BUBINBBS NOTIOTBS. THIS NBWubT «AMK. There’s a stranxegame, entirely new, By the Inventor called "fly loo." ■With lc mps of sugar It Is played, m order on the table laid, - And that on which ft fly does jump, The first, Is hailed the winning lump. Thue, any project, grave or fanny. Serves to put dunces ftom their money, ■While wise men with their cash procure from Tower Hall, a profit sure. Wx Havu flood uroicctAU Ovareeau eu low as,, iinat Trench Seaver OmreoaU W^**^***** ^l JUtd all the intervening grades, tni HAVa-'ebod 'Catsimsre sails ta low as IS 00 Knelt Trench Qastme re' suits up 4nd altintervening grades. W» Have 'OoCdßlaek Baits, as low as. finest French Black Suits up to.—.. jtnd alt intervening erodes. - W« Save, inshort. the largest, best assorted, and most ■ complete stock of Men’s, Tooth’s and Boyt Nothing, in Philadelphia—equal to any in the'clty, In style, make and fit, comprising alt kinds, styles, sisss and qualities, adapted to. thevants of all, and sold at lower prices than the lowest elsewhere, or the money refunded. Saif way between, . } Sebnett & Co n Fifth amj> J- Tswee TTat.t,, Sixth 6TB. J 518 Mabkht Btheet. ygg- a# pur prices are lower than for several years. '“b/B. 8.-R4IEWATS KKADF BBOEF.—TO BE msed o trail occasions of pain or sndden Blcknesa. Im mediate relief and consequent cure for the ailments and diseases .prescribed, lswhat tbe -tiELi fe gn aran - tees ttapeiform. Its motto is.plain and systematic: Jt will surely cure? There is no other remedy, no ctbLT‘l.rKiMEetT, no hind of Paix-k ft.T.ER, that will ctech pain so suddenly and so satisfactorily as Bad ■Wav’eJikabv hEZiKF. It has been thoroughly tested tn the workshop and in lie held, m tbe coanting room and at ibe lorge, among civilians and soldiers, In tbe ptrler and in the hospital, throughout all the varl-d dimes ot the earth, and one general verdict has come heme: " The moment Badways Beady Belief is applied txurnally, or taken inwardly . according to directions, rers, from whatever cause, ceases to exist!’’ Use no ctht r hind lor Sfbains or Bubhs, er Scabds, or Cots, Cbamfs, Bbctsbs, or Bthaims. It Is excellent for CBILBLAINB, D OSQUITO BITSS, BISO STIMGS OF POI ronot'H iFstcrrs. It is unparalleled tor SUN strokes, AFOFLKXY, BHBCMATI6H, TOOTHACHE, TIC DOLOO 'BSUX. InlT-AiIMATION OF THE! STOMACH. BOWELS. BiDNEVsr&c. Good for almost everything, bio lamily thoeld be wiihont it. Fellow directions and .a speedy cate will be effected. Bold by Dmgglsts. 'Price 50 cents per bottled no2l-wtml3t H GEO. STEOK A CO.’S PlANOa t’SgflßßTbese beautiful instruments are asgfc.>j u , g Hit! »stronglyrecommended by thefollow- 1 * 11.11 tpf among the leading artists in America as any ftanos made in this country or in Europe, Wm. Mason, 8. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas, EL (X Timm. Max MaTeteek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl Wolfeohn, Chas. H. Jarvis, M. H. Cross, Carl Gaert* ur, H. G 4 Thunder, J. N, Beck. Joseph Rizzo, 3. tL Cross. CisctmAßS of certificates as to their duro&fltfy, and ihe references ot one thousand purchasers in Phila delphia and vicinity, to be had.on application. For sale in Philadelphia only, by ' J, E. GOuLD, Seventh and Chestnut. ■ -wk MEYER’S NBWLI IMPROVED CRES - mm OVERSTRUSG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best, London Prize Medal and Highest Awards in America received. MEI/> DRONb AND SEcOND-HaND PaANOS. oc2*-w,s t m.-3iii Wareroomß,72i Arcust,, below Bth, CHICKED TNG PIANOS IN EUROPE.-HaJSS VON BTTLf W, the great German Pianist, by letters feat received from Europe, proposes to play only the OHICKERING PIANOS during his concert tom in the United states. w. H. DUTTON, se24>tfj ♦. . No. 914 Chestnut street. PIANOS. 1 GEO. 6TECK «fc CO’S, cele- ( PIANO 3. PIANOS. J-brated Pianos; for sale only PIANOS. PIANOS,'j by J. E. GOULD, (. PIANOS. Seventh and Chestnut. —a utmjKiiiamG qbanu piano — JESESplayed by Bcambatl, the great Piania Ml 1 1 1 of jECnrope, at Florence, Italy, waalll *ll considered superior In all respects to the Ins tinmen is Of Broadwooa A Ersrd, hitherto regarded aa the best In the world. Hew Booms 914 cel2tf ■ ■■ CHXOKBBING GRAND FIANOB. k=^S^> '■EB-Tke New Boole Chick erlng; Hit' 'Pianos are acknowledged the beet in Ml *1 V England, Geimany and Italy. Notlse the great teatl* monials received from Europe in August last. Mag nificent collection of these Instruments. DHICKBR3NG BOOMS, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. OCfrtfg w. H. DUTTON. CABINET ORGANS. 1 These beautiful instruments CABINET ORGANS. xare made only by KaSON CABINET ORGANS. J HAM UN, and for sale In Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut —THE CHICBBBIHG ’■BS3E3PIAX3OS possess quality of tone and|sSp£3 Mill ’amount of power next to the Grand'll v.l I Plano, and aie particularly adapted to fte Ptfrlor, the Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful lustra ments, In great variety, at the Chlckeriug Rooms , 914 Chestnut street. OC2frtf „rrTT-i ORQAJTB, MELODBONB, KVKBY,. irr-, rEjiM . J rTTT r Tli r oelesrated Gem Organ Bs§jip) HI *.lJimmense aasortment;very low prices, lit li V FIAKO EOOMS W. H. DUTTON, teafrtf} , m Sl4 Chestnut stre» t. , -|— THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ST YLE *MER -9(bS@SON PIANOS. seven octaves; charming tene; ffi *■ "guaranteed durability; very low price. All CHESTNUT STREET. . . ‘ ' W. H DUTTON. —& MAEZ’S (FORMERLY .WITH ;|ygi3Steiiiw*y) unsurpassed PIANOS, at mode til 1.1 irate prices. Marshall & Mittauer’s powerfal Pianos, others for $275. J A. SL’HERZER, p023-f,in,w-i3t? 525 Arch street. PIANOS. ■) HAINES BEO’S. elegant Instruments PIANOS. >and moderate in price, 1 have dealt In for PIANOS, ) fourteen years, and give a ive years’ guarantee with each. J. E, GOULD, nofr-tf ' Seventh and Chestnut. EVENING BULLETIN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1866; THE MEETING OF CONGRESS. To-day the last session of the Thirty ■ninth Congress commences. The mem bers return to their seats, re-instructed by their: constituents,and re-inforced by' the great declaration of principles made ;at the late elections. The session will be a brief one, and whatever this Con egress proposes to do. it must do quickly. The cohntiy looks to its representatives for. dignifiedand constitutional,but firm, fearless, uncompromising action, and it is not likely-to be disappointed in thi a expectation. The President, in a sense which he did not in tend,has indeed “left tbejConstitution in thehands of the peo ple.” He has cast in his lot with those who trampled the Constitution under their feet and set,its most sacred obliga tionsiat open defiance/' Congress is the true conservator ofConstitutional liberty, and. the people demand that there shall be no failure on the part of Congress to -defend-their rights to the last jot and •tittle. . . , What the leading policy of Congress will fore-shadowed by the action of the Republican caucus on Saturday and by other indications of proposed legislation. The course of the Presi dent during the past recess has shown the necessity of imposing additional re straints upon that officer for the future. There must be a general clearing out of the -appointments recently made. From the highest to the lowest, the Federal -offices have been filled with corrupt and treacherous politicians, in whose hands no public affairs are safe, and who hold their positions simply as' a reward for their infidelity to their party and their adherence to a cause which is a confessed failure. The Senate owes at to its own self-respect to turn these men wit without ceremony, and then to make sure against their being again \, thrust into office, by an arbitrary aad 1 exercise of Executive jC,/® lower. A provision for the early assembling-' Forti ® lh Co ”8«:« 88 b aim or great 'jl -Mr. S.-henck, it R reported, r a- bill for this purpose, au sing the new Congress to meet on Jth of March next! So long as Mr. Johnson is President there should be no long . Congressional - recesses, and--Mr. Schenck’s bill will relieve the country of a great anxiety on this point. : The question of impeachment is per haps the gravest that will engage the con sideration of Congress. It is pretty well understood that the large majority of the Bepublican members desire to proceed in this matter with all the cautipn and deliberation that its importance de mands. There will-be no movement towards impeachment, unless there shall be such preliminary investigations as will clearly fix impeachable offences upon the President. Congress is now in an impregnable position and itcanafford to hold the President strictly to account for his official conduct and to compel a decent and respectful regard for the pre rogatives of the co-ordinate branch of the Government: but it will not rush, hap-hazard, upon the experi ment of an impeachment, unless the array of legal evidence against Mr. Johnson is such as to demand his trial. m eo That Congress shall stand steadfastly by the Constitutional Amendments, is the clearly-pronounced verdict of the people. With a suicidal folly, the South ern States Sire rapidly following each other in a rejection of the Amendments. To thiß course they have been encour aged by the President’s fatal policy, and it becomes the duty of Congress to make it known distinctly that there is to be no. truckling to the spirit of the rebellion that has manifested itself in the recent legislative action of the Southern States. The indications are that the general tone of the session will be quiet, tempe rate and dignified, and that the mem bers will address themselves at once to the mass of business which will come before them. The peo ple have emphatically declared their confidence in them, and no man who fails of his duty and provesrecreant to the great trusts committed to him can plead ignorance of the positive will of the constituents who sent him to Con gress, and who will hold him to a strict account when he returns to give an ac count of his stewardship. Shades of Pharaoh and Moses! A despatch was received at Washington yesterday, December 2d, dated at Alex andria in Egypt, on yesterday, Decem ber 2d. The message has been trans mitted already over all the telegraphic world of Europe, America, Asia and Africa, and the newspaper readers of the four continents know already that yesterday, John H. Surratt, the prin cipal accomplice of John Wilkes Booth, of eternal infamy, in the murder of Pre sident Lincoln, was arxestedat Alexan dria, by Mr. C.- Hale, United States Consul General for Egypt. While rejoicing that this base scoun drel, whose surrender might possibly have saved his mother’s life,is at last in the hands of justice, the public will be curious and anxious to learn all the circumstances of his career since the fearful conspiracy in which he was en gaged was brought to its conclusion. There have been grave whispers and surmises, concerning persons in exalted positions, and their knowledge of the whereabouts of Surratt for a long peried. In the Bepublican caucus at Washing ton,on Saturday evening, Mr. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, is reported to have said that “he intended to offer a resolu tion at an early day calling upon Sew ard and Johnson for any correspondence in their possession on the subject of the attempt to arrest John Surratt, the es caped conspirator. He hadgood reason to believe that -Johnson knew dll the time where Surratt ivas,and had not only made no effort to arrest him, but had connived at his escape.’’ There is something so monstrous in this accusation, that few persons will be found willing to give it a particle of credit. . But there is so mueh the more reason for a thorough inves tigation of the affair, and the arrest of Surratt may afford the means of clearing up some of the uncertain points of the assassination plot. The criminal will,- of course) be sent home as early as possible, and if Mr. Boutwell’s intention is carried out, and an investi gation follows, the remaining mysteries of the crime of April 14th, 1860, may be fully cleared away. The trial and pun ishment of Surratt himseif will follow of course; but they are even of less im portance, than the elucidation of all the facts of the conspiracy. W. H. DDTTOS W. H. DUTTON. Extra l.nrsre Bale of Heal Estate. Metsrs.Thomas Song’ tale to morrow will Inclade a large number ef valuable properties, bee pamphlet ratal' guts. Books and Fhotogbaph Albums.— To-morrow af ‘terncon. at 4 o’clock, at the AucUoa Booms, a lame Valuable Oil and Water Color Palatines Thomas Blich &S°n. Auciloneern, have nowonei hibiti- nat their Art Gallery, No" UlO Cue, not street a private collection of choice European ralniin&s em- D- aelr g ei°l ce BPf dmenB by Meyer Von Bremen, Von Sabnl Treyer. Leempmteo, Jongheim, Van Dlegham. Bobbe Nntterman. Marobn, and others or the Busael dorr, Brossele and Paris sell ols. The exhibition is open day and evening nntU th eme, wh cb whl tags place on '1 huiodav evening next at half past seven o’clock. Two Valuable fraciso. hand at iuctlon. Jumtt A. Fret.™an wIU sen on Wednesday next Oeo valuable tracts cj Land below the V. 8. Arsenal , Qray's c3Sa HAINES BBOS.’.PIANOS-Moderate In Ilf ill < and Bold with five years’ guarantee, iii >1 i g GOULD * < > -’f,4Eg SFyisHTii mad OKIfiSTeAnV * AdEXTAttB. uZ? AWh Nl , rk O PAPERS, ENVELOPES, lowffltflgnjfeaai 11 1110 BUUon6r y Uae, selllngat toe ~ , J. B. DQVV JUNG’S Stationery Store, mslg-tgpl Eighth street, two doors above w«'""t. TOHN CRUMP, BUlat xb! « 1781 CHES r - tJT STUB KT. . , and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every brwrch required for housebuild ing and fitting promptly (tarnished. Jy23-6mrp O AMUEIr Wv lab INa 0,r,N0. 111 South SEVENTH O l street, Philadelphia, PLUM BE tty GAsVnd STEAM piTTER. Work done promptiy aac ln the bear maimer. Pumps, Gas fixtures, audTal] material p»pflln thgbnslm-flfi furbished, ' ocl7-6m4jp3 a§wabbubtonTl ; rASHIONABIiB EATTEB, =■; . . '■ 480 Chestnut street, Bel3-ly,4p| i. ■ Seit door to Po»t oSce. "Nj B.WBPAf-EB ADVi-BTISING,—J OY, OOE * OO -JH.fficorner pf ETFTH & CHESTNUT Btreeta PMnttelphto, ana TRIBT7NSJ BUXLDXNGB, New , J°rk, are agents for the Boxizirs and for the News papers of the who'e country. Jyl7-«mrpJ TBE fIAILY JEVEyiN G BPLLETIN.—PHTLAI>ELPHTA MONT*A V. PEf'FMPEM 3, / feCKEiIT’S ABBES F. JOY, COB « 00, CLOTH IN 6 600“ HAGS?* _6OO 600 ABGH STREET. Home Furnishing Goods. »»•**««,., Skates, Skates, Wi' • ~ 4 -'Skates, Skates. ACk HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, ■■*±V 49 NORTH NINTH _ i TIN. WOOD, WILLOW ANDIRON WA RE. SAFES. SETTLE TABLES and CLOTHES WHINGERS. HOLIDAY GOODS. no 9 9mrpl TBPS W. YOST, Ag<*it. OPERA GLABBET3, Fine Opera Glasses, made By M. BAEDOU, ol Paris. ' MW Imported and for sale only by 1 ' T O. W. A. TBDMVLEE, Beventh and Chestnut streets^: OC2O-4p,tf AD.F Jonvs, Wm. temple, Joh h Dickkbson JONES, TEMPLE <fc CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RAT MANTJFACTURFRS, 29 Bouth HINTS street, first store above Cb esixmt. 1 ocs-tf IF YOU DO bOT DELAY YOU HAVE TIME TO have a Photograph made and sent to the other side of the AtJontto for a Christmas Present, Resort to B. F, BEIMEB ? H Gallery, 62* Arch street. NEW patterns OF SKATES hare jus* been added to onr previous good assortment, m king it now rather superior. Also, Parlor Skates, for sale b/ TRUMAN <fc SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. TO JIVE A CONVENIENT DISTANCE FROM BEIMER'S Photograph Gallery, Second street above Grefn, is an advantage not to be despised,as Jon there get good Photographs at a moderate cos;. THE NEW SD LK of C arved Bonze T Handles. Bell Pulls and Front Door Lock Fatnhnre, with a choral variety of Builders* Hardware, tor sal> br TRUMAN <fe SHAW. No. 835 (Bight Thlrty-five) Market street, below Ninth. Mqidings, of ai l kindk k*pt on hand and n Ured into Frames, at Rt IMKR6 Locking Glar» ard Plrtrre Frame Emporium, Arch street, east cf seven h. MUCH GOOD < OAl» is thrown into yonr ash barrel by net having the ash*s fir«.t sowed. The several kteds ofPateot Ash Sifters ar d Slevw sola by us w ill often pav »or themteives In the coal TRUMAN <fc SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. I ft ftfi LOOK WELL, ge t Shave and Hair cut i-vJL/tl at Eopp s Shaving Salmon Ma r ana Whis kers dyed Stave ard Bath 33 cts. Chhdrea’* hair cut. No. 125 Exchange Place, {!;•) . G. C. KOPp. ID EMOVAL.— It THR GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN3UR * ANCE COMPANY Have REMOVED to their NEW OFFICE. Northrast corner CHESTNUT andSEVENTHs'.reeta. Philadelphia. de3 tr IN RICH LACE GOODS. : Real Black Thread Lace Polatesand s-quara Shawls. Res 11 ace Parasols mounted with «xquiil!ely carved ivory handhs; Real Lace Vanool Cover*. Lac*? B*t-. Po-ker Handkerchief*. Barbes, Colff-nrs, Veils. itvo cases of very choice, careful selections, suitable for first class appreciative trade just received and for sale >t ve y dose prices, by Gao W. VOG&L, de3-6trp : * No. 1016 Chtstnut street DARGAINS D IN VERY FINE RE 1L BLACK GEO. W. YOOKL. CHANTIXLY VSIL& , No 1016 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of his customers tothecloslnc out of a stock of very fine Real Lace Yells, at the fo.. lowing sacrifice: Yens worth from I’d to f 23. for|7o Veils worth frcm ssn to $45 lor flu; some extra tie* Veils worth from *€o to |9O, for |ir>: some lower cost veils put in at same reducti n. The reduction is iu good mith, with a view of closing out the lit In a few days. noi9 Ctrp* lULRS JURGKNSEN’S—The finest Watches Im sported. An assortment fbr sale by FARR dfc BROTHER, Impoitet of Watches,<tc., SM Chestnut street, below Fourth. Hour SKIBT MAM UKAOTOBY.-Hoop Skins acd Corset* ready made and made to order, war ' ranted o'lke beat material*. Also Skirts repaired. MR& E. BaYLKY, M 2 Vine street, above Elghm ael3-Pmrp? pOOPKK A CONABD, NINTH AND MARKET, Have completed the addition to their Store, which beiDg now nearly three times its farmer sire, with !m' proved appearance and mnch belter light, will take favorable rank with dm cla»e houses for THE BALE OF FAMILY DRY GOORR They announce having just,purchased largely, at panic auction sales, of FRENCH AND OTHER DRESS FABRICS, And will sell these, and their entire large STOCK OF DRESS S ' CFFS, At a reduction of about FIFTY PER CENT, from re cent prices, which makes the largest part of it AL MOST AS CHEaP as the old gold rates. They invite attention to the following: POPLINS AND ME KINOES. “lupine’’’ fabrics, from recent sales. Plain all-wool Poplin Beps;'|l. Mode colors do do finer goods, at fl 25. 50 pleo s lupins’ heaviest Poplin Reps. |i ss, .Plaid Popllnr, all-wool, all new. It, |i as and fl so. ‘Lupins’ French Merlnoes, fl, fllo and fl 2S. 60 pieces Frencn Merlnoes, all colors, medium to finer gradca; prices fl to $1 so. $1 for Lupins’ Velour Reps, ft for Lupins 611 k Armure figured Reps. •French Plain and Plaid Bllk-factd Poplins. BLACK DRESS GOUI 6 COUNTER. Black French Poplins fl to f 1 25, Black irench Mtrlnoes, fl 10 to fl 75. Black French Delaines, sue to esc. Black French Delaines, doable width. STc. to f l 2s. Black Frencn Tamiie, at fl 26 up. Flack Alpacas, 4ti to 65 v Black Lustrous Mohairs, 75c. to fl sis. Black Shawls, Biaca Silks, Blsck Prints, i DELAINES AND PRINT COUNTER. These goods are all much reduced. Id errlmack, Sprague, and Cocheco Prints. Ften«;h And English Wrapper Prints. Lupins'Anction lots all-wool Delaines, so cents, v Lapins' doable wld h Delaines, 75c. to fl so. : Balmt ral Skirts, £3 to f 10.'. LADIES’ CLOAKINGS. Finest French Cloakk gs from Auction. Fancy Cloakings at low prices' SlapleCloaklngs, mammothetock. Castorlnes. Astrakhans Velours;’ ' Chtnchlllaa, Frosted Beavera. etc. 6-4 Goods for Business Suitai "Hairii. 1 and other Oasaimeres. 6-1 brst'French Black Doeskins; 6-1 beat Frt nrh Black Beavers,Tricots, etc. CLOAK AND’SHAWL ROOM. Bistom- sitAPa SacabEs. All tbk New Shape Cloaks. Otdered.Cloaks made promptly. . . Greatßargalos In Broche shawls, 120 np.' Black Thibet Long Shawls, be-t goods, fs to fl 7. I sgmar Shawls Zephyr Stawls. Middlesex I ode Shawls. - ■ BLANKET AND QUILT ROOM. Blankets by the pair or case. M arseillee QnUta, direct flrom Importers, Alhambra Quilts all the sizes, |3 te f 5, Honeyeomb and other Qnllts. COOPFR & CONABD, Ninth and Market. de3-m,w;2t EOCEHILL& WILSON fine clothing house, 603 and 605 Cbestßut Sfreet, LATEST STILE SACK & WALKING COAT. BOYS* CLOTHING. Y>ART OF TOOK IS- A flaenoe and PtJnons.se Solicited,: , Oat In the Best Styles, made with care and ele gance, f'hitable tor the wardrobe ol any Gentle in mi. WANAMAKER AND BROWN, Sixth Street—from Mar ket to Minor Street. HAT?, (JAPS AND FUB GOODS, BETATLUSG AT 'WHOLESAXE FBIOE3, Barnes, Osteihoiit, Berron & Co., 8. B. cor. Fotutb ana Cbeitnnt Bta., Have now epened their retail Branch Store and will sell their extensive stock of Hats, Caps and fur Goods AT BET AIL, At Wholesale Prices. Those in want of Goods of this. description CAN SAVE at least ONE PROFIT by purchasing here, deitfrp) TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. We have now received directly from the manulho lurera, onr FAIL IMPOKTATIOH OF EMBBOIDEBED CLOTH \ TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Comprising a large assortment, which we are selling At Reduced Prices. Sheppard,Van Harlingen&Arrisofi, Importers of House Furnishing Dry Goods, No 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. oca wtm-tf rp{ UNITED STATES BUILDER’S MILL, Sot. 24, 26 and 28 8 FIFTEENTH 8T , PHTT.ADWT.PTTT A . FPLER & BROTHER. WCOD STAIR BAL USiyRS.NEWKL POSTS. GEN> RAL TURN* tiQ. SCROLL *OBK etc. SHELVING PLANED TO OBi FR. The iargestasaonmenteX Wood Mouldings n this city constantly on hand nolB am rp —THE SCHOMACKER Schomacker ManofACtn-iog Company, hav 111 ti i i D g largely Increased their facilities, and saving filled op a beautiful Wareroom in the pre mises No.Jics CHFSINUT street, are prepared m supply at once all demands for their Jostly celebrated instuiments. Mr. H. C. SCHOMACKER, eon of the veteran founder of the house has returned from his two years’ tour among the .manufacturers of the Continent, and has added his experience to the resources of the es tablishment. Be has charge of the Salesroom, No. 1103 Chestnut street, acd.wi'n able vsl'tanta.devotes his entire time to of business visitors Pianos to rent, and repaired equal to new. Pianos also sold on installments. Tuning al*o attended to. SCHOMACKER MEG. CO M nr2T-6trp{ 1103 Chestnut street. T> ESTOK&YOUR GRAY BAIR AND PROMOTE II A LUXURIANT GROWTH BY USING London- Hair Color Restorer The most London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color bestorer Reliable Hair London Hair Color Restorer Lendon Hair Color' Restorer Restorative Ever London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Introduced to the London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer American London Hair Color Restorer _ . .Lendon Hair Color Restorer People. London Bair Color Restorer _ _ London Hair Color Restorer For Restoring London Hair Color Restorer „ _ , . London Hair Color Restorer Gray Hair and London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Preventing London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Baldness. London Hair Color Restorer _ London Hair Color Restorer The Great Lotdon Hair Color Restorer London Hair Octor Restorer Luxury of London Hair Color Restorer ■ , London Hair Ooior Restorer the Dressing- London Hair Color Restorer . w. "S 003 * London Bair Color Restorer 1, It will restore gray hair to It- original color. 2. It will make the balr grow on halo heads. 3 It will restore the natural secretions. 4. It will remove aU dandruffand Ilcbings. 5. It will make the hair soft, ch ewy aadflexfble e. It will preserve the original cotor to old age. 7. It will prevent the hair from falling offi 8. It will cure all disea&es of the scalp. Only 75 cents a bottle, six bottles H Sold at Dr SWaYNES’S, No. S3O North sixth Street above Vine and all the leading Druggists and Dealers In Toilet Article*. • • J se22 s jn.w.f.tfrp CgXCKEBINQ GRAND PIANOS. 814 CHEBTSDT STREKT. 11l *' 'OO5-tf4p W. H. DU'TOB, —Mason <s hami.ln cabinsr or- Wtfif i~l OAN f a ; Oom tTsnpward». Only at GOD Udb. 11l 'SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. nolO-lf.lpl «TVilopNTAlN'> BOOK WHEAT MEAL of eupe- All rlorq >llty. warranted equal to any in the mar ket—in bags, one-fholh and halrbsrreis. Also choice Bt 1 ouir, Ohio and Virginia lamlly door at tba lovrtst cash prices. s GKO. P- ZEHnDKB, . Fourth and vine. noST-aotrpj (Snccessor to Allman & Zehnder.) pETEBSONS’ PUBLICATIONS. PRICEOF EACH tl 60IN PAPER, or »2 IN CLOTH TUB SOLDIER’S ORPHANS. By Sirs. A. R Sle phesa THE NAT.OtfAL COOK BOOK. 9ABAT. GA IN 1787- THJt LOS r BKAUTY. A Spanish Love Story. MARRIED AT LAST. By Aonle Thomas. FAKIHoN, THE CRICKET By Geo.sand. oTi'BT OF EIJZ&IIBTa, By MlssThscXersy. ,ATV OF AN’S iHOUGHTS ABOUT WOMEN. By ' Miss author of "John Halifax, the Gentle man” 'Agatha'sHusbsnd.'t ■•ihe ■'glivles." etc. BLSTER’S FObLT Mrs Henry Wood’s new booh.. THE eoDP BSLE By. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. MAN of.TBS W.iRLD_By WlllUm North.' THE QUEEN’S FAVORITE. An Historical Novel. SELF-LOVE or The Afternoon of Single Life. ST. MARI IN’S EVE By Mtb. Henry Wood. _Hh F R'l UNK SEKEeR. Bv Mis, Southworth. FaLsE PRIDE; or Two Ways to Matrimony. JEALOUSY. By George Sand author of “CJonsuelo.” THK IX QUETIE; or, Life of Ells. Wharton. CORA BELMONT; o r The sincere Liver. ALLWORTH ABBKY. By Mrs Sontoworth. HE KARL'S SECRET. By Miss Pardie. TmELOVEk’S TRIALS. By Mrs. Lenls n.' BOSE DOUOL* 8. a companloa to “self sacriace." tOiiRIRY * SITSHOULD BE Qoodfnllow. MlLt BED KKELL. By Mrs Henry Wood. FAMILY PBIDB. By authorof“Plnne.” TBF PRIDE OF LIFE By Ladv Jane Scott. ' t*ELF SACK FJOB. Author of‘MargaretMalttand ” FAMILY SECRETS. By autbof of “FamPy Pride” LOUD OAK BURN’S DAUGHTER*. By Mrs. Wood. OSWALD CRAY. By Mrs. Henry Wood SHADOW OF ABHLYDYAT. By Mrs. H. Wood. bQi IBE TBEVLYa’s HBIB. By Mr«. H. Wood. THE CAS’ILe’S HEIR. By Mrs. Henry Wood. Vf<NFRS PRIDE. By Mrs HentyWond PBITE OF ABOVE J 1 50 IN FaPER, OR $2 IN CLtTHi Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Aadresaall cash or«et s, retail or wholesale, to -T. B PITEBSON A BROTHELS. No 306 Chestnut »t., Philadelphia, Fa, Beolrs sent postage raid, on receipt of reiall price A 1 NEW BOOKS are at FRIERSONS’ de3 °t TTALIAN YERMIOBLLT.—IOO boxes hue qua’lty, A white, imported and for sale by JOS. B. BUMaiHR A CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. “ Mabklnhwithindelible ink, Emfcroder Inc. Braiding, M. A. TOKBBY. toon FUheri street. ROCRHILL&WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 arid 605 Chestnut Streets PALL & WINTER OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. “ THE GHABITY PATIENT,” .BOGBBS' NEWEST GROUP, NOW READY. ALSO, 1 “VSriXSED’S SCHOOL.” “TAKING THE OATH.” “THE WOUNDED SCOUT.” “ONE MORE SHOT.” “THE BUSHWHACKER.” “THE RETURNED VOLUNTEER.” “THE COUNTRY POST OFFICE.” “UNION REFUGEES.” “THE HOME GUARD.” fiGe&ch. Bozins, 75 cents. . “MAIL DAY,” $lO. “THE PICKET GUARD.” “SHARPSHOOTERS.” “THETOWN PUMP.” “CHECKED PLAYERS.” WIT « TH^COOK.” “• HE SLAVE SALE.” “VILLAGE SCHOOLMASTER.” “THE CARD PLAYERS.” J 8 ench. Boxing, 50 cents. JAMES 8. SABLE & SOU'S, BOLE AGENTS, d.3.6trpj 816 Street. SALE OF A PRIVATE Collection of First Class European OIL AND WATER COLOR PAINTINGS. OK THURSDAY BVBNINO, December «. st half rest seven o'clock at onr Art Gal. kry.No moOHASTNUT Street, wui be (OldaeoUec- Jlon of choice PalntlDgß oil anfl water color, embrac ing fine specimens ottne work, of Mtyex yon Bremen, Walnwrliht. Vonrsbin, Notttrman, Biocbart, Trayer, Zimmerman, Karobn, Hobbs, ReLzacb Lemmens, Jungli, lm, Leempntter, -iioetlcber • and others. 1 be Fain tinge are now open ibr exhibition, tree, until the t venlng or sale. ’ . . . BXBOH & SONS, ae3 R-rp} Auctioneers. ® MARKET « ©'a htnth. % 4 6TOBE GREATLY ENLARGED—THE WOES BISTOKI JACKETS. ASTRAKHAN SACQDES. PBIMA DONNA SACQPES. 60BED CIRCLES. Cloaks Made to Order, ' AND ENGAGED TO PLEASE, noisfmwlm BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest end best assortment at Wigi, Toupee*. Long Hair Braid* *b4 Curl*, Water-fell*, Victoria**, Stf. *ette», Illusive Seam* for Ladiea, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. TmhS>rp 809 OHESTBTJT STREET, GBAPES! GRAPEB ALMERIA BRAND, IN LARGE CLUSTERS, 75 cents per pound. DAVIS & RICHARDS, V ocaiai ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, A v a n a jq y M~U~S~I~& _ FRENCH OPERA. OF ADM XS3J ON.— Parquet. Parquet Circle Md. Mam (with reserved seats). One Dollar, AtnphUhratre, £5 cents. P. JDIGNEr and c. D R 1 Yr.l f Directors. FRIDAY EVENING, Decern >er 7th. 1888, ZAMPA; OR THE MARBLE BRIDE. .... Owra In three »C«3. Music by Heiold. . ? e A S iS” ®» CA MILLE Air. ARM AM as ...,Z A MPA SATURDAY, December Sth, GRAND ATATINEE. Admission—ONE DOLLAR (with reserved seats) to ill parts of the honse. , r „ THF DAUGHTER OF-THE RFGIMENT. Mila NADDIE ..as MARIE Mr. AN! HEIM.. ....... as —TONIO Ibesaleof‘tickets will commence on Wednesday, -tom 9 to 4 o’elock, at the Academy andatTraoipler’s Music store. Books of the Operas far sale at the ‘ cai-eroy. d e 3-stj IXJ HOUSEKEEPERS,. Jor cleauln* saver ana L eilver-plaled ware, a NEW POLISHING POWDER, the beat ever made. FARR* BROTHER. ft I ** «£4 Chestnut street, below wnmrth f ALA RMS FOR THE' CHAMBER ANiia FOR A Traveler’s use. Just Imported by FARR * BROTHER, S° o: 0. 324 Chestnut street. ,l "TT—I. _ BMHBSON PIANOS. Kfirfi „Tne new style Cottage Square'Plano, fall 111 mi. I seven Octaves, beautifal Carved Cases, the ut hi tcb&rxulng tone. Low Price, guaranteed durability. ‘ 814 CHESTNUT Street. ___ OCs*tf4p W. H. DUTTON. ANGEtiTCA.—Tbe suuscrioer nas Olateiy received an invoice of this justly celebrat d t allforaia Wine, to vhlch he wishes the atteu» 'ion ot cod no pseurs, For pure onajit? and e*qa!s'te booquet, Uganda omurpassed. It will compare f*. v j ably v Ith the highest grades of European wines. ond<anbefXirkistedat»oontonehalftheir cost p v J JORDAN, 220 Fear street, below Third and Wal -111 B U JSSTA large supply of English and Scotch Ales. Por tei Urown Stout t gether with Jordan’s \elebra* r H? Tonic >le "F'u* n<iw <*c . nl tears on baud. CHICKgRING SQUABS PIANOS. -814 CHESTNUT STREET. __ 111 *1 *Ocs-tf4p W. H, DUTTON, ROORHILL& WILSON Fine Clothing House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to { (Her, Reasonable, Serviceable ‘ and Fashionable, ~ PBEBEMS FOE GENTLEMEN. TIES, SCARPS, FINE SHIFTS, ~ DRUBBING ROHES, BEE. KF UT (DATS, SKaTIf g jackets, CaBBIaGE BCGd, SKATING BELTS, \ BLEFVE BUTTONS, SCARF BtNGS, GLOVER WINCHESTER & GO., VOO Chestnut St. des-lmrp , BLANKETS. Blanktls. Blankets. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIDES. AU-wool Blankets, u, 14 ro, $4 7s. All* wool Blankets, fs. 15 50, |6 gztra neavr all wool Blankets fs &0, |7, |7 50. very flue ard heavy all wool Blankets,|S, fa so.sy. v ery fine 1 x»ra heavy all-wool Biaokets, 11W3>15, w v . 4 F*IiNUH OHiNIZSd. - £* ve in**! l<*ed oit tun balance of a jobbers ® l? 8 * 9? ier & Co,,s French Chintzes, which we Ihb> d to at . , _ ' . OTCWSTS. * d?i.°s, a flri^^ 8 W e T e^ < 7 )la wlthontn premlam on gold, all of the choicest ityles. 6-4 PKGLTSH STEBrCTOESa • |1 quality, all colors, xedneed to 7oc. 1 it do do di 75c. 1 15 do do do 80c. 125 do de do 85c. • AS.A 3 4 KHGLlbrf POPLINS. 3 OCO yards of 6x>aC. Plaid Pop'ios, reduced to 25c. 500 j ards off? c. Plaic Pooling, reduced to 3?£ac 62c. donbie width Plaid popjins reduced to 37^c. HO yards Cloth H,t. s reduced to st, coat fl 50/ |3 gay Piaid Poplins reduced tot 2 W *° 225 do do do 150. 2 do do do 125. .Dies* Gcpds of every variety at lower prices, than the? have been sold for >he laaisix years. We hav& B°me o» the chespeft Dress Goods in the diy, all bought at a tremendous loss to the imporler. H. STEEL & SON, Nos, 713 and 715 North. Tenth St, OPERA GLASSES. Just Received, A large and well assorted stock of FINE opera GLASSES made by M. BARDGU, of Paris, f a sale by 0. W. A. TEUMPLEB, BBVISIH AND CHESTNUT MS. deStirpi DAVIS, POBTER & COATES,. Publishers and Wnolesale Dealers in Colored Toy Books and Juveniles, Offer to dealers the larges; assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS IN THE CITr, at LOW PRICES. ■ 21 80U1H SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. deSmwffft NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN 7 Wrapper's. Wrappers. Wrappers. The largest and best Stock can be seen at JOHN 0. ARRISON’S, Noa. 1 and 3 N, Sixth Street. PHILADELPHIA. ALSO, Hosiery. Gloves U nderwear. And all the latest NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. Prices to suit the times. (gj destjal JOHN MOTR* SON, ABERDEEN, Beg to Infhrm Utelr customers, that, In addition to their PRESERVED PROVISIONS, they are now prepared to supply, of their own Manu facture, PICKLES, SAUCES, TART FRUITS And every description of Oilmen’s Stores. (nol9ml2Crp& INDIA SHAWLS. INDIA CAMEL’S HAIR SHAWLS,. INDIA SCARFS. GEO. FRYER, No, 916 CHESTNUT ST. Invitee the attention of purchasers to his elegant sto iSr o c Heal India Shawls and Scarfs at very moderate prices. co«4»i2sxp THE LARGE STOCK OF TRUNRB, BA GB. &c,.^ AT NO. 70S CHESTNUT STREET, . Selling out at cost to close the business. BROWN <6 MAGER, n022-12trp5 No. 70S CHHSTNUT Street. WbITTKN -ND VERBAL BttSCRIP g. Hons of charac’er. with advice on business, health, education,etc.,given daily,by . J. L. CAPEN, at No. 722 Chestnut Street. nOl&.WJi:innamypyf ROCKHILL&WILSCM fine clothing house, Coachmen's Costs. Coachmen’s Coals. HUNTING COATS. HUNTING O0AT&
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