OTIT 131716140nN• As- Mtt.ll.l . ifi OP TM,. 10( efiIII,TIAN inkreAting meeting of tbe 1 oun „ 5iit1 . 15 Chris dart As'scciatiaa was held last even inaattheirlfall, Chest', at stlvati near Ta'euth .1o n'cot waa dclivrt ;1. .hi egettleu, "The Universali e ty d of by life." H Ile referred to the dirfetencc between organic and inorganic matter, and said in the inorganic there are no organs for the performance_ of specific •functions,' and no Al a, a l ma. as biros. lift or de:1111 ; in the organic, on dies:War hand, all of these prevail, and or ,r , aulz tA`bodles being derived trout similar' ones, the pereFFIII for psniTiP. to invarl side uninifeat, and the axiom of Barmy, omne virum Wu,' living , thing ariscs---appears to prevail throughout. Inorganic maker; are nt.ritioiLli. , or solid,' and are prone to tt aysnmo the crystfdlino form; or ganic bodies, On the contrary, consist of an"assemblage of omens. .Each body fins a 4.11,1111/ alai b+M opC• by which it is distinguished from ail others, and the evidence of incessant change in them is readily observable. Inorganic bodies may be -olved by chemical analysis into about 65 simple substances or elements. 01 these only about 17 eater the composition of organic bodies or Animals. In relation to the interchange of mats ter, he said that the duration of the individthl is limited. It has a definite period of existence, invisible into ages, at the termination of -Well death invariably ensues, and the material whicti entered into the composition of the vegetable or animal is returned to the earth and atmosphere from Which It was originally obtained, to be again resolved into the simple elements. The constant absorption frotn and return of materials to the earth and aturOsphere by organized.beings keeps up the continuous stream a f life, and reta ilers the source inexhaustible. The fossil re mains in the geolVcal strata indicate most con clusively that ages upon ages, long before the wort& was luibita by man, death pre vailed among the vegetables and animals. In fhb' record of the graveyard of the past ages, is exhibited in chronological order one of the most beautiful evidences of nature's laws and the wonderful este= and wisdom of God. What we call death or destruction is not therefore annihilation, but change, for there Is no such thing as the annihilation of matter or force. The lecturer then took exceptions to the tlieory of apontaneous generation of the origin of vege tables or animals from decaylng-,organie matter. Blostrations were presented of the "Rock Rose," of Catilornia, and the "Rose of Jericho." In ail things them are the evidences of agreat first cense, and the existence of an Almighty Being, who keeps ali - ve the works of his creation. DREADFUL AFFAIR-IHE ELEPHANT ROMEO KILLS HIS KEEPER. -- The famous elephant Romeo, belonging to Forepangh's menagerie, has lately been placed in winter quarters at Hat boro, Montgomery county. On Wednesday morning last, when his keeper, Mr. W. S. Wil liams, went in to see him, he found him in a very . angry mood, which, it appears, often occurs at this season, and especially when the animals have net the exercise that the exhibition season affords. Mr. Williams administered a punish ment, making him go on his knees, and other wise offending the brute. A short time afterwards Mr. Williams went in with some water to wash Romeo's face and tusks. He had no spear or other weapon lyith him. The animal turned on him furiously, seized him with his trunk, and hurling him on thd ground, thrtust one of his tusks—the partially broken one —into his body.. Several men hearing WU llama's cries, ran in to him. The elephant re, leased him and did not attack the others. But poor Williams was so terrinly injured that he lived only about an hour after the attack. Mr. Williams belonged hi London, In Canada West, where ho owned a farm. He was ationt forty years of age, and was married, bat without children. His wife was with him at Hatboro. He was a man of most exclillent character, and beloved• by all who know him. He has taken much interest In a religious revival golog on in one of the churches of the place. He was Romeo's keeper before, for five or six yearn, bat for about ten years he had been otherwise en gaged until just one year, to a day, before his death, when' he again took charge of him, and had been with him ever since. Romeo is the largest elephant in the United Statee,and does not oftengive trouble. Since his fatal attack on Williams, be hos been perfectly docile and has shown no anger towards others. But it hag been considered necessary to secure him strongly, and he wedrs " bracelets" that will prevent his doing injury to any ono else. . OFIICIAI4 VLSIT 19 TIIE HIGH Scitom,...—This morning the Mayor, the City Councils' Commit tees on Finance and Schools, the members of the old and new Board of Controllers of the Public tk‘hools, the Park Commissioners, and several invited gueets,paid an official visit to the Central Hightlehool, at Broad and Green streets. The object of the visit was to witness the practical operations of the school. The party assembled ' at the Mayor's office, at eleven o'clock. and were driven to the school building in carriages. At the latter place the visitors were received and welcomed, in a brief speech. by George Inman Richd, Esq..the principal of the school. The gentle men were then taken in charge.,and were escorted through the building. visiting the different class rooms where the boys were engaged in going through their exercises. A similar visit is to be paid to the Girls' High and Normal . School at some future day. CHARGED WITH Hozacine..--A. colored man, named Wiliam Wharton, was arrested last night at his residence, Sixth and Bedford streets, by Policeman McCullen, n the charge of haw- Ma caused the death of Jr.,'a colored man named William Woolsey. It seems that Wharton and Woolsey were at a house on seventh street above Bt. Mary's, about tour weeks ago, and got Into a quarrel about a woman. Woolsey received a so •r recut, which, it was supposed, had been In with an ict.-pick. fie, was removed to the Pennsylvania lloryital, where he died from the effects of his isjur;es ~on Wednesday night. - Wharton does not deny having struck Woolsey,. He says that he struck bite with a brick, and rot an ici, , pick. He was locked up to await the re sult of the Coroner's inquest, which will be held to-morrow afternoon. SING! LAIC Acciottar —Last evening, about six o'clock, while Mr. Evans, proprietor of a livery :;table on New Market street, above Vine, was ariving, along Washington lane, in Germantown, In a 61eigh, his horses took fright and ran away. They ran into a snow-pilo and upset the sleigh, and then they came in collision with a team drawing a load of hay. Both of Mr. Evano' horaes were instantly killed, but the other horses es ^sped any injuries. LAW. LNY AND AS9AU LT AIM BAITEILY.—A. map. named Farren eras committed this morning, by Alderman Tittermary, to answer the charge of the larceny of a pocket-book. It seems that a man invited Farren into a place at Sixth and Bedford .strects, to take a drink. While there lento is alleged to have stolen the pocket book. containing shunt six dollars, from the man. Thu latter followed Farrell - into the - street. and was knocked down. Moan Bsow.—Sefore daylight this morning snow commented falling, and with few short intermissions, has continued to come down very lively during the entire raorniuz. For several hours the flakes were heavy and wet, but towards noon they becarucline and hard. The weather is moderate—scarcely any wiad stirring, and the prospeot is that the snow will turn to ,;y bef ore night. ",??* ABSAIMT A lit:l4-C:-DRIVEL..--tialßti Collura got into a quarrel with% man. 'atout twelvt o'clock hat night, at a tavern on Front street, above Dock, and is alleged to have struck the man in the head with a bang-driver, causing a severe wound. McCollum was arrested. 'This morning be was committed by Aid. Morrow. Cutreurr To Luibtats.--James Ward, the driver of a coal cart, was artosted yesterday, at Girard avenue and Marlborough streets, ou the charge of cruelly rutting his horse. It is elicited that he beat the` animal on the head with a club, in a shameful manner. Ho was taken before, Al ler. man Shoemaker, and was held in 4.:,00 ball fur Y' PAINTIvn , "" ERNE PAINTINGh—Tho cuo of tne D'lluyvetter collection of paintings was commenced last eve nib g, at Scott's Art Gallery. Although the atteadtmee was good, the prices obtained were far term being satisfactory. The rde - will be continued this evening, when the balmice of the Oltalotms, ounipriaing many gems, will be die,' pootd ol• They aro all originals, by the leading itccamts 7 - 2 *. D. 0. Wagner, reeding a No. 1819 Spruce' wed, fell on the ice on Locust shut. en AboVe Terittii YotdordaY, and had 1114, log brok. Susincrovs.--John Prim was arrested thla moral/ gat rront aid tiotith streets.. Tu his poehete were found ari assortment =of oat obnivei aid two poekebhooka, one con tain/IT 1;• 120 and the other a few pennies. The Pt it. o /•• r vtai comudtted for a further hearing by, Mcnrow. • . • • - . „ SALL' m•tirLT BnozCzas, ttr.— . .WDIC sate of elegant gilt .clocke,..candelabras, groups and statnettet,' line marble mantle ornaments, carved and statues, choice 'Parisian Blidmet varet , and fancy gotids, - , imported from - Paris by Mut•-ds: VIII Brothers (lute Vito VIII & Stir's), ail' talte . 'plaee to-morrow inoruing, 21st instant, 0.1/1: ; at the Art Ciallery,No. 1020 Chest- Ida street. The collection ts now, arranged, for 3: laulnallon and comprises a very idrge natribur 01 line lire-gilt cloche+, eitudelabnis fie.. the whole tta taing - 'a very attractive sale,which we trust Will be lari , eld - atteidkd. .. • . CITY N QUI CES [For Additimiat Vutice.; See Sixe Pagi7,l CLOSING Our BALE at Auction. op Mond Dec ijA, at 31 o'clock, - at unr store, 71.1 Uheatnut eta' pairs Irmbroldered Swiss Lace 'Curtains. 3to pairs English Nottirtgharn Lace Cur alms. 1,000 yards Nottingham Border, logerber with our large truck of kepi, Enghah and German Dirnamk Plato and Table Covers, Cornices; Bands, Tassels, Sc,Sc. ; • • .kleo, 10,000 yards Gimp Trimminp, in all colore. KE.I.TY. CAILILINOTON & /23 Chestnut Atreet NEW PtIBLICATIOBb. • • MEE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK .1. SOCIETY, '1224 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, ' Have juet received a large variety of • EFEGLIPII PICTVUE REWARD CARDS, TItHETN AND 11.10VA.RD BOORS, raciave, Published by the - RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY,, AND OTHER HOUSES IN LONDON.' NEW CHRXbT,Ati A. 84 CAROLS AND PICTURE ROOKS FOR THE YOUNG. A large and complete, ark ortment of -__ BIBLPIS AND PRAYER-BOOKS. From the Sunday-School edition to the finest preientation styles. • - THE PRAYER-BOOK being a specialty with this Society, they have bi their Deporb ory LA.RREsT VARIETY OF S CYLES AND SIZES to be found in any Store or Church Book Society in this or any other city. and they offer them at THE LOWEST PhICES. Also, ALL THE NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL' GIFT AND LIBRARY BOOKS. The Society have recently issued OATALOtiLF. OF SUNPAY SCHOOL BOOKS. which may he had en application or by addressing PlilabgTA C 3 :PAL BOOK Sot:Lb:Mr" No. 1.224 CIiEeTNI.) I' STREET, PH LADELPHI A.. P. S.—A liberal discount • Hamel to Clergyman, Sunday School': end 'Teachers muchming for classes. • del9.4t rt.: By far more popular. mach more, Than any Book or Picture Store, Established in this good City before, IS PITCHER'S. 808, Chestnut Street. SOB Where latest FASHION MAGAZINE And loot new'NOVEL can be seen. Where all BOOK BUYERS can procure he STANDARD WORKS in Literature. , Of. STEREOSCOPES and STEREO VII TEN THOUSAND klnda from which to chaoso. Of PRANG'S line CHROMOS, large and email, We have the LARGEST STOCK of all. From MAGDALENA and the KIL63 PLAYGROUND, To Schond.Room Cards, can there be found, All in FINE FRAMES of WALNUT or GOLD, At LOWER PRICES than they ever were field. And where in order to proNide For NEW YEAR DAY and CHRISTMAS TIDE, The Choicest GIFT BOOKS will appear, At thin festive pennon of the yar, • At PRICES REDUCED to such a point That all competitors are out of joint. Of Dickens's Works, in great demand, A Stock is always kept on hand, In paper and cloth, or in half calf, There is nothing like Dickens to make you laugh• Books sent by MAIL (when so desired) To any distance that's required. .1C all'. PIIBTALD. For cendiug any parcel out, (TbeCITY laulta or about..) ' NO CH afttSlE is made New catalogues GRATIS, on application, Or sent by MAIL all over the NATION. delitZtrA BY PITCHER, SOS. DREKA. FRENCH NOTE PAPERS. Our best G quireB, with envelopea, 82 00. FINE Bronze, Gilt, Oxidized, Wood, Am POCKET ROOKS * C %lED CASES. Russia. Morocco. Calf, Ivory, Pearl. Shell, &c. Pofti. ros.som. From the Finest to the Cheapest. WILTING DESKS • Of French and American make. GOLD PENS di; FINE lIIILDEUS Of Ivory, Pearl, Allufeinum. Wood. dm. Parer Knives, Pocket Knives. ,deals , Wax. Playing Cards, &c., a largo a secutmont,- ' • All iniported goods have peen carefully /selected by LOUIS DLI.KiLA, during his recent visit in Europe. 'WEDDING A PA ry IN EFFA.TIONS A Specialty. MONOGRAMS Designed, Engraved and illuminated in European $1) LOUIS DREICA; Stationer and Card Engraver, 1033 Chestnut Street. dal4-qtre ----- HARDING'S EDITIONS OF Family, Pulpit and Photograph 818 L E'S, Borol to n y heretofore istaea kan the Americo Preaa, awl will eompre favorably with the Ritalish and H. Lord BOA* and at prices at least rola' PHOMOGRAPII ALBUMS. NEW m( iND BrIZAR E S I TZeit Aser o gitgrxE y WM. W. HARDING, No. 326 ehestout Street, P dem . Bolow Fourth,t3oeth Bide. BOOKS FOR THE 110IIDAY8 l ! AT T. B. PETERSO6 . BROTHERS, FOUND tAIRSTNUT STREE r. CAN BE THE LARGEST AN; MOST (mi. PLETE ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS FOR HOLI DAY PRESENTS. FDIBT—ROOKS FOR CHILDREN IN ENIN ESS VA RIETIES, ENGLISH AND AMERICA DUBLI CAIIONS. SECOND—NALPAIFILE STANDARD HOOKS,_ THU 111.6 T EDI lONS, MID IN THE Mon ELF, OANT STYLES OF BINDING. THIRD—ALL THE POPULAR WORKS OF FICTION, BY EboLiall AND AMERICAN AUTHORS. POI I.TH—IsIOGRAI HY AND tiENERAL, HISCEL” LANA? WITHOUT R+D. IN IPAOT, EVESY• 'MING ?HA (JAN BE DE.SIRED IN THE WAY 01 BOOKS CAN BE FOUND AT T. PETERSON k BROTHERS, 1'0.806 WIWI NUT STREET. PH LADRIAWIA. All Ii oks published ore for bale by I.e awaeat they arced from the press, at l'iiblbshonsi tiet caoh de2o HOARDING. rpo EMOONDJITOltr"It0011. FORNIBSED X Jual heattrd, /or lodglog room. lig (iontlomeo. nom FAN/ uth- end Chtmtictuto - Address .1101811, a m t his of. W %VILE SOAP -4 1 1 4Xtekketwis (141 ;i:piP; landing tele Ws froze f or sale by WO. tX ), * Bott wan von, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PIIILADELPHIA, FRIDAY,, DEOEIIIBEH 20, PE367. J. E...,,CALDWELL CO. • • Are Now Ready WITH THEIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION 01' , CHRISTMAS GOODS . For the present season, to which they Would suggest an early visit before the choicest articles aro' selected, and while yet the hurry of Holiday butimml doea not prevent the best attention. , Our etot k this year exceeds in novelty. beauty and vs. riety anY previous offering of this Hogs°, and is made up of selections from every part of Europe. In addition to an immense assortment of PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA. NOVELTIES. ' We have opened this season the lomat lot of . - ITIEERACHILTI AND ASSES , PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS Ever offered in thiicity, exquisitely carved and mounted, forming very desirable , PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. As our stock is unequaled for its extent and careful se• leetion, so are our prices for moderation and adaptation to the times. JAMES-E. CALDWELL &. CO., NO. 822 CHESTNUT fel.f re w.tf HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Gold Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Wheel of Life, Lanterns, Mierompes, MATIMIATICAL INFIEURENE, JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 OHESTNUT STREET delMf; p HOLIDAY . GIFTS. A Stock of beautiful (lIROMOS and other Fine WORKS OF ART. Also. FRAMES in great variety. All prices marked loss - . • JVENDEROTH, TAYLOR & BROWN, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. de-18-6trp HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN., An elegant araortment Wrappers, Scarf Rings, Breakfast Jackets, Scarng, Cardigan do., Gloves, Mufflers, Sleeve Buttons, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, With a great variety of Under Garments for Gentlemen. J. W. SCOTT & CO., dentiarp 814 Chestnut Street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.' MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, 718 Chestnut Street, Would call attention to their Erie assortment of BRONZES, FLEXIBLE DROP LIGHTS, WITH ETUDE ) PORt ELM MD OTHER FINE RUBES, All suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. de9,m 14' f.l(kr*/ Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. JOHN C. ARRISON r Nom 1 and BN. Sixth st,,,nnada., 11 , now offering an elt.gant and extensive emit:ant 'of Gentlemen's Wrappers, Scarfs, TiES,Muffiers,Glovesaidial., etc., etc., etc., Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.: ALSO. His usual assortment or MertnO, Silk and Woolen Undershorts and brawers. Jam CIO W 4441 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. • A PIANO, AN ORGAN, AN OPERA GLASS, An Elegantly Bound Music Book, A lillBlo FOLIO. 0, TRUNPLER I No. 026 Chestnut Street, grvgadr=kmoof ViVantiNtrilltit OCIA14:1 1867. HOLIDAYS. 1868. Wit IPPEII,II, Tittl, EOM (1111111164, RNA, OMNI% BUTIVIFF, With o varied oolortinont of elogeat Ocala. ouitablo Imam %Titi FOR ILI 'INTL E KN. WINCIIESTER & ails voto Chestnut St. 0001119: BREAKFAST JACKETS. *OAK ve, SLICING JACKETS, SLAIN/Hi dEaS, MAKE RISES, 'moms, OIOLIDAY 610010b6 CHRIST [.A • 15307. Our. Stock Having 800 , PURCHASED ENTIRELY FOR • CASH' We offer every variety of DO GOOD% ennoble for Chrlatunta Presents, at the ' 17.161111 Co*vzsr ' , mum JOHN W. THOMAS; Nos. 405 Ind 407 Noith Second Street. de6l,tum.loti UMBRELLAS! I % FOR ". Holiday Presents. & NULL ASSOBTIONINT NOW BELOT. WILLIAM A, DROWN & CO., 246 MARKET STREET. de7.lstrlP OHEISTMAS GIFTS • —,4os FOR 1.1 • •7 1 1 04161 rA :Or CHILDREN. A large and fine selection of Hobby Horses, Velocipedes,. Wheel Barrows, Express Wagons, Carts, Sleighs, Sleds, die., BY THE. MANUFACTURER, J. A. YOST, a. 214, Dock St ~'above Second. delq 4trD CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Rich Embroidered Cloth TABLE AND PIANO COVERS At Greatly Reduced Prices. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Artisan, 1008 Chestnut Street. dol.3.lfttrp ELEGANT ALTAR PIECES. ERA ANGELICO'S ANGELS, A merles of thane exquilito picturoa moat carefully and elaborately executed..• 64, 41%6111KL %V :1111 TRVMPETM "MAGILL TIVIITH THE 1)1C1U71, ,, &c., &C. The first ever imported for sate, and cooled from the orjainals in Florence, by csnecial permission. RIVES VEbY REAtIONABLE,. JAMES S. EARL EBa SONS, • del7-itrr 816 011ESTNUT Street. ft EISTMA $ PRESENTS.-01L WHAT BEAUTIFUL NJ and neatly dressed Toy Bedsteads those aro at CLA RK'S, II North Eleventh street, is the exclamation of all who see them. Cull and buy one before they aro sold, as they are going very fast. Also, a large assort ment of Bureaus, Tables, Rocking Uhairs, TableJlhairs, deld,Otrp, ROSEWOOD DESKS. TUMMY AND RUSSIA WRITENGCASE.S. in every variety... MASON &CO, 997 Chestnut street. CAVED PEN-HOLDERS; BOOK-MARKt3, VAMP BOXES, CARD BASKETS, &c. GOODB, INICBTAND% MATCH BOXES. PAPER ILNIVES, PEACUSHIONS. &e. MASON A CO.. 307 Cr.catnut Etreot. ENGLISH POCKET . KNIVES AND SCISSORS, WOSTMIIOI.II.B & ROGERS'S fineIMASON el CO.. 907 Cheetant arca. pulls. VIENNA AND LONDON FINE P POCKET BOOM, in Runts. Turkey and Calf. 2dASON & CO.. 907 Chestnut street. BRONZE INKSTANDS; MXIifETTES, CIGAR lder& &c. MABON & CO., de 418 t rpj Pin Chem nut street. GOLD PENS, GOLD AND RUBBER PENCILS, MASON it CO., SO7 Chestnut street Toothpicks, ,ko. de 4 Pt rp6 WEDDING, INVITATION, AND VIBITING CARDBI Latent fitylea. de4 IRt TO lIEFJOICINAL. .'• rty, , READ THIS Man era: I we agreeably - surprieed to eee by the papers that the genuine DOFF'S MALT EXTRACT tuts bet n introduced into Amenca. This - acquisition loot the importance for consumptives. My cousin, the Counselor of Medicine, Dr. Eandereleben. informed me a long time ago of its astonishing remedial propertieli ordered from Germany come of your preparations for a friend suffering from disease of 'the lunge, and obtained the beet results from their use, etc. I would like to try it now on my friend and colleague. Dr. Caine, who is suffering from Suppuration of the left Inns, in conjunction with spasmodic asthma. Please for. ward me ono dozen, and if. as I do not doubt, your re. fawned Malt Extract doe, him good, the reputation of hie single case will lead to the universal adoption in oar place, where so many consumptive people are residing. C. ILBLECILEN, M. D. (NZOOND 7. L - 14 , The health of my friend la iraprovuur. I e:onalder your preparation is one of the moat certain we have for dieraaes of the lunge, • , C. H. BLDMEN, M. D. To L. Horr, E5q.,(542 Broadway, N. Y. Bold by Druggists and Grocers. JOHN C. BAKER & CO.. Bole Age for Pennsylvania, PhiladelpWi dell-w fma • . CURTAIN fI!aTEILIALS• lESARGrAIINS IN LACE 01.1RTAINS. CUITMN etenumms, PURNITIIRE (XWERINGS. ' WINDOW SHADES, AND. UPHOLSTERY 000 Of the News! Fabrics, Doidgm. And OtuiHUM PIANO AND TABLB COVERS, And a full ible of IHOULIEFURNISHING LINE WL WILT& SG. At the Lowest Prim. Cs M. STOUT & po w 1100 Chestnut street. trivi.vdm Ivry • TO RENT. • TO RENT. Upper F100r5,325 Chestnut Street leo Farr !JEEP. Inquire lbia Premises. demst .• • _ _ KEIL -*IX) 040094.11 7 AbID I %F — AA& !YOU Rath eis to a 0 aiaai ar m, '" °a 7 di n v ja i ttrt b "* ,wonod tiaNWIPAL =mu Nl,l,virJmiiiit'imigsposatin4w • Rkie THE LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OP FINE O . , D'-RYE I 'WHISKIE N THE LAND iii NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY a, HANNIS 'SD' CO 218 and 220 SOUTH .IF I ELoThrit hippujamitst s Who offer the same TO'TI; TILADB, ,Lota t , on *e nv stlvirmaosite 'Perms jib stock of Bye whiskies, IN 110N11, oolayrune an the toorento br i ltdo tone, 14 . nd run. tarot:nib the varlotut moaning ot ttesooo, ane of tibi a y e , az preaeof date. legato ainivo as Tanta 13.111. Depot. snit* Liberal centre ego made far moo Line Wharf. or at Bonded plum en may eietl• mid to NM S. W. Cor. Filth & Cherry Sts., Philadelphia. PRESENTS 1 Christmas and New Year's PRESENTS REAL SILVER WARE T Conaidetea the best Investment-4vailahle at lay time, • , Fifth & Cherry Sta, WM, WILSON & SON, Fifth & Cherry Sts. Silver Ware, Tea and Dinner Bete, Pitchers, .Gohletserrays,' Fish Knives, Asparagus Tongs, Forks, SpOons, &c., • A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED PLATED GERMAN SILVER FAMILY TEA SETS, The next in value and use to real Silver., FRUIT, ICE CREAM AND FLOWER STANDS, The most Decorative Ornament for Party and Dining' Tables; also, RICH CASTORS AND CAKE BASKETS, TOG ETTMR WITU A FELL VAED:TY OF AMERICAN i'LATED WARE. del6lot NOTICE. THE COUPONS OF OP 7117: UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD -COMPANY At the Company's °dim No. Dl NASSAU' St.,-New York dell tl jal bpi JOHN J. CISCO, Tredattrtse. COUPONS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, CLIVIRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, ,FIVE-TWENTIES, Due January Ist. BOUGHT. De Haven & Hro. i p 40 South Third Street. MASON & CO.. X 7 Chestnut street. CENTRAL PACIFIC R. IL FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Principal and Interest Payable In Gold. Thts road reestves all the Government tboantles: The Hondo aro Wood under the special contract laws of Call (orate and Nevada. and the agreement to pay Gold Wei Ins to law, We offer them for sale at 96. and accrued Intend ft July let, In currency. (I:marmot* taken In Exchange at from 11 to omit. diflctance. accordlas to thelaat& BOWEN & FOX, 13 MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, SPECIAL AGENTS FOE THE WAN IN PHILLO tDELPHLL oelKilmr% MASON it CO., Cheetnut Btreet 7-30'S Converted into 5-20'S. GOVERNMENT BECUETTIER OF ALL K/NDt , BOUGHT. BOW AND EXCHANGED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS* 23AKSEE8 AND DROWA No_._Bs South Third Street. noriu4ozn rpt 7-30'S Converted into 5-2 i Aaoran And Compound biteest Notes *anted, DILEXEL & BANKERiii, Si eolith Third Street, AUSTIN do OBERGE, 813 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS, STOMA, BONDSAND 1.0.11NP1 , Dalt= MIGHT ADD HOLD ON 00141111EITION BANKING HOUSE jazi JAY:COOKE 4Cck 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PIELAIYA. I / 4 ' Dealers In all goverment Sfx,inftlea, • , OLA , PAINTB, , VAMOSEA Nowa Stores end Apr, No. 46 NorthNalique Fs e, Rb FJNAmVIA.L. UNION PACIFIC A. K. CO. THE FIRST NORTGAGE BONDS - DUE JAN. let . 1563. MILL REPAID ON AND AFTER VW' mu% IN GOLD COIN, FREE OF GOVERNMENT TAX. E. W. CLARK & CO., ISAAC B. EVANS ausivrconnum AMD mum= di f I I TREASURY DEPARTMENT' PENNSYLVANIA. HARRISBURG, Dec. 16, 1887. NOTICE. TO THE I HOLDERS OF TEES LOA NS. OF 11l I COMMONWEALTH OF FERMI. - VARIA, DUE JULY .Iit,IBINL THE FOLLOWING LOANS, I)ue July Ist, ISOS, WILL BE REDEEMED WITH ENITEREiT TO DATE OF PAYMENT ON PRESENTATION AT THE FAIIMERS' AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA. Loan of March 27, 11.839. due July 1868. Loan of July 19, 1839, due Jul 1, 186E4 INTEREST ON THE ABOVE P3ANS, CEASE ON THE IsT OF JULY, 1868. FE NCIt3 JORD/Qt, iSec'y of State- JOHN F. HANTRANFT, Aud. Gen. W. a ICEMBLE, State Treas. 00,maimat4eleticsils . "141191akingru114 dol44lf4rav f ~ ~;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers