WtILECIImAJ•a)an blorliThAfti. —1,, 4 1: coasting fleet has arrive a 'an _Francisco, 'tut no Lastcra'shile• - A. IL 81.04%1;Am:a has been relieved of his posi tion as Special Treasury Agent In Tekis. TIIE Supreme Cour' of Ohio has declared the "Visible AdIDIXTUre". ! .11, passed by the Legisla ture of that State, to be unconstitutional. Gs.; , t. Scam 1F.f.0 was con itrllled as Secretarr of War, in place of Edwin M. Stanton; by the U. S. Senate, yesterday. Tin , . bill to abolish corporeal punishment in the schools in Massaehmetts was rejected iu the State Semite by a vote of 16 to it. A GRANT AND COLFAX ratification meeting was held at Washington, D. C., last night. Senator Wilson wes,one of the speakers. IE town of Reno, on the Central Pacific Rail road, near Virginia City, Nevada, which was only. laid out this month, already contains one hundred houses and live hundred people. A Ls.rrEit front Fort Lynn, Colorado, ',Says the celebrated Kit Carson died at that post, on the 23d lust., from,the ruptdre of an artery in his neck. %) President'sent several nominations to the Senate yesterday, among them that of Henry Stanbery to be Attorney-General of the United States. -i• Tam tobacco factory of C. N. Colt & Co., in St. Louis, was seized by revenue of for non payment of taxes. A large quantity of tobacco was taken possession of. JOHN M. TAYLOR, formerly a banker in St. Louis, has been arrested, charged with altering the accounts of the Cumberland Oil Company,of which he was agent, Vs show a balance of $20,000 in his favor. A auit - was fought yesterday evening near Richmond, between Colonel A. B. Reed and Major R-H. Porter, both army officers. At the first fire Reed fired in the air, and the matter was then adjusted. SEVEN negypes attempted to break into Messrs. Dickinson, Williams lira Co.'s cotton shed,at Mem phis, Thursday night, and were fired on by the watchman. One of thorn, named George Sears, was fatally wounded. EriwAno J. CLARK, a policeman of Brooklyn, • in a fit of insanity, assaulted his wife with a club, last night, and fractured her skull so badly that she will die. When arrested and brought to the station-house he attempted to commit suicide,. but tailed. IN the Methodist Conference at Chicago, yes terday, a resolution, approving the Ladies' Pas- Pastors`Ciiiistiat Association, of Philadelphia, was adopted. The Special COn of Conference ' on Lay Delegation .reported anaittee plan on the sub ject substantially the same as that presented in the majority report, and it was adopted amid loid applause. SAMUEL M. ANDREWS at whose house in Kings ton, Mass., Cornelius Holmes stopped the even ing before he was found murdered, has been ar rested on suspicion et being the murderer. Thu arrest causes much surprise, Andrews being highly respected among the townspeople. lie is a deacon tif the Baptist Church, and an inarnate friend of the murdered man. PARAGUAYAN adviees by way of London say that at last accounts Gen. Lopez was at the mouth of the Tebleuary, and concentrating large force in a strong position. Ills men had for some time been engaged in throwing up extensive intrench inents, which were nearly completed. Lopez .was well supplied with provisions and war ma terial, and his communications with the interior for obtaining fresh supplies were unimpaired. Rio JANEIRO dates to the 9th inst. have been received. The latest nyvs from the scene of 'war which bad reached Rio was that a decisive action was about to take place before Humalta. The last despatches from the allied camp state that the bombardment had ceased, and orders had been given for- a general assault on the . Paraguayan works. CITY Di) LLE'ri.N. TARGET SlMOTlNG.—Yesteitay afternoon com panies A and C, of the Gray 'Reserve, regiment, visited Belmont Cottage, on the Schuylkill, for target practice. Company A was under the command of Captain J. D. Keyser and Lieuten ants W. D. Hastings and John Stewart. Com p Iny C was commanded by Captain W. W. Allen and Lieutenant John 0. (Miler. The prizes of Company A were awarded as follows: First prize, Caspar 11. Dubring; second prize, Corporal Chas. A. Rose; third prize, Corporal 11. Clay King; fourth prize, Private Jas. R. Ridge; fifth prize Private E. M. OberteulTer; leather medal, Private E. Nanity. The judges were Joseph 3lorr, Charles J. Thomas, Joseph It. Wilkens. The prizes of Company C were. won thus: First prize, Private Louis D. Vandeveer; second prize, Corporal Thomas App; leather, medal, .Corporal John P. Charlton. The judges were Thomas G. Ball, William Wiley; John C. Poulson. TIIE COMMERCIAL CONVESTION.-A. meeting of the joint committees of the Board of Trade and Commercial Exchange was held last evening at the Board of Trade rooms, No. 505 Chestuu street. The various committees reported that every ar- • rangement had been made for the comfort and pleasure of the delegates to the Convention while in the city. . On WednesdaLafternoon Girard College and Fairmount Park Mill be visited; Thursday after • noon, Point Breeze Park; Friday, excursion to the Wissahickon; Saturday, un excursion on the Delaware river; Monday, an excursion to the an thracite coal and iron regions. The convention will be called to order by Wm. Welsh, Esq., Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. The proceedings will be opened with prayer by Rev. Phillips Brooks. ACCIDENTS.—About 7 o'clock yesterday evening a man named Joseph Beak, aged 25 years, resid ing at No. 1754 Nortb PAeventh street, while dig .ging a cellar on Si.•,,euth street, above Oxford, had a leg broken, occasioned by the falling of a bank of earth. He was taken to the fit. Joseph's Hospital. About '2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Ida Mc- Laughlin, aged 3 years, was run over by , a ear on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, at Front and Coates streets, breaking one of her legs and se verely bruising her arms. She was removed to. her home. • TILE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE AFFAIR.—The fo lowing is a copy of an affidavit which was made in the Supreme Court relative to a suit com menced against the Washington Library Com pany,_ which gave th.; gift enterprise in aid of the Riverside Institute: 'o the Flons. the Judpes of said Court : The sheerer of Wm. 11. Mann, one of the defendants, to the complainant's bill of t ore plaint • I, William B. Mann, one of the defendants in geld bill do answer and say that 1 mu informed sad believe that' a body . politic and corporate , known by the name of "rho Washrugten Library Company," Wag and Is now estab- Jibbed iu this Commonwealth, as stated in paragraphs No. 1 and 2 of complainant's bill. That I have no knowledge whatever tie to whether complainant is or is not a member of said corporation. That I have no knowledge whatever of the matters stated in paragraphs No. 4 and 5 of complainant's bill, other than that derived from the advertisements of said corporation, copies of which • are annexed to col:l3osin ant's bill of complaint. • That I have never combined or conspired with Lewis R. Broomall, James M. cicovel, W. W. Ware. Henry Gor man, LE. Coe, ()curse B. Cooke, or, with any person or persons whatever, to violate the provisions of the charter of said corporation, and have never in any way intermed• died with the attain of the said' Washingten Library Company. That I am not now and never have been either mana ger. director, officer l i t , member of the said Washington Library Compauy,_ . d that I have never been in any way connected with tor interested W in lLLiAMhe said corporation. . MAN. If. P. WHITE, Solicitor for Win. B. Mann. PHILADELPHIA COUNTS, an. William B. Mane, hello. duly sworn, doth depose and flay that the matters mot forth in above answM eB.aM r re t A Nrue. WILLIAN. Sworn ami aLbacribed before me, thin 10th day of Jan.. AA. D., IEO3 JAMES ROBB SNOWDEN. Prothonotary. J- After thd above affidavit wan made the following ap. Neared on record in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, mend for the Eastern distiict: Walter Cochran, by his next friend, Thomas Cochran. B. The Wartington Library Company: The plututitf having ascertained. since filing the ori ginal bib, that the - 'maid William B. Mann, Lewis R. Broomall, James M. Bcovel, W. W. Ware, Henry Dor man, J. L. Coe and George A. Cooke, are not the Aland ' 908 of the said Waelanoton Library coragnany, amends hie said bill by etrikiug out their names as said managers and inverting in lieu thereof the names of the following. named persona as Directors thereof, to wit: . O. W. Baird, A. B. Semple, H. A.. Reed. N. S. Reed, Edward B. Taylor. I THUS. COCHRAN. Amps lltligs tiolteitor TU iv &kale Weir& Journal for the coming month .centaina a large variety of intereattax original matter. We notice among the nameA of the profeiaora who - aro to lecture during the coming session tip - name ,of J. Isaacs. M. D., who has devoted great attention to the subject of OptbelittleAnd Aural surgery. The Trustees regard Dr. i reek e pa the greatest living oculist and aurlet. lie will d e liver complete 'CC/11114e of lectures ou the varied 410H/sets of the .eye and ear., end illustrate hie lectures with two hundred and fifty tive a'ax pr•parittione which be hat imported (ruin Pali, for thatpurpose. Dr. I. has in prevv a work of 800 pages upon tic important branches of for dY which he hat Piade 116 pioteanioual maxittity. • POLITICXX , . '0 Ise Gruel, Wed Coll 1/saig NOMlcinett elle an glataLa' AND HAI I.olth , _ COM NI itTalt. The committee appointed by the Soldiers' tend Sailors' i ceventioirat Chicago, had an interview with Mr. Col fax, in the bye uket's room a the Capitol. The Ifouse,at the time woe in eession, but Mr. Dawue acted as Speaker pro (enb, ve bile Speaker' Minx wattle committee. General Aliment), the Chairman of the Committee, pre stun dto Mr. Colfax the resolutions of the Convention, ',doing that the Convention had unanimously -recom mended General Grant to the National Convention for the Piesidency, but bad not expressed any choice for the Vic , ' Preeideucy. g bat Convention had unanimously ratified the reconunendation for the Preeldency.• and they desired in return to :Deify unanimously the choice of the National Convention for , the Vice erenfilency, and to Impure him of their cordial esteem and regard. Mr. Colfax bristly replied, alter thanking them for then' vieit and the expreeeion of their confidence, Great fee wee the obligation' f the country to the men who faced by the government in its gloomiest hour of trial, far s erdere eater le, the debt of gratitude it owes to its heroic de t, who returned nom bloody battleffields to be hailed as the eaviore of , the Union. Prom all over the laud they went forth, leaving happy homes and loving i aim lire, and all to co:venni Republic front disruption, and to 0 event our beautiful banner from becoming the winding sheet of the world's nest hopes. Young and old, iu the cattiest years of youth and waterer years of middle age, some in the.freehnees of life's June tend others in the nee maturity of life's October, they offered their lives to the countrY. By thoueande and hundreds .of thoneande they have passed away, and the whole land, South and North, is Mimi with graves that tell us with expreseive ff Renee of the sac] ilices that patriotism hos hallowed. You repro sent their brave survivors, and if the people's voice should ratify the nomlu anon of their distinguished cowed , ' and himself, he would hope, by fidelity to principle and devo tion to the nation, to prove that the confidence they ex. pressed in hint beet not been misplaced. : INTER:villa" ,Ivrill t ri:N En .L (MANT. The committee of the Soldiers and Sailor. , Convention, held in Chicago, appointed to notify General ureic of his nomination for the Presidency by that Couvicition, waited upon General Grant yesterday afternoon at his headquar ters, for the purpose of discharging the ditty assigned, to them. The committee wee composed of the followng kerlemen: Colonel 11. C. Allemau, Chairmen; General hi. Gregg. General John A. Logan. General Alfred Pleasanton, General Joseph It. Hawley, General K. W. Rice, Colonel W. B. Stokes, Captain A. Grant and W. A. Snots General Is E. Sickles, General John R. Hartranft and General Le Fairchild, members of the committee,were unable Lobe present. 'the Lemke/nen wacreceived by General Grant, and having been Introduced,LOlOnet Alteman, tne chairman, spoke no follows: (emend :—The soldier and sailor citizens who Whited to disarming treason, by their Repreeentathase in Na. Meal Convention itheembled, made a proclamation of political principles , and a declaration of Presidential pre> m e axe., we are a committee delegated to present you an authenticated copy of their platform of principles. 'I lie principles enunciated are candid, precise and expres. rive. They are unequivocal in their designated choice. emphatic in their tope, and decided in their character. 'I hey breathe the pure !spirit of loyalty. of liberty and of equality before the law. They conform to the proceedings of the tathere of the Republic, and never lose sight of the boil-like bah, "that all men are created equal." 'They recognize no political distinction between the natteralized and the native.boracitizen, and demand governmental pi oteetion to all citizens of the country, whether at home of abroad. They admit no discrimination in legal rights of race and caste, and make loyalty only the test of pee lineal plivileees. Uhey are firm in their denunciations of /weasel . , end steak iu thunder tones against the re manna Wh youlded to temptation Tbe leading resolu tion namesas the only and the unanimous clioiee of 'the eitivivore of the war for the Chief Magbitnity of the nation. The free-will offering of a Presidential nomination which proximate certainty ed ell ege ee is the lif eheet compli ment as Men can be paid to A% American citizen. 'That distniguieher , conipl anent has been tendered you iu its meet unselfish meet acceptable and most exaltea toren The act was voluntary, the choice of unprecedented ;ma . nimity.lpringing affectionately from the hearts ofyour fellow conandre, and ecconded by the gratitude of the loyal millions ol the land. The close of the war brought the returned soldiers of the Keystone Continence:filth into Suite Convention. when the speaker introduced a resolution propsaing you es the soldier.' choice for the highest post in tun gift of the people. That resolution wee received with the most i upturotte entheemem and its sentiment was speedily and gratefully echoed oct an to oceau, and from the chain of lakes en the North to the great gulf in the South. 'i he feeling was sincere; the um litteheeni inibowided, clll - in the expressed gratitude, the expressed love. and the expressed cciihdence of your companions in anew for their beloved commander. lour contradee honor you because they love you; be cause you have been true to the government which fos tered you; trueeto the rights of humanity; true to the in tercets of loyalty; true to the principles of justice and e quality, and true to your honor on a soldier. You were to your country during the Rebellion ;what Washington is as to the patriots of the Revolution: "klret in War; Met in Peace, and first in the henna oi his, countrymen." 'I he Republican Convention in the fullness of its luxe for the soldier, with ono voice and one heart declared for you, "Well done, goon and faithful servant, thou hest been mindful over a few things; we will make ties ruler over many." They rewarded merit with the highest mem. they paid that happiest compliment to the do fenders of the government by accepting our choice for the Presidency, and giving our nomination their unanimous ,i atitication. Ummotamil has ended, and you are our tlettn chef: You will find the volunteer army in good tigli tin g trim,' the, rinks filled to their maximum, the com mands well officered, and the equities. both ampe and ex: cellellt. 'I he troops are In the highest state of discipline. 's hero was come defection. but it has been remedied by the promptness and efficiency of a drumhead court martiab 'inc neceeeity wrung bitter anguish, from every loyal heart, heaving sighs ot ardent hope, and breathing silent but fervent prayers to the throne of Almighty God that ire .hould bevel look upon fie like again. We ate stronger now than ever, more courageous than even and, more de termined. •V e have taken our position; we have posted "air pickets; we have termed our Rues ; we tected our flanks, at d are ably supported bymillions of militia, with Schuyler Colfax at their head. At your corn mBl,o : "Porten:id!" "we will move on the enemy's works." nue is our plan of battle (presenting the resolutions): We will tight it out on this line it st takes all - unliner," end mid the enemy ' whirling down the valley." We will charge them in front storm their ureeetworke. Merge then - centre, flank their strongholds and Lae them in the rear, vlitee we will twee repeated the familiar ,inunions from our coniniend - &.in.cldiet : "I demand au unconeitional surrender." Our victorious General shall then mount the pinnacle of fame twice dignified by Washington, twice honored by our Lincoln. 'We have the honor, sir, to submit the emu cf battle. General Grant replied: "Gentlemen of the Committee of Soldtei d and :milers-1 will say that it wise never a desire en mine to be a candidate for any political office. It is a emcee of gratification to me to feel that I have the support of those who sustained me through the great rebellion ee niefe we have liaised. If I did noticed I had the support of those, i would never have consented tube a candidate. It was not a matter of choice with ate. and i hope as i have accepted that I will have your aid and support from new until November as I. had it during the rebellion." IHE NATIONAL t'NtitN REPIAILICAN commirrim. The committee appointed by the b anemia Uuiou Repub lican Convention, with instructions from that body to. tarsi:tat to Gene' al Grant width. Hon. Schuyler Colfax a • ecord of the proceedings, and to inform ' hem of their nomination, performed that duty last evening, betweou even and tight o'clock, at tile residence of General Grant. About two hundred poisons were present, inch, d mg delegates to the Convention, several members of Cali greks. General Grant's Stall, and the Males of the fainili.i.- of General Grant and 6Pealter Cellos, redPlietiVel F. Three two gentlemen stood side by aide end tie spectra. ors toilette in a semi-Circle ,is front of them. thus afford mg a lull - view of the proceedings. Gmeiefal J. R. Hawley. President of thelConvention, de iv. led the follow iug address: 'Gent-rut: 'lhe b Mime! Union Republican Convention, assembled in national convention on the 'Nth of this month, appointed us the °dicers of the Convention to it nit upon you. In obedience to its instructions, we give to y ou a teem d of its proceedings. 1 ou will perceive that It was govt.)nod by the meet patriotic motives, harmoni ous, mull wheelie and determined. We ineamin your own words, to "save in peace what we woe in war." We mean to make it a eolt inn and practical reality in the Lnited States, that' all men are created equal—endowed,. by their treater with certain inalienable rights, among as Well ate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness " We intend that there ninth never be canoe or opportu pity f o r a civil war la ,Lhis nation, originated by those syLUIIIIInt fight to regain theitireedum. We believe that there can Sib GO monument peace save in Justice and equal rights, and the equality of all men before tile law. \\ e hope to see our government reaching,to the remotest coiner, and to the humblest parson, Hemming to Min by imiartiel and irresistible power and pereoual safety, the t iglu to the avails of his labor, and the right and oppor tunity tor physical, mental and moral advancement. Thu beet guarantee for the continuance of such a govern ment leto give all classes impartially a share in Its man estralent. AV e hear much of f orglvenees. end fraternity. We, too , do meet earnestly desire a speedy return of the policy and Marines of -peaceful times: flout; long for a fully re stored Union tom e than them who sustained their govern meat during the dreadful war, but the dead men have left a trust in our betide. We lops for peace and good-will, rut we have no fritmde who Moms their fellow-mon. We do not idly and hopelessly mink for indemnity for the past ;we seek only eeentity for the future. You will nee that the Convention believe that integrity, simplicity and economy in governmental affaire is the ditty of good citizens and honorable men: It makes the strict fulfill ment of national obligations a point of hotter never to be waived,) What the civilized world recognizes as full and final payment is the only payment that the Union Republican patty will even consent to tender. The equal rights of adopted citizens me clearly assorted, and all people who love our government are hospitably invited to come and -enjoy it. benefits and contribute to it. strength. The Conveetionlepoke in nothing more warmly than in prof fering et hearty welcome to all those who, lately in arms against tie, are now frankly and tionently co-Operating in miming peace and eetabliehing a- truly free govern. went. During the, last three years countless indications of the people's choice for the next Presidency have been core v e rging upon yourself. Having mace its' statement of principles and purpoties, the Convention deliberately and formally. State by State, and 'territory by Territory, re corded the will of its constituents, and unaninufeely nominated you for President of the United States, foL lowing this work by tumultuous and song continued maul. festations of joy. pride and confidence. We know that you will be faithful to the Constitution and to the laws and to the ideas, eyrepathite and principles that you are asked to represent. We know that you will not seek to inmost) upon the unwilling representatives of the people any milky of your ow n devising. for you have said, that —rile will of the people is the law of the ler d." 'I he records of the war and of your subsequent ,i delity afford the evidence that'the nation can eafely and widely place you iu the (their of Wathington and Lincoln.,ln behalf of the Convention we tender you its noniinaien for President, and solicit your acceptance. We can give you no higher proof of our gratitude for your past, or our confidence la your future. We propose to elect you, After the applause with which the above speech was , received ceased, General Gra t teplied as tollowe : 31r. preeident and Genttem tof the National Union 1 , Committee: 1 Win endeavor, it a very ahort timento write yon tel 1 tter accepting the true you have impeded upon ' me. Hxpieseing my gratitude for the confidence you have placed in me, I will now say but little orally, and that is to thank you for the unanimity with Which yott have se. locted inn as a candidate for the Presidential oilier. 1 can ray, in addition. that I looked on during the progress of tine proceedings at Chicago with u good deal 'of interest, and am gratified with the harmony and unanimity which se ems to have governed the deliberations of the Conven Lon. if chosen to fill the high office for which you Rave gm __oda me, I will give to-its duties the same one/ Y. the same spirit and the sane will that I have given to he per foneance of all duties which have devolved u on me heretofore. \Whether I shall be able to , perforn Ihmtve ' duties to your"entire setiefaction. time will den, win.: You have truly Bald, in the course et your address, that I dual have no policy of: my own to interpose against the will of the people.. As the General concluded lilt speech there was long continued applause. , TIIE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY MAY 30, 1868 •• mossionsierril Genernl 'Bewley then addressed Speaker (Jolf ax,saying : you have heard, our declaration orprinelpiee at 13hi• rage; and therefore I need nut repent it. Yon are aware lthat tr ied. MIN candid veil Vice P roopected,eney WOO, preeented. They r all le and and your selection was brought about by the good will and fridnd ship tntertnincd for yourself.- You are known to tho American people by fourteen yearn of public service. We I now that y cme from the people, and, without f :deo retecces. y are faithful to tirinciples. The Convention • tenders yeti the nomination& •Vice Proeident, ,and tugs your acceptance. : iltiP Mr. Colfax rcplied: .31r. /'emir Ilowteu al;d penlfrou9s: History ha. eady pi et:Mimed that the victories of the `party volt rumen need dui leg the recent war nationn.y4 gave - in• CITIIFed hope and confidence to the while its re. vet>le and defeats ever inceensed the national peril. ItiA to light tribute, therefore, to the of itepublican.t In the forty•two Staten anti Terri to ries represented in tit" Chicago onventiorg that an organizatiOn has been en in. se onrably interwoven with the interest of • the • Repubil that the triumphs and reverses of the one have been Alio iumphe and reverses of the 'either. Since the General of our m lilies and his heroic follow: ere ci netted the Rebellion, the koymoto of its policy, that loyalty elloidd govern what loyalty has presured, hal\ been worthy of the honored records of the war. Cordi ally agreeing with the platform adopted by its National (4 - invention. and the resolutions thereto at i ached, I accept the nomination with rvhieh I have boon honored, and will hereafter communicate that acceptance to Sou In the 1110r0 formal manner that usage requires. Thcre were longmontinned demonstrations of ,appiause. The gentlemen present generally advanced and shook Gen. Grant and thpeaker Colfax: by the hand, nod conga• filleted them on the choice of the Convention. '1 bet arty.thcn withcrew to an adjoining room, whore a collation had been provided for them. • The Cenvention of the Delegates of the Boys in Blue ate mblee Met evening in the headquarters, was selected strees, belovv Sixth.. General M. - Prevost was selected to act an Chairman, and Colonel James Given as secre tary of the temporary organization. Committees on con tented seats mid permanent oiganization were appointed. The latter reported in' favor of the following gentlemen: President. General C. M. Prevost; Vice.eresidents, James W. Allen C. W. Leopold, S. R. Jamieson, G. S. Green. Joseph Wilton, 0. W. blestom John Marshall, James McGee; Senrotaries.Jaines Given, 'l'. J. Sretithoind W. J. Mackay. The report wasagreed to. Genet al Preyed said it was highly necessary for the con vention to nominate men of such a character As shall call out the whole strength of the party, and receive the te dent support of every member in it. Sergeant Jones offered a resolution that the convention, deem it, impracticable to make nominations byname for local cam. but hind it to, be our hest interest to urge the City Convention to nominate Soldiers for such Meets as this convention may hereafter designate Several motions were made in reference to the disposition of this resolu tion. but. the Chair recogng the motion to lay on the table. •he yeas and nays were called, resulting, yeas 99, nays 90. 1.,. T. J. Smith offered a resolution that the conven tion proceed to a general nomination for candidater Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas and City recommended s from w National shall be selected, to be to the Republican Convention. After considerable debate, the resolution was withdrawn, •iind felbotion to proceed to the nomination of a candidate for Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas prevailed. Capt. Richard M. Donegan and Majordliatuad Ellis were then named. A letter from Major Ellis was read, in which he statesthat, believing that the City Convention intend recognizing the claims of eoldiers. he weinid tub mit his name to' that body only. A motion nominating ,Copt. Donegan atilhe candidate was agreed to. • Major Allen offered the following: Resolved, candidates submitting their claims be foie this convention, if defeated. shall not be debarred from opposing the regular nominees of this convention before most the City Repu sly. üblican Convention. This was ta ble unanimo The convention then proceeded to nominate the candi date for City Commissioner. On the second ballot James F, Fieftey received Cl votes and It. C. Dicke 47 votes. The nomination' of Sergeant liefley was made tins nimous. Colonel Givin moved that a committee of five he up pointed to draft an address, to be presented to the _city Conventions, regarding the action of thin convention on the nominations of Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas and C•ty Commiesioner. Go. nem' Owen made an amendment, that the committee - have power to act. The resolution its amended was unanimously adopted. General Owen presented the following resolutions: Mideed; That this convention of soldiers and sailors, late of the army and navy of the United States. cordially ratify and confiim the• nominations lately made at Chi cago by the . National Convention of the Union Republi. can party of 'General Ulysses S. tiTant for the office of Presiden resident, f the on. Schuyler Colfax for the oilice of Vice P of the United States. Resolved, That we approte of the resolutions adopted by Paid convention an setting forth the political creed in which we believe, and in the maintenance of which we are prepared to stake our political future. Resolved, hat whilst we are ready~ to extend charity towards all men and to cultivate friendly relations with the citizens of all the States, yet we cannot forget the war through the hotrons of which We have just passed, of cease to watch with joalous care tu by e y that Resolved. That the soldiers and sailors represented in this eta vent ion will heartily co-operate in sustaining the DOM ittetielle Made at Chicago, and in the resolutions set forth at that place. The resolutions were then unanimously adopted. The thanks of the convention were then presented to General Prevost and other •otlicers of the convention for the faithful and attentive manner in which they had dis charged the duties of their respective offices. Captain Donegan and Sergeant iletley wore then pre rented to the convention. They both returned their thanks for the honor done them in being nominated, after which three cheers were given for each by the dele gates. Threeeheers were given for Grant and Colfax with the heartiest ,enthusiasm, after w 'ltch the convention ad. journed sine die. SUMMER R, SORT. • .ON . LINE OF PHILADELPIIIA AND READING. RAILROAD AND BRANCHES, MANbION HOUSE, MT. CARBON. Mre. Caroline Wunder. Potterllle, Schuylkill co. TUSCARORA HOTEL. M re. M. L. Miller, T MA ue.cftrora P. 0. SE. , Schuylkill co. NSION HOU W. F. Smith, Mullaney City P. 0 1./., SE schuylkill Cc. W 110. E. A. Mose, Reading P. H 0. , ANDALUSIA, Henry Weaver. Reading P. O. LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL. Dr. A. Smith, Wenieraville P. Berke county. COLD '•PRINGS I OTEL,y EHANON COUNTY, Mre. M. Rodermel. liarrieburg .O. BuyEict N SEMINARY. • L. M. Nome, Boy ertown P.O Berke county. LITI'/. SPRINGS. George T. Grider, I.Biz P. 0 tomeneter county. PEhKIUMEN rtitlIUGE HOTEL, Davie Longaker. Freeland, Montgomery county. P tLin ER Blht RD I NU HOUSE. Dr. James Palmer, Freeland, Montgomery county. 2i-Dm SPRING HOUSF, RICHFIELD SPRINGS, OTSEGO COUNTY, NEW YORK. The proprietors of the Sprint/House would inform those seeking health and recreation that their New Hotel will open ou tho let of June. Connected with the hotel are quite extensive grounds, uponwhich the CELEBRATED SULPHUR SPRINGS and Bath Houses are situated. Richfield Springs are fourteen nines south of the Now York Central Railroad. Stages leave Herkimer for the Splints on the arrival of all trains. The country is picturesque and beautiful and the ell. mate invigorating and healthful. Address, aral9-wchsl2P HEATH HOUSE, SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, N. J. Opens 16th Juno, with terms reduced. For particulans, route, etc.. address S. T. COLZENS, ep.9-tli a to din 4 Proprietor. rilli COLUMBIA HOUSE AT CAVE ISLAND, N. J., will he open thie eeftholl on 'I HUBSDAY, Juno 25 For roome, eldrees GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprie tor, or J. 11. DENNISON, Merehanre Hotel, Philadel hie. my23tjel 110.AItlliNG AT A COUNTRY RES!pI.:NUE—OLD I) York Road, near teller'a Lane Station, German. town Railroad. Large Rouma for familia& Apply 1 ,1 34 Walnut greet. my:4l.W , AfIiB.ANN S. STEPHENS'S NEW BOOK. 101 And other New Works, published this day. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No 306 CHESTNUT STREET. PIULAPELPEILL • DOUBLY FALSE. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. author. of "Fashion and Famine," etc. Complete in one large duodecimo voluine. Price $1 75 in cloth, or $1 60 in Paper cover. MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS'S OTHER ' , YORKS: Doubly False.:..:., $1 601 The Heiress. ......51 50 'i he bOldif . llo Orpans.. 1 Nil Fashion' and Famine.. 150 Silent Stniggke........ 1 60 Mary Derivent , . ... 1 60 he Wife's Secret k 60 The Gold 1 60 lie Rejected Wife.... 1 60 The Old Homestead.... 1 60 Above are in paper corer or in cloth, price $3 each. A HOUSE TO LET. By Charles Dickens. Price twenty five cents, 'HE GREAT IMPEACHMENT AND TRIAL OF AN DREW JOHNhON, President of the United Statesoyith Portrait. Price lit ty cents in paper. or $I Wip ciotn. IV. 'EVERIL OF TEE PEAK. Ey Sir Walter Scott. Price Ile cents. All Booka pent Desloge paid on receipt of retail price. till books published are for sale by us tae LUt me a. they are is:ued from the press, at Publishers' pricer. Call in person. or send for whatever books you .vant, to T. B. PETERSON do littlf i HEBB. 806 Chestnut Bt.. Penedo phis, ' ALL lkiEW BOOKS ARE AT PETERSON'S. in • V.2t !flit: OR Y 1 WENTPIVE BOORS AT A TIME CAN be bad by Subscribere, going to the Country or Bea Shore. at (MALLEN 13 LIBRARY. my-t•7t FIVE (5) QUIRES OF FRENCII NOTE PAPER. initiels stamped plain. 76 cents ; iginteks Envelopes,7s cents, all inn mot box. in3 , 2e). — h CIIALLP.M i ?, n Chestnut street. DRANO'S AMERICAN CIIRJMOB FOR SAE AT 4Lji reopectable Arllitores. C.talo uen midled frpo by my 9 &Bul ' L. PRANG} do CO.. Boston. 1100E* BOUGHT, • SOLD AND EXCHANGED AT ,LP JAMES BARES. DM Market etreet, te14,13/ 1-I,OI3ERT M. O'KBEFE, Plain and OniamentalHOWlCandelgandattr, 1021' Walnut Street. cloking promptly attended to. my* Vail ourroN - ANDLINEN - BAIL DiJat Otr, ISVDRY 1.../ width from one to mix feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck. Papormakero , Felting, Bail TwlneAs. JOHN W. LVEltbiAli dt Uo., No.lo2Jouad tam • 'nit)loyel in Blue. 8 111111XtElt 111E8 ORM% BACKUS. RANSOM & Proprietor', REV" riusimmersorm. 18118 Chestnitt street. MIUXIMEISII OIJIDNI• FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. ( THE GREck'T EUROPEAN CIRCUS Will commence A brief Benson of two 'weeks only in ridladembla, commencing on . Monday, June, Ist, Upon the eligibly lo t cated s and extensive onclosed mindou Eighth Street;bstweett BEV3O atuiVlite Gavin; M atillee Pollollllll.llCee every day at 234 P. AL Evening Performances at 73sf P. •M. • THE EUROPEAN. CIRCUS ' • - Is acknowledged to be the best and Most comprehensive establishment of Splendor,. Merit • and Attraction, ever formed in the world, presenting all the ANCIENT AND qhItIDERN, ATTRACTIONS OF THE ARSNA,in a style of Unexceptional:4e Taste & Grandeur Is now making its TRS PRIAL TOUR haveon, en. dowed not only by three features which „rendered its reputation bigttpric—but by the augmentation of A Drove of Dromedaries! Attired in Magnificent housings—decked with the prod!: •ality of Eastern Fancies—htunessed in a CONTINUOUS LINE, and drawing a curious wrought Device, bearing a COLOSSAL GOLDEN HORSE! TILE EUROPEAN CIRCUS has more than repeated its Conticental ettcceooee. When abroad, it drew together Ito thou. ande upon thousands of . spectators—but in the United States, its coining VW el marked by a General Tarn-ont of the Peopia—Naking the Occasion of its Visit a General Holiday. Its matchless Procession ‘forming the particular objects of the fete. Prominent in the matchless tiRATUITOUS PARADE—foremost in ithe array of attractions, and standig withou a fameer among the noveltimi of the age Ai ith whose the world rings, the tuanagenieut takes great pleasure In naming CROIEWS 111sN OF FURIOUS LIONS! underthe - control of MIL PIERCE, the successor of the worid•rrnowned Crockett, and which• will be exhibited in all their native savageness unconquered, tineubdtied, rave by their one master—HEßCE. These monstern were engaged at the Cirque Napoleon in Paris, where they were being exhibitiatehortly attar Crockett's Daring I xploit tit Aetley'a Theatre, London, where by an acct. dent the blood -thirsty brute's eseaped from their cage. truing feller to the hearts of all within the theatre. Se. fore 'Assistance could reach him, one unfortunate ladi wuhtal was killed by them, and another horribly mangled. The policemen were about to shoot the savage monsters, when the OPAEALLELED DARING OF PIERCES CROCKETT rendered it unnecessary—for, as they reaeoed the place and heard the terrible truth, they dashed at once among them, their laves stiil reeking with the heart's blood of their victim, and by their Mysterioits Power, led them cowerfag to their den. This hold man will enter the den of these untamed proW ler, of the forest and feed them 111111 Rill ELMO PROII HIS HEED ILLND! a feat which has never before been attempted. THE ;...sEnsATION zzi is the Liye Lion in the ttryets—Free, Unttanimtled, loving at Liberty, Along the living walls of spectators. Taken out of his cage—walked deliberately up a steep platfiq'in—placed upon the HANDSOME f fty car, and there surtounded by a GROLP of (IIIII.S. borne along amid the most exulting shouts of admiration. SUCeeentilit this, comes the GOLDEN (At AttioT OF .IEOLIUS, containing -COTT'§ CORNET MlND—the Tableau Chariot, with a Livitig National Allegoiy—the Cortege of Knights, with waving Plumes and Steel Panopit—Chinese Confucian Pyramid—Fairy Steed Ptineon of Mania, spirited along by aosesiner Ponies—the whole tornttng the Unapt Scene of Splendor ever presented to mortal eyes. 'the perform. • ances are equal to the magnificence ef the outside glories, . • Ihe most Eminent Artistes. incleding the finest Lady laden of cis or trans..lf•antfe woflds. constitute THE CIRCUS COMPANY among whom are the members of • THE BELL FAMILY • Mad'ile ELISE MORZZETTL JOHN, RICHARD, JAMES and WILLIAM, The great English hiders and Versatile Performers; Hies LIABLE WATSA.N, Premier Equentrienhe of the World; Misr JENiv IL' WATSON, from Astley's,Londoni MAWR° HENRIQUES, Dashing Iloriewoinan; Madame CECIL E, from tae Anglo-American Circus; Miro GRACE BELLA IR, from Alhambra, London; NORA PAREPA, from Cirque St Marc, Vienna; Mice AMANDA i EESON, from Dresden School of Art; *NI LY ROWLAND, from La Cirque Napoleon; M'lle JOS EPIIINE Special Favorite in Europe; Mice JENNIE ST. CLAIR, from Hippodrome, Paris; Madame SHERWOOD, the Daring I lorsewoman; EDWIN 'WATSON Protean and Histrionic Rider: PHILO Principal & Four horse Reirentian; • en ARLES SLIER VOOD, The Original and only Great Delineator of PLT ENKINS. Don SANTIAGO GIBBONOISE, Contortionist; CHAS. EH SAIWOOD, Jr., the Astounding Acrobat; SAM Lt iNG, a Great Clown, and Capital Mager; FRANK WILLI - FAKER, the genial Man of Fun: i,Alt e.NCE DRAKE, Somersault Equustrian: VALENTINE DE FAI3IER, Aerialist; • OS.MOND CAM BLA- S, the thlSPrilling Gymnast ; Aud a host of ethers of weitdeserved Eminence. CANARY, the quintes.sence of Beiwiti. and Equine Training, willhe Trick Ponied GAZELLE- and BLACK PEDAL:eI,be introduced by 3lr. W. WATERMAN. Admission .. . ... 50 cis. Children, under . 10 years of ....... ..... . .. cts TWO Performances each Day—Afternoon and' Night. Donis open at 9 and 7 o'clock. Commence halt an hour a fterwards. Beat the place of exhibition in the morning in limo to see the Lion transferred from the Den to the top of the Platform Car previous to the starting of the pro cession n IHE FIRST GRAND STREET PAGEANT Will take. place, weather permitting, or ou the next fine day. on 'MONDAY MORNING, JUNE lat. and will pees over the followiu4 ROWEL.. Leaving the place of exhibition at 10 A. M., •down Eighth to 1. lirentit, to Second, to 'Walnut, to ltroad. to Mo , l, et, to 'I bird, to Arch, to Sixth, to Vine, t,) )Eighth, back to place of y2.3.th VENV CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. • ..GREATEST ATTR.II3 ACTION OFG, ENIN THE SEASON. TH EV will be presented GEORGE L. FOX'S SPECTACULAR HAI LET pANTOMIN E. ENTITL'EIi HUM PT I? DUMPTY. Magnificently and completely prod need. REUEL VED NIGHTLY nv A CROWDED AND DELIGHTED AUDIENCE. The scenery entirely , new, and the .„ MOnT NOVEL AND EXPENSIVE, "The stage a succession of marvels—doore turned into blank walls—hoses into chairs--walla into tables—billiard tables into sages—while boys grow in live minutes from five Years of age to twenty—to say nothing of other wonders. In the midst of ail these the ballet bieakd in like a dash of poetry in a comic of idiom" • THE BALLET will compriee come of the moat brilliant talent in the country. FIVE PREMIERE DANBEUSES ASSOLUTI., MLLE. BErry RIGL, MLLE. MARIE SANT/A. AMELIA ZUCCOLI. MLLE IDA IDALIE Also, the lavorite dangettses MLLE. MILY RPM „ MLLE. JOSEPHINE ZUWOLI, and LA PETITE BCEILAGER. The Child Dement° and wonder of the age. . AN INFANT 13A.LLET, Compered of Twelve little girls. headed by LA PETITE fiILNDA. Night Pi iced-25. 60, The. and $L Doors open at 134 ; Curtain risco at 8 AA' 103. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE.- 111 Begins 31 to 8 o'clock. • MRS. JOAN DREW AND BARTON BILL. LAST NIGHT—DOUBLE BILL. ._ TEUIS (BAIT RDAY) EVENING, May :30, 1888. THE SEItIOCS FAMILY. MRS. ORMSBY DELMAIN........MRS. JOHN DRZW , Mrs. Chas. Torrens.... . . . ........ ....Miss Lizzie Price Captain Murphy Maguire Mr. Barton Hill Atninadah ....... . ..... Craig After which, LA TOUR DE NISLE. Captain Buririan... . . . MR. BARTON lILLL MON DAY—UN DER THE GASLIGHT. With all its Startling Effects. LEWIS BAKER AS SNORKEY. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, May 8004 _lB6B. ..LAST NIGHT OF JOHN BROUGHAM, FAREWELL BENEFIT OFJOIIN BROUGHAM. The popular Drama, by Mr. Brougham, of DuMREY AND SON. Captain ....... . —MR JOHN BROUGHAM o conclude with the laughable Comedietta of ills LAST frill O'Oidlaghan . IR.. JOHN BROUGHAM MR. JOSEPH S FFERS9N epiniged, and will make.bla Sat appearance on. MON DAY in of celebrated Character ef Itlr VAN WINKLE. _ A 88EMBLY BUILDINGS—CIROWDEDI • • 11 WYNtaIitd,FOURWRBEE, - • "piErts,, MAGIC AND VEN,IWVOQUIRM. 'CROWDED EVERY NIGHT.' And. And Wednesday. and Baturday at 11. Children to Matinees, 15 eta. Evening coromeqes at 8. Adm Rion 25 eta. Family Tickets, to admit six, tn. Gifts at every entertainment. , • , Iny2s 845 ENNBYLVANIA AC &EMMY OF FINE ART:. p (111EtiTNUT Btreet, above enth. The Forty-fifth Annual Exhibition of rait3timett. Statn trfr R d mtr e f i rik c irilll 10 i i i n m ji: P e e L n e;l a 4 y . from A. till Admittance 2ent& Beam Jackets, 50 eta. an27-tf IVAMIMY OF MUSIC. INft4::.*'itANCES ANNE 03619111 LE WILL *READ ON • TUESDAY, JUNE 2d, at 4 l', M;. EIIARESPEAS Eli "MIDSUMMER NIG-LIDS EtltE4l , f," • FOR DENP, FIT OF TOE , SOLI ERIP:oIi.PIIANS.OF TliE LINCOLN /NSTITU• TI, N. The GRAND OINAIESTRA of Mr. Carl Bentz ;will jor• form, on this occasion, the Overture, Notturno and Wed. ding Math. from Meudelsaulin'a lisl3ll4lkAt NIGHT'S DREAM. TICKETS FUR RESERVED SEATS. I'ItICE,S2 00, will be for rile at the Academy of Music on Monday rucrning at 9 o'clock. No 'tickets will he sold except for BCB(!tired &atm.. The M aim germ expect that tun audience will pay Mra. Krtoble the complltocht of ming rented ten minutes before four o'clock. ihy3o.3 _ Al./ADEMY OF MUSIC, L. ENGELKE'S GRAND CONOERT AND BENEFIT, With an °rebuts*. of SIXTY PERFORMERS. And a Chorus f 1 , o IVE HUNDRED VOICES, • Will take place on SATURDAY EVENING. May 30,18 a Soprano—hire. JOdEIIIINE IiCIRIMPF. Tenor—Mr. JACOB GitAF. • • Baritono—Mr. WM. TIARTMANti.. 8010 Violin—Mr. WM. tiTOLL, Jt Vocal Hoefeties—The Miennerchor, Liedertafel, Sargon bund.Y °nue Malinerchor. Arion.Concordia Mmanarchor, Cecelia. 'I cutouts, iisengerbund; Germania Mamnerchor, Behweizer Mannerchor, and eoveral DIBTINUE1$11E1) CHOIRS OF PIIILADELEMIA.. On Ude occasion only Mr. I' , :NGELK _ "OItAND MY 01 'IIIE IIEPUBLIO , And "MYEIGIEER'S IiUGIJENOTei," Will be performed with full Orcbontra and Chorus. 'PiCKETd, ONE DOLLAR. Exchangoable for reserved Bents. without mars charea on and after Mav Ms at ...I:rumpler'e Music More , No. vhf Cheatnntatrect. • FAMILY CIRCLE, FIFTY CENtEI. For sale at the principal Music Storm rriyl37-11th EtiTURII O 1 LIGIIT. "SuNLIGIIT—MOONLIGUT." Before the Franklin Institute, by prof.- HENRY NORTON, at the ACADEMY MUSIC% on Saturday, Juno 5411, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents to all parts of the house. For sale at the Franklin Institute, 15 South Seventh street. Seats reserved without extra charge. Member's tickets adtalt to the Lecture, but do not tlecure Referred Beate. my2flllt ltof IBS EFFIE GF.RMON'S GOMPLIMENTAP.Y .111 L MATINEE. SATURDAY. June eth.—Mr. 'John Brougham, Owen Marlowe. Miss O. Jefferson. tlarneross & Dixey's Minstrels. and others will appear. Secure Seats at once at ,I.Tutepter's. No. 926Cies tnut street. 6t* NEW ELEVENTH num OPERA' HOUS ELEVENTH sWebove cilzhNUT. THE 'FAMILY M.BORT. CARNOIWSS & MEN'S MINSTRELB. Second week of the Great Panorama, HURRAH TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. First week of the renaming act, entitled numprY DumnY. Last week of the greatest mystery of the present age, entitled TDE SPECTRES' FROLIC ji l OlE5 Ahi ERY ItiRICAVENINGN VARIETY TLIEATRE. 1: EV E mind SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Balto'. Ethiopian Burlesques. Bono. Damao twice's'. NOTICES. OFFICE OF TUE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, EASTERN DIVIrSION. PnitAta Nlay Stith. 1&3i: The Interest in 00121 Q4l the Fire. :Mortgage Ronda of the Union Pacific hailwaPConapany, EaiderLl Diriflol2, doe Juno Itt., will be paid on preeentatiou of the coartout therefor at the Bar.king U Pe. of DAILNAY. MORGAN dt CO., • flxellango New York. On and after that date. 11l y 2K,111,111.0.13t,,. s i ker PENP.SYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE Fl. Arts.-1110 Annual Election for a Presioent and twelve Directors a ill be held at the Academy. on MON DAY. let of June, between the hours of 11 noon and 2 r. M. 0 JOHN T. LEWIS. Seerstary. PHILADELPHIA, May 21, leeld. no2i t jell' sere NOTICE---TIIE ANNVAL MEETING .1)F THE Stockholders of the EIItLADELPIIIA ATEA* . SIDI' lh CIL &X./MPANY. for the election-of five 'Direc tors and the transaction of other business, will be held at No. 53 Korth Seventh ntreet, on MONDAY. June let, IS:AA, at 5 o'clock P. M myllir . 6tl imir OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND th./M. PRIVY, NO. '4I4:WALNUT STREET. Put taort.rtita, May 19 'N. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of the Metalline Land Company will be held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, June let prosoff 0 o'clock, M. mylttnyan M. IL fiOt FMAN, (Rork. stiv EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY.—THEANNCAL Meeting of the Stockholder* of the Empire Copper Company will he held Lithe office of the Company, No. 324 'Walnut street, t hfladefphia. on PRIPAN June sth, 1t 8, at 1 I o'clock. M for the election of. , Directers, and for any other bueineea that may legally come before the meeting. April ao, turi.tiem or' bterlntig.—R;j:llj2- LUTE Min/NO ULM rAN Y will beheld At the (Mee of the Company, No. MA Walnut Arcot Philadelphia. on MONDAY. the first day of Juno, he& at 12 o'clock, noon, for the election of Directors and traursetion of other heel nets. ft. A. 1100Y41:3. tiocsetary. Pit ILAnawita. May 1. 1893. myl tl2l ANYODALOID COMPANY OF LAKE l er BUYEKIOR.—The annual meeting of the stock. holders of the Arnygdalold Mining Company of Lake Su. perior will be held at the oilicoof the Company No. nt alnut street. Philadelphia . on WEONESDAY..June 3. ltoi, at 12 o'clock 51.. for the election of Directors. and for any other business that may legally come before the meeting.. M: D. lIOFFSIAN. klecretary. myl,tje3ll April 30,1868. - _ magar , GIRARD MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. -,71,3 Annual Meeting of the Stockholder+ of the DirardNinlng C4'nupany of-Michigan will be held at the °Him of the Company, No. =4 Walnut street, Phila. delphia. on TUESDAI, the eecoud day of June, lb ea. at Is o'clock. ncon, for the election of Directors and tranasc. lion of other business. 13 A. HOOPES, Secretary POILATYMPIIIA. May 1.1968. myl NOTIOEM. elsavg. OFFICE OF THE HAZLETON RAILROAD COM. PANY. No. 803 WALNUT STREET. PUILADELPHIA. May Sid, IVA, A Dividend of Two and one.hatf per cunt., or One Dollar and a quarter per share, will be paid to the Stoclo holdets, free from taxes, on and after Tu Ell/A Y. May vith, upon the presentation and surrender of their certt licates for exchatute for cortlilcates of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. CHARLES C. LONGSTRETIL Treasurer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY akr TREASUBER'S DEPARTMENT. Puitanr.i.ritia, May 2,186 N. NOTICE TO STOCREIOLDEM: The Board of DL rectors have this day declared a semiannual Dividend of Three Per Cent. on the capital stock of the Company, payable in cash, clear of National and State tax.m. and a further dividend of Five Per Cent, payable in stock on and after May 30. Blank vowera of attorney, for collecting dividends cm he obtained at the office of the Company, Elg South Third ~treet. THOMAS T. rav2.l3ot Treasurer. HEATER' AND STOVE** 1 1 1 , n I3 ALTIM ORE ti..,.,n.(47 IMPBOVED 11A13E BUItNING I ft -111_14i FIRE-PLACE HEATER ..:... will ~ 1:2 6 -111 - - t.sit mAGAZINE AND ILLUMINATING DOORS. The most Cheerful and Perfect Heater in Use. To be had, Whoktale and Retail, of • 1 4 , - J. S. CLARK, r woi minims. slummy. mil Bm4 ~ GAS FIXTURES. CA. AEI Ff. T E 8 ,_.-14113KEY, ICERFJLI. d 'FIIACHARdi. No. 718 Chestnut street. manufacturen of Gas Fixtures. Lamps, aho.. would can the &aerator of the public to their lane and elegant wasortment of Gaa Chandeliers. Pendants. Brar.kets,dre. 'They also introduer gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings. and attend to extending, Means and repairing Sas pipe. All work warranted. CAL e L AND,_ BUY YOUR GAI3.I7XTUIIEB MON Uzavil" VANKIIIK di MARSHALL. No. 912 Arch otreeT. VANKIRS. MARSHALL,, N 0 .„912 ARCH STREET manufacture and keep all styles of Gasa`ixtures asni Chandeliers. • Also. rehab* old fixtures. • _ . V.OIITRIC IIdARIMALL, NO. 912 ARCH STREET, Pipe giv run At epet the lowest Pates. eial attention to Milos up Ohuxehee. GD. GILT AND ELECTRO 01VVER.PLATED Ges•Fixtures. at VANKThK & MARBRALL'EI. No. 91.2 Arch street. • work guesenteed to eve nallehmtlon. None',bn drat-class workmen employed. teB.o m w dms .. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON County and Pemberton and Bights. •-•-• town, Railroads. - CHANGE OF 'LIME.' On and after Monday, June Ist. ,1868 trains will leave Market street Ferry, upper aide, for Merehantyille: Mooretit" Marti' ord. Masonville • HainsPort, Mount, Holly, gyrn: Ewinavilla Vincentown, Birmingbam. and Pembotton, at 8 A., M.. 1, 4 and 8.16 P. For Lewistown. Wrigbtetown, Cookstown, New x•gYpt' Hofporstown, Cream, Imlaystown, Sharon en 'lliglitstown. at 1 and 4P.M. my ,4t. ? W.ll. CIA'IL Agent' ' CAMDEN AND A.MBOY EA. lE. : 17 : ...."' ' „"""'4A-'''''........:' ROAD COMPANY .— Notion.-On and -' - '''' ------ atter Monday l June 1 1868. an ado. _ ._.. dons! Tommulk ExoreF a Lil2o in , Virtil tSt et , 1 • . w a ys au re 'Wharf ttrY:r l l."for iN e . a. York, vla Camila n And AmboYe Eare, $B. Returning. will leave Now York at I P. M. from Pier No. 1 North River . G r. W. H. ATZMEE• niyiS ) It Agent. • FOR SALE. THE DESIRABLE, GEMTO.AN r rOWN RESI.I3,I:IKOE „ , • Situated on Church Lane, Third honee,oest of the Railroad; three inlautco wit'k from Station. The honee has ~ vviry convenience, amp! t Frollndß. beatitifully blidont willtabondiince of trdim elitubbery, Aho, well built Btouo ititablo. Aptly 'at 121•theetnut Street, 24 Story. 1:9.k3 WM. J. PALMER, Tress. WI GLIAM i4ES Becfre-147 sod re LI (Iva' M. El. lIOFFMAN. dertrutary OVIDE. VOIZ SA.I-IE. MORTGAGE OF 1;4,000. MORTGAGE $1,600. lOTLY TO BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON, (BuiLxim,) No. 120 North Thirteenth Street. .„ AT wooDBLAI.:, N, J.—A DESIRABLE itEsi. denee. lately put to complete order for the ONVllersi ' we; hag lb roorna.nli modercreanvenientua unual in the city residences; large garden, 45 by 400 feet: stablo, ren iage.holtye, dre.; for sale on earl tering. or et)Ceilahgt) for city Property J, FREDERICK LIST, 629 Walnut street, Philadelphia. rny'4.tf 01Thi FOR A TRY BEAT, WITH FIVER to six scream( ground. alttidttr on tiliestor road, " below Darby. within tau minutes' walk of pae• eetiger and ten minutes' drive to Media Railroad Stallone. House contains eleven rooms, with all conveniences, and is partly furnished. - Grounds fertile, and in good condi tion ; large and email fruits in full bearing; ice.bouae tilled; eottunodioua stable sad barn; good witter " ' • CLARiedi mygt o tb 012t* IV Walnut street la YOU BALE 4 DEBIBAB4F: WU4RF iItOPeRTY eand large and commodious Warehouse on the east side of Beach street. between Marlborough and If an over streets, lull feat trent on Beath street, and 660 feet more or Jets in depth, to the Warden's line in the river Delaware; good depth of water. DUNk•Nd & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancer*. my&tu th elit• 11116 Boeth street, abase Laurel. taFOIL BALF—A FOUR BTORY BRICK DWELL inr,IB22 l'ioe etreet, with throe Story beak. build in& with all modern itaprovotnentr, built by the late owner for bb own use. roma:lft with deed. Apply on the premises or to JAMES CHAMBERS. u y u •Callowhillitteet. itCOUNTRY BEAT AND FARM MR RAL1e....2 60 or 100 ACTCO. Bristol pike. above 7 tolls stone. " sod near Tawny. Mansion house, comeh shops sob dvrolllass to let. MTH' oo the premises. or to R. WHITAKER. No. MO Locust sheet. myld+gtu.th7t• _ FOR SALE.—TIIE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Rtsi • r. deuce in new block No. SSP Sean Seventeenth etreet. between Spruce and Pine. le Just finiebed. nad will be fold. inquire of B. Wright, MI Spruce. ce. South Tbird Meet. L • tuYititf lIANDSOME COlitaTRY BEAT FOR BALK— ,;o,„taiu,ng acme •of lands wits modern mud In, " stable.' and ette,fareannice, and all neceesarr out buildings. aid in perfect order. eltuate ftm Limekiln turn, Use, fbreo-f walla of a mate coat of Germantown. It nit of every land In abundance. J. M. GUMNI.t.A BON B, GDR Walnut tfreet. _ FOR SALE Ori ; f6 LET—IIANIAOME BTONE Residence. fart built. with halt an 11(70 of ground. at - nsotintAiry. Chestnut 11111 ftent. V 75. A pi.lv to • itt,FittAi G. OAK tin. m):5 No. 21t) CheAtnut erect. —_ FOR BALE—A BEA.LiTIFLIMAD on the Elver Bank, to the Upper parte ihr..erly. N. J., containing one acre, extending to Warren 4yeet. , The house h. large and convenient; wide ball in the centre; largeohade trete. grouuda tastefully laid out. and garden hired with all kinds 4 fruit; within akw minutes' walk of rteautboat or railroad. Apply on the retrying, or to Wfd. KARI. No. lo North Fourth atsect. . - apitt • in FOR ALL tiANDtiOSti: TIIREF-RTORY 9 Pine street; built In the brat manner. All nomiern Improvements Also. the desirable three story de Ellin& tio. 818 North tieventh street. With ell modern Improvements. lininadlate pes sesilun for both. Apply to copputx. & JUIII),VC.'An WlLthutetreet. cur:: P —TBE VA M.A. bl i ec i r itiC ere ."- rt s.-N-c7CFO SALE Itte; it'ud zs r . ik t ric i a l str u:i t, 4 ,5 1 "feetfront by lutt feet deep. :i BON g, Wi n !nut 'Amt. Afttsff ST 17,Kr— SAL.E--Ati Y.LEGANT brown tune ituaidence, built to r Ptlperi4r Moipuer. - with every COLlVetAttlee, and lot tort front by td) teet der]) to a ZU fret svlis %Mat, cituate ou the eolith tide, eft uf, bade* lOU J. GUMMY it SONS, 54 N stnut itr eet. cCAPE MAY C 4 TAOF FOE SALE (X)NTA ktg 7 roor ; eUglbiqlocated on York avenue. Will be rented if not ooki Ourniehed) ft. the summer sea.. *on. For partienlnne addma M. (~ this ofiim. u.tPi mit BALE —TILE lio N - 0807. THREE-STORY brick Dwelling. with tbreo-Mn: 3 ,- double back traild - -Ano. curate northwtat corner of TiPmeteenth and Filbert strec: bur n tver7 rnodn.rn COuventepeo an/ jrn rovement4 and GI I parted circler throutiout. . M. Otibild EY 4 dutifi, GOn Walnut aren't cSIiVi : TPINLAPELPIIii , MR SALE. THE iv. bet ante La gable smideree„ built in the heft man. 13,4Vivillt every CATIIMIIICI3Ce. and tot hi feet front by It 6 iceideep., Situate in the mettdeffirable ptrt of Weil Pitied's. (hounds well thadee and improved with chows aboubbet7. J..hL Glibibikaf,& BONI. sts Walnut theet. ~ FOR SALE--A M N ObER flltlCe s tiI:9IDENCE —Handternely , Eurnitheitt' - built and tinithed throuthent in a tuwrior nmuner. With extra conve bbneet ; five !mit wide tide i'im -=L4 in perfect orde r; ' , heat* fll Nineteenth Piled. d1b0:1, diet'. J. M. 0 I . M. MF.Y 6 lam& ti. 3 ‘Vainnt street. <'. rt'ALNUT STItEET.—WFAT PIIII.4.DEL.P For esje— The. e.ll,olfleotue Uttrwu Stow, Rooldenre. tat fiDistiod; furnished with every couvenienet , ; irituate 3437 'lnd 34V Walnut street. J. M. t; M MEX & tiOr% it, 504 )ireklant Area.' • DARE BUSINESS CIIANUE..—A PARTY RETIRING from a very prolitabla-iradcrtakina here to amoitne a larßer interest west, dimposo of the ?lime far *5,04, eao, or Food paper. For interview. addrera A. ‘i". 13ox 1717. Ftmt °Dice. in7l.:z4t• FOR SALE.-11UlLI , ING LOTS. Large lot Waalfusion avenne and Twenty.thlrd st. Three lota W. [Franklin. above Poplar. Vivo lets E S. Eighth. *nacre ropier. Lot E. E. 'Fwentletb. below livrtire at Lot F. iz. Franklord ad. above Huntingdon. Apnlv COY PUCK JORDAN. 433 Walnut at • my:rtf IririCkTiqra . STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, TO LET. APPLY ) AT BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. TO RENT The First Floor (Back) 0V TUE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, No. 607 CherArtut , Street, (And r'4 Jayne Street) ' Inquire in the Publication °nice of the Hutu:n* l royttf IaTO RENT—DWELLING 1101:8F, Nty;:lsl3 • Spruce street. Apply at (lice. No• WS Walnut street. . 2t• BOARDINO HOUSE TO RENT. A large teuratory tioildiug„ with four•stor7 back buildings, No. KZ Arch street. The parlors would make a good showroom for a Tailor. Dress maker or La dles' Shoemaker. Inquire on the premiseal TO LET.. 'A COUNTRY PLACE, THREE :NIMES 113 from the city, with mix acres. good house, mhado. fruit. garden. grr.pe•houre, atables, &c.„ and ever/ convenitnce, ' , id partly fartdmheiL Apply to apit• w m tf B. B. COMEGYR. TO RENT—A FURN:aIIED 110E8E, WITH ALL modern improvemeP ;,.; the western pert of the city. to a faintly sifit coildren. House contains ten rooms. Address X. P `.41. tripMt• itTO LET—AT CHESTNOT HILL, FOR THE Summer months, a medium Omit. thoroughly fern. lolled home. located near the PreebyterlanOourch. myattit • ------ JAMES B. OTEINQER. ----- - irTO RENT AT OERMANTOWN—A FURNISHED .. House, with etabiLug, and, every modern mode r convent " enca eltherfor five menthe or a Year. APPLY to W O. MENSZEY, 737 Market (1 *street. Xr*V.: • —,---------- 215 rTO RENT PROM JUNE 15 TO REMEMBER 15, & Furnished Bonne. on Price street. German. town. All modern conveniencee.. Addreee "W." Box 2064, P. O. . • mystis p 0 LET.—THE 'UPPER BOOMS OF NQ. lit SOUTH' L Fourth street, over the Provident Life end Trust Corn panrs aloe. ' ' IMAM AMID !WOOD* CROSS CREEK LEHIGE COAL. PLAISTED & lidGC44l3ti. No. 8038 CIiki3TNUT Street. West PhUadelPhia, Sole Retail Agents for Covi Brothers & co.'s celebrated Crots Creek Lehigh Coal, from the But& Mountain Vein. This Coa M al trticularly adapted for making Steam, for Sugar szst Houses, Breweries,'&o. l i t is also unsur passed as_ a fantlyi., Orders left at the office of the miners, No. so. weixtu Street (let floor), Will receive oar prompt attention. boral, arrangenients made with manufacturers using_a render quantity. .m 7131110, REUBEN DA OTP/CTTEII. SAAS d; FETTER, COAL DEALERS, _ N. W. COR. 'NINTH AND JEFFERSON STB., Neap_ :on hand a •constant supply of LEHIGH and B_OHU )(DRILL DOALII, from thoest Mlnes,,for Factory, and Steam Purposes. - aol4 ls 116 IiABON BEMIS& JORK 7. BULA.Y,_ _p 11113 E UNDEIRBIGNI S B INV/TB ATTENTION TO A their stock .ef -- , ',. , , riligring Mountain, Lehigh, gd Locust Mountain Coal, ch. with the preparation given by us, we think. cannot excenA u tbal3r=a Office, - Building No -15 13. Eleventh street. BLEB di EIIEAF. L P isle& ,' Arch street wharf. filmhuviguil. - Wig oadrtie AGENCY. EORGE DELP do CO; Agenta for all newspapers at the lowed rates. Office. No. leg oftestuut street, second floor. PRESS BUILD. /NO. • 005-tu.th.e.l7/ COMMON—COUNCIL OP PHILADELPILL.S.. CIIIK'S OFFICE: ; PIT tX4DIMPRIA, may 8i 1868. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the,city of Philadelphia on Thursday, •the seventh day of May, 186.8; the' artneuct bill, entitled "AN Onblyarrce•to &elite's loan for the fnrther extension'of the Philadelphia;Gas Werke," is hereby published for public information. JOHN ECIO3TEIN, Clerk of Common Connell. An Ordinance to create a Loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works. Sernorr 1. The Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia do ordain That the Mayor of the City bound he is hereby authorized to borrow at not Kos than par, on the credit of the city, such sums as the Trustees of the Gas Works may re quire, not exceeding In the aggregate one a million, dollars, at rate 'of interest not above six per' • cent., to be applied as follows, viz: First—For enlarging and extending the wOrks arid purchasing a suitable site for. the erectloc of any new buildings or other structures in the northeastern part of the city the selection of the site and the character of the new buildings or structures as proposed to he erected to be first submitted to and approved by,the Council& live hundred thousand dollars. Sectmd—For street mains, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Third—For services and metres, two hundred thousand dollars. Fourth—For coal storehonse at Point Breeze, seventy-five thousand dollars. • ' The principal of said loan shall be payable at the expiration of thirty years from the date of negotiation, and shall be free from all taxes. Sze. 2. Certificates for saki loan shall ix Issued by the Mayor; id sucte4uneunts as the lenders' may desire, but not for 'any fraellonal parts of one hundred dollars, nor thole transferable other wise than at the City Treasurer's office, and shall be in the following form: Gas Loan. Certificate NO.—\ i3Lx' per cent Loan of the City of Philadelphia, Issued under authority of an ordinance entitled "aitonlinance to create a loan fo'r the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works," approved , This certifies that there is due to by the City of Philadelphia, ---- dollars, With interest at six per cent., payable half yearly on. the lat days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer in the said city, the principal to be paid at the same office in —years from the date of said ordinance and not before,without the holder's consent.. Pree of all taxes. in wit ness whereof the City Treasurer has hereto set • his hand and affixed the seal of said city this day of A. D. 18—, A —City Controller. SECTION S. That the terms and provisions of the ordinance entitiod, "An Ordinance for the further extension and management of, the Phila. , delphia Css Works," approved June 17, 1411, shall not apply 1u any way or manner to this Loan. N.WSOLVTION TO PUBWAII A OAS LOAN RIM. Raolvta, That the Clerk of Common Council bCanthorlied to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for font weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, May 7,'2868, tattled'"Au Ordinance to create a loan for the further extenSion of the Pb! adelphla Gas Works." And the said clerk at the stated mettinz of Councils, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been made; myB,24t COMMON COUNCIL OF PRILdDELPHIA.— CLERK'S OFFICE, PHILAMIT.RITIA, May 15th, 1868. In accordance with a Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, on Thursday, the fourteenth play of May, 1868, the annexed bill, entitled : "AN eabriAzrce to create a loan for the further extension of Fairmount . Park, and the im prove:milt thereof," is hereby published for public Information. JOHN ECKSTEIN, - • Clerk of Cominon Council. To create r. Loan for the farther extension of Fairmount Park, and for tho improvement thereof. Storms 1. The Select and. Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ortaba, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he la hereby au thorized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, for the fur ther extension of Fairmount Park and for the improvement thereof, *4,000,000, for which interest not to exceed the rate of six per cent. per annum shall be paid half yearly, on the first day of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer, and •the said loan Eball ho called the "Park Loan." The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty _ years from the date of the same, and not before without the con sent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor in the usual form of the eartnicates of City Loan, shall be issued In such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any frac tional part of one hundred dollars,or, if required, in :amounts of five hundred or one thousand dol lars; audit shall be expreasea in said certificates. that the loan therein mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. BEc - rioN 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be by force of this ordinance annually appropriated out of the in come of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised-by taxation; a Bum sufficient to pay the interest on saidcertificates; and the further sum of three-tenths of one -per ceutum on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be appro priated quarterly out of said ineome and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledgol for the redemption and payment of sala certificates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. REsolred t That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, May 14, 1868,`entitled "An Ordinance to create a loan for the;further extension of Fairmount Park, and for the improfement thereof." And the said Clerk at the stated meeting of Counclls after Car expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication shall present to 1"415 Council one of each of said newaps.pers for every day .in which the same shall have been mode. tnylB 24t TrtyW se• TO CAPITAIASTS AND I Itcas.—T4omAs df Sena. Auctioneers.—Very aluable Business Pro " perky, known as the Central Buildings. See 211136 and ".,) Walnut street opposite the Merchant's Exchange, 96 feet on Walnut street, 188 foot in depth to Pear /street, two frpute. .On Tuesday. June 9d..1868. at 12 o'clock. noon; will be sold at public stale, at the Philadelphia Ex ch auge,all three two fours story brick buildinga and the lot of mound thereunts belonging, situate on the eouth aide of Walnut street, directly opposite the F.xchange; con. tattling together in front on Walnut street about 35 feet, and extruding in depth about 14e feet to Pear street, with the privilege of, a 3 feet wide alley leading into . Dock etreet, (controlling all the property on the out to D sek meet; future improvements being subject thereto. which ie )considered of great value, ) with a passmemay run. ning through to l'ear etreet, on which is erected a five story brick building. The attention of Capitalists, Bank ers and Insurance Companies is culled to the above-men. tioued property, combining se It does many advantages: Its close proximity to the Exchange, together with two fronte, make it aeeirable. - Property In this particular block is considered of more value pit- foot. thair-in-amr-- other block in the whole length of Walnut 'street. Sub ieet to a mortgage of 15213.000. For further particulate. Apply to C. IL it U. P. MUIRLIBID, • , No. 205 South Sixth Sheet. THOMAS it SONS, ii.uctioneens, royl4 23 28 tn BO jel 139 and 14L tiouth . Fourth street. my2112t4 tREAL 'ESTATE.—TILOMAEI dr SONS' SALE.— Valuable Business: Stands.—Two Fivastory Brick and Granite Stores, Nos. , 107 and IC9 Walnut etreet. beta eon Fre ut and Second' streets. On Tuesday. Juno 3d t 1068, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Peelle sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those elegant and substantial five-story brick stores and lot of ground. situate on the north aide of Wal nut street, 93 feet fa inches west of ,irrent etreet. Nos. 107 and lee; containing in front on Walnut street 48 feet. and extending in depth of that width 1.1 feet.. Granite front first story, and granite pavement. Subject to a ground rent of Sl,OOO a year. For further particulars. • , Apply to _C. dt U. P. MUIIIREID. • ' ' - No. 206 South Sixth Street. M. THOMAS dr. SuNS,' A.uctioncere, myl4 23 28 29 30 jet 120 and 141 Sou h Fourth st. DPI'I37I( ESCIIEATOIIIIPEREMPTORY SALE.— Fatate 'of Jonathan Chapman, deceased. Thomas dc done; Auctionvern, Ground Rout $9O a twar. On. • Tueeday. June 80th, 18{38. at 12 o'cloek,_ E noon, will be sold al public sale, at the Philedelidda xehange, all that yeatiy ground rent of des, nasality let of April and Octo ber. lawful silver money of the United Stateig. each dollar R etching 17 poonYtvehtotootot 6 gratin!, lieutog out of all that. lot, of ground, situate, on the north side of Boring Garden street, 164 feet eaebhf•ltleTenthetreetteostialnlar in trout; 11l feet, and in denth,aa „th e , cot 11 , 172 - fißet . irvheo. ondthe west,iner74 foot 6f,', Inaltko. ,1% tkba paid at the tin 6 of oiti, liy.ordofof N_ ntwt.F ESchepvtre Ilona' 131 tll t adreet, tr , *4l BONO; mygNoilinep.2o and froarthottiet: CITY ORDINAAECR. A!'4 ORDLNASCre REAL ESTATE SALES. r2ORDER OFTim su. prone Court. --9 hotnam At Sons. Auctioneere.—Valita ble Coal Landa,Luxerne cosinty,Pa.—ln the Snpretne Court for the Eaetern Maria of Penneylvania, Frederick Gebhaid Schttehardt vs. The Harmony Medial Coal Company. Of January Term, 1868. No. 82, In equity. No the is hereby given by virtue of the power in that beh alf contained in the mortgage by the said Company to John P. Yelverton and Frederick tiehherd &beehive+ dt, boar Ing date the ltd day of July, A. D. GM and under and In punittaree of tho decree made in this cause, will be sold at public pale, on Tueeday. June 2d, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon. at the Philadelphia behange, the following de scribed property, being the creed:we and estate described -in '.the''. abee-tnentioned mortgage. to wit; Ali those several cettain tracts or parcels+ of land, situate In the township of Providence, in the e °linty of Luzeine and State of Pennsylvania, being tat No. 41, and part of lot No. 92, certified in the said toulthips, and hounded and desetibed ste collowe t beginning on the' bank of the Lack awanna river, and running thence tooth 1,4 degrees lid minutes, east 706 perches, more or lose, to the liue of the certified township of Priviactice; thence along said town. ship line south Its degrees 80 mint/tee. west 48 240 rods, More or leem,toline of 110/11$ cold by F. A. C. Smith to Jane S. Clark; thence north fsi degrees 30 minutest, west 190 Imrchee, more or lees, to the bank of said river; thence up 1118 ea eirbier the thveral coursed thereof he perches; more or lees, to the place of beginning; containing 2. 1 11 acreejof land. were or less, being a part of lot No. 41 in the send certified township, and the same lands beratefere per. et+/++ 4 l by Geo. C. Gene! from the Delaware, Lackawana and Weetet n Railroad Company, • Also, all that certain other tract or parcel of land, ad. Nettle the ethos, , beginning at a corner on the certified township • line; thence south 2538 degrees, west. 33 irlo perches to a corner; thence along the line of certified lot No. 42, not th 47t6 degrees, went SOO 9.19 perches to a comer on the Lackawanna river; thence Moue the said river north 46 degree, enet 15 perches+, and north 37 degrees, east 19 LIO pet chee to at corner; and thence along imether part of said lot No. 41 south 5438 degrees, east 797 3.10 mper re ch es to the place of beginning; containing 159 acres. leek. • 'Alm all that other, certain piece or parcel of land, adjoining the ahem containing 8 acres and 94 perche% beteg a residue formerly belonging ttiJohn J. Phelps; the veld i'helps having iteen Mead and popes/used of 237 acres 88 perches of lend the rorthweettvardiy part of No. 41 aforesaid, and having conveyed 2,8 acres and 149 perches thereof to Georee W; Scranton.Av he afterwards conveyed the aid residue of acres and 94 perdu% to said George Gellet,!bY !deed dated November 4,185 e. Excepting end theervine outof andfrom said lands toe right of way for the ratiroads of the Penna. Coal Compenyand of the Lackaa anna Iron and Coed Company. Together with all the buildininOmprovemente.machinery and fixturea upon the said premises. and also the franchises held or enjoped by the said the Harmony 3lntual Coat , Company. the terms of vale are 418,8011tash when the bid is accepted. or the Property Ili be Rune diatsily put no again and eold, and the balance in cash when the deed in delivered ; the purchaser being allowed twenty dais to prepare the deed Tor execution. by the subscriber. The subscriber will ref. Wye as cash ratite purchase money beyond the $6.000 paid at the sale, the bonds secured by said mortgage to the extent Hwy are entitled to aelividend oat of the same. The holders deeoeiting the enema; reserving their right to participate in the proceeds of sale hi like manner as if the whole amount of the purchase money were paid in each. • FUEL/ERICK GERHARDT Sell ['CHARD r, Tri•toe. s. 1 4 4, eqpit !HAS SONS..Anctioueera, ap2S my 18 20 tZi and 141 South Fourth street. STOCK ;,"' PEREMPTORY SALE, 11Y ORDER Old STOCK ;j holders.- Thomas deSone, Auctioneers —Valuable Oilend 'flintier Lando Property of tilitglies River (RI Company, Wirt County, West Virginia. On Tuesday. June 20. lEet. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be gold at public eule.o ti bout reterve,at the Philadelphia Exciter ge all the rig), ttitleir.terget and coruornte franchisee of the Jingoes hirer Oil Company, of, in and to all the following dos- Cl 114'0 piece or pat oil of land lying in the County of Wirt and Slate of West Virginia. Bounded ea follows. to yvit ileainning a' to o red cake and a black oak. standing on the 8. W. side of a point near L'ttle bland Run; thence N. 7 deg.. E. 27-6 poles to" two white oaks in a line nt Hartghorne'n land • thence with the same S .85 deg...E. PAO poles to a chettiit'wbite oak at the north end of the Devire race per h ; thence 8 42 deg.. E t 22 Poles. erog.ing Isle ere of flint rnn to a hickory and painters on a hill tide.. near tbeSillohur run; thence S:5O deg , W. 136 Pole& to Pointe l'e (Togging. Sulphur run, at 12 poles; thence N. Lb dtg.. W. P 4 poles to a hickory; thence S. hi deg.. W. 162 vier to a red ruin thence Sl5 deg.. W. 21P poles, croming with- re of Flint to a hickory ; thence :b. Se deg.. W. 140 poke to a white oak, N. le 1 deg.. \V. 2'i poles to a chegtratt oak. corner to lands claimed by Well, and Neal. 2.*. .33 , ; deg.. W. 271 poler. croging the left hand fork of the three forks of 16ftle leignd rue to the place of begin ning ; containing 1,167 acres, more or less, and also of. to and to the Charter of Incorporation of Paid Company. The 1. ren.hee above described are si tuate about g mile. from Waliceise Station. on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. and Id miles from Parkemburg.Retween Hughes river and the Little Kanawha river, about-gd miles Bomb , ' of the former. and 3 or 4 miles north ofethe latter, and fortes part of the 'Sulphur Spring Tract" There le au oil welt. a green bons& abontb saes of cleared lend and good Timber land. The timber is principally oak and hickory. acid said to be very veJuable. The land grows gram in abundance. 'The oil veil is bored 16 a depth of 110 feet. and at one time yielded from 8 to 10 barrels of oil per day. Sale &Motets Te mg-8 , 300 to be paid at time of sale, and the balance on delivery of the deed in 15 days. At-THOMAS 6 SONS, Auctioneers. myo 30 . 1.89 and 141 5. Fourth street City Treas. E.PiIANS` COURT SALE. ESTATE OF George Moore,' decesusqL-31. Thomas & Solis, Auce tioneetz—Two story trick Dwelling. No. a Ashland street.-1 ursuant to an alias order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday June 2d, ifisM. at 12 o'clock. noon, at toe Philadelphia Exchange. the fallowing described property. late of George Iloose, deceased. viz.: AU that two-story brick messuage and the lot of grosind thereunto belonging, situate onthe east side of a 28-1I(t wider court or street. called Ashland street, No. 23, lately laid out and opened, leading northward from Wharton street, parallel with and at the distance of, about 106 feet 6 inches east ward ironrEleventb street, Fiat Ward. city of Philadel. streeteig about 217 feet 6 inches north of Wharton containing in front on Ashland street. 14 feet (in cluding the southernmost half part of an alley 1 foot 15 inches in width In the clear 6n the northern side, left open between this and the niessuage adjoining on the north thereof as lap an said buildings extend In depth to the height of one dory, and which alley le to remain open as it now le at all times hereafter forever. for the nee and am commodation of both premises). and, extending of the came idth In depth eadward 51 feet, more or less. Bounded northward and southward by other messuagets and ground belonging now or late to Alfred 11. Justice, eastward by gi onod of ---. and westward bps,: id deli. land street or court. (Being the same premicee which Al fred 13..Inetice mud &lean 11.. his wife, by indenture bear ing date Jusie 15, 11:59, , recordeCl. at Philadelphia, in deed book A. D. 8.. No. 72. page 167, &c., granted and conveyed unto thecaid George 51oore, now deceased. in fee) By the Court, :ft/St:PH MEGARY, Cl46* 0. C. M. 'THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, mv6,22,a) 119 and 141 South,Pointh etreet. PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS ri BOWL ACC tioneers. eteam Saw Mill, Farm and Timber Lands. 1,3*.Z Acres, Moshannon Creek and Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. near Phillipsburg. I..X.ntro county` Verna. On Tuesday, June 2d, lbOi. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be mid at public rale, at the Phila.& Iphla Exchange, all that valuable tract of land. containing about 1.396 ticr.r, and the improvements, situate on both sides of Mci.hanuon Creek and the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, adj. thine the borough of Plillipeburg, Centre comity. Pa. Ihe improvements sou-hat of a steam Saw Mill, Water Pon er. Shinale and Lath Machines., all in complete run ning order, with railroad gilding at the mill; Dwelling ilcuse. laic ly repaired. painted and papered, and in com plete order; Farm Douse, Lar;e, Barn, One Double aed Three Single llouseslor bands, office and school room. About 12.5 acne of the land are cleared and under cultivi. tion ; on the balance there is a huge amount of superitir hemlock and oak timber pine timber, n hich i± rarity ac cessible by the creek. can be burchaeed at remunerative pi-lets '1 Ire indications of coal are favorable on Loth tides of the creek and tallroad. fig' - The purchaser of the property can purchase at pri- Tate sale, at fair prices. the entire personal proPertY, hams, 11.11rD.C , F0, wagons, farming implem e nts, lumbering Nada, and about 2.betl,nta. feet of lop now in the dam. tipt4 tlording an opportunity for the Immediate proso,:utiou of the business. rir Ilan of the property may be seen at the Auction Rome. 'Terms---Onc...third cash; balance in one and two 'Seam M. THOMAS 0 S. , NS. Auctioneers. in y 14,23,30 ' 132 and 141 S. Fourth street. jrIORPHANS , coua.t SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN ;I:, Philip Primld, dccoased.-1 homes A:. Sons, Auction ' core —Frame Dwelling, No, 613 North Fifth Street, North of Brom), en et.—Pnrguaut to , en order of the (Jr. plumb' Comi for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be told at public sale on Tuesday, June 2d, 1.568, at 13 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow ing described property, late of John Philip erifold, de r, tot d, All that frame mensuage and lot of land whereon the name is erected, situate. on the east aide of . Filth etreeZ, at the dintauce of 105 feet 64 inches north of B. OV. ti ttree.„ in the City of Philadelphia; containing in trout on Fifth street 16 feel, and extending in depth on t ,the eolith line 13u feet to Orchard ride 17 let .t east, then 6 inchen northa nd t h e nc e 113 feet east, parallel with smith line to Orchard etreet aforesaid; which said land and tenement are subject to a mortgage of Cm, and a moiety of a certain yearly ground rent of *fit, on thin and the property adjoining to the north thereof. By the Court. JOSEPH MEG APY:ClerleOec. • PHILIP PRIFOLD JOHN PRII , OI,D , 31. 7 4 110141 AS .32: BONS. Auctioneers, 1nY11.16,23,80 • No. 1.39 8 .0 .141. South Fourth street. REAL EISTATE.=-TIIONIAB its SONS' BALE.— .jrHandsome Modern three•siory Brick iteaideuce, " W. corner Twentieth and • Race t drama. On Tues. day, Juno 2d, 18d6; at 12 'o'clock- boon, will be sold at ppu sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that hatideotne modern three-story brick tuessuage. with dou ble- threeelorl back bilildings and lot "of ground, situate at thi. B. W.'corner of 'twentieth and Race streets. con tattling in front on Twentieth street la feet, and extend. Mg in depth 310 feet The house is in excellent repair. papered and painted throughout; has parlor, dining room and kitchen end wash house on tho first finer: 2 cham here, OW03;400113 and library on the seemed door; gas in troduced 2 bathe, hot aid cola water, furnace, 'cooking rVig.e: rte. Clear of all iricumbriioce. _ . Tcrum-Ilalf cult. . Nay be examined from 10 to o'clOek. 'PoniessiOn within 80 daya. . • T 1 011A8 SONS v rAtictionocra. rny23 30 130 and 141 Bouth Fourth area rREAL ESTATE-THOMAS At SONS*,' SALE Modern Three•etery, Brick Residence, with side " y ard, No. 6911 North Tenth street, above Green/ street. En Tuesday, June 2d, 1803, at 1;1 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three story brick mestatage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of J enth street and south aide of Lemon al set; the lot con taining in front on Truth street 27 feet; thence extending w ert wad 59 feet ,• thence southward 27 feet ,• thence wed. w tad 15 tort 4 inches; thence northward 53 feet 816 inches to Lemon street. and thence eastward along the same 74 feet 4 g inches to the place of beginning. It has parlor, dining .room and kitchen on the lust floor ; veranda ; gas introduced, bath, ate VIIr Clear of all incumbrance. Tel les—Subject to 84 000 mortgage. rir May be examined an. day previous to sale. M. THOMAS stBONS, Auctioneers, my 1643,30 189 and 141 South. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS de SONS , SALE._ r hree.mtory Brick Dwelling, No. 1218 Bandon; street. west of Twelfth etreet—On Tuesday, June 2., 18Q. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia EXthange, all that three story brick dwelt; lug end lot of ground, situate on the , south aide of daresont . street. 128 feet. 8 inches cad. of Thirteenth street, No. 12(8; centerning.in front en Benson), street 16 feet 4 inches. and extending in depth 110 feet to a 4 feet 8 ,inches wide alleY. with 11 to nrivilegelhereof It has the mut introduced,buth. Inii_t_nnarolikvegM'.. cooking rouge, &c. • W' Chug of allincnnibrance. L._ 41. 'THOMAS6c BONS, Auctioneers. 1113 23,30 189 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE SIaJLEN. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN=-THILATELPEIIA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1868. HEAL iesTATE sitt..BB• P. t!;,., { 1:L1°44.,LA - aingPi t .'sittna'agar At ii; Cold Sluing Station, on the rhiladelphiantui 'Pron. ton Railroad, 2 tulles above Bristol, Bucks county, Pa. On uerday, June 2d, 1888, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be cold at public gale, at the Philadelphia ExChange, all that elegant country se 41, containing 10. acres, situate on the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail , oad.disactly opponito Cold Spring Station, two miles above Bristol. The improve int Ms consht of a three4tory rough cast mansion' hoUsci. containing parlor 33 by 13 feet, pitting room, 18 by 15 feet. dining room and kitchen on the first floor; 4 chambers. woe') t nom , and store room on the second floor; 3 cham bers and large I'oolll on the third floor; outbuildings con ript of stable. carriage house, ice' honer. llamas room, tool houre, the.; lawn vontainina 'aeroA, laid out vith evergreen. end other trees houre imrrounded with maple ; 3 tt sins to andirons the city"dally. • tom"Cl.'ar of all bacon brance. • immediate possession. • May be examined any day previous to sale. Terma.--Half cash. A photograph of the property can be seen at the A uction ROOM&. • - THOMAS & PONE. Auctioneers. Ins 2 23 30 . 139 and 141 South Fourth streets -. _ ORPHA COUIPP SALE.-ESTATE OF MARY NtHain, dect ated Thomas & Sent,. Auctioneers. " (rented three.story brick Dwelling, u. E. corner of jdevrnth and tvangelirtnorth of Catherine street. Pursuant to att 0 rder of . the Orphan Court - tor. the City and County of Philade.plifa, will 1,.; ...Ad at public tale, on Toeiday, June fld, 1e673 following 'clock, scribed at the Philadelphia huh ago, the . deecribed property late of - Mary 4.1 u, dec`d, viz: All that three. story brick tnesetiage and lot of grotind, situate on the caet aide Of Seventh street and south tilde of Evangelist strkit," beginning at the di:Jaime of 130 feet north of catbafine street: throat eitetwardly along the south aide of said ,Evengeliet street 87 feet: thence southwards , parallel with Nixth street 16 feet: thence westwardly parallel with said Catharine stree Seventh ; thence north- W I dly along the eamt eide of Bald street,l6 feet to the place of beginning. • By the Court, JO lEPH MEGA RY, Clerk, 0.0. M. THOMAS Auctioneers. • any Ii 23 30 Self and 141 Eiotttli Fourth street. L, Itk AL ESTATE —THONIAS dt SONS' - SALE._ Modern threc•atory Bdck itesidence,with Stable and " Coach House, and nide yard,: No. 1425 Poplar street_ east of Fifteenth treet. 30 feet front, and 16d (set deep to Cambridge street. On Tue , day„June 24,180 ,at 12 o'clock, noon, will beJnold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex. change. the following d reedited property,.stiz.: Na. 1 All that modern three story brick nessuage, with three- itory hack buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north aide of roplar street, east of Fifteenth street.. ao 142.5; toe lot containing in front on Poplar street 30 feet, and extending in depth 166 feet ft inches to Cambridge street. Chet main building bee recently been put in excellent repair, aaa the back building is new. It has all the modern conveniences; gee. bath, hot and cold water water closet, permanent washstands, two furnaces. cooking, range; cellar laid in mortar, /cc.: also, a tWO.story brick stable in the rear, fronting cn Cambridge street. . . _ . . CZ — Clear of rill encumbrance. Terme-412.0W may 'remain on mortgage. Immediate peanut - on. May be exam ed any day pre •10114 to rate. . 1%0. 2. Lot, i'oplar eitreet. All that lot of ground, adjoin ing the above on the west; 30 feet front, 168 feet 6 inctier deep to Cambridge rtreeL Team:—Four fifths LOST rotrain on mortgage. • & SUNS. Aumioneers. my 16.23. 30 1315 and 141 South eourth street. tirilirrie'vlillaftl;, --- Ell9 l ll!wn's.. tIiTYABASS: • phia Rouge," A tlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. On Tuteday, June 2,1368, at 12 ofolock.nonn. will be cold i.utlle rah ,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable hotel. known as the werhiladelphia Houle." rituate at the S. E. corner etrAtlantic and Virginia ave. suer, Atlantic City, New Jcleey ; the lot containing in frenten Atlantic avenue 57 feet, and un Virginia avenue ]fAleet. Tbehomeis 50 feet front and 47 feet deep. two eterieg high :hap 14 cliambere. dininr•roual, itar.raom.tkc.: piazza 7 feet wide, covering the entire trent. Tel me—SX,Oeo way remain on mortgage. Immediate pteweeelon. • 'Title papers may be eeen at the office of Mr. B. U. Cray. 104 Market etreet. Camden. lk . J. M. THOMAS ,t; SONS. Auctioneers, m.Y23.Z0 139 and 141 South Fourth street. rEXECUTORS' BALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN Miller. deceased. Thomas d. 7 Sons, Auctioneers.— " Genteel threestory brick Dwelling. No. 657 North Tenth street above Wallace street. On Tuesday. Juno 2d, i6wY. at Ist o'clock. noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadielphis Exchlaige. all that three-story brick mesmage Mid lot ofground. situate on the east side of Tenth encl. 90 feet north of Walls c @@ street, No. 657; con taining in front on Tenth street 16 fe6t , and extending in depth en the north line lik feet 8?1, incites, and oa the south line lug fret 9% inches. Subject to the restriction that to building for offensive occupation shall ever be erected on said lot, It has the gas introduced. bath. ranee, &c. fir' Clear of all incumbrance. etrne---Ceett. • - - Prlniutediate poexereion. Keys next door moth.. MCEL Y. b111.1.Elt) r JOHN F. (.:03111d —xec4t° "' M. THOMAS SOgS. Auctioneers, r0r21,21.30 129 and 141 South Fourth street. BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS .k SONS' SALE.— On Tuesday. June 2d, 1869, at 12 o'clock. noon. to be void at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the followsng deecribed property, viz:- No L , —Three. stow Brick Brtilding, eoutheaat corner of Moore and Cuba etreet a. First Ward. All that three-story brick messuage. been occupied as a vinegar manufectory, altuate at the southeast corner of Moore and Cuba - streets, First Ward: containing in front on Moore ttreet 13 feet, and extending in depth along Cuba street 40 fret No / Three-story Brick Building,Cuba street, adjoining the above. All that three-story brick mentuage, been `oc cupied as a diatlllem situated on tile vast - aide of Cnba streot, adjoining the above; 14 feet 1 inch front and in depth on the north line 49,feet 9 Inches., more or lees, and on the tenth line 48 feet, more or lea.. M. THOMAS tts BONS. Auctioneers, my2B 30 139 and 141 Mouth Fourth etreet ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF :JOHN Grandom,:deceased.—Thornae Sons, Auctioneers. Well-secured irredeemable Ground Rent. fit= a year. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the Chy and County of Philadelphia, will be ?old at public sale, en Tuesday. June 2d, 18e8. at 12 o'clock. noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, late of John Grandom. dec'd. viz.: Alt that yearly rent of li2.Zr2, lawful rilver money. issuing out of a brick rues silage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of 51 Let street, Nos. 113 and 115, bilween rront and Second streets By the Court, JOSEPH lIEGARt Clerk..o. C. M. THOMAS At SONS. AucUonegags. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. chEAL ESTATE.— TEIOMAS & SONS' it: Modern threestcry Brick Residence, No. 1506 Mount " -Vernor street, west of Fifteenth street. On Tues., do , , Anne 2d, l& 8, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be cold at pulite sale, at the Philadelphia, Exenange. all that mcdern three-story brick meseuage, - with three story back building's and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Mount Vernon street, wept of Fifteenth street, No. 11,46: containing in front on Mount Vernmi etreet la feet, anJ extending in depth tot feet 5 Inches to a 4 feet wide alley, with the tax-lege thereof. It has gas, bath, hot and cold water. cooking range &c. Subject us N. yearly ground rent of Eis.4. In mediate yoee.ssior. Keys at B. F. Glenn's office, S W. corner of heventeenth and Green streets. 31. 'I lIONLAS & SONS. Auctioneers, ISO and 141 South Fourth etreet F.XECUTORS , SALE.—ESTATE OF PRECELLA Bainlittiet.dyreaecd.-1 homes & Sons,Auctioneers.— " Well-seenrsd deetnab'e Ground tient, flee a rear. —Cu Tuesday. June 2d, 106 5 5 , at 12 o'clock, noon, will be EOM at public vale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that ii ellsetartd redeemable ground rent of *lnt; a year, is-bing out of all that lot of ground. kituate on the south. , ear: wardly side of Ann etreerOn' Francisville, llfitriotrnf St thin Garden: containing iu trout on Ann rtreet 44 feet, at d /It depth 100 feet. It is secured by two brick and out frame dwelling, erected ou the rear end of the lot. 1. MALI. 1101IRMANd xecutore. JOHN BARNIII.I:ST, M. ThIO3IAS & SONS. Auctioneers, ditd 141 South Fourth street In) 16 43.',0 iriT2l 2.3,..'0 rREAL ESTATE. —.M. THOMAS & SONS' SALE..—Ou Tuesday, dune 9th. l9eA, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publ c rale. at the Philsdelphia Egelibrig-, the following described property, viz No. 1. lie nteel dwelliug, No. ;.‘2 , 4e; North Seventh street, south of 1 aceplein street.; all that three s tory brick dwelling, veldt three.etol back buildings. west aide of Seventh street. 80 feet emit of Dauphin street, below Germantown road, coutainin s in front 20 feet and In depth 70 feet; hoe the re odern coslyeutences; immediate possession; terms, hell carte k Clear of all incumbrance. t No. 2. Genteel dwelling, No. 1341 North Seventh street, all illat three-story brick dwelling, wetly double two ecrYllatet buildings, Mit eideof Seventh street, below Master street, No, 1341, containing in front 18 feet and3a depth 63 fret; has the' modern conveniences; immediate poteeteion, Clear of all ineumbra me. No. 3. 'Three-story Brick Dye, Bing, No. 2242 Turner et., Twentieth Ward. All that e.,,tturee.story brick do. Ohne feud lot of ground, south side of Turner street, 322 feet 11 inches ve ert of Twenty second steer; 15 feet 5 inches front, 46 feet deep. It hi near the Ridge ,avenue depot. Clear of all incumbrance. ' Ternn—One•lialt oath. Popeee,ion In three months. No. 4. Lot, Susquehanna avenue. All that lot of ground not th side of Susquehanna avenue, 123 feet 10 inches weft ttLet Broad street, 18 feet front. 87 feet deep.',. .._reel 4 • Q.I. Clear of all ineumbrance. M. TLIOMAS SONS.-Auctioneere, it.3..f..8n)je6 139 and 141 South Fourth street. PEREMPTORY SALII--THOM AS it SONS, AUG tiontere. handsome modern three etory brick reel " dence_, - with eide yard, etablo and coach-house% No. 517 South Ninth Ftreet lielow Lombard ,tieet, 41 foot front. lee feet deep to Cedar Avenue. Ou Tueeday, Jen°. 9th. lenS, at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at PIIIIIIC 8410. u ith Gut reserve; at the Phiindelphia Lxchange, alt that handsome modern three etory brick PrlCA±llligli, with two. story back building and lot of ground, eittiate on the meet 'iide.of Ninth !trek', eolith of Lombard street, No 517; the lot et , ntaintug in front on Ninth area. 40-feet 13 11:1N11301, cido pad of 20 feet, and extending in depth 188 feet to Cedar avenue. Ii is well , and substantially built, and finlemd.with all the modern cmveniences; mar lo mantels, gas tht ougboen bath, hot and cold water, wa er Ooret, furnace, cooking range, &c.; oleo, a two-story bri k etable and r arriege houee, wl.h nceommodatioue for 3 bort es and 3 carriages; yard planted with a choice varie ty of fruit trees. Ear Clear °tall incumbrance. • Terme cub. inimediateposemelon Cis" Sale abeolute. Can be examined any day pr clone to mile. AL THOMAS it. SONJ, Auctioneer!, m) 28-30. j c 6 139 and 1418 sutli Fourth street. egr: o REAL ESTATE.— TROMA 3 dr SONS' SALE.— , Three story Brick Dwelling,N2o Green et.betwe , n out and second - streets. Gt. Tuesday. June 9th, 18t,,, at 12 o'clock, noon., will be cold at pupils. sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all ts that threetnry brick escuage.with, tw o.s tory hack buildthge and lot of ground. situate on the south side of Green street, between Front and bccond streets, Ne. no; the lot containing Ju front on Green street 18 feet, and extending in depth 75 feet more or less. gar Clear of all inctimbrance. • Id. THOMAS d; SONS, Auctloneore. 1ny21,20je13 .189 atektit South Fourth lifted. rREAL ESTATE,THO3EAR. gt- 1301 , 18 , ` SALE. B eath ems Stand,s—Three atory Brick Store. northeast ' corner of Pine and Water streets. On Tem:day/June Pth, Iteti. at 12 o'clock, noon, wit! he old at public sale‘ at • the ~Vhilildelphie. 11, , t4hangeo ail that threes:tory plidek mei:image and lot of ground, situate at the northeasit net of in and Water atreetai' containing in 'front our W ater etreet V feet. 1 inah, and , extending, in: doeth feet 01e. to the middle of a .12,.feet wide cirskt, with theory /se thereof. . Tertus-44(100 may: it , nutin on mortgage Bnixiediatit poem:Won.: Keys at the Auction Roonui. M. THOMAS & BONS, AuctiMmora, tes2B,NJO, 138 and 141 South Font th street. 1111:EAL ESTiere OA.I6EIN POMO' . 13ALE-11.1051A15 & BONS.' Ali'!" ;einem; est legant. and Valnable Country Seat and Farm. 70 Acre.. River , Delaware. Bensalem town , ship, Ihicka county, Pa., fronting on the Philadelphia and Venter] Railroad; about 14 miles from Market street, Philadelphia; late the residence of Wm. H. Allen, Dee., Preeldent of Girard College. On Tuesday, June 9th, 18e8, at 12 o'clock. noon,vvill be cold at public sale, at the Phila. delplifit Exchange : All that elegant and valuable country 'Feat end farm. with superior improvements, containing 70 acree. situate on the west bank of the Delaware river, in Bensalem townehip, Pluck, county, Pa.. about 14 MUMS from Market street, Philndelphia, ander tends from the river, back to the Philadelphia • and Tfentou Railroad, having a depth of about Beoo feet, and uniform width . from river to railroad of 880 feet, 4vith 'an elitist, on the west aide of the railroad towards Cornwell's Station, which is about 1.000 feet from its southern boundary, with a steamboat landing on its river front atthe northern line, leaving the grounde retired from public intresion, and vet aeceesible six times a day each way, to and from the city, arid lees then an hour distant In time either in summer or winter. The mansion is constructed in cottage style, the main building threea ories and wings two stories high, with wide and spacious halls running through from front to front en each floor, having very easy stairways of fell width; the parlor, library and conservatory articled are on the south side of the hall, and with communicating doors. The dining-room, a Inter and simmer kitchens, • and cnelceed sheds and out bender!, are orr the north side. On the second floor there are 4 chambers, with waeer closet, bath-room and servants ' roorpg and on the third fleet 4 other chambers all well finished. There are large and Orr pins:zee on the railfileid and river fronts; the eel -18 ro are cc ol and tee ii ventilated.and floored with cement. The house is well eine:lied with but and cold water in the lprincipal roorr B.ll'olll an elevated tank,and Is warmed by a arge (Alison furnace. and fitted for a winter as well as summer residence; it le by measurement 27 feet above -- high we ter tenrk, with an undidetlng elope to the river, fled it elope on the opposite front towards the railroad; It is surrounded or all sides by lawns of several acres, add laid out with winding graveled •roads. underlaid with stone, and planted with evergreens nud deciduous treed of street variety. The grounds 'are able: datttlie eupplied ith unfailing springy, and are corn ?Platy drained, so that the water le under control and is led into ponds walled r p with stone. stocked with fish, anti ornamented ruetic summer house. &c., with overhanging trees and vines The farmer's cottage,- in similar style with the mansion. ie well built, with good cellars, and 3 routes on en( h floor. The gal denere dwelling le connected with the garden, and fn built of moue, with slate roof, There is good stabling • for , 5 horses and 5 cows, with a cattle shed, work shop, imple ment house, carriage 110888, corn crib, barracks for hay. poultry house, an ice house well filled. with milk vault attached. There is a young th•ifty grove on the place near the honsegremarkablefor Its profwton of mageoliae and other flowering trees, The garden is set ' with an abundance of straw berries, raspberries, blaekberriee, cur ratite. goOseberriea. &e , of the beet kinds, and a carefully selected variety of the finest pears, apples plums, chdr ries, grape vines in bearing,and provided w ith frames and hot beds for forcing early vegetables. There are several hundred dwarf and standard" fruit trees of the finest vie Helier. many of them selected fr'm northern nurseries with much care, to insure their hardiness. ',The place has been cultivated for some years must with especial refe rence to its real improvement. The soil brofeuch variety filet the finest -vegetables and 'fruits. and the heaviest greeter' and grains eau be and are grown upon It, There nay three locations en the farm welt stilted to the eons einction of Mat-china country hernia , . from which there would be* vie w of the river for miles,from Beverly above to Andalusia below. , ••• • • . Terms--A large portion, of the 'purchase money mat re main on mortgage if desired. tAn be examined on application to Le wbs H. lied. Litt*, Eidi. 731 Walnut kraut, Phila. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF DA 'D Dav6ir ei , ;; ydael deceased.-cahci'nmdailn&. Queen ßone Igoe and road. Pursh ant to an Aline Order of the Or• phew' Court for the city and county of Pliqadelphis, will be sold at public reit, on Tuesday, June 9th. Reie, at 12 o'clock, 130011, at the Rhiladelphia Exchange, the follow , hag describednroperee, late of David Davie deceased, via.. o. I.—(No 2 inthe Order r f As tenant in common with Charles F. Abbott of and in an undivided moiety or half of all that lot of ground. situate on the northerly side of Indian Queen lane or falle and German. town road. 150 feet eouthweet of Philadelphia and leo , ris. town Railroad; thence B. 64 deg. 20 inin. W. along the north aide of Indian Queen lane or fella and Germantown road 9.5 feet 3 inches to a point; thence 8. 78 deg 60 min., W. et.:ll along said north aide of, Indian Queen lane and Germantown road 47 feet 3 Inches to ground granted by Camille D'lnvilliere to Francis E, sjeore on jground rent; thence along the same at right angles with lodian Queen lane and Germantown road 81 feet 7 Inches to ri point; thence still aloyg thosameat right angles with the Phila delphia and riorrietown Railroad 93 feet •/ inches to a point on the eontheast aide of the Philadelphia and Nor en town Railroad; thendealony the came S. 65 deg 15 thin., E. 50 feet to ground granted by Camille D'lnvilliers to Robert Knox Scott on ground rent; thence along •the game at MIA angles with the Philadelphia and Norris town Railroad 70 feet 234 inches to a point; thence still • along the same at right angles with ludian Que-n lane and Germantown road 7e feet 234 inches to tee place of beginning. No. 2. (No. 3in the Order of Sale.)—Also, all that lot of ground. situate on the. north side of Indian Queen lane and Germantown road, 272 feet 0 inches southwest from the Philadelphia and Norristown Railroad; thence 8. 78 deg. 50minW. along the north aide of Indian Queen lane and Germantown road 533 feet 10 inches to ground granted by Camille D'lnvilliers to the Union Halt Imo elation of the Falls of Schuylkill; thence along the same at right angles with Indian Queen lane and (iermantowe. road 105 feet 7?; inches to' a point; tnence N. 78 deg.. E. along ground now or formerly of Camille LP invilliers 535 feet 43ii inches-more or lees, tea point, and thence south. easterly at right aoglei With Indian Queen lane and. tier. mantown road along raid Moore's ground - 151 feet 734 inches to the place of beginning. No.. 8... (No. 4 In the Order of Sale) And also, all that lot of ground. , situate on the noteh . aide of Indian Queen lane andGermantownroad. 881 feet 4 inches southwest of the Philadelphia and Norristown Railroad ; thence 8. 78 deg. 50 mfg., West along the north ride of Indian Queen lane and Gerinanto'vn road IL feet 5 inches to a point; thence at right ang'es with Indian Queen lane and Germantown road along ground now or formerly of Camille Lelnvilliere 125 feet 2 inches, more or leer, to a point :thence N 51 deg. 15 min.. R. along ground ,now or formerly of Camille D'lnvillier a 21. feet 5 inchee, more or lees, to a poet' and thence eoutheasterfy at right angles with Indian Queen lane and German.own road along ground now or tormerly of Camille D'invilliers. and ground of the Union Hall Areociation of- the Fells of ech”ylkill 135 feet Winches to the place of beginning. Pr - All three aforesaid lots being situate in the Slat Ward of the city of Philadelphia (Being the same pre miere whicil'Edward 1,. Bodin and Harriet P., his wife, by indenture'da , ed 12th of January, A. D. 1863 end re cur(' rd to Deed 'l3 mk A. G. li., No. Be. page 14, granted and conveyed unto David Davie and Charles F. Abbot. in fee. ae tenants en common.) . . • . By the Court,JOSEPII MEGARY, Clerk OC. . DAVID DAVIS. Jr., Admiuterator. M. ,T110: 1 4AS dr. SONd. Aucti. were, 139 and 141. South Fourth At rout. . . _ . For other yroperty, belonging to eqmo E6tate, to be old at roam time and plane, en 9 other handbille. myl4 3ojed r , oitr„A... CuUft t' SALK—ESTATE or DAVID . 3; Davie, deceased.—Thomas - i done, Auctioneers.- - i..pi: reliant to an Aline Order of. the Orphans' Coact for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at. public Pale, on 'Tuesday. dune 9th. letter. at 12 o'cicek, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the folio wing dereribe I. property, late of David Davis. deed, viz: No. 1. (No 9 iu the older of We.) Two-etory Frame Dwelling, Rich mond street. - All that lot of s ground, with the two-story frame me. silage thereon erected, situate me the S. E. !MC of Richmond street, 15 feet 111-4 inched :4: W. from Minor sheer. Eighteenth Ward ; containing in front on Rich. mound serene 20 fret, and extending in depth S. E. eel feet 8 inched. including a strip 2 feet ti iuchee wide on the rear end tip rent, part of au alley to be left open for the use of this and the other propertied adjoining thereon. lending into Palrr er knee. Butu.ded N. E., IS. E mid S. ‘V. by ether ground of the eatato of David Davie, dec'd, of e H e l l title loport, end N. W, by Richmond street. To gether with the free and common use of the Bail 3 feet ti inellee wide alley at all timed hereafter Never. ' .o. 3 i No. le in the order of sale).—Two-story Frame Dw riling. S. E. corner of Palmer and Richmond streets.— Alltt at lot of ground, with two-story frame mesenago Bun on erected, situate on the b. E corner of Palmer and Richmond atreete, Eighteenth Ward; containing in front on Richmond street 15 feet 11r.f Nelms, and extending in depth along Palmer street tai feet 8 inshee, including to the resr er d t hereof a strip of ground 3 feet 3 inched wide, pelt M in alley leading into and out of Palmer duvet, laid for tic use of this and the other propertied adjoining therein. Bounded onthe N. E. be Palmer street. on the S. E. and S. W. by other gtound of the estate of Davtd Dot iir• deer and, and N. W. by Richmond et. TOrOtillk Nt ith the free nee and privilege of the' said 2 f t 6 mated W ide alley •t all times hereafter forever. • :, O. 3. - (No.ll in they rdex of sale.)—Frame /wettings, Pale Cr street. Ali that lot of ground, with be frame met-Ilagentheron erected. situated on the eout tweet side of Valium etree, ft feet 8 inches southeast em Rich nend street ; containing In front on Palmer e .et 2.6 feet ~, e l 4 inches, and extending to depth eouthwe et t* feet 9 , ,', in., he the came more or lees. Bounded north tby Palmer etrcct. eoutheant by ground now or late of John J. Smith end thigh Roberte, emithwent by other ground of Iv hick thh ie psrt, and northwest perils , by mild other ground and par ly by a 3 feet ii inches wide alley laid out for the common toe of thin and the 'other • propertied bounding thereon. Together with the Prue and common too; liberty end privilcreof the said '5 feet ti Mates wide alley at all timis , hereafter forever.- • . By the Court, JOSErii MEGARY. Clerk O. C. • : . DAVID DAVIS. Aatininhtrator. M. THOMAS ,k, SONS. Arictioneere. myll 20je6 139 and 141 south Fourth direct. I-or othtr properts& belong ing to the sumo estate. to he Feld at the same tines and place, see other handbills. ' E, BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS SjNS' On Tuesday, dune Stir, 1068, at 12 o'clock, noon, will "' he sold at public sale, at the Phitadelphla Eftehauge, the following described property, via,: No. I.—Foer. f tory it I Pitt lling, 0: 44,A baa, o , ll a tee t . —All that tour•story brick meal-MR.IW fll/d lot of ground; south aide of Samara street. We t_cd Seventeenth street, No. 1734; con tuiniug flout 16 'Ol, otifi in depth 49 feet, more or bAtlo, too feet a ids hey.. which leads into a certain 3.feet wig, alley whici ins into Moravian street, together with the pr i‘ liege of . oth said alleys; has hi rooms. Including hath.roorn. Ter to itt sale. No, 2.—fzupas ry Brick Dwelling, No 1734 Sansom at.- 11 that tour+ ory brick dwelling and lot of ground. aft. joining the above, being a o. 1736; in front 16 teat. and in depth about 50 feet to Bald alley, together with the privi. .jego of both of gold alloys as above; has 10 rooms, luelud lug hath•room. Terms ate ale. I , 0 11.—houastory brick Dwelling, No. 1738 Sawora street. All that four eftery brick dwelling and lot of ground, adjoining the above, being No. 1734; iu frout 16 feet. in depth 51X feet to batd alley, together with the privilege of both said alleys an above. Teims tet sale. N0..4.--Fouretory brick Dwelling,' No.. 1740 Belmont out eel All that four story brick da elling, adjoining the above. It o. 1740; in front 16 feet and in depth sljh feet to said alley, together with the go of both. of said alleys as above: Terms at . sale; air $lOO to be lista on each at the thrio of sale: M. 1 BOMA'S ,14 SONS; Auctioneers, nl3 98 80 leg , . 130 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.---'7TIONIAB & BONS' SALE_ inModern Three- , tore Brick Residence... No. 1902 Pine " etre,t, west of Nineteenth street: "ljti Tuesday. 'June 9th, 1969, at DJ o'clock, neon, will be sold at public sale at the Philadelphia itxchange, all that modern three , P tory brick inessuage.. with three story back Wilding and lot of ground, situate' on the south et of 'Pine street, Pe feet west et .rtbeeteeuth stroO4 tio: 902, containing in front on Pino rtreet 18 feet - 4 bathes. an extendingg in depth 98 feet toe 4 feet wide elle,, with the privilege tbercef. The luinse,htus mettle doorway;, Darlor, dining room and kitchen 514 warm room ou . Unit, door; one, chamber. WWI POW: and water:Pie* ittAckled. 41. large eh tog roontsudtath roost anti water cheat'', and: numerous closets iecond..oor . 4" sbeuibera. wintery, and extra room', Abled , : hoos;-..innt gut.,.lto; and ao satcr,tu , naco. cookingyanie-Ar44s Tertne—s3.oooliltrlftsall TOO. age* ihnnediate.l soessetdon. illitar he tripled anl day 'Pre vtoue to sale. y . r k.. 8 .Uiandl4l 0 A £4 P L . " ' L legi 9 o b pa r r4 4 i. ,'" REAI.,ESRATE sALEY• ORPHANS" COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF DAVID deceased,—Thomas rt Sons ' Auctioneers.— : PlaTuant to an Alfas 01 der of the Orphanal Court for fife City and County of Philadelphia, will be eold. at public esle, on TueedaY. June 9th; 1868, at 13 o'clock, nllOl4 at the Philadelphia riv xcha, the following described ; property, late of David DAVIS. ViZ.! NO. 1 (fici.•6 the Order of sale).— Two Brick and Frame Diyelling3.' Ilithmoed etreet.• All that lot of ground. with the three ettry brick dwelling nud the two etofy frame, building. thereon cted, situate on the southeasterly aide of Rich• mtrid tint,: Queen) street, 66 feet fiti inches Pouthodosterly of Palmer area. eaghtoenth Ward, city of. Philadelphia; containing in front on Richmond street 37 feet. 11 inches, end, extending in depth on the northeasterly fide thereof 9u feet. and ou the southweeterly aide thereof 90 feet 1U in ell ee, gradually narrowing to the rear to the width:of 31, feet 2k, thelice. Bounded northeaeterly by ether ground of • the estate of David Davie, decd, northwesterly by Richmond atreet, southwesterly by ground of Manuel Fy re, and sou theaetwardly by ground now or late of John .1. °with and Hugh Roberta. Subject to an irredeemable ground rent of .$l5O, payable half-yearly to John J. Smith and Hugh hoberts, their heirs and amigos. No. 2. (^To. 7 in the order of Sale.)—Lot, Richmond street —All that lot of ground, eituale an thu eentheasterly Fide of Richmond street. Ire feet 1114 inches eouthweeterlv from Palmer atreet„ Bleb teen th Ward; containing in front on hichniend street 14 feet 6 Menet,, and extending lu depth suntheastwardly 63 feet 8 incheg•gradually nar-mw iug to the breadth of about 13 feet 4,, inches, ai r lolimied northeasterly partly by other ground of David Davishi esi Me. and partly by the head of a 9.-feet glaches wide alley leading into and out of Palmer street, td be left open for the nee of this and other properties bounding thereon, poutheaeterly and southwesterly by other ground of said estate. and nortitwor teriv by Richmond street aforesaid. Together with. the free and common one, liberty and privi. lege of the Enid 2 feet inciter' wide alley at all flame here of ter forever.. No. 3. (No. in the Order of (tale.) Two-story Frame dwelling. Richmond etrctt. All that lot of ground, with the two-mtory trame meeaurtge thereon erected, situats on the eouthcasterly aide of Richmond street , 35 feet 11. 1 4 inches southwesterly from Palmer street, Eighteenth Wald ; containing in front on Richmond street tbfest,and extending in A nth eouthenetwardly of that width in depth 68 feet 8 inches, including on the rear end thereof a en tp 2 feet 6 inchi.e wide, part of an alley leading into Palmer street, to be left open for the common use of Elie and the other properties', bounding thereon. Hounded northeasterly, eouth4 &titer)). and eouthWesterly by oU/or, ground of the ceutte'of David Davis dec'd, and nolt. Nr•cf.terly by Richmond street Together with the fre and common ume, liberty and privilege of the said 2-feet inches wide alley at ell times hereafter forever. By the Court, • JOSEPH MECrAItY, clerk (). O. HaVIWDA VIS.. . Administrator. M. THOMAS tc.SONS. Auctioneers. myl4.Boje6 119 and 141 South Fourth street. For other property ba longing to 6/11110 estate,,to be sold at vane time and place, ace other handbills. - E. EX!. CIUTHIX'B BALE.--Ed PATE OF WILLIAM idbulls. deceasedhornaa 4r Hons..Auctioneers.—On " Tuesday, June 012 i, 1838. at 12 o'clock. noon. will he Fold at ruhliij sale, at the Vldladelphia Exchange. the fol. lewintr dercilbed property, viz: No. 1 —Thresetory Wick Duelling, No. 10r8 Frank'ord Road. AU that three.ater9 buck menu age and lot of gronnd.eituate on the west side of the Frankford road, No. 1088; containing in front 18 feet 4 inches, and in depth 78 feet, with the excluSive right and privilege of the alter adjoining on the north 2 feet 59;' inches aide. by BB feet 4 inches in depth. ' No. 2.—bfore and Dwelling, 8. W. corner of Frankfort, road and Otter street, adjoining, the above.—All that three story trick store and dwelling and lot of ground. situate at tie 8. W. corner of Utter and Fraukfon, road, do 1090; containing in front on said road (including the abovernentioned alley) 17 feet 8 inches, and. In depth 73 feet. No. 2,-2 Two•story Frame Dwellings, Nos. 8 and l 0 Otter street.- All that two-otory frame messnage and lot cf ground. situate on the eoutb aide of Otter street, 18 feet west of the Frankford road, No. 8; containing in front 14 feetfeet9D4lnche., (inclttding an alleyon the east vide laid out for the use of thus and the adjoining lot,) and in depth 33 feet. Nil. 4—All that two-ator'Y'frame meetuir antriot of around, situate on the south side gf Otter a rest, adjoin,. ing the shove, heinteNo. 10; containing in front 12 feet 2,44 inches, and in depth 3EI feet, with Oe.-right to use the alley on the east Fide of the adjoining ProPeEtY. No.& Tema—One-half may remain on mortgages payable in 2 years. M. THOMAS it SONS. Auctioneers, my21.201e6 In and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE-THOMAS & SONS, AUCTION., eere-liandrome Country Residence. with stable one carriage Mime, 2 acres. Darby plank road, above Church lane. about 150 feet front on the road, about miles from function of Market rtreet and the Darby road, Twenty-seventh Ward. On Tuesday. June, _2lh, 1868, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at pub lk sale, at the Philadelphia Exchanse..all that hand some country residence. liftman on the westwardly aide of Derby clank rood, above Church lane, 27th Ward thente extending along the same North 52 deg. East 160 feet to a point; thence along land now or late of John W. Massey North 40 deg., west 485 feet to the middle of an id feet wide etreet; thence along the middle of raid street South 52 deg.. West 176 feet 6 inches to a point; thence by land now or late of the heirs of George. P-, South 5734 dog., East 57 feet Fix inches to a point; thence still by the same land South 40 deg., East 430 feet 3 inches to the place of beginning; containing about 2 acres of ground. The improvements are a handatimely-finished 23' storY frame mansion. papered ao,i painted throughout; observa tory on top of the house; has piazzas on 8 aides; contains .20 room; hall in the centre, parlor, dining room and 2 kitchens on the first floor,• has the gas introduced,. bath, water, water closet. 2 cooking ranges, furnace. dtc.telso. handsome stable and coach hoses, grounds beautifully, laid out - , choice variety of excellent fruit trees,&c. riErClear of all incumbrance. Immediate posseintou. The Darby passenger cars pass every half hour. M. THOMAS & SONS,= Auctioneers, my2l 130 je 6 1t and 141 Smith Fourth street. - ir.PUBLIC SALE.-THOMAB ekBONS, AUCi tioneers.-Nery desirable Country Place and Farm. acme, known as 'Crystal Springs," Holmethurg. Twenty-third Ward, 8 tulles from Market etreet, and near the Turnpike and Holn.esbarg Station. ou the Philadel. phis and "Teuton Railroad. On Tuesday, June 9th. 124 at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia P xchange, all that valuable country place and farm, known as the 'Crystal Springs," fronting on the Po.nnypark creek and a road leading to the Bristol turnpike (being about 2(0 yards from said turnpike), Bohnesturg, Twenty-third Ward ; containing about 22 acres excellent land. The improvements are a three. story stone rough-cast mansion, with two-story back he Ming; contains large parlor. hall, diniog-room and eta ting-roorn, 16 chambers and winter and summer kitchen; ,purop, with excellent water; beautiful lawn; 2 acres of woodland ahng the Pennypack crook,-which creek can be boated for 3 or 4 miles; good tithing, Bre.l stuns tenant house, barn and other outbaildings; au apple orchard, grove of fine large trees, a garden planted. with , suit trees, berries, &c.; also several noted springs of excellent water. Tome-48,000' may remain on mortgage for Several years. 7 he above bcw - ell adapted for a seminary, boardieg school, private residence,. cbc. The new passenger rad: way'. when completed. will run near the property. re"' Mr 0. S. Pfeiffer, residing in the mansion, will show the prernis,,e. M. THOMAS & SONS,'Auctioneors. iny2l :21,1(6 • . and 141 South Fourth street, PUBLIC SALE--THOMAS. & SONS, Auction* -Geis.-Valuable Country Seat and Farm, 41 acres, " Fi ankford and (34.sientown Turnpike and Row. head, 1 mile West of lerankford.-On '1 iiesday, - June 9th. IEO3. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public isle, ut the Philadelphia Exchange, all that vaitt•blo country scat and farm. containing 41 acres, situate on the w, et tide of the Prankford and Germantown Turnriike, corner of liowlandville road, about 1 tulle west of Frank. ford. The improvements are a large 1-story pointed stone ii;aurion, containing 16 rooms: has gas and water. &c.; point/1144.nm has n, with large and conveniently arranged cellar ;stabling for' 7 horses; large stone and frame barn. and cow stable; Ice-house filled, and all necessary out buildings; an abundance of fruit and old shade trees. ever greens, small fruit, Sc. Access to the city by. 3 rail. roads every 2e minutes. • Terme- 11 olf cash. Immediate poseersion. Will he shown on application to the owner and occu- pant, Mr. W. E. Hamill. - M. nio :SIAS & SONS. Auctioneers, mr2h,:;o.je6J 139 and 141 South Fourth street. rkLEAL • ESPATE.—THOMAS A' SONS' SALE— ,;;:, Large and Valuable Hotel, known as the "Ashland " House," Nos. 707, 71 and 711 Arch street, ham:. u Seventh and Eighth street e, with a two.story brick Stable trod Cuuch House in the rear. , On Tuesday, Juno 2th, Lta at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public sole. at the Phitadelphia. Exchange, all that large and valuable brick plastered hotel. known an the "Ashland H0ne...," situate un the north aide of Arch street, west of Seventh street Nue. 707. 70.1 and 711; containit g in trout on Arch street 40 Met, suet in depth of that width 46 feet; then narrow. fog to 35 feet 5 inches in a length of 6 teat ti inches for a lather depth et 123 feet 5' 4 ; inches to a court yivd; then narrowing to 14 feet 6 inches for a further depth of about 60 feet. a ith common use of court and about ;.*i feet wide; total dot th 234 feet 7 inches. It to part 5 .and 3 stories high; has extequire back buildings. It contains 14 bt^3 ; bar room. ottice, parlor, large dining room and kitchen, 4:t; ; gas introduced bath room, 2 water closets, : first floor heated •by steam; 111EQ, t..matory brick" stable and reach house iu the rear,with outlet into Cherry . street. Cash. Or For further particulars apply to C. H. et H. P. Ibuirheid, N 0.205 itouth Sigtibutreet.. TnomAs ti SUNS, A uctioneer!; my112,20/41e6 '132 and 141 South Fourth strait. • Ir. REAL I.STATit—THOMAti di SONS' SALE,— On '1 uciAlliy, Julie 9tlu IrIN. at 12 o'clock noon, to be sold at public sale, at the Yhiladchfhia I , xcliange, the follov , Mg described property, viz.: o four-story itilek Dwel'ing s . No 17L11 Moravian skeet. All that tour store brick dwelling and lot of ground. siht tte on the north Side of Moravian street, No. Diti; containing in Dont 11 teet, and in depth 38i•S feet to atlY, feet wide slle3r. which leads into a certain 3-feet wide alley which runs Into said Moravian street, together with the privilege of tai alley •, has B , reouis. Terms at sale: No. 2,—Four story Erick Dwelling, N 0.1733 Moravian strcd, All that four.story brick dwelling and lot of ground, adjoining the above, No. 1735; lu front 14 feet, and in depthl . :B,s4 its t the east line, and 34 feet cu the west line to elilicy; hoe 8 rooms, together with the privilege of said d4lMrys sin above. Terms at sale. 43110 to be paid on each faille tittle of sale. M. Till thi A S el ON uctioneers, myfS :10 jet; 139 and 141 South Fon: th street. REAL EtTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' S •11,1 1 1. E.:Handsome modem four-story kesideuce, No. Me Locust street, opposite St. Ma, k's Church. On Tuesday, June Pth, 1888, at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public sale at the Philadelphia Exchange ' all that handsome modern four•story messuage. (brown atone to seccnd story.) with twoatbry buck buildiug and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Locust street 86 Wel west ofiMxteentlt, No. 1608 t containing in front On Locust Ftl tet 20ffee1;"enti exteudit gin d iqh 130 feet to Latimer street. It has reception room, dining room and 9 kitchens on first floor --large elegant odor nod library on the second floor- 2 chantbe.e on third and 2 chambers on the fourth floor—gas ictroluctal, bath, hot and cold water, water elm et, 2 f nrnaces, cooking range, sto Terms-.--$10.1•00 woe remain on inortglege, ter lintnediate tmtecssion. • • lUrNeys may be had 'of L. IT: ROuer, r 04140.01. Walnut street. • • '• •. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, • meta Set jc 6 129 aud 141 South Fourth tot.r6ot: . . , REAL ESTATE—eV 1103fAS dr. 'SOWS . SALE.- 0: Ili edern Two-story Brick fiwelling, No. 10 Utah etreet, Burlington?. New Jersey, 48 feet . front, 211 feet deep. On 'Tuesday, June iith, Rica, at lawejetett, nuou,wi II be k old at .ptiblm eale, at the Phtlintelphfa Exchange, , ail tr at modern, twe.stery brick meal/ago, with two-story li g bac i l bnildill ill/d / 9 t,4f MI 4 Oittlitte' 00 the week aide of 10 atree OW if ilittlipston t New Torso t the.lot conielidulf a 1 t get' ma' IMAitoth silo feet, The‘ house 1if24,18Y, , .t t C owie fie thirteen rootne; tend Iliad eellardl gee lit 0 ed i _.' 'obatb, , hot- and ', m 44 .teri , 4a. ; the itirdepf.)+l444l4 VW,941.qa,.411t use s, 0 11 4` h e a °. W,..lteisprirrifo:oB,}4aoey strM,Bortinittoth N. a., •0 0‘ aMV elf: •' • - ~. , ' 0 , 14,, , :9 9 AS4 SONS. Auctionedra, f royEksof ea .' ' , 13 421014113duth Flurkla strtiii -,' il') REAL ESTATE SALES. r...X.r,t;e4'ulth'• PEREME`'.EOItY. SALE —Estiers of leant' Barton, deceased—Thetnr.s k StAtt..LAtietion '' sere.—Very valuable brudness-stand. rottr.stort , Brick Store and, Dwelling, No. 35 South Second rtreet." above illeetnut. 3511 6 1 e cet front on Swend' etrect, 163 feet 7 inches in depth to title street, 26 feerfront on 'Letitia. street--two fronts. n Tuesday June Ilth,„ 1862, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be void at pe WIC Mee,' Without reserve, At the Philadelphia Exchange, all. that' rite 7 valttabby four story brick. meeettage, with threeefory . &tante back-buildlntrn and lot of ground cotc the ea r - aide of Second . .strect, above Chestnet. ; 35; tbn lot containing In front on Second 11 foot ." 'and :901." tending in depth 151 feet 7 inches, more °4 Letitia. etreet on v bleb it has a front of, 3'3 ThO dwelling has the ate introduced, - bat C 01& ' water, cookin-rauge, the. . Clear 01 all ineutnbranco. Prinunediate poseedelon. May be, day'` previous to sale. Terms -Three.fourths of the perches, main nu mortgage for five years. M. TIIOII,LAS dt SON! ThY23.30,1e6 ' 139 and 191 Sat .., REAL ESTATE.—TII O MAS In, Country Residence. with stable'', at four stereo, pity avenue, west or Twenty-fourth Ward. Tee"day. o'clock; noon, will be - cold at P . u - b a iri;n - ,..., ehfladel- I Ilia Exchange, all that caluaele coiintry .raddenco, vituate on City avenue, wed of Debnont avenue. Twenty'. fourth NV ard. The hour° is two dories high with itt c firer floor eirlded into parlor 18 by 80feet; hal l?by 30 feet; dining; and eitting rooms, each 18 feet square; kitchen and pinup homo ettachrql; pecand *tory, chambers in main. nuild lug, and one chamber and bath room over kitchen ;‘ largo attn.,. Hoare netcly paint, d; papered in Snit earl. , 111111 in fetch repair; ceiling* high, and house tlui•hed good style; ground laid out with tree?, shrubbery, flowera and fruit; stabling for 3 horde fences partly amend all In good order. '1 hie property being in close proximit9 the new park, and in a neighborhood remarkably healtnV. I* particularly dtairable. Immediate INPBCInI4II. _Keys at Dr. Service's. Belmont avenue. , . Terms- $3,(00 may remain on mortgage. 51. 3.110N1 An m.. BUNS, AuCtioneera.. inylt 20 Jell 130 and 141 south Fourth street.. cPUBLlimn , . . IC dA.LE.-11.105fA8 Aa BONS, Ai CTION. ca r t.— Narm. 25 acres, Wollifleld, Hamilton. towwhill. AO. rtic colutv. New Jersey, 2)5 miles. from Hamilton station, on the. Philadelphia and Atlantic. City Railroad. 28 tulles from Camden, On Tuesday, June QUI, 1808, at 12 o'clock, noon; will bs sold at. public sale, at' th , k idiadelphia Exchange, all that small k'artn, situate' in ollifielo Hamilton township, Atlantic county', New Jerse 28 miles frorn Camd.n: second tract from the, 5,1.5 i, chute i Rd pubiic school, containing 25 acres; 133.6 acme are cleared-,..and in good fences; the other 1135 acres are. woodland; arthard with young beating apple, pear,plum and cherry trees' ," of an acre in blackberries, '.‘ of an acre in Ftrawberrles ; 200 grape vines of good quality , ,•_thei rye and first crop of`elover have been sold to Joseph Eck. kardt. The improvenieuts are a frame house, 14 by 16 feet, 1,4; s tory high, withgood cellar, kitchen. sited and a walled well.vvith good wate • a frame barn. 2l by 32 fest stabling. Immediate possess can be given. Will be skown on application to Mi. Louis oelling, on the adjoin. ing place. Bt. TIIONIAS At SHN'tkAtictioncers, my23430,je6 139 and 141 south 'ourth street. . EXECUTORS'PEREMPTORY SAL Eli STATE ot.laaacp,rtpn, deccired.—Thomas & Solt tioneere. Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 46G Cherry etreet, halo vs , Fif teenth street. On Tuesday, Juno 9th, 18643. at 12 o'clock. noon. ivill be sold 'at public sale; without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick meesuage and lot of ground situateon the south aide of Cherry street, 45 feet east of Fifteenth atreet; the lot containing in front on Cherry atreet 15 feet, and. extending in depth , di feet. with the privilege of a 4 feet wide alley leading into Fifteenth street. The house has the gas introduced. etc. It r" Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—Three-fourths of the purchase money may re main on mortgage for b years. Id. 111031 AS & SONS, Auctioneers. Rio end 141 South Fourth street. my 23 20je6 REAL ESTATE—TIIO34AS EG SONS. BALE.— Large and Valuable Lot, N. W. corner of Slxteentla - and Ontario streets„Twenty.firxt Ward,2oo feet front, nei4 feet deep to Smedley street, 3 fronts.—On Tuesday. June 9th, 1564, vt'l2 o'clock, noon, will be eold at public sale, at the Philadelphia exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Ontario streets. Twenty , firtit Ward; con taining in front on Sixteenth street 260 feet. and extend ing in depth 110 feet 4 incber to medley street-3 fronts: Subject •to the restriction that no steam engines. amid henna or frame buildinge for any offensive occupation shall be erected on said lot. ' • ' " . . it could be advantageously divided into sixteen 25 feet front lota. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 4 , my23.30Jt6 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ••• SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS—THOMAS dr Bona. Auctioneers.--Modern Three-story Brick Drvel " 'Ong, No. :Ih:s North Twelfth street. above Montero.' mery avenue. On Tuesday. Juno 9, IRIBI, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be eold at publci sales at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that modern three-story brick meesuage, with two story back buildings and lot of ground, situate °tithe east side of Twelfth street, above Diontgomeryoavenne, No. 1825; the lot containing in front on Twelfth street feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 80 feet to a back street The Douse contains 10 rooms; has the gas. bath. hot and cold water. and water closet; to papered through out; has entire new roof, dry cellar, and is In good condi tion throughout. Subject to a yearly ground rent el slto. Immediate posseeslea. hi. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers, my2B BO jefi 189 and 141 S.uth,Pourth street. 0 PUBLIC SALE—THOMAS & EIONB. AUCTION. errs Largo and valuable Lot, Market street, Forty ninth street, Fiftieth street, Oak street. Chestnut street; 5 fronts; Twenty.seventla Ward.- On Tuesday,. June 9,1968, at 12, o'clock,. neon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and., valuable lot of 'ground, situate. in the Twenty.seventh Ward, having a front of 565 feet on . Market street, 7h9 feet lOU inches on Fiftieth street, 526 feet on Oak street,s6o feet on Chestnut Street, and on the rear line 763 lest inches. tom' Willbe sold according to a plan which may be seen at the auction rooms. rsr Ihe above is every desirable and valuable lot, hay.. ins 6 fronts. M. THOMAS et SONS. Auctioneers. LuY23,30.k6 189 and 141 South Fourth street. rREAL ESTATE—THOMAS St SONS' SALE.— Modern three-Amy Mick Dwelling, No. 1819 North — Eleventh street, above Montgomery avenue.—On Tuesday, June 9th, 1888. at 12 o'clock , noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modem threextory brick thessuaite and lot of ground, situ ate on the east tide of Eleventh street. lit) feet north of Mottaomery avenue, No, 1819; containing in front on Oa• youth street hi feet 8 incline, and extending in depth 28, feet to Frederick street. The house is built in the best earner. and is comparatively new and replete with all. the mode rn conveniences. May be examined any day inevious to sale. M. THOMAS di tiONii, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS .b SONS' SALE.— Lot corner of Fortieth and Centre streets, Moakley ton ushiP. On Tuesday, June Bthh leis, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at , public tale, at the rtilladel. phis. Exchange :Jai that to 'of ground, situate on the west side of Fortieth street, and east side of Centre street, in the Tcswinhip of Hlockley. and County of Philadel phla, 120 feet north of Dutton street: containing in front on Fortieth street 20 feet, more or less, and extending in, depth 120 feet to Centre street. m.Tuomns & SONS Auctioneers, 21,30Je8 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. m.y28,30Je6 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Three-story Brick Tavern and Dwelling, southwest - corner of Twenty•second and Hamilton streets. On. Tticrday, June 9th. 1868, at Li o'clock. noon. to be eoldet public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valua ble three story brick tavern and dwelling, and lot of ground. situate at the southwest corner of Twenty.second and Handlton street'; 18 feet front on Hamilton street, and 10 feet on Twenty-second street. It can be used either as one, two or three house!: suitable for grocery or liquor store. Ternur—S3,ool may remain on mortgage. 31. TilomAs & Nt,Nd Atictoneers, 129 turd 141 Soutit Fourth street. HEAL ES'TA'IE.—TIIOSI AS & SONS' SALE. Sri Elegant Four-story Brick Dwelling, No. 92.3 North Broad street, south of Girard avenue, 20 feet front, lrie feet deep to t.ntario streer. On Tuesday, Juno Id, 1864, at 12 o'clock, noon,-will be sold at public sale. stale Fhiladelphitt Exchange, all that elegant four-story brick tuessuage, with three.story hack buildings and lot og gn uud, situate on the east side of Broad street, south of: Giraid avenue, IN 0 923; cow nifiltig in front on Broad atreet 20 feet, and extending in depth ltiO feal •to Ontaricr street. ithnethe gas introduced, bath, hot and cold, water. water closet, 9 furnaces. cooking range, &e. 112 , "Clear of all lucumbrame. Terms—l lull Cash. Possession January let, 18e11. m 3 23, 'O,O, Ic6 Forint ther particularp, . • Apply to C. U. H. P. MIIII.IIF,ID, No. 265 South Six :11 Street. hi. TIIC/51AS & SONS, Auntioneere, tnvl4 23 '2829 30 jet 1,9 and 141 S. Wourth litroot. CARRAAGEb. • .4 , WHOVESA.LE Itepii- AND r, RETAIL, 74. `U F/10.111 V: ::.. 1 •• /. • # 3 00 41036.40 Lb 00. CHARLES LYNE, - _ Patent Folding, Spring Scat and Round Back_ PERAMBULATOR MANUFACTURLIty , 419 ARCH. Street, Philadelphia. They can be taken apart or folded up, and packed Ins the smallert•place possible. or hung u if not required. Their equal has never before been seen In thin country,. Second-hand - Perambulators repahvi or taken in ex change. aplB.2in jggitD. M . ,. LANE, ,CARRIAGE BUILDER. '..r.SclY"Xli= reepeettelb , favites attention to hie largo stock of tinialuld Carriages; also, orders . taken for, Carriages of sump description, at MANUFACTORY AND WAREROOMS, • 801,, 8434 and 943 d MARKET ;street, • Three squares went of renusylvtutia Railroad - DODO Went Phlladoiphla. • iaBB-tit th ; WAN 71.14 VANTFD.—A SiTLIA'rION HY A YOUNG . . KHAN. desirous of leaking himself useful. - Salary maintain. Ilan some knowledge of nook keeping. , writes an exile& lent hand, understands details Of retail business. . (Jam giro excellent refineuces. Address , 11.. .tiT Chestnut street. lnYlsO AVANTED.—BY A YOUNG MAN OF Qom ttare„ VT a situation Itl ti Store or Cour.tirts•how* : l4l:43lorb or assistant book.keoper. Bost of reference CGS Vlll4l Address "W" box 1977. Post Office. •.•r • ;. • • wwwwutis. OD "DOD ERB* AND '. . AL X 1V,.. A rut on ' F , a Ill t r 4 the ' . a , and lecat .. PULN or the aorta', at P.•. ...p M 7 :Y 00 10 kNAPOIrp , ...1: Y&111744iA=4, W/ 3rl °l k'. • - Tr .411• V, ',i,411010 ~. . '.4.. , . , ...,44i1i4 ., :-..,. '..-.1•:' - ~.,..',:. ..,.:!.,.:?'. . ..:!•. ,- i.. : .4,1;1,. ; : , .. -,. ? ;;!; 11: ,... , ,, : . ;:' -;,1‘";• ' 9 : • R.• =ME .. . .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. '..-,.. : ),,, , ,,,;,, ,, , , 4 , ., , ,..::,..,,,,,, , ,• , ..- . :,,.,, ep.?i,, , :),, ,, ,J . ...L ., 'ix.:.-',,..i..!',,,!i.,,,.-,i-',,•-:,:',,:.,.;.,?!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers