BIISLNESS NOTICES, %e are Enabled to Otter GI(EAT INDUCEMENTS to buycre of Clothing, for the following reaeone; WN HAVE AN EXPERIENCE In bueineee of more than TWENTY•FIVE. yeure, and employ eufli cienteapital to make • FURENASES FOR CASH. None. therefore, can buy lower. WE BELL ONLY For. CASH. Tbo paying' customer b not therefore taxed to help pay the debt of another who does not pay, as in a credit OUR LARGE BUSINESS enablee ne to make till pureha. eep in largo amounts In FIRST HANDS. thereby raving the protite of jobbers and middlemen,and also to eell at the MALL PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT, which - a business of lest! magnitude would not allow. WE HAVE THE largest and most complete assortment of all kinds. styles and sizes of MEN'S. YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH ING in Philadelphia, which, in style, fit and make,is unequalled in the City, and have recent. ly fated up, on our SECOND FLOOR, a OESTOId DEPARTMENT, with a choice and extensive assortment of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics in the piece, to be made up to order in mom= passed style. NE„GUARANTEE all prises lower than the lowest else where; also guim.niee full satisfaction to every purchaser, or the sale cancelled and money re funded. Ike way between .13ENNTTT la Co., Fifth out TOWER HALL, iblzui strata, 618 MainiEr - PHILADELPHIA. AND FM BROADWAY, Nnw YORK. Js W, Horror, of Parkersburg, West Virginin, Faye thatAndefs' lodine Water cured him of Scrofula. Ile had 87 running Ulcers when he commenced taking the medicine. , Persons afflicted should make a note of this, and eend to J. P. Dimmest), 36 Des street, New York, for a circular concerning this remarkable remedy. ms3o ft CONRAD MEYER, INVENTOR AND rManufacturer of the celebrated Iron Frame aims, has received the Prize Medal of the World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Warerooms, 722 Arch street. Established 1822.. ja2firn w &tint EVENING BULLETIN. Saturday, Iflay 30, HMS. THE WHISHT HANG. The unanimity with which the Democratic members of Congress have rallied around Mr. , Woolley and his Whisky Ring is very signift-"i cant. Here is a man summoned before a' committee of Congress, to answer certain questions in reference to the influences which secured Johnson's acquittal. He sets the committee and the House at defiance, and is committed for contempt to a sumptuous apartment in the Capitol, where he is more comfortably accommodated than he could be at Willard's. This rose-water imprisonment is too absurd for the good sense of anybody, and the Managers therefore propose to put the refractory witness in mare appropriate quarters, where he will be more likely to see the propriety of obeying the behests of Con gress. No sooner is his case brought into the House than the Democrats rush to the rescue. Brooks, Eldridge, Morgan, Wood, Ingersoll and others throw themselves across the track of investigation, and protest against measures which threaten to expose the in famous workings of the Whisky Ring. They have two objects in view. They desire to retain the friendship and support of the whisky-robbers of the Treasury. The strength of their party is, in a great degree, derived from rum, in one form or another, and they have no wish to quarrel with those who are willing to use such a large per tentage of their illicit gains in the cause of the Democracy. For this reason they be friend Woolley, and for this reason they will protect every fraud that is perpetrated upon the Government, and which brings money to their coffers and, consequently, voters to their ticket. But in this-particular case, the respectable Mr. Brooks, who is wont to boast of the high 'quality of his constituency, and his colleagues manifest a special and personal eagerness in heading off the investigations of the Managers. Bvery objection they throw in the way is equal to a fresh witness to the corruption that has been practiced. They either know, or shrewdly suspect, that the Whisky Ring has managed the impeachment trial and brought its patron off with an acquittal. They natur ally dread the probing researches of men like Bingham and Butler, and so they array themselves against the cause of justice and law and good morals, and openly exhibit themselves as the counsel and advocates of one of the most dangerously corrupt combi nations that has ever controlled the affairs of this country. Brooks and his friends are doing the Re publican party good service, in all this inter ference with a fair and thorough investiga tion. They are showing to the country on which side the Democratic party is really arrayed. They are confessing that the Whisk 4 Ring,which is robbing the Treasury, every nth, of millions of revenue, is one of its recognized and most potent agencies. They are demonstrating that the Democratic party cannot afford to let the machinery that has been at work in Washington, be seen by the people. We are glad to have such issues as these made up early in the Presidential campaign. It will be a new tower of strength added to the position of Grant and Colfax, to have it thus understood that the Whisky Ring is against them. It will add to the popular en thusiasm to have it known everywhere that the cause of good morals and the scattering of this band of organized robbers of the public revenues depend upon the success of General Grant and Schuyler Colfax. The speeches which Brooks and Wood ward and other leading Copperheads in Con gress are now making, will re-open the eyes of thousands, as did the circle speeches of Andrew Johnson, and the people will re joice that the time has come to break up these daring frauds, and to bring the country back to an administration of purity, honesty and cc. Homy. GENERAL GRArit VS ACCEPTANCE. The Committee appointed 'by the National 'Republican Convention, called upon General Grant yesterday, for the purpose of notify ing him of his nomination for the presidency. General Grant made an off-hand, informal reply,and promised in a short time, "to write a letter accepting the trust imposed upon him." lie barely departed from his accus tome reticent!. in orally accepting 'the nomi nation, hut every word which he uttered rang with , characteristic simplicity, honesty and soldierly straight-forwardness. To the popular heart his few' pithy sentences will carry with them more off confidence and un 'questioning trust than thenmst eloquent out bursts of a more brilliant but less reliable wan, ex the windy platitiides of certain states- men who ere now have filled a like politica/ position before the people. "If eboAen (said General Grant) to till the high office for which you have selected me, I will give. to its duties the same energy, the same spirit and the same will that I haveisiven to the perfor mance of all duties which lave devolved . upon me heretofore:" * * * * * "You havc truly said, in the course of your ad dress, that I shall have no policy of my own to in terfere against the will of the people." These pledges, coming from the lipi of a man who is incapable of deception or subter fuge, inspire unquestioning, faith and confi dence, and no reasonable man will ask more of the gallant nominee of the National Re publican party than that he shall "have no policy of his own to interfere against the will of the people." THE LINCOLN issurimeN. Mrs. Frances Anne Kemble has determined to take her leave of the public, after her course of delightful entertainments which close to-day, by an act in which she testifies her liberal sympathy with the cause of Ame rican liberty. The Lincoln Institution of this city,devoted to the care and maintenance of the orphans of Pennsylvania soldiers, has been compelled to enlarge its building, to meet the growing needs of its inmates. The Institution,founded by the Patriotic liberality of our citizens, in' making an appeal for the funds necessary_ for its enlargement, has met with a noble res ponse from Mrs. Kemble, and an entertain went is to be given by her, in its behalf, at Ithe Academy of Music on Tuesday next, of a most attractive character. Mrs. Kemble will read Shakespeare's "Midsummer -Night's Dream," and will be supported by Mr. Carl Sentz's Grand Orches tra, in full force. The Reading will be pre faced by the . Overturelfrom Mendelssohn's "Midsummer-Night's Dream." During the intermission the Notturno . from the same operti' will be played, and" the entertainment will close with the Wedding' 'March. A.' large portion of the tickets for this charming entertainment have already been sold and a most brilliant audience will be assembled to greet Mrs. Kemble on this most graceful farewell occa sion. Those . who are fortunate enough to secure the remaining seats, which are adver tised this afternoon, will congratulae them selves; and those who are disappOinted will appreciate the judgment and 'good taste of those having the matter in charge, in not making their public announcement before the i termination of Mrs. Kemble's present course of Readings. To-day, throughoOt the Northern States, the surviving comrades of those who fell in the cause of the Union are engaged in the sacred duty of strewing flowers over the graves of those who fell in the service of their country, and in ether observances befitting the occasion. These floral offerings can do no• good to the sleepers below, nor can they soften the remembrance of cruel deaths re ceived on Southern battle-fletds, or starva tion in Southern prison-pens or disease and death from exposure to the malaria of South ern swamps. But they serve to evince the respect and gratitude of a grateful people for those who died that the nation might live, and they also serve to nourish and keep alive that intense, patriotic love for the Union and its flag, which caused the booming of the cannon leveled at Fort Sumter to thrill like an electric shock through the great loyal heart of the North, and to cause the grand uprising which, under the provi dence of God and the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, saved the country. ABT ITEMS. The exhibition of Wendcroth's capital picture of the Battle of Gettysburg closes to-day, at the gallery of' the eminent photographers. Several thousand visitors have availed themselves of the opportunity of examining one of the most spirited, life-like and accurate representations of an important battle that have ever been exhibited in the country. We are glad to hear that the exhibition has netted a considerable sum for the institution for soldiers' orphans at Gettysburg . This composition, a complete and recognizable picture of the second day's action 'on Culp's 11111, is to be represented in chromo-lithography, the artist himself delineating the out-line on one of the stones, that the perfection of the portraits may be secured. Mr. Wenderoth, from his old uperience in lithography, will conduct this delicate operation in a mapner worthy of his original picture, and of the interest of the subject. This representation of the - second day's action at Gettysburg will in no wise interfere with the prominence of Mr. Rothermel's large painting', which delineates the close of the defence and the final victory. . Bunting, Burnorow & 430.. Auction. eers, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, will hold during next week, the following important sales, viz.: - ON MoNnAy, June Ist, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, 600 lots of French Dry Goods, including Drees Goode, black and fancy Silks, Satins, black and colored Alpacas, Shawls, Mantillas, Veils, plaited and shirred Mueline, Quilts, L. C. and Applique Witte., Falls, Flowers, Ribbons, Hosiery, Umbrellas and Parasols. On TUYBPAY, June 20, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, about 1,300 whages Bouts, Shoes, Brogans. ON TilintsDAY, June 4th,' at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 650 packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including Clothe, Cassimerts, Satinets, Beavers, Doeskins, Italians, Vestings,. &c. Also, Dress Goode, Silks, Linens, Shirts, and Diotwers;, Balmoralsand Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c. ' Also;2oe packages of 'Cotton and Woolen Domes- ON Fi.inAvolnne sth, at 11 o'clock, ,by catalogue, on four months ' credit, about 200 pieces of Ingrain, Ve netian, List, Hemp,. Cottage and Hag Carpetinge, 500 rolls Canton Matungs. Auellon Sale or Saddlery Hardware. --On Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock James A. Free man, auctioneer, will eell, without any reserve, the entire stock of 31. Goff & Co., Saddlery Hardware Store, No. 35 South Fourth street. Goods may be ex wininea at any time with catalog ilea. Auction Notice—Sate of Boots dr. Shoes.— Buy ers qql Boots and Shoes would do well to he at the large stile Boots and Shoes to be sold at C. D. Meelees & Co.'s store, No. bOG Marliet street, on Monday morning, Jane Ist. For Salem by Order of the Orphans , Court, Executors, Trustees, Heirs, Assignees and others, tee Thomas & Sous advertisements, on seventh and last pages. e ;Ai sTEeK CO.'S,ANI) HAINES BROTHERS' urn I, Pitinmand Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, J.E. N O . U 13D C S e N sewu S orree t. Oily at apltigm,rp of CRUMP, BUILDER. 1731 ClizlEwrN UT STREET, • . and 218 LODGE STREET. Meehanlce of every branch required for houeebullding and fitting promptly furnished. fe27 tf . IaWARTS ORTON'S IMPROVED, VENTILATED and oaey-titting Drope Data (patented), to all the se proved faeldone of the aeason, Olatednut etreet, next door to the Poet-ethee. ;ol3lyrp in BUMMER iinTs. JONEB, TEMPLE & CO., '-' No. 29 St ith Ninth etroet. Ilavo now ready their new k.tylen of Hata for emu= wear. DRAB BEAVEIta of rich and elegant texture DRAB CASSINIERES, Very 'ache in weight. and decirablo colors. Call and ex •wino, Alpo, clicnco varitty of dtraw lima; naY27 t!dx9 THE DAILY . EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1868. • WEST END ST ATIONERY 1344 Chestnut 'St. Convenient fOl' , - %.Uraveleirs. . . A QUIRE of PAPER and a PACKAGE of El 4. VELOPES with the Initial, in a neat box, prise to cents, ALB°, More of that GOOD Commercial Note Paper. 5 quire package • SO cents. 100 Enve10pe5.............25 cents. VIRITING and WEDDING CARDS Written or En graved in the beet styles. MRS. HAMILTON THOMAS. 8.-I'eto and Beauttitaill Painted Meter Head!. It4o FANNY FERN'S NEW. BOOK, FOLLY AS IT FLIES. 12Mo. Price $l. 12. MLLE. MEHQUEM, A New Novel by Mme. Band. 12mo. Price 81 30. DIMES AND DITCHES, By Oliver. Optic. Price sill 12. At "The Cheap Book Emporium," JAMES S. CLAXTON, 1214 CELESTNCT Street. my2o 215 INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS, FOR PRESENTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, (i s 3, 4 1.21.0 Market Street. • FRUIT. MESSINA ORANGES. do. LEMONS, PALERMO% ORANGES, do. LLEMONS. Extra lot of VIRGINIA PEANUTS, COCOANUTS, FIGS, DATES, RAISINS, &e., in store and for sale by ADIOS U. BAILEY, No. Mil N. WATER Street, above VINE. tny29 2trp. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. A splendid assortment in the latest Paris and London styles at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. M. 'SHOEMAKER & CO., No. 1024 Chestnitt Street. my3"l2te TO LET. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Entire tipper Part assert and Bab-Cellar. Apply at 430 Chest / hut Street. a .23 tiro TO RENT—HERMANTOWN—FOR THE SUM 18m mar, or for one year, a Furnished House (12 rooms), " Fisher's lane, between the Railroad Station and Main street. Alply to W. H. BAoON. it. • 926 Walnut street. TO RENT—A CONVENIENT,MODERATE-SIZED EHoule, furnished, miArch street, west of Broad, be low' Sixteenth. Possession given middle of August. Address, with reference. my3e-r,tu,th3t. • D. W. T.. at this office. STABLE TO LET—A FIRST CLASS STABLE, THREE Large Stalls, water and gam. VW Swum street. in -11 I I p • •• -• • my2l).2t rp" DATENT SUSPENSION TWINEJIOLDERS ARE 1. convenient and ornamental. They keep the twine oil the counters so that several persons may use the one ball without inconvenience or entanglement. Mao, Patent Twine Cutters for counter use. at TRUHAN As SHAW'S. No 235 (EishtThirty.five) Market street. below Ninth, Philadelphia. IRON FIXTURES AND ROPF S FOR SWINGS, MADE of suitable strength, to remove any fear of accident to there who are swinging. are kept in stock of TRUMAN dc SHAW, No, 835 (Eight Th(rty•five) Market street, below binth. MBE TROY PATTERN. MRS. COOK'S AND THE 1 Laundry Irons, for giving a fine gloss to ebirt bosoms and collars; Hatters', Cap Ruffle, and S HAW . N o a . nKdZ b (Eight T ;St b a lrntdysfi v For sa a l rk bv s T r RU t, M b A e N lo w Ninth. ``SPECIAL BARGAINS IN STATIONERY.—FOUR kiQuires French Paper and Four Packs Envelopes in ono box for one dollar. W. G. PERRY. Stationer, my3o.3t. Arch street, below Eighth. VUGUET .1; BONS' "MARIANA RITA" CIGARS. 1 make a specialty of selling these fine Cigars a moderate prices at retail, and at extremely low rates by the original package—a large assortment to choose from; guaranteed genuine. Consumers will find it greatly to their advantage to give me a DAVID L KETLER, Nos. 50'and 62 B. Fourth st•, above Chestnut. Cut out this advertisement for reference. myl4liurp6 REMOVAL.—MRS. E. B. VANSCIVER INFORMS 1.1., her Lady customers and friends that she has re. moved her liair•Dressing Establishment from 312 North Eighth street to her old neighborhood. 216 south Tenth street. where she will be thankful to see her customers, and endeavor to please all my3.lmrp§ RUPTURE CORRECTLY TREATED, 1W C. 11 NEEDLES at Twelfth and Race streets. Depart ment for ' Ladies adjoins at' No. 154 North Twelfth street. myl 1m 4P§ 'WINE FRENCH PAPERS AND ENVELOPES OF the roost deeirablr? patterns. Orders carefully assorted and stamped for tourists. W. G. PERRY, Stationer, naylP tu,th,s,6t 728 Arch street, below Eighth., GET'ITSBURO KATALYSINE WATER AiWaYli on baud in full eupply. And ter vole by C, It AKER Az CO., myl3.3lrpo,w,ii. 718 Market Street. MAMANA RITA." Our Standard 'Havana Cigars under above brand are made of beet - V uelta Absjo Leaf, imported by ourselves, and worked in our own factory, perfectly pure and free from the slightest "doctoring." They have, by their intrinsic merits, overcome preju dice, and established the brand in !Albite favor much more rapidly and more fully , than we had dared to hope. Being strictly of high grade, the "Mariana Rita" are in. tended for smokers of tine cigars, who object to the price of those imported,—but they, are not addressed to those willing to buy imported cigars, regardless of price. To meet .our share of the latter demand, we continue our importations from Havana. Time "Mariana Rita" brand comprises eighteen varieties of size and price—all of equal leaf—viz: 4 Pressed. 6 Conchal and Elegantee, 6 Loud en, and 9 Rega lia. and these range In price at from 25 to 40 per cent. less than similar grades of imported Cigars. Leading grocers and dealers keep them for retail, and by tho box. Remember the brand, "Mariaiia Rita,"—and see that oach box bears our trade marked label. STEPHEN FIJOE:ET dr SONS, my 23 linra No. 229 South Front street. AlaktblA.. DR. RHODES' Acthma Remedy it the only tried& for Asthma now before the public. Ito wonderful efficacy in the immediate relief and prompt cure of this terrible disorder will be apparent upon the tirrt trial to sufferers from the dinettoe in any of its etagee. to canto per package. By ALL D mail, oixty cents, RAN et CO. 29 South Bixthetreet. Philadelphia. my 4 26try . CORSETS. CORSETS. M ADAME A. BARATET ''topTvedler neli t uorlcmr"t't*LliBlu r t fr%ntsoutlFifeenh,t;eettoilSoutlEv( • t nth. below Chestnut Philadelphia. Attention is invited to her beautiful light linen corset: for summer wear. niyild 3=A frIFOR SALE—DESIRABLE' COUNTRY SEAT. a; with five or six acres of hind,rituate on Cheater road, below Darby. within ten minutes' walk of passenger, and ten minutes' drive to Media Railroad station. House contains eleven rooms, with all convent. slices, and is partly furnished. Grounds fertile and; in good condition; large and small fruits. in full bearing. Ice house filled; commodious stable and barn ; good water, 81. e. CLARK ti EWING, iny3o,ll,tu,tba• 707 Walnut street. THE SPLENDID NEW STEAMER Twilight will leave Chestnut street wharf at 10 o'clock, A. M. for Ilerlingtod, Brie. till Florence, touching at T T acony, Itiverton, orrisdale and tieverly. Returning, leave F.orences at 3P. M., and Bristol at :3.; I'. M. Farb 25 cents each way. Excursion 40 COM'. Capt. 1.1. CRAW FORD. myllU 3t4 MUSICAL BOXES. USEFUL TO WHILE AWAY the tedium of a sick chamber. or for a handsome bridal present. FARE k PROTHER, Importers,. 341 Chestnut street. below Fourth: 1033. !en(),..K,:ilgie'.,E,A.`.),L,lorgiTa',E.P'Niv' papera just in for spring alt 1431 1; Linen window nhadeu manuractureii a plain and gilt. Country trade rnvlted. Depot,_ load Spring Garden at., bet.Elevonth. Branch-207 Federal Street, Cgaiden, N. J. 4,414,1 y 4P ir,,4 MONEY WATCHES, AMUNT LOANED ON DIAMOND JEWELRY, PLA TE. curninia, JONES es CO.'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Corner of B Third and RAM otreeta, elaw a rd. _ . . . . _ N.B.—DIAMONDS. WATMES, JEWELRY. GUN% 4tc.. ITALIAN VERMICELLI 100 BOXES FINE _QOAKarg whiter imported and for Bale b.l , JOB. B. BESSIELS 108 Beath Delaware avenue. NEW PUBLICATION'S,. CONFECTIONBBY• TO RENT. Mt' LOW PRICEB. mh24.3m0 (At Private soe.) FINE OPPORTUNITY For Investment. All that large Brick Building"eltnate on the B. E. corner of Sixth and Market streets, covering the, whole block from Market to Minor 'streets, and well known as the " OAK HALL BUILDING'S'," Is filled from top to bottom with the most complete stock of "Men's and Boys' Clothing," which will. be disposed of at much lower prices than- any other house can afford to sell at. The .styles also are superior. Apply-tu' the owners, WANAMAKER & BROWN. 536 Market Street, S E. cor. Sixth and Market. .Nos. 1 to 13 £ Sixth Street, And Sixth and Minor SM. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, • S. Ea -Cor. Chestnut end Seventh Ste. Large stock and complete assortment of CHOICE SPRINW GOODS , Including all fashionable abaci Cans' Meltons and Scotch Cheviots. DISEASE AND ITS REMEDY, I feel a little a springy, And I don't look well, And haven't any appetite, And I can't tell Exactly what's the matter, Or why I feel so sick; But I sort of think I'm suffering From clothes too thick. New the weather'S getting Warmer; ,a won't try pills, Or expectorants, or planters, _tor spring time ills. Tops away the winter clothes, Come along and see! nockhill & Wilson are The fellows for me! From all round town folks are lowing to the BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, rejoicing an in the awful fall in the price of clothes such as those of which we sing In the season of spring. As sure as you , ie alive came to 603 aid 605 CHEBINIIT Street fir clothes so neat. ROCKHILL & WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut, Street. ONE PRICE ONLY. JONES' old Established ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET. ABOVE SIXTH, For style, durability and excellence of workmanehip, ourgoode cannot be excelled. Particular attention paid to customer work, and a perfect fit guaranteed in all cue& ap4 a to th timrpt RETAIL DRY GOMM suLiKs! SILKSK`.; RICEEY,SHARP& CO. NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave dust Received trims the late Auction Sales and Offer at POPULAR PRICES, A Large Stock of Superb Qualities of TAFFETA AND POULT DE SOIE SILKS, OF THE CHOICEST SHADES To which they invite Special Attention. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street. mws .tf 1568. SUMMER. IS6S. . JOHN W. THOMAS, • NOB. 405 and 407 N. Second Sheet, Offen his largo stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Embracing materials for Walking and Traveling Suits in every variety, Mohairs, GrenadineS, Organdies, _Lawns, eco AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. my 23 dttyl rP SWISS ALLICLENNE; OP:PUFF - a) SWIBBFCit 11001E8, Juk opened 94 niecee. 1293 yai de. nuporior quality, mill be mold tor 95c. a yard—about their gold value. esARRED CIONOLINE—wurre. , Just received, a email lot of White Plaid Crinoline, to 26 cente a yard.. SKIRT LINING. Will open to day, u small lot of that 17 cent White Lining. WHITE GOODS Of nearly every description, for the warm weather now at hand, purchased early in the season, and offered at Iraet 10 per cent. ender present prices at WO Lace and Embroidery Store, No. 38 North Eighth iltreet. it B LACK LACE SA6QUES.—OPENED ing, "eel from PaTil4 a east) of Novelties in Matt Lore Sacques. - GEO. W VOGEL. Imp No.lofB Laee tGuo der eet. my 29 r'Ot' . RETAIL DRY ClOODS• Rare Opportunity During the Erection of Our New Store. GREAT CLOSING' SALE OF SILKS AND DRESS 00008 , House-furnishing Linen Goods, Cloths and Ccussimeres, . Linen Drills and Ducks. • Thirty.eeven cent Drone Goods for 16 cents. Fifty cent. Drees Geode for 25 cents. One Dollar Dress Goods for 50 cents. Plaid Sunnier Bilks, 67 cents. Balance of stook of Cleeck Silks, 67 cents. Silk Poplinettee, $1 25; worth $1 75. Silk Poplinettee, 87940. ; worth *1 25. All-wool Caesimeree, 50 cents., All.wool Caseimeres, 65 cents. All-wool Caesimeres, 75 cents. Linen Goode fpr Boys' wear, 11g17. 60 cents. Largest stock of Shootings and Ridings In the city. Hotels furnished with cheap Towels, Nal - Alpe, Quilts and Bed Spreads. at, C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., S. W. corner Eighth and Market. nly3o tfrpo SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN No. 1008 Chestnut Street, Respectfully invite UM attention of Families, House• keepers, and the Proprietors of Hotels, Boarding Houses and Restaurants, to their Large stock of . NEW LINE NS HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, Purchased tor Cash at Greatly Reduced Prices, ~ Comprising all the varieties of Fty lo and width in every deecription of Linen Sheetings, • Pillow - Case Linens, Table 'Linens, - Table Cloths, Table Naplr,ins and Doylies, To :els and Towelings, Li n ett Table Covers, Linen Floor Cloths, Linen Furniture Covers, Jacquard Linen do., Piano, Table and Melodeon Covers, , Striped and Plaid Table Coverings, Cretonne Chintzes, Twilled Funatnre CoVelingst Printed and Damask Dimities, In Colors, Furniture Dhaltles, I Maneilles Exhibition Quilts. Crib and Cradle Quilts, Bureau Covers, Counterpanes, Blankets, Quilts and Flannels; Together with a flue goortntent of Curtain ane Upholstery Good& N. B.—Being the oldest establishment for the 'pedal elle of White-Goods, Linens., HoueekeePhlit and Furram4- frig Goode, we can give to our patrons the advantage of a long experience and thorough acquaintance with this I epeeist department of the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, and' making all our purchases for CASH, secure to them the lowest possible prices at which the same qualities are seld, either in this or the New York market. No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, 1I I'i • my2B th s to Wtrp LINEN STORE, IP 828 Arch Street., LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, The Largest issostment In the City. LADIES' TAPE AND CORDED BORDERS, ROI 10 CE. UP. LADIES HEISTITCHRD, FROM 25 CT LADIES' TUCKED BORDERS, ALL ERIC LADIES' MOURNING EDER • LADIES' SHEER FRENCH Just opened, a line of LADIES':(: ED lIDIEFf3s from 123.1 to 25 cents—very cheap. GENTS' T %PE AND CORDED 8 ELDERS. GENTS' PRINTED BORDER., NEW STILES. GENTS' LIENSTITCHED, ALL PANES. We have opened some new styles in Gents' Dilkfit..ver7 handsome. FANCY SHIRTING LINENS. Our new styles are now in store. all the fashionable stripes and figures, in different colors and qualities. BICH COLORED TABLE COVEBS. A case of beautiful Table Coven Rut received direct from h GE urope. ORGE MILLIKEN, Linen Importer. Jobber and Retail Dealer. B'2B Arch Street. Beam w s Spring Trade, EDWARD FERRIS, Importer, No. 36 South Eleventh Street, (1W STAIRS,) now opening deeirablo ZiOVALTIES Piques & Welts, . Plaid and Striped SWlnsoolis, Hamburg Edgings and Inserting's, Needle-work Edgings and insertlngs. Imitation and. Real Cluny Lam, Imitation'and Real Valenciennes Laces, imam' Hamlin', loft Cambric", Swiss HoUna, • h French Alusitor, lza, &ei A general aegoriment of White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &C., Which ho offers to ii 3 trade at Importer ' s Price". thU savbagfietail Maio the Jobber'. 'rent. N. N.—') he "pe da l atention of Manufacturer" a Children . " Clothing le laAkYtatt►e •. • , WALKING SUITS, TRAVELING SUITS. EDWIN HALL & CO„ NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND ST., Are new engaged in making up Ladlee Bung to ord er of 13111 b and other matt:Male. BLACK SILKS, ' SILK POPLINS, HONEYCOMB PONGEES, T.AHKO CLOTHS, POPLIN ALPACAS, ABYSSINIA CLOTHS, CHINA CLOTHS, and OTHER TEXTURE/30 BLACK AND COLORED SATM For Trimmings. ap2B tn th tn, & ARRISON, CHEAP DEPARTMENTS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. During the present week will expose for tale In their Cheap Departmente, various lota of Drees Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Linen Cambric HandLerehiefs, Purthated much under value. as the importer , want cub for their European remlttancet. ' ' 500 .PleePs Fancy Summer Detainee, All ticw . . Y • acme, Stripee, Checks lucta Spots. At 2/..) Cents tha Yard, leis than We old sold Pike for ttds quality.. Ladies' Hemstitched Linen Cambria. Handkerchief', At 25, 42 aid 55 Cents. Urual retail price torlids latter quality le 7,5 ceute. CLOAK DEPARTMF NT, Now more complete then ever in ell sip( trr made of light Cloth In a variety ef unique kn. est L Lively confined to U. Are all Reduced 25 Per Cent One foal th from former prices. FAICY DRESS GOODS DIPARTAfENT Will be found every novelty of the season, as well of, in penelve and economical deecrlptiotur as of the finer and, more coolly. and all at THE HOUSE FURNISHING, The IIlonrnl»g Good., The Black and Colored Silks, The Shawls and Cloaks, The X aces and Embroideries, The Parasol/ and Fancy Goody, In Mid, nil tho Departineu. , will bo found generally• well supplied with Newly Selected and Fresh Goods Purchased at the lowest point of Um market, and offeied , to our customers AT POPULAR PRICES, */. TO MARE RAPID ,SA:LES.T Point Breeze Park, Monday, June Ist. Milo bests. 8 In 5, to harness. Good day. I.lorses J. start at 3 o'. M., precisely. B Baines enters b. m. Fanny. B. M. idtei son enters b. m. Ida. 24.-Goodin enters b. g. Sussex, H. Btetron enters 11. on. Gazelle. The priyilege of a member introducing • a male friend , whhent ssio mi n, y is suepended. Admisl. 1868. '4. Point Breeze Verk 9' ' - Wednesday, June .3.;. Mlle bkts, 3 in 6 to barness , Good d'ay and track— Doreen to start at a o'clock P. M.. Preolsol.Y. B. Stetson enters g. s Ironsides. J. Turner enters s. m Owner enters bik, tn. Maggie. ' • The privilege of a manner introducing a male friend.. witnout pay is suspended. Admission, el. it • O. O. 11101 MB. 11011.1.41 E MOSES. GALLOWAY C. MORRIS a OC , F, ' 4 , 208 Walnut Street, LEHIGH ANO fiCOCTLEILL COAL. Wharf Foot of Taekor Street. roy2l luirP SUNDAY EXC CRS lONS.—Tha• i splendid new Steamboat TIVILIGIIT will' t Ilig:Eal t leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street ' wharf, MAY Al, at 9 o'clock A. M. and kid P. M., for Bur- t, 'baton and Bristol. touchil4 at Megaraee's Wharf, , Taceny. Riverton, Andalusia and Boverky. Returning. , I leaves Bristol stll3o A. M. and 5 P. M. Fare, 25 canto each way. Ekeursion, illi cents. „_.... mtlie.e,tt CAPT. IL CRAWFORD. lig AMINO WITH INDELIBLE INS, EHBROIDEP, . I AU ing. Braiding, 'Stamping, dra. H. A. TORRY. i drat— s' . , I Linen Collars and Sets, ' S And other FANCY GOODS. 2,P50 DOZEN OUR SPRING GARMENTS IN OLA IN THE° Price■ In the Interest of the Buyer. J. W. PROCTOR Sc CO. 920 Chestnut Street. SPORTING. PURSE WOO PURSg tt26o. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps,. H. P. & U. R. TAYLOR, No. 641 North Ninth Street. SECOND EDITION. BY ,TEI;BOBAPIEL LATER CABLE NEWS. state of the Markets. Ity the Atlantic liable. LoNoci, May 80.—Consols for' money 96%, and for account, 94%; 5.205, 72%; Illinois Central, 97; Erie 47%. LIVERVOOL. May 30, A. M.—Cotton firm;l the sales today will reach 8,000 bales. Red Wheat declined to 13e, 3d. Other articles unchanged. QUEENFSTOWN, May 80.--Arrived, steamship Australasia, from New York May 20. • kt,•_u_rritesirrow' May 30.—The steamship Cim i/- from New York May 19, arrived here last • marine Intelligence. Foul suss -.Mr)mtoE, May 30.—The pilot-boat . Maryland reports passed up brigs Eunomta, from Rio, Matilda, and schooner Rattle, from West Indies, for Baltimore. Arrived—Bark Northward, from Buenos Ayres, and Gerlladian, from Rio, for orders. TUB FESIDINS. Consternation In Canada-The 'Whole -Dominteo excited. Hoxintst, May The utmott consterna tion ant) alarm prevails among the authorities and people hero. Last night 'despatches were received by the General commanding, conveying Information of the gathering of a considerable body of men at Buffalo, and another body at Bt. Albans. As the result, telegrams were sent to Toronto to call out the volunteers at a moment's notice, and a battery , of the Royal Artillery was at once ordered to the front. Bar racks for the accommodation of 3,000 men Dave been erected at Bt. Johns. The volunteers along the front_bave been under arms all day in expectation of a Fenian invasion. Two com panies of the city guard left this afternoon for St. John, The number of Fenians at. Albans is said to tie two hundred. They are described as powerful men and orderly. They are not uni termed, but It Is understood that uniforms are to be sect from Boston, and that the Le( ese .ry arms are in the hands of Irish farmers. A seizure of blasting fuse was made at one of the lowa wharves here last night. A man who had the case in charge ran aWay upon being inter rogated, after endeavoring to stab a policeman. The Government refuse to divulge particulars. The authorities are very reticent. A rumor has got abroad to the effect that many of the volun teers are Pentane, and that they have been or dered by O'NeU to fire upon their officers when ever an engagement commences. scared Volunteer Officers. Disaivree:m., Canada, May 29—Much dissatistte-, tion exists among the volunteers at certain pro visions of the new militia bill. It Is understood that a number of officers have sent in their resig nations, but the Adjutant-General declined to submit them to His Excellency the Governor- General, at a moment when the country is threat . cued with danger. Gunboats Can IPatroiulianlling the River-Tge Rifles. A, May 29. Gunboats have been des patched to patrol the river In the neighborhood of Prescott and Kingston. The Royal Canadian Rifles, stationed Eq Pres cott, are to be uniformed. . (I2Y DI6. The American Ship Living Age LosFby Fire at sea—The Captain With Meat off the Crew fillboing. QuEns t s Borst., LeNoelt ' May f" 1 , 1868.—Tele grams from India dated at Bombay on theßth •of May, Just to hand here, report that an American ship Living Age, Captain McClure, which sailed from Shields, Newcastle, England, la‘., Novem ber, for Bombay„ with a carzo of roll, has been d,,troyed by fire at sea.. Nine of the crew of the burned vcatel had • arrived at Cochin, rsjahship of that name, on the Malabar coast, South India. When the telo grams left Bombay Captain McClure, with the remainder of the crew of the Living Ago, were missing. The Living Age belonged to the port of Belfast, Maine, U. 8.. where :be was built in 1861, and was owned by E. D. Peters ,t Co. zibt. was 1,400 tons burden and classed A 1 at Lloyd's. fibe had two decks. a draught of twenty-two feet, and was fastened with copper aLd - iron. She was 187 feet in length, thirty-nine feet in breadth and twenty-five in depth. THE COURTS. AN INTERESTING ELSE: Toe Penn! , yl ia for-the In. of tl,e Inniutes Sues for ne. lease—llia In , • !large by the Court. COMMWS PLKAS—Judges Ludlow, Meltwater and Pvirce. —This morning Judge lire w.,;er delivered the 1011 J Wing opinion in a cane involving some , culler feature.. mu. ex relatione lease Edroundson Stewart vs. Thos, B. Kirkbride. H.—Brewster, J —The return to tin, hop( trea. caress claims to hold the relator upon the allegathma of *Mental insanity" and a judicial finding that he it. cow pal Illentl.K. 'lhe relator has filed his traverse, averring that ''he s now and always hr.? been in tell posnession or his reason and eound justunent." As to the alleged decree, the relator disclaim • all edge thereof, and nyt•r• thht if the same lase et cti • en en tered it wan upon au"ex kiwis proceedius,ol which he had no notice or intimation whatever tun" il made in tl :etorn above mentioned." Several witnesses were hear& and an exemplification of the proceeding in lunacy was presented. However the testimony may vary as t the existence of insanity, all the witnesses concur that the relators libera• tips would not lead to any po..ible violation of the public peace or morals It is not pretcuded that the relator is likely to commit any 'violence to himself or to others; or that he will, if etc at large, offend against any of the laws 6( society; nor has it been shown thateupposing him to bo insane, bin own good requires that he should be restrained either for purposes of cure of his mind or of protection to his estate. Not 116 Pilule instance of extravagance has been pie , •:d against him. All that hu been alleged against the relator's ?sanity May be classed under the following hoads: I , est -"lhat score five or six )ears since, when on a appeared a brother then confined in the Asylum. repeatedr to ha very melancholy. and that he a number of times the quotations of " Winter lingering in the lap of Spring." *:emtul—That he made a statement to his medical attendant in reference to a valuable ring, which he sent to a lady by a servant. . Third—That he suffered ltlinself to be decoyed to the Asy'uni upon the pretence that he was being taken to the Opera. - Fourth—That he addressed ladies with whom he is not acquainted. Opposed to these averments are the Relator's explanan Hone and dentate. - I do not propose to decide how the facts may be upon any or all of these allegations, nor how far they would tend, iteetablished, towards making out a case of in sanity. 'I hold to the doctrine that ao man can be da prired. of life liberty without the judgment of his peers, and that it matters not to the Law whether the alleged cause of detention iainsanity or crime. Unless there is danger to the publit, or to the patient, or to hit estate, he should not be in duress pending the investigation, nor, indeed, aftot its conclusion, though advcreo to him. I have simply adverted to the charges made against this R f e t lat hee or, xc i eptions whicn older to shh justifyow that hrestr xis eaint.urbs not within V. hen I add to this that Dr. Kirkbride stated he had seen no indications of danger to the relator or others it . would aeeni that upon the oral testimony and the prin. Moles announced in Nycy's case. this Relator would be clearly entitled to his discharge. And this bringe us to the second reason assigned for his detention—to•wit: the finding in Lunacy. Judge Brewster then referred to the proceoeings of the Circuit Court of Baltimore in granting a writ de lunette° . inquire/trio, while the relator was In the hospital at Phil. adelphio. under which writ hie property was placed in the hands of a :'committee of the person and estate," ant after (11vAlug un merbun authorittea in support of hie opin. ion, said: Sufficient for the pus ogee of this inquiry that the rela tor was not within the jurisdiction of the Maryland Court, and that he had uo notice of the proceeding. It is abhorrent alike to our settee rof justice and to all )udi cial erect:dead that his character, liberty and estate should be swept away from him without a hearing ol'op forillnitY of defence. To hold otherwise would be con trary to every principle of reason and justice,; They matter notice and rested by their requirement. this decree crumbles to ashes, 'rho Relator is discharged. ' BUPII63IIICOMIT.—Chief Justice Thompson and Judices BMus, Read, Agnew end Sharswood. This morning, after the argument on the South street bridge case had concluded, Mr. W. 1,. Hint called the, at tention of the Court to. the' case involving the conetitu. , tionality of the Registry act, and suggested that as it was of vast importance to thepeople and was about to be put Into force, an argument should be had at once. Justice Strong said that the. Coat t had before Wm regu lar list, which oughtto - be followed. in order to avoid confusion. Here were other cases of Importance to be beard, and for one he was. in lover of following the list in regular order. juatices Read and Agnevi announced the same view and thus formed &majority of the Court against Chief' Jnstice Thompeon and Justice Shorewood, who favored the argument to-dna?. Mr. Rowle, on beh Of of the Board of Aldermen, stated that the Board wouldte advised to organize on Monday. tu coder to acquire jurisdiction tinder the act, but then to • suspend all proceedings until the further order of the . Court. Thin was eatisfactory to the courted on the other nide. The Mae Ptobably be. argued about Wednesday • TheCourithen took np the cost) involving the g tof • the city to take Charge or , the tbilodelphisilaa , The argument had commenced, whop our resort closed. FINANCIAL and COMMEIIO/AL. The rhiladelphi Sales at the Ptdiadelp lintST 6000 138 5-208'65 JY eP I caeh 11 1 1 IM*lO Pa 66 1 eeries 10X 1000 Penns 58 '7O 993; 2900 99% 1000000 Rend 58'70 100 k 1 100 Ise 4 100 Citdo c bs y 6'o old c 101 1000 City6B new c 10434 j 1000 Leh 68'84 83 1 4 2000 do Its 1)5 933 g 1000 Lehigh 66 Old In 2dye 91 4 811 Phiht Bk 160 _BETWEEN 14000 City 6'B new ,c 10041 4100 City 68old c 101 1500 Len o's Gold, ln° 9t 5 eh Leh Val R c 55 25 eh Leh Nay liar 21 lC 100 oh do elo szcoNn 79 sh 2d& ad &It 55 50 ell Ilesn'llle It 10y, 4 sh Cam & Amboy 12934 ICO eh Read 16 4714. Pll I LADELVII lA. Saturd a), blaY 20.--Theimoney market continues easy, and "call loans" are still quoted at per cent. J he; eta very little mercantile paper offering. and good nature are sought after at 6(8 per cent. There weal* firmer feeling at the Stock Board, this mot aing. and Part of she decline recorded yesterday was recovered. Government and State loans were steady at our quotatinne. Reading Railroad was a fraction higher and closed at 47M; Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at 1Z9' , ...‘•; Penn. eylvanie Railroad at 6251. and Northern Central Railroad nt 4l —no change. 67 was bid for Norristown Railroad; 57.34 for IHinehill ilaitroae ; 38 for Little Schuylkill nail. road: 37'.j for (Satanism Railroad Preferred; and 28 for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Canal stocks were firmer, and closed at lig for Lehigh Navigation; 11,14 for Schuylkill Navigation Preferred; 10, r : for the common stock, and 16 for Susquehanna. Bank shares were in better demand. Philadelphia • iteld at IGO. and Pannera , and Mechanics' at 128;4. 66 was bid for Commonwealth. &mill% for Commercial. Paseenger Railroad shares were dull, but there were no large amounts offering. • The attention of holders of certificates of loan. "City of Philadelphia." is called to a very important notice given by Mr. Petrol, City Treasurer, in another column of the MIIVLITIN. • The Reading Railroad Company propo•es to exchange a new 7 per cent. mortgage bond, clear of taxes, 25 years to run, ( or the bonds due April 1.1870. at any time before let October next. Meant. lie Maven said Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make the,following quotations of the rates of ex. change,.:at IP. M. United States Sixes. Mt. iirod 41111Mido. do. 180.- 111%4111%; do. do 1884. 11/914(411.)91;.; M1X441 1143 4; do., 'B5. new, 111,04111fi; 416.. 1867. new, 111140112; Wes. Ten-forties. 1ui , ,,410534 • Seven three-tens. JIMA. 111 1 3 , 061093 i Jab'. ItTri4taVz; Matured Compound& Ifeki, 10 80 : August, 1885. 11 , a64181.1' • do. do,. September. 1865. 1714418• do. do.. October. 1466' , 17;414 18: Gold. 1301.4(41883. nhver. 13V418434. Smith. Randolph !Z Bankers. 10 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock. as follows: Gold. 1.181;:. United States Sixes, hell. 116 bid; United Statue .ifivetwentiee. 180, 111M6u3l 119. c : do. IWAIO9X,OIIOO.Ie : do. 1865. 1011N4111 1 14; ; do. July, 1861% 111,1i411U4: do. 1807. 111%4112: United States Fives. Ten-forties. 105140611)5M: tallied States Seven. thirties. second aeries. 1av1i4109)4; do.. do.. thtrd Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government Securities. dm., to day. as follows: United States Vs. 1631. 11614(41161i; old .Frvatwenties, 111X411114; new Five-twenties of 1514 11.1M41(6 0 1; do. do ISIS, 109!;41R 4 3„,'; Fivo.twen'les of July. 111,''4..1112: do. do. 1667. 11U04119 , .; Temforties, 1e.5 , 40110534 : 73 . 10. June, 109. 1 444109 M ; do. July, 1.1914 1036; Gold. 12014. Philadelphia Produce .Riarket. Ela'runtisv. May 80.-1 here is very Mlle movement in breadertifis of any deecriptwm. arid priest generally are drooping. 'I he receipts of flour, although relatively email for this, sexton of the year, are in excess of the demand, ...and the anoljneoirim grades , of sorb g wheat can only ba dianosed of are material coneeselon from recent aelp. Leg quotations. Small rules of Superfine of 89 25(438 75 per bairn i' • Extra, at *8 50 ; Northwestern Extra Family at 8. 75q8111; Penn.: and Ohio do. do. at $lO 50. E 812; and fancy lets at 81214*1t to, as to quality. About len barrels Rye Flour' cold at 89 50. In Corn Meal nothing doing. The demand for Wheat le light, as, frlces are relatively far above those of Flour, and priene are weak; small sails of bed at *2 71.012 60 per Globe': new Georgia Wheat, a eample of which was offered on change,was offered ;tr. rive next week. Rye is steady, with Fllllllil *aka of Penni eylvania a . t. 82 15. Corn 11. very doll and nominal at *I 18 for Yellow. and *1 15 for Western mixed: with sales of 1.260 bushebi at the came figures in the cars. Gate are eteady at citg?fific for Western and Yennnylvanla. and ei 6 - 41k1 05 for iii uttern. In Groe,ries and Provisions the trade Is light without change in priees. The Mew York Money fliszhei• [From the New York Herald of To-day. l 21.r0i i9--The gold market was heavy' during Ike early part tf the day, d after opening at lari it declined to I:4 4 3Ss.but from this point it reachedto 1.30 Y.,„ and the latest transactions prior to the adjournment of the board were at this price. following whieh there was a. further ad vance to 1251het1V..;:. The decline of the morning was mainly owing to lb. advatifie firectwenties abroad; but the steady outward drain of specie far some weeks part is favorable to firmness: There was a moderate borrow. lag demand for in, and loans were made without in tcrer t and at I(4a per cent for carrying. The gross clear ings amounted to 440 654..W3.which shows that the volume o 1 - business yesterday was about double the usual ave rage of late. The transactions to day were - also large. The gold balances were411.53*.18: and the currency bal. anises 152.e54.042. The shipments of specie to morrow will, " secoidlog to the amount already entered, exceed a mil. lion. 'The conversion+ of sesen thirty notes at then Su b ca n large. those made today aggregating PilVer ih quoted a i t 6(47 per cent be low gold. and Mexican dollars are in limited demand at 103;4(410P4. There it no change to note in the condition of the money marks, the mealy of loanable fonds being in exceas of the demand at five per rein.- on call. while in many in etanrer four is accepted. the leading dealers in govern ment securit ies being -rmply supplied at this rate. and in some instances. balancer are left wi th them at three. There ir no increase in the supply of commercial paper. and the best grade pmes freely at 5Mg'41.14 per cent. The railway share market aas active during the day and at intervals excited. Government secnrPice have been very heavily dealt in daring the day. and in the forenoon prices experienced a further advance. ten-forties excepted, which at one time declined 'OlO5, the depression being evidently due to ar tificial cause`! At this point, however. there were large buyers, and a recovery to 105 4 .. was the reralt these belng relatively lower than any oth . exportable bond- on the list, as they sic quoted at only about two ;er reit below rive-twenties of IM V- in London. The latter have advanced to but they felled to respond to the im provement on this ride, pattl . , onsequence of the do cline in tke grid premium. The demand for all toe :took!, both for investment and on speculation for a rise. con tinue IlOclinlint-lied.and the indications favor further con. - riderable imi vement, especially in tho foreign quota tions for five-twenties and ten-forties. - • [From the :,ear York World.l . MAT —The lice, nment bond market was the sr. iie cf wrettt ver.tteln, nt today. caused by a she - , rasureuvre - played by some stock operators sal we, desirous of buying a large amount of ten forties. and the hve-twenty bonds of They were successful in working the market down, and ob-ain , o3 several millions of I_el3+and ten fortire t far cent. below the prices of yesterday, but .e amounts offered were PO much than they ,-xpectial. and the mar ket was so strong = and reacted so quickly that they sie not likely to try the seine trick again for fear of finding tin mrelves in the unideluant position of being short en this rising mar • ' The leading Govern ment bond dealer: were also "bears" on the market throughout the day for the pun use et buying. as the de m ard over their counters has een so enormous during the week that their stocks on hand are unusually low. The events of the day have made it plainthat the market is at its lowest point for a long time to come, and that its upward course will be rapidly stimulated by the extraor dinary glut of money, the impending closing up of all • government 1011119 by the conversion of the seven thirties, and the revolutionary change in the h airine s s of Wall Street by the desertion the speculative railway and fancy stocks market for that of ihovernments. The Gov ernment bond dealers had large loans made to them to day at two to three per cent, for fifteen days. and it is he. Possible for them to find employment for all the money that is offered them. Some of the uptown foreign importing firms were large buyers of the lens e and IF67a A leading Government bond dealer was a buyer of lat7r and ten-forties up to the clese of the day "at the marke t .l` and after 4P. Sf. the whole market was active and excited, with more buyers than sellers, and the lots offered were chiefly for the pur pose of keeping prices down- Soma of the dealers have very few bonds on band and none at all of tho leading so muffler. The Philadelphia houses, and also some of the city stock firms, are short of ten forties 156ta and lres, and there is a healthy borrowing demand in all of these. As prices advance no doubt a large short interest will be created, which will add greatly to the speculative attrac tions of dealing in Governments , . Quite a number of stork operators are waiting the opportunity to put eat a good heavy short line, satisfied that it will pay. Tim° will chow. Loans on Governments for fifteen days were made at 3 to 3 per cen'. to a leading Government bond dealer, and the market ranges t from 3to 4 per cent. op Governments. and 4 to 5 per cer L on stock collateralr. with the turn of the market in favor of borwwere. Prime discounts aro ti to 634 per cent. The Latest Quotations from New York. My Telegraph. NEW Yozir day 3uth.—Stocks steady. Chicago and Rock Island. 97; heading. 95; Canton Company, 51: Erie, .71% Cleveland and Toledo, 1091d' Cleveland and Pittsburgh. ' 88; Pitt.burgh and Fort Wayne, 114'/ e ; Michigan Central. 11956 ; Michigan Bouthero,. 8854; New York Central, Milsi • Illinois Ceutral, 149%; Cumberland preferred.i3s; 4nia Sties. 584; Missouri ; Hudson River. 142; lywtwenties 1862. I1W; ditto. 1844, liliqS; ditto, 1885, ltl”.i; new 'issue, 112 ' ; Ton.torties, 1.0.Vl • Beven.thirtiesi, 1.0934; gold, 139)S ; money, 4g5 per cent.'; exchange, Ma. -- nrultets by - Telegraph. NEW Yong. May 80.—CottoA tilet at 81 cents. Flour declined 10005 cents; sales of 6,000 bble.; State. $7 ikrA $9 90: Ohio. $9 40@_$8 36; Wedeln, $7 90$1016; Southern, $9 610114 16; California. $110 , 11918. Wheat dull and do dined 1@,2 cents. Corn declining; sales of 0800 bushels at $1 06@ 1.. 06. Oats dull; dales of 41.000 busliel4 at B,ite, 86 cents. lice( quiet. Pork dull at $3 30. Lard 17e.i®19 cents. 'Whisky quiet. BALTLMUEE. May 30th.—Cotton firm: Sliddling., 30M, Flour dull and unchanged; Winter Wheat Flour less film. Wheat dull amt - nominally unchanged; Prime White firm at $1 15; Yellow, $1 2103181 n Oats steady: Western, 88; Maryland, 90(481. Eye steady at $2®132. 06. Piovielorus quiet and unchanged. FTIO Or:BOMBS, DOTELICEEPERS. FAMILIES AND Otners.—Tbe and =a just retolved • fresh supply Catawba. California and Champagne Wilier:Ponta Ale (forinvalida). conatanUy on hand. P. J JORDAN. 920 Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets 1 NUL& RUBBER MACHINE BELTING. [STEAM PACK Ma How. &c. Engineers and dealers will Anil a fall assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanlze Rubber Belting, Packing Hoses &a. at the ManufactuGlOOD rer's fl'R eadqtrartins. YM&R. • 1109 Chestatit street. Routh aldl N. B.—Vfe have now on hand a lardelot of OUemen Ladles' and Mho& Gnm Wrote. Also; every inerielt7 tYle of (tam Overcoats. ISt DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-7-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1868., Money Marko ts [; a Stock Bachatage. OABSP. 14 eh Irar&Mec Bk 128% 10 eh 13th&15th St; 16 15 eh Cam de Amil, 129% ea et - do 120 it 35 sh Penne R 5234 10 eh do c 523 1 1' 5 eh Minehill R 5730 seh North Centß 451( 200 eh Rend R c 4734 400 eh do di 4734 100 eh do 810 47% 100 eh do 2dectln 47% 100 eh do Re 47% lOU eh do 860 • 47% HOARDS. 40 Hil Norristown It 07 54 tOO sti Penns It 52K 4 tth do TUCsdayti23 20 sti do 02X' 20 sh do 810 fist 52i( 53 eh Penna R , Ito 52 smh do ItB rot 25 eh do 52X IRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. WA.SI-3EINiaTCON. WOOLLEY AGAIN IN THE HOUSE More Insolence. Deeorating, the Boldiers' Graves FROM HARRISBURG. e Presbyterian General Assembly. TO•DAY'S i PROCEEDINGS. More of WooHet. [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, May 30.—The case of Woolley came up In the House to-day 111'4M unexpected form: Speaker Colfax stated to the House that Woolley bad been placed in close confinement as directed by the House, and that his counsel and the, members of his family had been allowed ac cca to him, but this morning telegisphic mes sages directed to Woolley had been received by the Speaker, the superscription of which was highly insulting to the House, and he would ask the House to take some action regarding them. Mr. Butler at once offered a. resolution that all Woolley's messages and letters must be open communications and go through the lands of the Speaker. This was bitterly opposed by Messrs. Brooks and Eldridge. Mr. Woodward offered a rescilution that Wool eY be allowed to come into the House with his counsel and argue the question whether he should answer the questions asked by the Mana gers. - This was objected to by the Republican side of the House. On motion of Mr. Blaine, Mr. Butler's resoln- tion was modified so as to have Wcolley's corres pondence go tbrongh the Sergeant-at-Arms in stead of the Speaker. , Decorating the Graves. (Special Deapatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) ,WAstitNi;ToN, May 30, 1868. A great number of people are going out to At-_ lington today, to participate in the ceremonies of decorating graves of the soldiers. The occa sion is favored by one of the few pleasant days of the season, and leave of absence has been granted to those employed in the departments. All the resources of the Botanic garden have been brought into requisition, by a resolution of the Reuse of Representatives, to furnish floral desoratiors. Boxes of flowers from the garden have also been sent to Petersburg, Winchester, Fredericksburg, Alexandria and Baltimore, as well as to the cemeteries in this vicinity. THE COSTA RICA MISSION It is not likely the nomination of Gen T. P. Mott for Minister to Costa Rica; vice "Lawrence, recalled for fighting a duel, will be confirmed, as there will be opposition to him on account of his connection wl.h the New Orleans riots. The Presbyterian tieneral Assembly. Medal Derelict to the Ph lsdeichia Evening Banetnia BARRISIItRO T MBy 30.—1 n the Presbyterian (N. IL) General Assembly, a communication from the Grand Army of the Republic was received, in viting the Assembly to participate in the ceremo nies of strewing flowers on the graves of the Union dead to-day, ands-resolution was passed, regret ting that the press of business this aftAnoon would preYent the acceptance of the invitation. A committee of four, consisting of Dr. Duryea, of New York, Dr. Fisher, of Utica, Dr. McCorkle, of Detroit, and Hon. Wm. E. Dodge, of New Tork, was appointed to participate in the cere monies on behalf of the Assembly. A :armorial was adopted asking Congress to extend the criminal laws of the various States and Territories West to the Indian tribes. „ Rev. Thos. Brown, of Tennessee, made a speech recounting the history of his labors among the freedmen, and his persecutions as a loyal Union man. Hewas. loudly applauded. The announcement that the Old School Assem bly at Albany had adopted the basis of reunion - by a vote of 185 to 77, was received with great a Manse. . By the Atlantic Telegraph. LoNnox, May 30, P. M.—United Butts Five tventiee, 72%@72%. LIVERPOOL, May 30, P, M.—Cotton firm, and more doing; sales have been 10,000 bales. lip laude,ll3‘. Orleans,ll%. Corn 375. 3d. Wheat irregular. Flour, 335. Pork dull. Lard quiet. Sugar quiet. ANTWERP, May 30, P. M.—Petroleum, 44 francs.' Graves to be DeCorated. BUFFALO, May 30.—The graves of Federal sol diers who tell during the late civil war will be decorated with flowers to-morrow. Ceremonies of an impressive character will be held at 'each of the cemeteries and grave yards in this city. The veterans of the late 100th regiment will celebrate the anniversary of their first fight, on Monday next, in City Hall, with much Ow. Members from every part of the State will be present. From Boston. BosToN, May 3U.—Commemorative services in honor of the dead Union soldiers, and the strew ing of flowers on their graves, are being appro priately carried out to-day in all parts of New Ebgland. Numerous poets of the Grand Army of the Republic paraded ' and with music marched to the principal cemeteries in the vicinity of Bos ton, and delegations sent to many cities at a dis tance to aid in the services. At Forrest Hill Cemetery the dedication of the soldiers monu ment is to take place under the auspices orilie former city government. All public officers, insurance offices and' many stores are closed, flags displayed at three-quarter mast. and other demonstrations expressive of sympathy are being made. Weather ‘Reporie Way 30. * Thermo 9A. if. Wind. Weather. rider. Port Hood, •W. Cloudy. 44 Portland, E. Raining. ' 54 Boston, N. Cloudy, 60 Wilmington,Del., S. do. 68 Washington, 13. do., 70 Richmond, 'S. Clea. 80 Oswego, W. do. 69 Chicago, N. E. do. 58 Louisville, N. do. , 80 New Orleans, E. Cloudy. 79 Mobile, N.W. Clear. 76 Key West, S. W. do. 80 Havana, S. W. do. 82 CITY BULLETIN: STATE OF THE THHEMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 10 A. M deg: 12 M.. —76 deg. P. 'deg. Weather clear, Wind tioutheset. LARGE TEMPERANCE Mateo.—Another meeting of the friends of temperance was held last evening In the lecture room of Rev. Dr. Sheppard's church. Several eloquent and touch ing addresses were made by gentlemen prominent in the temperance movement, and at the close of the meeting additional signatures were obtained to the temperance pledge. 2:30 O'Clook. FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM WASUINGTON. NV 0 0 1.4 V. -Y. Further Proceedings in the 'louse. [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, May 30.—After some further debate, during which a motion to lav the resolu tion on the table was lost, the resolution of Mr. Butler was passed by a strict party vote. The House then went Into Committee of the Whole and took up. the Indian Appropriation bill. Movements of Gen. Schofield. RICIIMOND, May 30.—Gen. Schofield, accom panied by_ a portion of his personal staff, left here for Washington this morning. Marine Intelligence. Ponnitun Me.,May 30.—The schr. Kato Au bury, of Porllan, from Saco for Bangor, in bal last, went ashore, at 4 o'clock thin morning, ono Mlle south of Cape Elizabeth Light, and has gone to pieces. Xlith Congress...second Session. _ WABIIPIOTON, May 30. SENATEL—Mr, Wilson (MAN.) presented a memorial of *number of mercantile firms of Boston, remonstrating egainet the passage of the proposed amendments to the Bankrnutcy Mr. Pomeroy (Kan.) presented a memorial largely signed by bankers of New York on the same subject, pro testing against the extension of time Meeerr. Morgan (N. Y.) and Morrill (Me.) presented remonstrances of the same import by merchants and barkers of New York. which were referred to the Com mittee on Judiciary. Mr. Conklink (N. Y.) presented a petition of citizens of e.tern New York, praying a revn of duties on sawed and round timber imported for American Mills. Re. felled to Finance Committee. Mr. Anth ny (it I.), from the Committee on Printing, ret env d the resolution to print ROPE Browne's report on minerals west of the Rocky Mountaina. with amendments authorizing the printing of 10.000 instead of 15,00 k). Dies. re. Cole (1:61.) and Williams opposed the amendment. speaking highly of the value of the work. he latter re marked that the work is worth snore than all the other weeks on the subject ever published in this co. — neer Both gentlemen urged the,advisability of ca dres,. • satisfy the probable great demand. Mr. Antho,„ suggested that if such a groat demand cx istrd• sense 'l:cistern publisher would doubtless find it profitable. They-would be furnished to any body under the taw at the coat of the paper and printing., Mr. Harlan (lowa/thought it a good case to refuse to print any. If the work was BO vairsable, everybody that desired it won)d be willing to pay a dealer for it. The amendment waa agreed to in a division, by 22 t Another amendment egard to the dietribution by the Secretary ofMtate an Mos Secretary of the Treasury of I.OOU copies eacteiwaa agreed, to and the resolution was adopted. Mr. Merrill (Me.) introduced a bill to amend section 5 of an act concerning the registry et.d recording of ships or vessels, patted December 31st, 1792. • Also, a bill to amend the act to extend the warehous ing system by establishing bonded warehouses, and for other purposes. Referred to Committee on Commerce. The joint resolution to extend the time for the coot oneltonof the Northern Pac Railroad was taken up, motion of Mr Rameay (Minn.). amended and passed On motion of Mr. Anthony, at five minutes put one, the Senate went into executive mutton, the understanding being that it is to be short. Before five minutes had clanged the doors were again opened. The Arkansas hill was before the Senate. Mr. Wilson took the floor. be recited the influences that have been in operation in orroosi'ion to reconstruc tion, in despite of which States have adopted new loyal coostitutions with en aggregate majority of 10J,000. Four days' debate had now been had ou this bill Althougtj A hytte admission of this and the other six a popular I Majority. of 1,4000 would beg added to the friends of reconstruction. as well as a tars elyinereased majority" Congress He recounted the prounption and outragea rpetrated upon the friends of recemstruction in the Sou . Allthe Constitutions were excellent in character, that of North Carolina being the most Republican of ail the 'Constitutions in the United Stater. He would never cement to an adjournment of Con gre until those w e e e i v iil n teat4 ta Llo s pt:a e in Ir i gn tt s t U d , and the other six States would do so immediately on their admiesion and for that reason he desired immediate as lion on this constitution. It they did not get te this Pee. /ion action uponrthe States would probably rescind their the Amendment, and it would be de tested. BOUSE.—The Speaker asked for instructions from the House as to the construction to be given to the order of the House vete , day giving him authority as to the com munication to be allowed with the recusant witness, Woolley. it gave rise to a lengthy and animated discussion, the result of Which was to relieve the Speaker of the duty en tirely and to impose it on the Sergeant-at-Arms, and to direct that no sealed papers shall be delivered to him ex cept through his counsel. The resolution wag subsequently, on motion of Mr. Blaine (Me ), modified andOigeed to without division so as to place the witness in the sole custody of the Sergeant at-Arms, subject to the order of the House, and that the counsel, family and physician have free access to the wit- ness. lIJITY BULLETIN. CITY MORTALITY.—The number of interments in the city for the week ending at noon to-day was 213. against 237 the same period last year. Of the whole number, 104 were adults, and 109 children-62 being under one year of age; 107 were males, 106 females; 56 boys and 53 girls. The greatei.number of deaths occurred in the W Twentieth If rd, being 13, and the smallest num ber in the Twenty-eighth Ward, where only one was reported. The priocipal causes of death were : Consumption, 33; convulsions, 9; dropsy, 7; disease of the heart, 10; debility, 9; scarlet fever, 6; inflammation of the lungs, 18; marasmus, 8; measles, 5; old age, 5, and palsy, 4. THE, GREAT MEETING the great ratification meeting, to be held at Concert Hall this evening, among other speakers we are re quested to announce that Hon. John A.Bitutham, of Ohio, and General John Cochrane. of New York, will positively be present, and will make speeches. The meeting promises to tle intensely enthusiastic. IMPORTATIONb Reported for the rinhulelphla Evening Bulletin. WINDSOR. Nl3.—Schr Whitney Long. Hayee-500 tons plaeter C C Van Horn. KLILICIN E KULLETLN. PORT OF PIIELADELPHIA- MAT . 30, ii'See Marine Bulletin on !wide Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Whirlwind, Geer, 16 hours from Providence. with mdse to D S Stetson _. Passed brigs S W Welsh. from Palermo. above the Brand, wine Light-ehin, and Hattie E Wheeler, off Reedy Island. Steamer H L Gaw, her, 13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves. Jr. Steamer W Whilden, Riggine, 13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to R Footer. Behr Whitney Long, flays, 14 days from-Windsor, NS. with plaster to CCV an Horn: ; Schr Gust. Johnson, Hartford. ". Schi Sarah Clark, Grilling. Providence. Schr Clara, Mulford. Chester. CLEARED THIS DAY. - Steamer Whirlwind. Geer. Providence, 1) S Stetson dr. Co. Steamer Brunette. Howe. New York. John F Out. Steamer W Whilden. Riggane, Baltimore. Reuben Foster. Brig Isaac Carver, Shute. Portland. Mershon Cloud. Behr J C Atkins. Atkins, Milton. captain. Behr Surge, Warwick. No wick, Day. Huddell th Co. Behr Clara. Mulford, Salem, Castner. Backlit's , St, Wet in Hton. Schr Gust. Johnson. Pawtucket,. Blakisten. Graetf di Co. Behr CI II Moller. Brown. Boston. Audeuried, Nortonheo Behr Helen Mar, b ickeraon. Beaton, Bohr Gen Grant. Colburn, Richmond, do t'chr Sarah Clark. Grilling, Portland, John Rommel, Jr. Schr E Magee. Barnes, Portland, Us =tett di Neill. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LF WES. DEL.. May 29-6 AM. The pilot-boat Moses H Grinnell now at anchor in the Roadstead from a 'm isc. reports having hoarded the. fol lowing vessels yesterday. bound to Philadelphia: Barks Imperador, from Pernambuco; Anapoy from London; brigs Anna. from Kingston, Ja; Annie. from Matanzas; Hattie E Wheeler. from Cardenas, and S W Welsh, from Palermo. The ectir Jo-sob, from Washington, LC for New York, is at anchor under the Breakwater. Yours, &o. JOSE ell LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Ship Pactoins, Tobey. cleared at New. York yesterdaY for Ban Francisco. Steamer Quaker City; Wolff, cleared at New Yoris yea terday for Bremen. Steamer Eurore (Er). Lemaire, cleared at New Yolki yesterday for Liam. Steamer Ilibernla3 (Br), Munro, cleared at Now York yesterday for Glasgow. Steamer St Louis, Sears, from New Orleans, at Boston iesterd ay. Bark White Wing (Br), cleared at New York yesterday for Lagu arra and Porto Cabello. Burk La Plata, Crowell. 4: days from Buenos Ayres, at New York vosterday. with hides. 'Brig Clyde, Thompeon, from Matanzas, was below Portland yesterday. Seta G U )quires, Timmins, hence at Boston yesterday. Bohr Golden Eagle, flowes,hence at N Bedford 98th inst. Bchr U E Jackson, Blackman, hence at Salem 38th inst. Schrs a B Bleecker, York. hence for Stoningtoand A Lowry,,Lowry.from Providence for this Port, at n, N York yesterday. Behr Quaker City. hence at NorrSich 28th inst. • Bchr Reading RR No 43, sailed from Norwich 28th inst. for this port. , • Behr Nary Anna, hence. for Norwich. at New London Bchr2Btpp fn Swum 8 PrtmkJin./dull, henci " a~,Ft'oviilenae 28th instant • Bohr* P. A Conklin. Daniels ;WD Oa ill. Kelley; E W alltenstrick ; is P Pkare, _Collins, or this Pori and k Bop la AIM; Baker for do or N York.' sailed front -- - "MEWCROP., : DATES. too KATT% FENIII caßtl. Bin *ng stiol tor sale by JOO. B. BUBB= ef CD„:,* BouthDelovare memo; • , , , 3:15 O'Cloolt, FIFTH -EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH.. ATEST, CABLE NEWS. THE IRISH CHURCH BILL. FROM WASHINGTON. ADJOUNMEN C QUESTION Sy the, Atlantic Cable. LONDON, May 30;—The Prime Minister of Eng. land has written a reply to Mr. Gladstone on the subject of the Irish Church. He admits that further resistance Is hopeless, and will not oppose the passage of the Church bill. FRANKFORT, May 30.—U. 8. 5.20'5, 7731g 1 77%. ANTWERP, May 30, Evening.—Petroleum heavy and unchanged. Livanroot., May ,30.—Petroleum quiet and un changed. The Adjournment—tft. Bcneneloa 011$. (Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, May 30.—A comparuon of the best opinions confirms the belief that the caucus on Monday will decide for an early adjournment, for a postponement of the general revenue law, substituting comp , special legislation, Including a reduction of the whisky tax. A majority of the Finance Committee of the Senate are believed to be opposed to considering Mr. Schenek's bill this session. No Congress heretofore has remained in ses sion beyond ofe 4th of July in the year of the Presidential election. Mr. Schenck Intends to make a speech on his bill it he can get the floor this afternoon, as he is earnestly in favor of action on it before the ad- Teurnmen t. His reasons may have some effect on the declaion of the caucus, and will be urged pri vately if e does not make a speech. Execution of the Child Murderer. HUDSON, N. Y.. May 30.—Joseph Brown was banged at noon to-day for the Canaan.chlld mur der. He made a written confession. Shipment of Specie. NEW Yonx, May 30th.—The shipment of specie to-day for Europe amounted to $2,3.17,845. SKATING PARKS. EASTWICK SKATING PARK, Gray's Ferry. • amTHE GHINDE FETE CHAMPETRE, Comentery to this perm itting } y ita atrons and friends, wiirtake place (weather On Friday June sth, commencing at 2P. M., and eloping at P P. M. Ticketh can be had from any of the Manager,. or at the Office of the Park, No. 408 WALN Street. it° ItiE &N - D COAL. CE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE.. ICE. 102. SUPPLIED DAILY TO LARGE OR SMALL CON STIMERB , - - in any_part of the t rved limits of the Consolidated City— WEST PHILAD PIMA. MAMMAL, TIOGA zuciuktbrro. BRIDESBCRO - and . ctraufmrroww. Famißee OfnCarole.. can rely on beunifurnished with a 1 9 RE ARTFCLE, SERVED PROMPTLY. and at the lowest market rates. „ COAL. COAL, COAL. COAL. CbOA.L• BEST QUALITY OF LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, ,1 at prima as low an the loweek_for a ftrat.rate article. BLACKSMITHS , COAL, HICKORY, OAK,_ AND PINE WOOD. AND KINDLING WOO U SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE OR COAL TO Cold Spring Ice and Coal Company. THOS. E. CAHILL. Preet. JNO. GOODYEAR. Sec's , . •HENRY THOMAS. Super% OFFICE, „ No. 485 Walnuffiltreet. BR.ANCII DEPOTS. Tw.LLFTH ANT) WILLOW STREETS. TWELFTH STREET AND WASHIN STREETSVENUE. TWENTY-FIT' H AND LOMBARD NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND MASTER STREET. PINE STREET WHAP.F, EICHUYI 3 rILL. apll-e m w am-40 r&mrwmrrri'lm tfP Ladies Making their Bonnets CAN FIND ALL THE MATERIALS AT GEORGE W. MIL ES'S,. 911 Chestnut Street (North Side); Straw Bonnets and Trimmings, French Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Frosted and Plain Illalines, With narrow LACES. in Colon to match. French and New York Bonnet Frames, .bc • dic.,&o. Liberal diaconal to Milliners. . MILES, 911 Chestnut Street. apt 2mrr KEwTNe lns iIHNES. 1106. REMOVAL. 1106. IHE SINGER MANUFACTURING commit Have Removed their Wareroome to No. 1106 Chestnut Street. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY. SEWING MACHINE h elm le, durable, quiet and light running. and capable of performing an a tonishing range and variety of work. It wilt hem. fell, stitch. braid, gather, cord, tuck, quilt. embroider, dm. m3'2191-1, W:SL E. COOPER, Agent. CLA.IIIi..'S GOLD MEDAL RANGE will bake and cook elegantly,and will heat th6lllning and two upper roonie. Call and dee them in full operatien. t JOHN 8. CLARK'S,. 1008 Market Street, Philadelphia. nivl2 ITLER, WEAVER it CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. 91 N. WATER And 93 N. DEL avert PHELAN & BUCKNELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Ste. LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT, ASH AND POPLAR, ALL THICKNESSES, CLEAN AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND ED L WH U MBEITE PINE SHINGLER, SEASONR. MICHIGAN, CANADA AN§ PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES AND UALITI ES. FLOORING AND HEAVY AROLINA TIMBER. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK JOIST. litnuaNG LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. lune= 11 SAAC NATTEANO. AUOTIONEER. N. E. CORNER I. Third any a krueo street/S. only one square below the Nubs 000 to loan in iv eor mall amounts. on diamon ver plat watches. w and all ii oode of Asi value. es hours flora BA. to 7 P.M. tar Este). Iliftd for thlt US fOM'Yeg, iti vexttaii made in large =mete at tna lowaa mar liet rotas . .;.'; laBifro ---- - GIOR_ ?ALA.-4V ItteROIMARTIL Gate. Bows and demos-200 Cases Champagne and Crib G ?Mlbbyro Choripsoniuml Crab Cider. r , , , , P. J. JOADAN. DIEW n .I tRENQBLE WALNUTS--`45 NlrtW tlganohle Walnuts handing._ and tor odd '69 - 4705 , 813) c , + co., 1 0 S South Dela Wahl . _ . 4400 O'Clook. FRESH IMPORTATION LACE CURTAINS, OP VERY DESIRABLE PATTERNS Terries, Plain Colors and Seipes PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, SOME VERY ELEGANT. mosQurrco NETS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT PINK AND MELTE. TARLATANS, FOR COVERING MIRRORS AND PICTORISC ' A WINDOW , SHADES OF ALL COLORS. WALRAVEN'S MASONIC HALL, N 0.719 CHESTNUT STREET, CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCHE & CO, 8. E cc-. Thirteenth and Chestnut Ste.. PHILADELPHIA; Wholesale and Retail Dealera IN Curtain Goods, Window Shades, Furniture Coverings and Paper Hangings. White Holland Shades, Trimmed and put up ea low as 51 60 each. SAIES and Nottingham Lace Curtains, FROM AUCTION. VERY CHEAP. New stock. low trice]. and entire satisfaction Partin. eed in every instance. • a . eto th nmrn nirsAre Fractional Sham Penna . ) lvania Railroad BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South Third Street. my3o DREXEL. ea 00., No. 34 Smith Third Street, PIIIIAPELPHLA. DREXEL, WINTHROP & CO., 18 Wall Street, New York: DREXEL, HARJES & CO.; 3 Rue Scribe, Paris. We are now prepared to draw on oar Parie Donee, and to furnish Lettere of Credit for Commercial and Travel ing purposes. available in all parts of Europe, dce , dca STERLING EXCHANr 3 E, GOVERNMENT SECURI. TIES Ac.,‘ &a. BOUGHT AND SOLD. and a Genera) Banking Business traneacted. 7 '3-10's Converte4 into 5-20's. As the Government will change its terms June let, convershina should l e ss fa at once, as r tor that data they will be much less favorable to holders. We Offer For Sale U. A. Punk These Bonds are issued by the Government as &subsidy to the Pacific Railroad They have 80 years to run, and bear cy interest at the rate of Six per cent. per annum cur . Principal and intereable by the Vovern ment. They are at preeent st th pay e cheapest Government Bond on the list. , E. W. CLARK & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. 35 South Third Street, Philadelphia: myl6 tjel 111 E Ello4l - E Alt 8 NEW STYLES OF LOOKING GLASSES, NEW ENGRAVINGS, NEW CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E corner Fourth and Roo Sts., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS PAINT MANUFACTURERS, Offer to the trade or consumers. Pure White Lead, Zino White, Colored Paints, Varnishes, One, Artists' Materials, &o. Agents for the celebrated VIEILLE lIONTIGNEENOWAVIITML ZINC, superior to, any other White Paint forimide YPors PAINTS.::::' 201 and 203 North Pourtliftreeto Northeast corner of ItAce iftgagg. aplB tfrp4 LAI= wnorats (newt; BRAND IL/heaves arid quarter boiee 4_44, japlead.t, tr%dt, las+ lag old for aalo byJOS.B. ••=n•,* W., 108 Sou, 11.00114. . g Naor. k I).V.S . , telc vEuvrtitsixas. 'duo, 1.000 CASES 1 - , (rob Calmed toeheet ISteaaes (rein Canned Pine Appeal •,90 ) owe. eh Phke-Aa . lee, In gawk Leoo eases Green uora and Gireen Pittli. tram llama be cane t SDO Catee trawl re0111WAVII; 600 ewes Charria,, ba ° M P: aloseee Btu bk erns; NO ewe Straw. berms, JU 07rUP I 500, cues,ups PPears.l o op MO at igia Caolula-Toznatooe . ,SOS . Orsini.- and Gloms: 600 .ealgellkatalable tak r r y tae lle t For *ale bTaaaJor . ga t ,. , a WON No
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers