&s:&S£&§= City Mobtality.— The number of inter ments in the city during the past week' was Si 6 agaiDßt 230 the same period last year. Of the whole number, 148 were adults, and;9B children, 45 being under one year pf age; 121 were males, and 125 females,49 boys and 43 girls. The greatest number of deaths oc curred in the Eighth Ward, being 17, and the smallest number in the Fourteenth Ward, where only two were reported.. The principal • causes of deaths' 8; consumption, 40; convulsions, 8; disease of tbebeart, 8; debility, 11; soarlet fever, 11; fvnhnid fevpr, 6; inflammation of the lungs, 2$ outage, 9, and palsy, 6; ANOTHEB LEOTOBE . BY,. Mb, HeNBY Vincent.— With Oliver Cromwell in Eng lish history stands John Wesley. Both these men made their mark and bnaped.lo « eppsiderableextent. the age; iff' which they lived, and gave tone t& eras thati followed. The ci' jzens of Philadelphiaheard with rap ture toe gifted Vincent on the Life and Timeaiof Cromwell and the ! great American conflict, and on Monday night they can learn his estimate of John Wesley, in the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth below Arch. It will be.a rare treat. Tickets can be had at the Methodist Episcopal Book Boom, No. 1018 Arch street. . ... ; ■ Fat An Accident.— Edward Edell, aged 18 years,! residing: at Nor 940 Huntingdon street, was .accidentally caught in. the belt of the machinery, bn Saturday evening, at the works of MrZA. L. Archambault, in the vicinity of Beach and Vienna streets, auo wasdreadfnlly mangled. He was removed to the Episcopal Hospital, where he,died a‘. aboutfour o’clock yesterday afternoon. Sebiotjsly Injubed.— A man named Thomas Kelly, who lives at Cpnahohocken, was fonndon the Norristown Bailroad track near Manuyunk,, between eight and nine o’clock, on Saturday- evening, l His skull was badly fractured. It is supposed that he fell from the cars headforemost, but escape l being run over. Gband Lodge of Masons of Pennsyl vania —The* annual session of the Grand Lodge A. Y. M. of Pennsylvania, will be held to-day at 6 P. M. The reports of the officers, committees, <fec,, will bs heard and continued, and in the evening the annual election for Grand Officers will take place. Died in the Steeet.— Jane Johnson aged about forty-five years, residing in the neighborhood of Seventh and Bedford streets, fell dead last evening on Thirteenth, near Walnut. Her sudden death is attri buted to heart disease. . Explosion and Fibe.-—Last evening a coal-oil lamp exploded at a house in Lith gow street, above Poplar, setting fire to some: bed clothing. The fire was fortunately extinguished before any serious damage had occurred.' The Seating Pabks.—Water was al lowed on Saturday to flow into a number of skating parks, and yesterday morning at snnrise the surface thereof was covered with ice three-eighths of an inch in thickness, •EntebEd on His Duties.— Gen. Joshua T. Owen, the newly-elected Becorder of Deeds, entered on tho duties of his office on Saturday last. Fatal Result.— SarahCaimes, who was run oyer by a car, at Seventh and Thomp son etreets, on Thursday, died on Saturday evening from her injuries. - Georgia Legislature. Savannah, Deo. I.—Mr, Henderson in troduced the following resolutions yester day, in the House, which have been unani mously adopted in both branches of the Legislature: Whereas, The General Assembly would do injustice to the great heart of Georgia, not to g've some formal expression of their respect r-the character and services of theillus trons prisoner of State, Jefferson Davis; All.the generous pulses of the heart beat in full; Unison and sympathy with his suf ferings,and misfortunes. Its warm affec tions cluster around the fallen chief of a onoe dear, hut now abandoned cause. There they will duster and centre while men ad mire all-that is cbivalric in nature, while they regard all that is noble in virtue. Therefore, the General Assembly resolve' that their sincerest condolence and warmest sympathy are tendered to Mr. Jefferson Davis in his confinement, and they look tor ward with anxious solicitnde to the day when a magnanimous and patriotic Presi dent shall put an end to his confinement and by the interposition of his Executive clemency restore him to a people for whom be so faithfully struggled, and. on account of whom he endures with Christian fortitude the hardships of a long and rigorous im prisonment. _ Burning of Artillery. Harrisburg, Dec. 2.—A warehouse at the corner of Canal and State streets caught fire at - about half-past one o’clock this morning and burned to the ground. Among the property injured and destroyed were twenty-two pieces of artillery, belonging to the State, mostly old brass six-pounders, for school practice and drilling. The carriages were of course burned, but most of the iron was saved. The pieees can be remounted for about two hundred and fiity dollars apiece, so that the total loss to tbe State will not exceed five or six thou sand dollars. Hone of the late improved armory is lost, the pieces burned having been stored in the warehouse from a want of r oom in the State Arsenal.' The building was owned by Mrs. Curtis, but had been leased by the State. The fire was un aoubtedly the work of an incendiary. The Virginia Xeglslatare. Richmond, Ya.,Dee.l.—The Virginia Legislature .meets on Monday. Members' of the body are arriving. The prominent topics of conversation among them is the aedon taken at a meeting ofiinfluential citi«»DB of the peninsular counties, held at Williamsburg • on Monday, urging', upon them the necessity of calling a State Con vention as early as practicable to remodel the constitution and adopt it to the Altered condition of things. A gentleman named W. h. Maury was shot and killed in the street to-day b v a negro./ The Cholera atSt. Thomas.—The U S. Consulate at St. Croix, W. 1., under date of November 19 th, informs the State Depart ment that the Government of that Island received intelligence ‘by express boat from St. Thomas, the day before, that a disease had broken out suddenly and violently in thatisland on Saturday the 17th inst .whicu the King’s physician and other medical gen tlemen pronounced Asiatic cholera. The number of cases is not stated, butfour of Close attacked died within twenty-four >?t lts firBt appearance. The Consul anas, in sonsequence, all vessels comma Thomas will be subject to a quarantine of seven days, and neither pas- nor cargo can be landed daring that co'iri n f„ y , €^oW if an< * small-pox are also oWo 1° f re 7 ai L at St Thomas to a consider able extent. -The health of Santa Cruz is y goo v’ noepidemic and no’con tagions disease having existed there for'a long lime, with the exception or twocases X h r€oently Imported from St -Passengers coming to Santa Cruz will do well to embark in ocean vessels Postal communica tion-between the islands will not be inter rnptea.- ,0 11 lilt fV, Godon, commanding the .« \gfcnth Atlantic Squadron, under date of Oct. reportß i‘£? arrival of the U. S, steamer r Bio Janeiro. t ./*? ■'f. ' • * , M CongreisS—First Session. [A Epic al Beloit.] . Evening Session— Mr. Wood, ofNe wYork, ill Ibfc chair. ;■ „ ' ii'i' The appropriation for the'Freedmen’s Bureau being under discussion, !Mr. Elliott, til Massachusetts having, concluded his ?re ■ marks, Mr. Morrissey, of New York, ob - tained the floor. > Mr. Morrissey,(Dem. N. Y.)—Mr. Speaker, I arise on the present occasion, Sir, to say my say with regard to concern, about which we have already heard so much from the other side. I think it is high time that outside of the House should be heard upon the subject, and all I want you to do, Sir, ig.to keep them fellers quiet anddon’t let them come the gag over me With -their “orders” and “previous qtteS il?? 8 : I don’t ask no odds from no one. .This is a free fight I take it, give us a fair jshowandthe devil take the hindmost, I can charge rouHd in my own high grass and fight my own flies. D^—n, a nigger! Mr. Speaker; •••■the.' glorious charter of bur liberties, ; the Constitution, of (he ~ United:,,i States, says that all men are created equal, and now sir, I Should like to know wbtre in that document you ban find one. word about the nigger; d—n the. niggeri Just tell me, th<pt, will ,you? Is the mgmentioned afall ? and wouldn’ t onr foretathe.s have said something .abdut him if they thonght he was worth mention-; ing at an.. ..D—u a nigger!' Mr. Speaker, was (George • Washington a nigger? 1 . Was General Puthem, or any hero b£ the Bevb lution, except Benedict Arnold, who ought to h'kve been one? And anybody who Says ihe Czar of .'Biie'sia. or Queen Victoria Is a bigger lies and he knows it. Dr-ha nigger. [Cries of “;cTdeT!’’j. . 66 ; • ! Mr. Morrissey—lf that red-headed cuss from Wisconsin dont stop his jaw'Fll catch b*m some night in Shad’s oyster cellar and spread bis' nose- all over his face. D—n a nigger! 1 aint afraid of no man in this House. X. have reached the height of my ambition. I have been a wharf rat, ohicken thief, prize fighter, gambler; and member of Congress. ' I have gone round the circle and left,, the.cpnstitution and the flag with my cdEstiinehtSj and d—-n the nigger 1 [Small Boy in the gallery—“ Hail Columbia!”] Some one has said that Fred Douglass was fitter for this seat than I am. I can lick the abolition cuss that said that, and ge' backers a hundred to one. You can’t come the guy gugles over me, so you needu’ttryiton. 1 am a free American ci'.izeD,.ahd ,I’ll buss the head of that grinning chap irom lowa, ifhe don’t shut up his fly-trap—d-—na nig ger. Mr. Speaker, I believe in the Americ tu eagle, the glorious feathered song-ter, wh > rises on pinions of fire, from the lofty moun tain top and pierciDg the skies, soars among the bannery stars, and—and—d n Die birdjl’ye got him np there and can’t get him down—anyhow, d n a nigger! Wuv don’t them as loves the nigger so much g‘> to Africa; they can enjoy their,society there; we can spare them, and the coantry be bet ter off without them, Andy Bays so, and he speaks by the book. The pare democrisy, undefiled, can take careofthe country witn outtheirhelp. Fernandy Wood and Icnuld run the machine heiter than five hundred nigger-loving, humanitarian, ffee-love, bloomerite d d abolitionists, with their infernal bureaus, and civil rights bills. If any gentleman on the other aide wants his constitution amended, jnst let him step out into the Botundy, and. Fll give him ten articles that ’ll give him the dyspepsy the rest of his natural life, D u a nigger! The man . from Massachusetts trots out his Latin.. That don’t skeer me. I ain’t sucu a fool as some people think. E plurisy new man, zenith et broadaxe,et tu brute, nullc prosequi ramtrusque et diaphragm! No u<u* trying to come the school learning dodge l over me—d——n a nigger! Mr. Speaker, we as democrats are sick and tired of hear ing about the nigger. Why don’t they say something about the white man. I’m a white man, so is my constituents. D— n a nigger. Mr. Speaker, them are my sentiments as a democrat Mr. Speaker, * The allotted fifteen minutes being expen u6d) the hammer felly and Mr, Morrissey resumed his seat. From Canada. Tobosto, Dec. I,—The condemned Fe nians, sentenced to death .will be respited for three months to await the result of their appeal . Moktkeal, Dec. I.—A force of volun teers has been ordered to Sweetsburgduriog the Fenian trials, part of them from Mon freal, and the remainder detached from the Bedford battalion, which now numbers twelve companies. All the local companies are ordered to be in readiness for service. Col. Waslith commanding these forces. D’Arcy McGee, in a recent speech, refer ring to the convicted Fenians, said: “These men deserve death, but the spirit of the times is opposed to capital punishment where any other punishment can reach the case; aDd in these cases I hope it may be found possible to temper justice with mercy.” , Cobubo, C. W., Dec. I.—This town was lighted last night with gas made from pine wood, bones, and refuse vegetable and ani mal matter. The light was quite brilliant, surpassing that from gas manufactured from coal, which had been previously used vyhile'it will be much more economical. ’ Belleville, C. W., Dec. I.—A large number of persons continue to visit the Madoc gold regions, and prospecting is go ing on quits lively. . California 1 miner expresses himself sat- with the show,'and there are rumors of discoveries of the precious metals in other sections of the back-country. The Cincinnati snßpension bridge was opened to foot passengers on Saturday, and it 18 estimated that not less than 50,000 per sonscrossed it. United States mint Statement. P^mowhofrio^flsSi 1 : *“ States Hint, for * ' DEPOSITS* Gold Deposits from all 50urce5.....*.....*.. Silver Deposits, including purchases....* •Total Deposits... ;„._...._.43.0iM8l 63 GOLD COINAGE* * No. of Pieces, .-J02.570 Double Eagles., Fine 8ar8..„...„, : T0ta1.....;;.;. 1.01,400 Half Dollars, Finetoars...... T0ta1..... .... IOMC9 COPPEB, Cents Two Cent pieces...... Three Cent pieces... Tiye Cent .pieces..-. . i T0ta1.... ... -520,000 - 375.000 ... 2,272,000 4,292.000 BECAPXTULA.TION. Gold. Coinage. Copper... 4>|95,988, BIUMEgy. MOURNINa GOODS. MSb Mourning Department eßtaoliabmept a specialty, tam pre partd to iurDlsh a f the.shortest. notice, every deac ip.ion of &ourn*n K Particular atteu'ion ia dialed tomyflSe and varied iw-aonment of nets. C*ps. Vena, Klbbous. Jet* * KEOttH, . 904 WaL*NU i» street. nQomwlßcn rp. . , u 1 ? treet * ; fTS> NEW MILUIiERY BTORE,~M. R MASOV • IJ© A«o;.iaj/oHfcSiJvDTßrrec t rPS?’ Btantiy on bard a large aasorim°Dt at th* laurbtsUlea Winter millinery. The? also sell Kr»nrSt maiejiels ofall kinds, com! ting of Velvets 6 Hibbon? 1 Plowers Feathers,,Bats and. Framer, whlchwlll be soldat-lowprf res.' ? Plefife tall and-examine before purchasing 1316 CBBfcTJSOT Street, so27s. DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,1886> WATCHES ASP JEWELRY.B PLATED JAMES E. CALDffELL t CO Peslre to call attention to their stock of - EIGIIBH AHDAMERICAH PLATED WARES Which (has been largely Incireased-by ENTIRELY jNEW DEBIGNB from the mdet'rellable ana expert fenced Manufacturers of thla country aa also of Soef jfleld and Birmingham, England, prepared expressly for theft tales and guaranteed 61 SUPERIOR on«i. ITT In every, respect..-,- ij ,r -. 3. E.V.& CO. refer with pride to ibe reputation their E ave long sustained wherever Introduced,-and ask aD examination of their.preseut laree assortment by all in v ant of FIRST-CLASS GOODS at an honest price. . 1 heir assortment Includes, In every variety of stjle TEA BETS, SOUP TUREENS, ' OTSTEB TUREEKS, COFFEE DENS, . TEA SETTEES, VEGETABLE DISHES, ’ I CASTERS, GAEE BASKETS, , ICE PITCHERS, PUDDING DISHES, TERRAPIN DIBHE6,FRUITSTajS!® Also, a very fell supply of FORKS, SPOONS, LA. DLLS, KKIV.ES, &c,, &c, s In either large or amal quantities and at gieatly CHRISTMAS. HOLIDAY AND Bridal Presents. WM. WILSON & SON. 8. W, ctr. Fifth and Cherry Btreeti, SILVERSMITHS AS® MAN DFAO rUBEEB AND IAI PORTERS OF EfPEBIOB PLATED WABE, Have on bi nd a large and general assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. Of their own MANOFAOTUR3NG, sulUble for Brl dal and Holiday Gilts. Presentation Sets on hand or furnished at short no nce- del-iml KITCHEN & CO.* Have opoced their New Store, S. E. corner Tenth And Chestnut Sts., WITH A FULL STOCK OP "W a,t ch.es. Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &o. .Their stock being entirely new. andselecteo wl*h the utmost care, they ie« 1 roondentot being able to suii the latte of those who wish ante es in their line They solicit an liapec ion of their Ooods, * O. B. KX* CBEN. J. H OIaTVRR. N.RUDON. Salesman. ncmuirp? 910 flew and Choice Goods 9io AT MEAD & CO.’S, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER PLATED WARY*” I** 1 ** .s LADOMUsTco^S. tfDLOTOND DEALERS & JEWELERS^ It WATCIIES, WWELRYASIWnI WARE. j) \\WATOHES and JEWELS'? SEPAIRED.Ar , Chftßtnnt St. Phila- .J? a ZT. on J ! 1 J m<l constantly receiving aiam Jrolendia assortment :of GOLD AMD of all Biylts, varieties, makes and prices- All Watches warranted to keep good tlma,” pnc * a DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARIWIY at les that, usual prices. 4 largestock to aelectfroij Ie “ t “ s BTLVEBWAHE and JEWELRY of all klnfla tn BBTdII GOTO. BIi TOBWABE BOIsMPWh 111 tte be »‘ manner and an^hU?^ 08 BtnBh ‘ •**' C“A. ' AIM. Old-Gold .$2,960,163 93 ... 55.3 770 Value. $3,051,400 00 6,194 29 . ;; j saac r>ixo>r s Watch Maker, having removed to i No.f 120 South Eleventh Street, J*St Below Oheetuut has opened a new and care* P^fcnver^n'wai'iTwLi 118 Waxcbeß - Jejeelry, ■PuigP, Patent Uavpf repaired and warrants. $51,852 32 f1J,250 00. ' 10 400 00- 11,250 00 113 600 00 $146,500 00 Value $2,057,694 29 51,852 32 146,500 00 $2,255,940 61 FINE ALMEEIA 6BAMB, EEACHEV TOMATOES’, COBN, PEAS Mnsn j BOOMS. ASPARAGUS. DATES, WHITE I CLOVBB HONEY, NEWBAMNS. I .. ' CURRANTS,; CITRON, FIGS - IN SMALT, BOXES. ' j ftOBERT DONNELI & SON, 0 2P Walrtwt Street. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 822 CHESTNUTSTREET, PLATED WARES PRESERVE DISHES, EPERGNES, FLOWER STANDS, J FULL DINNER AND DESSERT SETS. Reduced Prices. no!3-w fmtf 75 cents perpound. HavanaOrang^, FBESH CANTELOUPES. GOODS. - ' v S. £. eor. Second: : aid Markei PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS: ; CLOTHS, OARHIMPIKES, AND VESTINGS. Department for Custom Work. TOWARDS & LAWRENCE cc24-w i mtmj REMOVAL. J. HENRY EIS RUE CHER, Tailor, Hu removed from 321 North THIRD Street, to NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, NO. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOO3, FRONT. no»lm rpi JONES’ Old. Established ONE PRICE FINE Ready-Made Clothiug Rouse, 604 MARKET STREET, above Sixth _Now on hud one of the largest end beet amorist Stock* ot Bendy-made Clo Urine In the Ooontry—a prlcee very reasonable. Also a handsome line ot Plot? Goode for Coelom Work. ocl-3mrp{ EDWARD P. KELLY 612 OHEBTHDT STBEET, Hu no w lie BALL AND WIN TBit 6TYLSS and complete warimenl or FALL AND WINTER GOOD 3. pS^S? s . K, ,'s*L or « n E«l'>r to tfo*e of any oth- Plret-UMB laolortc* at madersi Price*.. S°«^SS r asdpSbS? Ua “ lt,1 “ toe Uupec ‘ ,f F L O UR IJm »tie n tlon of Shippers to South American Porto C3dle<l *0 the faßowlni: Oe-' Brauda of FLOUR made from NEW WHEAT and of which they are the sole receivers la no. city. IVORY SHEAF, BT.EOUIS. LANGLEY’S CHOICE. NED’S MILLS, BUBAL, PASCAGOULA^. ANTI-PANIC GRANITE. Thla Flour to nut up in the very beat round hoot packages and will be sold In lots to suit R. J. RIDJQELL& GO, 8. V, corner Broad and Vine itrestt 6622-tf EL WILL'S Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s It E EEOTO K, Y, 727 and 729 ARCH STREET. These spacious Baloona have been elegantly fitted np and re opened by EVAN ELWELL. a Caterer i*f Tnhty Yeara’ Experience. . v " erar i j BREAKFASTS, DINNERS and SUPPERS famished WEDDING, DINNER and SUPFEB PARTIES sup plied at the shortest notice. • French Confections of every variety. Roomß • aae4 -* r ;2aKSSf- WM, GRANGE & SON. Have opened their new aid commodious building, Na* 711 North Second Street, cotnpViplng' 1 6 °?™ e vhh * choice selection of goods, Plain-Gold Band and Decorated French China tea PIE NEB. toilet and TEG EA-TEtE Bm ™' CHINA and GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLEB, CHINA, PABLAN and LAVA VASES, IBINA and CRYSTAL CARD RECEIVERS. BOHEMIAN TOILET SETs, STATUETTES, etc. Constantly on band, a fall assortment of the best It B» es of WHITE IRON STONE WARE. noZS-mj BHOTWELL SWEET CIDER, Our nsnal supply of this celebrated CIDER, made from Harrison Apples, jnat received. Albert C. Roberts, Dealer in Fine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS Preston Steam. Laundry, WASHING, STARCHING, SCOURING. AND CLEANSING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES - -Best work at lowest prices. Office, 1309 Chestnut St. CLOTHING. EXCELSIOR CI.OTHING HALT, EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL. BXCBLSIOB CLOTHING HALL. Agents for Oiled Clothing. TAILOR, BETA H. BBT BOOBS Inanguralios of Low Prices AT BETAIL. JAB. R. CAMPBELL & CO. IMPOETKKB, JOBBERS ana BBTAILWBB DRY GOODS, !No«/7a7Cliestmit St. Have made a great .... ..,r i i: ’ bkdpotionin pbiohh. ‘ ' ;gSSlcSa^^o^to.thewanufof’?*' ll, Tailety * Dl * 1 1 MOIRE ANTIQUES, . SHAWLS, . . ■ VELVETS, ! r CLOAKINGS, SILK poplins; ’ WOOL POPLINS, , " CORDED POPLINS, RICH PLAID POPLINB, RICH PLAID MERINOES, : COLORED MERINOES, PRINTED. MERINOES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, • VELOUR BDSSE, BIARRITZ, _ EPINGLINE3, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE, M. DE LAINES, BLACK ALPACAS, WHITE ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS, WHITE REPS, BLACK REPS, COLORED REPS, FRENCH CHINTZES, DAMASKS A.'TD DIAPERS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, DOYLIES AND TABLE COVERS " COUNTERPANES, FLANNELS, BLANKET 3, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, MOURNING GOODS. JAS. B. CAMPBELL SCO, ' SOl9 IUI No 737 Chestnut Street. TABLE LINENS, CHEAP SALE. s 260 PIECES POWER LOOM TABLE linens, Marked Down. Persona aboni buying TABUS LTEHENS ahonld myall cf this opportunity to get Bargains. MILL IKE N’S LINEN STORE, @3B ARCH ST. ael? mwf tdeiixp JAB. fi. CAttPBELL * lO,' No. 7 27 Chestnut Street, ; I In addition to their great redaction in DEY GOODS, Haveorganlzed a CHEAP DEPARTMENT for the exhibition and sale of extraordinary babg aiks in DEESS GOODS. Thlß feature of their establlahmeat will commend it n e oa3- t ot l i i p/ aVOrable conslderatlon o f t^opublic, XOS4r CHKBTNPT BTBKET. . E. M; lIEDLES .Ofifejra Novelties V NEEDLE WORK, CI.UKY LAO its, ’ - LINEN COLLARS AND OIIEFS PARIS EM R D; NETS, Lace HANDKERCHIEFS, '- SOaREb. NEUK TIES, 4c., Ac,, In GrratlAsaorlment. ... ." 'Fi M.WESD.LES, X.nMJ.ggfHO ‘P'SOI J. CHAMBKHS. S'iO AiiCat STREET. * . * AT Bo yDAY GOUDS-BARCiAINjS. . Points Isce Handk-rchiefs, Valenc’enDes do, Pointe froir $5, 77 ~ . Polnite • ace Collars, from $2.' J Vale-cienuefl Collars and Seta. f > •' • Frtnch an'bPtidfjedißatidbercblefefroin‘7s.'centß. Gems French Bern B&ndbercblefe. very cheap. Thread Veils stfa 60, worth y. : A choice stock oflrimmiug Laces,tn old.Pointe, Pplnie Applique, 1 Valenciennes, Golrmre. and Bia'k Thread Lacee. in ail widths, under regular prices, H023-HDJ BETA!ib BBT GOOD. J. C. BTBAWBfiIDGE k CO. WILL SOW SELL JLT Great Reduction, The Entire Balance of their very Efe— | eant Stock OF LADIES’ CLOTHS AND ; SACKINGS. I .. - J. C.STRAWBRIBGE &CO., N. W. COB. EIGHTH AND MARKET. EYRE -& LANBELL, FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, HAVE ITBST QTTAT.TTY Lyons Velvets. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Full Line of Silks. Full Line of Dress Goods* Gr. I>. WISHAM, No. 7 North. Eighth Streets I have now In store and for sale a most complete elegant stock of POPLINS! POPLINS! PLAIN POPIINB. PLaTD POPLINS. EMPRESS CORD POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS. OOBDED SILK POPLINS. One case of SILKSTBEPE POPLINa, only 75 cenS worth fb MERINOES! MERINOES! I have Just opened a foil line of FRENCH MERL NOFB, of ail desirable shades *nd qualities. Ixl DREss GOODS made daily frem the Philadelphia and New York Anr_ttnn«. MUSLINS I MUSLINS l The Cheapest Muslin Store In the city. JUST OPiiNED, 2 600 yards extra heavy Brown Sheeting, wide, for •4 cents. One case of Pillow-case Muslins, bat, for 33 cents* GJVB US A CALL. My Stock of FLANNELS i 3 large and cheap, se2l-m,w,f-Sm; 446 WHITE HAIL 446 DRY GOODS STORE. HO. 446 HOSTS SECOND BTSL3ET. SHAKER FLANNELS. BLANKETS. COPNTRRPA.f»ES.CCBT<JN MDBLLN&LACES, CLOTHS, CASiIMERes, SILKS. ■ bHAWLSand DRISS GOuDS. Jutt Opened a eplenild line of ALLAVOOL PLAEB POPLtKS for Jl CO. „ , J. MILTON HAGY & 880.. noe-un Successors to Joseph Hagy. Jf. jkkdkxjT • Ho. 147 KORTH EIGHTH STREET. East tide, above Cherry street, ia* now on hand a ihi line of fa T.i, and WIHTES GOODu, at rednced prices. “«™iHauus Xadie3'B Merino Vesis and Drawers. Wblte * Clouded. Grey and Red Merino Shirts KQa Orawera. gays’ Merino Shirts and Drawew.l Hosiery. Gloves Suspenders, Ties, Scarfs, &tu .White shirts on hand and made to order. A perfect at guaranteed. ocis-3m t 'TORiS <£ WOOD, 702 ARCH STREET, ABE NOW > offerings full assortm* nt of Bunin's FrenchMerino.s reduced toll. Dark Olive llerfnoes for Friends' wear. sS, e ™lk , '5 0l v? 0El !?, s c *' lora - reduced to Jl. ■ gey p l*S Poplins. Black Alpacas, Pure Mohairs. French Fluid Cloihs, for Chlirren’s Coats. Blankets, all grsdss Shaker, Ballard vale and Welsh. lowCTTnSiketr^e? 161 aU reduced to the SOUTH StUOfUJ street, Heavy Colored Slßra. “Pirn's" Beal Irfch Poplins. French and German Poplins. -''•■'■>■ Black Goods In great variety. : - - Brache Long and Square Shawls. fib£fkoofsafe^. AS GOOD AS NEW. or 50 years use, Fire-Proof CQuallty I* the WIII© IP - MARTIN’S SAFES. AMM AKD TBY PLASTEB, RELIABLE AT ALL TIMES, AMPLE TESTIMONIALS. MARVIN & 00., 721 CHESTNUT St, Masonic Hall; Sendfor Illustrated Catalogue. «jAHA*A!TA'.aft<btB. LEEDOM & SHAW, Wholesale and Retail 01SPET WABEHOUSE, 810 ARCH ST.j Just received by Steamer.an Invoice of new some designs ef CKOSSLEY’S ENGLISH T« pga. TBJEB, entirely npw. Ibr this market. Also, nftiU a#. sortment ol DBUG JET 3 In all widths. ' sel2 3mrp| A^leUea 7 ?n«t2?«JSS 1 * e 5 1 ? ars ' audio ther choice 265 BEOAD WAY,N. Y, ae2Aamw3mrp
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