GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME xxll.-NO. 202. THE.. EVENING BUL'arITIN: rIIDLIMIED EVERY EVEMING, . (Sundays excepted). *T THE NEW BIILLETIN BUMMING. 607 Chestnut !Street, Philadelphia. EVENING BIILLETIN ANSOOL&TION. rooratareas. MESON PEMX9. CASPER SNDEfkilk. t . W. L. =BUM . TtioB. J. wudiLlannve4.• FRANtad Wh.Lo 8. The Btrlxarty la served to onbecrihers to the city at 18 seats week. ravable to the carrion. or 88 per annum. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT IN ritz INSURANCE CO., OF usairoup, CONS. Assets over - Venom leaving tbo city efeeebtlly will tool better oath God by befog hthured. WILLIAM W. AIME% Agent and iittornah FORREST MILLDINO. I II South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. few th WEDDING CARDS. INV/TATIONS El'OR PAR. 119 tiee, &e. stylets. MASON & CO.. anZtt§ 907 Chestnut street, TEDDING INVreploNs ENGRAVED IN Tti Newed nnd beet inviner. tUlti DISEKA, 13t& Muer and Eneraver, 1113 uneetnut street. feb zO, tt MAitBIEI. I.ITTLE-LIOOPER..--Io New } ork. on Thursday, Nov. II(b, by Rev. 8, D. torahs , d. gestated by Rev. L. li. Wog. Rev. James A. Little to Vas bar:4h Jennie, daugh ter of William H. Cooper, req., 13i1D13, EVA NS.---On the 3cl inst. Hannah IL Evans, in the Elth Year of her age. '1 he relative* and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. 11l FrankSu street, on dew, morning. the 6to Inst. at nine o'clook. Formal to proceed •to Springfield. Delaware county. SO rtilai,EFS.--On Tuesday. Dec. let. at Trenton. New Jersey. Miss PhDL pa—in the Nth year of his age. Funeral to take place treat he late feeldence. on Pad. kY, Derember 4th at 13 o'rlork 1311ESN.— On the 341 Wt., Mr. Patrick Blum aged 61 the. relifivei _and 'friends ol the - family areinvited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. idle elan tech creet, below Thom warm. on Safarday mom int. at By. o'clock. °MCC/ and interment at St. Slichaei.e. s• WJf•FitEll.—ln tlici.o.outt, Va. on the of llovetn, her. 'I botoae 'Nutt; ee. in the lath ye kr of WA sae. UPIN'e;HLACK OTTOMAN POPLINC. Slack Habits. Mark Cretonnes. Black. I,:pthelinee. Mark Irieb Yopllrm. Mack Alkwool eoplho. Mack dllk and Wool looplimt. Black Hemmed t label Loug eltawla. _ Mack MixedaWater proof Clabo. Mouruing IMillevard Sltirte. Mack tad White Striped Pdellnfi i 37:4 cents. Eti3r ;IV 6 - .140N. !downing Dry Goode Hodge. No. PM CHEYTNI.TT street. iIOOD DLit CK AND Quo RED BILKS. qui 8) OUT OM C;ORPEDI3ATIN PAGE GEO GRAIN. PURPLE AND OWE EDGE. DBOWEB AND BLUE WAR.. RAIN. MODE (131113 PLAIN . *alai "EYEta & LANDELL. Fourth and Arch. SPECIAL !NOTICES. air NOTICE.—IT BEING CONTEMPLATED TO remove the remains of those persona buried to the ground on Carpenter Beret t, above Fourth to the and en Pine etrectnitioinine the church , it is desirable that any parties Interested who with to make removal to other grounds will notify the Committee at once, and SLMIIIII , manta a ill ix mmo,o facilitate their doing Es. MI. K. BENNE - IT, I WS Smith Fourth street.; id D. HAMM, f xa Booth Filth street( C°Qll2ittee- D,cer. ORII , II nitro 518 Sruce an et. Third Prethrterian Lharett„ Dee. mpap , ... de3.61 •A &11:41310N^Itle SIIRVICS IN KEIId.LF OF the Oregon and Washington Mission will be held Tlilll V.k.NinG„. in the Choral of the Holy Teinitn Kittantatie Sgaa•e, at 1% o'clock I'. M., at which ad denims will 1* 12111410 by the Bishops Morris, Kerfoot Kendall and tgarkson: Ray. IYrs. Littlejohn and liaignt, snd boy. YhMlys Brooks. A collection will his made in aid of the Fend to sustain the roiselotniry work to this large Episcopal jurisdic tion- =MI air HAND IN MANI) MUTUAL LIFE ISSUE ace Company. Orrice No. 112 South Fourth street. Agents well qualified to solicit for Al.I Insurance will be employed on very favorable terms. dcS6t.rp pir HALL YOL'NO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION. IMO CHESTNUT Street Bible Shady JAME S NNINO. at 11 o'clock, to ho con ducted Hon. VOLLOCK. Subject—" The Creation" (Centel .% let chap.) VDMZI Prayer Mesta,» every Saturday Evening. Young Met aro cordially invited. I+s Ser CONCERT LULL. firi.P.L.T hEADINGS BY RUVCN A11d.M.2. Und. r he auspices of the YOUNG MEW UlulSt lAN ASSOCIATION . ILiESDAIe EVENING, Dee:ea:Ober Doors open at detect. Commence at Eigs 'ME:Ma FIFTY CI: %T. , For este at GOULD'S &Sulk store, iT.( and at the door on the Evening of the N. B.—Reserved Seats without extra ci ger IMPORTANT NOTICE. I tirreby grve notice that I am no lons the Colton Dental Association of this tor. Persona wishicur teeth extracted a pain by nitrous 03 Ida gas. will find me No. WV Walnut street. as= 913trp . DR. PIIILADELPIIIA ORT.IIO,P.E.DIC I.IOBKTAL. No. 15 t' oath Ninth ett Nat —Clubfoot, Hip, and epinal Di area and &drip Ikfc' , nititied treated Apply daily at 19 o'clock. nt4l arcupi matpltp. DIME DISPENSARY, N. W.OOIi.NE:II TENTH and Spring Garden emits. On MONDAY ant FRIDAY. from 12 to I o'clock, especial attention given to Diseases of Women and Chltdren. dea-ltrp for HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND 1520 Lombard street. Dispensary Department.-- ilea cal treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to the poor. STATIONEBV. ÜBE} EL AND ELEGANT FANCY ARTICLIIi, FOR Eiollday Gilts. ROSEWOOD DESKS, RUSSIA AND IT REEV WELT- iii Qum, foreign and domestic. y lENNA, I'AMB AND LONDON FINE POUKET Books in 'rumba, Turkey and Cali. MASON & CO.. 907 Chestnut street, ROGERS. WOSTENHOLISI AND OTHER FINE P.ngliab makes, Pocket Knives and Sets/sn o. MAdON & 00" - 907 Chestnut street. RItONZE AND jeARVED WOOD INKsrt.N. sralit viziety CARVED PAPER KNIVES. BOOK MARKERS. YEN: OOD HOLDER% TRAYS, MATCH and STAMP BOXES, in W and IVOItY, XYLOPLASTIQUE INKSTANDS, TRANS, l'ArklS WEIGHT, and MATCH RORER, SCOTCH GOODS—A gage amortunont. WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, EG&N PLY engraved. N. B.—Onr patrono will oblige us by giving thoir orders for ongraVing intended for Holiday ereoento, at an early data de 93t 4p FINE PRUNES FOR THE TA.BLIN, Just In Ntore a New Invoice el Fine Large FRENCH PRUNES, Imported direct from James %tett & Co,, Bordeaux. in Sinai' and Large Glass Jars or by the Single Pound. MIMON COLTON & CLARKE, s, , w, or. Broad and Walnut Sta. A WOMAN'S • EXPIEUISSOES 1311111t0re."~ NO. XXVIL (Correspondence of the Phlladelp4le Evening Bulletin. Parne,November 19,1868.—" There Is a time for all things under the sun." Even Paris has a time to weep. "Itoarini est most!" The Grand Opera was crowded. The Queen of Spain. the Prickle and Princess - of Wales, royal guests and their suites filed the bons; diamonds glittered in cor onets,in necklacie,leracelete, brooches"and tinge ad plentifully as the dew drope on the lapis vert a Versailles on an August morning. • Patti, the darling and pride of the old king of musicians, was venting out her richest notes, mellowed more than usual by the oppression of consciousness that her master was ill and suffering. A message was whispered from box to, box chilling each heart. with its dread import. Rosaini eat snort I" "Rossini is dead l" In the green room, through the orchestra,.every ear received the message but one. Patti, the child of song, was spared, and her notes still poured forth in mournful cadences, falling on the - hearts of the shuddering audience like a requiem. So the fashionable and musical world of 'Paris were bid ; to weep: But death was not satisfied with, one stroke:._ At the Bourse a din of voices, each one striving to make the loudest cry of prices of stocks and the advantages of speculations, rose to a com plete Babel of noisos and excitement. A meseage more awfei than the loss in stocks or speculation electrifies the eager crowd. "M. le baron James de Rothschild est mod!" The Israelite,whe has locked upon the advancement of this Prince ot Bankers tb a star of hope shining through the cloud of adversity that overshadows the chosen people of God, covered hb head with ashes and - wept "woe is me!" Men before heedless of the sourly reminders of their mortality in the long (uneral processions in the streets, turned pale when the name of Rothschild was coupled with death. So the rich merchants and the poor Jews of Paris were made to weep! Another stroke. Editors and journalists of every grade were recording the news of the Queen of Spain's downfall, Rouses chagrin Amerim's triumph, and the' encouragement fell ny the people of Italy and England to struggle for their rights. One, a Leader of the army of writers in Europe, in the very climax ot his of forts to serve France and the liberalists of the world, is stricken down and dies, bemoaning the, (allure of his great undertaking. "Havin eat wort !" And where congratulations filled the Journals, obituaries meet the eye and All the hearts of their readers with dismay. So the lit& rary world of Parts is called upon to weep. May I conclude this sad record of, a week in Paris with a brief pa ph to the proprietors of the BUI.LETIN, partiely, and the Press Club of Philadelphia? Death has been busy in your band during the last two years. All who have been stricken down were dear and valued members of your honoree circle. The BaLLETIIN has been particularly marked out by the merciless recorder. A young energetic, warm-hearted - lover of his profession and his co-laborere fell at the threshold of the Temple of Ambition! Those = : Who beet knew his gentle nature, sad at the same time his flei7 enthusiasm for the Jost and Right in every great matter, felthow hard it was to say, "Thy will, not mine, be done," in the preeence of his rigid brow, silent lips, still hands and motionless feet. The second visit of the dread messenger to the Bru.ex= called away one who was per mitted to en)oy bnt.a little while longer the re ward el a life's struggle for eetablishatent in the work he also loved the best and we can find bui one consolation in the second as in the first af fliction. Dying in the hope of God's mercy, ht is happier than even our best efforts could make him, and we can but receive the warning ane prepare for the time when to each one the Bak. Etersche will be sighed from hearts saddened b 3 our departure. " It will soothe thee to feel our grief, As thou gild's' by the Gloomy River' If love may in life be brief, In death it is fixed forever. Salvo—salve ! In the hall which our feasts illume, The rose for an hour may bloom ; But the cypress that decks the tomb— The cypress is green forever! Salve—salve!" E. D. W. $1,060,000 Chestnut street, • ading. anie.doiwtti lb eit.4 r connected perao with am their lutclr wi thout a my new office. IL THOMAS. A Lively I ime lu The Treasury Depart ment—A Copy of Secretary , Slceni locb 9 s Annual Report Alleged to be Surreptitiously Obtained for the Rail Street Brokers—The Secretary Itialies an Investigatioo, and Sails ties himself the Report was lueor rect—liow fieneral tirant , s Report came to be Published in Advance— Secretary 211cCullocla Disapproves ot Collector Cab Os Desire to Discharge some Democratic Inspectors ""Judger" bloanaher applies for a Supervisoribip,which Ile did not Get, /to. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia ETCI3.IIIg BOUttlll.l WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 1868.—A considerable stir was occasioned in the Treasury Departraen to-day by the circulation of a repOrt that a copy of the Secretary's report had been surreptitiously obtained from the printing division of the De partment, and was in the hands of _Wall street apeculators for the purpose of operating on the money market. Secretary McCulloch credited the story, and said he had used extraordinary exertions to prevent the premature Publication of his report, and did not believe the parties in whom he had entrusted the manuscript copy had betrayeditis confidence. Nevertheless, he felt it his duty to make an ill vestigation, and summoned before him George B. Blacartee, Esq., Chief of the Printing Division, and several others connected with the printing department,4ll of whom, upon being interro gated, denied that any copy of the report had gone out through their agency, or with their knowledge. and after some farther inquiries, which satisfied the SecrotarY that the report was groundless, he dismissed the "printer boys" to their usual employment. Scarcely had this scene been gone through With when an impromptu delegation of newspa per correspondents met In the lobby, opposite the Secretary's office, and after some parleying, they waited upon the Secretary and requested him to allow his report to bepublished forthwith, as they understood a copy of it was out already, and they argued - abet it would defeat the schemes of the speertlators.if the Secretary would allow an'' official copy=-to be published, which would place all on an equal footing, They urged their "point" with groat persistence, but the Secre tary assured them: it was all a mistake—no copy bad got out—he had Investigated the inatter,and satisfied himself that the report was utterly des titute of foundation. - He was, firm, and finding they could not convince Min, the knights of the quill withdrew. now GEN. GRANT'S REPORT CAME TO nE PUB. VISITED. The brief report of, General Grant to the Secre tary of War, publitthed in Monday's papers, was obtained throughtlie persistence of one of the special cormpondents'of the Citicintlati Gazette, Boston Daily Adderaser, and other mere... TM) understanding at the War Department with the MASON It. CO. 907 Chestnut street MASON Ar CO.. 907 Chestnut street MASON & CO.. 907 Chestnut street MASON is CO.. 907 UtikpAnut ntrcet MASON itt CO., 407.4hestnut istreot MASON & 00.6 9nretteetnutatroat LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. PHILADELPHIA, THIIRSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1868. Secretary of War and the newspaper correspond etas is, that all the reports which the Secretary consents to publish shall be given to the agent of the Assbelated Prees, and in this all acqule4ced on account of the fairness of the proposition. tine of the 'corps," however, was watching out for this particular piece of news, and on Sam rda be. induced a prominent Congressman to accom pany him to General Grant's headquarters. They, were kindly received by the General, who chatted with them some time, and the subject of his re port .was oiscnssed. Ile frankly told them, It was "no report at all—only . a letter of transmittal," covering a page or s ) of paper, with nothing in it of importance, and, he added, in a jocular manner. "Either of yon could write a better replan yourselves." This was con sidered quite complimentary . , but nevertheless his visitors begged him to allow the correspon dent to take a copy, of it, to which he finally consented, and requested the Congressman to go over to the War Department, and state to the Secretary that the correspondent might take a copy of it, which was done, the • Secretary ac quiescing. This shows what w "Bute porsever unee and sweet oh" will' necompliale. The for tunatecorrespondent divided with some of his brethren, but the Associated Press was "left oat in the cold." TUE REMOVAL Or , INSPECTORS ILECOILM ENDED UT COLLECTOR CAKE Secretary McCulloch today addressed an offi cial reply to the letter of Collector Cake, of Philadelphia ' recommending the discharge of - certain - - inspectors - whom - he -- designated. The letter tif the Secretary briefly acknowledges - the receipt of Collector Cake's letter, and states that the reasons offered by the Collector for the dis charge of the inspectors named aro disapproved. Chis decision continues the inspectors in itheir pokitions. Next week, when the Senate will be in session, it is expected the Initiatory proceedings, looking to the nomination and confirmation of a successor to Mr. Cake, will be commenced. SLOANAEER WOULD LIRE TO ILE A SUPERVISOR. IC • has recently transpired that the "illustrious" A. B Sloanaker, ox-Collector of Revenue for the First District of Pennsylvania,ex-S pedal Revenue Agent for Texas,.and lastly, "Judge" Sloanaker, of Texas, wanted to eerve hls country in the ca pacity of a Revenue Supervisor, and addressed very pathetic application to Commissioner Rol tins, asking for the appointment on the ground of his eminent pnbllc services: He was not par ticular as to what district he would take, bet, like Barkls; Was willin' to go -North, South or West. - His applicatiern - was to hlit own handwriting, and it took three clerks to decipher one half of it. He signed himself as residing at 518 South Front street,Philadelptila,in the neigh borhood of the sailor boarding houses longattore, and his application was unaccompanied by any recommendation, - Alas! for-the official aspire,- dons of the "Judge." his application was quietly pigeon-holed, and endorsedon the back, "A. B. Sloanaker,' applicant for appointment as Super visor—Texas—no recommendations." Have you Sloanaker in your midst, without the people knowing it? Susq.crEnexsA.- Iffiffl The Arrival andlieceptioik In Bostloa. BosTow, Dec. 2, tB6B.—The coming of General Grant to the flub was another .of his character istic flank MOTOMCD • s. He did not come unher alded, but came almost unktiown and managed to avoid altogether a crowd• of curious gazers who were np bright and early to see hbn alight from the Newport line steamboat train: It was generally tindetstood that he would come by that route, and therefore there was no crowd to im pede his progress when he alighted from a sleeping car on the night express, which arrived at the Albany depot at six ' o'clock this morning. Only -a feiv haelmen,and the employes of the railroad company .were there. and as the General was not so quick In leaving - the - train as 'some of the other passengers, he, of couree, did not have the twice- . don of the best carriage to take him to the hotel. In fact it was with considerable difficulty that he was enabled to get a carriage at all. One of his Anff failed, and the General took the- baggage checks himself and sallied forth among the knights of the whip for some one to take him to the elt. James. The jehns did not know him, and so long as they had a good "eying toad they were not over and above anxious to overload their carriages or to go out of their way. Whether or not the General made himaelf known does not appear; but it is certain that one driver quickly concluded that he would take the Gene ral and his party to their desired destination. During all this delay the bulk of the arriving passengers had left the depot, but there remained one curious Yankee, one Who had occupied a conk bn the same section with the President elect, and in gettin,g up in the morning he had no ticed that his fellow passenger carried a small traveling-bag bearing on the bottom the signifi cant initials of U. S. G , Galena, 111. For a mo ment the countryman was bewildered, but when be remembered the popular portraits of the day and looked the General full in the face he was in voluntarily impressed with the fact that he had ictually been the traveling companion of ono of he greatest men of the age.. He was so slow in collecting his' scattered senses that the General and his party were safely in the carriage and go- Ing a two-forty rate up Harrison avenue before he could find words to explain to the hangers-on around the depot what had happened. BOSTON BORES AT WORK. Upon arriving at the St. James there followed a wash. a breakfast, a smoke and a brief rest in rapid succession; but in the middle of the fore noon the General found that his comforts were being interrupted by callers. He had telegraphed that he should decline any and every public de monstration that might be tendered; but never theless ho would be happy._ to _meet any of the citizens of Boston who might callupon him at the tit. James. This broad and generous response was probably the cause of tke corridors and halls of the hotel being tilled so early in the forenoon by those curious to look upon the figure - of the coming President. Mer chants, politicians, present and perspective, office holders and a miscellaneous crowd gener ally, made up . the throng, but all were remark ably modest in pressing their presence, and the consequence was that only a few came hiparson a] contact with the distinguished visitor. The city authorities, notwithstanding they are gener ally Grant's political opponents, were bound to make manifest that they were glad he was among them, and by direction of Mayor Bhurtleff, the following communication was conveyed from him to the General by a committee of the Council and Board of Aldermen. Charles H. Allen,President of the Council, acted as Chairman of the body, and upon snaking himself known to the President elect, handed him the letter: ETISOIITIVX D.IPARTMANT, CITY HALL, BOLTON, Dee. 2: MS.—General IT. S. Grant, U. A. A.: Dawn Bun— Your safe arrival here will much gratity the citizens of Boston. This will be handed to you ny Charles B. Allen, Esq , President of Common Connell, Alderman Jarvis D. Braman and Councilman Francis A, Osborn. I have requested them to communicate with you and ascertain when it will be convenient for yen to receive a representative of the citygovernment for the pur pose of expressing In an unobtrusive manner the re spect whichis eaten ainedfor you by the citizens ofßos ton. With sincere respect, I'I.ATUANIZL 11. 1911111tTLIFII, Mayor of Boston. General Grant read the communication rapidly, but evidently comprehended its nature at once, for he immediatelespressed his pleasure at, the honor wnich - the autkorities had seen fit to show 'him, and through them he.would say to the citi-. rens that he would be pleased to meet them at his rooms at the St. Janice, but that he was adverse to any public demonstration, as had already been declared in the correepondence between him and Mayor Bhurtleff. When, the committee -called several politicians joined with them and were admitted, but later in the day, when they and others undertook to have an individual Inter view, they were met with' the reply that the G neral did not wish to be disturbed, and his wishes were carried out to the letter. The General, before his arrival, had arranged to visit the American Watch Company's works in. Waltham this afternoon, and the Boston City Council was so extremely , anxious ten, accom pany him that their requestwas granted. The visit was very brief, but the Murat was, shown carefully through evem.departmont of the establishment by Mr. Robbind, the president of the company, and upon departing expressed himself highly pleased with•what he :.had , seen.' Upoil returning to the city the General acCepted OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. an Invitation to dine , with Mr. David Bears, in company with the Presidential Etcetera, who bad just adjourned after casting the vote of Massachusetts for the General as its choice for President. Besides the Electors and the Gem ral and his party no others were present, and the occasion was therefore one of exclusive enjoyment to those privileged to be 'there. The St. James has been crowded all the evening, but none of those assembled , obtained , the favor of an interview with the distinguished visitor. He, will probably receive a few callers' during the early part of the day to-morrow, and in the afternoon be will °meet the city govern , went once again in a friendly sit down; bat with the very positive understanding' that there are to be no , formalities or speeches. The fact can not be disguised that the General has thus far re baked most effectually,all attempts at toadyism on the part of aristocrats and politicians of all classes, and while they lament, the more sensible portion of the community will rejoice. The story, of his coming here to arrange for the placing of his son in Harvard College is a little ridicalcms. One object of 'his visir is to look over some of the principal manufac turing establishments in this section of the coun try, and In carrying out this long cherished desire he wishes,to bo treated with only the civilities due a common and well behaved citizen, and all demonstrations beyond' this will be ob noxious to him. He will visDLowell and Law rence during the week and leave for Providence Saturday morning, where he will be the guest of General Bunaside. There are some Who ludalg• in We opinion that the pilgrimage of the Presi dent elect hither. 113 not entirely unconnected with Cabinet-making, and it , is barely possible that there is some fonndation for such a suspicion. I propose to take a coma:Lori-sense view of our financial condition, its present influence on bust: Ines, tit.c., and will suggest remedies that might benefit us in future. The groat "Mecca" that babas men look for is the resumption of specie payments. In anticipating this much desired result,we must not deceive ourselves by taking the experience of the poet as our standpoint from which to make our calculations for the future When the financial crisis of 1857 prostrated many of our best business men, we were quick to re cover from its worst effects. A general suspen sion of specie payments relieved the pressing monetary trouble, and the vitality of the people soon forced business Into its usual ; channels Enterprise was not squelched out by overgrown - capital in the hands of the few—as is the case at present. The Wake were compelled either to resume specie paytniaits"within a limited time, or forfeit their charterfirand butiinessatnen could see daylight with certainty, and could make legiti mate operations without fear of the price of gold or of the locking-up (by cliques) of cur-, ropey. Our whole trouble centres in the last paragraph I have written: The price of gold and the locking up of currency. Individuals have a perfect right to make whatever lawful use they please of thew own money, and a combination of a number of capitalists to raise or lower the price of gold, or of stock of any kind,or of anymereantile commod ity, is a matter of their own business — and any detect legislation to prevent such combination has never proved of benefit to a community. Such operations aro Just as legitimate if effeeted by a clique as if they were done by single individuals. It is the essential spirit of business, and is ex emplified as much in the trading of a small re tailer as in the operations ,of great capitalists. Each one, - wben be buys or operates, thinks that be is, laying the foundation for future profits; but as the prosperity of a people' depends more on the prosperity of the masses than on the wealth of the few. we shoitdd devise stiniflaws as would be of "the greatest good to the ;greatest number." Heretofore expansion of currency has- inevit ably followed the suspension of specie payments; and according to the old rules of political econ omy, such would adways be the result. We, as a people, within the past eight years have upset all rules of political economy, and .have laid down (in practice) new ones, and are in a great measure compelling the whole world to follow our example. It will.not do for any Rip Van Winkle to point to 1858 and expect like results to fellow in 1868. Then we possessed a compel eery power to force delinquent banks to resume specie payments; now we are all delinquents, and instead of calling on the Hercules of the law, we mustput our own shoulders the wheel. I will now show that what is at present called expansion of the currency is no expansion, but that the vital interests of the country are actu ally suffering for want of sufficient circulation. In 1858 we bad about two hundred and twenty-five millions of paper or bank currency, and about fifty millions of specie in the whole country (these amounts are near enough for example) . Now we have three hundred millions national bank currency and about four hundred millions greenbacks; in round figures seven hundred mil lion b circulation,or nearly two and a half dollars to one. This in figures seems to be abundant: but we must bear in mind that business in 1858 was meetly done on long credit, and six months, we are safe in saying,was under the average time. Now we are doing business under the average of two months' credit, which necessarily requires more circulating medium. Again, the purchas ing value of the money in circulation in 1858 was greater than our whole circulation Is at present. That in. you could buy more general merchandise in 1858, or more agricultural pro ducts, for $275,000,000,than you can buy now for $700,000,000. Then the usual credit was six months, and now the bulk of business is done for cash, leaving the difference in time or credit against our present circulation. Presuming the country to have stood still in population , in me chanical and in agricultural productions, we would still be short in the amount of circulation. But when we take Into consideration the increase In population, the increase in agricultural pro ducts and manufactures, and the fact that the gold values of all of our products are much greater throughout the world, we can see at a glance the disproportion between 1858 and 1868 of the per clirsing value of the circulation of the two periods. During the war we Increased the national and State debts and the debts, 'of municipalities at least three thousand millions of dollars,for which bonds are held in this country to the amount of two thousand five hundred millions, leaving five bundren millions to be held in foreign conatries. This estimate is near enough for an exposition of my meaning. This large amount, principally in goverment bonds, is mostly in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, and , from the facility with which money can be borr don them it seems, in a business view, that the government bond is the competitor or the merchant and manufacturer. That is, capitalists prefer tending their money with government collateral, to any other kind, and the banks, like individuals, con sult their own security and profit (for the interest of their stockholders), and lead brokers large amounts on government collaterals at the very time they. are denying their business customers. This no one , has a right to complain of, as they are organized expressly make money for the stockholders: but as the greatest volume of cur rency is loaned to stock-gamblers (as instanced in New York the last two months), so is business di prised of ite vitality and made subservient to a tight money market, just when these gamblers choose to make a squeeze. It the Secretary of the Treasury had a lawful right, and would exer deo it, when these gambling cliques are con spiring tolock up gold or greenbacks, he could go into the market and buy Government bonds for twenty-five or fifty millions of dollars, and pay ingreenbacks (iesuedfor the purpose, if ne cessary), or could sell sufficient gold to break up any combination of, capitalists. Business now is minced to gambling transactions, as , no ono can form any safe conclusion that he can buy goads to-day with nit assurance that bonen sell them at a: reasonable profit. If the Government intends 'to supply net with curreney,l, must protect us In tire use of it, , , , • .Islt nny wonder that the vital interests of the country are Suffering,?, will uo doubt startle old - political eemioroists by advocating the Issue f at tenet five hundreni mittiene more green , [tor the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.l Our National Finances. backs, at stated periods within six months from "am present _time; atnd .thinklt can prove that at will assist us In reaching that great desiderata tn Specie Payments. There are two ways to specie payments ; One, by making' the greenback so valuable that we would id willingly have it as specie; the other, by making it so little value • that it will not answer foe circulation. As we are at preterit and as we are Holy to bolo the future, under our present fine dal system, I will ask any candid man ?Midi f the two ,results are ,Ice nearia to I The Ozer 1 clissatiefactioa of bust- Mlle men-and uan3hlin operations of dapltalists - trrnlsh us with an intelligent answer. Congress is to meet in a feW da a, and the crying wants of business should ell t its immediate attention If Congress will dir t the Secretary of the Trea sury to go into th public market and but ono nundred millions of Government Bonds ,per month for five mo tbs, and pt . ) , for them with a new issue of gr nbacks, these bonds to be cancelled and not under any circumstances to ba tc-iesned, it will ve to begin with, thirty mil lion dollars' per year in interest. This wilt bane tittbe Government credit as much ,as it would a merchant who had $lOO,OOO of obligations on the atreet, and who had succeeded in retiring one fourth of them for an indefinite time, on which the interest ceased. The less the interest-bearing debt of the Government is, the better will the credit be; and, as greenbacks and Government bonds have always maintained nearly the same value, so we will have made , one step towards sptcie payments. If Congress will also direct the Secretary of the Treasury to cease hOldln4 such enormous lialtinces boll f,of specie and "currency in Idleness in the Treasury (I" may remark here in parenthesis that the Secretary doe+ not think be has any money unless he has from one hun dred to one hundred and fifty millions on hand), and direct him (after providing for interest ac cruing within a short date), to ascertain what ambut of surplus specie he had, and what would be the probable receipts from customs for any ensuing month, and on the first of each month to give public notice that ton,twenty or fifty per cent., as the case might be, of greenbacks would be received during that month in payment of duties, this would destroy all combination of gold cliques, and would be another step to wards specie payment,by tending to equalize the value of gold and greenbacks, and would pre vent the accumulation of gold in the treasury vaults, and consequently reduce its value on the street. This surplus gold would-:find its wayinto the banks, and they gradually would be in posi tion to resume specie payments at some future lime. This plan may be objected to from the fact that as tbe government credit improves and the greenback has non-purchasing value, we would have too much currency. Then would be the time for the Government to Issue a fifty years loan at a low rate of-coin- interest, and retain suf-- flcient, greenbacks to restore the equilibrium. The same process as mentioned above, repeated whenever the financial affairs of , the country would admit of it, would replace our high interest-paying bonds with others bearing not more than half the Interest, and that, too, with ihe great reduction in the principal amount, would so reduce the taxation required' for interest, that a large amount of surplus revenue could be appropriated towards redeeming all bonds paying a high rate of Interest. This can all be accomplished within the next ten years, and we, in the meantime, would be gradually con forming our business to the campy spec:* basis which happy consnmation we all devoutly hope for. This communication is written only to place our affairs in common-sense language to cent-, mon-sense people, - and to beget discussion and consequent action. In regard to the National Bank notes being supplanted by greenbacks and stopping the interest now paid to the banks on their deposit bonds, it is a contract made with the Government and the National Banks, and should be • adhered to in good faith until some quitable plan can be devised by which the own ers of the banks will not be*injured and the faith of the Government maintained. Objections may be made to conferring so much pewer on the Secretary `of the Treasury. F would propose the organization - by act of Congress of a Treasury Board—similar to the board of directors of a bank, with the Secretary of the Treasury as president of the board—winch might consist of twelve members representing the tour great in terests of the country; that is: Agriculture, Man ufactures, Mining and Commerce. This would prevent any special operations to benefit favor ites, either in or out of office. When we con the interests of the Eastern States as being mostly engaged in manufactures and commerce, be Southern and Middle States as agricultural, ,ed the new Western States as mostly adapted lor mining, it is hardly probable but that a board of twelve able men could be eelected who would -o conscientiously represent these various inter , pets that neither should be sacrificed that the others might prosper. G. J. H. Philadelphia. Nov. 26, 1868. raiIDBICAL AND IIIft&COLATIC. —The .Sicilian Vespers of Verdi, as put on the stage at the Philadelphia Academy, is always at tractive, for there is the pretty barcarole with the illuminated barge,and a ball-room scene of won drous splendor. It had, however, only a fair run at the Grand Opera of Paris, for which it was written, and it is no longer ono of the stock pieces there, since Cruvelli (now a baroness and retired from business) created the part of "Elena," and—being in the full perfection of her powers—sang and acted it superbly. When the Philadelphia public last saw the opera s that fine artist, Xlme. Colson, was the "Elena," and the equally fine barytone, Ferri, was the "Montfort;" Brignoll and Janes taking the otter leading parts. The recollection of that 'VIA; and of the barcarole dud ball-room, prob ably helped to crowd the Academy as it was last night crowded; but the performance was, to a considerable extent, a disenchantment. Miss States is, of course, neither a Cruvelli nor a Col son; no one expected that. But she was unne cessarily interior to them, for she sang and acted in a crude, half•taught, amateur way; forgetting her notes now and then, and placidly letting a trio or duo go on for a phrase or two without the soprano part. But the audience was not critical, and it is not worthwhile to criticise In de tail here a performance that could not have been applauded a few years ago, when the taste of the Academy audience was more fastidious than it is now. Brignoll sang his music in his customary manner, and failed to act in the Same manner. Antonucci, as "Jean de Procida," was excellent and Orlandini, in the more important Hilo of "Montfort," was very fine. There was good method, a sympathetic, well trained voice, and intelligent acting in all that be did% In fact, beyond what he and Antonucci did, there was little that was really fine ,and up to the artistic standard of ten years ago, in the whole perform ance. The chorus and orchestra were also below that standard. But the easy taste of the times seemed to be pretty well satisfied, and there was, at times, a good deal of applause. This eve ning Mr. Maretzek offers Robert le Diable to his subscribers. In this the leading soprano part is to be taken by Madame de Lagrange, who, though not in her. prime, 'is a real artist, a thorough musician and an intelli gent actress, from whom the untaught or ill taught people that now aspire to be opera singe'a may well take lessons. The rest of the caste bf -Robertis-gookand the opera being very popu lar, there ought to be, and will be, a fine au dience. To-morrow evening La Trariata is to be revived, for the debut of a new Italian tenor, Signor Boetti, of whom report , speaks highly. Creamy UT STREET TREATICIC.—The circus troupe at this house has proved a decided success. The auditorium has been filled to repletion each evening since the opening, -the orchestra being invariably the largest portion of the audience. The troupe berie now got into good . working order, and Elie entertainmentepasses off smoothly and quickly. • Robinson and his infant son Clar elm are groat artistes, and fully maintain the great prestige) that preceded them. 'La Petit Elize is also a remarkable little 'equestrienne. The 'performance is all first class ; ind can safely be denominateeta model circus.: _ ' Brisricrorr or Lencurvt. r -Godfroy Cool true arreeted YeaterdaY by,Polteeoutu Houck on sug piclon of the larceny of $BO fronts house at New , Market aria Poplar stieets. He urns committit by Mderrean Toland. F. L. FEMIKEtkON. PRICE THREE okeigrA. FOURTH ,EDITIO4-. BY iI'ELBGTLAPII. FR 0 M WASTUNaTON4. THE PRESIDENTTS MESSAGE Seizure or . TII,E DYER COURT OF INQUIRY Discovety of Another `Vare'ri Neatly' GENERAL GRANT IN BOSTON: The President's ',femiist% • (Special Despatch to the Phila Ettelen'atinakt".s WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.—The President has do. 5 cided not to transmit his meows= ,to Congresar,_ u tll Tneadaj nett He :Stated_ jwaterday:tiat coPfei would be sent under seal , to , the °Ricers or . Internal Revenue to be'delivered to the tortoni newspaper offices at noon on the day whim' was transmitted to Congress: but this afternoon' It is understood he has reconsideredisis intention, and will not give advance copies to the prtss. Big Seizttre of Whisky [Special Despatch to the Phi Lads. Evening 13ulletla.1 WABHINGITON, Dec. 3.—lnfdrmation book. , received here that., James ISLAValters, of Cincin— nati, who was appointed last week Internal, Revenue Detective for the Southern Distriet Ohio, bas seized upwards of four hundred barrels of whisky in Cincinnati, which was fonndlo have been fraudulently gauged: The Dyer Court. - ['Special Despatch to the PhDs. EYeuhter 81114etto.1 WASHINGTON, Dee. 8. Thee exaadnition'or CoL Laidley was continued in the Dyer court tit Inquiry to-day, but was confined 'principally `to' technical - questions concerning - the different: lunds of pNjectiles. Iliscorra-another Nate's. (Special Deepatch to the Philadelphia llivenizmilullitin WAsanums, December 3.—Judge 'Fullerton of New York has turned up here again. He was closeted with Secretary MCOulloch this morning in relation, it is affirmed, to alleged frauds on Mar revenue in New York. Grant Itik Boston. BOSTON, Dee. 3.—General Grant did not visit: Lawrence to-day, fumes eapeeted. kpart of thfc forenoon Wag devoted to'theleceptiofrof - vtal at his apartments. This afternoon he will par-; take of a dinner given by the City Council a the.. St. James. Later in the evening he will visit 4,h0 rooms of the Central Club. From liftlifox, HALIFAX, December 3.--Mr. Annaud publishes another letter in reply to Mr. Horne. Hestakeet • up Mr. Home's points seriatim and disputes his conclusions respecting the charge against :the government organs of being annexationists. He accuses Horne of encouraging and disseminating annexation sentiments among Nova &sedans, and says the leaders of the local government have no other desire than to recover their lest consti teflon, and occupy the same position' they enjoyed two years ago as self-governing colony of the , crown: none of them desire annexation, nor will any of them make an effort in that direction, until all Constitutional means have been exhausted twee-- Bsin their liberty; but the time may come,,if the . ritish govtrnment continues its opposition; - when the sincerity of the Americans in their pre-. lessions of a determination to maintain the prim-- clples ekthe Monroe'Doctrine, and not allow any ... .. unity on this side of the Atlantic 'to be, coerced - into a state of , vassalage, may be put tc• the test. Missouri. Sr. Lours, pee. 3.—The Electoral College :of Missonti met at Jefferson City, yesterday, and voted for Grant and Coltax. The temporary bridge across the Missouri river, constructed by the Union Pacific Railroad, was completed on Tuesday evening and Odgers passed over to-day. The company will cotn- • menet!, shipping freight to the terminus of that. road, and raise the blockade which., his, for the past ten days clogged Western commerce. , _ Six companies of tho 27th United States It..` fantry arrived at Omaha from the west last oven lng, and will go into winter quartoreat the Bhor man barracks. The electors of Nebraska voted yesterday for -, Grant and Colfax. Philadelphia IiSTOMEN 500 II S 10-40 s ep c 7400 Pa 13e S sere 107% 4000 do 1 series Is 104? 1000 - do do. 2de 70414 3600 LehichOld In Ile 93% 600 do 94 swoon WO US 5-20x'65 Jy.cp 1103,; 3600 City6'a new Cep 100' 2000 Pa_6B 2 series b 5 3063 1 1 3140 Leh fVeGold In . 93% 50 eh 2d .t3d SIR • 49 - FAME, AND En NCLES• A Mew Tribute by Whittler. TO THE HEROINES OF THE. 4.1.1T1-BLAVERT . AHLTS..".- TION. Talk not to me of woman's sphere, - Nor point with Scripture texts a sneer, .• Nor wrong the manliest Saint of all By ooubt, if he were here, that Paul Would own the heroines whohave lent • Grace to truth's stern arbitrament. Foregone the praise to woman sweet, And cast their crowns at Duty's feet; Like her, who by her strong-appeal , Made Fashion weep and Magnum feel, , Who, earliest summoned to , withstand The color-madness of the land ; Counted her, life-long losses gain, And made her own her sisters' pain; Or her, who in her g*nwood shade, Heard the sharp call tgiit Freedom made, And, anew ering,struck from Sappho's lyre Of love the Tyrtann carmen's fire; Or that young girl—Domremy's maid. , Revived a nobler cause to aid— \ • • Shaking from warning linger tips The doom of her apocalypse: Or her, who-world-wide entranwgalre--- To the log-cabin of the slave, Made all his want and sorrow known, And all earth's languages hls own. —From 4 draare Sheets of "Anzong tho —Taroberlik sings this winter in Pads. —Peotle crossed the r Missouri 9n leo at &sinks' —Cincinnati journals estimate , the pepedetteek of that city at about 100,00(). • . Tennetiene, baa already !tad a snow-storm. ' • .• • . —Steinhart's comic opera, "Hero and Lean der," la to be produced, at• Hamburg. —Ambrolae Thomas's opera of ‘..Hign.ort7 Is a,. euccese et Cologne.!" --A. hide' fo coit ttree-quartos of a million iit. to be built in Chicago. —A_proof.readerat'societsr in BOStOn Cab/ lwm' the "Bone* of Collctiol3," • • • • —:1311 E 8 Xelkigg will awn make the toilr -New York 4tatc. MENE =MI 3:15 CYC1oo14: IMltiskr tOCK EMCI1118111g04; MAUDE, SOO N Penns R 0 t39X 74 eh Lit Schß Its 45 168 eh Penns 8 . 61_'; _ 109 0. do Its 51,.. NO sh StNleh el. seh Aced Atusic OS 67 sh Penn R tts 54 10 ab Minehill R 57 100 ski Reedit s3own 403,6 100 eh do slOw.t 49
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers