PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXII.—'NO. 63. 'the evening bulletin PUBLISHED EVEBT KVKMISO . (Sundays excepted), AT THE HEW BVU.ETIN BOTEDKIO, ~607 Chotnnt Street, Philadelphia, • ' ‘ bVTUX • ' " A ' evening bulletin association. ' MQFBIETOBA- “ FRANCIS WELLB. . ... . TUo BtruJtrm 1* served to subscriber* In the city at 18 • eeou per week, payable to the carriers, or 88 per annum. ■ AmebioaN Life Insurance Company, , Of Pbiladelphtoi , ; sfj, E. Comer Fourth and Walnut Sts. i'.'.L ’ x'k... ■ ISTThis Institution hat no superior in the United ' £laUl - - - ■ cWtfi INVITATIONS 'FOB WEDDINGS, PASTIES, - AO« fe3M» TAYLOR-NELSON.-On Wednesday. Jnno 17th, in ■Parifl. Illinois, by Bov, & Newell. 1), U., Mr. J. H* Taylor, SrTbnSddihlSf p£ tpkißS AL!AdclUNelson, daughter . order of the Society of Friend* WUUim 'Walmdey, of Philadelphia, to Caroline, daughter # ©f Daniel Trump, of Germantown. - «■ u „ fc A NDBEWB.—On tbesWthiDPt.inbcrtntb year, Hannah L.. wife of Jarnea Andrew#, of Darby. . ... tn The relative* and frtendaof-theJamny «e inviiedto attend the funeral, on Fourth-day, the 21th Inat, to meot at the house at 10 A. M. A , . „, tIM r ,.„ HK< OKE - On the 20th Instant, at Walnut Hills, Gin* cicnatLJ. B. Brooke, of thin city, in the 48th year of his age . intermetn nt Eaton. Ohio. ’ _ IBEY MAN.—On the evening of the twenty-finrt instant, Alexander Heyoian. jn the fiur-elgbthyear of hlaage. The relative#, friends of the family, *?d Kcnescth Israel Lodge No. 101, M. O. B. B- are respeetfnUy invitod to attend the funeral, irora HD late residence, No. 830 North Sixth street. <m Wednesday morning, at ft A. M. PAXTON.—Un Saturday, the 20th tnefc. Sue J.. wife of ..7. barton Paxton, and daughter of tholato lir. James B. 1 ' herhusband,lOUl*”*’? street on Tuesday, the 23d Inst., at 9 A. M. To WoodlandsOcmctcry. , „ a PAUKEit—On Sunday evening, 21ft InsU Moms S. Parker, to the Dlat year of his axe. .a _ Ills relatives and male friends' an respectfully invited to attend hi* funeral, iroin Ms late rMidence..No. North Fifteenth street on Wednesday afternoon next Bavill, tofant son of Cavlll and Catharine Scbotield, aged 7 months. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited • tiw funeral. from the parents’ residimee. No •4216 Main sueet Manayunk, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 * SMITH.-On the 20th loitut. In the 3d year other ago. Victoria Gertrude, daughter of George A. and Elina H. Ftfneralfrom the re, id once of lierparentATloga street and Germantown nailxoad,onThiro-day, 23dinstant.^at S SOUDEB.-On the 21*t Inst-, Mr*. Kate, wife of Jacob F. Ssuder. and daughter of the tateJohnMdchcr^ 'I he rtlstives and friend* are respectfully tnvlted to attend the fimcjal, tromthejesldcnceofher mothm^te. law. Mrs. Catharine Souder. No. 730 North Tenth street, •on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Monn- evening, thei ISthlnat, Canby , Thchth atrest, abava Master. BLACK LLAJ! A LACE POINTS, 87 TO 8100. whitkt.uama shawls, WUIHS SHETLAhDDO. WHITE BABEOE DO. WHITE CRAPE MAHETZ. , - . . . - EYRE A LaNDELL. Fourth and Arch eta. SPECIAL NOTICES. oer BOABDMAN’S Firat Grand and Opening Excursion ATLANTIC CITY, Satu day Afternoon, Jane 27, 1868, LcaTlmt Vine Btreet Wharf at 5.45 P M-. affid L KETURNINO MONDAY MORNING. Leave Atlantic City at 7A. M, June 29th. Ticket* lor Round Trip - « J ou - Jc23 6UpS ■ - OFFiCE'PEtiNaYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PAN Y. . PnnJLDEUPmi, May 13th, 1863. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—In punnance of reeo- Eotlons adopted by the Board of Director* at a Stated: Mectins he*" thla day. noticels hereby riven to the Btook bolderoof lCompany thatthe7wulnavetho privUeco of eutecrihlnu. elther directly or by substitution, under nuchrnlSae may be prescribed therefor, for Twenty-flve °HoMm™? tea than four Sttarea vt P l , j? ri | l 'mo?a Slmral r h e £ .^f u & u o& “aSilfription* to the nowBtock vriU be received on and after May fOtb, 1868, and tho privilego of subscribing Account°c3’ thmnew Share, .hall t Per Gent at thetime of mibicription. on Or before the 80th day of July, W6B. , 2d. Twenty-live Per Cent, on or before tho 15th day of Per Cent on or before the 15th day of J Uh. Twenty-five Percent on or before tho 15tt day of December, 1669,0rif Stockholder* should_prefer,the whole amount may be paid up at once, or any remaining inatal- Sentamay he paid up fh full ot tho time of the payment- Sfthe second 01 thirdinatalmentanaeachiMtatoentpaid np eh oil be entitled to a pro rata dividend that may bo de clared on foil eliare*. THOMAS T. FIRTH, mvH-tiyUOtrp ’ Treaaurer. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYVANIA—FACULTY * el ' OF ARTS —Tho Annual Commencement for C on ferring Degree, will he held on THURSDAY, Juno -oth, in tho Academy of Music, at 10 o'clock. A. M. The Rever end Clergy, Judges of the United State, and State Courts, tho Mayor of tho City. Select and Common Council., the Board of Director, and President ol the Girard College, -tbe Principal of the Con ral High School, tho candidate, •forthe Degree of Master of Arts, and othw Graduates of the Univcraity are invited to join the Faculty in the Foyer the Academy, at a ]el9-sti V " Becrttary of the Faculty of Arts. THE ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE of the PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, Cheater, Delaware county, wiU take place at the Academy -Ground., TUESDAY, June 23d, 1868. The foßotving will "be the order of tho day: , ~ .Commencement......— —• A. M. Military Review and Dree Parade 12 M. ■Openixig'Eserche atNcw 8ui1ding.'............ 2 P. M. The friend, ol the Institution are cordially invitedto be ureßsnt. XHr*vJ» UXAi *i ”a°3txpS Presideut. ' afn~ PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD Bu COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 227 SOUTH FOURTH -STREET. Pmr.anHT.TOT A. May 27,1868 NOTICE tothe holder* of bonds of the FhUadolphla and Reading Railroad Company, due April 1.1870:- The Company offer to exchange any of these bond, of each at any time before the lataay of October next, .At par, for a new mortgage bond of equal amount,bearing per cent* interest* clear of United S tates and State taxes, / '** fcer uext' will be paid at’ maturity In accordance wit. • *SSeir tenoTV ms29-tocU g* BRADFORD, Treaaurer. b UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. FACULTY OF ARTS. a . . The axmual Examinationa of the Junior, Sophomore ana SFreenmen Claßßes, at tbe cloee of the College Year, willco -Iheld daily (except Satudaye) from 10 till 2 o’clook, from &th to June 23d. _ _ : Candidates for admission wiQ be examined on Wednes day, June 34th, at 10 o'clock. • . The Commencement will be held at tho Academy or Wu.ic, June JACKaON jes-16t$ • : : Secretary of the Faculty* ?CWSg» UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. »***' FACULTY OF ARTS.—The examination of c&n dldatea for admission will beheld at the University, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th of June, at 10 o'clock, a. M. Students can apply for admission to pursue the full course tfor the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or only that portion of at for which the degree of Bachelor.of Science is given, or any portion, as the Faculty may sanction. , - ; • - -FRANCIS A. JACKSON, ’ i jcliUt . : , - Secretary of tho Faculty of Arta. STATES TREASURY, PHILADEU 7PHIA, June SO, 1868. ; Holders of Thirty or more Coupons, duo Ist prox. can *jow leave them at this office for, examination and count. Checks for tho same will be' ready at that time if found * C °Jo233ts_ Treasurer uf'sV agif NEWBPAPEBB. BOOKa. PAMPHLETS. WASTE paper, 6c., bought by - E. HUNTER, epSS-tfrp No. 613 Jayno street Paito dtJbrtriitjg IMlefiit. SPEOIAIiI NOTICES* W5F> POST-OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. PA., JUNE A** 7 so. IBBB.—Mall foi Havana, per.Bteamercuha. sall- Irefrim B.ltlmo’e, will close at this oIHce,TLE3DAY, JsSlnit. at 10 A.M. H. It-BIWOHASL it Poftmaster. MSP- UNIVEBSITY, OF , PKNNSk LVANIA.-A meeting of all Graduate* and former Students,wlU be lit Id at the College IlalUon TUESDAY EVENINU. S3d lnat. atBo’clock. J°332t»j ANDALUSIA COLLEGE HOLDS IrS AN nual Commencement on tVEDNESDAY, June 2tth. Cant leavo Kenelngton Depot at 10.15 A. et. j c?9 2t,* »Cfr- THE ONLY COBUECT I> II OTO OKA PH ■W Coplea of the “New *«»oWe7emnle.” adopted by the Grand Lodge, may bo had or F. GUTEKUNeT. No. 712 Arch street ■ v. , - )c2oBtrp«; PHILADELPHIA OBTHOP/EDIC HOSPITAL. No, U South Ninthetreet t Club-fpot, hip and «?*- -..t Blmmm and hodilj dafarmtllaa treated. Apply dally atlS o’clock. apis 3mrp? Mgß» HOWABD HOSPITAL. NOS. MlB AND .H2O wO Lombard street Dispensary Department—Medltml treatment and mediclneo furnished gratuitously to the poor. : EUEOPEAN AFFAHJS XETTEB FROH PARIS. Departure of thte Coart from Ptrlß- The National finance,—Condition of tlic Hudvet—lmportant Exhibit,—ni ne,, of tlae Emperor—The Earl, Knees —The Havre Exhibition. ICorreipon denca of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Paeis, Tuesday, June 9, 1868.—The Court leaves, the Tulleries this morning for the Palace at FontaSnebleah; holies the Emperor has changed his mind within the last few hours, a thing which. In his present “vacillating” mood, not unfreqnently happens to Kapoleon 111. There are projects of longer journeys spoken of; but the head of the government in Prance is still too important a personage to go further off while his . Chamoers are sitting, or , bury himself in some snug retreat, like good Queen Victoria of England, and leave his ministers to take care of them selves! The session seems likely to be dragged out t 6 a considerable leDgth. We are just informed that tbe Budget will probably not be ready for discussion till towards the end of the present month; and the Commission of <the Chamber, the Government and theConseil d’Etat are squabbling so long about the loan, that it seems doubtful also when that matter will be finally agreed upon and settled. The Chamber evidently grows more testy and festive every year about money; and certainly it is not to be wondered that it doe 3 eo; for there probably never yet existed so extravagant a government on the face of the earth as that of the Becond Empire; When I say “extravagant,” I mean In the sense of the enor mous amount of Its expenditure; not that more is wasted by It,’of even spent improperly, except so far as all money Is spent improperly where more is spent than either a nation or an individ ual can afford. It is under the latter category that the financial delinquencies of the existing regime tn France must be classed. The Emperor has spent, on the whole, perhaps, we always except- | 'ne such outrageous fooleries (as M. Thiers called them) as the Mexican expedition. But then he has gone on spending,' Bpending, as though he really believed that the resources of the country he,governs were, a? he ,once himself) enned them. l ‘incpuisables." There has been ho 1 feature of his reigD more marked than this spend thrift habit; end it is one which his enemies, both within and without the Chamber, never weary of pointing out to the attention of the country. There has just appeared, for instance, in the Retue da Deux Honda, apropos of the new Loan and the Bndget, a Btrong article on the financial. operations and extravagant tendencies, of the present government. It is a powerfully written and elaborate review of the entire sub ject, from the pen of a writer well calculated to treat of It, M. Andre Cochut; and It is scarcely possible to Imagine a more startling and dama ging statement of the way in which the public purse has been managed by those to whom it is entrusted. The objeet of the article Is to demonstrate that no previous government in France ever “borrowed”, so much money, applying that term not merely to direct “loans,'' but to every means used for “raising the wind”—as the present. And when I say that ac cording to the writers summary of the sum so raised, tbe entire amount has been no less than 4,322,000,000 francs, you will agree with me that if he makes good such figures, his case is a very strong one. Of course, the above prodigious ex penditure is altogether apart from and over and beyond the produce of the regular and increas ing revenues of the county. It is dif ficult to control or appreciate the value of such statements; but every item is put down, and the Government challenged to contradict them if it can. The appearance of such statements, jußt when new loans and budgets are before the Chamber, rouses of course the attention and jealousy of the country, and compels its representatives to puton a semblance at least of watchfulness and, surveillance. Ac cordingly, the Loan Commission wishes to re duce the amount from 440 to -ill millions, and demands a strict and separate account of the way in which the money is expended. Above all, the Commission seeks to pledge both the Cham ber, the Government and the country itserf to a peace policy. ' It declares that “it cannot be too . often repeated that the present armaments have no aggressive tendency,” but “are only meant to place the materiel of tho French army and navy on a level with modem progress;" and that the Commission is convinced that the Govern ment, “like the entire country," is “desirous only of peace, and determined to maintain it.” I have no doubt that reiterated assurances on both the above points will be insisted on by the Chamber and given by the Government,when the Loan Bill comes up for discussion. The country is getting sick of uncertainty, and sick of extra vagance and taxation. TheEmperorhasbeensaiittabe unwoll."~But the attack (of rheumatism) must have been very slight, for I saw him out yesterday, looking as well as usual. . 1 , ; While the Court remains at Fontainebleau," tbe Emperor will, it is said, be able to complete, and publish the second volume of the History of Caesar, which is now far advanced. I believe there is no doubt that Napoleon lII.' now wishes t 6 be elected a member of the Academy of France, and to bejone of tho Forty, and that he grounds his claim to this literary distinction chiefly on the historical • composition on whicb-he is now engaged. Jle is a cjtrlons compound, this Heaff of tls Secobd-'Emplre. He. hits puzzled most men during his life, and the true appreciation 'of, his character will perhaps equally embarrass the future historian who shall write his reign. ; The Grand Prix de' Paris, the international race, as it is termed, for 100,000 francs,and a mag nificent piece of plate, -added by -the Emperor, wasmn for, as usual, oil Sunday last, in the midst of a concourse of people estimated at Borne two or ihreo hundred thousand. The English, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1868. who, partly In public opinion, partly for want of a horse, had not appeared' on this Sunday race-course for the lost year or so, this time put In a competitor In the person of Lord Hastings, a dissipated young noble, over head and eare ln debt. Hls horse, the Karl, was successful, and carried off. the prize, to the great disgust of John Crapaud, who does not like to see French money go into English pockets. The winner netted 137,200 francs, besides the piece of plate. The Emperor; Empress and Prince Impe rial were: all present, and are announced by the Moniteur. as haring been “enthusiastically re ceived;” The concourse of carriages In the Champs-Elyeees, going and returning from the race,’, w.ois quite marvellous by the number and splendor of the .equipages.. Every onO goes as if going to Court, with servants In fall dress liveries, coachmen lit bag wigs and eflk stockings; horses’ heads decor ated with; bouquets of .ribbons lor,, flowers, ike.; and the female Inmates of the carriages attired in prodigions toiUtta de co<trtes, pr racing costume of (he most extravagant description! ' The Grand Prlx Is the closing event of the fishlonable sea son, and hosts of people are leaving town this morning, like the Emperor' and Empress. \ The French accounts of the Havre Exposition are much less favorable than some that have ap peared In the English press. The Figaro says it la an “immense imposition;” and even th pDibaia represents it os a mere copy in mlnlatnre of the one of last year, and of course very Interior In every respect. . All accounts agree In stating the preparations at the opening to have.been greatly behindhand, and hardly any thing to have been im | its place. -'Bonus. Consecration of Bishop KcOlotKey, of louluvllle—A Pcuiißylvanlan Ap pointed Eleatoimnt-fcolonel of the le gion—TJbeOrganization of tne Ame rican contingent. • tCorrcapondence ol tlie New York World.) - ~ Bomb, May 27th, 1868.— Last Sunday morning bavlbg, in common with all the friends of the Rev. Dr. McCloskey, lately elected Bishop of Louisville, ah invitation to be present at his con secration, I went down at So’ciockto *he Church of the American College.'' This .. found all decked out with gay hangings and flowers, i and crowded to the almost. The simple, earnest manner with which the Cardinal Reieach, the officiating Bishop, performed ■he long service, and the suggestive "nature of every detail,- were very, striking. Two other Bishops assisted the Cardinal, Monslgnor Vitelleschl and Monsignor do Meitxte, Cardinal Barnabo, and several other prelates and dignita ries of the Chttrcb being present among the. con gregation assembled. The Prior of the Irish Dominicans, Father Mulooly, of St. Clements, and the Sectors of the Irish and English •Col leges, Dr. Kirby and Dr. Calligan, were all there. When the religious ceremony was:terminated we all met in the refectory of the College, there to offer - [personal congratu lations to the new: bishop, and to partake of • refreshments in the form l of coffee, choco late, water-icts. and cakes. There were about a hundred and fifty present at the ceremony and coilatiOD. two cardinals and half a dozen bishop's sitting with- Dr. McCloskey, at the head of the long table, which was decorated with exquisite fresh flowers in handsome stands. Dr. Chatord, the Yice-Rect6r,now 'takes the position of Rectoir, in replace the newly-consecrated bishop, who will shortly leave Borne to preside over his'dio cese. Probably he will return before the end of the year, however, if the report prove true that in December will be held the Ecumenical Counci). Among other on dits in Rome the conjectures regarding the probable increase or decrease of the French army of occupation and the foreign ele ment in the Pontifical troops are extremely con tradictory. . The fact is beyond doubt with regard to the latter, that there have been desertions to a considerable extent from the corps of Zouaves and otters, and that the strong measures which have been adopted have not hitherto succeeded in preventing many who fonnd themselves dissillusione, from returning to their own countries. Statements are made by the Roman correspondent of the Naxione, of Florence, the unreliable nature of whose Roman news is really remarkable when contrasted with the rest of that able paper, to the effect that only a few enthu siasts are likely to arrive now from time to time, scarcely sufficient to fill up the blanks caused by desertion. Bnt Instead of this, we are expecting here before long the American regiment. 1,000 strong, sent out by the Catholics ot America to he maintained here by the committee free of all charges, to the Holy. See. - General Carrol Tevis, ‘oi Philadelphia, has received from the Pope the appointment of Lieutenant- Colonel of the Legion. It will possibly be re membered that this officer distinguished himself in the Turkish' service, where he fought in the Crimean campaign against the Russians. After rejoicing probably in the title of Bey, Tevis,dlige Bepno, grew so “keen to see his homo again,” that'he returned to America, and afterwards, when the war broke out, entered the Federal service under Gen. Rnfns King. He was made Colonel of a regiment of rebel prisoners who en listed in the Northern army, and he received bre vet rank for his services. After the war he mar ried, made a runaway match of it with the beau tiful daughter of a well-known Jewish family,the Florences of. Philadelphia, Tfie lady’s family were Indignant at this marriage with a Christian,. and Mr. Florence proposed to cut off his daugh ter from any share in his large property, and they all went immediately into deep mourning to testify thatihey considered her as dead to them in future. But Mr. Florence is said to have died lately without "making any will, wherefore, la belle Juive will eome into her legal share, and receive some three hundred thousand dollars after all. General Tevis was already created, 6ome months ago, one of the Pope’s private chamberlains; those gentlemen who appear at . the high functions of the Church in Spanish cloak and ruff and sword. His promotion to this honor and to the Lieuten ant-Colonelcy Is creating much jealousy among the noble Romanß. Especially they object to his being tolerated, indeed encouraged to remain here; a Catholic husband of a Jewish wife, when many Romans, united to. Protestantß, cannot, on this account only, show their faces here in their native'city;' where ’ such marriages are looked on as discreditable and Invalid. Some of tho more dissatisfied among the English and Irish Zouaves have declared that as soon as the Ameri can contingent Js7 established, with an efficient commander and officers,' they will endeavor to obtain permission to enrol themselves under the same standard, and rally round the flag, and shake themselves free from the petty annoyances they feel now subject to at the hands of French and Belgian and Bavarian sergeants and corporals and subaltern officers whose self-complacent au thority 1 > 1b extremely -irksome to tho bold Britishers. They find" that the faithful duty under orders from men socially and intellectually, generally speaking, much their in feriors, is a bitter draught to swallows; Their en thusiasm is continually subject to dampers, and the self-sacrifice and devotion they eome ready to offer (in theory) at the feet of the Holy Father lose all poetry and illusion when they find it ne cessary to submit, for discipline's sake, to tl)e control of men whose , commands, issued in ; a foreign language, are obeyed withA grudge, and often much resented in private. The modern Crusaders feel quite as rebellious occasionally to foreign authority as dld tbose of old In Palestine. GREAT BRITAIN. Will Vlciona Abdicate ? j u [Echoes from Tho Clubs.) v ' 1 The House of Commons, having made up its mind to put an end to tho" Church, is now Bald to OURWHOIiE COUNTRY. contemplate recommending Her Majesty to abdi cate. what that omnipotent Chamber-will next attempt we cannot venture to guess. It would be a very pretty embroglio If the Queen, -who is evidently weary of queenehip.and of London,and of everything except the memory of the Prince .Consort, were to give up the whole business. If we felt perfectly assured that the Prince of Wales was thoroughly np to the work of a King of England, In the most difficult crisis since* Charles I. k lost his head," we should say, the sooner the better.' At present democracy 18 kept In check by the fact that a lady holds the sceptre ; bnt these are no times for such courte sies, and if monarchy la to be saved, it mast be by the brain and will of a boro monarch—and England has been prolific in boro monarchs, since the days when Alfred saved her from heath enism. < An Edward, I. would be the. man for the moment : will Edward VII. be in any measure likehlm? ' :.. .The teadeamen,would probablyllke, Her Ma jesty to abdicate, contemplating; thereafter abrilr llant metropolis, a joyous court, with a gay young king and beautiful young queen, happy themselves, and making the world happy. Ah, but' fconslaer—what other issues must arise? Here la a whole array of republican rascality, ready to spring a) the throat of Royalty; and the instant s king ascends the throne of England the struggle must, commence.. Tho gentlemen of England are strong enough and resolute enough to save Alexandra from the fate of Marie An toinette, hut Whether they will awake early to the stern earnestness of: the coming, struggle Is a doubtful matter. - ;• ' At any rate, whatever,the House of Commons and London tradesmen may think, It would be dangerous for her Majesty to abdicate at this moment It would accelerate a crisis for which the resisting forces are unprepared. Many in deed who read this will fancy that we ore . alarm ists; will Imagine It quite impossible that there should be revolution in England, and an entire boultversement of our ancient constitution. ■ This optimist Indifference" Is tho source of our main peril., All is right that Is done in England, preach the Times and Telegraph-, and the happy, easy, indolent creed is accepted by the comfort able folk who have good incomes-and a balance at their bankers’- Bnt for all that, the crucial critical time is coming; the maelstrom of destructiveness has already sucked ipto its waters William Ewart Gladstone, once Oxford’s pride, once Torlest of Tories. And It is moreover significant that among Gladstone’s most trusted followers Is aman who beare the great name of Coleridge, the name of the Plato of England. When such things occur, men must be very blind , indeed if they cannot perceive that we are on the verge of a great conflict—too probably of an ab solute revolution.. Were her Majesty to abdicate,' the struggle would instantly begin. - ; A frightful mishap, accompanied 'by the most tragic circumstances, spread terror on Sunday morning last through the district of St. Jacques. The Zoological Garden has. for a long time been In possession of two magnificent Bengal tigers, one of which was, to be forwarded to London. T.o avoid accident, the animal was placed In a wagon secured with strong Iron bars. The greatest precaution was therefore taken to avoid a catastrophe. At 3.30 in themorning the railway servants perceived an enormous.animal clearing atkbound the wall which separates the Zoo logical gardens from. the railway Station. The tiger had, in fact, escaped, having bent and bro ken two of the iron bars of his cage. The first object of his firry was the cart-horse of a night man, which, happened to be pasting. The tiger tionndfe'd on the unfortunate hotse, biting him in the flank, and tearing the straps which attached him the Cart The driver, who at first sought safety on the horse’s back, hid himself under the cart, but not before receiving a wound in the leg from the tiger’s paw. Meantime the horse mad with terror and pain, galloped furiously towards the market of St. Jacques, pur sued by the tiger. Hero another de plorable event occnrred. A gardener, who was passing the street, attracted the fury of the’bea9t. The tiger sprang at him, tearing his breast, legs, and neck in a fearful manner. Having finished his victim the animal dragged the body some distance; he then abandoned It and rushed Into Bt. Anne’s court, where his presence caused In describable terror. M. Vekemans, the director of the Zoological Garden, having been informed of the escape, proceeded with his staff in pursuit, and came up with the animal at the,corner of St. Jacques’ street,near the house Verstrepen.A night watchman and three or fonr other persons took refuge'in a small shop opposite this house. The tiger spied them and stood for a moment as though he intended to rush at them through the window. He pursued his course,, however, through the market. M. Vekemans with his as sistants, after the animal got into St; Anne’s court, barricaded the entrance and placed a trap in it with a view of taking him alive. They then got into the houses of the court in order to frighten him into this trap. The tigerlay couched against the door of the atelier ot M. De Braekc lcer, the sculptor, but perceiving one of the men in pursuit on the roof of a house, he leaped on the roof ol a lower house, and assumed a most menacing position. M.. Vekemans, De Braeke leer, Werbronk and Verhovon were armed with guns.- The tiger having perceived them de scended from the roof, evidently bent on making an attack, and when about four metres off ho couched to make his spring. The order to fire was given; and three guns were discharged in succession. The first shot appeared to have missed, the second struck the animal, the third inflicted a mortal wound. He tottered. back to the entrance of the coart, where M. do Braeke leer finished him with a fourth shot. These gen tlemen behoved with great intrepidity, and but for their coolness and the measures they adopted much greater injury would have been done. The gardener who was attacked never spoke, and died In the hospital the some morning. THE GRASS TEMPLE OF . HONOR AND TEMPERANCE. EXCITIN'Q SCENE. A Tiger at Larjo in Antwerp* [From the Eflcaut of June 6th.l , [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. 1 Pittsburgh, June 19,1868.— -The twenty-third annual session of the Grand Temple of Honor and Temperance of this State has just closed its labors., The attendance was large, far exceeding in numbers, intelligence, and dovotion to the Order and its principles, any session of a similar character over' held in this or any other State." Philadelphia alone sent between fifty and sixty delegates. This Order, for the last three years, has donbled its numbers each year, and now stands in the front-ranks-of'-the-reformatory-organizatlonsof the day. Its internal workings have only to he seen to be appreciated.. The business of the session was characterized by that spirit of candor and harmony,"which should always follow the teachings of the Order. Resolutions, of condolence were adopted on the death of P. G. W. T. Fred. A. Van Dyke, M. D., of your city, who, for many long years, was a-devoted and ardent worker in the cause of tem perance. - ' /.. Tho Templar's Magazine met with the most hearty respcnses.of all presqnt, and a number of substantial testimonials' were presented to its publishers, not only gratifying to their feelings, but evincing a determination on. tho part of the Order to sustain this noble work. i . - Tho following are the officers.for tho present ycnT. i G. W. T., George Gabel; G. W. V. T., Norvol. Holmes; G. W, R.,-0;Tv:-Seareh; G. W. Tr.jß. P. Smith; G. W. U., Thomas Jones; G. M. Chap., Rov. A. H. Bemhowor ; G. W. In., J. H. Morrison; G. W. G., Thos Scott. ■ . ' The semi-annual session will hu held at Johns-; town, Cambria county, and the next annual ses sion in 7 .J" ‘ Seven delegates were elected to represent the Grand Temple in the great National Tomperauco Convention to be held at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 29th of Jnly noxt. . To the Order in Pittsburgh, and tho citizens in general, the members of the Grand Temple feel indebted for the many acts of kindness received at their hands. Vonfs, <&c., A. M. CRIME. SUICIDES IN NEW YORK, . .-A Chapter of Honors*. [From the tNew York Wvrtdof To-Jav.l An inquest was held by Coroner Keenan, yes terday morning over the remains of George W. Be!ding, a prisoner at the county jail in Ludlow street, who committed suicide there by "cutting hls throatwith a razor. It appears that Mr. Bela ■ lng was formerly a member of the banking firm ot fielding, Keiin & X’o. (1 of No, 80 Lombard street, London, England, which firm failed some time ago, with liabilities'greatly exceeding the aesets of the firm. On the 10th instant Mr. Bold ing arrived in this city {Torn England by way of Havana. No sooner had he arrived than he was arrested on a civil process, on complaint q r > Messrs. P. A.. Ames & Co., and Henry Morn ton, of Boston, Massachusetts, - and -.required to give : bail in the sum of .834,000 for his appearance. In default of bail,Mr. fielding committed to the • county jail for Safe keeping. He was' treated very kindly by Mr. John M. Traey, the warden of the prison, but appeared very much depressed in spirits, snd felt mnch grieved' and .humi liated in consequence of his arrest and imprisonment. He stated that he had been financially ruined while in England by, the duplicity of his'partner, and he was arrested and imprisoned on a demand which ho fonnd him self entirely unable to liquidate. In a conversa tion with Mr. Tracy soon after be was received at the jail he stated that while en ro\ite from Ha vana to this city he seriously contemplated com mitting suicide by jumping, overboard,' Mr; Tracy dissuaded him Irom any such attompt,and nothing farther Was thought of tho' matter' until about 5 o’clock yesterday morning, when John :Lowey, the night watchman in the prison,; dis covered Mr. fielding lying on the floor of the bath-room sui rounded by a pool of blood, apparently quite' dead. A razor covered vritii blood was found on the floor by his, side, and on examination life was fonnd to bo extinct Dr. Joseph;W. Howe made a post mortem examlna-, tion of the - remains and discovered that both carotid: arteries had been severed and death had resulted from hemorrhage. A verdict of suicide while temporarily insane was rendered. Deceased was a native of the United States, 36 yearo of age. His wife, who was recently confined, is at presen ton her way to this city from England. Fclo do So in. tbe House ol a Clergy* man-A Curious easc-Statemen 1 of too East or. Yesterday morning, at half-post eight o’clock, a man about; thirty years 'of age, apparently a German, ascended the front step's of Father Quinn’s residence, No. 16 Barclay street, and pushing open the outer-door, .which was, unfas tened, sat down against the . inside door,. and placing.the muzzle of a four barrelled Sharp’s pistol to his forehead, discharged one of the chambers, tho ball passing clear through the brain, out at the back of the head, and striking against the wall, from which it rebounded, and fell on the floor. The report of the pistol was heard by Father Quinn and'the servants in the house, who came out and found the man leaning against the wall, and qnico dead. The blood was oozing from, the wound in the fore head and the pistol wbb lying beside deceased. Officers GlbboDß and McConnell, of the Third precinct, were called, and conveyed the remains tothe Chambers street police station, where .Coroner Keenan subsequently held on inquest. A verdict in accordance with the foregoing facts was rendered by the jury. Deceased was five feet six inches in height, dressed in black frock coat and pants, brown ribbed cloth vestfhehad brown hair, goatee and mustache. In his pos session was found an account book in which was the name of “John Taylor in account with J. Morrison & Co." On tho last leaf were .the names of “Leonard Symms, No. 12 Bridge street. New York,” “Wm. Anthony” and “Richard Williams.” STATEMENT OF REV. SIR. QUINN. The Rev. Mr. Quinn, paßtor of St. Peter’s chnrch, made, before the sermon at the high maBS, allusion to tho tragedy in the following terms: “X think,” he said, “it is proper for me to mention an nnfortnnate occurrence which took plado this morning at the entrance of our bouse. This morning at half-past eight an un known man took away his life by hiß own hand, in the hall, between the outer and Inner doors. I saw him in less than two minutes after the reuort of the pistol was heard, and then life was ex tinct. The ball passed through his head and made a deep mart on the Wall. From a raem crandum found on his person, it appeared the oct was premeditated. There is no reason to suppose that he intended, to injure others. I mention all I know regarding tho norrid act, that you may haTe a correct statement of it." GEN. GRANT AND THE JTEAVS. General Gram’s Missls.ippi Order—Ex plonatory Letter from uenorolßaw* Headquarters Army op the United States, 1 Washington, May 6, 1868.— Sir-. Ydnr letter re lating to the order of Gen. Grant, dated Oxford, Miss., Dec. 17,1862, expelling Jews, as a class, from his department, is before me. You are doubtless aware that Gen. Grant has never, either by himself or through the aid of friends, attempted to defend any military order which the emer gencies of the service seemed at the time to re quire. However, as my name is attached to it us Assistant Adjutant-General, it may not be improper to state that at and previous to its date, onr military affairs, were in a most critical condition, and important movements were transpiring. General, Sherman was col lecting forces at Memphis and Helena. General Grant was moving steadily against Pemberton,at Grenada, keeping np appearances of immediate attack, to divert his uttention from Sherman,and in co-operation with Grant, Dodge was moving sonth from Corinth. The success of Grant's plans depended in keeping the enemy in Igno rance of his real purpose, namely, the surprise and capture of Vicksburg by Sherman,and it was therefore of the utmost importance that every avenue of information to the enemy should be 1 closed. . The most stringent orders had previously been published, forbidding peraons going or coming through our lines, Umiting traders to certain ' boundaries, and prohibiting tho passage of com South, or the payment of it for Southern pro ducts. Persistent violations of those orders by persons principally of the Jewish race were -the subjects of constant reports bv many -of General Grant’s subordinates, some of whom had even Issued orders expelling them, frour the lines, bnt which General Grant had promptly revoked ’ Reports of the same character were also received from other sources At length, on the evening of December 17,1862 (tho date of the order), tho mail brought from Washington a large numbor of complaints, offi cially retorred to nim by tho General-in_ Chief of the army, against this class of persons, for viola tions of the above mentioned orders. The General felt on reading them, that some immediate action was demanded of him. He realized to its full ex tent the critical condition of military affairs, and judged, whether wisely or unwisely, that to moot tho exigency action must be immediate, thorough, and in a form not to be evaded. It was written, and telegraphed to his subordinates, without re vision, leaving all persons not justly amenable to; its terms to bo relieved on their individual appll- • cation. . ~, The Idea that it was issued on account of the religion of the Jews cannot be seriously enter tatacci by aby.otie who knows the General s stead fast adhereheb to tho principles of American lib erty and religious toleration. - . ' . :: ■ ' Very respectfully,'your obedient servant, • • 7 7 John A. Rawlins. To Lewis N. Demuits, Esq., Louisville, Ky. F. I. FETHERSTON. Poblislier. PRIOE THREE CENTS. FACTS 'ANir FANCIES. •—When the .worms leave, the trees'will —Romero came here after a w\fe. —Tho proper' costume for an undertaker— Hearse-suit. ■ —An ox-gardener of Klng William is now prac ticing his art in Minnesota; ■ —Even peaceful.people at the Academy to night will 6e “eager for the i’roi” : —Singular performance on 1 one string, given by the worms every day— VermiTfague. ' —The summer Exodus (out o’ the dust) has 'begun.'-; —The Masons choose St. John for their patron, because he was in many of his qualities a-maaln. —Rowed to ruin—Coulter, when he broke his —A Minnesota courtship and marriage was os* gan and completed In twenty minutes. —A young Cretan; girl has been fighting through the insurrection in mole attire. —Dr. Parker, of, New York, says he can pro duce a living headless rooster in a month. —The act making executions private In Eng land has been issued and has gone into effect. —ln London yon con purchase .“Pilgrim’s Progress’’for a penny. ( - . ; —Parton is going to write up the Binghamptoa Inebriate Asylum. —Four countries are abont to send out Arctle .expeditions. .... Dubuque, lowa, claims the oldest Mason. Bo is 102. —When Hamill started, Coulter was In a shell. When ho stopped. Coulter was on a shelf. —Somebody should write aMoaonnet, for the St. John’s day celebration. . —The Democrats of this city, will to-morrow ' chooße their victims for the electoral sacrifice. - —Ole Bull lost one of the diamonds from his fiddle bow when in Canada. ; —Miss Rye has blessed Canada with an Impor- i tation of servant girls who want $5 a month I wages. ■ - —Offenbach has been expanded in the play bills of the theatre at Athens into Monsikudidaskaloa Jakobus Ophphenbach. . / ' —Files are so numerous in Cleveland that tha people only open their lips to swear at the posts when they have a strainer over their months.. —A race is expected in Paris • between Prince Achilie Murat on horseback, and one M. do Yerin in a velocipede. /• —The former mistress of. Liszt, and the mother of two children, 'has partially lost her mind and is a confirmed invalid. / —The fashion of umbrellas used bygentlomen against the sub, is greatly coming into vogue in Paris.', ' ■ :: : —The seventeen-year locust Is ia harmless In? sect enough; but the.noise he makes la.nothlng but 10-cueeing. _ —lf spirits do return to earth, A. Johnson will certainly, come back after death to veto his uhder tokcr’s bill. , ' , —Song for the Masons next Wednesday—“ We meet upon the level (Broad Street grade) and part upon the (Penn) square.” . , —A proposition: Ison foot to unite the cities of Albany and Troy, N. Y. The idea ls to des-troy ■ Troy’s identity. , \ . ; ... —Ex-K Glngeorge, of Hanover, devotes - his leisure hours to a revision of his musical' compo sitions, with a view to hubUcation. . ' —A Southern paper complains that mechanics are becoming too mnch like clocks.. They strike every hour. ■ •, • ; —A London choir has “struck” on acconnt'of ' the vicar’s request that tho members should turn eastward at the Glorias. j ‘ —A.female doctor in Wisconsin has . paid $25 for the privilege of horsewhipping an- amatory rival. , ‘ —The canker worms have began their dopre- - dations in the neighborhood of Newton and An burndale, Mass., and . the ' foliage of the trees is rapidly changing to p rusty red. ' ■ —Mr. Marshall Wood, tho English sculptor, h»B been to Paris to undertake a bust of the Prince Imperial. He is make a statue of ; Lord Brougham. ' —The mimic at tho Eleventh Street Opera ~ House Is not the very improper; young: man; re- . - ferredtoby the poet; “Lingard in the lap of . Spring.” —A very beautiful mosaic has been found at Rome, ana hopes are entertained that the entire ■.*£ villa,which is supposed to have been occupied by g. ■ Sallust, will be discovered. —Young Louis of Bavaria is reported to havo . another engagement on hik hands, this tithe to the Grand DucheßS Maria Alexaildrina, daugh ter of tho Emperor and Empress of Russia. —Females are gradually working their, way into the Watchmaking business. Because they can pro- ■ duce handsomer faces and more delicate handsj— Hartford Times. ' —A coroner’s jury at Atlanta returned a verdict npon a man found dead, that “he came to his death by want Of attention caused by'him self.” 7 ’ • ' ’ —A man in Kentucky was lately in dicted for ' manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years, for causing the death of a neighbor by exciting a horse to kick him. —William H. Meek, formerly,' a rebel soldier, has just died in Mississippi. “ a victim to the atrocities of Fort Delaware, according to a pa per of that State. In fact he was killed with kindness. —The new carriages on the Austrian railroads have patent locks on the doors, and when recently the key was lost, no less a person than Francis Joseph was imprisoned for some little:■ time,' to the terror of the negligent officials.' . —ln digging for the foundation of a house in Kuo des'Drapiers, atßrussolSj there has just been fonnd, at a depth of several yards,.a copper ves sel containing gold coins, very ancient and very roughly made, os well as jewels of primitive ana barbarous handiwork. 1 —Dr. Swann’s favorite theory is that it is wicked to maltreat, dumb brutes, but perfectly proper to extreme cruelty to human beings. Hq r carried oat this idea by delivering a fonr-column speech to an assemblage of the unwashed on Wed nesday last., : ' —The reason why: the. Sultan generally looked _ so cross and glum dating his trip through . West ern Europe, last summer, has been explained by himself. He was afflicted with neuralgia nearly ail tho time, both in Paris and London, and got rid of it only when he reached the Rhine. —Thoy have just received in Portland, Me., ; tho’largesf sweet potato ever raised' tnrtho Island of Cuba. This monster weighs forty pounds. Is 24 inches long, 9 inches In diameter and 29 in circumference. They brought it away for fear it would keep on growing -and sink the island.. ■ . •’ ... —As D. L. Dodson, of Norm Alexander, New York, was going from his house to his barn, during a shower a few days since,. lightning strnck his steel watch-chain, and; passed' thence to his arm, and off at tho ends of his fingers. l The electric charge was light, simply benumbing the arm, and producing, for a short time, an in tense burning 'sensation throughoc* Ilia entire body. - —One or two points relating to the decision by the House of Lords on the copyright case, on - which we commented a day or tiro -since, are ■further explained by the- owival: of later mails. - It seems that to secure copyright an American ■ author must in Great Britain, and also that publication must take place in the. United Kingdom. ’Works published in Canada' .or in any of the' colonies are entitled only.' to ■, local copyright. Works'issued in England,;--*-- Wales, Scotland or Ireland are protected in evoty*g. , part of theidngdom.—-fioitorj A divtimr. r — . '' Vw' 'ok
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers