EXTRA. THE STATE OF TflE NATION SECOND ANNUAL MESSAGE OF ANDREW JOHNSON, PresideDt ef the United States. Fellow-citizens of the Senate and Souse of Hepresentatives; Atier a brief interval the Congress of the United States resumes its annual legislative labors. An all-wise and merciful Provi dencejbas abated the pestilence which visit ed onrshores, leaving its calamitous traces upon some portions of our oountry. Peace, order, tranquillity, and civil authority have been formally declared to exist throughout the whole of the United States. In all of the Slates civil authority has superseded the coercion of arms, and the people,' by their voluntary action, are. maintaining their grvernments in full activity and complete operation. The enforcement of the laws is no longer “obstructed in any State by com binations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of j udicial proceeding-;” and the animosities engendered by the war are rapidly yielding to the beneficent influ ences of our free institutions, and to the kindly effects of unrestricted social and commercial intercourse. An entire restora tion of fraternal feeling must be the earnest w.sh of every patriotic heart; and we will have accomplished our grandest national achievement when, forgetting the sad events of the past, and remembering only their in structive lessons, we resume our onward career as a free, prosperous, and united people. In my message of the 4th of December, 1565, Congrtss was informed of the measures which hau been instituted by the Executive with a view to the gradual restoration of the ■States in which the insurrection occurred to their relations with the General Govern ment. Provisional Governors had been ap pointed, Conventions called, Governors elected, Legislatures assembled, and Sena tors and Representatives chosen to the Con gress of the United States. Coarts had been opened for the enforcement of laws long.in abeyance. The blockade had been removed, custom-honses re-established, and the in- ' ternal revenue laws pat in force, in order that the people might contribute to the national income. Postal operations had been renewed, and efforts were being made to restore them to their former condition of ■efficiency. The States themselves had been asked to take part in the high fanction of amending the Constitution, and of thus sanctioning the extinction of African slavery as one of the legitimate results of our in ternecine struggle. Having progressed thus far, the Execu tive Department found that it had accom plished nearly all that was within the scope of its constitutional authority. One thing however, yet remained to be done before the work of restoration could be completed, and that was the admission to Congress of loyal Senators and Representatives from the States whose people had rebelled against the lawful authority of the General Govern ment. This question devolved upon the re spective Houses, which, by the Constitution, are made the; judges of the elections, re turns, and quaiifleations of their own mem bers; and its consideration at once engaged the attention of Congress. In the meantime,, the Executive Depart ment—no other plan having been proposed by Congress—continued its efforts to perfect, as far as was practicable, the restoration of the proper relations between the citizens of the respective States, the States, and the Federal Government, extending, from time to time, as the public interests seemed to require, the judicial, revenue, and postal systems of the country. With the advice and consent of the Senate, the necessary officers were appointed, and appropriations made by Congress for the payment of their salaries. The proposition to amend the Federal Constitution,*so as to prevent the ■existence of slavery within the United States ' or any place subject to their jurisdiction was -ratified by the requisite number o States; and oh the 18th. day of December, 1865, it was officially declared to have be come valid as a part of the Constitution of the United States. All of the States in which the insurrection had existed promptly amended their Constitutions, so as to make them conform to the great change thus effected in the organic law of the land; de clared null and void all ordinances and laws of secession; repudiated all pretended debts and obligations createdfor the revolutionary purposes of the insurrection; and proceeded, in good faith, to the enactment of measures for the protection and amelioration of the condition of the colored race. Congress, however, yet hesitated to admit any of these States to representation; and it was not until towards the close of the eighth month of the session that an exception was made in favor of Tennessee, by the admission of her Sena tors and Representatives. I deem it a subject of profound regret,that Congress has thns far failed to admit to seats Joyai Senators and Representatives from the other States, whose inhabitants, Wl th those of Tennessee, had engaged in the rebellion. Ten States—more than one fourth of the whole number—remain with out representation; the seats of fifty mem bers in the House of Representatives and of twenty members in the Senate are yet va cant—not by their own consent, not by a failure of election,bat by the refusal of Con gress to accept their credentials. Their ad mission, it is believed, would have accom plished much towards the renewal and strengthening oi our relations as one people, and removed serious cause for discontent on the part of the inhabitants of those States. It would have accorded with the great principle enunciated in the Declare- j non of American Independence, that no i people ought to bear the burden of taxation and yet be denied the right of represents- , **°®- ,1? would have been in consonance i •with the express provisions of the Constltn tion, that v“each State shall have at least one Representative,” and “that no State without its consent, shaft be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.” These pro- ' visions were intended to secure to every i State, and to the people of every State, the ■ right of representation in each House of ■ Congress; and so important was it deemed by the framers of the Constitution that the , equality of the States in the Senate should be preserved, that not even by an amend ment of _ the Constitution can any State, without its consent, be denied a voice in that branch of the National Legislature. It is true, it has been assnmed that the ex istence of the States was terminated by the rebellions acts of their inhabitants, and that the inßorreclion having been suppressed, they were thenceforward to be consi dered merely as conquered territories. The Legislative, Executive, and Jndioial De partments of the Government have, how , ever, with great distinctness and uniform refused to sanation an assnmp- , iSapn so incompatible with the nature of onr , KWpoblioan system, and with the professed ■ K*®eota'Of; the war. Throughout the reoent 1 S|~p3latl6h of Congress, the undeniable fact ■ itself apparent, that these ten poiiti- ; ft%,.lfommnnitipB are nothing less than States i At the very commencement of the rebellion, oach House deolared, with » unanimity as remarkable aa it , «res signifi cant, that the war was not “ waged, anon our part, in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those States, but to defend and 'maintain the su premacyof the Constitution and all laws made m pursuance thereof, and to ireserve the Union with all the dignity, equality, and rights of the several Spates unimpaired; and that as soon as these objects” were “accomplished ihe war ought?to cease.” In some instances Senators were permitted to continue their legislative functions, while in other in stances Representatives were eleoted and admitted to seats after their States had formally declared their right to withdraw from the Union, and were endeavoring to maintain that right by force of arms. All of the States whose people wereiQ iusurreo- Mon, as States, were included in theappor norftnent of the direct tax of twenty mil- .ft, dolla L rs annually laid upon the United States by the act approved sth Au !r, U K St i!fn Congress,-by -the act or March 4tn, 1H62, and by the apportionment or re presentation thereunder, also recognized their presence as States in the Union; and U;ey_have, for judicial purposes, been dir vtded into districts, as Stt&es alone can be divided. The same recognition appears in the recent legislation in reference to Ten nessee, which' evidently rests upon the fact that the functions of the State were not de stroyed by the- rebellion, but merely sus pended; and that principle is of coarse ap plicable to those States whiob, like Tennes s e, attempted to‘renounce their places in the Union. The action of the Executive Department of the Government upon this subject has been equally definite and uniform, and the purpose of the war wasspeoifioally stated in the Proclamation issued by my predecessor on the 22d day of September, 1862. It was then solemnly proclaimed and declared that “hereafter, as heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the objeoc of practically re storing the constitutional relation between the United States and each of the States and the people thereof, in which States that rela tion is or may be suspended or disturbed.” The recogniUon of the States by the Judi cial Department of the Government has also been clear and conclusive in all pro ceedings affecting them as States, had in the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts. In the admission of Senators and Repre sentatives from any and all of the States, there can be no just ground of apprehension that persons wbo aredisloyal will be ciotned with the powers of legislation; for this could not happen when the Constitution and the laws are enforced by a vigilant and faithful Each house is made the “judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications ot its own members,” and may, “with the concurrence of two-thirds,expel a member.” • When a Senator or Representative presents bis certificate of election, he may at once De admitted or rejected; or should there beany question as to his eligibility, his credentials may be referred for investigation to the ap propriate committee. If admitted to a seat, it must be upon evidence satisfactory to the Honse of which he thns becomes amember. that he possesses the requisite Constitutional and legal qualifications. If refused admis sion as a member for want of due allegiance to the Government, and returned to his constituents, theyareadmonlshed that none but persons loyal to the United States will be allowed a voice in the Legislative Coun cils of the nation, and the political power and moral influence of Congress are thus effectively exerted in the interests of loy alty to the Government and fidelity to the Union. Upon this question, so vitally af fecting the restoration of the Union and the permanency of our present form of govern n- ent, my convictions, heretofore expressed, have undergone no change; bat, on tbe contrary, their correctness has been con firmed by reflection and time. If the ad mission of loyal members to Beats in the respective Houses of Congress was wise and' expedient a year ago. it is no less wise and expedient now. -If this anomalous condi tion is right now—if; in the exact condition of these States at the present time,it is law ful to exclude them from representation, I do not see that the qnestion will be changed by the efflux of time. Ten years hence, if these States remain as they are, the right of representation will be no stronger—the right of exclusion will be no weaker. The Constitution of the United States makes it the duty of the President to re commend to the consideration of Congress ‘such measures as he shall judge necessary or expedient.” I know of no measure m ire imperatively demanded by every conside ration of national interest, sound policy apd equal justice, than the admission o' loyal members from the now nnrepresente i States. This would consummate the work of restoration, and exert amost salatary in fluence in the re-establishment of Deace, harmony and fraternal feeling. It would tend greatly te renew the confidence of the American people in the vigor and stability of their institutions. It would bind us more closely together as a nation, and enable as to show to the world the inherent and recu perative power of a Government founded upon the will of the people, and estab lished upon the principles of liberty, justice and Intelligence. Onr increased strength and enhanced prosperity would ir refragably demonstrate the fallacy of the ar guments against free institutions drawn from our reeent national disorders by the enemies of republican government. The admission of loyal members from the utates now excluded from Congress, by .al laying doubt and apprehension, wonld tarn capital, now awaiting an opportunity for investment, into the channels of trade and industry. It wonld alleviate the present condition of those States, and, by intli&ng emigration, aid in the settlement of fertile regions now uncultivated, and lead to aD increased production of those staples which have added so greatly to the wealth of the nation and the commerce of the world. New fields of enterprise wonld be opened to onr progressive people, and soon the devas tations of war wonld be repaired, and all traces of onr domestic differences effaced from the mind of onr countrymen. • In our efforts to preserve “the nnityof Government which constitutes ns one peo ple,” by restoring the States to the condition ■ Which'they held prior to the rebellion, we shonld be cautious, lest, having rescued our nation from perils of threatened disintegra tion,we resort to consolidation, and in the end absolute despotism, as a remedy for the recurrence of similar troubles. The war having terminated, and with it all occasion for the exercise of powers of doubtful con stitutionality, we shonld hasten to bring le gislation within the boundaries prescribed by the Constitution, and to return to the an cient landmarks established by onr fathers !?rL ~g ui‘ 3 . a nce of succeeding generations. The Constitution which at any time exists. J? n .H?r anB ,® d , by an ezpHoit and authentic act of tbe whole people, is saoredly obliga -u1” in tbe opinion of the pet pie, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be, in any partic ular wrong, let it be corrected by an amend ment in the way in which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by is tbe customary weapon by which free Governments are destroyed.’ ’ Washington spoke these words to his coun maHtodeWheni,efollo by their loye and gratitude, he voluntarily retired irom the cares of public life “To ee P in all things P within the P ale . of our censtitntional powers, and cherish the Federal Union as the only rook of safety,” were prescribed by Jefferson as rules of action to endear to his“oountrvmeh the true principles of their Constitution and promote a union of sentiment and action equally auspicious to their happiness and safety,” Jackson held thattheaotion of the General Government shonld always be THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILIP *!LPHIA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3.1866, ' confined to the sphore of its appro priate duties, and justly ana forcibly urged that our Government isnot to be maintained ?>?'3 tI LP w 5 n^ preserved “by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General - Government strong, we make It weak. Its truestrength consists in leavlngindlvidaals and Statesasmnchaspossibleto themselves in making itself felt, nor in Its power, but m Us beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States . more closely to the centre, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper consti tutional orbit.” -These are the teachings of men whose deeds and services have made them illustrious, and who, long since with drawn from scenes of life, have left to their country the rich legacy of their example, their wisdom, and their patriotism. Draw ing tresh inspiration from their lessons, let us emulate them in love of country audre pect for the Constitution and the laws. ~T. The report of the Secretary of the Trea sury affords : much information respecting the re venue and commerce of the country. • His views upon the currency, and with re ference to a proper adjustment of Our reve nue system, internal as well as impost, are commended to the careful consideration of Congress. In my last annual message' I expressed my general views upon these subjects. I need now only call attention to the necessity of carrying into every de partment of tne Government a system of rigid accountability, thorough retrench ment, and wise economy. With no exoep tionalnor nnnsnal expenditures.theoppres sive burdens of taxation can be lessened by such a modification of our revenue laws as will be consistent with the public faith and Hie legitimate and necessary wants o’f the Government. ■ The report presents a much more satisfac tory condition of onr finances than one year ago the most sanguine could have antici pated. During the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1865, the last year of the war, the public debt was increased §941,902,537, and on the 31st of October, 1865, it amounted to §2,740,854,750. On the 31st day of October 1366, it had been reduced to §2,551,310,005) the diminution, daring a period of fourteen months, commencing September 1,1365, and ending October 31,1866, haviDg been §206,- 379,565. In the last annual report on the siate of the finances, it was estimated that during the three quarters of the fiscal year euding the 30th of June last, the debt would be increased §112,194,947. Daring that pe riod, however, it was reduced §31,196,387. the receipts of the year having been §S9 - 9i‘5,905 more, and the expenditures §200,529)- 235 less than the estimates. Nothing could more clearly indicate than these statements the extent and availability of the national resources, and the rapidity and safety with which, under our form of government, great military and naval establishments can be aisbanded, and expenses reduced from a war to a peace footing. During the fiscal year ending the 39th of June, 1866, the receipts were 5555.032 620, aud the expenditurea §520,750,940, leaving aa available surplus of §37,251,650. It i 3 estimated that the receipts ior the fiscal year ending the 30lh of June, 1867, will be §475 - 061,386, and that the expenditures will reach the sum of §316,428.678, leaving in the Trea sury a surplus of §isB 633,308. For the fis cal year ending Jane 30,1868, it is estimated that the receipts will amount to §136,000,000. and thatthe expenditures will be §350,247,- 611—showing an excess of §85,752 359 in Javor of the Government. Thtss estimated receipts may be diminished by a reduction ot excise and import duties; but after all necessary redactions shall have been made the revenue of the present and of following years will doubtless be sufficient to co ver all legitimate charges upon the Treasury, and leave a large annual surplus to be applied to thib payment of the principal of the debt. There seems now to be no good reason why taxes may not be reduced as the country advances in population and wealth, and yet the debt be extinguished within the next quarter of a century. The report of the Secretary of War fur nishes valuable and important Information in reference to the operations of his Depart ment during the past year. Few volunteers now remain In the service, and they are being discharged as rapidly as they can be replaced by regular troops. The army has been promptly paid .carefully provided with medical treatment, well sheltered and sub sisted, and is to be furnished with breech loading small arms. The military strength of the nation has been unimpaired by the discharge of volunteers, the disposition of unserviceable or perishable stores, and the retrenchment of expenditure. Sufficient war material to meet any emergency has been retained, and, from the dis banded volunteers standing ready to respond to the national call large armies can be rapidly organized’, equipped, and concentrated. Fortifications on the coast and frontier have received or are being prepared for more powerful arma n.enls; lake surveys and harbor and river improvements are in course of energetic prosecution. Preparations have been made 1 r the payment of the additional bounties authorized durffig the recent session ofCon gress, under such regulations as will pro ject the Government from fraud, aodseoure to the honorably-discharged soldier the well-earned reward of his faithfulness and gallantry. More than six thousand maimed soldiers have received artificial limbs or other surgical apparatus; and forty-one na tional cemeteries, containing the re mains of 104,526 Union soldiers, have already been established. The Sss2s 20**669 e 8 ° f mUitary appropriations it; in stated in the report of the Secretary of the Navy that the naval foroe at this time consists of two hundred and seventy-eight vessels, armed with two thousand three hundred and fifty-one guns. Of these, one hundred and fifteen vessels, carrying one thousand and twenty-nine gnns, are in com mission, distributed chiefly among seven squadrons. The number of men in the service 1b thirteen thousand six hundred. Great activity and vigilance have been dis played by all the squadrons, and their movements have been judiciously and effi ciently arranged in such manner as would best promote American commerce, and protect the rights and interests of our countrymen abroad. The ves sels unemployed are undergoing repairs, or are laid up until their services ““7. be . squired. Most of the iron-olad fleet is at League Island, in the vicinity of Philadelphia, a place which, until decisive action should be taken by Congress, was selected by the Secretary of the Navy as the most eligible location for that class of ves sels. It is important that a suitable public flL a^° D T. hon J d . b ® Prodded for the iron-olad fleet. It is intended that these vessels shall be in proper condition for any eiiergenov and it is desirable that the bill accepting League Island for naval purposes, which passed the House of Representatives at its last session, should receive final action at an early period, in order that there may be a suitable public station for this class of vessels, as well as a navy-yard of area sufficient for the wants of on tbe Delaware river. The Naval Pension fund amounts to 811,750,000. having been increased $2,760,000 during the year. The expenditures of the Department for thefiscal year ending 30th June last were §43,324,526 and the estimates for the oimingyear amount to $23,668,436. Atten tion is invited to the condition of our sea men, and the Importance of. legislative measures for their relief and improvement. The suggestions in behalf of this deserving class of our fellow-oitizebs are earnestly recommended to’the favorable attention of Congress. The feport'of the Postmaster General pre sents a most, satisfactory condition of the postal seryioe, and submits .recommenda tions which deserve the consideration of Congress. The revenues of the Department I SS yea 3i e “dmg June 3°, 1868, were $14,- 386,986, and the expenditures 815.352T079. showing an excess of the latter of ?96?093 la anticipation of this deficiency, however,, a special appropriation was made by Con gress in the act approved July 28,1866. In nnn , ln ? the st “nding appropriation of $700,- 000 for free mail matter, as a legltlmate por tipn of the revenues yet remaining unex pended, the actual deficiency for the past year is only $265,093—a sum within 851,141 of the amount eotimated in the annual re port of 1864. The deorease of revenue oom pared with the previous year was one and one fifth per cent., and the increase of ex penditures, owing principally to the en largement, of the mail service in the South, was twelve- per cent. On the 30th of June last there were in operation six thousand nine hundred and thirty mail routes, with an aggregate length of one hun dred and eighty thousand nine hundred and twenty-one miles, an aggregate annual transportation of seventy-one million eight hundred and thirty-seven thou sand nine hundred and fourteen miles and an aggregate annual cost, including ail expenditures, of ,$8,410,184. The length of eaiiroad routes is thirty-two thousand and ninety-two miles, and the annual trans portation thirty million six hundred and nine thousand iburhundredaridsixty-seven miles. The length of steamboat routes is fqurteen thousand three hundred and forty six miles, and the annual transportation three million four hundred and eleven thou sand nine hundred and sixty-two miles. Ihe mail service is rapidly increasing throughout the whole country, and its steady extension in the Southern States indicates their constantly improving condition. The growing importance °f the foreign service also merits atten tion. The Post Office Department of Great Britain - and our own have agreed upon a preliminary basis for a new Postal Convention, which it Is believed will prove eminently benefioial to .the commer cial interests oi the United States, inasmuch as it contemplates a reduction of the inter national letter postage to one-half the exist ing rates; a reduction of postage with all other countries to and from which corres pondence is transmitted in the British mail, or m closed mails through the United King dom: the establishment of uniform and rea sonable charges for the sea and territorial transit of correspondence in closed mails: and an allowance to each Post Office De partment of the right to use all mail com munications established under the authority <>l the other for the despatch of|corre3ponci tiice, either in open or clesed mails, on the fed me terms as those applicable to the in habitants of the country providing the means of transportation. The report of the Secretary of the Interior exhibits the condition of those branches of the pnbiic service which are committed to bis supervision. During the last fiscal year four million six hundred and twenty-nine i nonsand three hundred and twelve acres of public land were disposed of, one million eight hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and sixteen acres of which were eutered under the homestead act. The po ll y originally adopted relative to the public kuds has unaergone essential modifications 1 mmediate revenue, and not their rapid set tlement, was the cardinal feature of oar land system. LoDg experience and earnest dis cussion have resulted In the conviction that tie early development of our agri cultural resources, and the diffu sion of an energetic population over our vast territory, are objects of far greater importance to the national growth and prosperity than the proceeds of the sale ci the land to the highest bidder in open market. The pre-emption laws confer upon me pioneer who complies with the terms they impose the privilege of purchasing a limited portion of “nnotfered lands” at the minimum price. The homestead enact ments relieve the settler from the payment of pnicbase money, and secure him a per manent home, upon the condition of resi dence for a term of years. This liberal policy invites emigration from the old, and from t be more crowded portions of the new world Its propitious results are undoubted, and w Ui be more signally manifested when time shall bave given to ft a wider development. Congress has made liberal grants of pub lic land to corporations, in aid of the W sirnction or railroads and other Internal improvements. Should this policy hereafter prevail, more stringent provisions wllll be required to secure a faithful application of the fund. The title to the lands should not pass, by patent or otherwise, but remain in the Government and subject to its control until some portion of the road has been actually built. Portions of them might then, from time to time, be conveyed to the corporation, but never in greater ratio to the whole quantity embraced by the grant than the completed parts bear to theentire length of the projected improvement. Thiarestrio tlon would not operate to the prejudice of any undertaking conceived in good faith mid executed with reasonable energy, as it is the settled practice to withdraw from market the lands falling within the opera tion of such grants, and thus to exclude the inception of a subsequent adverse right. A breach of the conditions which Congress may deem proper to impose should work a lorteiture of claim to fee lauds so with drawn but unconveyed, and or title to the lauds conveyed which remain unsold. OpMaltons on the several lines of the Pa one Railroad have been prosecuted with u nexampled vigor and success. S hould no unforeseen causes of delay occur, it is coa fcdenUy anticipated that this great thor oughfare will be completed before the expiration of the period designated bv Congress. • - Daring the last fiscal year the amount paid to pensioners, including the expenses oi disbursement, was thirteen millions four hundred and fifty-nine thousand nine hun dred and ninety-eix dollars, and fifty thou sand one hundred and seventy-seven names were added to the pension rolls. The entire number of pensioners, June 30, 1866, was one hundred and twenty-aix thousand seven hundred and twenty-two. This fact furnishes melancholy and striking proof of the sacrifices made to vindicate the consti tutional authority of the Federal Govern-, ment, and to maintain inviolate the in tegrity of the Union. ■ They impose upon us corresponding obligations, It is esti mated that thirty-three million dollars will be required to meet the exigences of this branch of the service during the next fiscal year. Treaties have been concluded with the Indians, who, enticed into armed opposition to onr Government at the outbreak of the rebellion, have unconditionally submitted ttf’onr authority, and manifested an earnest desire for a renewal of friendly relations. ,oE u - !{? e year ending September 30, 1866, eight thousand seven hundred and six teen patents for useful inventions and de signs were issued, and at that date the balance in the Treasury to the credit of the Patent fund was two hundred and twenty* eight thousand two hundred and ninety ♦ seven dollars. J As a subject upon which depends an im mense amount of the production and com merce of the country, I recommend to Con gress such legislation as may be necessary for the preservation or the levees of the Mississippi river. It is a matter of national importance that early steps should be taken not only to add to the efficiency of these barriers against destructive inundations, but for tbe removal of all obstructions to the free and safe navigation of that great cnannel of trade and commerce. The District of Columbia, under existing laws, iB not entitled to that representation in the National Councils Which, from our earliest history, has been uniformly'ac corded to each Territory established from time to time within onr limits/ It main tains peculiar relations to Congress, to whom the Constitution has granted the power of exercising exclusive legislation over the,seat of government, Onrfellow citizens residing in the District, 'whose in terests are thus confided to the special guar dianship of Congress, exceed in number the population of several of our Territo ries, and no, just reason is. nercalved ■why a delegate of tbeir choice should not be admitted to a - seat in the House of Representatives. :No mode so appropriate and effectual of en- them to make known their peculiar condition and wants, andTsecuring the local legislation adapted to them. I therefore recommend the passage of aiawauthOrizing the electors of the District of Colombia to choose a _ delegate, to be allowed the same rights andprivilegesas a delegate represent ing a Territory. The increasing enterprise and rapid progress of improvement in-the are highly gratifying, and I trust that the efforts of the municipal authorities to. promote the prosperity of the national metropolis will receive the efficient and generous co-operation of Congress. The report of the Commissioner of Agri culture reviews the operations of his De- PfJ 1 ®??? 1 dunng the past year, and asks the thoseSm^tffich/'lcourgSi^Vwarafl It is a subject of congratulation that no foreign combinations against our domestic peace andisafety, or our legitimate influ ence the nations, have been formed or attempted. While sentiments of recon ciliation, loyalty and patriotism, have in creased at home, a more just consideration of our national character and rights has been manifested by foreign nations; The entire success of the Atlantic Tele graph between the coast of Ireland and the .Province of Newfoundland, is an achieve ment which has been justly celebrated in both hemispheres as the opening of an era m the progress of civilization. There is rea son to expect that equal success will attend, and even greater results follow, the enter prise for connecting the two Continents through the Pacific Ocean by the projected line of telegraph between Kamschatka and the Russian possessions in America. The resolution of Congress protesting against pardons by foreign Governments of persons convicted of infamous offences, on condition of emigration to our country,has been communicated to the States with which we maintain intercourse, and the practice, so justly the subject of complaint on. our part, has not been renewed. The congratulations of Congress to the Emperor ot Russia, upon his escape front 7 attempted assassination, have been pre-= Sented to that humane and enlightened ruler,and received by him with expressions ol grateful appreciation. The Executive, warned of an attempt by opanish-American adventurers to induce the emigration of freedmen of the United biatea to a foreign country,protested against the project as one which, if consummated, would reduce them to a bondage even more oppressive than that from whioh they have just teen relieved. Assurance has teen re ceived from the Government of the State in which the plan was matured, that the pro cecdißg 'will meet neither its encourage nient nor approval. It is a question worthy of your consideration, whether our laws upon this sabject are adequate to the pre vention or punishment of the crime thus meditated. In the month of April last, as Congress is aware, a friendly arrangement was made between the Emperor of France and the President of the United States for the with drawal from Mexico of the French expedi tionary military forces. This withdrawal was to be effected in three detachments, the hret of which, it was understood, would leave Mexico in November, now past, the second in March next, and the third and last In November, 1867. Immediately upon the completion of the evacuation, the French Government was to assnnye the same atti tude of non-intervention, in regard to Mexi c<>, as is held by the Government of the United States. Repeated assurances have been given by the Emperor, since that' agreement, that he would complete the pro mised evacuation within the period men tioned, or sooner. It was reasonably expected that the pro ceedings thus contemplated would produce a crisis of great political interest in the Re pnbhc: of Mexico.' The newly-appointed Minister of the United States. Mrf Camp beU, was therefore sent forward, on the 9th day ofNovember last, to assume his proper functions as Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to that Republic. It was also thought expedient that he should be attend ed in the vicinity of Mexico by the Lieuten ant General of the Army of the United States, with the view of obtaining such in formation as might be important to deter mine the course to be pursued by the United Slates in re-establishing and maintaining necessary and proper intercourse with the Republic of Mexico. Deeply interested in the canse of liberty and humanity,it seemed an obvious duty on our part to exercise whatever influence we possessed for the re storation and permanent Establishment in that country of a domestic and republican form ot government. Such was the condition of affairs in re gard to Mexico, when, on the22d of Novem ber last, official information was received from Paris that the Emperor of France had some time before decided not to withdraw a detachment of his forces in the month of November past, according to engagement, -but that this decision was made with the purpose of withdrawing the whole forcß in the ensuing spring. - Of this determination, however, the United States had not received any notice or intimation; and, as soon as the information was received by the Govern ment, care was taken to make known its dissent to the Emperor of France I cannot forego the hope that France will reconsider the subject, and adopt some resolution in regard to the evaedation of Mexico which will conform as nearly as practicable with the ex isting engagement, and thus meet the just expectations of the United States. The papers relating to the sabject will be laid before you. It is believed that, with the evacuation of Mexico by the expeditionary forces, no snbject for serions differences between France and the United Btates would remain. The expressions of the Em peror and people of France warrant a hope that the traditionary friendship between the two countries might in that case be renewed and permanently restored. A claim of a citizen of the United States for indemnity for spoliations committed on the high seas by the French authorities, in the exercise of a belligerent, power against Mexico, has been met by the Government of France with a proposition to defer settle ment until a mutual convention for the ad justment of all claims of citizens and {sub jects of both countries, arising out of the re cent wars on this Continent, shall be agreed upon by the two countries. The suggestion is not deemed unreasonable, but it belongs to Congress to direct the manner in which claims for indemnity by foreigners, as well as by the citizens of the United States, aris ing out of the late civil war, shall be adiu djeated and determined. I have no doubt that the subject of all such claims will, en gBgo your attention at a convenient and proper time. Xtis_a matter of regret that no consider able advance haa been made towards an adjnatment of the differences between the United States and Great Britain, arising out ot the depredations upon our national com tterce and other trespasses committed du ring our civil war by British subjects, in violation of international law and treaty obligations. The delay,- however, may be e, e t?bav« resultwi in no small degree from the domestic situation of Great Bri taln. An entire change of ministry occurred m that country daring the last session of Parliament. Theattention of the new min istry was called to the snbjeot at an early day, and there is some reason to expect tliat it will now be considered In a becom lng and _ friendly spirit. The importance of an early disposition of the question cannot be exaggerated/ Whatever might be the wishes of the two Governments, it is mani fest that good-will and friendship between iii 0 cottntries cannot be established until a reciprocity, in the practice of good laitffand neutrality, shall be restored be tween the respective nations. On the Gth of June last, in violation of our neutrality laws, a military expedition and enterprise against the British North Ame nwm Colonies was projected and attempted 5? ®? rr ied on within the territory and ju risdiction of the 'United States. In obe dience to the obligation imposed upon the Executive by the Constitution, to see that the laws are foithfally executed, all oltizens were warned,by proclamation. against taking part mor aiding such nnlawful proceed ings, and the proper civil, military and naval officers were directed to take all. ne cessary measures for the enforcement of the. laws. The expedition faded, but it has not been without its painfhl consequences. Some of our citizens who, it was alleged were engaged io the expedition, were cap! tured, and have beenJbrought to trial, as for a capital offence, in the Province of Canada. Judgment and sentence of death have been pronounced against some, while others have been acquitted. Fully believing in themaximof government/that severity of civil punishment for misguided persons who have engaged in revolutionary attempts which have disastrously foiled, is unsound and unwise, such representations have been made to the British Government, in behalf of the convicted persons, as, being sustained by an enlightened ana humane judgment, will, it is hoped, induce in their cases an exercise of clemency, > and a judi cious amnesty to all who were engaged in the movement. Counsel has been employed by the Government to defend citizens of the State i on l rial for offences in 5 aß , d -r? discontinuance of thepro secutions wLifch were instituted in the courts “f Uni'ed States against those who took part in the expedition, has been diected. , . re B a , r ded the expedition as not £ oUtlcal J n 1,8 Ea tnre, but as also in a great measure foreign from the United States m its causes, character and objects. The attempt was understood to be made in sym- P a ' h \ wu . h ,, a . n insurgent party in Ireland, f,^’„ by i Etrlk . lrlK a ] a British Province on this Continent, was designed to aid in obtain ing redress for political grievances which, it was assumed, the people of Ireland had suf fered at the hands of the British Govern ment during a period of several centuries. ITie persons engaged in it were chiefly na tives of that country, some of whom had. while others had not, become citizens of the Lmted States under our general laws of naturalization. Complaints of misgovem ment in Ireland continnaliv engage the at tention of the British nation, and so great an agitation is now prevailing in British Govern xcent have deemed ifc necessary to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in that country. These circumstances must neces saiily modify the opinion which we might otherwise have entertained in regard to an expedition expressly prohibited by our neutrality laws. So long as those laws re main upon our statute-books, they should befmihfuUy executed, and if they operate harshly, unjustly, or oppressively, Congress alone can apply the remedy, by their modi fication or repeal, Poiiacai and commercial interests of the United States are not unlikely ti be affected in some degree by events which are trans piring in tte eastern regions of Europe, and the tune seems to have come when our Go vernment ought to have a proper diplomatic representation in Greece. . * This Government has claimed for all per sons not convicted, or accused, of suspected of crime, an absolute political right of self expatriation, and a choice of new national allegiance. Most of the-Eoropean States have dissented from this principle, and have claimed a right to hold Bucb of theirsubjects as have immigrated to and been naturalized' in the_ United States, and afterwards re turned on transient visits to their native countries, to the performance of military service in Hke manner as resident subjects*- Complaints arising from the claim in this respect made by foreign States, have fcereto fore been matters of controversy between Uie United States and some of the European Powers, and the irritation con sequent upon the failure to settle this question increased during the war m which Prussia, Italy and Austria were recentiy engaged. While Great Britain has never acknowledged the right of expatria tion, she has not practically insisted upon Efa oce has been equally forbearing, and Prussia has proposed a compromise, which, although evincing increased liberality, hah not been accepted by the United States. Peace is now prevailing everywhere in Eu rope, and the present seems to beafororable time for an assertion by Congress of the principle, so long maintained by the Execu tive Department, that naturalization by one State fully exempts the native-born subject of any other State from the performance of military service under any foreign Govern ment, so long 8s he does not voluntarily re nounce its rights and benefits. In the performance or a duty imposed upon me by the Constitution, I have thus submitted to the Representatives of the States and of the People,-such information ° r our domestic and foreign affairs as the publio interests seem to require. Our Gov ernment is now undergoing its most trying ordeal, and my earnest prayer is that the peril may be successfully and finally passed, without impairing its original strength and symmetry. The interests of the nation are best to be promoted by the revival of fraternal relations, the complete oblitera tion of our past differences, and the re inauguration of all the pursuits of peaae. Directing our efforts to the early accom plishment of these great ends, let us endea vor to preserve harmony between the co ordinate Departments of the Government, that each in its proper sphere may cordially co-operate with the other in securing the maintenance of the Constitution, the preser vation of the Union, and the perpetuity of our free institutions. ■nr Andrew Johnsoit. Washington, Deo. 3, 1866. AKVS£H£KTS. The Thxatbes —Ail the theatres are do'ng an ex ceJlent business. At the Walnut Mr. J. S. Clarke has appeared to a triumphant house, and to*nlsht he will BlvaIa ”, sud the.lmmortal “Tnodtes.” JSSSbS^!® ttS fl ChS?tnSt 6 “‘ms Am&?^ThV» ® IJTZ kcepa.np with the times and presents new Dills every evening at .Assembly BuUdfng. He also appears on Wednesday and fcatarday afternoons. The Old Folks open an x engagemeot at National i»au to*nlgbt. They will appear in charming pro grammes nightly »nd on Wednesday and Satoraay ajumcors. *ihe troupe has been thoroughly recon structed and consists of twenty-two very fine singers, including the old favorites. The Eleventh Street Opera House crowded nightly, and the programmes presented are egnal to those cf any minstrel troupe tn tne worlds AUCTION SAXES. rrVHOMAB BIRCH <6 SON.AUCTIONEERSAND X ■ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. mochestnut street. 1 (RearentrauceNo. lKTSansom street.) Sale no li» Norm sixteenth street. TO-MORROW MORNING. ROSEWOOD PIANO PORTS,. Also one Superior Grand Action Rosewood Piano Forte; , One Wlllcox * Gibbs Sewing Machine. in complete otter. _ One large Pig Tree, TTATNKB* BROS.’ WlMa V ~~ ■SShave dealt in them for H year*, andJsSSi TIT%I (guarantee each |foc 6 years. Prices Ml 4TI Irons (SOO to J. E. GOURD nolP.tf.Bp Seventh and Oh<«tniU —. ÜbIOKKKIAG UrmuHT >»i. W( OHESTI«)T SmH®rt t >V o - , 111 VI ' OCB-ttlp W.H. DUTTON. BTJf-OK <fe CO.’B PTANita . ORQaKS, ■■ **» poly at J, & & OUwtaut. nio.tfi*
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