XBREE MEETINGS. P “.TOHJT HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN.’ st~*riiAfcTiii moetace from over the sea, ___ c a 1 loTo my friend and my ftlendloves me; 4/d we stand lace lo face, ana for letters read £&re are endless words to bo heard and said* W»h a glance between, shy ,anilouß,half Btrange, As¥ asking, “Bay now is there anght of change? •till we both settle down as we used to bo— Since I love my friend and my friend loves mo. Oh the blissful meeting of lovers trno,/ . Against whom faith haB done all that faith could And then dropped conquered:—while over those slain , . , , Dead years ofatignlsb, parting, and pain Hope lifts her banner, gay, gallant and fair, Untainted, nntorfi, in the balmy air; And the heaven of the future, golden and bright, Arches above them—God guards the right 1 But oh for the meeting to come ono day, j When the spirit slips ont of Us house of clay; . When the Btanders-by, with a pitying sign, Shall softly cover this face of mine, And 1 leap—whither, ah! who can mow? But outward, onward, as spirite nrast go; Untileyetoeye,wlthoutfearlsee'- God, and my lost, as they see me. 1111; JULY . -MAGAZINES. . The July number of Harper's, though Well mixed,has no great wealth of originality. One of Mr. Newman Hall’a sermons is- se lected and printed at length, some historic details of “New York in the are "looked up and ,feebly illustrated with minute woodcuts, the works of late African travelers are boiled down into an article on' “The Fashions in Guinea,” “David Garrick” is Written np to introduce two or three... copies . and fac-similes of British origin, and an in- telligent paper on Street Pavements lends all ihlsweight to the advocacy of : wooden-block cartways of the Nicolson or Stafford order.' The freshest, solidest, most informing and mo6t toothsome contribution is undoubtedly Mr. E. G. Squier’s Fourth Chapter of Peru- vian Explorations, froth 1 which we take our usual liberty .of, extracting the plums. Mr. tiquier, in the . progress of his entertain ing story, arrives at last at the nucleus, or as the name itself exp:esses it, the umbilicus, of Inca civilization, the Rome of .-the abori- ginal polity, the sacred.city of Cuzco. Tliis neglected bieropolis lies back among the mountains, 11,380 feet above the sea, and in lat 13 deg. 31 min. 5.,10n. 72 deg. 2 min. W. of Greenwich. The magnificent Inca roads, comparable 'with the old Roman, havufg fallen into decay alter the conquest, and/the coast-neighborhood of Lima having beep se. -lected for the Spanish vice-regency, the ruins of Cuzco are left to moulder undisturbed be neath the touches of time, and fire Indian (settlement which represents Oie_ ancient city is one of the most unvisited localities of the Southern continent In to-day, observes Mr. Squier, infinitely less is known Of Cuzco than of Berlin; not one person in the capital has visited it, where a hundred have visited /Paris;, and- the jour ney from Lima to New York may be made in less time, at a fourth of the cost, and a thousandth part of the trouble and fatigue, with which it can be,made fromr the same point to the proud but isolated city of the Sierra. After a journeWhf • concentrated annoyances' •Which the enthusiastic antiquarian passes over very lightly, he arrives finally in the Valley of mo oracle, where Manco Capac mink at lffflt his wand of gold and founded his city/ . “Ait oblong valley shut in by treeless moun tains/the air shimmering with the seemingly palpable golden bars of the declining sun, underneath which,-past the clustering villages of San Sebastian and San Geronimoi at the head and most elevated part of the valley,re /clining in calm repose of shadow against the / umber-colored hills, the slant light gleaming / on the tops of its threescore towers, whence / the low vibration of bells, ,in whose solid masses are melted the gold and.silver idols of an ancient faith, reach our expectant ears— here we pause, and in sympathetic action with our muleteers, who' remove their hats and bow their heads low to the earth, we too salute reverently the city of the Sun!” - - The former splendors of Cuzco were narra ted in dazzling termß by the Spaniards who . conquered it; but, remarks Mr. Squier: “All the cities they conquered were grand and populous, and the state of their princes dazzling, even to men who had seen the Al hambra, and knew from historic poetry the glories of the Moors. In many, perhaps in most, respects—it may be in all —Cuzco was the most impressive city they had found in all the Americas. That it had barbaric wealth of gold and silver, and stately structures, we can well believe; for this is confirmed by con current evidence and existing remains. But that it ever contained much more than its existing population appears to me improbable. AD students of American early history and archaeology are well aware that the Spaniards never erred in underrating their enemies in story, whatever they may have d one in fact. ' Neither Cortez, nor Alvarado, nor Pizarro, ever encountered inferior num bers in their wars. The hostß that con fronted the Union armies at Bull Run aad some other places, and that led President Lincoln to. affirm, as the result of the best information he could get from his generals, thatthe Southern army was made of “nigh on two million of men,” were insignificant, numerically, as compared with those that the conquistadors tell us they encountered. We know that Leonidas fought in the shadow of the hurtling arrows of the Per sians ; but the legions of Xerxes were Bmall and few as compared with. those that the Spaniards had to meet in America—that is to say, if we take their relations literally.” The magnificence of the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco was the principal theme of these warlike romancers. “They tell ub that the terraces which formed the garden of the temple were cov ered with golden clods,-and-supported anin finite variety of trees and vegetables imitated in gold and silver, with figures of men, ani mals, birds, reptiles and insects, all in the same precious metals. That the inner walls of the temple were covered with these metals, and that the inner and outer cornice, a yard ,'i broad, as Garcillaso says, were of gold, is not incredible; but that the gardens of the tem ; pie, extending over an area 600 feet long by nearly aoo broad, were thus covered with gold and silver exceeds belief Not that the an cient smiths did not sometimes imitate natu , - ral objects with considerable skill, for of this we have abundant evidence, but because the Incas seem to have been a race of remarkably good sense,and eminently practical and utili tarian in their notions and practices—too much so, I am induced to believe; to have gold worked up in.imitation of firewood,and piled away in the temple! There exist iu Cuzco, in some of the private museums, portions of the.golden plates with which the walls of the - Temple of the Bun were covered. There is hardly a doubt of their authenticity. Tney * are simple sheets of pure gold, beaten ex- cecdmgly thin, Sot thicker than fine note 1 paper. ft* '' . tf|\ H ■'The conquerors exhausted hyperbole; in describing 'the ‘splendor and wealth of . this I temple. ’ V.’ : ■ /■"< • . “ The chronicle attributed" to Sarmiento states that he never saw but two edifices in j -Spain comparablo with it in workmanship; and Qarcillaso affirms that all that was writ ten of it by the Spaniards, and all that he could write himself, would fail to give a just idea of its greatness. The temple pro per oc cupied the whole of one side of the court. The principal entrance, says Garcillaso, was to the north. The cornice of the walls, out side and in, wos'of gold, or plated with hold, as were the inner walls. The roof was high and pointed, and of thatch, but the' , ceiling was of wood and flat. At the' eastern end Was a great plate of gold, representing the sun, , and . ranged beneath it, in royal | robes and seated, in golden, chairs, the desiccated—some Say embalmed—bodies of the Inca rulers; the body of Huayna Capac, as the greatest of , the; Inca line, being alone honored with a place in front orthe symbol; This plate, all of one piece, spread fromono;wall,to the other, and -was the only object of'.Worship in ’ the build ing. Surrounding the court were'other sepa rate Structureß’dedicated, respectively - to A the Moon, V.enus, and the. Pleiades, the Thunder find Lightning, hud,the Rainbow. There w.cre also a large saloon for, the supreme pontiff, and apartments, for attendants. All'these are described as having been richly ■ decorated with gold and silver. The existing, remains f confirm substantially the descriptions of the chroniclers. The site of the temple is covered ;by the church and convent of Santo Do mingo. The few ignorant but amiable friars ' that remain of the once rich' and renowned order of Santo Domingo in Cuzco admitted •me as an honorary member of - their’brother-/ hood, gave me a celi ' to myself, and per mitted me during the week I spent with them o ransack- every portion ,of the ? church, and every nook and corner of the ■ con vent, and to measure and -sketch and'photo graph my fill. /. „ “The end of the temple next the Rio Huar tenay, and that best preserved, rose above the famous GaSleaßof the Sun.and ijiis now built over byAAOtt of balcony, not/directly con nected with the modern ehurch—a belvidere, in short. It was at this end pf the temple that theigreat golden figure of the Sun was placed, which falling to the lot pf the Conquistador Leguizano, was gambled away before morn ing.” It is not in Peru that the curiosity-hunter is to search for those prodigies of sculpture In which the artists of Central America gave vent to.a fancy unexampled in inventiveness and extravagance. The architecture of Cuzco is grave, relieved with but few emblems, and •enclosed Within cyclopean walls whose severity suggests the fortress rather than the shrine. The intense and irritable fancy of the Peruvian aborigines finds its only expression in the caprice of the-potter; the collection brought to the North by Mr. Squier is under stood to justify the greatest enthusiasm in the admirer of old American ceramic art: , “I may refer particularly to 'the residence I of a lady who lives on the Plaza ot San Fran- I cisco,” remarks Mr. Squier when on the sub I ject pf museums, “whose attention to | strangers is proverbial, and who has estab- j fished ah honorable public reputation as the I collector of the finest and most valuable col- I lection of antiquities in Peru, the Senora Zentino. This house would be called a palace even in Venice, if not in architecture, cer tainly in extent. In the spaciousness of its apartments, and their rich and varied contents and decorations, it would creditably compare with some of the finest on the Grand Canal. | An adequate description of the museum i would occupy a volume, and I content* my self with engravings of some pieces of pot tery selected from many hundreds, illustra ting the skill of the ancients in the plastic arts, and their appreciation of humor. In some respects the most important relic in , Senora Zentino’s collection is the frontal bone of a skull, from the Inca cemetery in the valley of Yucay, which exhibits a clear case of trepanning before death. The Senpra was kind enough to intrust it to me for in vestigation, and it has been submitted to the criticism of the best surgeons of the United States and Europe, and regarded by all as the most remarkable evidence ;of - a know ledge of surgery among the aborigines yet discovered on this continent; for trepanning is one o£the moßt difficult of surgical pro cesses. Tne cutting v through the bone was not performed with' a saw, but evidently with a burin or tool like that used by engra vers on wood and metal. The opening is r>B hundredths of an inch wide and 70 hundredths long.” a The description of so princely a mansion among the 1 wilds and ruins of the Sierra aptly ,introduces the modern aspect of Cuzco—that I of a strange parasite, half splendof and half j squalor, planted upon the noble architecture J of the Incas. . The Cathedral is instanced by our traveler as the finest fa<;ade of florid 1 Moorish he has anywhere seen in America. 1 The faded splendors of the Temple of the | Sun are imprisoned in the lazy Convent of ,1 Santo Domingo. As for the modern man- 1 ners— I “The cancha or cockpit is in the court of j of the old suppressed bcutario of San An dres, and consists of a raised ring of mud two | feet high and as many thick, surrounded by other rings of graduated height, as seats for I the spectators. Around the court are tiers, of coops for the cocks, some of which were piled full of skulls and bones of the devout beutas, who had died here and been buried in the court, the earth of which, including their own dust, had been dug up to form the wall B of the cancha. The fights were well attended. by the clergy, the judiciary and the military. I had the good fortune to win an onza from the judge of the Supreme Court, who challenged me to bet on the viscacha, an imported cock, .with a single spur, which had already won two bat tles, My servant Ignacio had discovered "a bird", of excellent points in Cacha, and had brought him' there wrapped up in his poncho, with a view of matching him in Cuzco. For two weeks he shared Ignacio’s apartment and absorbed all His care, besides vexing us" with his incessant crowing, so that I inaistedhe should fight, be sent away, or decapitated. Ignacio determined On the -first: alternative, begged a week’s pay in . advance,. matched him, won, sold him for another, cock, got drunk, gambled away every cuarlillo, ab sented himself for three days, s and then came home with a swollen eye and ‘very bad in his , head.’” ‘ An industry cultivated by the. good women of the city is thus described: “My first visit to the Panteon of Cuzco was early in the morning, and as I approachedthe barrio of Beleb. outside the city, in whioh it stands, I observed a funeral procession in the street before me,preceded by some men carry-- ing candles, a man playing a violin, and an other a clarionet. As they passed the various Squalid houses in. that quarter the women rushed out with disheveled hair,and,huddling behind the bier, commenced the loudest and most extravagant wailings of which the human organs are capable. I was astonished at such violence of grief,and wondered who had died THE DAILY EVENING BUI LETIN—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY JUNE 22, 1868, /that had he deep a hold on the popular sympa-. thies. -I overtook the procession, or rather huddle, at the bridge of the. Almojiena, where suddenly the lamentations'ceaged, and the in- Co&Bolables clustered eagerly arourid a man,; | Who, standing on a block of - stone,distribtited cutirtillos (three cent ;piecqs) to them from.; his hat, whereupon, chatting and laughing, the afflicted creatures turned back; to await another funeral. For a medio each of these professional weepers of the Oalte del Hps pital will accompany the corpse to the ■gate of the cemetery, break' their very hearts with grief, and dlsßolve.themselves in tears.” - w..-v, ■ .- Mr.- Squier and hirasalstants rpsssed/sorne months' in Cuzco, making it the centre of ex plorations in every’ direction arouhd, the' de tails of Which we ' promise ourselves ’ in the succeeding papers of the narrative., •/ , Ifarper'a is sent us by Mr. Pitcher, GROOEUIES, HdCOIM, ftli. TO,. FA.MILIES ' Residing in the Rnral Districts, • /; 1 . ... ", ’ We are prepared, &fl heretofore* to Buuply families at their country reaidences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &o. y &o. ■ ALBERT a ROBERTS, | Corner Eloventli afrd Vino Street* MISSOURI WIN BS. Hnpm aim's J?ur© .Native. Wines,, Catawba, Concord. Herbejnont Norton’*.Virginia, Clinton, #o.,particularly adapted lor tbi»:*eason,; for *ale .by ■ JAMBS B.WEBB, last' B.E. comer WALNUT and EIGHTH Street*.: rrUBLB CLARET.—2OO CASES OF BUPE RIOR TABLE X Claret, warranted to give satieffcctlon. For aato by M. F. sribUN.iN; W. comer Arch and Eighth streets. DAVIS' CELEBRATED DIAMOND BRAND GIN cinnati Ham,first consignment of the seasoivlust re ecived and foreale at COUSTY’S Eaat End Grocory, No, US South Second Street.; and Eighth Btreete, , ; ! OAT,ATI OIL.—IOO BASKETS -OF LATOUR'S SALAD & Oil of the' latest. importation. For sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W; comer Arch and Eighth streets, New. bonelebs oi . mackerel. yarmoutb . Bloatem. Spiced Salmon, Mess and No. 1 Mackore' Tor sale at COUSTY’S East Sid Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street ' ' OTTATTETt' Ft WERT CORN—2S BARRELS JUST BE b ceived and for sale by JOSEPH B. BUS3IER d CO 108 South D elaware avenpe.:, UTREBH PEACHES FOB PIES, IN 81b. CANS AT » ■U cents .per. can. Green Com, TomatOl»,-Peas, alsc French Peas and-Mushrooms, in store and for sale a COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Secorn street - •'* ’ " -■' ' ■ ■ NEW YORK PLUMS. PITTED CHERRIES. VIR ginla Pared Peaches, Dried Blackberries, in store ant for sale at COUSTXIS East End Grocery. No.UB Sontl Second Street .» l—: ; t AYER’S CATHARTIC FILLS;' FOR ; ALL THi PURPOSES OF A XtAXA IVE MEDICINE.—Ferhap* ' one medicine is so univer jy required by everybody j a cathartic, nor was evoi ray before so universallj idopted into use, in even country - ; • and > among al) lasses, as this mild but;effi rat .purgative wious reason is, that it is n )re reliable and far more tectual than any ler. Those who have ;m; those who.have not ibora and friends, and nil it does always—that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of tholr re markable cures of the following complaints, but suer Cures are known to every neighborhood, and we need not publish them., Adapted to all ages and couditioiw in all climates: containing neither calomel or any deleteriom drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Then 'sugar coatingitreserves them ever fresh and makes then: pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. ■** _ They operate by their powerful influence on the inter nal vise era to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the. stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring then irregular action to health, and. by. correcting,wherever they exist, such derangements as are the fire} origin ol Minute directions are j’iven in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Fills rapidly CU For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlebbnebs, Lan guor and Loss ok Appetite tliey should be taken moder ately to stimulate the .stomach and restoro its healtin °tone and action. , = , . _ For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Bna oub Headache, Siok Headache, Jaundice or Green Sioknebs, Bii.ioub ; Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause Dysentery or biAßemuA, but one mild dose la gen erally required, ‘ For RueijMAtibm, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of tot Heart. Pain in the Sile, Baok and Loins, they shoulc be continuously taken, aa required, to change the diseased action of the system. With bucli change those complaint* disappear, ‘ *• ■ , . For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in largo and frequent doses to produce the effect of & drastic pnrgS..' ‘ . .. For Suppression a large doao should be taken, as it pro duces the desired effect by sympathy. . Aa a Dinner Pill, take one or two Fills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. ' An occasional dose stimulates the Etomach and bowel* into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorate* die system. Hence it ia often advantageous where no so rious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel de cidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect 0I DK? Practical Chemists, Lowell & CO„ Pfriia., Whole.aaleAgents, ec3 inly OPAL DENTALLdNA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOx cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcula which in fest them, giving tone to the gams, and leaving a foehn* of fragrance ana perfect cleanliness in the mouth, it maj be used daily, ana will be found to strengthen weak ano bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersiyenes* wil recommend it to every one. - Being composed with tin asaiitanceof the Dentist, Physicians ana Microscoput, ii is confidently offered aa a reliable substitute for the un certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituent* ot the DentftUina, advocdhJ'Uta use; it contains nothiag t prevent it, Broad and Spruce streak For sale by Druggist* generally* and : . Fred. Brown, D. U-Stackhonie, Buiird & Co., Robert C. Davit, C. R. Keeny, Goo. C. Bower, Isaac H. Key. Che.. Shivers. C;H. Needles B. M. McCoMn, T. J. Husband. 8. C. BimUng, Ambrose Smith, Chas. H: Eberle, Edward Parrish, James N. Marita, Wm/ B. Webb, E. Bringhnrat & Co JamesL. Bispham. DyottfflCo., Hughes A Combe, ' %C. Blair’s Sons, Henry A. Bower. Wyeth &Bro. M«S. JOpANRB HENKE^ No. 609 Catharine street. Adyice free. , . jcto-12t* ISABELLA MARTANNO, M. D„. 227 N. TWELFTH Istreet. Consultatlona free. ■ mv9-ly (ass*. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, „ . • W®' Pinrjj>Ei.rmA, May 28,1868. NOTICE.—The attentionof holders of Certificates of Loan, "City of Philadelphia,” is called to the following ordinance of Councils, approved the ninth day of, "Section L The Select and Common Connells of the City of Philadelphia do ordain,. That the City Treasurer ah all be required, one month prior, to the first day of July nexti to give notice to the boldera of Ccrtificatcn of City Loan, by proper advertisement in the daily newspapera, that they will be required to present said certificates Jo the City Treasurer at the time the interest onrsaid’ certi ficates sbaUbe paid Tb.tbem.;-And- when presented a* aforesaid the City Treasurer is directed to make registry of said certificates in a book provided for that purpose.’ This ordinance will ho strictly adhered to.' . ■ No interest paid unleie the certificates aro produced for registry To avoid delay at the payment of the duly interest, holders of certificates of city loan ore requested to present them at this office for Juno 8^1868., City Treasurer. my3o,tjyl t&r- A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK.HOLD of the RUSSELL FARM OIL COMPANY will bo held on MONDAY, July 6th, 1868. at 4 o’clock, at No. Bill WALNUT Street, eeeond-atory front, for the purpose of authorizing a sale of'the property of the Company. By order of the Board of Directors. . r > SAMUEL P. FERREE, Secretary. ■ June. 16th,'1868* . ~ - tel62ot? BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID .■*** Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only, true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disap pointmenc: no ridiculous tints; remedies : the ill etfecta of had dyes; invigorates and leaves the hair soft and beau tiful, Clack or brown. Sold by all Dniggiste and-Porfu, mere, and property applied at BATCHELOR'S WIG FACTORY* 16 Bond street. N. Y. api-w.f,m,39t OFFICE OF THE GRAND ISLAND ISON CO., WALNUT &TREET. \ - Philadelphia, June 10,186& In compliance with Act of Assembly of the Btatoof Muhigau, notice is hereby Riven that ail tho proper'y of thiHCompenv, in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, will be offer* d for sale at this office, on THURSDAY, August 1868, at 12 Vclock nl. Byo*der ef the Board of Directors. jtfiUfetS . TilOidAS SPARKS* Pi-celdent. mC£DIOAJU SPECIAI, , NOTICES. r : KETAIL PBY 6081?!% v ", | i i ■ .i.iihiiumm——— ll ■»—y -1 — TO THE LADIES! - Tiioae Thltlng (he Conntryor are Invited to rail and Examine oorltocfc of EMBROIDERED LINEN SETTS, Suitable lor ill oral ns. ] Also our Large Assortment of | Piques, Puffed and Tticked Muslins in Swiss and Cambrio Nainsooks, Plain Plaid, and Striped Jaconets, Mulls; Swiss and French Muslins, Imported expressly for I ; SUMMER; WEAR. I Tho above, with our usual lino of ( I . LAGES, liINBNS, , j V. VEILS, , HDKES. . And EMBKOIDEKIES, At Greatly Reduced Prices. > I E. M. NEEDLES & CO llOiehestimtSt. j Fourth and Arch. _ - KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THB DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES. LARGE STOCK OP SHAWLS. LACE POINTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAH. WHITE GOODS IN FULL VARIETY. BLACK GOODS OF ALL GRADES, STEEL AND GRAY GOODS. SILK DEPARTMENT WELL STOCKED. CLOTH DEPARTMENT, NEW ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, FRESH STOCK. STAPLE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY, GLOVES, HDKFSh LACES. &C. ■ 1 delMn wtf NEW STOKE. NEW STOCK. JAMES M’MULLftN, Importer and Dealer in , JUNES AND HOCBE-FCBNUHI.Vfi DB¥ OOODB For , the accommodation of Families reddle* In thi western part of the city, ho boa opened his NEW STORE,’ No,. 1128 Chestnut Street. Hifl Jong experience in Linen Goods, and hia Jfacilitle, for obtaining enppliea direct from European manufac turers enable him at all timea to offrr _ THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES - The old Btorr, S.- W. comer SEVEN 111 and CHEST NUY> willl>o kept open as uauah ~ ffiyl6B mwto T CHAMBERS, 810 ARCH STREET. * BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. LLAMA LACE POINTS, , LLAMA LACE ROTUNDAS, tJjAM A AND THREAD PARASOL COVERS. WHITE GOODS. Marseilles for dresses from 25 cento up* Plaid Nainsook from 25 cento up. ’ French Muslin, 2 yards wide, 60 cents. French Breakfast Seta very cheap. . Hamburg Edgings and ineertingE,choice deaignyinaei regular prices. . . my2B-lin Gauze flannels’ gauze flannels! Domet Gauze flannels, ? ' Gauze Merino Vests for Ladies. Gauze Meiino Vests for Gents, Gauze Wermo Vests for Girls ana Boys. A full line of Flannels. * « v , jeßstf STOKES & WOOD, 703 Arch street ■\TEW STYLES OF FANCY SILKS. IY CHENFA SILKS. STRIFE SILKS. PLAID SILKS. PLAIN SILKS. CORDED BILKS. SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS. EVENING SILKS. WEDDING SILKS. EDWIN HALL & CO„ 23 South Second street? WATGffiJES, JjSWEbjR-g. ft<&. do m us & OUMOIiB DEALERS & JEWEIERSdi II WATCH KS, JEWHUiV A MLYEIi WARE. II and JEWELRY REPAIRED.^ 802 Chestnut St., Phila; Watches of the Finest Makers. Diamond and Other Jewelryi 01 the latent styles. Solid Silver and Plated Ware. , Etc., Etc. S3IAIX STUDS £OB EYEUET E£OUB& A large assortment just received, with a variety ol BettiPgß. . ; ; : Sj, WJM, 0. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES AKD JEWELRY, S. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets. And late of No. 85 Boath Third street ‘ ie2 ly BEHOVAL. DR. P. D. KEYBER, Having returned to the city, has removed his office from the corner of Fourth and Buttonwood streets to lift ABCH street, where ho will resume the Ophthalmio prac tice onlv. ie4 lm6 SLATE lUANTKI.S. SLATE MANTELS. bStE^VteTs”^ RANGES, HIGH ahd LOW bOWN GRATES. Manufactured and forealo by ' ! W. A. ARNOLD, : : 1305 . Cbesmnt: Street. lylSmwf lv Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge Co. . 1111 Cliestrmt Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR TTpholst ery Purposes. Cheaper than leathers or Hair, AND FAB SUPERIOR. The Lightest, Softest and most Elastic? and Durable material known 10r... , Matrasses, Pillows, Car, Carriage and Chair Cushions. It is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free from duet .. . . . IT BOES NOT PACK AT ALL ! Is always free from insect life; Is perfectly healthy, and for the sick is unequaled. ' '^ If Boiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and easier than any otherMatrees, . Special attention given to Furnishing ChuroheH, Halls, &o. Railroad then are especially tavßed to examine the Cushion bponge. SatiofUotion Guaranteed. The Trade supplied, mylC f m tu arnsj FOR ALL SMITH,.RAfDOiPH »"• W* ' •Vf .. "fi. \ ..-A,' 1 ' £:<■■ u X'.-r. -. X-'l" ■ V-r: ■ ■>. >■; , ag^e^t-s-^ — :: . UNION ; FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Coupon,, duo July Ist, of thcso bondß bought at boa t rate*. ■■:■'■ Government Becuritlc* Bought and Sold. Goldf urnbhedat roto*. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHI . Bt' P.-Si PETERSON & 00., , SPSouth Third Stroet. Telegraphic Index of .Quotatl6na ; «taUoncd in a con eyicuoua place In our office. STOCKS, BONDS, &C., &«., Bonght and Bold on Commlrahm at (he rejpectiyeßoard, of Broken of Hew York; Bouton, Baltimore and Phila delphia;' 1 • mylßdml THE CENTRAL PACIFIC haa now an important and valuable traffic on both dope, of the Bltrra Nevada Bange, and. will command the through overland tajdneat Wo h»vo for »Ue : . THEIB FIBST MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT. BONDS (to the tame amountonlyaa thofj.B. Bubeldy bond, granted them) Both Interest and Principal Payable OOLU COIN. Pamphlet*, Ac., giving a full account of the pro pert, pledged, fumbhed by IVo. 40 S.Third St.« DEAIERB IS 60VIR5HEST BECUEITIES, GOLD, THECOUPONS OP TUB FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OE TI!E UNION PACIFIC R. R. COMPANY, DUB JULY Ist, 1808, Will be paid on and after that date, Id GOLD COIN, Free of Government Tax,. At the Company’s Office, So, -20 NASSAU Street, Sew York, Schedules with twenty or more coupons, will now bo rfceivea for examination, and gold checks for tho Batne will be delivered Juno COth. JOHNJ. CISCO., Treasurer. jelß-tljyl - ’ ..BA^TEING.HOtpp . ' op . J^CoQKE&Cjjx 112 and 114 80. THIRD ST. PHTLAD’i Dealers in all Government Secmltiea. WE HAVE FOB SALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE CONSOLIDATED 7 Per Cent. Mortgage Bonds OF THE OIL CREEK AND ALLEGHENY BIYEB RAILROAD COMPANY, At 80* and Aoqrued Interest. This read, over 100 miles in length, passes through and controls the trade of the great Oil producing .region of Pennsylvania, connects with the various leading lines running East and West, and is now earning about la per cent, on Its stock over and aoove alllnterost and expenses. Wo do not know of any Bonds which offer such security at so low a rata . , ; 13 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. ' Id lmS ' • _ fA KAO 84,000, 83.000, BL6OO-AND I SI.OUU. vest in Mortgages. Apply to BEDLOOK via Walnut street my23-tf SADDLES. HAHNEBN, AC. iDINfi,; FEATHERS, &41. 311 Lombard street. - lU ” COEAHTNEHSgriEN. is a pari per to our tom from and after * COI lisJ IRESS SHIRTS :4v' P:i' '■: AND - : > , NOVELTIES.’ J. W. SCOTT & CO.. 814 Cheßtnut Street, Philadelphia!. Four doort below Continental Hotel.l . . tnhl-f mwtf PATENT SHOULDER SEAM 3HIRT i . manufactory. raprUoasromtetf, 1 : ,-Vj { Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of Lto rtjlea in full variety. . WINCHESTER & CO.* ' >O6 CHESTNUT. HWltf ■■■ .. .. < , * c®ntb\ rATBNT-araiNa ahdbut* la tfreet, corner of Ninth. fee bartKM Glove* or ladla «ABc» n t«»«t^| ntl[feTt j |T^l^,ni)tn tA BoU-tfl OPEN IN THE EVENING? HEATBW Affß dTOVOb HUB al ti m o r i& jtfi ’ BUPBOVIED BASE BDKKINQ I gmB»?LAOEaEATBIt MAGAZINE . A. . «TO . V ILItUK IHAT I NO DO O B B*. •' The most Cheerful and Perfect'Hdatcr in “Dae. To be bad, Wholesale and Eetail, of S. CLARK, ' . ' JOGB llAßlter 8 fBCETt mylSmS THOMAS B. DIXON A BOSS; • : .s r 'AS ,:i Late Andrew* A Dlion, , :B|: No. IBM CHESTNUT Street. PbiUdtflpkla Opposite United State* Mint, Manufacturer* of . • :. Ki&JRiL WB ‘ - CHAMBISB. • And oth«%ItATEB, for Anthracite, Bttominouj ana Wood Fir}. ' ■ AUKV ' • WAJiM-AII! FURNACES, • ARI> ■ CIUMNBV CAPS. .: • COOIHNO-BANOEB. BATH4JOILEBO. WHOLESALE *»d RETAIL. CAKltlAdLb. JIJST FINISELED, JACOB BECH’S C«AC!H fACTOBt, The latest etylee >t BAROCCBBB, PARK PHIKfIIJS, CLAHSKg COACHED £R., All of flntcleeawork. Gentlemen about to purchire would dp well to examlno thl * EIGHTH end GIBARDArenue. _Jcl2Jm •• - ■ ’• - . 'naneu JOHN a LANE. COACH MAKES, NO. IW7 xKCSiSr Market etreot, baa on band an aMortment of jnv —enpcrlor built'carriage*, which he offer* at verr rc«ecnabto pricea. . ■ mv4on.w.i.4m WHOLESALE retail.. OHABLES LYNE, r^^SStim^SA^SSSS k 414 AIICH Slroet, HbUadctphla. • They can be taken apart or folded up. and packed to the raallert place potalble. or hung np If not required. Their equal has never before been .aeon In thls country. Secondhand Perambulate™ repaired or takcnlnex. »h.nTH_ . .... ... ''L_l’’ *tls&n_J ÜBGAIiarOTICES# Tv'OTICE OF'PETITIO N FOR L-ECREE TO JN EXTINGUISH GROUND -RENT ON PREMISES IN FOUKTH STREET, NORTHW CHESTNUT BTKEET. "Notlce ln hereby given to whom It may concern, that a. petition bu been presented* to -the Court l'leaa, of the county of Ehiladelohla, by JOHN RED MAN, under the act of nßaembly approved the 23tfi of April, 1868, entitled "An Act .rtletinato the ettinguith juectof ground Tenta In the city . of Philadelphia,!*- pray ing for a decree tMt a certain yearly ground tent of threo poundr. wblclt btfued Ouj,of H certain lot of ground • itu ate on the rvett Bide of Fourth afreet, in the eald city, one hundred feet north of Ghcamut etreety containing in front' i 0n,,; Fourth etreet twentylivo feet, and In" depth, fifty feet, ie relcasei and eitingoliheo.thu ealdreutnot haring been demandeil or paid for twenty-one yeara and upward* Thp aald Eer tition wiU he heard by iho-eald Opurt on BAJI KDAY, tho anir day of dune, 1868, at 10 o’etock A M-, andjinleeß cause be then ehotvn to tho contrary, tho Court wilt, on due proof bring made of the eaid petition. make a decree that the raid reut it releaaed and extinguished, m anco yvith the prayer ot tho .aidgonition OIBBOM> Of Counsel with i'etttlouer. PniLii»Aa, Jaheflg. 186 ft. \ .. , IN TI’E OEPIIANB' COrH'i’„FO!t THE CITSf I and'Cennty .or ttiiladelphiiw—State <rt>=MAJtY M. ft AITZEL;-deceased;—The Auditor appointed Cnmt to iindlt, settle end •sdjusttho aeeoun" of Wl'. ; I,IAM BAi'lZKli.'AdiPtnletratorortho betate of MAItA M. BATIEF.U lute <‘t .the eft* ol Philadelphia, deceased' and- to'report distribution of the balance In the hands of the Accountant. Will uiect tb'o part(©»>intcrL»«;a lax the »n^iStm% 4 oi-TiiunsuAy f Jaly mh. j66&.HtOirce o’clock, P. M; nt hla Oflice, -No. W? Eaco street. In the City of MriUdelpUl^^^ JelMmw6l* • 'o ',-' ' ■■; -Auditor. TN THE Cl CUT UP COMMON PBEA3 FOB THE 1 Cll V ANn COUNTY Of PHIIiADECPEHA . In tha Aaaipncd Instate of CYHUB J. BULL. The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjuat the ac count of JOHN M. AKUNDBu. Et<u AiMpiko of paid haute, end to report distribution of tho balance In tile hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interffited BUth aßetd. tathocit, of BhU-deiohJa. tAcEt Auditor. •jctM;wuWifit TN a JIB OKPHANS’ COURT FOETOE CITY AND l County af Philadelphia.—Estate of 1110MA8 ASH TO\', decocted.—Tno Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust tho second and final account of JOSEPH ASHTON. Btirriving Executor and .lirastoo of tlie last will and testament of THOMAS ASHTON, de,- ceased, and to report distribution of Hie balance In tba handset the accountant, will meet the parties interested forthe purpose of bis appointment, onAVednedday,.July’ lEt, 1868. at 4 .o'clock P M . at his oibco, No. b!9 Nohlo street, in the city Of Philadelphia. ~, ' jel9'f m w*6t§ THOMAS COCHRAN* Auditor. w. Kf'Oi\ deceased, who wins the surviving Executor ol WAKNEII F; WASHINGTON, deceased, b&d by CLIN TON ,T. TKOT.'T, Administrator d. b.n. c. t-a. of .said WABNEEF. WASHINGTON, deceased, and to,re port distribution of tbe.balanco In the hands. of; tho Account ant, will meet the' parties, interested for the. purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, Juuu.22d, 1865 L at 4 o clock:. P.M»at his office, No. 10 Eaw .ißuildlngi S,E coraor ot Sixth' and. Walnut streets. In the city, of Philadelphia. •• Jel2.fju.wst*. - • • GOMEKY, M CoXUNS, the Auditor ap pointed hv the Court to audit, eettlo and adjust the ac count of JOHN T. MONTUOMHKY and J-DWAKD E. law; Executor of tho lest,wilt, and teatanient of leabe* B; Monfgoniery/.doccaeed. and. to, report .dißtrloutloii or the balance in tiie hands of the accountant, irneccfiaary. it ill nitctihd v&rticß interested, forthe purposes of hlfl' appointment; onTUESDAYaJ une 23d. 1868, at 11 o'clock. A. M,, at his office: tEawHuildffiW eoiUheast corner SixtH and Walnut tho .. raw 5t- TTT'nniß TESTAMENTAKY : IiAVING , BBBNI Xlßrantedto tho putaCribere.updn tho Estiifeof MA£- thewi NEWKIRK,- deceased.: all persons indebted t<* MAT?HKW- NEWKIttK. Ju. GEORGE JUWKIN. Jit.. 820 \Valnut street, aecand etory, PiIILAPEIAUIIA. June 4. low* 1 N THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES 1 for' tho KiU-'lcrn District ofs PennsrlTOuiiu—At Philadelphia, Juno 4th, 1868. t -.Tho tmdemgned hpwby eives Dotice rif hfs rippointmentar Assignee of CHARLES LEECH, of PhlladOlj»hia,v in /the County of pbiladelphla, aud btato of Pennsylvania, withiD eaia District, wno has been adjudged'A ißankVtiptoipOb hie own yotftionby the said District Court. , . ::••••., WM. VOGDES, Assignee, -—<. N 0.128 South Sixth street. To the Creditore of saldßaukruptl- ~•,, ~ 1 . JeB io3t* PROPERTTAT PRIVATE SALE «mMO. POP.SPOTTING PURPOSES, ANIJ CHjtllraL'’S LAWN I'ENTS, AWNINGS. HAR " L KES3, SADDLES, HORSE SHEETS,'- - . FLY NETS, <60., &o. - - 1 HOT 4 CO" 71 North SECOND St. Jclllm : : > jeBm*6ts tejlkcibaphic sOMatAmto-: General Napier hasarrlved atAlexandria. Prikce Napoleon is -visiting the Saltan. < The election on the new Constitution in His* eisslppi begins to-day. Commissioner Hollins, of the Internal Reve nue Bureau, has gone to New York. ■ Secretary Beward has rctnrnedtoWashing ton. Gen. O'Neill addressed the Fenians pf.Vcrj mont, In Convention at onSaturddy-’ Bf.vkral Chinese laborers werekllled.by arock elide on tho.. Central Pacific Railroad, in .Call- . fornla,a fewdays since. 11 ■ ; ' : ! " Five Frenchmen were drowned; by the upset ting of a boat, at the mouth of Saco river, Maine, ■on Friday afternoon. . . Five cars ofa train off the Kansas Pacific Rail road were thrown from a trestle bridge, on Batnhv ■day, injuring five persons. / • ; " .The'.‘Governor-General of Canada; has;' pro-- clalmcd the Ist of July a holiday, in honor of Confederation: 1 . “ Minister Bancroft will leave Berlin In a few -days on a tour to tho'different'' North Gorman Btatcs. ’ ..; .. y;y, It is now considered certain that . the’.lrish ■Church Appointments Snspenslon blll will,bede feated in the House of Lords. .*. i.- > -a- No business was transacted on the London ■Stock Exchange or in tho produce market,Sator ■doy, aB being Closed ;in honor- of the Queen, Tiir Florida Legislature, op Saturday, elected,. Abijah Gilbert to be U. 8. Senator for six year*, ■from next March. Ex-rebel, General Hi Heath has Beetf pardbned by the President on General Bchofield a recom mendation. ; • The Chinese Embassy were entertained at Gen ■ Grant's residence, in;'Washington, on Saturday night j,; r ■’ j y, : . The corner-stone of the now Catholic Cathe dral in Brooklyn, N. T., was laid yesterday by Bishop, Laugblln, in presence of a huge as semblage. . f-V'i i/; Desi-atches ' from * Nevada announce a con slderableioil of snow in that Slate. At Austin several roofs of houses Were broken by the weight of snow. ’ ■■-T 1 ■ ■ It is nnderstood that the Georgia Legialatnre will be convened on July 4th.’ Governor elect Bollock has returned to Atlanta,from. Wash ington. v- :7f; Govebsor Humphries and Attorney General- Hooker, of MisElsslppL who haye’just been de posed by the military authorities, ore canvassing the State against the new Constitution.' ' The members of .the Alabama Legistaturo are arriving at Montgomery, to be ready for meeting when- the bill admitting iho reconstructed States shall become a taw., : ; Tub first consignments of new .wheat, flour weire received yesterday In Naßhvillo, Tenn., from White Creek mills. The wheat harvest is pro gressing rapidly, and tho yield will be large and the quality excellent. Admiral Fabbagut has returned from Brus sels to Ostend and has made every preparation for the review of his fleet, by King Leopold, to day. A grand baffquet will be given tho King and Queen onboard the flagship in the .evening. In the United States Circuit Courti now in session in. Canandaigua, .N. Y., Alien, P. Hewlett ' has been convicted of secreting his property from his assignees in bankruptcy, and sentenced to. the penitentiary fonano year- and- eleven months. This is the first conviction under the bankrupt law in that district. ■ - ;< ' Great Britain was in a state of high joy on -Saturday, the occasion being the thirtieth, anni versary of her Majesty’s accession to the throne. . The Queen reviewed twentyrseven.. thousand troops.at Windsor Castle, and salutes, banquets and pyrotechnic displays were the order-of die day and night. An address has been made to the United States Consul et Aihens,-Greece, by the Cretan' repre sentatives and exiles in that city. Large numbers of the Cretans and Armenians wore present, and . great enthusiasm was manifested and much grati tude evincedloward the American people for their sympathy for the bravo inhabitants of Crete. An eastward-bound express train on the Cleve land and Toledo Railroad, leaving Toledo, Ohio, at 2.50 A. M., was thrown off the track by a mis placed switch, which was forced open and blocked. , The.engineer, baggage-master and ex press messenger were injured.- Three men, with a wagon, were seen near the locality immediately upon the occurrence, and It Is supposed they de signed to rob the express car. No passengers were injured. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. Temperance Organizations.— The cause of temperance in Camden city, and, in fact, in'many other parts of the First Congressional District, appears to be rapidly and satisfactorily advanc ing. At the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge ■of the Good Templars, held in Camden, it was ■■stated that the Order was first introduced into New Jersey In.XBG6, and the first * Grand Lodge waß' held in Vineland last year.- At that time there were ten Lodges, with a membership’ of 473 persons. Since that time, in the space of one year, the order has increased in the State ,to 33 Lodges and 12 Degree Templars, with over - 2,000 members. This Order is accomplishing much good in the cause of temperance. Sentenced to Hard Labor. —On Saturday William Hanna, whose sentence had been post poned, was called up before Jndgo Woodhnu.for final action in his case. ! He stood charged with, and , had pleaded guilty to eighty-three indict ments fof forgery, &e., of bonds, checks, ,and promissory notes, amounting in .the aggregate to about $70,000. After addressing the prisoner in a.suitable manner, showing ! tho enormity of the crime of which he stootl confessed, tho Judge proceeded to sentence him to an aggregate im prisonment of ten years at hard labor in the Penitentiary, and to pay in addition, a fine of $4,100. • Truly, the way of the transgressor is hard. ' Union, Grant and Colfax Flag —A splen did Union, Grant and Colfax Flag will'be thrown to the brecie on the 4th of July, by Charles Cat ting, Esq., of Camden. An'interesting address wifi bo given on the occasion. . Nearly Completed. The new Catholic Church and Parsonage, Opposite the Court House in Camden, is nearly completed. It is a massive pile of ,Gothic architecture, and is a handsome Improvement to that part of Camden. Beporta? ?o? Emminipß allot! n. f BOSTON—Sttamer Saxon, Boggs—ls2 bxa nails Biddle Hardware Co; 9 trasses Bailey; ACascadcn; 65bdlspalla Berger & Batts;.6o bbls sugar; Boyd A fioagh; 19 pkgs glasß S O Bougbtoh; 69 do mdse GBrewerA Co; 35 cases shoes Claflin * Partridge r 126 pkgs mdse W B Chase * Son; 27cases, dry goods Coffin A Altemns; 150pkgafish Crowell&Collins; 151 doO SCrowell; 1275 bus potatoes 109 bbls do B B Dyer * Co; 19 Dkgs maser WEenshawA Doughton: 77 do Frothlngbam * wells; 42 bxs do French, Bicbards A C0;,75 bdls paper W H Elltcraffc ACo; 40 bdls fitectP PGußtme; 62 table frames Gould*Co; 27cases mdse Heaton ADenckla:J3 balos rags John Hey; 42 cs oboes F A J M Jones; 434 bbls fish Kennedy, Stairs * Co; 107 csstockKilburn* Gates: 85camdse Lewis- Wharton * Co; 24 pkgs do T TLea A Oo;-17 do>A~K CLittle; 54 cs •do Lain**Maginnis; 86do shoes CD McCleese; 10bbls rum C Wilier * Bros; 115 do potatoes W McWilliams; 37 -doshade) L NichoUon; SO bates mdao:Bottom.Sailth-A Co; 217 bbls fish £ A Souder * Co; 25 bales yarn H H Boult: 60 bbls fish J Stroup ACo*, 13 bales mdse Wood * •Garrett: - • ■, ■ i,•v,.l <; • ,; a movbjnisNTS or ooban svbaaebsu to ABarm v : 8BX» -... rhOM -wn Berlin ...., .Southampton. .Baltimore Jana 4 'Caledonia .Glasgow. -New Y0rk..........June 5 NacoleonXll..Brest..New Y0rk....... ..Juno 6 Nebraska...........Liverpool..NewYork. ....Jane 9 _ Palmyra . ...Liverpool. .Now York June 9 •City of ,Paris, .»«v..Liverpool. .New York.. ..June 10 Peruvian............ Liverpool. .Quebec.: Jund 11 .Hoisatia Southampton.. New York. ..iJonoia Z8e110na.............. .-.London..New York ....June 18 8u55ia.............. .Liverpool. .New Y0rk.,...... ..June 18 TO DEPART. ’ . - Mississippi .New York..Bio Janeiro, Ac...Juno23 .N e w York. .Hamburg J une 23 •China.;. NewYork..Liverpool........i ..Junrat Rising Star .New York..Aspinwall June 24 Australasian:.New York, .Liverpool June 24 •Colorado... /.....New York. .Liverpool...... i. ». .June 24 Pioneer........•. Philadelphia. -Wilmington.........June 25 .Hermann ...New iork..Broraen June 25 Motto CasUe.;.., .New York.. Havana ...... June 25 Villedo Paris.....New.York..Havro. .....June27 City of Paris ;New Y ork. .Liveropool. Juno 27 •Caledonia... New York. .G1a5g0w........1. ...June 27 •Circasßian.New Yolk.. Bremen ............Juno 27 Lrin... .New York. .Liverpool June 27 Wyoming... ~^Philadelphia..Savannah.. .*• .....Juno27 Stars and Stripes....Phllad'a. .Havana ... .June 8) ..........New York. .Liverpool.. ......... July 1 ZPalmyra.. .NowYork..Liverpool. ..July 2 >, OF TBADB. THO Committee. MAiBlMi B ULLUTIf). PORT OF PHILADELPHIA— ,I pub 22. flpn, Ribes.4 B.lBpm- Bets. 7 261 Hiag Wiw», a 40 - ARRIVED YESTERDAY. * ' Sclir Garnet. Marshall, 1 day from Lowes. Del. with yyood to captain. . ARRIVEDONBATURDAY. Steamer Saxon* Bomb, 48 houn from Boston, with mdse andpaveesaeftto HWuiaot6Co. Steamer valley City, Morgan, from Richmond and Norolki-w'^mdaeto-WFChrdodtCo* -A, ;• . ~ . , tfteiuner Florence JFrankJfciiFienoß, 13 hoonfrojnßal* ftimore, wJUi mdae to A Groves. Jr. > steamer Fannie. Fenton. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird it Co. • Steamer C Comstock 24 hours Yrom New York, with tndso to W.M Baird A.Oo. _ ’ Steamer Cheater, Jones, 24 honra from New York, with >ndse to WP Clyde & Co. . ' _ • Steaffiferinanto&d State,Wcbb,l3 hours from BaUlmor* W: ,itb md»otoK FVeter., ~ ’ Steamer Monitor; Jones, 34 hours from Near York, with Steamer New Yorfc%»ea, from Washington, with odee to WF Clvilo A 00. ■ • . .... Steamer AUda. Lcnnlg.34 hourifrom New York, with, odee to W F Clyde & 00. Steamer A O Stlmeis. Knox, 34 hour* from New York, »Ith mdro to W 0 Clyde & Co, ' >■ . Schr J 11 Cunningham. lioath, 4 days from New York, odee to captain. _ Schr Ntifie True. Uumo. New York. • BchrM VsnDusen. Corson. New York. ■ • ' Schr AY Banord.HansoD.New York. Schr Addle, Drown, priwldence. ..... . , SehrW P Orr. Long,Milton, DeL _ i. . . ; BcnrWC Mcshaln, Johnson, Punaee River. - • : , t BchrßcedingSßNo4B.Rosr, Btonlnxten. ... ' Tug Tims .1 effort on, Allen.'from Baltimore, with s tow of barges to - . CLEARED ON SATURDAY, r Steamer Juniata, lloslc, New Orleans,via Havana, Phila ■ delpbia and Southern Mall 88,00. ■ , Steamer O H Stout.. Ford. WacUin*ton. W P Clyde> A Co. Steamer Norfolk. V ance. Richmond, W 1 Clyde A Co. Steamer Diamond State, Webb. Baltimore, K Foster. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson,. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Steamer Chester, Jones, New York..W V Clyde & Co. Brig Shannon, Sawyer, Zaza. 8 A W Welsh. Brig Geo S Berry, Foseett, Wilmington, NC. Warrcn A Ameriea,Mcl,ano,BaUlla Rlver.Ga. Merchant Bcbr Hamburg, Lnljrd,Wa»hlrigtpn, Tylcr*Co.„ , Bcbr Busan; Bean, Boatim, Blakuton, Graefl* ft Co. Hchr J 8 bhlndler. Lee. Marble held. ■■ do BchrEeid in* KR No 48, Rora,Norwlch.';. do BchrAEBeirord,HBi.eop, Providence, JB White ft Son. BcfavCL',Herrick,Baldwin. Pawtucket. " BcbpAddle,lWown,Kennelmuk, W H John* &Bro: « ... Sehf'W'P‘Orr, Long, Richmond, Caetner.'Btlckney & TogThOßJelTer«onj .Allen,for;BaXtlmore,wUli * tow of ■ bmrKei.WPClyoeAw;' a rtM,. ..a. j Ship Thomas Hsrwara, from Fhllad’eipMefor St John, 'NB. went to reayeeterday morning. Schr John Collin*, from ! hß^|?^Na < 3SSw , l^! ,L Tbo following boats from the Union Canal p*»«edilnto the Bchylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and conrigneda*.follow*: 1 ' „ ■'■ J.t ■ Pilgrim Circle, with lumber to J HDeyfherj Hall ft Davl*, and Dhawalaghln, do to W O. Headley di Bon, Newark: Col Lyman, do to E ft J Jonoe :Uatrfo. grain to J P Perot ft Bro: Willie Edgar, poet* to Daniel PShaen. felder. r•" ' ■ ■ MTMOHANDA.„ : ’ Ship Baltic (Port!, Olsen. hence at Flushing 6th inst . Bbfj> Annie Young, entered out at Liverpool 6th instant °Ship Auguste (NO), Von Harten. cleared at New, York £oih Inst. lor Bremen via tins port. ■ , • , Ship Anrora, Gleb, cleared at New York 00th hut for Ship Benj Aymar, Sawyer, cleared at New York 20th inst. for . ' Ship Berman, Morse, cleared, at Baltimore 19tb instant for Melbourne. ■■ <. • Steamer Wyoming, Teal, called from Savannah 20th inst for thia port .. . . . ' „ Steamer Louisiana (Br). Forbes, cleared at New York 20th hut for Liverpool. . • ' StesmerOulding Star, Howes. cleared at N York 20th inst. for Aspinwall. . ... • _ Steamer Cuba, Dukehsrt,’cleared at. Baltimore 20th inst for New Orleans via Key West , Steamer Bienville, Baket, " cleared at New York 20tb inst far Havana.. ... _ , , _ •. _ Steamers Geo Washington. Gager, end General Grant Quick, cleared at New York 20th Inst for Now Orleans. Bark Mary t! Dyer, Watllngton, 'from Montevideo, at Queenstown Bth inst. ■ . . Brig Fevenr, Rain, hence at Cronstadt 2d test BchrT T Tasker. Allen, sailed from Charleston 20th test. *— ** ' tor this port ■ - , *•'. • '■ _ BchrWm Allen, Dye, from Bagua for Delaware Break water, for order*, arrived ofl jroit Monroe on, Saturday morning. CaptDycwaß buried at. the Fort came day, having died on Friday morning* 25miles out. MARINE miscellany. . Steamer Pioneer, Bt this port from Wilmington, NC. re -8otn:0 tn: 38th inst II AM, HatterarUghtNW by W, passed le bull of a vessel, waterlogged, nearly even with toe water, and no spam standing, (prob&blythewreck or the barn letria, recently lost on Hatteras Snoals): also parsed a quantity of ; paneling, and ftancheona, painted white, supposed to be a portion of steamer Nevada, lost off that place; same day, 10miles north of .Hatteras, saw a berm Diig anchored close under the beach, with-'all sails set, weather at the time calm., . m ..± „ . . . Bark Flying Scud. before reported lost near Ivigtnt, Greenland, waa loaded with kryolite for. Philadelphia. Tbecargo was insured in Boston for 817,000, in the Manu facturers* Ihsnrsnee Co. j •-» y.T lWßPlUltybt rnHE EELIANGE JUBUBANCE COMPANY OF PHIL 1 ADELFBIA.-' ’ 1 . Incorporated in ISCU _ Charter; Perpetual : ' - ' ± or iKMie by iXKE. oa Etonw, Store, anfl other BdllUcct, limited or perpetual. and on Furniture. Goofo Were. endMertluiidua tn town or n&iua PEOMPTMT ADJUSTED AND PAID. I tir5t1..,..,, ft . Inverted In the foflowinj Seenritle*. vbT: «ttt Mortgage* on City Froperty.weU teenred. .BUMTO 00 Cnited State* Government tonne I17,0(J) 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loam; la.ooo 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan. 20,000 00 Pemurylvaai*Bailrpad Bonds, first and second •. Camden and Amboy Kaiiroad Company 's6 per ... .. ’ Cent. Loan 0,000 00 Philadelphia, and Readlnsßailroad Company’s - . 6perCent!joai^«Lw.i,*;.h M .....v 2 .1,00000 Hontinffdon and Broad Top 7 per Cost. Mart gage Bonds.-..*.. 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Companj*aßtbek. ..... X.CSOOO Mechanics', Bank Stock. •- ,4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,W0 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock..... 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Stock. » 8,250 00 Cash-in Bank and on hand 7,337 71 Worth at Par. Wortli thla data at • t.* CIoiL. Tlniley. Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Musaer, Samuel Costner. Samuelßlspham. JamoeT. Yonng, H.L.GarBon, IsaacP. Baker, W£Q. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Becj. W, J „ Samuel B. Thomas. Edward Biter. CLEM. TING LEY, President Thomab C. Hn.n. Secretary. _ . . ''' PntLanziiPiUA, December 1,1887. jal-tn th « ti UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF pmi.Ama,pmA- , This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, *nd confines 4ts business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL , PBIA. -• OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street, Fourth National Bank Building, DIRECTORS: ■ < ' Thomas J. Martin.’ Albert C. Roberta, John Hint. ■ Charles R. Smith, Wm. A. Bolin, „ Albertus King, James Mongan, Henry Bumm, William Glenn, James Wood, James Jenner, ' John Shallcross, Alexander T. Dickson, , ;J. Homy Askin, Robert S. Panels, Hugh Mulligan, Philip Fitzpatrick. . CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Wm. A. Ronra. Treas. . Wm. H. Faobh, Boc*y. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHI: ladelphla.—Office, No. 84 North Filth street, neat Market street* • , , Incorporated by the Leiblatnreof Fennsylvaida. Chus ter Perpetual* Capital and Aj»et£Sl66,ogO. Make In mrance against Loss orDamage by Fire on Public fate Building*, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchxn dDe.pnlavor.hleierm^^^ Wm. McDaniel, Edward F. Moyer, , Israel Peterson; ' Frederick Ladner. Adam. J. Glasz. / Henry Troemner, . Henry Delany, . - Jacob Schandeln JobnEllisttr Frederick Doll, ‘ ChriatlanD. Frick, Samuel Miller, George li Fort, WilliamD. Gardner.- ’ ' WILLIAM MgDANTEIa. President ISRAEL PETERBONiVIee-Preildent PmT.re EUGOnsauM, Secretary andTreasnrer. FIRE • INSURANCE EXCLUBIVELY:-THE OPENN.. sylvanla Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1834 -Charter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street, opposite In dependence Square., <-. This Company, favorably known to tho oommnnity for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss ordain ige by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either perma nently or for a limited timo. Also, ou i.umituro,S locks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together trtth a large Surplus Fund, Is In vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to oiler to the insured an undoubted security In the cose of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr„ ; , •;-• ■- John Deverenx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith,, ' Isaac Hezolhurst. Henry Eewls, Thomas Robins. „ , .„ J. Gmlngham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jr., esidenb WinnuM G. Caowmj. Secretary. A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. -CHAR Office. No. 8U WALNUT street, abore Third, Phflada. WUI insure agaiUßtLoßa or Damage-by Fire.on Build inga, either perpetually or for a limited time. Houiohola L-'nroituro and Merchandise generally.: ■ . Also.‘Marine Insurance on: Uargoef, ana Freight*.. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. Wm. Esher,' • ; Peter Sieger, D. Luther, ■ ■ J. E. Baum, Lewie Audonriod,.. Wra, F. Doan, John R. Blakistcn. . John Ketcham, DayiaPeanon,; ■■ ■ ’" J phaß-Hevl, ■■■ E3HEU, Preflideut F. DEAN, Vice President. ja23-tn.th.B-ti yhi. M. Sitrai. Secretary. A MERICAN FIBEINSURANCE COMPANY. INCOB- A porated 1810—Charter perpetual; - ... ~: - ‘ No! 810 WALNUT rtreet, above Third. Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital -Stock and Surplm la 7Mtea in eoiind and available Securities,,continue to in sure on dweUinra. stores, furniture, merchandise, vejrtJi n port, and then cargoes, and other personal property. All losses llborally and^romoffl^adiusted. Thomas K. Marfa. . lEdmund G. gutllh. John Welsh, —. Charles W. Ppultney, Patrick Brady, ; Israel Moms, ; John T, Lewu, boon P. Wethertll. “ ’ William W. PauL • THOMAB R. MABIS, President, ... Annual C. L. Cbawtobd, Secretary, . j rr i ■. • • .• . i ■ i j \jr .* • ..J t , * r THIB DAIiiY~OTBMIM , fI'BOIiIiKriN~PHIii 1829^ B^TKBr3ER£ ' BTUAU fire / V:/>: V’.-**'..' :’.7;7 Vi-‘v J "T' ; v PHILAPEIiPHIAj No*, 435 and 437 Chestnirt (sfr**t. : Asset* on January i« lSflSßy’ OO Chpttsl»v»»••••• ■••<••••••« wTP I odBwpw»*‘*»»».^:V i M«*yM M,»«i»«;*«.UWgg2., Pfmninwu.--' ■— .1.184^4110' TO l®™>Ct4niß.---- INdojgFOBW. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over fe 5 000,000. PemotnU ma Temytairy follctai ob Übfctl Term«l DIBECTOBB. ’ ‘ V ' f»» r - s&»*' ■ tafias* »«BowfiSbss s ,“ 6m fad Ajcende> W" rittibtaßlfcv- .- .fall: T\EIj£WABB MUTUAL BAB®TS' i llWtJllAßlci! COK- J-> ■> fry the tottoUtare of Feoiurt- OjEQeai B.' B. Street* on Wms. On aowkfryriTer. csn»l,Uke nhdUndearrUie toa!l On merchandise generally.'. .> OnStores.DwenlscMMi 1 ■ ■ . ABLETS OF THE OOI4PANY. 8200,000DnlteaBt»te« r |s« l }■ ' ■ lodcts «^i.<,. *. . soorqqq co i 120,000 UnUedStates Bix Far Cent -Loan, : 134,400 00. 59,000 United State* 7 3>lo Far.Copt. Loan, , _Treasury N0te5.....52,653 00' 290,000 Stata ofPcnasylTanisk Six Per Cent. . . .125,000 SW ’”® Loan (exemptfromtax)........... 115,025 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six Per. Cent ■■•■■■ I ; L0an...:.......................-... 51,00003 ■ 29,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Molt- - ; gage Six Per Cent. Bonds CO 25,000 PennsylvanlaßaUroadßoclmdMort. '- :c sane filz Per Cent Bonds • 21375 0 '25.000 western Pennsylvania Railroad Six - . Per Cent. . Bonds (Penna, KB. ; • guarantee)......'...—............. 31000 00 33,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. L0an........rTT:.”.....18.000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan ...1... 15,000.500 shares, stock .Germantown. Gas - Company, Principal and interest guaranteed by the City ol Phlla . aelphia..... ■' 15,000 00 7,500 150 shares stoekPenneylyania Rail. road. Company.. 7,00000 5,000 100 ah area stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company. ROOO 00 230000 50 shares stock Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship C 0..... i : . 15,000 00 20L900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties—.2JL9oo 00 SMOMOO Par „ - „ Value 51.U2.803 60 cost, tum,m ssb. Beal Estate.. 38.000 00 Bills Eeeeivable : for Insurances __ made..........—...... 319.1816 . Balances duo at Agencies—Pro. ; .. . • • mlmns on'Marine Policies—Ac- T ■ creed Interest, and other debts . duo the Company...-.-..;.43,33) 38 - Block and. Scrip of sundry. Iran, ranee and outer Companies. &5.076 00. Estimated value 3,017 00 Cash in Bank. #103,017 10 .Casitin Drawer........ .998 61 ■ : - 103,31563 DUtECTOESs • Thomaa C. Hand. JumaaO. Hanfl, lohn C. Daviv ' J Bamiiel E. Stofcei, Edmnnd A. Bonder, Jamea Traqualr, losophH. BetJ, ■<■■■. William C. Lndwi*, fheophilnj Paulding, Jacob P. Jones, Hugh Craig, . Jamop B. McFarland, Edward Darlington. JostaaEEyro., Tobn B. Penroeo, . .. John D. Taylor, H. Jomea Brooke, Spencer Mcßvafne, . Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.* aeorge G. Helper, - George .W. Bemadou. Wiluain G. Bouton, Jotm B. Semple, PUabaigh, Edward Lafcrurcade. D. T. Morgan, “ Jacol, Biegel. J^fre^ept. - ■ ,„ ■ . . .JOHN C. DAVIB, V&fl Rre&amt. HENRY LYLBEBN, Secretary. . ■ HENRY BAXiL. AndiUnt Betxotarr. ' OeSto 001 ■OWES,.' FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADEL pbia. Incorporated March 27, last Office, &W£t& fi No. 84 N. Filth streol Insure Building!, ,tktgm Household. Furniture.. And Merchandise by Eire tin the City ol fgaJnEHTO statement of the Aasetir of the Association January Ist, 1868, published in compliance with the pro visions of an Act of Assembly of April&th, 1842. Bonds and Mortgage* on Property In the City of Philadelphia only 81078,148 H Ground Rents 18,814 83 Real Estate..... 61.744 67 Furniture and Fixtures of 0ffice......! 4,490 03 U. 8.6-30 Registered Bonds 45,000 00 Cash on hand- 81873 11 TotaL BU2BJWI4 TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, Samuel Sparhawk, ‘ Peter A. Keyeer, Charles P. Bower, JohnCarrow. Jesse Lishtfoot, George I. Young. Robert Shoemaker, Joseph R. Lyndall. Peter Armbruster, IserrfP. Coats, M. H. Dickinson. Peter W lliamson. WM. H. HAMILTON. President. SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice Preeldent. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. 8431,177 71 8422,083 24 TIDE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—OF- A dee. No. llu South Fourth street, below Chestnut „ “The Fire Insurance Company of the Coqnty of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by the Legislature of Peimsylya da in 1839, for Indemnity against loss or damage by fixe, exclusively. ojpaXTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with amplo capita land contingent fund carefully invested, continues to Insure buildings, furniture, merchandise,dtc., either permanently or for a lTmitod time, against loss or damage by fir&at the 'oweat rates consistent with the absolute safety of its cut TtS. aborted within possible despatch, Chas.J. Sutter, Andrew H. Mlllor, Henry Budd, JameoN. Stone, John Horn, ' ■ Edwin L, iteakirti Joseph Mopre, I Robert V. Massey, Jr.. George Mecke. Mark Devine. _ - * ■ am T a ‘ CHARLES J. SUTTER, President / HENRY BUDD, Vice-President. BrnsJAioy F. HoncKur, Secretary and Treasure^ a?TN A Ui veUto ck insurance company XEi HARTFORD, CONN. / - C. C. KIMBALL, President . / T. O. ENDEES, Vice President J. B/TOWER, Secretary. • tyraifastDeath by Fire. Accident or Disease. Also, against Theft and the Hazards of Transportation. PHILADELPHIA UEFEHENOES. _ 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. J. B. Brooke, Manager Comm’l Agency, Ledger Building. A; A H. LoJambre, Cabinet*ware Manufacturers, 1431 David F. Moore’s Sons, Undertaken, 821 Vine at C. H. Brush, Man’r AStna Life 2ns. Co;, 4th beL Chestnut. H. K. Deacon, Lumber dealer, 2014. Market at Geo. W. Seed & Co., Wholesale Clothier, 423 Market st. WILLIAM C. WARD; General Agent, ' Forrest Building, Nos. 221 and 123 S. Fourth st, aplBm- ; - • ■ , - • Philadelphia, Pa» PHfENIX lUBTJRANCr COMPART r • • •. OF^PHTTjADKTiPHTA. INCORPORATED 1804—CHARTEB PERPETUAL, , - No. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the, Exchange, This Company insures from losses or damage by i FIRE on Üboral terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture • Ao., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium, • ... v : The Company has been In active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have hoes : •«““<» “VICTORS. ■ ; John L, Hodge, David Lpwrta, ' M.Tt.Mahonv, I Benjamin Erang, John T. Lewis, Thoa. U. Powers, ' Williams. Grant- A.R.McHenry, Robert W. Learning, Edmond Caatulon. ' D. Clark Wharton, ■ Samuel Wilcox, LawrenceLewiß, Jr, -LoufaC. Norris- . , : JOHN R. WUCHKREB. President. Secretary. : ; /A AME INSURANCE COMFANY. no, NUT4O3 CHEST J? Shoot, •». - ■■. , ' 1 PHILADELPHIA. i FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. •. . • DIRECTORS. FrandaN. Buck,- . Philips. Justice, Charles Richardson, John W.'Evennan, ! Henry Lewis- Edward D. Woodrufl. Robert Pearce. ' Jno. Kessler, Jr., ! Geo. A. West, .Chas. Stokes, - Robert B. Potter, - Motdecal Buzby, " “ FRANOISN-BUCKiPreßldent, ; : CHAS. RICHARDBON. Vice President. Wn-uiAus L Bujohakp. Becretarr. , . XVTANTED-BY, A LARGE IMPORTING AND JOB- T T bing Cloth House, an euicienc and experienced sales man, avell acquainted with Pennsylvania and Ohio trade! Address Cloth House, Bulletin Office. : 1 * jeM et" A YOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUATION AB Jiteacher of English and Latin, < Please address N. M.. Bulletin office. :■ u - . .jelGßt* IJODGERB’ AND -WOBTENHOLM’B POCKET li KNIVES! PEARL and STAG HANDLES, of boauU. tul finish.- RODGERS’ end WADE A BUTOHER'S, and the CELEBRATED LECOULTRE RAZOR. SCISSORS IN CASES of the finest quality. Razors, KntvevSclisora and Table Cutlery, Ground ana Polished. EAR INSTRU MENTS of the most approved construction to assist the hearing, at P, MADEIRA'S. Cutler aud Surgical Inatru ment Maker, 116 Tenth BtreaUbelow Chestnut, myl tij ‘‘V/ ;• c- r 8W07»8C515 WANTS. HARBWARE. IADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1868. rri-jTT-J Line Direct .Bn# la competed .of the Bnt-oUa' Captain O. Baker., \ BAX Os. XasO tomW Captain P. M. “Bogg*. ' _ IROKITIAN, 1.203 tone, Captain Crowell. TBeROMAN. fromPhiUl. VVcdneeday.Jtmo2». 10 A. M. 'lhe SAXON, from Borton.on Monday, Jono 22, 31*. M. Thete Steamibip# mail punctually, ana Freight will be received every day. a Steamer being alware onAhaberth. FteUbt for potota beyond Boaton «ent with deepaten.. Freight taken ior all polnta in New England and for wardedaadirected- Ineurance K. ~w . y ... , for Freight & fume tenpertot accommodation#), apMyte . mvSl" • saeouth Delaware nvonn#. ■J-Gai-.'- ■ PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND.NOB sfliffifc LINK TO f HS' •: t . ; BOIUTD-MIDWEBT, .v; ■ EVERY SATURDAY,: At Ndanfrom FIRST WHARF above MARKET rtret THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to oD polntaln North and; BonOr Carolina. yia'SeaboardAir'. Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth ahd to Lynch burg, Va„ Tcrmeuee and the 1 West; via- Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Richmond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED EOT ONCE.'and taken at LOWKB RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE, . The regularity, safety and cheapness of thla route’ com mend it fo the public aa the moei desirable medium lor carrying every description of freight ” No charge for commission, dray age, or any aspens*. transfer. . .. - ■ ... .’. WICr.OLIDBd 00* ~ . . UNovUiuml South Whursii : W.P.JTORTEB, Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P.CROWELLSCO., Agents atNorfottT- fold? £ggg|£BTEAMBHiP:- COMPANY'S REGULAR VIA HAVANA. On Saturday, June 20th, at S o’cloekA. M.' The , STAR OFTHE UNION wiU aaU PROM NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA, Saturday. June SOth. '-u The ..WYOMING , wIU aail fXiR UAVANNAH. on Saturday, June y7th, at 8 o’clock A.' M. . ahe TuNAWANPA io withdrawn for the present -, , The PIONEER will ran FUR WILMINGTON/N. tt, onThmyday, June 26th, gt 6p’clockP,M, rr ; ' Through Bills of Lading signed, and Paaaue Ticket! loldtoul yointaSonth andWesL.-; cv v i .. Wii.r.iAMi. JAMESI General Agent, (I-:. ... : CHARLES E.DILKEB, Freight Agent nos . - , : No. 81« South Delaware avenue. j-rr V ttaVaka BTEgMERH. . • SEMLMONTHLY UNB. ammmmrn .The Steamships . . HENDEICE HUDSON,...CaptHowOI STARS AND STRIPES ;.....-Capt Holmea These steamer* will leave this port for Havana everr ° t T^'«tea™Shi t B'WilsAND BTRiFEKHolmes,'m«*t«r, wUlsailfor Havana j on Tuesday morning, June 80th, at 8 o'clock. _ , Passage to Havana, #5O, enrreney„ No freight received after Saturday For frettht or p A SONS, - -txOiiy v - U 0 North Delaware iwwme. ' t! notice. r FORNEWYOBK.. ' : ZsBSUmBSm Via Delaware and Raritan Canal* EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propellers of the line will commence load* lug on SATURDAY, Slrt Inst; leaving Daily, aa nauaL . . • THROUGH IfJ 34 HOlijS. Goods forwarded by ell the-Linea going -ont of New York—North. East and West—free of commission. Freight received at oar Usual low rate®. . -■•_ = - .7" : ■ WM. 1 P. CLYDE b CO., - 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. J H9WailsheclfcOT. Bonih, Now York.’' mbl9-tf} AOA- 1 •- NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. «aanMS»-: Georgetown and_ Washington,. P.: ft.’, vis Chesapeake and Delaware CaUnl, with con. sections at Alexandria from the most Afreet route,for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest, ■ Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf hhov Market street, evory Satnraay atnoon. - • ■ Freight received daily, WM. P. CLYDE * CO., 1. . '.... 14 North and South Wharves. ,3. B. DAVIDSON. Agent at Georgetown. , M. ELDRIDQE a CO.. Agents at Alexandria, Vfr finis. : : foi-tr _ -~*pmn» h, NOTICE-FOB NEW YORK, VIA and Raritan Canal—Swiftsure Company—Despatch and Swiftsure Lines.—The business by theao Lines will bo re cumed on and after the ISth or March, For Freight, which will betaken on accommodating terms, apply to WK M. BAIRD & CO., 132 South Wharves. "mhlstf -MMiL'- DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE EaSSim3MZ Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Barges ' towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore HavredeJJrare, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE * CO., AgentS- Capt. JOHN LAUGH UN. Bnp’t Office, M S.Wharves, Phlla., , . fel-tf wEK.. WANTED.-A VESSEL OF 300 TO 500 TONS flSnj® Redeter to load for Montevideo. E. A.SOUDER ii CO., Dock street’Wharf. JelOJt rpilE AMERICAN SHIP J. MONTGOMERY, MA, I ling; Master, from Liverpool,' is now discharging, un der general order, at Smith's wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETEK WRIGBTTa.SONS, 115 Walnnt street. je2ott MSIBEB. MAULE, BROTHER & CO. IQeor spruce joist.' ipeot 1000. SPRUCE JOIST. JLOOO* . SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. , HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK. - _ MAULE, BROTHER & CO., S5OO SOUTH STREET. ror-o FLORIDA FLOORING. IQCO IODO. FLORIDA FLOORING. jLOOO, CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEF BOARDS. RAIL FLANK. . IQttQ WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. IQCQ ICDO. WALNUT ROARDS AND PLANK. J-ODO. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUTPLANK. 1 QCiQ UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER I QCQ LODO. UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER 1000. RED CEDAR WALNUT AND FINE. IQ£Q SEASONED POPLAR ■ lQ£tQ LODO. SEASONED CHERRY. • IODO, ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. , CIGAR BOX MAKERS. IQRQ LODO. CIGAR BOX MAKERS. 1000. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. 1 QCiQ CAROLINA SCANTLING. IOCQ LODO. CAROLINA H. T; BILLS. IODO. NORWAY SCANTLING. LARGE ASSORTMENT. IQ£;Q CEDAR SGINGLER IQOQ IODO. CEDAR SHINGLES. IODO. CYPREBS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. j QCQ SEASONED CLEAR PINE. IQOO LODO. BEASONED CLEAR PINE. IODO. CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FpR PATTERNS. FLORIDA RED CEDAR lOAIILI!, KKOTIIEK A CO., 2800 SOUTH STREET. PHELAN & BUCKNELL Twehty-third and Chestnut Sis. LARGE STOCK OF ' WALNUT. ASH AND POPLAR, ALL THICKNESSES, CLEAN ANDDRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND WHITE_PINE SHINGLES , SEASONED LUMBER, MICHIGAN. CANADA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TIMBER, SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK JOIST. BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. mha.ftm Yellow fine lumber—lso,ooa feet yeltxiw Fine Board* afloat and for Bale by E. A.; SOUDEH 4j CO., Dock street wharf. je!B4t «AS FIXTURES. GAB t FIXTUBES.-MISkEY, MEBKILL. THAfTKAHA, N 0.718 Gheatnut etreet, manuf acturen of Gaa Fixtures, Lamps,Ac., Ac., would call the attention of .the public to their, large and elegant aesortmentof Go*. Chandeliers, Pendants; Brackets, &c. They dlao introduce gas pipes into dwellings and: public buildings, and attend to extending,'altering and repairing gas pipes. 'All work warranted..- r IALL AMD BCY YOUR GAS-) W ' the maoufact urera, ' VANKIRK A MARBUAIX, j ' No. 9ia Arch street WANKIRK* MARSHALL, N0.\012 ARCILSTREET, V manufacture and keep oil atylqi of GaaFixtures and Chandeliers. , , Also, refinlßh old fixtures. / ( ( : .- WAN KIRK & MARSHALL N<V 918 ARCH BTREET, ¥ give special attention to fitting up Churches. Pipe run at the lowest , ■ ; , ; ! TTANKIEK & MARSHALL HAVE:A COMPLETE V Block of Cbandellirs, Brackets, Portable Stand and Brpnseß.atNo. Mjhtacfl streot. 'j O.OLD, GILT?AND \ELECTRO SILVER-PLATEI) at YANgIBK a MARSHALL'S. No, All work guaranteed, to (rtveeatlsfactlon. None ba first-class workmen employed. feB-smwdm9 . DENTISTRY. earn* 3°hn m./fine’sdental booms ®s3§«LNo. 219 Vine street.—Thirty years’ practice, and ■*e*moff 0 n 0 0 f thcSoldest established Dentists In the olty. Ladles beware of cheap dentistry. We are receivin* calls weekly from those that have been imposed upon, and are making new sets for them.’ For beautiful life like tooth, and neat and substantial work, our .prices are more reasonable than-any Dentist in the city.-. Teem plugged, teeth repaired, exchanged, br remodeled to suit, N ltrous Oxide Gas and Ether always on hand. To save time end money,*give its a call before engaging else where.-No charge unless- satisfied. Best of refer ence. iaUf.tu.tu.fim Btod)i> JAMES <tre#t REAL ESTATE BALK, JUNE 24 tBSS. < _Th!« Bale, on WEDNESDAY, at lAo'eloek, noon. •*«“ Exchanxe, willlneludo(befollowing— • TIOQ* ST.—A twostory fjr,mqa\vellln* and lot, 22? by 27<Meet, near Town’hlp Lin* Road, 28th Ward., Or . phaittf Court Safe-Estate of William Jlhelner, dol'd.’, OTIB-BT.—Frame house 'and lot, 21 D» 132 feet, S. E. of Girard avenue, leth Ward, Orphamt Court Sate—Estate ,rj ilargarrt I’cte, dic'd. ~ __ ; , F ov.fcs and 827 rITZWATEE fcT.— I Two- genteel four etory brick dwclllnaa with throe etory brick dwelling in the rear, lot 37 by 8U feet deep. ’ Snblect to ®<>3 80 ground tttt. Immediate possession. Sale t’eremploru. • HEAL ESTATE SALE. JULY L 1863. . ■ Thieeale, on WEDbEhDAY.at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Exchatge, will lntlude—,Vr Lr. ! ' J ’ 21)>e AtlltEH. OLD YORK ROAD, bflowThorp'a lane, -«2Sd Ward, with etono dwelling.' barn, dto. It will be in- ' tereected by Broad, ISth and 16th eta, and by Somerville end Clartceon eventtee. Bioad atreet to FieheVa lane a ehort dl’tencc from the property. .. Plan at the etoro. -Sale bi/order of Hein—Estate of James 8. Saver. dec'cL Bale at the Auction Store, on THURSDAY, June 25, at 12 .o'clock. noon, STONE DWELLING. ON 1 HE RID-IKROAD, neat tli* 9 rbilo stone, hoxborough. lot contuln’nn 35 perches. A djturned Orphan s* Court i&tate of John uioo ric#, AUCTION BAXES. Peremptory Sal©, Piirby ’Roaa. • ttOVSKS. WAGONS, Ac. v lON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. A lB o'clock, will bo sold without reserve. At tho Butter* fly Hotel D-rby road And 67th Atreet, the entire Block of Hor«*s yf agentfeman going to Europe.. Inclnded is the celebrated stallion'TulJyiown." Also, 6 other Horses, Wegcnfe, Harness, Blanbeta, Sc. The noises will ha war* ranted. . , -•- .. : May be examined at anytime. ! > Terms cash. x £ale absolute. - Executor's Sale-Estate of Dr. John Sc ; tt deceased. LEA»*i AND FIXTURE* 0£ A STABLE HORSE, ; JNSTRUMKNTO OF A VETERINARY BUKbEON, : 4c - ; & • on THURSDAY MORNING. , At 10 o’clock, will he iold :by.order, of Executor, at No,. 466 York avenue, above Noble atreet, the Lease and Fix tures ef a SUblci - Aha' a valuable bay Mare, In foal 1 a railing top Wagon,^UaftiM«^O^nc« Furniture, Ac. . Alep, a completcect of Veterinary Inatiumonta. NEAT FORTEi pNTUEBDAY MORNING. ‘ ' ! Jude 30,af IGo'otockiWiilbeeoldoyorderof Execvtor, .the neat Household Furnisure. Ingrain Carpets, Piano Fort*, tyarblo TopTablea; Bedsteads, KUchen- Uteniils, =: • AT PRIVATE SALE.' ■- „ - • BURLINGTON.—A Handaome Mansion, on Main rt, lots6byTOOfeoh •’ : -i WOODLAND TERRACE—Handsome; Modem Bed .dance, v v , 1 .• •- ■ • ; •"; ■ TVTARTIN BROTHERS. AtfCTIONEERS. . ! IYX (Lately Saleemenlor >L Thomas £.Sone), v■ - . No. 529 CHESTNUT atreet, rear entrance from Minor. Sale of modern oil paintings. , ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. , June 24. at 7X o'clock; atthe Auction Rooms, N 6. 6& Chestnut st, opposite independence Hall, by a collection of Modem Oil Paintings, handsomely framed. The collection comprises 100 Pictures, and will bear* ranged tor examination in the second story sales room on. Tuesday and Wednesday, 23d and *4th inata, ' .TO BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. , / THE ENTIRE SiOCK OF MR T. B. PUGH. STAPLE . AND FANCY STATIONERY, FANCY GOuDS. FINE BLANK BOOKS, LEAP PENCILS, TRAVELING BAGS. Ac. - / ; ~ . . • ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 329 Chestnut street, second story solo room, by catalogue, the entire stock of Mr. T. B. Pugh, Stationer, BookrolJer and Publisher, including !ai»e quantities of llrstdass S.ationory, (fresh stock) FooVcap, Letter, Note and Wedding Papers, in 1' rge quontitits; Envelopes of every description, fine Blank. Kooks. Letter Copying Books. Drawing Paper, Traveling Bags, Port emoimaiea, Arnold’s Ink, Faber's Pencils, Gold Pens, Bankers’ Cases. &c. Bile No. 1028 Wistar street. SUPERIOR Vfo LSNUT FURNII’URE, FINE CAKPETB. tic. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Jane 26, at 10 o'clock, at ft o. 1026 Wistar street, by cata logue, buperior Walnut Parlor Furniture, Diniiig rnom Furniture, Walnut Chamber Suit, Cottage Chamber Fur. nlture, fine Brussels Carpets, China, Ac. May be seen early on the morning of sale, r MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. - ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON* - A larg» number of Scientific, Foetic&i, Biographical and Miscellaneous Books; complete vole, of Our Young Folks? MogozJne, bonedand unoouud; Popular Books for sum* mer reading, Photograph Albums, Panor Bound Novels, «st The entire etork to be sold without resorvA . / ’ Catalogues oa Wednesday. ; rpHOMAB BIRCH * SON,. AUCTIONEERS ANT JL . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * • No, IUO CHESTNUT street. Rear Entrance 1107 banaom street -• .. , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCfOP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. - . Sales of Furniture at Dwelling* attended.to on the mosi reasonabletarmi.: , ; .s-;. -f* Sale at No. 1311 Chestnut street “ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO ’ lOKTE, CARPETS. COTTAGE FURNITURE, &C. ON TUESDAY MORNINGi At 10o'clock, at No. 1311 Cheatnut.Btreo f ,,will be sold, the Furniture of a family T«movingi comnrieihg--Uojo wood seven octavo Piano Foitt, Suit ol Walnut Parlor. Furniture, Bruaiels, ingrain and Venetian Carpets,'Cak' Extension Dining Table. 2d feet long; Oak Dicing-.reom Chairs, several Suita of Handsome Cottage Chamber Fur* niture. Beds, Matrerses and Bedding; china and Glaaa>i waro, Kitchen lurnlturA &c. • ‘ f Catalogues can be bad at the auction store on Monday.. BALE OF SOOO PIECES OF WALL PAPER. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At II o'clock, at the auction store, tvill be sold— tooo pieces of Handsome Glazed Wall Paper, to bo sold. in lots to suit purchasers. . % BALE OF A STOCK OF FINE OLD WHISKY, • BRANDIES AND WINES. ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 11 o'clock, at the auction store, will be sold— . Whifckies of eeveroi varieties. . Buzmeesey. Oldilartel and Rodraan Branciea: Dun, Gordon & Co., Amontillado and Yrate SheiTios. Crown ana Biuiueister Port, OldßescrveMadeira. Bohlen'sGin. Jamaica and St Croix Rum, . .... Bcoteh Whisky. ? Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Ginger and Lavendor Bran dies, ' To ho sold in demilohxiß, in lota to suit purchasers.^ "OuNUNG. DURBOHOW A GO., AUCTIONEERS, D Noa. 233 and 234 MARKET street, comer Back at. Successors to J ohn It. Myers & Co LARGE PEREMPTORY UaXJS OFISWIOASES BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW'GOODS. TRAVELING BAGS. Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Jnne 23. at 10 o’clock, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF 1600 OASES BOOTS. SHOES. STARW GOODS, HATS, TRAVELING BAGS, Ac. >. ... 3. ■ r- y NOTlCE—lncluded In our Large Sale of Boot*, Shoe*, &c„ . ON TUESDAY MORNING. ‘ V Juno'23, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT.atIO o’clock.will be found In part the following fresh ana'desirable assort meet* viz— Men’s, boys' and youths’ Calf, Kip and Buff Leather Boots; fmo Grain Lone Leg Dress Boots; Congress Boots ami Balmorals; Kip, Buff and Polished Grain Brogans; women’s, misses' ana children's Calf. Goat, Morocco, Kid,’. Enamelled and Buff Leather Balmorals t Congress Gai ters; Lace B. ots; Ankle .Ties: Lasting Gaitersi Metallic Overshoes, Slippers; Traveling Bags; Ac. o \ . LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, .■ =- ‘ ON.THURSDAY MORNING” June £Er. at 10 o'clock, on four months'credit CLOSING SALfe OF CARPETINGS, CANTON ' • MATTINGS, Ac. ■ ON FRIDAY MORNING. June 20 at 11 o’dockTon FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT. ; 200 pieces Ingrain. Venetian. Lilt; Hemp. Cottar* and Ear Carpeting*, 500 roll* White, Bed Cheek and Fancy Matting?, Oil Cloths, Ac, being tho lost Carpet b&lq for. tlieeeaton. . . v •’ • 1 & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. U Lato with M. Thomas A Sons. Store No. 421* WALNUT* Street.' (Rear Entrance on Library street.) Sale Na 421 Walnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. BRUSSELS CARPETS. dLOTHS. Ac. •: j ON TUESDAY MOBNING, AtlO o'clock at the auction store* an assortment of supeiior Furniture, Brasafllaandlngralti Carpets, fine Feather Bods, line Floor and Oil Cloths, China and Glass* ware. Housekeeping Ar icles, Ac, 4 ' • • Sale No. 1330* Arch'street. ' * J ' SUPERIOR FURMTUhE, LARGE MIRRORS*. FINE BRUSSELS CARPETS. CHEVAL GLASS, Ac. . ON ■ THURSDAY • MORNING, At 10 o'clock, T>y catalogue* at No. 1330 Arch street, in* eluding superior Walnut uudßrocatcUe Walnntand Hair Cloth Parlor Suits WalnOt Dining-room and Chamber, Sofia elegant Buffet, largo’ Mantle Mirrors, large French Plate Obev&l Gloss, Centre and Bouquet Taules, real Brussels Carpets, Ornaments, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. By babbitt ago.; auctioneers. > > k CASH AUCTION HOUSE, ■ No.-230 MARKET street, comer of BANK street Cash advanced on consignments withont extra charge, NOTICE TO CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE 676 LOTS. By Catalogue. ON TUESDAY MORNING., • Juno 23, commencing at 10 o'clock, .comprising a largo. Deportment of Dry Goods, Hosiery* Notions, Ready-made Clotmng* Ac. to close consignments for thi* eosson. . , Also, cases Straw Goods, Felt Hats, koots^ Shoes, Utn* Aleot’mock of Ready made Clothing, compriding a large vanety of seasonable goods. Also, stock of goods, Ac. B Y B - SCo ' l sd;oTT'3 ART GALLERY, ■ ; ON TUESDiY EVENINO. v . June 23, ot 8 o'clock, at Scott's -’rt Gallo: y. No. 1020 Chestnut street, will be Bol« without reserve, a Collection of Mi dern Paintings, of pleasing subjects, all elegantly mounted to.flne golfi loaf frames.; ; : STORAGE.— Proposals will be received for renting por tions of *ho Franklin Market for Storage, Apply to B. SCOTT, Jr„ 1030 Chestnut street. y fy j The principal money estabioshmeot* s, a corner of SIXTH and RACE street*. • . • . .Money advanced opt Merchandiso; gencffaUx-rWatchMi - JenelrV, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plata and on all . articlos of valne. for any length of time agreed on. WATCHK&AtoJEWELRY ATPRIVATESALE. .Fine Gold’HnntingCas&Donble Bottom and Oren Faoe English/ American and 8 wisa. Patent Lever Watches j. JPine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lerine Watches i Fine Gold Duplex and ether Watches ;. Fiao Silver Hunt ing Case-and Open Face English, American andßrnw ;Patent Lever and Levine Watches; Double CasoEnrilth Qaartifer and-other watches: Ladies' Fancy Watches i Diamond Breastpins: Finger Rings; Ear lung*; Stud** Ac.; Fine Gold Chains, Medallions: Bracelets; Soot Pins t Broastpihs; Finger Rings tPeneil Oases and Jewelry B °FCnB I SALE.--A large fs&d valuable. Fireproof Cheat suitable for a Jeweler ;coßtaefe). . . Also, several lots In Booth Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets.'. . A ' s * ' -V. BAJt'HX, *7' V j addition to which v/e pnbfiab. on s th* Satttrtay proritoe to each one thomand caialognei in pamphlet fotm»^ »t Prlvxte Solo. • - WTOur BNei are sbo to, tbe foDowbis newVp.parx: Nobto Amniiaxn, Pxzu, LxMxb. Chu IrrmuoxHoiß, iHQtfiBEB. Aox, Evztmvo BntLxrn*. GVK»maTXLEOIIAPH) Gxejiaj. Dxmocb*t, oc. ■ ■■■ W Fomlttir, 8«1m at tb. Auction-Stora EVBBV THURSDAY. ,-i-“■ ?. .n... * >. ■> - >■■■■• , WHalo.Btrodflencesreceiveeopecicl«t«btloa. .','. STOCKS. LOANS, Ac. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 23, At 13 o’clock noon, attlie Philadelphia Enrhangc, Executors* i ale— . 4 l sh are® Northern Liberties Gas Co. 6>6 charts Baltimore and FhfUdelphiaSteamboatCfe’w ■t 6u cbaret Banic United State*. ' , = f > . , ' For Account of Wbom it mar Concern—• : • ICOO b Dare* Phiuu Coal Co. CH. T». Cake* President) < . >For other Accounts . 25 shares Bank of Commerce. ••••*• •- y 50 shares Southern Transportation Co. ’ “ \ 25u share* Locust Cap Improvement Co.; 40 shares Cope May nod fdlllvillo Railroad Co. v . 1 chare Mercantile Library. •' 1 ehare Point Breeze, Fork, par 8230; dues pai^ • to 1869 '’ " ' • f ' T ? r '“— $lOOO bond Union Canal Co/' 5 shares Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Comp my “ •’••• ;• *• .• ■ 875 shares Pitmen CdalCo. " $5OOO Allegheny Valley Railroad 7 8-10 bonds* freo of ■ : ■ State t*x. 100 shares Empire Transportation Co. < ; i: 100 shares Central TrAroportatloxi Co. CifiMRTaKV' LOTS Lo’sNoe, 441* Sec. B, and 276 and 1 805, Sec. C* Monument Cemetery. ' v BEAL ESTATE BALE JUNE 2L Peremptory / Sale—by Order ol - Bcirs and Court-Estates of. Nathans, Minors, . Isabella Coleman- , under Yvfll of Isafah Nathans, dec’d.-TUREE-STORIc * . BRICK. STORE and DWELLING. No. m North Second meet ■- ••• 5 •• "• - '• Estate—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS No.l4BMargarettast ■: ■ Same Estate-rTHREESTORYBRICK BARE HOUS3S, ■ No. IWMargarettasL . ■ ' . Same WO STORY- FRAME STORE' N0w.124 Callowhill af , Bsmo Estate—THßEE-STORY- BRICK HOTEL* known as the “Eleventh Ward House.” No. 123 Callow . tullet. - Same > BRICK, DWELLING*.- No. 847NorthFront 8t« extending through’to Water at, OrphanavCourt bale—Batata ot Joseph Conrad, doc'a —•-• LOT, spruce et., west of Fifty-eecond : • Orphana’ Court Sale—Estate; pf : IX H. Brown. d*c*d.— 2)*.STORY FRAME STIHE anl IARGELOT, No. 1453 Hanover et\ corner of Pint with v 6 Three atory Brick Dwellings adjoinlog..OttßlhUt . Orphans' Court Bale—Estato of Mary Lewlellyn, dec’d. —TVVO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Lombard at, w e aft of Ninth. ■- *T •• Same Estate—DWELLING, Bhippen styeast ofNinth, Orphans*Court f ale—Estate of George ’Asher, dcc*d.- LARGE and VALUABLE CLaY, LOT, 6 ACRES, Kidgft avenue,'wT W, of MiflUnet • Q» phans’ Court Sale—Eatateof Thomas L. Woohton* ' dec’d-MODERN THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING* Nrt/771 North Twenty fourth fit, belo w Brown. Handsome modern three-story BRICK RE SIDENCE, N.E.cornerof Nlneteonthand Filbert ats. • Two 3&BTORY BRICK D WELLINGS, Nos. 1227 and 1229 Can by ft. 2 iBRICK DWELLINGS, No 8S Beck’s alley, between Front andSwonstnand Christian and Queensts.. • m. THREE STORY* BRICK DWELLING, No. 2W9 Hand et., between Fine and Lombard and 20th and 2UC, with a Three-story Brick Dwelling in the rear. Adnilnißtrators’ cf Taoy Roberts, dec’d.— ■ THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. .225 North Ninth st., above Raco. BsmoEeiate—GßOUND RENT, 854 a year. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING; No. 11S4 North Third >L. abovo Poplar, with a Three etory Brick Dwell* Ins in the rear. Sale' by Order of .Heirs—Estate of —— Hood, dcc'd, -Bubinitss BRICK STORE and DWELLING yN. W. comer of Front ond QUeon eta v ' with a Frame Dwelling on Queen fit. . : Business Location—4 contiguous LOTS, Broad street* comer of hodman, between Lombard and South sta. v .<,.... MODERN THREE2STOKY BRICK RESIDENCE, Nat' 2330 Green si, 4o feet front* 125 feet deep; Haa the mo* 5 dern conveniences. Immediate possession. ' • FRAME DWELLING, Pour at, Heatonvillo, Blockluy Township. Weist Philadelphia, BUILDING LOT, Taira eti: between .Norrifi and Dia mond. 19th Ward. REDEEMABLE GROUND RENT, ®l£o a year. TWO-STORY, FRAME DWELLING, No. 713 South Sixth et. • < HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RE- * SIDENGE, No. 1604 Green Bt. Haa Ml the modem con* Vcniencea—lB bv 131 feet . . : . •••• r * VAi.CABLE LOT, tJ.E.corner42dand Market its. VERY ELEGANT: FOUR-STORY (BRICK RE9L. DFMJK.N. Kcoruerof 16th and Pineals. Has all tha ; modi m conveniences. • : HANDSOME MODERN FODRSTORY BRICK-. R»-SILENCE, north side of Pine sWfourth house east of - sixtoenfhat . _ : SLPEMOR'AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE, Stabla and Coach House and Large: Lot 76 feet front, 216 feet/ deep, N. E. comer 18 h and Summer ate., opposite Logan. Square. ■ -\-o; Sale No-1243 Marcher Btroet HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, 6c, s ON TUESDAY MORNINGS June 23, at lu o’clock, at No. 1243 Maecher at., between Fiont and’ Second aheetßi above Girard avenge, the Household Furniture, Feauter Beds, Carpet*, Kitchen enmiture,&c. ~ •. MISCELLANEOUS AND MEDICAL BOOKS FSOM ... MHUAKIE*. ON TUESDAV AFTERNOON. Jono S 3, at 4 o'clock. s ■ 5010N0.1113 Lombards tree', SUPERIOR FURc ITURB, ROSE WGOD PIANO. BRUSSELS OAItPETS.’C’IUNA, &C. -■ „ ON. FRIDAY MORNING. r< , • »- . Jims 20, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1413 Lombard street, by catalogue, the entire very superior Walnut Parlor: anti. Dining-loom Furniture, olefiant Knsowooa seven octavo Piano, made by Uazelton. Brothers; Cottage Chamber, Furniture, fine Foathor Beds, Hair Matrcsses. Brussel* and other Carpets, China', and Glassware. Cooking Uten sils, Ac. ‘ • , May be examined on the morning of sale, at 3 o’clock, • , ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. . . , July 1, at lO o’clockiot No 39 North. Twentieth street.- second story, will he sold, by order of Assignee, Sizer, or Starching: Machine, with steam; nines; Braiders,.Stand. Drumß and Shafting,. Spooling afucMuo, Hoop Skirt Braided Wire. Belts and’ Shaf'iiiK. Platform Soalo, Sew ing Machine. Furnaces, Old Iron. fie. .. . , . May be examined on the day of sole, at 8 o’clock. W H. THOMPSON * CO.; AUCTIONEERS. . CONCERT HALL AUCTION KOOMS, 1213 .. CHESTNUT etreot and 1219 and 1221CL0 VER stroot.- CaRD.—We take pleasure in informing the publio that; our FURNITURE SALES are confined Btrictly to entirely NEW and FIRSTOLAB3 FURNITURE, all in perfect , order and guaranteed In every respect. , Regular Sales of Furniture every WEDNESDAY. Out-door soles promptly attended to BALE -OF SUPERIOR NEW AND' FIRST-CLABS’ HOUSEHOLD FUKNITUBEi dtc. ’ ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. June 24, atld o’clock, willbo sold, at tho: Concert Hall ; Auetiou Rooms, a.veiy desirable assortment of Household Furniture, comprising—Antique and modern Parlor Suite :< In French satin brocatolle, plush, balrclotb, terry, ana reps, iu oil and varnlshedr Bedsteads, Bureaus and; wash-, stands, In Elizabethan, Grocian' and. other stylos, with a largo assortment of other artlelea. J . - SILVER ELATED I’.E PITCHERS. , , A Iso, an invoice V 1 8* Silver Plated Ice Pitchers. -- ' • 1 TL. ASHBRIDGE A CO.i AUCTIONEERS, . No. 05 MARKET street above Fifth. LARGE PO3XTIVE BALEMJF BOOTS, SHOE 3 AND. i; ON WEDNESDAY MORNESG. i 'June 3J, at ic o’clock, wo will eoll by catalogue, about 10U1 cases of first class city aid Eastern make of Boots and Shoes, Balmorals, Brogans, Slippers, drew'of men's, women's and children's wear, to which the 'attention of the trade is called ■ " . ~ Open early on the morning of sale for examination.,, .. GD. MoCLEES -dr - CO.. :. ’, ■; - ■ . ' SUCCESSORS TO ’ ' MoOLELLAND dr CO,. AUCTIONEERS, No. 608 MARKET sheet , SALE OF 1900 CASES BOOTSuSHOES. BROGANS,Ac. <JN THURSDAY MORNING,-. , Juno 25, at 10 o’clock, we will sell by catalogue; for cash, a large and desirable aesottment of Boots, Shoes Bro gans. Ac. - • - -- 1 1 ' ! . Abo. Women I ', Misses'and Children’s city madegoods WINES, EIifSIOKS, dee. gEKEDICTHIB. Cea Moines BtSnedictlns do l’Abbaye do FOcuthp, (France). Coracao Imperial, Russian Kummel, French Bittern. Brandies, Champagnes* Clareto, and otha* Wines ; and Cordials. . -r ; • : r, v • * •• ' , C. DEGAUGUE& CO.,< ; General Agents and Importers for the United States and Canadas,, tio. S William street. . . ~Now York City. jel7-w,f.m.Bn)f > DRUGS. PURE PAINTS,—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE PURS ; £ -White Read, Zino White end Colored Paints of our; own maiiufactur c.o fnn double climrl iy: in quantities to unit purchasers. ROBERT SHOEMAKERdr COoDeata* ; In Painta and Varnishes, N. E. corner Fourth and Raea streets. ; |J; U-u n027-tf - ■ LSOBERT SHOEMAKER ® CO« WHOLEBALB >' Lb Druggists," "N. E. corner Fourthard Race-street*. —v Invite the attention of Ho Trade to their-large atock of’- Fine Drugs and Chemicals, Essential Oil*, Bpougaa, Corks, &c. ■' .. ' - - ' - - - noU7W - • 11HUBARB ROOT. OF RECENT; IMPORTATION,-; fv end very superior quality: White Gum Arabic, East, India Castor Oil, White and Mottled Castile SeanF. Olive ' Oil, of various brands. For. sale bv ROBERT SHO&; MAKER & CO., Druggists, -Northeast comer - of-Fourth < and Race streets. ■ ; ~,, ... .. , m37-t£. 'i r\RI!fIGIBTS' SUNDRIES.— MORTAR. IJ HU Tiles. Combs, -BrnshdSi’ Mirrors, TweezeriPul! Boxes, Horn Scoops, Snrgicallnstnunenm..TmBSes, Hard and Soft, Rubber Goods, vial Cases, Glass and Metis Syringes, dre all at „ -aps*tf - q v'., 23 Booth Elghthsfroet mHE, VERITABLEqJEAU DE COLOQNE-JEAN A MARIA FARlNA—ThomoatfaacloatinKof .all,toilets waters, in festivity or sickness, and tbat which hosglvea . name and celebrity to this exquisite land refreshing per* . fume.’- Single bottles, 75 cents. Throe for twodollara. ■ - • HUBBEEEilApotheearv. 1 - ' , ap27.tri ■ ■ i ;'PllaChi*trio t street ' THE PHILADED < . %3n PUIA RIDINGSCHOGL, Fourth streeh.abovA a" 1 Vine, will be found every: facility for acquiring: a knowledge of this healthful and olegsnt accomplish,. ment; The School la pleasantly ventilated end warmed, the homes safe and well trained, , An Afternoon Class for Young Ladle*. ■ ■ ■ Saddle Hones trained In the best manner. Saddle Horsesi Hones and Vehicles to hire. Also. Carriages to Depot*. Fartlev Wedding*. Sho S ’ i »att r THOMAS CRAIGE S StfU 1 ■ - - ■■■■ ■ A-vr-r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers