QITY EarLimuN. citl" ta ted meeting 'was held yesterday afternoon: • -.6clcrt Jiranch.—A communication was received from the Judges of the District Court; calling. 'attention to tie defective 'heating apparatus it, the building used by the court. Referred. -Thtrboard of Directors of,the Fire Depart. meat 'certified to Co'nheils the election of 'James Pollock, as Assistant Engineer of theA)epart ment for the Fhst District.. ' The . - eleetion. ;wris confirmed.' r. Mr. Gattell, from the Committee on Girard Estate, sported an ordinance making are appro of:el:Afton. out of thif incotue - -bf the estate, for the purpose of paying the eipenses of the Trust for 1868. - . The Mil wat3'pOstponed. Mr. Ritchie introduced a resolution requesting the Controllers of the - Public SchtXda to Inform Councils of thetunni;er of teachers In the Public Schools in the several wards; ;trod the salaries paid. , • , • Mr. Duffy said all, this information was to he found in the annual report. Mr. Ritchie said he wished to ascertain the division of labor devolving upon these teriehers, as he understood that in some instances there were too.mmay principals in the samo building. . The resolution was adopted. , Resolutions making transfers of 'appropria tions: t # several departments Were adopted. Among . the items was one transferrinr , items in appropriation to the clerks of Connals. ' It gave rise , to some discussion in regard to the ex travagance that had crept into the Department in the printing pf the Journal and the supply of _stationery. The resolution passel, however: Mr. Barlow, from the 'special committee. re ,ported, with a fatiorable recommendation, the ordinance anthonzing the paving of 'certain in !tem:alone on South Broad' street with-the con tras pavement. Agreett to. The ordinance making an appropriation of $25,000 to the Denartment of Highways was concurred in. •Alai), the ordinance making an appropriation to the Park Commissioners for 1868. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted without debate or opposition: Whereas, The ordinance for the City of Phila delphia forbids the saltii3g, of railway tracks by the Passenger. Railway Companies, which ordi nance, it is said, has been .reeently disregarded and this law set at defiance by some of the com panies running under_ agreements with the city; therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on Law be in structed to inquire if any Passenger Railway Company of this city has recently violated the ordinance prohibiting the salting of the tracks, and to report such action as should be taken in relation thereto. Resolved,. That the Committee. on Law be in , stntcted to inquire into the expediency of pro viding that every license for a railway car here after issued by the city of Philadelphia, shall be valid only so long as the company obtaining the license obeys the law in relation to salting of railway tracks. The ordinance from Common Council making an appropriation to clear the pavement in front of the public offices was taken au and gave fled' to some discussion. in course of the debate it was fanargested that the pavement in front of the State liouse presented an exhibition of meanness wlthout parade' in Pnitadelpuia. Everyone of the offices in the row contains gentlemen who are rich or aro growing rich through fees, legal or otherwise, and yet not one of them had the manliness or generosity to employ the poor fel low who might apply for a job to secure bread tor himself and family. A few pennies would have elven a clear path to these offices, but not one of the incumbents of the positions contributed these few for this purpose. The ordinance was concurred in. The (ordinance from Common Council provid ing fora reduction of the salary of the City Com missioners was taken up. Mr. King snbmuted the following substitute : That a joint special committee of five members from each chamber be appointed to report a bill reducing the salaries of all the employes of the city, and also - to repOrt 'what offices can be dls pensedmith 'without detriment to the interests of the city. ' Mr. Fox explained that the City Commksion ers had been selected fouthe reduction became) conaidemble portion of "their duties had been transfentd to the Board of Revislim. Individu ally, the speaker was in favor of dispensing en tirely with the City Commissioners. They have nothing to do now. 'Mr. King desired the whole subject referred to a committee to inquire what offices can be lzally dispensed with, and what salaries can be Mr. Btokley stated that in 1864 the City Com missioners went to Harrisburg and obtained lcgialation by which Councils were authorized to Increase the salaries of the public officers. Under this act Councils were "bored" until the Commis sioners' salaries were increased to $2 000. The present bill will reduce the salary to $.1,000. 4n dependent of this salary they have a huge income from tavern licenses. The bill was finally referred to the Committee on Law. The ordinance from Common Council regula ting the payment of market rents was concurred Mr. Kamerly submitted a resolution directing the Committee on Law to take into considera tion the propriety of reducing the salary of the Mayor to 88,500 for 'the fiscal year of .1.888. Mr. Stokley moved to amend by inserting the name of the City Treasurer. Mr. Jones moved to indefinitely postpone the :whole subject. Mr. Kamerly said that as there had appeared to be a disposition to be economical. be intro duced this resolution as a test. He claimed that he was quite as sincere in his meagare as the gentleman who introduced the bill in Common Council to affect the salary of the City Commis sioners. The motion to indefinitely postpone • was agreed to. The ordinance from Common Council instruct ing the City .Treasurer in regard to the payment of city warrants \vas taken up. Mr. Smith suggested that the ordinance way defective. The intention of the framer was to prevent preferences, but thli brdihance could be construed in such way as to do greater injustice to the holders of warrants and prevent the pay ments in regular order. Ile therefore submitted an amendment to correct the omission' dom plumped of. 4 Mr. Coltman said that under the proviso the Cily Treasurer would •be enabled to send out agents to buy up warrants, and thus. secure a percentage. Let this ordinance be passed, and the 8:,00,000 of outstanding warrants for 1867 will be presented to be stamped, and when, these re paid, together with the interest on the debt due January lst next, a "arrant issued in 1868 Rill not be paid before the 18th of July, because there will be no money before that time. The City Treasurer must be in a position to exercise a dis cretion in the payment of warrants, so long as we have not money enough to . pay all. We have adopted a detective system our finances. We give the ta3 payers a whole year to pay their dues, whereas we are giving out warrants constantly before we have the money to pay them. It is a disgrace to the city that we should have war rants on the street at 5 to 10 per cent., and it is time bOTOC system was adopted by which the tame would come into the treasury during the year in such proportions as to meet all demands. Mr. Stokley connd that the presnt ordi- nance would be betenefi de cial in its-operations, and at worst its trial would suggest whatever is needed to do justice to Me holders of warrants. If there are parties "carrying" tisnon,eue in war rants, we should pay them at. once, and before those of 1868, because those Of 1867 me carrying interest. Mr. Smith's amendment was agreed to, but on the final passage a quorum failed to answer-- yeas 11, nays 2. Adjourned. Covonon Branch.—Mr. J. C. Martin, submitteAl an ordinanee appropriating $l,OOO to the Depart merle& City Property, for the purpose of clean ing 81101 and ice Dom pavements in front of city property. Passed. Mr. Potter introduced an ordinance repealing the ordinance of December 12th; 1861, which fixes the salary of the . City Commissioners at -t2.01.10 per annuni. Mr. Hetzell moved to refer the bill to the Pi nanetiCommittee, with instructions to report an ordinance making a general reduction of the salaries of all city officials. Mr. Potter said that In thiS season of the year the Finance Committee would not have time to prepare such a bill. Since the creation of the, Board of Revißio4 the City Commissioners have heen relieved of many duties for which the in anmed compensation was given. The City Commissioners now receive $3 for eaoh tavern lioOlese l which amOnuts to about $11),000 per au vain, which Mr. Potter thought was a sufficient sals37lw do,.ith the addition of $1,500 allowed by the Mr. Retro!). was In favor UT a reduction of all from the Mayor down. Meow+. Winlta Lod Ellington favored the ro cluetiOltilk ate (3%0 tlie Oily Conuulosionera. Tho *notion to.refer was not agreed to---yeati 5, nays 6l 4 tie brdinance was then:passed. ; t; it Mr. ti ll'its Offered nn ordinance :requiring the. Janis of stalls and stands in the markets to be fl ; 4 1 an - minify in 'January. Passed. The ordinance from Seleetcouneil to authorize ehatni . e In the coustructiun of thee. Cornish en gine at the West - Philadelphia Water:Works, was na nwnil me lit increasing the appio priation from s',ooo to $6,000. Mt. lietzell introduced un ordinance filing the'ontary or the Mayor rit $:1,500 after January 1, 1868. Mr. rivans,-mored. to referlt to :the Finance C'emniittee. . . Mr. lletzell moved to lay it on the table. Agreed to—teas 20, nays 17. - • A • Subseutiont motion to reconsider was , agreed In, and-the motion to lay upon the table was voted down—yeas 10, nays, 29. The bill was thenreferred to the Finance Com niittec. Also, an ordinance approving the contract for the erection of a new sehtiol-house at Apple and Master streets, e 431,000. Also, nil ordinance appropriating it-1.070 to clerks of Councils, for printing journals, Mr. Evans moved to Jake up the report and ordinance relatiVe to a paid flee depattment. Not agreed to—yeas 10, riays.l9. The amendment of Common. Council to the pKoprintion for cleaning the ' snow from the pavements of cityproperty was concurred in. The ordinance to talte 4 possession of the City Gas Works was taken up, and was discussed for two hours. A motion to postpone was disagreed to. Mr. Evans moved to include the Northern Lib erties Gas Works in the provisions of the bill. Pending the discussion of the motion, seven o'clock arrived. Adjourned. THE SALT QUESTION.--The Committee 011 Railroads of City Councils hold a meeting at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of considering the petition of the Presidents of the various railway companies, asking for a media cation of the law prohibiting the usti of AWL oh the railroad tracks. The Presidents of the Green and Coates, Tenth and Eleventh,Fifth and Sixth, and Market street roads, addressed the commit-. tee, chiming that they did not desire to use salt over their entire roads, but only at points where there were heavy grades. Captain West, of the Fifth and Sixth streets road, argued in favor of salt on the entire length of roads outside of the cit 3 Fie informed the "committee that the Frankford branch of hie road was not in opera tion, in consequence of the snow and ice on the railroad track. No action was taken on the pe tition, and the committee adjourned until Thurs day next, when the subject will again come up. TM': NAVIGATION OF TIM &TMTM:ILL RIVER. The Committee on Port Wardens of Councils have agreed to repdrt an ordinance asking for an extra approptiation of, $5,000 for the purpose of keeping' the Schuylkill river as well as the Dela ware open during the winter season. It is pro posed to run the present Ice Boat night and day; and employ a double sot of men. in consequence :If the lengthy discussion on the Gas Works bill, his matter was not F. übmittpd yesterday.. OVERLOADING PASSENGER RAILWAY CARS.- James McCarty, couthictor, and Fri:dui& Mur ren, driver of car No. 6, of the Arch Street Pas ,..enger Railway Company, were arrested on a charge of cruelty to their horses by overloading their car, and were bound over in $BOO each to appear at Court. by Ald. Williams. A true bill ens found by the Grand Jury yesterday. 51.F.161111G Accinem,i---A pair of horses at tached to a sleigh, driven by Daniel Bodine, ran into the Delaware, at Shackamaxon street wharf, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Bodine was slightly injured. John Cannon, while attempting to stop the runaways, .was seriously injured about the head. The animals were both rescued. FATA_L RIZULT.-Wm. Fulforth, who resided on Artnat street, in Germantown. died at the Epis-_ ccpal Hospital yesterday, from the effects of in juries caused by bein,,,c , run over by a passenger car at Rising Sun on Wednesday night. DieLocaTED His Suom.t.nr--Yesterday after noon, Jacob Gresel, living at No. 431 Spruce street, fell from a new building, at Crown and . Vine streets and dislocated his shoulder. He was remoiecl to his home. . DISCIIARGED.—One thousand workmen were esterday discharged from the Philadelphia Navy Yard. CITY NOTICES. Taut Nont.r: Hosr us- T 16.1 RED Lies, Second and Noble, Nathan Barrett, Esq., and lady are aixtut returning from their great tour through Europe and the Holy Land. During their travels they have visited all the principal countries and cities in Europe; also, all places of note in Flopt and the Holy Land. Daring their journey they have traveled through the following countries and places: England, Ireland, Scotland, Franco and Spain; through all the principal cities of Italy—Naples, Florence, VOLIiCC, Genoa and Rome; all through the German StatesPand Switzerland, Prussia, Belgium, Baden, Wiirtemburg., Bavaria, dtc., Denmark and Sweden. They have visited Waterloo, Copen hagen, Stockholm, Moscow, SL Petersburg and War saw. Passing through Austria and Hungary, they' passed down the Danube to the Black Bea, from there on to Constantinople. Thence to Greece, visiting Athens and timyrna. Then across the hlediterranean to Beyrath and Damascus; then to Jerusalem, - the Dead Sea and the River Jordan, and all places of note in Palestine. Prom there to Alexandria, Rgypt ; flown the River 'Nile to Cairo, where they visited the Pyre wide, the great wonder or the world; This is the most extensive trip that has been made by any American this year. Gins ron IiF.NTLEMEN. . . ' . The most popular things for pre-eats to gentlemen are such as are now richly displayed by Mr. George Grant, at his Gentlemen's Furnishing Establishment, No. 1013 Chetituat street. His stock embraces all the choicest novelties., and articles of taste and comfort for a g . enileman, from a line pair of gloves town ele gant morning wrapper. HIS line of Scarfs, cravats, shirts and onderwe.ar of every de: cription, superb, and his prices remarkably moderate.' We hope our lady readers will act upon this suggestion in making their purchases. To Go iNl'O StWIETY WITHOUT CianviNg wmt you the rare fragrance of Pbalon's Ex pact of the -Night Blooming ()arena," is to hyse caste as a con= noteseur in perfumes. Imagination has never' coh ccived of a scent so exquisite, so it:trashing, so enda- 10,000 i , omans of Fruit Cake, Pound and Lady Cake now being made for Christmas, by G. Byron Morse, Ihha and UO4 Arch street. Also, a full and choice variety of Confectlon.s, Fancy Boseb, &c. , Send In your orders early. GI • 101.1 DAT .110LIDAY GIFTS !, Of,Fine and rang Furs, At reasonable prieea: e • CaLlords', Continental Hotel CHRIST %lAB AND NttlV YEAR, GREETING.—The undersigned would inform tliPlr friends and the public generally, that they have imported direct from Switzer land a choice assortment of beantilully carved fancy articlea,suitable for holiday preaentatlon. Among them may he found a small lot of elegantly carved, cuckoo cloak!, caekett , „ char holden., bouquet atanda, Ac., to which the attention of connoisseurs la retpect to lly invited. _ _ _ J. S. Lin¢ & 72/ Market etrwt, Philadelphia BENnow's Som , e.—Elder Flower, Turtle 011, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Res°, &e. SNOWDEN Si BEOTNEES, ImporterS, 23 South Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATAERIL--.-• J. isasol., D. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases apperiaming to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re fiablesources in the city can he seen at his office, No. [ , t1.5 Arch street. The mmEcal faculty are invited to sa -1 company their patients, as he has no secrets .in his p:actice. 'Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made fur examination. ~„ IIIttiGGISTS' SUNDT:MS and Fancy Goods. SNOWDIai 4.% DIUMTLIEUtI, importers, 23 South Eighth street. • Gitevp.o & BARISIt'S Highest Prondtun ' &wing MU:hints, 'MO Chestnut street. Win LAitcm (immirmts Almerut Grapes.--• MITOI/ZLI. FLETOLSER, • 1204 ChestnutistreSt. in whole, hall, and quarter boxea. Citron, Orange and Ikiaon Peel. Currants, Sweet ' Cider, and Pare Brandy for Mince Plee, Fruit Cakes. 6:e., ae. MITULIELL t¢i PLENUMS, • 1264 Chestnut street.' . -- - A 131.1.EN1/1.1) Lir , : . 01, FANCY BONNETS AND Trimmed Hata, soiling M very low prices, mach below uom to close the season. Alan, a few fine French. Bonnets at a great bargain. The latest bonnet frhm et., bonnet materiale, &c.. all aeliingout at ff great nucritice. WOOD & CABY, 72 tS Cheantit etroet. 11. .., , ! , LADY' APPLES, OTSOgellt,. - LiernOns, Almonds 1 lini4llsh Wainnte,Pecana. ihc; • I f _ IllsronitLn & ihareams. - \ - • IMNlCheattiat etreet. , . THE DAILY . EVENING BULLETIN.-PHItADELPHIA, FRIDAY, .DE0142113,1iR 200-1567. $E NOr .DECEIVED. Instead of being an ephemeral favorite, John C. 13a - kceis Cod Liver is eatablished as the choicest and most Palatable article of cod oil ever produced. It may not be amiss to remind the invalid and the 'physician that only rancid oil 'can be; combined with anything else. Any compound ofour pure oil twist be prepared by an • apbtheeary and administered at once. All announce ments, therefore, that such combination has been ef fected are equivalent to saying that perpetual motion bus beet discovered, or: the circle squared. Baker's 'Cod Liver Oil may be relied upon', by the emaciated and enfeebled invalid as the finest tonic known in nil wmacy or in nature. For sale by the proprietor, John C. Baker, 718 Mar ket street ; also -by Johnston, Holloway &. Cowden, Arelvstreet, aboVe Sixth And druggists generally. "Bowrit's ti UM ARABIC SECRETS" 131114 coughs, heath° inflamed surfaces, relieve hoarseness, pains, soreness of the breast, a tough morning phlegm, awl impart much comfort in Bronchial Irritations. ule by Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. Sold by drugglits. fib cents per box. Try them. . BOWER'S. INFANT CORDLAL is a certain, safe and speedy enro for Cholic, Pains and Spasms—yielding great• relief to children Teething. ;Laboratory Sixth and Green. HOLIDAY GII:7S1 HOLIDAY GIPTS! Of Flue nod Fancy Fara, " At roneonableprices. 0 - Oakfords „Contlitetital note LACE CURTAINS SELLLNO CHEAP..--NO mistake. The finest ever received by the trade. in this country, purchased at auction at reniarkably low prices; and will be sold accordingly, by W. Henry Patten, 1403 Chestnut street. • AT Tar, Waltint Street Theatre Air. John Brougham nightly addresses his audience on politics, religion, the drama, law and physic, and winds up with an appeal to them as they love their country to chew "Century," and take nopther bran& Wimie GRAPES ' Wwrrit GRAPES, By the wholesale or single pound.. MITCIOELL OG PLIZTO/Un t 1204 Chestnut street. UPIIOLSTERY.—For promptness, good work manship and low prices apply at Patten'e, /408 Chest nut street. WrnDow SITADES. - The cheapest window shades can be had at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut street. Ile Is always selling oX. (Goods cheap, an no hum bug.) - - HOLIDAY PRESENTS, at Gay's China Palace, T 022 Chestnut street. An immense assortment of China Vases. Card Re ceivers, Motto and Mustache Coffees, Tete-a-Tete Sets,..tc. Bronze and Parian Marble Statu.ary. Gold Gilt Ornaments in endless variety. China Bouquets, Lava-ware, Bohemian Glass, and a fall lino, of Staple Goods, just landed. Bought for cash from , the largest manufacturers in Europe, and will bo sold al prices defying competition. Cali and examine stock before making purchases. Shownsam open till 0 o'clock at night. HOLIDAY GIFTS! .HOLIDAY GIFTS! Of Fine and Fanny Furs, At reasonable prices.. Oalrlords% Continental Hotel. AUCMCIN CURTAINS.—VCrV elegant and very fine quality, selling at very low prices, at W. Henry Patten's, 14 4 s Chestnut street. Joaas' OTEL, 235 Dock street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for guests. 8011/30 open all ninht. Rooms 50 cts. pernight. EXTRA Fi BLACK TEA • By the chest of from 5 to 50 pounds. MITCHELL I.t, FL-MTGE:Ma, 1204 Chat - nut street. No HUMMlG.—curtains and Shades selling at a great redaction. No pretence; but real bona tide bargains at Patten's, 140 S Chestnut street. A WORD OF ADVICE.—Tho stock of Holiday Presents at Gay's China Palace, 1022 Cnestnut Street, Is complete, and we advise all in need of such articles to make their selecflon.s before the assortment is broken. SUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTIIENG AT .118DUOED rnieEs. Ovar.coArs, ,Selling at........‘. Worth $O5 00, .s 4500. " BO 00......... BUBTNESS COATS, Worth $4O 00.... .....Selling at.... " 81 " " 30 00........." PANTALOONS, Worth $2O 00.... Selling at.. " 18 01) " " 15 00......... Worth $lO pp 00.... .....Selling at el 8 " 5 00.... This great redaction in the prieett of iirst-class Ready made Clothing is made at Charles Stokes & Co.'s Cloth ing Rouse, under the Continental. • VERY Fn OLD GOVERN/MM . JAVA COFFEE. Very Choice New Crop Teas. hirronaut. & Ftrroirra, 1204 Chestnut street ItEVENUE STAINES, p It INC I.PAL : AGENCY For the Sale of United States REVENUE STAMPS. All kind of Revenue stamps kept constantly on hand, and for sale in all amounts. Stamps forwarded to all parte of the United States by Mail or Express, with the greatest despateli. The following discount allowed: On Sal. .TWO PER CENT. SW to 5100............ ................. -FOUR PER CENT. 510.1 and Upwards....FOUß AND A HALF PER CENT. • The United States Revenue Stamp printed on Checks, Drafts. Receipts, gm Heade, etc. . Orders solicited from Printers, Engravers, Stationers, Banks, Bankers, and others. The following discount allowed on the Stamped Paper: Under SICO TWO .AND A IIArF•PER CENT. 5100 to 8300 THREE PER CENT.. $3OO and over FOUR PER CENT. JACOB E. RIDGWAY , 57 SOUTH rff-lIRD STREET, dell-tf PriILADELPHIA. • IrirIANCLILL• dr" ICT --' , s4 P 4 4 ' l SPECIALTY. • SPAITH, RANDOLPH & CO. BANKERS-AND` BROKERS 16 Both third Bt, 3 Num • ibladepliiii In York STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT MW BOLD ON OOKINr88101: INTERIM ALLOW= ON DINNNUTS_ • 4 01NBITGHT 8.4,.4 BANKERS & BROKERS, s , R 0.17 NEW STREET, NEW YORK. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale d WIM' ItAIIII4BTOCH ---- 4. ~8/IPfltt9 A. GOLD, Lanham exchudvely on Ctommissian. All orders will receive V o n Ponlellei littailUon tbii *Wok Exehouwa and Gold ord.' fIOLDE IMPROVED PATENT WW /STEAM SOT WATER APPARATUS, ros WAEAktio elm ImpriotAlTNO wrrli rtrisa Earrg,RNAL Ant vziam pilaf AND WArIE EIXATING oo SABXES r. WOOD ClOop lfo. X 1 8; PNETO Otos* 8.11. rgarfflia4s4o. Warn MEOW PVMMIICA7IIOAIk TheAmeriean 'Sunday School Uniot No. 11M CUESTNUT STREET. Has an i li n ig n y a i l k Y ue l ffffe v d a , Vigill a grOgir 'dmr°• NEW AND SUPERIOR BOOKS SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A 150,,, an extensive assortment of BIBLES & DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, Ur Complete Catalogyes of the Society's Publica tions furnzvhed .yratuitomylg, de113.1)R4 CIIALI:ENIi CIRCULATING LIBRARY, 1108 UIIEST nut street. DAILY SUBSCRIBERS buying nny book, new or old, can exchange for aunther of equal value. REGULAR SUBSCRIBERS can obtain any new or old book &Wed, nelecting from my entire otock of Books, as welt an Librnvy Quantities of EVERY NEW BOOK, bought the day in. ailed: offer advantngeo no other Library cam EVERY NE%V BOOK culled for is at once added. FOR 600. PER MONTH YOU CAN HAVE 10 TO PA 1100103 t NEW AND OLD; FOR $1 60 PER QUARTER, 1000 310 BOOKS • FOR $3 PER YEAR, 200 TO 600 BOOKS. BOOKS CHANGED DAILY, Jr DESIRED. • . NEW BOOKS ADDED IN QUANTITIES. BOOKS LOANED BY THE DAY, POOR BOOKS can ho bought elsewhere. (100 D BOOKS can he had at CHALLEN'S, 41019,7E4 1308 Chestnut street DICKENS'S CIIRISTMAS STORIES. PETERSONS' PEOPLE'S EDITION, Ii.r.uKTitATIA, CHRISTMAS STORIES. 'Containing "A Christmas Carol," "The Chimes," "The Cricket on the Hearth," "t ho Battle of Life," "The Haunted Mau."' and "The Ghost's Bargain," heir g the eighth volume of "Petersons' Peoples' Edition,lliustrated,of Charles Dickens's Works," with Twelve illustrations by Leech and Mune.% is pub - Ihuhed this day. Price $1 CO,• , Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders', retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON d; BROTHERS, 806 Chestnut street, Philads., Pa, Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Oe LIOLWAY BOOKS NOW READY. VW - STORE OPEN IN EVENINGS. &10-9 t CHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS FOR PRESENTS.—THE subscriber has now on hand hie usual assortment Of elegantly bound and illustratt d FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOOKS, Suited for Christmas presents, to which the attention of tho public is invited. 'BEAUTIFUL JUVENILES AND TOY BOOKS, In great variety. A very fine collection of • CIIRUSIOS AND COLORED rnr,Ncn PHOTO _ GRAPHS, conetently on band, and all the latest publications of Eng land and Fronts received on publication. STANDARD WORKs IN. ELEGANT BINDINGS, in full assortment, and all at unusually moderatoprices. C. J. PRICE, Importer of Engli,ll and French Books, ac., No. '72.1 Sansom street, Between Chestnut and Walnut, A T "TIM CHEAP BOOK STORE." JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Supply of tho 12no STANDARD POETS: Milton, Moore, Itogere, Scott s Tupper, Hemline, Byron. Belling below the usual coot of manfacturing b 0 cents per volume. . . Alco, daily receiving, a new aceortment of $2 Books, Selling at 50 cents. 81.50 Books Selling at 25 cent& A SUPEB STOCK OF. LIOLLAY BOOKS, . In plain andfinetillidinW, at r7iii;Eircauction. Call early and avoid the great rush. Store open until 10 o'clock each evening. Holiday Catalogue ready in a few day& JAMES S. CLAXTON. No. 1214 Chestnut street., TlThr T READY—BINGHABiII LATIN GRAMMAR,.. el New Edition.—A Grammar of the Latin Language ror the use of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies By William 001. Bingham. A. id.. Superintendent of the Bing luau Elch • - The Publishmi take_riessare in announci n g to Teachers and friends of Education eslawsidb.•, that the new edit of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the samt ai di a comports= with othm works on the same subj Copies wth be furnished to Teachers and Buyetta of Schools for this =POW at low e rates. Bl Pric 50. Published b 7 ....$45 00 .... 'JOOO .. 20 00 And for rain by Booksellers GENTS' EU PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders foe these celebrated Shirts supplied Proaratif brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of Ista styles in full varielY. WINCHESTER & CO., w0.t 706 CHESTNUT. J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALEEt3 IN Men's Furnishing Goods, 814 Chestnut Street, Pear doors below the "Continental,• PHILADELPHIA. tehltmwld GENTS' PATENT - SPRING AND BUT. ji toned Over Galters, Cloth, Loather,_ white 4, and brown Linen; Children% Cloth and Velvet Lemings ,___• also made to order s s e.. .. If/rGEN TS' FURNISHING GOODS, , „,;=. of-every description,very low, MI Chestnut , street, corner of Ninth. The beet Kid Gloves or ladies and gents. at EICIIELDERPER'S BAZAAR. notttft ; OPEN IN THE EVENING. MACH lINEUV, lUolll9_,Aci.. MERRICK & BONS, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. 4!)) WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia. MANUFMerTURB STEAM ENGINES—High and Low-Prure, Horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Conush Pumping. ILEltB—Cvlinder, Flue, Tubular, &c. STE 151 11A n.r FRB—Naanyth and Davy styles, and of all sizes. CAb] INGS--Loam, Dry. and Green Sand, Brass,dre. ROOFB—Lron Frames, for covering with Meteor Lrom TANKr —Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries. Water. oiL &c. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts. Bench Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers. Coke and Charcoal Ban rons,Valves, Governors, &a. SUGAR MACIIINEItY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pampa. Defecators. Bone Black Filters. Burners, Washers, and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &e. Solmmanutacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity', of William Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam Engine. In P. ensylvanla, of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead. &mkt, Power Hammer. In the United States, of Weston's Patent Seltcentoring and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugandraininglifachine. Glass !lc Bartors improvement on Aspinwall lb Woolsey' Centrifugal. BartoPs Patent WreuehGlron Retort Lid. litrahan's Drill Grinding Rest Contractors for the design, erection, and diting•up Of Refineries for working Sugar or Molasses. pHILADELPI - - lIIA ORNAMENTAL IRON WOR8:1e. ROBERT WOOD at CO.. Manufacturers of CAST WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINOB.‘, GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, FOUNTAINS, VASES, STATUAR 1/ dro, VERANDAHS, SETTEES, STABLE F/TTINBC 1138 EIDGE AMWE, • PHILADELPHIA. PA ROBERT -WOOD.' 'LW& S. ROOT. BRONZE WORK. Having fitted nu our Foundry with special reference to the above clans of Work,we are now prepared to.fill with promptness all orders for Bronze Castings of every de rcription, to which the subscribers would most respect fully call the attention of the pubile,as•also to their varild and catenate° raeortment of ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODB, the largest to be found in the United States. 50194m4 ROBERT WOOD t 00. G' A 8 FIXTURE B.—MIBRBY. MERRILL 4 Jr Thackarallo. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of GM Fixtures, Lamps, dm., &c. would call the attention the public to their large and elegant assortment of Chandeliers. Pendants, Brackets, dr.c. They also introdu gas pipea into dwellings and public buildMga, and a to extending, altering and repairing gas PiPes. All snit warranted. CIOPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, NJ 'Brazier l a Copper NSW, Bolto arid Ingot Vs°Anon. Mangy on hand and for sale by HENRY Nona CO., No. South Wharves, VTAIBER ONE SCOTCH PIG TRON,-GX,ENGAH, AA nock brand, In storo and for male in lota to exit, bi PETER WRIGHT & SINS, 115 Walnut street. left it] r[:_i : rjro `M f.. EN t 4 :4:1•141 JAMES a LEE ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR t i: * and Winter Stock comprising every variety of adapted to Metes and Boys' trear. e OVERCOAT CLOTHE, Dnffell Beavers, Colored Castor Beam% • . Black and Colored Ecoulroans, . Black, Colored Colored Chinclillla • ` Blue and Black Motel , COA/ING Bo Black French Cloths. 1 .. Colored Meek clths. zioot, all colors. , Pique andPleeons4 PAbU r ALOON ETUEk'S. Black French Cass rese , ' Black French e11ig,..._ . Fancy Cassimerea . .. . kluged and StriV e taluterek ~,. , - • Plaidetilb and Bilkmivet Also, a large mssortment of Cords* verte i rp nett% and GOOO adapted to Boys , =trek and retail. by . a , Ny, II 00;thEelletill et., Bin of tho 4111 Pink% . E. H. BUTLER & 004 137 South Fourth shroq% PhitadelpMa. Jl.'l I I..PEWL(III irnsys*NUE. Girard Fire Insurance' 'Company , Nr.W OFFICE, 639 N. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh* a • CAPITAL AND atuPurs, • 5350,000. , . efi - or . ;Mk* Is safely for In ested Beal Estate, Ronde and Elortgages, Government - Loans and other good Seeurldes. This Company have successfully inearedl 8100 0009 000 Of roPerfY in the lad 1-4. Years by . surtird paid MORE THAN 600 loose e. It has nearly doubled Its capital in. this Period. It har never belonged to any combination - of underwriters in this city or ou t e irt g fnre g ii flV il4 :llll4benitagteltol'i any rtrlgto esol arbitrary rates and rubel. We have our own tariff of Pre:Milne anti are not under the necessity of borrowing from the experience of others. Broken; and Agents In Philadelphia' professing to repro sent an (many particular., should bo able to show lour written authority for doing et. Parties svishing ineuranoi will commit their own interest by calling Ripen= at ttdi , THOMAI CRAVEN. "n 3 lAL Iu t t ED tam:, FURMAN SHEPPARD. N. S L AW 4 rall 3 JP 3 llV aLLAX dri g : L t E lf. NI. DU P NFA: JO/IN W. CLAGMN JOSEPILHLAPP. aro . THOMAS CRAVEN. PRESIDENT ALFRED S. GILLETT, VICE PRESIDENT AND Tammintra; gsVeo B. AL YRISPAIty. 182F° .Vait, , tMRCLIW FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Na. 435 and 437 Chestnut Stmt. Assets on Obtober 1,1887. 02,6895363. Capital..* . .... . .. Accrued Surplur UNSETTLED CLAIM 199,614 13 Lessee Paid Since 1829 Over $5,500,000. Impetus and TemporauPoltdee on IJband Termel Cbaelß DIRECTORS. Geo. Fit e .. ToldalNV ~Alfred FiGar Samuel Grant. ' Fria. W. Leiirfe.lL Geo. Ay. Richards, Thomas 4Parka, Isaac Lna. Wm. S. Grant. N. BANGS:EA Fresidect; te. 1 191 8 E15. Vlee.Preeldeat. JAS. W. IiteALLIMIt s Secretary pro tem. I'D LIVERPOOL AND LONDON .AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assab, $16.271,678. invested in United States, $1,800,000. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED WMTOITZ REFERENCE TO ENGLAND. ATWOOD EIBUTH, OFFICE. thmeral Agent for PegnsylveuslA: No• 6 Merchants' Exchange, pitituaDinr.rniA. n025-1m TELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CORI. v PanY. IncorPcrtcd by the Legialature of l'ennsit. ont*. 1e35. Ofliee,l3. E. corner THIRD and WALNUT Street% Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Veasela, Cars and Freight. to all parts of the - World. LAND INSURANCES On Roods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merebandißo generally. On Stores, Dwellings, dtr. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November L 1857. /5200,000 United States Five Per Cont . Loan, United States a) 1,53,000 United States Six Per Cent. ,Loan. 1881 _ Ina) 00 60,000 United States 7 . 2010 Per Cent. Loan. Treasury N0te5........... . •• • •• • 5 • 2,5121 50 5)0,000 State of Pennsylvania tlix.l'eiCeni. Loan . .. ..... . 210,070 W 125,000 City of Philadilphia Six Per Celli. Loan (exempt trout tax) . 125,0 00 60,000 State of Neve Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan ... . . . . •'•• •• • • ... • •.• 61,000 CO 53,000 Pennsylvania' Railroad Fiat Morn. gage Six Per Ct at. Bonds..L'ASoo 00 MOW Pt nrisylvanin Railroad Second4llort , _ gage Six Per Cent 80nd5........ . . 58.275 00 25,000 Western Peunitylvania Railroad Six Per Cent, Bonda (Penna. RR. guarantee). . . . . 91,000 CO Lli,ooo State of 'l'ennesseo ...... Cent. Loan , 18,000 00 7;000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan. .. ... . .... .. 4,270 00 15,000 200 shares stock ................ thus Company, Principal and interest guaranteed by the .City of Phila.- delt,fila 15,W0 00 7,500 150 shares stock' Pennsylvania Rail. road Compat .........—. . . . Oa 5,000 100 shares stock North l'outsylvania Railroad Company— —_......_. '2,000 00 10,000 SE, shares stock Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamshiptlo 15,000 00 501.000 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first Rena on City Pr0pertie5........... 201,900 CO $1.101,4e0 Par Market Value 81.102,802 517 Cost. 81.08P,679 20. Real E5tat0........•. - 24000 00 Bill" Recelvable for Insurances 313,136 67 Balances due Agencles---Pro miunts on Marine Pollates--Ae. trued Interest, and other debts duo the Compniky. t4,M41 38 stock and t3erip df Laundry Insu. ranee and other Corapanles. 856.078 00. Estimated va1ue...... 3,017 oo Caplan ........ 10 Cash Drawer...........; 393 62 103,216 MI DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, James C. Hand. John O. Davis,. Samuel E. Stokes. Edmund A. Bonder. James Traquair, Joseph 11. Seal, • William C. Ludwig. Theophllus Paulding, Jacob P. Jones, Hugh Craig, • laltmesit. McFarland, Edward Darlington, Joshua EYre , John R. Penrose. John D. Taylor, H. Jones Brooke. Gponecr Me/Ivaine, Henry Sloan, Henry O. 'Hallett, Jr..' Georco 0, Lower, George W.• Bernadou. William G. Mutton. John is. Semple, Pittitirgh. Edward Lafourcado. ' D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel. A. B. Borger, 6. THOMAS C. HAND. President. .TORN C. DAVIS, %leo President. HENRY LYLBURN Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. MILE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPELLti. OFFICE—S. W. PHILADELPH IA.; FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. FERE INSURANCE •EXCLUIVIILY. TERM !ND. PERPETUAL. CASH CAPITAL ....• •••••••.c••••• • • •• • • •• . • •52A1,008 OS CASH AIat3ETS. July SINI.OOI DIRECTORS. • F. Ratchford Starr. J. L. Erringer Na m,. F raz ier. 4 Geo. W. .I?neet•xlr. Johii AL Atwood. 'lamed L Claghomi. Benj , T._Ttedick. Win. G. Boulton. George al, Stuart. Marled Wheeler. John IL brown, Thor. IL Montgomery. • _F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Vice-p ,rgaident. ocaOtrof ALEX. W. WESTER, Secretary. rINEIIIILANDE COMPANY. NO. 401 (111118TNIT1 EreteE, , ,_ • ' IR AND INLAND • NOIIHA'NuIL MEG T ' Irranols N, Dick. lo o t- INorautz. , Obarteo HictutrAson, ' Lewis. ' no. day ,or .. ' • WI stoke,. , , 1 6so. Ar e A. ' ' I: . ' , MU, , , • ' ! %Um. _WH_ 0114 °a' dee_ ..,_.t. - (3H 1 MARDBoN. proms 111 ... T.' Its.Airommin. ilmerolary . . . ` PERILSONAII4. GLiss taIIAPES! GLASS 0 1 1,400 16-4Urrak o covering wax t a li nan d' Ito 1) % aces. for esle ai iis deß4f4 • 'v11°47°1414 7.° "°t. , , 'if. s. • ' . Avi i*ipt ON P4UidtC. 'CIEO/tOEWILLIAM ANT) ALFRED 'IIANLO.., t esse FOR THE HOLIDA uNLie. COMMENULYG MONDAY FNENING. December 1867. ' The World's Groat Fovolite9--Thv Wonderful end Famous BROTIIERS: RATION BIiOTIIERS ! - gcqrge William and Alfred. with their Grant Tram! . Jarilo COM lituatioui 'I treaty mate anti female .Contt- , neatal Artiste:l, alt new to America. "I Ilk; I-INNIAJN BROTIJEItS have secured the following confederation of human theteilnit apperirati inly t t,City I _. . • URE. TIIE cy tEtvllll3SIElt ON' Tiff: WOP.LD, the celebt Med bit:tater : or thiltatt Frog , in hie marrel°u'l Aquatic nvplUUOnn . tnthe come of which he will eat, . &ink a 114nolco ' ' ivLile entirely eubmerged in hit watery but • PItorEBBOR (IREGO/RE. • • EqIiAItIOO,TLIE GREAT SPIRAL ASUENSIQNII3T. ••, APLLE..,GERTHUDIW 'and her highly trained, Canine . Troupe of Seven Edu cated French Doodled. ORL'UORV I 'I'IIE VERSATILE, ARTISTE. JLAN AND VICI Olt, the Champion Juvenile totem:Hits of all Etione; ALFRED AND AitTliUrt, the wONDIT.S. GEOR.4I, WILLIAM AND ALFRED HANLON, in their intrepid and terrine Aerial Foots, luclnding their new and 'wonderful creation, entitled the PLYINIA,.NIEN - first thnejn this city • 1/ A N LON'S' 4AND CIRCUS. introducing the beautiful Trick Pony 'Annuli."' the Per fortning' Goat **Esmeralda," the highly_traltted Steed. "1.11 , aan," and the celebrated Quadruped Artiste, s4uni ter, • the .only J)og in the world that haa been taught to Vault, Leap buthons, at., rivaling' the modt ac complished Equentriatia of UM day. Tho whole Canine Fraternity In LILIPUTIAN STEEPLE CHASE. New Clnistinna Pantomime. I.ntitltd IT;II.I•LTUAL . in which the prominent members of the troupe triii ap. pear. GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEES. CLIBIBLMAs AND tsATURDAY,APTEItNOONS. at 210 o'clock, fc r the especial acco.amodation of Fami lies and Schools. PRICES t)1 0 AD3IISSION.—Xo • Matinee*. An 60 rent hildren. to all part of the [tonne; m• cents- EVeninOW..Ortheetrili 40.1 Orchestra Circle and liainonY. 76 tenth; Fatally Circle. 50e.: AlriPidthealre.2,e ; Doors -open at 7, Oveituro continence,' at 7,4: o'clock Precisely. • The sale of Tickets will cotnmence at the AeadeteT. and at J. F. GOULD% New Plano Wardrooms, No. idle CHESTNUT street, Friday, December 20. Itemember that those who 'ivish for seats Milt 'wearer thenln advance, de10,40 ACADEMY OF 2,IIJEW. DE LA GRANGE. - HRIGNOLL ' GRAND ITALIAN OPERA. COMPANY. THIS (Friday) EVENlNG,Deeember 20 at 9 P. M. • LAST bIifILIT OF TIIE OPERA riRAS(.)N. Verdi's Grand . Opera In four acts, ERNANJ. Madame ANNA DE LA 41 1:ANGE, Signori ATASISI. ?OMANI, ORLANDINI and' tstiblNl in the principal roles. LO. Muskat Director and , C onductor, Signor NlOO- Saturday, Dee. 21. at 2 GRAND FAREWELL 3 IATINER—MAKTIIA. Artznisstoato Matinee SI, including reserved seats ik.r. Office open daily front PA. AL at the Aeaderayof Music. and 0 V. A. Trumpler's new Altaic store, No, t. Chestnut street. lty AMERICAN ACADEMY MAX 31ARETZEK'S GRAND ITALIAN- OPERA. POSITIVLLY FOR TWO M. , t,ENN ONLY. COMMENDING MONDAY, JANUARY 18664. doling which the distinguished Prtrna Donna, REP A ROSA. win appear in a number of ber f wort te roles. dell tf VM oe ......1,179.6% 00 /NCOME FOR 1841% $840,00% • b i NIT STREET ritEATRE. EXTRA ANNOLINCEAIENI'. Will be produced 310NDA Y. Dec. =, And during HOLIDAY WEEK, 111 E MAGNIFICENT SPECVACELAR PLAY Founded on the benntltnl Fairy tale. CINDE RY LLA OR, TLIE LI'ITLE CLAMS SLIPPER, • . And-entitled CENDIULLON. - l'n , duced NEW AND (Kuttmors Bcf:Nr:lty. DottAIAAIN IF/CENT cooTumEs, A BALLET ta VENTY.FIVE IIEALI'IFUL YOUNG DIES. AND A CAST OP LA UNEIXAI.LED. POWER. Box :Meet now open. llestulat Dramatic pricey reemuc.l, Admliodon—Z rentr.-60 cente and* L•• - Next SATURDAY AtTEILNOON. Dec. 21. ONLY ENDLISII DRA.3LiTIL: Given thie w. k,, on which oeundon MLLE. ./fAIIIE ZOE WillaPlwar in 3 FAREWELL MATINFX. The performance evlll conrist of Admhodon to Idatlitiv, Children., deita2t. Junta DREW's ARCH STRESTZIRATRE. 7. --- • rdtIiEWELL , BENEFIT OR F.DIVIN, AD4MOSI TIVELY HIS 1...4 ST APPEARANCE To-NIGHT. FRIDAY, DECEMBER `alfrit, THE DEAD BF :err; or, The Man of the People. ROBERT LANDRY - EDWIN ADAMS. Abbe La Tour. Mr. Wateot ; Catherine" Dural, MEI E. I rtes: Cexesette, Mr.. C.Waloot To-werrow. Saturday, Walrora Benefit.* great JAIL CHRISTMAS WEEKII“ MRS JOHN DREW AS MARY NEVIXY, IN RELIEAKSALe—"LIGHT ATLAST." WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. IL CORNER ep and WALNUT etrootit.• Keen. at Vg. Tali} (F RIDAY ? EVENING Ilea jtk 186; FA NEWELL BENEFIT OF MR. JOHN BROUGHAM In coteptiAuee with a genera l l y expreeaett desire to wit nee. Mr. Brougham's' popular adaptation of Cbsatra Dick mei great story of DAVID (X)PPERFIELD, In which he will etortain Ida - celebrated tropt•raoruttion of WILKINIi MIDAW DER, It will be represented, together with the world renowned Extravaganza, ro-c41,110N-TAB. Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM. King Pow-ha.tatt. EW Cat:WINDT STREET THEATRE. Leese* .Wm. Sinn. ft. Co. GERMAN DRAMA. LAST NIGH I` HUT ONE OF • MLLE. FANN Y JANADSCHEE. (Tha.ateatcat living Tratedienno.) THIS (FRIDAY) EVLNI 4 O, Dee. WIU be produced LESBING'S Immortal Drama. RAD lAA GA lAATL M'LLE FANNY JANAUSAIIIEE in turn charactemvie.: EMILIA and the COUNTL'SA ()MINA. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), DEC. at. positively but fl i rt of NPL FANNY JANA USCHEK. - When will be. produced the celebrated Drama; - DIAIHEANNY. TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR. I tmerved seat. 5u cents extra Family Circle.. 50 cents only. Private litxes, isls. Tickets now on sale at wrrnws mem STORE. 1021 Chestnut street, and at the Dos Office of the Theatre. Doors open at Cotomenca at 8. SATURDAY- ...SPLLE ZDE MATINEE. 31()NDAY: Dee. TM. DENDRILLoN. Its N EW PIL LADL:LPHIe OekatA LiOUtiE, SEVENTH Street. below ARCM L. V. TLNISGN CO• .• . . Propriatont . TI.TN !SON 'IUNISOP. id C0.1:1 ISONIITRELS. GRAND CHANGE OP PROGRAMME, cRoWDED AU DIENCES. • I3I3IENSE SECCESs ttlr THE NEW DIM-, • LESQI7E, PETER PIPER PEPPER PURGE AND . - FoRT FftsllEß. A •IGIINNY MACK, • LIIE GREAT VERSATILE cA.ATEDIAN. WILL SHORTLY APPEAR. • DoN , TFAIL TO SEE EMI: FRIDAY EVENING BENEFIT OF W...ALLKN." Doors open at 7 ooelock. Commence, at Et; A dminlon. 2s. 50 and 75 cents. Bozos. 65. A KE COMING. The far-famed original and only MOREIS iIIiOTDERS',MINSTKELS, at CONCFI:I' MONDAY EVEND O, DEC. And every evening during the week. Also. a Grand. Matink , e CHRIBTMAS APTFAiNtioN, commencing at 2,0 o'clock. LOLLY MORRIS. the People'e .Comoduin, with an entire new entertainment entitled A TRIP ABOUND TILE WORLD. - Admiselon, centa. &Nerved sesta, 50 canto. - Boots open at tint, to emmnence at 7:4; o'clock. Box Of open 10 to J P. M., for the Kale of eoeured neat& deli PO CHARLES AL MOIIIII4' Manager. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUS%i uT XUEVENTM streateopEe CBES THE FAYEII#Y C AMORAISS & DUEY'S TN THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WoRLD. COMPLETE SUCCESS. lIGUSES CP L OWDED. SPLENDID RILL P.M THIS WEER.. TREMENBOUS HIT Of the new Anterleamtlerman Operatlelthemast/o. Aristocratic-Sensational Burlesque on SUltk a '• OR, GENERAL GRANT AT CM' MAY. $1,507,6)5 CARL BENTZ'S ORCHESTRA MATINEEP. - EVERY THURSDAY AFTERribON: At o'clock. IN HORTICULTURAL HALT., l'lano SoIo—CARL ROESU. Package of Four Tlckete Iqr One Dollar. it Slagle rickets. 50 C4311t43. To be had at Boner & Co.'s. 1102 Chestnut duct and at the door. nolOtr ASSEhIBLY BUILDING. LAST SEASOIL SIGNOR BLITZ. EVENINGS at 75, • WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 8 o'clock. Another Wonder, the Great Doublipheaded SPHINX 1 EIPLIINX 1 SPHINX I As performed by him only. Feats in Magic, Flinn, Scenes in Ventriloquism, Atarveloua Bin* and tho Min strels. Admission,ff. cents. Children. Conte. Reeerval Sea* po cents. , Inaba des to eta fl H. JARVIS'S CLASSICAL BOBtEES AT NATATORIUM BALL. Broad street. brlolir Walnut , unit side. it. MST SOIREE; SATURDAY EVENING, December diat, at S o'clock. Subscriptions received and Programmes furnished at the pandas' MU/310 Stores and Chickerines and Gould% Piano Wardrooms. • 4641 1' E I O X 93 VER A.M Y ERI EVENING cAN VARIETY THEATRE IN ati t tur Tlo ki N ctues, TßOU oo4o6 rE. Danae‘ - ~ • SATURDAY MrTERHOON. In Gran , a G saii ßE eks. AT Eu e9 1 .5 0 10 0 Gymnast Acta autoinbuos, eca __,_ _ . ERMANTA ORCHEBTRA. , --PUBLIO itEricAßt i G st the MUSICAL FUND HALL every SATURDAY is F. m. Tickets eold at the Door and at a 1. ., min Storm!. Engagements can be made by . idAdTERT. 7231 Monteow etroot , or at K. YTITTI Musk store. lel Chestnut sftwt„, , , • ~ ~, add T_TASSLEIVI3 MONDAY AFTERNOON ' 03NCERTEL Alat Concert Una, every 01enday. from 8,5 4 MIS *Mott. binglo admlorion, 00 cents. Package, tow Tickets., 81 eL "Coupon , ' of thimy 'Bekaa, $0 CO. - • noSil pENNBYLVAMA AOADEmit OF FINE A1E4.1 6,.... T Oven from B ELM. Co 6 ab° " ` 4 "r 14 1 6 ..Bealamin West's great Pietareof MUM MI garl cn exit Mon, • • .. TbLIPERIAL • rnputi PIWNEEL-40 OASES MI TIN 1. mumblers' and hulgtborskimjportal and 'for , soleirs JOB. B. 111.1551 E (f, & VIV.e 143 tloutti Daimon am* , ..0 eentg. u cents. 0 1-1 EBB COLU N or VII PHILA.DELPWA EVENING BULLETIN FRIDAY. December 1867. Amt, communications for this column must be. ium ; eted ' , Chess Editor of EVENING BULLETIN,' and should reach the office, at latest, on Thurs day morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the %dation and name of the composer. Brigadier-4 ieneral Congdon and Prof. 11W man, of Carlisle, have been In the city during the past week. Both of these gentlemen have shown, in tho gums they phiyed during their stay, that they have not gone backward in playing Chess. i '"•~ ;f We regret to notice the discontinuance of the Kingston learaert Chou Column. Want of leisure and health of the editor, Mr. C. Remeyn, are the canms. All those who have seen this Column, will agree with us in SaYlng that Mr. Romeyn conducted It most conscientiously and faithfully. Problem No. 552. BY DE. CONRAD BAYER. ,fr ix / L'l4 P% a 'kV rJ ,A,vz / • , v r/j v 416 / / - -V-- Mita to ulav an l t v i li x i na rr io ha, four moves. Problem No. 553. 1;1' C9NRAD BAYER ~„„, im /4 FA Fp, 39 FA tro . A' a Tr rh4 F/ 7 4 ',4OA a 7 „white to play a n d 'u i i i r aTe in fou TI3OYeR Solution to No. 35(h, WAIT? . fiLiC/C. 1. Q, (; Kt :3 Kt to Q 5 or (A) 2. Kt to K , 7 (ch) t Kt 3..11 to K 4 (eh) 1X 4. Rto B mate. 1. P x Kt 2. R to B 3 (eh) K to Q 5 3. Q to Q sq (e b.), and mates next move Notation to co. 54/ • WHITE. 41.ACK. 1. R to Kt 5 P to ( 4.(best) Btoßgch) Px.f3 , 3. KtxQP . .KtoK4 4. Q14)131)(0) Kx Q 5. Kt to K 7 mate. CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. Game No. 1823. Setween Messrs. Beichhelna and J. C. Warner. (Irregular OpFning.) WA. ('.VIP.. WARNER.) Bt.. (Me. Rs.matner.m.) 1. P KB 4 PtoK B 4 2. K Kt to B 3 P to K 3 3. P to K 3 KKttoL'J 4-.•PtoQKt 3 BtoK 5. B to K'2 Castles $. Castles • P to KR 3 7. BtoKt 2 • Kt.° It 2 8. PtoQ3 Kt to Kt . 9.QtoQ2 . Btoß3 IQ. Kt. to 13 3 PtoQ4 11. P to K R 3 Kt x P - 12. Qx Kt Pto Q 13. Q Q P x Kt. 14. Ix x P QKttoß3 15. Q lit° K. sq. Kt to Q 5 IC. B-teaQ so, P to K Kt 1 17. P x P , P xP 18. lit x B x Kt (ch) 19. B x B Q x B (ch) 29. K to R 6,1 Q,t083 21. Rtoß3 Bto Q2 22.KRtoK 3 PtoKt 3 23. PtoQ4 Q R BB.' (The game is carefully played. This and the following move of Black's are correct ) `l4. P to QQ R to Q sq 25. P x P x 26. QtoK 2 • B'toß2 27. Ptoß4 KlitoKsq 28. Bto 11 - 2 RxR • 29. QxR RtoKsq ao. Qto B ' Rx R (ch) 51. Q x R K.toß 3 32. Q to KB . sq' •B to Kt 3 And the game was abandoned as drawn. CHEN IN NEW YORK. Game No. 1824. Iletween Heger). Chamfer and Lamport. (Kinits (;ambit Evaded.) Wu. (Mn. LAXDORT.) BL. (MR. CRAIIIP.R.) 1. PtoK4 P to K 4 2. PtoKB4 PtoQ4 3.PxQP PtoK 5 4.QKttoB3 KKttoß3 brit to Kt 5 (ch) P to B 3 6.Pk,PPx.P 7, IMIB4 K Bto B 4 . 8. Q to K'2 Gistles 9. Ptoq3 ' 13,,0KKt 5 10. Q to B aq • R to K 8( 4 11. K Kt to K 2 B to Kt 12. P x P . Kt x P 13. Btog3 Ktx.Kt 14. P x Kt B x P (eh) 15. B to g 2 (He might have prolonged his torture by K to ➢2.) 15. B x Kt 16. B x B, and Black mates in two moves CHESS IN ILLINOIS. Game No. 1825. An amusing vide by Erueat Morphs.. (Counter G'analoi4,-Blrlzop'e Opeuenp.) Wn. (M7t. B. Monroy.) Br.. (Ma. —.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2. Btoß4 P to K B 4 3. P x P K Kt to B 4. Q Kt to B 3 P to Q 4 5. Kt x P (An Inver tlon of Paul Monty's, at the age of thirteen.) 5. Kt F. Kt 6. Q to R 5 (eh) K to 7. P to Q 4 Kt to K B 3 8. Qtoß7(cb) KtoQ3 9. P x P (eb) KxP r 10... Kt to B 3 (ell) K to Q 3 11'. B to K 3' Q to K 2 12. Caetles (Q (eh) K tQB.3 13. Q Q Bx Q 14. Kt to K 5 mate. • CIIESS IN LONDON. . ,Game No. Iw4o. The following game was coutcsted during a visit of the St. JULIA'S Club to Blackheath— ]lessrs. Illrsehfeld and Chinnery alternately playing the white mon, and Messrs. Li:mo n d ia l and Stewart alternately the black. (Evans' Gambit.) ~(Mlissits. li. & C.) BL. (MEssits. L. & t 3,) 1. P to K 4 P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 KttoQß3 3. Btoß4 Btoß4 4. P to r 9Kt 4 • B 5. Bießl3 .Btoß4 G. Castles P to Q 7.PtoQ4 P P ELPaP BtoKt3 9. P to Q . 5 Kt to R 4 11). BtoQ3 Kttoß3 11. Bto KU (ladles • . 12. Witto(l2 BtoKt 5 toB 2 • PWKRB 14.,1'toKR 3 . " Btolt 4 15:Q it to K q Bto Kt 3 16. Kt to R. 4 • Btolt 2 17. P to Kt 3 Kt to Q 18. K to It (Preventing Black from gaining any advantage .hy moving Q to K Kt 4.) ' • 19. • • 18. Kt tO B 4 Q to B 3 PtoKB 3 20: 13 to 2 21.'1 3 toKB 4 . Ito Q B3 22. P x P KtxEl' 23. Kttoß4 .13 toB2 24. Kt to B 3 QRtoQ sil 25.Pt085 PtoQKti 26. Q Kt to Q 2 B to It 4 27. It to Kt 3 (eh) Kt x $ 28. Q x Kt (eh) K to 11. 20. R to K 2 KttoK 4 80. Q . to K a K s Kt (eb-) 31. xKt - to. Kt El 32. to R 3 Rtoß sq 33. IttoQßeg RxR. 34. B R Ittoßsq 35. QtoKßaq Rtoß7 (This Is decisive.) 36. Qto Q Ari Q B 3 37. R to K sq.. Qtoltti 88:11.to BFq R B 39. Q R QxQ 40. RxQ BxKt 41. RtoQsq • BtoEG 42. ItxP 13 toB5 43. PtoQR 4 PxP 44. Rtoß6 PtoRG - 45. Rxß Ptoß7 46. R to R. 4 P to Q R 8 (Q), aml White reigns. • , Game No. 1527. _ One o f siumultaneous games played by Mr. Harr , witz. Mr. H. gives his KKt and first move. (Remove Black's King:a Knight.) •(Siailian Opeuzng.) Wn. (Ma. €ow'Ea.) 01. a. HARRWITZ.) I.PtoK 4 PtoQB4 2. PtoQ4 PxP Q x P• Kt to B 3 4. Qtoß 3 PtoK3 5. PtoQll3 Pt 014113 6. Kt to K ' P to B 3 7. P to FC 5 BtoK2 . 8. Bto Q 3 Castles 9. Castles P to Q Kt 4 10. P to Q Kt 4 B to Kt . 2 11. B-toKB4 . RtoQßso 12. Q to Q 2 P x P 13. 11 to 11. Kt 5 - (He ought, of course, to have rec-sptured P with Kt. White's anxiety to force an exchange affords Black an opportunity for a handsome ter mination.) VI. It x Kt 14. B x B C?,2r. B. 15. P x It Kt to Q 5 16. Bx P (ell) * /Ct.° It el . = 17. KtoKt 2 Kt-x Bl' Is. (2 to K 3 • • C 2 to R 5 19. It to R sq Kt toQ 7 (ch) 20. K to Kt 9/1 Q to Kt 5 (ch) 21. Q to Kt 3 ' C 2 to Q 8 mate. • CHESS IN PARIS. Game No. 1828. Played between lifebsrs. Journond and Rosentha (French Opening.) Wu. (Mn. RePiENTIIAL.) Be. (Mn. JOUILNOeD • 1. P to K 4 P to K 3 2.PtoKB 4 PtoQ4 3.Pto/C5 PtoQB4 1. K Kt to B 3 g Kt to B 3 5. P to B:: Kt to R 3 6. B to Q 3 P to B 4 • 7. Castles P to B 5 8. B to B 2 B to B 4 (eh) !i. K to K sq Castles 10. P to Q 4 P x P (en pas) 'll. Qx,P Q to K sq 12. B to K 3 Bxß 13. Qxß Qtoß4 14. QKttoQ 2 PtoQKt3 15. B to g 3 B to Kt 2 „ 16. P to K R 3 QRtoQsq ) (With the intention of playing P to Q. 5. 17. Kt to Q 4 " Kt x Kt 18. P x Kt Rtoi4Bsq 19. QRtoßsq Kttoß2 20. Kt to )3 3 P to K R 3 21. B to K 2 Kt to R sq 22. littoß2 Qtoß 5 23. 11 to Kt 5 Q to K 2 2.4. P to K Kt, 4 P xP 25. KtxP Kttoß2 26. R to K Kt sq K to R sq 27. B to Q 3 Q to R 5 28. Q It to K B sq P to K R 4 29. B to Kt sq B to R. 3 30. It to B 2 P x Kt 31. R Q to K 2 32. P to B 5 P x P 33. RxBP Kttoß 3 34. Rtoß 5 IttoQß 3 35. B to Kt (Menacing K x Kt (ch).) 50R to K B 8 (eh) 36. K toKt 2 Q to B Fq 37. P to Kt 4 Q R to B 8 38. P to K 6 It to Kt 8 (eh) 39. K to R R to R"8 (eh) 40. K to Kt 3 Q R to Kt 8 (ch) 41. K to R 4 IC x R mate. GRESS LET GERMAN Y% Game No. 1829. Between Messrs. Max Lange and Eichborn. (Bishop's Gambit.) Wn. (MR. I..AR OE.) BL. 1. P to K 4 PtoK 4 2. PtoKB.4 Pxl 3. Btoß4 PtoQ 4 4. B x P KKttoß3 5. Qtoß3 Kt x B 6. P x Kt BtoQ3 7. Kt to K Castles 8. Castles P to Q B 3 9. QKttoß 3 PxP 10. QKtxP BtoQ 11. QKtxP Kttoll 3 12. P to Q 4 KttoKt 5 (An unprofitable manoeuvre.) 13. P to B 3 Btoß 3 14. Q to R 5 Kt to B 7 (Venturing into " the jaws - of- death." Kt to Q 4 was perfectly , safe, and should have been played.) 15. R to Kt sq Q to K 2 16.8t0Q 2 BtoK 5 (The Ilrst of a series of ingenious moves, the result:of which, however, Is the losa'of the ex change.) 17. K 4. to Kt 3 Kttolt 18. B x Kt B x R 19. KttoQs QtoKsq 20. Rx& B x Kt 2L Pxß QtoK 5 Qtoß 5 Q x Q 23. Kt to K 7 (eh) Ktoßsq 24. Kt x Q PtoKKt3;,- 25. Kt to, Q. 6 K to Kt.?. 26. Kt x Kt P KRtoKsq 27.Kt01l 2 „ RtoK2 28. Kttoß 5 Ptoß4 29. P to Q 5 RtoQßsq 30. Kt to K 6 (ch), and wins. COAL, AND WOOD. 4415 00 AND. $t 25. GENUINE EAGLE VEIN and GEE:V.:MiI iD NUT and fiTOVE at ottl Depot, tri North T WEN rjETH St. F. W, & 0.M.. TAYLOR Jr.: d(4.lm P • 'WEST END Or CH lib IT STRUT .WMl) OK AISO. BLACKSMITHS , COAL HICKORY; 04K AND OLNWWOOD. rto27-an k,..PLEN . DID STOVE ,00A1...-.... •• •••••••• •••••••!..t:Pi. (lc .. . ...... •• • ••••••7• • 22iT BUPI MDR .... • ..... nol3-3in Fl D. ASHTON, 19N MARKET STREET. 14 1 RECK , B CELEBRATED CENTRALIA, 130NEY BROOK AND OTHER RBT-CLABS CoAEsi WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED, , SCOTT dtI:ARKICK,_ ISM MARKET BTRKET. noll•8mo 'lO R. PENROSE di CO., DEALERS IN COAL, 1111 ILi. CallowhiU street, above Broad, Philadelphia. Lehigh axed Sdbuylkill Coal, of all picot, prepared ci Preeelv for Fatally Dee. H' Orgemreceived,at Idll tOrtb EitiaTii Street, through tne , ,rost.ofilee.;... •ae floatup B..11•140ti 81111/4/i.' JOlOl V. 81t AFL HE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION Ti; T 'th*iretotir Movit Lehigh and aciiiif MountainUoi winch, with th e pr p_aration given bY ruk we think catinel bo excelled by any other Goal Office. Franklin Inatltnte B44 l hiiz i la 15 Viler! stret. ,• r • •11 itt ft lale.tf Arch street wharf. klohtivllr PitoitoolsAaA. OFFICE PENNE%Ytypue,RAlLAttalittiOldP4Elf, PUILADELPHIA 4 Nov.N i l.uu„" The Pennsylvania Railroad , Comp hereby ve no. floe that they will r lye' firoposab , mini the flint day of Jiumary,lB6B, for I.eas eeparateli or eollootivelY, the UN; ON DEPOT up/. ~ iti _pp WO; the , 1,0 lAN el INHEE,•et Altoona, • es. MUNI fl SWOON:, ini th. Harrisburg Depot, for a term of years, commencing on at before March 1,1888. a ;. The hotels at Pittsburgh and Al toona are fundshed, throughout in the btat M il l/A e L ll - 1-. i i V It met be exprewy understeot thafthi ' i i 44 'Com cit , will require that all them establishments shall be in a Aerl2 striatly that-elan elehher for the ooevealeace otihro=i-IMPI D - 3 - PatCP"li nto J AMA 111611 airnm , 017 : : -Mlttlle. 0. An One( niladift** \ , • Doet4ool4 .4 • \ , THE DAILY EVEMNG I3tILLETIN77-PHILADELPITtA, 'FRIDAY. DWIEMIIER•24), • at 8. - 15 * lying st stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 06 Ai M. Bet Wee Philadelphia at iN 3 4g . Ca7M lll PrOlt°Trn _7.00 P. H. • EN _ A __ON l LLearos Reaffin i t n at - 1.6) A. hL stooni at all way s tat i ons: arrives In dg110.125 - A.H. a. _ leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. i arrives in 11=st 6.46 P. M. for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg sit 8.10 A IL, and Pottsvine at 8.46 A. U. arriving In Mladelphia at LW P., M. Aftanoon trains Ikamato P. M., and Po'Mv at 246 P. M.; arriving :1A •Mlaftlehia at 6,4= 1. amonnmedation lesvos- litasuling at 7.k .. A.A and. HanVitua at 4.1.0 P. Comreeting Mtn Afternoon Account:iodation south at LIKI arriving fp Philadslehia atLIOPs • Market train, with Pleirler atitathelileSell =ddrilla at 12.45 noon or Po and ...ty• na • lea t ra Pottsville at 7 A. M.. for Philadelphia and Au t h e above trains Inn= Brlntri &welded.' Sunday trains leave Po eat 8. A. M., and &Ira at ale P. M.l leave Phlbttiabitlkftr i. Heading at CIIEB MI IO3. 7 IELEY —7 . 7 l.o.o—Passengsts" for D 031111115412 am 2 intermediate Points takethe7.3o ' grgitti; trains from PhiLsdelphia, re . ... mg from wir at 6.30 A. M.. and 1.00 m I NEW YORE ESPREBI3, FOR PTEIBBIDGEIII AND ' WEST.—Leaves New York at 9 A. M. LOO and gip • vassiss Beading at I, A. M.. LISO and. Mao and connect at Harris Jura With PWIWAY/T u dt n tgi O c a en* Central HailrOselilbirelatairains fo r esglyi'lllismsport. E lmira . timore. Express Train leaver Harrisburg, on arrival ofTrairtivlgania=lss from Pittsburgh, at 3, and 5.26 A. M.. 9.86 y hi Beading at 4.49 and 7.06 A.M. and 11.10 .bLarriving at. ew York , 111.10 : and 11,45 A. U. and &CO P. M. Bleeping Cars accommying tame trains through between Jersey' MI and Pltelburgh. without change. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 3:10 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon: • • OCIWYLIEILL.VALLEY ItAlLHOAD.—Trains leave pettsviik, A. and L4O and at WO, I.l l o ,t i ro ).A. M.. and 7.15 P.M.,retarning from 136 Tamaqua at CZ P. M. fiCHVYLKILL AN St BtILTHANNA RAILROAD.— Trains leave Auburn at 7.65 A. M. far Pinegrove and Has. Alborg, and at 1146 P. M. for Pinegrove and Trement; tanking from Harrisburg at Rl5 P. M. and from Tremont at e 7.40 . A. M. and 135 P. M. . . . . TICKETS.—Through &stems tickets and tickets to all the principal Points in the North itit i c l iV a e z a t i and Canadas ••• • Excursion T firsts from 'Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate tattoos, good for day Oiddy are sold by Morning Accommodation. Market gsin, Reading and , .t. Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Ticketsto Philadelphia good for day only,are sold at Reading and ' Intermediate stations by Reading and Pottstown Accomodalion Trains at reduced „ratea, The followbutt icketa are obtainable only at theqrlfgce of 8. Bradford, Treasurer„ No. 227- South Fourth street. Philadelphia. ,or of (i. A. Nicolls‘ Get3ni,(l3nperkutendent nomettrp . Gommutatkm Tickets at2s rsr cent. disc-mint, between any pointy desired, fort' amillee and firms. kaleage Tickets, goodf or 2,000 miles, between all mint& et $62 fi.) each, for families and firma. Beason Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve montbs,for holders only, to all points at reduced mac. ' nisiV2en reelding on the line of the road Will be tar Tith cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick ets at half-fare. , Excuredon Tickets,. from Philadelphia to prindpal sta. Ursa, good for Saturday', Sunday and bionday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, et Thlrteeeh and etreete. FREIGHT.—Gooda of all descriptions forwarded to all Bro w/ an the above poin d Wil w ts lo from atreta. the Company" New Freight Depot, . . Freight Trains leave Philadelphia da/ly at 5.90 A. M., MO noon. and 6 P.. M.. for Readffi& Lebam Harris/mg. Pottsville, Port Mao% and a/3 panbi hey Malls close at the Philadelphia Pimittleate for all gamr on the road and its branches at 6 AL M.. and for the Win. final elation' only at 2.15 P. M. milinggta lt NEW yoßar--rat CAMDEN AMBOY and PBELLADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LLbiES, from Ptdladelplda to New Yolt. sad way gum. from Wahnit street wharf. Pare. At 6A. M.. via_Camden and Ambs ti Atocen. *i 25 At 8 A. M..sla Camden andJermy ExPrelle MA. 8 00 At B.ai P.M.. via Barad= and dervey ty .Exprerrh 800 AteM., via Camden and Amhont let dam. .5 85 and Emig:mut, 1 Ski chum i 80 At 6 A. M. and 9 P. M. for Freehold. Ate a . . . nd 10 A. 2 and 3.30 P. tit.. for Trenton. At 6, 8 and IA A.AL, I. 2, 8.30, Leo and 6 P. AL. for Borden. tOPTEL. At 6 and 10 A M. 1.11, 3.80. 4.30 and 6P. M. for home,. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M.,1, 2,,6 and 11.30 P.M. for Box. !beton. Beverly and Dielinco. At 6 and 10 A. M. L 2. 4.88, 6 and ILBO P. M. for Edge. water Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 6 and 10 A. 51, 1. 6 and 11.80 P. M. for Fish Some. MarkNW - The 1 and MOO P. M. Lines will leave from foot of et street . by upper ferry. From Xenzingten Dena.: At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Line uu Ate, and ILOu A. 2.811.11.80. and 5. P. M. for Trenton and RristoL And atle,ls A. 31. for BristoL ,- Atand 11wn. A Id.. ISO. and 6 P. M. for Morrisville and Tollvto At 8.0) and 10.15 A. M., 180, and 6 P. M.. for Behenelul and Eddington. At 8 and 10.16 A. M. LBO, 4, 6. and 6' P.M: for Cornwell*. Torreedale, Holmesbtag, Tawny, Wisainoming, Bridm. harp and Prankford, and BP. M. for Hohneabmn and intermediate Btattors: BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINER from Kensington Depot. At B.M A. M.. for Niagara Fail; Banda, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rocheeter. Binghamp Oewego. IbTacule. Great , Montw.me. Wilkes- bane, Scranton. fitroudaburg.' ._Bend Water Oat.,&c. At 8.00 A. M. and 3.30 P.M.. for Belvidere, _ Easton. Lam. bertville. Flemingtoliolie. The LEO P. M. connects direct with w ing- Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allentown, . At 6 P. M. for Lambertville and intermedtatelltationa. From Weet flilladelphiti3"*. via connecting Rau- Way. • At 9.30 A. M.. 1.30, 6.110' and T 2 P.M. New York Er l eaa Line. via Jamey . CIO' 26 The 9.30 A. M. and 6.80 Eli:Linea run daily. AD o ther. Sunday excepted. • At 9.30 A. M.. LBO, d 30 and 19 P. M., for Trenton. At MO A. Id.. AAA and i 9 P. M. for hiTlatoL . . . At id P. M. (blight) for Morrieviite, Tulin° ivn, fichencira, Eddingtoro, Cornwella, Torriedalejlouneabur&Tacon.r, Wirolnoming, Brldeeburg and Frankford. For Linea 'saving M. g n Depot, tate the car'on Third or Ftfth etreeb. at t at half en hour before The on Street Ha ll way runs l i rftt rt nil) 'est Ph.WphiaDepot..Chcainut and Walnut within one square. O n 8 th e !Whet Street Cars will run to tonnes! with the Wile& Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed 'each bag . Peamengen are prohibited from Will anything we but their wearing apparel. ' • Mined° over fifty pounds to be paiddor extra. -We Company limit their re. gponafbility for baggage to One Maw pet pound, and will notdal be liabl t. e for any amount beyond SIM except by Or contrac Tickets sold and checked direct through to Barton. Worcester, old. Hartford. New Haven. Providence, Newport, Troys_ L illaratogn. Bomb. Syracuse. goakinter. Niagara Yana nd An addi dug Office is located at No. dB Chestnut street, where tickets to New York. and al important _Pointe North sad Best. may be procured. Parsons par. Tickete at this °Moe. can have ttheir baggage =from re ag ddence or hotel to destination, by Union .1r Bagg Lines from New e York Expran for Philadelphia Will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. M and 1.00 and 4.00 P.M, via City and Camden. At 6.20 P. M. J=7ll.ty and Mensington; At 10.00 A: M. and 12 and 6.00 U. M.,, via Jersey City , and W. Philadelphia. Prom Pier No. I.l4:River. at 4P. M. Express and 4. P. M. Emlerant, via remboY and Camden Dec. 16. 1867. Wd. iL GATZMEII. Agent. • • . , n luti r i XEYEVANIA , OENTRAL —Winter e.—Takb3 effect Nov. Witt e 1867. , 'etunwtvaida Central Railroad leave the De t. at Thirty -Scat and Market streets, which is reached by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway. the last car connecti with each train. legving Fro m and Market streets thirty minutes before ita departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Ha lway run within one Blume of the Depot. ON SUNDAYS—The Market Street Cars leave Fruit and Market streets M minutes before the departure of Sleeping Car Tickets can had application at the Ticket Office. Northwest corner into and Chestnut Streets, and at the Dope ,t.- _ • Agents of the Union Transfer VomPaul will call l'er and deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at No. 901 Chest nut street No. 116 Mat kot street or No. 1 ,South Eleventh street. will receive at tention. TRAMS Li4A Vlt DEPOT. VIZ. : ..... ......... ...... . . at two &la ..... .at BOOM : 12.n0 • Mail TreUn eat Line Erie Exprees . , ~ it iii 73411 Paoli Accmruodation No. 1......... ..... ......at 1.00 P. M. Harrisburg Accom. ..... ........ .. :.:...... ... . .at 2.20 P. M. Lancaster Accom. , ........... . .. . ..,.', ... ... ~..at4.OU P. M. Parksburg Train' Liki P. M. Cincinnati Ex.pre5e..................... ... —.at 8.00 P. M. Paoli Accom. No. 3................. •• .• ... ..... at 9.00 P. M, Erie Mai 1....,..... .... ...... .......i..:... —.at 11.15 P. M. 'Philadelphia Expre55................. ~. ..... ..at 11.16 P. M, Accommodation:. • .... . +.a .at .. at 11.30 P, IL Erie Mail leaves — dally. ex c ept 'Eil. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. , gm other trate, dally; except Sunder. ' The Wesuun Accommodation Alvin rpm daily, except Sunday. Per this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 500 P. M. at 116 Market street. tchum ' ' ti ritA Elu t4 res.s B A . R . R . 1 VE „.. A ..?... D .. E . P( ... -Y . F 2... V .41.16 A. M. htilelPhia ftpreei .... ... .. ...... i .....:: . ' r. o , ~ aelLAccom.,No. 1 .• • " 8.110„ " Vest ne, ....... ,........ ....... " 0.35 " . rub agTreln: - .Z:: . ....................4.:....... " 9,10 , N , Lancaster Train. .. .. ... . ... .. .... . . ..... " 1.10 P, hL Erie Exprece..,lX,..: , ... .. ... .. ..... .. ...,......... " 1.10 '" Dal' Unreal , . ~.... .. ....,.............,.o. &BO ' , Paoll ASMOtat. .P10..2,,,......., .. ... ....'.:.:...:.... " 7.10 Efarrisbuig Acc0m....„,, „... „,.. .......... " 0.50 " For further information;applY to JOHN C. ALLEN i. gEAKeet, 901 clieetnet 'fret . ,-. FRANCIS FUNK 116 Market street .g_Amuut,u.wA , Tickets9gent at the Depot .111 e'Perl i v u t wk.. c0„A,2.,,, will eat itagruge allY risk or agg th except for ' Wearing Apparel, and limit their res Pons lity to Cone Huudrixi Doliani In value. All Bag age exceeding that ihitt94lllt, in value will be at the HA of t he owner, unless taken Eiv special contract. .......... , -jrat) ii.. wu,LAms, ~...---- ' ueerintendent. Altoona. Pe. " „ 43 A ~ . (S t! AND BDRUNGTOR„: I 6'• ms ROAD.--04 and OW” 1 • , ~,,.,., , l; - bor. MO', M. trinue will art froni gl iA , ' street I upPor forrY? for MerchantYlDe.M 44 jor. I _ford, m MOR , ' We. 11% nee- • Dort, Nountllo4,oittllgke. kVAlper,yl,4q. VincentiltlN. )AiTini f ll3" ! l •,." 4. ei ' n ti t i reth i N i t a A. B '; '"1. 4114 P. &j 1 . I)" . 1.„ 4 , 4 trtl , 5. , . f* e . falittal t sii:: - : 4 , :: . 1471 . .. t fill it P: hi: ~ ' _" Moorestowu at,. ~....,,....8.18 A. M. and sHSP. M. Den - V. ijansaii• dupeMatemdent. ff Mt=l=Ml vra 3 ttla, tho Rehuga t h a b s I A 3 474 qr TVLtnT il a v n a d MT:Agin ti roPP4 l 'V w itint d li t A C IVA., g ie vthg u _ thCorilDnurs DePot i Tturreantb..and Callow= adolpltie althtforg.hours; HENll4l4gt ~ .tI74.*MtHCIDA .7.g0 NI lot tah=and interrtiediete tations and Allentown. I.'. loaves Reading, at (CIO. 4. at., arriving in, PhiladelpWa atAtilV.ALt • " • • MORrilNo EXPREBB.—At 3.1 b A. M., for Readi ng. Lebanon, Harrisburg. I' ttsvillarizur grave. Tamaqua. Nunburiattillia aLßOehmter. Niagara Falls, Wilkesbarre, irork. Carlisle. Ohembera burg.*Hagerstown, Re. dm The 7.30 train connecta at Healing .rith the Salt renn. meanie • Railroad train", for Allele AA • and. ho 8.18 AM. connects with the tabawiti vaney baba for tsar. risbLug, &L.: at PA H Clinton „Alb Cargwvissa ft, R. *Jrwing for WilliazosporteCocit Efagett'lllMPai dte.tat burg with Northern Central. Qum garland and fkbuyntill and Hugalleb sinag train COr N'orthuttibedintd. Williimpoort 'VOW fltaibbtorsherg, .'lnegrtt, At A.FTERWLPIWstS 7 Leam Ptdlanelpfundolt4 at 8.80 for , f,'efteßlW,crte, W m. and Column ( gra OTOWN AOMMODAIIOI4I.--Leites Pottstown , THAVIEJLEICIP 1. 'QUICKEST . TIME ON EECORIV PANHANDLE ROUTE. lig HOURS to CINCINNATI, _via PENNBYLVA. Di A um:wow) AND PANHANDLE. 73; HOURS lass TIME than by COMPETING I,JN ES. PASSENQERS taking the ROO P.M. TRAIN Arrive in MAN ItlAnnext EVENING at9.5•5_.P. M., FS HOURS. ONLY Orik. NIGHT on the ROUTE. 9E'-WOODR&FF'S celebrated Palace Eita,tb. and / Lm .FP,ING•CA Kan through from PAUDIADbie tellnktINNATI. Passenge_ra tnel 181, • P. M. Trains reach CINCINNATI an all paints WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCTI of all4ther Routes. , , , Itlr.,,,Flngers for CINCINNATINDIANABILIS. BT.' 18. CAIRO CHICAGO PE RV., 1311KLIN14. TON.- QL MILwAHKEE, T. P "OMAH A _A N. 'W.4 and all points WEST. NORTIIVVES and SOUTH. WEST_,. _will be particular to ask for TICKETS E" Via PANHANDLE ROUTE. pOrTo SECURE thet/tLA.It lALED advant.mea of. this LINE . be VERY PARTI U and ASK FOR ',TICKETS 'Via PANHAND t , at TICKET OFFICES. 'N. W. CORNER NINTH and ,CHESTNUT Streets.. NO. 116 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Hitt. Arid THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streati.Weat S. F. SCULL, Oen'l Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. JOHN H. M/LLER, titralf i aarn ALIJA, Itioadway.N.Y. WEST. JERSEY RAILROAD LXNES. . , 'FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, (UPPER FEJLRY).' hn COMMENCING' 'TP-R.. —DAY. SEPT.SEPT. 17. UAL ,• Trani will leave WI follower__ For Bridgeton. Salem , Vineland. Atiliclile and interne. auto Stations. at B.ou A.M., and a.zo P. M. /for Cape Mayll.Bo P. X, For Woodbtuy at BAB A. IL. and'B.9o and (too P. IL Freiglit Train leaves Camden , MOO bL (croon.) . Freightwill be received at second Covered Wharf be. low Walnut ;street, from 7A. M. until 6P. M. Freight re. (mitred before 9 A. B. will go forward, the mune day. Might Delivery. No. Sia9 South Delaware avarice. • WMLIA.M J. SEWELL. Superintendent. NONDEPENNEDILVANJA THE. WDLE . ROUTE.—Shorteid and hunt direct Line to Bethlehem, alientown, Manch Chung. Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkeelearreadahanoy City,Mt Carmel, Pittston, &ran bioand all the pointrUn the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal na. allaellger.Thrt PhiladelPliia. E. tomes of Berke and AtneFizan beets. WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NINE DAILY TRAINS—. On and after THURSDAY, Nov. 14,1867, Passenger trains leave the New Depot, corner of Berke, and . American Bdreeta, daily (Sunday s excepted). as follews: • At 7.45 M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and .Prin oipal Btations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connect. Mg at Bethlehem with Lehigh 'Valley Railroad for Allen• rGatazauquA, Ellathwto_th. Memch Chunk, Weather. Jeanesville. 'Hazleton. White Maven, Wincesbarre,` *piton, Pittston, Scranton, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys • also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahaney City, and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert,Danville, Milton and Wit liarnsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. M. • at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M.•. at scow ton at 4.(a P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 'lSt A. M. for Easton and points on New Jamey Central Rail road to New York. At 8.45 A.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers forWMow Grove, Hatboro' and Hfunnrille, by this train. take Stage at Old York Road : ~ At 1015 A, M.,-Accommodation for Fort Wankington. stopping at Intermediate Stations. At LSO P.M.—Express for Bethlebem.Alleinown, Mauch Chniack, White Haven, Wilkesbarre Mahanoy Con. tralla„_Elbenandoak Mt. Carmel, Pittston and Scranton, and all points in Mahoney and Wyoming Coal Begiona Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown At 2.46 P. M.—Accomomdation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. and at North Wales for atm gwirtnarn, At 4.113 P. AL—Accotrunodation for DoYiestown.Ste_iiPing a t a n intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow (trove. Ratborongb and Hartsville take stage at Abington. At gan P. M.—Through aceommodhs for Bethlehem and sil stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, at Bethlehem with Lehighley Evening Train for E . aeon, Allentown,Mauch At (LOD P. M.—Accommodation for Landsale. stopping at all intermediate stations At 11.33 P. hi.—Aecommoilgton for Port Washington. • Titmseiggyz AyarLADlgkrat.4, P'rom Bethlehem at 9.15 A. IL, 1105 and BA P. AL 105 P. M. train makes direct connection with Lehigh C from Futon. Scranton, Wilkesbarre„ =loy City sad Hazleton. Paaselag. , . era leaving Ponce at 11,90 A. Id arrive in Philadelphia at BM P.M. Plere leaving Wilkesbarre - LW P. M. conned at at ti5P. IL. and arrive at Philadelphia at BAO P. IL From Doyleatovm at &SS A. M., 5.10 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale st 7.93 A. BIL From Fart Washington' at ILIO A. It and LOS P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.90 A. M. Philadelphia for_Doyleetown at 9.0() P. Pd. W=llfor Philadelphia at 7.90 A. M. for Philadelphia at CIO P. M. • Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars emrve7 Mume* am to and from the new Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Eir ic al within a abort distal:umDepot of the most be procured at the Ticket otlice io order 10 SOWN the lowest rata of Igoe. • ELLIS LRK. Azad. Tiekets sold and Bausge checked thro hto mi. l asli ch, d ris. at Maim% P Baggage raicprers o h .lo6south Fifth street. PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.--Commencing Mon day. Sept, az. me. Trains mill leave Depot, corner of Broad 'nest and Washington avenue, as follows: Way-mail Train. at B.Bo(Sundays exclmrtaili. for Baltimore, stopping at all re g ular stations. Connecting with Delaware road at Wilmington for Crisfield and Ramses train at 18.00 M. (Bandar' excepted) for Sal. timers and Washington. Exerem Train at 0.80 P. M. (Sundays exceptedl,_for tfmore and WashinaWnortopping at (.2karbsr. Thmiow. Linwood. _Qsiymeni, n, Newport._ Stanton. Newark, Elkton, North-East, Charleston. HavredoGrace, Aberdeen , Perri-man% Edgewood. Majmilisi„ Chase's and Stemmer'. Run. t Exprem at 41.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Wington. Connects at Wi lmington (Saturdays ex. muted) with Delaware It. R. line, stopping at New Castle, Middleton,. Cla.vton, Dover, Seaford. Salisbury, Prinows Anne and connecting at Crisfield . with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Nor olk via Balti more will take the WV M. Train. Via Cristfield will take the 1100 P. M. train. Trains stopping ' at all static= between Phibni=and Wilmington r Leave Philadelphia at LK 4.80. 400 and 11.30 (d PM. The 4.80 P.Mtraho connects with the Delaware IV. road for Milford and intermediate stations.. The CO P. train runs to New Castle. Leave Wilmington 7.00 and &CO A. M. and 4.0) and ILV (daily) P. M - From Baltimore to Plßadelpida.—Leave Baltimore 7.18 L. M., Way MaiL 9.85 A. M.. 511zp_ress. 2.15 P. M., Ex. press. ILM P. M.„ Snores& 8.66 P. M., Express, SUNDAY TRAMS FROM BALTIMORE, leave Batt. more at BM P.M.. stopping at liavre de Grace r Perryville and Wilmington. Ake stops at North. Bast, E.Brton =and Newark to take erg for Philadelphia. and leave era from W on or Baltimorsa o a r H a ll CZ to leave pamenssans trom Waibbston or Saki. more Through Baskets to ail points West, South and Southwest may be proeurad at Tieketoelee. 828 Chestnut street,under Cuuttnental Betel. where also State Rooms and Berths In f= s +Cara eau be geoured, during the day. Persona at this' office can have baggage checked at t a til reeidenoe by the Union Transfer Com. Pens. B. F. KENNEL Superintendent °BM TER AND PIM& D IDA RAILROAD, VIA ME. DIA., W INTER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY. Oct. 7th, MI, trains will leave Depota , drty-f&stnilc..likennut streetg. follows : Trains MTh. for Weet Cher k. at 7.45 E. TT, aao. turoim, us and 11.1 k) Leave West Chester for Philadelphia. from Depot on R Market eireet. BM; 7.45. &00 and 10.45 A. Id :. 1.66,41.50 and 856 P. bL Trains leaving West Chester at 800 A. bi_. and leaving Philadelphia at. 4.50. P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. - Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and B. .C. Junction going East, , will take trains leaving West Chester at 7,46 andgoing West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7:46 A. M. and 4.150 P. M., and leaving WestJu neUm Chester at s.oooo ints A. M. and 4.50 P. 111.,c O on • meet at B. C. With Trains on the P. and B. (I IL ONOxford and B— _ N SUNDAYB—Le Warne/ ate ave Philadelphia at 5. 80 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.66 A. M. and 1.00 P. M. The Depot Is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut greet can. Those of the Market street line run within ono Ware. The care of both lines connect with each train upon-its arrival- , par Paulo:o4er e are allowed to take wearing apparel only sa Bag e. and the Company , will not._ in any cue, be responsle or f an amount exceeding one hundred dot Wik unless special contract is made Genera l Su p erintendent. same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA. BLE.— Through and Direct Route be. tween Philwielphlk Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port and the Great oil Region a Penneylvands.—Elegant Sleeping Care on all Night Trains. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 28th, 1887, the Trains on the Philadelphia and ErieS TWAR Railroad will run as follows: WED. • Mail T.r.ain leaves Philadolpliis. 11.15 P. M. arrives at EH_ .. . ~..5:.. 9.00 P. M. Effie Express leaves P hiladelphia . .....12.00 Noon. Wi11iam5p0rt.......... 8.50 P. 61, arrivee at 9.45 A. M. Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia ....... ..... . 8.00 A. M. 'arrives at Lock . ............... 7.45 P.M. Mail _ • EAMTWABM Trlitileay.ee Erie n .... • . ...... A. BL W ......... 11.56 P.M. arr. at Ph11ade1pma............ ...... 8.65 A. M. gr , fe FVss leaves Erie. 4.26 P. H. .ara.' at . .. . LW P. Elloinall Wires Lock Haven... .... 7.10 A. 6L err. at Philadelphia. ~.,.. ..,6.10 P. M. Mail and Express emineot with%all trains onWarren and Franklin Railway,Paseengers leaving_ Philadelphia at 12.0euAlrit arrive PL 4rvifietori !It! and Oil Lltlat Leaving Philadelphia P. ll..arrive at Oil Oily at 4.86 P. Id • All traine,on Warreg and Visalia Railway make oh*. eonnec one at Oil Lary with trains Xor rrerbilr% Auer, Petroleurn (Antraßaggage oneek.od threamh: , ene'rßalEDl3uperhi"llolllll4ent:'"' T igalkilllßßitc&lMl DEN AND ATtaiN 10 "11. • ItitEß ARFLINGEStiIiIai3:. tin and atter•TkiieadaS, irateber pc. 1567,0), will leave Vine k treat rovAany• thu n dm mop Mali and Freight ~..... ... .... . . ........7.ilti A. M. Athol* , Ac00mm0deAka................... ..3A5 P. M. Iltaittotinon Accommodation to Atop : l4l , j4t,prinedifig Itektiiiii4 . 6 *Li; loailiiiktPliiiri, P. ' i Atlantie , Aotantunsidation.........:7l....h .:..:-.. la A. lit yen and Preight.. 0 . 4 .,,__.... • .. ........ 1 ao P. M. wattle') Amami. utia fo;ktea.. " * " . .- 7 :- .... acac.A:M.-' t lit ad denfield..teeatatickaMkaa-lint ka.A• " •i• • - - , . EXJ O ittre , e rn7..... - ................1 0 . 15 A.M.. OA P. M. de adnd. M. ecso4 .u LOO 0 b.. MUNDfr.A m ts. • • A. TEMInUX/1/01?-:011IDE. ~ • , • 'IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.. AN,GrE• OF; TIME: : TBR 6RFATTEI4IO ROM, BBLLIFOSI'AIiIIIINKY, C'ondeete at CRESTUNE, Oir 0, Is three Einte.l trains daily from Pennsylvania Central. fiallway Dep9t. Thirty-first and Market streets, leavll9B at • . 12 M. r 8 P held Ili' 15 P Splendid State. Room Sleeping Card arnattached to all night trainson the liellefontahte Railway. - l'ho 9AIO CrEtilft • from Philadelphia has Sieening Care to Pittsburgh. and arrives at Ca EsiTLH, OHIO, for; torptier. where Bleep ing Cars are attached and run to TERRE HAUTE. Psestngers by this train make close connection at St. Lents for all Western Points.•He_particalar and ask - for tickets via the BEE LINE ROUTE. ' • Tickets for sale at all principal ticket offices. • JOS. 14. AtillEY, 901 libellant ',treat. E A. FORD, General P assenger Agent. General Agent, Philadelphia. . Indianapolis, had. deP2.6t• 111MTO 4. AMD EL OWITO4 ""I4 ALOAD =IR TAIILIL-On and after W • 1,1867._ FOR GEBALANTOWN. Leave Phitadelphie-6. 7 B`lsBM. 10. 11, 12 A. IL i LS. 3.19. et e t a ti !.l l /, 7. .9. 10 P. 31. t• 07 i 77-45 ..%. 1190. 9, M. 1 2 *IL mote tl e, 434, down wan tirk% B, . 1 90, It r. aa. • the 734 • 8.20 . and and 634, up trains. , win stop on the Germantown Branch. . • ON RUNDAYB; _„ Leave Phlladelrlda-9.16 minutes A.M. 4 SI and 10M P.M. Leave OermantoMMA.M. •1,6 an P. M. , CEEB Leave Phlhmlelphla-11, MA; M. i 6.8% VA. 7. Land hL Leave Chestnut 10111-7.10 zatnntekka.49 and 11.40 A. * 1 LAS" 5440. Lek oN 8.40 a U nd D 10.40 P.M. . • • NAY& • _ Leave Philadelphia-9.1 b minutes A. h_l, 9 and 7 P. m. Lat ri r u teltn,..N . L , l,l4l--7.s4lminutea M.; 12.40 ! L4O and FOR 00N8HOHOOKR14 AND NORRIWPOWN.. _ Leave Philadelthia--6, 7M. 9. 1 1.0 6 hL ; 8. QC 634, ve N 7. 7.193. 9: 11 AAL 6:138 8, 438.816 ON BUNDAYit. seaVe Philadelphia.-8 A. hL,= . 7.15 P Leave Norristown-7 A ir n and 9P. ht. • • rFOR Leave Phßadakhia--0,7‘.7. 11.06 A. ALI 1* C. 436.638 6.15,&06 and 1136 P. M. • Leave litanmunk- 8131, 934 1134 838.6, 6%. and 9 P. M. • SPONDATI3. , . Leave Pidladelphta-9 A. M.. 2,;4 and 7.16 P. M. Leave hisnmun M.,13 and 9,N1 W. 13. wtheolf. - Umeral sapothitend Depot. Ninth and Oreen ati•i. • cExTLlitEgyaMilieDL.T_Wentirk On and after Monday. Oct. 1147,We Trains A =Phlladelphle., from the Deotof the wee Chester Phftdetphis Ranroad,corner =sq—titet and Chestnut etreeta.(West Ptdlada.).att4.ll A. M. and 4.60 P. M. Leave Leave Oxford a Illai ngra.2s P. ,tion. at 6.. e. awl Oxford at 6.30 aM M. A Market Train with Paatenger Car attached. will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the hieing Bun at 11.06 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 M., and Kennett at 1.00 P. M. con. nocting at West Chester Junction.with a Train for Phila. delphia. onWedneedays and Saturdays train leaving Phi ladelphin at 2.51 P. M., run through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.45 A.M. *newts at Oxford with a daily line of Btagee for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. &timing, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philadet The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50. P. M. rune to Eking bun, Md. Paaserinlini allowed to take Wearing Apparel only. ac BMitagiv, and the Comp arlY will not Many cam be reepon dble for an amount ftW,..Mg ono hundred dollars, unless II special contract be made for the same. @ table HENRY WOOD. iNmar MEW AST I NORTHE Y E I TRIEVAN LI ni. RA V I I t ROAD, to Wincesbarre, Pdahanoy City, Mount Carmel, Centralia , and all points on Leh's' , Valley Railroad and its branches. By new arrangements, perfected this day this road is enabled to give increased despatch to merchandlao con signed to the above named Wets. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, S. E. cor. of FRONT anANOEILDIStroets. before SP. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel, Mahanoy City, and the other stations' in Mahanoy - and Wyoming alleys before 11 A.M.., of the succeeding day lece M.LIB OLA • R. Agent. siIIiaPrEVEVS , GUIDE" For Boston---SteamelA w ' Line Dina. BA MIN° FROM EACH.MRT FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET, P ...A.DELPHIA. AND LONG WHAM. BOBTON. AnitThis line is composed of the &idea Steamships, ' ROMAN, 1,488 tone, Captain 0. Baker. SAXON, 1 450 tone, Captain S. H. Matthewi, NORMAN, 1.208 tone, Captain L. CrowelL The NORMAN from Phila. on Saturday., Dec. 21, g P. M The hOMAN from Boston on Friday. Dec 20. 8. P. aL These Steamships sail punctually. and Freight will be received every day, a Steamer being always on the berth. Frei ht for ointa beyond Boston sent.with despatch. For. or PastagClomperior accommodations). apply to BENRY WINSOR & GO.. royal 8:38 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR, LINES FROM PIER 18 SOUTH WHARVES. The JUNIATA will sail FOR NEW ORLEANS. VIA HAVANA, Saturday. December M. at 8 o'clock A. M. The STAR OF THE UNION will sail FROM bEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA. Saturday December:lL The TONAWANDA will sail F OR SAVANNAH. Saturday , ecember 21, at 8 o'clock The WYOMING will sail FROM SAVANNAH, Bator. day. January . The PIONEER will sail FOR WILMINGTON, N. C.. on Thursday December 26, at 3 o'clock P. M. Ibrongh Bills of Lading signed, and Passage Tickets sold to all points South and West. WILLIAM L JAMES, General Agent. CHARLES E. HIRERS, Freight Agent, nob No. 314 South Delaware avenue. DAILY LINE FOR BALTIMORE. Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam. beat Company, daily at 8 o'clockf.. The Steamers of this line are now plying regularly be• tween this port and Baltimore, leaving Pier No. 2 North Delaware avenue, above Market street, daily at 3 o'clock P.M. (Smadays excepted.) C arrying all description of Freight as low se any, other Freight lundled with great care, delivered promptly. and forwarded to all points beyon d 'the terminus free of commission. Particular attention paid to the transportation of all deecription of Merchandise. Hones, Carriages. &a.. die. For further information. apply to JOHN . RUOFF. gent, apl6.ly* No. 18 North Delaware avenue. HAVANA STEAMERS. • SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships HENDRICK HUD50N............. ...... . . Howes STARS AND STRIPES— .Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave * this port for Havana every other Tuesday at WA. M. The stesutuihip STARS AND STRIPES, Hohnee,master; will sail for Havana on Tuesday morning. - December 31 at 8 o'clock. , • Pas) t o i Havana , loo. MUMMY. No ht received after Saturday. , For f t puma, app' to • THMASATTEI wa ON it SON. 140 North Delaware avenue. 4.„, FOR LIVERPOOL, WITH DESPATCH.—THE 'A V% first-elate American ship CHIEFTAIN, 1311 tone , Tegieter, Thomas.. McEntire, imager. This- vel a . aid. having a largo portion of her cargo engaged, will sail as above. For balance of freight or paging° apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, llb Walnut street: FOR NEW YORK SWIFTEIURE Transportation Company—Despatch and Bwifteure Linea Via Delaware and Ran. tan Canal, on and after the 15th of. March, leavbig WI" n t UM. and 5 P. M., connecting with all Northern and East. em lines. For freight,, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to. WM. AL BAIRD As CO., tehlaly .Na.lBflBouth Delaware venue. CITY ICB BOAT. The Office of the City Ico Boat will be for the present at No. 500 south Delaware Avenue. where applications for towage can be made. delti riti . ‘2IEAMSTILP NORMAN. FROM BOSTON:—CONSIG /3 nees of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now landing ot flop, street wham ITE'v , Pv wTN 8 , 47 1? CO: • : DRUtittl. UiniDABB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION, arid very superior quality: • White 'Gum Arable; East India Castor Oil; Whito and Mottled Castile 8, , 0 121 -Olive- Oil. of Tat - lOUS brands. '--- Far by R'nfr . "" SHOEMAKER & CO., Druggists, Northeast of Fourth and Race streets. 5027-tf DUBE PA lI , PrtK—WP, OFT TOPBE T ftdOß PURE 1 White Lead, `Glue White and Colored Palate Nt out own manufacture, of undoubted purity; in Ouultitica ie suit purchaaerd. -ROBERT; BBOF.,MANLit tic CO., Bea'credit Paints and Vandal:Jas. N. E. coma Fourth and Race Streets. nontf R()BERT 8110EMAKER ',dr, CO,. WHOLESALE uggieta, N. B. corner Fourth and flack) 8 treuta-- , invite the attention of .the Trade :o their largo, dock of Fine Drugs' and Chemicals, Eeeential 0111. iiponged.' Cooke, &c. noll7,tf BUNDRIES.—GRADUATES — MORT , ed: 1- 1 PM Thee, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, Puf Soxes, Horn Scoops, Surgical Jagtrunicuts. Trusses, Hart and soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and sfotx Syringes. &c,, all at "First donde" prices, gI,roWDEN SHUT'! subttrp ' 23 Routh Eighth street B101:ODA' ;AND GEORGIA • ARROW ROOT,--THe New Crop—twoct. rare , and of dazzling whßenew directly (rote the growee, • Sold at etandard weight; and Alla! antoed ha Udell* 4nd purity. • . IlutiDELL, ll Avothecaryo 1n9104f- 14101; osteacidepa' t rouvEss CAMM , Ay= A. waiuvr. 111101INTON PtItIL CUM= .S. : GILISCON ' 7- • rusooong. WILIGI/T, FRANK ProTER Walerin dr.IIONk; • ImporOro of .Earthewsvare... nn .. • • • shipping,and ConAtinslotillinhiults, • N 0.11 5 WitAtit etteet,,Pitiladeiplaht. fIOTTON AND LINEN- DEUX Or ..F , VM width Flom one to six feetvide,- numbera. Teut and Awatag,Poc.ly_ Pawl:oaken+ Forting, BO Twine, dia, .1011 N W.EVEKNAN-dt 004 INo:301 Janus' , ,1114.7. • pRTVX WELI4B:—QWNERB OF PROPERTY—THE .I only piece to get PI y/ale. awed am) diniutooted. at very low Priem A. EYB * SON,'Nautifiotoror of Pan, Gojdornith Nal - Library street, • ;,, u .aitoirts. IDLEABANT' FVELiiiiiilED-011-71114/FURNISHEIY .L roope, withi a. Rt.lios IRO) tiOvvntivit, clkitlfutc _ , lift6l)l.6oM - HAMM WROXAV in sat outer boaea ot thkestodlittell e t , L t ar Arks and tor We by j 0& 1110.1OBIER CO: 1 Bo tb 4 , Damn 11,0110 -3piolciFx Er BiHiltSc NW EIMEMONNIES.dte FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A' BEAUTIFUL " gentry Restdencei known as "Rose UM? 'lnnate • on. the Brutes turnpike.,-11$6 fromr the State- -•-• louse, one Mlle Item Torresdale, and within& quarter el a mile of Boris's Station, on the Philadelphia And Trenton ,•; R. R., containing abont II urea of land in a high 'Wear ' ~ c ultivation. . • • The improvements front an d' kiansiott,llo - feet squArs!f.' - - with largo Piazza in front and Ohgervetory on too roof. It has drawing-room, sittinginum, dining-room andC,. kitchen on the first. Hoer, eight chambers, bath.room with hot and cold water, Watencloset;'wasithasin and bidet • . and butler's pan in dining omm; cOelting range and -; ; force pump in the kitchen to supply.water to the tang;; milk vault anti wino closet -in the cellar. The out-buildings site a largo ice.hon* over which a summerhouse, a milk and provision , vaulttudielning a • never-failing well of meet excellent water under • cover, stabling for flve horses and seven cows, ctirrlagerhouse, tool house, poultry lard and pigpen. A part otthe•gtonnti' is beautifully laid out vvi.b gravel - walks and Lanni,.with abundance of shrubbery and ornamental treat., Tin/MN also several hundred choice fruit trees of:Wiliest dye* 'variety in full beam's a grapery over ROO fdet dongibestra. ''leg the choicest varieties of grapes; &vegetable gardft Off.", d 'two acres. inclose with a nent..picketfctfee and tnmei,•,•..• hedge ittlrent, which is 500 feethn the turnpike. , fruit rained °faunally , ff said in the. market,' would pgy least $l,OOO. A neverfailing stream, called the Poiltledeu c tf.t. crosses t he entire western bound of tle proteinee. " Twothirds of the ~ purubase• Eno .may remain mortgage,. or it would be renthi to a responsible Trenton on A lease. •Acceenibleby the FhilAdelphia and Trenton Railroad Cars eht bt 'eight firers 4 dap during_ the - entire. year. and Steambeat,from Torresdtile twice a d ay"- , - • ' For further particulars apply to • • • ' •.• ''• . " " id iikrlELtliS a , /4;E:corner nird and Smite& Phila. gRFOP: PALE OR TO RENT .—A FARM, : SITUATE I on the 'Bristol Pike, ICI.O miles' from the, State 'House, containing' .2ft a llw. Iling. cres, with - Large :Stone- A iargellaW,Partilust erected..with..eatt-bandia&44lli;-- lbe Nixing ou the above grounds In . ing'new. Sink Vault. Fruit and other trees. The ground in a. high state of cut, tivatio7 , well watered, the - Poquessen Creek passing through IL. It Is about half miltifrom torte's • 'sl . tatiou , on the Philadelphia and 'lrenton Railroad, the cats stop ping at the Station six or eight times daily. ' • Two thirds of the purchase mopey . can remain ori • 7:alliance, or thorium would be rented to a. responsible tenant on a lease. Apply to • ISAAC NATHAN% N. E. Cor. Third and Spruce, Phila. rtFOR 14ALR—ON FORTIETH, BELO Street, West Philadelphia— A very desirable Cottage residence, replete with every convenience. Stable, Cosch•house and Green-bailee. Grounds hand. soinely laid out, with a profneion of fruit trees in full bearing. Lot, 7d by 190 feet. The grounds adjoining, 111 feet front, can be had if desired. na29,lm. 8A at FIELD. No. 142 South r rent Street. COUNTRY SEAT AT BoRDENTOWN, N. J.— Large three•story brick alanalou House. containing :II moms, bewutitully located, and suptdied 'with gas, Water,hot. air furnaces , and every mode. n improvem ent, suitable fora eellool or stun mor bow•ding.house, stalfling for ten hot see. carriage house, Sic., with nearly five acres of ground. upon wilickare large forest trees, shrubbery. mineral springs, fire., near railroad station. For salo by. I. C. PRIQE, No. 5.1 North Seventh et. del bsv,f,m Itn4 tOR SALE—A VALU %BLS'. PROPERTY FOR investment, consisting of two three-story brick " Stores with dwellings, and five three-stary modern brick dwellings, built in the best mannyr, And furnished with every eonventenct.„ situate on 'the S. E. corner of Fourth and Diamond streets, extending to titans street. AN all occupied by good responsible tenants. J. M. GUM MEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. gRSATLE: 74 IIF --- Ltildi, -WELL-LIGHTED lr-stury building' of the College of- Pharinatr, entith side of Filbert street, above Seventh. Very desirable for a printer, publisher or manufacturer. Apply to t:li AS. RICIFIARDSON. or NATHANIEL E. JANNEY, 206 South Fourth, street. D ilo ELEGANT RESIDENCE. 1863 00. ELEGANT • RESIDENCE. - .. NC). OM SPRUCE SP. . • . FOR SALE—TERMS EASY. 'MAME. BROTHER As CO.. S oil South Street; . FACTORY FOR BALE OR RENT.--. 1 _,LARGB three4dory brick Factory Building. having frentron three streets. Is built in the most substantial man. ner, nearly new and in perfect order. Lot 84 feet heathy , 118 feet deep. immediate 1w Ilan given. For further particulars apply to J. M. 'Y & BONS, 808 Walnut street. FOR SALE.—THE HANDSOME THREESTORY Dwelling. with three•story back buildings. No. MS, North Seventh street; has every modem convent.' deco and improvement, and Is in perfect order. Immo. that° poss. salon. Ono half can remain on , mortgage. Apply to COPPUCE dt JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. IaFOR BALE OR RENT—A 11.ANDa051E MODERN Reelee, 2ot feet front. budt in the beAt wanner, " with every convenience, and lot teet Men to a So' feet wide street, situate on nummer etreet.' near Logan' &p are. lo In perfect order.' Immediate poeeeesion given. J. M. GUMMIIEY ac SONS, 54 5 3 Walnut street • • TO H.ENI*. FOR RENT.—IINFURNISIIED 41)R PARTLY furniphed, with carpets complete, a handsome four-. story brown stone residence, havina'the modern conveniences and in perfect order, Mosta on Locipit, street, near St. 31ark.4(Thuren. J• M. GUNMEN , SONS. 508 WalnuC street. rTO RENT.--A HANDSOME THREE-STORY'•'- Dwelling, with all modern 'improvements, No. 2012. Mt. 'Vernon street . Immediate possession. Also a Three-story Double Dwelling. ii. E. corner, Broad and Co- , lumbia ay. nue, suitable for residence or store. Immedi. ate nOESETPKIOII. Apply to COPPlitili &JORDAN, Na. 41/8 Walnut str-et C.FOR. RENT—A HANDidOMELY.EURNIETIED, u Rebid( nee, with parlor, diming-room pitting-MOM... kitchen, and aix eharoberat largoyard, and ovary convenience; situate on Race street, nemrSixteenth. 211. G LIMEY d 7. SONS, iiol3 Walnut street. , ' THIRD STREET —FOR RENT. THE TO • ; Estoryigranite arid brick Store Property, No. 14211NOtila Third street. Inrinediato poen/gum.' J. U. GUM.. 4.E.1( SONS. 608 Walnut 'stmt. ra;FOR RENT FROM DECEMBER IST A LAM 11l nect , !Store, on Delgwaro avenue; below gliestnlit XL -• - Apply to . JOB. , B..BUBBIER CO.; s . no 6 11 108 South Palawan avaque., . . FOR RENT.—SECOND AND THIRD: ISTORros; of 0 o N0..Z . 10 Norclt'lltird street. !"oPP9sAte 4 igile tor • . de,l MO RENT—WITH IMMEDIATE POEBEEMOB I i t IIIEt 11 second , third, fourth and fifth floors of very e premises on Market street. Apply to B. H: 'BLEEP R V Co., Is o. 771 Market street. 1 &IMO LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE tivITED A STATES FOR THEEASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN. SILVA NIA.--I n Bankrigtoy.— In the matter of JAMES G. afAREE, nHankrunt...-7b whomit may concerti: The ne undersigd hereby alvea notice of hi. aeootntment as Assignee of JA 341.8 -G. MA HEE, of Philadelphia, in the county ef Philadelphia. and State of P••nn.ylvania. with-. in said District, who has been adjudged a budtrupt ntrou. his wit Opetition.bv the District Court of said District. ' Dated iat,PAlladeiphia. - the 6th day of November A. D. ' • Wm. voODis, cle2llthSto No. 128 Southlixth atrect. I N THE ORPILANS' COURT FOR THE CITY .1' County of Phibuielphin:—Estate of 13U3AN TROT: TER, deceaped.—Tbi Auditor appointed by the Court to audlt. settle and adjust the first. and Real-acconnt.Of CHARLES W. TROTTER, Executor of too last wilt and - testament of SUSAN TROTTER, dec'd., and trireport, distribution of the balance in the hands. of the accountant. Will meet the parties intei - ested for the pur. poses of his appointment, on MondaY, tko .113 d. day of December. 18i57 nt 4 o'clock. P. M., at his Aloe, No. 613 Walnut street, iu the city of Philadelphia. • deli ee.f milt* ROBERT N. V. I - U.901.i, Auditor. I' N i ci l u i n t iy ° „l l. PiaTe 1 %,,L . O h T ExT,l 4 u Intil'ib'lig;rE AND -: LAKEMEYER, deceased.—ihe Aditor tippolnted by the . ('a art to auditsettisland adjust the first and, final account .• ;; M NARY LAKEMEYER. A d miluistratrix of the Rotate Ot•— ' • FRLD lt ERICK ; AKI M.,CYE deceased, and to.report ,• , distribution of the balance in tin r hand of the acomintant; ;will meet the parties interested for the purpose of ;his sp. '•• rob timed. on I uesdsy, December Nt1 , ,113i7, atoto!clook„, P; M. at hi• Oflice, eon theast corner of Sixth and Walm4 streets (second flour), in the city i. f Philadelphia, „;:;:, dell w f,itiao'; * LIF.INRY B. IiAGEIIiT, Ainlitor. . . .II N Tllll' ORPHANS' COURT FOR TOO CITY AND L County of Philadelphia.—Estate of GRI MOP: d3flTl4; ft ;de :wed. The Auditor appcint4 by the Court to audit, '; , ettle and adjust thv_account of eORGI.: P. brAVIS and ChOIiORI. REL,LEIt. Anitilniatrators of the estate of : Ol °EOM SAllTlloleceasetl. and 'to, r eport distribution' , t of the balance In the hands of the accountant eon, meet ..- the pin Hew interoted for the, purpme of his appoint: ' • went. on AlondaY. tlecember 2311. at .1 o'clock N. Al.. at ''','''' Ibis 011 . (0, No. 120 South Sixth ~treor, le the eitV Of Phil., • adeintit. ~ (.4 L STA VUS It FIKAK, del.w f trEtII ;,,,' . . Auditor. - ; „ . STOVES *NI) 111.E.Vill 011tS• • E INT 0 V W. A. A:YIN() Lr) • lax rrmoved hid D. poi for tho mato of . IZUKMACES eri. 8, SLA L-.NIANPI,4EOi tropt9 l (11$ESTNI:T.StrePt to 1365 C EKE' N ft i , t§q:lo. 4 :F,1 1 1": " )318ro f . , ' • ffiTAfgi - fiCtiFaigtßiWYtrrairElNlNik. ropqau ititlige2, for frintillt...Y.hot eLvAtt tutione, IA twenty different Odd lionfte4., Hot dic Fit. mice l'ortilgiiklantatso LoW.down Grittee; Firebefird s tiKtltltetiorikatoW-" bole Plateo. ktrolleref, Cooking 3tov.+N. . rto., ,rliolosaie and retail, by the ntaulf,citurpre, siimin Titostam , , , . 20 NO , th .3...ecropCht,Net, ' NI ASDIXON SONS •• • '• - 0:f 4lith - f.ill'ic,'d, : ,?,,, &,..i)b . i.ii. ‘, , r u .'' ' l lr.': ilkirnall . No. 12VIIir:, ' S'rri Vs ‘ Streot, Militdobbia4.4:4-, , ,r .- .. pposlio Crated h' tata! Ailtrt. • ,•, , my, t r, - • Manufacturers p , ' ' • - ' •• I; 0 ,- -',.: . , . .. • LOW DOWNO • . .- "-- .'-i Yiltllto" , :' ~ i • -. _ and other C1RATEK," , ..... , d.', U ;AO -!;,0' . For Anthracite. pittimin . ;cto andwoodne;, • ~• ''' .‘ 'i , : ,. etactv ~ ti.• t' 3 .4.;-" , --.Tir ., ~. ' 7iVAEM-Allt F, • NAOKti .i., t '. • ~. , • ',' . For Worming PntiliAvid Prato fining&-.. 1, ~,,:.-• f" RXOIIREALkVeriLATIMAis.an 1 , i.' . ~, .. 1.-%.1.. - ' CHIMEY CAltb • . ~ i •?.11.00 COOKING-RANGES, BAT - HAIOILERS, ',/ ' WHOLESALE And RETAIL,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers