• THE - DA.I.LrFeVEXIDIGSUZL I ETni , -PIIILADEL.I . " /11:44 1 ::. ER MA l' - ' . 'AUGUST' : 4 '1858.': " '''' . ~, • ~. • . - - , . . . evisman.r. eyes are somewhat sanken,,and the right temple worked, 'lbuteaPPears to 4be ; confin ed ' to r• '' " . • '. , '-4 ,OIII 4I9aMENTS• .A' • TELDGIAA IF IN IC is a•Ride discolored. , . 1011111 6 ,40001111/1.0".. . ', - ; . 7 41 ',• - • - i".; '';, ,;- . ,-.. , #OlllO Isolated initauices, for (thi the ileSPair 9r' , , (xmAra? IN THE nELD 4 , - . - -, . , . ' PRIPAREA kok'TME• FALL TRUE. _ .. . , Tim nine° Royal of Belgium is seriously ill. 0 , . . . ~, ~.. .-‘ ' r - : , • .} e- iitoithi l :'...4tosumbi Line ' Direot __-........--------.-- the slave eligarcby)the-statlistica- show - that ~.....,...... , - -• ' , •,Or II 1) ----t' -- • , - - -•- - TEM - .mown AEN UAL CELEBRATIO N • , • • A VISE In Quebec yesterday destroyed eight SI.IIXIIIIIIL/A.N AS AN AlUTllolts A the migro . poiS talon diminishes considerably bOnsee. 'every year. - The - reasons'probablgi Tins customs reports of August 8 show re- Me Description of a lt;cetl.val as Mi. are the ill-tiefitixient ofthe. s alaves, their im- ~,,, - . , 1...10.. . , sot ze i. ,) , i ~„,2„,_, •., • . , - .., ee • 'pis amounting to $3,630,205. om the "halms ' ' of ma _ fFr Recollections of ray Life, by Ms ' , colon I . morality', the necessity-laid.upon the expect: -L - hiladelPhlta ulgectontalf.. aita:U . ` 'WI 1119 " 9 mma' o99 a n 'on link" Il Tim application of Cole, the murderer• ant mother toontinue her wor k as long as .. • Emper o r of st o m as J , Wax. we VELD A.T Benn ill a g lOillt, OW o.lBAken . ' - ' „';' • , - " . cock, for hail, has been refused . . The road brought tis trf the hill of Anise ' Posaibler'tindlikVexceasitrense of. cactus:ie.' ," , , .' NANO ,Ow tomr, Cap iit lit. B •DA.r . ,B FARR, . • .., leeillitl.ll • 1,20 torn Catch% Cro w` . '_., ADVERTISE s IN Tna, North Carolina Democratic Convention Senora • do born Fin, which is surrounded by, There are also the- fearful -instanCes -of slave ' ' ° A K The NORMAN Irons Ellin. so Tuesday. Aug. It'at Dale met yesterday at Raleigh. palms and watered by the spray of the, sea. womell.cOMMitting ehild -murder, in order to " ON )11.01iDAY, eeduar,l7 , rn, tags. , Ta t a RONArtertan nostomoi e t lAtzsay. Ana, N. at OF . _ " • - Gumnixt, Ciosily has absamed command or the Ottr,fouritories dashed acrowthe .square in revenge' themselvetrok their' 'cruel master, , . . esefilasecuthips nit . and brat/Biala/0 Department of Washington. f i ll f it his this citr th . e bat , IreH irve: ....v ix .ea vt .:2 l . 97 takenarw . tor word s atliara soinmomm ir . t.„ belne trateutor alw Evanw are na llP oloveb tar os. . front of ii, "church of brilliant whiteness in the and to rob him of -valuable cital. These eiVo i ri w u b ni o ty de a s y ir e e r a afforded daYli i;'l t e o u t h i' ° re p r l iV)i l a l c - A narrin took place between the Cretans and, rococo style, standing on a broad, handsome saturnalia . are,... really, . - only . occasions The Gimes am OPEN 70 . 117 . 40 " . R 7770 /4 4 . and Will iv . *reed sa t eu e l ew, N .. -" • ... _ Ls - , , , - . , • , 'Turks, on the 20th ult. • The Turks .were de- terrace, e'orepriae-FCata of Btrength. Swiftness. etc.. ad will at Fer 1111 wales-IftlairnaaSumu. failed. . np to Which was a Wide flight of of pnblie . ' rejoicing, - like that 'of the newts . • JILIGZI Y 130 it &., \ dearly. prized ', f eas t_ of - Bt. Bridget in] the same time afford amusement of thorned varied an , aim ~,,, - au _Delaware swn& . steps, and on which were some houses. In , Blows of insurgents have appeared in Antigen. en S te ple it n ifti di l dt e c h omm atict od e a r t ions for Donau& ' ,•Mk LH ;TA h e ill ri - •- -- Spain. Government troops have been sent against . the Tsquare - and around- the church all - was Vienna. . While listening to these joyous ex. ; , . ~ , I Eint s 4 4- i) . a ONIIIANDBOR ' THE C lIIMEROIAL LIST them. ~ , confusion, as' though it were a fair day; clarnations - from the mob we' *fare attra'cted . by two large frescoes-belaw the choir; one Iduid° b ' t l ' icair " 14b4IrgY ( ' °11 " It alna ' FinilleNl THEO •; : .;+ G; • i 17: 141011 TO THE ' Brass and String Band. and the Pipets of tho Club. • , s , •; , so Apt , - ~. LA LIDERTE, of Paris, asset to that a iTeSo aim'. black people in their gayest holiday attire . representing the death of the sinner, A mode OrprOlde CAli beseeched by the. Ciennatdoem,liattroad. At Ft . r ramv , tp HYDRY: Ali .•-• .f ' cult-v has arisen between the Bey of Tanis and „were passing to and fro, and chattering noisily; the french Government. ' carriageit filled with well-dititsed . iienoras andw aboveldrivareT stmt. .l . . • Ci r o pecador; the other, , the death of the juin; , trout Moth and Green streets. hourly. after &30 ALM., TDB- in f t w ig i tiotturimotlGH BzurapT3 to itt4 Roy. C. A. ELDRIDGE has been renominate inquisitive citizens were endenvoring to steer , A morte do jqstp. : __Qpoqador is rollint on nue py. Pie Fourth , and Eighth, Strada 'Passenger Cars F o n t s i n nor th slot Doutt yc hromo &Aboard Air , , every few ,minutes, , .. 11 ,;, , Line co AL,Pa-paon and to .I.onch• AND fcr Congress by the Democrats of, the Fourt a path through'the human waves` to the ter - his couch of pain in all tile agonies of s ckT carriages will enter the grounds by gate off Gorman a'ul , V 6415491411. a= • and Wisconsin District. ; race near the chtirch; glass' cases' filed 'with nesq x and herneifiatteileiigem' are Waiting to .._ wwn road. TO nni!~ - assd . ,'` , ' Freight Dlolll43: 4s :LE.andtakeztat LOWER •-' - • I-' `- ' ' take his departing' soul to- eternal. flames, Admission to the Grounds..., 50 Cents! awrea rt rat v assix taw. -!.f ,- •'' ~ ,r A Ma. FacasnDs died at Alexandria Va od eatables hovered ablave the heads o f the crowd; WethseSday night, from ,choloforin taken to re: little groups of people selling caehaca formed, while ()duet() is` • passing :awe - almly and c 4 .....,,....”,.............,,,,„ .. ,„,..,.. 3 ....05 D ea l ~' at a sr i the sri p al e r_ .raoar _ cearit .ies ti e . • r o e , . .__ eees , to, . , ~,:. , ~ - , ileve neuralgia. ~ , as it were; Wands In the sea. of.: people; peacefully, and angels are ministeri ng to the Ticif_o.tp,to bpa!ut or ',lncrlibers,ct the club and , at th , minim! ~,,,7 dotirit g m of :melt . ~, , , ;, ... iiidai ,.. irtai...i i m; _, , di... .-,• 14 , 4 • 14,1 , th ii , 64. ". MAIDSTONE RILLS, aged 13, was , hanged fo i li.. - N .a.. - 4. i n a wooden' stage, 'similar to that ereetedim the ‘ soul en the•point of its new birth to , a hfe o g a l" uulilaY of (tames.. 1,, '1 611131 " , ' airo ante tor dosnrainitm."dressgs. or an! torpasio , A= 1",,, a ,„ ~.,,,, „._, murder, at London, yesterday. The executio Theatre-equare for , theE . mperor, announced • ' happiness.. The . pictures were so Misfit NEW G`IILESTNIsT STREW THEATRE.-• ,' , , ~.. 0 tearnal 01 ~ 1pg ilinie et , ii r etplif. 1 , 'L. , • was strictly private, being the first one under the _ , , ~,, _ f te o a r that they, would have,‘iinitede a; punch-bow -- LkiiSkifi .. ...1 . ~::._ ••,. :::....! . • .".. - tvid. E.'flINN &Co , "TrWahlraciaml D'am ff ' ' i ' . ''' 11 -1 , 11 , e gg f• 1 ;:- \ >e' , L; 'a' / -' a ' l ; new British law governing espitalTunlshmeut. ; .";g 7 e's 14°r• for-:the ; , °Pmlng I- 1 rnlum• bette at eb b.* • -.BlAtilsaeint , , ''' . ,„._ i ttaiirrT &,PArditElt •,- I ~. '::,.. ;; 'tweet - i t ''' - mf ----' • , charl,_ot was drawn safely ); by its: four foaming TUE Tennessee Republican' CouventiOu .Vesteli day nominated John R. Rodgers arCOngreealrian - ,,e_tee, _Os, 2thrktigh the throe cr o w d. we '• - ~.. . --1 .. 1 ? - " ---- " --- : ----- . ' t , 'yv,tAl IT pre m an t; c_ N eli D igth E e v .eVe i tim'e` A .ll l4m4 .pbgeel l 'ptii#' e l ' 0 4 r : If . r l . .. . 4 0 1 P4 rt i& e t , ( l et t . , mood s' srr . , rtini,, o4 S r . ~ ~ ~, ),.., _ , , . grad spectacular Extravaiwura Cf'tlus, , , , ~ , , „.. ; ; . at large, for thEi fu ll term,•and,T.' A Hamilton' Pr- alighted and were borne al i rng a tiY the s'team ...2•11,, 5 e „ i;:ailtt r ioiri4, it elk all 'ia me int a . d ot , the,,, 'Janine - f , o/1 i ),„ ,w , ll ,s, TE,, pA W , N"., ~,,? / ~ 1 ~.. , 4::: : , 'P p s. Do lt 13L the short term' ' • ' ',, to the .- 'irehitildhie. - we nasse.d throneli. a side " '' ' ' ~ - ' .. 0 • . , 1X5413 ,-, all the original BeenerYkPtenertiflA o 9ot,MlN ' 4 i i . ~ , -, ,- - , , 'The Bari ' Francisco ,Bu;letzti, describing . , . ~. Uctvela sad Armors fscut Aiible , s i el en. 1 ` i - 51:19r .11 • ' Al. :.: •I f ') •,.. •. a • '1 • • i Tim Republicans of Detiiiit openea a: -ne &Hai' , ~;.t ough:Passing,the lock4if ~a canal „.. •-• • ' - • • New York: which gat UpMs '' ' ' ' , ' .. w i g yesterday with imposing and. pertinent and, ntapfirs,elvei in a`long,,eheedul, boa- the e ,p erf Alim a . ° ;- tkiita.l PPii,„izal , , Pa , „Pill, 0 . P . all- r. . . . . italproitaction.„ , ~, , . ,-. ~, I It ~ • j'&4 4, .y t a i it tia i rmSulta ntti ilk g. , , , „ „ ~,. , , • _' , , road - says:' -, .: . -,.• ".... , ceremonies: . Among the speakers : was Veitel PebtntalY tliiianiCited,,galle4 , ‘ bemitittal copper' „.. 1 ~,._ 1, , -t, 1 'I,I // + i '.lOOlOOO , .. ' .., -, .. i. ' i .: 7 6 if l A Wffr . 0 17:Z: i l t , , Loit a &me ' ji &-- '' At , , ilnon its-origial production the east will, ea brae' ~,,Ls. . Tho jubi lATAm in w i n, AUK D i s jam, A pip, oIA 401111 twousgritill ISlllotquitans. You set het tenitt alld dramatic talent issthecountry., 7 nAv1 0 e...,&„,„, t ,_ ~,., - - •-• lIVEZAT'II'„i,k , vil imaoisra, stateß l36 PaWr 11.3 w ar 4' , ` l '-0 ' . " 1 ,engravirige .in :gilt frames were "suspeeded The pallet wslt carte i . TA Two men named John liweeney -ap.4 lingli evilest' the 'walls, lead the 'light Which • blm " ar Y whera-rwi ever if - g ill "" / aim ", , ~, JA Rit TT A PALMER'S 'I , s tutus lA W ell i teti l ta te2V A 'YO.P# ll c c ' • ” The ;IPY In willlail FEOM , SAILVANittAIS as . , b irl the d ea el v i D er; in kil o led f h n n es e r x P e i a t v ss a b u s o rg n, li vi , vveect4_,___rdthaoyyt at .i nth6 , T re a lsin hi gti t tre l ars.ge tvuth bid ,( l l ~ i lie VeE l Yi zf Oa rrpO t o li f zure thstß grfl ect e d t V 9 o p ut .i tl ey ta ery. to s . ta ße t a c , o ,ii i: s iti aa r oi r eate ;g aie t y sa N turday NNO: = 7 4,0nr4Th.....exr twain, , , r0__..,,,,,k...tm05,,, ;zi... 0., , , , , .. ,t, ~ , , ~,7: .„ dance n par kvareitiikinS c ater dram. ' • ..‘ i assikerr ntrwrift.' Begins at 8 o'clock. 611 " A& ' a ulmAcz l2 ' . ' at Cht ) m.out.4 90 3 P9rYrtrull 113 ,1, 911;4 1 . 6 , side ,of titiviamori } SO'r•r, Of 13ofitlitarolliiiii halve; gayetY P e Yv ac i ed •t b ° -144 i, ,"Man young 'cauSeway and cuttbag V° most per- . , a CifItIDAMLEVEYING L A t lg. 10314. o ol d ar„Za t „° l - ' Sl at lalaa,e'Talbiti . . tool the bpassed by the ' Legislature of that , darnsels,w,ere, seßted' ha r rowe by • e walli ._ ---• 1 ,eery Hemsplacewlfere the, snow; deepest and•l•- - , I !, J. ,E. 'MO ONO u 011.43 BLAGH, 1613,Q0E. - ' " T A ; -mtg.. - ..,, 4••pi l i t ik li i , .l . ; 7 , ~,,,, , : , 2„ 2 1 : ., 4iii i . , . .. " State, , redueing the bondsof State_ Officers and ,tilOr dnalty , , cbarma not ,ceneealed, ant en ; l PA ad a nce of the celebrated the aval.ancties thickest,=-YOu See him high c ., P _ r "F a 'H___ e'rAik pREMIE • • ''''''' ' ' ' ..,„„ ' 11 " -T " W- L' - '..,, irr- ~. •_, .11191,1J0 zitsinisvzrer LE. , i - - - , my.' ' ' ' ' ' ' "- ' " '•• w ar a the &patellae, sustained, his veto. ; . Roth H ' ouse's ',hanged bi kerehiefa Of •tonsparen , light-. n' on the Mointain tens, ' 'chop i pirik Wood, li•ave passed a ,Ilemestekd hin• r, ' ;colored imute.` In'the'lintist grander tier P , • a -• , d • - I n , From ...ia.rratt& tydesere Trolled. NibloleGardert. . I A lt nAvA r t fA i sa.- . ' .t. •' ' , :,, , A ~. :, , '- , ' '' y THE Georgit Senate; by a vote of 30 to 5 .I,a ' * ' 'attitudes'd. .d i ce e , t b tter an dyou s e e him Pwrt ' t hi i l d.P 6 P -7 Sullee . , „,..„And trium h ar t ; success of th e ~ ii ►; ~, , , 0 on ta ir ru m • t ° P ulin g ,A n alni n Ban c a - plying - his 14- b.' el or - b.' ' Ic• ' ott 'et himat '•• ' , •0 DPA II t IONDS E BALLMTKOILPE. , .„ ._ -1106aTed A. 4. Bradley - ineligible. .- : Both Honsel 1, _ thef--viere-- • Yellin - meth* -of ~...,,,,,....-..-.. - , --- 4 4 * -- ualms --- of s the •Georgia. Legislature- have passed a hilt relics; amulets, - terclit 6 atieditablee; partly his task in' the gra Of the- ea rl y deli% and the „„,„,,,,,,..,,,„,,„„„1nn,C.9,1-1/11411.Y",„ ..„,,,„,., ~,.,_ ,„,.. 1 ,.., „,,,.STUB or...th ..."' :....... ItlgnieS r' ' - - r i.' ' : ' ' E ,Nra ;B I T : I g 10... 0.... evening ~„ilight:', - Tliere Ss not It'FrErNDRE‘ '''''"NA,?ll,B"'EgTEN''''''.4"°;-B' WEND , ot ae ge at e t wi le ri Port fOr BA slinstentl providing for elections , in ,TeLfair and Irwid from "their .baskets and partly kora- plass e ,-,,•____ • _•,. .., 1 ,, ,...w.ft.,. . cerattles,,which are not DOW repreBOnted. , ' a lair bone lifhii.tiody; and ,'. he'ris not tad PaNzame_____. ‘,- - • , ~, . cases. 'To a good Catholic the whole o this , .. , ,., ,_ Tug:ORIGEN/AL FRENGDfIAN:CAN_ . 4, ___...Thell 4111.1S9FrittrElla_ _llolMessmaster. .. '.."' '.l law „MARCH ANT, - • - - • Itzscturnolis relative, to • the death of Hon. , fasti dious 4011011 w Shabbiest -kind 'Ol work; G RAND TABLE/Lux AND STARTLING' Li FECTS; WU' =CT =Mai on AIM" , F Wl l iM r`i" J tar 2 Tha; prdceeding 'could • bet but 'appear -.Meat blas- Thaddeus L !Stevens mein presented in the South provided he is , paid for it . ' He works . AND TELEMPLEa N AN A E OgfPA K I L niq N M r. 8 ' l ' l Palma:LW/Mi. at tr Carolinti-Legislatnrelyesterday. The desks of the phemous; ler' at this festival the blacks min- ~,_-, no and eats ' but ' little;'. ~. d o es his own ' - SATU . BtACS It CROOKILIZZINBE. ° ' I No t received at .; I • '' presiding ',officers' areVitie draped in mourning , gled heathen notions to &most improper ex- •"" ,_. _ _.___ _ _., ___._ - • , For cep 'a to ' " ' • , cooking; , m 1111914. elzi' *u° , , m o unnti, ; ;AN . OWll C , j A G PE Milan/ -TH.E GREAT CARNIVAL °FINE- - • WA' l' &BO for thirty days: 2 • . ' , tent with.their ideas of pilgrimage. All; went c10the5.,..4.1,e is hardy, pa enh. , persistent, rand Fancy Freer . Calico and Citizens* Drees Bali =SO , . , • 140 art& ~inuesnitand,• • • ~ .. Govnalloe. FESTON has appointed General :on itierrir.V le the;. hall; the, negro, crowdand _,..__ .._ _ combined; will be given tot he Storages. Ball Room at that ..- . faithful to his ,employem, seldom. refuses sea Breesc, Hone. Cape island. ow filaturdar Evening 24 ° T i i. .I,C is ' ' . ,oco l ' R . 1..' . ' ' Patrick :_ H. Jones Register of New York city In pressed rdund the sales-woman, laughing and to do what be is told. Ide WM developed August 15 ll4l Room win be eliminated and .. place of General Halpine, deceased. It is under? joking; the latter jested in return, behaved . . leasedliitydecorates for this great Feta. :NIA .. such, aptitude for certain kbids of work, has . --- --- - - stens EtABBLER. ' ' ab le , ote ETITIBS ont p ropertorof tho MA Iit,AS4:I•ANYO Wi tt y ft ; . - '' '' '-. ' . stood ~the fees of the office, until nest January, in a very coquettish manner, and ogled at win be_givee_to_ifit, Halp_lne. ,;,---_------ thei--blaik clowns - Ther - who ' Ie - 8' Mt'cr-p re ____ maesi_h_imself s o . eSstntialigiNieln_the great_ _ vicketriotmitttn ..... - ..,.num,;wimpliFtit Di re ct i n g , _ft„..0.,,,,„...„31.kei f t r e e t.,„ , _______• 7 SIQREKEEP R, W. D. CoLamm:i, - Of the Richmona zuguirer of , sented a . wild oriental appearance, though work of building the fowl over the mountain,. eousie. - 1...:' tot' Lady -- a - ticket, Chia Dollar. 'rickets for Goods torwar T a i d bY aa all I t a b l etlia lc as- out' of New and Pa.aminer, was assaulted on the streets mixed with a certain amount of civilization: and has been withal' so true,' steadfast and • in-, one gentleman. Three Do ll ars. stenos ' York-North. East and West-tree ot'oommisates. , Richmond yesterday, by Lemuel G.' Bowden, for . , offensive, that ad, eVen the common day A cenEidat OF FiNp. AllTS,____ , Freight received at, our nun I rate% 7aut CHESTNUT • Street. alma) Tenth. , P. 'WOMB CO ' 14 iklath . elPal ‘ ' ' ' ' editorial remarks in reference to the Attorney- That mind have been a very similar scene 112 laborers, speak well of, and we believe, gene- '-.- Opell from 9 A. Si. to 6 P. Si. General of Virginia. ; the temple when our Lord took the scourge rally treat him kindly." If John is not very ßeaiamin West's Great Picture of JAB. HAND. Agent. ' ' MANUFACTURER, FlFTY'additional miles -of the Union raeftle and, for the first time destroyed the profane _CHRIST ST I ll9 Wall street. oar. aeutb• Zgete Yak , ' . Inhattl largely-stocked-with-ideas-he-lunt-4mitativ- -----atin-mieldrlbition. -- - - -- JeStt -- 1 Railroad are now 7.liiins ied, makliig -- 75 ncv -- 11 -- 1 ea Veiling arils count - tip - do - 01C To any, instinct. - in ,„... 1 , A ..”._,„.,,,,„. 1 ' A 0 ,„, ~,„, ,„,. i j oim . i .,_ NEW =MEM LINiS TO ALELitinßia. -___ es - -1... 'lra -......• .....................1-...1,1‘. ht., .........1.• --- -...--,- - - -1.1 .0----A. 2-1- -,-, •- ---,- I- le aua.sia •ma • aoav a.n...a; ....-. u.'" .a..a....• •...•••,- 1 - Arvlrea, •lurvisTsmx yr • lararrs• ram! , Am... , 1,000 nilles will be in running 'order belcire the close of the year, and that the whole line to the Pacific will be ,open for business ,daring 1869. , BitianaA* advices state that a ministerial crisis had taken place, and all the members of the Cat:oh:tot had resigned. Viscount Itaborskv had been summoned by the Emperor, and rected to form a new Cabinet. When-the steamer Pl - 13 new goveinment had been completed, withltabersky as Prime Minister, and was in suceeSsful operation: - Tun State Camp of Pennsylvania of the Petri- Ptie Order Junior - Sons of. America cCimmenced its annual session in the Maspnie Temple at Al toona, on Monday. Every camp La the State was fully represented, and representatives were also present from Mlssquiis Illinois and New York. The followtg were elected , officers for the &suing Year ; 'State President, George West Blake of, Philadelphia ; State Vice-President, G. H. Hawk swortb, of Restove : State Master of Forms,. H. EL ,Hall, of Reading ; State Secretary, H. J. • Stager, of Philadelphia ; State Treasurer, - M. Alexander, of, Clarion ; State Sergeant-at arms, C. E. MeKernan, of Altoona. The Last flout:hi of Hon. Thaddeus •.' Stevens. The. following, statement of the closing inei dents of Mr. Stevens's life, is made by ono,who has been.constantly at his bedside : On Monday, the 3d inst., when Mr. Stevens re ceived a letter from Mr. Garrett ; president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, offering him the use of a special car, to convey him fipme, he ap peared more gratified than I had over befor,e seea Am. Ho said he itneW he was able to go home in the regular passenger car, and as the offer-pre sented an opportunity for going home without being crowded, he seemed"lery much cheered up. On Thursday, the 6th Inst., when Dr.Oarpen ter went in, to bid him good-Pye, he said that he was, so much potter that if the doctor'would stay another day he believed he, should tie able to go home with him. Dr. Carpenter told:him that it would not be safe .for him to go then, but that he might go in a few days. The next day (Fri day) he said he should have, to defer going home for the present, as he was groWirig weaker, and that it did not make any difference now whether he went home or not. "We might just as well stay here. This is as good a place as any. have pretty nearly wound up my business here. I have my affairs nearly settled as to the furnace, and my preparations arc all made." He inti mated his readiness to die, and added, "I have some bright prospects in the future that would almost tempt me to want to live a little longer; but no matter." , On Tuesday morning he thought he was better, and I thought so, too, though we could •not get him to take much nourishment. Ile lay quietly, at times apparently asleep, but really in deep meditation. Mr. Stevens thought more of the future than was generally supposed, but was always a man o 1 few words on that subject. About nine o'clock on Tuesday morning he asked some one if Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the House, was in town, remarking that they had some con versation the last day Mr. McPherson was here, in regard to which he would like to see him. At about' two o'clock his nephew, Thaddeus Stevens, Jr., came into his room, having just arrived from the farnace in Adams county, Penn sylvania. Mr. Stevens talked to him about his clearing of lands there and the affairs of the fur nace, as clearly as he ever did, and also conversed witialm about depositions taken and the points of law In a certain suit, telling him what was necessary to. be done, and what was not, just as lucidly as he would have done at any other time, though he lay with his eyes shut all the while. He appeared to feel it very much when spoken to about t tilt:lon, and when naked whether he would have persons pray with him, replied that he would. The clergymen Who had called on him on New Year's Day were sent for, and sang and prayed with him. While they were praying he re sponded to them twice, but I could aot undsr stand what he said. When Sister Loretta and Sister Genevieve,' of Providence Hospital, knelt by his side and prayed, Sister Loretta taking him by the hand, his breaA heaved with emotion, though he did not speak; but merely pressed her hand. The last I recollect his saying, was when we wanted to_move him to another bed, when he said: "Don't move me," and motioned for Ice. • . , For the last two years he requested to be talked to about death freely, Bay ing he had not that hor ror of It which he olive had. • " When asked if he, Would allow Sister Loretta to baptize him, he consented. This was- a very short time before his.death. - He was conscious to the last. The Councils of Washington met in joint sei sion last night and nassed resolutions of 'respect to the memory of ^ Mr. — Stevens. 'A committee was also appointed, one from each ward of the city to accompany the remains from here to the place of their final ink rtnent in Lancaster. Yesterday afternoon large crowds were in -attendance at the rotunda of the Capitol to view the deeeased statesman, and many still visited `the remains last night, the entrance to the rotunda king kept open. The coffin is of rose wood. •rort wit. fine Flank r lO lll-81/11—lined—wich white satin. Upon the lid 18 a large - sliver plate; beailng the following inscription: THAIDDr.VB STEVENs. --- gorcrAynn. - 4, 4792; DIED AITC:IIST 11, 1868, . AT MIDNIGHT. 'The plate Is in the term of a shield, handsomely chats d. `The featuica Of the deceased have changed brit and- he looks' quite natural. though much emaciated by Ids long ilinees. The mouth and lion, • • the picture would have • been both cheerful and pleasing; and an ar tist might have 'found: '-many beautiful studies from nature. We fought our way on and reached a spacious apartment filled with rich ornaments,the furniture.. of which showed it to : 4 sacristy. A jovial, yellow-faced clergyman was ;leaning on a chest,Writh chasuble and, chalice close beside . him, and was talking to some senoras in a lively and agreeable strain: • It was indeed a Most com fortable,. pleasant sacristy. The stream of 'People again carried tuzi• on, Y•driving :us for ward, and: pressing us with ever-increasing force into-a spacious hall,•fromthe ceiling of which :Various chandeliers , were hanging; filled with lighted tapers; , the walla were of ' white' nd gold 'anti:were adorned with, gay pictures • An atmosphere of festivity seemed to periade 'the Place; 'a joyous expectation as, though nothing was wanting in,-thiS brilliant- ,•.• but the dims.- • •and.,•,fi& dies for the dance, ,, :• • It.. was crammed ' with black, brown' and Yellow figtires; ; With lovely wqmen,sometimee tornplete, giantesSes, Whose • bare necks beatilifully-forined 'shoUldere Were ornamented with 'beada, • certify gold; chains and amulets. These women all had shrillvoices, rendered mirthful. by the infla 'ence of caohaca; and for festal trophies, they carried ornamented •hrooms. • This was as excellent opportunity for, studying • dusky complexions. and negro costume. The ne ,groes were holding their saturnalia; slavery had- ceased.* the moment; and by the un restrained movements: and wild:merriment of both ;Wachs .aild mulattoes, by their rich -• and picturesque attire, • one could see "that - they, were, for this day, per fectly • 'happy. There were speci runs of every size—every form of the negro race, from the matron. with her gilt orntf :.ments, her almost portly figure • and proud gait, to the graceful, joyous, gazelle-like ; Maiden, scarcely yet • developed; from the White-headed, ape-like, good-tempered old I .,.negro, to the roguish, chattering boy. All moved hither and thither in a confused mass. Here were two acquaintances, greeting and kissing each other; there, two negro slaves from•distant parts of the town were shaking hands; here a matron shouted "Good day" over the headri of those around her to an apt, proaching Amazon; • there groups of people .had collected, .and were chattering merrily over the events and love adventures of this happy day. Mirth and unrestrained happi ness reigned everywhere. • One could see that it was a long looked-for festival, at which the • negro felt quite at home. The whole com pany were unanimous on one point, namely, the pleasure of keeping up a loud, unceasing chatter. We pushed forward into the hall in gay spirits, and likewise talking loudly. I was gazing here and there with curiosity, anxious to impress upon my mind as clearly as possible all the scenes of this black witches'. Sabbath, when, at the further end of the hall, my eye was attracted to a figure on a dais, who continually looked anxiously up and down in a took, then cast a glance , around him, vanished, and reappeared again. I could not believe my eyes; I fixed them on him oncemore, and saw. him in the same place. Suddeply a light flashed across my mind, and a thrill of horror succeeded. It was the yellow complekioned priest, who was going through the ceremony of the mass (I can not call, ittelebrath r g mass) as he were giving oration at this public festi val: • I could no longer doubt it; we were in the church, the large, mirthful, daticine was a Brazilian temple of God, the chatter-, ing negroes were baptized Christians, were supposed to Catholics, and were attending ,The.BraZilian priests maintain that it is necessary to lead the.negroes into the paths of religion hy.:these means, that: they under standziothinghigher, and,cattcinly bee brought to The church by mirth - ao:gayety 7 and when plied with cachace. This is certainly a very convenient view of the Viestion.• for slaVe 7 owners to take, fo; it stamps the negro as-be; ing half a beast, and, gives a sort pf sanction to slavery. We spent only the morning in the church; but in.. the _afternoon, and es pecially toward evening; waen the eichacti has raised hilarity to its bight,, every bond of pious reverence is said'to be broken through, and a wild bacchanalia celebrated, in which • remains victor of the day.- - :The- -proper • object of 'this festival is a pilgrimage-of , the zcomien to this churrli in rirder_that-hY-Wa ing the entrance to the , terrace and stone .pavement,,they may obtain the blessing of children;_ hence_ _theornamented_broom that. each woman brings with her, and the empty ing of water, and careful sweeping which,' to our - amusement, we noticed everywhere, •among the crowd. -Whether this wasliing• and sweeping be of much avail, I do not know. In any case the miracle is not always ter he was espet y intr: nable. I uringthe progress of the great summit tunnel there was a strike in some of the Nevada mines, and a number of Cornishmen came up, to work for the company. But it was fo mid that the Chinamen could doonusiderahly more work and stand the fatigue and pt. under ground worlr:miich Netter.' The.Cornishmen tried it awhile; but concluded to leave the work of boring through grdnite mountains to the more adaptable Celestial, and 'Went away in disgust. "Between 'Sacramento • and. Reno are fif teen tunnels; with an aggregate length of 6,262 feet. They are all cut through the hardest kind of rock, and justly rank among the greatest achievements of railroad engi neering. We have already spoken of the, great tunnel at the summtt: those at Cold-J stream and Pollard's Hill are hardly inferior as monuments of patient labor and success ful skilL At the latter the work of blasting was especially extensive: The heavier 'blasts' through enormous masses of rock into the eddy below, and made a residened in the vi cinity anything but comfortable. A story is told and vouched for by lefr. Grant ? proprie tor of the Donner Lake House, 'that one rock landed near the like with such violeribe that its bottom was buried Seventeen feet belo* the surface of the earth, It is stated that the aggregate ebst of constructing this series of tunnels was $1,750,000. "The Central Pacific Company have had many obstacles,' some of them unforeseen, to contend with... The last winter , was almost unPrecedented in: its severity. All those living, along the/ line of highest, elevations unite in _the statement that BO much snow ha 4 not fallen in many years. The remit was a failure to connect the two ends of the line east and west of the Summit, and a practical severance of communications for some months. In consequence of this the was put back at least a third of a year; so that the cars to-day, instead of running to Hum boldt river, are running only' to Reno. Soine difficulty has been experienced in get ting iron. Two of, the company's rolling mills East recently burnt down; another was disabled for several months by reason of an accident. Hence, in order to meet the demands, it has been found necessary to bring iron across the Isthmus at, of course, greatly ' increased expense. Some difficulty has been experienced recently in getting labor. The 'alkali and sage bush regions of Nevada have a badfame ' and workmen have, in many , instances, been found averse to going east of the mountains: Even the Chinamen have shown a disposition to hold back, having an idea that snakes are abundant in Eastern •Nevada---creatures of which John has a mortal terror. But in spite of these obstacles, the' road is being pushed forward , with more vigor than ever before." OBITUAIII.Y. --jam& Appleton,-of this city, an active mem ber of many religions and benevolent societies; , died in Brooklyn on the 11th instant, at the re 4 sidence of his son-in-law, Mr. William Hagan! Mr. Appleton was born in Yorkshire, England,l on the 25th of February, 1797. Ho left hit father's home at the early age of thirteen for London, where he was engaged with a promi nent banking firm until early manhood. His enterprising spirit then led him to seek hls future in America. At that time communication with' the West was very difficult. The plan of uniting Philadelphia ftEtburgh was being executed,, and he undertook' to" make the titnnel through; the Laurel Ridge - of the Alleghenies. This he: accomplishea to the satisfaction of all. He after ward, successfully finished the road through the; quicksand at the gap on the Philadelphia and Lancaster railroad, after the enterprise had been; abandoned . by others. He'was a gentleman vereally respected for his many excellentt quaff-i ties and general worth. —Ellis S. Archer, of the firm of Archer, rancoas ck Co., died suddenly in New York on Wednesi day, of heart disease. The deceased was thy founder of the present firm in this city, of Miskeyi Merrill & Thackara,having commenced-the maul nfacture of lard lamps in the vicinity of Sec ond and Arch streets, about twentplive year ago. Boon after establishing this business, he associated with him Richard F. Warner, and they commenced the manufacture of gas fisturcs. The firm was subsequently enlarged by the addition of Wm. F. Miskey and W. 0. B. Merrill, and took the name of Archer Warner,Miskey Co. Mr, Archer retired frottr the firm in 1858, and com menced business in New York. The decease was a man of generous impulses, and much rc 7 snected by all who knew him. • _ 'CONNED FRurr, VEGETABLES, dco,-1,000 CASES V fresh Canned Peaches; 600 cases fresh Canned Pine Apples L2OO cases fresh Pine Apples, in glass; 1.000 cases Green Corn and Green Peas; NO cases 'fresh Plruna in cans; 200. cases fresh Green Gages; 600 cases. Cherries. in syrup; 64.0 cases Blackberries, in syrup; 500 cases Straw berries, In syrup; 500 cases fresh Pears. in iyrnp; 9,00 0 cases Canned Tomatoes; 600 cases Oystenl. Lobsters and Clams* 500 cases Roast Beef elution. Veal. Bo u t t lebd4 ror side by JOSEPH B. BU S I ER b:edo alst ware avenue. • I .14:4 , ict • II p S AND BALM! ir J, 8 BUBDIER & coax south wawa= 119001141 AY AFTERNOON. GREAT 0-OhIBRIATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballota , Ethiopian Eurlestinea. Bonp. Daniel Gymnast Acta. Pantomimes. Ac. DIVIDEND NOTIOE9. Ice PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANI4 Office 727 South FOURTH Street. • DIVIDE FinNDuer NOT/CE , uttrau, June,2sthi 1868. The transfer books of this Company will be Mead of TUESDAY. June 130th, and be ro•opened onTHURFIDAY4 July 16tb, DM& • A Dividend of Five per Cent has been declared Oh thti Preferred and Common Stock. clear of National an State taxes, payable in Common Stock an and after J 16th to the holders thereof as they shall stand re OD the books of the Company on the 80th Inst. pays able et this office. • • • je26.2m6 UMBER. . , MALkL.E., BROTHER & CO. \ , _ RUCE JOIST. 1868. ''' " SPRUCE 'JOUST. 18681 - 'SPRUCE JOIST. . , . ..... .... BEALOCK. LAREMLOCIL ' GE , STOCK. " 1 LARGE STOCK. IVIL&V.ILE T .JECISOTHEIII- & zoosoirrasTßEer. FLORTIAMORING. FLORID FLUORIN G CARO FLOORINCL VIRGINIA FLOORING DELAW 'moot AßE ,Flar+ G.219111E1G. Af3B . WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP . BOARDS. RAIL PLAN& 1868. 1268 WALNU T BOARDBANDPLANIC. ippaQ . BOARDBANDP4ANIL .1. 1 J1.14,71 WALNUT BOARDS. -WALNUT,PLANK. 1868. , t`NNBEFIRIPARIE. 1868. ! _RED • WALNUT AND RIND. 1.868 SEASONED POPLAR.. . . SEASONED CHERRY. 1868. - ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK ANT) BOARDS. HICKORY. TB6B. CIGAR BOX WAXER& . oao CIGAR BOX MA KPH& .LUIP IJCP6 SPANISH CEDAR BQX BOARDit FOB BALE LOW. OAROLINA BoArriaba, 1868' CAROLINA H. T,,EIILLS. . NORWAY SCANTLING. LARGE ASSORTMENT. . 1868. CEDAR SHINGLES. CE_PAR SHINGHINGLEL. CYYRESS S ES S. ___PLASTERING CHESTNUT PLANE AND BGARDS. 1868. 1868. ILARESEEFRITIE 1868 CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDARJOR PATTERNS. , FLORIDA RED CEDAR. EItAWLE nuorirEn es Co. zoo scum STREET. PHELAN & BUCKNELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Ste. LARGE STOOK OF WALNUT ASH ALL CLZ_A I LOT ltr-hiRY' FINE V7z..N u uT vw4EERS. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND WHITE PINE mutioLES MGEIGAN.CAN S AD NF A L NDPEEO S YLVANIA. tad, 817 .1 AND QIAL FLOORING AND HEAVY CA ROLINA TIMBER. SPRUCE ANTI HEMLOCK JOIST., . mhaitm BUILDING LUMBER OF,ALL KINDS. Spring Trade. 1868. EDWARD FERRIS, Importer, No. 36 Sirath ileventh Street, (UP WPA-ta%) now opening desirable NOVELTIES • ;riga.' &Melte, Plaid and 11Wped Odri,miuls Balaban Edglnga and Inserting', rieedle•wqrli Edging's - arid ( Iriserdnga• ladtatiori arid Real Clitiriylia .Indridloil and Real Vakiadenne. 1111i4111. iitteonet DlnWnr • 'Sort Cambria!, , Swiss. . Freneh Re f • . A. general assortment of Embroidetiii," l Lii*E6o4 ' Wills!the Offers to ,the trile et rm rat :Drit 661 . 1 4bni I Lth avinl ii Mit Dealars iai ttte s e bb t iark , atan di m i t o org übilareree &JAI' is solicited. , „ • 1329-tri ths ROBDEWEI BEEF TEA.—HAX&F AN °MOE OF THIES °S a wn' make a ;An_ t of_ excellent • Beef Tea to few_ tee. Always on hand and for ode by - JOBurbit B. & W.lOB South Delaware aveauChl Vbeta_ • _ Palawan) CAW, with - our nectican at Alexandr ia from" me peat_ watt route lot lemichtraz ttiuutruie. Dalton and tb4 3tesanane leaverectlatim ADM the OM wharf Wm Market street 0907 EiStUrdly at nom Btelsht teethed 4a,W; W 3 P. OLYtiE 4 00. - .. _ 14 Notb ansll3ertth Mauves, /3. DAYIDAIri j agent at 'Wow= . • ELDHwun txt.. Agents at lb•• gala. lIMFOIL ANTWERP—PETROLEUM. The British aptyy Bantpareil. Captain Mi ALPiN, la am fradinai„for above port for (eight or paegage, apply to WORMLA.N & No. 123 NV Alma efrcet. WANTED -LIIMEDJIMELY, VESSELS TO food kt Charleston for, irktkuSejohlo; Moral freigbta raid and despatch elven. Apply to Edmond IL Bonder di Co., 3 Dock otzeet what. 7B: ft EL BRADFORD. Treasurer, FOR ANTWERP,TRF FIRST.OL4IBB 'BIIIP ~;;`,P., "OR/MAUI' POLLY" inflow loarllncfor 'Ant werp, having a large portion- of her cam en. gaged. Wilfbayo quick despatch.. For frefitht, Refined till only. apply to --WOR K MAN dr CO.. L 2 3, Walnut . 1 .k. - . l . ts FOR ANTWERP.-REFINED PETROLEUM only -- Thor anti -Britt& bark ' 4IW- Cowan, master, having a laneran of her efirgo engased; will have emelt despatch. or balance of freight:4,ply to PETER wamux as 80 fla in . Walnut slreeti , • • • : •, - , ' NOT/CD=FOR. 1.- , NENV• YORE. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal—Bniftrare . Trazurportation Companyiipateb ilwifteurn Linea—The bneiners by time - II will be a rd gamed on and- after Mb 18th of 2darelf.' +, of 'Fre/dlr. Wwhich Ai. B will be taken on% atootamodatio* ' , t4lrnnit g u. 1.7 to . AIRD iik CO.. t 4 Bonin Wbaryea.: .. .. n • • 1868 J e _ ni mi L MA DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE AlLoam Taw.lktat" fr Oni tt4 rAy.—Barge• towed between,Elp Balthoore, navre:detttawr, DelsweteVitr to WAL: P.; CLYDE! &CU n_ Admit& Cart. 0i11t . 140)54 LEN.. tinti`Wittee. B,WhartakEtdia., Mt AUTION.—ALL M PERSONS ARE EMY' AU. G Boned agolnat harbdrlog trosbibg 'AAP of tho' crow oftbo Britt:lW, Iflutsby Airutor. *4o' their contractinttoßlbo paid by Captain of Be . gok • 1) . 221f INORKMA.N a matte& N°Pc'E. - '") Novnimeg, Ilf ikor MEß s ANDUM, r. brig Chick-Barret.* &mit ott, OF giease attend to tharececcrtror.thefitsgoodi. Yr he asawl will commence dhschar g nosier sgenagel la' der. on Fp* DAY. A. M.. 2 4 th Mgt., t haricots attArt. doh kilt when all gooda:not velniftfed be.cant to the public /toren. • • WORK 16a . : 123 Walcun street. PEBBONE s7 ... :ARE HEREBY -;CAtiTIO'T .L bark Ada, l t itgrinas a t u e - TArni c r r e cw' b 4 13 of their contrac will belie@ by either the giptidn or CODlfigllete. PETER 11131.1Q,UT &,130.49i; I7B> Walnutstreet. . 1 . : ).100tf ALE PERSONS .ARE HEREBY I 'CAUTIONED against trusting moy of the crew,of theDr.Bark John Lille, Melvin, mailer, from Liverpool, rill no debto of, their contracting will be aid by • either thettsiptain or Con- Bignece. PETER WEIGHT As SONSf-No, US Walnut 1868. OTICE.-THE CONSIGNEES OF MERCHANDISE per Bark SARAH A. DUDMAN. Perry. Master. rem London , wilt please attend to the' reeeetlen of their goods, The vessel will commence , disehartringLat Race street Wharf, under general order, on THURSDAY. A. M., 9th inst., when alt _goods not ppeermitted will be sent to the Public Stores. WOIUIMAN 6t C 0.,, 123 Walnut street, Conaigneees 'IAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FORBID .J harboring or trustinganv of the crew of the Norwegian bark Andreas. Captain Dahl, as no debt of their contract. int , will be paid by captain or agents. WORKSfaN iYStf CAUTION.—ALL • PERSONS ARE 'HEREBY CAu• tioned against trusting or harboring any of the crew of the N. G. etiip Neptune, Dincke. =later; se no debts M i tt sir contracting will be paid by Oaptain or Cona!ts WORKMAN dc C0..1511 Walnut street. • jyl•tf 1/2,IITION.—ALL PERSONS 'ARE HEREBY CAy. tioned againit fruiting or harboring any of the crew of the N. G.. ahip Electric, Junge, muster, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain. or • C.ollaignee. "WOhEISIAN &CU 123 street. ~ , lAUTION.--ALL itERRONS' AREt MEREBY CAU, tioned against trusting or harboring any of 'Abe crow of the N. O. bark Geestemunde, 41..Kuliten. master, as no debta Of their contracting will be paid by, captain or con. sigma. WORKMAN . da 123 Walnut greet. iyl tf IAUTION.—ALL . PERSONS, ARE HEREBY CAU kitioned against harborinEvor Meting any of the crow of the bark BAHAMA DUMAN, Terry waiter. from Lori. don. as no debts of their contracting will be - paid by Car.- t sin or consignees. ' WORKMAN 61 CO.. Consignees. . • LkODGEBIP• , AND : , WOBTENHOL , pocKEI 11 , KNIVE,B. PEARL and BTAO HAN D of R d .beantl. !tut finish: , RODGERIP4ndIiVADE A. B _lll,, and We CELEBRATED LEVOVI'EII RAM& . 018130E8 mi Tli 1 - N CASES of - the fined • ,_Razorty"Snlvea,Bciezore , and Table cutlery. Oro an POUBIIOd , f , Eat Utaiß . U. - fd:ENTEr of the 'most ay ved Otnnstrtletion to anile ins g r l hearing. at P. MAD %Cutler. anldflorgleal % Toent maker:: 115 Tenth Stseet,below Chestnut. taros tt BENED CURE. -' UEUR• Lf ' ' , 141 q Des Mellieerßoxiedietins delAbbase'do (Fiaire); Girasa? It4sslan Kratnel...Yrench. Bitterty ritteldies.:Champagn Claretei sind cattier Wines! aIId 4°:111A113. I GAirthig f dG Co ' • General Agents and Importers for the united Statis and No:B r iVilltibi t i3triielt, Isl7-vr.f.m.Bml. • t F.^' ,, .'l etv. York city. d t 1,1,, : : 117. -:-AT 'PHI ratrADEl 4 IF ;BIM c; z 'llooL.Vcouth ) Weer= , ' - ' 4111 * 7 . , ; W will kretuutt...eyprof9n 44 'te =own of :thle udelputu , eget °regent aecomlleh went.: Ms School itripleasantly ventilated an:Varga:Leg the heceeeeafe exif weu Waima. _ ._•• ~•r , 4 , .• • •., Zi'ArtitinlOtrit A O ace Icac;YettettLaiiiett 1 ; "?-• Badsile Horses trained in the best meext.la t:;1 , ' . 7. Seddleffrellezets anti, yghiclee Whit r., -, . AileiLUAlWMee4o.merelle.L=WWW Meth ;MG HAlllJl)3lr.fli-11/Re ;awipirsimanwonsvacc.. J in i ir ONO ciltMeitekc Wk. to4_l_7 •-• Shea Itead and Advertise Ia the COMMEItGIAL LIST PRICE CIT, 1. It is strictly a Commercial Paper. , 2. It contains reliable Market Reports. 3. It contains the'Arrivals Sixianarances. 4. It contains the In:worts and Eximrts. B. It contains more Friancial News than a the other daily oi weekly paiters. 6. It contains the best Ship News. 7. It contains a list of alrvessels in Port. 8. It contains a list of all vessels on the way to this Port. 9. It contains a list of all vessels loading for this Fort. 10. It makes aspecialty of all Commercial News 11. It makes a specialty of all Oil News. 12. It makes a specialty of all Gold and Silver Mining News. , 13. It has special Maxine Reporters. 14. It has racy local and biographical sketches. 15. It has spicy Editorials on Commercial Topics. 16. It has two columns of reliable Quotations. 17. It has a faithful report of the Petroleum Trade. 18, It contains OFFICIAL STATEMENTS of the condition of. the Banks. 19. It contains the Annual Reports of all the Railroad Companies. • 20. It contains the - Annual Reports of the In surance ComPanies. 21. It contains several columns of Commercial Items condensed from orlkinal sources. 22. It containi a list ofthe BANERUPTS, the names and Dieninount' due each creditor. 23. It.contains 'Sketches which Instruct and amuse the clerks. " 24 It Is not ii riartlean'paper. 25. IT IS ONE (OM BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE WORLD ! . ;) -:.• , ~:.r::~~ . ~„ . WINSLOW':'' - ':4,',;'s.oN - , , r , MEM X4l'' iStiree:t, =HE a'UILLDLLPW& CLERK ri . , MIME . . 4 ~. 0 HEIB 18 AClV.YrreittlPtia N .w2DlßlO'rEt^aq , I . 1111 /AVELZHar • 6611,10 / 10 •• ' '. '' '' ' ' l- i mitAlrallaiiio lutlill'Esik . - 4 - ... iliAirEicanip tlike:A"' '' '' ' - am E Divizg aa ,.._____ " Tail 2 - B. t01r132 -- -- Q to Q 2 , . •''''- , . -' , ~,,,,' '-,,- p - - . Nona . SYLVANIA B. B. i + - ^ • 'v ' ' r- i r ; FOR APE MAY vie WEST &REMY PIi.PPAD ~ wilimirlaNl.rax4Altininr.r _ (The intentioalolthia tooyer,lamot clear to um) AT, - Miguel 14; 18 - 68:' - 28, KKt M 41 4 36 - - ' ••• 47t0 QB3 , ' , ailiggEngagliglit.. • , •,, - • ~ . ~, , , riaNit i t E r D , . 1n°131.E.-411°rtat I wirtikaittgq. ran Tywreyr - r Ili D 1 , ?act, ~ •„ ,--- 7 7-.. ~.- - ,-; , - 24. QKtto KR4 QittoQßaq ~ • , •„ .. , , • • •'" t , .-, , RAILROADA 's" - - re enksaeuru,'thflt e h f.tintr,ti • r ILDDI Un E Mau - , -I rl,, ALL COrtilichiniCtitlOPO OT i _ • &int=nittst iie l ~., r : 245.1„t0,NR.5 , _. . „It fo,Q, B 2 . . . , QITIOICEST TINE 011 - 11.11701ta ' 84 $ 24 °D•valisnat' L "P° 1 "1 1 4 th egadsh . " ' - - ' ' ''' - directed "Chess Editor of EvEsurro Btraurrur" 26 . ' ,f 0 ,...X. 444 4 .,,r i'. ‘... , P , 'l ita I v ,), ' , " ~. , . W,,yozniug Coal reeons: . 27. x.F IK It to QB sq - raaam a . , _get DoPot m ,_w Plabidelvha. N. W. miser of Bella PREPARED BY , • . and should reach the offieepat latesit, on Thum- (Mr. do Vere appears to be unconscious of the .' " 14 P A 14111 , 9 -1 2 :, , 11° , 1314 • - Fr0 . r,1 . ;,./ 400 _t' or' pliti, ke,.,t `flitr , _eest i , , " ul fiv"iiicEß .-m • - 7a t ," ---- erkgspr xv i NDA i centAnu - • • ~ • - - • day morning. All Proble t i Ms must bCAcbompo.nied gravity of his situation or to ' play - carelessly.) larjr_Rot7lta to GINANMATI,Tia PENYWYLIA is - - ~. c tUPPER gEggy4 '•, , • •, -on aibl. latter; MONDA . JULY M.. 1868. Pin: ' GREKAULT &CO by the solution and nanaliKtistiftripbser. _%B :. P to KKt 5 Weis if • ,, OAD AND •P 4:__141.11.p.q..r...7 31 HOURS than IeYVO /driglid, - tenger Trains leave the New De co , , , attivs tO its ii. IL Prince Napoleen, ( w p, u i pw f ,d ) .... rli 4 ~., , ~.. _., . , , .., r , ~,.... p: ikt. num in C°nalii,an TgA laila zNE ß L lSl .F ai A lu V r E " Ag it rle 9ar o al LLO Y 1 1r 8 s 1 ; 11418138. All At ericatl itat i6sl64 .m.-Aoro da Tun (B oa lni o d uton aYlP Por celted r ma ort rk- w "all ogariaton. 1341111f"1:411 „ ' . , . ___- We complete to our second thousand Ir• -,,•- 4'-*-1-43 J- 1 " 28. K , ll PX P ti• - - aN i, ( i - l e tri o N li g s T Nl voxt ur yt , ou we no m an p, AL. st HO .e.ce ii i x ... , dare FOB CAP); guk one y 44 , .. ' pri n Ag dp 74 fut iafe w r li e nt%Exe, www3 ,re.r h , awia lln Berhie ßaurowt hani hbehee ana n chemists . of games, actually conteStid osier' the Chess- 29. Kt to KB 3 QtaKaq , 1215 moon., nesting at Bethlehem With Bar Ttrg _MODEL - FPS celebrated rm: A rte: , &lb P. li. _Cape May Passenger. due ak7.15 r. M. and 8 mug= Railroads ff il luftp, enown (~W., _ board. For brillirmigy, 904ndr t es an d , ster li ng aO. Kt, a. Kt P (cis) Kto Kt t.,1 , 31. Kt x B .....t , • .'o'. ng xKt.= -, . ' Hoorn BLEEPErIik-UA through frxm friv 4. 00P AL Fast EXpren due at d P M • PHU to UINCINNATL Pansengen the /0. 00 4 ' . RiTIMINDM LEA . vl3 caP ts lt 18 • LAND' . • and . _ risin n .• g e l ", m a nch c e " la l itneri r' Jeuleevill4 ' ' IVO 45 , Itu'es de Richelieu Paris worth this Imm:rise - collection stands"' alone, and 82. QiitoKßeg QB.toQBB and IL_____.Bo PAL TrMs_ L l _s ,reach ATI and sus Chunk ... _wo cnaten?RlitP? at no distant47Vd.r.zet!tilllK a=, ' 'ail. Kt .s. Kt iii,) , , is xKt PCIII2II WEST and SOI, ONE Trelthriii ADVANCE ' 6 . 8 ° A . 11 . if°rning Mark drla at lain A. M. • '• • w ri tist° l4 and 1 , 1 , 11 . yo u, int° in • , b 100 A. M.. Fast Express. due sit aO7 e af... • , , , I... 3 eamit. Yang , '" 010. o r Ms 'with Le^ , table ii which each player'a contritiation 'Will be, - I ...„ 34. . 4 r - a ) - ~„, I , K r 0 • • ; , • 092_1 alba. r Bouteg i. .0 App . i,mus . 5.00 p 94 „c ue m a ,„ En d • r , m. , and =ammo, ad for Mahanoy_City and _th •------ • H/ITY_Olg tinnear-itail and rera. ne * i t 122 . A .,, h1 ,. Catawba& Railroad for Rupert, Danville. mutols and wit ' . . , ' get forth. , , , s , , 1 . 35. Ptok B 6 . - 4: 3 T ,:' 'B Xifop. ~ Wile, a d 3 e l l iri l t ' _ (K A !p r 'Yk 0 rc, at 7.15 A. M. Pa ssa ges ßeturninleives C jiltir ivi 2aME - , g," rt. Arrive at Mulch Chunk at 1106 A.'3l: at -.•‘• ''L ' “ " 86. BxR iticß . r 5... T sermon Tiem.sa fg, S i " ' W M l l lrshao at BP, M.- at Mahan° City nOiLlDlltE .fletosriebtrE• or IllaN s -We are pleased tplearn that a Chess Peo- • .-37Kto Kt 2 PtoQ R 4 ciligrir will i a llit i24l . ol '" ti L ) tioniers anti Wit- via vivo Mai Fris - fitfift i al ga I v c eir i d i ia d a y at , gm A. at h igh . M. Par enge by . this at, can 3 411te the __ " • - --'- P-.1 , --a'r --1. - 44 ' , - M and Cape Island at CO a , Leh Valley Train. Passing g Bethlehem at ima .. , By Leras, Mr. D,, Docteur es Sciences. Grignault & Co. grecs has lately beenield iillie Citi - of Warsaw': -' • • " - 8 3.4Q11.- tO.Q 2.1( • ' .. ' -,-. KtoKt 3 ,; = ren...,, av may n .,. Ticket, s he ' • for l - ton Aunt point an NOW Jersey Central Railroad to - Chemists, Parts Three hundred games were; i • nillcoaiitested, the' 39.QittoKB2 PtoQKts sw - .ro BEMIXE - the TILL= saysemes ot it arra mmvrofee Wil'eli FlL loool oida and Cape tilk LlNE t .thr YEalr P ' lO /.. 1 0. "a • A^ l3 -.,..K. ...-..." 8 Arians! Ackete, arrio - • Quisrterti•NOkeob aut. 'f." ti Al ra tir rts. 1 / 1 .--Accomino - dation for Iksviee&MV, ,OoPJ According t 6 the °Pinion of the useMbers crf the Paris ...r salo at 90 RtoQ B 2 EX R TICRETS Via-PAN. "sat 1 - .NDESTOsusw•ws. the Office of the Corr Tim'n Ceindbm pi, .y, ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for sWit Acaderay of Medicine. this article is superior to in the first prize being carried off' by Mr. 8. Winawere, 41 it xB. Px P N. W. CORN= NEFTIE ma Glizaffgvr Streets. Through tickets cane. procured at No. Et2B Chestnut Grave, Hatboro` and Hartsville, by this train. take Stags ferruglnoua preparations known. ,It agrees beet wick the tion for Fort Wasamste 13. 2 ' met ts of the _ of Parisian Tourney renown. - The !second, third 42, P/ P B t p ,K . 2 . NO. lid Aim= ri gNET.mat.. donna and rmaten,.. street ( ueg u ric e Betel) , where , orden can also be left at A ll i d o rl Head . Acco , =nods stomach. never causes costiveness; it contains the els. and fourth prizes were respectively err cd offat' 4.\ -I ,:':' '..,.; '..,..8 to Q,Kit ='. `,.' f. '. , And nogry.nrum szoidiumcerst ree tov ei spbu s . for Blasi% w eh veill be called for and cheeked at-red. blood and th e osseous frame,_and succeeds dances by the Union Transfer Company . 40 .09. 11 4 ItierPrediare Orations. where other preparations fsiL such as Vann isist...kon by Messrs. Kiescritaky, Roranski ndudan. . 44. Kto B 3 Ktolt 4 S.F. SCULL. GennTicket Att. Pkteburgh. ! ',WEST JERSEY RAI Ro . Loy and wyczang an cosl ecr a4 an si to orm n. and ail Pointe In Mahlr-. . , colorlesa. •,, Lori , ,n ovie .... r i adisill , (We should rather have R lay, l d this Bishop to JOHN H. itu:Mot , mail awn Aec.anlßrostawilYale For :Wharton. • S alem . linfisiti, - Vii rn e LlMES- sana and Inter - Ahl w au s ens i4: 5,1 12 6 n ma-nel gosal n4 too, all7-hi cent ra st ExPL° ara-avehn't:roar,*l-4-dillothll3ab,"whearre'aimt., Troeilute„c4rfaadia4thraYt'eriliegEbilirPta:ini:f;Pritie_g°BELf:rrun,lirtnirirriaa°,rui Eipreea witkae SOMO of the most interestingtgamas in this con. , , . - . mediate staticmg. at 2.00 A. fd. and 8.80 P.m. unmet , rt QBB. ) . i ..,"01 ~. - t ~. . test were published in the , London - News of An- 45. RtoQ B 6 'Bto K 2 It SADIE 11 EA ILX 0 AD= Forpe Mir. 100 A. ht. and 8.15 P. IL and c 0 P. M . gust lit. f ' -- 46. Rto K 6 BtoK B 3 ()HEAT MUNK LINE nom Mar" W 14177 "Atee 4 MIncida: 1 ° 4 thiln. at* r_... /IL 'At2 85 P.M.-Accomnixemon for Doylestmni. stopping ' i t i 9 ------ - ~......____ _ &sickles 40-Ms- interior of pen f a s yigg,.- --B dgetost •and Belem k:reight train, soaves Camden at all brtannediate nations C lifters. S Ellseases- ledized e yru IS Or - Tho Chess community -has heeil, Erat l 3o • 47. , R to .11. s rt •,- e t - -IC toEti., -,?.,- -,,, qedas the p_oioartiaM= el= Combat:sd and lair,. ran kamnt h ...; 413.r-KitOW4 l .2^ , el ii 0 TrqtX.-t0 itt i's 1 . t ,- .r ~ • ' reit o t ni c tsjae ua the - • &tins and the Cana. Coraranatikm . erka between rblitattivhfs one all tee k tget a ursin, * :k ihl ttgir. ' Eir ntat ie I tis S l i k 1 . 1 1 1, - Y_ . fs. during the past week to , Visits ' from 'Mr. Jacob' • ' ".,. 40. It to QR 8 • BtoKR 5 ' ' 'ftpla„.4„, I, er August; Math? st, reduced Lays. _ _ _-, , . - burro and Bcranton. suweruters for Clreenvlll.374ks this Prepired by Gilinauit & Co, Paris. ; , ,WM. d• FE . .. lealPen3?tes train to gnakerterwn and sumnertown to North' Wales' nes h n h us-vy AWL w illi ater g SY rtl cOil o taina Gra i d tie sn eam d se bined with ' Mee of h asti - lo - eller in neno Wi rit ' , . Bison Gad Brlgadier-Getteral Drngflon. Mr-Eisen , : • 50. Bx P Kto B 5 low_iiiif.l7lll..7 4 3t p l i F t " Eto h 13 it t ie oure• . ~ ' . At 4.157". M1..-.Arourommtatum for ,Ooybustown. , , c 9 p, ~, ri c KtoK6 asoatimo Acta - ) D TI .--kt 7 A.. wing h,L zor Folitzezpiaudlr , rHEciajapEN, Gr at o am m in a t tbo rmema toneb i n s 4 ta iT uom artmine Passe tae nsers .. stag fio u r . Vo t, , : is iftlin an e ex iin celleri ni t i s ur ub:d zil tu t io n f r oreod vet oil, which isAlib ilL , played a few interesting games with the lesdllig '' - " A ' ( ''''' .." ''‘' " - - 52. PtoQII 5, and Idr..Kolisch,yrpn the Eg etwrnhn adin o nn e. da kw il " . r.....,..e'diate e B er ewi nnt w arr e ._ ~,,, players Of ilk° ht_ercAngle f4Tniii sod; #44' 4ttrOr^: .. game -London Netest:-. s '-' '- ' --" -r - • Pldhqii --- Er - a a" --- 11/i__.. - P - 4 - 7 7 . - ''' -7 ,‘_ -I .•,__ ----- _ in ANDTItENTON ~ .B AILROAD 11051. ' t Vggr r i e __ °e ch , D 6 - I = faikei „ ler Ifeemown. T r a t h ie mußoned to-w its efficacy to the presence of l:' imam. Gen. Congdon's stay, we are sorry to - ; . o et Arar.sts.,-At'ssaa A. M. for zrAitillng: Le• P Ef lillMl3. from aina Trull pOf Horseradish br. ariabty produces , ' 1 „ ~,^ , i ..11, , B org hb arg , poctmu es pme . Gown, Tannutua. Way i tees. from Walnt r i l tlMree wite4 lient York. " a ' ro . & in dall eo ltatione n t lauz m ot % N o ir, tasen.ninia,,,,,,,n l ; most satistactory, results administered to children miter. , add, was too short to permit hlm giving sus a ' '' .114 " l e ; / 46/ ..• 2° ° 44 ''' ' -.._, ,Om urr w Emirs. Rocticstor.N , cliiin. Fallo. ea .:. 5 A. ' , iff.. ' - yb ,.• Camden and Arri ' her ... , AeemiL_ _ ! r io t hi -- ", t0 t, D r . 11 4 -13--- mt r iti gra i la u llna . - - E v en in g Train i o Tbart o-11 . 111 , en' inofgtg:Te rt f it e id Taic.74: i i r ' ,..pu th riirri i t tn:,: f l ed are ih p e f liM or the '': taste of hia:quallty. ; i, ; „: ,• ;,,=. i 'F'" , - . l', ", ;• ' . ~ B etween liltelituz and Czar/lemma. .... g d r ," ~....._ ' ' ' ~;( rCt1.7.6 Pseniv.) ~r, !P • ' beab etr -II MIL Arc. - _.- . - At °Ai ihtiliaearnlian and JerraY **/r-1PT 0011 . 1 0. 111 4 -0 00 aAt 820 P. M.--Accomniodittio' n for Isundsie. stomas a 2 n eli_t. l . l ._° llo , problem, No. cm. W u. pr....,....8TE....Ti N- 7 1 :A L ' 9 1 - 1 " -- ca ." l """ff WO , Wallis* eiNaa"ti maj t fo ' 14thuill ar! * azol Ven4 C,ba' Ittaas uci P P : ll "aurta Y4 c e sm an oten °3l st i a d t m enko• blw e xPreal 'ltriamrea, lel lal ai n g„se t p edi ss.- I""lauL Acootamtdatten for otmt WI , A D O"Thral.46 4 eiliCe4 i nttrin fentfi l ePtef il to 6lll p g rO a ltOCW UCe Ulg ..at"i S C UOTana -- .416. ' l. By mit e 0. gi. RALIK, of sp rig:ai m; o g , ' x - to .1%, .1, -" , , W Jl ,O '' , -'- ( B.I KIL . A vitb LI it. 44130P'' alley trail for ' ,At 6 Pi fornino_yand Intennemate station& i ll e t s Aims% j p ii puiLADELpiiim i stores to the Canes their nstaral utrnomosnavisor.. . • arses 2. PtoQ4 i ''ll'i • •Pto Q 4 - '-' ll b - ;saran Clio n • Wiwi Cstawisea E. , Ats.loandli A.M.. 2 and &Bo F., AL._f_or Freehold. ; w, . i• QKtto// 4: ' ' '' 2 " ' ' I - ' . ''' ' ' ..; 1 1141:Tlr"rii" LIPC4t.'M . 'n' IIek"BAT PM 44141' 'lll-I'll4lPa ILIA-.1"1 alLi?! I\M" I." TrelPlth i. Frualii o 5 'IL la. lants49 : V. wasswo. "ll4s 4 elit barrni . 21113ettd . 82°°-rjlt f c ., _Thei r. S A:k lit alin in e n Lae ll t Bel ates e -7 : " erclo n e l t g u M m i ost geil ban iiV' eft e obi Ll : ° l l n ' 1 F - 4 F r /".. //// 3..- Clem move ., we, tontad, 'us th e A ttila 'sr, tind Bob sill and - jar:, , , for ert ii reher : ' ric i i" - r d ewtow ,,,,, ilm il th w r aiv e T i ;,: x alat,l B n O cc c .• or tion with Le=rallff m ._oll.nd LoWr is, and ElWreflAt_imi . , mange* Or the Alkaline laetatens ' / 4 , . 7 // 4 , aUght superionty-invoaltlon• •-,, - ,• „kels, w 46 Yor - ... ~, -.• ~. Ate ': ! Atssa mum &aut. IN a. 11 •4150. 6 and 1180 P.M.. for • c eg t r fr n a r .... _ , a ueace ° v ar . the detaofoneoto of a tom* , duo , bs „ .. A Wffldisbatioattaakst their pectillar acti non the mucuons membrane of the T •i i• . ,a. i ,- g,,, _.. - -, , :"., ',.. ' -Tear Reading.? bus., ie.., connect. At's.Bo arid 10 A. 81.1 8.02A80, 6 andrlL3o P. IL fele R&M b htM E ergrr"'"M'... .M. and swam to a hie eg , '.. y* r , , 4. KKtto B 3 Bto Q Kts, , L ir a Itestung san Crobm Eakma muns‘torco.• • water Etre:Ade, Atrezton ma Parana. se. aster; L o g , n 4,, ' ' '`" 4 usw t i re A r ly &Molding to thealatter through their cora. 41 ,, e ~,,, ,-. 5.-B to Q3-''- P x P ' ' - usi par l& ) - 6 . - ti c , -• , ' itiverinn and 2 ^ B °P- 1 4- for Penni- ' - • Fro DoylestOwn it 8.25 A. li..s.ooiiid l 4oo*. le: ', '' `'' hcao;llittowhilleig :1 1 1 14 1.411:12 th 4 • g u a rr n e ar n areir p m In al ni th lisill o ini ad onn Enn atto ‘n ba n o lnl f th eam ose n w l hO 'in4 roa cli re c wi r i ts#cte n nientot -°. -. ./.....• ••... 7 /ri , o. --- ~..- 6 B P ' 4 •''''''' - Kttoß aTr: .- 'r' - WIC A s-s t /dii IA IL--LowiX t s u gatts. , At t rAn i d i le A.M.1.8.0 sr and Inr_,Frome t ortaro r adarat ygr u geg. t itau . 0.45 2 ,1. , , 11. , .., a4i , . 42 8. .5. 15 : r d . at A v ~ F, ~,Ai i. ,,,,, - , „,,,,--;-, 7: B to x Q I ;t,'/ ~.-. P to LILO' - ~' - I- - : bi riva:l 4 4thla itt llB4 l i t- setae tug hawse 14 • - • --Ma n n . ° to' rr o ' f Uzi" . ' - *in tl. - 7 -1311") . M.C°r412, 4 4xcibill ' °°11116d .- - ", . 'r - - 1 , - ' N EtiNDAYS , -- ^- ' - ' advice, it ma l l be Mated here that th o ? r et r o= o r f m . AA • , -•-- 8. Castles QKtto Q 2 es u m afe c tA tt arrlves in Pottstown at dq, h i :. ' i t i t ailltoli ' Philaelphia:or ODATION-Leaves BM at, AL____ll •• i ,._Ven and jenny City, New York • piinsidelpids farr iMi estovrn eln ni at itan g.oot.t. '' ' ' t sire enm o r d M e ta ll L ii irl are th4tr i a r g ht ° l o l l l 4 hum n w i n e I° Pac t t / A r r ": F .iit- - ,' 04; r 9 .8t0 K 3 ' ..;',- ' , „!1.8.,t(39 a tag A. , x1.„ atoppint..g . an.l.R.y italicals. ard7 ll , l J 2 .• I e•zPiewe we ,- '' ' IP 00 Doylestown for Pei 40 it. I' L L efotaaoh az, twee,. of ',poems, 43131494111&01:1 4 del. c3Q / / • 10. Qto Q 2 Qtosa2 del ilia at 10. m A. , a „ .• ~ ~, . • My AO i 3411,00 A. 74 „2.77 Italand SP.M. for rait= Ind ' Bemiehem for a Philadelt, aat . • , /,,,,, ~, / ~, ' 4 11 ' P toll B 8 Pl 4/ 4 4 -K" - ' Erwin a 'ETlr.r 24 " 4 at- 454 °r•*'"dve° 41 ' . ararliid , u at t latolu l l i elrp ß .lltratorriAok, so' ~ f m. ,N l i atuag r m t lt ztei ii r"tai DA Vr'Ca", ,e41iv137 Paper - , ' DIt3EAtiEB OF THE, cat. a '''' /ALv* ,a v ;1C, , , , e V 1 2. Lit le Re2= ' ,Ptok Kt 4 ,"). s- i Trukurtor . phi& lerwiellstrfsb= MAIO A. bL, • TUlLlitown. , - anti , .• . . White sad Cora of Seco sew nd andart&liStreekiine and Union Syrup al- jilyipo hos hits ol Lim zig , : , ..., .. 4 1 ,, , , ,1 , z ~,, /..; a ...,/ /4 , Iry /// 1. 24 a: p P ,t to o 4 1 . 4. K ," t14 „. ",, it t to o St 2 . , .. - .; Log i,. i r vt.tia pi, tiatern „ ati t lo r inpit t inw sllV . milavinr iV 3 .B. si lm ma il.E. hili his ka st Az AL E it 7.,=="3"artilastaAiLm..%3o,6l.lo4.isould6 • P 6 , =,:f .11.. /roF f acika*f orcorthvelia. ana Line ran within aatan at oo th o e f, neket the Dev ilic4 ot. , _• fit,_ order , A p. toornrhuaroun " utt ' ftedarw ' cie P t.h., • chthisonew pa i ixt , ~ , 41_ " / W. , r .. . ~ . 15. QPxP Px P ' ' 148 en° P.A lv ' " 11-- ' ---- r - ?*-'--' '- ~ ` ' 1 - Torresd -Holmeeburs. Taemix..wrioefranatit Brides. Iccure •th e Vr 11 . 1144 . ja„,iair CLARN.4esi. ' ducerby Dr. Churchill. for the troatori l it h urn be ni eri roo in arry 16, p x p .- ••: B xp, . ~ - n iltirre n utt,.., in tf,„oo n lesv„ an .„.ft itentoltit a ,,'" araamaa tik---A - " Ltur,s,,Lafl am .a + ,,,,,,_,,0,,,,,T 6 . and P.,W. far H 010205 ors and 'Hach sold and Stigma 'Naked throu hto deal phthists. Recnittrials modest the Bromoton. Consume /A , • ,„2-A w - / -, /• , • 1 7. Kt to Qs ~ , Rto Q1.1, 1 q ' t wh av ir azr- ,--- - -- ' ..... " -.. "'"' ... .A-..Th' - r --- " . 1. at " -.' '&"....... '"'.. V11' '''.'" Ahmr13% . 711...1 '.5... "5.1. 11 0`.......k.,..........' lll-zs Pinata,. at gann'O rorrns Penn. Baggage Office, tion HospitaL_an institution especially devoted to the . re- south at -...., - • ....•• -01 .....- • ........volo- ...ePot. via- -wus moue. Na log Bon pm sweet, ... .... ' treatment of annum of the chest, hwhrund ity,de„ -„ A -3, f , , , 18. i 3 to B2;'' ~ -E to KlLtsig. • , - •g - • aphis at% R.N. , , ~. . „a r ~ , . •.,.. .- . uto !Aram or - obtaining this new ~, 5 ./4/ ,"`.. :, / ;. / / ,;t.,,`, , ,/,.. , J ..' 10. Bto RA ""' . ' 'Km : • • .••• • . t-it.6OlL-Kr-I, 04 - 180 - and - 111 - P7M. , ' , ,^. , . 21 -------)3l(7)lll%nrrtOlprk - iroust - E - s - h7T • "' " ' " therapeutic agent in the =oat perfectly pure and natural • on . Each table spoonful of syrup contains four • . sfit 1 a a anent for rand all ay Set-. Line via delver CIO- ..... ...';...'....i............ •-, .• •,•-• - -- • i .,,, s. • .aq 0Q t 3 g one . i ggs vo y o gi s oßle Att),Bl_,K,lfor PlAndeltddst and 40 Atl A.M. Emigrant Lne.......... 1 ....'....5.. Jam SHURE: . grains of perfectly pure hypophosplute of Raw: and as 7,=- - r , 7 A „ , , -, , '2. Kt toß,lt (c,h) ~,,,, Q x „Kt, , , , Way tkatio _ _ _ tutu . , The 120 A K awl 6.80 P.M. Lines nut * daily. AU Rhea. i- . • - compounded by DM, Grimault & Ca* Of Paris- the syrup // / 2/. xQ - ^-". ''' BxQ g - • ' Vs. morstraimma menu ~ goadayor excepted. , , vAggEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ,is the onlypreparation which guano:toles to tborneakat 1 ,, profession : i all Me proPOrtiee required in this Vahraole " ... 2. Q to,Kt 4 (ch),And Ming. .. de l l. _l l t trales ais f Jewry Pottrrine at II ..A. hi, and At 0.1nA..M.. Lae, Ms and 12 P. M., far Tre n t on .. , r . ~. IL ; Leave Philadelphi a for Reading at At 9.30 A. M.,,, 4320 and 12 P.M.. far Bristol _ _ 2 ' BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ' , an 200 A- isi o rrZ u f wp roin Bea ..4...5i 4.26 r. M. -, .Atl2P. AL (NUht) for Ma Tsillytown. schencin2 FIVE TIMINS DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY . ' zne , e " , - Whiter t&plaiOn' Mate' ba three themes.' ' Game No. 2005 e ff y, g Air w.,0 ,I , l= t ur w de , t v ddington, comas., To dal Holmodnul.Tscwy,_ _ _D taternnedistepabitsteke ....., -Bgt-Irtealde Cat "ili'll Freinf-- -46 tram 4 - 2 ° P. tali" ircat radlaael . 1411 - Viztrnill4 kn . Lineakaving I=o DePet. take the. can on - f.24 1 -4i l ll l c Wr rt lAT .o.,9 ll° _,../ A . Y iu%L ul T,:t tl4 ._ bit3"B ' _IE: flatus _w i l : l4 ' ' HCBA., _. - -nP____AN_G.E___MKNTS . OF - - effitn-IN-PRILLIDELPHLL 9.4m1).11[0_• ggethe_ _ _ _ - •.- • • ..... . . . . ..,„ .. Kaigh . t , . (Remora White's Quemei Kniqkt.} (Era's.? Gambit.) Wu. (Mu. R—.) Th... (Ma. P—.) 1. PtoK 4 P to K 4. 2. Kt to B 3 QKttoß 3 3. Btoß4 BtOB4 4. PtoQKt4 B x Kt P s.Ptoli 3 B to B 4 6. Castles P toQ3 7. PtoQ 4 Pit` 8. PaP . BtoKt3 9. RtoKtsq PtoKR3 10. Q to Kt 3 B to K-3 11. 811.1 Pill 12. ? to Q 5 • aids IS better than 12. Q x Pcdt) 1:2. Kt to 4 I' zP 13. Qtoß2 (Injudicious.) 14. P P (eh) ' Kt to K 2 lb. Q to Kt 6 (ch) K,to B eq 16. QtoK 6, QtoKeq 17. R to K 4 to Kt ebb 18. Rtoß4(ch) KttoKß3 19. R z RI (eh) P 3tli, 20. QxBP (ebt) K to Kt eg 21. lizRP Rx•B 22. Q R QtoB2 23. R to K sq • Q to Kt 2 24. Q to K 6 (eh) Qtoß2 25. Q to Kt 4 (eh) K to Req 28. It to K 6, and wine. CHESS IN MACON, GA., Game No. 2004. Between Mears. Boykin and (Evans' Gambit.) Wn. (Mn. Boyxr.v.) Btu. (Mn. 2—.) 1. P to K 4 Pto K 4 2. KKttoß3,, QKttoß3 8. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. PtoQKt4 BxEtP h. P B 3 Bto B 4 entitko " P to Q 8 7. PtoQ4 PIP 8. P x P B to Kt 3 9. Q Ktlo - It 8 • K Kt to B 8 (Eithe P r 9. to Kt R4or9. PP x to K R 3 is better.) 10. to K 5 - 1 3 B to,R 3 BxQP tolt Irtto K Kt 5 r. Boykin ought rather to have played 8.) x B 14. Q to KO 15. Kt x 1i P 16. Kt x Kt (Prettily played.) 16. K to B 2 17. Q Kt x B P K to B 3 Whlie-mplesltLfour moves. Game No. 200 g. Another interesting game of Mr. Boykin's. (Evans' Gambit.) WII. (Mn. BOYKIN.) &. (Jonas J—.) 1. PtoK4 PtoK 4 2. KKtt,Oli 3 QKttoß3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. PtoQKt4 B sat P 5. Ptoß3 Btoß4 6. Castles Kt to B 3 (With' a little more knowledge of the gambit, the Judge Would have played 6. P to Q 3.) 7. PtoQ4 P x P 8. P x P B to Kt 3 9. P to K 5 (9. B to R 3 is also very forcible.) 9. F to Q 4 10. B to R 3 Px B , 11. P x Kt QxBP 12. R to K sq(ch) BUJ K 18. PtoQb QxR (Ho should have castled.) _ 14.1 1 x8 QRtogsq • 15. P,x P_(ch) K x P 16. Kt to Kt b (ch) •K to Kt 3 17. Q toKt 4 R to Qb 18. R'io KG mate. ' CROSS IN PARIS. Game No. gam. This and the following three games were played in the Grand Tournament lattyear. Between Messrs. Kolisch and de Vere. (Sicilian Opening.) (Mn. KOLISCIL) Bt . Me, DE VEAL) I.toK — PtoQB4* ..2. Kt to K. B 3 • PtoK 3 3. KttoQß 3 KttoQß3 . 4. PtoKKtB PtoQ 4 5.BtoKKt2 P . t.oQs 6. Kt to Kt sq (To us it seems that with the advantage of the Erg move he ought to have achieved a hatter. de velopment) - • • .• 6. PtoK4 7. pt,0448 KttoKß3 8. Castles BtoQ 8 9. BtoKKt 5 BtoK 8 10. Q Kt to Q - • Castles, . 11. to It sq, P to K R 3 _(We_much_preler Black's game.) 12. BxKt. . Qxß 13. Kt to 'K Kt sq Q to K 2 (Mr. de Vere should have played P to -K Kt 4.) 14. P to K B 4 P to K B 8 , . 15. - . P To - K B 5 B t• 5 K B 2 -" 16._K Kt_ to K B 3 PtoQKt.4 17. Kt to K RI Q'tolC sq 18. P to Q R -P to Q _ ' - - 20.7 - B - to KR q.. 21.:(1.t0'K . . (The aspect the game is nelonger the same, and we •mnet'adMit :that Me; Kolisch has now the advantage In poeltion.) 12. If toIC3 Paß littoQ 4 QtoQ2 --- TirttiK 2 L 4 to K rrEIJKA2III%) 2. KttoKß3.., KttoQß3 . 3. 8t0Q134 B to Qll`4 4. PtoQB3 KttoKß3 6. Castles . Kt x 7. P P PtoQ4 8. it toK sq B to-K 2 fi. B toe 3 g toK B,4 10. Kt 1.0 K 5 ' Catitles' ' • 11. Kt x.Kt P.xKt 12. QtoK2: , BtoQ3 13. Pto K . • , (P to KB 4 would have' butt- better, though Black still Would have had' by far the superior. • • :.13. QtoK. B 5 14. 2 to K Kt,p •; K 4 . x 15. Px Kt QxKt P (ch) • 16 K 54 Bto.Q 2 17. B to K 3 R to K 113 18. It t4 - '4Waq ' KKt 3, and White resigns. - • ' dame No. 2008. Between Messrs. Loyd and Wlnawre. • ' (PetroriDefence.) Wu. (Mn. Low) .11x. , (111t. Worewsnr.) •L PtoK4 2..K.tt0K.83 .K.Kttoß3, 3. K.tx,P . P toQ3 4. K Kt to V 3 Kt x P' .5. P to 3 Kt t 01 1 .13 3 6.8t0K Q 2 BtoK3 7. Castles BloK 2 8. r, to, Q Kt 3 Castles 9. 11 to Kt 2 Kt tci B . 3 : 10. P to•WRI : • Kt to Q 4 • 11. P ' Kt to B '5 12. QKttoQ2 • BtoKB4 la. Kt to K 4 BxKt 14. Pr B 8t0K433• 15. Q to Q 2 B.x B 16. Qxß QtoB 3 17. Qto Ktto K 4 18. Q R to Q sq Kt x Kt (ch) 19. BxKt Kt x P (ch) 20. PxlitQxß Q, 21. to(W"- Qtoß 5 - • 22. KRtoKsq QRtoKsq t0.R.5 . 24. Q Q to KtS. • -Q Q Q (cl2)'' • (24. B. x P was certainly better.) 25. PxQ, - R t0.K.4 26. RtoQs' KRtoKsq 27. R x R R x R 28. P,to to .K itcp 29. K 101 l 2 " K to"Kt 2 80. K to B 3 PIoQR4 31. K tci B 4 - B 3 32.PtoKR4 K to K 3 33. P QR 3 , to-R, 3 34. RtoK Rtciß4 38. Ptoß4 PtoQB3 36.-R toQR2 . PtoQKt4 37. RPxP P 38.RxP • PxP 39. R x R P x R 40. P x 1 4 , 4 PtoKt 4 ph) .1 (Black's &me now hireSti 41. P x P P x P (eh) 42. K 3cP 43.13.t0R6 Kx P ,44. Bto • to B. 4, . .and. COALS. &MD WOOD. CROSS. CREEK 'I;IIIIITGE'COAL. PLAISTED dshioCOLLIN„ No. 803301IESTNUT Street. West Philadelolda. Sole Retaa4g eets foro(mefirothere Uo.acelebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Coal; from the Buck' Mountain Feln. This Veal Leparticularly--adapted„l'ormaking Steam for Sugar and Malt Mousee. , Mteweriee.s.,hc..lt ie also,unsur , passed as a Family. Cog. Ordera- ieit at the °Menet:the Miners. No. 841 WALNUT Street Oft floor). will reeetwe our i rompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using a regular quantity. - .jyl6 tf• S meson BUM& roan r. ISZOLIVIN HE UNDERSIGNED , DIME ATTENTION TO T Moontain; Lehigh Sena Locilat Monahan Coal, which, with the preparation Oven by . us, wethink cannel be excelled by _any other COW. n , "..‘ street. DI Office,Fraahlin fiche. Delldiem_No. 15 EL% NES & 8 Jalett , Arch street wharf. Satinyl . smierricip awn !HOWLS N. DIXON & SONS„ „,,...........,_,....6.,,. - 'amid adorers o C t IPP"i _ te ljuu'D° State *int.” ~ . . MOWN. ORAED3 _ 11`4 Anthracite.iltamii Ir i tFYit fliii ons l gd .'. Niitog Fi '• , WARM-AIR N4Cgg -•• ' ~ ~.. , v Mir Worming Publicate- ` t ' • REGISTER% V ..W.M.LATONN. - ' • - . ' 000.111.i0oRANO :,•: g g. ir,Ean,. ~ wktimatmAT,cr: ~, RH m- 36 . --,-- 1 - 7 ~... COPAIITP=V9IIIPS :stia* ' 'Rh s HI .' TiIBSOLI TION OF. ___ iiRTNE......H .-THE - CO. .Laipartnershln heretofore existing, under the firm of EDDiUND YARD a C 04- faitt_day'lltesolved, br i matual consent. I ^ • . -3. ' -.•• '• ' Y 4 f" 11 - 1 - ----- — EDMUND YARD, ._ , , , ~,.- JAMES .6_ Fgt4 rof .4 , , 1 . . , .. , , , , - Lucikwr. aliosi. .o,__:.i - - . EDMUND YARD. - a. The business Of the - late firm ,will be,-, settled at 617 CHESTNUT street. by the abtretsc.:•-• ••.:,....',,,..- .-- I"nixanrypnLa,AßlT 111.1.86 A. 0 0 PARTNEli139*NoTICE.-WrafAV TIIIB,IPa.Y V formed a cepartnerehlto. talder the name of the ht of FENTpN dc TriQMPION, for the transacti-4 of the itl2 , ang and Jobb I n MK. thh. Vita dio ,,,, ei- .l l -7 ;;,,,,, -- 4,ii • c-dry-gectagra A . etreat- -•-, - -shied to et ... _ VS.,S: TON: " . . • . • ''' - , - ~' L1i . . , 1L1.31".:TH0H114)7 , 7. , Pmminut.rnisrAtrinStistl4B6l4.lr . r':l;l 1 • '... •snl:Hte ' EiPliatlAL FRIENCUI kBIIN ;60 canniatera and fancy lazes,itoVorte 'ickr4.4l, _Ay JOB. B. BUBB/DE & W.. 108 Beath Delaware aWntte‘ - - ik:111E!))11 IVEI/1116 - • - . :4 Delhi' ItALLWAD,-- 'Baser" era for • • liege. pVIallI% take? IV A. 11. and 4.81 P. N. trains from Philedet, returning from Oollegoville 0,8.21 A. M. mull a P. mge Mosier various points in Perth:then Valle/ connect with fa sirs at Calc PITTY ine. NEW YORE 'EXPEZEI FOR SVEGH AND 'IIE '..ST.-Leaves Now ork st /9 A.. M.. 6.0) and .131.„, passim Reading aid A. IL. L5O and 10.10 P. hand connect at Baufabwrg sv,ttb Peuroylvarda and N Central Railroad Enprees Trains for Pittabirrgir, (Wong% Willintumort Elmtra. lleithnore,dre__' of=g E sprees leaves Essalabarg, on arrival ': vartte rExpressiWthburgb. at 3 and, 4.26 Et_. p.ale paining 1 at 4.43 and %OS M, and um P . arelpine at ew 'York 1110 and 1 1.45A,M. and fi.el Bleming Cats accompanyttog these Inane t h rough between geney City end Pittaibarth a 'without Mall trainfor New York leaves llsrestrarg atiiloALM. and 2.06 P.M. Mall trete forliartisborg leaves New York at Noon.. - • • • SCHUYLEELL VALLEY NAILN)AD. -Treks leave , Putts .11.1 e at T 6.45, 11 c 30 ld. and "APE. lii...rehmthigirent at fins A. M. and In twadAM P. M. i t i MLEILL AND BM3cIIIE.ENfa RAILROAD-. Trains leave Album at Mg& It. for Pthentaa and anr eau:l4 and at DM P.M. for Pineatmre end Tram)* Pe. turning from Eternal:erg at AMP. and from Tremont. • at 1.40 A. M. and figs _ TI( lET'S.--Through iranellats tickets cad trulcturt delre=thegutocipal Pints In the North and eat and :.- 111 Kgarkien. Tickett RaLaeligda y algdirr4 -and Intermediate Stedon4 good for as . are scua by Earning- Aoconon hu W Reading Pottstown Accommodat imodad io . n at reduced rates. and Excursion Tickets tor his, gad for day _only are sold at Beading and Inter °dila Stations Head the and Pottatown aeeowc”.o..tion Trains at reduced - The following tickets are obtainable only the Office Zn of Et Bradford. Treasurer, No. So uth mirth street. Eilindriphis, or of a. A. Nicolls, Oemralßspricii:ait:ithtig, Commutation Ticket, at 16 per cent dhconat, between anzp . .s . 4 . desired, fcrr (*mkt. and fume Tickets, good for $OOO ranee between all points str/537C each, fbr f maim and firma _ holdersic for three. dm, ohm or twelve months, fo only to all Pointe at reduced rate& residing on the the of the road will be far. Clergyman vvith peuts.lestithid themselves and wives to tieltete at nen fans.- •• • Excurden Tickets tram. Ploihdelphisi to Mincipal et s kims, good for Saturday Sunday mad Monday. at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office. at Thirteenth and Cello shill striate. _ FREIGHT.--Ooodis of all ascriptions foraerded to MI the above ints from the Company , ' New Freight DePot. Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.135 A. It., 12.45 noon. ate and 6 P. hL for Seeding. Lebanon. Harris. box. POWrIII6. Port Clinica 6 rd all points beyond. Mane c..at.thierblladelp a Post-Offthe for au place' on the road and its branches MA A. M.. and for the prin cipal Stations only a /Ls P. I& BAGGAGE - Dtmgm's Erpres will collect Baggage for an trains leaving Plilladellgbia Depot. Order* can = oe left at No zs South Fourth street, or at the Depot. Tlthteerath and Oat. t PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad. -.Summer, , Time. -,Tsideg effect, Ma_y 10th, lEaft, The trains of the Pannesylvaniatral itaßroad lea boapot, at Thirty. and Market streets, which La ixectLy by the earl of the MarketEtreet Passenger Railway', the last car connecting with each Math, leaving Front and . Market streets thirty nfinntee before its departure. Those of the +Chest:ant and Valiant Street Itafhwayrun within one square of the Depot , ON SUNDAYS-710 Market Street Cara leave Front and Market streets St minutes before the departure of each t 'rain. Sleeping Car Tickets can he had , oe,application at the Ticket (Mice, Northwest corner'.of Ziatn and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union TransferComparry will editor and deliver Baggage at the Depot: Orders left at No. 901Ched. nut street, too 118 Market street, will receive attention. _ TRAINS .LEAVE DEPOT. Mall Paoli Acoomno - oakiiri - NO. 10.00 A. M. Fast Line. ..... .at L 2.03 M. ErieE - M OO M. Pieli,E=VOT La BO P. M. Harriett . -at 220 P. M. 47z La'uCaster Accommodation...... ...... ....... 5 to p . M. Parksbar&Trau.. ....at B.CO P. M. p P : scm. _ " "at Accommodation.. ~ 1,... at 11.80 P M. Erie Mail Isaves . daly, : axceen $ • • Philadelrobin - 101Mes0 leaves deny. MI other trains daily, except Stmday. I The Western Accommodation Train Tans daily, except Sunday. For this trabi tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by_a_ce_lLlL.at 116 Market street, , TRAIN 6 .ABALIIr. AT DEPOT, IiTZ Cincinnati ...... .....at 1.35 A. M. ... . . " 7.10 FaetLtne . : ... " 9.85 " ••12.au P M. Erb:1E311m0.—....... ..... 6.09 Paoli Am= Non. 2 ar. 8. ...940 7.10 " DaT EXPrear - " Harriaourg " 940 " For furthwinforroation. JQE,II C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901Cheetant street. EN.OIII:EITNILi.Asen_,.* 110 klaarket street- BAIII.IBL a. WA 1, ACE. TiciceiAsent at the Depot. The PelieOurivania , P.Allroad Coattail , '.sot mime any risk , far Oaggsi din l r eacept for Srettrigff apparel. an4l omit their rarebn _to Onektundred Dollars lovable. All. Bageag . e'excee Abet- Areoluka value will be at the fiat of theo owunc. sakes taken Aesrpkoot. )EDWARD vriaatia.no, General Bnoetiateadeat. Altoona. 14a. . _,PM '.!" IIaIoTIMOREI .• - _ uI2INTBAB - ItATGROAD. Summer Arraugonenta ()stand after Monday April : lr the Trainkwill leave Phitadelphlafromcor e Depot • ' 0 Meet Cheater& Philadelpldar Bwiroad, tier ofFhhrty- brat and Chestnut 'treat. (Weft Plallada.). a 7.15 M. and 4.60 P. M. • • Leav Rising Bain. at 15.16 'AVM, and OzfOrd at 6.00 A. Miami, leave Oxford at fakse: N. - - • Market Train ? Vtla. Paerenser Ohm attached will ran an Tuesday* and &m i slays= . th efi.ialna Bon at ILC6 b A. M., oor& at L 45 and Kamn eat L 0) P. M, eon. need= at West Cheater unction with a tea= for PLO'. delphia. On Wednesdays • and Saturdays train leaves Philadelphia at,S.BO - 2: - ..• - through to Oxford. • • • The Train leaving Phlltui his at 7.15 A.M. connect' at ni p Oxford with a daily line of El for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Jteturnin - yes Peach Bottom to cannel at Orfordarith the OrkgriairSfOr r/dladel• phis. The Trab leaving , 1 7.13 0 delphla til 4.60 P. M. runs to Padil l"n4 lll4 era -M ali el owedkc"taksweariniTh aiqpiare l only. at Ba a, and the Company.,wfli not. la any Caea. be re spond for an amount °treading one hundred dollars. =teem "Pedal porit oct k o inade for the came. 9 .0 _ nap, ~ i, i„; ~ - BY WOOD. -General Bispst. NOMQIFAST FREIGIIV LENE. VIA NVEI • P RAU. oAD., babarre, Al= City, Motuat.Carxael,Uentralla.-anda#,Dalus Vtmesilisltroadavii."Jusaeli _1 Tirafea Itirelate — ireA iD4arcl' ,:;vg,,, th z,v,v Goods theetove beintati rri v dolivfted at vie Througb t vot, , 8.-14.r.ar. at F 103241• and. OBLBl3tri l ep k ,' Before SP. EL; will, reach .WUkoabarro. Mount corm al, Mahats o ll CDT. =Atha othar 'stational la xlahauoy , and n lizrattla vaamil before 11 A- Af,:af_tkkaticcoedlromay.. r. WILT p axrr Agent fDA Y."AUGUST 14A86R c: ; dap The Cara on Market' Street Railway run di , meta eat PhiladelPhin Depot : Chestnut • and Walnut wi :one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cara 19311 run to connect with theftSl kl and 6.80 P. M. linear. BELVIDERE DELAWARE SqlrliMlLD LINES from Remington Depot. • At 7.00 A. M.. for Niagara • Falb, Brad% Thunkfrit, It-b* , •.„ Owego, _Rocheatenßinghampton, Oswego, Byname, Cheat Bendadontreae.Wilkesbarre. Schooleys Motuitoin, Ac. _At 7.50 A, Be d and AM P. M. for Scranton.' Stroudsburg. water Gap.ere% ssumm. Lambertyille,Plernington. •&c. The 130 P. M. Line collects direct with_ the train w ing Easton for Manch Clundt.Allentown. Bethlehem. At 5 P.IS. tcrionaieriville and inte rmedi ate Stations._ CAMDEN AND BIIRLINOTON C 0 AND PEMBERTON ABD BIGHTSTOWN 'RAILROADS, ' from Market Street Ferry (Dun' Side.) :At 8 A..:311.. 7.4 and 6.15 P. Maar Meichantaville, Moores. town, liarttord, Maeonvllle. Mainaport, Mount Holly, Viecentenm. Birmingham an ti Pemberton. At I and 4 P.M. for LerwietovrAWtighbtown.Cookab3wn. New Egypt, Borneretown. cream Ridge, town. Sharon and Etightatown. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only snowed ' each Paamonger. Passengers are prohibited from Wallis_ anything AS bag. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty Pounds, to be paid for oitra. •The Company Umit their re. woonsiblity for baggage to One Dollar per Potmd,end not be liable for any amount beyond, $lBO. except' by ape. ••• Tick Ste sold arid Bantade Sleeked direct. throng' tO Roston, Worcester. springthad. Hartford, New eleven, Providence, Be z e k e l e tan_y, :Troy _Baratom Utica. Rome, ilyraens Buffalo. Megan Pans -and Einspen Bridge. An addilional Ticket Office As located at No. HE Chestnut street, where ticketa to New York. and all hn. portent pointsliorth and East. - may be procured. Per. BODO purchasing Tickets at this can have their bag. gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Beingsge Express. - Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from toot of Cortland rarest st,7 A. K. and LOO and 4.00 P. BL, via Jersey CI and Camden. At 6.110 P. M. via Jersey City and K n. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 sad &OD P. M.. ;via Jersey ally and West Thliacle/phia. Prom Pier No. 4 N. River, at 5.20 A. M. AccomModatiOn and 2 P. IL Express, via Amboy and Camden. June , 15. 1860. Wkt.ll. GATZMKR. Asent. ~ , PHILAD ViMGTON , . TIME TABLE:—.Conunencing 'Mon day, Aprill ' l2th.ll363, Trains will leave Depot, conserrof Broad street and Washington aVenue, as follows Way,mall Train. at 8.80 A. M. (B=Asys excepted), for Baltimore. stool= regular stations. ,. Connect with Delaware ad at Wil mington for Crisfield intermediate stations. • Express train at 12.00 M. (SundaYa excepted) for Balti more and Washington; stopping at Wilmington. Perry ville and Havre.de•Grace. Comiacta at Wilmington with train for New Castle. Express Train at 1130 P.M.y(Sondayi exceptea for Bal timore , and'Washing. ton. stoppingat Chester, Thurlow, Linwood. (,Ilaymont, - Wilmington.NowportEitanton, New. ark. Elktona, ortheast,Charlestown. PerryvilleJlavre.de. Grace,, A.berdeeni Perrrdenn% •'Edgelveed• Magnolia* (Rime's and Bteramerhi Run. . Night Express at ILO° P. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Perryville and Havre de - Orace, Connects gton (Saturdays-. exceptedl with 114ehiware 'Railroad Line, ' stopping at Now Castle, Middletown, Clayton. Dover, Harrulgton,Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. PassangeriforFortrees Monroe and Norfolk via Balt!. more will take the 12.03 M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the Li P. M. train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmngton: . • LeaveThiladelphia at11A.M..230.5.007and ILBO (daily) P. M. The &PO P. M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Barrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 2.10 A. M. (daily) and L 1.5 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. The 8.10 A. 2,1. Train will stip between Chester and Philadelphia; From Baltimore. to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Watd.al).; MO A. M.. Exp_ress. 2.25 P. id., Ex press. 085 P. St , Express. 8.552. M„ Expresa. SUNDAY TRAINB FROM BALTIMORE Leave )34 tiroore at 255 P. M.. stopping at Havre de Grace. Perry. ville and Wilmington. Also stops at North East. Elkton and Newark, to take passengers for Philadelphia., and leave passengers from Washington' or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave nansentora from Washington nor Ball* more. Thi:ongh tickeis idispointe West.Bentla and Sonthwert - - ralarlieliroZtired Continental Rotel. where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-Cam can be secured during the day. 'Persons pnrchng tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their mamas by the Union Transfer Company. • • 11, F. I:EN - NEL Superintendent ND PII.ILA vTA 1W 1*16 ' 614 " DIA. ~SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS.. On and after . MONDAY. April 13th. 184'8. the trains will leave Depot, Thirty fintand Chestnut etreete, as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for West Chester. at 7.15 A. M, 11 A. M.. 5.84 4.15. 4.50. 7 and 11 P. 14.1 Leave West Cheater for Philadelphia, from Dovetail . Market street, 6,15, 7.15. 7.50 and 10.45 A. M., L 55, 4.50 and 6.50 P. M. On and after Monday, June 15th, an additional Tra n will leave Philadelphia tor Media and Intermedia Points at 5.80 P. M. Trains leaving West Chesterat 7.80 A. M., and leaviog Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M.. will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only.• Passengers to or' from'stations between West Chester and B C.-Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.154,..31..and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P.and transfer at B. C. Juncton. , - Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15. A. M. and 4.110 P.M., and leaving Wtst Chester at. 7.80 A. M. and, 450 ' connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on P. and B. C. h. B. for Oxford ar d intermediate points. t.. N SUNDAYS—heave . Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.45 A. 3L and 5.00 P. Toe Depot - in reached directly by the Chestnut and Val. nut Street 'cars.. Those of the Market Street Line run. within one square.% The care of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. a ,- Passengers are allowed to take Wearing apparel only as Baggage, and-the Company will not, in any be responsible for an amount exceeding 52100 unless special contract is made for the same. LIEI4 BY' WOOD ' :General Superintendent.' , 11 , . .. , .... 4 „ , ..... PHILADELPIEFAAmtu. TIME 9 AND I . k . , 4 ;;:;"'•''''' Ral" k ) hrotick u andpireet Route be: , tween Phlladeletda. Baltimore. Uhrrillitir . Winisillet' Northwest and the Great Oil on. of , Penn sylva wt. to n.t a.-I , lea the ant Bleeping Can on all Nig t' Trail/IL On and after MONDAI., May 11WM., the Trains On the Philadelphia arekErie ts fthiloomt , ran " Icanva-- hitt ..... .............IEIIS P. M. 151!il Train leasT"Tilbihiadi Philadelphia.. ort ...... .....„ -- •. . am AIL , o arrived at. Erie. .......... .... . . 8.60 P. AL Rile Expels leeea;ladelpfda 12.0() Noon. wt, ........ SO,P. Pd. .. .. arrived at - Erie... ~.., ... ,:...,.: . ... .. .10.05 A. E. Elinlra nil l eiy e a - Pil l ndP'P h " t. ,--' , a l e P. - M. .. " arrived at Look ri aven ''-''''' 7.45 P, H. —^ „ . ~ . , .stv_eg___ErieEASTWAßD. f • I . • s . . - '- arr ‘ i vesNil amaport .-.7-::.10.16-P M.PhiladelPola 110 A .''' Erie Express leaves Eri1 i .:......................... 7.40 P. M. .. . .. o' - Wit iam5p0rt......... ..... 815 A. M. o arrives at Philadelphia. ~.. ... .. 5.00 P. M. Mail and , 'Express connects ' with ' Oil . Creek Li r d Alle gheny River Railroad. Bagatigt,..;tiocked_f_itro r ,h ALI RED L. l'ic LE. .. Gonerai.upurint•Aident. Exegnncar dpeew __........ ... .; . ......; :: - .""...11.15.1:51; . ...7.50 A. 51. Freighi. *Eli passenger car attached...— .... . . 9.15 A. M. Express (tt rough in two hours).... 2.00 P. M. Atlantic A cemma onation .... ",....... " _.," -,.. "4.15 P. M. RETURNING,.. WILL. 1..E.5-11E:AWANTIC: pedal Excursion:— 5.18E:H. Freight. , Wiili . ....' tiai . .. ..... ............11.40 A. is Express (through inftwo hours) 7 EIA. M. Accommodation .5.50 A. AL • - . Junction Accommodation. to Atco and Interme- • diate Stations leaves Vine street. ... ..... ..„..5.91 P. M. Returning, leaves Atco 6.25 A. XL .11ADDONFLELD A - ECOMISIODATION TRAINEI *Alf LEAVE ' 10.115 A. NI. mat 2.130 PAC ' ... .... ....LOOP. K.' and :Lb P. M. Vine Street Ferry.at. Haddonfield. at.• • SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO . ATLANTIC CITY. LeaVeel Vine Street. ....... ... ....... . ........ 7.80 A. kW Leaves Atlantic . . 7 . . 4.93 P. M. -Fare to Atlantic. 82. Round trip tickets. good only :for They and train on wldch they axe issued. 193. Philadelphia Local Express, ComPany. 815 Chestnut street, will call for baggage in any part of the city and suburbs. • and check: to hotel or-cottage ist Atlantic City. • • • • additional Ticket Officers have been located in the Reading-room of the Continental Hotel, and at No. es Chestnut street. . Je3914 D. 'E . MUNDY. Agent. HILADELPH JENIMETOW P N AND Noßa l itroßNW ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and atter Friday; flay t 18M. FOR GIERNAIT3WN, Leave Phlladehie-6. 7,8, 9.oth 113.11, UAL FLO. I. au. 83i eaves 11. t o . 8. 0•10. 12F. as. L , oamanwn-6.1, V6LB. MA 8. 10.1142 hL ;1. 8.8,4.436 8,017 The 8.26 down , and ,the 83‘ and 636 nt; trains. sarl not stop on the Germantown Branch, • •ON 81UNDAYS. Leave Philadelphir.raiptitee A. rd )1.7 andlo( Leave Gesnuitown--8.18 A. M. • 1.6 and 93C P. M. TNlrr m ilen.RoAtw. Leave Philadelphia-4 B at . 10.12 A. M.; 2. am. ex. 7.0 and 11 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 mlnnteN 801.40 and IL4O A. M.t14).,1140 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadelphia—Rß; minutes A. M.; I and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.50 minutes A. M.; 1240. MO and • ' 11.26 F0R CO ;manatee PN. SIL M. OHOCKFN AND riuRRISTOWN. Leave PhiladelE4lo , --6. 736.`8.1105. A. M.; 1%. 8. 414 634 ILA 8.06 and 1135 Y. M. heave NorxiMvni-6.40. 7.744 8.11 A. M. 1136. 3.436. and 836 P. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9A. M. 83.4 and 715 P. M. Leave Noarleiown FO — R P. A. M.; 6A34 andlC 9 . P. Pi. RV _ Leave Pldladelphia--6„ 7 3 6, 9. 1106 A. M.; 134, 8. 43E. 153 w. .15. 8.05 and DM Leave Menem:lX-4.10. 734. LW. 93¢.1136 A. M. ;11. 834, L 67( and .9 P. U. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. ; 934 and 7.16 P. M. Leave M. 736 W. 11. WILSON. General Superintendent. Depot. Nhith and Green 'streets. RILIWIIINEIII4 IRON" &eh! IRON FENCING The undersigned are prepared to receive orders for English Iron Fence of the best quality. known as Cattle blurdles, the mostdurable and economical fence that can be -used. This fenceae . especially adapted for countty seats or for the protection of lawns. It is in universal use in England in parks and pleasure grounds. YAA NALL & TRIMBLE, No. 08 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. JeZ-3m4 MERRICK SONS, SOUTGWARK FOUNDRY, ISO WASHINGTON AAvenueCTURE Philadelphia. MANUF .. STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizontal, V ertical, Beam. Oscillating. Blast and Cornish Punts , BOitEßS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &e. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasanyth and Davy styles. and of all sizes CASTINGS—Loran. Dry and Green Sand. Brass, &a, ROOFS—Iron Frames_ ,_ for covering wit Slate or Iron.. TANRS—Of Cut or Wrought Iron. for'refineries, water, e. GAS NIACILINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and.Charoeid Bar.' rows, Valves, Governors. dux SUGAR MACHINERY —Such as Vacuum Pans and., Pumps. Defecatons,Hone Black Filters, Burners, Wash era and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black - Cars, dm. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia Mid vicinity, of William Wrighth Patent Variable Cutoff Steam Engine. • in Peruievivania, of Shaw ds Juetice'a PatentDead•Stroks - Power Hammer. • • i In the United Btatea, of Weston , a Patent Seiteenteririg and Self-balancing CentrifugalSugar.drajaingagochina Glass Centr B i fu art ogaLPe improvement ort.diminwsdl:de WOolaers BartoPs Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. ' Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest • Contractora for the deem% erection,. and fitting up of It* fineries for working Sugar orMolaisem nOPPER AND • YIILLOW. METAL SHEATHING; kJ Brazier's Gomez Naha. Bolts and Ingot Copper. cow 'tautly, on hand and for wale by ~INMY- 608 a CO.. No. SZI Boutb-W,harvaa, NO. I GLEN GAR.NOGE. SCOTCH PIO IRON. a).11 •L't sale in lots to suit purchasers, from store and to ar. Lye. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. , life Walnut street. DAll36!l#• PORE FhniTS.—WE OFFER To THE TRADN.puirs, J. White ,Lead, ZinckWhite and Colored Paints of onr own manufacture: of.tuidoubtedpurio.A in onautitiet , to ' suit Purchasers.. ROBRFIT ISBOAKER ts Deafen In Paints and yprzolien. N. F.. comer Fourth and Raos streets.' - , • n027-tf EILTBARB , ROOT, OF REGENT IMPORTATION, 111 , and Tory superior quality_,_• White Own Arabic. Esat India Castor Oil,' White and Mottled Quails Soap, Oil, of various brands,. For sale by ROBEILT , I3ROE. MAKER &O : Druggista. Northam; corner of Fourth and Ra c e , R•oots. n 027.12 ) .11RA OISTiP t3UND.RIBS.--GRADIIATES.24ORUX ' Pi Tihai r r, Combs, Brushes; Mirrors.' Tweezer&„yaw _. Boxes, Horn BCOOM surf*Ahlstrumeatzli fau Trtleask. /MO and Soft Rubber uOOds, Cast* -- G MOW', Syringes. &C.. all at "First Handesricest: NON BROTIBIR, • XI South lathe street ;' DOCENT 8110PMA ICER & CO.; ::waor,. S , . Druggists, N. E, corner Fonrth and Race streets. Invite the attention of-the ?Trade to 'Metz large aback , al a Fine Onws -and. llhetrdoalar *Essential Eponaesn - s Corks. !cc. . 1.10:3711 el, OIXTU EVE B. &MUMMY. ISIERAILL'i 1.7" TB AC KARA, No, 718 Chestnut street, matmfactarart of Gas Filitureo. Lamp., Acc., &a, would ,cal),the atenti , m, of thi. , public to their largo and elegant 411,zsdr.ftent of Gus" 2 GhariVeliera, Pendants, Brackets, itie.,Thev 440 hid:reduce,rliVOT.24244B72l,E 80.;11'(-141.11 BOXE4?. Gr 2 mnilz , Rae pipe: , into dwellinge and puNio and' thud, s T W c.zhitv,ttfli. SoluNlar-lag icon. brig 1 ennßrivaula, :0. altering ar.d ru;aic - Mg AEA from 7,-r;osq siva rot. jOvrii, , l3l:36lra-df I warrantee.• ' Sout_h_Lielalt_ake aces e. GRINAULT COVIS GITAILICANA• This natural vegetable prediction, perfectly innocuom bee been long wed in Brasil with the utmost success, as a. remedy forearrhrea;' sick headache, dysentery, and all dborders proceeding from derangement of the stomach or bowels. This powder is indispensalde for all farallies. 'and far WON efficacious than opium and the strnitrata, GENERAL DEPOT Di PARDEI; at ORDIAIILT dc . CO.ll, 45 rue do Richelieu AGEM llv PHIGADELPELIA, FRENCH, RICHARDS & Ca N. 'W." cox , . Teeth amid Market' Ste: . most destrnetive enemies of7ir la rac umall e. l efUt ill hill ' unseen and unfelt tenant of the organfam undermines the constitution, and invitee the at. tack of enfeebling or , fatal diseases,. without exerting a cuspidor of its presence. Again it seem to breed Wee. tier' throughout the body, arid then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideorur forms, either en the surface or among the vitals. la the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lenge or heart or tumors formed in the liver, or it show* its presence by eruptions on the skiu,_or foul ulcer ations' on some part of the body. Hence the ocas.• eional use of a bottle of this damensmaa.a. is. advisable. even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Par. SOW affected:with the following comply M generallY find immediate relief, and, at length, cure by /110 USG of • thisBARBAPARILLA: Arriscenru - 704 Boers on EINVILPELAS, TETTEE, BALT REIEGGE, BOALD Ilco Rom, wean. Bum Errs, Sons. Farm, and other era orie or visible forms of thetorirrnirs disease. Alm' in fffhhhe more concealed forme, as DYSETEITLC, DROPSY*. Hamm Drama* FITS, EVUXIST..NEIIII&LGIA, and. the various Gnomons affections of the muscular and nervous eystems. - • finyamos or Yr maim and idsmenmrat Dunmire are cured by it, though a long time required for subduing these obstinate maladies by eny medicine. But long eon. tinned use of this medicine will cure the comaint. LEGOOIGGIOLi or WHITES,UTEDINE lILOKRATIONNandi MALE DisEAERs, are commonly soon relieved' and alit. mutely cured hy its purifying and Invigorating effect.. Minute Directions for eack case are 'found in our Al. mantic, supplied gratis. , Itunumwrint and - Gorr, when caused by accumulations •of extrarteme matters In the blood. yield quickly to . it, as also Lrvmsr - Cwt. PLAINTS, Tenni:wry, ' CONGESTION or INFLAboL4TIOM • of the LIVER, old Jammu= when Brining, SS they often do, _from the ranking poisons in the blood. This SAIit3APABILL.d. 113 a great motor= for the strength said vigor of the. system. Those who are Ia&IGGOED and LISTLESS, DrEMONDENT, SLEEPLESS,E and troubled. with N armors Arrnmurseroas or FILES, or any of the affect. tient' 'symptomatic of Wmarmuss, will find immediate re... : lief and convincing evidence of its restorative Power upon Prepared byy. DA J. C. AYER dr, CO.. Lowe% Maas. Practical and Ana s. cal Chemist Sold by all Drug a everywhere. air3o-f,ly J. M.ds Co.. Philadelpaia, Wholesale Ages..b. VAL DENTAIJJ/16.—A EUPERLOBABTIOLEINGA, V cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcuhs which in. test them, giving tone to the gram and leaving a --feeling of frasscanee and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may bo mod daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersive:Leg win recommend it to sm•y one. Being, ceuilsolscd. with . assistance of the Dentist„ Physlciams and' Micro co Is confidently offered as a reliable inbatitute for the ma.• curtain welshes formerly in vogue. • . Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the conatitnente the Dentallina. advocate its uses it contains nothing, to _ prevent its so nrestreined employment Made only by . JAMES T. SEWN. Apothecary. • ' • Mimed and Spruce streets For sale by I/ling:Mb genes as and Fred; Brow , D.. . L. Stackhousa, Humid & Bobert C. Davis, C. It. Beaty.. - Geo. C. Bower. . Isaac B. Say. ' -Chan. Shivers,- • C. H. Needles. D. McCollin. . T. J. Estaband. ' C. Bunting, Ambrose Bmit.b. Chas. B. Ebeide. Edward Parriah, James N. Marks, Wm. • B. Webb, F. Brim/Aunt & Co. James IL - Bleph am., Dyott Hughes& Combs, B C. Blair's Bow.' Henry h.: Bower. - - WYethdr 13.ABELLA ISABIANNO. M. D.. 5396 N. TWELFTH /Street. I Ccrnaultations free. - nois9-I' NOTICE!. VIBT&TE OF PHILIPS. WHITE. 13 'D.--LETTERS £4 testamentary having been granted to thesubetniben. upon the estate of PHILIP 8. WIIITE, deceased, all Der mas Indebted to the same will make payment to. ands, those having claims present them to J ILLN TH Jlc LEY, 103 Chestnut street; F. A. THEGO. 006. Walnut street. Executors. 1Y24 f 6t* - • Llc•r'TE OF eLiiiiES DICE, DECEASED.—LETTEES .11.4 Testamentary upon tjae above Estate have beet* granted to the Undersigned. AU persons indebted thereto,. pa 3 went_ and thoee having claims present them to, JA MEE. DLOIG-Emeenter, !Mtg. Thirteenth street. or- hie- Attoror y. W. VOGDa.I3, LU: S. Sixth duet. au7 Cr tir • N' GIIE DLSTRICT.COUST OF THE UNITED STATE& for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania:4n Etarripb, cy,N 0 l'hiladeiphia,June 80.186 a he tirtdoed hereby gives notice of hie appointment 110 assignee et GEORGE G. • BTAMBACI.L. of Philadelphia, in, the County of Philadelphia, sad I date of Permsylvao4 :within said District , wile leo been adjudged-a - li= • upon Ida ore !ctiiton by the District Grant of amid D • tdct. 'BIIII.IdES W iATT, b i dsaißee, • To the Creditors of B . Q • 13 • aelpilki ETT ER TEBTAItiIIITARY RAVINGBREM granted to the Atibncribtst jann_tbfl_Ectite.iatiktrE.- - E1 IZAB,ETII 11761 - W.EfiCasi v deceased, .att pettrom :ditto rt to theseime xitl irritate lkalitAne_p_ UK t find thing having:' claims pregent them to'. f1&E.411 ar.38. - ,Exectitrix,i. :1017,f Pulp Atrget - Eb31ade.100..., -,AtallOaveVi -I.l)in ATE OF JOON 8 W,fll<TE DECEASED: LET Li tere of A divinlatr.tioii eh's feaanicisfo annex° upon. ...the above Estato havingbr...ett granted lo the audereigned.. OA pet BODE indeiged tudd4stale aret4oaxito4l. toittiske pa} trent arid th bre h‘elOg -cLslfge` z present thou tr.» irMAROA RF.T R Line, 413 Beath .F.leOtehotti street; or hrr e , T . jo.E . walnut st. eramer.t. I\ftrg i rifOiTi - eNTAMak iEE OkSX-7-10u - 130XE£Riii Coniignuient„ =ding acid- for' oak', bi J(Pl• _ . BUS ki,M2l 4b - CO.,_ gents for - orton - ti Elmer.laSottilt- - - • Delami,aro ; • ; • .YEIPB BARBAPARIija: iR PURIFYINQ T ZOOD.--The reputation; thhr •rallent medicine 'MOW/ rived from its ear% many vhich are truly marvelloni. 3terate cases of Scrofuloun mime,' Where the laden' mod eaturatedMcorrar u, have been ed and td by it. Bcro uloturaffee. I and dieordus, which' , 'aggravated by the pare, me contamina tion until • were painfully afflicting. been radically 'cured • in 'cry section of the country, be informed of , its virtues,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers