Marine Disasters for November. We publish below our monthly table of marine losses for the' pa3t month, showing an aggregate of fifty-nine vessels. Of this ■number four -were steamers; three were* -ships; fourteen were barks ; eleven were' brigs; twenty-six were schooners, and one 1 a smack. Of the above six are missing - supposed lost; eight were abandoned ; one foundered, two sunk after collision and two sunk. The total value of. the property lost= and missing is estimated at two million six 1 hundred and, fifty-one thousand three hun- > fired dollars. STEAMEB9, , > “ ' Pearless, from Charlfston, for 805t0n1.... *2O 000 Kingfisher, from Baltimore, for Charleston!" lso’ooo la Orientals, from Bueros Ayres - 1 5 „055 • ‘St. Mary, m, from Brazos, for Kew Orleans... lso'ooo SHIPS •• Belltolma (Br.),from S.Pran.for Sydney,NSW 70000 w°S„^ 1V r e , rpool ' ; J PUlsdelp Ola,. ioo!ooo •Sanaa (Br.),f, from Liverpool,for none ols 60 000 „ BASKS . • .- v, • * Torfirida, (Br.), a,.from Glasgow for NetvYofk 150,030 Caya(Br.), from bydney, ss.' S. W., for San Francisco * -Annie, iromNewYorkforcsew urleana.” Bva H. Fisk, from Pnila. for New Orleans Elizabeth Jenkins, from London for N, York Ella Virginia. iromN. York for Zanzibar....... 'Gen. w. 8. Shef man, m.rfrom Philadelphia for Galveston Holland, from New York for Cuba Jtfavonrneen (Br.), from Portland for New El ver. N. B Pacific (whaler of e-ag Baroorj w. A. Piatenlns, m., from New York for As plnwaU. .. 'Ontario, a. (whaler of New London). Laarni,(Haw.), m„ from Honlula for New Bedford -BioGrande (Italian), a., from. Pensacola for England * BRIGS." 'Calmuck, from Havana, for Trinidad.*.., Carmtlita(Br), from Ricum’d, for R. Janeiro Plying Siod (Br), from Malaga, for new Yors Pornussa (BT) B.c.,fromfct Joans P.R. for Boa H. W. Iflptcaif- fromN Y,, for Asp’nwall * Helen (Br) a., from New York, for Rotterdam J. M. Houston a., from Femanna.for BaPdos Althea (Br).from N. > „ for Kingston..... S. (Br), from Salt Cay, forN. Y.”‘‘ Wilhelm (Pmsa.), lrom Bordeaux, for N. Y' Stephen Thurston, from Bebaac, ror N. L Tlmandra,from Cap l * Breton, for Bristol,R. X. _ , ~ SCHOONERS, onion Forever, from Trinidad Bay fjr San Francisco Oriental, from Bondout for 805t0n..,.’.* Ggniile, frcru Boston for RockiancL.... Bride (fisherman. of Surry) Boxer, (fi-berman of Gloucester)**.,.. •** B. <J. Maxwell, from Tangk-r for Portland.™ Fllen identen, (Br) m, from Inagaa for Hew PI Dorado, from New’York' for Uanhtoflu -braneesjfrom Bargor for Charleston “ Pred’k. Hauer, Portsmouth..... Fannie, from Savannah to Philadelphia™**’ Island Queen, a, from Richmond to Rio* Grande, .. •Jas Seward, (fisherman of Gloucester)".".. *". ’* Marla Foss, from Bale « for 8ang0r....... Wno. A,-JLIUs, from N. Y k for St.Marks,Fla. Nass&u (Br.), from New York for Nassau "Wauk uco, from Gardner lor Salem Neptune, s., from E izabetbport *.!"’ Peru, from Portsmouth. „ Vigilant, m.,from New York for Nassau...... Sea Foam, from New York for Jacksonville, S. B StebblnB(Br.).fr’zn Pensacola for Havana Tugwsesa, from Jacksonville for NbwYork, Alice Gray, a*, from BaDgor for Santa Cruz. R. G Porter, from Providence for Phlla &.S. Sample,from Pana o river for Baltimore SMACKS Two Brothers, (fisherman,).... Total ;. Total losses for January Total tosses tor February..... Total losses for hiarcb Total losses fbr April Total losses for Way Total losses for June. Total losses for Jnly Tot»l losses for August. Total losses tor September.., Total losses for October TotaHoßses for November... Total lessee fbr eleven months aso C 27 857 im Same period in 1863.... .. 4io is soo’sSi fame period in 1*64. 421 is SX’So Vessels marked a,were abandoned at sea; those marked m are missing—supposed lost* those marked / foundered; those marked s c were sunk after sollision, and those marked s were snnk. Kew Trials Refused ihe Fenian Prisoners ill Canada. Tobonto, Dec. I.—ln the cases of the Eev. Mr. McMahon, Colonel K. Lynch, and other Fenians, appealing for new trials, judgment was given this alternoon. In McMahon’s ■case, the Chief Justice stated at. length the law under which the prisoners were tried And after reviewing the different objections to the indictments raised by the prisoners’ counsel, said that he was of opinion that all the grounds taken by the prisoners’ counsel for granting rule to show cause had failed, And that if granted, it would be merely wasting time and words to no purpose, the Court would not have made it absolute, -After the most careful consideration, he -could not come at any other conclusion than -to refuse the rule. Justice Haggerty then delivered judgment an the case of the Queen vs. Lynch. Having recapitulated the objections seriatim, he said he perfectly, concurred in the views ex pressed by. the Chief Justice. He had given -careful study to all the different points in volved and objections raised, and had come to the decision that no sufficient grounds had been made but to warrant the Court in -granting a rule. Justice Morrison delivered judgment in the case of the Queen vs. School, and said that he perfectly concurred with the learned Chief Justice and Justice Haggerty in the -course they had pursued. He had no doubt of the law on the subject, and must, there fore, refuse the rule. Mr. McKensie then moved for leave to ap • peal. The Chief Justice said the court anti cipated such a motion, and having refused the rule, they did not consider they would be warranted in granting the application. Chief Justice Bichards delivered judg ement in the Court of Common Pleas, in the case of the Queen vs. Slevin, refusing to grant a.rule, on the same grounds as those urged by the other judges -Official Report of ilie Arrest of John Su. This Government had information as long ago as last winter, that John H. Suratt had gone to Europe. The person who communi-. cated the facts conversed with him during the voyage across the Atlantic, and also re ported that Suratt. believing/Be was far re moved from danger, was free and ontspoken abont his connection with the assassination conspiracy. On Sunday Secretary Seward received a despatch by the Atlantic cable,as follows: “I have anrested John H. Suratt. one of President Lincoln's assassins. No doubt of -identity. . Hale, ‘United States Consul-General, “Alexandria, Egypt.” The Alabama Legislature. Y< ? BK i • D * e -. 2 -—Special despatches -state that in the Alabama House of Repre sentativesyesterday,Mr. Brooks,of Lowndes county, presented a bill to alter the Con stitution of the State, to admit conditional negro suffrage. The conditions are that the voter shall possess property valued at §2OO and shall be able to read the Constitution of the State and of the United States, and write a legible hand;, these conditions holding good also in case of white men. Mr. Brooks was closely identified with the Confederate'cause, having expended his last dollar in its support, and in presenting his hill said that he did so as- a measure of policy and public good. After an exciting debate the Dili was tabled. Mexican Affairs.— lt is now confidently stated in Washington that the object of the Government in interfering in Mexican affairs is not to establish a protectorate over Mexico, but to form an alliance, offen sive and defensive, with Juarez, and parties assert that the grant of Lower California to certain. Americans is the motive power of the affair. Letters from the City of Mexico dated No vember lOtb, _ state the fact that General Bazame had given arms and ammunition to .v x3ca ? Liberals, and promised them S a i ey i.should not be interfered with'by thePrench forces provided they prononneed for General Ortega and proclaimed him as President of Mexico. The Propeller Bosphorus, a fine new iron steamer, of two thousand' tons burden is expected to arrive at Norfolk, in a few days from Liverpool, with a full cargo of merchandise. 6 LADIES’ FANCY’-'- FUSS A. K. &F. K WOMRATH, ; . HAVE NOW OPEN’. A Full Assortment of. : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS Also a great variety of • -t- ‘ FANCY ociJfs affe lobes. An oedinance to make an appropria lßin n T?u^. Qafl ' dlalls the 00r ofthe income ef civofphiu'rti^Kp 6 ] 80 * “P? Common Councils of the oneiundrtS^.’fiH 18 d , n 3 hat the sn “ of twenty ofthßtJ^^ d^ elva . <i . oU^a* D<l ninety-four cents SLfihv “rtadn Trusts be and the same is h|nS )^li E d C o < iS^S e eUfc y e a o l , s. B T ardMCMahon ' George Emlen, five h 4 D nMtn?«A? irfy s?£ doll araaßd Accents. *9* tbe Income of the legacy of JamesDatton, three 8 6venteen donahs and ninety-seven cents. ,®* i he legacy of Archibald Thomp ceni& n 6 hDndied and iorty-nine dollara and forty five 9,000 56.050 90 000 25 000 .40,000 50,0U0 14,000 30 000 . 6,000 80,000 10,000 12,000 c"to hnid°/Mw|h e t odo 0 doU 1 S| eSaCy ° f AD “ AraUt - ° ne 8. Of the Income of the Estate conveyed bv David ri3?Rs9a>£8 a $ T'l* to . the Overseera of the Poorfor the Philadelphia, in troat for the relief-of the °f said «ity. Beventy-one dollars. - * of thePoor 4llB2lBlllBll bedrawn Guardians 12,000 .9,000 3,000 3.000 4,000 35 000 _ WM. 8 STOEXEY, , , ' President of Common Connell. Attest—JOHN ECKSTEIN, Cler& ox Common Council. „ , JAMBS LYND, . J , , President of Select Council. Approved this thirtieth day of November, Anno f'emlnl one thousana eight hundred and eizty-atj (A. D. 1866). MOST ON McMICHAEI, “ Mayor of Phlladi lpqia. R 10,000 6 000 9 000 4,000 30,000 ESO-LTJTION APPKOVING THE STJ-BETIES OF Herny Conner C ty Commissioner. Resolved. By the Select and Common Councils of the jClty ofPhlladeluhla, Thatßobert P. King and Himh Gamble areherehy approved ai the sureties of He, ry ( onner. City Commissioner elect And the City So licitor is berfby directed to havea bond and warrant of attorney for said parties to execute, and to cause a Judgment to be entered therern. and farther to fi e an agreement of record that the l'en of the jodgmem entered In pursuance of said warrant of attorney against Hugh Gamb e shall only operate on and against the following properties that Is to say, a cer Kf?, nri d whereon Is erected oremtses No. 1219 and 1221 Flizwater street. Fourth Ward: also lots of ground whereon Is erected premises numbered 12u2 1216 and. 1222 Federal street, Twemy sixth Ward. Als • lot or gr, und whereon is erected premls°a numbered 724 and (26 South Sixth street Fonrth Ward. And also whereon is erected premises No 76s city ol Thllteentll atrcet ( in the Third Ward of said 52,651,300 Vessels, Value. ....99 $5 74L500 .... 52 3,170.000 .... 40 . 1,552,500 ... 52 2 707,600 ... 23 730,500 ... 28 1,070.000 .... 46 1 946,800 .... 27 1,14*1,000 .... 22 1.618,000 .... 82 5,813,000 ... 69 2,651,300 „ „ WM. B. STOKLEY, . . . Prf sldent of Common Council. Attest— AßßA HA M ITSWABr, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. _ „ JAMES LYNB. -.1,. .v. « Resident ot Select Council. Approved, this thirtieth day of November, Anno Eomlni or.e thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. (A.D.ISC6J. MOETON HcH[oHiEl, 11 Mayor of Philadelphia. ArVOBDrNAHCE FOE THE PBOTEOTION OF Bridges in the City ol Philadelphia. _£ E CT l °^'„ l - T h« Select and Common Councils of the RLTt°im£! ad Si'P hl S , do °fdain. That if any person shall wilfully ride, drive or lead any horse or other beast of burden, faster than a walk upon any of the bridges belonging to the City of Philadelphia, or when aueh trldae is occupied by a double track railway, shall not conform to, and lbilow in, the line of travel thereon, aa regulated by the Ban way cars, such person shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than thirty dollars S.^l c^r B ?fv 3 :, b 5 I , c ? > . vered •>? name or the City of Philadelphia, one half to the nse of the In former, who shall be a competent witness in such case: the other half to be paid to the Treasurer of the City of Philadelphia, for the nse of the City. 1 , Wtt Si STOKLKT. Attest— JOHN O'™*"- Clerk of Common CounclL __ JAMES liYND, . - aw, w. a. President or Select Council, Approved this thirtieth day of November, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and aiity-aix (A.D 1&66). 1 KAtULUTION RELATIVE TO GRAY'S FERRY Bridge. Sl*?, “ d Common Connells of the city of Philadelphia That the City Solicitor be and Is heieby antborlzrd and d reeted to draw an agreement relieving the Phi adelpbia, Wilmington and Baltimore i allroad Company from any liabilities that might result mmtheionatrnctlon by the city of asldewelk upon their bridge at Gray’s Ferry ; assuming, on the tart of ibe city, to beep the same in good order and repair, and to remove it within five years after notice to do fo has been Berved upon theclty by said .Railroad Company. WM. S. STOKLEY, . • _ President of Common Council. Attest— JOHN ECKSTEIN, Cleric of Common Connell. JAMES LYND, . ~ . President of Select Council. Approved this thirtieth day of November, Anno pi m. ni one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 18661. ' MORTON McMICHAEL, K ' Mayor of Philadelphia. ■DUSOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ;THE PAVING XV cf Broad street from Jeffeistn to Oxford street. £csolved By the Select and Common Councils of tbe c ty of Philadelphia. That tbe Chief Commissioner of a lgnways be and be is hereby authorized and directed io pave Broad street from Jefferson to Oxfordstreet Thesaldpavementto bemadeofiheNicholson patent and at the coat of the several property owners ftontme on sa.d sireet, and the Cny snail not be liable for the expense.ofsaidpaylngexceptfor the Intersections. „ WM 8. STOKLRY, . . w President of Common Council. Attest— .ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. • • , JAMES LYND, . President of Select Council. Approved this thirtieth day of Kovembir, Auno Domini one thousand eight hundred and Blxty six (A. D. 1866). MORTON McMICHAEL, , May ° r nf Phlltt delphla. f COMPOUND UUAUUML BISUI IT. S' FOB AES PEPSI A. These are composed of Fine WUIoW Charcoal, *c. w.i?®.' 0 !?? of ® r 9 n Wafers, by which medicines hitherto disagreeable are rendered p.easant and pal atable. They will prove to be a valuable remedy for Heartburn, Waterbranh. Acidity .Nausea, Eructations. Constipation and other forms of Indigestion. Persons sunerii g from fittd breath wIU dud them an admirable corrective. Prepared only by JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary S. w. corner BROAD and SPRUCE streets, PhUada, ! Sold also by . 1 F. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut. C. R. Keeney, Sixteenth and Atch. Ambrose Smith, Broad and Chestnut. George O. Bower, Sixth and Vine. D. L. Stackhouse. Eighth and Green. O. Shivers. Seventh and Spruce. Murphy * Bro„ 1700 Locust street, H. C. Blair’s sons, 800 Walnut. E. Thomas. 1900 Pine. Ellis, Son & Co, Seventh and Markets Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, And druggists generally. fpHJE BABBISON BOILER A SAFE steam A aOJXiaR. m This new Steam Generator Icombines essential ad vantages IN ABSOLUTE SAFETY PROM EXPLOSION. In ant cost and cost ot repairs, durability, economy of inel, facility of cleaning and transportation, noTpos sessed by any other better. It Is formed nf a combination or cast-iron hollow spheres—each eight inches In external diameter, and three eighths, or an inch thick, connected by curved necks,and rebate machine made joints, held together bv wrought-lion bolts with caps at the ends. The form Is the strongest known; Its strength to resist Internal pressnrejVery great—nnweakened as It Is bv panelling or riveting, which lessens the strength of the wrought Iron boiler plate about forty per cent. Every boiler la tested by hvdranllc pressure at 800 pounds to the sonare inch. IT CANNOT BEBUBST UNDER any PRACTICA BLE STEAM PRESSURE. Under p. essure wh ch might cause rapture in ordln ary bt Hers, every joint In this becomes a safety valva No other steam generator possesses this property of rejlef under extreme pressure without Injury to itself and thus preventing disaster. ’ It Is not seriously affected by corrosion, which so soon Impairs the strength of the wrought Iron boiler It has economy In fuel, equal to the best boilers. It gets up steam quickly, at d with little fuel-pro duces super; eated Bteam without separate a poaratus and Is not'llable to priminy or foaming. - ■ ’ It Is easily transported,- and maybe taketrapart so w ®lgh more tnan eighty pounds. In difficult places of access; the largest bo&er may be out through an opening one foot square. It ts readily clcased inside and ©at. Under orui nary circamstaaces • it Is kept free from permanent deposit by blowlnr the water ent'rely out under full pressure once a week It requires no Bpeclal ski lin Its management. • Injured parts can be renewed wl h great laclilty, ad they are unlfo-m in shape and size. Wien renewed the entire boiler remains as good as new. The greater part of the bcdler will never need renewal, unless unfairly used. A boiler can be inerea-ed to any extent bysimnlv, adding to ils width, and.being the multlpilcatlon'ofa single lorm, Its strengh remains the same for all sizes. It;has less weight and takes les3 than one-half the ground area of the ordinary cylinder boiler, wlthont Belig Increased In height. Any kind o f fuel may be nsed under this boiler from the meal expensive, to refuse coal dust, j..-, . . Over two hundred of these boilers- are now In ODera tlen.someoftbemlntbe best establishments in this city. Per descriptive circulars or prices, apply to JOSEPH RAREicON, Jr„ Harrison Bollerfrbrks Oraj's Ferry road; adjoinlng TL S. -Arsenal, Phlla dftipnia. Boftrlmn; O' <aKacAS COCOA.—I 24 Bags Caracas Cocoa In <>itore and lor sale by JOHN DALLKTT & CO.. 128 Walnut afreet. THU PAibY EVENING BUi.I.Km.-PMLAiiELI’HiA. MONDAY. DKriftmitw :t 1866, FURS. CITY OBUMMfIEw. MORTON ITcMICHAEL. Mayor of PhiladelpMi AMUSEKEHTFS* OOHTXHB!HTAI,irBW» JSZCH w,. j^£SfSS&3F a^imy.;'?*sS^ TltKlil' OfFlOfi__ 6bo UHMNUr. EEMEMBBE THB LITTLE OarSß, .: ‘and*i CJrpfian Children COUNTRY’S DEFENDERS Grand Charitablo Fair and Preseata tion Festival In Aid or tbe Borne and School for the maintenance and Euacation of ttie ; •i liesUtnie tihlldreii of oar Sol diers and Sailors. An Appeal-to th& Amerlfian People. 0 S“ e » Officers and Managers of “The Home and ?££??\ #?£«5 e Education and Maintenance of the ?i 0 S t t i 1 i I H?n t ’?* U .? reD oa r Soldiers and Sailors, ear- S^ATft'-ATotiyco-operation in oao GRAND FBfiSENTVTiOI? FESTIVAL. Sihiiiu ho & eB }™ witl ? *“ to see “The Home and schoor' enabled to receive and care for all needy ones v»no seek its skelter and protection. Mrs. General DDYfSfib S.GRA.NT, President; m 2 Sr B j A n ®ALY, Acting President. Mrs. Mai-Gen. J. c. FREMONT, Ist Vice President. Mrs. ROBERT FORSTE &, 2d vice President/ . Mrs. JOHN 8. VQORHIF.B, Treasurer. Mrs. DAVID HOYT. Secretary. Mrs. IM. 8. HHiLYEIi Cor. Secretaay. MrB. BEBVEY G. iiAW. Mnnag.i* Mrs. J, J. VAN DALSEM. Manner. Tbe FAIR will open on the loth or December and ??D, t . I ?'^, w . 0 -J Tee^£U he PUBLIC HALL, corner of BROAD WAY aod TWENTY-THIRD Street. N. Y. To be concluded by the . GRAND PRESENTATION FESTIVAL, TO BB KKim AT . COOPER INSTI'I TJTK, NEW YORK. SATURDAY EVENING, December 221, IJedcr _ the Musical direction of THEODORE THOMAS, Esq. On which occasion a Committee will be chosen by the audience to award . SIOO.OOG IN PRESENTS, b u% may det6rmllie - F « r 200,100 TICKETS AT ONE BOLLAR EACH AND ' f 200 OCO PRESENTS BEING ONE TO EACH TICKET H < iTsT^lt LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED. PresentlnUnltedßtates Greenbacks- 110,000 1 Splendid Country Residence In Weatches terconn'y, near New York City 1 and Lot, Jamaica, Avenue 1 Honse and Lot, adjoining above ,* 3’mo J_ “ “_“ In Bro. klyn. N Y...' ”™ 3coo * ferriage, Horres and Harness .Complete) 2 s'-o 1 Gnno Piano (Steiowav ’s) 15^ ? ci > H,i Il T? arle “,' clt Y or N. Y., *1.600 each. 4.020 1 Setof Dlamords (Ring Ear Rings, and ... .. 1 1111.1 1 ofy ? J f0r..""... 5 00> 1 Ellis’s Paltnt Hot Water-Appara’us " ' , „„ f S. r Heating Dwellings. . ,1 S u Balnting of General C. R. Grant 15 Gents flat Gold Lever Watches @ *200... -is.iadles “ *• • “ . (afeg 1 Premiatn “Empire” Sewing' .20 Silver plated Tea Setts ICO Celebrated “Empire” Sewing Machines now on exhibition at their Warerooms, 616 Broadway. 1000 Conies (2 Void. each) being a compiete’i’t lustrated History of the War ■ 250 Gold Pens, Pencils, and Sleeve Buttons’. @(8~............ , r™ 500 T ® e K D<I *nd N apkin itingsi ’ 1000 Call Beiia and plated Frnit 8,00? The balance to consist of the following articles, viz; Musical Instruments, Parlor and Office Furniture,Writing Casee.Ladiea Work Boxes, Kla Gloves, Photr graph AJbums.Bresst Pins, Fob Chains. Ladles Gold S?£jL C sS!. l t!. ,op S a GBusee, Black Walnut Plu’nre Frames, Gentlemen’s Fashionable Silk Hats, Ladles Newest Style Dress Hats, , American Emblem Cards for Parlor Amuae ment, Ergraylngs and Card Photographs of dliOnguWied Personages, Ladles and Gents Biding Whips,Buffalo Robes. Ladles Mink Pnrs. Gents For collars and Gloves, Mnslc Roxes, <£c., &C., amonntlngot „ • 3^o*o Mat ire In tbe aggregate 209,000 Presents. TBiDEu&l. > , tUH „ , u.i....11j. ’ *lOO (VYi frS5? e l? e , aent " 1^S C ? “ s - ®>> closing the moriev f s om V 10 * refftitmd tetter at our riiJ:, with stamp for return postage. Larger amoonta should be sent in draft* or by Express, at the following . 5 Tickets to one address ,4 55 s :: :: :: ===2=,? g U :: ==—%% iso •> .. ■« su Address all orders and conimnntrations to - '"" -85 00 A CO., Managing Directors; or to K. H. DAVIS, Agent for the Home aoA School, . _6lB£ro&d way. JN e w York. - „ . . , SPECIAL NOTICE, we take pleasure in acknowledging, on behalf of the Homeland bcbool. the liberal donation of J5OO, made by Bro»dway r New’vofk Machine Company, of So. 616 PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. no3o-19t» (Office of Florence S&xhig MachJneOo.) XTEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. XI CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH- Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 7 45. SECOND WEEK OF ' MB. JOHN E. McDON’ODQH, and of the GREAT SUCCESS OF THE PERSON. Dion acts, entitled 08, THE WORKMEN OF MANCHESTER ___ Fit duced with ‘ NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, A mong which may be named FOLLKR’s tavv CtTYogM ANOHfeTKB B 5 NIQHtTthE Turn! ’ GREAT TELEGRAPH SCENE, rtcelved by*the ne,llewß fro “ aU parts of the world, TH EATBE TELEGRAPH WIRE Will be read to the audience ‘ To conclude with THE LOST CHILD. -• GRAND EXTRA M ATI WEE, GRAND i*XTRA. MATINEE WEDNEBDAV a jrTKRNOON. DecembPr s 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 5 Flrat timeof - - * ISABELLE; ISABELLE: _ . • , OB ; WOMAN’S LIFE. The piece will be presented with the fall siren irth or TJMTALIfcNTfiD.OOMPANr. Admission to Matinee. 80eta. Children. 25 eta. Doors open at 1,15. Curtain rises at 2.15. . AN ENTIRE NEW PRuhraSmV ° loCfc . Last week of the peal Artists, “ft ANBVBS. HOWARD PAUL, Who will appear ' IN AN EN TIRE NEW PERFORMANCE MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING MR. AND MRS; HO WARD PAUL In Two New Pieces, : ft, , A Q e New Songs Each Evening, To conclude each ever lug with . A GRAND DR aHA. By the fall Dramatio Company, FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MB H. PAUL MONDAY NEXT-F. S. UHANFKAU. w j 4 fj, w ~} Tnv jf ToiJNTE and WAIiNXJTSts.' Commence at 7 be. Second night oft he * OOARK1? IS” ---.-.-.....808 ACRES THIB ( SgStfJg o **? BOBACBES.. s OLiBK . Mr Fau1k1and........ "lir J § To conclude with the gl-rious rainlcDraina itf ta TOODLES. TIMOTHY TGODLES TZZ....Mr. J. aCLABKE MB.J.aOI,ABgEErVBBYinGHT.^ SE jV-faw American tbh a reuT - .. A” EVERY NISHT J AndBATTTRD AY MATINEE, at 2 o’clock The grand maglcalSpeclacle, o ciocjc, THE BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK. • lj IBTOHX. A CAB SH Y OB M ]7 RT/l _ • DEBUT OF MABi RISTORT , J*Persons desirous to Bobscribe for the entire season, .are requested to call or addrv*s tw M the Sk™«S ®2 (1 t 7 December 3d and 4th a! K tns p°M T? J t f a Academy of Music, from 9 six *!*s*!? ‘peculations, nomore than biz iicEeiß wjlJ be sold to any .person whateper The n #¥ d 8 rl?kC° r , tb ,? flrst , Bl ght will commeeceon Wed nesday. Bnbscrlptlops for eight nights. |16..- del M U IyMPHM?? * SOHM™’ O f ‘“t Concert wintakeplace ■ 2? 16 GRAND OEOHESTKA, nnmbertag rw l AR 618, under tbedlrecUinof Mr cef< bfatai M ’ Ue - CAMILLO UR9O. the «eo son a P pear at the Second Concert, •iS rmSi uS 1 '! two Peraonß to the aeries of neiraonS’thl'alries'Sf iTreS Concerts^KOo'Stogie y oiets for each Concert. *ll. at Mnf tS ■ ores del-13 tj RATHER KEMP’S OLD FOLKS -' WITH EMMA J. NIOHOT.SL 8 wtSf HAX,L > MARKET. above rvi™ ttvJi tSS. 11 ®' v we o lc v-J. oomm encU)g MONDAY Doo l? open 8t 7 Concert at ./'.cjocjc. licK6tBBs cents. F&milv MpVAtH flt?A fni* WedneBday ««fsS&rtS?Moons' 8 YLVANIA ACADEMY OF PINE ARTS. Open frem BAM. to* TEOTH ’ QtdgßißTjE. CrW-£SS.i A -S fB YBIiEOW METAL BEEATHMT6 wn?t^SS, r «.S? DD S r ‘ ?**>*• Bolts and Xnm Owpart. ■FirawiTUME artp 'beddirs. 1 STJiTE OP NINE. ROOMS,. Elegantly Famished, -COMPIiETE AS ... PARLORS ARD CHAMBERS. QEO, J, HENKELS, LACY & 00,, i 1301 and 1303 €hestnnt Street. noio-lm rpj FURNITURE OF mrra aS mYekm • stock of Furniture oi i?sSs&^si?* ,t,01I «»? Ithe world * Furniture f<«r Parlor tISSSJ^SS 0 < %ajab«*‘Or Bed- Boom. Dining Boom nhni^si, K riS an i a, .Booms t - Officf*,Schools ShSi c H?«*2S?^ FeJ %Sr s i_ MasonlC 01 othe? Societies I »!SSK oW !L ein “* C5 Ue ?efl' Public Buildings be' executed: with - despatch “fwith libeamqr ant justness of dealing. parties*! a distance may rem It through odrJiaiiker. the Far Mechanics* Nat. Bank/ Chestnut street, o> byJEzprss OhecA or Post Office order; imp* edlatO’attention will bertven and satisfaction insured?-?/ >w r j»?SFS*f*o°* .5* Ninth and Market and 37 and 39 N, Second street, Phila., “iS«Jy SPRING MATREBS, BE3T QPAIJTY-ANT> STTT.B, AKD BEDDING OP BVEBY DESCRIPTION. - - ;J, ©., jelotg . 9 Booth BEVKNTH Street. THE FIWB ABT& LOG KIN 6 'GLASS IS. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, LARGE STOCK OF LOOKING GLASSES, ?.^ , T e t? th S BEST FBEKOH PIiATEBOWiY OB NO sale,and would call attention to their daily aoc menting ASaOitjTMEJST as UN JCQUAUfiD anoat VSRY MODERATE PRICES. EARLE a’ GALLERIES, ...... 816 CHESTNUT STREET. Giom (IPEfiA GLOVES. HEALY & 00., 928 CHESTNUT ST.. Have Jest received a large assortment of ladles’ and;g: SINGLE AND DOUBLE BDTTONB, consisting of white, lavender, violet, and other Utah- lonable colon. GOODS FOR LADIES, A NO. ONE W I GANS FOR SKIRT FACINGS. I Invite the attention of the WHOLESALE TRADE to myl stock ol SILESIA S COLORED and FANCY SLEEVE LININGS, CORSET JEANS, PRINTED CLOAKINGS, VEST PADDINGS, Ac.,on hand and receiving from Philadelphia and Eastern turers. THOMAS R GILL, . nol2-mws3mJ 6 STRAWBERRY Street, BLESDS ABD SHABBY, B. J. WILLIAMS, Ho. 18 HOBTH SIXTH STBEH? ' MANUFACTURER Off VENETIAN BLINDS AND ■■ WIHDOW SHADES, lotrert »3ce£ “ a fines ‘“ ,ortm ebl In ths city at a Store Shades made and lettered, ■ - UMI HABNESS, SADDT.BS, COPABraEBSffIPS. T\B?BOLtiTION OP COPARTNEKSHCP.-Ttje CO -1 J partneisbip heretofore existing under the Arm of George R Beeee, Son & CO., Is this day dissolved, by the drathof Georte B, Reese. Tbs business will be settled by the surviving partners, ' Mi MESIER.REESE, W. H»NRY REES ft, „ JACOB R REESE. Philadelphia, Dec. 1,1856. ‘ • nq-PABTNERSHIP NOTICE.— .The undersigned associated themselves under tbe Firm name of'GEOBGE B. REESE’S SONS, and will continue and .Commission bnalneaj, at No. 323 CHESTNUT Street. . ! , M, MKSIER REESE, W HENRY REESE, ’ ’ 1 JACOB B. REESE. PHILA.,Dec.ISt. 18«6, : ; : <tßll2ti MUSICAL A PEW SELECT PUPILS CAN SECURE TUITION upon the PIANO, by a Lady, whose proficiency as a performer, and wbose ability to Impart instruction Is testified to bysomeol.thehighestlLvfngauthority. Ft r In interview; address MUSIC, at this office. nol9,tf,rpj A> B- TAYLOR TEACHER GF SINGING AND JX- PIANO, 1207 FILBERT street. Singing classes nowfonnlng,: : .. oca-tg ' CARRIAGES.. ; MhSA' FOR sa LR—A large assortment of new UErfa-SKr, and Becond-hand Carriages, top and no top BjWEies, Rocbaways and Express wagons GEO. DODD * SONS,*No. 480 RACE sfieet Nos. 231 and233CROWN street. - ~ ocll-3mB NATHANS, Auctioneer'and Money Broker il*. Rcorner ot Third and Bprnee streets, only out square below the Exchange. NATHANS’B Principal puce, established fbr the last forty years. Money tr Iran in luge or small amounts,at'the lowest rates on Diamonds, Sliver Plate, Watches, .Jewelry, Clothing, C 8156 flostklPUon, daco hours from i A. M, till 7 P.M. - - - deR-t&p ■ M . ■V'rf—en* «a ijunis. ±u<tiW£».tW*n, . murira h imL , Z' va a *L!” "*>■'«> t»w?JlTfe«**•“ ■ S^SS§,^ N 1? ? ESTALE—TUESDAY NEXT. P«etcatalogUes now ready,con taihlngfhllde on 1 IffiaDAY fi- tr. ’ ’thlnßt., wltn a U»f rf sales lltb and 18th De cker, comprisliig'very desirable Basldeaces, Dwelh jJSh £ a , r^fii ;< l nDt 7^ fieito ' Building Lot Tic:, by order of tne Orphans* Cotut, Executors, and others,’ - ■ i s OB BTOrKB ABril HRAL'BSTATB '' evety TUE3DAY, atUo’Oloqfcnoon. dSWInSS™ dWoS'g fsi*?!i2£? r^, prop ? rt7 ' ft o ® the smallest awelilnTitc «;&« Anoxia Bton Reridencesl ottentloh adren ! to sales MPrttau a "' '• ■ u ''■ ' 1 r -_STObKS, 'ibdJ I ■ i Atim'JiLi vP N TUESDAY, DKO 4 AtU o Clock noon, at the Philadelubla BxehAnW ’ w andQhlo Telegraph Co. 32 shares Continental Hotel, preferred stock ' ?. s^ area Insurance Co. of the s<tate6f Pennsylvania . .25 shares American Antllncrnstator fC”"* 6717 * 111 * ' | s^ aro PkiladGlphla Library OO.’ ; • • * - ; l share In the Mercantile Library. . . 3ebares Broad Mouctaitf Vein coal Co. : 1 share Academy of Fine Ara. i B®AL ESTATEiSALE, DEC. L r i D Sale—natateof Mary Jane Williams ; N f *doen.-LARBB &W v^ 1, tbe Intersection of Chestnut Hill and fiprlEghcußetnrEplfc e and Ohestut Bui avenue - I Wi;« : at, north ol ' |ame Fstate-L WELLING. No. 2241 Sharswood st , ; thbe&story frame dw^ll 1 Nose 221,j and 2247 fiharswqod st. , ■ ,■ ' - . 'iTP b an® Court Sale—kßtate of James E Smith ■ detfdwmaEMTOßT BRICK BwSSnq, wSriw jHorth Sixth at,, between Arch and Race _ Pame EBtate- MODERN TB REE-STORY rutov Sixth at., north of Poplar. . t •Same Estote-aW°-SIOBY BRICK DWELLING, lotherpar °^ tb o^^?Pla r, with two Frame Dwellings ; acres, Upper Meric* «£. O *J* b, EL Montgomery county Fa.. H ofa, mile from ; the Port Kennedy Station on the Reading Railroad— , good limettoce latd—large Stone Mansion, bare and ■ kH 1 ? 0 ? TTVEOTOBY IRON FRONT STORE, lr« < JISLSiS wb ?« y^t SS- betwee n Chestnut and Market andt-ecrod BDd Third opposite Trotter at.' ' \H|BYX? SIB ABLE TWU-STOBY BRICK STA ;ELE and CO iCH HOUSE. N 05.605 and 607 Weaver S 6 Jeet front. Immediate possession. c Executors- Peremptory Bale-Estate of Poweli Stachbonse, dfe’d- VAX CABLE IRON FOUNDRY between Front and Rm> and iTavern sna hwiaa, avenue/ 1642 *V urtU Tenth at,, south of Columbia i fmf^pßlTl? r r^v'n V v t ' UABI '. H^r THREE-SIORT, BRICK BUILDING, known as “Green Hill Hall” & E. coraer of Seventeenth and Foplarsia.; and a Three •txSumo?*'^-, 4 --?^E?- s ' roRY brick dwell. .IjSGS, Nos. 1533,1<*0, 1,37 and 1739 Moravian st TT?S5 I S,. Est . a,e—3 -OCR-sTOR, BRICK dwell 813 a ’ d 515 South Twentieth st ShCURED UROUND RESTa/each J3S a ;T> BusrereKS Btand-THBEESTORY IBIICK bTORE and 1 W EI.LING, S. E coraer 0f37.h and tiaverloxd sts, 24th Ward ■ i u,0,.n ■ THRt E BIOKI B i.ICK STORE and DWELLING Baver/ord st adjoining the above \ ■ MODERN THKEh-bT-jRV BRICK DWELLING TOBventrawe’ ad^cla * a * *beabove-has all thff modern BRICK DWELLING. No. 22, of ggSf Sale absolnte. Subject to a yeai ly ground rent of fso. __ Sale No U 24 Girard street ELEGANT POsEWOOD AND WALNUT FURNI BRING PIANO. HANDSOME Mantel, pier andoval 1 yfftßuM rich BKOCAIELLE CURTAIN® ELEGANT FRENCH iHINA ODT GLA6SWABE. HANDSOME VEL AtlOo-S^'^^^KV^oguethe entire Furniture, IncttuUng suit elegant carved Rose wood BrawlDz Boon. Furniture, hanosome Walnut Chamber and Dining Room Furniture, Chlc«erlne seven cctave Plano Forte, Fine FreuchPlate Mantel Pier and Oval Mirrore, in rich gilt frames; eUgaut BrocsteUe Window Carnlns, Fine Mantel Oock and SrcdjmfcOto'hamhomeQiandellem. une and elegant C2dna Dinner Service, Richly Out Glassware Handsome Medallion "Velvet kudEngllah Brussel* Carpets, Hair Matresses. Jfcc. 6 The entire Furniture was made to order by Moon & Campion, and Is In excellent order. May be examined with Cat«logues on tween 10 and 2 o clock. ISIW AND POPUL AB MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.<fca. ra QU»NTITIJS=’ ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Dec. 4. ,mt the auction store commencing at 4 o’clock, new ardPcpnlar MiseeLaneoua Books and Photokraob Albums, in quandties. ’8 OPERA OIiCVSB, Sale at Nos. 139 am m Sonth Fourth street. HANIJSOMK WALb UrPOB.'nUK«. FINE MAN. JSS'3S.i&S.& ua “ l - ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the auction rooms, an excellent as. sortmect of handsome walnut Parlor, Dlnlnr-room and Chamber Fnrn'ture. French Plate Mantle and Pier Mirrors, fine toned rosewood and mabosanv Plano Fortes, Fireproof Safes, Feather Beds aad Bed dirg, Blankets, China and Glassware, handsome Vel vet, Brass el a, ana other Carpels, Ac. oesfm wSm SALE OF A VAIUABLE THEOLOGICAL AND miscellaneous library. ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AFTER. . NOONS, Dec. Sand 6, At the auction store commencing at 4 o’clock, the valuable! geological and Miscellaneous Library of the late Rev. Thomaa Brainerd, D D„ Including many rare TO RENT—Several Offices Harmony Court, T>Y B. SOOTT, JB-. r—7T; : i A» AUCTIONEER, No. 1020 CHESTNUT street PBIVATE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS DRAWINGS CHROMO3. Ac R Scott, Jr will Eell at the Art Gallery, 1020 Chest nut Etreet, ON TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, .Dec 4. at 11 , 'clock, a very desirable private collec tion ofKEgravlDEB, Drawl' gs. Pictures, chromos, iftc.. carefnliy selected by Jamea Q. Simpson, Ksq, du Ini many year*. Including specimens or tneold and mo dern schools, viz—'lurne*, Claude, the Landseers. Huntingdon, Stanfield and nearly all the memb-rs oJ the Royal Academy of Londun, Greensborough <fec. Open for examination on Monday afternoon. FAB FAMED SHEFFIELD PLATED /WARE. Ju&tarlved per Canard-steamship Aleppo from the celebrated firm of , JOS. DT?AKET& SONS, Manufacturers by royal antho Ity, spring street works. Sheffield. Englancf ’ B. Scott Jr* will tell, at the Art Gallery. KiOCbeatnu' street, r UN WjjiDWXSDaY and THURSDAY MORNINGS Dec. 5 and 6, at 11 o’ elegant assortment of best quality P*tent Kle-tro Plated Ware, Ivory Table acd Pocket Cutlery, olrect from the establishment of Jos, Do*ken & Sons, Sheffield, England, eousls lug of acid lined Tea Pets, Card Receivers, with views: Kqx. ties and ► tends, with and without lamps: Fruit Staods. Jce Pitchers. Wine Set*.4,a and 6 bottles Cut tinner and Breakfhst Castors, Syrup Pitchers, Tea Poi Stands, Claret Jugs, ulßh <x>vers, Epprgnes Cafee Brßkeis, round and oval Trays, ina2i inch: Toast BScks, Nut Crackers, knlie ResuTfcapkin Rings dc • t . - . r . Also, pearl hardle Table Knives, In cases of 6 and 12: DeMeit Knives to match,, ivory, and plated handle Fish Carvers, In morocc . cases, &c. Also,Dinner ana Dessertspoons and Porks. Bonn and SauceLarUes, Gravy Spoons, In plain, King’s and bead d patterns. Full particulars In catalogues. ; . FINK MODERN OTL PAINT PNGS. j ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, Dec. ear d 7 i*t?# o’clock, at f-att’s Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut st'eet, about 2iofiue Modern OH Palnings, by Bomc’-of our most talented * merlcan artiste. Open for examination on Tuesday, CARD,—We are nowprepared to makearrangemeni for special sales of Oil Paintings er any other,works o art* Our location being in tbecentre of the most faeb iohable thoroughfare or, our city makes It a desirable resort for connoisseurs and lovers o; art in general, N. B.—Sales of merchandise In general solicited. Personal attention given to outdoor sales. \ 1 ~ ' ‘ B. SOOTT, Jb. r HHj! principal MorrgY mTAjai.isH^ww r A, - B.R corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise renerali* watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and SUverFlafc and on all articles of value, fbr any length of tin. agreed on, ‘ _____ - : TTT. - WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PBTVATB BALi Pine Gold Hunting Case, Ddnble Bottom and opr. £s£e English, American and Swiss Patent Lw: WfctehesTF* ls6 Gold Hunting Case and Open Fauo Lt' ifine WStOhfiS| ™Dfl flQld fttn*** W«Mti» - fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face Knallst American jmd Swiss Patent Lever and Lerin Wittes: Double Oase Eneltoh QnarMer andntfi. Watches; Ladle* 1 Fancy Watches; Diamond Break Finger Bings; Ear, Rings, Stads, *a; Fine Gel CjSlnß; MedaUloEs; Brimeleta; ScarfPlna; Breae Plris; Flngerßln,i: Pendl Oaset. nnd Jewoirygenr !Sle^S^elSfpr“ a Jg 6? dM F ’" proof cffi&nt gg%5L Sontt Oarndta- Fifth am A ! HOLLAND, AUCTIONEER. ‘—r-r— —- ' l2OB MARKEfT street Store-EVEBY VnrUrnlnT attention given to nnlnn rifl Prlvntn Resi dences „!THENEW CENTRAL AUCTION HOUSE. Capacity-Four floors, each 7Shy 24 feeU Locati.n-In the very Centre of the Oity.'und adjoin ingiihe Farmera' Market - ; -V-v Adv.ntagee—Has been a first-class Secondfiond nltnre Stand fbr over thirty years. : - ' - 1 ’ - ■ Storage—Superior ; accommodation for. storage; of,. Furniture. . . . Inducements—Very liberal terms effered to person*' having Furniture and Merchandise for sale. : Referencee-Over one hundred of the most oroml nent cltlaena of Philadelphia, swau> AuoiriCTn. HaT.Tßia. LAST GREAT BALE OF THE SEASON OF AWCXIOK IMtM. BON. ACgnONKKJBa AMS i MERCHANTS, . - No. Jllo GHESTNU.Thtreet, ~ r . . (RearenfcranceHCTSahsom'fltreeht HODBfDtOLp FURNITURE OP; OTBBY PW BECEIVm) on^consignSkstt, BA UK. EVERT FRIDAY. MOBNING. Sales of Foralture at Dwelltags attohded ttr on SM „j.moatßeasonable Terms; ' r SALE OF REAL ESTATE,.. STOCKS, ‘dtaj ATYHS THOMAB lnform thMr ' friends and the public that they are prepared to sttet to the saleof Stel,EstatehvaoctlonandatßriraMsaMi '' ‘ Sale atNotns North Slxtee«thst. ! 1 ' HOUSEHOLD* FUBNITUEE ■ ON TUESDAY MORNING.. At lo o’cloek. at No 119 North Sixteenth st will be sold—The neat Household Furniture, of s family re movlngfrotn the city. Velvet Brussels ami Ingrain Carpets.iWalnnt Parlor finite, covered with ween pluab; Mirrors, Diningroom, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture, ...,.-...t. May ba examined oa themorhlng of aa!ekt 8 ©’clock; SALE OF A PBIVATE COLLECTION OP PIR3T gDASSEUBOPEAN OIL AND WATER COLOR . Jr A 1 IS rUNUfI, ' .. ... ON THURSDAY EVENING. :■ n J,fP em^ r! s* At Btdfpaat seven o’clock, at onr Art h, ?■ M}«Ohestoutstreet, tyUX besolda colleo l o l i°. o l c i d,cel ‘ ai ?‘ lß S». o,l end water color, embracing fiße specimens of the works of ' "• *••• ••’ ' vSt««hn. BBteme “’‘" Wain Wright, • j -Netterman.- Krochart.,. Trav^r , r Marohn,* -Beiasch, ; »Put B «er. 1 tbe h e e now °P™ exhStmo“ e Se, nnHS No 1310 Chestnut Btreftf:. HOUSEHOLD FUBN T - I FORTRS, RICffW^NDOW* : ... , , ,ON FRIDAY MORNING, 8 anctio “ »*. 1110 Chestan* Mlmtre, China, Superior Rosewood Piana Eortes. blade 'bv Sch«- mscser & Co., Conrad Meyer and others, i Also, ote Cabinet Plano Forte. made bjJßlrofeld. - EL£G aNT CURTAiNS. • - One pair very rich Window Curtains. ' BA ?tS 95.5 i JBW-ELRY. OJS MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 10. ill!:tloa Btore ' No -Ghattntu Jewelry; comprising, about w}^’.?f 1 2. ,1,DS ®*ngle Stone and.- Cluswr Dia. I l?/, 1 i nser T, B iS KS - 86t ln 18 fcarat BOld-aism Ear Rings and Silver Buttons, set with diamonds. the codlbction op shells Aim BOOKS, BELATIh G TO NATURAL HISTORY son Esq? 08 ’ belonslDg ■*° the late Charles A. Poul , dN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. DEO 19. . At 3 o’clock, we will sell at public sale, by order of the executors of the Jate Cbarlej A. Poulson Eso.. the large ano valoable collection of Sheds, recent and oifaluable Rooks relating to Natural His ory and Science. “■ Ihl J Sh ® !l3 f» d Books will be open far examination seadj" 1 Munday ' Bec-10 * when catalogues will be If 1 JOHN B. MYERS A CO.. A rti rir. «:.a,... itesisisS , BROGANS. TRivmiNG BS^AO. ™* GW TUESDAY MORNING. o clock, will be sold, by catalogue on fimir SS2H? S? ut ' 5** 0 ?? ll2o ° Packages BooSshoes, Eal “ptlAteand lTesh assortment £^£GK pee^^SMg° 3 p I2 OTB ' ssasa - Boots Shoee.’ »SSbie^oSLS d vS? P "“ hB anowlngfresE „ Men’s, bovß’ and youths* calf,' double sole, and hair Kvffr wSLrw!£3L men 9» and youthP kip and buff leather boots; mens due grain, mug letcavalrv wir? 8 5 0, l 0n hop 1 8? men*s ana boys’ ca& bufl leShS P lfti s Coogrea boots ami balmoralsx rcen g. boys’ and youths super kip, buff aS E2iSIS2iSSS« ha i£iI relt 811(1 teavy liouble sole “iorocco, and enaxntied patent sewed buckle ana plain balmorals and Con. and children’s calf fl£? iSS 1 . 3ea * b «i b ahnprala and lace boots; chlldren*» fin* Aid sewed city made lace boots; fancy sewed mcrels wad aukle ties; ladies’ fine Mark and ..colored lasting Cod proas and B*de lace galtezs womens* inisstk and children’s goat and morocco Conner-naiia! lies boots; ladles’ fine cd slippers; metallle overshoes tha trSvehngbagsi *cl carpeta h d enameled le*. LABGEPO6HTVB SALE OK BBITIBH. PRKNTIT GERMAN * '!PV* B 8,116 ofßorelgn and Domatlo part fcrajah! 7 c * talo,raB ’ on 6301 months* aredKiES On THURSDAY MORNING. December 6, at io o’clock, emhraclnc about n ptesagea and lots of staple and fancy artlctm. ti wotlcta worsteds, and rottom. to vhtA we In-stte thje attention ol dealers. N. B-—Omhiogues ready and goods arrange tor examlrattrm early on the mnminTAy^j**"*"* LABGS POSITIVE SALE OP nurnnun. ' ON FKTDAY MOENffla ® a * Sec. 7, at II o’clock, will be sold, by cataloena. tool months' credit, ebon* 200 pieces ofsnperflM joy® l darn ask, VeneHan. list Dntck ben't cottage and rag carpetings, embracing a chnfeS assortment of enperiorgoodaTwhlch maybeiramSS earlj on the rooming nr nale —, " _ 2EOQ LBS. WOOL SOOlbs. medlnm JOooubUc Fleeoe Wool, tojje sold for C63b, fox acconnt ot whom it may concern. r | AJttßa a. gßincMAw *— — —■■.vin ft r?, auctioneer. BIXTEENTHFALT, SALE OFKEix^ri^AT IHA EXCHANGE ON WEDNESDAY, ,jwa eaie, on is o-cloiknoon.,t the Exchange, will lnclnat the leliowlng—* s OWVTI7D • Particular* to-morrow. KO. 72S XJsJjE S i—A two -story brick house, abova Fl’zwater.ig by 40 feet. Clear. Orptian? Court Sa&— £ito(e of Jitiovy 2 obcrtson. dcc’ct. HO, 581 WASHXKGTON ST—A. throe-st'vry uridc ho J&xil bs&7ieet s32groundrecL &w* KOGEPS 8 COX7RT—a three-story brick dwelling- aS?. NOble * Pess and Sew . M^5 Rr>E *T—A two story frame house is by 90 feet. .$lB .ground rent Orphan? Court Sate— E stale of Bernard /. IFoodi, dsc’d , K Vi, 120 ?„ ALLS w ORi £L ST—A three-story brick dwelling, 16 by 60 feet. Clear. Orphans 3 Court Sate— Estate of <nn McGuinan* dec'd. FE J? KY A valuable tract of Lead. ratßiug from Gray s Ferry road to the Schuylkill las feet tiont by 1,103 feet deep. dear. »**• MpEEAIiAhfD SIXTH STS-A square olgrcund at »he 43. .W. corner of Twenty sixth an& J, J A 5- The facilities for transported tinn, botJibff rail and water, render ttts portion ortha V^ZVou^L f^ nv/aa?riei - mac * Jn * D ( AYIfl «fe HAHVifiX. AtIUTIUNB;HK» ■ ' Thomas AsSnE) - Store Ko. 421 Walnut street. 421 Walnut street.'' BUPISIOE ; FUBHIXUSfi, TWO RoSFWfinn IJI.LTE s£f&,FRENCH'PLATS MIRRORS, BRUSSELS CARPETS • ; _ s , ON ; TUESDAYMORNING. At 10 oxjock, at the auction store. Including verv superior Mahogany Parlor Salt superior Office Farni mre.nro eluant rosewood Rauos. made by Gale*' fo. Xtllle bn*glar.p,oor Safe, large French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors Oval Mirror, choiceEngrav ght frames; Paintings, Brußsem Carpets. &• Consignments should bt sent in immediately. Sale Ho. 1816 Mervln e Htreet. SUPERIOR E D ail IT L RE.* PIN E IMPERIAL CAB- ' ; Pfc T 3, rtPR IN U MATS E- SE3 &C. ON WEDNESDAY MOBWNb. At la o’blcck, at Nm 1816 Mention street, between Eleven (hand Twelfth streets, by catalogue Including elegant Chamber Salt OakjDtntng-room Eornltur<£ ■ Imperial md Venetian Carpets, Refrigerator, China ‘ aha Glassware. Ac. Hay be examined early on the morning ol sale. i Sale N 0.1836 North Eleventhftreet. aUPEBIOB FUR «nURE. FINK CAB PETS, Ac. , ON THURSDAY MOKNINt? At 10 o’clo by cstalotne, at No. 1 &i 8 North Ela. Yeith street, abeve Montgomery avenue, ; the entire Walnut and Hair Cloth ?-■? I ° r iK, n SS: l lS’'^ o:me Walnut OhamberSult, Co tags Si TopsiSnrlng Hatresses neat Xmpe- I « C^E e , * n f er !. o ’' %‘et>Bton Tables Glassware . Hay, do examined early on the morning of sale. iußNlTljiai BAIJS at the Btore everyTnassay attention! KEBIDHNCIEB wlll -ecay* particular piHuap roBD * 00,, :, . . . *-1 _ _ AuronoiTEnaß, _ ' _ _ ■ No. SM ItABKBT street. SAL* OB 170 e GASES BOOTS, SHOES, BBOOAN3. : i ‘ ' •*'•«! ' i (StCn &C. . i ON THURSDAY MORNING. DEC, 6. commendng at 10 o’clock,precisely, will be sold by CtoUiOfi*. i7io,cases prime Boota, Shoes, Brogansu Balmoral*,* Congress Gaiters, Baßklo OvershoeafSS aisp a desirable sasortiuent of city made goods, from first class city and Eastern mannlbctarera. ' l«. .ahHßKiiiGii « 00., Aoci'ioaaniit^, No. *ns MARKET street ahoveHftb. PEKEMPTOBY SALE BOOTB, SHOES, <tc. ON WEDNESDAY MOKNING, Teo,i at 10 o’clock, we will sell by catalome. abqut loot cases of. Boots, Shoes, &0,, embracing a 'lame.aod. iflnv assortment.’of dty. made Balsiorala" morning of sale for inspection, triSt B y jjAitRITT A OU.. APUTItYUttltm. v—T i _ . Caah Auction HouseT ; So t*onrarlcetstreet.coruerorßeiib*trn«i ' . Cash advanced on conalcnments without extra chart* BOARPISe. REMOYAt: I?'.‘ 'Avauty. DBsrmT, ft a a -rkmovi ’jila offlceto 1738A80H atreatl r^nois-tm.w.i; XXn&* OABTHiB BOAaPi—loB hoxea jrdnnlnpwh < j lee Booth Delaware avenue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers