Frost our Fourth Edition of Saturday. from Virgin r a.. A Hour Constitution Demanded FROM B ALTI MORE. The Guillotine Still at Work, FROM WASHINGTON. The Congressional Investigation, FROM THE DRY TOSTDGAB. Charges of Cruelty Refuted Interesting from Virginia. Richmond, Va., Deo, I.—A meeting of the leading citizens of the Peninsula counties of Virginia,' held at Williamsburg, have Unanimously adopted resolutions declaring that , the legislature, which meets on Mon day next, should immediately call a Con vention to frame a new Constitution adapted to the new order of society and relieve the people from their indebtedness in ratio that- their present, property possessions shall bear to the losses caused by the war. It is understood that Gov. Pierpont will recommend the adoption of the Constitu tional Amendment in his message. Interesting from Baltimore. IBy the United States Associated Press.] Baltimore, Dec. I.—The New Surveyor of the Port, William Wales, of the Commer cial, entered on his duties, this morning, vice E. Pulton, of the American, removed. Deputy-Surveyor Parker has also been re moved, and Robert Cathcart appointed in his place.. There are indications of a general removal of subordinates. Mr. Pulton was the last of the supporters of Congress in the Baltimore Custom house, and the above subordinates were all of the same class. Considerable interest is manifested in the mercantile and newspaper world as to the telegraphio contest between the old Associated press and Mr. Craig’s new organization. The course of the American in refusing to submit to the exclusiye orders of the old association is highly approved, and the superiority of the despatches furnished by the new association generally admitted. Their old fogy notions will not suit the present progressive age. A colored artist named William H, Simp son has astonished our connoisseurs who think nothing good can come out of Africa, with a life-like portrait in oil of Judge Bond, for which he has had two sittings. The likeness is perfect, and the execution is veryfine. from Washington. Washington, Dec. I.—The Congressional Committee to investigate the Cotton and Sugaf frauds in the New York and other custom-houses will, on Monday, ask leave to remove the seal of secrecy from their proceedings. It is rumored that their re port will involve a number of high officials. From the Dry Tortugas. The following interesting report baa been kindly furnished to the United State3and European News Association by the Secre tary of War of the refutation of the charges of inhumanity against officers at the Dry Tortugas: The officer sent to investigate the charge contained in the article in the New York World concerning the treatment of prisoners and soldiers at tne Dry Tortugas has just returned and made his report. The following is the concluding portion of it: “The conduct of the officers in each in dividual case, mentioned in the World, has been grossly and maliciously misrepre sented. but this is not to be wondered at, considering this course of the report imme diately after the appearance of the article in question. A search was made in the quar ters of the Chicago conspirator, Cfrea fel, .and among his papers was found a draft of the same letter that had; appeared in the World .addressed to Bradley S. Johnson, ■ who, it is presumed, forwarded it to the World for publication. Gfenfel is represented as very unrelia ble, self-willed and rebelliously disposed, and would ,be anywhere else a dangerous man. His word cannot be depended upon even in the commonest fransactaon of life, and having been deposed rom the position of gardener, he has since endeavored to nlace the. officials in a very unenviable light before the world,by tramp ing up charges against them for inhuman treatment of the prisoners in their . charge. The charges, which,taking their foundation from' the most trivial circumstances, were ' enlarged and; exaggerated to such distorted proportions, as only his low and sordid mind is capable of. His diary, shows' that he has been in secret communication with the rebel sympathizers in the South, and that he has been led to believe that strong measures would be taken to effect bis re lease.' His game was then to drawattehtion to the 1 Dry Tortugas, and'the supposed atro cities there committed, and through tde in strumentality of theinfluence thus acquired, secure his release, and enlist in his favor the sympatnies of the public. He has mis erably Jailed,.,.. : I visited the cells, of all the prisoners: there,: and: their cleanly and or derly appearance .spoke well for the care' and vigilance exercised by the commanding officer, for the comfort and vfell : heing of the prisoners? The pri soners receive ,the same rations as the en listed. men of the post, and are neatly and comfortably dressed, and the labors them are of a very light char acter. [Signed] P. H. Sheeidak, Major General U. S. A.” The Fenians. Buffalo, Dec. I.—Tne Stephen’s wing of the Fenians was organized here last evening and money and arms was' donated, for the cause in Ireland. ' - ' , Roberts, and some of tbe Fenians present, thought the most feasible work waa the in vasion of Canada, and opposedthe sending of arms and money to Ireland, where they bad no confidence in success at present. ’ It was stated that officers of experience were required to be sent to Ireland. One man donated a horse and buggy worth $3OO. There is some 'feeling between the two wings; but it is kept down and all seem animated to: work in anyway that. 1 their obtained. Mining; Stocks. San.Fbancisco, Dec. I. The following; are the quotations of MiningStooks: Savage, $1,180; Belcher, $135; Gonld & Curry,,ss9o; Imperial, $125; Yellow Jacket, $1,170; Chol lar, s£2o; Ophir, sl2s;Legal Tenders, 71, Probable Respite of the Condemned Fie Minus. . O. W., Dec. I.—lt is understood that the Fenians recently sentenced to death will probably be respited for three months to await the result of appeals -in their be half before the courts. ' Justice f Richards yesterday announced that judgment in the case of Siavin would be given to-day, this being the last day of the term, and decisions are expeoted’ih the other cases also. The New Tort , . tßythe U.B.A! , New York, i ec. .: prices of goid to-day: Time,- : Opened, 1413 10.01 A. M., 1414 10 02 1411 10 03 1414 10.06 , 141} 10 06 141| 10 07, 1414 e 0.13 141} 10.25 141} 10 30 141 10.32 1404 10.35 141 10.43 140} 10.45 140} 10.48 ,141 1049, ~..1414 10.50 \ 141 New. York, money Market. ? ec - 1 il5 P- M.—The Foil says: The v o6 **® s b^owb symptoms of growtag ease as id £^Su;2 a ?»?v an< * °* Showing: distrust lo commercial £ r « r 1 k® co/rent rate ftir Government securities la £v££3/ ox> ?S£ Ice 7@B. Governments are dull, except new ififos. which bave advanced toTOBJ£. in con • of , £.bante In tbe rule for conversion, fL oes effect to-day, Sixes or 1855 are more in demandaaalßo 10-408. ■ - The st< ck market is dnU, and in view of the openlag or congress and general nacertalnty in financial affairs, very little business is doing. Railroads areir rrgular and lower. Gold at 2 o’clock was quoted at After boards Btocks weredulland lower. The heB n^? t the V'Ulede.Parls, #lB5 000, and the City of W ashlngton #140,000. Financial Intelligence, Kew Yoblk, Dec 1,1.80 P.M.—Tbe following are the Jat(Bt quotations: Goldlt»"’qao , edatl4oJ£ Stocks Veavy. coupon 6s, ’81,11226 bid. 11a asked; do .’02,108?* bid iuj>v do,, »«4- 108*6 bid@ss asked; d0.,65. loi asked; lo bid J 00; Treasu-ies, 2d series. nu 26 bid, 104 asked; \a. 6s, 60 bid; Missouri’s 67& bid, 83 asked; uarpiinas, 73 bid 81 asked Canton,4s old: O-uuberl nd. Waterpower. 80M bid, 31 asked; Western Union. 4t?i bid@*£a*h«d; N.Y. Central, 112>6 bid@*6 asked: R. 77?6bid, @2* asked;.Hudson K BL uo% bid @l2; etked; Rsadlng R. R , H2ai*ked; Mich Central. li2 bid@>4*. flu. »• outbexn, 81?6 bid@?6 sbk d; lit Cen bid; Pittsbaigh, 85)6 bid: f\orthwe3-era bid @4i?* asked; Toledo, 113 % bld@m atked;Rock Id.. It4?smd@?4 asked. OFFICIAL LIST. Gold, 14i%, Coupon 6’a 62, losj*; do. 6’B, 107*4; do. do new >sue> li8?6; Treasury. no) 4 ; North Car ,ltna, western Union ‘telegraph, 46&; Cumberland :o; New *oi k Central .1 12J* ; b ri« itailn ad,7iV, M lcbigan aouth ern,Bl?6: North Western, 44*6: Cleveland and Colum bus, 111; .hock Island, 104)6; Fort Waj ne, 105#. The W< 'enttaer for November. B. J. h. sent the weather at just passed: Lds us the following table of t Germantown for the month NOVEMBER, 1866. . . a . -r - M o & a fl o o . o 3 o ® o *■« 3 W Sh o o S 4» *o « ® o ° Wind and Weather, «>S © A lfi| s s •& o —c» el ' © ►3 H£h SQ Ek A 28 39 49 30.8 50 W. Clear. —— 85 46 52 30.4 54 8. W. Clear. 39 48 55 30.5 56 8. W. Clear. 37 46 48 30.5 54 ». Clear. 26 3s 38 30.6 40 N. Clear. 20 34 37 30.6 36 N. Clear, ?8 44 55 80.4 56 N. W. Clear. 35 48 58 30.3 56 • N. Clear. 41 50 61 30 2 eo 8. W. Clear. 39 52 59 30.2 €0 W. Clear. 42 55 63 30.1 65 3-10 8. W. Clear. Shower. 40 48 54 30.2 55 ic.W. Clear. 80 43 50 30.4 51 k. Clear. 33 41 52 30.4 53 N. E. Cloudy. 3« f 6 60 30.0 58 7-10 E. Cloudy. Bain 38 49 50 29.6 51 W. Clear, 3s 44 50 29.9 51 W. Clear. 36 48 52 30 1 53 W, Clear. 36 44 55 30.0 56 : - W. Clear. 89 55 57 29.7 58 8. EL Clondy. 35 46 50 30.0 51 ' W. .Clear. 30 39 44 30.0 <3 E. \Balny. 27 87 42 3U.0 38 W. ClOUdy. 24 34 38 50.2 ?6 N. W. Clear. 25 37 39 30.4 89 N. Clear. 2o 28 46 30.4 47 * N. W. Clear. 28 35 51 30.4 50 8. W. Clear. Fog. 27 49 60 30.2 62 8, w. cloudy. Showery. 40 60 67 30.0 t 7 8. W. Cloudy. 47 59 50 30.2 52 lln W. Cloudy, Rain. MONTHLY AVERAGES. )int t00k.... Lowest Poi Eight o'clch Twelve o’cl Three o’clo< Depth ofß. U. S, Assistant Treasurer’s Statement. The following Is tne statement of the host ness at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of the United states at Philadelphia, for the month ofNovember, 1666; 1866. Or. » Nov. l.—Balances on hand at this date....f1i,214,596 23 Receipts daring the month, viz: “ 30—Account General Treasury, in cluding Customs-...' f 3.521.266 11 Post Office Fond 50.236 10 Interest Fund 2,624.333 00 Diaburser’s FuncL....- 608.664 60 Dr. Paymentsdoringthe month,viz: Nov. SO—Acc't Gen. Treasury- 19/203,642 30 Post Office 69 510 19 Interest. 1,922 803 48 Disbarßer*6..... M 817 204 17 12,013,250 14 Balance at close of busibe& this 55,985,8-15 95 TEMPORARY LOAN DEPARTMENT FOB MONTH OF NOVEMBER. 1866. Nov. l.—Balance due to depositors at-this date....... : * $2,743,900 Nov. 3a Received from deposi tors daring themonth. .. 52,743,900 00 Bep&ymentto depositors daring the month 1 891,700 oo Nov. 30.—Balances doe to depositors at close of business this day. $1349 200 00 Nov. 80.—Fractional currency redeemed daring the month $127,578 00 CASTOR ffHEEIS. F)B HEALTH and strength use cape WEIL & CO.’S PATENT GLASS GASTOS WHEEC£. These wheels are designed fbr Pianos, Bedsteads, &c W e claim that they give to Pianos a greatly Increased force of sound, without detracting from the harmonj and melody of the instrument, rendering every not* more distinct to the e*r. This!*, bo apparent that the® are now being applied by many so thepe valuable mu Bical Instruments. Dr. Valentine Mott, previous to hh death, pronounced the Glass Castor wheels an In valuable Invention fbr bedfrst invalids, who an guarded againstthe damp floors after. undergoing tht process of cleaning, or where dampness is produced me m any other cause. Aside from this. Housekeepers are relieved from the dread of having their carpets cut or torn, as frequently happens from those now in use often caused by a rust, which adheres with glne-likt tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor Wheels, as we ail know thw glass is non corrosive. There are no rough or unfio febed edges to the Glass Wheel*, such as we often fine in those of Iron, and the latter, though smoothly fin Ished, will soon rust, from the dampness of the atmos phere, if nothing else, producing roughness on thesur face, or edge, whQetbe former will always the smoothness of glass, just as they are finished. By sleeping upon glass wheels you retain all the eleo tricity yen had in your body on retiring, and you get up In the moraine feeling as fresh and active as » young maa. Glass being a non-conductor, the elec tricity gained while in bed cannot pass off Askyotu doctor what be thinks of the Glass Castor Wheels Ask him If all diseases, with the exception of chronlr diseases, are hot caused from the want of electricity We have ainan in our place whom the doctors pro - Dounced past, curing, with the inflammatory, rneu matism. The wheels cured him In less than foot, weeks. He la to-day a stout healthy man. These arc frets which can be proven on application at our office; j No. 203 Bace street, Philadelphia, or at our Factory,at Westville, New Jersey where we have some stxtj handß employed lc the manufacture of the Glass Cas tor Wheels. sioo will be paid to any. one who will say they have not received any benefit or relief after using napewell & Co.’s Patent Glass Castors. A sample Bet (4) of thr Wheels sent to any part of the United States, on re celpt of $1 50. J. B. CAPE WELL & OO , oc4 3m& No. 205 Bace street. HOOP SKIRTS. ftOQ HOOP SKIRTS, rtt)Q OZO. liATEST STYXjB, JUST OUT. OZo. UD PETIT the Promenade, 214 yds.round. THE CHAMPION JTRaIL, forthe Dravung-Roem, 3 yards round. ■ The Be Shirts are in every way the moat desirable that we h*ve heretor re offered to the pnb io; also, com plete Hnes'of Ladles', Missea’ and Childrens' Plain and Trail Whop Shirts from 2}£ to 4 yards in circumfer ence,of every length,all of. "oar ownmahe ” wnolesale' and retail and warranted to give satisfaction. Constantly on hand; low-priced New Yorh made Shir's.; Plain and Trail. 20 springs 90 cehtß: 25 springs 81; 30 springs, fl 10, and 4< springs, $125. t-hirts made to Order, altered and repaired. Call or tend for Circular of. tyles, sizes and prices.' : 1;. Manufactory and fcaesiooms,:; -i. , ' ... No. 628 Aren Street. ; _ ndl j-Bmi' • . ; 1 WM. T. HOPKINS. SIMON GAHTLAND— r , . "V. "" V ' '' '' ' ONDEBTAKKB, No. 35 BOOTH THIRTEENTH STREET. C917-?mi - y v EEGEMfeEE : i Gold Utirket, isoclated Press,] I.—The following are 10.51A.M., 1403 10 55 14D3 U.OO 140| 11.02 I4ii2 1105 140 J 11:10. 140 J 1118 141 1126 1403 11.35 140 J 11.37 140 J 11.41 1403 12 A. M. 141 12 20 P.M. 14 U 12 50 • 141' 1.00 1413 1.07 1413 1.25 1412 ™....,.33 2-10 .............44 7-10 - 51 fi-10 61 9-10 . 2 inches. 6,764 499 8 117,9*9,096 09 KEW WBUCATIOm [a*'****: QHARr.ES DICKENS’S WORKS. T. B PBTEBSON ABPBROTHRRH’ Cimplete and lllußtlßUa BdltlODK of the wrltlnss or I _ CHARLES DICKENS, • B 'Z" J, - ILLUBIHATED OCTAVO EDITION. n EBrh book t>*lDg complete Id ono volume,cloth Our Mutual friend .» 60 Dav d Oopperßeld 250 Pick-wick P*peie.........2 5«« Barhaby ttudge s »u .Nicholas NitV <-0j .2 50 Marlin' Cbuzziewi ..2 5o Grtal 2fifl Old Curiosity: rih0p..:...2 sj> LaxupHgb irbStory«.-2 50 Ot>ri*tm&s Stoxles „..2 si» Oliver.'!wint .. .....2 51* rirkeua , Sj>ewS , xjrli*»2 50 Bleak 8005 e..;. a Tale ol two Okies...* 60 JUylel>orrlt M ................ 2 5t American Notes aid Dombey and Son.. 260 PicNlcPapers.v.... 250 sketches by ü ßor**.:v 210 Hrtceotaeit inß'ack OJo, Pi fee of a set, in Full Law Frh e of a set, in Half Calf, Price of a set. in _M alf_Ci Price of a set, fu Hair Calf, antique...:^,.....,.... Priced a set. in Half, 101 l gilt oacfcs ets. _ Pj>OPi E’B LUODECIHOEDITION . Each book celDg complete Id one volume. cloth, - Oor Mutusl Prieud,. ...2 60 Little Dorrit.....; ;...2 50 Pickwick Parers... 2 so Dombey aud Hon 2 so Nicholas Is it k1eby...,...2 6o Chris tma* Stories .2 <s.» threat Expectations 3so Sketches bv * Boz'v 250 L&mpHgbt-*r’&>tory ~..2 SO Barash- Radge.. 2 a i-avldt oppeifield,. .2 50 Marin Chozzlewit. 250 Oliver Twist.... -.a SO Old Cnricwltv Shop. *5O Bleak H0n5e..... ............2 so Message from the Sea. 2 SO A Tale ot 1 v eCi«ie- ....2 50]Dickens’s New Stories. 2 so Priced asetin Black t lotn, i5v01ume5........... .fit on Price ofa set, luJull Law Library style 5-roo Price of a Bit, la Half Call, sprinkled edges. SO «»* Price ofaset, in Han Calf, marbled edges 6-5 oo Price of as*t. in 8a1fCa1tant1qae............ .. ...72 oo Priceof HalfCJalf bacfts, Jfea...... 72 00 ILLTO'b-.ATI'D J>oo ICIMO EDITION. Farb book being complete In two volumes, clotk. Onr Mutual Friend 40 Bleak House ;„„,4 no Pkkw'ck Papers.... 400 Sketches bv * B z’\. ...4 00 Tale of Two Citie5......4 00 Barnaby Badge tOO Ricbolss \Mcblfebj 4<o Martin Chu2zlewit 400 David Conperfleld -4 00 Old Cariosity 5h00......4 00 Oliver Twi5t.......: 400 Little Dorrit w . 4 ou Christmas Stories.. 4 00 Onmbey and Soa 4 00 Tbefollowing areea* h comp e‘ein boelvolume. Great Ext eolations 2 SOlDlcKen’s NewStotie3...2 50 lamplighter's S“orj ....2 so| Me-sage from tbe Sea...* 5^ Pi ice of a set in 82 volumes bouua in clothe $64 00 Price of a eet In Full LawXibrarj •btyie..........80 00 Price of a Brfc in Half Calf, amiq ie OO Price of a set in Half Calf; tall gilt back, etc. 125 00 _ _ IEiAP FDITiwN, PAPER COV>R Each book complete la or Oar Mum&l Friend......! 00 Gi oat Expectation* ....a 75 Lampbgbtei’s etry...- 75 J avio Copperfieid......... 75 Dombey and 75 > icholas Nlckleby 75 Pickwick Paper 5.......... 75 Christmas Stories - 75 ilarliii * buzzkwit .. 75 Barnaby 75 lJicfe<ns’ X»ew S'oiies... 75 Bleak 8005 e... 75 Old cnj tosity 510 p ,...... .75 Joseph Grimalof.7s USir'JSo library ia compl >o«.kB, Either editiou of 1)1 to ii y addie&s, iiee or tram tall prlcp. Pun if her’ and for s*!e at ttePublliLing and Bookie) T. b. PETJ SCO CHE STN ATEW ENGLISH MEDIO\L BOOKS— . -LY Ji ST SECS IVED. AYBER’S CL] S; CAL SC BURET IN INDIA. FRANK LAND'S LECTURE NOTES TO CHEMI CAL STI DEt-TS. POLLOCK ■« elements of peognosis in CON.-T WPTION. B. t-HAM ON DBOP4Y. Third Edition. < ORDON S ARMY HYGIENE. hJACNAMABA on the diseases of the SfaBIMPTON ON CHOLBBA. CLINK. Ai HISIOBIES, WITH COMMENTS. By Beniy Day, M.D. MD: HP TON APOPLEXY. 4 OCKLE ON IN']BA THORACIC CANCER. H*BERSHON ON THE STOMaOH. leaked ON IMPSBFECT DIGESTION. CBJSP ON MALIGNANT CHOLERA, NORTON'S OSI EULOGY FOB STUDENTS. ICOLEY ON TOILET AND COSMETIC ARTS. TROUSSEAU'S iLINICaL MEDICINE. Parti. Zander ON THE OPHTHALMOSCOPE, PABKES’S PRACTICAL HYGIENE. Second Edl tion. TILT ON UTERINE AND OVARIAN INI LAM MATION. GRAVES’S CLINICAL MEDICINE. Second Edl tlon. New English Medical and Scientific Boots Imported to order b/.< very steam, r. b> LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, 2 iSonth Sixth street, above Chestnut. Marion harland’s new boox-sunny BANK. By the Author of “Alone,” V Hidden Path.” Ac. limo. • BfaETBOVKN’S LETTERS. Translated by Ladi Wallace 2vols..l£mo. Bio DOW PAPERS. Second Series ISmo. MELODIES FOB CHILDHOOD. With htghly-co lon d Illustrations 12mo. THE STATE OP THE CHUBCH AND THE WORLD AT THE FINAL OUTBREAK OF EVIL AND REVELATION OF ANTICHRIST, hisdestrne lion at tbesecondctmlngof Christ, and the ushering lh ef the Hillenninm. Bar the Bev J. G. Gregory, M. A. with an Appendix by Mrs A. p. Jotiffe. For sale by JaMES 8. OLAXTON, Successor to W. S. <fc A. Martlen. l2 4 Chestnut street. Tbe phrenological journal for de- CDaaBEB contains Portraits of DorS, tbe great Ireocb /■ rtist, Kingsnd Queen of nrn«sla, twelvedis Urgtnsbfd American Clergymen, Miss Kate Bateman, with Biographies and Characters. Also. Wtrat Is Edu cation ? by Jobn Neal; Characters of Hhakspeare* Tbhra, the French statesman; Orang-Outangs, eta Only 20 cents; 92 a year. Now is the time to subscribe. A b ew y olumk begins with tbe next number. Ne ws nfn have it. Address FOWLER AND WELLS, 389 Broadway, New.Yoik; or, J. L, CAPEN, 722Chestnat &t’ set, Philadelphia. del 2c nFT.KBBAIED DIVINES —Rev.Drs. Pusey. v/ Kingsley. Bnshneil, Vinton, Hopkins. Beecher, WeMon Brack! ridge. Smith, Uartloean, inciaolrg Carlsle.Hontefiorl, bliss Cook, aronde, Thiers, Al* dridge.Bmkln and others, with Portraits and Biogra rhles. in 1 fih ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL OF PBBiNOLOGV AND PHYSIOGNOMY, for 1867. St-nt by post for 20 cents, or $2 a dozen. Address FOWLER <fc WELLS, 389 BROaDWAY, New York, or J 1. CAPiN.No. 722 CHESTNUT street, Phila delphia. dei4t ALLEN’S LIFE OF PBILLDOR.—THE LIFE U; PHnJDOB, Musician and Chess Player, by Gee Allen, Greek Profeesor In the University of Pennsj'. vanla, with a Supplementary Essay on Phlhdor, A Chess Author land Chess Player, by frhasflle Von Hoi debrand and de Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Mil Ister Plenipotentiary of the King of Prussia, at th> Court ofSaxo-Welmer. i voL, octavo, >£ vbUcza, sU top. Price H 25. Lately published by E. H. BtiTLKB * 00., IST South Fourth stregjfc tt-ffIKWJfiUftAAIS. Fine Coffees Old Government JAVA. Fine MOCHA, EAST IN DIA and J AUAICA. For Bale by JAMES R WEBB; WALNUT and EIGHTH Btres T)EIMB NEW JEBHEY LEAF LARD Just received X and lor Bale by „ _ „E. O. KNIGHT A CO nols-lm 8. E, corner Water and Chestnut streets. ITOX’B FARINA CRACKERS. X Freeh Crackers of this unrivaled Brand always os hand and for sale In bbls. and K bbK, by ALDRICH, IRHKES A CART, . _ IS, 20 and 22 Letltla street, noMm} _ Exclusive Agents. 1 n fresh PEACHES, WINSLOW -Ill.UUHCorn, Fresh Tomatoes,Green Peas, Straw berries. Mushrooms, Ac .In store and for sale,.whole sale or retail, by M. F. bpilLIN N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. - - DRIED FRUIT.—Very handsome pared peaches, beared do. dried appta-in store and for sale ly M It bPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. IJUCBWHEAT. BUCKWHEAT.— 6,000 lbs. of the D relebrated' Silver Flint Buckwheat, in store and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN. Tea Dealer and Grocer, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. NEW RAISINS AND FlGS—Superior new Layer Raisins and choice Elma Figs. <br sale by M. F SPILLIN. N. W. corner Arch ana Eighth streets. QUEEN OIIVES.— 3OO gallons, choice large Queen „Olives, Id store and lor sale by gallon or barrel, at C-- Uc-TY’S East EDd Grocery, No. US Sooth SECOND Btreet. New bethlebem buckwheat a white C over. Honey, In store and for sale at COUSTY'S Fast Erd Grocery, No. 118 Sonth SECOND street. North Carolina hominy grits, new Brmlny. pared and unpared Peaches, Inst re eelved and lor sale at COUfeTY’S East End Grocery, NO. »8 Sooth SECOND street. * CTCFFED MANGOES AND PEPPERS,GENUINE O Chutney: .Sauce, Robinson’s, patent Barley and Groats, always on hand at OoUSTY’S East Ena Gro cery.ho. HSfonth SECOND street. • c - CLOTHS, CiBSIH£BEL&O. ( IIWHS, CAHSIMKRES AND VESTINGS, vy JAM FB A LEE Invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted stock o! Id part to men’s and boyß’ wear, oemprlslns Black Fkench Cloths, Blue French Cloths, '........ Colored French Cloths. OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers. Black Eaqntm .tut Beavers, . Colored Esquimaux Beavers, ’ Bine and Black Pilots, ' - ■ Blue aud Black Paletots. PANTALOONBTUFIB, Black French Casslmeres, v - Black French Doeskins. Fancy Cassimeres,. . Mixed and striped Casalmeres* Plaid and Silk Mixed Oasattneres, Satinet, all qnalltles, i , . Cords, Beavtrteens, Ac., At wholesale and retail, by • Jam alfifc . Ho. U Nofth Second at., sign of the Golden Lamb. fYLIVES FARCIES, cap BIBS, Ao.—Olives Varda V.@tn«redOUvM),Nonparen and Snpertlne Capers, and French Olives; fresh goods, lauding ex Napoleon fcrßalß hy JOS. B. BUBSIHB A 00» lua Bonth Delaware avenue. - ,h in 18 volnmes. .......Hi oo Ltbr&ry.styie, 53 10 sprinkled edge 5......... 63 qu r. juferbled edges.... 68 00 ie large octavo volume. Oliver 75 T4iUe Dorrit „ 75 Tale of! wo Cities 75 New Years’wtories 75 Dickens’ Short Stories, 75 Message from the Sea... 75 Holiday Stories 75 Si etches oy * Boz 75 a merican Not- a 75 PIcNIc Papers 75 -omebodv’a Loggage... 25 Tom 'tiddler's Ground, 25 ibefiaunted House--. 25 lete without a set of these works wtl be tent lspoitati.n, on receipt of re- retail or wholesale rate, at lling Kstablishcuent of 'KKcsON <B BRO THEIRS, ffDT Strtet, PhUadelpaia, -JSt JsTAHIN’SCQNDirTw ““WDERS HORSES AND CATTUi. ijSHS2^SS tn ?;^ oto »“ < ‘Oouo; ; . Coughs and Hlotßound. ' Ittlß tlie beat alterativ** foj and Cattle now-is “ft having * repntatt moca yearn’ nanduS. * 6 Bnre preventive lor the mar '. < Leaded Binder -sPj??f?!er^.Pal »liOki'-' oewlthoulK ' -'- iff O * OTT 400.; m. North I^?sa B‘HAOWay &OOW- Btag«*eet,-«nd by Drugglea through out the country. .addreonllorderato ' - naihnt STABINAyLoyi,. Proprietor., aensmi . 20U Duane street. Near York, &YS&H!*.' PILLS.—Are on sick, feeble aod com*' laniDg?--Areyou oat of <m,Gt with your system d aod yoar feel igs uncomfortable? These ’o'picms are often the /elude to serious illness, tome' fit of sickness Is reepmg apon yoa, and mold be averted by a Imeiy use of the light medy. ? ake Ayer’s Ills, and cleanse oat the disordered humors -parity jjds move on unobstructed in ---—--o - . stimulate the functi.ns of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from thf obttrDcUonß which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body and deranges its natural Inac tions. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pr» dodi g general aggra vation, suffers g and derangement While in hla con dition, take Ayer’s Pills, and seebowdtrectlv they re store the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feellok of health again. What is trne aodao app arent in this trivial and common complaint is also true In many of the deep-seated and dadger«as dls tempers, ahe same purgative effect erpels them. Caused by similar obstructions and. derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidlv and many of them surely cured by the same mesas. Boi ewto know the virtue of these P.U*wg! neglect toexnphy them When suffering from the disorders they cure, such as Headache Pool btomach. Dysen tery. BUicua Complaints, Indigestion. Derangement of the Liver, CtsUveness, Constipation. Heartburn, Ebenmatißm.j ropsy, «vormsana Suppression, when taken in large doses They are Ecgar Coated, so that the most sensitive can take them easily, and they are surely the best pur* gstive medicine yet discovered „ AYER’S AGUE vUBE, For the speedy and certain Intermittent Fe ver. or ( hills and Fever,' Remittent Fever, Chili Fever. Dumb Ague. Periodical Headache or Bilious Head a- he and Billons Fevers; Indeed lor the wh le oa» 8 or diseases originating la biliary derangement, caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries IMb remedy Las rarely failed to cure the severest cases of (.bids and Fever, and it has tils great advaa tage over other Ag. e medlcices, that it subdues the ctmptain without i Jury t*» the p tieut. j.t contains no quinine or other deleterious substance, nor does It p £ t! w C€ Q nl tJlsui or any injurious effect whatever, thskirg brothers of the army and the wesc, try it, and yon will ei dorse these assertions. Prepared by J. C. AYhK & C >, Lowell,Mass., and eo'd by J M, MaE.S A CO., Philadelphia, and by all Lrtggists. n024-a,m,w-zm OPAL DEHTALLINAv—A superior article foi cleaning the Teeth, which infest them, giving tone to the gums and leav ing a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gams, while the lomaand deteralveneas will recommend it to ever; one. .Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Hfcroscopist, it la confidently offered as a RhLIa.RLE substitute for the uncertain washes fo»merly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituent of the DENTALLTNA. advocate its use: it contains nothing to present its ozirestrained employment Hade only by JAMES T. BHXNN, Apothecary. Broad and Bprace streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse, Bassard <fc Co,, Robert C. Davis, a R. Keeny, Geo XJ. Bower, - Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C.H. Needles, &M,HcOoWa, T. J Husband, 8. C. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberie, Edward Parrish. James N, Harks, William B. Webb, SI. BringhnrstAOo,, Jaines L, Bispbam, Dyott <fc Go., Hughes & Coonabe, H.C. Blair’s Sons, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth A Bro. ENTIRELY SELLABLE—HODGSOETB Bronchia; TABLETS, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarse ness. bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Public speakers, ringers and amateurs will be greatly benefited by using these Tablets. Prepared only b; LANCASTER AWILU3, Pharmaceutists. 27. E. Got ARCH and TENTH streets, Philadelphia. For salt by Johnson, Holloway A Oowden, and Drnggisti generally. . T>BUBH*S BRONCHIAL AND PULMONIC X) DEW DROPS. Ibr Goughs, and all Diseases of tin Throat and Bronchial Tuoes. This invaluable preps ration for every household. Public Speakers, Singes Ac, possesses aWes era celebrity, ana has been'knowi to relieve the most obstinate and almost nopelee esses It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by K. C. BRUSH, No. 258 South NXntl street, Philadelphia. Je7-tf fIORKS, BUNIONS, INVERTED NAILS.— Dr. J. Vj DAVIDSON, Chiropodist. Operator on Corns Bunions. Inverted Nails and other diseases of the fee-. Office, 824 CHESTNUT street. Dr. Davidson will wait on patients at Heir residences, no3tft busrarass cabbie. HEWEB A BROTHER PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. [nov3-3mos} Bepalrlng of all kinds at short notice. Orders through Post Office will receive prompt attention. tS~ COUNTRY WORK ATTENDED TO. ~uß HO LANCASTER. . GRAIN STORi, SPRUCE STREET WHARF. Estabixshxd IN 1828. - OGRN, OATS and MILL-FEED sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to all partsoftheClty. seg-ly a KNIGHT A CO., ’WHOLESALE GROCEBS CfcS. E.’Oor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphla. Agents for the sale of the Products of thi Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sngai Home, of Philadelphia. Jai-lyr ■PENNSYLVANIA WORKS.—ON THE DKLA I WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Delaware county, Pa. RSANHy, SON A OO Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Mannfrctnrers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING KB GINES, Iren Vessels of all descriptions, Rollers, Vats, Tanks _ Propellers. Ac., Ac. T. RKANEY, W. B. RKANEY, a AKCHTBOLD Late of fiate Beaney, Nealia A 00., Kurinoer In Chief. Penn Works. Phlla. U. a Navy, J, VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. MmntTrci JNO. B. POPE. S < ffi5SJK^SS,l!2B2 rD:aY " raT H and wash INGTON BTREKTa Pmr.intT.WTTi. MERRICK A SONB, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTO. Xatinfactare High and Low Pressnre Steam Wrrfrr, B>r Land, River and Marine Service. Bofiere Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats, Ac, Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron name Booft On Gas Works, Workshops arts Railroad stations, Ac. . . Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and www> improved construction, Every description of Plantation Machinery; an< Sugar. Baw ana Grist Mills, Vacnnm Pans, Oper Steam Trains, Delhcators, Filters, Pumping £u. fines, Ac. - Sole Agents fbr N. BQlenx’s Patent Bngar Bolli-t Apparatus, Nomyth’s Patent Bteam Hammer »>ic Aspinwali A Woolaey’s Patent Oestrlftigal Busai Draining Machine. GAB FIXTURES.—MIBKHY. MERRILL * THAOKARA, NO. H 8 CHESTNUT street: ifanafacturen of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac,, Ao. would call the attention of the public to their largi ud elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendana Brackets, Ac, They also lntrodnce Gas pipes Inti Dwellings and Pnhllo Buildings, and attend to extend mg, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. - lata lAIGES A. WBIOHT. THOBNTOSt vrBTK. , OBIBOOM. TBKODOBX WBIOHT, mXS. Xa KBAIA, PETER WRIGHT A SONS, Importers of Earthenware, ' . and Shipping aad Commission Merchants. No. us WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. TJRTVY WELIH—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—ThI X only plaoe to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disla freted, at vary low prices. ’ A. PKYBSON, Mannlhctnrer of PonC-retts. • Goldsmith’s Hall. Library ifrstf PERFUMERY. IfiEGMcl Model PAPER COLLARS! ARE THE BEST. : 1 TO BE HAD EVERYWHERE VAN DEUSEN, BOEHM AN & CO., 627 Cbeat&ut Btraet, Bo27*lml SPECIAIr -NOTICED 0'S 1 n-XfSFS&ViJZ* JMERBIM AO MINING SPPEBtoB, No. 132 ■®SvM s P l \ Phh*adelm3a. Oct. h. 1886. ' «• T>y tb » CompttQjTwUi offer ?^T i X%-i* C A§, ALB » at the PHILADELPHIA EX. IHaNJBE, ATI2 OCI OCX, NOUN. ON FRIDAY estate of the Com* 400 * c / ea ofiaod.valusbleimprove “la”e inf&to??’ BilU< ‘ tM 13 county, /I^ u i 1 . pa , rticnl s rs ?' m appear in catalogues on the Mph l ff t T/ e i b p J hIS “ “>« Office, 132 Walnut TERMS OF SALE, CASH IN U. 8. MONEY whtn Clear Deeds will be delivered t>* the purchaser wm. h. %oYmd VKMY ' A7loQeer rs* a FRmEDMEN'S BELIEF .Tw „ B SOCHATION have reorganized for their win *?> en rooms at 711 HANSOM, street, Sttpted 1106 daUy open ,rom WUU 2 o'clock.sunday Earnestly solicit contributions In g “5 d “ateilml t > relieve the great deatltntlon the fallure of their crops, » B . VoffaffPffE ntlons in moD<, y t 0 “rry on their theft B tedmen.° r th 6 com “ liaI ° n work especially fof AUBREY H.SMITH, President Mrs. F. FRaZER, Mrs. WM. Bi'R'NG h is, JOs. BOBBISH,- Jr, Vice Presidents. no3J6t PROF, FRED. A. ROLSE will deliver a course ]^CRY, W ANlfui’l^rTUßS 1 OF 'iP® NATION, at the hall of theUnlvep ally o Pennsym nla, on Tuesday evenings, atao’ciock bt ginning on TUKSDAYVDecemser 4thf omitting De cember 25th and Jaonarjrist. s Season Tickets at Jlu; Famile Season Tickets, admlt- one angle lecture at 11; family 3 icket, admitting three foroue lecince.atsz may beobialnedat ihestores or Messrs. G.Andre & Co ,Mr Louis Meyer, Mr. Charts. W A. Trumoler Meters. Schaeffer & Koradl, and of Mr. Frederick jjlik, Janlior of the Dn verslty. dal3t* OFFICIO OF THU Pilll,/. j>cl J PHi 1 AND if^r' SOUTHERN MAILSTEAVSHIP COM PANY, ho. 814 SOUTH DELaWABEAVEvt’E. Notice is hereby given that by a ofthi Board of .Director! of tbe abovenamed Company adop-ed Augum29.b, 1866, tbe FOURTH and last in the Capital S tuck of aald Company, belnr THIRTY PERCENTUM or “EVKNTY-FIVK Dot Da BS per share, has been called in, and Is dne and payable at this office. WILLIAM 1. MALCOLM, Treasurer. n-S» OFFICE OF “THE BELIANCE INBUB- ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT street. PjiiLLDjtnPHjA, November 26tb, 1^66. Tbe Annual greeting of the Stockholders of “THE RKIIANCr. INSI-RaNCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA "andthe Annual >*Uctfonoj thlrteeiL,a3) Dim tojs to serve lor tne ensuing year, will he heTa at their CilJce, on MONDAY, uec-mbe- 17th, iB6O, at 12 o cl ock-SI. THOJIaS a HILL, no*6 tdei/f Sa iremry. fT^S 2 '!*,£,!, < ’-£O i- ' THE rHiLADELPFIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEA MS HIP COMPANY, 3U BOUTH DKLAWi'nE AVENUE Prrtr. a nyr. phis, November Bth, 1866. bTOCKHOLDERB 1 NOTIOE.-Subscrtbers to the Capital Stock ofthePhiladelphlaand Southern Mali St-amthlp Company are hereby, notified that certlfl cates fcrihesame are. now ready, and will be issued irum this office In exchange for the Installment re Cfclpts. WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, i o - lrr ; r ecreia y and Treasurer. fTr5” FKKORa OF YOUTH-A gentleman who *ey suffered for years from Nervous D -bllity, Pre maimeDecsy and all the effects of youthful indis-re uod, win for .he sake of suffering bnmanity. send free to all who need It. the receipt and directions lot mak ing the simple remedy by which he was cared Suffer er s wl»hlng lo profit by the adeertlser s experlence,can dotoby addressing, In perfectconfidence, „ JOHN a OGDEN. UIVIPJKarP NOTICES. ft-'S SI PENNSYLVANIA HAILBOAJJ COMPANY TBPAEURER’S DEPARTMENT. . _JPBiLAi)EiJPHiAjNovember 1,1868. NOTICE 'IU BTOCKHOLDEBS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PBa CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company .clear of National and State taxes, payable on and alter November 30, iB6O. Blank Powers of Attorney lor collecting dividends are to behad at the office of the Company, no, 233 a I‘EIBD street, aoaoot THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. NOTICE.— • llijy OFFICE BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL COM- P-fiNY Nov. 25,1883. Übe Boud ot Directors have this da; declared a Dividend of FIVE (5) PEB CENT, on the Canl'al Sleek of the Company, payable on the Bth prox., clear of S>ate T.x. The Transfer Book, now closed, will re-open on the Bth proi. T.H.TEOTrJES, po2BBv* -"Treasurer. Tp%» OPFICK OF TEE LEHIGH COAITaND navigation company, pmr.Anvr.pFTT* Nov. 27,1868. The Board of Managers have this day .declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., or TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF PEE SHARE, on the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on demand, clear of National and State taxes. SOLOMON aSJSPHKBD. noS?-tfl Treasurer. UQVOBd. PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO Fpaikling and Still Wines. G. tV. MIDDLETON. Sole .Agent, 109 Market Street, Philadelphia. no3o-l2tS * Sweesso) to Geo. W Gray. J 24,25, 23 and SO South Sixth St, Philxd’a- FmeOHStodiSat-Bwwslis, „ > for amtiT anil TttedK*n»^SSy HER MAJESTY! CHAMPAGNE, 1 J- V. DTJUTTOIT,! tet <w?B yaog? «?„ se&g assst, ll \»/ INES.—The attention of the trade Is solicited to it the following very choice Wines, tor sale by JOSEPH F DUNTON, No.ia Booth FRONT street above Walnut: MADEIRAS—OId Island, 8 years Old. SHFBBlES—Campbell & Oe., and triple Grape, E. Crusoe* Sons, Rudolph, Topas, Bits, Spanish, Crown and P. Valletta. PORI B—Valleite Vlnho Velho Beal. Danton and Bebello Valente * Co-Vintages 1838 tj> 1858. CLARETS—Cruse Ms Frerea and St. Estephs Cha teau hominy. Vt BMOUTH—G. Jonrdan, Brlve A Os. MUSCAT—deFrontignan. CHAMPAGNES—Ernest Irrony, “Golden Star,” de Venose, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and other favoritebrands. . (V? WHISKIES.—6OO CaaeaPure Old Wheat, Bys \J Boastoou and Monongahela Whlaklea, thr sala tty r ■ RP. MIDDLETON, a North Front UraMl DBB6B, A LCOHZ, 95per cent. NO CHARGE FOB PACK AGES.. C. L. Oil, new made. Invoice just re ceived and for aale in quantities suitable to the trade. Ipecac, root and powder, In bulk and bottles ot J4tb tach. * bloroform of thebeet quality in carboys and demi johns. JOHN C BAKER*CO., tools . 718 Market street. T>liA FOB THE SEASON. XJ Glycerin Lotion, tor hands and face. Pectoral Lozengesjor sore throat, hoars enes, Ac, Camphor Ice, for Chapped Hands. 0 Wild Cherry Compound tor cold, couch, Ac. Olein, for chapped hands, Ac. Troches chlorate Potash,for ulcerated throat. HENRY C. BLAIR'S SONS. Eighth and Walndtsta WHITE GUM ABABia—For sale by WILLIAM ELLIS A 00., Druggists, No. 721 MARKET Btreet. , ROSE WATER,—Double Distilled Bose Water, con stantly on hand and fbr Bale by WILLIAM KI.LTB * CO., Dmgglata, No. 731 MARKET street. riIKAM OF TARTAR—Pure Cream of Tartar and V Soda, for sale by WILLIAM ELLIS A 00, Drug glsiß, No. 724 MabkEt street, . : . IPXTRACT OF BEEF for beef tea or J&senoacj -Ci Beef In sickness or lbr soups for table use. Madi ' n Elgin, Illinois, by Gall Borden, from the Juices ol choice beef and Is superior In [delicious flavor ant quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full 01 rectlons, one, dollar each, HURBELL, Apothecary, 1410 Cheatnnt Btreet. , ' ' ~ ■ TYSUGGISIB’ SUNDRIES. Gradnatlß —MtntXß U Pill Tllaa, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, TwasmsJnf Boxes, Horn Booeps, Surgical Instruments, " I — Hard and soft Bnffier Gooda,Vlal aasre,6l*BiS MstalSyrlngsa,*a,anat“SVßtHands ; ijEtoK“ . , BNOWBEN A BROTHER, apS-tfl ■■■■- . 1 ' - ■ B.SOUthVHi*«»iiSat*; : •! Robert shoemaker a 00., n. r ommat > FOURTH AND RAGE STREEIR^WhSeiSt Druggists. ManußctnrenandDealerain.windo* : GlaSlj White Lead, and Paints of erow aanSstloa offer to the trade, or consumers, aoomplete wockvf } - WorthetatoornerronrtimitlßaoeKtiSbsi BAY BYJ2£.-rJni» xecelyedj *a , imamxof ataidfih Imported Bay Runirßr uflj hytt*^Son,M hoberTshomakeraooirßrarg® Wmiai nar Fourth and Kaceatreet*;: ji > v ■,■•76 ~.-s -r i i PA PERHASGHICIiIiSMDES inoo - WALLPAPEBSea lowavio, ItX Kn&m AWOO. eentB. Qold Bn<JgaHo,Papers cheap. , Sine WXHDOW BH-ADES mannlhciared. ell alzeeAt JOHfcSTON’B DEPOT, So. m 3 Boris gGareen street, TJelow Eleventh. gttnbppftn* | ..i'OBNiW VOHK. ! Via Delaware and Banian Canal. Xbe Pblladelpnla ana New terbfinnen r.V> SteamboatCoaspanj. Bteam Propellers leave DALLY tram 2Hft£ BTBST WHABE. below MAnElCTatretb mating the ran In 84 HOURS. , ■ This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct W eUpolntstree of commission. Freight received atlowestratee. ; WM.P CLYDE A GO., Anna, BOtnh Wharves, Philadelphia. . JAH HAND, Agent, mhlt-tt 117 Wall street. NawYorfc. pob sa vannah, sa. ShhimL The Philadelphia and Sonthem Kail bteamahlp Company’. Scalar Lines, second wharf below Bprnce street, . - The steamship TOKAWANDA Capt-W. Jennings, for SAVANNAH, will commence receiving fimtni on: THUBBDAT, December nth, and sail on SATUR DAY, December Bth, at 10 o’clock A. M., and ever; alternate Saturday thereafter— viz.: December22.Jan* nary 5. Ac Thla_eteamer has dne-State Booms and other ac commodations for passengers. Cabin passage, »’a Deck do.. 115. Through tics ets sold to the following points—Macon. Ga., |S6; Colnmbna, Ga. $10; AUKuaLa.Uo., 132; Atlanta* Ga., |39; Albany. Ga, 140; Montgomery, Ala., $4B; Ka ianlft, Ala, $4O; Mobile, Ala, -; New Orleans, (€O. freight taken at low rates. . Through receipt* given at through rates to Macon, Augusta. Columbus ‘Atlanta, Ga.-Knoxville, Ghatut nooga. Nashville, Memphis Cantos. M l **- No freight received or bills of lading signed on sa&> log u^y. AgenteatSavsnnah. Hunter <fcGammelL * For.freight or passage, apply to WiL L. S&j£S2A. General Agent. ' 314 South Wharves. aHjaafe the Philadelphia and south- LMi' STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S BEGULAB The well Known first-class Steamship STAB OF THE UNION, 1.202 tons register, T, N. Cooksey, Master, Will commence receiving rreleht for the above port at jecondwharlbelowfeprneestTeet, on TUESDAY. No vember 27Lh, and Ballon SATUBDAY, Dec. Ist! at S 0 clock A. iL ~?5J a ! nlDE ' willleaveNEW OBLEaJNSonSATUR. DAY December 16th; This Steamer has sop n . 6. it' Booms and other accommodations for pss?ci pi2pj. Cabin passage f go; Bees; do., *3O. Freight taken at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ins day. Agents at New Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nickerson <b io.,\taowill give caretol attention to sblpmeat/oJ goods to fcalveston, M.oblle, Vicksburg, and interior points. For freight or passage, apply to \VM. I*. James, General Agent, * JSMSootii Wharves, FOB BOSTON. STEAMSHIP LINE DIRECT. tiAIMNQFRQM &ACHPOSTSVjsST FIFE DATE FROM puns ST. WHARF, iHILADELPHLA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship ARIES, Captain Boggs, will sail from Philadelphia on Friday, Dec. 7 fc. at 10 A. M. .The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews, will saQ from Boston on Wednesday, Dec. sth, at 3 P. M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston ii now composed of the » ROMAN (new), Captain Baker, 1,433 tons burthen. SAXON, Captain Matthews, tons ourthen, - NORMAN, Captain. Crowell, 1,203 tens burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised and freight will he received every day, a steamer beat always on the berth to receive cars®. Shippers are requested to send ran* q; TAdtey with their goods. Vorfrelght or paosge having snperiGr accommoda tions, apply to REN BY WINSOKAUU., auo 352 South Delaware avenue FOB WILMINGTON, N. C. SmSSSL the Philadelphia and south hhft MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINK, from Second Wharf b»luw SPRUCE street. The first-class steamship PIONEER, captainJ Ben* nett, for WILMINGTON, 'will commence receiving freight on THURSDAY November 29th, and sail on SATURDAY, Deceember Ist. at 10 o’clock A, SL, and every alternate Satoiday thereafter—via: December 15th, 29th, &c. Passengers will find superior and best attendance. Cabin passage, ISO; Deck do., $lO. Freight carried at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail lug day. Agents at Wilmington, WORTH & DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad* dressed to their care to and from the interior. For freight or passage, apply to WM-.L. xAangß General Agent, se!2: ■ . .. .. ; 314 south Wharves THROUGH AIR-LINE «) THE SOUTH 9EBxP*fi AND WEST. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK* __ STEAMSHIP COMPANY, “ THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW 3HRN. Also* to all points in NORTH and SOUTH CARO LINA, via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to’ LYNCHBURG, VA., TENNESSEE, and the WEST, via NORFOLK. PETERSBURG AND SOUTHBIDH ~R A TT.Rf>AT>. The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to. gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it: to the public as the moot desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., seKT 14 North and 14 South Wharves. >«SM HAVANA BTKAMKRh. SSiHfii KKMI-MOKTHLY USA Icesteamahlpe HKWPBICK HUDSON Capt. Homi STABS AND BTRIPEB Capt Holmea These b team era will leave this port for Havana every other SATURDAY, at 8 A M. The steamship STARS aKD STRIPES, Holmes, master, will sail for Havana or SATURDAY MQBH IHG, December 35th, at 8 o’clock. Passage to Havana ISO. Ho freight received- after Thursday. Per freight or passage, applyto THOM A a WATTBOH A SOSS, no North Delaware a Venus FOB GALVESTON TEX & ~ SHfeR TEXAS RiNE DIEECT. 3he Ai Steamship ETJTERPE. Ridridge, com mander. is now rapidly loading- at Pier 20 East Elver, and *lll sail with depatch. (No charge nude for C ravage on goods forwarded to the ißterlor by rail road.) For freight or passage, having saperior accom modations, apply to BISHOP, «■ ON * CO„ No. 105 Arch street. 40 SWt. BBW KXPKKSH UOTS TO a SoBB ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington, via Chesapeake and Belaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria. Va.,lbnn the most direct rente fin Lynchburg, Bristol,KnoxvUle, Nullvl lie, and the Southwest. Steamers leave Pint Wharf above »n*a stress every Wednesday and Saturday at U 1C For freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYD* A CO., it North Wharves. : FOB NEW YOKE,—Philadelphia Steam SHIK Propeller Company—Despatch and Swlß snrelilnea, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Deaytns dally at U K. and 5 P. M. ounnectlns with all the Northern and EaetemUnea ■ Por freight, which will v e taken on terms, apply to mhietf _ WM.M. BAIRD «SCO., Ho, IS2 South Delaware avenge. - «IT~ a. BTKAMEB ‘ FOB SAME.—Tie tan) '» sailing coppered and copper fastened W steamerJXELBNQITIi (aide wht el).408 tonsO,M., 180 leetleng, 24J4 feet beam; depth of hold'B feet i lnchee; draws s feet 4 inches water built of live and redcsdar., Apply to . B.A. 80UDEB&00., , sel2-tf ' Boch Street Whart - «» >■ WWW Tng.MIAT UKJBU ■ ...: . JmBStBfCDxZAWAJtJS and CIKXSjCPMJIKX SIHjtM TOW-BOAT COMPANY. ■ - BABBIB towed to and eroin PHILADELFKIAi HAVSK-BZ-GKAOB, BAETQtOBE, WASHES® TON, and Intermediate points. VH. F.CSiTbX d nt.Aioita .i.'Jaa Booth Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain JOHN lATOHLm.Bnpartntendant. ' s . JSht FOB .INTWEBP —Petrulenm.— ihe first •dfrn Claes ship UNCLE JOE, Captain Bewail, will '■»' if have Immediate despatch .for the above port. Erwi&orESff* aPPIr W ■*OBgMAg,»ffi; rgla- FOB ANTWERP.—The A 1 bark ESTHER nft Captain Prince, la now loading for the above ,£>r&fl*bt or passage, apply to WORK MAN <6 CO., 123 Walnnt street. se24 ' WANTED TO PUBO BASE.—A centreboard vessel, suitable tor grain trade. Not oyer three old, and not over 26 fe.t 4 inches beam. Apply to EDMUND A. SOUDEB A CO., No. 8 Dock street. nos CCHGONEBA. ROBERTSON 1 , Merritt, master, from o wreck of ship Merrimsc, toI commence discharge Jng. oncer general order, at Snippen street wharf, on SatnrdSy. December tst, at 1 P. ftf. Consignee will please wend to the reception of their goods. PFXER: WRIGHT&BONB,US Walnmstreet. -del-tf CHIP J. G. RICHARrsON, Kendall, master, la now k? discharging under genera) order at Booth street « wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT <fc BONS.US Walnnt street, ; , , . . .. nc34tf TAB B.BHlHDLKB,successor to JOHN SHTVDtiEB. J & BOBS, Ball Makers, 80. 800 Borin DKUAWABK; Avenne, Philadelphia. . - ■ Alt worltdont lnthe best manner,and hn the&mesb and most favorable tergisj and warranted to give nee fectsatdaiafetlon. . ' ~ ■ Partlcolarattentlongtven to repairing, if EXPIMEBS WMPAimgCT^^ JLOTffitTi .JUKI, the *, MKKT oTStfaCompiwy Will be HKMffVIStoS ? S^ssssi' SSlSa^i 1 *M rpTBKXY new crop.various gn Ji»D g eS^^ y ?0a * * 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers