much de ma, d. Small sales o fair and good Ited at $242 M. and LOX bushels Amber at 8.2 15. Nye' coined in steady and commands 81 51VF41 57. Corn Is scarce and there is a good demand for Old Yellow at et 25, and New meets a fair inquiry at sl.ql 10 ace u rdlng to drynear. nay are held ally and fnriber ealea are reported at 67'72c for Western. a.OOO bushels bright Indiana sold at 75e. No. I Quernitron Barba k ateadn amid bildA.M4 at .$l2 50 ter on. - In Greeerlea.e.vd Provitions the sato are unimportant. Whioky—ls dull and lower. We quote at $1 0.1F41 frati AAX paid. New York Money Market. iFroni the N. Y. 'Jerald of fierier./ Nov. 30.--In view of the meeting of Congress the fuaant dal question is looming up with revised importance. The theorhs of leading men are all at variance with each other. Each has his oat opinima of the remedy to be applied fur the titre of tfie evils affecting the finidalaye tem. Senater Sumner rides . the hobby of sot _im mediate return to specie payment. while hie fel low statesman. COnitreatunan Bailer. is in favor of pcsitponing apes e payment to some definite pe riod. „Thera are dor, tie of eimitar small plans and , ways for the reform of the tuitional finances which would be made a mere patchwork' of expedients. The net t sensible views which we have yet seen are those of reinter Liberman. who bri pp to tear upon the question the same Phan !tactical wisdom which his namesake disilayed in the earls councils of the republic. His anti expaneion theory of regulating the %currency seems the least objectionable of any that have been ad. sauced Ii Congress will cease tinkering with the question of finance altogether. except 69 far as to enact good laws for the just assessment and collettl n of taxes for the lentil-late support of the Cove, nment and let the great demands of trud« regulate the 4 usrency. it will he found that. witticeit ex panel a and with ut contraction. the value f each greenb reit will appreciate gradually and steadily to a par with gold. and that too, without any of the danger. of bank ruptcy to our areat mercantile community Wito heads as o necessiu - y in the deliberation at Washington this_ winter. 't he • pproaching Mei= of Congress, the report of the ilium of Napols on, the new complications In Spain the decrease of sp cie In t. 0 New York beaks, and several o'her mattiqn were more or 4se quoted ae the cause of a firm opening of gold this moraine. The price at ten o'clock was 1136 1 ;,, from which it temporarily advanced to 18634, receding to 135311 before the i ercolnatl us of business at five o'clock. The 60'4 gaua are sort r ready to take hold of any pre tence for a /flange in the market, and they kept the price Quite variable to-day. The volume of .busin .t 3 fa gold wu small and the demand by berme era feeble, Loins were mad. Sat for borrowis g and at two to flee p rent. for carrying. The alm i learings at the Gold" Exchange Bank were $40,143.030, the gold balances $4162.6rD, and the currency belancea 8/1613 101. - . . '1 he mnbey market was abundantly supplied the 311 gh. out the day The bank+ were doing more at air per cent on rall louts to best houses. Between stosg hot t ,e, the rate wee live and six. Among private b insers five and eix were the rates on prime and mixed Col lateral!. Exceptional cases of four per cent em braced loans of b ilancea left over from Saturday undieturbed. Toward the close of banking b mrs a little more demand was reported but there is tale money enough to meet ft without a et tinge of rates. [he beginning of a new month stimulates inn airy. while the settlement of booke for the year will el.° have en effort in rendering oney mo-e active. ronalgn ex change was dull. and prime bankers' was quoted from IOW: to 1036. elthough one very large transaction took place at BS ttommercial paper was without any new feat tlll3. The day in the ?heck market wad. on the whole a dull one. The tone of the market was firm and advancing un til one o'clock after which it was variable. Priced at the begin ing of bueineda were in general a ehdde In advance of timer, at the clime on b atarday night. The trane-ctions of the Bret op n Board were buoyant. - Thoeo of the regu lar board were steady at the advance. [From the N. Y. World of terdar.l Nov 30.—The money market was reported more active in some quarters tc -day. but the supply is abundant at 6 to 7 per cent. on c.ll. The b inks.obtain 7 per cent., and prime discounts are 8 to 9 per cent in the onen market The government bond is arket was pressed down by the bears, who were tree se'lers of the whsle lint. •• he foreign exchange market is weak; pod bankers' sixty-day sterling bills were sold te.day 't 109, and prime banker.at 109%. One tazginsactlon of .C 200,000 sterling has been made by a prime bank. , ng firm on private terms, said nitre below the market prloe.. Tne supply of cotton billets steadily increneings The Geld market wits quiet and ateady, ranging by. twei n 135% and 135!1,, opening at 135% and closing at 135% at BP. M. The rates paid for carrying were I, 3,4, 5 and 2 per cent. to flat . After the board adjourned sales were made at 135 to 131,%. closing at these quota. tious et SP. 31. The award of government gold was made to Went. Trove - dr Colgate at 133 54. The opi Mime of the Gold Exchange Bank to-day were as follows : Gold balances .............. 411,662.869 51 Currency 2.166.851 88 Grose clearances 10953,000 to Many rumors were in cirrnVtion fn regard to Me, which were need to depress the price of the stock. It wan reported that Jay Gould and Fisk had gone to Canada with $8.000,000 or the compsny's money. the price of the stock declining therese to 3630. but afterwards this was contradicted and it advanced to 3834. It • was also said that Judge Nelson would rescind the order of Judge Bratchford and appoint Judge Devise receiver of the Erie Company to tape possession 'of the nonev and assets. superseding all other orders. At the close of the day Judge Nelson had not pronounced his decision and is not l i kely to do so for day or two. he affidavite in the esti°, especially that of Mr. Jay Gould, contain rich developments in regard to the bargains made with Commodore Vanderbilt. Daniel Drew, Esq.. at d Frank Work, in order to make thinss pleasant all round in the ac-called Erie v ar of last coring. It shows how the belligerents of the Stock e xchange were calm, d down to the "happy family." EverYb was made all right excepting the stock holders In Fade. It is ales said that an niunction order has be n served on the Erie officials by the Attorney• General of Nov York State. returnable before Judge-lreckhain to suspend Mr. Jay Gould as liirceiver. The Attorney.Gipieral's name is at. ted to have been used in a suit about ten dave ago without his consent, ci hich be ordered to be withdrawn. The mriddle in this E, le matter is R , CllBllll4 , ngeo rapidly as to threaten before long to equ.:l the rascality. The Laws* QUOIAMODS Worm Mow York (By Tfleataph 1 Maw Wax, Doc I—Rtocte taWer; Chicago and Rock Island, 1e8; Reading 93% 7, Canton Cour loamy. 50: Erie. SS A .' • Cleveland and 'reledo. 100 Cleve. land and Pittaburah, 67; Eittebnrgh and ..Fort Wayne, 111: . kilehigan Mk Michigan donthern, %.6 . 1.4; Wow - York - ventral. 1293-"; linnets Central: 414 G; Cumber. land Profeired:lB9: Yliffinia Slaw, 57 , 4; ICeN 8106 • rindaon river. SI; ve4vventiee.lBo2. 111 V: do., 1861, 107.4. do.. 1865, .167 N • New. 110 N; Ton.fortles, 105 V; Gold. nti - Money, ab 7 per cent •. Exchange, 5300,000 in gold was taken to-day at 115A135 1-10. . — llf irNete by releerre,ph. Nsw VOOR. Dee. L—Cotten giale4 and steady; 801 bales sold at 26 {n. Flom: l - and deal:nine; 8.000 bhle. told ; State, *5 50(81$7 40; Weatsrn. *5 5.1®*9 75: douth ern, 187 20g *id; uilifornta, 86 75®eld. Wheat apnea au4l declibing: f3O 0 hutheld told; No 2 at 81 4 481 50. Coln dull and declined le,: 84.000 bushels sold: inlx.d Weafern. *1 14®8111 M. Oats steady; 75,0 0 bu- hels • old at 74e.0174,44e. Noe lc &ilia' 20. Lard dull; steam roodor.d. 15.44nua10e Whtsky dela. • IL. Jammu, Lee. 1 --Cotton Om: Middling 11plani, 25 flour falrly active mild unchanged. Wheat firm; low grades dull; rale* of ;Pima to cholee at $2 40 4412 60. Coin firm; tow white. hi4)5131'03.1 ait 09 - .4t to. (tat, 01 a t 45n M. se Pork dull at *O7 50. Roams 4 ,1 1dt rib eideh. 15: cl ,, ar hldee, lied; ahould4rs,, 1454; haul+. ld Lard dull at 17. • _ _ IFX Pl/11 , 1011"AL AND INTEREST IN Gow.—The First Mortgnge flfty-year seven or cent. filnltin Fond Coupon Bonds of; tbe Rockford, Rqolt Island, and Bt. Lonlailallroad.Coariploy,' pill pal and Inttrest payable in GOLD COIN, trek. of THE DAILY EVEVING BULLETIN=-PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, DEC FE BFR 1, 1868. 100 eh Leh Dry stk b6O 29g 10 eh ?deal] Bk 8134 100 sb._NYabltd4le - 1 4% 10 lb Penms 14 Its - 6554 1001411 _Omen - 6eh Auld Muslc 98 / N BONI/DM • 20(1 eh Head R. 835 4914 100 eh do b3O Its 4914 , 00 eh do blO-,.4981 100 eh do 4914 200 eh do 85wnirin 49,4 dovelpinextlax, aro for sale at the office of the :Company, No. 12 Wail ebreet, Near Tort, at97X per cent.. and accrued Interert In currency. Pamphlet'', givAng faller Information, maybe , bad at tbe odic°. Goren:ll:tient and other securities received in eiclaange, at market rates. • H. if; Bonny. Tn3aaarer. ViliTA PC - 111 - 4 7 . - E r tl 1/111.0;• I. E WALRAVENP mAisioNiCi HALLf -No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. • ADDITIONAL IMPORTATIONS By Last Steamers IN LACE CURTAINS DECORATIONS, Embracing some of the Richest Novelties ever introdpced in this Department. 4 15) LA* : 11) -4.51 '` .l Fourth and Arohe_ REDUCTION IN PRICES FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. . _ Mac nifioent Shawls. Expensive Silks. Fashionable Poplins. Desirable Cloaking% 4-4 Pure Silk Velvets. Stripe Satin Skirtings. '- - Stripe Poplin Skirtings. Grand Duchess Skirts. ' Belle Helene Skirts. • First Quality Astraoans. .COO Yards DELAIHES for Presents for the Helps of the bonee. eia Yards Fat Colored CHINTZES. do. do. S.= Yards 4-4 French CHINTZES. do. .do. BARGAINS IN HANDELII WHIM, GLOVES, CO LL Me, SCUM 1111.10 NECIELTISS. defile TIFFANY & CO., 550 and 552 Broadway, New York, Invite attt ntion to their stook of SILVER WARE OF THEM OWN MANUFACTURE, Comprising reprodncHons of the goods eont by them to the Flute Exhibition. for which they received tee erd award ever made to American manufacturers of Sily Ware. Dinner and Dessert Services, TEA SETS, CASE GOODS, .LN (TREAT VARIETY FOR WEDDING GIFTS, PRESENTATION PIECES. Peettma and eetimatee for Rilver Ware Oat upon appli cation to any part of the United State& non f m w tdeln 40.1kR1(4 c e • BAN IcER S, C Ou No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 'PH ItADELPHIA. EALERS IN CLOYERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. ' Accounts of Banks, Firma; and /rt.:endues rocoh cd, subject toc.book at sight. INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. ek_EN ERAC AZENTS FOR & N vplizatTA NEW 07 (...) OF THE t. 5\ .. 0 L iFEI S NS UR* OF ‘l5l 1411 Tilt 41UU., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LIFE INSIMANCE COMPANY IS II corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, ap proved July 25, 1868, with CASH CAPITA[.; $1;000;000; FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, batted in the second story of our Banking House, Where Circulars and IMmohlets, fully describing tile aArantages offered by tho Company, may he had, ' E. W. CLAM( • No. 36 &WA Third R. PRIZES, &e., &e. THIRD. .EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS AFFAIRS At READING ny Atlantic Cable. LownoN, Deccan:ler I,P. M.—Consols 92X for both es,7dlvidend; United States Ave-twenties quiet at 74X; Illinois Central 96,X. LaimupoeL, Dee. 1, P. M.—Cotton steady; Falea-15,140- hales.- -CheesO, /6s. Lard firm. Willard Petroleum, la. 6d. Mayon, Dec. 1, P. M.—Cotton dull, both on the ppot and to arrive; Bales at 1248 franca, to From Heading. READING, Dec. I.—A large meeting was held last evening at Librury Hall, to devise means to establish free readinv-rooms for young men and mechanics. G. A Nichols preaided, and most of the prominent Clergy were present . Plans ware suggeeted for localine.the proposed association in rooms in the Reading,Library building, and a con:mince was appointed to arrange tire pre liminaries. This is tbe first uniformly cold day of the ses son, the thermometer at 7 A. M. marking 29y, degrees, and at 10 A. M. fildegrees. The wind Is northwest, with some indications of snow, and Ice is forming in exposed localities. Marine Intelligence. NEW YORK, December L.—Arrived, steamships Smith, from Bremen, and France, from London. Weather Report. Dec. 7, 9 A. M. 4 Wind. Wenner. Titer Ralf fax, ...... ...... ......N. W. Cloudy 30 Portland. • .... • N.. Snowing 30 baton W. do - 31 Newl uric...-. , NW. Cloudy. 29 Wilmington. Del N. 1 Cloudy. .36 Wasiong ton- - ...N. Cloudy.. 3S :Richmond- ... ...... ....... ..1% N. Clear. 36 =Rey- tiVe5t.......... ..... ...- --- , --Cleur.- • 70 Augusta, Ga.... W. Clear. 57 Cb5i , e;20......... ............ .S. Snowing. 24 :Builalo.. . ...... ... ..... ......N. • do 26 Pittrburgb.... ..... .. - do SO Mica e1f.... . .......N. E. [Cloudy. 33 Mobile*.N.W Clear. ' - New Orleans W. Clear. 54 Havana. ... ..... ...... - Cloudy. 75 THE COURT& The Heenan Homicide. CUSIMENcEhE N T OF THE Ttcl Ovcn AND 1 TRY !NEIL —lud gra Indian , and Peirce.— he stenad et enal venire ,istatto I In the case of tkerati Eaton. t e , gid , uitlh the winder of Timothy Heenan, as t shanett d yesterday aftertinonovith eiCven Jarora to the to x. A third venire war teen d returoante tins tbornit,g, and at e.even t.'clock the taettth jar we' Be. CUII a. et the suitpealon of the Dietrict Aftornov, the telt• Petty r. both for the - t'ororronwentih and defence. were d in the Court roc.m except whin required et on the ,n itne.setned.. The Court otrected two rooms to be Pet eiid , fro. the witnesses. the Couvuonwealth and &fence' En ibg irperated. Mr. coke. f r the defence. vi bile acre. in t. th t'•the Court could ex.einde viitneeeea Iron. the loom, d. nied _the right to dersi,mate the defew dent's u itneeite to the Commonwealth by an older eep• aretee thee . 'the • Court claimiog the right, an excep. Lion le ee taken. .. • tot r. II nacre opened the case to the jury. and.maid it would be, he believed, a ease of murder in toe first de• gree. there being nopro_vocationtrom ths deceased. On the night of ;tune 11 eist. be towards the morning of the 12th. tieraid Eaten, William ?Santee and James Trainer I rtered the tavern of per. Sullivan. Fifth nd Santee hortty aft. ra , Prdc Tiin othy Heenan entered in company with filet de, and Mr. Heenan asked them to drink. A conversation d. in the course of at w hich Trainer said that Oman named Phillips would w hip I-teener; Her nan starved Trainer in the face; the pattiee then left. and enan and hbi friends went across to anciher tavern on the corner opposite to Sullivan's; Eaton. Fella and Trainer went to S xth and Pine, bat came back and after reconnoitering and findi g 3Sr, Hee. nan in the tavern. Eaton drew a pistol and waenbon. fit* when Trainer said, "Not here." The parties then waited utitihtle.nai came out and advanced to them. showing hie bands to Seeley them that he was unarmed. bry followed him, however, and eight shots were fired at Heenan , and :he Commonwealth expecte to prove that hati n *ea the man who discharged the pistol and canoed the wound. resulting Timothy in lieensn'a death. Dr. Shark let) at ifird—l made a post mortem exami nation of the body of Timothy Hee:an. at the Pennsyl vania Hi spite!. on the lith of June last; I found a gun" et et vrcund about an inch end ahe below the enciform cartilage. n hich is a • onanuation .af the breast bone; it was al oet h. the middle of the body; the bell passed Jewel da, ands to the rient, wounding the lower pert of the tight lobe of the liver stir the beginning of the email intestines; theithall -then d.flicted and paired through the larse muscle of the bark. .nd bad been extracted at the hespitah human ly 'thew e the hip Lone, three inches to the r ight of the *ire the decon.ettrame to his oeath in consequence of this gimslmt wound; the immediate cause being he =crib s& and inflammation. Crote.examined-1 did not know in hie lifetime the p non on whom I made the poet mort.l7L exarnin 4.10 n. - Dr. F.. IL lit.tchi, 2., ea orn—l reeide south Fifth street, near ;.-pruct ; I war called ,o attend Timothy Heenan on the night of the Iltb nt June. or morning of the itth; It wee btAlAtcn 11 and 1 o't lock at night; I wee called to the tavern groan eat corner Fifth and dpru...e, kept by Mr. Smith found Heenan lying on the .ettee in the back room: on lifting up hie clothea found he. wee mind, d nearly in the centre of the body. lust above the nave I; I ougg. ate d that be be immealate,y cent to the Lmnital; I did not age him again; Aid. Dougherty came for me (icev-exaroint d—l did not I , IIOW the man prior to that time; he war in the room back ~ f the b own ; I think (Hernari had been drinking; that was my impression at the *hue; I eimply,looked at the wound and directed the man to he taken to the hospital. . . W. w, •ougherty sworn: I knew the deceased, last saw him attire hospital dead; I was nreserst when Li . Ehapleigh made the post mortar': on the reght of the murder. Thursday. the Uth of Jun N a few minute, be fore 12 o'i lock.parsing down Fifth from Walnut to Prune, at Prune Street, 1 met two friends. Mr. Kash and Mr. Totem; I stopped and talked with them; we. had.-been tenths some minutes when Mr. Eaton, Mr. Neellis and a man they'call"Sugar Jim"( Trainer) came up Fifth st .and went arouno the corner at Prune, and wont up Prune tow ardr, otath. to Trainor's bones; they had been at raina's house—called "The Carpenter Houee"—a few minutes. and 1 heard the report of six shots, tired in tha of ighborhood of Trainor's house, but whether tosido or out I could not tell; some few minutes after these reports same six or seven men came, as ft out of the house, and some went on one side of the street and some on the other; as they passed down Prune street tows rd Fifth; heard one of then. ray "you goon the other side;" which one said this I don't know ; and 1 don't know whether the defendant 11 ae with the tarty. lt+r. Et coke objected to any farther testimony in regard to the crowd unless it was shown that Eaton was one of. the *arty. Witn , es resumed-After the party passed all were on tho pavement at Fifth and Prune Shout a minute, and in coo. sequence of vs het Nr. 'ratan said, whd teal nearest the corner, Mr. Totem, Mr Edell and myself went down to the corner of Fifth and spruce: when I get there 1 found Tr- in. r pushing Eaten out of Smith's public. house S. It orns rof Fifth and Source ; Eaton had a pistol in his band; after pushing bim out as fat' es the cm b. Mr. Heenan came to the door of Smith's house; he wan inside at the time; he came out as far as the doe r and stood in the door way; Eaton levelled a pistol et Heenan then. but Trainer threw it up and said. "Not howl.. .0d Trainer backed "Eaton up Fifth at ea, across Sproce 'ln et, to the other side and a man named Ewing started after them ; Heenan cellos Ewing back, and on the north side of Spruce Heenan got hold of him and tattled him back. he ease is still on triaL O 13E I.4ErE. The z econd, Third and Fourth Floors OMB AEW BUILDING AT THE N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Sts. These are very desirable rooms, and the location is on. eurpabeed for businees purpoeee. Apply to STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER del.tf ON TEIE PREMISES. X. I IIR, A. FINE FURNITURE. Latest Desigpt.•.superior Illake and MIA. A. ,13r, H. LEJAMBRE, French Cabinet Makers & Upholaterers, No. 1435 Chestnut street, PIIILADELPIFIAL. del.lo LEHIGH VALLEY AND READING RAILROAD 3B N 130 S 8 per pent,, olear of all taxes. FOR BALE LOW BY DREXEL & CO,, 34 EcOUTil, T ttfitlP liTicE ET. . . DINE APPLE CHEEBE-zNORTON , B CELEBRATED 1 Brand on conidgurnent and Pr aalo BUR , RILR & .(%04:10;10Bouth Dthoyaro avenllo . ' ' •• . . 2:30 O'Olook: Evidence was then adduced that Hiscock ar rived at &arm''' . Hall on the evening of the day preceding the homicide, for the purpose of refu ting the statement made by Hadley in his open ing, that the prisoner might have killed Hiscock. at Syracuse the day before, the homicide at Stan wix Hall being the result of a sudden impulse. Tee testimony of numerous witnesses on the for mer trial was then read. The testimony in the case will probably be cone laded to-morrow. THE PRESIDEN'T ELEM.—Gent. U. S.- Grant, the Fresident elect, accompanied by CoL Com stock, aid-de-camp, arrived in the city from Washington, yesterday afternoon,and was driven to the residence of General D. H. Rucker, in . West Philadelphia. Last evening he parthlioated . in the 121st anniversary dinner of the SLAndrow's Society at No. 1105 Walnut street, and was individually introduced to the members of the Society, from whom be received a cordial re crption. During the evening a special toast: •'The President elect," was offered, and General Grant briefly responded. He thanked the gen tlemen present for the kind manner in which they had received him, and said that be bad anticipated much pleasure in attending the dinner and bis anticipations had been fully realized. He remained with the So ciety until about ten o'clock, when he again pro cet dtd to the residence of General. Rucker. This morning be left for the east. Mrs. Grant does not accompany him on this visit, hav ing been detained in Washington. The General will positively attend the social meeting of the officers of the armies of the Cu m berland.Tennessee, Oho and Georgia, in Chicago on the 15th and 16th inst. and will again visit this city during the latter part of this month or the early part of January. POLICE BOEINEFS OF n Alionrm—Daring the month of November 2,957 arrests were made by the Police of the city. The prisoners were divided among the several districts as follows: First 157 Thirteenth 33 Second 223 Fourteenth..... 30 Third ' 331 Fifteenth 33 Fourth .168 Sixteenth 187 Fifth .255 Seventeenth 230 Sian) 111 Eighteenth 65 Seventh 147 Reserve Corps 160 Eighth 115 Rarbor.... .... ..... 30 Ninth 145 Park.... 16 Tenth 187 Day Sergeants 7 Eleventh 135 Chestnut Ri11........ 15 Twelfth 152 Beggar Detectives... 25 TRIAL 01+ ASSESSOR ALRXANDER, OF TER EIGHTH. Dismicr.—The trial of George W. Alexander, late Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Eighth District, charged with receiving bribes and con spiting to defraud the Government in the collec tion of tax on whisky, commenced this morning in the U. 8. District Court, before Judge C idwal ader. Assessor Alexander is represented by At torney General Brewster, Win. Bull, of Phila delphia. Frank Hughes, of Schuylkill connty,and Mr. Hoffman, of Reading. This case will be one of the most important ones of this term of the Court. Goons IDENTIFLEU.—The lamps and other arti cles, except the knife and brace, found on the person of the negro arrested at Sixth and Lom bard streets, mentioned in THE BULLETIN of yes terday, have been identified by a Jerseyman whose store was robbed a night or two since. ORPHANS' COURT SELLE.—THOBIAS. 'lt SONS LAnctionaere.—Founttory Brick Residence. No. 313 outh Fifth street, be ow Spruce street. On 'rues day December 22. 186. at 16 o'clock, noon , will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following desetibed properly. viz.: all that fouastory brick mes. image and lot of ground. situ•te on the east aide of Fifth street No 319, between Sremoe and Pine a reefs. in the City of Philadeiphia• • beginning at a point oa Fifth etreet, bring a point of ground of Charles Robb; thence extend. ing.e.etward along the around of flharlea Rohb aforesaid 48 feet 2 inches: thence extending southward 436 inshee; thence ox ending eastward 112 feet 8 inches; thence extend ng southward 14 foot 1016 tithes; thence extending westward at right angles with 111th street 8i teet 6 inches to Fifth street, and thence extending north eiard slang the same 16 feet 3 inches, to the piece of beginning. Bounded on the north by snored of the raid Cho. lea Robb; ou the Sant partly by the said greyed of (Marls. Ranh. and partly by the head ot a 2 feet 6 inches wide alley; on the eoittlebv ground of Christian Hoeekley. and on the west by elf th Area atmesaid. Together a ith the full use and privi lege of the amid 2 feet 6 inches wide alley, leading into and iron Green's coon., and of free ingress, egress and re green. into, out rf, over end along the same, at all times hereafter forever, e. d togethsr a ilh the appertensnees By an order of the Orphans' ilotirt for the city and county of r Mranrlpbla, James M. Nesmith, Trust e of the one full undivided third part of the above described pre miers hi le by him in trust for the separate ma of Si sry B. Nesmith. under the last will of J nue.. MitcnelL dee'd (she, the yid few) , N Nesmith being seized of two midi- Adel:1111Pd parts thereof is fee) woo withorized and directed to unite with the Bald Mary B. Nesmith in the sale of the Held premise?, and eon at public title, in fee sherle. clear of all trusts and limitations whatever,: -all flat said one undivided third part thereof, so as aforesaid held by him in trier C. N. 8.,-The house contains ton rooms; has ens, bath, &c, MARY B. NESM . JA viEn SS NrB %tau, Trtutze. JOSEPH MEG A RV. Clerk 0. C. • M. n 11.. MAS & BONS, Auctioneers, del 12 19 Nos. Ile and 141 South Fourth street. NCHEOMOS, NEW ENG RAVINNR, IN GREAT IN iety —GEttUM OS • Pr.soneier," kUGU RFAL 'S • ar from Home" ILANDS6e,R , 3 "Connote pc me." new coloredl.ot...grephs, woke of At EISSONIi NI bI. and others. col„ eel photographs of '• Pho Portnia`” the • Coliseum" and t. Pet/We i at Rome, Macphereouls phorepapli %Me a in Some, the chrome, of .4001y5 Atith, " Vreyer , , , "ItF(1 IWSSERT." "Attention, Sirl" new Amy of "Lake the..Four_ Cautone.".. "17E111 01.11 OoKb el BUCKET," and the .companio "11011.0 , , IVWFIA . 110 M v.” Mrs. Auieel best of *Liberal Grant, le-11 life MEP j price-2PM- ho.-very bet' Memel yet dewed.' Also. en exhibition,CAßL, MULLIeR's Saint Crape," new pietilree by tI , )NDERM N ii- MBI . JAS. N 9 F VENe, au othere, WONDE , trOG as GOD CARVINGS illustrating "The Seven . ardlual Sipa," .by WITDG, Munich All the "ROGC3S. latiOUPS,' (new ci ciliate 031 analleittion,) includina the new"l:otilt - 81311 , IN s+l..s. .F.PY 1100.1)W." Carved Easel" - iss Rustic 'Frame,' Portw . it s, dzo.. }: LEW Galleries and Looking plan' Warernoms. 815 Chestnet Street. ' nos7.Btrp FOURTH EDITION. • 3:15 O'Clocsk. Murder at Il linoie NEW YORK CITY ELECTION Arrest of a Congressioaalioelegate THE LINCOLN MONIIMENT Afnrder in CarlimrSille, Illinois. CIIICAGO, December li=Oa Friday last a man named Engin:tan, living at Carlinville, Illinois, cut the throat of his divorced wife . ' nearly sever log her bead from ber body. Engleman was ar-, rested and lodged in jail. Yesterday a mob of country people took him from the jail and hung him. lietv York. Election, Ns• Ironic, .Dec. I.—The ebarter election is progiessing with but little enthusiasm, and a very light vote will be polled. It is conceded on all sides that the election is a mere"matter of form, and that Mr. Ball will be Mayor, and Mr. O'Gor man, Corporation Counsel. Several. persons have been arrested for illegal voting. A Congressional Delegate _Arrested. Bosron t Dec. I.—Before the Supreme &uncle . Court yesterday, the petition for a Writ of habeas corpua from Oliver. Flanders, delegate from Wash ington Territory was heard, desiring that he might be .discharged from the custody of a Di ptity Sheriff. Ells arrest by that officer was on a writ in favor of James B. Roberts, of San ,Francisco, involving the sum of *3.000. The petition urges his claim to exemption from mat from the fact of his being'a delegate to Congress from Washirigtogi Territory. After or gnmenten bath sides, Judge Foster rendered a decision in favor of Flanders, and the prisoner was ordered to be discharged. The Lincoln Monument. Prrr; nurron, Dec.- I.—A. meeting of some two hundred prominent gentlemen of this city as set:rind at the Planter's House yesterday, and rock action In reference to the National Lincoln Monument. W.R. Cofilibill, General Agent of the Association, was present, and explained the plan and obj. ct of the A.soclatton. A reeolntiOn was adopted willingly recogni zing the honor bestowed upon Lieut. General Sherman by the Aesociation, by selecting him as one of the gronp - of Military 'leaders to be rep rreented on the inonnment,.and pledging contri buthaus to the Sherman fund. The Cote Irrial ALIIANY, Dec. I.—ln the Cole trial to-day Dr. Coon testified that he had known the Cole lam by for 85 Sears; that be Wag their family physi cian for 19 years. He is 75 years old and knew the erandpartmtsot the prisoner. He never knew or heard of insanity in the family of the grand parents. On cross-examination witness said be did rot know the difference between melancholy and melancholia. OITY BULIIETLL FIFTH BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST CABLE NEWS LATER FROM WASHINGTON The Depotit of Reventte Receipts. CfMESSIONELL HOLLINS' 'REPORT FILCOM E VV . "i7COELIK ANOTHER !DESTRUCTIVE FIRE FORT LAFAYETTE IN RUINS Great Fear 'of the Powder Mmazine General Grant II Visit to Boston A LETTER FROM THE GENERAL By the Atlantic Cable. PAres Deeember printers of this city are on a strike, and business in that ilnele there 4 fore ebeekfd. LONDON ' December L—Queen Victoria, ha,.‘in autograph letter, compliments Lord Mont h connection with his administration as Governor of Canada. . Elections were beld yesterday in Mid Somerset and Sligo, Ireland. In the former Messrs. Ne Tillie Grenville and R. T. Paget. both Conierva.. ayes, were returned; and in the latter Mr. O'Ccin.,. nor, Liberal, and Sir R. G. Bootb, Conaervative, are elected. The table of the result is given hi the Times to-day; Liberals 384, Conservativea 272; Liberal majority 112. layzatroot, Dec. 1, 2 80 P. M.—Cotton steady. Yarns and Mimics at Mmnebester are doll. Oats flat.-California-Wbeat, 128 ;-Red Western, Ds; - 4d. ig9s. sd. Corn dull. The crew of the ship Fleetwing, of Quebec, re. eently abandoned at sea, have arrived safely at Falmouth. The Deposit of Revenue Receipts. [Special Despatch to the Philedelphis Evening bulletin.] WMIIIHOTON, Dec. I:—Tee Secretary of the Treaeury has - received - a - considerable number of letters from Revenue Collectors, objecting to the recent order rt quirin a g their deposits to be made with the Assistant Treseurere, but only one bank affected by the order has made any complaint. Gen. Rawlins, Gen. Grant's Chief of Staff, hag retuned, much improved in health. Vein missip a er-Rol lin Ws-Report.- tBPecial Despatch to the rhitada. EVOIIIO6 Dulled:Pi WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.--Commlbsioner Rollins returned this morning. His ennui' report is not quite completed,thongh its principal points have been furnished to Secretary Mcoulloeh for use in the preparation of his own report. _ Total Destruction of For' Lafayette . by !Fire. FOILT HAMILTON, . New York Bay, Dec. ISt About 12.30 to-day fire was discovered issuing from the roof of Fort Lafayette, whlclisooncon- Burned the entire roof, and the flames are now extending through the easemates. It is probable that nothing will be left standing but the walls. Great consternation prevails in the village, and many people are leaving with their families, fearing an r xplosion of the maga zine, which contains thirty tons of powder. It is impossible to say whether there's any danger of this. Newton has ordered a steam pump down to play on the magazine. A carpenter bid been at work repairing the roof, and one of hitt men had kindled a fire, which communicated with a chimney, causing the disaster. . General Grant's Visit to Boston. BOSTON, Dec. I.—Mayor Shurtleff has received the following: WASHINGTON, Nov. 29th.—Dear Sir: Your de spatch inviting me to the hospitalities of Boston was duly received. I cannot say by what train I will reach Boston. I fully appreciate your kindness, however, and that of the citizens of your,eity, in extending the hospitalities they have, but would ask to be excused from any and all public demonstrations. I have received an invitation to the St. James, to stay daring my visit, where I will be happy to receive suck citi zens as may call. With rent respect ur o e tent servant, U. S. Gmarr. Murder Trla In Plymouth, Mn*. Pi.rmourit, Mass., Dec. I.—The trial of Semi. W. Andrews, for the murder of Cornelius W. Holmes, commenced here to-day before the Supreme Judicial Court. From alogrimmpton. BINGITAMPTON, N. Y. December I.—The Nine veh tunnel, on the - Albany and Blrtzbanapton railroad, a few miles nortbeast of this city, Is so far completed that a locomotive was run through last evening. The track will soon be completed to this city. liltunno Inteilicence Bogrorr,Dee. I.—The schooner John H. &llen,of and from Philadelphia, with coal, went aehore to day near. Scituate. The vessel ilea in an expoeed position. The Liverpod C 99 Lon don aP Globe Insurance Company. Vie Report of this Com.. pany for 868 shows: - 8 5,479127 8 - 3,344,728 Premiums Lofes and after paying a divi dend of 3o per cent., -the Total Afets are, in Gold, $ll 005 026 • ATIFOOD SMITH, General` No. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Fhb:l4'4o,6M: L--a i' KvRNING, AT TEIr.AVAVEI.O I :Ta r Musk, a mall MINK BABLE k LIR CAPE. if re turnt d t u - north wt 14,comer of Ninth and Filbert etrootiot libernSrewn,d mill do Ovum . • cerr ber I,lE€B, LIVES - PARCIES - LIAPEREI; - ace.:=o - Lrirgs - LeAII(SES` 1./(Stalled 0' Ivo), Nonpareil and Superfine Capon) and French 01 , voe; fresh geode; landing ex Napo'oon / 1 14 from - lir.vre and for sale by - JOS. lc BUSaLER At 00.. lee Senn, Delaware simnna K 1 01tT014 , 8 PINE APPLE', IJllKEtsE.—iuto BOA :3 UN IN Consignment. Landing and for Aisle by JOS. H. MUSKIER d Agents tor Norton Elmer. H 8 i3onth Dillawarn Avo'nne. - - IVEVTOROP, ARABIAN DATES.-1.00 IN enmity, landlne and for wale brJUS. B. Dunn= NS 00.. 1011 Bouth Delaware swamp- e EDITION 4:00 O'Clicook;'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers