From Europe by Atlantic Cable. Loudon, Nov. 30, noon;—A gunboat to' Sheeiness yesterday, and another .will leave. t<J-day, their destination being irewuu. They carry with them'a large supply <*' arms and ammunition to be ased in tht snppression of Fenian outbreaks. No more arrests have been: made. Liverpool, Nov. 30,—The Canard steam ship Java, from Boston, Nov. 21, arrive.) here to-day, London, Nov. 30.—Queen Victoria and suite went to Wolverhampton to-day, when the Queen, took the chief part in the cere mony of unveiling the statue.of Prince Al berti : An Immense crowd of people were, in attendance, and extended an enthusiastic welcome to the Queen. Lisbon", Nov- 30.—The famous-monitor Miantonomoh and six - other vessels belone ing to the United States navyarenow riding at anchor in this harbor. It is ascercaiuou, however, that they will sail in a fe w days, but their destination is unknown. -- - London, Nov. 30.—Tnere are vague ru mors that Chief Organizer Stephens lately arrived in Paris, and is now secreted there. It is reported on good authority that Mr. Bigelow, the United Statea Minister at Paris, recently read to Napoleon in person a very grave and decided despatch frqm Secretary Seward. This despatch (so report goes) im plicitly required France to fulfil the engage ments she had entered into with regard to the Mexican'question. The Emperor, how ever, made no reply. Liverpool, Nov. 30.—Cotton is without quotable cbange. The Breadstuff* market is somewhat easier, and Com has decline ~ to 39a. 6d. for mixed western. Pork is als . declining.. ' London, Nov. 30.—The money market i quiet, arid steady. Consols opened at 892 fo money. . American securities, with the ex ception'of Fiye-twenties,have declined sine . the! last report. The following are the car rent rates: U. S. 5-20 s, 70J; 111. Central, 762. Effeß.R., '4si. ~ ■ ■ Lixekfool, Nov. 30, noon;—The cottou market opened heavy, with a prospect of a day’s sale of 10,000 bales. Middlipg Orleans quoted at 142 d. - ■ London, Nov. 30, Evening,—U. S. Five twen'iies exhibited a steady appearance to day, though perhaps a little more weak at the close. The opening rate was 701, and the closing figures 701 sellers, 70 buyers. The money market is. easy at 381(5)34. ’ Ameri can railway shares stronger on Illinois Cen tral, and weaker on Erie JRaiiroad,’ the former sold at 77, and the latter at 45t@46. Accounts from Liverpool advise a more steady feeliDg in the Cotton market,and in creased business. Sales to-day, 10,000 bales, tne market closing firm at 14d. for uplands At the Liverpool Com market to-day,all de scriptions of breads tuffs were slow of sale, and in Indian Corn a decline of 3@6i. per quarter was accepted. London, Dec. 1, Noon.—The. market for American securities is dull. The following are the opening quotations: U. S. 5-203, 702 Hi.* Central, 77; Erie R. R., 46. - Ltvbbpool, Dec. 1, Evening.—The cotton market closed steady. The sales to-day ag gregated 10,000 bales, of which speculators and exporters took 3,000 bales. London, Deo. 1, Evening.—At the close, railway shares were quoted as at the open lng, and but little business was done. U. S. 5-20 s advanced i, closing at 70i, with Ihir demand. Money is in demand. Berlin, Dec. 1, 'evening.—United States 5-20 s dosed at the same price as at the open ing.. _ ■ . . London, Dec. 1. —It is denied that the Englisn militia will go-to Ireland. Martial law has been proclaimed in the dty of Limerick and county, and arrests continne daily. The Daily News fears that Lord Stanley has acquiesced in the refasai of France to give up If Amir and e. Paris, Dec. I.—The Journal des Debats says that Borne will be evacuated on the 12th inst. Liverpool, Dec. I.—The sales of cation to-day have been 10,000 bales, the market closing quiet at 14d. for Middling Uplands, Breadstufi's very active. London, Dec. I.—Consols for money, 89}; Erie B. 8., 455; Illinois Central B, 8., 77; U. S. 5-20 s. 70$. Paris, Dec. 2. —A despatch from America announcing the occupation of Matamoras by the United States troops, has caused a marked sensation here. London, Dec. 2. —A1l the regular troops in this city -will be -strictly confined to the precincts of their barracks during the re form meeting which takes place here on Monday, December 3. Lieutenant Maury, late a Confederate naval commander, has arrived in London. Trieste. Dec. I.—Advices received from Miramar report that the case of the Empress Carlotta is said, by consulting physicians, to be hopeless. Preparations are being made to receive the Emperor Maximilian, who is expected to arrive in an Austrian war vessel at an early date. ' Paris, Dec. I.—The case of Armon fils vs. the United States, concerning the iron-clad vessels built for the Confederates, through Messrs. Erlanger, Slidell and Bullock, which came up before the first tribunal of the Seine, it is thought will be settled by arbi tration. The King of Prussia has deoided to send Prince Adalbert, lately created an Admiral, to the United States, to study , the modern improvements in naval construction. The naval system of* the United States will be adopted as a model in the formation of the Prussian service, rather than that of Ene land. . 6 C. C. (}lay yisita Jeff Davis. Fobtbess Monbob, Nov. 30.— Clement C. Clay, who arrived here day before yes* terday, accompanied by Mrs. Clay, for the purpose of spending Thanksgiving with Jeffi Davis'and his family, left here this morning, on the Richmond steamer John Sylvester, for City Point. Thence he goes to Petersburg, where be will visit some friends in that town. Where he designs going from there has not been ascertained. Mrs. Clay went to Baltimore last evening, intending to visit Washington before join ing her hußband in Petersburg. Clay ex pressed himself very agreeably pleased with his visit to the Portress, the scene of his long imprisonment, and gathered many relics to treasure up in the future, which his hasty exit from the Port when the intel ligence t f bis release reached him prevented him from obtaining. Entering the Port on Wednesday morning, he did not make his appearance outside until last evening, when he saw Mrs. Clay off on board the Balti more steamer, and this morning when he bid, perhaps, a final adieu to Old Point and its memorable associations. The meeting between Davis and Olay is desoribed as, very warm and cordial. They were both received in Carroll Hall, and made com fortable during their visit. • While in the Port, Davis and Clay were frequently seen walking along the different paths in deep conversation, their eyes cast refleotingiy towards the ground, and their appearauca impressive and suggestive of . the times when they . scarcely met or were al lowedto / converse save in the presence of the übiquitous officer of the day. A. great change since then has oc curred, and no one more than Clay could have observed it, in the utmost libertv, com fort, and' means of enjoyment Davis now has, in the once strongly guarded fortress. Preparations for ah unusual and luxurious Thanksgiving were observed during the morning in the vicinity of the apartments of ' Davis,iw Carroll Hall,and with several other loutherners, who also had arrived on social ‘ iitS, a very egreeableThanksgi ving dinner it have beenconsnmed. uslob-General Sheridan has for ged to the War Department a refutation |fe charges of inhumanity against the l, rs at the Dry Tortugas, Florida. flMw 'Jth of Republican Caucus at Washington. I ■WasffiNGiwfußeKSli-SThV RepublicaS-" memberalof Congress,: nnmberin g perhaps ititty, held acancßs to-nigbt at the Oapit<>- rhe Hon. Thaddeus Stevens presided* and |ihe Hon. Mr. Irigersoll, of Illinois, acted a- Secretary. A committee, to oonsist 'of him members, to prepare business for an ad journed meeting fbr Wednesday next, wa appointed. The caucus designated Speaker .Colfax to reply to the address*of welcome to Congress. to be delivered by Chief Justice phase, on Monday afternoon, at the Capitol, ibe various Republican associations, club and ' unions having made arrangements t proceed thither in procession as a part Of the programme. The canons were not exolusivt in naming their orator,but suggested that the members of the Senate appoint one of their own number to perform a : similar part, f The Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was selectee to respond to the toast, "The Congress of the United States,” to be proposed at the ban quet in the fair building, on Monday night Tbs caucns had an interesting time in die cussing the subject of removals from and appointments t& office. Various member mentioned instanceß of what they character ized as gross injustice on the part of the Pre sident of the United States in their respec tive districts. The sentiment among them was that good men had been displaced to make room for bad ones. In view of this, the canons unanimously recommended that the Senate reject all the' nominations made merely on political grounds. ' * The HoU. B. P. Spaulding said he had no doubt the Senate would reject all who ought -o be rejected. . ; - T PASSENGERS SAILED. In. steamer Star of (be Union, lor New Orleans— Micb&el Tomer, Mite Bridget E Milligan, Mrs C Wil eon. W i’son Pratt. Mrs 8 L Breeze, three children a- d -wo servants, Mrs Margaret Bond, Oeo Brelner, Geo Frazer. irrlial ana Sailing ol Ocean atowuerc TO ARRTVB. SHOT J5£M VOX Celia*.— MM *LoDaon.ul7ew York.— M ..»ov. m> Propontis —.‘...LiverpooL~Boston&Plilla .Nov. l'- Kangaroo Jjiverpooi.~New York —..Xov. 1: Arago..— —..Havre...New York— ..Nov. 2> Amtrica —Southampton.-New York —Nov. 2> City of Baltimore.Liverpooi...New York-.,.—...N0v. 21 lowa Glasgow... New York —Nov. 2i St. David.— .Liverpool... Portland— Nov. 22 Europe— -Havre-New York :..Nov 2? dry of Manchester-Livtfrp*!—New York ——Nov. 24 Asia.. .... ...—LlverpooL.-Boston...—Nov. 24 Wm Penn. —..London.-New York—24 fiecla M .. Ltveipool...New York Nov. 2; Bavaria. —Southampton. ..New York Nov. 27 City ot Paris -Liverpool...New York Noy. 2* Virginia. JLiverpooL..New York ..-..Nor. 2$ Moravian .Nuv. 2a Corsica— ....New V ork-Jsassau&-Hav*a 3 Africa..— 3oston—Liverpool-.. Dec. .*> City of Dablin.—New York... Liverpool Des. o Cityofßaltimore.NewYork...Llverpool, -Dec. > The Queen.—.-New. York. ..Liverpool Dec. $ Celia..— -New York...London..—.Dec. I'onawanda—. Dec. 8 H Channcey -New York...AspinwaU..—.—„.Dec. 11 Kargaroo ....New York...Llverpool -....-Das. 12 >cotta.——New York...Llverpool .—.Dec. 12 Europe— .New York...Havr**. Dec. la Denmark...—-New York...Liverpool.—Dec. 1® lewa.—.. .New York...Glasgow_.Dec. 15 Wm Penn—New York... London —— ’Jec. is Asia ——————...Boston—Liverpool —.Dec. ly Rising star MM .. M llfew York^.Aßplnwall Guiding Star...—New York... Rio Janeiro Dec. 2^ bOAKD OF TBADB JAMES DOUGHERTY, JOSEPH 0. GRUBB, >MomrHZ.Y CCItMrTTIB. EDMOND A, feOUDKB, I AABU£ BULLETIN. rOBT OF PHILADELPHIA-Decbkbxb s. 3pkßisks,7 B^dsSxts, 483| HighWatbb, 11 5c arrived yesterday. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 tours from N York.wttfc mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer £ C Biddle, N cCne, 24 boors from Washing ton. with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. BchrH Blackman, Gandy, from New York, with brimstone to Horo Pblll'ps. fcchro A Grant, Hickman. 10 days from Albemarle Sound, with lumber to Bacon, Collins & Co. Scbr Ocean Bird. Nash. 8 days from Laurel, Dei with lumber to Bacon, Collies &Co . Scbr James An<u,rson # Tunneli, 2 dayß from Indian River, Del. with corn to B«con. uolIIna&Oo SchrDHHerriman, Johnson. 2 days from Indian River, Del. with corn to Bacon. Collins A Co. Scbr Chief Aydelot, 2 days from Indian River. DeL with corn to Bacon, Collins A Co, Tns Hudson, Carr, from BalUmsie. with 12 bargee tow P Clyde A Co. UT .EARED VJKJTEKDAT Steamer Star of the Union,. Oooksey, New Orleans, Phi'&delphlaand Southern Mail Steamship Co. Steamer Whirlwind, .Fargo, Charleston, wickerabam & Co. Steamer Alexandria, Shields, Richmond, Wm P Clyde &Co. Steamer Washington, Wm P Clyde <ft Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles, New York. WP Clyde* Co steamer K Willing. Condiff. Baltimore, A Uroves. Jr. Brig Kmma, Fouikes, Matanz&s, John Mason & Co. Schr W K Alexander. Bowdoln, Portland, E A Bonder & Co. Schr Gale, Shropshire Petersburg, Va, captain. Schr J A Grlllm, Foster, Charleston, Day. Hnddell dfcCo. .Schr Eva Belle, Barrett, Charleston, Lathbury, Wick eisbam * Co. Tug-Lookont, Alexander, Baltimore, with 10 barges. W P Clyde A Co. SAILED. StiamerStarof the Union, Capt Cooksey, sailed on Satorday, for New Orleans. Correspondence of the Phlla, Evening Bulletin. BEADING. Nov. SO The following boats from the Union Canal passec into the Schnvlklll Canal. Unlay, bound to Pmladel phla.ladea and consigned as follows: Baltimore Coal C0.N0.129 with lumber to H Croaker A Co: Baltimore Coal co. No. 159, with lumber to Pat tersoD A Lipplncott: Baltimore Coal Co. No. 95. with luruler to H Croakty A Co: sallie A Morris, with iuol ber to Patterson A Lippincott: J M Bhine, with lumber to Patterson A Lippincott; Vienna, with limestone to Wm Brobat, p. MEMORANDA Ship Wyoming, Burton hence for Mobile.was spoken 19th ultlatS3 35. 1d0g74 SO. ship W estmoreland. Hammond, from Antwerp, was below Ntw Orleans 30lhuit. ShipPaciolua. Tobey.-trom Callao, Ist Sept, was be low New York 30th oit. Ship Emily tßr). Dowell, from Rio Janeiro, at New Orleans 24tb. in ballast. •■'blp Battler, Marsh, from Mantoa 24th July, was be low New York. Ist inat, i Ship BS Kimball. Dearborn, from Callao 7th Aue was below Ba timoreiOth nit. ShipNorih America. We6t. from Baltimore for San Frai cisco, at Bio Janeiro 24th Oct. Ship Eastern star, Curtis,'sailed from Bio Janeiro 24th Oct tor Callao. Ship Revete, Mclntyre, cleared at San Francisco 8d ult. forlsonalmo. a Steamer Stars and Stripes! Holmes hence at Havana 24tb ult. Steamer Fung Bhuey. Wadsworth, cleared at New York Ist insi for New Oceans. Steamer George Washington, Gager, cleared at New York, Ist inst. lor N Orleans. Sieamei Aurora, Smith, from Boston via Bahia, for San Francisco at Bio Janeiro 17th Oct.' btfamer Meteor. Watson, from Boston for East lu dlesat Bio Janeiro 19th Oct. Steamer Scotland (Br), Bull, cleared at New York Ist inn for Liverpool. Steamer Fah-kee, Sterling, cleared at New York lnt ix st for St Jago de Cuba. Steamer Euterpe, Eidridge. cleared at New York i»t inst for Key West aßd Galveston. Steamer Edward Everett. Chadwick, cleared at New York Ist inst for Buenos Ayres. steamer Ocean Queen, Gray, cleared at New York lstinsi for asplnwalL Steamer Gulf Stream, Scandelia, cleared at N.York Ist Inst for St Thomas, Ac. Steamer (Xrslcaißr), LeMeBSurler, cleared at Ne.v York Ist inst lor Havana fctesmer New York, Pratt, at Georgetown, DC 30ih nit from New York. Bark Traveler, Penfie-d, ftom Baltimore, at Per namtuco 2d ult. Ea>k Tampiar,Wllbod, ftom Buenoa Ayres, litb Oct at Balnn ore 29th uit Bark Laisdln. Mitchell, sidled ftom Buenos Ayres 7>hJrst for New York. Bark Bestiess. Sheldon hence at Demarara 7th ult. Bark Lib da, Hewitt, sailed from Barbados 7th * Nevassa. Brig John Welsh, Jr, Fifield, hence at Bio Janeiro. 17th oct. Brig Alice Lea, Herring, hence at St Thomas 3d u.t ard failed 2iei lor St Domingo. Brig Rebfcca, Shepard, Beaston, for this port, EdfCßion, Ja, 9th ult, SchrCaidera Heath, from New York for Valparals» sailed from Bio Janeiro 14'b Oct. '-cur Impudence (Br), lor this port or New York.waa at Kingston. Ja, 9th ult. 6cbr Mabel, Crowell, cleared at New York lßtlnst. for this port. COVERED WITH JOHNS’ ENGLISH. ROOFING CLOTH, AN u coated with LIQUID . GUTTA PEROHA PAINT making them perfectly water Droof LEAKY GRAVEL ROOFd repaired, with Guns P?rcna Paint, and warranted for five years. LEaKY SLATE ROOFS coated with liquid which becomes a* bard a* slate. TIN, COPPER, ZINC, or IBON coated with Liqu >d Gutta Fercha at small expense. Cest ranging fro a one to two cents per square foot. Old Board or Shim- e Eoofa ten cents per square foot, all complete. Material constantly on hand and for-sale by the PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA ROOF* ING COMPANY, GEO. HOBABT, oc2o-6m, 230 North FOURTH Street, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY DECEMBER3.IB66. 1 .XtfSEsFEIT” ; •>’> '(U'l tr.*\ , Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets i - . -/ .. \ no2Bwfta2m| CHARLES.' ESTE, litmbee; Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. PHILADELPHIA., ocSl-Sm 1 QAA —SELECT WHITE PINES IOOD. BOARDS AND PLANK, - 4-4,5-4,6 4,2, 2J£, Sand4-Insb, CHOICE PANEL AND FIRST OOMMON46 feet lona. 4 4.5 4,6-4,2,2*. 3 and 4-lncb. ; WHITE PINE. PANEL PATTERN PLANK. LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND. 1 QAA —BUILDING l BUILDING! BUILDING! .LOOD* BUILDING! LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! 4 4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 5-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4- DELAWARE FLOURING, 5- DELAWARE FLOORING, WHITE Pl*®E FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. . STEP BOAI\ *. RAILPLAMi. PLASTKBD9Q LATH. 1 C A A -CEDAR ANT CYPRESS SHINGLES. 1C DO, LONG CEDAR SHINGLES. SHORT CEDAB SHINGLES, COOPER SHINGLES, FINE ASSORTMENT, FOB SALE LOW, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. 1 QAA -LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! lODD. LUM BEB FOR UNDERTAKERS! RED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE. RED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE. 1 QAA -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, 1000. ALE aNY LUMBER OB ALL KINDS. St..* SON ED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. «KERRY AND ASH. OaK PLANK AP*D boards. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. 1 QAA -CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. IOOD. cigar box manufacture as. SPANISH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. 1G AA -SPRUCE JOIST-SPRUCE JOIST -ICOD. SPRUCE JOIST. CPBUCE LUMBER AFLOAT.-Scantling and Toivt O f length fnm 14 to 28 feet long, assorted sires. Sx 4 to 3x14, about lfo M. feet. For sale oy WORKMAN a 00.. No. 123 Walnut street. LUMBER.— The undersigned are prepared toreceiv orders for St. Mary's, Georgia, Lumber, of any & scrJption, which will be promptly executed.. EP HUND A. SOUP KB A 00. Dock It Wbart faalttf COAL COAL. COAL JACKSON & TEMPLETON’S Family Coal Yard First Yard on KinUi bd. Jefferson. Lehigh, Schuylkill, Eagle Vein, Greenwood. White Ash andotber brands at ihelowest market prlces.cen* stantiy on hand and prepared expressly for family use no3o iml EDWIN SO HALL, SUCCESSOR TO JOS. EVANS, COAL YARD, H. E. car Broad and Filbert Ste, PHTT.ADEr.PHTA. Lehigh, Schnykill and Blacksmiths’ Coal always on band, of the best qualities and lowest prices. no2g»w,fjm2ml COAL. E. 13. ASHTON’S VERY SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. r COMMUNITY’S DEPOT. nos-m.w.f-22t| BBOAD AND WOOD STREETS uuiOMmna. ' tohw j. mil THE UNDERSIGNED IN VITE ATTENTION T l their itock Of Buck Mountain Company 1 ! Coal. Lehigh Navigation company** oral, ana Locust Moaatain, •rhich they are prepared to ssn at the lowed mark rate*. Ana to deliver In the best condition. Orders left with a MASON BIRRS, Franklin Ins tote BnlldlnjftSEVENTH street, below Market, vr* be promptly Attended to. BINES A SHEAF?, »eC,U »rob Street Wharf. BchnylkH) 1 TOAJU—aUUAHLOAF.BEAVER MEADOW AN} V Bprlnf MonntAln, Lehigh Ooal, And best Loco Honntsln ftom Bchnylklll. prepsrsd expressly c bmUytua, Depot,nTw.corner KlGHTHandWr LOW streets. Offloe. No. Ul Bontb second street. euaxa’ FVBNisHise goui^ J. W. BCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. ' AND DEALERS IN Men’s Famishing Goods. No. 814 Chestnut Street Four doors below the ‘‘Continental," pTTTTsA'mgT.PTTTA. PATENT SHOULDER BEAH SHIR* MANUFACTORY, Orders for these oelebrated Shirts sapplled prompt At brief notice, GENTLEMEN’S Furnishing Goods. Of lAte styles in fall variety, WINCHESTER & GO. , .JOS OHEBTNTO'. lßSm.w.f-tl GIST’S FURNISffING GOODS, SHIRTS made of NEW -YORK MILLS Maslln, only #4 00 nen&i price |5 50. SHIRTS made of WAMSUTTA Hnslin, only |3 TO. osnol price IS. BOY S HIRTS on bend and made to order. A liberal reduction made to nbolesa e buyers. A fhl’Stotk of Welsh, Shaker anO Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers.: -Iso, Scarfs, Neckties. Gloves, Suspenders, etc., in great variety. . . T. L. JACOBS. no6-2mi No. 122 S CHESTNUT Stfeet, Phil Ada. THE PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL FOURTH street, abeve VINE, is now open lta the Fall and Winter Season. Ladles and Gentlemen will find every provision lor comfort and safety, se that a thorough knowledge of this beautiful accom plishment may be obtaineaby the most timid. Saddle horses trained In the best manner. Saddle horses borae9 and vehicles to hire. Also, carriages for fane, rals tolcars. Ac. ■ ■ - ■ ;•. • BESStr , THOMAS CBAIBB A BOH, PRESERVED TAMARINDS.—2O kegs Martlolqne t amarinds In sugars landing and fur sale by J. B. BUSSIER A 0O„ los south Delaware Avenoo, atrnUBMB-" SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG, FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCAN TUNG. MAU.LE, BBOTHKB <6 00., No. -mo South Street OOAlu EDUCATION- JAY GOIKI & GO. ills and 11<1 Si Third St., Philada. Dealers in ail Government Securities. OLD 5 go's WANTED 1H EXCBAKGE FOR NEW, A LIBERAL DIFFKEEHCE ALLOWED Compound Interest Notes Wanted. IHTEBSST ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT. 1 Oollectlonß made; Stocks Bought and Sold on Oom ; Special boslneaa accoAmodatioiu reserved fin Ladle*. via S-SO’s, 7 3-l O’s, 1881’s, 10-40’s t COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO„ 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANE, CAPITAL $360,000, FULL PAID, Has Removed To Its New Banking-House? Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street A. BOYD, Fraaldant. JKO. W. GILBOCGH, Cuhlu. noTtl STOCK BROKER. GEO. HENDERSON, JR. KO. 223 DOCK STBEET. Havtngresnmed bnslneos, I am pienred to make Cash cr Time purchases and sales of Blocks, Bonds' stocks carried at 5 per cent. Interest, without an? .xtra charge. Orders executed In New York, Boston sad Baltl mom. leH-im. <****** A. . * ' & SPECIALTY % SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, M Boatb Third bL, i s Saasaa Btroil- FblladelpLla, i Hew York, STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 00MM2BBHIB INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, nnn “ R5OO, n,600. POO. tolosnon mortgage, J, H. MORRIS, 233 North TENTH str»et del-lt* ffiQn Ofln TO »K,(00 TO LOAN IN ONE SUM tjpou.uuUoD approved city mortgage. Also sains of fs.oco to 120,c00. non) 12t{ E. R. JONES. 522 Walnut street. EN»U&AMOJ£U Insure Your Life in the . AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Sts. Which has been In operation since 1850, and now hns an accumulation of over . $1,500,000. DIYIDENES DX GLARED ANNUALLY. AND at.t. LOSSES PROMPTLY Pa ID, lUshsTalicnon a Single Ufe to $20,000. OFFICERS. ALEXANDER WHLLLDIN, President. Firm of A. Wbilldln A Sons, Merchants, No. 20 and 22 S. Front street. GEORGE NUGENT, Vice President. JOHN O. STMS, Actuary. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer,. CHAS. G. BQBJESON, Asslstam, Sscretary. n024-7Q ' SEOBSE PLOWMAN, SiRPENTER AND BUILDER, 532 OARTEB STREET And lil DOJJK STRHBT Machine Work and Mlllwriting promptly a&tcsda* lyi7*ip| Pocket Books, Fortemounoles, //if //a S . P J 3 'p,' * 2 ® a Cigar Cases, Portfolios, '. Dressing Cases, Bankers’ Cases. Ladles and Gents’ Satchels and Travailing Bags, in all styles. WRITING DUSKS, TOILET CASES, NEEDLE S, BOOKS. C ALT,— sacks LTVKRPOOL GROUND BALT D also boo sacks Fine Balt, afloafc» and lor nitbi anroßKNJJCAOQuiswftißßti i '• • * - t ! -u i iv ' ;j irfie c f(rtfftii SioW Boom, ' NBW BU£XiB*iQff~BUIfcDXN9, With eriti ance by a spacdcnia-HiJl on ■ nhestnut'streev and also an, entrance on Jayne stxeeW ' .* Forftitther;•? i ‘ ‘‘Kew Bunetiia Building, ...- .. 607 Cbestnat Street.' oC22t> -■■ '■■ r ~- ■•"< ■ ■' j ’■■■ : ■ to jßESiyr."'' Tiie Becmd Story Back Boom of Bo I 607 Chestnut Btreet. APPLY TO HANDERSON * WOBRELL, ' non tt ON THE PREMISES. FOR SALE OR LEASE. WHABF AND DOOKB, Lombard Btreet and Delaware Avenue i This property begirs within 10 feet of the north line o’ Lombard Btreet and extends southward 133 feet one lech; has a pier 45 feet in width by i 34 feet in length and wide dock on either tide. Terms—Half on rnortr gate loi five years; remainder cash, with a deduction of about til,Oto, lately received for ground taken for x*daaare avenue, as now open and paved. Appyto A CUT3BE&T no2lliW 28 South EIGHTH Street, 2d floor. For Sale or to Kent Foraished Rou?e. 1620 Spruce St 22 Feet Front. Apply to C. H. MUTRHEID. del-sij 203 and as South SIXTH Street. Booms to Let FOR STORING FUR SHORE,Sc. APPLY AT d J.204 Chestnut Street Ftiß BENT, ON MARKET Street, below Fifth, vtry desirable rooms on 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors, from January 1,1857. noM-w/m-lf} tf) SMALT. HOUSES, mat ' No. 919 and 921 Sergeant street, near Ninth and Bace streets. Also. TWO r IN g DWELLINGS Nos. 22S and 230 North Ninth Btreet. For sale by J H. MORRIS, dea It* 233 North Tenth street. <55? FOR PALE—lmmediate possession; a desirable Met three story DWELLING.Io thorough repair. No. I—6 VINE street, containing xas, bath. hot and cold Rater, cooking range and heaters; price (3.(00; clear, a part of which may remain onmortgag?. Apply on tn» premises, or to J. it. WEEKS, No. 144 8. FOURTH street. dei-3t» CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTY—FOR BALE —A fine MANSION, 14 rooms. Bam, Coach-house Stable, with 8 acres of Land: flrst-class modem Improvements; Ado lawn, fbnmain, fish-pond, <fcc. A most eeslrable jocation. A city owelllng wonld be taken in part payment. Applj to A. C, LEIDY, No. 411 Walnut street del-3t» GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE.—A handsome, double pointed STONE KESiDENOB. with ted stonestable and carriage m acres of , round, situate Jn ose of the most desirable parts ,u Germantown. and within tea-minutes’ walk from the Railroad Station, J. M. GUMMEY <fc SONS, SOS Wal nut street. SFOK SALE—A Handsome. Fonr-stary Brick Rea:dence,wlU) double three-story back buildings having every modern convenience. Situate on the north side of PINE street, west of Eighteenth. i ot 22 tret front by KB feet deep, to a street. Imme diate possession given. J. M. GUMMEY * SONS, SCS Walnut street. <S9 FOB SALE—A handsome four story brick Rf- H 3 asdence, with three-story donble back buildings Evers convenience, and tn perfect order. Situate on ihe west side of Twentieth street, below Race lot it ftet from by so feet deep. J. M. GUMHBY <£ SONS SCB Walnut street. flg FOB SALK—The handsome modem threa store *3 brick Btaiderce, situate So. 227 Sixth Twentieth street, below Walnut. Lot is feet front by S 8 feet deep. Immediate possession siren. J. tt, httwwrv * SONS. sea W'alnat street.t *FOR SALK—The Handsome Brick BEST DRNCK. 22 feet front, with stable and carriage e. and lot 240 leet aeep to a4O feet - lde street, situate 80. 1519 Spruce street; has every modern con venience. J. M.BPMMEV A SONS, sos Walnut st. ffS ARCH STREET.-FOR SALK-A H.ndsome Has Lot oi Orcuud. 62 feet front by ISO feet deco through to astreet; situate on the sonth side of ARCH street, West o« Mneteentn. J. SI. GUMMEY & SONS, sts Walnut street. gS FOR 6* LK.—Elegant DWELLING on LO EPxj CUBT strrel. near Sc Mark's Cnurch. Aim, first-clsss brown stone HOUSE on SPRUCE street, west of Seventeenth, E K. JONHS, noso-l2tf tje Walnut Street. FOBSaLK—The desirable Thres-story Brick JEbs Dwelling, with double back buildings: every con* Vtnience. and large lot of ground. Situate No. STS N TWELFTH street, J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 60S Walnnt street. ffS >OB SALK-A FOUR-STORY DWELLING BSwith 3-story Back Bondings. No. 422 S. FIF TEENTH fcerect. feel. Immediate Posses sion. Apply to COPPUCK <fc JORDAN, 433 Walout street. *» BOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE— North side of W'alnnt street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Possession at once. Terms easy Arply to C. H. MUIRHE4D. PO3QIOH No. 205 South Sixth. fits TO BENT.—A FARM of 200 acres on South ~J Broad street, In the Vlrst and Twenty-sir tb ards, suitable tor grazing aad truck firming. Apply to COPPUCK «£. JORDAN, 433 WALNUT Street. MFOR SALK.—A Desirable three story DWEL LiNG, No 111 North sixteenth street. Price tU'.uoo. <5 coo may remain. Immediate Possession WBIQIEY A CO., No 121 Bonth Fourth st. del-6t* ®SS 70 R* NT.-POOK-STORT HOUSJS, ten rontn> S 3 No. 204 Noith THIRTEENTH street. Ren del*2t* moderate. PH TUBE», FRAMES AC. A. S. ROBESTSOK 910 CHESTNUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES PAINTINGS Engravings and Photograph. Plain and ornamental Gilt Frame*. Carved Walnnt and Ebony Frame*, : Olg HASP OB MASK TO OKDgR GEORGE C. BEtTKAUPP. Manufacturer of LOOKHfG-GLASSBS, PORTRAIT, PHOTO GRAPH. PICTURE ERA MKa, GILT MOULDINGS and CORNICES, No. 929 arch Street. Philadelphia. Chromo-Llihograpbß, Paintings, and a great va> rlety of Engravings on band, FrAme-raakera anoplled WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - ■ - se22Am* LOOKING GLASSES. NUT a |lSA^ n fo t Mr ente<l aILT “ a ■ ■■ j. OOWPLAND; 53 South Fourth Street, near Ohe*taut ssT-omg 1 I nil a rn-f ijfsaMi ©? Needlework VA j made into \1 S Satehels. n | - Pocket ' If I Books, Ja 1 LAMEb> TEIMMINGa: GHANB OjraOTNG.-MKSa M. A. BINDER, : ” . NOrEm Chest* nt street, Philadelphia* unporter or Indies* Dress and Cloak Trimmings. Alee, an ele«ant stock of Imported Paper Patterns, for Lad f es* and Children’s Dress. Parisian Dress *and (Upak Making in all Us varieties. Ladles furnishing their rich and costly materialsmay rely on being ar* tifltlcally fitted, and their work finished In the. most prompt and efficient manner, at me lowest possible £ rices, in twenty-four-hours’ notice. Catting and bast* ig. Patterns in sete.or by the single piece former* chants and dressmakers now ready. . seft-iy IN TBSTIOURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THIS (TTY AND COUNTY OF PHILx»DS!**P*nA.-. !fcH»i»g-lDiQßitybetwfeen-FRANOiSOA*iBE VVPiaia t’ff,aid NjCBOLaS SCULL Jr .aud BEBECO %.hls twite- t H« Mas HDSK and RACHEL his wife, and > 81 BLR THoMFSO.*,P£TRRtiABEO «ndSARAH his wife, Defendants^— ,- —--- _ bLDbTAhCB AND OBJECT OF THE BILL. \ -DefendantfhTh- mp&on. Husk,, BouU, and, wives, by Deed dated March 6!b 1786. conyeyed a lot ef ground? on tbe west side of Fourt' Sutet, bet-een Market and " Chestnut streets. Phiiadelphla,_to Petet Gar a z, an other defendant, reseriTbg a'groand rent of £3, and fcala Garc g, by deed dated July Bth, 1738. c inv -yed the same to h-vans Powel* reserving a ground; rent :of ■ ;£’itos; ' • :* ' - • - • - I a bat both these ground rests have been ext'n golshedtbutthedfefts'carinotfbefonnd; witnesses ara mow present who can testify tbat no ground rent has one &<ccon»t of either deed ,for more, than tweftty*o»e years, and the ebject of thls Biil to per petoaie their testimony LEWIS STOVER, Solicitor for Complainant. AND NOW,November 2L 1*66, on motion of stover, for- plaintiff it is ordered that publication' be made for three successive weeks, in tbe icvicX' Jin'g Bulletin, commanding' defendants to appear ‘and answer theeaid Bill on the first MO2JOjIY of De cember next.' . ; ‘ n 023 26 de3 3t2 lIT THE ORPHANS’ COURT POE THE CITY AND COTJ TY OF P LLiDBLfKIA.-Estate o/WillitAMS. bALLOWELIi, deceased, .Noticels hereby given that the of said decedent has ore* seated and Died In the said. Court, an app a^meat. and her petition, claiming to regain the pe sonal property belonging to said estate therein' mentioned, to the value of S3OG under the Fifth Section of the *<t •of April 14, 2861. and Enppienaents thereto,and the i onrt will approve the SBme on SATURDAY, D*c. 15, 1666. at 10 A. M.. Attorney forWldow. F THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. EBtaits u i JOB IS <j- DEIMjuING, deceased. Notice is hereby givtd w.dGwuf said decedent bas preserved sdC fi’edintfae Court, an appraisement cni her peti ion. claiming to retain the personal proparty be* lodbl' g-to »aid eetat* therein mentioned, to me valae of S 3( 0, under tbe Fifth Sec-ion of the Act of April M t 1861. aid supplements th**re«o, and the court will ap* prove the same on SATURDAY, Decembers, 1856, at 10 A,H„nnless excepiio* s be fil'd thereto. CHARLES M. WAGS EB, Attorney for Widow. decJMc&UMt* IN THE OBPHAKa’ COUBT FOB THE uITY AND COD>”»Y OF PHILADELPHIA.—E-tatt of RICHARDS, dec’d.—The auditor appointed by the ronrt to audit, settle and adjust the account ot L. Administratrix of the Estate of AlSft RICHARDS, dec’d and to report distribution of tie balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of hla appoint* rrent, on TTPSDAY.DecemoerU 18SG, at 3 o’clock P. M , at his Office No. 128 feouth SIXTH street.Jnthe city r J Pht'acelphia. WM. VOGDE3, t2B‘W^ T m > w,s«st* Auditor. r? THE OBPBAN&’ C"*TJRT. FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHCLADELPHI A—Estate of THCMAS X AVIS, Deceased.—The Auditor appoints by tbe Court to audit settle and adjust the First Ac count of GEORGE t*. sle Executor of, and Trustee under, tbe last will of Thomas Davis, deceased, and to re- ort distribution of the balance in the hands of tbe Acccuntar t. will meet tbe parties Interested for tbe purposes o* his appointment on THUR-DAY, De canter 13tb,1865, at 110 clock, A. M., at tbe office of Bon. A. V. PERSONS, No. 050 Sonin FIFTH street, In tbe City of Philadelphia. uc3Q f m ; w3ts INTBE ORPHANS* COURT FOB THE""CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA —Estate©* DANIEL YONRFR, deceased. Tbe Auditor ap pointed by thM curt to audit, settle and adjust the ac* connt of LEW!-* YONBLER Administrator of the Es ate of sa»d DANIEL YONKER, decease!, and to report distribution of the balance in tbe bands of tbe accountant, will meet the parties lnt?rei.t€d for tbe purposes of bis appointment, on TUESDAY, Decem ber Utb. 3866 at 4 o’clock P. bis office. No. 4U CHESTNUi street, in the city rf Philadelphia. DICKSON BROS.. 220 Walnut street. ccfo-f.xr.,w < st? IN THE ORPHANS’ OOUBT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA —Bitats of GEOEGE TAYLOR, deceased. The Auditor ap point! dby the Ccor*- to endlt, settle and adjust the second account of GEORGE X. TAYLOR, Amlnlstra tor of tbe I state of GEORGE TAYLOR, deceased, -find to report distribution of tbe balance in the bands of tbe accountant, will meet tbe parrie* interested for tbe purpose of bis appointment, on THDBSDAY. December, 13. 1863, at 3X o’clock, P. M., *t his office. No. 524 WALNUT stieet. Room No. 20, in the City of Philadelphia. HENRY PHILLIPS, Jr., Auditor. Ff THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of .JOSEPH FLEMING, decerned —J. SL COLLINS.the AndUorsppr inted by the Court to audit settle and ad just ibe second and final account of MARSHALL SOOTTand JOSEPH c. FLEMING, Administrators with the will annexed of Joseph Fieming, deceased, and to report distribution of tbe balance In the hands oftbe Accountant «iil meet tbe parties interested for tbe pun oses of bis appointment on TUESDAY. De cember 4,1566. at IX o’clock A. at his office, No 201 South SIXTH street, in tbe city of Phila delphia. no23fmwot* rff THE ORPHANS’ COURT, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of THOMAS BULMF. Deceased.—The Auditor aopuint edby tbe Court to audit, settle and adjust tbe Second Account of JOHN HULMX and WILIIAM HENRY WIDON, Executors of, aud Trustees under the last will of Thomas Holme, deceased and to report distri bution < i tbe balance in tbe bands of tbe Accountants, will meettbe parties'lnterested f>i the purpose oi his appointment, on MONDAY, December 10th, 18-4, at 11 o’clock. A. w., at theWetherlH House No. 605 SAN SOM Stre»t4nthe City of Philadelphia. [no23-w.Lm4f IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SARAH A. EMERY, decM. The Auditor appointed by the Court to andlt, settle and adjust th* account of JOSEPH H* COMLY, administrator de bonis non. Ac., of the Estate of Sarah A. Emery lateoftne Twenty third Ward of the city of Phliadelph'a, detfd, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on THORSDa Y, the tllrteeiith day of December, 1566, si 11 o’clock A SL, at bis office, No. 507 .RAC£ street. Id the city of Phila delphia. JOS. ABRAMS, no£S w,f,mst* Auditor. IN THE ORPHAN a* COURT FOR THhi OIl'Y AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of HENRY GRAhGEB,dec f d—’Th* auditor appointed bytheCrurt to audit, settle and adjust the account of - BED ERICK E AUNE Administrator of said Estate, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of tie accountant, will meet the patties interested for *fcep«rpos**of his appointment, rn MONDAY, Dec. 17, 1566. at 3 o'clock P. M.. at his Office, No. 113 South FIFTH street* In the city of Philadelphia. WM, L. DENNIS, no2s-w,f,m*st* Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of ALFRED C. BURR, dec’d—The petition of Margaret Burr, widow of said deceient, with appraisement of property elected to be retained under Act of Ap*ll 14, ISM. has been filed and will be approved bv the Court on SATURDAY, December 8, ISS6, uoiesi exceptions are filed thereto. GEO. M. CONARROS. no2B-w,f,m»st* Attorney for Widow. a. STATE OF JOHN a DEtMLING, deceased.— Letters Testamentary on me Estate of JOHN C, DK3MLING, dec’d, having been granted to the under signed by the Register of wilia ofthe City and County of Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to said estate will pleate make payment, and those hawing claims will present the same withont CHRISTI ANN A E. I'EIMLISG. FRANCIS G. SCHULTZ, Executors; 2f5>5 WALNUT street: or their Attorney, CHAS. MU WAGNER, 3-il N. SIXTH street. , nol2-m,6t* Letters of administration having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of GEORGE TWIST, deceased, all persons indebted to the Fame will make payment, and tbo e having claims present them to JOHN BOWKER, Main street, Manayunk, Philadelphia. noi2<m6t* A YOUNG COLORED MAN WISHES A SITUA TION as Coachman or Porter in a Store. Beet of references Apply to 1250 MJERVINK street, below THOMPSON. nolS-tCfpj Aft WANTED.—To rent with the privilege of buy flag Ing, afneat modern DWELLING, west of AROEC street, by a family without children. Address box 2419 Post office.. . • nosost* Wanted to rent—a room suitable for'a private Bchoel, west of Broad and north of Spring Garden streets. Address Box 1C35 P.O, po&>3t » MODERN DWELLING WANTED to pur chase, about $20,000; Spruce to Arch, wait of xd street. Also,one from |SSO 000 tofsoooo. EL R. JONES, Co2Q»l2tg No, 522 Walnut street. WANTED,— Wanted an OFFICE AND STORAGE ROOM on either first or second floor, on Dela ware avenue, between Arch and Vine streets. Ad drees Box No, 127, Philadelphia Post Office. oc!9!tt RANTED TO WINTER-THREE or FOUR /P\ HORSES, Good accommodation and attend auce Apply to JOS, DAVISON, near Newton Station, west Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, or al; No.B B. M errlck street, west Penn square. nol4- tf| THOMSON’a LONDON KITUHENEB OB Jew EUROPEAN RANGES. for families. hotel# B| or trabllo Institutions In TWENTY DIFFER SIZES. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hat air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, FlrebcarO Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhrle plates,BraO ere, Ct oklHg Stoves, eto., wholesale, and retail by tbs manuiactorera. bHARPB A THOMSON, No 209 North Second street. no2I-m,w,f,smo ~o"JOB BABTL BT T <S 808, jfSb Manufacturers of the r 1 J CKLELEBATKD (HH BABTim HKATEBS, 055 Sing Banges. Gas Ovens, & Sheet Iron Worfc I of 8^“« nt « and Silver’s All tight Stovea, always on hand, at No. 8M Arch Street, . Philadelphia. , an3o-tf —J~ —TBOMAB S. DIXON At BONE, ~ aft late Andrews A Dlron. NO. 1224 Phimaslcila. tWJt opposite united state* itSa. MannJSctoreis of. _ 3 LOW-DOWN, ! PABLOB, OHAMBEIE, opbtobT . And other GBATEB. l,ot Anthracite, Bituminous ana Weedrflmv axeo. WABM-AIBFtrBNAOEB, Sor WarratogPobUc and Private BaiUlmw,.; BBQISTBBS, VTKWI'i I.ITOIM^ ■ - ■- - asm •■■■■'■ BHUHNEY-CAPS, ogQKqjta-RANoaB, BATH-BOrtßsa, «&, a WHor.PHAT.n! and BETAXLr^ 2JSOAX. WOTICjES. JAMBS LYND, Auditor. STOVES AUTO HEATBBft,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers