. • . ... . . . - • . . -- - --, .. .., ,• • ~„ .. , ' . . . . • . .. . . , . _ . „ . • - ~.. : •,, , , 5ii . , ,,,. , .. I _,. , „.•...,, -- 4,..777..... : „( : .••••..„,-,, , ,.„...,„..„ ; ,,,,,, attw0: :„.,... 7, • ..,„,-- mtt .....- • _.- ,, A0k .- . -,, ..,..,:m.,_..,....... p.-•• , , ,- 1 , , , ,,, 100 . ,, , ,,,........ .....•_• ..f..,...---_,..,:i..47,.... .... , ,,, , -_-i-,..,i , ... , ,„... , ., '' , :cl - .... .. , ..x.- - -!!•••, , 7- . .,7 . 1: '- f. - amit* , ..A7..4 . ..7.,_ P - -''''' ------- .•, , • . . . - --- . ..,- - IL '''.•••'=, . • , - _._ _. _.. _... ...._ - ---------- - • • .. i --------- --- 7 ---------------- 7 --------------- -- -- - - ------- --------- - . --- • - - ------ - - - ------ . . - . . r - . - --- -- --- 7 - --- -- . - - N ' - - . . • . • . , • - - --,-• ----- -. ---------------- .' • • . , „ , .. .r: - . • - • . 1 , , ' .. . . • - .. . . • • . • . • • - - 1 ; -- -' ' ' • . .- ••.,- 4 „ • • . • . •,- - , . , . , •.. - - , • . . . -.-- - . . . THEMAILY'EN EVE 13 IILLET11 7 .1111LADEEPHIATF1111.)V1.-' ;AUGUST 14' I 88 8 , •, :* • , ... . _.. . , .... . . . .. , , -- : •., : ~.. f , -,r .;, .., ~..: -.,.. . ..: -, Y . '.:i - ' ,7 :t r.. ;f --- 4 - 4: ~.-.•:' ' '''' --. t , . ': - 7 . _ IF- , . , : ' . . . . ' . , . . , . .... , --- , -. , ...,. . , . . 5 . ' .• 111 D• • DITIO . FOURTH EDITIO: . i FIFI it • • EDITION . . • ~ .- . • •• ..m....„ . . •, ... .., „..,. .._ : . - .1. 1 . iiiikir - ii-iiisH•iiinT' - 'lii:j3l3l-tETTN .- - --VII it'ADEttr. . 110.:. 3,- - -_•111H1, IDAY; Al 3 ST- , .. ~.........................s - „ .. . . . . .... . .. „ .. -. .• .. VALITIOBAJto ISki /MTN. ' - ' . . • ," • " - . • ' ... '' .. ... to Annevo . Erua , oosh - . , ~ :- , 401LOT11.111111‘': - . .. . L • - - ' • • . .. . . • i '.i Hitlits.t• - '4 7 .‘'.•C' ;...;;; • .-N- :"',-. • Clear.'"'••• "• •72 106,1 i; de. 1 7. ° 1 1-12 044‘1 d 085f ' ' fudig?'.ll.l36BB, .. , . . ,,f ': i ~;,. 4 ,-,-;,' .- „i :1 - . ',,:: :,. .., 3 . i . ;t5 ... 4 0 . tti k ,'- ok. . • • L , - -• -• • - - - :--1•'00 '0"OlocIX.• •: - N' - N . ' •• • R ..: . . iPo P itigial. ,: _i. L .:,: - ,.• :-4 . • , ,i' . ••; , •.•, -, ; l;r lirliy,L - -- W .L, eather. .oh3er,..'"", , ... 7 •, her- 6 0"" ': . .. , 4 211 0 21)°8-11111d 1 865 :118614tres7 . 2 „. 56 :4 14;.4 t 18181.-4:463 :4 11'sitissk' sis 11311°w; ; ' ' I ' - ' '' E , i . . 1:51vin5h0whing . 0) .... ,: .. 3)7 7 e377.7„7 . 7.7.. ... :.7. .. N y i ir : „. :ww .- :.. . , - . - viesiD el ioar eatr r.:: : ,LL,..,...: ...:sjl. coo Fl nz v k as- - • e;e:r t o 0- ooid 4 0 . ' q s ;t ,. i . ov i. e..te t36t3 t ld : 7 crsr ih0 eD " ern l i j ® e 864 :;09 e 7 u l at 1 4 .• ° sec l.'1 ::;: u i ti4 °' d ixes 4 ;, ;. . 1 ... . ' . • • - - Demonratic parti---10 spe,k . with apostolic' •If he simply attended : , to. .tila . busmess, and ;,131781113388 HIM . . „ _ • , ~ . :. . . , .. . . . . , . SECON .. ION •., . . .. . 7 .. D."'FH. D. n.... . • _._,1n g „,„t•.,....•,.w._.04...,....."0....4110,.. : •...ipimm...‘. __. ~;•. . :,..;. , ..,: . ..., 77, ..7 . 7 . ,..7 . 7 .1 , ,_" ..„..;. . ..,,,•,...• :......,.,...,....,.:„,-,,,,,,,,- ~,,„a 1k. ..___•,,,,,...._,.....,.- , • ,•••BY TEI..E42.I4IAPii.:'-'-'• . AP ' atitherity "f o r th e Chiirehbf 'ettrist, annotuacee lived the h onorable and vittitolie tits of gen- . • •' • . - •• ' ' ,Itt,'eta 'Havlr.r.ixii AP/gars.' • , Pi- CO: VAO - 1.'9E1 . 'llr '.' - ~ . , ~ . ,___...____. ____._ .. _ . . ... „.. . , . _., ~ . ..• . .. . .. . ~ ~. , • . . . _ itargatna offered In 9 stn or , ego . gas BY TE L EGRAPH . MI: .!,- - :,.. i.: -- L. -, :- L 1 •,- - -.....:.... .::' , 2...i.44.'0 - 'ILJ' - 1,00 k... made to order, to close out • • a„, . , , . . . thatort "th Church can • have no - fellow s tleman, his present .into would enilice. - .. . • .. L , ,, .... . . . _ „ , fug and in Sunimer Goode, m . . • • • - • ,-..- . - .. , . . , . . , ; ~.,, • . • • stock; Assortment still good.butnB betas rapidly closed . Withre Radical" This h 3 hl 'iMportant . de- • • Instead ? , he is a libertine Whci„riashes into the . - _.•-• • . ~. • • ' ', ' - -New-Yntk ''-". - ' . 147 - .' - ' , 'Clea 4-. : . 7 " 1. *Arc, tedaY, - art follows: , -United•'Statea. Vs.-1881, - : ,- .L .. - .'i •-'--•'••••'-.. • , • • - • , . L • ,- - . . SLATEE: 0.4.131.r` ,-,..OTTOTATIOX ! -- NE LA iIi TE t R a, ::: ..p RO_ 1 . 1 . .. . n W t A l S l l . il i. . „ N e G ri T c O ot N : , LATEST: CABLE NEW Pun „ . oat. t i er ion Is containe4 in •a . note to a back- wildest extravagandefi Maffetneacies„ and dis- .. . . : .. 1.4 2 . ,: eir,. . ti n a, 4.. 3 .3, fl it me, blase .. tios ( tol e au to e • b e r a s b a 1 et h t e d ire i " if : - veal add a c e l gl bet a ir ' t a abate I : l ad ! . , • , . 'Me.- Each box bears our frade.rnarkod label...We utak° . .0 R. ED. ..' . .. ATLANTIC CABLE r ~ _• . . ... . . 1161 F i lv i ,o rw en i2 t t opit,lo.B6,tm-enlfay,@lopra,•yd. ... .., .... .. „ . , . .. . , , AR priect guaranteed. tower than the lincest eisewhste , _ .* ana Mits.'', all of same material . indfuil eatiefastion guaranteed every purcha.s.tr. or tts 8 I mgbrother' wo . u m . l'd' hiss' m ' nod to appear playa a loosenesti of,'Morale:'afid . . 'a:Want of . . . . , • ".-- . ' ~ ' - m ea t, varnawa of Marl -of which several choice grades are now. retitled at SS. . .... . • . • . , . , • ' Ri Vir eli eeh irl in cl. Bl4l E 422., .:: ‘ -tt" . ; %: : ;... ; .. ' NV IV o ': '.... - :.' ,6 °ll* olld r i:. ' " - . : 11 Thno3deus Stevens's Death . 118 50. es t ea 60 and SW per •hhndrett Wo will,. on aliplh , , , seta canatued and frionel/ re"-naed- ' at co .. " . . before the Church, to answer ii charge of decency and propriety that is 'paralleled only . • • - -. , , • • cation. direct consumers to 'those dealers . who :emu ~- o , ',- MOM.: . ..:. . ...L.:. • ; • It t.. ' . Gear., ~• s:80. . (y 109%; do. do. 1867, 10830108 1 X; .10. do. '6B • - '' ' - '' . • __, " ----- 7 - ""'"'" ; "". . _ ',.. - "H' . .• ' ' ' ':- ' - - -''''• -:.•'' • .;.7 ''' ' ''''' ' ' •' - ' • ' '''' • . '. ' '- -- pizta,nciat Quotations. . New •Q' l l sns "'"••••• , :•• •4 :•N E. - . 'elear.' ' 82. 10836@l08%; •: Ten•forties, 10930p1093‘; Gold; . w',..A . .‘s n i.N: GFaI N• . . .• . - ;.--- • . . ... ... •:- . : ' Erivr t y i t i beft reen • Bicna g r m sa BILL, " "Inconsistency..as . ..a ~ follower of - . Christ, in by the conduct of George th . eXourth, of in .., . . . . . - . Sixth street& 618 MARKET eTILICE4 • . , . ~- . , . • . . Pniu.sompaut. , , . having openly avowed ••himself a Black Be- famous memory: ' NeturiallY, L . , ,. the virtuous . v e lzse ti e lit, t,...vv, t o gr uaa atte tb_hiple ,c i;SX . a .kos pa iv .itl er ta i i rs oi e t w f te. o o r . ' ' L brand t e e Day 0i0. ,, Louis ei owl . ur d , _ a. - .... 09 W 9 g0'... - .:,.• : , - ..,:'...-".".;.; . W." , Cleat ; ';'; ;• 74 •.147%. . 4 _ , . VlllSburith• • '•••• . • •:.4.•;...... . . Clear: ',',: 64 - Messrs: Wallace .& Keene - Bankera, 42 .; f3 °.1.. .1 8(1 t ; 1: ;. -'....`:::. '''' .1.• :,,• ', •• , L ' ,. .• .- , ‘7 - ', :•.-•• ' • ' . •' - . .° 7 •.-• -, • - el Ci ecir W : ' :',..•••: : : 7 6.1 2. . ..k l ? l at? •fie r e7n t 'es er gt e l _ 4 6 4 , r, rhnty l : t 4o tB 4X -. B:134! ii• 7. ? ,,_:- 'm 6 '; ' ll . 17 - if . . E . R '. AL '. OF -: .'- . :11 - 11. - - ' .. STE L - Vl ' In ' R '..L''''••-L L - ' . ' .. - ' ..OPINIOtt;OFTHE 'LONDON PRE ' S S. ' Rhe following city rotation! Amer) regularly oar -si. , . . • AND 600 Ruoanway. Nr.w . Yon • P u blican. ' The T ease apostle expresses .hia •Britiak people Are Shacked and disgusted, and . rims Rita" cigars t BA LMORA L SKIRTEI, i r. . The Weekly Cotton Report . ../. 0 `"‘" -Iirna"--. 1 d ev l a ii' e '''„''',; ; ,'', .. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ..„ ,„., ~ ~,,. • , . , . a-c-..... , ,„,. ...... AN ASSIGNMENT. OF ,OFEL ORBS Iron lin rho BlOod.-When the blood affectionate s olici t u de for the wandering his appeal for pecuniary assistance is coldly . • -. . ' ' •'.• - • - . come I.: Clarke; grocers. Bread and Walnut' David L. , - •• Seiler, dealt'', Noe. 60 /Ind 62 South Fonrth street. above , ...,_ L ... _.,. ~ tote, , ~ . , Fr ona. washington . 11 , : ) ..',.,-.,..' ~.. ~ T hct,L ATEST is well supplied with its Iron element, we feel vigorous if cep, _ y b signing himself "Your brother in meL , lt will perhaps.. Jost one more; . •THE - PROBLEM SOLVED'. • . ~. . . - Ker•Wcst• •'• ;'' ' -,•-%;'. . 'l3 . - Clear. -.. •. 84 /68%. Vironlia's old„ 64@,5134;• do. new, w@,64 ~, . . , arid full of antroation. , I t is an inenniciorcy or tit o y . it.! , n . . . . • .i.,,,,, ....._ ~, ~ , .. . -'• - ' i ii t a ns • °meter Tw o ' o ar a t.• i tm , @A, Missouri's 923093.- •! . •._ __ .... • ,‘' • •:, .. . „HaVaria..................N....._ _.- . Clear._ -, 81 . orth Carolina's, old, offered at 74; 44. new, 7 1 1 4. •A. • ...L.- al , _, • i ~. • . . ..„ . . ',4 1 1„:•.• .L-vnytik l e*-. ..,..egLec c o l utm-. . FIItEE3' 'IN .;;NEW ; ;YO.ItIK . . . - . _ L... .. •. element that. make us feel weak - and r iqw-epi e rM. all 1 roe Christ. • ' • • ' .' • • suchmimarch as Gecirge the Fourth to ruin` . .. , , . • - ~.,. . , . . 10 : 03 :0: p.. • . Such. by takina the Peruvian illyruptap (unmet . street, below Walnut. °mon & mag a id e 2l o r e . 4 B r- N l o :ro t a ti ee F re.: o u ts - u rth ui 2. .. - .•. ~ . .... ..1.... - .., .- .e. ~, • ~. -- ,- ~ -Lvk -' , ',' , ',- , j , ..- ', , iitill/lOttlk Ciiifl___CO, c. ~,..if:-. : .%=:•..7.: . en • d T d s 4: lll .A s t ia . ec ,atiE tl yeet on lzi o tk riz B o 6B rit i. an is _ as a meal; fo,ow fo a r r: rha L. wee,...k. • ..:„.- 1 ...',,,,•,,,.,, .. „ .,...........,..,....._• • ..- '.• • .2 •• • .., . - L.' . .. '•• " •.. • '' '. ." • ' L '';... ' .' ' . ... 'L: ...7. ;L, WASHINGTON. ‘ . Atm. •- -•-- 4 - • b wonderfully in. . • • , can supply this deficiency. and 'vial e w°n It Wlll perhaps excite some surprise and the faith of the English 'in.. royalty... The ' ... ~._.4, . . vrigorated. . auto gt alarm in this latitude that Democracy is ne- Prince of Wales -seems destined. - to be the _ .L. . , - .'' ' . 4 i it i flb le e p ie; : th l t ut a ht „ T e b ti lh ai r etre t, l ' eat q, c i: L 7 F ß 'o m eac ae ct; pr e ci ti et . ire ' a n c i t. e n 7,_ d at omi lin su nin s ic. ixt. a.eli n er h .A. 4 . Arch. Spills), grocer. Eighth mid Arch. Mitchell & El, teher. grocers, No. - 1904 Chestnut. Bradley. grocer. . - . 10 A. hi ................................ AN de& , .. . .. .De Apival,of.:W6Rem - ains at Bain e nn o ° ol 4, c '. o w m A to s te mlY e . ..• EVENING BULLETIN. ceasary •to . "salvation, and sorrow :for our iconoclast who will break' tliaidol,and if . he . .. .... 0. lothin g need not be shape mxt.h....... ISPruce. , Stead. dealer. No.' 811 Chestnut. Donnell & Son. grocers. No. 806 Walnut -street.' -Epos" eheimerotrocer. Tenth and -13_prine Garden. , Wright. „ . THE •'.•, ' . • r . • . Weather clear. .. Wlndnonthwest.s , . . .. , , , Obse (plies of 'Thaddeus Stevens . . . : ',_ - -,---,-,----,.,,----- .. . - Barrelb,of , Superfine: -..., ........... .:.:.... ,, ..6,803 . .. , ~ ~,., _ , , , .. , ~ , ~ , , ~ ~, . . - . :e a r ti , i is t;:lo ar f i n t :m e a n ero teh t.A ti t : t o o ffi e ng : th s O s e f:th i enin n g o '. lll 9 e 7 B rier a r: th . tr ' e .., . " own pitiable and hopeless condition la deep- continues in his dissolute courses, there is a ' lees when mOdetate priced! ' i seer. inintlin and Spring uarden. Wells, druggist. , •-7,.. 7 . ~.. , .. „ ~ , Friday, August 'it, 1116116 Ninth i and SprinitGardtn. Whiteman. grocer. SOVM:I 4 • • . . ~ . .. . ' :<. .. .•• • ...- :: . ..• :;,' , .....5 0 **4 4 4 1 4X4i... '" •.','.• 1 i. ' 6 • -.1 ., ' •, . r• • de . -• . Cornilleal....• .. ..- .. -..;.;•,, .....'....'. -800. , - ,....;.1, - . :... • --„: .. • .. ... . . -__ ~. .•, ...: -..„ . . . . WAinimeroic,7 August 14.-A epealel *eider- of - - •,-. •- - ---, - ! . :, ~• --...- -,-.--- ~ . " '" ' l :,..i'' .:, ',: i 7 ' ''' do. -, . Condemned ....... 4 ••... :...'.. -.....- 73 -,, '.. :.:, •:..-- • , ~„- . .271* NEW silitilbilltit filtAel Ti._ , T . _ . . . ... . . .. . .. . . , . .„. • .... , .„ • ened by regret for the unhappy fate. of Paul fair chant° that he will net tertian .upon hiS, '• ' ' Call at . " . ~„ .. ; ; .;,7,26 , ,Los no N E ,August 14,,,g,M.,,,. Fly e4werittes, VS; -'' '' '- - -' -'', •- . L • tea Wel' DePertntent - busied. • tcodSYLetkal 3 o 3 ,the 16 - 9UCI3W. • S r i ll . 2 ..ILCOVIR. . following :, Brevet. Brigadier-Goneratßufne , ter. Ambrose Smith. druggist„ Broad . sad un e st m u. , . . , , .. SERVICES AT TEE OAPITOti - - Illinois Oentrali„..924; -Atlantic and . . Great West- .. • ... ~ ~. •,,,„••:„. •Elai- ANOTHER . . EXPRESS.. •',.- ROBBERY Silf• Persons leaving the • city f or i3 the summer, and the other Apostles, who lived in that mother's throne. • In.thu3 - daykings have need -'. - . „ .'. . • •- . ' to be careful of the peciple and . leap indulgent • WANAMAKER. &• BROWN'S. teenth and Arch fi 'Lettings. grocer, Fifteenth and. Mae. ... ,_... .. • . . . . ~.„ Frem lk Notion grocers, Chestnut Hilt' li,rollor.k,,druggist. -- 7 L 1 g =1 Ridge avenue. - , .. . , . . t our . re.sit.c row4: _ jell .,, esen : ' 7:- . E xiit ti ....... s. m.„L ' ur a :e k .: ., _' o . l.,! ' :',"7" . * 7 . ;7D . l : : ad r . : ll . " 1 ,,_=,;-• i ,L. ifili'f a ,,,.tml`',7r.,-- , '„ E 'r,'. 6 1 , .....70, ....''.: ..,,,,,„„vikuitit . ',;,,„, i . - o , 4 ol 6 ,2i F a ii li da rir°4l 7 , , Aiigue ll-."-, i filM l4; ;;.;.p o )l(et t ,: o . n : ' I ,: ..ernilWi.• '.. •!•,.. ~. ." ••, • ..:: •••• -. -• •' •• . - , , to th ra so clef , cltt r a o - rie vet r . mas :Briga ter ge t ; h 4le ti ne e l i t a irtmzta y ~. . { , ._ . , . •.. .. ~L , - ~ • ~ L , ~.•, . , ~ • said wishing to have the EVENING mum:, sent dark time when Democrat was not;and also ~ , • STEPHEN FUGUET & SONS'', -- PARIS .LA:' BELLE . . . • I-Tonipkins, Chief . Quarierniaster -, oV theDeprirt- . : , '.'.,,:.'1.4.- isnerrll,,YAnigribestAlU4.--anTelitegraeljtanrpez:mnPtlYns - . them, will pl e send their address to the for those martyrs - who died Without behold- to themselyes. --•-.. . - • . . . . • . flisaufacturers and Importers of Clears. .'.- . .. ~.„, .. , . .... ... .. .. . ... ....,.. . . . . . a;• '• Brevet Brigadier.' 'General calved from:New York annountingthedeith; of 611 Ice. Trice by mail, 75 centsper month. in the light of the . unwashed . dispeasation. The Mobile Register has been giving some • • . 4- • . . • rlO. = 130111.1 t FRONT tltneta . . .. , L ~ . , . . . , _ ~ , , 'wig 115trp . L • • - Pteisesiabis. . . . ~ ~._ „.. , .„.,,,. .. ,... is ,_ i .. ...;„ ~ ... .... ..:,... • ,-Itassix:llrtraria,Wi , x , i .., •;ttuiv . 3.2..::--To...day:',..the 'dull,With small sales of MiddlirtgUplands at 2934- .14x1diii -..Ltvrow ali c d w: arn 'A i n it g i . jann ll,.P er : b T ette li.p. r. rudZi.:r:: • e. 123. 6i,:of ,Loiddan, 'Manchester: , are favorable. r , ,' The .1 - utarket-• for . • •-L ~ ~-.•-•;. _..-. .., • . ~ ' ed . as` .. 'thief 'sensii'llOn,' an - d nearlY ail ' the nifirri - inlie'llrits .-- ' ls -.................--. But perhaps they worn Th e by faith ia fu - . • , . , . . . . . ' d be erVb r y nartig) Wm W n Bleboleyl4::l•On&t.he'llioutnaday-n-1r,'W,49:•-ashartedharir.... -.- .- , .. @ . 3 Th e- er i e all is d a ll o e fa w ll ° ln il g ea ci n ff s ha at 81 the e' dem - and - f ' for '.. Q L nor- l . ; read .-,7•thmti."4.h'ej4;•yr wh ich a h r4';';; ; • M elgin ° ll. "2 ' ,taitilelican'q.nieSt-iixid. •-•.'•Q:xtilvierit'66:7.iice:6lqaatket.fel,....c't:eio'L,•n...flith:e„c'e''..••,i7,.A...iiiftlt,li„.l4.3l.aki„s7,l4t47,loBl:D. o latil_ ett e to tf , he i t e ela';b i ' m a a rate ar •O ta b r ibi re ' - ary co '' nian.tinetigen343.-.,.itsi• ti i ii , ,,. ..... e41 .-•; 0... - . tbli•Purt is -; lierilieldilkii relieved froth ditty la the gtiarter-, omirruAltr..• JOIORNAILISfiI. a d v ic e to . the Democrac y• •: o f-Al a b ama tea- . , • .. •.. . . „cmitarEaraNtasi, &V. ', •.: •.._ . .- , _ .• . . - • , . • . . •: • : THE HANDSOMEST', .1 ''. REMOVAL .- OF THE REMAINS , Attila conclutiOli fifthe.inquest, yesterday, the .idtrobßark. and No. lis bakeries' fast Cia• - it. er, . stock of Cotton afloat on the wart° Hon. Thatidetts Stevens created it mos . t . refound ..„ lure Democracy. .. If so their ~ creddli . ty Was t „ , . . . ~ • Th e old axiom, "D 6 2n,ortuis_ nil nisi pecting t he to •be used to - induce the , . „,. •.. • . • . ~ ~ . ~ . , ,„. _ , . . . , S 1 C,Orrinermakinaryislow for pa. burial of the rives at,168 - Oettom' '-- ' .". '• .-•t '• • • .._ . • ' Geneial.:o,4l, bitci ! :„ dS.Y.'fe,* , greater than °Fs.. •-• 'We ,do not behove in i • . •, • • • .., , _ ... - • , . , , . . . ... . . . . ~.... ' • ' • hod to . ol ir„ W ri blehwes••. exilyingonatititir table Close. '''' The Flcitir 3farket Is' quiet thedfiminid being boizuni" has long ago - ueen carried to such ab. negroma 'to vote, the _ticket of ,the faithful. , r3 ). _ - • . - . . - . ' • . , , . .. . .. ~ . . .. . . now, and we ' hope neviirio be: converted' to, . Here is one 'of the anggeatiOns: ~ -, ..",-.• • . . - ~...... .... . • , . . , ,„ . . .„.. .. ..,_.. . . _ . . ~. , . " - • • .. • , THE ROLLINS CASEI q first to and then to confined en' . tire - ly to the wants' 'of:the loc - al trade, extravagant extent . .in the matter of • obituary ....,.. . , .. , . • , , It If only , sound' Dembera . ts are . to go to . 4 . .. _ _ • , ' • " '' '.• • • ' . . . -.. . 1 : , the •talti,'Offili . g„nainiatefporiliption.-;',The ra, • arid only of hondred barrels •werediSpotied7of declined. to .665.. • , - Cenitilei Bosin declined .t 055 • - '" -• . ili. ftwi.,,*, ,61. . - ._63.1=1, :-. • P ro acre and views relatlie to the.paymentref ti rilism, that it Is refreshing to. see:. any - "impress it - upon them • that• Northern immi- : ' - . J k f action toward the, better anti- Heaven the character of that blessed abode, gratioxi brings.withAt ;Yankee . Improvements; , ' ' - ' L ' '' " '' . . . ' ' - - L . " GOItED 'BALMORAL SUR? . . ~,. , _ _ k : : . latireaof llted6sfsrused manWeretoapoor tcigtve at $9 . 500/sll:so'fier barrel for. No Extra 'aii -• • -' „,,- th in ' ii.,_ . ' .61- .- L-r- - - -.- • ',' L ' ' . ",,,,ii:rwmar,..B.VlgllDl. /4 . ; P. Al.-get . i91 . 4* , p21,. I° en " re ' • ' - • dead „ has been misappr • ehended. , 'We bad. thought . machinery that:: One' , Mark;. can . take and do the ~. . ,„ . . .. • Tho Litelligeneer on yr ___. wane him p_eeteevbodatiiio'.o-o.Peboocie living near Family; $10•506).512 50 Jor • Pennsy• 'yeah' and -7. • ...' ____ f ___-_ , - , - , --.... ~..,' • 7:..• ,-: 1 ...,' ~, - *.,' 1_,••• .-:' .. • • .., ••,dittirlir-dielkillitery:Divhdini,oVidtiatititi. ; ';'' ; ' '1..--.' ' ' ' ' - ~~ =inept connection with the recent. iiiileacliment pie of tel the truth about theas we work of ten men. This dollars: leaves nine idle.and ean it .. , . , : .. . , . . . . i 'V'l l ased,AtittbsCrt.oo ll tte t riiiliti/titeritient.brit Ohio do. de., and at.l.lgher figures . for. fancy, as that its Mysterious ' gates Opened' : to • receive '.;'. N-EW;d A R. P ET. Si e • . . ; •.• .- '' . -, •. .. . . --, . - ~- .. .. „ _ , - es the living., Hit Were necessary to believe makes hin d s wortlati er acre that ~ . . • , . . .. , , lanahody..2..witalett uxistmo . • withonly-adirty• to Hall : ,.ablant lOnbarreleitYe Flour ' aoht -- 4 r 4 ,, 4 lEVOIIv Washington; .;., .•., • . .; , Maid oit,thO Department of WaehingtoM_. . ... at in i co 11 •h - 1 • II - d . th •ts courts a,• even te: ow eat, an now be botight for ,fiy, 7,- , ...,..., , .-- . . . ... , . Tif.E ' '43.ROMaill ll4. • ,OT ''-• 111,4145E1R • .toose covering thrown oVer.;.i4 ;tll.l,tc.,dey:."•lt. •hi at $ 'so'.'" in earriMeal ;nett**, dohig. " ... :.- --4 . "'. ' - : United States five-twenties,' COricludeal • XII taii Me • - ell that is Writterior spo ken in public our ' . . . . , • ' ' •' ' - - L S . " -.. . ' _ .", ' „. ~.: .. ' , :Per, teamer . , •.- ~-... EVER 'OFFERED, .• • • • ,I ). , wsinitstrrort'Ang , l4.-=The fanerafleeTlen. I.: ,Tim .; ' said Ituat'abrofilerof Oa Witirdered iiiawbffered .• • Theme:frith:6f ..C'iliesi , are vervoderrite, but , • L -- 1 '• • . • " Wife Of General Ralilitict,,, Chief 'of ;staff, t•o_ asi o lle‘ _'• . . .... ". -:•', . . • •• • • • • . ' ' ' • • . • P. • ' • h the humblest are the equals of the greatest.. This is,about Wfair- illnatratkm•of the spirit ' . L • . .. . , •• L . . • L , , . .-... .‘. _, .. . • . __ _ _, . • , . _ . , ... , . nals and by mortuary orators concerning.t e • and •• the_ . mightiest ..wre' • . those who . ,are.. of BouthemOnservatism;•ankof Lthe miser- • - "City Of - AJItINOPI)," "' ' EDWARD P ■ KELLY . • .- - - -, . --- , t , - -.:. ~.... , ..... .. , .... ............ . . . . ...._. . to.buryhtnifoitlimidolhaiiWt Wooley was . .ttikext ' there &hot Mueli'denutud; ' Biles ' soo ' bushel, "Thitkaeitt,3 ,, tteve - iiit - tookoi&i. ,. ihio'inciiningtik9 -„„neral- Grant,. who . . Os. : hem LBp Indy, ill for ..-, "The death of .Thaddetis inCtrellia h .. not. ' MO ,110111 9. RIOT IN WASHINGT‘om --by.s..Pckna,tob/e,,to FReholdr-Astehlay,l6:',iiireit, good prime Ited et 82 25@52 50 per bushel, and . ' iteeoek:... 'Th.5 CereitiOnies Were. - Ceitdrietedin • the :eeverid*Yii p . ast,.id note: expected. pi „recover . '.. 6 ' ' would: Lb - chars ter arid lives the, •dead, it • e ~ _ . , ~ , ..., ..„. ...,., • L,..L. ~,., . . , „ .. , ~ ~ , .• • ~, .. .. pn c oss. impeachment policy, was of ~in_- _ • •• ' The Texan •do Ma able falsehoods used•to • intitleitca the blacks : • - .• ° , , ,- :- ::Made to.erder. er.: ~.. - .. •,. hie trlcit.t - Itecculd'net - speaktolietbatlY„asilug 500. buthels:Whitest $2,58. , - ..Hy45•111 steady, .with • reitinda at ',the Uspit,ol,"-and theremilits" left-for -.•••• • - - • , • L. ---,• „ - - • • " • ..- •'' „ ' neceseary to hold this wor • . id 'of ours is mi g iit y in -hun l illt Y • ' • : •E' : . --. • . .:, ~. • • •- ; , .. ~ ; .. . . . . . . , , teaches difTeren ly. • Its Church rejects M a •to ore with their • : enOkiles. , ..The' ..writer of . • T.A.I.LICIEL . ... • . • '' . REEVE 1..,. KNIGHT :Oh' SON •;: , • Will be open fo-catiiibition.on. . . ~-,,,,,, -.,...„... - calculable In :to his Dirtiestp p ,and the ', to tliew•Onmdaltliv hbi;4thrtrati iikraroressed a •••• - es•of 600 bushels Pen silvaniA at $ll5 - eo •, 7 - -4 , 8 t" ••; - • • tai • • .-., '--.••---. • L. .• - - • • ...:-. •_ ~..:. : , \-= . • - ')Fireititriseurleo IL. ... ~. ~• . . Sal . '-- n -- " -:.• - rn Lin er at 10 o 0ck..., The rotruidawas open •• - -- • -,*-- ," ~ ,;-•'- - ' 'as exclusively' the abode Of innocence and.Of . . .„,.. .. , , ~. . .. . , 'COLORED ZOUAVES ATTACKED wiskthat lie,had *Red rienibirevelf.i II:fete:WO; is verY Wet,' witteardefin '1,400 bushel:. rellovr, .'• . • -•.--- , -•- • . !•' ~.. •, ~ ... , ' ' - New,TYorra, Augil4.-4 - . Bre seenno. at ' the -- - , ..9nestY -, -whibittut ettebUlliged., dies sublime , fundamental doctrine of Christkinity tibia paragraph, is,either a fool- or a . knave. If ' ... --' importers- ' . L''' ''" ". • • • • . "7'. ' , . . , 7- Fleining,hb*lraillets stet ." and does not ap- at -el 28041 80, - Land :: 8,000 13mshela 'Weatern• .Itll,lltght,' . and a rd of honor compered bt2s lio q iii or i z iei d it h s i d i a to - s ikiei l . 4,- , -. pet iligiii,tu, - with lisis, -, He ;Wag a tanetleal;'' , .bitter'and: , Self- virtue as . when - its inhabitants. were tom - , •• . • .• • li U LEstioe - Cheithd.tind.leventh •1166. ••- .. . • . -v: - . .: - • •,!!: ..• - : . df ' • 'd' the ' ' b' 11 th t L th .• • • • • • --the common b rotherhood o man, an e he sincerely,: • a eves a . e„ ap . p ea on ~ ,L,.. .. • • , . . , ..., ~, , . . • ' •peer.to : regret thaws,. bet ' ' 'hie a careworn. Mixed at $l, 25(.451'-27.:' - ' •Vitelire dull unsettled IMeMbira ', Of „the • Jititler:''. ZOtfitreill,. , reiniiined; • tii o • b- ti ttaitib." -', '''' • I',. - I§ , -'' '' - - -•' • ,:•". • - Willed' '- • b t• - : - '' . ilik.e Vol' ' H prised within • the limits ,j of. : , ~the . gar -1222 ChestnUt - . .- ,' , . , . . „ ; .. ; -- . . . , ~ =pled bye. . Lawton & C0.„448 mall, tit no . moan or : . ~ , ,,t ~„ -.:.,, , a is. . . . . , . . equality . of all Men ; before their Creator. , Its of machinery to mechanic .. and agricultural Laile ittielf end mßliPleinamatiiilialidt '';' . . " ' ' , - Street.. •'.•'-.' .• "1 . --- THURSDAY, .13tia: inst.,- • They. Defen.d," Themseive , s . and haggant ' appearailawhich, say be .the . re- "and deefirdne... Soles of 3,000 bushels Old Penn- Ail .. th . ....• ,c r o- v -- r ed. '••4'" • ' • ' li m e: "' l ' •-• '•'' ' ' ' • the ''' 'ili ii , nOipie • TIM - ' Oisid •• f lettere - '''.• •.. - •z*.° .. .- • , •B.• L. • • . . .. . _ , . , a. e eh :, , OBEL am oun t x .t o __ last of theleading_Ainericaris---whehad•the----- - den of ' Eden. Judging '....,. by - these ~ , . . , snit of . the -h rribl• ' ' ' •• •••• tiros .. .4 0 . a... CS, cut In his 3. -_ L._ BAWL! tore _ .x6.90 -„ liiith,-' - "hliale - • - inti",:iihite -- kapr."'istreatittit - . - 12 W -- ' : 7- ` ---- -' ' ' -'" ' " 77. '' ' ' '''''-'" •' - ' .'..to i ' ' . ' . ' ' ' '' ' ' " . •• r - • e tho se who live by the sweat of arts reduces the littairirig : PoPulation to , CHOICE-. GOOD& • - L'... •.. • .', ; • . . , . .. . „ . ..,_ , . L. . ... ... • . . . .. „ . .. , . _ ._______.__________..____ ____ ___________ ___ . . . . . _........ . .. , Duringt.he - ingueet i 'AvasTerfairt.447:7logatig's, 'l36o. , 4"Mid4;ooo.bzushelißinathentrit 80e: Li ,,, :.:';' i '.-.• . -. ,5, - ,.. -- f ," .--.;,....., ',......,: • - - - ~,,,,. .... • . -,- -- -• • . .g. - , • • ;$24,0 i 0Q,: - . rind is fully .e.oyerekbylinumoice. - ..me c.9gran, rse above polifigariparthaanehipi„,„ . , , testa, all - men , are. : . alma . and s alu t e ar ~ b . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . heroes- - all - the - noblett , . 'attribrit-ea - of a- - by.- the- labbr. of men enforced, other men 5..... brows, by . , L. ." idlen • -- hit - ignorartoe fa , pitiable. • .. . _ , . .. • ATT ff ri un • • Wire Willt"Otit a' htteldebetni . I L .„ iii.r:/:.', - .: '' 1.: -' . , ~ , . , ~ . , -,-L.,--'44.--... --. .. -.-,...,. - - . I "`F ,l7, " * F"Y 4 '`P °l '-- /44 - 4t ? n n t t l : a lVa t !' l- . 1 e • nlna k• _ firs Wait _rind,.;. Of an incendiaand -•-,' - The...:Aterniag Tekgraph._isays‘,.,',llllr.i;lSteretts in - the - • iti' " 'fa' tail' '••• ' " list, ' - - w how they kept m dense ignerariee,that they . Occupy g .. ,e_p. a,ono , r ! cjourna Clothes awd r superior, to_those of Amy. other First. . .. , • .:, . .- 7 • „.. • . _ . - OliM RIOTEIMORTALLY Wo u OVAL, .-_ • - L".LL• , •,._ -._•_.....:...,„____;:-::.....`:,-,.,- :- -:'-' •r : , :.:: '• wimaji-ev i r-36 / I.ii• noiiiitritithoitiiiii:„''''' c when,thaAitinabeni grew ; leseird! at nildnight :. • • '''' '-- ' • ..- ''. -''.''' ' • • - ' • • was neither geed, wise nor generens;•brititlds - ... -a, negro named . Smith has been. arrested on sus- • . Claes EstabitsMaellt at Mods:rale Priem. ~- '. - -"..- .. . .1 . "'• --.-'"-..• ' - " - - - . AT TUE AGEISM'S. , . - ot aterno x Oi inie Aittasibigini : Weitte lien: ' •' ' • - 'Diet rel ed in: the Orr iteli ,, ' seven. o'clock •.••-- - • • - - • time di.f.Leignal - service, and witti• all hit • faults Pe 'humanity sprhig - up 'in - wild. luxu, might better - rob . them - of libert3 , ,' the • Bible, - he has riehetareereidelinnSiottdftlielaws of Patten' D a t a and Clothes net called for now ', : ~ -. , . ;. . •••• , -- ... - .. • '.• • . . . , ~.. ,Ott,„ te ... no _ ~ ...., , . .. , , , . . ~trrommantwrork ,brraid of ~ (:! -,. ~ L. q. . a ' ~ P :- .. Y. - . &f on ~: ~.. ..• ..--, . • • ..., . ..-...- • ... _•,. ~ s• , • •..- -, ~ . , ••, - - • '',.. . ... .-- • , • !., Auousr - 18,L-The gold' market . his been L very '..,this niernieg the croddlegen•:te assemble near meri t s thefamous phrase': That via it.,'Mart." , risme around. the'. :bier of Men who `had so. . . ~ .. . of their own wives and children, supply and demandthin hia . thia poot ling- for sale at Be used Priem' ' • jeTeir '•'' ' ' : .':' ' ' ' -, . , . -" ' FROM INDIANA Mom the men:phis Post "or August IMO ''- ,- • ,strong and . active • to•day arid th -fi hullo 6 • Shortly after 2 o'clock thisniorning a firebroke . •.- . • L. .. , ain na . e Capitol. The visit upon entering the re. - ' - • The pccif,v4Vega says: "The death Of :$11...-.Stc effeetually yelled their . great and sod quail- Possession ~ . . L ' L , . ____,,....... - . , We learn from-a gentleman-just' in • from Little *e l -oil-r em 147 X inisly ith clod tin thetruilding No. L42' and 44. Greene street. ,; - .th li'h workmen *ha 'Were fri titened by a and of every opportunity to elevate • em- s ~. , . ,g SRE#ABLA garAra t _ ~. , , . . ILALKIMEIP DHOWS TlUUtllltilliall. • • - , . . . , ,„„. i flock, that Hon: - Surten - Wheeler '.llierisiter from cue 11 to th ad - 4 ' ,, VF . she I tr '" tonda passed arerind"the coffin to hip:latest look all , • vine leaves an iniportant -place unfilled both in e °arum. to the. oard at ' . . • ._,, ._ Appletonspnblishing betwe was•on one able of , .. •• • •.. I , ties through lir 4 elite' walk among their most ". . COFFIN 4S,j,kit - TEMIT Si. .. • - 0 .- - , . , '.-.. ---' - . White ad:Mr! .Ar - gasket whoai' riding ' - a L n a 9r - . • i - en - f • -.- the turning, • building Lend - Trow's- equally large • - - • e " 1 1 in tell* ant manhood. . Its apostles spinning. jenny. He does not • know that on Mt" 1 , ... : . , , •, The Sentence Of an Expiate - fiebbir gt oo i, p o i nt fi n N r lgt „ 3 ,. - ion hk , way g near 14ygg': , nbsequently theprice ranged , fr0m14.0% at . the ~d eparted: stateannui, ,. keentinel , bein,o; the lead of his party and in the armaistif the „ na intimate fellows, Misusoected and un-., se yea n ig . . . to- Little to 147% and the' closim quotation'em thestreet posted; at each"Conier. Of the ; catafalqtie to direct .biiildingnn - thee er. -- Both C - . .th 3 D;r , ,- : ' - •, • • .• ' - • ,. „ -,•.. - th w re saved by the consistent with the "Yankee improvements" not only Increase the are Writ): deeds are co hnoWn. - Men have successfully worn 31 - ARY B. CON VPAY . Rock With Got WM Mike, IThey were ordered was 1.474 i 4,6, 147%,„ , There •.was •- e ; m ono • fictive person and : prevent a crowd ' , frOiri • assenibling , a .• • o f ••• • - '-•• ,-- -•- ' , .The 'other . journaLs have artielesi . expegin,g. ex , we .firemen, though several ,tlmes - • THE CATTLE who_., m0;..4 . ..PPde of the Church. Floyd, ' who stole supply, but also . the demands of a country, PLAGUE. a • out of thetarriage . bye blind of. rebels and „Col. , borrow dem d •hi 'th tents or co an yes y 4 and, s t o u t t h e co m e. : . ' - . •••.. :•. ' - . the mask of meanness, dishonesty, sensuality, Divorce of a Notorious Detective. nicks retdenhOtrie.. Heroin the WO-. i ~. ... - - • . •• . ••.••• . - . • eirciller views. -L- - • , tics.' For-, and that machine . 11 hterts 'the 'toil •of the _ the money of the Republican, here , ‘ ry g , . - . LANZ; D 81.83 FURNIIIEG AND,SHOPPSO IMPORIII, - - MUM were made with Interest - to 'either ben; -.-• _ T. - - • ~,_ ..' ....: • .__, ,_,- --„ , on fir ma: •. • •- • . ignorance, stupidity, avarice and every other . • . . .. ....., . . . • net .wee • oneof , sight:: lie ; lair tie shots fired at . rierL , orLiendefand-fit-from-ene-w-threepe ' Gecirge.prownr-Etio.,sourgeant•afr-simaii-er-------- A -- Ito - h - 15 - h - l e d. th D o -- -11:dit , - 0 - g - . - 1 - 41n, zve - riffig:iiiciii; 0.4 X 'lack chat- laborer, while it pays him better - wages and rest, who cut the throats of the b . , p .. . . . 220 ORESTBUT STREET. ... ... .„., „ . . , ,„. _ . . . ~ . - . „. . • vice arid imperfection of mind,* and soul, Ths thilniOnrn_Texas.2_._..._____ _t3LSoutit Sivteentiz_Stre_e_its_._ .. -- aim 6t 6 06 ----------- . Wheeleri - rind7l.....ard four i gn ore ---- Nelb iIY4 was. cenL for. carrying. The • gross - clearings the ,fienate, who nad,cbarge _of...the funeral ar- of ' ' • • 42 and 45 as a - • for.monev and 9430943‘ for account, • United press-room. • Their toes is c , - . i , 41 zling bright --shinentit--w-itl/-a-suddattind- .az - 'to aid_hintin em lo s-a eater-numberathiabrethren. ____telt_;;_j_._ckso_n._whaprayed_God„ __. .. _ p y ,gr .0f pestilent beef', . pinuunnxins. - - PROM -- C - ALIFORN.I.A.: heard, of _Wheeler for . .. . . We r ra days, and It was 'areounted to $ . ' • ' .. ' ''t lon '. . . ' . h . ' . ' '' .-' - - ' 62,619,00%. •the gold .balances .o. ge,ments, and General J,arnes A. Eakin , , who 025,004 •iniminnee. 1315,000. . ''l'lie:second and , °tater. Five•Tweatles, 71%; Illinois thintrac.923(; , Davis and The machine ower in English mills is equal the destruction of his country; , _ p . WATCHER, JElviadEtY, dru. - cupposed,that he was assassinated. •It appears e , 1,284.461 and the currency balances ,te $2;180--' c.ohdicted the arrangements . on. the of. the ' -'' • .- Erie. 86; :Atlantic and Great. Western, 883 i... ' Ladies from any part of the United States can itend tholr . - . h of Death, and aces; under the magic toile Consicerably !ex ue.: . : however.. that as he left. ' 'the Mtey - he dodged pm ~ The ste amer third floors were occupied byLeiberticith &, - „Van thepagan -: to GOO 000 me , and there is , more . certain Wirz, his accomplice, who starved t , n, . , orders for •Dreve Materials. L reams. - Lloakkotionnets. e • mer •Hennazin, 'for Bremen, took. i i nn . • . .... . .• __ . ~. Arrival--..othn Opposition Steamei into the brush near.- by .so quickly that %e sue- otit 811,4871 n Specie, 'and. the Havana steamer• a yof the demised, and General, Michier ' 'Ficasierour, Aug. 14th, Evening.-Ftve-Tiven the eulogies • that are pronounced or writ ten And. bring .us to grief. - shoes. Under Clothing, Mourning Salt, Waking .yroft, . • "‘‘, " . . blank b .I._ Anw, book . manufacturers, : whose less ,is Rabicals in Audersonville, and shot them employment for operatives than. there was sew., Travellm w Outnts. Jervelry. u &e.. re in . latirr ic. en's . • needed lia `getting awe from the rtould-he min ._ Eagle $258,000. •i The Sub-Treasug- disbursed Commlieloner. of Public Buildings, were en_harat_ utheirlives make l hard for their upon -While cargo 011 cargo. . , i' dere= with_onl -450 00li-rinatunitCennicrio --•• .' - - - - tiear -75- Y• - • • . .• ' ' • down like dogs, w,!ticki, in a raging delirium of seventy , years „ago, before these . "improve .., Ci ll h o l itirt k i l t 1:1 W ent rd s." 3 .l.We e lvirl ta ge t ase sett one of - ~---- ____Lthrett. -0- 11184 traL us- .42;000 - in - eehrili - p - ifyrW - orbiterest on_ the. .at fill early hoar, perfialng.all mangements. fo ' '• •- " • •''' - . . ...• ' ' . ••' •• • " •11Vrrti.00L. 4..... A.-. 14.• Pltientriistfiiii -- tt00,...... best and nearest friends to recognize the Of-Of - trieet -- : '• their ifzErr rrrructunarsegef or aressurenteut i .ftvdisadt.. - ----- - -•- \ . ----- ltly Ilhe:&11111tilutte Cable.. . . eapeeel44 iilins!..ll,lor siaina,-.anotatiength. SWAM nri blip. tipht A n vimir IN. A..... .1%,... e.........a.- : t.--„4---, -.- .„. , - ..... ~. , ‘ ,„„„ ~‘,_ ~ ...,,, „..,,,,,,, ~,, , , , ,_ ~,, r Tim hoodi.a. - :Etna: ntErnaa hcr IT Al . 17..........1 ... -. ........ .. . -. _ _ . f _ th • h f e , d h o ---thirst-and-hungstaggered-ever-an-ima-- iiients" - -vvereintroducetL ---. - 1117the. - 13tuarts' visittos the city shenald _not fail to, call And have their . / , . -- familiarfeatures - o .- er - c arac run _ . , _ . _ ~ 4 ,_ ,t _ . _.,,.. ,„...., ,_i_.., ____., ,_ ..___ __ .... IA oar& of nialtnikAsAi '. - . , . .. .. ... -_ . • . • /Data. Ulta cidAutualisu .............. • s_ 1 111 -.3 -1-::...1-:... ~..........1. ......51,_ L....... .....1, • oh) riro . linc,.. Illaeirnem. Kohn a n!'!:1 . - 1 , 11 . fa - ~ , . . . . . .... . . .. . ...... I . , , I , - ~P that make up the posthum us picture of their lives. We say that any sign of a action from this almost universal extravagance is worthy . 9f notice and of encouragement. Such a sign . we find in theYobituary notices of Thaddeus Stevens, already published by most of the leading journals of the country. As a rule, they are remarkable for their free impar tiality; and from whatever cause this freedom arises, it deserves to be remembered and imi tated. Many of them are highly and exclu sively eulogistic of the distinguished subject of their criticism; many of them are harsh, unjust and ignorant in their strictures up3n his character asi a politician and statesman; some, from the pens of political adversaries, are fair, able and discriminating. Each has written from his own point of view, but all seem to have felt an unusual freedom to speak simply what he held to be the truth about the great man who has just passed away. The impartial way in which the character of Thaddeus Stevens has been discussed, has arisen, mainly, from the fact that all classes of writers have been compelled to recognize so much of innate greatness about the man that they have felt that they could afford to speak so much truth in his praise as to war rant their added criticisms upon what they believed to be the faults and defects of his public career. It has arisenTtoo, from the unconscious influence of his own sterling honesty. Men who might be tempted to write false and fulsome panegyrics upon Thaddeus Stevens have been bushed and si lenced by the recollection of his own -sturdy contempt for cant sad all hypocrisy. And men who might have been tempted to in dulge the bitterness of their partisan ratan even against the dead lion, have been stopped with a conviction of the bravery, the sin cerity, the single-minded consistency of the , often bitter, remorseless, overbearing, but .never false or treacherous old man who lies to-day beneath the dome of the nation's cspitoL The precedent established by the general tone of the obituary, notices of Thaddeus Stevens deserves to be carefully remembered and followed by the public press. It breaks in upon a habit of indiscriminate eulogy which is false in fact, and very demoralizing In tendency. It sets an example of truth-tell- ing about dead men which should not be for gotten. We naturally step lightly on all graves, and there is never a need to indulge in intemperate abuse or to drag to light secret defects and infirmities. If the dead must be spoken of at all, it should be done in simple kindness, but with equally simple truth. Where the truth can not be spoken, a decent silence is the best kindness to those who are gone. Most men are powerfully influenced by public opinion, and many a man woflld strive harder to leave a good name behind him, if he felt assured that the stone-cutter, the editor and the ora tor would only do for him when dead, what he had done for himself while alive. But however this may be, there is a virtue in truth-telling which is sadly vitiated obituary--practices--of--our times, at,.: the sooner we'can get back to the habit of impartial, honest criticism of the dead as well 1 - 3 of the living, the better it will be tor society and the cause of truth. The old heathen who originated the axiom that "nothing but good of the dead" must be spoken, was either preparing the way for his. own obituary, or he lived in a more "Golden Age" than the world has since been favored with. His doctrine has the ring of a 'very profound charity about it, but while "charity speaketh no evil," it should also be remem bered that it "rejoiceth in the truth." JUKI"iiIIER_C'EI.JUY TEX • X. In addition to the other penalties pro nounced by the Democracy against Repub licans for their adherence to the faith, we are now threatened with excommunication from the benefits of religion. We ascertain this important fact front Mr. 13. Clay, an obscure elder in an obscure town in Texas. Mr. 41.114 y baying been delegated—perhaps by the tile cities with the plague; Semmes, who scuttled their ships and butchered their crews; and Lee,and a multitude of others,who perjured themselves when they renounced their,sworn allegiance to their government, and inaugurated a rebellion which cost a mil lion human lives and endless htiman misery. These are the shining examples in this church, whose golden rule is: Hate one an other; whose emblems are the bowie knife and the revolver, and whose missionaries are the members of the Ku-klux Klan who come in their original characters, as thieves in the night. It is well for Messrs. Seymour 'and Blair that they make their election to "fellowship with the Church" sure. It is the only election Of which they can have any hope, and it is certainly that for which they are best fitted. As for the members of the Republican party, they will probably bear the sentence of ex communication and the anathemas of Mr. Clay,with commendable serenity, and endea vor to reach Heaven by the old route. Per haps they may even feel a charitable pity for these poor fools who insolently and blasphe mously prostitute religion to the basest pur poses of partizanship, and in their bigoted assumption to speak for the Christian Church, endeavor, in this free laud, and in this enlightened age, to ex ercise surv, illance over the opinions of their fellows, and to damn those who do not think as they do. No better evidence ex ists of the imperative necessity for the tri umph of liberal principles in this country, so that.we shall be enabled to deliver the South from the tyranny of such absurd and igno rant bigots, and by universal education teach. just such people as these what Christianity with its doctrines of freedom and equality really is. In the meantime, those whose minds are troubled for fear the Clhurch as it is in Texas may be the true path to a happy hereafter, are advised to turn to the New Testament and follow its precise instructions in reaard to the virtue of modern Democracy, the necessity for voting its ticket, and the frightful penalties pronounced against Repub licanism. The English people are paying a precious price for the privilege of worshipping their royal idol. Generous allowances to the royal family were all well enough when the naem hers could be numbered on one's fingers, but the extraordinary fecundity of the present branch has made liberality ruinous, and cans d the British tax payer to weep and tear his hair between his loyal huzzas, as ad dition after addition was made to the num ber of the claimants upon his beneficent de= votion to monarchy. The Queen's produc tiveness amazed and bewildered him, and his grief for Prince Albert's death was softened by the reflection that she was at last a widow; But the end was not yet. All the Princes and Princesses bad to be married oil, and dowered handsomely, and then the prolific peculiari ties of ibis highly respectable Dutch family were again displayed, and at each new birth the popular cheer grows fainter as the subsidy fund increases in size. The Prince if—Wales already has four children for which the nation will have to provide liberally, and although he has vast sums placid at his own disposal, he is now send ing up a cry for more guineas. His latest re quest is that Parliament will increase his al lowance by 25,000 pounds a year. His rea son for making the demand has some appa rent force. His mamma's overwhelming grief has compelled her to live in seclusion and to neglect those duties for which she is kept in office. Her sorrow has been profita ble. During this period she has hoarded the vast sums of money placed at her disposal for _ purpoees4of-entertainment,- and-npon—Walei has devolved the expense of attending to her social duties. The British people naturally think she ought to furnish him with the ne ceesary cash, but - this she firmly declines - to 'do, and he professes his . inability to make -both_en,da meet upon his present iucome. Wales le, we fear, in a less pitiable condi ' tics than he would have the world believe. tars of wheat, now she raised fourteen chil -1 lion, and the harvest lacks reapers. The South has the same capabilities, and she stands to-day in as sore need of these very improvements in the methods of agriculture, as ever Digland did, or as did our Northern States, where, with a crowded population, labor is scarce and commands an enormous price. Whitney's cotton gin did not compel the planters to part with their slaves, and this foolish writer knows well, that instead of leaving nine:men out of ten idle, and depre ciating the value of land, this single improve ment, and a "Yankee" one at that, enhanced the value of the product, and effected good results for employer and laborer alike. But we , do not believe in the sincerity of stitilB fellow. He knows these things well,but he ie an' unscrupulous demagogue, who .does mot hesitate to stoop to the practice of deceit and falsehood Upon the poor blacks, in whose welfare he professes so deep an interest. From cursing the negroes, he and his coadju tors have come to soliciting from them the votes that we placed in their hands as a de fence against their oppressors. So far the result of enfranchisement has been good, for it has changed the attitude of the slave-drivers from one of fierce dictation to that of suppli cation. We have no fear that the negroes will not perceive the magical virtues of the franchise sufficiently to enable them to use it in behalf of their own welfare. The New York Evening Poet, in its no tice of Thaddeus Stevens, says that "as a statesman he was singularly ignorant and narrow-minded." It also says of his personal appearance, "he was of a slight frame, &c." The Evening Poet seems. to have been as ignorant of the mind of Thaddeus Stevens as it' was of his body. Both were broad, stal wart and above the ordinary average of men. The capacious, arching brow was suggestive of the untiring brain that worked be neath it; the square, massive chin and resolute mouth bespoke the in domitable will that Death himself almost seemed to struggle with •in wain; and the large; iron-knit frame was in harmony with 'the brave spirit that animated it, in a half century's fight for education, freedom and the progress of all true American development. The Evening Poet needs to improve its ac quaintance with the mental and physical qualities of our public men before it paints pictures of them for the people. On the principle of "Honor to whom honor is due," we are glad to commend the far, manly, and, in the main, true analysis of the career and character of Thaddeus Stevens, published in the Age of yesterday, an ex tract from which appeared in yesterday's RaunTrx. The same number of the Age contains an obituary notice of the Rev. Thomas G. Allen. of which we could speak in a more compli mentary way, if it had not been transferred, bodily, from our own columns, and adopted editorially, and without credit, by our con temporary. HENRY PEILLIPPI. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO. 1024 UNRUH STREET. Je8.194p PHILADELPtILL j oßki 09* Bad RTRmr. and 218 LiIiIIEITREET. bLechanles of every ch reqoAred for honzebandlas 6,2711 " .4:4: I : 1.`.1• :• • Die •AN Iff. NI ; sad easy-fitting Dream Hate (patented), In an the a • door to the waved [tal Post-office. low of tba won. Chestnut Amer, • • aelSlyrri THE PETULANT. FAULTFINDING lIMSBAND, who loses hbe temper over the discomforts of every re. taming wash day, may do something practicable towards lessening Idiom and economize in the cost of his linen besides, by sending - si - cog.wkeel Clothes Wringer to his home. They are sold by TRUMAN di SHAW. No. bid (Eight Thirty five) Market greet, below Ninth. Qrrs OF FIELD ORO I WIMPLE6IENTS OF A Aavariety of otylea, frog) B,_._g_alvanise&-anil-fron -42obit$40fdlrorDuifb Ere at TriUMAN & saw 1335 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Math. Philadelphia. L:431 DEEING IRONS AND SOLDSR—HOUSE -ok,epers w ho ere canning fruit, or who desire) to repair their awn tinware. For sale b. 9 TUUMAN-A-St-IAW. .h- 0 , 83s ( Blght2hlrtP•tive) Market etreet, below Ninth. ISAAC NA' NB. AUCTIONIIEB. N. E. eoRNER Third ,and )3pruee streets. only one 'mare below the Exchange. 000 111250,000 to loan in le or small amounts. on di a mon diver plate. watches. (maim and a_ilgoods of value. • 00 hours from BA. to 7r hy INV Estab. fished for the last forty years. Advanced made in large amounts et the lowest market rates. . ja&tfrp Unwholesome to eat. We're rather unwilling Our breakfast to make On poisonous sirloin, Or rinderpest steak. We look on such victuals With uttermost loathing, But vast is the plimsoll We take in the clothing So cheep and so splendid For gentlemen. all, At Rookhill & Wilson's Magnificent Hall! Gentlemen ! You may sustain life on corn and cabbage.tithe beef don't suit you. But ,you must have clothes on your back. And the place to find the most magnificent summer stock in town is ROCKHILL & WILSON'S Bross Stone Clothing RA 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. DANCING* UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. GRAND BALL OF THE SEASON, Saturday Evening, August 15th. AIDfIIC IJ!D cl. TEIB DIRECTION OF ROI UWE. ltd PEW PUBLICIATMONB. lin,anac .11. - S .3 9 9 Now ready in great variety, Twelve kinds English, thrto'kinds German. Far tale or made to order at short notice, and lowest price. Publishers, Booksellers, Medicine Venders and others can have theh imprints and advertisements inserted in what they order, at ye , y low rates. nook and Jon Printing al all kinds executed cheaply nd pioxiptly. MAG.& BAIRD, Ransom ;Street. aulß wd m EXCUntolOtVb. EXCURSION TICKETS ON SATUR. day to Cape May, $3. The splet.did new steamer Lady of the Lake will leave Pier 19. above Vine street, on naturday, 115th, at 9.15 A.M., and return from Capo Mac on Monday. Excursion tickets $3.00. including carriage hire. Each way $2.25. including carriage hire. aul3-21§ run r'JO CAPITALIBTB.—FO BALE—DESIBABLE " Properties In tbeli Ind' Tenth and Bixteonth Wards. Good investments Will be sold low. Apply to B. W. BM EBGBY., No. 206 South Fourth et. anta m wit* Li=U!l $20,000 —PARTNER WANTED WITH A ROVE . amount of Capital in a very lucrative and old establi.hed manufacturing business, where there is no risk and business stable. very little Pluetaation in snide made, and business capable ”f large extension. Callon or address J. B. SQUIRES, 230 South Fourth Street. aul4 24. Fmara; wElazat a 00. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW E FULL OPERATION. No. n N. WATER and El N. DM. swan 11QaQ —GET YOUR - HAIR CUT AT HOPP'S 101 /o,_ Saloon, by Sretelasa Halr•Cuttorg. Chß. then% Hair Ont. Shave and Bath. 25 cent!. Bacon! set I.n ,order. Open Sunday mcdning. .No. 125 Exchange Place... G. O. KOPP. NOLA' RUBBER READBIDIE BEId'ING. STEAM PAM{ 1 Ins Bose, dux and dealers will find a full aleortmemt of Goo ear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber. Belting, Paekins Bose. at the Mantifulturer's Headquarters. GOODYEAR'S. 1308 Chestnut street. Beath slate, B.—We have now on hand a large lot of Gentlemen's. gamer Gum and Mine* G Overcoat&rua Boots. Also. every variety and Ws of WOK SALE.--TO MERCHANTS. STOREKEEPERS A' Hotels and dealera—an Cams Champagne and Crab Cider. bbla. Oh=Panne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORAN. 920 Pear atraet VINE WATCHES AT REDUCED PRICER. A FRM3II J.' invoice. hut received. by • FARR it BROTHER, ImPoXte . leStfrp 'HO OP-MIRT— AND -A El A-N `-kt PACTOR-3040.--- . 2 -` Bl2 Vine street All gooda mode of the beet mutable wad w arramted. Hoop Bkb to repaired. 1914 ato Ic%MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON - -DIAMONDS.-WATCHES.-JEWELHY. PLARE. CLOTHING. die. at JoriEs at eo.ts . .... - --- OLD ESTA BLIBHED LOAN DEriCE. . . Corner of Third and Giekill area% . - - Below Lombard. __-:, N. 13.,DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY , GUNS. die, FOB BALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. le24tr Befell. bs.Dermlmlen. to MS Ica l td .T. ItAFLEIGII. 1011 Cbeetnut MESSRS. MOos P.R. CO.. t 4 1 anlo 2mrp • 818 euld tiheataut Meet. 1106. REMOVAL. 1106. THE II ER ThiItFACTIMINB cow= Savo_ Removed their Wareroome to No. 1106 Chestnut Street. BINDER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE la dzonle, durable. quiet and light running, and capable of performing an a toniebinit range and variety of work. It will hem. fell. stitch, braid. gather. cord. tuck. guilt. embrold my: lyr ps. o WM. E. COOPER. Agent MEW STYLES LOOKING GLASSES, Pi:l7llW ut0t)(113 :Ole);!: :1 EARLES' GALLERIES. 816 Chestnut Street. LA PIERRE HOUSE, PHILADIELPIIIA, PA. The undersigned having leased the above popular Hotel and having made extensive alteration% and im orovementa it is now open for the reception of thasita,Nvith all the appointments of a first clue HoteL J. B. 111MTERW011111 & tO., Proprietor& aul2 lin§ UNITED STATES HOTELI ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the reception of guests on SATURDAY, JUNE 27. The house has been repainted, papered and otherwise improved. Mimic will be under the direction of Simon Hauler, Persons wishing to engage rooms can do eo by applying to BROWN At WOELPPER, T °SETT() SPRINGS. CAMBBIA CO, PA.—THIS I.lwell•knovrn and delightful summer nisort having been thoroughly renovated and much • improved since last sea son. is now OFOXI , under the management of the under signed Excursion tickets over the Pennsylvania Rail road can be procured in Philadelphia Pittsburgh minder. risburg to Ea3ler's Station, two miles distant from the dprings, at which point vehicles will be .in readiness to convey visitors to them. Visitors will take the U o'clock P M. brain to avoid delay. The owner of the Springs, Mr. Gibbons , will give his personal attention to the wet. fareof his guests. ennsc 1812 per week.. For circulars and further particulars. address JOHN MoINTOSH. f'roprietor. Srsiea• I'OUNTAIN HOUSE, AT CItYBTAL Allentows4 Pa. will be opened on the 23d of June. This new establishment is fitted out in magnificent style for the especial accommodation of those from abroad. who eke% a healthy and pleasant summer retreat. Booms 4plll be secured by letter Any addressing_ je23 2mo' BERNDT & °RADER, Proprietors. COTTAGE BOARDING -AT MISS HILL'S, I /WAY. .ette st.. opposite Delaware House, Cape Leland. a7•lna• FAMILY FLOIIR, Made from Virginia, St.' is,. Ohto, renneylvania and Kentucky White :Wheat..at reduced prices, WAR• RANTED BDPERIOR to any in the market. GE O. F. ZEHNDER, FOIIRTH ABB VINE 31 Irnm ( 2 8 —HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS. Do not foil to examine them. • Best and cheapest in the — market.su-sprlng-Bhirtii,—.-oua-own•-tuake, ll -and-was ranted, at only dl 50 ,Worth $O. Corsets retailed at wholesale prices. to get - them introduced. $1 corsets for 61 cents; $1 50 corsets for $116; $2 50 corsets for $2; $5 • - -The preeentlow - liriceirfor - onr - tirst.class -Skirts and Corsets gt 'Jelly surprise every one Please call soon, as we will advance prices Ist of See ' Umber. thatsrial having already aoyauced. - • . Sikirts made to order, altered and repaired.' at IB Arsh street. j‘ 2g Im o Tl 5 HOPKINS.. E. BAYLEY AIMING WITH INDELIBLE ENE. . EMBROIDEa AIL [US. Braiding. stanipins. &c. M . A. TORICY. Filbert street; SEWING .111141011INEb. FTTrIrPn - IWvr' , l SUMMER RESORTS. Atlantic City. or No. 827 Richmond Street. CHOICE NEW WHEAT BAILEY ectz DIAMOND DEALERS, s CHESTNUT STREET!' 819. ELA%TII3 BPOIIIOEs Pennsylvania Elastic Iponga 1111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPEIOLS EERY PURPOSEt3 CHEAPER THAN FEATHE RS OR HAIR, AND FA.F. SIIPERIHS. The,Lightest, Softest and mon Elastic and Durable ms• tertal known f MATTRESSES. or PILLOWS. CAR, CARRIAGE AND MUIR CUSH .OriEt. frit is entirely hideanuctible, perfectly clean and tree Trim dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL ! Is always two from insect life; is perfectly healthy, and for the sick is unequaled. If soiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and easier than any otter Mattress. Special attention given to FURRUHUNG CHURCHES. HALLS. de. Railroad men are especially invited to examine the Cashion Sponge. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. v2O m w f lyl rn-PITTNT PRESERVED PRAIRIE GAME POTTED MEATS, For Luna, for Traveling, for Fishing Parties. for any partici, leaving home WINES, BRANDIES AND CORDIALS OZ eve* , dercrlption. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, Importers of fine Groceriee.Winee. Brandlee and Cordlair> S. W. nor. Broad and Walnut Stb w f 111 tiro AMERICAN ANTI-INCRUSTATION 00.1, OFFICE, No 147 South Fourth St-, PHILADELPHIA. The Antl.lncrustator will remove scale from steam boilers and keep them clean. renflaring the boiler less' labia to explosion, and causing a great saving of fuel. The inetruanents have been in successful use during the' last two years In many of the large establishments fn thlia city. and from which the most flattering testimonials their wonderful saving of fuel and labor have been received. • Parties having boilers would do well to call at the otHo and examine testimonials. etc. JOHN FAR EIRA. President?. 11221 smrt) LURID, Ileiretaryand Treasurer.. GOLD'S Latest Improved Patent Low Steim and Hot Wafer Apparatus, For Warming and Ventilating _Private and Public Buildings Also, the approved Cooking Apparatus, 'AMERICAN - ICITCHENR, On the European plan of heavy • outings. durability and: neatneea of construction, for biota's. Public Institutions • el and the better an of Private Residences. HOT AIR FURNACES of th o latest improvements. GRIFFITH PATENT AttCHIMEDIAN VENTILATORS.. ItGGItITERB,VNATILATORS.4to.---- Union,Steani and Water Heating Co JAMES P. WOOD & CO.— 41 Routh FOll l ll,l l O Street, Philgdelphla. B. 7.1. FELT*EXL, Buperiidendant. ,jvB9mrps F—` tilttiETS. CORSET!). MADAME A , BARATET F ct has removed her well-known corset establishment from 116 South Fifteenth street to 112 South Elev. A , ern), below Ch.43tnut Philadelphia. Attention 113 invited to her beautiful light linen corset for zuLamer wear. 133Y26 3mrp§ felSirlfmroLt money, and 94 ,for account. Illinois Central, 92. Erle, 36. Atlantic and Great Western, 39. irsistKworxr, August 14, A. AL—United States live -twenties, 7531. lavEnrooL, August 14, A. AL—Cotton opens firm, but unchanged. The sales of to-day are estimated at 12,000 bales. Total sales of the week 89,000, of whlcli 15.000 were for export and 5,000 ter speculation. Stock in port and on shipboard, 077,000 bales, whereof .240,000 are .Ameri w n. datuffe quiet and quotations unchanged. is, August 14.—Tho increase of bullion in Bank of France is 34,000,000 francs. Obsequies of ,Thaddeus Stevens. [Special Despatch to the Phlla4b3lettiegeeetei nuneum] ' WAsuncoriSn, D. C.; Aug. 14..-IThe funeral services for Thaddeus Stevens were held in the Rotunda of the Capitol this morning, at eight o'clock, the hour of the departure for Lancaster having been changed last night from that first toted upon yesterday. ' The services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. E. H. Gray, Chaplain of the Senate, as• slated by the Rev. Dr. Hamilton and the Rev. B. B. Emery. !, Dr. Gray delivered an appropriate address upon the life and character of the deceased. The vast rotunda was crowded with people, who bad assembled, at that early hoar, to do honor to the illustrious dead, and the services were listened to, with the deepest interest. A large portion of the audience were colored people, great numbers of whom have visited the remains while lying in state, to testify their affec tion for their steadfast friend. Many of them showed much emotion during the delivery of Dr. Gray's address. At the cenclusion of the service the procession formed and escorted the hearse to the Baltimore Depot, whero a special train was in waiting to convey the funeral party to Lancaster. The train left here at 10 o'clock and will arrive at Lancaster at about eight o'clock this evening. Delegations of citizens of Lancaster resident in Washington. of the City Councils, &c., ac company the remains. The funeral, conducted by the authorities of Lancaster, will take place 2 P. M , on Monday. The President's Organ on Everts. _ _ fhPeeial Despatch to the Phila. Evening Belletin.l WARM:NW/ON, August 14. The Intelligencer this morning has a two-column editorial, severe ly criticising Evarts's opinion in the Rollins case. This argument, that the Attorney-General's views are unsound, is supposed to reflect the views of the President, and to confirm the cur rent rumors of differences between himself and his now legal adviser. Blot In Washington. [Special Despatch to the , rtla, Evening DialletinJ LNI3 WASH2O,N, Aug. _1 —A riot occurred here last evening, between ar cdmpany of colored Zon aves and a mixed crowd of whites and blacks. The Zonaves were passini from Georgetown to the Capitol, on 'Pennsylvania avenue, when, it Is said, theY Were attacked by the crwd. in the melee some of the Zonaves flied Into the crowd, mortally wounding Disc On and injuring several others. sentence of an Express Robber. BROWNSTOWN, hid., August 14.—Colleran and Hammond, charged with overpowering the mes senger and robbing the Adams Express Com pany, in September, 1867, near Seymour, were on trial yesterday. The former entered a plea of guilty, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for five years, and fined $5OO. Hammond's case was continued. The• notorious-Jason Brown, a criminal lairyer ' defended the prisoners. Al though the Vigllance Committeelad_resolved to leave the matter with the Courts, the action of that body seems to have rendered it necessary to again take the law into their own hands. Divorce of an Indiana Detective • /Srraloon, Indiana, Aug. 14.—That most .de graded detective, Seymour 13armore, lately from Nashville, where he was initiated into the "Sock" degree of the Ku Klux Klan, was to-day di vorced by the court of Jackson county from his wife, that lady being the complainant in; , the case. Jason Brown was his countel. From California. &or Pniumscb, "Aug. D.—The opposition steamer Oregonian arrived from Panama. The bark Torrent was wrecked Jai) , 17th, in Eng lish B3y, Cook's inlet. The vessel and cargo are a total loss. The crew arrived safely at Kodiak. Cleared—ship Gold Hunter, for _ Liverpool, - taking out 40,000 sacks of wheat, and slap Oliver Madeline, for Capetown, with a cargo of flour. Thursday Ow:dug, rate Mem* gum the wound In his era. , The greatest excitement prevailed at the flock over the affidr. Guards were sent to Ali ntene of the attempted . assassination. The trank of Mr. Wheeler bad been broken ape* the papers scattered, and whatever of value taken: Gov. (Payton is following tip the villains with his wonted enercy, and it is confidently angel- Paled that itte.Y.will be caught. mon NEW, voun. NEW Tons, August 14.—The yacht squadren remained quietly .at NeWport 'yesterday, With their fags half masted in respect to the".memory of eg-mtuodore E. A. Stevens, who died re. cently lir Paris. Today the great ocean race takes plsee. The fourth floor of a paper box manufactory, Noe. 268 end 270,Canal street, fell yesterday its consequence of beingeverweighted. There were about forty girls,eraphryed in the building at the time, and their consternation was great, but only two of them were injured, both seriously. The two, strangely enough, had Only commenced work at the establbshment yesterday, while the rest of them had been engaged there for some A young girl named Sate Connor. fifteenyears ofwatchho was arnsted on suspicion of stealing died in the station house on Wednesday night, it is presumed from shame and grief. MS. Lincoln. BEDFORD 13PREJOS, Pa., August 12 2 1868.-Mr s, Lincoln, the wife of the late President Lincoln, arrived at the. town of Bedford several days ago, and there took up a temporary , residence. She has since been repeatedly traveling to these springs, -the first time Yesterday in company with two other ladies, like to herself, clothed in , mourning. They came on the hotel gr_omoda, remaining : only long - enough, to par take of the sulphur water. Yesterday the same parties, in one of the public coaches, visited the celebrated mineral spring. ,Mrs. Lincoln re mained in the vehicle while her companions got out to drink at the spring. On both occasions she shunned a gaze of the few persons who had knowledge of her presence, at times drawing her veil over her face 4 There is, however, little if any curiosity ex pressed at the springs to have a good look at tier person, everybody here appearing to be indiffer ent as to her movements or willing that she shall indulge the privacy which she desires. FINANIM.L and cOMMEROLA.L. The Phliftdclplat Bales et the Philadelp 1112887 • 3000 City 6'a new Its I 500 City ee old 106 N 1000 Read 6s'4o-SO 92 WOO Leh 6'a Gold In 8834 1000 Lehlah 444 'B4 82l 150 N Penns R 7 p cecripB9 do 8834 tX) do Bit TWX7i 0000 Lehlzh Gldln 88 2000 do b 5 88 1000 N Pena aR es 00 800 sb Leb NavStk e 5 2134 100 eh Phil kßrieß WO 26 2 4 0000 City 6 8 new 103SECIOND 10000 _do do Its 103 100 do do 1' 45 eh Leb Val R , Its, -Mll 19 eh do - pax 100 eh Cataw 34 100 eh do j b3O &I • ParrADELrure, Frida3r, Aug. 14.—Tbe state of trade shows a • slightimprovement, but with out canning any increased demand for money, the supply of which Continues as large as ever: The TatcB fl? "On continrielo range front 4to 6 peteent. The =Witted fluctuations in Gold causemany doubts: as the Allure( TolUe of 'goods, and prevent the merchant froth em= barking in any new enterprise. The stock market was : heavy. this, morning, without much change in the better class of secaf titles, but the speculative shares ruled irregn, larly. Government and ,fltate Loans, closed about the same , as yeeterfay. City Loans were fractitinlower, with sales of the new issue at 1033 i, and the oldit 100. Lehigh Gold Loan was ' Reading:Railroad opened at 45.69, and closed firm at 45U; Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 53X, an advance of M. Lehigh Valley Railroad at 54-4 a decline of 4. and North Pennsylvania Railroad at 83-no change. 127 was bid for Camden and ArnheY Railroad ; 70 tor, Norristown Railroad ; 843 for Catawisia ~Itailroad Preferred ; 's6 . for Mine Bill Railroad, and, 26 XforPhiladdPida and In Bank, Canal and Passengei Railroad shares the sales were unimportant. Mailers; De Haven and Brother, No "40 Ronal Th i n l 4 treet - mtda - thtrfallowingAtiotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at IPr M .r Via* Blake sixes, of lot 115V®11530 do: do.; 1 /?1,%114 ‘04 , 14 @ 3(0 do - do.; 1'64,1104 oMdo4 _ )112i '6s;4neeiloBX6lo new 103% 1 98itis fir do, d0,i,788,41uvi1, ten - foresee} lo9@itil'aae‘VeMpOnitllaterest i Notes; 19 3(; do do. 004: liepwiti:' , - - 1,410 40, do.t , do; Oct. 65,18; - cysili"'ooM47,o'.Bllv!w; ,1 3 €40 Smith, Randolph ' it Co., bankers, le 'South Itioney Nark° t. his Stock littchabge. NO eh Bead S 45.69 100 eh LebVal B s 4 25 eh do c 54 253 eh Penns B 0334 49 eh do 511;i 6eh do Its c 533{ 1 sh N Pa R 33 100 eh Lea Nay atk 2131 BOARDS. 100 ah Cataw of b3O 33 3: 100 ab do 34 100 eh Read 4 b3O 453 E 100 eh ' do 45 56 4000 dot% '43-80 03 BOARD. 1008 h Penn 11 810 53( 200 oh do 840wn Its 53 28 al* do b 5 53% 100 sh Read R 4134 180 eh do 85vrn 45.44 100 ell do b 304144 . -•-• - and other strong iitittleS eel:Wane tO anion g the largest'huyere Q 1 gold , but the demand - is well distributed, and the indleations ate 'that the premium will gradually rise to about 150. The market for government securitlealias been very quiet all day ' 7 the transactions 'being more .than usually limited, both at the board and the counters of the principal dealens. There is no inquiry at present for the exportable bonds, and all the issues teem to sympattdze with the stag nation in these. It wilt be observed that the five twenties of 1868 are quoted a fraction hbrher than' those of 1867, and this Preference Is, attributable to the fact that they have one year longer toren than the latter. At the close prices were generally a fraction lower than at the openiog, but It will be surprising if before long there is not a more active - home investment demand for our national securities,attended by a considerable advance In• prices. Money continues abundant at three and four per cent. for call loans on governnieuts and other, satisfactory collsterals, and the transactions at AIMS are exceptional, even where small amounts are borrowed on misepilaneons securities. First class houses have large sums offered to them by the banks at three per cent. without reference to the class of securities pledged. There is no per ceptible increase in the supply of commercial paper; and the best Riede is scarce and in request at 53M6 per cent. It Is noticeable, however, that applications for discounts from the Interior are beginning, to come forward in anticipation of greater monetary activity in the count, of a month or two, when discounts will be made with less freedom. Lev= the N. Y. World of to•day. I A170178T 13.—The event of most importance in financial circles is •the more active demand for money from the. West and the increased ship ments of currency there, which are estimated for the week at about $3,000,000. The express com panies are daily taking large remounts West, and one bank was drawn on for $300,000 in one day, early in the week:' 'Private letters from Europe advise caution on the part of their correspond ents - here, in view of the contingency of a European war. The accumulation of specie in the Bank of France, in round numbers $250,000;000 in gold, and the loss of £571,000, 'equal to $2,850,000, In gold, reported by telegram to-day, in the Bank of England statement for the week, indicate that gold has been purchased for `French account, as there Is nothing in the move ment of the foreign commerce of France to war rant this extraordinary gain of bullion by the Bank of France, and the commensurate loss by the Bank of England and , other money centres. The Government bond market was firm and there was a brisk demand for the 1865 s to ship to Europe. The foreign exchange market is weak, and prime -bankers offer them sixty-day bills direct at 109%, and at second hands 109";,f; bills against bonds are 109% to 1091( and, bankers' sight 109% to 109%. The whole of the Alanka purchase mo ney, 457.200,000, has now been remitted to Eu rope; $2,000,000 having been remitted in specie and the balance, $5,200,000, mostly' In sight bills, arranged 'by telegram. The whole of this gold has been already sold upon the market, and the Bale of this large anionnt, as sisted by the reckleis extent to which the bears operated, were the causes of the recent decline in the price of gold from 150 to 145%. Another of the bears in gold,.a prominent Wall street bro kers' firm, failed to-day; it is said they were short of gold $3.060,000 to _54,000,000. Reports are current of some mercantile firms being embar rassed from selling gold short. The gold market was active and firm, opening at 147%, declining to 147%, advancing to 1474, and closing at 147% at 3P. M. The rates paid for carrying were 2, 2%,'3, and 1 per cent. to flat. After the Board -adjourned the quotations were 147% to 147% at 6 P. M. The operations of the Gold Exchange Bank to day were as follows : - Gold balances,„_... currency balances Gioee clearances... The Latest QuotatiOtto prom New York TelegraPlLJ NW Yoßic,.: - Ankast lA.—Stocks weak. Chi cago and Rock Island, 11136; Reading, 913 i; Canton Co., 4 6X;Erle,_s7%;Cleveland sud Toledo, 100%;',Cleveland and-Pittsburgh, 85j,1; Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 108%; Michigan Central, 85; New York Central, 127%; Illinois Central, 147; Cumberland preferred, 00;: 'Virginia 6s, 46g; Missouri 6s, 92%; Hudson :river, 186%; Five twenties, 1862, 114%; do. 1864,1110; d 0.1865; - 112%; dei. new, -108 g; Ten-forties, 109; Gold, 147%; Sterling, 10104,Mcniey, Unchanged. - Inisniniets by; telegiaYba Naw Aug. 14.—Cotton quiet at 2935. Fleur Steady; sales of 9,000 .btirrela; State, 47 40 @lO 25; Ohio, s9®l3 50; Western,-s7x4o®lo 80; Southern, $9 80®15; California, $lO 50@12 50; Wheat quiet; sales of 7,500 bushels • Spring at $2 15. Corn active and advanced- lc.; •• sales of 100,000 bushels at $1 140$1 21. Oita, dull; sales of 24,000 bushels at 82%c. Beef - quiet Pork dull at $2B 70. Lard quiet:at 18%,®19e,. Whisky quiet at 6730. Itsurrstonn. August IL—Cotton steady, at ' Ilour-quiet..4md-firtrs.--PrimerWtreat firm tßed - Sold at $2 70®2 7 77. Cern firm; White, slls®l 20. Oats dull at 85®90. Rye • firm, at $1 50. Provisions firm and unchan g e d____.--- _ 13„ssk lenA A nmsco.ug.7l3.=Flour, $5 50@$6 60. Wheat' $1 70@$1° 80. _Legal _Tendezi 69% , , nrro GROCER% BOTEL.KEEPrze. FAAILLIEd AND 1 AlO Othonaios —The andOsaldnehas just resolved a fresh O inValldsh atawhaM d - allfonda an on hand, champagne Wines:rank l constantly n • • • - r. 01. t. • MO Poar throat, •'•'. oso/010 :Laura and Walnut streets; The body-bearers, eight gentlemen from. Lan caster county, who accompanied' the remains, were Messrs. J. M. Parke, Samuel - Houston, A. S. Strachour, R. Jenkhis Jacobs, &kith Cross, E. S. Drosins, W. P. Martin and J. O. Easton. They will act as pall -bearers null' the body reaches' Lanceiter. ilia minutes past eight o'clock they were' 'arranged iipon either side Of the coffin, and immediately in the rear of them a guard or the Butler Zonaves, with side_ arms, while at the head of the coffin chairs were arranged for the family of the deceased. Senators Trumbull and Sumner, ai4 the Com- Mittee from the Washington City Councils, were present and joined in the , procession, and shortly after the ministers, attending_ physicians, family and servants , of the • deceased entered, when the services were commenced by reading from the 98th Psalm, and other selections trom the Bible, after. which Rev. Dr. Gray arose and delivered a sermon of about a half-honr's length, after which followed grayer and benediction by the Rev. Dr. Hamilton, pastor of Ryland Chapel, or this city' Eleven Sisters of Charity from Providence Hos pital were present during the services, at the con• elusion of which the procession of friends and mourners moved to the Baltiniore depot. The hearse containing the'remalus was drawn by four white horses. The rote of the procession was lined with spectators. On the arrival at the depot .the remains were deposited in the car arranged for the .purpose, when all intending to accompany them- secured seats in the train. , The features of the deceased have changed' .considerattly since yesterday, the eye:Vend temples are very much sunken, and the face is of an almost saffron hue. A very large crowd was assembled at the depot; and at 10 o'clock, as the train moved off, dispersed in dif ferent directions. One hundred and seyenty-five members of the Printers' Orant and Colfax Club escorted the remains from , the Capitol to the depot, and a committee of three proceeded with the corpse to Lancaster. The Adams' lt. xpress Robbers. TORONTO, Aug. 14.—The police of this city and detectives from the United States visited the Turf Club Hotel and the Brocton Club House, last night, and arrested the perpetrators and several others for complicity in,the Adams Express rob beries in the United States. Tbe,-arrests number ten or twelve, and the parties are well-known gamblers and sporting men. • The residence of John Bell, on Adelaide street, and three adjacent houses, were destroyed by fire last night. BALTLMORE, Aug. 1-I.—A train of three passen ger cars, bearing the remains of the Hon. Thad deus Stevens, and the escort,reached here at 11.20, and passed immediately to the depot of the Northern Central Railroad. • OTTAWA, Aug. 14.—An order in Council, has been passed, prohibiting the importation of horned cattle from the United States into the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Marine Intelligence. NEW Tonic, Ang. 14.—Arrived, steamship At lanta, from London. • $28t481 . 2 1. .180, 931 63 .6 2 .619,090 oo- UITY BVLLETLN. OBSTRUCTING A RAILWAY TRACK.—Pat Brannan was before Alderman Dallas yesterday, uporythe charge of obstructing the track of the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. A few days ago Brannan attempted to drive a horse and wagon across the track at Twenty-first and Washington streets. in front of a moving train. The flagman made every effort to prevent _ the crossing, and even seized and held Brannan. - The,latter broke away and drove on. The train struck between the horse and the wagon. The horse was killed and the wagon broken. Two cars were thrown from the track and were badly damaged. Brannan was committed in default of 4'1.500 bail to answer at court. • THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO., For Rate Keeping of Valuables, Seclude sleet etc., and Renting at Rates. . . - • N:l3. Browne, w am Yel sl iar. iterz u C. H. Clarke , C. Mos ester. °intact, O. srigg.zr, • • N. B. BROVVNA President. • C. 13. CLARK. Wee Prealdent. pATTERSON. Bee. and Treasurer. - lale-th.a.te.l3q7 VI - AMA ~. AND VERMIGELIALLT, BOX - ES .1.11 Italian Curled llaccaroni and Vernikellt . landing from able Memnon, direct from Genoa, and for sale by JOB. - B BURSTER South Delaware avenue:_ / %LIVES FAMES. thiLYERS. dm.—OLIVES FASUICES (Stuffed Olives), Nonpareil and Superfine Oapers and French's'Olives: fresh goods:. landing ex Napoleon M., from 'Havre, and for vide , loy,I08.; •BUBLIMR .S CO. ES South Dea, Rare Avenue, • itrorn Baltimore. From - Canada. Lois, 825,000; insurance, $3O, 000. , Noble, Todd & Co., gold pen makers, loss $5,000. Insured. THE COURTS.' QUARTER SESSIO24S—JUdge Brewster.—John Magee and Frank Johnson, whose &Lee was re ported • yesterday, were convicted on the ' bill charging them withbur_glary arldr.Dilion'ttf also, with burglary at Mrs. Holt, and were sentenced to six years in the Eastern Penitentiary. Peter McGowan was charged with malicious mischief. • It was alleged that after being in, the the employ of the prosecutor, be was discharged, and returned and 'scratched the Carriage of the prosecutor and'spuileclit. The prisoner establish ed a good character. - Jeremiah J: Stantonwas charged false pretences in. obtaining a_targe quantity of fruit, representing that he had several hundred pounds sof figs, and with the.procee& •of the sale would pay his bill. Instead of psying. he and his wife were arrested in New York as they - we'restarting for Aspinwall. . The case was abandoned , - by, the Common wealth, as there was no proof that the defer'. dantWhile „representing that he heel the figs, had not said that he had paid for them and that they were his absolute property In a second bill the same defendant and his wife were charged with the same offence. There was no evidence that Mr. Stanton made any re presentation, while the court ruled that Mrs. Stanton, as a married woman, was acting as the agent of, the husband, and the prosecutors were bound to see the husband before trusting her. Verdict, not guilty, In the early part of the week, Alexander Rea was tiled in this court on the charge of cruelty to animals. He had a broken-winded and lame horse attached to a coal cart, and when the poor animal fell from• exhanetionkßea applied a whip in a most unmerciful mallsiner, and • the by standers , were so shocked that they insisted that he should be arrested. A. policeman did sr.' rest him, and on the trial the only detence offered by the defendant was that he had just bought the horse, and that it was then lame and lazy. In the face of the Commonwealth'sevidence, a wise jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. After the verdict the policeman inquired of the , Court what be should , do in the future in cases where complaints of cruelty to animals were preferred. Be bad brought several cases into court, and in each instance ajury had acquitted. Judge Brewster directed the defendant to be brought back into court 'for future disposition. This morning Rea appeared, and when asked what he had to say in regard to his treatment of the animal, repeated substantially his state ment to the jury, laying great .stress upon the fact that the horse' was lame and lazy when he bought it. Judge Brewster said the defendant's own State ment condemned him. If ho had an infirmary for invalid animals, he might have taken this ani mal and driven it for the purposes of cure, but it was the excess of cruelty to put a lame and broken winded horse to a load that would have required all the power of a well animal to pull. Such a scene as that described by the witnesses in this. case had frequently shocked the sensibilities of our citizens, and It was time the practice was stopped. If the defendant had lived in Constantinople, he -no doubt would have been taken at once before — the Cadi, and a good bastinado administered. In the present case the Court proposed to deal more 'leniently with the defendant, than he did with the dumb brute entrusted to his care. - - Rea was ordered to enter bail in $5OO to be of good behavior for ' six months, the judge, re• marking that if 'there were any further. com plaints against him, the recognizance should be stied out. DREXEL & CO., • 34 S. Third St., Philada. DREXEL, WINTHROP &- CO., 18 Wall St., Now York. DREXEL, HARJES & CO., Paris. HAWKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVIRNMEM, STUB AND RAILROAD :LCURIIII2. hazo. 001.0_1111D1OREIGN EXCHANGE. Lime Lettere of Credit available in all barbs of EoroP PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TItEaIitIREEM DEPARTMENT; PIIILADELPILIA. August 1,1863, Notice to Shareholders. Persona holding receipts for Subscription to, NEW STOCK, dated PRIOR to July 23, arn hereby notified that -CertificliteTwllThereadyfor-delivbilbirixfirgtertlit -4thhest. Certificates for receipts dated July 23d to 80 inclusive will be ready for delivery on and after the 14th Instant. • THOS. T. FIRTH, au3•3ot usurer. • TIOND'S BOSTON BlStatiT.--BOND'S BOSTON BIM P ter arid Milk Biseiiitt,,. land_Wrom steamer Norman gid for eala by JOS.D. BUSEuz & Aganta' tor Band: 108 South Delaware avenue. and aclivo, but not quatablye'ldghei. day 35,000 bales. Corn easier. No. 2 Red West ern, Wheat scarce at 11s. 2d. Peas advanced to 475. Pork dull and unchanged: Bacon:ad vanced to 50s. All other quotations rmelumged. GLASGOW, Aug. 14.—Arrived, steamship Co lumbia, from New York Ang..Btb. ; The nevenno conamteeionevehip• ISpeciai Devcatch to the rhilada. Evening Bulletin./ WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.—The Prwident's ,plan for getting control of the Revenue COmmission ership by making an arrangement for Mr. Rollins to retire In favor of - some acdep bible man, will fail, as it is. lemed that at the 'urgent - . request of . prominent Republicans, ktr. Rolllnr , has deckled to reinein in the office until after the Presidential election. He will return here on Monday next. Another Exproso"Robbery. ST. Loms, Aug. 14.—The Adams Express Company has been robbed of about $7,000 in an adroit manner. Two men rented an office on the second floor of No. 114 Second street;yester day, and put out sign—B. F. Goodrich .5:5"C0. By last night's train the express company re ceived' al par.bfige from Odin, 111., addressed as above, purporting to contain $147,000 70. This morning the package was delivered by a messenger, who, while waiting fora receipt, was seized by the throat by a man in the office, and another applied chlorofoym to , him. The mes senger struggled valiantly, and not yielding readily to the influence of the chlororonn, was struck three heavy blows on the head with a bar ,of iron and knocked senseless. • The robbers then robbed the messenger's pouch of its contents and escaped. The paelcage was no doubt a bogus' one, and the whole affair a "put np" job. No clue to the robbers has. been obtained. The messenger, Josiah ',Cross is badly hurt, having three ugly wounds on hi; head, and being severely injured on one hand. UPHOLSTEAY GOODS IN GENERAL A FULL LINE OF STRIPED AND PLAIN TERRIES. ALL SHADES OF COLOR. LACE --CURTAINS, SOME MOST SUPERB DESIGNS. PLAIN TERRY CURTAINS, WITH RICH TAPESTRY BORDERS. NIOSCLITITO NETS, PXNII, - WHITE AND BLVE. ~ 4' t;. PIANO AND TABLE COT/EBEL TAPEBTBY AND EMBROIDERED. WINDOW SHADES. HOLLAND AND PAINTED. OPAQUE. TEMP - PARENT AND SEMI-TRANSPAIIPAT. I. E. WALIW-VTZL.H,,:. MASONIC HA1..7. 4 ' - No. 719 CHESTNUT STRUT. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT TRAVELERS' LESUR,ANCE OF IIAINTFOND, CONN. Assets over - - $1.000,000. Pelee llB testier the cite eepeda(r will foal batter eallo- WILLISX W. ALLEN, Agent and Attorney, FORREST BUILDING. 117 South Fourth Street, . Pniltadelpbia► iy23th ta tau - W rETI — SWEET 001tN-116 13ARRELS — J1RIT BB calved and for solo by JOSEPH di BUSKIIia aP Bomb Delaware' avenue. PREEIERvED TAMARIIWO.„-90 /EEGS IWITMIQUIII 1 4 to &rinds. In =gar, lanMs and far add ~T••8• ToNSURR CO- Ina Rtmth Dolawaro ammo& Llt LIC-15 TONS OF CHALK AFLOAT, TOR SA .13y_ E. A..AQI,IDER, 00.,Dockstreett sapid.' 1110 4t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers