• , „,,,,,,„ .... . • ea. ..........,_._ _._-......- • , 4. - - • ' '''r•- 4.,-''''' . '''''''_„.' ' rotdompr_.'!..t ; -. X415 ,- , ' , . - .,.... - ;80. , .--r.. , . ",: .-rr ~ I ;, i r ~ ..v.....„z :,. ... 4 .,,,„,.. ,, ~,,Ak5 . ..,..--_-,........,-.-`.l ..".•-•-* r. :, ...* ' ~ ,,, ..f iwzoar 3,..8 1 ,.......--.l i 9 .....--- - .. ......--„, .......3.3.-3.,-.-- , .3.3t,..*-.- .3 -,..:33. , ...., ...,.. - ~... - .t...L., - - -- ' --". - - "_. .- - -.."` " ":, --"'- .... • ''' - • ..,„, a t , . " • • * „ I 0.... V •f . . . -. _ X r __,, yv, # ~.. ~ )i _ _.._. . -;,- '- " _ C"..:: : 4t _ \ 4 O _ • r' ''''''. r li ; _ -."-- _ _ _ - - _ _• - - - - -- - --- - -- -- ---- -- - - ---- -•- j -7-- A ., ,,;. 1'3,1; ,i , 43 , • ( 1 • . ) . - !• ' - .3 * , - . • . • • • ..2- - . ' ..• , , • -", , , :tr a ce . t, N.Y. cltY* ~112dellargansitvitta . . .., i , . . ~.. i • , . ~,-• . . ~ . , . . • ~., ~ . . , , . .1 • • . - -- - I . plc pART.4I7,Empro guTiLATtiti7Tria4DELPIRA, yRIp.Ay, Alugusfr .4,1868. . _ . . . i I • . ' - ' • ... -•.„-,.3. •„.330 " • _ imm i limk .4t , ' , - . . 4 , - "' .-'' •- - I - ' --' ‘- Crier in IN, - . atirdObeing4itaited - OU'an - iteritted'pleatrof • - - • EisvonalPlON. • MIRIENAPIOR. •• • " • * `, ^ THE DAIIX , ,ETANIE . ~.. ' G BullitirrlN-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUG.RST44 '• 4....... k - , 1 1, lie-opens Elm tember 9th WA. . . , . ---___________ 2 . F. - ,[7:1 OR SALE* 1 i NDALCSLA LXILLEGE A . i . ......................s. WATIDEILIES. JIIIIIIRIapir s OD. ‘...1 L \* raltasfulamilV . A t- 3 • - AltriVAL Bessiox OF TEMPLARS OF ELAND T.- around. The chased will be very lerge, - with a; A • . • __,,... '_,-___ ..,_ HLADELPH/Aa ' Loitera 311DRIEW18 * - • 1829 ..-C1R ' 0 ,T 223 ' 220312 nr. r • < GI- .16,-qup) A c s, ,sii i , . • TUAL LIFE''ffigURANCE iki wlloas at guutlAttrinioris - Noe. 139 an telfionel‘b oothetroat. i . ;to Boys from Fix to tweiveyears of age. '• • - a••-••• • ' ' ' NEW JP CREIEATIOND*- ' ' place this morning tiVeleven o'clock, in Mb' new lufier delineations of area how,ofier . fa-,, .. ~,.......,, 0,,,, J.,.,„ .),,, s‘ i f ~ t, s 1.1. :. k k,..„...c,,.... it.l,„t toa.,, s s . , ilp..„ n s.iikar..; Jo. . -, the Woodwork, b 6113 inaide and ont. will be of - a:1 1 1 1 . 'The Supreme Council tiaissembled yesterday,: 4 /044 / 8 91 me i t t/ W g l eclr g b e a utifully ilttealaP• - • PhIMARY 'DEr'A RTMENT fa Bore of ' ' '• . ; „ tir „SALES QF STOCk HAND ItriALTESTATM. ,•-•r , ~,,•„ 1 1-, ^-.. , ;••-•1 ~• 9 1868. . an 18 lino. • . - 3111 7 Less &Vie Wes at the PairatielphigEremetwol EVART I **`' ,:• 4 •, . ' ' Cathelle Chapel OV St. MarYte, - ClaPhitta cam- •Zer career has 13 W11: - . 4 4-hanaraisLY ,',', ' - ' -- 4 I ' r T i 'UL 1 4" - WIA u '. -Q" ' 'when, upon calling the roll, the following dole . so n u e g s w id in eZd l O W :O tt O n t t il i b tn e n :Or P th re e h l el ea, °n The e °nWthlhe- ACADEMIC DF.PARTeigNT jit ,....... Lc ,..._._ . . Arirririr arm .. , . , ~. N. - E • w • y - 0 - E - iv.; -• i ' "I - thlt'dkoil of °°•ch Fr°PcrtY Juno° "yard= ' mvs B °F 61 E0 7 - :,'• •,,•_ ,-,' ' - , Park.A It is tot oue,':',usual custom 'tee pay' hidestrions its it has been ungorMly success- _., VAS LADQVU ''. gfi" 1 i ~.- 1 -,i • t'' , 4 .t-• ''' ' Oik:irGAGE OP T. 4.0001 gates were ascertained to be present : t it izrual age M BoardinNichectl. Grant is noW the inspiratiorCof ft.:while et•e l itym iii silo ;eaters; but, as it is alibi • ful.. ": Maly endOWSd, She 148..)1t ttie t ie:: , $ .l, 7, , , ~, i. .,_ . I n . '2 , t,, r _ , ti ; 1 ?.,"....', ..; •,,,.. 1 , 2 ~ , , , j it e o h e b u a n r be le bi n a . 7:l l :::' ,_B:Pgihilt:awittaseiillpih::, .. dews will lbe deoarated with stained glass, and i for Young Men ip l igiliMr l ife r p l alt t I N i f n Mess - " ' '- ' ' - lifiliflps add. Inn to •••e Lich wo pub telt on rho satredar p_ Men 5 0 a 115 ' " to each 551 c. Om thousand catalogues," b 1 namahlet Rim. lii The military biegiaphles, of th•ligh we LI•061, improbable, that - thth ,fle•ws Terse,,veriogly studied to attelq we 11R1' ile. I . ' ,J. .„,,• 4 ; 4, ilLimOlin ,DEALEB,O3 niviLERl3. , ~...,:: tv, , , :,. 3 ,- ,1 , ,t,'.i , - IVEQIIT43.A.GF 4 OF 111,60 - . %'. 'yr, • : , %., . ... ' ~- ,:' Addington D. Welch, Montpelier, rt. , the chtarch T w h ill e sea dremin tabout a thr re e in eh te n n o d d ed red io and b :f m ly mid Liberal Education. roue 1 e those of silvery church, at Front and streets,Vbil g adelphimas possible. The address ,itr.v. it. T. maxis, LL.D. President. • ....I..e.axa. 4 , . +giving IMI d met intone of all the perty to bet sold a Noes " :: an B 7 4B7 CE cheitn C° 7 lll : 4ll4l4 , ' j i.: O7A. ir ataDßEE:s e igarn emu newsy seen : Neern Monaural... P lr attel, ll°" lo:Doxit Lao: • • - • ' tato FOLLOWING TUESDY an tof ROM ate i • which a good type was the LifP by pr o f, turu of formcamaysOoner,than later deprive of detail u3dispensable to tratrart, and the tie- , , Iteltiuus jEwrfau , iiewz m waria ._ -.;•,• , ~, z0,,,:,,:-.,• , at Pevate Sale. , Coppet, lately noticed in theirs ;Columns, are Me Italian lytie stie , of one' of.ita brightest fecta observable when she 'first, appeared ..... ...:. ori;aments, we are tempted to refer to it, and among us have, with labotiOus ,iind resolute wAaull:ES' d lEW'Blorif ItRFAIRM/ ''' ' " an ...,,,,-.g;:,.:7, BAILDERSTOfd & ALBERTSON, Wm. J. Synett, East Boston, Mass. . , 1 Tam mresißs wir.sort wir.t. REOPEN THE Geo. Gabel, 1835 N. sixth street, phibi., Pa. • edifice . will coat from. $25,000 to $BO,OOO, and ; por•Vletgurucgs tali t : i sio u nf a irmt Az i; o l ai ni m il er7e 7 rosen a. ' ' Mr Oar mice are eta advsetHed fa, thefollowing 802 Chestnut Bt., Phila. larvidderstenw.. intOCMIWS„.E. EN ...inn 1 3 1/MArnare relieved from time to time by histories in the further tO take the opportunity of briefly re- strivieg, been conquered oriel-44y' one. ' Her (nutturs,) • pieta:ler 15th „ 4 , • EVl:TtintiTaLlulaaril. (Italian arElrOonaT. do _ .._ John P. Simons, Philadelphia, Pa. about $14,000 of this sum has already been sub- I teat. aulath,tu,s,tsolb* ' c) .4. 1 VlCO•Preit'Ula ' ' Itsr Furniture Miles at the Auction Store' EVERAt anecAlOtal and ballad style. We sympathize capitulating the history of Mdlle. Patti's past voice has grown richer and - more flexible . twr k"' ' '-' " '''' 'UNIoN PACIFIC' RAILROAD No. no North Thirteenth Streetd . ' Not viol Holmes, - Pittaburgli, Pa. scribed. Spada's, well lald out grounds Bur- A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT-EPISEOPAL ..„...,.,,.., • THURSDAY.. , ~. with . the gentlemen whose undertaking career in Kegland. t Few, f Italian through constant use---a. proof • 'that its use WatOhiji Of the Fine* - a ere; ( • ' ,sal regret' has been -legitimate; her vocalization is as , , , . 100 tf ~/ \ i ' - John Davies, Williamsburg, N. Y. • round and belopg to the church congregation, -rt CB LIECII, Locust and Juniperr streets. ' . stanstY lil.'r n iklalilififillf s 111$eretary• - IBir-liales s at Rdences receive especial attention. ~,, Assets on January 14186114 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --"-• ' ' Fate No 1427 North Thirteenth 'erect. obis es to be warm and emotional over Opera can have forgo ten rho -.-- ~ I. Gilbert Robbins, 7 Spring hine, Boston• , and contiguous to the church is a veryneat stone . be ne t erntal n ewto n W ill i ow:a l: 14012AL 0:r i • HANDSOME ~W A Lei U PARLA Lit AND ' , DINING t l i c'v u e n r i s ve sudden death, t St fluent and correct as it isbrillitint arid espies tiiaraCond• and Other Jewels-3ra , Manufacturers, Commission Merohants,;,. ; J. C. Rletine, Amesbury, Mass. • Sunday. school house. the ,pretedav Tr i er. tZwee n ri to Lei, orle .4. iftg: 2 ,003,740 00 Cash As o etet.44..• •-4 . $3.,200,00 O. hOOK i UlitslT ,EE, ELEaANT FRE\ Cil nr.s.TR caused by the almost a . • ORGANIZED. JUNE, 1864. ME allukoß, I,Atie.; DLitt PAINe3; BilliSelbia a singularly plain, honest subject. . Peterebuig, of that admirable singer, Mdme. sire As an actress, both in the comic and Of the latest styles. . ,\ • Grain Dealers, ,- : , , • John Gabel. 1610 Germantown road, Phila. morainic. - JAMES W. 11.0n1:913. bL A.. AND oTb.zit cants, elk .toe.. dir. . Mr. Charles A. Phelps, of B ston, late , Angiolbsa Bodo in , April 1859. With her serious range of characters, she has reached .•• Solid Silver and Plated Ware, • Joseph B. Hall, Portland, Blaine. , •- - - '' •• _,___ 4 " ------ , ann-tu.the2lti Head Master. , LisnliAL••• ........ ........ , . „......„, ....... ...Amgen t o - ALL POI,ICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. Accreted thaplos. • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, FOR SALE on TO RENT.... Charles A. Everett, St. John, Canada. • POIATICAL. - 1 THE WEST PENN 13Q1;ARE SEMINARY FOR, Premium. it / A 8 95 s 9 • PREMICHS__P_ANAIgE IN f.AIIII. ,At 10 o'elack„ will be mold. 117 eatoloMlet: iho mike ' rho 1 • t hat f rfection which Makes actin . . , , ..: ~ it seeme d that we had lost oon y genuineacme o pe ~ ate... Etc. Isaac •F. Chase, East Cambridge, Kass. 1 .a. Young Ladle; No. 5 South Merrick Street, Phlladel- . .... ............. ........ ..... ....... .1.124,848 ?a • , L ( J SI3 E 3 ' VA LI ) / " ti• 1., uteholo Furniture, limier, ing-Itandsome walnut Par. '-' " ' ' "" ' LAP.GE AND COMMODIOUS ' ' . : Speaker of the Massachuttette Ho se of !Zap Italian soprano on the Italian stage. seem no acting at, all, but' rather truth ideal- _ ...,.. „„ s wou _ EIELE , r Itormsr , Daniel L. Weaver, Albany, N. Y. phia. will re•open on Mendel , . Septet:fiber 212 f. uplaffrpLED gian ts ,. , maw= roa It ileceiveslo Notes and Gives None. Int and Datieni e ßoom Furntture. Elegant Peen h Plate _ --A Speech by Dlr. Seymour. ' Pt. bid-ror, 1 , gent Lace Cartaina. ll Itn Cornice; 1 . resentatives, has prepared , a very apprecia- Her place was. lill supplied at' the ized. Nothing can. be More natural, graceful, ' I"' '' • - - Two-Story Brick Building • Luther B. Dickinson, Randolph, Ohio. tit& ai. a. stercuem - < mama ft. *saws, Br the' Provisions of its' eliarter' the entire s In.land rive biOgraphy,the milita7 o,pinions in which se t net r owed. with a et 7 Royal Italian Opera by Mdme. Miolan and spontaneous Gum her comedy, nothing Alarge as rtmon j et of , Op Washington Avenue, wester Twentieth Stop Hon. Horatio Seymour was serenaded last aull•ta,tb,aa,etv • • , Pi-Limiest . • belonfa to Policy holders, turd rust. ,bra paid to them in rin i tgur h ge Chambe r erreez.. marble t oy; Sine stns. Aug. W. Cutler, Blorrlatown, N. J. • night At Utica. N. Y., by the "Conservative Sol- , CIERMANTOWN ACADEMY, SCHOOL L LNE ANID ' Loam Paid BIM 1829 over dividends. or reeerr,ed for their greater fieCtuky. Divi e . 4 ile i d us rilia o • r br e e irt. Hitcher . , ienslls, iC. • H. McLenatban, Charlestown, Mass: are due to General Badeau's Military History, Carvallio. too essentially. French to accom- more deeply felt and touching than her s ettin gs... , Ai 102 and Accrued Interest. 165 feet front and 180 feet deep Gs Atter .treat. Can ba Alters and Sailors," and made the,following I •-" Green Street Pall Term epees on MONDAY, Sop- • , dends are made on Um contribution phui, aud paid annu .... -- and the philosophy to Greeley's "American mbdate herself readily to the Italian style, tragedy. In short, she now presents to us .., , WM El VITA.IINE & CO.. • • divided,. Baltinioreliallroad passes the Property. .. . _ Joshua Wadsworth 572 Freeman st. Chin. O. in eee h . , , -...._ . ; tem ber ith. Boys prepared for it or thinness. 11515915009000 e ..111 1 -f• commencing two years from the defeat the policy William R. Stacy, postai., ass. -A - m • 1 ' . a- ~ ..;„ ~ , ..„ _ .. I Send for -circulate to blO9 Germantown Avenue, 1, , has abeady suede too dividends amounting to • sTNAMErJAPO T ,..BI I ampIobi., ' _ ]red' at all b Mdlle: Lotti, or by the very beau ideal of a lyric artist. c i t • • Pollution at once. t "reelaiere o f our dear tountry. 1 thank you tor 1 i-•° - ' • lIJ, ,V. MAYS. A. It 2 ---- . NOT.COtt. an amount never before equaled during the 'first _ Le.. TO e.,BDAY, L eo,. 1811. ._ - '''. _ •- Conflict." Mr. Phelps hes enhanced the and not supp %- Wholesale Dealers In Ggerge F. Turner, 60 North Thirteenth street, thi s m ar k e f ernetum and Teralsorary Policies ea Rberid Term) your good-will. I know better than I - ' • - - . • Principal. •Ine years of any company. ir fl 2 o'clock nor n. will 'be re dat t üblic slue: Vitlth"nt any other singer,,,upon w hom, m Y ' 1859 , and Mdlle. Patti mats born at Madrid, April 9, WAtCHES AND JEWELRY. ' . . LUKENS Sr NIONTG,ONERY, Philadelphia; Pa. ' • , • ,• • • r act. osoth Pi illsaelpht ..b act anger, th.•-steemderry 11106t ben the character of the services rendered , traiissrNuT &Timm FEstALE SEMINARY. PHIL- DDIECTORS. ' _ , PERMIT'S TO TRAVEL GRANTED wIrB. Lo.t kuo na. the V;11,614-M. L•I3AMPION. b longing' . popularity of his work by inserting all the 1860, Mr. Gye could lay handti--admitting,as 1843, • and is therefore m her twenty-sixth . , L E. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets, , ioaa Roach street, above ,Ltisilfei• Wm. 8. Silica,' O. L Search Charles Kell ...i .1 Ida- A 4 • Y, by bur soldiers In the late war. I gave them gut 9 Min , BonneS li Mk pinnies N. B will reo on 7 , bus utter: EX F . , OUT TRA CHARGE. NO POLICY PEE te the It a7ghn"a Foist and- Plifiadolohis Ferry &maws-. , stories that are well authenticated, , ' and • And late of N 0.135 South we Must in fairness the practised talent of year. ♦ Her parents, both , Italian, and ,both , Third street. Rd IY CENTRAL PAOMO RAILROAD, ..B..twt..- , , , , • , Sumac! H. 'Wallace, .George F. ' Barnes and Gar- t more than fifteen thousand c o mmiss i ons.: It Wan b 1 3 hefr Bogdla g and Day School (Thirty -s eventh seseforo, • s o u i tegtr. .. ' MeI:AU : , The float ot 83 3 iof t-ong M 8.10 feet • in breads • ti. 6110 has anon eel a truly picturesque bi- Mtline. Pepe°, who j beloaged rather ,to the exercising the same ptofession as herself, left rettson Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. • 111 my offielardirty to mark their upward progrerus CP 6. at .. 1616 Chestnut 'street. , 9me.l 7 F.Efebards. , Traltil3=. 4 AL D REQUIRED. FEMALE RISKB TAKEN Al f••• tde re e i-ao foe r. • t.,„, , THE Uh'UAL PRINTED RATES, NO • • • 1 i'til:‘ 'l7:l B n nr a,°l 43% , t i v":" P ite 'l rit ° a w ilre "41n ." hick we see no 'faults Grisi than - to the Bosio • school. Ayear later, Europe when she Wag scarcely a year old,- , IFENTILEECENNI winisnrianume GOODS WEST PRILIDELP :; ' ROPERTIES P. F. Duchemin. 87 Haverhillstred; John Ken- ;in rank as the gained honors in the field. It 1 , Particulars from Circular's. aulOnetli usastLes. nnAluma ia Wnit u i1 ! ,..,..GranL..... u ....... - EXTRA PREMIUM - HPING nsarA VIED 'roll. .19 foci. lee& feeleetulaniete, ;, t • f° ° remi t° • ography, in w i Mealy 11 North Bennett street and Joseph B. 1 . I ; was also my sad duty to record the loss of life of I la - avators °Lea ENT'S BOARDING AIJD DAY ~,,._,' ' 61 - EorA.L•FX7rfee ß pr••'''''''' 4 l,saoi ... "' . " . " ..' ' ' 'AI nPlications for all kfmds of polities. life, teti.y A ear life Cis' . i. ' ..1 he 14.1.• 111 r are as me ,boat la too small for that are not inevitable to &Min histo- ho,ever, the memor able of the second and her first successes were obtained in Ame- t FOR SALE 0 : TO RUNT. . ) . 131anchard. Pollee Station No. 1, Boston, Mass. ll P f • North ''d S nth here she was al- of Mdme. Gnus Tarewe er orm- nca, an OU , W FINE D R ESS SHIRTS FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. , ~ , , 1 tereonrse Le the Executive chamber'. I saw your coo/ 14f s x = e siavlo a rge v t. itZ n liti.4.°l. c° of the many of those with whom I had had pleasant in- ; Ili B chool for T OOO B Lidless, West Walnut Laties.Her. ; 445. Mr: masta-attfEg.ss e i s - b -- 64 --- - endowment. terms or enildren's endowment. talons. find u' i lmfgeEtwart .. °J th"JorTafr..• 4 • "• - ••;: t i, 'i n - Samuel W. Hodges, Bostcin, Mass. grtow b n. Lae next session wlll open wmarusaudir. .„__.....Excent at Kentway.thia Gummy ha , „:, alLittfonasuon cheerfully afforded et the 1 , • , • rians of military men. ;The book is sup- :tees," the f tli '1 s'n ' f lier Majes- ready famous before she came to,England. year o ex, oi g o , The handsome Brown Stone RESIDENCES, NU: D.J. Williams, Cincirmati, 0 hiLlizi.mp ' - regdments as they went forth to war with ranks re or 'Ai:t r uer' applv to the PrincipaL eu6 wiritselbl '''''''''..... 7 WctiketliMbargh ' ' fon ' , 1111,111901 of Fecs OF Tina eVGPilllf, ~) plemented by a Short chapter devoted to Mr. d ty'n Theatre and . of 'Mr. blapleson'a first ad- It has been. justly sal that while Europe has • • , Ass . . • 4108, 4110. 4112. 4114 and 4116 SPRUCE fit. I JCBE43 Williams, Alex. H. F , A A AliTlir BRoTHEIDL AII_gIIONEERE. , _ n, Wm. L. filled with men 11l the vigor and prime of man • NO 9.08 WALNIJ • S ritEET . (Lately Salesmen for, D 1 T110111111116g611101.„ Colfax, Which iS Pat Of a length and strength venture as a tremor of Italian,Opera at the sent man :famous dramatic Bin era %m ew , e- ; • 43-ENTS' NOVELTIES. ' ' , ' 'a. c. WELL, & RICO. ,' , , - ' =Borah F,RONT Salet. ' . ''', • Williams, and Horton D. Williams : D raw i gs hocd. - rinin LEEHOH UNIVERSITY, 'in nal - WARE nurear.sesrarr mammas ant. ".' . irun dk p ' - " No. 51u CILESTNLT and. reir'entranoe from minor. , P ~A . . ' -1. 430 1 / 1 11 BETHLRIIEbf. PA. ' _-_,P°4-Yr.- illoorPorto/ ifirthe,Lendslatare el ,Pemrsoft, , '.l, "J bl•PIII.1. , , • • Sale at No. 1740 Franc et street., ... to bear the addition of the Speaker's name on Lyct.lll), when things looked,dull and ua- rice, an_sending us - .t.dehile --. ivlB th sto Im• • . 11: .1. :- '' "It was my official privilege to thank them in First Term opens a ilesdar. Sep_t. Ist Applicant/3ex., y°,' 32 °"°!°6 • •I , . - ' wm. r. - 6111FFLT rs 'lt lisssger suprirres HOUR StiuLD PUENITUrtE,` - CARrEI.B. the eels page and cover . ' "Dl r. Phelps's b iok PlopilsitlE.enough at Covent Garden, a new' Worl_d_hats'aMply Pa d off i deb;t . to t 1 '' ' ' • At 103 and Acernea interest:a D. : osties,, 8, .F.,, ornai. -.. i7 . , Iv . • ~._ . 4 ~... ........* ~! . , • e de hll i . that phenomeeon suddenly appeared. That he- *Should we lose her now, we, a a ose, t J W' SCOTT aSz-CO w ILLIAmoRr :§ E. REAL ESTATE AGENT, WASHINtsi ON 110 UM, wastitrolTvilf3T.. ' Wm. Shaw, New Albany, Ind. thinly:l ninks - arid Una Namara; which wore aug4 bno - kresident. *Myr Wrooto. -Eileen:lD/evert:nerd of the ta ` •.''OIIIOATURD c X.Y al6awiNti.• ! ' • FnuadeionA N , • •., • „___§ "I' °t Penall'lrarlia Aug. 15- at 10 'c:ock. at No. 1790 t rantic atreet above WM. H. Clnie and Samuel F. Ellison Pitts- , sum; E Thep is an interesting manual for the people. nonienon was Adelina Patti, who, Unheralded which the Italiati lyric stage 'Cail ill spare. ; • • 51 , ' ' ~ CAPE IdLaND N. J. Y , made glorious by the proofs that they had been - 101/11013Y ACADEMY. POE BOYS NO. _, IES LOCUST : the ono. , Particular at nto ' , Efahteenth and ° coatee. the liort.eboil and Eitel ea t' ui. tentiontave Messrs Lee & - .lShepard publish it neatly by any prelirnintity' flouriali of trumpets on , i A London Preacher. find NOveltst. 1 _ ' - 1 : , . 1 ' Zeal Estate bought and sold., PI mons desirous of rent; ~ in cottages &Witte the season will address or applylise ~ • „ burgh, Pa. , _ - A. W. Tibblts, New Paris, Ohio. - . fight. It is I borne by the 'brave meh info the thickest of the la , sttnet, EDWARD CLARENCE 13MIell, A. M. ' _ CarzariErsfAr, n. timilms of Me world. • • - FIRE AND MA EINE 11181 E% ' mime e• Ac. •• , ~• ' . ',•'• • e< • enough, with steel 'Portraits. Lippincott & the 14L4 oellayi'lB6l, took operatic London add hia T 1," a . s - otide tof the Chica o 8 " C he Pt wil t Bt r ciet s Phil . P ' hn immediate dolt above. . T. Parson st. Louis, Mo. ,ii eiteing thing, amidst all tbe harshness ors politibal canvass, to receive them ta rsal= a s,,,usErs x w Principale. Wells presedar B 171111111880; matt freAND-, 0: 400 d. by 3 14 . 41= af t r'On t rnr i r o o ndogo to on ; Which. In allinstanem, wlll be placed in mitchus Gam g.,,,,..,, „,;.,, A n t ,,,,,,, 6 ,. ~,,., 1- ,`. 4, Yu ur, Oottices. F vises preparatory department. D Di the ll.m anise of this eit as well as thoae of known standing in ' •sr E m s ,'' arrp•iiir c roi r ziit t er- ' Co. have it for gale. - ~ by sibrii. 'Nobody,in fact,except those whose . he on ou pone_ p_ , n . g . . . no , te Bonds on hand for m ta Very. Relatottunt refer: Charles A. Eutdcanr. Esq.. Henry C. Durum. Esq., ands biclivaln, Esq., and Augustua Mo. George B.'.locelyn, Alblon,_Mlch. 'a. N 0422 Llliortunt. streeC - --- --,---- ' ninurgasiczat • Row York•llew ill tokens of good4lll 'and - of :confidence from or by addreeehig Box 2611 P. O. Next session hesine e a ma rg u n gi o . E MI " • Mend and Balttenoro , • - FURNITURE, ACCIDENTAL 11 fe% AND _INSURANCE QN LIVE ituat c n'OD 1 14140 FORTe"...2,EVIEPROOF 0 iFE., -----'••••••••--------' ' ' `'‘ 91.6.411 bpsiness it hi to occupy themselves -7',;!pune sayo. . _ __,,.... _ a _ . ..... :03ada much i i • , Four doors below Continued m at s ii • u Full reports, maps, &c.;farnbiked Imam appli- tia° ' rag' tins-ati J. M. Milnor, Trenton.N. J. , - those:who have shown their ,- patriotism UnOn BcPt° l2l ber lab- '-',• "1 , ' atif.l6o Oa &ores. DWellinagg ' ' s • ' * • ' % • -' ' STOCK: '`' '' ~ --, ' , , CARPETS, CHINA AND GLASS YVARE, .11.4,5 E .- e "Oliver Optic'e biography of Grant - is re- withmunical matters,at home and abroad,had ~ ~ . 1 -. lsl aPPoss many A m'akilv/m t4 4 . e .. . , FOR SALE, WITH POSSESSION, , A VERT., H. Kna , Adrian, Mich. • ' • PP tba battle-deld,' 'and "In 'return: rpledge nly- 'DommiTOWN 'FEMALE COLLEGE, I ~,,,..... . - . . ;illy attended to. In leeding Commudes of, that kind ...GERaTObS, dre. L. "La as / s CM atithoz whom he prefers every on ..m.Aftayvi fotroliti, nft irk ,. cation. - &vain with fide Yard-No. ~ uperfot o r • etery et..„,_ The greater portion of the morning was con- seie i t , wh a teve r , a t a tt e ri . 1 may b e placed .I.l trict personal attention to, sad prompt d etch of •Is • ON MONDAY , MORNING. • __ , . „,.., pORDENTowis N. J. • -• „,- ASSETSN °P THE eas entrusted to m care, 1 hope to maraud re Auguttl7, at 10 o'clork,`at the auttion roost No. 529 solute] gay, bonerrun . , e, ‘ confident, after the even . ber :?f I tihc ier * . he T n tie t o e r _w li Pe A e mina es of the else, though were he writing hi's opinions Tor AIM,' atriumLy . ,c.FI: REAM ,8111 in P ' • . as I South l'enn square, near r uteentn. AMMO Id. IL HOFFMAN. stoned in the reading of reports of committees. In public or in private life. to straggle for V e att i oi tt int a i t erga. tth e eummib li v e' it i Vi a ti mneB j 11124acla trnibNißtata7 M• er recCal/i'LaallP ' ' ' ' 'ceive a funithim"‘ Pnh Ti c e m x ,,,,,, ge „ ' " , gheeteint street, by ettalcome. an assortanent of ox.ert,'e t manner-which is sappoqed .to be grateful to e B ;e i n i t in g 'tit 'on the' stage to impart, the others he would be unprepared • tO Sity that i .., ~0 , ,. „, ....,..,ni. L . .. A i„,, T , , ,- - ii„?. ‘r , - . , , , se rt. l a n ar.til Ne. 324 Walnut rice gas etery. , . . • An animated discussion was then entered into the restoratien Of '' that Union which you tag ", h im i l a te e, A P °M b $ bk , ',Z s i t ' ome. v i a ~....., 10•90%..4,...._,....,...... ... .`..,..•6. &MANI o - ' ....^ „,... • WILF,ORT,FFI ITS. Jx, iloosabold titre Handsome Vi Mout and Pine's boyish readers. Mucli_point ',. is , obtained by fulness Of her joy to her associates in the that anther,WaS the , hestiof hie r schp_ol; ,nay. 1 " 11- '''''''''' '"'".:''''''''' .. ' - , _pon SALE-DWgLIANGEL-No. MS 'Tip ET. relative Itk the'PrOPrietYiif-abeilrlbilig the Conn- have perilled your lives in the contest of arms; mou °Peal sePuzu 15 th• E'er term& 4c- no sus Walriut Street ' addrum , 120400 Erniadfitatai mit Per , Cent. beam_ re "'^ I v, `''' , • , .. , Res. 1 ood Piano Fr Parlor Tandture,-Handsome.,Welnut Chamber' Snit% rte. Prelim f lial'e, made be, e vitzu; calling himself CaptainiGalligasken; and his • melodieug recitadve, "Care carpriagne," there would compelled be to 'assume a 'look of 3rsua <tor these eglebratedithirta supplied frommity serious ' faults 'and sins .! ~ . • talanction• .1 . ; • ...,. .No. U 8 rtorth r. hooter:oh 'treat, - ',. 921 South Thirteenth street. ' ' "- ell Department, of the Grand Tempters, but it and In our struggle for constitutional rights we - aaL364 * --- "--- "--' 4 ' -49in't IL isaikKE"T• •FA= Urdtedlli'ig'Yfiti Fildiii: 'Cali: was finally decided to continuo It as heretofore. are strengtheeed in our convictions of duty by pIiNIGSYLVANIANILIPARY ACADEMY'. , • 1 • Treastursr,N 4 .w,... ~.............. _ , 00652 co _ to ng Rixtrit NCE INKIELIM 00 ,WE's 15•`' P HI L: 'di vratson; Mirrors. Brussels turdlother Cdupetaverior ..,,,... . Ref ante' dahrub'e illuntsious subject "Our Standard Bearer." was a,geSeral feeling of surprise. :13b.e looked severi,ty, and tO note , _ „ _, ~ , . 60 _ ,_. ~ t ' i ',• l A " 9ai Clinton at. - ' 10211024, and South Eighteenth at. ding, erre Gaser d Li tta l Utilin ß alta a bles i g: - , • • R l 4OOO State of Pennsx Six Par Cent. -- A - 4 - DELPhiLi. . - , w iNE ar'h The afternoon session .was. devoted to general the fact that a majority of our soldiers uphold • c''' onEvrEn. DE a-cy, s w E amwrs ' • • - Loam. ~ •,-• -- ' - ' 210,070 oe t Incorporated tn 1844 - ~." - ' Muter Pernetam.- -, Alniont invnice of UMW, Wi l nilY CLl Str Lav' indented both of style and thought. ATilat so floes your 1 G en tl emen i t i , g WIN . FA. His goodnature is impekterbable and he like O mere child, slight in foma and diminu- . _ , ~ I r, [ f; j " , e• TOb with Second etreete-store. „, . , tilsmsion, at the close of which an election for us in the political contest. In the course of my The Seventh Animal Session of this Academy , com• / 2 6.0Xl OtYO/ atx Per Cont. OM fi et*Walnra stmt. : 1„, . i . Caner Insedv, Port and Stare, W do • , . rive in stature---sorn hing from which to ex- Le a n on correspon ta d nt regard .tlie.. :.- writer ; Of tabs doles in fun mutletsi, ' ) \ - --- ii •11! e 3 . 08 RA N," 40 8 : 18_,Cerilele street. Apply to COPPUOIg .. officera•of the Supreme Contact' for the emsuing llfe I have received mani , testimonials from po- - *W.f.% - „.. , . - • 'Loan t tax)... . ~, . ITAI. ammo. does note ppear to „have au enemy in the et ld b d And that named George Macdonald: 'Of all who supply ' • , , walnut street. • gone into, which resulted as follows • Hoeg fri da well so 1 te hnimr „.,„- THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER& • , lIAO &Mali OuNlr Irsiil illis Per unit. • illimeell • eitaiust loss or damage by cas Douses, TER2dAI3 PIRCII It SUN ;AUCTIONEERS AND pect great things won be a sur .. yam was • en as as rompo ca opponen , The II in all their ap• ' Loszt• ....... ••••• .... • • •-••••• .. LCOO ere Stoma and °thin Buildings. limited or Pe and on CublielSSlON MkEtIFIANTS, ' world except pollard,,the author . "Tile Lest 110 one • expected great things wu 'evident fiction for•livnig people, I refer-Form for my , own , WINIMESTRIPt & On . . f t _POE SALE.-•A HANDSOME MODERN Tilitlip. stray :ma linitiCried, min double , , M. W. TeMplar, Jestma Wadsworth, Ohio; M.W. from -Abair serum of the services willPii I have pointro ter » arc newjind ... ccm •_ icte . • 2030 rornisYlsania Rama! 'First Brod,. Filtrating. , Moods. Wares and adsrchandlse la or • No . 1110 CHESTNUT, etreet. Cause." He dearlyloves a paradox,and has ain m the general patty of the house. , But reading the works of Mr. Mabdonald; aud yet " A.4L " . "' ''''''' • 700 CHESTNUT.. - . back buildings, siniate on poplar street. tweets t • V. Templar, W. C. Cluley, Pennsylvania; M. been able to render to our State endear count She department of 2datbernatlM and Civil Eriedneering gage Mx. Per Cent. Bonds._ ._. 12,800 (0 country._ _ Rear Entrance N 0.1107 Elatusom street. • r y , is conductee b W t Pettit ad te. f high selentifi Waalo PenzuwfvaniaßaitrnadreeconliMort4 LOssEti PROBEPTLY ADJI,STED AND PAID. DOUSETIOLI) FUnNITCRE OP V ' but none tench my heartso much as these proofs a tta mte at s . i i i i :', 'eg„e si a g li gra,' se t ta c L LEY DESORIP ,,. „,,, i d= n B r ix Per Cant Bontic •• • 28 . 3 75 Or Algae& .... •••• • •••• .- - • ••• •••• • •••••: .1- 7 .• •• - e ar:n.l77 71 'DON EEL:RIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. good - deal to say about the nt the conclusion of the recitative the ice I coal not sey that he was as great an artist a hlllllofiSt SEI 161424 w " Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Has every con venience. Le well built and in stood ord. r. Lot 26feet rent , , ;Treasurer. Jobe Davieti,•New York,• M.W.Vither, 9f respect which come from my. neighbors, and competent and experiencedTrofesstra and Instracto& r . 21S 000. mg* , i . -• • • • -._„__. Salea of Furniture atlhvellinga attended to °lathe-most ~.. p 13' , "unex d " hi h he thinks a was broken. •k . such volts had been heard pecte ness w c as Ge,orge Eliot, or as charming ~ Charless - Dickens or as thrilling aromanceraa , ; ....... mums' commando_ _ er w „.. 4, 0 AND Dia DIO• 40 SI Tilkird Slti, 70 c d to ta feet wide street Immedhtte pos. by 1 le t Seep %I melon given. J. EL GUNMEN b SONS. US Walnut lit. Wm. f3haw. Indiana. a. W. Chaplain, George B. parnenisry,these which • eau be' g i ven , py mon , •Orgefid. attention is event" the moraland rUglons cal. Per ,Cent. cons. RR. . , Invested ht the following Securities. iris.: reasonable tenon • • an t trait in Grant • • he admires the since the voice of Angiolina I3osio was , promm , , H ' etas 't * Oli r Wen it '' louse elver te n ` el( ga h on a t at ti,tn r,`, 1 , 6 1 Victor Hugo,' or as eawias . ve . - , ooti brown so , 0 - w ho have served our cou •chard, Maseachusetta. ntry in the ranks of its .- It:UP C l ulant. ••• 0,000 00 First hfortmos 012 City Preforrty.well secured..l6lsAtiod CO _ r PEREMPTORY SALE OF ' eta-. imp], io,irAidgfi IT: eitNi As i,',4", ri:D. 626 BOAC Sta r % Of TeltiallsoolGirciii . olla 1101f01184G0* - 0 vernnieut Wane-. '. - , 117 000 OU silent, and n o suc h singing. Thi s was eon ' ' - veivementhriL __Ms mad e - Es ° ri ses • story Brisk Hosidence. with attics and thrtmatero: „ Itm1109." • , •• , • t Chestnut street: to T. B. PRIERBON, q., ' No. 60.3 ..., Loin. • .=•• -- • • , 5 ,•,. s . - :::-- ' 18.000 00 Philadelphia Ci n ty 8 tam cent: Loon' .'.. . ''''''' 74000 00 , FUENISILED&J E T r taI d , e CAPE MAY.. Y, heros arranging_ a leaping bet, in boyhood, ~ .. . a ` 1 -Come per--rne-sereno;'/-_and-ati the dell HO ea. To__nurnbe.rs of literary men 4,4 t .;,., F t•ENTIP-E7.6IINDIELING_GO ( M a .,_. _ oool.lo ...f tf irm... 4 79ThumNa_BouGHT - double back bundle:tips, Mama on the east side or The COMIell then adjourned The next ses- -- - ili - 6;21i - edit:Mt - a jutitping mine -in ' to be gained by. e opera proceeded the audience grew warmer the compositions of . ~ _ .. Macdonald are edided - - I.* of ovary ,with h ' ' • 4 - 1 .- r - 4 -riet-.6c=carnitraigimatey.. --- -,- - - ''' BY . - Mr) eidto WalsoYe -011riteforcl-ttrimaterrritra --are fr - e - e - Awn superior. Wanner. with extra r. incidences.: lot •Z feet - shotrwill - es - beld - ln - Ctrielutiall, ori -- LM -- 3 - sw,ori• --------- 1 -,„ 1 , -,,,,, - ,-,,,,,„,,, m ------- - ---,-- -„,,.--....- --- - -R-,-- 1 ,-------- -.HMI" Le, an.. it; _ : . , ii .. iyartiii . r ,„ .. iii , i; ___B,s7__o_,__P s enniffiv_ip_ata annul Bonds. tiro and 'towel- , Lertreet_reme_of Congeetaallait flotel,_will- ber-solif.-x-Pur- - - --- 30_100 s h are r . own , . aro ages. - T - ... - ....,...i - • ..............- ......- . •,, , , nulled t-ottage and Lot of firound, alitisted - on th north Wetinerday to Angina, 1869. , Itemie u t lya,a,„Mir s tar s tremiiii mm INFANT DAY SCHO )1. IN Tim scuotyCiiirinn. down a precipice instead of over a level--a and waimer The bedroom scene, to old on account pf the persistep_ey . vvi . witche or ~_,,,_., __. maga at front by leo lett deep. J. id. GUMMEY A IIONS. sae company. Principal and interest ' Cal,nden and Amboy rtaitroad Compeer'i , 8 per aide of South ere 4 containing in front 78 feet blucher; deas ' I He is really preach- ,i'!"'''''"'. . RI P. S. PETERSON & 00.4 walnut Alert. , I.ast evening a large gatberiag of the members BOSTON-Steamship Norm 0n ,,, a ,„ en . ) , ea __ s4 u; leg ef the Church of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia. gran g r; eed by Ute Clev of Phila. _.,_... t.1.,0_ an, ~, _,.. _ .....,. _.,... - . 60u8 00 and exteading WO feet In depth to North street, having Solution whit , oo ost umpires would reject, opera•goors, almost revived the days of Mali- drags in . religious I . . _ _ B sto But tioltalt OPEN ro W i rsvindoo. of the Temple of Honor and Temperance took in „,, x ,, Banta*. bara , mw 4 co , 40 Rsuett a co . au m me. corner of 'Walnut street and Rittenhouse square. um; es and which is not a :11 characteristic of the bran, and the "Ah non giunge," that most ing to his reader all through his _ .ry 89 South Third Street. • 10: nn t/ O r ms t i rgtf A llf . ilell i tt7,lg l l. ItYIL - V m place at Concert Hall, Me occasion being a com- wat &CO. 24 OJAI dr. tartria ~,,,,,,,,t amd, x tran. .. °move , Dort 4c , _ 180 ( "h am m er hues A. it... Mask will open a ached for children be, ge; ao F , &i j D crumb; 8 4 tizzli. the ace of five end t en Team on MONDAY. Sept. 740 dal = stock peungioanis Kau. wea n nts, , i til a d m itearting oad conipsart , too at ame e l r e room . tijr two cotta es liming on north street. road Company I.ECO CO Huntingdon and Briniti 'Nil Wl' . iii;iiii- - Ilddrt , I" , Ca. PE IS HRV I tTIigIir COTTAQE. rapturous of finales-according to the man- it . is fo then it is not the,Jargon, of . theology,„ r sizolossuEs, miemorta, ato, tier. with emconverd e r n r a andgrgelottd =IA , pllmentary greeting extended to the supreme oo.,,eraXotli.,„;tBit grtff. Watkins deco :79 11._achiock.,_ i To g' isse p lh r e ,7 3 . 9 e ,t.' b t f e l sri ' l l i i w e t begin 6.000 1.00 shares stock North Peru:ugh &di non& • • ••• • ' gage _.. -.. . .... .- ... _ , CM LL .A t the , aame time tc , M bo Fold, a_ very desirable Fur grown man. He_is_al i. • 1 peevish with him _.the most part-thesweet - religiouto which the_ , -' -- - -TelcgraPhi "' •' f at ten lagimoi:2l- . 4 ,k Rt r i t 2e ta_ 1 7 -- 11. - MaisißY ii- . Railroad comeaay, „.„„......... ..... acco co Counts" Fir.° irwuriuice company'. stout ... 1.t2 OC ; nfshea Ihree.story L'ot ts r,e, •si 1112t2d on ,he west side of 11' -- 130 essentially different fr the - mem:ter ____ ...carmen, In ilf.tabin In i hts_city-Ttie_ezerelsca- '""- - 1,VY;41-• - or." ' ( " 1211 :4 2 ,7:--er eke T m 11•""''"°'''•'..-- -Ecnteltrber-Idth andolowl-Alls :3 1, ., , , Ill_shares -stok • Phuartexhia-and-- - -__ _Mechaics _Btu* Stck_ for graduating No. 2.1, inete. ,of the lowest „r ' 1,1„..."4 a. , 1 -11 .. t h_.'... I. 't. l +l.N. ..r- better nature oteverir - man. had it fair PlaY, - I rilt") IF I A.IVILTI_AIES ' " fra° " Phwein " r°lll "' , - ' hONP, tea Wi& street tj • - •f- - - •consisted of vocal music and_ addresses. Pro- t u ircet wum „ 47 i 4, went „ k co. z i vtor r y ngig ets ...... ...... ; ,...,,1 , 0„;. . PR . FF.Ftr P. 1./93.• _ Southern Mall Stesunstdp ON., ~ . „AM es Commercial Bank of Ponnsyli . tinla ntock 4000 CC - s per t rwee tip feet north- of-Norte--etreet-containing 50-- • ...Ad X 01 , ..ry Irs• 001900 Lnams inor. VtnnA etrui Itireetr.a.m._ fin& Tininri Manta Ina t.cur.u....V l / 4 fitehric._ . _ 241 (V 0F.!.,.......g...°1 erg V street .an1ij3 . !.142 . 11!n/ otAlytt widttut number, No. 39, m hs c ass at "eat mat. "Oliver Optic" would • have liked him better perhaps, if he had been at first conspicuously r, stupid, con spicuously short, conspicuoudy loquacious, and had thus,_rilcuiant pour nzieux eauter, *aped into fame with something of the daz lzie that sensational biography demands. Not withstanding his uneasy search after effect, however,"Oliver Optic" paints a good, strong portrait, with plenty_of color, of a kind to be Featly admired by the young. In accuracy and versatility we believe this juvenile book 4n be as yet unrivalled among the minor lives . • "-hlisheri Ivcr Lee & Shepard, anA bf Ghia. .t -foi. sale by Lippincott & Co. A rapid and ephemeral tAtuly of the lives of Grant and Colfax, tlety good in its :way, has been'pnt together by B. Robins, Esq , of this city, 'Arid published for a gusher t3y Hall & Co., together with the Chitagd Platform, the Amended Constitution; the Tenure of Office Bill and some indifferent songs. It is a good campaign boat of reference. The Alleged Bllltene The most considerable among the countless letters brought out by the =tonic discovery is a short note calling attention to the fact that the word "its," possessive, occurs four times in the disputed poem. At Milton's date the word was incapable of this appliria, tion, except to the most unmanageable neu ters; anything which could possibly be en dowed will:01 gender took "her" or "his.' , For instance, "the gust hath blown his fill,' and "did a sable cloud turn forth her silver lining." In the whole of Milton the neuter possessive "its" occurs but twice. Tiis suggestion appears to embody a crucial test. Dldlie. Adelina Patti's career. The season just terminated at 'the R )ya Italian. Opera, although on the w hole by n means one of the moat prosperous in the t u ts tory of that establishment, could not dote ended more brilliantly than with the vari combination of entertainments presented the other night "for the benefit of Mdlle. Adelina Patti," including an act from "Romeo e G tul ietta," an act from , "Faust," and an act trom "La Figlia del Reggimento." In each of these operas—the first two of recent growth, the last about a quarter of a century old—. Mdlle. Patti has earned some of her fairest laurels; and for the purpose of displaying the versatility of her talent a better choice could hardly have been made. But of the Juliet, the Margaret, and the Maria of Mdlle. Patti there is nothing new to say. Their conspicu ous features are familiar to opera-goers in London, and their merits, vocal and dramatic, are unanimously admitted. Ns more need be added than that on the occasion referred to she selected from "Romeo e Giulietta" the first act, containing the lively.cavatina in waltz measure; "Nella calma d'un bel sogno," and the so-styled madrigal, "Angiol regina," in which Juliet and Romeo first exchange senti ments; from "Faust," the "garden seene,"the finest and most genuine passage in that opera and probably in all Gounod; and from "La Figha del Reggimento" the scene in which, at a music lesson, accompanied on the piano forte by the Marchioness of Birkenfield, the ei-devant VivandiL're, tired of the restraint imposed upon her, and egged on to rebellion by Sergeant Sulpizio, petulantly tears up her music, and, substituting the old song for the new, attacks with enthusiasm the character -=tie Bataplan.__Eacli_of_theke_Well-kueAn scenes was done to absolute perfection, and in each Mdlle. Patti roused the audience to an extraordinary degree of enthusiasm. The brilliant waltz of Juliet was heartily encored; the same compliment was paid to the not less brilliant "Air des Bijoux" of Margaret, and again to the Rataplan of Maria. .Never, in deed, did the most popular stage singer of the day exhibit her manifold gifts and accom plishments to better advantage. Her prin cipal associate in "Romeo e Giulietta" and "Faust e Margherita" was Signor Mario, hap pily in his beet mood; and thus the first in terview between the "star crossed lovers" in theTformer-andthe_garden_seene-in-theatter were represented with a grace and truthful - ness impossible to surpass. To crown the whole, Mdlle. Patti gave the solos in "God_ Save' the qiieen" with a vigor and point whiehCart oialY be explained lip the fact of her being quite as conversant with the Eng lish languagesa with her own. The evening, in short,. was one series of triumphs. -----BeforeLthese_Words__are _ in type Mi ll e. Patti Willi have become a French maxehio nessi bertuarriage with the Marquis de Caux, a noblenian attached to the Imperial C )urt of France, having been announced to take Min admiredtialiazi. . EmxiliOStere _ express rapuire—pnt the , Seal 'upon.; a /triumph as in disputable as was evergained by a debutante. The day after. the papers, were lond in her praises; and it was-as-true of Mdlle. Patti as of Lord Byron that one.morning she awoke and found herself famous, In the same year the new-singer,played Lucia, Willi great suc cess, though with hardly , so much as fol lowed her Arnim, and for the best of reasons —she was not.: the consummate actress she is now; Viole:ta ,("La Traviati"); Zerlina ("Don Giovanni'',, on one of the "Gael fare well nights," ellaaively . eclipsing Mdme. Carvalho, who had' play9d Zerlina in the earlier part of the seasonfartliat .anti Rosina ( ,1 7 1 . raathiCre), again casting kW Rodeos sort Mdme. CarVallio, into the shade: All thia time her vogue was increasing. Each pa earned for Mdlle. Patti a ste_ponWard in public estimation, and at the end. of, the, sea son, as Schumann said on the apparition of Schubert's first trio, "die Welt glitnzt wider friach"--fOr the manager of the Royal Italian Opera, at all events. . That Mdlle. Patti Was the abiding "star" of the season I.Bo , niay well be imagined. Nov erthelesa, she added only two parts' to those We have enumerated—Norina ("Don Pas quale") and Dinorab, in the opera so called; the latter a performance in all respects so re markable that it is difficult to understand why it has never been repeated. No such imper sonation of the dreamy and romantic heroine of Meyerbeer's charming pastoral:As' that Of Mdlle. Patti has been witnessed since "Dino rah" was first produced in London, under Meyerbeer's own superintendence, in 1850. In 1863 Mdlle. Patti brought four new parts to her already extensive repertory—Leonora ("Ii Trovatore''), Ninettai ("La (la,zza T.A: dra' ), &dine ("L'Elisir d'A.more"), and M irk ("La Figlia del Reggimentol. The first and second of these she has apparently aban di in d, slthongh both created a marked im presFiore but. Adina, the queen of village coquettes, has always been one of her most popular as it is one of her most original and highly finished impersonations; and few amateurs can look back without regret to those evenings on which Donizetti's most genial opera could be heard with Patti, Mario and II 'mufti, each incomparable, in three of the leading parts, and nothing wanting but a Tanburini as the recruiting sergeant to male the performance perfect. In 1864, Millie. Patti was again the favorite and most cotetant attraction, notwithstanding a new and formidable competitor in Mdlle. Pauline Lucca, m no on this, her first probation,served the manager as she has more than once served him since, and to whose unannounced disap pearance the public was indebted for Mdlle. Patti's Margaret—a Margaret to put all other Margarets out of court. This was the only new character attempted by , Mdlle, Patti in 1864. She performed it no less than eight times. six times with , the flaxen head-dress to represent the traditionary citevelure of Gnethe's poetical creation, and twice, still more winningly, with the head-dress for which she is beholden to nature. Jo 1865, Mdlle. Patti essayed, for the first - time in Englaud, the part of Linda, in Donizetti's "Linda di Chamouni." I n the previous winter all Paris had been in ecsta sies with this latest assumption of their favorite's; and as, three years before, Paris had unani mously endorsed the opinion of London about the merits of Mdlle. Patti, it was agreeable now to find London in its turn endorsing the opinion of Paris. Mdlle. Patti tried no other fresh character in 1865. In 1866,as Catarina in "L'Etoile du Nord," she presented us with a MUMCatarina equal to that of Mdme. Bosio he original in London), and a dra r "matic Marina superior to that of bltlinerßo -lib.; while her Annetta;thecobbler'a wife, -- in the somewhat trivitd "Crisping e la Comm" of the brothers Ricci, added yet another to her long list of comic impersonations; one, too, which must always be vividly remirribered,if only for the dance at the end of Act 11, executed with such engaging grace and quietude to the accompaniment of a series of brilliant vocal passages, a tour de force that would have gone far to keep even a feebler production than this same opera on its legs. , About the Juliet in the Italian version of M. Gormod's "Romeo e Giuliettar the one character added tolfdlle.--Ptittrahl.t-in-4.86-1-03noughlianienti - : recently said to absolve us from the necessity of doing more than repeat that it exhibits her genius and talent _in their ripe maturity, and is , one of the most remarkableexhibitions of the' modern lyric drama. A. more ideal turibridi ment, indeed, of one of-our great dramatist's mmtpoetie creations could not easily be imtv- - gined. In the season just expired not a single new character_has_ been_ assigned _to Mille- Patti, although we were promised Elvira ("I Puritani"), Gilda ("Rigoletto"), and the un knOwn Ginvanna d'Arco; but, happily. there is always something fresh and iwciuld respon , ; • .:- o ew-pu, c-wn , rs • now the difference. They see a few words or phrases and conclude they are used in the old style, and read no more.. ' , "But Macdonald is also . a true poet. He says many things of which my -- own judg ment does not approve, but none which offend the taste or chill the heart. Still there is no doubt as to his preaching. He once wore the gown, and; was a minister amongst the orthodox Congregationalists, and he yet enters the, pulpit at intervals, though he could not be Shut up ma sect. His work- called 'Robert Fakonet,' which , is now , in circula tion, has a fund of originality, and it• would be BacrilegeTo'call it by the common. term of a 'novel. `I find ? this week, _in onP Of the weekly journals, a sketch of Macdonald as he wag seen in a London pulpit on Ban 44' Wen.. The stole is too gushing for my liking, but as it really gives a true notion, with all its ex travagances of the man I have been "treating of,' I subjoin an extract which, to Illinois fetOcrEi who have come to know Macdonald% wtirks, may tell something they will like to, ..- 7, hear:. "'A small organ behind the puirolt began to breathe forth a soft flute-like harmony,and presently a door by its side was opened, and there stepped forth upon the crimson-covered space the preacher of the evening. He wore no gown or bands. His tall, somewhat spare figure, owed nothing of its dignity to flowing folds of drapery as he walked across the in- tervening space and mounted the pulpit steps. On broad shoulders, stooping slightly as with =lob study, was poised one of the grandest • beads it has ever been my fortune to see. I know not whence the great masters took their I ideal, or where they found their model for that face which ever since has been typical of. our Saviour; but bad this man lived in those early days, we might well have put him down as the original .• from which the masters painted. The long, waving hair l it streamed off the majes 'c head down uponthe shoulders, the front loc of it mingling with the long, dark beard. he forehead was not particularly lofty, but of extraordinary breadth and splendid development. The eyes 'were deep set, large and sad, full of wistful earnestness, aud afterwards there was to be seen in them - tit times that far-off, abstracted looking into space, as if they were gazing on something invisible to us. The lower part of the face was buried in masses of beard, yet not so much so as to wholly obscure the expression of the mouth, when, as we afterwards saw, it broke into the sweetest yet saddest of smiles, or curved with a momentary flash of honestest scorn. The whole face expressed calm, strong be nevolence; there was no littleness in the ma jestic lineaments, but as little was there any evidence of self-consciousness of power. It bore marks of care—whether the care of thought or the care of sorrow I know not— but care had but etherialized the expression and left not a trace of harshness behindait. One of the rarest sights of the student of physiognomy is earnestness of expression without boisterous vehemence of utterance. But the face of this man, in the discourse we afterwards listened to, quivered, and his voice was tremulous with an earnestness which was almost tangible, while the tones which fell upon the ear were soft as the breathings of an Holism harp." THE FINE ARTS. New Thing in Art. BERLIN PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS. A. S. ROBINSON, NO. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Has just received's superb collection of Berlin Painted Photographs of FLOWERS. They are 'exquisite gems of art, rivalling .in beant naturalness of tint, and perfection of form a great varie ty of the choicest exotic flowering plants. They are mount ed on boards of three sizes, and sold from 26 cents to $8 and 4 each. For framing. or the album. they are incomparably beautiful. PERSONAL. 170 TICE OF CHANGE OF VAX& —IN Ai:SCOW- L% ante with ...he Act of Assembly of the Ninth of AvrIVA. - -It.vinotice is-hereby-given that the Court of Coranion - Pleratof - Philadelthit - Connty Ald — olVthe - Fif. - teenth day of July. A t D lBBB, decree that the name of obar Ht Eralen Hare thonld thereafter be Hobart Amory 24t A DVERTIBING AGENCY. At.LGEORGE DELP & Ca. . . - L - Agtmta ler all netvipa at the lowest taw. N0. , 702 Chestnut street, second floor. PREBS 11911 ,nobttcth.s.tv FOR BASH.-AN ~INVOICE OP HAMBURG RAMA seeorted linen and cotton. =TEE WRIGHT & 130106. •na'Walaatst:set: — a;,nscis . CANTON PRESERVED GINGER.—PREBEBVEL singer, In syrup, of the celebrated Chyloong brand also, Dry Preserved Ginger, In boxes, Imported and foi tale by JOSEPH B. BOSSIER & CO4 ieB South Delaware avenue.l Residing in the Rural Districts, We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their country residences With everit descrifdion of FINE GROCE.RIES, TEAS, &0., &o, ALBERT, C. ROBERTS, Corner Elevenih and Vine Street) FAIRTI-lORNE &, CO„__ • Deeleri .1n Team rind Coffees,. No. 1030 MARKET STREET. All goods guaranteed were. of the beat quality. out eold ftli)Caerate Price' mirl-th a to din maw. CLARET.-200 CABEB OF SUPERIOR TABLE J. Claret. we:vented to give eatistactim For gale by FORPUJA,WI Zit W. coma Arch WA EWA olirbets. Q Oil of O A SAD OIL.-100 BASKETS or LAFor TOUR'S SALA. N. Wait importation. rale by M. F SEILLIN. - N. W. corner Arch sad Eighth streete. Erma. DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. =JOHN AA Stewart.s justly celebrated Hams and Drted Beef. and Beef Tongues; also the best brands of Cincinnati Hams. For sale by M. F. SFILLIN. N. W. corner Arct gset E3U:rMUSIONS• BRISTOL LINE NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA BRISTOL. talk For PROVIDENCE, TAUNTON, NE'Ci BEDFORD, CAPE COD, and all points of railway com.munication,East and North the new and eleddid - eleame - BRIBTOL and - PROVI DENCE leave Pier No. 90 North River foot of Cana) street, adjoining Debraases street Ferry. New York; at I P. M. deny, Brusdays excepted, connecting with steam boat train at Bristol at 9.80 A. Ai. arriving in Boston at I A. M. in time to connect with a ll morning trains from thattity. The most deetrable and pleasant route to the White /fountains. 11raveters for Mat point can make Wired connections by way of Providence and Worcester 01 'Boston. Staterooms and Tickets secured at office on Pier ia 19xw YORK. EL 0. BRIGGS. ()ong Manger. imi2D 6m4 Old, Reliable and Popular Route BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BOSTON, And the only Direct Route for Newport, Fall River, Taunton, New Bedford, laiddleboro', an the Bridgewater, and all Towns on the Cape Cod Railway, and Nantucket. This line is composed of the BOSTON raWisit NEWPORT ANu NEW YORK STEAM .BOAT COMPANY (Old Fall Paver Line) comprising the magnificent and fleet steamboats NEW PORT, OLD trOLONY, METROPOLIS and EMPIRE STATE, running between New York and Newport, It L and the Old Colony and Newport Railway between Boa ton and Newport, making a thro.rgh line. One of the above boats leave Pier 28 North River doily (Sundays esc_epted). at 6 o'clock P. M, arriving in New pat at 23 , 6 A. IQ,: the first train leaving Newport at 4 A. M.. arriving in Boston in season for all Eastern trains Families can take breakfast on board the boat at 7, and leave at 7X, arriving in Boston at an early hoar. Returning can leave Old Colony and Newport Railway corner South and Kneeland streets, at 4% and 5% o'clock P. For further particulars, apply to the Agent. E. LITTLEFIELD, 22 Broadway, New York mvamm Belvidere and Delaware Railroad Co. “DELAWARE WATER GAP.” NOTICE.—For the especial accommodation of Paeeen• g.ers desirous of spending Sunday at the DELAWARE WATER GAP an additional Line will leave the Water Gap every MONDAY MORNING. at 6 o'clock. Arriving at Philadelphia about 11 A. M. - • Lines leave Kensington Depot for Delaware Water Gap daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. jylB taugl - W. EL GATZMER. Agent. FOR CAPE MAY.— On TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. The splendid new steamer LADY OF THE LAKE, Captain W. W. Ingram, leaves Pier 19. above Vine street. .every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 9.16 A. M.. and returning leaves Cape May on Monday. Wed needay and Friday. Fare $2 25, including carriage hire. Servants $1 60. Season Tickets $lO. Carriage hire extra. Pr The Lady of the Lake is a fine sea, boat, has hand• some state.room accommodations, and is fitted up with everything necessary for the safety and comfort of par mum. G. H. HUDDELL. CALVIN wAGOART. jriscitftr Office No.BB N. Del. avenue. i t tig:::I OI ,OPPOSITION 7ur 1111011114111151 " cOMBUTED.RaILW&D a.. RIVER -MONOPOLY - Steamer JOHN BYLVEBTXR will make dally exam*. dorm to Wilmington (etundaye excepted), touching at Cheater and idarcue Hook. Leaving Arch treat what' at 10 A It., and 4 e. x. Returning. leave Wilm : ington, at 7 ..e.-IL4 Audi r. Light freignt taken. L. W. BUItNI3, jylattii - . Captain. &Mk;FOR CHEATE R , HOOK. AND wm. - MINGTON—At 9.80 and 9.60 A. M., and. - 260 P. M. _ . Tile Jammers 8. M. FELTON and ARIEL leave Oheat. nut Street WharL(Bundayanneepted) at &30 and 9 60 A. &IN imd 3.60P.21..1 returning, leave Wilmington ati1.644 - A.. M.,12.60 and 8.60 P. M. Stopping at .01:teeter and • Mbok each way. - Fare, 10 cents between all point& , - • Excureion Tickete, 16 contr., good to return by either Deat. . - in-tili Bonght and Sold on Commie/don at the respective Boards odolphin. f Brokers of New York. Boston. Baltimore and Phil& resielkof BROWN, BROTHERS & No. 211 Chestnut Street, • Issue Commercial Credit° ; also, Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers, available in any part of the World. 700 MILES OP THE UNION PACIFIC xtAII_Zat3A3) Are now Snlehed antfin hotly° operation. One hundred and three miles have been bunt in the lad four months. More than twenty thousand num Zr. employed. and Obi average of forty miles per mouth will be continued throughout the season, making NINE HUNDRED COM• PLETED MILES by January lit, and lite now probable that the ENTIRE ORANif LINE TO THE PACIFIC WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN IEBI No other &stelae-a railroad in the world has been built and.equipped eo rapidly u the Union Pacific, which runs weethora Omaha ___ ACROSS THE CONTINENT, The 'United States Government makes of thin railroad a GREAT NATIONAL WORK, and aids its coal:ruction by very liberal grants of money and of lands, To turtlior insure the speedy completion of the Road, the Company are authorized to lame their own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS having thirty years to run, and having interest aout , Ara payable semi-annually at the rate of els per cent. in 011 The principal, as well as interest, Is made PAYABLE IN GOLD. The Mortgage Bonds of nearly all other ralfroads la this country, are payable. principal and Interest, in oar rency; and it is asserted, without fear of contradiction, that no other railroad company in the world. builtilitgeo great an extent of road, issues bonds of equal value with the First Mortgage Donde now offered for sale by the Union Pacific its Woad Company. The price of these Bonds Is now IO and aceresql in tercet from July 1, in currency. The Company bfaYlit that at this price their Bonds aro the Safest and Mod Profitable !rives!mom in the market, and they confidently expect that they will shortly command a higher premium than any slcalfar co. curity. The Company reserve the right to advance we price at any time, and will not fill any orders or receive any subscription on which the money has not been actually paid at the Company's office before the time of such advance. Einbeeriptlone will be received in Philadelphia by DE HAVEN & BROTHER, No. 40 S. Third S t reet, WM. PAINTER & CO., No. Se S. Third Street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., 16 South Third Street. And in New York At the Company's Offiee,No,2o Nassau St, AND BY John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, 59 Wall St. And by the Company's adeertimed Agents throughout tho United States. Remittances should be made in drafts or other funds Par in New York, and the bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents will look tethem for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOR DO has been pub. Ushed by the Company, giving fuller information than Possible in an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road. the Means for Construction, and'the Value of the Bonds,which will be sent free on application at the Cow. .amearafficer - orto any of-the advertised-Asigenta. JOHN L CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Arty 2.1868: • 13 , 7 to th a tiO • 0 $l5- 00 79n $1 1:114r1.1% t° V TLER. -14-North -nnl23to 0 g $6. , 020 A..3 : 1 0 th InN:VreEe:7 fIROWN BRAND LAYER :RAISINS.' --- WHOLEB - .. , %Aintree and quarter boxes of this splendid fruit, land ' ink andlor Bali by JOB,M, - BUBBIER co.. 108 Boutli Delnordire avenue.. _ • •• TUMMY k 7013.-25 CASES NEW CROP, VARIOUS gradee, landing and for sale by JOS. B. BOSSIER di (10.. 108 South Delaware avenue. -EIFOR SALE-TILE - ITODEILN - TUBER-STORY Brine Revidence. nith three nary back buildings, situate northwest corner at Kincteenttr and Filbea streets. Has ell the tooth nt convenlenem including two bath rooms. Lot 21 feet inches frt nt by UM feet decit. J. M. OUIItiMLY Stn.& 503 Walnut street. FOR BALE—TILE HANDSOME THREE-STORY brick dwelling. vs Un *Mrs. g ild tbrenstery doubts • back buildings. situate No. 4 , 02 Pins street Has evely - modem convenience end iropmvernent, and is In /ad order; lot feet front by 116 feet deep. J. H. OD.M. Y & BONS, WS Walnut Amt.- -R FOR SALE—A nANDSOME FOURASTORIif brick reeldeneeorlth marble drawings. three-dm, double beck buildlnmextra coeval:dew:ea and lot 170 feet deep to a ofteatorltuate on the south tide of Areh sheet weet of TweatieWstreet. J. M.OUMMEIf SONS. , 608 Walnut street. USO am• CAPE MAY COTTAGE FOR JBALE. CONTAIN. bag 7 room ;'ellittbly locate.] on York *maw: For particulars 'Wren M. C. Ulla °Aim , FOR SALE—HUILVINO LOTS. Lam lot Waillagtoa ammo an Twenty.tbtra 'Eree late W,B. Franklin. above Poplar. ve lots E. B. EWAN above Poplar. •- t E. S. Twentieth, below Spruce at. Lot E. B. Frankford rosd. above Llantthitdoti. i x t= t • COPEUCK & JORDAN, 42:3 Walt:int rt. , FOR ENT. Preztises 809 Chestnut Street', fOR groin; on OFFICE., Aleo, ()glees and large,Roomp. en biz fora Cornmertfa) College. Apply at BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. JeNtt E . HANDSOME COTTAGES, fl ioely Furnished, To Bent for theinmmei Seaton. WILLIAM L. CRESSE WAXIIINGIION HOUSE, Virashlngton Bt., Cape Island, N. 4' ... ).111 , _ . . raTO BENT—IN Gr.W.A.ANTOWN—A FURNISHED' norm. from October to May. Situation choice.. elto per month. Addrete 110SIEt3TEAD. at thlt, (axe, suit 3t• 'MARKET AND FOUS-ITII STREETS.-STOIIE fICA/1:111-1A8T COHNIIII TO ? ir !,Fa m tagA r l eet. from W to 110'clock. e — , -- ToliENT—Vo.lo HAMILTON TEERAM WEST Philadelphia. /..nixe yard, fine rhade. Q e. ' •att, Apply next door above. suM.LS To RENT Olt Ft .R E.-11/1 2 : TIIILEZSTOBY * . ,A Mick lAvelllng. situate No. 2,. , 0 South Twenty.fl.rat tstreet ban every modern conveuieneeL lot 18 feet front ti) lf* fret deo, _to s feet wide street. Immediate porritraltyn 'pen J. M. Cit.Thltkirlf & BONS. &(s Walnut street. • 411:111 J. W if.AT na. J, BELLZES PENNOCK. WEAVER & PENNOC3S, PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM FLTTERA 37 North lieveath Street, Philadelphia. Country Heats fitted up with Gas and Water in , &st rips style. Au apartment of - Brass and Iron - Lift and oet) rulers_ toustantly on hand LEAD BURNING AND CU MAIM% PLUMBING. N. 11.—Wwer•Wheels supplied to the trade and others , at reasonable prices. ROI3ERT. M. O'KEEFE, Plaln and Ornamental House and!guilt:Ma' 1021 Walnut,Sti.eet,. Glazing promptly attended to. M 97 0 /AMU A. WRIGHT. monsTori' FAIT., ouzel= A. (13.16430/1 leatoroanu WItIOUT:' FirJallt. L. 1f ALL. PETER.WItiGIiT 61 SONS. • Importers of Earthenware BhIPPIng and an C d ommtsalon Merchantz. No. 115 Walnut street, Philadelph.bu COTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK OF 'EVERY . width. from ono to Biz feet wide, all. numbers. Tent and Awning Duck. Paperroakera Felting. Bail Twine, dim. JOHN W. FATERMAN d, CO,, No. 11/3 Church Bt. DRIVY WELLS.—OWNERS 01r PROPERTY—THEI 1 only lace to get privy wells eleanned'and dl.th , fetted, at very low prices. A. PEYBSON, Manufacturer of Pork drette. Goldgmitlea Hall. Library street. NEORMATION WANTED OF EDW. P. KENN/L.OF Pb adelphia, who was onboard U. S. S. Somerset in. °Ulf Squadron hi , 66-66. Any person knowing whereabouts will confer a favor by ad dressing_ JOHN J X ENT!? A. P. a Box 8811, Newburntorr. Mass. A GENTLEMAN. OF GOOD.QUALIFICATIONS AND address. who has been unfortunate in, business, would like to obtain a position theleric being a_good and rapid writer. Would accept of of Traveling Salesman for a good house. • Meet of reference given . Ad dress Box 2139 P 0 attain O. SSOBONUS FOR A SUITABLE HOUSE LO cated between Walnut and Goatee, . Broad and Nineteenth etreeta. Bent not to exceed $B4lO. Ad-, dreea "Scotia; , o.ffice of the - aullat • - VIVANTED.-ACTIVE AND INTELLIGENT GENTLE.... m :. 11 men to engage AB Bolicito: a for the HOME' LIFE - SUR:ANCE-COMPANY , intlthinity-aMi_PLIMAR U Apply at the - ollice ß uct E e 2 . 1 1 1 1-t geo ral Agent;' au Etm w t Ore§ Corner Fourth and td bran , Sta.. Philo: 84 -AND 3-4 BLACK , IRON. DAREDES; -_BEET Rine Bilk BlackGreimdMea , Summer Poplins, steel colors , Illark Lace Shawls and-ROMIIdad,-- • •• White-Laao•Shawlk_and,RotundM. • Real Bhetlaud Shawls , -Imitatiombhulland Shawls,- • . . White and Blvik Barego Whitt. and Black Llama :shawls-- -• Summer stock of SIRS aud Dress Goods, 'clueing out. cheep. EDWIN HALL & CO.. IyTh tf 38 South Second street. TO k3ESIi• APPLY OR APDRESS NJ:;II RI =IS Ct.& tIOZU W &NT solOrM jy3l SW Six tables, extending the till length of the trere plentifully suppled with all kinds of choice fruit, thus presenting a very beautiful appear ance. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. J. T. Coleman, who earnestly invoked the aid of Almighty God upon the efforts being made by the Temple of Honor and Temperance for the capse In which they were enlisted. -The following were the sentiments of the evening : 1. •'Grand Temple of Honor and Temperance the State of Pennsylvania. To,the Supreme Counelli kr4ting : :'Weleome to thdeity of Phil adelphia, the "birth 'place of American liberty. May your vial: be marked by many happy mo ments, and the .ordet throughout the world bit greatly benetitted by your legislation." Responded to by Charles Luz, M. W. T., of - Boston 2. " Owr Order—lts mission not merely the re lief of widows and orphans, but the prevention of widowhood and orphanage, the arresting of nine tenths of all the crime' , pauperism and disease by the utter' and eternal overthrow of our social drinking customs." 3. 6 • frafernaf.--Its fraternal relations inenforc lug brotherhood In all our intercourse and trans actions with each other." • 4. " The Press—lts eolunans the recorded his tory of present times, its influence as the framer and directorof pnbUe sentiment the reason' why the reformers of all nations have felt its aid indis persflble to human progress. "- Responded to by Thomas M. Coleman. 5. • ..Licelese—Tbat human right Is aboee all right of prope,rty—that the present license sys 'tem to manufacture and sell intoticating tigaora is at variance with the object of,civil government and • opposed to the safety of the community. 6. "T he Social Department of the Order--Recog nizing the necessity of woman's influence as es sential to the ultimate triumph of the CUM." . ''Our Sister Temperance Organizations— Coworkers in a noble cause." PATEXTS ISSUED TO PirnADEIPMANS. —Among the patents issued from the 1J- fi. Patent Mee for, the Week ending August 11, 1868, were the following to Philadelphians:— W. 0. Leslie, for improved brick press. F. T. Riegel, for improvement in pressure in •dicators. Alfred Huffnagle, for improvement in keyhole guards. George Johnstone, for improvement in knit tiuk machines. Antedated August 1, 1868. Charles Dieston, assignor to Henry Dlsston, for Improvement In saws. William C. Willmartb, assignor to B. W. Lacy :and B. C. Eaton, for improvement in sewing machines. Jethro J. Gnifith, for improvement in artificial teeth. Francis D. Pastorius,for improvement in stove pipe dampers. William Stare, assignor to self and Jesse Reynolds, for improvement in radiators. B. Lloyed Wiegand, for improvements in screw •cutting machine. Antedated July 29, 1868. Reissues—Rana Spaulding Merrill and William ltton, of Boston, Massachusetts, assignors to 'Christian Reichman, of Philadelphia, Pa., for im provement in lamps. Patenteti September 21, 1859. Devgns—Charles Lynn, for design for perambn- Intor body. - FELL IRON A SCAFFOLD.--Lawrenee Naughton, aged 42 years, residing on Peters street, Port Richmond, was seriously injured by falling from a scaffold erected in front of a building at Fifth and Parrish streets, yesterday. He was removed to the Pennsylvaia Hospital. PASSENGER RAILWAY ACCIDENT.—AIbert Hati, aged 7 years, residing on Seventh street,. below Market, had his leg so badly crushed bybeing run over by the Market' street passenger cars, between Eighth and . Ninth streets, that =puts tien.wai3 necessarY. FELL TITE:OVGII A HATCHWAY.—AIfred Aon, aged 15 years, residing..on Twentyuirst street,. above Locust, was seriously injured by falling down a—hatchway at Twenty-first and Filbert streets yesterday. He was taken to the FennsylvaulaHospital., ' • `, RAILROAD ACCIDENT..--E. J. H. Taylor, aged g_in___Hasiningtovini-4eriously injured by being caught between the tiniipers of cars on thg Reading Railroad, at Phcenixville, was admlted into the Pennsylvania - Hospital yesterday. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. 63.11NER•STONE LAYING.—The • ctorner-stone of St. Thomas's Episcopal Church, at Whitemarsh, was laid yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of, persons. The ceremony of laying Abe stone was performed by Rev. Dr. • Morton, Rector of St. James's Church, and •Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Dio cese: .1E0.81711m old charch, whioh was beyond .rep , ain3,_was PTI dawn_atuia—largtm-buUding-- erected in its place. This building has just been demolished to make. room for,the now structure. The congregation will be under' the pastoral care Of the Rev. Charles R. Bonn ell. The new church willhe lmiltera handsome red - sandstone, quarried from the'binediate neigh - --borhoodite-style-of-archltecture will beg. othier - The church will be 99 feet long; by 45wide: - It . will 'GRENOBLE WALNUT —ZBALES NEW be surmounted by a massive tower, and on this 404 i Soft-atiell vw Granoble Walnuts lauding,. and tor toWer -a -htuideome steeple will- he -placed. The- - -,,;;-1 1 7 0 .- urgh Bu BRIE 4 & -00 . 408 & ehlWare 42 masses dry goods Gorge Brewer & Co; 23 bales dole° McDougal,' 24 bales 7 aktus L C Spooner; 2:44 ekgs Ash Crowell & Collins; WSJ Stroup & Cot eel J S 4 6 briver & Co; 172 C P Knight & Bro ; 4'34 Kennedy, Stain; & Co ; 65 order:W-1 Power & O.; 16e1 bare Iron & Rowland. 94 bales skins 510 Stokes; 42 bre t ‘cks Scott & Day; 119 bble more A Ward ; 168 bdis iron W M Whittaker; 9 nuke Ati N George '& Co; Bdo 10 bias do Howley; 75 Pkgi anise order; aa ca dry goods Coffin & Altana': 30 pkgs do W Chase & Son; 16 do Frothinrham& Wells; 14 James, Rent. llantee & 31J Lode(); 55 Lewis; Wbarton & Co; DYE T Lea & Co; 94 IA If Bonk, & Co; 14 A Sant & Co; 272 pkgs nide,' Biddle Hardware Co; 11 do glare 8 0 Bough ton ; 6th 2 dozen trails Herter & Butts; BO boxes clothes ins Colman & White; 59 bbls syrup WJ licCaban; 50 do J Melbas/Ill; 23 bates Skins Davis; 43 OP stock P Gas. U se es machines Grover & Baker; '2 I bra tacks Gale di Co_• ; bbls syrup Huai & Moran; 153 pkgs bow Heaton & llenekla ; 50 bbls liquor II 8 Rant& di Co; LIS cases fur Kilburn & Gates; 10 bbitoß Z Locke •' 50 pkge how Lloyd, " Stipples & L;0:36 do rope J 1114 Se & CM- . 51,1115. UN--Behr Baltimore; H4.-419,500' laths 400 spruce poles W A•Lelrerl/211- V ' V Li ni OIF OCEAN NIVEABILENO • • - TO Asarvu s.expa- maw YOB DATA Eruct.-- ......... Liverpool—New Atalanta.. ....... .London..N*Por York.... July2B Menus. - ..Liverpool—Boetou, --July*/ FilYstaia ...... York ...... ....July 81 St sllberie ..N N e y w 4 Y rk o v ik ia . Bo4o _ 4 1 caty of Antwerp.. —Liverpool—New York.. ..... Arm 6 ... . .. Liverpool—Now Y0rk..........Aug. 7 , ...—Liverpool—New York. . .. . ...Aug. 8 fielionh --Loudon—New York.-- .....Aug. 8 TO DEPART. Erin . NewYOri iiverpoo I Aug. 15 Britannia.... New 1 ork..Glasgow Aug. 15 Corte... New York.. New Orleana Aug. 15 City of Baltimore. New York.. Liverpool...... Aug; L 6 Ocean Queen, ......New York. ./bispluWall. --- _....Aug. 16 Pcrovia. Quebeo..LiverPoul Aug. lb Tonawanda.....l"blladelobia-5avannah.......... .. Aug. 16 01mbria........ ...New York.. Ham burg. .........Aug lb Russ —is - ..... New York..LivernooL. Aug. 19 Manhattan— - ...New York..Liverpeol ..... ...... Ang..l9 Guiding Star New York. -Aspinwall - - ...... Aug. 20 Malts - - New Yorlr.. .Liverpool. ... .::....Ang. SO Pioneer. ..........rbiladdribia. _....-..4.rig. 20 Colun blia...- - --New York-Havana ........ • • -.Aug. 20 Ville de Paris New York. -Havre • • -Au& Xi (.111,,r of Boston New York..LiverpooL ... ..... -.Aug. 92 He -New York. •Liverpool . - - Aug. 92 Juniata. Philadelnhis-New-0r1eana.........Aug.- JAMES E T. Y lONLIT OF TRADEi. COATES WALTON MONTIYLY Coiocrrrxr. THOMAS POTTER. rip , l•;Th .. n - ormrT-.-r!yrrlmi • ', MI Rms. 6 lo I ems errs, eari Huai Wsres. 9 38 AHBIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Norman, Crowell. 48 boars from Boston. with mdse and passengers to H Wineor & Co. Steamer Taeonv. Nichols. 24 hours from New York. with mdse to W 14 Baird & Co. • Steamer blare, Grumley, 94 hours from New York. with mdse to W Tst Baird & Co. behr Baltimore, Dix, 12 days from Calais, with laths.,te. to W A Layering. Behr Bee. Hearn. 4 dim from borfolk. with shingles to W A Levering. Scbr Clayton & Locher, Jackgoti, day from Smyrna, DeL with grain to Jae L Bewley & Sehr Id C liurnite, Rickards, I day from Camden. DeL with grain to .11u. L Bewley & bar 5 C Fithian, ,Thtt, 1 day from Port Deposit, with grain to Jae L Bewley & Co. bchr Potoei. Trona:, 1 day from Leipeic, DeL with grain to Jos E Palmer. . _ I.'LEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Saxon. Boggs. Bonton. H Wlneor di Co. Steamer W Wl]fatten. Blexans. Baltimore. Reuben Foster. Schr Emma G, Webber, Harbados., , Wortman d: Co. Schr Queen of the Weat. Beatty, Berth Amboy, D S Stet. too it Co. Schr Martha, Smith. Salem, Mershon & Cloud. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. READING. Aug.l9. nat. The following boats from the Union Canal pawed into the Schylkill (ianylb - found to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: to Norcross b lunaber to Henry Jon Simmons ouler, eoNorcross Sheets; Hopewell, do to &Co ; West Branch, do to Watt on Malone & Co; Emma. d a 'to Saylor. Day di Morey; G Delmore. do to dens Crodrey it Co; J Bain bark to E P Williams; Edgar. mills to Reading ARC°. MEMORANDA. Ships Alaska. Small, and Adelaide Norris, Reed, were at Livenlool let inan for this port on the 3d. ship Washington Booth, thanbv, cleared at Valparaiso Bth ult. f..r Irptique and United States. Ship Samuel' G Glover, Dreyer, cleared! at Valparaiso 16t M utt:for Callao. • - Ship. Nightingale, Nichols. cleared at Valparaiso 6th ult. for New York. able. Aurelia, Baker s cleared at Boston 12th fruit for Batavia. Ship Electra (new. 985 85.100 tons), Gorham, cleared at Boston 12th inst. for Callao. Steamer PalmyraWatsori: cleared at New York yester day for Liverpool. Steamer Hermann (NG). Wenke, 'cleared at New York yesterday for Bremen. Steamer Irene (Br), Flagg, from. Baltimore, tit Antigua 2.6 th ult. leaking—arr 16th.. • . . Bark John 11 McLarren, trine Boston for Galle and Cal cutta, was seen Bth ult. lat 17 26 B, lon 3626 W. • • Bark Reunion, Collins. cleared at Aspinwall 30th ult. for Cienfum,os. Bark Wm Van Name, Craig, cleared at Baltimore 12th ;inst. for Boston. • . Bark Linda. Hewitt. at Cardenaa lst inst. from N York, and remained 7th; tine. Bark Horatio Sprague, - EinialLsailed from' Milhatilaif Hfi" inst. with a cargo of dvewood for England. Bark ._Amazon, Chapman, cleared at Baltimore 12th imt. for Rio Janeiro anda market. Brig J Bickroore, Pendleton, hence, remained at Gar dens, 7th inst. Brig Alosgs Day, Loud, cleared at NeW York 12th inst. • for Genoa - - Brig Maggie, Crowell, from Bremen 25th Juno for this' port, was speken Bth inst. lat 4315. Lon 7120. , Brig Wm Creirgy, Haley, from Cienfuegos for this was to sail from Key West afternoon of the 6th last. Brig C 13 Rogers, Ballard from Genoa for this' port, was wind bound at Gibraltar 24th ult. Brig Mary A Reed, Joh a son, at. San Francisco 12th inst. from New York. . - Brig Walter Howe, Pierce, sailed from. Bangor 11th inst. for this tart„, - Brig Anna Wollington.Johnion, was loading at Havana 7th MAL for Baltimore. Behr H Gallagher, Gallagher, hence at Norfolk 9th Schrs Z L Adams, Nickerson; Smith; Cohasset. Gibbs. and HarriekNewhall....kiillild....sailedirom_New_. itedford - 12th - lnit:Bir this port. _ Schr Sarah Breen, Adams. hence at Wilmington. NC. 14th hut • Bahr Hattie. Amesbury, hence at Boston 12th but. XT , EW PECANS.-10 BARRELS NEW CROP_ 'l•l 7 :Taq - Pecans laullu_goi.atearuhip Star of the Union , and tor sale -by O. B. DU 881P•11 it; G0..108 South Delaware —4VERICUS , , . air. Joint 110friazr; r. L Rum. Comm. Mr. 3.1 orrart - az R0'1110;014, wm U. LABEL'. FEMALE SEMINARY. - AT AUBURNDALE...MUM » ' Ten mile' from Horton. on Bostm. and Albany Railroad. af f ord. superior facilities for a solid or ornamental edam tion. Rare-advantages for Moak, French and Painting. Location !mantilla andlicantitaL = tibia - her limited to forts.six. Nest year begins eeptember 24th. 1868. Ad drew • ay27.t0.w.e.1201, WL4B W. CCSLIENG. • ELM'S' BOYS' SCEIOO4 --• • • AT - AUBURNDALE; ISABEL Ten miles from Boston,. ,Number-limited to twenty. A first chute borne school for training boys for business or for college: Location and building not inumaseed. Physical training and 'general manners have special attention. Neat year benne September 17th. 188& Address jy27xn w a Lit* . CHAS. W. CUSSING. .isaoPrannET.-:-Tras mummy' SCHOOL FOR B YoungLadlee willbe opened the 7 first of September. next Particular 'attention given -to the physical educe tiOn of the pupils. French will be taught by &resident govetnesa, and, go far ea' practicable, made the language , of the Addresai for faircuiis• MISS masc. • Hlshopthorpe,, Bethlehem, Pa. 3391-tn th;satai4 ofiEGARAIf MiTrucTE,ENGLISH AND FRENCH, N.„ itommil o a G a t y D wi • EX and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, Penna., BIAPA T IS P IVE P RICIAVf I . )h_.pAlc.'SePt. essors Rid. o tug that DR. ROBERT 8.f.) , BBEADN will d evo te his time ezeltelvly to the Chegaray Institute. French--is the language of the family and is constantly epoken in the Institute. ie1243 to th fun EDGREULLBCTIPOL. PRINCETON. N. J. Boys thoroughly prepared for c,ollege. or for Business, lier.tstaslosibes August 26. k or circulars, address. jy6.2m. 141.811111 7 IE . ! 111311114110.110r1011.14 Whittiet's_Barefoo_t Boy, L. P.a.s.uo dc . Co. lutveliow _ready the _fourth edition of /sstman Johnsen`e poetical. illustration of Wrattier's famous poem of '",,,E O BAREFOOT BOY-" one of the most charming genre pictures ever painted in this coun try. The first three editions of this chromo were sold In advance of_p_nhlleation.— 9.31 E POET,: lohn,G.Nibitthr„ says of our chrome: "Your admirable chrome* of *The Barefoot Boy:. ..is a emeriti:No illustration of my little poem, and in EVERY WAY BATIBPAOTOILT as aWork of art" THE PAINTER, Eastman Johnson, „writes of our ebromo: "It strikes me as being one.of the best chromo lithographs I have ever seen." • Sold at all Art Stores, or sent by express, free of charge, to any address in the U. S., east of the hji.keippi, or ^ celpt-of Size x Price. .FrrE Dow.sas. L. PRANG & CO., Art PUbliehers. Boston. ie2.5 soak:MO • • • ENGLISH & EUROPEAN NEWS. " THE MAIL :" A Paper containing the news, the principal leaders, a well digested summary, and all Interesting Wetter from The The 'Newspaper hitherto known as the Evening Mail, baring become the property of the proprietors of The 2 Imes, .113 NOW published twice a week.under the title of E MAIL," at the price of Threepence per copy as hereof() or Bd. a week, post free. ti be days of publication will be Tuesday and Friday sod each paper will contain the news and all matters of interest sprouting in the three previous numbers of The :Ames, which will thus be rendered available, in a cheap nd convenient form, for persons residing abroad or in the colonies. übeeribers can obtain "TEE MAIL" through Nowa rarer Agents. or may have it from .the Publisher, on pre paym le nt, agenting House Square, London. j 5 a 5 5t 11. ST READY—BINGHAM'S LATIN GRAMMAR— ') New Edition—A Grammar of the Latin Language for the Vert of Schools. With exercises and vocabdaries William Bingham. A. M.. Superintendent of the Bingham The Alblishers take Diener° in announcing to Teachers and Irian& of Education generally, that the , new edition of the above work is now ready, and they, invite a careful examination of the same. and a comparison with other orks on the same subject. Copies will be furnished to Penchant and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Price $1 60. Published by E. EL BUTLER & CO.. 137 South Fourth shoe& And for sale by Booksellers generally. PhitadelPau2l Lectures.—A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the rub iects : How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old AgetAlarrhood generally reviewed; The cause ce indigestion, Alatalence and Nervous Diseases accounted for. Pocket volumes containing these lectures will be for warded to parties unable to attend-on receipt of foot stamps, by addressing J. J. Dyer, SI Bchool street, Bos DRANGIS _AMERICAN CBROMOS FOR SALE AT all respectable Art Stbrea.. Catalogues mailed free by mySadm - • L. PRANG & 00.. Boston. 1400R8- BOUART.—SOLD - AND EXCITANGED—A7— AO JAMES BARRI& IDS Market street. Phu's.. Waal NAVAL STORES. „ XTAVAL STORES:•:-206 RekußiarAs.wo. 1 ROSIN; to Parrehr Pale•Romin; 800 barrels No. it Roan ; Oar rcle Prime White Spirits I,urperitine; 84 barrels North Carolina Tar; 273 barrels Anchor Ship Pitch. auSsale by ,EDW. DelawareEY. ti : - No. 16 South avenue. D OSI N OIL AND VARNISH. - 45.000 GALLONS le'r RUN .1.1, Rosin Oil; 4,000 e a / a . 2d run llgaltt 011; 4,000' gals. 3d run Rosin Gil, 2,600 gals. 4th rim liosin Oil; - 311 Barnes's Blight Varnish. : ,For sale bk owARD now , jrx.. No. 16 South Delaware Avenue. CO ITON.--500 BALES COTTON IN STORE AND FOR Bale by COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO.. 43 North Front street. • . • j,y27 tt 111.8.-1,500 GALLSI NAT. WINTER WHALE 'OIL; 2,500 do. Ext. Hohd.`do do. Sperm 50 do.• No. 1 Laid do:20 do-NoTrils:—For COM LEAN, - RUS: BEM & Co.. 22 North Front street. • 11 , 27 tf NAVAL STORES.-200 BBLS. NO, 2 ROSIN; 300 do No. 1 do. t 100 do. Pale do. ; 50 do. Prime Spirits Turpen tine; 100 do. H. Pitch ; 50 do. Wilmington Tar. For sato bY COCHRAN, RUSSELL , at CO., b N. Front street...l3l7U WALITMLA-141)_ AIM OND '_CR.QP_GREN.O. ble Walnuts and Pa • Shell - onde. for sale bi :•::.• • . v . - ITALIAN ITEMOELLIE-100 BOXES FINE QUALITY COW 11 kite, So u imth p 0 rte Delaware _ av d and - for un - Bale An by dOB. B. BIISSIEII . . ;Mr. AtZZANDEP. Br.owzr. - Mr, Guam; Pssooaa". Mr, nos B. YOWE7.B. Mr. Viinalam' P. CRESSON REV. T. W. CATTELL. flilikl COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY..-08. 1. lice, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Cheetnut "The Fire Insurance Company of the County at .Pla thirbta, . incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsy chi In: =, for indemnity against Lou or damage bl- Bich:1,001y. • CHARTER PERPETUAL. - , . This old and reliable institution.with ample ca land maltingent fund carefully invested, continues tins buildings. furniture, marchendiseolic. either permanently or for alimsced time, against loss or e by the,at tha Lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of It ens. tamers. ' Losses adjusted ozul ildNA T4:3 ath all possible despatch. : RS : imma l Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew H. =ler. Henry Budd, James , Stoza rt. John Horn, Edwin L.He Joseph Moore. I •., ‘-Hobert V. Massey. Jr.. George Macke. , Mark Devine. , HENRY BUDD. Vicefres dent. Bansiscus F. Horagunr. Secretary and asnra. p aceNxx• INSURANCE • °OHTANI( OF PHILADELPHIA , INCORPORATED 1801—CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. HA WALNUT street. opposite the Exchange. TWA Company insures fromloues or damage by 711 liberal tennx on buildings. merchandise, furniture. et.. for , limited periods. and pernUmentOr on building) bY do_posit or premium. The Company bee been In , active operation formai than sixty years. during which all losses have heel promptly adjusted and_prdd. ranEcrom. John L. Hodge. d amix Dr Ettim B. Mahonv. John T. Lewis. Thos. U. Powers. , William S. Grant. A. R. McHenry. . , Robert W. Learning. , EdmondCasidllen; D. Clark Wharto SamnelWhicox. Lawrence Jr. Louis viui• Pred dent. Wimuox. &cretin'. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PPHI.. ulelphia.--001e0..N0. AI North Fifth atreet. um Market nreet. _ , Incorporated by the Legislature of Peinfiylvardal Mari ter Perpetual. Capital and ease ls 1131f38.030. Make In+ nuance ain't Lou or Damage by Fire on Public oU%is rate D Furniture. Stooks. Good. and 11wo disci, on favorable terms. 1: 7 Win. McDaniel. • - Edward P. itiiii. Israel Peterson ' ' Frederick Ladner.' John F. Belateriing. • Adam J. Glair,. , Henry Troemner. ElenrDelany. Jacob Schandein, . John F.Jilatt. . . Frederick Dell. :. ' CbrintianD. Frick.. : Samuel 1141100. ______ ,- gieorueE. Fort. woman D. oardimr. ... '' ,' WILLIAM McDANIELi • PreidiIMIL ISRAEL PETERSON _,viee-Priiialdfin‘ • Faxon E. Ciiitipazi.flecretary and TmairmV.. A MERMAN PIM INSURANCE. COMPANY. INCOE. - .01- - Porated - RlX=Clierter perpetcusi. -- I - - - 7 _ No. MO WALNUT street. above Third. Philadelphia. Haynie a larye paid•un_Cikpital Stook and klurplus vested sound awl &valiant() Securities. continue to hi. sure on dwellings. stores. furniture,- inerchandise, vends Apart. and their Ostrow and other wimat property. Au losses Liberally aim% eAto - Thomas R. Marks. • Edukmd G. DAM). John Weis Cleanse W. Pouliners Patrick John T. L ewis.e • • Jowl P. Wethttriii. aramer v. 14 _ .Paul:'- .THOMAS R. MAUI% Prodding; UXWrotv. niMetati: en arr BrePtrt. - $1.101.400 Bar Cut nosso rgretvabio 81.10380959 Beal Esteze..—. 85. Co Receivable tor Irusartunxis made.' 919.181 6 Balances due at Airencies—Pre. • Mama •on Marine Foliclogi—Ar. =led Antacid. and other dente deo the Company.. .—. . 43,334 58 Meek ' and. Scrip of sundry Insa. • Bub E41: !. 6 . °1 ... . L411E11444 r e toscaiti 8.017 00 ranee and other Companies. Cant in Drawor. .... 216 51I• 107,811 el 81.607,80515 RS Thomas O. Hand. DIREC Ja TO : ttlelill Thank Jahn C. Davin Samael 'Stoker, Edmund A. Scads; Jamey Tratalr, EL Joeeph Seal. William ' C. :awl& Theophilna Palddids, - Jacob P. J0n8r...._ 'Hugh Craig, James B. Mc Farland, Edward Darlington. iciabusP. • liv .<343o njiatoeliri o hlij i rg: lLn e m el ci Pi° G . B 7 Bn `Le ßo iper uitao. ke , . j ato riberd o oe ba hl r% Da. w seni m'-rjlD . cnYlan liternad i 7 " 7 o. ett " !44x j oa._ r " tvigh, Edward Lafourcada. D. P. 'Morgan; Jacob ,&en !' TDOMAS A. o. IL DTAS er . JOHN C. DAIS. Vide Prosidant. • HENRY INLISTEN_ Secretary. - HENRY HALL Am:Want Elecretaly. ded:tecal •FIRE ASSOOLATION_ OF ITULADEL Ltda. Incomorated March 27: 1820. Moe. "Ler , Y: ' :.:E3 No. 84 N. 1 1 ‘ifth street, Insure ,Bididlw Household Furniture and Merchandise . 11 7 • f=r l r i Lost by:Fire On tbe Oity of 4 - 4, Statement of the Assets of tb6 Association January 15t.11368. onblished b 1 compliance with .tba 'pro. visions of an Act of Assembly of April 6tb.1811 Bonds and Mellows on FroPerti= of Philadelphia only. gioro.llll U Gronßents. .... ... ... . • 18011.4 96 Real Estate • fi1.744 67 Furniture and Futures of 0fRee........ ..... ' - - 4.06) oe U. S. 5-90 Registered Bonds , .46.000 00 ........ ... ... 61.8711 U .... ...... $1.2 " • Ciaades Sannlei rl. ,. John Carron , . itobert P o = I fL Y 7.ll l , ul tm Peter Armbruster. , Levf P. Cost; ____kid.ll-Dieldrusm. Peter w_mainson. . WM. H. HAMILTO N President ' SAMUEL SPARELAWIL- Pico PreabliMt. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. T lv KITED IREMEN'S INSURANCE 00hIPA.NY OF PHILAELPHIA. This Company takes risk, at the lowest ratiw mulcted with safety. and confines ita tomtnem exclusively to FIRE FREII:IIIANCE IN THE CITY OF FRIZADEEL. FRIA. OFFICE—No. TM Arch Street. Fourth National Bank Building. . DIRECTORS: Thomas J. Martin. Martha R. Smith. John Hirst . Alb King. Wm. A. Rolla, Hon eyUICID3. Jameellougan. James Wood, William Glenn. John flhalloroas. James Jeuner. J. Henri Arkin. Alexander T. Dickeon. Hugh Mulligan. Albert U. Roberts Philtiv Fitzpatrick. • CO . ANDRESS. Fraeudent. WM. A. Bonin. Treas. WK. IL FLOM. Sexy. Cada in Bank and on band Worth at Par Virinth'thit date' at markot ' price's. DFRECToRg. • ulem. 'rhomNU H. Moore Win. klusser, . • . Castoog. S:anuel Blephr.m, . James T. Voons. L.:Caracm„' Isaac Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian.]: Hoffman Beni. W. Tingle/. ' • -Samuel H Thomas. Diwar /Sitar. ' •tIXM. TIKOLEY, t'residenn Tnolus C.' fin. .t.;. doeretary. - - ' • ran.a.numaa; December t. 1867. Sul to tL ti 'MBE' INSILJBANCE EXCLIAIIVELY... , -Tfre FENN. rybninta Fire insurance GoellmuY—Ancorporated —Charter Perpetnal—No. 61P, Wahiut street cpuoilte In dependence Einmus. , • : . • Thie Company . favorably AlsoP7ll CO Ulo outaluullna fp over forty yeameoutinues to insurr i a tti di li nct lees or dam fire age by perms nfmtly or for a limited time. Also , on tura, Stock. of Goode and Merchandise generallyeon liberal terms. • Their Capital; together with a large Surplus Fund, is in vested in a most eyeful manner. which enables them Cr offer to the insured an undoubted security In the cue Of /OM. Jr. DIRECTORS. • Daniel Smith. J. ' John Devetena. Alexander. Benson. 'Vomits Isaac Harelhurst. er .ddoSouL 4 ,8 n wis. . Thomas Robins. ID Felt r. SMITR. Jr- ender s - Daiwa • : pDNI Citowsu A . Bee A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY., 0 3VA Jg. TER PERPETUAL. • • ' Office, No. 811 WALNUT street, above Hard, PhiJads. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Pire..on 'Brad Inge, either perpetually or for a limited fame. Household Furniture and Merchandise generally: Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels Cargoes arui Praia*. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union D W . ln eu Elther ther . . DIRECT°' R J P 7 3 E.. t4 13 H iumN iage; Lewis Andended. ' Wm. F. Dean. John B. Blakiston. John Ketcham. Davis Pearson. John B. ileyl. ESHER, President. F. DEAN. Vice Preside th. nt. Ja22-tn.s.o Wm. M, tharad3acretaxWvM.. F INSIMALNCE COMPANT. - NO. RUTIN CHEST JU Street. PHILADELPHIA. F/RII INSURANCE EXOLUSIViIIf. Rhumb rf, _Buck, DIBEOTO Mall) S. Justice. Cluules IA R e ichardsm. John ward D. WW. Overman.. • 'Henry wit • ' Edoodruff. Robert Pe W arce. Jno. Ressler, Jr., Geo. A. est, Chas. Staffs. Robert B. P otter NH Btrw el i v ai lertneby. HAO. RlCHAiefeePresidenL 'Wawa= Efr.fusanaan. 11 - prr . 4 , .TwIT.TTTTrAI7TTriffirIVI CLOTH STOKE—JAMES& LEE, No. U NORTH SECOND street. bave now on hand a large and choice assortment of Fall and Winter Goode, particularly ad kpted to the Merchant Tailor Trade, comprising In part, French * Belgian and Axteilean Cloths of every descrie s OVERCO &TINOS. Black French Castor Beavers. Colored French Cantor Beavers., London Blue Pilot Clothe. Black and Colored Chinchill a / 3 . Blues, Black and Dahlia goacowa. PANT/4 LOON STUFFS. Black. French Canialmeres. • Do do. Doeskin's. Fancy Caseimeres new stylise. Steel Mixed Doeskins. Casnimeres for suits, new styles. 3.4 and 6-4 Doislons, bee' make. Velvet Cords, Beaverton/ na, Italian Clothe. Canvas, with every variety of other trimuunta, adapted to Men's and Boys' wear, to which we invite the atwa tion of Merchant Tailors and others, _at wholesale and retail. . J 141 Eld 41 LE w. NO. 11 N.orta-S cond street Sign of the Golden Lamb. AY ER'S CAT El ARTIC ILLS. FOR ALL THE 'URFOSES OF A LAXA. IVE MEDICIN E. —PerhOpe f:, , ita medicine is so aril rer ily required by everybody a cathartic, nor was ever ly before so universally !opted Into nee, in every buntry and among all Imes, as this mild but of ante purgative' Pin. The Ivious reason is, that it is a ire reliable and far More iectual remedy than any rer. Those who have .anm; thong who have not, neighbors and friends, and all cone once it does always-r-that it newel fails through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thouaands of certiticateaof their re workable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are knowirin every.neighborhood,and we need no, climates;em. 'Adaptto all calomeld conditions in at containing' either, or any deleteriom drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Thour sugar coatinglorellerves thewawer fresh and makes than pleasant to take, while beineturelY. vegetable no hero can arise from their use in any qllant ,They operate by their powerful influence on the inter Visceralo purify' the blood and stimulate it into healthy. action—remove the obstructions of the atomach. boWels,"liver. and other organs of thebody, restoring their .irregujar - aetion — to - tenitivandby - correctinrerherevou .they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of •• _ . Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, ler the 'knowing complaints, which these Pilo rapidly' cure:— .For trisirssia or framairrioN, • LISTL2:I3I3NVAS. Ler anon an,d Loss or ArrgrrrE, they ehouldbe taken moden ately to stimulate the stomach and restore ita healthy hone and action. • . - ..... -- For Lrymn CoMPLATIIT and itii various symptoms, Rim joys jiginsour., , SION BPADACKE.. - JAUNDICE. or Gums Stem-ram, BILIOUS Como and BILIOUS Ficvrau3, they .should be judiciously taken for oath case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause For Dyer-I.:Tzar or Dranances, but one mild dose Is gen. orally required. For BIIEITALATIBId, GOUT, GRAVEL, PALITTATIOM or THE HEART, PAIN LEY TIIE SIDE, BACK and LOINS. they should be continuously taken as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With suchange those complaints disappear, . • , , For llr.orav and Diorama. BUraminea they should be ytakore in large and frequent doses to produce the effect -of —a-drasticpurge • For-Burmuuleron a large4ose should be taken, as it pro. duces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Diarren Pru. take one or two Puss to promote . digestion and relieve the stomach.. ' .An occasional dosesthnulates the stomaelrand bowels into healthy actios. restores the appetite. and invigorates 'the System' Dente* is often ad v antageoas.where no - 50. - •rious.derangemei.t exists. 'One who feels tolerablY well; aften finds that a dose of these Pima makes him feel de. ,cideilly.hetter, from their cleansing and renovating effect._ on the digestive apparatus. DR. J.-0. AYES -& CO., Practical Chemin - In, Lowell. Mug.. U. ff. A. • j gt. MARI/5 & GO„ Phila., Wholesale Agents. sell mu 7,837 74 car _ie6a•a al? into'Nod Tunis at vale. BUN 2 DIJRBOROW 'Gr. CO., AUCTIONEERS. Noe. 222 and 224 MARKET street. corner Bank et. Successors to John B. Myers &Co LARGE PEREMPTORY' BALE:OF 2 ,000 CARES 81-0'18.•BBOE8. TRAVELING BAGB,&c. ON TUESDPA MOHNINLL Aug. 18. at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. LARGE TOSITIVg- BALE OF BRIVEL SFRTL GERMAN /MO DOMESTIC: DEY GOOD e , ON, THURSDAY 121011N1NG. • tur.2o. at 10 o'clock. on four months' me. 5421.177 71 :wit AT PRIVATE BALE. Itoo rolls 4.4 to 5-4 CANTON MATTI - NOB.- of choice G. D. BIoCIXEB v. • • AUCTION EERS. N 0.506 MAIMET street • • :.' BALE OF lip CASES IniOTB, titiors, BROGANS.: BALMORAL& dro. > " ON MONDAY MORNING. - - AnguPt 17, at 10 o'clock. we will fell by cataloga., for club, ISV) cot a Slams. Boy& and Youths' Boots, Chow brogans B Imorals, dro. Mae. a general assortment of Women's, liana` and Children's City made goods. • fi l / 1 h PRINCIPAL •'! MONEY IiSTABLibIEIHENT—• /3. b. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. ' Money adVanced on: Merchabdise generally—Witche Jen eirY. , i lemons s. Geld and Silver. ,Ft a te, and on,-all arlic to of value, for any tength of time Agee ed on. WATCH Es. AND JeWELRY4AT,PRIVATE Fine Gold Hunting Care Double Bottom end 01 , e/ Face Fnglidu• A merican and 8 Wias: Patent. Lever 'Watches ; Fine Gold Hunting Oise andS)pen Face EePine * Watelles ; Fite Gold Duplex and other. atches; Fine Sliver Hunt /us Qom and Open Face .English, American and eyries Patent Lever and Lepine Watcher; Doople Case English Qusrtier a, d otherWatches* Ladies' Fancr.Watchea; Liam 013 d Bteasteins ; Finger Rigs; Ear*Rings Studs ; A • F Gold China; Medallior.st 'Bracelets ;- Scarf Finn: BreaslPinti ; F inger f!t aaas and JewelrY gout rally • •• lOR SALE.—A large and valuable Firoprobf Chest. eci able for a Jeweler; cost $650 • • • Alan. several Lots in South Vainden,Fifth and Chestnut retp. JABLEIr At/IXELON . No. 422 W c street. AT- PEthiATE SALE.• _'• • - • A valuable preperti neer_F_ourtlx_atitt Walnu. A•veielible business property No. 819 Arch street.. " BURL.INGTUN.—+ Handsome Hesubn.. lain lot 56 tAr7OO feet. - • • .. WOODLAND . TERHAQZ—Handsome • Motlam NA* deuce. BY BARRAT do CO:, AUCTIONEERS.' ' • CASH AUCTION HOURS!. No. 230 MA RICET street. corner of SANK street. Cork advanced on concignments without extra charge DAVIE At HARVEY, AUCTIONENBS.. Late with AL Thomas dz Sena. Store No. 4.91 WALNUT street Rear Entrance on Library street. BY B. SCOW L • . SuciS ART CULLER_ _ L S' No. 1020 CHESTNUT street Enuadelhis. T L. ASHBRIDGE ets CO ~ AUCTIONEERS. No. 505 MARS - ET etreot. above Fifth MK. D. M.: . LANE, • tolaa, , CARRIAGE BUILDER, reepectfnlly invites attention to his large stock of finished Carriages; also, orders taken. for Varriages of Mal "alp M t DPACTORY AND WARERWNid, • 8382, 8484 and 8438 MARKUP street; Three squares west of Pertruyivania Railroad Depot. West Philadelphia- , ' .Ja213411 th e JOHN B. LANE, COACHdfASER, N 0.1907 • Market street, has on hand an assortment of superior built, carriages, which he offers at very reasonable prices . • 'my4mo.w.f.tm WANTED—PERIAANEir BOARD FOR GENTLE .. man, Wife and two Sons (6 and 8 years) in a Rolf. Willprivate family Central location; moderate terms. Will furnish rooms if necessary. Aodress P. F.. BULLE- T] N (RCP. , aull3t• A PER'S CHERRY 'PECTORAL, FOR DISEASES OP TIIE THROAT AND LUNGS, SUCH AS COUGHS. 1 COLDS, WHOOPING COLIOH, BRONL'HITIS.ASTBMA6 • AND CONSUMPTION. Probably never before in the whole history of inediCine. has anything won so widely and so deeply ..mco ion the cone. . deere of mankind, as Ole excellent reme for • nary complaints.. Through a long series o vane:put '• among most of the races of men it has risen bighoeand higher in their estimation, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various at. . fections of the lungs and throat; have made it knoll n ma reliable protector against them. While adapted to rainier • ' fOrSil I' of disease and to young children, it is at the same thru the most effectual remedy that can be given for as. MI ii nt consumption, and the dangerous affections of Ihe On oat and lungs. As a provision against sudden attack* •of Croup, it should be kept on hand In every family. and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs. all should be provided with this antidote for them. • Although settled Consumption is thought incritsli t sett a l , grza h t av n e um be b e e n rs c o o f tnp c i as et es ay w c b are ere d. tkl u e d Wa tha ti eas a o se e e n m t re. stored to eound health by , the Cher/I/Pectoral. Op cow, plete is its mastery over the. disorders of. the L . and Throat, that the moat obstinate of them yield to It en nothing 0i? 0 could reach them. under the Chem Pe6Gey pj they subside and disappear. . • - .- • .., -..- •-,- ...- - Snipers and Public Speakers' find groat protection' A .ti/ mci to always relieved and often who ll y cured bytt. Bronehills is generally cured by, taking the•Cherre,M tui al in small and frequent doses._ • bo generally are Rs .viltuea known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, -or de rooter than assure the public that its qualities are fag maintaltd. AYER'S AGUE CURE, FOR FEVER AND AGU IN. TEESIITTENT FEVER, CHILL' FEVER,- REMIT TENT FEVER S DUMB AGUE_ ,‘ PERIODICAL OR BILIOUS FEVER, &C., AND INDEED ALL THE AF. FICTIONS WHICH ; ARISE , FROM IBA Li- RIOBB. M ARBIL OR MIASMATIC POISONS.'• Ae its name impUmit does Otcre,and does not faiL [Ric log neither Arsenic. Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor' ether mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in Wk. wise injures any patient- The number and important:at of its cures in the ague districts are literally .beyond at count, and we believe without a parallel in the history, of C t irgin n e et ta di si , i e n :4 c ' e gneroilre thg r atified byee ft'ilicetesddiEnag. - stinate caseihand`where other remedies had wholly falls& - - — Unfteoilmatedversorn, - eitherresidertin; - tcrtravelitur through miasmatic localities, will be protested, by taking AGUE CUBE daily. - - "r.e.a . ~ f _ ~ .. i • For LIVER. COMPLAINTS , arising from to r pi dity of - the Liver,- it is an excellent - remedy,stimulating the Liver into healthy activitY. For Bilious Disorders end Lbw'. Comae-Res. it AI as se• r: - eallent retn et r a l roduslegelohYtraTroraark s b 49 curf T 6 ---- six here other medicines bad failed.'.' . - - • • • • . Prepared byp Dr J . C. AYER a CO .. Practical Lod Ana. ' , . INVel+l ' Lowell. Masa., - and sold all mend the..._l ... ... world. •-- - - PRIG E.- - - 4.. t .0 a PER BOTTLE. _ - J. M. MARLS & CO., rhibidelphis. Wholesale Agents., auMwlv VARILIAGIah BOAYiDIPTH•
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