k. EAT 12. S Etc. • Tire.TtreArnus.--Itir.John Brougham will close his long and:successful engagement at the Walnut this evening, with his personation of " Captain Cuttle" in Dombey 4 Son and the farce his Last Legs. On Monday Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear in Rip Van Winkle. At the Arch to-night the. dramas The, Serious Family and La Tour de Wilde will be given with Mrs. John Drew and Mr. Barton Hill in the cast. The pantomime H Hempty .Dumpty willbe presented at the Chestnut. At the American a' miscellaneous performance will be given. THE EUROPEAN Ono:a—Those who take de light in the feats of the arena, in dashing equet trianismgymnastics, feats of agility and strengtif, and all the usual entertainments of a first-class circus are on the 4ui vise for the opening of this' establishment, which Is fixed for Monday next, when' an opportunity will be afforded, both day and night, for, the fullest gratification of their tastes. The large bill-board—three hundred feet in length and fifteen feet high—which has been erected on Eighth street, between Race and Vine, marks the spot where the large pavillion will be erected, and is a notable object attraction-to thousands from morning till night. Theterst of the grand street pageants will take place on Monday morning, if the weather should prove favorable and will be a beautiful and novel sight, especially the tealo. of dromedaries and the living lion uncaged in the 'streets. The route of the procession will be sound in another column. The E...repean Circa . : will give two performances each day during Jts_ brief stay. The matinees will begin daily at lb.lf-past two o'clock, and will prove a great accommodation to ladies and children, who will be enabled to avoid the Inset - table rush at night. - GP.AND CONCEM—This (Saturday) even ing, Mr. L. 'Engelke will have a grand com ,plimentary convert at the Academy of Music. A large number of eminent artistes will appear. A brilliant and attractive programme has been pro pared, and a performance of an unusual cha racter may be expected. The orchestra will con sist of sixty professional musicians, and the chorus will contain over five hundred voices. The demand for tickets has been very great, but a few good seats can be obtained at Trampler's. Dims EFFIE GERINION'S Berosyrr.—Miss Effie Germon, the popular and versatile actress, will have a grand benefit at the Academy of Music, .on Saturday_ afternoon, the 6th of Juno. Mr. Brougham Mr. Marlowe, and a large number of other &striate artists will appear, and Carncross fk Dixey's Mmetrels will also participate. Miss Germon is an excellent actress,unriyaled, indeed, In her peculiar line. As she has multitudes of friends, the house will, of course, be crowded. Wrstarr.—Thegr.eatmagician Wyman will give an exhibition of legerdemain and ventriloquism at Assembly Buildings to-night. Wyman is a great artist, and he renders 'his entertainment tos additionally attractive by distributing present's his patrons. Ei.KVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE.—TIIO :Hurrah Trip Around the World will be presented by Messrs. Carncross & Dixey this evening with handsome and amusing stage effects,and musical performances by the whole company. Humply Dumpty, a burlesque of the best kind, will be pro duced, with The Spectres' Frolic and a multitude of other good things, including„singing by Cern cross, dancing, negra delineatibus, farce and ex travaganza. NEW JERSEY RATTERS. 'Crry Conscm.—Last evening the Connell of Camden met at the City- Hall The following principal items of business were disposed of : A resolution was passed authorizing the City Treasurer to refund 40 per ent...to parties who had paid their culvert assessment, and also fixing the rate of tax hereafter on such bills at. $1 50 instead of 112 50 per 1,000 square feet. The Surveyor • was instructed to make out a new statement in accor dance with the above rates, Another resolution was passed authorizing the Street Committee of Middle Ward to pave that portion of Berkleygrs remaining unpaved on Henry street, between od Morris streets., The quarterly appropriations to the different Piro Coln, pasties were approved and ordered to be paid. A petition was also presented asking Council to' change the name of Plum street to that of Arch. Referred to the Committee on Streeta. After disposing of some ether minor items, Council adjourned. • Tint Courro.—The following cases have been disposed of by the Court in Camden this week: Cornelius Ennis. receiving stolen goods not guilty; Matthew Mc- Laughlin, attempt so commit larceny, guilty; Louisa Burton, grand larceny, guilty William Crowley, mali cious mischief, guilty ; klwood Jackson, grand larceny, guilty of petty larceny; Thomas Dixon, assault and bat tory, guilty. BATHING IN THE DELAWARE.—Boys who are in - the habit of bathing along the river front should remem ber that the authorities of Camden have passed an ordi nance prohibiting them from doing so between the hours of 6 o'clock in the marning and 8 in the evening, except they are properly. clad. Several arrests have been made, and the penalty is severe. RUNNING AT LARGE.—The authorities of the new city of Gloucester have gone to work in earnest in passing ordinances for the better governing of the place. At their last meeting an ordinance was passed preventing cattle.horses, swine, goats, ke., from running at large. CHILD FOUND.--The body of a child was found on the cricket grounds in Camden, a few days since. by Homo-boys who wer y e plaing. It was badly decompoeod. Coroner McKinley took the body In charge. CITY NOTICES. • FINE'. WATCHES.—We desire to call the atten tion of watch-bilers'to the'very.tine Watches made iry the American Watch Company of Waltham, and known as the 3:-plate, 16 size. To the manufacture of these watches the Company, have devoted all the science anti skill in the art at?' their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, not less than for the greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these Watches will compare favorably with the best made in any country. In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not even attempted except at Waltham. For sale by all respectable dealers. ROUBINS A APPLETON, Agents, 182 Broadway, N. X. E. G. WHITMAN & Co. When E. G. Whitman 4 Co. commenced the manufacture of line confections they started out upon the principle of doing exact and equal justice to all their patrons and customers, and to consider nothing perfect while there was a higher de gree of perfection attainable. To jilts end they used none but the very best materials, eschewed all un wholesome components, employed none but the best skill, and as a result, produced articles that stand A No. 1 in the estimation of the confectionery-consuming world. They are now second to none iu the mannfac titre of standard articles, while their specialties in the line of confectionery weuld of themseives give them an enviable reputation. To see how a small begin ntrigin trade has resulted in a huge business upon the practice of these principles, and to procure the cho'cest dainties iu the country, it is only necessary to visit the store of E. G. Whitman A Co., No. 318 Chestnut street, below Fourth. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS.—TRCIII la nothing that the American people worship so much as Success; This may not be saying much fur the spirituality of their worship, but it is nevertheless a fact. It is for this reason that the GroVer & Baker Sewing Machine in more than a hundred thousand homes in this broad :Republican empire, Is idolized as a household god. We heartily wish that this wonderful health, time, and labor-saving instrument might take the place 'of some other household gods we \\rot of, as that would indeed • be a gigantic stride of our progressive civilization. The yule of these perfect and justly prized instruments 'is Icreasing with astonishing rapidity, as may be judged foga the constant activity in the Grover & Baker 'Warerooms, 730 Chestnut street. _ . EVlDEtiet. INCONTRQVIATIIILE.—We are glad,to be able to lay before our readers the following notitica-, tion from the State Department at Washington. which must forever set at rest the question as' to what Sew ingana Buttonhole Machine was honored , with the only gold martial awarded at the Paris Universal Expo sition. Read it, then visit the . Wheeler & -Wilson Company's Wareroome in this city (Messrs. Peterson . Little, Agents), No. 104 Chestnut street, where these incomparable machines may be Been in constant operation DEPARTMENT OT ISTATII, WABIIIN °TON, 9th May, 'ISM To WHEELER , /It , WILSON, of New York. ' Sias: • • Tile Department has received One Gold Medal awarded to your firm on Sewing and Button Hole Ma chines, at the Paris Universal bxposition of 181/T. Your obedlebt serv W ant, ILLIAM 11. SEWARD. UNION HOTEI„ Saratoga. Popular Prima. Superior Accommodation for Fara'Me and Gen tlemen. 50 per day $-28 per week, $lOO for four weeke. • Omnibus and Baggage Master to receive Checks a Station. Open from June te l t to October lat. Address LELAND BROTIIERS, Or S. LELAND & Metropolitan CO.,Hotel. • yLisrli Boon ,erti GAITERS AT Low PnlcEs•- -- 4 fientlemen who eonsalt domfort, economy, elegance and good taste should call On Cass. Eichel, the accom Oohed cordwainer, No. tlO4 North Eighth street,above BottonWood. He has an immense stock. of Boots and Shoes Of all the prevailing Btyles, at very low prices. l'Outha , ;loons and Galterron hand and.made to order. Juniorous mothers and nurses use for children * safe and pleasant medicine in BOYinieli INFANT COB, DIAL. Titic!! great ceremony next month of th , .: A. Y. wiitaeceasitate a new Bat. Go to Oakford's, un der tho 00Atiaent4l lloteL Order it now. RERE's CHINA HALL, 1218 CHESTNUT STRZET. Those about porcheehm China 4nd Glees will lin& by a visit to the China Hall, that they can porchase any article in our line by the single DICCe at the low est wholesale Aug,. depend on getting the best article and 'newest abapei, and have the greatest va riety to choose from.. WHITE FRENCH CHINA DINNER. PLATES. Just received, 500 dozen White French China Din ner Plates, at $2 Der dozen. , Karen's Chins hall, 1218 Cheating, street. WHITE STONE CHINA CHAMBER SIM. 12 pieces for CI 26 per set. Call and compare these with any at double the price. . • limes China Ilan, 1218 Chestnut street. PARASOLS, PARASOLS—hum Low.—Mr. Finn has now open a special lot of Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, all the best makes, which are 'offered at acceptable rates. Ills $1 20 Parasol has a large sale, and his finer satin goods deserve attention. JonN 3t. Firm, 13. E. corner of Arch and Seventh streets. FRINGES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS.—Ladies requiring anything in the line of Dress Fringes, Braids, Gimps or Linings or Buttons, of any description, will find ra large assortment , at economical prices, at Mr. Finn's. A special deduction always made in all oar goods to dressmakers. JOTIN M. FINN, S. H. corner of Arch and Seventh streets. GREAT SALES OF STOOKINGS-GREAT TION. Stockings, very goodAmly 25 cents. Stockings, full regular, close fabric, 30 cents Stockings, very good quality, 30 cents. Stockings, iron frame, lowest prices. JounM. Funi, S. E. corner of Arcliand Sevent‘streets. CORSETS-GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Corsets, woven, 18 whalebones, $1 per pair. Corsete, tine fabric, stiff form, $1 10 per pair. Corsets, better, 82 whalebones, $l, 50 per pair, ALSO-RAND -MADE COMETS Crescent Corsets, whalebone, 85c. !ler pair. Madame Le Fevre's London Cord, $1 50 per pair. The above goods are all of excellent makes and de sirable shapes, and are offered at unusually low prices. JOLIN M. MINN, S. E. corner of Arch and Seventh streets. .... THE IMIRLINGAME CHINESE EMBASSY vial t a photograph saloon the other day, and on their exit a number of ladies stood to scrutinize them. One of these took in her ungloved hand a long and elabo rately-plaited cue belonging to Tung, and critically examined it. Tnng eyed the, "lady" for a moment ; a smile illuminated his broad, flat face as he glanced at her own coffure, and then bowing said: "All mine! all miner The inquisitive female retired in diegnet. If Tung would still retain the admiration of the la li dies let him, in visiting this city „- doff hie bad 'fitting pi lei anddrees himself in a complete suit from fitokes & Co.'s Clothing House, under the tinental. This is the cite to admiration here.. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT 1B both a palliative and curative in all Lung Complaints, Bronchitis, Sc. It is a standard remedy' for all Coughs and Colds, and needs only a trial to prove its worth. Sold, everywhere. FAMILY Com..—Durin g a recent extended tour to the coal regions, Mr. W. W. Alter, the ,well known coal merchant, selected an immense stockof the finest varieties of the black diamond, both in the Lehigh and the Schuylkill districts. He is now prepared, at his yard on Ninth at., below Giraid ay. ' and at his branch office, corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets, to offer to the publib advantages in quality and price which cannot be procured elsewhere. Those who eon. template purchasing their' yearly supply of coal will serve their own interests by calling upon him now. Indeed, every one should make it a point to lay in 'a stock at this season of the year. The saving in price will more than compensate for the outlay, for now that the winter's demand is over, prices have touched bottom,and will remain depressed but for a short time. GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN has withdrawn• his name as a candidate for the Presidency, though we believe no one ever thonOt of him in that connection. This gives us an opportunity to bring oat P. Lorillard for that high position. The platform on which he stands is a desire to advance the be interests of the people. One 01 the best planks in it is the "Yacht Club" Smoking Tobacco, and i his he forthies by the offer of a certain number of genuine nikerschaum pipes distributed through the packages. Let the war cry be Lorillard and the "Yacht Club." BONNETS AND MILLINERY GOODS "CHEAP !".. ' l'ilany persons have an impression that Chestnut-street stores are hiyh:prieed. NotiOng could be further from the truth, if we may judge from the extraordinary low rates at which Messrs. Wood Cary, No. 725 Chest t street, nre now selling all kinds of Straw Goods, Fancy natP, and Millinery Goods of every description, folly ten per cent. lower than any other store in the city. Besides showing every style of Bat and Bonnet for Indies and misses, they cut all kinds of materials, and are daily opening new Fancy Hats, Bonnets, Straw Gimps, Fringes, Sr,c., at very low prices. NEW I:lNrs for Misses and Children, of the must elegant etyles, and at all prices. 9urroan's, under the VontinentaL BOWER'S SENNA FlOB, FOR CONSTqATION cent& Depot Sixth and Vine. THE pleasure arising from wearing a pair of Bartlett's Boots or Shoes is akin to that. experienced in the society of a gentlemanly acquaintance—one feels a sense of refined comfort. No. 33 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. TURKISH BAxne.— " Mind and body are drowned in deiNons rest; and we no longer remember what we are. "—Bayard Lewis. "Most valuable of all baths." --Dr. Dlo Lewis. Now opened at No. 1109 Girard street, above Chestnut. Hours for ladies, from 9to 12 A. Id.; hot= for gentlemen from 6 to 8 A. M., and from 1 to 9 P. M. NlF.lterms of the Masonic Order can get their Silk lints for the coming "occasion" at Casa. OAK"- °Rh Sorts, under the Continental Hotel. FLORENCE SEWING Florence \Sewing 3fachine. 'Florence Sowing Machine. °ince, 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' BIM dries. • SNOWDRN & BROTHER, t , 23 South Eighth street,. DEAFNESS, BLINDNEBS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appert:aining to the ahors members with the utmost success. Testimonial*from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. SO Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hie 'practice. .Artbicial eyes inserted,. No charge made for examination. NEW PUBLICATION& DOUBLY FALSE • DUUBLY FALSE MRS. ANN B. STEPHENS" NEW BOOK. MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS' NEW BOOK. SECOND EDITION NOW READY.' , AND OTHER WORKS PUBLIBEIED THIS DAY AND FOR SALE BY T. B.PETER2ON ac BROTHERS. 306 CHESTNUT ST DOUBLY FALSE. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, author of "Faphion and Famine," due. Complete in ono large duo decimo volume. Prir $1 75 in cloth, or $1 50 in paper cover MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS' OTHER 'WORKS. Doubly Estee. ......$1 50 IThe $1 50 The Soldiers ' Orphans. 1 501Fiulhion and Pauline... 1 50 Silent Struggles 1 50151 wry Derwent.... ..... 160 1 he Wife's Sect et 1 50 The Gold Brick. 1 50 The Rejected Wife 150 The old Homestead.... 150 Tho above arc in paper cover, or in gloth, price $2 each. rEnts oF' ENGLI 2S SH rßisoN:"qs.. By Charles Dickens. Price .oents. TU. QUENTIN DURWARD. By dir Walter Scott. Ban§ the sixteenth volume of Petersons' new edition of The Waverley Novels," to he comp t eted in twontyaix weekly volumes, at Twenty coati , tb. or Five Dol lars, for a complete set. and bent everywhere. COMSTOCK'S ELOCUTION EN1..."-.....4ED! With TWO HUNDRED AND SlAVYaliiite.E ENGRAVINGS. one volume duodecimo, arabesque. eix. hundred pages. Price Two dollare, V. FATHER TOM AND THE POPE; Or, A Night at the Vatican. By the late John Fisher Murray. With a New Preface by K. Shelton Mackenzie, Li' ut. and Illustrative Engravings, large, type leaded. Price tifty cents in ps I.er cover, or Seventy-Av V e cents in cloth. L MY BON'S WIFE, By the author of "Caste."' "Mr:' Arle," etc. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, bound In cloth for $2 00; or,n paper cover, 'for $1 60. VLI. GEMMA, A NoveL By T. A. Trollope. Fully equal to "The Initials." Complete in one large duodecimo vol. rime. Price $2 00 ; or, in paper cover, for WO. THE WIDOW'S SON. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. South, —worth author of "The Lost Heiress." Complete in one largeduodecimo volume, bound in cloth, for $2 0J; or in paper cover for $1 W. All books published are for sale by us the moment they nre issued from the press, at Publishers , prices, Cali in person, or send for whatever books you want, to T. B. PETERSON di BROTHERS, Ben Chestnut street. Pliilada., Par MATTRESS AND UEDDIND. SPIUNG,IIEDI3. 130METIIING ENTIRELY NEWAND NOVEL, KRIEGHOFF*I3 PATENT U. S. SPELNO-DED. FOE CHEAPNESS, DIIIIABLUTY,CLEPNLINE!SEI. and especially the moot deligh(fill ?notion of eladlcitY. We guarantee our Bodo to excel all ot; Spring•hetimAleci. We feel so oonfideut in. the qualities we clot - m.. 4 atWon - trial they should fail to give oatisf action in every reelfil they may be returned to us and the money will be re funded. Made to order to fit hedetoado of any size. Liberal discounts to Wholeoale Dealers, Hotels, .t.c. "_Entirely constructed of metal, are warranted to remain 1 eo from vermin. COVELL, Bit.IDWIN & CO. N. E. corner Cheetnut and Pglithetreets, up 'Astra; SOLE MANUFACTURERS FOR TIIIS CITY AND STATE. in32l-Iro,ro§ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ---PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY *AY SO, 1868. J,E CALDW c.ELL & 0...• JEWELERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, ;a Have lust received direct from Perin, a large involto of 'FRENCH JEWELRY: Half Sets, Sleeve Buttons, Medallion Necklaces Bracelets, Chains, &c,, Bco., In beautiful deelgne, the rimed and choked PARIS NOVELTIES. spa tu th trri4 CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESTNUT STREETS „., Offer for sale a eholee assortment of STERLING .AND STANDARD SILVER WARE AND FINE PLATED WARES, fes wacatfrp§ Haying Purchased the !Merest of THON• WEI6GINS, Esq., My late partner in the firm of WRIGGENS & WARDEN, I will continue the Watch and General Jewelry Business At the old stand. • S. E. corner Fifth and Chestnut Ste., And respectfully request a continuance of the patronage l'iso long and liberally bestowed upon the late firm. Particular attention given to the repairing of WATCHES and JEWELRY. A. B. WARDEN. PIIILAILL, March l 6 1868. fify27lmreS AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALSI 30,000 Fra,nes 3.0 -HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Awarded the Prize Medals at World's fair London; World's Fair, flew York; Exposition Oniverselle, Paris, 30,000 FRANCS t! 0136,000 IN GOLD.) At the recent International Contest in the Paris Exhibition The public are invited to call and examine the report of the Jury on the merits of the great contest, and see the official award to the I:Wring's Patent over all others. 629 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co., Chicago. Herring. Farrel & Sherman, N. Orleans: calf' to th * =rya • ourrip ionrusuirg • soon.. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS The following advantages are claimed for the IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, MADE BY JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. They are made of the beet materials. , The workmanship. cut and finish cannot be excelled. Prices are low for the style and kind of work made Satisfaction guaranteed io all.. ALSO OE'PERS. A large and superior assortment of Spring Underwear. ' Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Stocks.. Wrappers, &c., And the latest novelties for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. my 7 the to grorP DOUBLY FALSE DOUBLY _ IFIRE.PROOF SAME& %, AND \ , WINNER tHE WAGER FARREL, HERRING & CO., 1 0 0.111 ISAJLIE• EFOR SALE. 11 TAE LARGE AND ELEGANT FRENCH STONE STORE . 124 feet by ZI feet, built le the most substantial manner. with alsuperlrarchiteetural front, NO: 41S Arch. Street. This is one of the most conspicuous and admirably located business edifices in Philadelphia; one which,from ite adaptation to either manufacturing or mercantile Par !,..eses, and the high clew of improvements now in coutein idation in its immediate vicinity. will probably be worth sloo.ofo within ten years. , It can be purchased for - • Less than Half that Slatt if applied for immediately. If not andrior, uly Ist, the Btoro will bo rented for $4,500, theien t may" have the privilege of purchasing within a opeeided period. I}RES OF SALE EINASKABLY EASY 1011 TIIEPOROHIBEE. For particulars, inquire of DANIEL M. FOX, No. 540 North Fifth Street. or on the premises ;or the owner may be seeriby addresait% Box 2207 Philadelphia Post Office. w • 27 w&s tfrp IraFOR BALE OR 10 LET AT BR ANOHTOWN. — A Country Beat for a email family. Stone House fitted for eammer and winter. Frame Barn and b acres of land. Inquire of 0„ W. WHARTON. next to bran e diet° peened° n. • mYlid BOAI}DING. A PRIVATE FAMILY WISHES TO OBTAIN A FEW li select Boarders for the summer, in a pleasant loca tion, 430 tulles Mit, ten minutes' walk to railroad station. T' or particulars. addressALJ. LUKENS, "Ovorbrook Sta tion.° Pennsylvania Railroad. myl101t• _ NEPI TURKEY PRUNES LANDING AND FOR BALK by J. B BuBBIBR & C0..108 South Delaware aventte is a, GODSEL&M TUZO. N. wumEstuamot Just Receifed by late Steanaer, sell& assortment of , C.,A.RPETINGS, MATTINGS, &0., Of Bid Designs and Ram Patterns, offered at Los s 4 ) rica, E. H. GODSHALK &CO. 28 Chestriut Street. 1a97 '74lnani NEW cAitymirs. JAMES H, ORNE, EON & CO., 626 Chestnut Street, a nd Have co opened New Carreste. 00 Cloth, Drnageta, cawscaws Coa . Rug% am Brussels, Wilton, Velvets, The above are our own rattenm English Ingrains, Three Plys, Oil Cloths, , Praggets, English Venetian, Cocoa Matting, OF 01111 OWN MPORTATION TRIO OPIUM Some very eneetior, ill of which we offer at lowest Prim JAMES 11. ORNE, ON & CO., Chestnut, below Seventh, ap2 2m • CANTON MATTING. Our Own Importation Tali SOME VERY BIIPERI9E 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 15-4, 6-4 WHITE AND BED CHECK STRAW rvxATTINGS. JAMES H, ORNE, SON & 626 Chestnut St., below Seventh; Sotinai 1868. CAAPETINGS. 1868 GLEN .EOllO MILES, ermantown, , Philadelphia, McCALLIIM, CREASE & SLOE Beepectintly invite the attention of THE TRADE to their large Stock of --r CARPETINGS, - of their own and other bliumfacturea. No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. 1868. REMOVAL 1868. OF OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT From 151,9 Chestnut Street, TO • NO. 609 CHESTNUT STREET, Where we are now opening AN IMMENSE NEW ST O c OIC OF FOREIGN CARPETINGS, Embracing All the latest and choicest styles of PAWRInVIETIrd4_,ArATartiIt. BRUSSELS,.B MASH, aril) PALA . LiriE VENETIANB; ALSO;ENG. OIL CLOTHS. together will a full line of DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS and PENS TIAN B. for HALLS and STAIRS. with extra borders. MOOALLI3II, CREASE ds SLOAN. mhll.w s m Bmrpt • • • NEW CARPETINGS Of the best French, English and American Mann facture, embracing Moquette, Chenille, Axmin ster, Wilton's Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, Three ply Ingrains, Damask and Venetians. Also, Oil Cloths and Mattings, every quality, great variety. All at the lowest Cash Prices. R. L. KNIGHT & SON,' 11222 Chestnut street. irryw • 7 .19 MARY B.' CONWAY, • LAMINA , DRESS FVIIIIIINELJUNG AND RHOPPIIict EMPORIUM,_ 51 SOUTH SIXTEENTH suusmr. PLILLADELMA. I Ladled from and part of the:United /Rate' eon se2their orders for Drees Materials, Dreeißorwets. Underrothin, Mourning Suite, edge , Trol B o oeiing atilt% Jwlry, Mo., abo Viotti/MU fant , e ardiob Gentlomen% Liam. dce. In ordering Garment% Ladies will &egg Mod oils of their BUT PITTING DAMES fOrDINUEt; sad I. visiting the city ehould not tail e .and MVO measure% regatereil for future corm itefe;ll. " "Mall" t° MR. J bl; AMO& HOMERantxt heotnutsti. • MESSRS. AY rP 812 and t e PAVER AND BOAT' MAKERBCItOBININBTORB nud for nnto by COGURAN. nuossa & Co. u 22 North Front etreet. itay22 - . Extra Tapestries. Straw Matting, EN HINE MEERSC HALM PIPES' ' ? , . , . Cri. Vlol'4 .A.W.A.V". ' The success attending our method of introducing' our Century brand has encouraged us to use the same means to induce consumers to try the YACHT CLUB BMOKINCI TOBACCO. In this brand we will pack daily, '. IN DIFFERENT 5A.013 -.- . ) orders, which entitle each finder to a ?amine Meerschaum Pipe, carved after an original and Zppro priato'deSign. These pipes are manufactured expresilly for this purpose by Messrs. liaidenbcege & Bon, who took the first premium at the Paris Exposition over alt competitors. , . EVERY PACKAGE OF-- LORILLARD'S YACHT CLUB SHOEING TOBACCO is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction.' It Is manufactured from.tile-inght Virginia and Turkish Leaf, FROM WHICH THE NICOTINE IS EXTRA-434TH. It possesses none of the bad taste so prejudicial to the majority of smoking tobacco, but is unsurpassed in quality and flavor. Parties finding orders, by enclosing same to us properly endorsed with their full address, will re ceive the Pipes from our Store, corner CHAMBERS and CENTRE Streets. • CENTURY TOBACCO. - We are constantly improving this brand, and its sales are daily Increasing. We still continue to pack Money in CENTURY TOBACCGais heretofore. . P. LORILLARD, 16, 18 and 20 °HAMMERS Street, New York. BOLD BY ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS. Be A. VAN SCHAICK, General Agent, $6 South FRONT Shut, PhiladelphiL my27wfsinwietBP OkitsCIEBIEM. /1.11441U0111 8 . act*. Extra Choice • JAPAN TEA. This Tea is grown in the gardana on the "Yarmaaho•m" with ais o f4r e td a r t ai l ast care in large baskets lined FOR fIIIF THOMPSON BLACK'S SON dg 00., Broad and Chestnut Streets, nolitt th a CRIPPEN 1 MADDOCK,, 115 S. Third Street, below &octant, (Late W. L. Maddock & Co.) Have on hand a take and choke dock of ~;GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Which they aro offering by the Padua at Greqly Reduced Prices. BALTIMORE FAMILY FLOUR STANTLY ON HAND. stu FINE. FAMILY GEOCERIEB. Tu Families Going into the Country. We offer to those going into the country one of the largest and finest stocks of FINE GROCERIES in the cit 7 to select from. All goods 4old by the package at wholesale Views. TEAS, COFFEES, and all Staple Goods at priced re duced lower than for many years. (treat care taken to have everything packed safely and neatly as possible. and delivered free of charge at any of the Depots. to Chestnut UHL and country surrounding the city, in our own wagons. SIMON COLTON & CLARK.* B. W. oor. Broad and Walnut Ste PHILADELPHIA. rov.l-Imrp REDUCED. -• FRENCH PEAS AND MUSIIROOMBASt Extra White Beath Peaches, 85; Fresh Green Tomatoes fotPies, cM, at A. J. DECAMP'S. 107 South Second stree t NEW YORK PLUMS AND SEEDLIDSS CH ERRIES. 60 ctn.: North Carolina Pared Peaches. ZS ctn.; bright 'm oored halves, ‘l5 eta., at A. .3. DsCAMP'S. 107 South Second street\-- WINSOW'S GREEN CORN and very superior Fresh Tan atoes,for Dale by the case or can,at A, J. DrCAliirit. 107 South Second etrect. YARMOUTH BLOATERS, Smoked,Spiced and Pickled Salmon and Boneless Mackerel. in kits, at A. J. Ds CAMP'S, 101 South Second street. DAVIS'S DLAMOND BRAND LIAM always on hand mlLl4Aturei CARRIAGES. REFIIIIGJERATORM. gtuo. REFRIGERWTORS, FOR THE MILLION. THE BEST VENTILATING RIZFRIGERATORE. ALB% TILE COMMON REFRIGERATORS. Al Extreme Low Prices. E. S. FAB SON & CO., OLD STAND, ri f o is. 220 and 222 DaTik Ettr, eat, Nor the Ifkichange. Rp tn th 2m r4wa .. - oir:r4 -----,---------------- 0 1 In REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS .b SONS' BALE.— barge end Valuable let , corn , of fierraantouit Bal 'toad and Vonango ntreer,. ling Sun Village, Twenty Bret Ward, 120 feot front, feet deep to Alder g# .i street, two fronts. --012 Tuesday, - nue Mb.' 1828, at 12 oolock, noon, willte sold at übl valuable t the Philadel. phi& Exchange, all that largo a d lot of ground,. situate , Oil the east side .of Pc atltown road corium Of Vona,nge street, , Rising Sun.Vil ge, T won VAIN t Ward; containing in front Cu Gertuanto •rt road 120 feet, and ex tending In depth 203 footle Alder treet. Clear of ail inctuebranco. Plan at SONS,uction Rooms. M. TIIOMAS & Auctioneers, 13P and 141 8. Fourtkatreet. myBolo,o TRUSTEDY PERIIIMPTORY . 14.--ESTATE lease I'. Smith. deceased, M. Thomas di Sons duo, Delmer,. On Tuesday. June 16th, 1884 at twelve o'clock. noon. will be cold at public sale, wi th out reserve at the • Philedelphia 'Exchange. the following deeeelbed Property, viz: No. 1. 10 tveAstory, brick Stores and Dwaine/nns:ober* 13(3,M011 and LW Vit ju a l ireet, and Di n ice r, W 2,304,306. 308,810 and 812 Twelf th street. and five wellinge in the rear forming * Court: thole brick nmeenagew and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Vine street, and it - W aide of Twelfth stmt., the lot tont/Lining in front 013 Twelfth street /36 feet. ;including ern the tenth. side thereat the whole of a grip of ground 4 feet wide, now opened and used seen alley.) and in depth 10 feet, containing also he front on Vine etreet 56 feet and in depth 02 feet. The inr rovements are 4 twoatory brick messuageaNumbens 1301. 1333. LW and 1207 Vine street 6 tevcretomeneescusgea.Nurn here 332. 304. MK 308.810 and 313 Twelfth street, and .5 dwell/net in the rear forming a court. Nose'. 2-Iln/daft location, stre e twoator Frame eteree, 6 end 38 btrawberry , 1 A.Y.Ve ChtstUllt stree all thew* two two story frame meeruagee and lot ground. west aide of Strawberry street. north of Chest nut street. No.. 38 and Mt: containing in trout on Straw. Ir. try street about XJ3.I feet. and in depth 2734 feet. No. B.—Two-story Flame Dwelling. No. =I Vhaltnet street. West Philadelphia, Twenty-seventh Ward, all that troatory Frame Dwelling and toter ground. eituate on the youth vide of Chestnut street. hetween hirty-einth and Fortieth streets, West Philadelphia containing in front S 3 feet. and in depth =I feet to San ' com etreet. • - 'IIIOSIAB 4 SONS, duels/awe. m 30-j .13 159 & 141 Bout!) Fourth street bXECLTORIP AND TRUSTEES' PEREMPTORY" Sale. late the estate IA Mrs. ;Stay' l'enn CesekilL • de ceaeed: A Sons, Auctioneers,‘Ekvtant Counts y beat. Mansion and Warm known at. the- , retie Cottaph ;651, stems. Mill Meek rota / tower Morton town !Wl), aliontgotuary county ,Pa., 7 tei trout Market street WOO. and 1 mile from Wynne Wood Station, Pennsyl- vania Railroad. quarter mita of I,ancsater turnpike.--On Tuesday, June 16, Mg, at 12 o'clk, noon„ will ho sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Phlbidelphia Ex change, all that very elegant country aUt and farm, known as the "Penn Cottage," eltuatnon the Mill Creek road. LORE! Merlon toy-lump, Montgomery am i ty. is,. about I mile from Wynne Wood Statics!, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Improvements are an els sant two-Oily atone mansion. trait in Gothic te4lo, hand somely finished: has dniwing room. librat7,'dining mom and tea room, with fine halt running full length of bourn!. on the fi rst floor ; 4 chambers above :trith. furnace. cuoV ramtge, Ac.; water supplied by hydraulic ram: ice home, servants , stone houses, two-atm, steno lodge house at the sato, stone and frame stable and carriage boose, frame barn, green house. vegetable garden, fruitsnd shade tree,: very extensive lawn, beautiful fountains, front and trick of the house; also, farmer's stone bowie, large Acne barn snring boute. storm tenant boyar. audit frame tunutel and cohbuildiuga: country unsarpassoo for beauty andhealth: tend roads, many picturesque drives. Ac.. • Terms—Mall cash. immediate poseetaien:, Salo abrolute; ordu of OWEN JONES. - Rueter SIM Trostee:2 M. THOMAS a 6058,Anettimeere, ISO and 141 S. Fourth street. tnyr.0.6.13 ORPIIANS'" CURT SALE-.ESTATE or I) If. Br own.deeessed.—Thomas &Sons. Auctioneers. Two. andusLesJl Story Frame Store and Dwelling and large Lot, ho. 1453 thunover street. with eve Three.gtoty Brick Dwellinp in the rear, fronting on RIM street; 49Pset front. Put soant to an order of the Orphan's Court for the cit and county of Philadelphia. wihl be gold at publics sale. on lneeday, June aid. IS at 19 o'cloct te lt i v: l l at the Philadelphia Exalutoge. the following ProPertY. late of 1). IL Brown. deceased, viz: All that intieusgo and lot oftiround thereinto belonging. situate on Hanover scree t, Kensington. in the county of Phihuiel. Phis. Beginning at the corner of a .3.r feet wide , alley by the ride of said street; thence along este street 40 feet to a corner of a lot to be conveyed to Yost Backer ;thence hack from the etrret at a right angle. and by said iltvker's lot feet to a corner by this,side of a le feet wide alloy ; thence • along said alio until it Intersect* an. other 20 feet wide alley; thence along the same 11 feet ells inches to the tide of the alley met mentioned. and the** by the same In feet 3 inchts to the corner tirst mentioned. By the Court, . JOS. bIEGARY, Clerk 0. C. JOHN WARD Executor. /*LICK ANN BROWN, Executrix. The improvements are a 23fstory frame store and dwell ing end largo lot. northest corner of lianover and HMI street*, with h three.story brick dwellings adjoiningfront lug on Rhil street M . 111091 AS & SONS. Auetioneem. mylinJel.S.V) 139 end 141 South Fourth street. E PESEMPTORY SALE. TLIOSIAS & SONS. A tr e e --Old Established Business Stand Three-WU Brick Store. ts. W. corner Third and Willow streets. On Tuesday, June: 4 th, 1819, at 12 o'clock. nom, will be sold at puhliessale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick tries illbge end lot of ground. situate on the o.li '1 T. corner of 1 bird and Willow streets. Twelfth Ward: containing in front on Third street about 20 feet, and extending in depth along Willow street 100 feet, more or lest, to the middle of the sewer or water course hereinafter men. tinned. Bounded southward by a line drawn through the middle ufa partition wall between this messnege and the next southernmost adjoining messuage, late of „William Stevenson, deceased. and conveyed or intended Co have been conveyed to Anthony Elton and Ellis Stokes. west war dby lot and shop conveyed to Jobn Kinkier. Coe im provements are a threwstory brick store, with attics. and Is double cellar. Terme-55,mi may remain on mortgage. Sale peremptory. Immediate posseetion. M. THOMAS & siONS, Auctioneers, en' 30 leg j 1 141 South Fourth etrect. — utast. nTAIK—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— LEthree-story three-story brick Dwelling, No. 1835 Vine " street, with two three-story blink dwellings in the rear. On 'I ueeday, June 16, 1. 'la at 12 o'clock. noon. will be told at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick nummages and the lot of ground thereunto be longing, situate on the north aide of lane street, weer of sixteenth street. No. 10.; thence extending northwardtn feet, thence sysstwartil? teet. thence northward 45 feet et t'earl street, thence eat; ward along Pearl street 30 feet. thence southward 125 feet to Vine street, and thence westward along Vine street 18 feet to the Place of berm , ilium Thu hnprovoments are a three-story brick dwell ng, with three-story beck building fronting on Vine street, No. 1835; has the gas introduced: bath, hot gad cold water cooking range. &c.. also two. three-story bk ric dwellings, with ongstory kitchen in the rear on Pearl treat. - • • Subject to a yearly ground rent of 554, immediate possession.. HeYa at the Auction Store. Si. TYKOMAS m SONS, Auctiencers. - in Sad 141 South Fourth street. mvPO SPA 1R nrITATE.—'IIIOMAS & SONS. , Business Stand. Twcestory brick Stare and Owe!. ' ling, No 1149 North Frost street, below Girard. avenue. On Tuesday. June 16th. 1668. at 12 &cloaca'. wil that old at public sale at the Philadelphia 6ac ge. All two story brick meatiness, with twoutory ask buildings and lot of ground. 'innate on the east side of ,Fiont street. 76 feet 6 inches south of Girard avenue. No. '1149; the lot containing in frost on trront street 24 feet 7 Inches, and extending in depth on the north lino 100 feet. and on the south line passing through the centre of the 9 Inch wall of mid brick messuageleD feet % of an inch to Adrian street, on wich it has a front of 27 feet. The house conts les 11 ro o ms has the gas. bath. hot and °Old water, cooking_ range, &c. R has recently: , been put in excellent repair, and is in good order throughout. Sub ject to a yearly ground rent of $lBO. iinmedlate Youe,seion. O so lg u S th , A r u o c u t it io h ne str em eet. M. TtiO is rAj d 41481 & SONS' SUM.— ip Modern Three-story Brick'Dwelling, No. 55 Noah Seventh ntreet, north of Parrish street. On Tuft'. day. .Itine 91h, 1868. at 12 o'clock. neon will be sold at public mak, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern.three-story brick messuage. with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seventh etreet,ll2 feet north of Parrish. street, No. 896 • containing in front on Seventh street, eighteen feet( (in. chiding half of a 3 feet wide alley),lind extending in depth 67 feet 11 inches, and on the roar end 18 feat B.; inches, more oriels. It has the gas liar dated, bath, hot end cold water, furnace, cooking range, &c. Ifitr Char of fui ineumbrance. fertns teal. Immediate possession. }Ceps at the Auction Rooms. • M. THOMAS & SONS, Anctioneeni. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. A.C.11 hol'ATE.—'lll3.ol 4,l . B & SONS' BALE.-= Two three.story brick Dwellings, Nos, 906 and 908 South Twelfth street between Christian and Car• renter streets. On Tuesday. June 18,1883, at 19 o'clock, changeill be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex. all those' twgo three sto ry brick messuages, with two.ett.ry hack buildings and the lot ofground thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of TwelftLstreet, 18 feet north of Everett street, Nos, 906 and 908; fltwining together in front on Twelfth street M feet, slid extending in depth 60 feet, Including part of a 8 feet wide alley. They ha,ve the gas Introduced, bath, hot and cold water. gape range. &c. ' • • Clear of all inesnbrance, orme--lialf cash. ' • THOMAS & SONS, Auctleneere, ynv'to i‘ , o 1 8 and 141 South Feurth street. FlOPt MOTIIH. CHF:kV!. FILAGRANTI RKLTAB ',P. t Bold by druml#te; (everywhere. 1:111$.0D. B. HA &RES, Doetou. Price, 5050 $1 00; 81 50. . 1uk..112t C ---.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers